befem'es) bj-fielets. 9 SAYE TOM SODS; "A :penny "saved 'is as good, as a penny earned." - the firm of-soap-suds there runs from the kitchen fertilizing matter enough to ?supply the family with garden vegetables.,-,- How can it he saved and applied 'V As often n 4 washing day cot es,- let altthe suds be Carefidly sawed' in a tkAot: ~ , r eceotecle kept expressly for that purpose. After isunSet: let it, he applied to Whatever in thoganlen needs it most. 'Cuenmbers.,squasll: es,,,and melons need . frequent applications of it. while small, and it will do them as much good as guano or superphosphate, having th'is advantageit costs nothing, and is:always at -hand. Tomatoes, cabbages, - beans, peas, corn and potatoes, and:even weeds, will - all - be grateful fo r small favors of this:l:llA Your grape , vines•should occasionally have a pail ful; the oftener. and stronger the better. By the way, *lnes need frequently looking after' at this season. Useless sheers and suckers . should - be lopped off. Direction' should be given to new branches ; tics should he ex: amined and secured When necessary, and the ground should be kept loose about the roots, and Tree from. Weeds and grass.' The remov al of -leaves for the admission of light to the frait I luive no faith in. Let them have the Covering which nature designed, .and they will mature and :ripen in due time: You need not fear Making the ground too rich ; the. grape is a veraeiouS feeder. But lam not done wtth stidS. Every, gar den'has, or should have, Noun , * fruit tree.s.— 'To these application should be made (if strong suds frequently. It will destroy insects;-te moveinoss and scurf, promote the health and vigor of the-bark and the growth of the tree. • But this is not all. There should be a cess-pool ; to which all , the wash of the kitchen and other parts of the house, should. be con ducted. Into. this let theee be dumped loam, muck, leaves, weeds, - bones, Old - shoes, rashes, old plaster, and what not. If properly cared . for, it Will the found at planting time to con tain sufficiisiit . for alibcral dressing for the whole gaVden : and that,.too, of the very best vegetable aliment. - Try it, reader, and Savo your:zell the troub le and .e.kperte of iminitig about. after manure for your. p -- rden..P/dmh, Loom. and Anvil. THE PRESIDENTIAL RA The Boston Atlas, commenting upon the ridiculous . pretensions. of some of the Presi dentin! 'aspiran ta whose names are iu ey vry -body's Mouth, • hits them off in the.following 'style. The- Avay . to the• Presidential'chair must certainly be-a path of pleazantness,judg ing from the number_ seeking- its retireMent : Is it strange, dice, that polities are becom,. .11 g:.joke and the newspapers only dah Comicalreiamtes? We have no fime to speak • .of the .difrerent menieestatiens of this limner ions spirit, but pernaps that of President nom rinatieg -is the most notable. This is' the leight, the apex, the crown of the comedy.— The, method is to• find out sonic poor file,! to . whom grudging Nature has given only half a handful of :brains, whit has'been hopelessly •Crazed, 'by the hirling masquerade of the limes; to treat. 'him, - in his raggedness and idiocy, not. only as a.sensible thing, but as a ?great man; to raise him up Is 'candidate for the Presidency of this great people ;. .put speeches into his mouth, obtaiii letters from his pen, and make him. the Subject of nonsensical ; '.resolutions. His bad spelling is hi - s bad grammar exqUisite, his gibberMeand slueaking sets the sham caucus :in a roar. The newspapers take up the jest;. the contagion ofnonsenee spreads ; all the sea .board giggles, all the interior chuckles;. the 'friends of Pratt and Mellen array them selves, and the mock battle goes en.' And this is the pastime of those who: the Pnritati fathers their mice-store; whose home ,contains Plymouth 'noel: and Fancuil ;• .--who3e State was fouaded by'Sameel AdainS And John Adams, by . James Otis and Josiah , Quincy ! - But we do not stop here. It, is when.this nonsense, by hook or by crook, attains a cer forlorn seriotisneqs that it becoines eslic eially - aoteworths. Sometimes- we have a strange compound - of ribaldry and dead :earn est. Mr. li s made fortune in steam boats, And he is.uomluated. He must haVe a vaporous. competitor, and 14Ir: ,who has 'also made a fortune in ste.emboats is all° • nominated. The work goes on. Eminent. .-drysalters, celebrated clippers; illustrious vii' lage attorneys. famous bush-fighters, renown ed Indian rt r hber manufacturers, and extranr dinary agriculturi - sts • are all = talked ' of 'for the Presidency. All of them have their. champions, each of them his chance of success. . When they ; arc mentioned men laUgh, and if the meanest of them should be elected men would tumble into convulsions of glee: The office has been so belittled that :'any dwarf is big g r none) to fill -We may be sure of one thing.; it will shrink to the proportions of the ineu_Mbent.- _ - Fun, of course, is fun; but the government _Of a Republic has-totnetimes been _estimated a sober-affair. How much:powder, life, and, trouble it would have saved ifour,cathers had only laughed at the statutes of George 111, and only grinned at the tea jo Bosion har bor! , How much.livelier would the procced ings of Cungiess have - been if YoriZ:li had been •pat'in the - place of Peyton Rando"ph, and:members had sent for some Joe Miller to jest instead of Mr.-Ducheto. pray ! They were a - moping set;"•however, and took to what the Actors " call ‘4l . serilaus line of busi. 'ness.' We live in jocoser day's... Mr. Felix Grundy McConnell.. cif Alabama, moves, that. the - Americanl - Touse of Representatives do present to Mr. Sawyer, of Ohio, a sausage . .of vast . proportions 'the House onlylaughs. Mike Walsh, of New-York, treats hOnorable members to a choice variety of Bowery oaths And low Tanatnany jests ; • and the House 'till laughs. It is pleasant to Tat:ol : in smsria.— , The French aristocrats . prae.tiscd- in prison the art of going up the Steps of the / guillotine . gracefully ; gallant rdm measured their ii ces; and giggling girls . adjusted ther petti.' coats, a • soniewhat/hideous rehearsal. The .Griondists spent together their last night up nn iartit. drinking- \ wipe and pointing etii- Just ;bet* : the ship 'sinks, Jack, in a state Of inutinyilaugre the remonstrances of.the: eluipfain, aonietimes performs horn , pipes on: the quarter deck. Our ship may be in no / ilia strait, and hornpipes niay be seasonable; but_ there- is that 'below, which ought to make us careful of fire if not °flight. * * 11 This Is a freeconntry., free to -think in, free -- alsotObe stupi&in or mad. , i_ • r ". 1 sings irl Its, tarqlie Savannah Georg led says "When i t -- have the Catholics or 'Foreigners wronged the I ;arm' ' 9 iemphit South, we should like to know ...?, „How nanny i vcerity-fir ly ars froi Catholic priests signed the monster Abolition I begrowin it, ' the stii Tli ri petition- i or three thousand New England 1 and the coqpleted 1 4 -aergyarn ? .Ilosi many foreigners - belong . 1 South Will ilta e transtto Abolition. societies? How many.of 'them 1 itlississipin ' Sanger;i are F'ree•Soilers? ,- We need- not answer I says ltot 1 , danger; Om questions, for it thei is known to into]; , Gulf must an will [al th - ligent reader that -the Catholics lofve never 1 - . ii 1 s interfered With thia question, snit that four-. 