.111. 11 7" --7 TO NEW Goviar: OR OF KJ . LNiikEL—We rn from The Detroit Advertiser of' Wed..: ,dav, that the Hon. John L. Dan sou, tliu w k. au'i,ointed Governor fataleo as,ls no w . the n ' e , 4 '. city of Superior,. „,licad of ke psuperior, of which place her is. a isprtners are Senator Bright Air !A.,- 'w:or-ions Forney; Sid. Webster, Private Nt:ery to Pierce, and other paa of the ;id.. istration. W e should&t be surprised if it ed out that soMebody hOlds a few shares Pierce, not w ithstandiqg lthi . pretended in nation ut G o vernor Recder's alleged 'apec ti„ns. Gov. - Dawn was kept 'at home -cruse he voted for the Isig.braska bill, -but . J.,Adrertiser v'Svs that he has recently de •irka that he regretted be had given such a v. It must soon be known whether.his re ets are, deep enough to prevent his heroin .. tool of the Missouri rutlians.---Rch er Delitocra t ~-.ll.lir..Durn Brown r emarked, nth- Jay, that it was all very well to-sa3,"nev cro to Jaw,' but what .was a fellow hen the, /au' came to-.hint Mi. Brown's ,s ., r " t i o n- was ealled - fiirtli by an °blow/ cci: of raper; with - which an ofiker bad fa , -.red :Chore is a gryat'deal cf forCe in tr. pram of putting the question. p ine! cer, (.4 :maks of Ne 4 vllrk, the ril ,,,,b cr 4 criminal hrre,4sl the past „57. wi;re 1 6 . 3ti6. of which 14.361.1 .. wer eau's intempt.r.tnee: Vita Li:t---August Term, '1855. /11:$ T • 17.:111, •qQe •gb Cr 1 Lathrop vs. Searle et al. v .• • Ali:l tit :, Lyons vs. Scoville T a ylor.„ , _ B:al vs: Clark: • sc..ov;ll. Roberts vs. Roberts: , r Bennett vs. Lenhcfm.' SECOND WEEK. - - Arnold vs. Stevens' Colsten vs. Bryma. Bell vs. Wilmarth. 1301 vs., Wihnarth. Carmalt vs. Stone.' - Youn7 vs, Braekney. • Drinke'r vs.. .Henry. Carmalt vs.'Worden. Bailey vs. Brainard.' . Macomb St Newman vs • . Page. _ • Comstock vs. Smith. ?'help vs. Beebe T. - Handkinson vs. Teively, 'iGarnishee. . . Dean vs. " " Sterliyg vs. " " Kellog vs. ". " Stelling vs- " " • Lathrop A. S. vg. " Negus & Stillwell vs. Bry. ;id. • le V 5. (1.11!.!;... ad vs. COOk. ' • lit,re2t.r. S,OVilie. :ll'.113:1 c Weiirllgi: \. Y. S E, R. R. Co. wart vs. ler, vs. Pctkins. .):nra'rli. 'vs. Barnes. vs. Thomas. 6r.oinsoll skiloy4 vF. Bry , . . n i cal ap vs. C'olrman. ".%711 vs B.anl•lac. Y. S.: E. R. Co. P:iytor). Norton.' • v-. Bry:)nt. Vanyo:st. • ; ! i ;!, Biddle. ' SUR • • "c„,, lr t (%)mineimit , u, t20111,..1855 GRAND, JURORS. 'Aro; k .-o---Alc:o{l , T. Wilson, John Kimble, Gieen, William White. —• • W. Cul Patrick. r; —\.A. Lane, John VorAig. • 11.kr.vn,sv--11 - Irrev \P.I. P.' Conklin 1 ! , 6 ,11Li-,1.. K. D. D - oolitile, Benson, K. Uttev, Levi Phelps. Mit.:;:•ETCllVN—Nel'jon Camp, - ra()-!!-1 1 , F. A us : i n . • • - 110111:196 i=“S--L11,11..'r AIL!: . IIIAVU,RSE JUII.OIIS-FIRST liNiry Cartes, I)anielSte . r , Ezra Alger. • H. rnminore. CLlrrorin—Ezra F 11111.: D. - J: ThomaFi. - Dus;.Avp—Williain - preaeg A. Steven?. • BenjAtuin Vance.• For.i;s7 G. Wt...t. , 'iin , on, John Colsten. • Ihr.ror.niet.i W. Thatcher. I.lll'llor riaTTICS. Je.ssri•—Jolin Bedell. • • Lr., , x—l.Tirani V•' in. 0. Gardner: A '. Bailey. 310Nrnos.e.—Seth Etc \ltr.Forn—lsaac Stafford; floracc, Beaty j)ewkt, .Tulm IL • : • S!i.vr.n LlKE—Timothy phy, W. S. Davis. Srni-swriLLE—D. C. Justin, Wil Ilarkins. Sr . SQCEITANN-1-11 - ..11. MeKline. • •.' .TRAVERSE JUIZORS---SECOND WEEK. ' ArnraN—R. J. Davis, i& ha Bridget: • BilookivN—Daniel Ttvaev I. A. Gere. • I:. Fat:cher. CLIFFORD—Thomas N. Dow.l. rhr.v. , st LAKE-4=. A. TPoleii. 6111F.,)N—Poymoml Sweet, William Vickei • Gtr BKNlC—Leviltumson i _ . firmacK—..itsd Kent. • . Jacagov—G,o. W Taylor, Franklin Bryant, Obed; Al.lrich, Barnes. • lEs:3yr-11 - Miura Rohinsom • • Ltranor—CiniSlopber S. Perkins. ' " • LIT;EIZTY . M. Baile:et Hartley, Humphrey Marcy. _ lIYDLETOWN--Tames Surlcier:go:l, G. T. Billings._ Oak.Lavr.--Jogllna n. Grirrieg, itior^a, r: Shuttg. • ; Susrr..LazE—Timothy Sullivan, I4se V. Gage. Srrusnvir.r.r.-.--John Brooks, IL 11. Philips, Aga Park, Arad Wakelee. SIFQI 7 .I:II4.INA--Rotert, ' N ' icbols. T.IIOIIPSON—M. J. Stamford. . ' Winn Chapter ;Co. ISO 4illl meet at Montrose Thupsday Aug, If;th at 7, P. 11.. GrAi. L. Srolsr., 11 P. .money Wanted. Persons having money to loan, will be informed .of nfe place for investment, by addressing " A. 13. C., liantrnse, P. 0., - , : e Susgr. Co. Pa. Attg. 9. , 18'35. DIED, JAUES ELTIMIGE STROLD, , EOII or Billings and Caro line E. Stroud, of Bridgew . ater, aged 5 years and 1. Mouths, -on 11(inday •July 30, of poison, by eating co balt that had been procitred for killing flies. , ffetn il,ZbeknseilKi#:, Flour and f-alt By the load, barrel, sack,--or poind, by [August 3, 1855.) F. B. CH&NDLER S.S. Mott% Te;nperatsce Safoon.and • • G roc er y REMOVED from the rear" of , Lyons' A.: Chandler'a builditr , to Maine street, eppeeitP the Farmer's Store, where is he intends to keep on hand a good stock of Groceries, for EA cheap for cash. cash paid for . Egr'=. • S. S. MOTT: llontrose, July 25,.1805. , . • Executor's Notice. ALL persons iiidolitecl to the estate of - Thomas Wheateroft; late of Forest Litke.towuShip,..deceastrd; we hereby tiotified to make imMediate payment, and thipe baring, clahns.wgainst said "estate will present ithOn duly authenticated , for, settlement. ' . • MARY Ears. W IIEATCROFT,tEe• .IVILLI ;31 BOOTH, • FOreit.Lake, July :11.,.1ti55. CLERK W NNTED. A NaCtire; and intelligent young man of about 17 - 11: years of age, jsattted as clerk in a store. One wishing to not urooThebusinestand disposed to make himself useful, -.ill End good encouragement In ap plication shortly to IL BtiltRITT, New Milford, 'July 22, 1855: NOTICE. T"E public are her eby cautioned i,gainat purchru,- ing a note given by the undersigned to Richard Clifford for the sum of one hundred and.twenty-five dollars. Said Note' is dated July 14th, i 855. The Note Wag obtained .by and I will contest the payment of the same to the last."! - JOHN S..STANIXY 29WS Choconucluly 11, 18.55 Wool,''Trool, Woo) . - 1 . 00 00 P c ( 1! change, for _Z a s u lictiVe h t !gine e rntrrei . price 'fill be paid iu CASK; ,bp . June 12tb ; . A. LATET;OP &Co: 4Sherlflis Stiles. 1 , lane • theric4 - slong4te sant e South 891 degrees ISMS, , BY virtue 4 sundry writs issued out of the Court 6 o;ches'eird 14 Ihdes to t corner; thence north 64 of :Common Pleas of Susifoehannii county-and i'o'ine ..de,greeseiat . l perches and 18sliriks,t04 corner op a directed I Will '.4.rpose to sae by Oldie , vendue it. the-? border of the interiOtlon of two street il thence north Court. House DS MOltte.:on Saturday the ISt}! day 35} degrees fteest It oer:cites - and 9 linkbraketo.a corner of. August nest anyone o'clock P. , M., .the follswing - on the. bertiee of astseet; thence north One-half ad, a . ; Real Estate tri•Wit : • S . I ‘. ; - - -. 