Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, August 16, 1855, Image 1

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For the )?epubliean
_ -On the eve of the fourth day of August, A.
D. 1855, weary and .worn, 1 sat 'down, : and
soon became oblivious to surrounding objects.
In an utiqutet shiniber, - as - it now appears,
d r eamed - that I had journeyed long . mid far ;
'that I had passed•the boundaries sof civiliza
tion, and was in the wild wastes of the far off
-WesUroaming - over the trackless prairiei—
tear the close of day my eyes' were greeted
with the sight of an Indian I - was
kindly received by a chief of the,: tribe, and.
- sheltered ,within his ample wigwam. I was
made to feel that 'though among untutored
savages; (to me at least,)' they were friend . -
Jy: A bountiful store of
.Smoked. ve.nison .
.and wild. fruits `Was- spread before me, upon
which I'feasted wiih aTA i;i l ' , far .better than
that of many whoLSit doWn'to., taliles lOaded
with the choicest dainties...
The repast over, the 'tinkling of -a small
bell gave notice of a 'gathering of the''tribe at
the Great Wigwam, or Counejl I
hiquired the causeil'and found that a company
of musicians- team a neighbOring 'tribe lisd
hired the wigwam; and were to give what.
(with us) would be called a musical concert.
For- the purpose of learning how : such
things were conducted among the wild men
of the prairie, I followed the Chief to the
Council Ikuse. At the door we found a fine
looking Indian collecting ; admission fees of all
Rho entered. The fee was tivelve beads-,
ithich he first strung and then deliberately
stowed away under hisf,blunkci. ; •
Fortunately I was in po , :seaslon of the ne
.cesarr article, paid my 'fee and- entered.-=- -
There Were but'few. in the lodge. Seated on
a low stool, I was • carefully- observing
. few who were in %waiting. An unusual noise
attracted my' attention • toward the •door,
where a bevy of young Indian girls had
entered;. They were . swarthy, but fair as
EurOpia's daughters. - They' passed on in
high glee, and seated theingelves in front, of
:tht musicians. Their merry mood Avri., frc'e.•
-1r indulged in for a-whileomd I perceived by
their. remarks that the 'reception which the
`musicians were likely to receive from them
was not soch•as : awaited members of their
own tribe on similar occasions. I learned
liptinCMlized life alone, does jealous
Other companies cause-in,--imd a large num
ber of the young warriors of the tribe ranged
themselvei on the farther side (if • the lodge
from the Musicians, and' by , their boisterous
mirth, rendered the scene more lively . than
pleasant. Soon a - young Squaw arise ; her
locks thrown back, displayed. an ample fore
head, fine.features, and an eye that told a
soul within. -A stritg - of pearls encompassed
her neck.' In her hand she held an instru
ment resembling a guitar.- Her dark cheek
tssumeCra darker hue; her bosom heaved
with . emotion; she alivaneed a step or- two,
gracefully boived,- and sung, keeping tinrie
*nillacr forgers on the instrument. It evi
'lientty &,St.'he;r ase:ere effort, but she sung
her lay and sat dcrwn. 4•
The young firares were in estacica v.. they
cheered most heartily. She came forward
again, aceompaiiied-by her mother, sung and
retired. This time the applause was .or6r
whelniing. The scene map ri•peated again
and again, •ens*n time more boisterous and ter
rible than before, until 'tile fair young vrtzi
ture seemed - bewildered with terror. - Her .
mother spoke kindly to the' young warriors
and asked fur 'peace and quiet. -But quiet
did not follow. Then 'a stately Chief arose,
ad turning his fiery eyes on the young men,
he too, demanded peace ind quiet, hut .the
response was still the same.
And yet thatgirl sung sweetly songs which
sounded strangely familiar to me, like Home.
Again, and others.which I had heard before;
while the noise increased every moment,' un
tic-everyotber sound was drowned in the
horrid, din. 'Then, nerving her Self for a las:t .
effort, she raised .her voice and sounded out.
shrill and clear, a carting stln.g. She ceased
and sank down exhausted with exertion and
And such a yell artNe: such sereiins
and groans Wail the furies: in
i'lutn's dirk regiOnS had
. broken lbose:
Startled from my slumber, I sprang to my
- feet; gasped fur breath, and rushed wildly
trona the scene. • As I emerged into the open
air, my consciousness returbej, and I found
to Iny qsionieltsient that I had attended
concert in Montrose, the Metropolis of Sus
quehanna Co. The Great , Wigwarir:wai the
old Court House. There Were I . ll) ; _lndians
there, but the civilized dignified and genteel
r. , .ms•and daughters of
For the Repoi//ieao,
I 1 esxe.
Eurrous.-:-To adimadVert upon,
inquire into,arrd . expreSs opiniens of.' all the.
act., designs, and purposes of:men, are ,pri vi
lqes and rights inviolable, because it is from
That quarter morality and the well-being of
society derive their strongest: safeguards:—
This principle being
,in•uniiersal . practice, to
complain against ,the: use of it, or to find fault,
is to be self-inconsistentf. The 'exercise, then,
.of this privilege, common to.ull ine„n,-is my
only apology . , for; the following -rentarks.
When the school teachers formed:. their.
'At.•ociation;' I did' entertain 'sotrie'ifaint
6 Pes that postibly they might do something
°' improve our sebools;, but Suet has b'eeii
141 ;r course . of late, taking their own silite;.
14 sts in evidence,. as to remove every ties:,
ti Ar- , f hope. If their moti s e es are pure and.,.
1."9!" Purposes ,free from .sinister design.
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D.& H. H. FFAIER, EDIT ORS. } - ''',' - '
-, ii. -.- MONTRO . SE - - TO.
. . .