1 --The, col ' i nt , bus.S! fifths oftheforeign - ropulation arelrienely to t i of about one' * real , - the ',Oir t hta Pf . the Sou th ." • - . , i °Plxv s e o A to' iresent . , . _ '..' ' --- • . 1 tion, all bisit" are op -:-.4i :lae been Alecided, in -Buffalo, that a i voeating Or Ailectioa g • 'artalier of tkie Carson_ Untie or of a tin).- t et, headed .b` ' aatael per--anee• sooie.ty - iiii incompetent to ..ekrreAS a ! .Journalfe4 , ls, nfident \z,riroein a,+e, - . . 'ay a laq,"e;nl jority, . , - , ~ ' . 1 • . 1417.04bntirtbentimsecttes.. 8 ... .• eater d - ohasaa, hafting been lsorn in I'7lB. ---- ' ----- 7 -- ' — '''' - '77 -- 7 - 1 • . and living t0,179',2, ',wa' In the;pritne -of .life il • -.. •. T. • • B.l)rohtird, /11'10- , . i. wheiilEnglisht; oppreS 'tins of Ate Colonies ; :13 111 , 81 c 1 AN 1,i , N 0 WRGPAr. 4 4 4l teklmni Builline hantia caiinity, , Pa.: r.Residenne at the Postuffice. i'Oraideieed i 'it'd 'Mt Si s'were old enough ti;l -2- be in '•,trtie,ipateri al the" rututiary 'struggit i. .. i• 1 & Lunt 1 :The ship earii . (int4ri, wee amon g . the otost10;.1. IN ABINET m- KERB, I:ll'6mea titopened a ware- tite. - of the patrtot.4,,ait :' Elenzer Johnson ivsis 1A. 1 4'001/3 in Wei Milord, ?a., .ftivil will: keeP . 0 0 n-` one ot their lealfek - .: - deed the shiplar4s 1 Mantle On harir all kinds of Cabinet4aret alio 'Reidy. - , - •, . made - Cotlinit..--Ilmerals attendedlwith. or without it were iholiot.WS. a 1 . revolution, and...''.Wel .he " - . ' . -. , are ndt 4tertattphat th first ,aggreSsive_ttetzt, s tcre . - \-- ~-. , .',. i,.. ~ again the adhorities were not !there eon : , ',l - ..New.3liffaid, May 15. 1 S!;5. e, eviv ~ and by! those en Ott intoexecutirdi' ------ "' --4 * . '... -4------- '''..---- ' i . • .•,. '4.. &E : Baldwin, -• 31 , It wa tbe l'aell that Ire ~ Mr. ParOns' socie-[ - ' , . , t It .11 - ANUVACTiffIEP.R. OP, SADDLE:A, 1 - IARNE& 6 %, ty lea • principally ,con po14d• : of - thettt, th at? i wade litui the inost ac ice of, that lime, in ILIC- Hotel, Montreseg,Pa. .. •- - . AL -Truaki,'Wliiir-, ite , in the This - emelt( of Searle's tench' pt idiom . -; so .thit zit a 'meet ing of la• -7 -- -,-- - -- - -.-7 - r • , . 1 [ dies at his hoilse he fi toished what, was ' then • . ' .I .o . ll..B 'l liincnis, . -Lt i • OT) OT AND SHOE MAKER. Shop fi rst. doik*ast ' ealledl " liberty tea;" add at :the close of ore t „ li of Odd P, chows' Hall, Turnpike et., Montrose. (n his sertitoMililled il l ; i . volunteer's to Ktell • . form: in thesburch ? Pr the f4)rtivition ofd [ maw y company. ..`he :lune year , tbef 34 [ built the - Powder heuStf,- 1754, the town Voted that t he bill granting "itur exelse'ott distilled; ! spiritS was atti itifringeinent on the natural ri ,, liti of Engllshmeri.."l For thig vote All illti -45 . ' carpe tc. , raof the town held Op their hands;- ..-.-,z - ---- - i -- ; - 7' --- - 4 ---7- 4-- t Ur. H...Sinttb, i They sed, to iltitoW . then :when 11 and 4 ' ' o'cloc•.carrie lit the yatds. - , i tiL , I.IIOEONIDENPST,LIiontrotto; Pa., at- Searle 's - : 0 Hotel Mondows and Itiecdavi of each week. Next after iame the i st:imp oppre,3sion ----= .________—!_: - .42.'' • ' ' ' • -,----- - 2 and lt r i p again they Were united and from - those - tip-yards Epoke. Plan eliewhere, canto the, proeessioni that marched about the .14 - iwti with fife Mid drurril calling. upon every Man to an- Aver to the quel , tion,—" stamp [ or: no stain p." If lie ,repi ied ' stamp " they knocked l• i; Caleb Wee Ks. him down , . hiS'sed4tim,ier otherwise sh owsd Q ADDLE; .114,)W...ici, T.RUNk MAKER and Car ,l heir displeFtstire ;I it Car _, stamp," tha ansWer kJ tinge Triivai!cr. Shop at his dwelling house, Thinker's. Montrose, ,/, , a .- Was "I fall in 1 . 1(6 tis'!' - - -1 - • i--no neti.ra :., were, a,- i_._. _ _ _ ~..._4 : ___. _ ____ -__.__—_._ ..__. -____. lowed. Mea l ier . ?I,,hrisoli . Was in the [teal ' - H . . '; Miller dr, Fowler, 3.ranks of this 4itikebq lion. 1 . Next came the :! A TT9ItNETA. AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. i tea' difficulty,gild ',all Onve heard what .was :.1. 1_ and Solicit Airs in Chancery. Office No. 44 Clarke iclone- y the. ' johawkii . , of110:tor, w ,itt, ow str_..`sit , ch i efi" , ,TL,...______,. tea at that port ;;' hut,is yet now! of ow his- [ ' Pacific; Hotel, • 3 tor; tits have ;ii,‘3.ll' the fact i dial hefOre 1.10 , .. ri REENWICH. STREET, Ineai llrtiadwayj New tln l i al ,s;‘, :q ct e k In -th e I . 2 . sig , n i.. ; c ~f l ii di ans , :t h t , 14._ 11. Y.f,ro Sdlisbury & i Co., - piOprietors. In the 1 i s hi p ., arp o iNk , i i i ~f. N ,,,,q,„,., pc. „ . . t 0 , laid %. old yieittity of tk• principal steamboat landingF, oretil ' lairneklAtbe tea lin Market Spitire.L-- 7 --- .. - nihowti 1 .-- n 5 ...,0 4--. - rum -1- - --. - '. Howl Oils ‘0 a uthintieittA filet eseo. p ed - FIEALER. IN, DRY COODS, firoceries Clothing i them,! that the ire .deflant resistanoe t.4:t.lie .1i / Cmckini bootS and S , _.., . hoea le c; 'WM' / lan lilt . .. tea unitusitton :xn Iles mint ry kvas in Newha- . i ) ;/'"/ , •Pa.1 ' i . ' . i ,ry port f we: earrtot tel.i. i - ' 3nt t tv•iee.: was this' I ' , 11 entle* & Pitch, - -- 3 resistarice made; otiecllly .irtling . .in Fe;leral : i TTOTIN. L EY AT LA .- NY:- AND BOUNTY LAND . i st reet. . an d ~ ; , .1 Ily, i , i - 'cif, ten skas , I IL. AGENTS,2O/Ohtrov,!.Po. .- : stored' in t he"- Jowderjtonize for. •fe keopina. :. H. R. ZIEN:ri.E V. : ' . Ei6itzer JOh oson; st4nainir one .1 v :upon ' - the.ttinier'of iis yard.lealkd his men cl,out hitn,-and itftet a few ic'triotie words, 9-,1 \''‘: th i .. .4)rcler—"Lil tho are Cady' to' join, - kilph i your tubeeS fr m their, landle.3, fanalider '.11 . 1 . ."1 iisiiiii-esrand I l llow !nee' , Every adz_ in the . yard .Was knodkod off; 'and that st4int. ath",ct- ---......_ _ is man who w -itild liay.,marelied 1 llrowili, a . regiment ot . " ! -e.d 4:::Itfi" had tb. , y then s..s ., rid in fill way, tahing his liptad axe. as an kiiidotti .; of .leadership :ol d fO f r iiie, marched at the le.ail of tin:l:coin pony, to the: roWder hoo-r.; [ "i`f t .r,, , i'i!L. P. Hinds,: i .. that Wen-Ivies:l axe opehe& '1 Wav thr,i,o•di the A Tll-11 ' N ' T 'Y 'Y tT ' LAW ' Smx " f7 "'""k• 6 . ill " , r , .1.: ("11.M:tin-0., iireet. o:ie door ea4t. of Leifficun s.. _door,' Awi e.tnl .man sliintlilerillg ni.g. rhea of . :‘- •• • `- -4- -- - - .'-- ---- -- ---- :ten, RkAin fe 1-I,finto lin4. 'lle.? tnar('!liel.' di- . :;Fra-7:ier & Case, ! : rest to the n i tarket, riiid then - in siri,le fire. .t 'n'OltNEi - S AND cOCNsELLORS AT LAW 2 F._ ttiiiee on qiirttpike street, one ;tloc,r East .o around the tili,d rrieetip t i . house, where: AO Pa f t's Store, Jretittrox , , , P;r. pump now is' (when Jl!.lrisct's nXe. ()rioted his. ► -I I chest, And brisi and teal were 'on .the ground: , - • Albert Chamberlin, -r, , , together. Ea3li Man Its -he came up did the •TTOONEYLiT LAW. ,end Justice of the Pence; sante,* hen, :kith. -his!i 0-vii -hand, Johnson .A over:l, 1,.. Post & Co ' s :Afore, ..I.l"ontrose.. . - . • ~ • , i i -• --' - - " - lighte4 the ril . and 1)19'1 1 (.3 it' to ashes ; roil • , 17 i: l' Wm. H. Jessup, . on 111:it - spot, Cnilout. 41 ,, ,,0ui5t, - ., the-.ship-ca , W TTORNEY IAT LA :AND COMMISSIONER of pouters of . l.wharypii-t . de.,troyed the drat I Ix. DEEt‘s,! fiiri, the State! of NeW.Tork, will attend tea that was- dk-troy e.'ilfin .