1: - fret: Clot . 7,;.pnelt • .and 28 linka. to DSc:Omer; thence All that c ertain piece or p . tresil 'of land situate ; ly- no:th 6 0 ifdegreTtsi, west perches sod Llftik to a t ow ing and being ; in the towtiship• - ol - . .Sisringville, in said' ner in the Mot line of said Perine'slend, thence aliaig county, howl - dad and - deseribed us.follows: On the . the same south, one-half. degree west . 8 perches and north by laud of Miles Prichard and WffliaoS 11,1, M t n.- 16 linkssto: the Plade of :beginning, • Containing g . 7 drick, • east by!the Eplacolial Parsonage, on:the 'south square perches of land, more or less,- with the api tir by the ro a d leadiug 'rem SP in: ringsille to. the Tkhan- tenauces, one dwelling house, one small but house rad neck creek, add on the west by lands of Ezekiel Fritz, all la:Trate& - -!! s i . • containing one acre of hied .more .or less, on ithich Taken iti execution at the suit of Di+ id E. Holinia is situated on dwelling house, the whole being-int- VS. John ,Cniisen. '.-", . „‘ .. ' I 1 Preset). .. -•;. • • is - slistAll those:: following , described pieces pr , • 1 Taken in eriscotion at the Suit of B. Sayre, assigned parcels.of li,ia,.to tits - One hundredi,cree of Land to John T. -Doontore„ vs. 1). V. Hollenback. i . : situate,in the township of Great Bends in the cot.nty Also-MI that certain late Mills Mill Yard and itp- iof Suscpiehanni and State of Pennsybraniti, late the purtenancea situated on Silver Creek, near the Salt, I estate of Jacob Skinner, 2d, and Elisha Squires, , d 0... Spring, in tht - Atownship . of Franklin in the county- of scribed lit Sheriff Jdhnson's Deed to William Dayton, SuSquehaneaS s The land on which themilUstinds is 1 dated Aprii 13th; 1844, and on which stands lave bounded on the north bf ilenry is - .Merritt, do the t framed ot , ielling hOuses, one saw mill, one trained east by Williiiin,Burrowsson the:south by wildilands, barn. and about 40Sacres improved land. Also, lone and on the whit by - lands of Nathan P. Wheaton and other 'tract bf laii&sititated as aforesaid, late the es- Lorenzo Vance. . - - tate of Jartob Skinner, 2d, and -Elisha Squire:l,l.de- TakeeSin e , ccution at the suit of Lorenzo :Vance I scribed bypiaid Sheriff's deed , to said William Dayttm, VS. Luther Snow' 2d, and - Georgii S Fisk. 1 i dated Aluilil3t.ll; lii44, containing 400 acres andll4o , Afso—All 'Shat certain, piece or parcel of land situ- perches of . pp(l,- with cent. allowance of 6 per 1434 3. ate, lying : and being in the- town i:hips of Aulinrn and one other i'rnet . of lime situate in the township, Conn- Spring Ville, bn raid counts, and'hounited as full ws, to wit s On the west . by the road' or highway lining r.l ty and Stateaforesaid, cons fining 1400 acres, emliSac. ing thatSwhich vrai!late the estate. of 'the said Jabob from •Aulturtil Four Cornira tO.lleithett's .Corn rs and .Skiiiner, tte , as deabribed by the said Sheriff deed, to - - lands late of flertsliam iltinnellikleccased, on th i south Urbane Bit taws; and Gem him to William Dayton by by lands of Jonathan Bunnell,' Jefferson Sherwood, deed bertrii g date . 11.1 y 23d, .1544; being the Same Elias Bennett rind Isaac •Rusiell„ on the cast by lands .premises fiametly,purchaSed by Ilibane Burma! and of •11 - hitunel.-2li Loomis, and on the north by lands of E:isint Williams of , William Ward and Jesse ,Ltine, Samuel Ilriiiidage. and the-public road or highway,' and biringithe same lots' f land conveyed by dwin riuMing iroin'the, before - mentioned road to the Black 1 Eldridge mid wife to Ransom Smith birteed exe ilted Walnut road, hear: the lipuse of, Minot Riley, 'ollt.ain, the: `2.oth ',lay, of slar'elt, 1850: Also, all . that- .' her - ` - ' s • . log 187flictea, be the Same mose• or less, being the tract or . parcel.ef land situate in the same town ship, ..e th by - - same piece 'tir parcel of land that Trerlway Kellogg by formerly isecupietr 3 .lsy said Smith as the home farm, ..i., IiYONS S: SON.. • - deed bearing . ..late the 14th day- - of - of July, As ii. '1,843, and the sidlie as chnveyed to him by the saki Edwin . s ast opened by • and -recorded in the oltee for recording dendit in and Elthidge and wife,bY deed executed the IStli day -of l J. liYONS & SON. for said coats- in Decd flooksS.No. 02Spage pl., Le., . \t-is D , ...41), mid 14- reference to whieh same several - s - - deedis theltbnserintion of said .Setertt - l•loti wilynore _.s nar , sale bit r .‘ . cotreeyed to Milton Harris, with . the appurtsnadcss, • i • - 1 s • . . , . fully and:Uthirge appear, said deeds bCieg seem - ,ed in, .11' ' ' ' -s i • one, dwelling; house, one: flamed barn, one cothbouse, ___—.4_._________,___ . _-____ _ s _________S__ and one stnall ovelstrd, being -Mostly Improved.' . . ssusqueirtnsa county, containing in., all about r 1960 " i• -.'Eo, - /PizAlc., r - . . Taken izjeit.ecutien at the snit of Cooper; Mender- acres of land, bathe same more or less, with allow AMEitito the encl44tire or the 4:obsoiiiier, in For- sou 4: CO. VP.' TredwaylSellegg. anee 'of ( per ;tent. On the home ram are two dwell est Lake townshinS about of,June twit,tips lonses one framed barn one log barn, one. sta. • SI/so—All that esrtalit pi. , •esi or par c e l of l a nd si t u-, s , , , • pale Sed j.‘i•arling heifete, with sot:ne white' on the ate ' '-3 '' ' 1 beiss in the riot; sl iof k Itt rn bus. ing-am ~,, . , L.. ~ 1 I p ..u. I. , hie, and about 4 , 1 • •:icres Improved. -.- 1' t• 1 ... ''suit allti . in S 'll - belly, and at !slut half tire bush of the tail gone, apps quell:tna enmity bounded and desei !bed :1,4 form-as. Taken :in execution a .t x , . . l'o mr 1t 3. wit: Ol .l the pIY ill I,v l an d s of Thom•esllines os liissla Catto• sentry cot o ‘. The owner is . r equeSleol to pay charges t , t: '• - I ,' s '„" l'i. 1 ' •' . ' l , F. I'. HOLLISTER, Shelia: . • and take aw ty the samei t . . sun. w .k i- LNEit. .• the east y . n , on • esse hires, on toe s gnu he - ~.i , ..,„,.,• ......, ..,,,, July 40. , . ... Forests Lrdie July 18th, 1855. 'S. • laitds of • 1,4th:31.1-cense awl ..I.lbort Sterling, and on •••••Ike•in' a tnec',,Nollt!'ose, -....4 1 .5 z.":4 5 . ••.; 1 • ; ~._.,._. __ . r . _____•_______ the west by hilids or f1i0n,,,. J.4 - ni,s, cimtaini tg td;oilt ' -.:-.