. .
which a.more than questicipable; their whole
perfor rancejras been vettindiscreekif not
deeply 'fraught with pecutation and selfish ,
'tress.. 5
- • t
Tha our Superintendetl,after his eleetion,
~the only one,of. all Inr litOrery men, and at
that particulkr time too, si4nrld patronize the
‘Asiocration,tand become a tervid co-operator,
was a Imystiry .. till their l'niiitute 'Vas ea
tahlishxl;- zind• from thati time to the pres
ent, evcry a& and' reoltrtioll have apparently
gone to shoW that they wee working togeth
et• forimutual bene fi t, anci not "f he. public
good. I That the young min were wheedled
from their Original Ipurpor ,•and that •their
Institrite' Was established where it • is by
craftiness for some sidAsh'etids, I cannot raise
4 doubt. And that" it ha . i''njured the `Asso
ciation,' e
as some of kits mmbers alleged 'it
,;• f
would, - without - eon@ing Itny_benefit Itpon,
, i nary 'sehools;!is 'unquestionable. .
y in last No4embert there was 7
4 Our :teacher* had - pot been,examin
limy should hilve betn. I did trot—l
l'ot believe iti,r, l. But - fw hen I saw their
t. • . ..,,
i 0 of - thanks;iand cOmplimentary for
'finer in,whichihey hill been examined,
loubt was reriioved .4 and upon inqui7 ,
nd it to be tii'itor6 Unquestionable,
E - many:bad
bgen letlto teach without
knnplaint• is general that our schools
been visited; and 4uperintended.r. as
! I rld be, even ki I.ic w h ole townships.---,
. ,
1 ibis be owing' to th 4 greatness of the
fhe neglect or duty; the office is un-'
e • aruLunireqssary.l But the teach
• . i. - -
si,lved that, the Coulny Superintend-
E d gld e ischar . I .With litv the dutiei
I . I ' upon nn . 1
ecordiirg . to the, condi-
pis elect - lc:l c ' i I was Trot Aware of any
ons,' but probably #nd
e between them and !lire Superintend
!.iw4S also ' Resolved-that we heartily
ithe principles of therom moo School
alllishinu, the Office 'Of County Snper-
T t. [ The design of 4,1 is,re.,4)lntion.ap
i be to forestall . pr, , llie opinion, and
~F . -
izoinut and eomplainl'n.l parents that
our prt
nidr tht
ed as ti
could to
the mast
ry 1 foul
but that
being c.i.4
The e,
have no,
they sh
task, or
ers ' Re
eilt 14s.
Lion , : of
there hr
ent, It
Law, es
pears to
tellch ia
ineinupetent to joqge in such:mat.
ought therefore to pitectinth to the
opinionsi cif •resi)lVnsg - . pecla4oo t7 ltes, and ap
., •
tts h etirtny thee.
Noix,l why- was all this 1 i! Why, but that
tettehersituid SUpe_rintendend were 'eheek-by
joWl eokiperating for mutual benefit, and
I. •
film hide-ther .l eraftOttg from.thu pub
lic gaol • The plait. filet Is, pur teachers are.
tenl. :In
nominally inde,pendent ;. aln+st exempt from
examin4ixm .and visitation placed beyond
parental) roneh, and are 41 7 1 but ‘CaPtaiii,
mate, and alt hands.'
Sonic Isay their craft ii: t(it secure employ,
ment fort the members of their ' Association
to the_eitclusion.ofj all otheis; that having
thereby produced a scarcity Ofteachers,.they
can then r raise their wagisl at
: pleasure, as
they did Ilast fall, in part, :ift4r many of th o .e
most competent had, as the Report is, by the
"agency (1 the SUperinteruleul. beet). sent out
of the county:. In- fact, this do se . ,ni . to
list that ,v.•lty. - - : z•
Wheul 'the . season operreil for prOcuring .
teachers, all were Minors :yi4. under ate or
under ag l reemetil ,; • lineW not what salary to:
demand, land colifd not possibly tell,-as some
affirm, ' ill after }the -Instit4te, . met.' Then
they all Iffurthwitli became - ot,age--the rtys
-tery_ was dissolv ed—a lack iof . teachers. si ,
cord ing t... F ....-;,45 mitrutartiti,Nvas apparent,
and theylWl4,-irr' ire - ofi qualification or
ability, resolved ull,on higher and unifOrm
wages. IThil4,-lik , Many 'Other things, was
'too good to.keep,'.and bene some of 'the.
less disereet, were made ethilidants and told
of it. Thus,-then, we . haVe)he _sum total of
all they.liavci yet done, or eier design to do,
to benefit our youth; and he who believes
• ... .
their ' Assoetation htas done; is doing s or will
overdo a n ypublie•goo, is einfidingin error..
and - delfsion. lie who will take ti leisure
arid irri ( artial review of all they haVe said
and don 4, cannot i
fail - to see `hat their- entire
literary .ffourisli is holy lntenfled . asa l ruse to
blind mid 'deceive ns. in senatorial :array
they lutyle i metandL d ebate4 several topics
without doming,' to any- definite - conclusion, or,
-snowing, Lrne lea,t 1 pronaqity it nat they
ever willj or can. , linleed, what . laterest can ,
the publte possibly bare or .i.•el in the re- .
hearsal of the same old, dull - 9 id in;ipid-piece, •
- •
performed in endless Varlaiion'l I admit
they • hav i e as good a -right to 13. ebat e., r,esolVei.
indite ati publish, if-they e l m find favor, as.
any othe s ; but to }told a titan by the hand
or buttot to obtain- healing, or to pour an
dinOf trifling vollbirity and uon:
lonei ears, Who cat of easily retire
iiuyanee, is not an actrof greaterrude
untrianlittess than ri is to cram the
thion .
ainst , Jheir taste,
„, gh the medk
r pUblie journals, i t erpettia lly, . with
of fills= e, trifling: and useless re-
meetings; debatess resolutions, ad,
cis,- iStc.,.. merely to gratify vanity
design: if was really amatory end.
much - deference 10. the ladies, to
to profound ' uestiontwhethei women
!setent to to ch .setniols; or not ?—a
Wthich, tinlue ily for tiletit,(the genti;)
fineebeen decided liy actual .experi
ley (the ladies,) hav surpassed and
ass ~ very many of I those ' egotistic
gents, in teaching and goverfAing too , ',_ But
tt . ,i‘eir last explosion of wisdoiit, geesort with
1- - -
to9nder . fui force.. Its 'effect, frivivever, ii not
so horrite . as tokill ) :ts did tfic leaded puitip .