--Vmerienl— l . /Ili/or- i to all !,a,-iiv,is Otra - Fteil_ to him with pi-omptnetlzi and. iyporr Herliii, I It' 1'• • • fidelity. : 011iett iM. Public Square, occupied by Hot: - - -1 1 It --- ' . iVui. Jej , i ___ . - ___-,-____„_-____- , L i - • ' litifsisti4g Law, - - i • .Ifri Wiliain !Btirhligh reentiy, made a speech at ii Pr i r hibit‘q Law meeting' in.NeW 1 - firk, [in whid hb said: • " Bin it is o)jcieted tpa the law will.lie re ! sisted especia ly t i si v Nk.‘ Ni •Y j ,rk. I should wonder if it w is-mot. iwirin g my brief res idence beret ha‘rc ohservdd 1, - 0 law of either God or man, thath has tot ben resisted. - It is hotit new 4164 for ki . w_ i : to be. disoliey 'd. reisted, violatedl in N4W York : why, during the'piist yeit4o3r Inut•ltis here' have aver- , aged `.toe a welektfrom Ite'first day of-limn:l -ry'tlii fii•st (Inf. o. January 1855,-;-- . That is a - matter of reepoi and nine-tenths of . i those tntircl.rsi Wpre trreable•diK!etly to the .grog-shop.: It is: thestministers of evil seat- : tered thickly ovqr the pityl. which stare 11:ion •yi_ra from all . loft; p - nppl,,, streets, frion all , i your pe.stilentrtl ,L 4tellsAfroin the very Gebel:- nas of•your Foi Points, as well as from the , gin-prilaet's ofi ydur :. firoatiwav—it is those ministers of er'llithat sz - -nd fortl the itieendia "ry . wlth his tofroli and Ale asisassh with. his gleaming knit, *Weld have maddened the brain of thehitSband It'iltil; in • his infutiated demphistn, hellas tray pled out the liff his wife; wlitim hq- voWed:lo cherish. I Thee ale the fruits whiTh- grow ten this filial tree in New Ydrk, and evety Where its hrnches have been flung otif . over tho land. - Bdt afte,' all, -I think this; law will bi, to a great extent, an exception to the ge l neral.rule, .will she a f more general! ola,..yed than any 1 other law upon-the stati to kolki And thereason is this :—So far s I eanljudge froni a rather careful peruse of yours mornineiapers fair several years aft, I Ink that the citizenot New York ;may be div led in two great ea - 5, es: one,thOsi who °grove of the Fugitive Slave Law,,ard thz , other, those Who do; ha.. Those who approve lof 'that 1:Awl - anti -insist_ Upon it that 1 , should e oheyedi because. it is-a law, Will, of Ours , for consigeney . sake,' insist Upon'ol etljo . ,nce' to the pre-lent'. law.— Ncre cannot, t ere e'xpect,-anvioppoition from thai.sid of the house. But, after the __,,... law goeF, : into[efreet, trail -expeci to see my . Iq. • • very amiable hut som what• un ,Tipy friend, the editOr cif the Herald urge uni ;cm] coin plianee with 'l'ts r,squi itions. Tie Express ), of •eotirsTe, theieditor o • whiebsug4ests to litir ideas Something very 010reutfrin whiskey il pineh, willf'eirtaitily akree"With tt o editor of: the'llerald'i : hint th.e N i rws - will.ei me in with its.elo,quene(.. iitl its eltrnest :type lt. and all the , other pilpers, which mare ent orl5eli!• the _Fugitive Slavi• law, wtil, !insist u on It that while the i : i.ohibitory-llaW rema ns on the . ;4 ;1 1 1 ,16 11'00:0 A.'cry boils . shall renal n ()bed i ent.--to .its . ri4p?isitions.' -Then we haYe . only cute pther . elitss, those vho do not swear by the Fitgitiil,El Slave' laN .. - I have found that aboVe:nincti-pit;e hutuireths of them at:43 the. friendsof I,rohibition. Thev, ofiL,oursi,loi-e I the ht.*. and will of entirseil.lbey iit,„ and urg. upon 'other's equal - obedience. ' IV* -I r•wanl, to know where the Opposition 1 'to .come F from. ' It wee tis to m that there; is not the. least thaneOa e f rany l Se ions oppos Lion, unless . .I,_ these lion° gentlemen Ehoul choose the' [Host unpal atithle diet one could uggest--to - r'' eat their 0., lied a will 1' words. e, what ',eyed, in." ... ka, I till, If thii; could tel tßl~taill' - - v not. lie The ring biog- Eagle p Aids that et this litn ,*gritss Niili eets of N ui Orleps, ilwhy . sy em of: the .r.rred the uths of the A add. CA lesion. ' It •Ous. payig . jou of the i avoided., . - . i,ate Jourm'a:4' . :yi. tWat pewspapc in the State t National pd min istra iettly. and ad.. 0' the . '' . S ita„tiek for' Oov); .„,' l'he of the el, ion of and ;• o n 1 B'cl§TlF,, : - c*l.Pa:- ] • F!! W. • o.ts riow be . found at his new stand on Owego . St. 011 two doors .irest of Searle's-Hotel, where. he 4f fecfuatly.repaiii with diipatch, Watches,. (lochs, Jewelry, Gun*, ai l nd every descriPtirin of Machinery. Wheel cutting; 'and Watch, mate:a:3ls supplied to the trade- , - ' . • eery S. KnaPp, GNTROSE,Ij'.4.,• with Row, Woodrifir et!. Car -01 ter, Whol4aale Grocert4 and Commission Mar ebnou, N0:172 fWashington street, between. Court ; alidt and Derstvetts .- Netti .York., • 'hn Groves, • r ASilp Jo TAIT;011. Slmp inider Searle's • I. stre.m . , 41wdrage, Pd., • - D. D. Kinds; i . I• IVEIIY A I SD EXCIINNGE STABTE.. (Mike in 2 - in the roar Stare, J Colsten, - .I)f. i . r t:! . . „ E x Tc ‘ i) S c i t i ,o ec• t t I F . Abel Turrell; TIT;ALER I DRUGS. MEDICINTS, Chemicals, .Paints, Dye-staffs, Groceries;' Dry Goois, IL:Aware. StM4,Ware, Glassware, Clocks, W'ati‘lieS, jetyclry,l Silver'Sivons,"SpectacloN 3lusical Iristru meiit., Trusses; t.;lurgical Instruments, Liguora,:l'cr j fuMery, lirrars,! Stationery, Brushes, Shoes; Yankee Notions, ;:te. :5: - • . ;B. B Lyons & Co:, 1 AV tLL tND4 RETAIL DEALERS IN 1y 1)6- (i6b ) y, (Loceri l : F, Si t. j Flour, and Hard ware Linel)T6ii p 4. -.4 - L - ---. ' • , F. 4. CYandiet, . - , TA.EALtit 1 - F,',.-1/1:1" GOODS., Re.isly Meat! Clotilin,, , , " 1. / limeerir . 4,lltoorN pint Stationery; etc., l'nblip venue, .y0uri.4.,:,-, . - - -3: ; 1- -.; ' • - . . .. • _ . Patrick & Dimoak,• ilarysio.vs:f.,•;ANl. srmEoNs.. -ota4-S,. 4 • _IL Ow ( - g. - • Strri , t, t Pa. 'r . , 11. L. Post ez TIRALERs. 11 DI,tY (;0010S,111-ovetiei,.Ctoeliery, Ranh - 211.Q teNtthi-.., rout'. 0 'ner of 'null , piletrc•ct a n Public Avenor, tr , oce, • ' • - . Lyons Son., : . - r - )T:ALERS tx DAY (mons. GroceriN, ITaribrare, Crockery; o ,:finTAlarf: ! , (kocerietz; Dooks, etc.; alio, c‘trry on the 110 q: 1 i+) , 111 . 4 buAnci-Public Avenue, ifr,fitros , ,, Pe. - • , : . • . , 'l3entleyli Read, • . • , . i TA EA LERS .1N PRY (:dons,. Drugs. liiedicines, 1 ri 111 Paints, dill, Gr0c....5 , , Ilgtllsrare, Clockers, Iron; Clocks ; IY,atFtres, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, Ter ! umeiy, s c. —Font oll'ublic-Avene, Montrose. Sam, Bentley & Perkins, f ANITACTURERS OF AND DEALERS 7-an. '1 111 kinds ofinastings, Stoves, Agricultural InTle i ment.', etc. ()Alec at Sayre's Store, Public Avenue; Manufactory at lithe Eagle Foundry, Foot,of .Clierry street, Montrone; Pa. 1' & William EL Jessup, . 4 TTORNEI - SAT LAVir, Prue. dee. in. SfOqueltantift. Itradfoi-4 - 1, Wayne Wt-o -', ming aud Luzerhe counties.- 1 • . i • J William W. Smith ti C 0.,.. ('iARINET MAKERS. - They keep constantly on i k....) hand a oi)(1 assortmont of all kinds of Cabinet Fiarnittre, - . 4 . 4 14 an.d .ha r e Roonis aillie lbw. of )taine street,:hfontroi , , - Pin . , ----- - ;-- :07 - - - ,-- . 4 •- t - '- --- --:- ' Rowell,Winton iic Co., if ANUFACttIi.EIK4 and: DEALERS in Strait , ' .A.! 1 Goods, .I.fats- - Caps. fisns • Umbrellost, Ribbonit, l 4.4%.:te., NO. 20 COurtlandt street,lXeir -1 York, (up stair..) • •n• LOCglrrLi.4 'J. pqn - Ann.., ‘11.70!; Franklin ;Frazer. I TTORNEV) AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW,' ..liontros , ,:.!