-.-- .--•- ------ --- -•-- ------- ----..--;--- . -,-. • ArAltillr(in sAtiLL:. - ;‘ 150 acres, More or 1...!&4; n ik i p 1 , a cis I.• .. • frith 11 'n i urtmat'ees 'one wl ; isylvatillt - illiagictealLes 9 Lai AA " fritnied•holise and from; one inchl'3A sad "tht't . one - 1. I)rary. - rir fIE Sillricriberoffers f cr sale,' en. the . ninst liberal - • , hundred :Idea iti.»ro ' veil. ' ' ' ' ' '1 " ' • i ~ - BINN'S".TIJSTICE. ... . 1. te.tut4, one of the first farini flit. makin . g 'money,- • faketi in execution ht. Atte snit of Hail, 6i4ininiags -* 1 • in Norther - 1 i Pennsylvania.' The s:All .fat an is ttuated• & li„,. t „ iTtflitas and j o i mt, m 0r i,•,,.. I •-• • aBri .., . . le Dimoek,soisquehamincounty,cotenient to Church ..., '• id 11:41•4'—,Ill that certaiinfour.story . .•:otel I,:indin,.; on. ' rltlsiliestt - .Vilitin'it tLegal Guide. - - Grist-trill , ni. 6 .4";-nlii:, It Conti -I.(St . 1 .1C 1 1": 4 , ore CllpiCil /IS iL 13:t'oV mill, - Shoi. hundred :nil twenty 1 live aintler, a good state of 1 lite road tilltt rues" fi our. tio Sr . , t,n- p -n on h 4 -.. w•-, ner f•; ; •in ,• "•' -.. Skill.. •:, ." 1 ' in ''.;,. ) ,..... . I - cultivatton,ivill igattaial and fonetp, one go.rl fraMe ~ :eras 1 i house - f • ...„. w T , .-• . . , ~ • , covit to 1.u: . ),. Tui.i,i,ike i.i, , ,it to o. t t‘a o, S. . ruo,, i hons.e, 28 by 36 feet, two good barns, n •.e 'Mildred . 0 ,..ii , 14,.,i,,,„;,.,h coal 1,4,,ii,.., ii , 1 ;,,. at ji, i „l 1,,,,,,i f „, ii • A trisaise on tlid . office•and:tluties of Aldermen and feet of good shell, 11f.41.,,,, and 0. goad yciting oz-ch- , lot of hunt situate in• the osamship or 1.:,; , ',,:t.,y acid . .litstiens of flit Peace in the Commonwealth o il' Penn ard, all grati:d ft nit. tlnTk'nit, Po;s1;_':••". 1 ° 1-1 v• 1111 1 e givis ll 1 :hounded 411 t.lw ti".:;;ltt lo; 0:11..r larsls of .• ;id Valle.. 'il.-.•yll . ::tti.l - iitchuling all the reybired:Foons of r muss to's-uit.the put cha , :cr. I For•p: lee .;ripply to the Inn- and Bstitinin W. Bsilio-, ins the :011:11. s s ' s'il i,s, Les s mei Docket lititries ; and emboilyhis,s, not out what prietor on' the premise's. . ' - INX 11 k 1: PR ,-..- - IL -:-------- :of . 6.4i,l Ballo% and ou iire soul-wv-4.- 14v 1:44,46 - 611'111- 1 -' l "'S 11,1 . , I.N.lttc•if valuable. to j,wices of 111 L I:enor, DiCanck,l l .l . tily 18th,11855.. • ; - n. t a . ~• 11:.... a )().L. 0.t0..0.:e 11.4. a 1.1 .am os - , s • . :,, , • •- , I , — 77- - r - ---- --- " - t " 7-- .. ------S ' -::V 7 ----•• : t w o l 4 L it:l i t e. :ai c it - ::t t' a t-- :.::i i tiill . si l l ' t:::l- , , .i•h • le ' l: pitic i e of t It ' i l tlib . l - w i i!: , l n i;LV : ' : -,2 :l : t . l l l } s'l ll. . l ' ' f r l t l it i. illlT7 i il: l i i i: i tt .' ..i a t u p d ll ( ..- ; p e rU- n t ' s (ii t L o A l g )e c : ii i.el : :S l a tu f d e • i - I.l "nal;F. , •*e-r ' o -, 7itsfic es • ' - the tit rtilag - •' ' - li ' I inc l uding' . ~'the taro,.; ' 1 ,,,,, .: ONo jot But'i eke 'l/• fit John 13 1 in late .. to :non . ini and • •!-- -"I . •' t - • '". • , ) cilia NOTICE iis lisreby siren to. all persons ;1 1 , e b e ssiS . 'Si ss w i t h li t e s ' n i.l lll i a a 5 i,i,,;i e 1,„...) •• Al;tirnia,! of:AV/Lima: Wartl, in the'. City of - p iilndel sssise, .1. eke-mull-sod in thij colhoriugl{sta.t(4, to nit: halt inaStibte, - anl 011;cr fixtlires to the sante belting . P!lia. '' The sixtb FAtio. ~ it,.i , i4cil, correct. , (l,-/ and • Estate : At •4/.-.6711C1yr P. florpt.O'-, tivetta , -,41 ; I:1_ of it.g, Whiiii: I shall alai :.a...11 tbota"with. i - . l greatly enlarged by f;redeljek C. Brightly,, F. 44., 4 . 4 7 , • Ili idgevrabis Sownshif); John Foiter `anil. Charles S. • •T ; „t a . ri I ti ,y,,,, col i tht - „ t 110. su i t , o f. j„.;, 1 - i ii D w .k ee, tboi• of :1i...A Treritise. on the Law of Costs," rE q uits+ Gilbert, r. - Ireu to ..r•i--;,..1 ,1 • '- • ••' to the Usti:of Ifent•y Itittlit.'w adininisttar of John -.llll4'..plitt.lonce, 4 . - "Nisi Prius Reports," Edito: of Estate of 1am,5..2c.-,U4llaft, neceitsed, late, o f (! res t n o m,: ( t c ...,1,., Vs . Lottonzo - Vance •• 1 • "Pendott's Dis.st,'"'&c. In one thick volume. On. Bend township ; S. W. Truesdelli and Thomas Ifays, ..4./,:n•--All that certain-piece 0 - ; Parcel 4:l', Lind 4.itu- tabs.. r'ilue 111 1 1 )" $ l , l-11) .. • L'seentors- 1 -- . ' I - 'i , , • ate in Let:bet-swine, in6'reat•ilend township kced iit the '-•• 1 t i • • , :I /if) .(. 4 {{nipan ion , ii) Binvi s s ;lustice. E s tate . 0 -,tolin Crtn in 414.•(•!.:4C4141, tat, of f,:aokih, ...... , f ,0,, .1 1, r, ' N i l . :to il ( 1.4- i n je d • ' ' township ; William ( 'C.C.TI., Administrator- - - 4 C011.i.„ I. t • .1, f I UL lautta,..oun s . .L.,.. as 0 . : : fOIIOWA, tal tit :• Ileginnii,g as the tiotithn'est corner Q• ~i. . ORAYDOVS FORMS. I - , Estntt, of sleri-tnie ft 7' 1-;:ifil,y, deceased • Lite of :I tries : of COnsevaitein s ,e• and of Practice in the thereof i tithe line Of :Lowiii. Gle..en and ou! - the north II:Irmo:1Y To weship ; erl. L. Lowis s i,Administratc:— . i li ne of 114 MIKA O. o un tl s of th e N ew 1.., : . 1 , s..- Fit. 2 Ctifl;t::ofCoinition Pleas, Quarter Sessions, Oyer and t. ,.„E't-al . e 0' ,.... 1 ;?ini •T• 1 1'7 ' it , nnii, diVe3 s ' , 4i, late of lle 7- ': Ittilro4d..liCti. ; thence b'Y i said coinftaarizt ,;•outals; T , •r:11.1.;;0r',. the . Supreme and Orphan's Courts., and the tad:stow:is tip ; Jacob Whitman, Administratosss• sout h si s ne”rees ea-A in ni;:`Lq. i, thence 10- - thlrer lands offie..:- . u: flollS. 1%1 I) ICOtS `.1.1•1t ,113 IC 3 the -•• - a the -i • C" . •l' ir 1J • t.' e old • - That th.• accountant,: have .!•••ettledthitir accoUnts in.'l'eacsJ. Ismirth edition, revised, corrected, enlarged, of :nth; Itivant Mr 113 51 deg/ ees east 'i i C!eet to the the R. gisy's (Slice in and for Oct county of Siittnne• ...61ttli i.ida traveled Path - of the o ld j ur ,,i,ik„,,,,,i ;.., and adapted tot the prcrient state:of the,laws; wiih it hann, an, . that:, the Sante will .11 , pr e .• •• •ented stn the 04 ,,,,,,, nz, ;„,id star s , o , t h . 2e , ' 41 ,,,,, , .,....,,, „,:,,, f , c,,, t:,.. et t , , C•44piO'l. „explanatory 7otes and Reference', • and a '„llitiges of .thp' 4): phan's Com t. of said County, oft Wed• the ca.1.:4- of said Green's line renal 51 4-rees --west new fall„and emnpreheits.iye: Index. By Hobert E. neslaY till stnl , Ll.ty .pr .. Ar,....,,,,,. 