-Which; the liebrottiteedischaried Ito celebrate
the na ll3ut -•tio , s birth .day , .•... d . •
ay,. ko
our admire,.." •
tion the i•orld . has .ben 1114inated thereby
sense in
frOnl ann'
ness and
public -.1
urn of o
a beTi CS
ports of
and covet;
debate th,
are coml.!
has long
can curt ,
to rednndancy, and which cannot j fail td' en
dure one whole generation L r -1 probably
much longer!' May they, then, in much
kindneiis, cease to emit any more r of such in
effable!:effulgence from thi matchless splen
dor of ',their radiant orb, lest the overwhelm flow of light become "more nppressive
than tota l darkness!
, I •
, Gentlemen,4ew let the curtain &tam and
stop the play, on our account and yourn too:
9. 1. 8.
• i,•
Fir fAs 'Re" &Meta..
M f ;
eattas. Eturorta:As little as many of
the teachers of the present" day May have
learnedlof nature and ofmnmon Sense,' they
. have, observed that men of 'scientific lore
and erbdition ' du not - trouble themselves
about flitttecility, frivolity,' and - ..' things of
the mo s t trilling kind.' Hence the "surprise
at the anomaly in the case of the - recent eoe
respon4nt to your paper, over the signature
of 9.1. They ha e.. also learned that there
is a class who have no .criterion for
judgingothers except li themseles; hence
they cart 'see mottling btit sinister motives
and 'self interest' in the doings of ilAr fellow
men. ~ . , ,
- 1 .
' But. to the question, whiCh ii," if I undo
stand it "can a school be properly governed
without i , whipping ?' Well,- what faith -t he
authorlerthe wonderful produCtion to which
reference-has been made? ' Try every other
means and method first.' , That is all any one
asks, I believe; for when every other means
and method shall have been tried. the scholar
that st'll remains incorrigible
.mayl . be set
dewn. r as'a hopeless ease; and to i the credit
of fallenand depraved humanity, theinumber
of such iS' 'small:. ~. -
..The piactice, : theit, of using -the " rod,' or of
inflictingeorporal punishthent by 1 ativ other
means, is'-virtually condemned by himself.
. • 1
Maktna'it an expedient of a /ail re, 'tort...places'
it in th4.: . :lOwest 'gale, and, puts upon it the
nteanest es . tittiate. as a Means for sk•houl disci
pline anti.' government.
I .
. ".ChaSti semen t,' :guys he, `to do gond, 'slibtild
, ~
be itorninisteredi without the least sign of an-
ger.' . 'k:S,',eie that the ease, We would have
less to-say.. But it is rare that a teacher does
take the-rod in hand, and ply it tethesmart
intr. backrer a scholar, in, that state of Mind.
And he
w ho kncws any. thing of Inunan na
r; . • , ..
ture, cricif common practice, and . considers
the ' tipsy:and very often trying seems of the
school rt'it)'ln i 'tvill be the last to expect it, and
eikrywn aigins rre niTici, Irl assing it.' . - . ' •
It is n Matter of almost every dlay's:obser
ration, that the scholar that is flogged most
at sehool3s - Still the worst ; hence We have to
conclude:,that he would be, ibeonceivably
more trot hlesome than the f:ve:rite. .or that
the whiPPing'doeS not make him materially
better. iThe latter is quite as likely to be
the faet;tand there is good reason for it ; for
boys, like] men, love 'distinction in i some Way,
and act - iti accordance with the feeling 'I have
g u t the i;natne and *may 'lts well l have the
game,' and thus are ripe for any ?mount of
iiiischik':: Then is ' moral s'uitsion ' unavail
and ;the rod: only pima .for evil. And
the belief'; that the rod does not generally
make ii*lalr'S better, is srrengtbened when
hearing, the - irreverent and defiant ' shout,
' whipping wont: kill me, and k9l Inc you.
dasn't I' . '•.
For their benefit, they are referre l A to Prov:
erbs . so and so. As one of them, T bave eon
sumo ill 'those passages ; and foam' n e ither
teacher, sr,hotar, , nor one word about sehOtris 1
' away .up here it Pennsylvania.' 1 There are '
sundry hints and instructions to fathers rela
tive to their son:!. . And if ' sparing the rod,'
dzc,; is to Ir e understood emphatiainy in that
sense,,ho* Aifferent therelationshiP existing
between fatheit and son, and between teacher
and pipit . 146 at :different, too, the eireurn
stanees 'under Wh'ieh.admonitiep may be giv
en, and .ehastisemt4 'administered, In the
fortnertaSe, t6y argenerally &Me, as-they
should be.;' between
_t fartis alone, away
from the *.ye or.ear o Ireetato; while in
.the latter they. are donehi , a public manner.
Hence follow good effects 'from the former,
and ha rdening and debasing i!ffecti; from the
latter. lii pnxif Of:which, we . ha i l ve only to
t , I
turn- our eves to the fact that .children. that •
are ashand of !and almost - ready. to, deny
chastisetnents received at the hands of a ja:
dieioua par ent, ailiome. if not pr proud of pUnish-
ment, atschool; will be of the act that indni.-
es it.. . ..-, ? -.1 1 , •,-- . • . I
But *w art silted,
.if 'moral su a
sion'., will
do in the achool, room, Ay it will not reform
felons? 1 ,,,Ve11, suppose it fail in both cases.