-Pa., will attend fidebfully . to all Conveyancing entrusted tia him in the canna', of Susquehanna. Conveyancing :tnd writing of all kinds will be 'done neatly, and champs moderate. lie Will also attend to prosecution gtalaimcof aoldieri„!tbeir widows and heirs, againaf libe . . Unitkd States Government', for Bounty Land, tensions, da May be found at all hours at the osce Porn eily Occupied by J. I'. ESII.. north of the Court louse.. 1489. j . • C.Vyler, TNTERESTED with I. L. lICNT,' Importer of and 1. Dealer in 1 'Llirdware and Cutlery,, Carria' geSprings, &e., No. 215 Purl street, New Fork, where his:Mer. cantile Client* to this and other Collfitiely.are kindly invited, and etaloestly,etolieited to ettll and pureluise. • THE,,INDEPENDENT- REPUBLICAN', •. „ , • • . rYDLISII6 ETSRY THURSDAY HORSYSH, AT XOSTROS, TA:, AT t1;50 PER ASSUIf, IS ADVANCE.• I lEtaies of. Advertisiug. One square (16?ings or less) one week, 110,50 One square , " two weeks, - ,0,15 One square " three weeks, . 1,00 One square " one month; ....1,25 One square " two 'Months .: 2,25 One square `f .3l three mont hs, 3,00 One square six months; &,00 One square "' • - one year, 413,00 Vor two or More squares, inserted by the year. a deductietifrom she: above pricesmole, Yearly arl; vertisers will Live the privilege of altering or thatig ing their itdrerijaements without additional charge. Business earilsowt. exceeding five lines, inserted 442,00 per annuinl, - - • . • . Job Work• ! , This (mice id` supplied ; with a good assortmc'nt. of Jobbing materi#, and-all kinds of Job Work, !such as. Cards, ,Pmdets, rainpldets, fec., will be done , neat- IY and • , • jet ' A poo i d sei o nd:basi . d lAntlgy for sale Monfort.. April 1f355. PERNI,t, 14A1,E111 . •WITTEMBERG:4I., BRO., MouttOse, Pa., take} 0• this method of advising - thoir.agd friends end customers and `ho public at large, that they have jtl received and, opened the !attest, prettiest chea p . est stock-ofREADY MADE CLOTHISG ever hrot to this place,. which they offer at a mall advance (LOUI cost,thereby offering pinchasers the rate opportuni ty of obtaining:girds at'pbout two thitAls the usual Price. •• 1. • . ;. - Also a large isiortntent of Dry Gno4s, , comprisinx for Ladles 'Wear, new !toles Brocade ,} Stripe, Plaid; Plain and changeable Silks. Detain - es. Mitslin,,He Hag; !lenge delaines o fmew and elegant deiigns. All th latest at; les of Ladies bress Goods, . Frend, Lawns Prints and Ginglisme[ A handsome- assortment. ty! Press Trimmings; Entbroided Sleeves, Collars .Curti etc. Jaconet ind•Swisi Edgings and Imsertings, Glove. Hits, Hosiery, Veils and Parasols. Their assortment ofShatrls is very large. embracin every'thing that Is rich - and fashionable both foreikpi, and domestic. - • . . Their Bonnet Department is large and complete, embracing thc ; very latest styles, with Trimmings to 20-ly .An extensive' nssorpnent of -Irish linens, napkin: toweling, table'covers, curtains /Ix; ' • . We Ii ive alto it siq of Shirt. 4; Grentlemett's . C.ol lars,-Suspendei,s, Gin% tmbrallas arid a good mast. other articles 100 nuinerous to !mention. For liar gains the public is Mt pectilillylitviio to calat th cheap store of • -• • .! J. WITTENBERG k BRO:1 corner of Che4titt(l.Gtrego Streets, four doors cas of Post's'stort: l j • ! • _ NEW G 00.6.13. H NaPLEY Lt READ • Ann ocili reeillying their motarituppliy - c!f SPRIni A VD SUMNE po R un.s; . theyloffer to thei emiiomers, - atid the pitblie generally, on flea moat ri•a l aonnUe terznie, for Cash, Batter, 4gs, Grain, Be.?sl wax, or on appriwe(Veretlit. Montrime, May 1. IRsri. . • - B _ ROADCLBTUS;;Kerseynteres, Kentucky .lenn Sunnner titeffs, i nad a genet al stork of ;tap! Pry Gwrl4lj4t Yeee.iyetl and for sale tight by BENTLEY & BEAD. 1;;W;:;, 1. - 1 aryl Cot beet) Print.c. iV.e. t &e. for sal by BENTLEY& READ. . . DOS" Summes 1) . Black Di4A: Ac. &c. for snl BENTLEY A READ.. I f ni: horn. Panama,.iitraw and Pal k. 7) Bat = , tru!Wlas; :!:atctinl, Window Alper BENTLEY 4: REAP. I A DIYARE, Oita kery, Patent Pails, Tube, Pt: I tv, - Glits's f te.. BENTLEY & READ. D RUGS, l 3 t (. 4 i o c r i t " ;:re ' ll i t 'a o i f "t P% t ( t ) .! 1 ; \ l l4 ) : v d e i dicing; j a ::;t 1 ;cn and for faille • I;ENTLEY . _ - OLE - and . I..):per, i,eatller, t•rtt Kips, Calf L_ and a gozirl supply of Boot) and Sloes' constan lv on hand. :BSSTLFS S Rran. ACKEREL by, the Lane] or one-ball barrel- 1 -a: ITA so, voali4l. ! iiE.NTLF.r b RE.ut. , - A AT.A.Tciii,.4 mid l IEWELRY.—A asetirti..el . , 'I of, Gold .anal`Sil - .er f.epines anti Dett:tehe' leavers, antl single cases, Ladle:* Pins, E; Drops, Rin ,, s; bird &e."ke. Sko; Silvß Table, Tea, ilegert, S;dt and sugar spoons, nvarrantc pure, for 4; 13F-NTLEV 13!EMEll QTOVEtZ :Loa TiN NV ALE, Clocks, Nails, Cantlic ►_7 Lamp Oil, ('::ml hi &c. Montrose-, May 1, 155. :BENTLEY k REAP. • PUMPS PI-11P` . Tice dPreleci Lap'rovonc;:t•cf IL .* «'O , l Lip Plimps— i N improVethe vnu nt„ alme all other pump. or chine. for lifting, throwillg, and carrying teat: combining A Pump and a Fire Engine. Th Pump, pat4mt;..l in FF'•hr;uary., I't34. is the whole Of Noliolts Or screws aboutit to nisi, Cons gneritly man's lift time. It can be mmt in every vari. : :iy of fortm--man draw water from a t situation, :mil:Carry it to.any part.of is snperior• to 411 otlMr Pumps for Distilleries, Pam Mills,' Tamiiirrel,'BriOk. Tanis, Iron Works and Ma: Utheturing estiOiliAmients of ail kinds.. All orders thst by addressed to A T , l os oN Pivvtc Lotiersiljle, 11a 'ffltO has the sole- . right for . :41,:srio hitnitacoiafity, i ;FAIntERS TON lON . iNSTALA NC El C 631 PA N OFFICE, WriIENS. 7113ADS'01:1) COUNTY; pA. CAPITAL, $200,000. . • Secured 11 god nn'd..)lnitqaffr oir 41tr Ii al Esta of the Maci-1if , ?, 1 , r4t. - Insareslo4 . l)v. Pim., of flotows, Storrs, attl . l other hailttii . ”4:`, - Cioo4:, Ware: - , and 31et•rhanti;:r,nit farnral.le t rrnA•as:nni.sintilaignstitOtiott. Lossk, prinnytiv adjl mid paid. . Pri.EcTotts.-Tion:TlOrace Athens; nap, cis Tvlr. do. ;ioeorge A. Perkins do. ; .1. T. IT. NTerti do. • * C. N:Shtpman. do. ; C. F. Welic. - Jr.'do.:- .1. 1 ! Car:field do.; rilon..fidin Ln.porte, Towanda F Wakeman LiCert - ii!e; G'.o. harm; Michael te, Pa. T)rrict:sts.—, )loir. - ITo:nek•• F. Wells, jr„l V. Pres. and Treas.; .1. E. CanfieV Secretary. • I . Agent, -0. TIEF.cTt,-llontroz‘ , . Pa. : - 1 7 : fiYIS FOY: SALE. r E 1 , ;111-.5C:ti)er - wit! aet as agent for luiyink and :Yet hell Zstati?. l —Fanns, Douses. cared i n County, Pa. All who wish o offer their fin;:alc can give a minute descrip tion of their-1101ns or Lot , as follows : -Number acres, bow•matiy improved, and how vi'atcred, build orclutrdsi:grafle:fl or Common' fruit ; other fruit trees; and the.nreareS_ point to the D: L. d: W. R. R. and N. Y. Sz. r,: it. „ • 6'2 fltruni on the lidt, 43 unsold. By calling on the subscriber . a minute, description, pike and to ins can be given. • ; • " Office on TurnOke'.st. 4 doors west or Mnin st.. Montrose, August 15,-18,54. A. BALDWIN. T HE subscriber is; receiving his Spring and Sum mer kock'of Gokuls, comprising great variety, will besold ,as a loxv.a.t any in . this market - 1 . Please call and examine. F. R. CIIANDLEft. HATS AND CA PS.