110:0, for, .0011ti:',11111ii011 ~,t . ,.) f t ,L A . 1 1 ,, t h i , b 0 .,; ;11 ,j ::tr ,, , • 0 - 11 , 1 „i l d D r. ti t,' o • lt , 1 t .”,;14 4 ) • IN - iiziit, F,Aq., ; In one thick tbetayo volumel. Pict. and allowittde: - • 1 -I. W. ODADM AN, - Reg'r. - i -,,, - ,,; , al „o ia „ ii .,, ~..,,,,,, a ii a .„, r .,,,, ; a I: „:; „ „ e ii i„.1 1. .--:c owa , may Fi3,:i4 ). '. ~... - . ALS°, : . II • ;• •r• ..Thlgi-t , :r fi' . oit.iFC' ;!+.l6lltlotT, July 2:3, .1835. ' I• • _ as th.! -..1), vast. llonSs." eitit barn, shedslazid other ' :3'. Stroud : aiud litifizittly's .. Ptia.don'S I - -I - , liki•est--1100 .161 IFrs:ii. --. • ---- t . . •. ---L-- ----1.----. ------- --- - ••.••----,---------- - out I:oast - Ft, and t ail itriu:ow..-tl. -.. 1. • • . - : :ITO .41Allt - TMEN, .. ' TakentSos..S.s•utinn At tile" shit of Elmer Si Ibis- • k Digest of. the lawslof Pentisylvania,i,Lom the • ...ta i . 111' TTISP iNV ISN'TTD The 1i 4 1 sztirs Teti) , lc-- : I , - • • j td r ii= sl3 .list s • - i .. • • vour . l;qt to the :`4ll day of May, 1.855. The First will he paid in cash for good Dairy Batter b..= .. 1 • ,ii -r-x.lll tinit ‘..,•!•4111.F1 lir Ct.• Cr' pat eel of land iitg- 'Poili !Eili: inns be the late Joint l'urdr„ ESq. The , . • ~ . . - :S. 11. &D. SAYRE._ • at- in l• - •!-41-t 1.....5e town-hip is th•• ci.ll.ltitil Of Strqpic-• fifth, ',.,5 . - i nt l L ' a if seyenth by the 110:i..deorge . 31. ..) , ...... . . Jtate ....intit;•••lt.,34.! ' , . hnteti a•:lll 4 ;att... of I ,Penas,.l.lv.i•dr, 1 , ..5•ti1.b..1,1 :old de- •.stronti. : Y.1!..".411 Edition Re. 1 1 , ;(?,(1, wills Marginal Ref , • ... • • 1WA . ...T1 - :ii.siii e. : scli.osse for Goods; 1::7. - .. , : , . Pai , er: -9,,,i ' . ''' I.j.'".."'''. i n r.: ' -:-, I '' .-:-.:..,,,' .!,' . P° -"t an d '.'rette . 'is. I'l.ol. Notes to the •Totlinial Decisi6tis ; An -1: io , -„ißee, , wltix: Grain of all hittds, and 1 - 1:141. • 'l,l - 1;•••••• • 01 1. 111 .'1 1 ": 111 1 ' 1 • 1 01 ,1° 1 ' V; : •" ‘l ' 's.:' I 1 uw . •••g" Ttu'll - alyzlctl for.teiit? ;,, - st Digested Syllaltins. o? e:i•fli Title; Montrt• 3t2, 1117.3 6, 1853. .• • -;. 4: Tr RrtEL. pike inaq, ; - 111,...•.c0. :dot -trio n n , , -,-,f 1 C. Wiinin'ts land ..... aml a New, Pull, and Eilinu.....tive Ir.dex.S•F;Ry Fred f- sesth si...o,Slssessee , east so pp:dies to a post and stones. ~erick. I,l,tDriyhtly, Esq., author of OA Treatise on the . lalin•L-of It, T: Case"s Lasd;slieece ssi dsgress east 2- Law 41:: C049,',". oninit:t4 sfurispruelence,"i`Nisi Pri- Fttrit of , : :St r'ed tired rat•iceA - . il 111.111 R, TT will sell Ma' rentainin stock ofSilk, Ini:e l 4C ,, it , it post alnl stones; thence shrug-the line i t s 11.iforts" !;Editor of- 'llinit A ,Justice;' , &c. One - ef. II: TS Case . bo•- . 01 .2,5 ,frtr.ef.s .O.llSt. ,:4allti •r.-14 , th': thick ftnyxlS'yo. Price only •ss,oti. .1 i 1....1. , 1.rqv-n and . -: 7 ,4..1-11r: 110-,11, , t4, a goo' -1 ' nt.so t t ilie n t , at rt-ilet,.;(l ptie, ,, i tci ci0.,., ili.,l•liiile..- of 11.U. , ..1a50nr; , tio't:lft''. it' 11 ' l l.-' llll.o ''liAre ; t 11 1'"r" 31 1 - 1 11 1- 1 1 1111 e. of a 1- . ~,.r- " , ' ..it- t ite fres'•ness And perininent t:altie of Pur- L many of rem at co.t. • 1. •.. T. c a sss. oath .52 ii .re .15 totil-1 - .lltth perches: l don's 'Digest :rare .pr'eserved by the publication annu . "Now 1 ilferd, juri'e 18111, 18f,15. : 25_. . 'to a booilt ; 1i!4•44(`...:4 , -Otitli :•.•:. degree= w e sit 1 trt p. m ch- • ally era Inge's': of the Liors-el . lantsd in each year.— ...[ . 1 • 1, • ' ii --- ss atsi '6l"tlis of a Pss l7l • , ; l ‘) a l's )-1 ""'I S?(•"'•s` - ` ,1 t 111 " 1 ' Thes.t dun ual, Pigf - rtic are .arrariged in ptrici: - ie. con ' Irnvps ARRIVAL -07 NSW. SODS , -1; int, , on ltie tiorth sidti of the tnit...;-ni.l ttw tnike-rottd ; fir. mily to. ft - Mid:in' of -Pnialint's Digest. , 'They, are, , , • 1 1 ;7 F s t itallis , ceive &lir ir - .!*thit presmi r.- -eli, a be..z.. ' 1 : 1.11 : 1 1„C'-` :....'° l - 1 1 1. s- 1111 i"•" 1 '''•''" '.'"' d' '-' 4 l"' ":-'4 47 . rush :,:f • Ott ni, reOtilisherii annually . ; are Connected 1 alit'li•init 0 t - pri.s l ,-, - tt 5t(4.1.16f Sr Well 11: 6001)'..; 1 -I •T e ''''' ..lin'i 7.* ll ' o ''''' ' 4. 4 ;.'"'"t I 't th ' - ' P lw es ri ' t I) “g in- tcigetlier by 4 Cut -rap Index. (prepared anew each Diti,f.r. Cri!t'tir.rn,L7 nti : x i c.,: 1 7,..i, It i,•..:(1;..5. t i rf 1, 1::ki. 11,0 :e , y'cl:Jr,) which poilessces the contents of the Laws of which .kkill render the ristmtmlent Crimp!, tt:., and tr; • Which weleyite their:tun:tit:lu oral] who, . 1.-.11 to lair or•L'..4s ittxnenting atuf t o sr; yin g , Otte ef , oni.4:lwaYs 12.. oalt, f.,A. , . s i nce thelpublication of Pt . irdon'tilDigest, in 1 • - in'at alplialn.l; and .are bourn] up was . Ptlrtloll l .3 Di- Gonis eh , s i s - 1 'i P.ENTLET • • .11EAD, - felt-is-ate; where tht• did , ti en cf Z. t... Itoty :Intl oth -1 . I- Mont: ti-c, June 2Fitli. 187,5. - . • 1-, er persons are initisq ~ .. , • gent, 111 1 ,1 als6 sold (..parati.l3 - •,. ; • I i 1 ---- • • '- '-• r .-1- i -..' ' ' • : '.• -. -• 1 /•")4 - . - All I har 6 ; l .er Pt , r" or ra ,- - 1 or hind '' .ll " - . Tltits the purchaScr of .Portions Din-est Will always ' . . I.c.ttat): - .ed. - ~ 0 - . , at, in tlio tcm':l.-, , hip of Ft:,.rest I„iln. afotr•i.=.aid, f0r , .:,...:aid, round- . 1 , 0 n,...• . 0. 7 ' : ::4, n45 5i1n (If' the complete body of the Stat Ute . ' I - S."11 ..- i , --i - 1 D . 'l'; 1. has taken ro , :rn.- - -1 °inn. F. B. 'A . 1101-1 't. il " 4 -' l.ll 'cui • 1 : 4 1."11"1vS, to wit i L' l l l *" . i lll 'ilig 4 t. 11 .. Laws:of Pettis's:lrani:l down to, the i - e . ry. l hour when post thi1,,..0u11,-N - ,..t . : . c0 , .11, - .7. hereof; thence ninth Af.l I.e"ino-ehaS.es• it. Those, who have already 'purchased Chandlers' . 1-atile whete it will be Lis rare: stmt. fo see his frien(ls trs4fhick l as r:Ossible t•,.1) - 111 GIL, . , . _ . . . do•gress: .st - est sO percliSs. ;:10-.: - : - Isr--.4-1, Prail,forcrs l'it'Aill';t Digest may "altvao - s complete into date for rthe - sin nil Suitt pf riftyerittx,:the price of the vol- M3v ''' '1855: •• ; . R „,i, leiit 1 nyti ,,,.. • Fine to ,i 5 non ; - there , . i.nrth ts - ; de f . l. -rts,es ea s t lit - 1' ! : , pet cbCi and 7- . lntlis of 'A•perch to a. po-t ; thence i no ,,b,j,,,„i ii ih g all the , am . ma i pi ges . t.s. i . 4 , 4 ted s i nce south 1 - '` detsrees ( A 1 54. (,:r,p,. c h it ./. 