Ifflogging be needful for a sehola, wily not
for the, criminal? It certainly is the more
barbaroua mode of punishment, and as such,
might be nearer commenstibte with the
crime. A striking analogy, though, Is not
perceptible in the cases of an unpremeditated
and childiiph act lof a school-boy, and the mid
night act of the felon. - (And it Is 'doubtful
that placing the i m in the same category, will _
meet with 'general approbation.) But if
they are to be Classed together, they_ should
be regardd as alike
.troublesome and dan
gerous in inomutunity ; hence
,treated alike,
and all shit up tog i ether, or brought on to the
stage to bn flogged together. 1 ._
BLit there' are . good reasons fOr doubting
the propriety or necessity oft thers using tie
rod, so Jong as there are other un ied mean*
and riletl44B. . But that ) so far, i a matter
of their osirri; . and if they cannotgovern their
chjldren i:lritho4 it, every experiiced teach
er will say, quit by all means; for hie ex
perienee 10, that children that are properly
trained and governed atliome, area seldom the
ones in make trouble at school 1 ..
, , ,
'Tiaink.tiot that.yon are.the Cail+uns and
Wit.Lters of the ' age,' says he , e don't
think any such thing. (But did we think so,
and ihould say any thing in favor o it school
law, or doanything in behalf of sc ools, we
t' f
should no 's. .xpect to please the Newtons of
the age.) ; e readily concede that)enviable
distinction to those who vainly attLlicipt to
, ridiciile us`: They ought ins jiistit'e,iiiiwever,
to giie us the credit (Jr 'calling them out;'
for Without the effect of otir . doings, they
'night-have lived and died in Obscurity.---:
Theyksight, too, to 'give us credit . lfor that
' litettry ' department ;' for what we have rim.
tsi to:fdrnish directly, our fibitisrs babe elicit-
ed (rim th ; em, • -
'.1.'0 the benefit of those whb regard ...the
4 'realihers' ; Association ' as so ' frivOlous' a_
thingi and :its members as actuates by so
muck' vanity,' they are referred to Proverbs.
12-1 I: ' 28-19. . S. T. soirT.
' ,l4lets RIO 84104'
'in Illustration of Life in Ueda.
' • ,
A oftenp of girls were collected trvond the
door of iln isba, or log-hut, in the village of
Gorki, belonging to General PetrovnifE4
They ,4.e're; all dressed in the - national cos
tuin c . af the government of To*, eLti si st i
of a long White gown, over which th l ey wore.
a plaid worsted tunic, short and itarrOw,while
a lowlbodice, with narrow shoulder -straps;
confined a loose puff' White muslin cheinise.--- ;
' Their ihaieiwas combed • oir the Ace in Arne
longfilait..!froin which hung 'a profusion of
ribbons oil all colors dOwn their backs ; a
quantity Of bright colored glass beads hung
on cauli'sitle of their ',faces, and. round their,
necks thee formed the More ornamental,
items of thOr dress, Which was otherwise on-,
ly cornpleted by a ver y thick and serviceable
pair of leathern shoeS. . .. .
By thF earl - lc:Thiess of their gestures, and
the apparent interest of their comveriuttion,lt
was -easy to see sctinething unpleasant had ,
latelY!occurred. After a little time, they all, '
dispersod except two, who remained at the
door•:ofilie hut spinning, between whom the
fulloW 'oven vetrsati6n look piste° : • . •-•
Nadc!gda, 'dust thou 'really believe -the,
master• Will oblige one of us girls te.i 'marry !
that tily;ill-tempered NVhat pos-i
sible nidueement is there '? He possesses nei
Cher horse nor cow ; his isba is in•the worst'
,eonditionlof any in - the village; and beside,
his °Ain devilish
.propensities7--that frre . only!
safely to be enconntered when oneinakes the!
holy sign the prays
i t.Wergins . he has his,
..4...1.1.04“- i si (MU lama his Ocuritwen'
mother, for his wife to work and care fOr.—
No . : mo4' ; certainly not•one of us girls will
• ,
eonsent to ,have him.'
.' AS tti that, Katinka, thou sayeet true;
but from ;What I- heard my 'tither say..yester
day, the .inaster is determined none of the
strong, 11a1.0-working lads are to be sent as
soldiers Oand, as thou well knowest; while
single . thei, are all liable to he taken I at any
time as !Omits.'
`Tell .me again,' said the first speallr, what
said • thy father. Unfortunately this news
comes' *dm:. good authofity ; whO should
knoW t , etterithan . the sarostw what i l k doing
in the village:l', [The . stirosta is an old peas
ant; of a somewhat superior station, put over
the others' o-drive them to their work, and
see the orders of the land-steward punctually
earned -.. . .
I'll gladly tell thee all I know,' replied the
sarosta's daughter. 'Last night, waen my
father, came home,- he told .ma that Borisoff,
the land-steward, had received letters from
Our Master, telling him that all the fam ily are
Coining heke immediately to.spiind a , em , .—
Owing to Some sevoria, :susta i .nect •at
cards; his excellency comes down to live qui
et and to economise. 'Several citihe free ser
'vantis hay& been discharged; and for fear any
of . the good hands should be taken .Fby the .
recruiting :party, he LAS sent orders they
shall ell marry. No* Per& the blaCksmith,
is bethrorhed to Nadine, and they *ill be
glad enough to-get the wedding over., Paul
has received the same orders; and I know
more than. One girl who would, not refuse 'hi nil.
Eh,' Katinka, why blushes thou?'
' Hold thy nonsense, Nadegda, and finish
thy sto ry :!' this is no joking.matter."
-‘Well, the end is this, dushannia (my . soul.)