-;-A good asSoitment-of t e • •• . latest style. - RHADY-itADEICLOTIILyG = A . good rarie y of Sprin g and Btimmer Clothing of the latei.t crT. DRY GOODS—A general assortment through out. Also, DRESS,GO.OIIS, consisting of Lawni, Barege Delaines ' Froneh Delaines, Persian Delaine, 'Printed Lawiis; Fanol Prints, Ladies' Worked Cr lniertiens, Edginr.7s, Black Silk Mantillas, Thih !'t and eashmereiShawl,ti'arasolsOlosiery, Gloves, /co. Bo ors ..4,VD •Sif 0 ES: Clocks—:i large asseri meneof everylt-desmplion and style. Also, a gre t t Tariety of Faney Ai tides, Yankee Notions, ke. Crockery, Ilarchrate, and Groceries of all kir,ds...lL Titinkg,. a g4i let for sale cheap. tllook.S and Sti•;:- tionery—Wall. Paper=—also, Flour, of the best quality. M 011 ( 1 ' 050 , - 3;33'. 855. . F. B. CIIANDLEIL [ New Lio.i! of 'll.iratil.Stageg, FI:ONI • • K dICKI4 7 -00,D TED MOM/20SE. . QTAGES Itwood, tin-on:4h Co bettswiile, !Liberty, ke., every morning after th .arrival of the Mail Trains Of ears, both East and We; reaching Montrose at 1 r. lea‘, Montrone dail34 (Sundays ext eptett) at l r. Y., rent ing Kirkwoodln time to take the Mail trains of et hoth East anitVest,ibeing the nearest 'anrl most fej sible•route to iieaeb the New York rind Erie.Railroat 4 . This line inter.4ect a tri: l n - eekly line for Dimoc -,, Springville, I t nnk.bannodi,: Wyoming, and Wilk . harre, which leaves Montrose at 7 A. 11. ' eVry Mol day; Wednftlay and': Friday. - Also . ; abe to Friend'r= ville;Leraysville, k.c. , ' " - i . , Good teumland Sinfortable earrinyl are prolii dad, and the OoprietOrs will spare no; pains to ac commodate the pubr;e. '" -M. K. BATCH ; April 8 t 1894, - 1 - MORGAN Si WEST. • 1 .:, _ !. ~ - 'NEW STOE.E=NEW GOODS. r rya subscriber takes this method Orativfiitisit, 1 his friends and the public generally, that he h fitted ifi - a ettke just . across, the street. from his o, quarters, in .Firooklyn, where he is prepared to r' wive easterners and aell them goods at as low rat as any otheOatabliehment lirlilitsquehanna count' My nsisortment is very Serge indeed, embracing ne, ly evetTarticle usual" called for in a country store' As am deicnnincd to do business sores to avo' "bad debts," iiihich icirmAibie credit purchaser* a time& to inty,l can Offer superior inducements to co and otherriseittourit.-Pavirta patrons.: Call and me. - 0.0. HEMPSTEAD. Brooklyn, ?ipril 3Q, 1655. I:DISSOIXTI - ON. • The cePerhietebipiheretekwe existing between the subseriburit under the firm of E..S Kent & Co. 'is thilday dissofred bylmutunl consent. _ . . E. 8. KENT k CO. Brooklyn jejw.2, 1855. 14w4 ' r . etiover iiiitd Timothy Seed for Bale I) 11,TRRITT. 1411riii/tO4, 11111 8, 18.15 Sptlif • P° oo Reil l just 41enedi an B° L n l ?- 1);14 a ilt c4 4; . V P a r 611.7, ,y 3. , Geckos _GOODS! . 74, • 1, I • - et ii..0 4 7 4 10•A , } • . ERN. - - PILL& . r A . "* •and.'sin g ttlarly sucovisful remedy for the i cure'of ali dnerases:H.o n ostiveess, gesuon, 4nundice, Dt,j,psy. hi,enetatism, Fevers,Be• • murs, Gott, Nervott:*•..s, Inihmamatlon, ffeadaelni,Pains in tipt and•Lintbs, ' Fenude Complaints, Ac.; 4 1 / 4 e.irfri: , ea very few ;•.re. the diseases in which a Purgatifi.7 :44:lieine is not j more or Tess required{, and much ',FickujF,fk and suffer. (i lug might be prevented, it a hacmless but. effectual . , mthartic ;were more freely used. No person can feel j well while costive titbit of body prevails; besides, j I it seen gmerates:serious and tiften 441 diseases, : which might hasic beets avoided j the timely land I : judiciousiuse oft gooll purgative. This is . alike trtie • of Colds' Fevetish•sYmptoms, atiti Billions•derange ments. They all tem4 to become or prudnce the deep !'seated alai formittable distempers which load the hearses all over :the Band. Renee' a reliable finnily physic is Ituf the first Importance to the Public health, ',and thispiil . has I perfected with consummate skill .to meet that deMand. An exteLsive trial of its virtues by PhySiCiansi - Professorit, and patients, has 1 shown results stopaSsing ditty thing hitherto known of .i . any medicine. Curei have been, effected beyond be lief, were they not snirsttintiitted: by persons of such exalted Positions,and character as to forbid the itus , mm. on of;. untruth. ":Among the, eminent gentlemen I who haNie testified id favor of these Pills, we may . mention+- ' - • j„. • J Doct..A. A. Itavr..4, Analytical Chemist 'of Boston, E and State Asknyer of Nft4.91"61130t..9 ; II; J. Gantonta,.: Governot• of Masisachitsetts; EitoßY W SHMIRN, Ex. I i Gov. of Massachusetts; Sfux:oxißnovvu, Lieut. Gov. ! of Moss. ; E. N.•WntrYtr, Seeretary of State of Mass. • I JotiN.:ll. Frrzt•ATatt•t:l Cath 'Bishop of Boston; - Prot. ; • : •:louN TOitTZEY, of the College oP:. Physicians and Sur- ' geous,'NeW YorVeity t Or. 0. Ti of the PubliclAnds'uf the United States; Dr. J. R. • ' Cut LT(iNi Practical Che.ntiA or N,M , York City, endors ed by Hon. W.. L. ]liner, Secretary of- State; Wu: B. !lesion, the rieheitt mall in America tI S. Br. 4 0;o Co., Pr9rietor9 of, the . MetrOpolitaa Botch and others. ' Did space -perinii,:we endd hundred certifieates area all j parts a here the Pills have been I 1 nscd, hart evidence `,c heir more Ce• onsinein ii an the • • • experimee of einini•ut public men, is feted in thin -etrectA ai l oat trial. I, the resnlt 'of Imig hirestig,atiod and study, are offered to the public as'the hest anti most 1. complete which thejprescet- state of medteal science t. can atin7; , 7l. They teli enavotinded net t•l' dt-mzs than- flies, Intt of the metlirinal, it tees only ofVeg etable mintedi• - ••• f chohical process in a • . i•tate of IAIT ry, and rdraltine'll 11 er in such a man.- - .• nor a7;to ihstre, t 1 ;hoc: t- results. This SyStelli of Jcompo-il ion for *tnedieines ; has-been found in. Cheri y Pectoral' : and IMtli fmoduce a more efficient I remedy than had hitherto been obminetl by any pro , 'rte rea.'ion ii pet fecti • v obvious, Itlfile hy . ;; the old Mode of eoftiposition, hur -1 > dened with acrintontons and Mit:nip:ls t .'", qualities; by this-each individonl - virum mill - that is !!, &s=: ca for the edrdtive efi'eet is' present. A 1111.7 - et t and'obnoxionslointlities of 'each: substance ern-, ',toyed are loft Itehind,,th'e curative viitites only be • int , wretaoe id. llmice it is File eviiTeirt the eireets • should - P . -pee as They have proved, more purely rein ; cilia], and the pills a more pow c i t', l l antidote to di,- ease thatt any other, Medicine kinevn to the win Id. As it is frequently eVporlient that ninny mellicines ,hould be tak••ri art liar the counsel of :to attendine phygiciah, and as 11",' ti TV*p , judg? of remedy kr:ov.;ing its cium.mitiop., I have sup , plied th'4 . accurate fortmth7... toy nhit t Goth toy ral and are nuore, to the 1 1 / 4 -11Mr9 body of Pt arti tiotior; Ili the United Stall" and American Prorinci.s. IF, horicl•Cr, there 'should be any one s :who haAsnot received' them, they will tIM forwarded t by Mall nt request. Of ail the I'ate.t Ve•lich:es, iltnt are ofli.Teif, Unw ' few won:l4 he taken if, their composition was known'. Their life ronsisti, in their mystery. • I have im • L aeries.' The outline:it:ion of zey preparations is laid r over , tn'all DI e ;sad till who art competent to judge • 0% the ..f•bl i tiert f-eel)' licknowle4fe-their convictions Ineritg. The Cherry P.