1 „l on'g ki te one-:of I. . th e lirtit pubbica lion of the present edition 0 rtirtion's G. 1S e: 1 m to a Pe't ; thsness"th ';'l' ll .'grises t r 1 !"t• Di' , el(t s -As 11.1retofore Stated: i •'l , - 'le, peti t ,es and 7-loth . rs ..I' .. :t pe aro rch to st ; thence - .. r - 1 .' "KAY•&.BROTIIER, I . ' , north :';1 41 , •7:4 , 0s re-' '4 and 5- D'lt.bs t),•rellys;011 a. I . , LAw BOOKFF..I,LEMS AM) Pri1L•1,314gP..3,. `line orunph•tn•• fotiiterl hy T. B. CI c.F,T)I.V to a post ; " 1•• ' •• • •:- •17& 19 ° S . o4fli P 7 flh-Strert ' thence:ism - Ith 37 degrtie,j west along linerasnitl Greg- 1 • First Store above Cherittiut, - Philadelphia. - o .. , t : y, r• Ilt. 151 perches - •folthe plane of .. , sPolstrS. eon- .1:1 - ,r:PrdorF. or letteis of inquiry for, Law Books eainise•-, SS acre', he the! same nin-.te or less, together fiend the country promptly attended to. ! ' •• .28m3 With sill- and Annular the imp(risme:lts, Le., two . ; t 4._,. . t . , fralllCll; , lWeiling k ,lifV.l. tXiI lo1r;13, oale. - shel, one . -• ~.1 ; - i • Siterifils Soles. cechari,•and about Stl - aeres iniproyel. i•• • . , • , .Takin in execition hut the suit of Solomon Mc- • r.F Yirttie:of a writ of Pleri Faciax, iiltic4 out"of ,genii's:Anti oth . cri'vs. Batst*,- A. Clark.. 1 ... .....tiie'Critirt of Common Pleas of Susquehanna county V . '. ' ' s L.O. ' '' l : `'i .. ' • . anetti MC dircted, I will expose to sale I,)y public ,- - VelUltlP, at the Court Rouse 1444-No . ntroloc,, liaturtta) - -... • ' _."All 111 at centain!piece;Or parcellof land •situtti,.. and -1 the 4th &clot August next, at one o'cl •k 'P. M. ' — being.in the tillage of 9reat 11.fid in the County of i.. , 111 that ceriain piece or.parcelOf land Si uatellithe Si ito uelaanna,,boundetl.and (I....seribed as follows, t°' ' township of Oakland iii said County, and hounded as wit: 13egianing.1at a , prist, Alta soutuerin Corner of i fon„„.c,to. , :vit: Begi nn in g at an oak satdisig on the the, Witch or .Dityton lot; r ecent-1r occupied by M. nottli', .ank of tile Suscinehloana River; tl ence north Truesdell;rtilming thence along the fel - nce open the• A degt•ee east 34' perches to a yellow b. k sapling;_ Cot•beton & GisSit 1,3 , 2•11t1 Tllllipik•c read, in it south' . -thence south 801 degrees east 144 and 8- Otts perch erly dis s •etion 711 Fe e t to it post; thz_.tan imok 13G feet to-, to a white oak tree: : Thence south I;degrees west to a Sirikt! and i4,014 , `3, Zi() feet from 1 h•- 1 110rt 71 1 1 . 1 -• 11 4-' 11 .T • 254 and 6-1 0th ii perches to the centre o the highway; rn coer'of . the lot her: - .llq described; thence 30 feet -: theime !lor d! 76 degrees cast, 26 and 4':ll . lth perches to the north easterly lot nor to a stake ,and stones: • to it stake • I thence smiths( deg,rees Weitl 34 perches thenci 136 feet In a -northwesterly d rettiba • aloug :to thd Sn;jueltanna River; - thence a o*P. .said . iiver , the scieth Trues of, the !iaid DitYton Tot o the place of - r .*'' ft wirids!And turns, to th e Place of beginning ;_con-. beOinintg, cortr.ining 1)218 snitatt. foe ; with the op- - ' it,Liiiii4 2311 acres, more or less, with the stppurtenan puttees:l:es, one dwelling house, one stone . , • . ~ ho"Aet .. ..ces 3 frothed houses,:. a barns, a small Orchard; and', (retools: occupisd as a grocury and pro':ision store,) abou t and cni,e barn and all itintoyed. . • 75 aeres improved ; 1.).it..g the Salim land re-' ' 'cciitly .conVeyed to Thomas Jackson •aridlll. C. Goods . , Tat Sen in execntion it the snit of' 6, B. Eldred vs.. win,:.. and fernierly ocetipied 13y DattielVan Anttnerp 1 .;;! aatil.ten.ll,, John I.;omstock -and. Charles C 1 1 !!; • ' 1 . Cli: - .l es NAyburv, Martin Wilde and Elijah West.falL": AlSosnAll tilne . c3rtain Piece or rtyliel of hind tl l t ll- 1 Taken iii execution at the suit of•Jitred W. Graves: sited io the village of Slostfueliantia Pewit, in the collie. . vs .: .j„.„„ 0 . 5 e ,,„.i11 . s ty of .. ..Ssisquehanna ' being lot No. 3ti as Laid down, on I .. - A t s , —fly v i r t ue et a hik e t e r n . vs, pi s i s dir f o r cos i . .. , a tita# of part . .ofthe ,Borough of Sttilm:hanrat Depot, ' all that-certain piece Or parcel of land situate and be maile:saccording i to a Surrey hi- Willikun AW-Jntz and -. in" A th e Ilor t ingh of Susquehanna Depot and bound-1 recorded in the ofFicelfbr recording deeds in these:mins ' • ed 7 sta folloass to wit : -, Oa the north-east by land of, ty of ..Stistpleliarina its Deed Book NO. 21, page 6146, ItenjaMin Palmer; or theeitst by lands of Robert Nicii. , , and libunded On', timaiorth by the public highway, on . e v e 's ocl:smith by !limb: of John p SatTrly and On; 'the ea-at by lands of', .S. Bennett, - oil the south by lamil of Nicholas Irwin, and on the%%hist . 1,1 lands (.1' ' • the riorth,West 'by the _publiC highwic cAlled Main so-nen-be:trig aliont 45 feet in front and about 60 feet (t . s.t.,A4.llennett, l eoutatting 72:nr squal e feet, with the - frohyfrorif to rear, with the appurtenant_?, one Bondi pp.tStenaness s on ' aie framed house and, all im p roved . ; 'trig . Saloon and all improved.. . -;.. • • 7 1 rilien la cxeiMtibri at the suit of Rome & Brown 'i - Taken its et mut - ion at the suit of Mir in' :tildes. vs! vs. Bernuel*Cilittie : • • • '" I John 'Barnes. :F. P. IfOLLISTER', - Stieriff. .1. 1 . - -4?so-sAll that csstsin piece or parcel of land situ-. - Slicrifra office, Montroics July 16, 1855. . i. r . - • ' ' I- . . I ate, lying au - di:king In the Borough of Susqueharnia : s s.-_. _;..._ ._ ._ ._.. , . -- = ________ Dcpcit, county Cif Sitsquehanitit, bounded and describ- I :.• t• . • •‘; .-• on Oil; 1 - ed as follows, to wit : North. by idatighter house Et., :1 i .:. east s Py land 'ofSS. Billings, eouth by dand of Richard . i i , ? Altrioil, Linseed Oil and Zinc Paint,. for stile bil I - F. B. dLIANDLER. Sti; and west hy - istreet or lane; _ being 99 feet in 'i I: • • ' - width and feet 'on the side of Islanghter house I tallentroSe,- June 18715. 1 ' tI , atiefit, the uppurtentmees one two story from dwell ing,Switli the biiiement and-small wtod shed, and - ial improved.., ; . Taken in exoc.utito at the suit of ,James 3lcNuity vs. Michael Vaughn. • • stiso . --All that.cdriain piece or parcel of land situ- , ateltnd being in theborongb of Sus q uehanna Depot, ] in CIA) -county of Susquehanna , and , bounded as fol s lotsi, to wit: On' '( t he northeast by' the public. high.; witi leading from Front street to Gibson, on the south, east by three .unoectipied lets Nos. 4---r---, on south we4.