4s t' the other lads, they are well lenough
off Iqt:fitly-themselves wives from' the eroWn
villages; !hut who Kit will find 1 knew not,
for his, reptitation of casting, the Eill Eye, is .
well known hereabouts, and besides readful
thingS are told of his family.' • . :
' ror ir.i.g..ven's sake, do , not - tal more
about him,' said Katinka, turning tow , rds the
church and
. signing lier,,etftivoulty ; 1 I.shall
dread:going to . sleep tii.night for fear of had
dreains. But thou, happy Nadegda, thOu
hast no fear of being forced to marry itgainst .
thy Will : thy iiither,jieing the sarosa, will
be able to: s.I
,screen thee. But why yI ?
Perhaps . thou also lovest one of the lads , now
about to Marry. Confess—art thou al so b e i
trothed 1' ,: I . . ..
'Oh; Katioka, think not of it ; it w( uld be
no, worse for me to marry Kit than y oth
er lad in the village. I love—yes; but not
one itw inyOwn station—a free roan.. Mist
thou remehiber Vladimir, the master's hand
some MoSOow coachman ? Well, he, God
blessbirnl has promised to buy my freedom
and marry inc.' Before Nadegda had well
done 'speaking, her companion burst into 'a
fit oflaughter. ,
' 4nd art , thou fool tnongb to believe hint ?
Why,did he not marry thee at once, instead
of pitting 'it off?' ' 1
I!.ccarise my master asked a -high price
for lily freedom, more than Vladimir then
pitied, answered Nedegda; 4 and also
because my father could not 'then gtve me
the 1 4PlArrY Vladimir required ; for, remem
ber, fe-hen I am his' 4ife . I, shall ,tto '4 longer
wear the village dress. I am to hiv a fur
cloak, two silk dresses, besides a readier bed
and linen. ; Father has saved up "tht h
i eban- dreoo,ubles in money for us; .and as' the
young girl spoke, she drew, herself p with
all the pride of a serf about ,to bccorn free.
They.had seimely resumed their s inning.
`whe f ila i when the sound of; postAell in the
distance seachwl their rare. - iltioujik 'were
seen 'running in all directioni, crying, ' Here
comes tbe masterr and as the carriages air
pro4ched , nearer, they all uncovered their
UGUSrr 16, 1855/
heads l and assisted to push the heiv . y equip- 4
ages up the keep hill leading to the house;
seSend girls standing near alio bowed their
heads to the ground, saying, I Welcome, fath
er an master . Welbome, Inv mistresses,
Amp . yO'ur, own people. May the Lord
'bless - oo.'high nobility !' 1 . _ 4
As he general descended Ite bowed to a l 11.
-aroun , and extended his hand for thowneiir
est.hi t4l kiss. The ladies ?,topped also 'to
speak', ir.'dly'4o some of the Women and chil
dren, .41d . their hands • weie !also covered 'with
hisses 'As they pas s ed into i the house,- the
is Separated to their respective homes..
adera alone remained loitering about un. :
ill lat, Ain ihe'hEid a conspaidun, wir stlP
ped to. talk with her as she pissed and repr—
ised ; ilayi more, once he was actually seen
so ki her. Yes,. the serf girl was hapry,
V'ladl iiir was true. , i
Th t evening - Boriseff w'as closeted )r
,some ours! with .tbe .gendraP,; 'and 3 ` when be
left hi the expression of hil face was sonie•
what iscOmPosed and ruffled, The subb.3ct
'of the r conference will be learned 'in the Se
Es ly the next Morning, 13orisoft sent for
the sa osta, NtUlegda's father; and After 'l,
„ gamer, ter giv
lag hita'cl.rders..for the day's work, addressed
him tus ''Sarosta, bast thou . attended to
• , the o ere I
gave thee respecting the yenpg
!men's marriages, those named on his exael
lency' list If tio9 see to it without loas,'Of
ut• env Inaiter has had; reat losses,aha
!needs all! the good workreen;, and, what is
iftore, his: emper is pot.impived under the
stances, and the rads tivill be world
harder, I promise thee-',
nono ' r,will be plea - pea to 'hetiri.te
.plied the that I have arrested that
*latter askvell , as possible. All the lads - Will
be inited.ithisl week, except time surley fettOw.
-Kit, who, as.yourhon - or knoW-s,,is- no twat.-
ite in the Villtige, and nut one, of the wenches
:will consent to have him, Indeed, I pity the
poor thing who Would have to wait nppti Itis
')ld folks,' irtl4 are not better than they should
be, if all true that one hears.' - '
4 As to. that, Sarosta, then 'must :arrange it
' best thou canst ;itis as m'tchas 14101: ice
His worth to tell the general !, his commands
have not i been obeyed. Remember,..j then
bast now received the order, and it rest. - 4-
tirely•with thee. Nast thou, held out, any
.reward phis'? 'Ht., if fhat-dees not bake
'the desired efi et, halt than Firomised•therni.e
,Jloggittg all round I See what that would
do- ,
fear; your honor , ' resumed. the sarosta,
it would •b% of no avail ; for it is the belief.
of them all that Kit throws the _Evil Eye,
and 'even the ihtle children run and hide front he'Comes, up the village. However,
I will certainly; do my, beat.' 1 ' 1:'
Orrtheir return froin work; the sarosta a$-
sembled all the girls and tried in_vain,gke
persuasions and threatening% :it
! autipt)Sed ' to 'have something devilish
about him and as thesarosta himself sharedin the superstition, he determined to. lay the
ease betbrci his, master,: although not Without
;fear of thei.miniiequence, .•
The next morning; as the general sat in his
elegantly Nrnialied study, smoking a. trOula
kat, The sarosta was, announced.. General
I"etrovioff Ordered hini'to be adMitted
:inediately; The old "manentered.; and first
turning to.the 'picture' hanging in the, room,
;crossed hinaself . devoutly, -and then bewed
IoW to his master. The - general re.turneif'
'the SalutatiOn,and then bade - him make known.
his busines. -
Your high nobility deigned to order;a dy4s
Or two ago, that certain of your. peasants
',were to-Marry, on 'account the-recruits bc
ring taken this suunmer. Ytnir eiceellencyN
'eommands have been Obeyed in all respects
esit've•one, ter which I hiiinblyi beg pardon. 4 -.