•Ctoral.was pro , , nohre.,•d hr Keit:66oe }nett to bets wouderful medicine • before its ell'et-ts.: - tvert• known. i Ilany;tininent Pity 'N. Sit: i;I qs have Accd4rkpl the same ,Liar tiftity'rills,.actd :even more confittroxly, and are •Wiliing to certik that , tlmir anticipations 'were more than icalizcti by their effects'Upon trill. They - ate 'hr their powerful: influeneC nr th(i internal.vise,:n a a td purify the blond and fithriulr t t , it into healthy action---remove strucOois of the'stff?lniielt. 0,,1wr or -van's, of 4 the bo.:1!-, •Ato-iog 41.4 rd. ri•gttil!,- If, lieahh, 4!.t.1 li co:-1-04t1 , ...g thvy exi,r, such' 111e(3,-, ,. .r. 0...12 ,, di5t.:1 , (.. Pr'l l,4• Y" ll / ) r. .11 r AYER, P i„, l' box.. rive boxo:•; f , tr sfotar44 C !". every ! • \ ,!„ 1 -1 1'00DRU is FF a lame And' ; ware., Reel+ anti' ! . .71iitio for 4A. , 1 1 .... ei^i ;_pninps, IlyrirAilliv pipes of all 'work Iress Rurj do arch •,;;,. pro”mtly iateittl...!.l to. STQVES'az MEE kept &nista:all- on haild, a large a:4sortinent of stoves of the latest inipioliect and :approved 'patterns: .Our experhaien in the hueines+'enat,h to *!leet those that ci - e i.7an safely Warrant to gii - e entire satisftetioa, Amongl our inthieilutti stnek can be found the 'PartigoW * - ttir tight : Star of the West, Elex=ateil New 1Cti:1.1; "'• i Clinton, [Oren: . Atlas,. ;' . "! - l l Cyltirator, .. Phoenix; . " . . -.Fre Fly. . . it • Three States., " j . Westc'Wn Queeci, 4.. Ginlit'; . .; ~ '• ": Premium. F. A. i{"oopi:r rr, , More and_ lore Igie•tr- GOOdst fir - BURRITT is now receiving new and full 11 • a:PP:Iie:A of Goods- for fict• Jr:lnter TratNin elndingen new and iele'gant assortment of ,i-ITneh Jfe rinpes sail (,•,z41071 , re „ Plaid, Pan cg -and Yfaiu De I,ank I'arewletta*, Brochei Soar* and Shair!x,i,all of net and best styles, and will be sold :it 2 per eoiti less them last year's prices.— Also a tiler asstirtnie4of Rich riiGJMn, and L'onskeix SO I - eleds'l4 Cloak.* :amid Riel; Silk arid rrlrel Trinningxt, - , Ac. a geintral assortment of other- STAPLE mild EANIT Gqons, as usual, -which havhig VAiught under the prestnit pressure of the cash markei, be sold at col:responding- and reduced prices... ; _ '• Yew Vilforil,- Ntiverliber 27, 7'5 . . •, . . • rAcrx's kloit 9tIEE.I7. I S:OPLE. THE subscriber ja-carrying on dte 014 II: Jr 4 A /AII.BLTS/AIESS in 4tll its various branches at the Chair and Rae. Shop in Ilarfhrd, where may be found al:greater iariety of Windstir and • Rocking - Chairs than at qtly i pthcr'establiOuctit in the county; %i s° Flag and CanelSeats, Bureaus; Ticilsteach, Loung es, Settees, Tablftti Stands; &c.ld:c. - !all of which will be sold et. the Idwpst Price; at' ret ail, (or Wholesale, With shOri notice. Ail workt ! w' arranted well made - and of good material: ..Shrjat credits and small-profits will be ipy.mottO, For demonstration of the ' , hove facts; please call at my shop inifaTfitill rilltir, . - A. y GII,E NWOOD- Ihnford, Octoinik 12,18,54.. I:AC4V - ".Deweiry.' t GOOD amsorttnent,of Jewelry, Consisting of Ear .L Rings, Ear Droits, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, &c.,'Ljustreceitieti at BENTLEY & REAirs.- _elver Spoplis. Tea, Table,-Dessert, Sugar, Saltkke., warranted pure, IV! sale 1)Y 1 ' ' BENTLEY k' READ. An untnt, l ually go imi ae.B'nrttne`nt Of the best maf c, all rrsh - alitrj:t.rfec4 tor saleby BENTLEY- & READ.. A fresli.toel: genuine, Drt g end 3fedicine.3 Patent Medicinos, Dic-stnirs, &c.i for sale Dec. 1:3.] ' DPNTLEY...k. Spring Good! ‘ceiielit, at I. POST quality,- kyle and Price. St4le'Dr/1 Opods, I Collars, Sleeres, - Dress'Coods,l ' _ Edgings, G7ofrits and cos.tinferes, Bonnet; TrAite Goods and Parasols. C1,01',111!i0—a l line sleek. j Groceries- of all vari eties: Ilardware, Crockery, Lopkino Glaeffvf, aril in every dflpartment tmsorto ten t is tottl t and, -at prier.; td , • - j - Adontritiett, Startli 2O ' 1865. I = - ' :Jc - Grtiweal .4.dlitert4setinenti AS natutvg.ll4misiles the birds - sad beasts with an extra' coaecor *inter, has not made a similar pro vision, I linve concluded to take it upen my self to attend to that depaitrunt; and therefore 1 think proper to aO?utunee that Altering male bi peds; that need new apparel, glorious • or, ingloriops, fashimuthle or unfashionable, can-have- their wants supplied, sad their *tea suited by calling on i i If AWNS; my shop in Monttre. • sorts o . T; al 7,1 !I: 4. .-` F IMM c•: u. El.t.tztr) bi.ting re (Vit.. are Alcalsnble in 1 • DOCTOR, ECARIUS -- ' .- •I - ' • •'A isitiicT trioCk OF _1 - • • -.-, 1 1 031 EOPATISINST, ' ••• .• • ''' . .. 2 ' filll2lllllEla GOODS AT eI_ItADUATE and Member of the University of Nets I ' .•-' , •i t pasets A,,, CO : 1.31 - I.Tork, ',AO be in' Montt:ole ow the Etit, ith 'and .' '•' -- s ' '. :• ••;'. • -"%": '"" - 7 ' ' 's ' ''..• Stir ()reach tnimith, anil may be consulted - at .11atchi . 1)17,E no* offer :to ilii - public the most Choleci 2 ,', Hotel, tor thrOe day!, ppett all'silseases incidental" to -, VI. '. the'r:Arstr tif - PoitidE ttliAte - lad i n a -- the lonian S..ts . tent, viz; -001 1 8 /TATT/0117; Brou.lwhereht the country,. and for the .wery lowest - chink Inhumation of the Lungs : Throat, Liver; Pleura, - without xariation:.. - • '. , • ' f , • ... ~.... ! ' t Kidt-eys and f pleen, tiyspepsia,(fridig eetiOli,) Liver, i• • _, • RRADfititihrfto.7ll7.2r4( l. . . . Com ilaint, Ilpsrms.rts:u, Screnht, T'gruptions, Spingt 1:Q10111El - 1. STTLEIKL . I:L; Port IS Co.' Italie ' t i st emu -&iuts,ll)L-seaso of - the eve - and car, Nerveue t v.." 'made - it large addition - to'tVoir stock of ckth l t h e ... N - Viii2lLess, ilki.. Sze. Particular attention given to I conidsting yeti of-everfthittidesirable:•forllis haf t . ; the sii4eases: of Fetnaleis and Children.: The various rat such Mum' as are„ sure to.snit. .• 'The. god, OA Mthinn* of, the Uteri: radiecilly mired. ' ~ -'. 1 blade, first rate, and we, warrattt.the work 3o fie egad • DV !hulls IA oho well aerie: with both • Tfoureopa. iif net tut); ever' beforeoffered in this nutr. .thy 4iiil Allopathy,- haying be•en in' can met study and 1 ket. Our Ptock cOmprEses 'Coats:fine black Prei e h praiitice 11.0•';•..L f s, la h t weive yi ,;ii ;, ri vi i i, A • ti r;4; ,; ; ,, ;Sacks, Frocks land BuSiness';', Tweliti, Caisimere sad tredr:ce. - I...llok.ooraild into .'Elfin - P;', y„ in ! l'iettl'a'ickintud Froc4, alsto'brownslind White Salo. 1F,41. II1.• 'pliifi of trt'.-Vl.ment is '7,EIV, 'safe a I 1..(1 e2Nra,... .t.iner• plain. itnet.twilled. Vzsrs-- ! Whiteland - colored. ciovii, and different (rota that ofany o th er plr;?e-ician, i.sdraailles, Valentia,'L 4 sting,,frgaired'Harathia, figu r . 'and tcnres firmly all ca;:iis In all-stages of the disease. tr_d silk and Satin , apd,every yariety;'geked • and cheap. pr. • Itarris has!test ithor.iats of chat after, obit- !F-4.NTY,-•••••Flue 'bit:a' Pissimeiret do c idefii;lta, - 4 .o tetd, ity tad skill, From -. a . number of the most einine n t.O . Sunimer stuff, linen drill, 7ttonade,,,. - 4 , l4lpe,"pl a i n, medical Inch in the city of li'etv York, aniong•thent-;`Check on& plaids;so cheap ,a .to,•be sure of sale to the Celehrateti Dr. Valentine Mott. • , = ,'; rail who desire to buy. •,,•- • - 7--; ? : . - • . . Persons titshing ''pir%)tnpt relief or permanent cures Iz• -I" 1;0 1 ;17'S ANII HOSLERT:—Ladies and Gets 4 willido shit to call without delay. Charges moderate. 