•, by lantli. off Gaylord Curtis, and on the north=, , • a ' -ssisss i ii. t ii , I , 1 • . ~ ' sielts by_ ands of the N. T. &E. R. !R. Co, With . thu I . 1 t i n itut• 41-_ , 0 e e.,, . - t one tavern house,l ice house, and T iIE untie 'sows) _havlng.beeis op . •ntesi by the Ofbrienanceg, i A u I w44d shed, mid' tird grocery stores ',hit tile dwelling al - i s t ' s rP s ha:l i st :i 's br ite 9 t l e ° :,,,, e F ' "q t. , t u e e f li th e ani* l4,t a • n o tl f'F a rtin n --ee-; I li cor , ),‘V , enir a ir i s . aisttactied : now occupied bc three fault top v'sl;being abinit 168,fe . e t iu width Ri ' sera- d' eased, atitong theft et wil, 'attend to he duties . ' of his - at 'notne m e i t, d rh e i; i i, lies ',and feet i frin r i t i ) fi'orit to rear, containing:about 1696 August 1 • • feet - be the s ame more or less: Also all the Art land the abore - and bounded sAfke in Mont se, on Friday the 3 Slay of * u b --- , rilt, title and interest of Elliot Benson in SW to 8 nett, iio o'cl •k, P . IL. at Which tMe ead'Olsee all P' s'ltavin --test Said Sts'• U present 1 .- ..,, t A2l ' adjoining •• -, 6 ' t. NO ' . b l y clt rands above mentioned, it by strict • 111'11m the f • 4: sou. th •b y s t ree t 43 • arid west by lands ofSZahn ~ . editor. - I sielfull, being 180 feet ors-street B.S, 12.0 feit'infstrect --: -• :S. Nd.; Ili , Also„Sine Bain used area tavern barn, erects . '• - edand Ivelogosportlaridstif the). 1t,,, lc E. R. R- Co, - • - t • , 5:.7 - - .:!-- • bp.;., _(:Ti t h , e -, g'itlien itt execution at the suit of Ed.illtell ts Brown one 1-etial Y. 8.• , -: _, Ell iot Benson. - - • , . . . - 12 Or 14 'I Oiso--one. other certain piece .or parcel of lira eats , e proper - 1 tsiate and being:in the borough of Susquehanna De; tYr P , al ..dtria l if t l4Aln k ta k es him a n lq% 1 - ' ". - . t pa, In Soaquehaniaa . county,. and I bounded and i de ' s ....1 --'-.•'-..,•• •',, . - l ' Its D. CLARK; 't . aciibed 'es fOllowai to wit: • Beginning at the north = L#Doa,S.ltits , 2o, 18655, • - ,' - i-* - 29w8* , Isola 'Selmer . : of ilanryrerintes lot on a:line - with the , . 4-.1 • 1 _ - - - 11010516140114.0, WORDS: : - . At/at/ST. , • CONTENTS] OF . NO. XXI.. 1. . . The -Toady Tree—tothtir and Step-Ileiherl(Con". eluded',-=Chip, Brimaton Poultry Ain owl-4- 2 rite Story of a King-74k Lxvla an Indeed—Meeltahies in .11nifonu—rotry on thi *lnliy-11Iiat .tbeiLand lord ReliesedTheWinil Australian Carriez+—The y Roving Engliithina.n, Rttst luck , the Passago4of the Dattube—Doctor Dula; Cheap Patriotistu-4Vesu vius in Briiption—Strict(]' inancial,-French r„ove—. StratrievredbliaVraiv—triarri.d.cfmrajen.lfl IlieijAPleichkeite;art,eiittvinehEapl-- iet'S—The.First Death—„A Very Little House4,-Quite Revolutionar3L---By Railtt Parnassus. :: Tern/S.—Three Dollatt year, or Twenty-0e Cts. - a n unther.• ''llose retnitt ng Three Dollari aill re ceive ,the magazir,e fr. i i . le .IfeoppoiLia,pe. Six p C o l uari, ul4 7, F T r v o e ecipies, Five Dollata; voi. copies, Eight Dollars ano SeVpoty,tive Cent ...II 'p u t. nota's ifont/dy and II Ws , hold Words, Five Dollars. H ip 'ask Plaee,, Sew YOrk. ~. • 6iOIE • rE West is " grettt. 1. a notiOnito lire in perhaps not at all. .Buii( the opportunity el sectifinl act the part-4 wisdolu PURE ROOMS of • - Montrose,' f luly 17th, CITE M' 1 A n Pieces Prints 1 13eragi 1 1 I Ladies nice Pose 124 petifig at the, lowest-note , July MIL' , lk I ACKEREL 11 - • ' XTEW lot 'of Groceries , 11 ICKLES tor sale' h. 4, 4 , .1 1 . I IEI • i - i 1 - .;New Gootts. rri iTE I .I.lli 3, c rib t.: i''.. 111- c c :1,.t.:,tn i; i ece . ii. i (;nods, in his ; line -of ; linsiness, ni 1 w.t:ek. The public !I Till find 11,1.3 a.4-o,•.tmenl ; hlS.articjes new am; :or good quality`. Thl .'; sistA as-iisual Of hiftq.e, _II! (lici:orp; l'abil Stillr&;,6'forrr;cB,ifitt,cy C;imis, ,1.,-tir : re, tic. I,Store at r.T.te lower end of the h 1 - 3loatiose, June 4 : , 1855. -7--- '-i 1 • 1 L'.llN-173Sil't It O. 1 1 .•g . ii I.:a 143 ,in g Esil.r b / !silt lu I r 1 7 11 E iiitthicsitieri 'zeri4 constantly on hl t . ! 1 mane tolorrier, oors, Blinds, Windoti i sash t. Boor land * ndow-fratnes and all 'i I made or wood and used in `building.. - ! 1 . Blinds painted 4' d bung on short trotcn. Glass of I . ! all- sike;, quantitie and; qualities W . :. sale 4 1 ' • 1 1 'loiriting planed and matched at t,16! Q $.2 ft per i 1 lttpo fekt. Turni 1 g of all kinds done ';ii ',order, also a general assortui; dt of CABINET WABE. - ; 1 Bur, l -aus, Table:;?Stands of - all yarlitis,' Chairs, ; !...Bedsteads, Settee: ,i&e.., &c.' . I : . . - -• • I Ociod Pine, Cif lry; and•Wltiteworrdilumber, - • and.; 1 Grain a all kindsltiken in exchange for! the above. . MI Terms rear i li .pay. or three mciaths time ap- ; proved credit. MB. urth,rs' addressed ter me will re. ceiv'e i,n4intit atte Pion. • • JACOB ITAYLOR. . I:tine: 4 o*o JIM ' 18t1; 1 iziis • 1 ' 1 ' -- ' ----------7- 1 -4----- 7 1 ; ! ;t • GENERA ! ASSORTMENM oy STAPLE !., ...A- rind rincr, .X.lry Goods, Grocer'i,fs,! Hardware, 1 Bats,' ICcps,'.Boo Si and Shoes. Wall 'Paper; Drugs, I Dyeltuffs, and Oils, 1;:c., whil.ll will tn.; snit' am cheap .: as ti; ',cheapest f qi cash ; or.;approved credit lid Hatfotd; June 1!4 1:185.5.. .. ji PA i JONES. • . WAC.K GrmiL l illriziri •- silks of. excidlimt quality at' . ' :itv.ITT:I ii 11l rnices, also Ili 311. JONES. ow pric4s%,y IL 114 JONES. I_3 a fvw want: -A - rw" /14S11 paid f CASII paid fa] 1 1 -. Al good as so T--1 AS; Siign ow prices y DIES will JLi I'abbons nt AWNS, Cl Lat ~fdBROME] 12.4Iarford, Ji A large stock zneii wear.- Pl; and see. as 23. AGAIN." 13untry," and I - hare quite --, perhaps I shall go soon— for fear. that .you niarlose 1g a good likeness, you will calling soon at Ai, NC . V. B. PEANS. Odd Fellow's Hall, GOODS: • to 111 cents 1 1;er yard. Gingham?; - i,er`y low. e—Shawls; Linen and Car l:, now selling by 1 - J. LYONS & I SON. Lt si cents iler•lb by _ J. I/YON'S S SON:_ l just oinnled br J. INONS d: SON OYI2IS S SON pt of Now nAt- N;. 1, slid .'stot.l: - con ., 0175, Mir Irsit TIIRELL. ei l zit. to l d, and s'& Window .the article II; ___ If / 11 1 . JONES. ,Ilarford, Jo9e rkt, I f::is. r Dail - Butter by !li ,' . 1 L,' - ; 14 31. JONES. .• ' ----- e nt 6 f 11ooisandkroTa --- u.t - -----7 : f, • t. • IL 31. JONES.,: - ÷ - a - ae ---4- ' --- • nod an ees of fintrgualines at , ; 4 -,. . ii , 1. JoNts. ' __ find a great :.variety - t I.ionnetx and , ' 1 g i 4. -JONES. . i,'Bcirrege deLatin,ttild Oingharus t •; 31 JONES: p: i s4; and Viliidow. perie.. at ', itieb An, 18551. - ~ g. JONES. ' 1 ! ..... atomer Stuff*. i ' - ooli Linem, and Cc;ttogi ituffa Tor awn intylof 4 and 6d' Frit ia.l rifasa call h - c r: B. EItANDLER. : V ! • - ; t. - ..