Kit,as excellency doubtless remembers:,
lim as afwaya-a strange surley fellow.'.
j 'But a good 'and steady Workman,' inter
'rupted the !master. i . • .
, 4 -
The- sar k osta proceeded: . None of the
,wenches ratishthe Mei at batag hiii'iwitt; and
indeed, to be plain with your high mobility,
'they one and all refuse to 'have anything to
do with him. Perlinpl• yOur excellency.
I;would be pleased to counternmand ,the orddr
and - let hit* join the . recruiting
.party. Tile
; ;whole village would rejoice to be rid of hirn.'
Old foot r
.exclaimed the ;general, 'dolt'
rthou think 'I- am; going t art;frith one of nijr
~best bands because you `ignorant' dogs think
11'è is bewitilhedi - Since when have the sl
dared to hare a Will of their own ? It is high
' f tinte 'indeed, 0 I come-among you, t teach
;:you your; master's ?authority ! o, old I,
dog; I'll see he gets a wife.
.; The he-devils
draw:tots for him, antlthy daughter in-
Ito the hargitin, to punish theei for .thy' disobe
diencev and think thyself well off that 1 send
;not fir a Waffle of rods for-thee. Begone,
dog, or I will strike thee to the • earth'!' Su
'raved the general in his anger 41 being thwart
ed ; the •old strrosto, trembling and !silent,.
I:int:ved Wit. the room- .
porisofr, the land--=teward,- ism:, ',exa r.cOt
for, and ordered to.collect the next morning
the.girls!aboVe the -age of eighteen. 'And
added. - the genera% they are all forth...,
'cornin2H-the more the merrier. It v ill be
;quite an: event in the village, drawing lute fut.
. all Th
At ti hour ; specified net day, all fli'e
;maidens were to he seen slowly making their
{way to the! house. The Sarosta had hard
Iwork. to make them advance, ;for' they were
;all more or Jess terrified at the of Ki l t
,falling to theiir shard. But !none Of thein
';]dusted so pale iis_ Nadegda ; only : the night
ibefore, everything•had been settled fur ttO
!purchase. of her freedom. She really lovdd
;Vladimir, and was beloved' by him. Occa
sional y, she raised her eyes, to see if she
could patch sight of him ;. but!he,poor felloW,
.was not there; although free himself,he darell
; not dispute the rights of the slaveholder.
,In vain ' did the rights
expostulate, and
try to consote the poor. girl,' by telling her,
4iow, many chances there were in hei favor
!but Nadegifa Seemed to be !weighed down
by a presentiment of evil,and cried. ' Olvl
, why vvas I horn.? Oh? why did I not die
!before this hour of ruifiery l' .- ;f
',' As they apprcukched, She general steppOi,
.out upon tha balconyilollowed by the wreten
:'sed and unp4alar Kit. No sooner did
.tlie l l'
:perceive the latter, than the girls began ea
~ l ing him every horrid name they could thin.
of; all but gadegda—slie had fainted, Thesr'
Were placed pa rows in front Of - the halconYt
and Borisoffpresented the g 114
eneral with a
containing the fifty pienee.Or paper, nmon§txt,
which was the One wittrthe Ate' cross mark t
ed on it. - The genersl stood on the steps of
the balcony,i and, .deslrinq that none should
, , 1
fi - • .
. .
'peg her paper until the hat was emptied - ,thi
ceremony began: .. One by one; the trembling •
girli made sign of the cross, and then thrus h
inl their hands and drew out a paper... Alll were
taken, .one only remained % and Nadegda nlone .
was, left to take it;' she approached, fiiintlY''
-anttfeebly, :supported by her .father..-I• But•
while Mike act of extending her hand to draw
- the Ilot,lierfather, tetan to speak. • ' •
• I'Silence!' thundered the general. 'Unfold
; your Papers.'•• • .
.• • ..-. . : .•-
j, As they did so, they screamed With delight
' I I' and threw themselves with their
faees on the ground, to thank the - hints 'air
the! In-the Midit of this gene , :
at; eyoicing, a' piercing 'shriek was heard
'Whi h made thieri all shudder.: it came from
the unfortunate Nadegda. She had -drawn
the ....fittal cross—a cross whichmust - be.borne,
as snitch was the will of her - earthly Masten.,
hethrew herself at the general's feet, and
in t e most implering:hecents besought hini.
...r. Cher have. mercy. upon me ! ,taster, -do
wit me as thou wilt; make me work night
.and; day ; put me in the meanest - office,.andi
will not- complain'; . but .1 cannot marry him l'
and; she pointed to it. ' fleet - • me, master
•:--kill me;•if -you will;; and I would thank
you on my knees; . but remember what..yon
are doing. Remember, I am'-•;-.- 'Betroth
ed she would , have added.; but, .the general'
roaked out witha violent rage::- • - l•
• 'Take her away ! take her' away!'' And
turning to thejarosta 'Teach .your daugh
ter to behave her i telf in the future, and n9t
to have
ideas. • . Mind I will
hie the wedding over to-night.' SO saying,
ho limed away.; the old man lifted up his
rffai daughter in his arms, and carried -her
aw4y., -without a word, . •He dared il'iit, rte
mei strate or revolt. ' . . • • .- .
. 'he Santa net-mit: 3 , Naclogaft -
the. pride 'arid .beauty of the village,. bin, ne v
p:11 ,•cold, and 'automaton-like--was marri d
tti it, the general hintseif witnessing the be
ein ny. When it was Over ; he turned to t
hitS, and. ' Wel!, my lad,.if the girls wouid
not have thee o f thei r own free will, t then
inayest it lelist, thanit- thy master ,fur- 'the
prettiest lass in the lvhole' village. .