1 k.....1r.u-hite and colored Kid.ollirts- of the-hest gall Coqultatiou tree I . Patients vim ted :it their icsidences tv warranted: '-A large asSorinacntof all kinds ilse if 114 sired. .= O ffi ce petits Goys 7 in', the inorning until, i.l;rown-and sla... te hose,,and i dime 'pnts ;find ladip, 9 its the evening.. , . ...:. I cotton, Lisle thread, Beriiii - and silk Gloves, Itti c . i , I • , . . , Adwairtagest.' -• • and celors ;'a large os'sorttnept of black silk and race • , ' 'lthe tulstunta-cs of !the ItommPathic treatment of ! Ilitts;,lotig and shurt. '.• •' '• . POST k COX distl , ases are 1 c ' 1, . apt. That patients treated Ilinneopatbicatly, usual. : . 00Tg.ANT) SIIOES— Iee - fine - Boots; Cause B ' ly ixte cured much sooner than by any 'other practice:. i Boots , Ladies fi ne G * 44 rss /I " ctie t zl itißillkitri' d. Thatimany PatientsAeon be cured by nomoo. l , a full assortment of Cheap Shoes; Childrens and 3r,..., otk gi.., Shoes and . 'llootees, Ladle* fine silk-linen Slipper s , pathie remeiies,. who; cantiot 'Le cured by an y,' at - - . '. ' _ LT o P 6: - Co's. treitment. ' ' - . rfril. That patients treated Homeopathically,. do 1 AATHITE GOODS•-•••••Allsiyles'andqualities,hleiefi. couliave to ahor l under the bad effects of the inedi• 1, - 'I V 'ed Shirtings, Pillow,("otton, Jac. and Outhti e cute they have taken. to cure the diseve. • . - 1 Mullins, Swiss and ' k M:usliiis, Barred._ Haslins' 1 - Bishops _and Victoria' was, &c., figured end dila: I 1 ' ' NEW GOODS.: • . ~• - I Swiss Yfuslins at' - - I P. A ess's, li 0 DILTZEN et PARK. return their - gratefull ; C,..! lIINCIf,ES AND S.; - - ! .., --....... ..i. , ac,inorletigements to the public, and invite at ; : )7) - ten" ion to ,the very large stock of S . T.,r;lirt and S , rist- ! -,--- --- -----_-------• user`.. C ond4 r e v tb . ; are now receiving and offer for sale 't . 1 Ila(!ERIES‘••-of _] cheapest kind. A s . ~. . at terry /011 tecs. •Li arldithin to. their usual assort:. k 3 t a Sugars!urpri,..illy cheap at T. L. rosT in(lit. of staple I/ry Good.:, flree-ries, Herdic:we, Crock- 4 -1.7 (' , ' -'• • . . five.; they „ cry3Paintt }tad -Oils: &e. a „-; t:/..V.7'S—the must exhibit it bite assorttnent of Ladies' Dress Goods 'l' t , -- 1 - . 1 _. r . t, al very ow p rices. of" dertiPtion- Figured, Plaid reld'Plain Silica, ; . _,_... .._ ,_.,... - ._...1 Itonnets, Shawls, Rib b ons, Gloves, hlo'itrY—Latlius ; 1 iRESS GOODS.—SiIkS, I Huslins, .DeLdnat, Della. awl Mhises Shoes of a ll ; kinds—also 'n large sto ck of 1 . 1„,/ .Igee; (;in bane La w n,, of see desirable .R.Vt"-DFOt.-1./),F.' C/0.7'/1/..171, Cloths, Otzsiiheres, 1 ,1 2. . , - 1 - I. .L = . POST & Co's. . - . Twieells, Jea ii , , Sutnter Cloths, Yestlng4, llatA,'Caps, '• -- ~ ~,, ',..,-• .:4 - ,.... -- . ,--..-- t 1 A, i lA, tvoo(tS it t Inc for lints'antl Shoes, ~S:e.!' ... ..:, Thy ne.ltectfully 4olleit an early call front those. I .1-2._________:_._.;;;___, ._ .- iil4i wiA toi purcbasq.flood Lioodit ar low priee:,. • f`t LOTH'S - CassintOres., Tweeds, .KAntueity Jeais t gririrovillo May :1 , 1 .1.1. , .llrlf ILI:EN& PARK. ik_l . and-Salittetts,.vOry•che;f at -I.L.P. il Co's: • , .... . :.... -- F-- --- ' '. ---------! -- --- - - -'- ---"-- --- -- --- =. 1A V 0 . 0 . ./iR.V ,IV4RE-- ,tent Pails, ,Cedir P i ii i: • lintire,i,:s tbe Pnblii-. 1 • V V , anti Wash -Tttbs, cocoa Nut Dippeis; Bister AViNc: just returned from New York I . tririt to I' Ladles, Prints.,- Willow. HasketS, Rope Halters, -B e d ; . call W e attention of my old customers, .mol of Coals, Matadi Ropes` Brocona, a. good lot itt Ihest ort . „ th public ill general ; to my . ) .. ,...l of . .1 I. L. POST k CO. • , _ - •i : • Nr.w STOCK OF GOODS:: - ~.-.4;3 ,- --;- - which, beilig b oug ht With cash .at the 10i5,...'t 1 ,6,-- i- • k ',."). li -Ersir ...4.x I) ..irAcKERE.r. ,of e beq ..anil...vidliti4 to sell pi.itteipaily fir the ::tar:, I Hill .4'. 1..., • onitllty tit the Iditvest ipssible rateii. felt Tlli•in at 11 , - .-re;:itiv r‘ l ..thic(4l piices. . • . .1.pri1.5, 185 ti •I - •I -I. L. POST & Co. ..._..— Corlteeti PUISIS, Mil rril Ilt ell fast' Ceders, for ' (will' P, , eetts a yit"rd. (lwl! 'llri)tvti,l); pounds for one l• (liar. 11"tointon Nails. acknowledged hy ell, to be . tit !best Nail hi use ; : . $5,:;o• iusr keg." 11"abi and Caps, • l*ts aniGlioes, Ilutfalo - Robes of all pi it , . - ~ s ,• ;di, wool i ), CLaincl3 i..':l_ , llmeres.' l'arametta , ,• Dr, , s -silj ; . 5.:::k VOYet, &e.l 3lott , litill)e Lahucs, I Otillitsg per yard; !•?..11111 Iloquirts and :gle , kilt Hats 13:Oche Straitis, . ihilhl.. Lcingltiewl. , •.,. Thiboid“.,"selllog at Il wolle ,.i v .. ably low prThes. I can Safitly varmint .iltift.t:t Falls qtion to 01 who will :_71 ,- e nit: a•cail.;:' . • ' • . pane:4-4:6, Apr. 5; 1151.• ' : Si- :.1. LYONS. C i.1.00k.".-:,;ec:d tine key- t o:Is, orly one dollar; kt) . _- 1 ' --' • - S. S.. LYONS. L au , •.stuirn, Spr. 5: . 'l , - ‘ANit:O—liiiin bide', t 0.%. •lus.ih the hutlie:t ; - price will be 1:.11.1. . "'"' '. A. LYONS. . •tattesbOili, Apr. 5 . dk.OUNTIIY I'RODUCE taken in \ v.:ail-I:op- for i - N....,' - Gootl-‘,t at my stet... 5..1. LYONS.' T.anesl.o7o,' Ail: il h. . 'DAIIII•I':Tii".i,''.T._•I4.I.E: 7iCITILr.:: ri - `111: sta.:scribers li'avti , ,i; secured- the sok- rtg , II- 1) , 1 11-":' :I Ili US/'.411.LE (11 URA" ._l5ll 1;r7y7,3?_:'11 - rili K ER, tier-Ftf=toteliTona and several 34oiniii! - • c 4 u-nties," respectfully: invite nil 'Butter 'tnak-" et- to ei‘laiiilne and T EST the met its of this.reW abed i va cable invention. , 11 - e priipo:ie to famish each and nit of you vlitli a Ctit - ns that will T o vAllie:' . as much, bitter' in fr,... short a Linn' as :city o - _:u•rt•lnfraolle thilt will ,i-oti, oleic/it flue hufterwil.;.. 7iy?4, stud , „„y r k i t , 'ehewe.,:F;;,, , „,,-5..,,, g it.ppry, , ,l.',, thi,iq .l l, tiw. lokirr aid tICII. for' , ;-^, w•ithoitt rentoYing it fiuni thO churn. This Churn, is u-i . trlpl , 2 in 'c itsonstructinn, sci vitt ific in iti operation, a nd rail's cleaned and•kept in .miler.. and 'Fan be easily attachc•l to'any propylliug p(itr..r.• f. ..: F,,-. ;,, 1 1: i i, -I a r:ii-idat s, apply pt.l-squally or ity' let .,- JAI ; r. IrCSIINELL and -3. , ...N. ilrioN,!•.:o2i .. :-.•-, :-.• :40.• - :,,--,...!.i county, ra. 1, , b. !•:a . (tF •6'hos ! • Rcjrpiin floite on short notice , ., P ITERRIT MOTT. • . ELIJALT MOTT =EI HEM _ ...... ____ .l! • . . , FE12.71'1 . 1 rr.lllif; sob*:iber.i. ,. a7,ent for tho`fonzorli,pi Tosaintico t Conipaill,, , ; doing bui.iilltiS at. filo lowest saf! q • i t ,life ~Iflittial (tt liitrrisbmv. 1 - -ti • ' . '. Capital 4 , 350.000. Ciisit - 3/mita/. al Iberriglinrei •--, - ' •.• • ' ,Fi . 1 I 1 Conifal '..- . :201),000. ri libmerlitsn'ance,',..iret . a• .17ork City:„ it'' capitil *:sl6.oo o. itoik t o, l pn•l 6; 'O l.. F. B. C-BANDLER. rt i l • 11. ME AND . PLASTEn. i t IRE still riber.i. ; are no . j 11. burning and Wilt keep ' Conkau tic on baud,, Linie 'of a Very superior quality at . Ontrese Depot, and will- s.ell it . in «ny . iqtdinthies ._ j a fair, pi ice,„ Persons - wishing a large ; gniintity earl be Supplied ~ - s 'onja reasonable twice: • ; • , supez far round :Plaster will be kept constaliti oh i Ilitild hereaf •r... - J , • I._ L. PORT;: ii ' I ' 1 - ' j ;i ' 'IL DRINKER,' . - - ly...rtur. • ,-,-, • . liontrcrse ;epot, April :1. 