• —'--- ------- . '; ~ , .. • • N.T i cE. rr"-- l'oor-masters of Ithe Borough of liontroen desire to bind out three children, one white girl, flied "El . years ; one black boy and one black girl abotit the.swnteiage. Any. perinn desiring t 4 take one qr i*treotsnid children can Callon eithe of the Toot , onaterd.: I S. M. WILSON, ? .„ - 1 . . -C. S. FOSTER, .1 4 " . 4012 ters. laiontrOse, July 9, 1855. .. , Patent Ifierse -Ha en, VOR *ale at the Farmer's Exchango hy - AV LAT BOP tt CO.I dune .20 . . ESTIMATED. Esti .. .tired from the premises of the subscriber, pn kienrthe firSt of June—five yearlings, Two-red -n thf 'ldler Thi • Htdfe4s, thr liteers, one darker than the 'other.. , -_ body te4, with some white.on each, the-amaller one liaiing more slate abed the Anther. -; Any person 4c iftg sald yearlings will oblige the subtataiper by taking them up and _sending him word, by lettetor othervieel 4.4 d he will pay them for their trouble.. • jitCk4On, July Ist, 1855 LAURABEgi A puss; LO ' ;; OF 0?...i)9N TWIST DOUI3LE BAWL GUNS ; elh i(2-raraag.bY Ohli-iireir and el 4t. 4TLefißtOr MittYll.] lITORE NEW . GOODS ITJL 147,512.5 . - , . . .. . . . , - - - - -1 - -.- - _ __---- ionolp the euelOsurel of , the -iltdpeorther 'hi Silver .1' Lake about the 'iWtii of, Star; last, tour earllige, One white-sided bull,taiO heiferi, one-pal e ed the other brindle, one red idier:' , .• Whoever will Ire any lamination of:the - A:4mo will he liberally warded. , ' 1 .- - • ••: • .1 THOMAS HAS . S ETT..-: Silveril. ! nke, June 280,18554 • ~ , .24-w3. . , , • -,441140 _ QTRAXED or stolen a liver-a:tiered' Pointer Dog. Theabove sevisrd be paid to one returns ,ing him 'xo the stone of A. LATEIRCP & Co., Montrose, JtMe c .l2th; 1856. - 2.57-w • . Biasing Irciols. • A .good assortment, Seithes,Snaths, Rakes, Forks, .11. —and 2 kinds of flOrse ;Rates---and superior Revolving Rakes; l at, i . F. D. eIIANDLEIFS June Vith, Points and Alibi. ZINK Paint, Blekes file Freer Paint, Linseed and Lamp Oil, Fluid On& Phosgene sold low by F. B, CHANDLER JUtle 206, 18 . 51. • • • - .• BY . (he Barrel; Sack !yr pound . CIihSDLER Montrose, Jun 4 20th, l 855 STORE • AND Tailoring Establisbmene • .. H • AT ' . , ' - ''• - !Sri.3 ACEIIiNNA DEPOT. -' ! . t ASIIER 8i eoi Wou)d reSpectfullY announce to I 0 their friends and tb4uhlft!.generally, that. they I keep Constantly On hand a full assiwttnent of Ready t Made Clothing; Boots arid Shoes,..liats and Cans, and - 1 every thing else hecessary for Men and women's wear. We wOuld particularly all the attention of cottony Merchants to oni large slf‘t.k . of Ready-Made Clothing, - of ourjown mantlfacture which we offer at whofeSale, at prim that wlll afford great inducementslo, cash and short-time dustoniefs. ' • -•- 1 , • A large stakii)f Clotlis Cas'simeffs, - Vestings.ke.,-, kept eonnantly on hand ' for gersons desirous ofltav, 1 lug clothing matte to oiler. . • t Orden: punctitelly ate ed to. • . , Thankful for ;past favbrs, we hope to merit a con-, tinuntiee of the "Rank 1 ; .1. ASHER & C o . SuSgnehanna 4 Depot, )'ft., - 3,lay 12, 18115. ~ . .. a s4lfsti.. AND DICES@ GO GDS./. •. . I . •• -. SHERI FF'S SALE. . '., .' •. • FA•ITILLAS; Laces, Beraetee; Worked Collars, , - 11)Y VIRTUE of a Writ 'ltf iseraki • Fatini,, issued.- pl. 111ra:sole, Lawrie, fashienirible Bonnets, T i me; (a 1 Ju. Choice assortment in eachdepartnieut,) from the' Court • of ; -IJolnnion Pletta of Susquer,'. lot of milire- anti yue,Trimming, Staple Goods of large ! a sPlauin4 Lt emelt* and to me • directed, I will expose tilt .:* sale by public : vendee, l ofi the premiseiof the Bryant . --1 -. ;Cariety,l Clothing, (a large stock,) Gents' And. Bore'.( lloose,in Great Bend to s sitiship, on ..Friday the '27.th'''.. -- :Hats, Gill:" and slimmer.) Cloths very. low, •Calietn.% l o f „T e l y i ns t,.. al, 2, eclock.in the l afternooe.....4ll...that litsim 4ients to 1 tibilling„'Carpets, Matthig, Oil-cloth, 1, certain Pieces or parcel Oland situated in Lialersvllle„;,,... ; . tintil Ilegs.. l. - . • . , .:- • .1 in Great Pend township and in the county of Susques *en 1 . ,0 - 11•Litillware—Gerinan Silvers& Plated Spoons, 1 , - henna, bounded und described as follow, te‘' wit: Be:, ...s, 'Piivestand Forks. . 4' GrOceries---isb, a fi ne assortment - of Tens 'Coffees thorns Tapies, Grounti 'Coffee, Corn Starch. . • . ' • i • glinting at a noint in theseouth-weisterly_line .of flies: • , ; Great Bend 4. - Coeheeton. tnynnike e the abutit-easterly , , Rice, Chocol : tte, * Raisin , side of a large chestnut tree at.a corner - Orland herd"-,_. -, I • * ' ' i tofore conveyed to the New ' York - it Erie .Ballroad q Pelt lurk:wry—Ray Witter,. Toilet dm, ,Genin 1 Company; thence south SI •de n errees2and•_3o,Mitintet 1. :IF:trees: l, do. Extracts, Gerinsn Coloerice a large stock 1. nos:, l aleng.tlie line of the said Riffriated- Corniest:o :* e e i eof Fancy Soap, &c.'&e.. * • . ' ;. 1 lauds about -114 , feet to •a. cornee thereof ; thence' se'sirsesuitsg"Eroolg- 7 11ey Forks, 'Scythe Studies, Rakes]j&c. Ae. . - I. L: POST t CO. 1 1 north-westerly elonne the line of said Company's laud*, ; about 182 feet to the north-weatetly side „ of teloetiat, ' '-' '*: - • - -----;-------------- ' tree with two •?temks, about ;I. • feet fromsaid tines • 1 1 1 i' Proeitantation. -0 - v , . -.- t thence north 51. T degrees east; abOill . -13 feetto thi S llB 'llo l ' a 1"14 (I°ll n 1 g q' ? ' . ' . . ' !dine of said turnpike, the north•wasterlfaide of a gate"' 'Tomei S. LEONARD tID the Court of Coen:ion Pleas 1, mat • thence:Youth "7 -degrees east along the line, o f= - 1 3 1 Vs. t of said . countv,of Janm's/ , u Term . i said turnpike, 1 ,9/, feet to the place of beginnin g,:-. Etais Leo:satin. ) 1855, O. 96. ' - . , containing. six tenths of an acre of hiniiMore . or- To k.'liza Lcenard: Whereas a sidemen* tit Di • i less, now erected thereon a large - three titory tavern- . el vo: ce•, !Wei issued to Jaeliary Term', 1855; which was. house, ktownnes'the." Bryant 'Riese," witli•a large ' INettis GOods, Cheap for . Cash: • !:,1 duly returned non est inernt us,. and theriOn an (dies barn, shed and stabliug,ice house and outhimees, and. li Ir. 