• There was no inerry.makin„l at that wed ,
:diiii . .! , , ; the peasants returned to their homes
With heavy and\ resentful hearts . ; but aot one,
. slep t that night until they. tad
~implored the
blessing,s of thte saints entbe - tinfortunate Na
aeeK. _ . •
~ , •
`/yiat dhy-week, the genetal *took a drive.
throegh his domains. The drive, as usual,
wits Vladimir, the Dioseow coaehnian,•it mail
- so ;91tillful in his business, so careful,.so con
scientious, - that' , When - the reins Were in his
hands such a thing as an accident was nn
known. On that day the disappointed bride
groifini, it may be supposed, was not, exactly
as happy as, when • talking to . poor Nadegde
sheet their marriage. At tinv.. rate, it oils
notieeo '. that he was detithly . .Pale, - -804.41utt - .
his features had a hard,' rigid, stony look I;
bat perhaps this was fancy: "It may, be thnt
his, feelings were not the more. greeable from
theiSight Of - Kit's isba- as he drove past, and
frOM thepale woebegone face in the interio.
that at the view. flitted-across his imagination,
likel a spectre. :Whether theapectre comin
ued: to haunt him during ' the drive, and ti
glide and float before the horses - heads so as
to ditzz.le • and ' Mislead his vision, no man,
knoWs. ' The only thing that,i's certain is,that
theptirriage was upset, and the general, with
some difficulty; extricated froin the - shattered
'vehicle, mortally hurt. Ile survived only X
feWpoers, and-then he died, in great agony'
'Just before he b'reatted his last, he murmur. •
'ed til ` Ile hai east the Evil Eye on irie.•., , "
but no one understood what he meant. I 1
• - .:, .
k ' , l THt EAGLE'S DEFEAT..- 1
. • ;The Eagle, you know, has got the 'reti4i
tioit of being the K ing_Of birds. - I do not
feel disposed 'to dispute this title f to supreme
conimand in the air. '. -1 1011 grant' that he has
it aii hlrown way among - the - feathered tribe.
.But it seems that whirl he leaves his proper
eleriaeni, lied undertakes to dothineer in the.
Water, he does not alwayii get along.--quite so
smoothly, as the folloWleig. 'anecdote, which.!
have on the best of authority,. will shew : •
A western' Indian, by the' name of Beach,
who: lived. on the shore of a small lake, care- .
fully watched a pair of .eagles for several
years., Every:year they. aerie and Occupied
'a nest on a pine tree r ronly . , a felii hundred
.yards from- the, Indian's hat,nrid 'the •old hunt
er haime very much attached to them - . 'One
day, however, Beach came very near losing.
one •iif his bold eagles: He was lying at aneh
, or; ; 'fishing, when he saw his favorite birdhigh
•up in heaven, sloWly , sweeping' round and
'round in a. huge - circle, evidently awaiting
- the app -Beach of irfish to the Surface. • For•an
hour or more, be thus sailed . with motionless
wings above the ivater,• when
.all :at once he
stooped and hovered ii.moment,, with an ex
cited gesture ; then l' as a flash•of light,
and livith a rush of his broad pinions,•likethe
pas4ge of a sudden gust of wind, came. to
tne Soli bosom of - the - lake. - He had seen a ,
huge salmon trout „swimming near the • sun
faeq; and, 'plunging- from his high watch tow
er, drove his talons deep in his victim's back.
So 'lipid and-strong was hie swoop, that he '
buitied himself out of sight, when he struck,.
but ,he next moment he emerged-into view, ,
andlappiag his wings, endeavored to rise
-with' his, prey.
. 7 . ,
But . this time ji.. 9 hid miscalculated his
strength: in vain liestruggled nobly to lift
the Salrrion from' the -Water.--"',The frightened.
and bleeding _fish 'made a - sudden dive, and
tooliheagle and all Out of sight, and was'gene
a Evictor of a minute. Again they rose to.
- the eurface,and the strong bird spread its
broti;'d, dripping pinions, and, gatheringferce
with his rapid. blews, raised the salmon half .
out iif the - water. The weight, how ever, was:
too grait for him, and -he sunk again' to the
surfece,'' beating the water. into foam-. about him:;The salmon then made another.diire,
and •;they both.. went 'under, leaving only a
'few ;bubbles to' telt Where they. had ' - gone
down:.. • - ' : .
This time - they were absents full balf.tithi
ute, and Beach said he thought was 'all
over with his - bird. He soo n , however, re.
appeared, with his taloni "-Still buried in the
fifth,' of his foe, and' again .made .'a desperate
effort to: rise . All this time the 'fish was
shotiting like an'arrow through the lake,ear
ryink his _relentless foe = on lusbark.
could not keep the eagle down, Or
can ii* him'u;•and so, now !)enetiih*ottiow
upooth surf** they struggled on, Prelim*.
ing .iane of the - most singular yet exeithig
( Teo/idea that can be imagined, It was
fearfal to witness - the blows of the 7 eagle,' , as
lie !SAM the lake with his wings into spray.
and made the ahore:eCho with ( the report::•-"
At last . the bird, thinking, as they seyie the ;
West, that he bad " waked up the Wrong'
,asse l nger," gave it '14,. and loosening :his
clu h, soared heavily, and slowly away to his
lofty ine tree, where he sat fin• a long tithe
sullen d sulky, the pictdreof disappointed`
\ \l
ambition. •So might:a, wounded and bailed
lion lie do •n in, his lair and brood over' kis
defeat. B said he could . ehailylave Op.,
tuned them, bu he thought heirbbla:gielhe
fight out.: When, °welter, they both * yed
under half albiribte - dr, More, be .concluded he never' should. see his eagle again.4.:•W.tietli.
er the latter, in his rage, was bent on ciPtur.
ing his prize, and would retain his hold though
at the hazaid;af life, -- orl,whether;Air his terri
ble swbop'he Ifild struck his crooked-talqns
so deep in the back of the salmon tbat be ,
could not extricate : himielf, the htmtef said he
could not .tell. The latter, however,- was
- doubtless .the• truth, and be - would live been,
glad to let go long before he . did.— Woed
worth's . Youth'. Cabinet.' ' • •
. •
In ende.avoring_to - take the - census fOr the -
government, the Marshals occasionally meet
with such difficultiei well. nigh deprivei
them of their senses. k The folloW_lng colloquy
is'said to; have taken . place the other day in
—street; .