1 " L. SEARLE.. t - ; i ' • : S- . ; git.i. .G.:lit IS7' AND SAW •.7111 1 .L . L. 1 11..05T - .11 °VIERS leaving _purchased the above'' I.P, _enuldi anent, will keep, cohstantly on haed . .Cyr--' ! ;went. a'ul . .ins Flour, Cora ilea/ of -I? „ tiprior plat. ili4 also (la, p awl-I:ran at the lowest- c ash price S— .-Cuitoni ri•6o'yl,will be , done with de sptch, and . in nil 1 cues traria 1,(i.-, 13SItf • .. i: , 1., j 4iontmse,l.Titly, IS;;:l . . . • i!1 !I NOI'IC E.. 1 . Those per j isons-indubted to . the stibscribeV for ferS !'aslleglArr, :Recorder and Clerk of the Orphan's - Court j,woold cotifei *favor by settling the same - soon. Vontrdse,jlDec. 0 1851. - .1. T. I,AICGDON. . 1 t '!I . • "'Window Sash. - - . , ~• 11. .C.- li l - SAYRE having been appointedni agent i.,1 . . for 'an extensive sash Wind and doer 1113We:10 t(iry• are re j area to furnish any articles injthis line at j it le:4 rates tli n -they have usually been sold. . I i duly 24. i ' s:ir.k.D.,s ~ 1 zi N artic) by I • trATS.- 1 1 A new lot of Summer Ilats nnil Cloths 14_ for anteater wear jilst received arid for sala cheap by 1 • - . D..R. L. S. Co. - ! S.. WII SON dk - SON • ATAY;l4:rand hi S. S. Mulford'' Old store, rakt -Jill. side ci Public - A - venue. . life4itricise,l NaveMber 854 . . I ,1 Buffalo !lobes.. - • .enoi R lot fast received, and otTered low by I`l , SCOTT, JOIINSTON S CO. CLIOICIE• lot of Weal Ling -- Shawls very elmai .1 by I , SCOTT; JOItNSION & CO: DeceMber a. - • I I hv - iTLA- .) • E , ' r:;...t, i-'.,1.' :l. =IN MEM e . which eror man i 3 fiould . t. ry for eats S. 11. A: D.. S; I. 4, ~stnokdjums & s' . ..q tic •,....„.,.. horso.Pleastiru Om • A. TIMItELL: .:' I), 111 Watelresjeyrelr, &--ItE4l), ME tDEONS, more josr ..LYONS &SON s. ? , .furet6l;o4 to order, i t yoxs, SON. - Prints, Summor Stu M t. and thil - ePtunion; Dry.Goodsat- TURRELVS. I Q. 01.1: LEATHE i r i'ROCKER Y ....4.2P) 04.. A SS TIPARIsa cholw ; '- lo ; W 19w,plices.' : • POST & CO.. , 0 a, Cu pet, Pooh) :pallor and Window Shadei. ' , - POST'S . : CO. ~ , .., ;pang ~*tyle--ttest qi u!lity stiy . ,i POgr k.CO. • - ____.____. i T)O.V.V.LTS and Dortnet:;Ribbons of all kinds, Par. asoly, 1454-e and. smalf - ' T. A: CO, (~_1111" ).7.1 cheap RE SS TRWMIS and very. cheap., NY.. • • _ : Co. 1 SA LT, Lizne and Plltster ! r • - • - 1 3. CA t r- Afiris;. crfiaits:-.4. very c=;iiii - -Ofs - tk. Ir.,te;t sivles; Book Ellibroider6l Li-rnerle, Lace, Meclinapl lioniton - I. C. MBROIDERED and 1. 4 a.e t•ntlersleeses; all Aesi; • rabic styles ; .111.40, wdrked aud , embr'd. Edging Insertings and Flotinei4g; • . - • , lr ACE pigings and Insetting ; imitations of etery almost as good ats genuina and iery•chee, :Lis° pure linen-wrought Lace. • ' & CO) . • TNGII.AI,NED and Iferop Fa:lid, for sale at . L L.-POST &-00'3 ITATS--Pancitia, fine and coarse tip:. ).:.) mod fiurzy bound Pedal and' Palincal, fat boys anti men, sold very click). LL. P.. CO AMES' and Children'sliats, a good razi au a nenflot of the latttst styles of,Boenit ,:tore of • • I. L. P. - WANTED; kinds , —Beans, Dried Apples; k TL low, Butter, Beeswa for which we will ,cicliangl goods titqi.slF prices. _ :; L L. posT .cco. • „ .: .... ,„' -EAGLE TOHU NDRY-:..."‘-f 77 1' , • 5...,-,•.A-1. 111;;IIENTLET .1; DgIIKINS.-barittgAturch,:s. - -.-- 7 1 ;,..I. of Wilson .5 . ... Co. -the Eagle Foundry; are tax. i peeptred to till ordeis fill the trade, and do [mirk in ' their Hoe with skill and espatcb. ' They will keep cPr.stantly on hand' Ploul, (hest - kinds,) Stores, (ill 1 ikinds.) - Cultieators, Streit Cutters, Corn Slang; tte. the. the: ,: -- . , -! .. . . :1- .1 • t. We e Invite particular attention to the Plows altidt ice manufacture. We mrduflietuic. and keep for n.le. " . . The Celel;rirtatlatehfry Plow. We have purchased the dell:sire right to manefie: tune and sell it this comity, Wayne, Wyoming oat • 1 .Bratiford, arßick's Pateint Iron Ream Plow, The Plow is made entirelU.of itioneYeeptingtbe bindle! 1 . It is celebrated for its \ -ertsS. - draught, being '.one•thiri. i • • 1 easier than any now in inse t while its strength anti de rabilitr are greater. • - -. • " . " • '... , . • - .' :NIACI:I NERY - :i: - - of all 'Kinds Manufactured rid g byrepaired.v ezeriere .. .cd machine:As.' - : ' - ' , I Steel/L. ...Engines, cearini l for Afille,...SAingle -Xi .- -- - eleineklie... ike._ ••• '.. -' . , . Among -the Stores -whicli - WO Manufacture; are the, • : .11 - eitstoue• Cooking Stove, Roagli: ciad Ready do.; For i ext Queen do., Premium.,jand other kinds, all Ir' ranged ranged for. burping• wood. r eclat • Also • Self:Rep -1 I.latar, Parlor Stove;' Cotta e Parlor "do., Stonkis, o 1 twsizes, db., and evarie y of -other Perim-St-two, both wood,and coal burner We, keep also o . hanti• 1 Grindstone' trimmings, Dog Oburn trimmings Tx- - 11,1 iia and ghiv L l andTongsiStands, tc &c. Work I done'to ogler on short notl9o'and'at the lowest rates. 'Orders ,for.l.itovesilAgricalturikl Implements, • S:e.- ' are solicited limn thus' in• the trade, and will be f = - OKA at rea:ronable.wirelestde prices. ---''..,-" :''' INEME Mott, ),e,tr. Moat'lme, *Pelt 4 Ailstrtitlia, California, th• any place on: the 'abbe , thsolot Present • . s . • greater induceme nts - • : - KEELER ez STODDARTPR ,.. - BOOT - AND .8110E.STOIXE:. Vt 7 FITCH now with a new and eitensive. n . 'sntiniett of articles fit.their_line, embracing a gericra:railci . i .of new and blegant -styles of ladizs and :gentlemenla. wear, - =bug which are ',Lido French, Silk LaSing . and.;PrCnille ;Gaiters, Kid Enameled Poilia'r, Kid, Paten,V Lfatlter and Brosteil Jenny ,Linds..Enskins ataTieS ;:GntlenienliFrettd; and l'hiladelphill; oak tanned calf ikin and kip ROW. llorocco, Calf and C4hide .Brogrum !cc. Boys: kip - milf and cowhide 'Boots and- Brogani kin& of MiSACS and- Childretes wear. Alpo, n„.*Mieral mwert• mint of Findings which consist in part, of . lasM, Peg& sparables,,llungaririn tack_s, thread,' wax, tiz i shoo binding, awls,"rasps,eamdirtorivx, Shoekiiiret &c. Also oak and'hemlock, tanned calf upper. sad soleleather, Iloroeco . shinsAnd : Work made to order and - yiPairing 'neatly- doge. - REELER & STODDAIiP. MOntrose, April C., 1§54 . •- Valuable Lands For Sale. • - 'I I OR RALE TN ONE BODY, about - 5500 acres of 1 Land on tbe . waters Of Spring Brook, a brand' of the Lackiwatini river in Imaerne County, Penni., about midway between hie . thriving towns of Scram,. ton and'rittstonl TheSi lands are covered with cal" nab% timber, and behig altuateih the - oat extensive mineral region,. in PermaYlvaitia--no to m a° iron ore—and believed to abound : in • and being also in the immediate vicinity -of se e r a! tollrgas Made and : now in iirogresitt i er to . A 'eapitatstla ?, opportunity for the investment of Money that Old° l ' oecura. ,* It information apply to N - 4r. 11 °' -Auk, Esq., NO'. 11, Wall street New York, or to die subscriber, at Montrose, Srunpaebanna.conuty,li, IP attorney in tut oftthepWaera. April 8, 1854. ' , ,- lIENRY. V1111;014 1 .! NEW -GOODS. , QP,LENDID Prints and Ladles' Broadcloth, Delano. IL, &a. kr, just opened and for sale b* • J. LYONS & SON. Qtauloi Tnrrel,ecaloblzted Timothy Beekwarre* .1..7ed pato. Vor *ale dy AVM TIIRRELLI MUlltrCeN Marta ISt, 1835, OtENCIUM-;-Sha Ted/311141* wanted by Y Ipotobe a LYON? A -SOll ftesksu,ppiy Groeerksjust or.;,:lcivtzt NES at • •, - L. POST C 4;) ruble. stock in the coo • L L: P.& CO. est price. • L. POST & Co cheap, at NEEI rosr ate;, Co. B. BENTLV 5..17,1U0N5.: ty, al at the CO. MI