4 Who is the headlof this finuily
That.liepends npan'ireurn.stantes; .
.1f be. :
fore eleven O'clo c k, i t's ttile hu4and--ifafther
it's merelf.''
' Why this clivision•?l,
`Bemuse afther that honr he's aruhk as a
piper, and unable to tae care of himself, let
alone his_family.' -
What istis skrai'
Corning nixt Mieluxlmas hi will lael a.
month of being as Owld as Finnegan. You
knOw FinnemanV - •
'No, I don't know Finnegan ; and if I did
it would not help matters. Is your husband
an alien?', • -
Och, thin, beVailiig - intirely. nHe •has
rheurnatidOworsenor..(;:twid Donnelly, who
*as tied double with, tham. •
'How many male members have pin in
the family?' i - • .
Niver• a one.' - •
What, no hoys at all • -
;Boys is it? • Alt! murther ;' go
'We have boys enough "4olwhip four loaves
for breakfast.' : '
When were you married?'
The:day Pat'Doyle left Tipperary for
A:meriky.. Ah, well I mind it. A sun shin.,
ier day. niv,er gilded, the' sky o'nivld Ire
land.' . *-
' What was the condition of your husband
before marriage • - F • -
Divit a matt More Miserable. •He said if
J did hoe:give him a prtis,e within *-two -
weeks, he'd -blow his brain out with a crow
bar.' - 1 .
What was he it the . time of yohr Mar
riage, a widower or a bachelor?'
`A which? A widoWer did you :hay I:L.;
Ah, now - go 'way - wid yolar nonsense. Is't
thi likes of me that would taker 'np with: a .
second-hand husband ? Do I' look like the -
wife of a widower? . poOr divil all legs c ,
apd.consumption, like a hick turkey. A•wid- .
o'er. May. Ibe blessed ifPd notrrather
an owld maid, Ind bring up a &Miry fr:in but
termilk and praties.'.... ' , • -
Here the dialogue Ottished up, the Marshal
coming to the conclusion that he could' mai
more' next door.—Amitricati Utiion.•t
a Negro's Excise lot Stealing'.
Tom, - said Dick, '.you're-ban dealing
massa's turkey.' , .
'1 'aint no such thing; . iyho say I tuk 'Maw
sa'-s turkey ?' -
- .
-' I say s - o,' said Diek, 'for I seed you go
into de turkey house arid come-out with de
turkey' head sticking Oat, of a bag.' - :
' Oh,- well,' 'rejoined Tom, 'if you did get:
me sure enuff, Dick,- den A did take it
,; and
if you won't say nothing: bout it,Tll.give ywi
the drinii: ick ; dues all dat ' s le ft .' .
Dick de no promise, but the timstet,
who had overheard,. the conversation; sCxyn
had the delinqUent s i t ISM: before , ,him. , ..
'-Tom; said he, ritiTa just heard you con
fess having stolen my turkey. • -
' Well, mesas,' says Tcary.,!sin' pck,rse cotch
ed, I'll just own Ltuk it ;- 1 liminfAigOiNg . to
deny-it, no how.' '-, , - -..--,..- • ' f:'" , ,' ,
i Now, Tom, you knoir I don' t allovi steal
ing on my land, and I mustpunish you: for. -
'Pray, thassa, don't let j the overseer flog.
me; for,. massa, (a sudden thought mauling
to strike'hirn,)-you hain't losfnothin' if 1 did'.
steal dat turkey. • •
'Why, you rascal, didn't you admit you'
had stolen and eaten it I' ' -
`Dot's masse,' said:Tom,
you hain'floSt nothing.' -
How4s that ratiid bla master.- •
Wyll,--rsu see, massc't tuk de turkey,
atrd l done it up. When I tuk de - turkey,
and eat it, it got to be part of Jne;--it lent
into me,:and made more nigger fur yOu, Inas.
sa. So yon•see what-you lost in turkey you
made up is nigger!' -G • •
—Tom was excused for his wit;
- ur.' She 'has' breastworks and •
said Ike, describing the nest ship Merrimac
to Aire, Partington, and he looked upj at "he'. t. ti
What- is that; Ism 'l' said the old
looking up from a profound epteraplation of
Dudley Leavitt's Almatuto. She had not .
caught all the remark. • I -
She has breastworks and knees,e.rept*ed
milling. • -
• _ _ • _
Breastworks and knees. said lira:Part
ingtoni impressively, with a face thati -had a
whole moral cede written upon , and haw
do you know that?' _'
I saw' em, returned be fluid putini hand'
on em. „._
'Well,' said she; raising`-flee finger like a
guidepost, 'you Must not hit - me hear - sueb a
thing from you again.:- Such shatilelese con
duet is without a parable intone so young ,
ji am almest ready to believe in ail they
of the moral turpentine of - youth:" I-
She-looked, anxiously
ting on his legs - and .rockinglvillsk
It was the new Ship I was 444 *hoop!
said be; grinning at / her mistake.. • .
Oh said she, was tbat t Weit,ijyie
lesson May be laid, away in i0.01 ,- Md
s In
you nesd it." - - ' -
- '
lar Mr.. Dawson,. the new Governor . or
Kansas, tf; said to be related to Gen.-Otssi
`yet still;