'MOTT: has justre.ctired another lot of Newl stilemina was issued in Said cause, returnable to April I all improved: , - . . C .. '' Goods, Seidl M- Challe4, Si-age Delainee,l DO!: Tet•M,l 18.7'5, upon the rettisn of which pi °' ) f• * '''a' I 'Taken lineaecution'et the suit of Loss-r• Green•e-a;" ur g es, Collars - ; E;elnoideihis,letirts, &c., w hi c h . l e e.l.inadif itn the staid Court that the. said Eliies . Leonard 1 Chitties G. Hart 'F, P: HOLLISTER, Sh4ritt . - offeessat Very ltiv pries s. Summer Shawls, A new till; ese T ittr.ot he fouedin rey . lettlex tek : . - . . some beautiful patterns et t o rt low . prices, Rtio .13hiek: i _les ilotice .is therefore to require you to :tepees i The. sale of" the-Bryant property above described Silk ;Shawls equelly low for Cash. , • 1 1 ' 1,,r0if6 the Judges of the-said Court the third M i on- is adjourned to Friday theleth day of August next, v'• e st', iet to turwer saiticom dairt ,S,:^' • • ParasolebititSt styl.: at ;' ' •C. IV. MOTT:3. . 4 , 'la. 1311 , Allea• tie t, e - . I. • • •-• j, , •i at the san4plece, and same hoer asabove. • • e • Black Dres4 Silk, r.. splendid ardele, at C. WI M e , t .11 . .. . • • ; 1' I' HOLLISTER, Sit • • •• - F.P. HOLLISTER; Sheriff/ • , - . . -. . -'` ' *glee Mon lure e, 185., . • : Stemmer Snliffs in .*snit relied:eh at C. W. at. ii - h..tpiins* , •- trope; • • - , •-._: •_ ,.L MontrosnJuiy . 25,1855. -.• __ ~_.... • Citneeties 4 all kit:cls, very cheep. • Spur); a firNi,... ----I , es t - e si • ...- u .7- -1- : -- i - i 7 ;- ,-1 --xpitEs : ti f rate' article atllsoet. per gidlon. You have onlV" 4. i mnm -' 1 •"'""' ; 11 • "`" . 11- ' - ' . • &rand examiee, Us beceine eatisfied that the " - Head ! 77116 Saval !--:-Fare : Reduced IL--17:rott(A of Navigatioe ; '.' Li the pluee to bus. Cheep i• • •1 t • " - by Da ylig.til ! 'l"ii. Wanted.. I ' i lT A W LEY &i EN Kli . -.- - - litetten'Esti r S, hams, fruit, Socks, in fact all kindt ' -- It . . VN P. formede. li-rt . -ter-ship 3lonii inn , for the of greintry Ptochiee in exelian . ee Tor goods at Cash -1 1 -t- 7 - 'e• - • , •in . • e - Prints. • ~ - • • , , , C. W.MOTT. s ~ ' 4 purpose of doing everybody's BLACK. ' ' • 'Y' , 'III IP k 2 i NG; at /he old stand, near Keeler'e 110. . Manumits, }Lune . 15, 1855. , . - - -- s ' tel.il. We have purchased an entice new stock of New GoOdts, Cheap 'for 4:7:ash at the 11:r?,‘",' comprising_ a full assortment of all kinds, sii: •.. '. elend of Navigation . . . -.. i l ,1 m reel fro 'the city. We shall keep .constantly out 111: fr ti 1 and 6 r:signed -.would respectfully anuoucis hand, Ulster, round and square Nail Reds, Cast Steel l: -thht - is still selling n Goods at the old plac,i, Tort- c ork Rods, Refined Tyre Iron, all sizes, Band and that lie has art cease new stock of Goods which Iroei Spring Steel, it large assortment of nudleeble he wit/ se ll (.11(171)4- .- • - C. W , . MOTT. i lion' Coil Chains, Carriage Bolts, &c. &e. • . t _. ._ . ][..) AREGE DELA INS foe tele shilling; Lewes, fast • ; IVA 6- OA'S sILVD asIRRL-10 ES • 1 sir colors, a rarilivide, for Ono ~.. shilling, and .a. Irotie shoe don sho notice, and stock found, or made to co , rs et il prii-ex,` C. W. MOTT'S. 5. oisli:t throughoen• as may best suit our patrons. . • Slontroete ]lay 30, 18f$5. ' • All business transactions nnest eettled once a. -4.--- - ------- 2 -----'------------- ------1-: vea t r: Sinn ts settlements. and long friein.l. , t •i 4 our 'Arttlitor':s :lotice. ), - i t - - moi.to , ~,- isiitseenhansia County ss-. . ,1 ' BIS strict atteetion to b adness we hope to - receive . ittITE undersigned 4ii Auditor appointed by the • liberal -it o • n a e are 1 pationa e e.. . All work warranted. i et: p e e n s , Court of ..said county to nt, n led e Ni, B. A good - JourfesVinan ‘ svanted, --to _whom , ediong the Heirs of Thomas Burdick, deceased, the stelely employment and high wages will be given.... 1, raid. remaining in the hands of Avery Burdiel,-.Aile A. Fl• HAWLEY. • - PERni - . JRNID3. I , . , - 7-• , . BIOME „LAtlOl-2 i . -. , --tt -- ‘lontrose Ma'. 30 1.151 - '• s ' ' niiiiistrator will attend to the dudes of hip appoint.. .s , - , ,- • • • 22-,1,1 .• Ta l ent at iiie'uffies, in Montrose; on S.'eturdaY the 28th • ; - -------- .• 1 TVOObRUFF it ELDRED • - - day, -New Goods.- - .. of' Julseneat, at one 'o'clock in the afternoon ; at 11 , . . •* 1 TTAVE removed to.the.burnt distract, where they . . which time an d place all petsone interested will pen- T i 32 ON - i at Bros: aye now receiving their teit s e :et _l_ -will be glad to - see all their old customers 'and sent their eNinth• or he forever after debarred freiln C.) 1 1 . ply of Speing and Summer Goods, and being', as many new OROS. R's please- to give them a call.--: etnningsiiitheon said fend. •• • s coqineed of the advantage of haring , ready Rey, 1 P 11 1; They hiteiel t ti keep la general assiertment of Stoves'. . . . .1.: FRANKLIN FRASER, Antliter4±-• determined to sell goods at se low a rate ae t o con- Vof the best kind and qualify, among which may "se , ;: June 1:1, 1 1855. • • . . .- w 4.1 since their customers end the piddle* gotten:lly that 1 ; o n se t pll(Emx (iiut PARAGON' AIR-TIGHT, --- , . i---• i . . ----- -,------ it ;till be to their . edvantage 'as well as ours. Oer 14 VIRE Fs'. ' STATES AND ORANGE CO U STY,: , -. 'Ad mitaistriation Notice. • if Ftl4:: consists in part of Broadelothi e Cassiineres; ' ; ..lIIR-TIGHT PREMIUM, -,STAR OETHE , WEST • - NTOTICF4is , hereby given that letters of aelministra- Kentucky Jeans, Summer • stun,: Del:dues,. ,Lawns, ~ ELEVATED . OVEN AIR-TIGHT; CLINTON; anti I It. tion upon the estate of WARRE AV El, t.S, latee: of Calicoes, Gingham:, Prints, Bonnets, Ribbons, P 11.711.• I WESTERN- O\ • The Elevated * Oven Stoves. art - Snringvillet.o , eeship,,k-ed, have been granted to the 5 4 tillaWls.und .Black Silks, together with. a stock have dosible fire-placoS e 'which milses -them fatesupe•:' IFutlen.'swirl, and all pereons indebted to vaid e•stte' of , other Staple end Fancy Dry •Goosks, G o tee i 4 ' , -, ' t r oy ta ' t he single Eies lace t nes. -Vve keep eon- ). 11 pit ••- ' e l .L • - ni , sue soaks MIDI. d . tte payment, and these is v- Crekere, Hareavare, Boots and ;her;?, Hats, &c. 1 stnntlV, , m hand a gemenslaseortnient of fiLVIVed RE ing el ims !will preeent 'the same duly • attested .for A4l a g;soil assortment of Shoemakers'. Findings,,_ i oft first rate quality,' for home trade; al So, Welland. sittlen ent..l: •, •• WiLLIAM WHIT - E, A drn'ti: Call and exainine mir stock, and judg.e . fon you' selccAl Cistern Punins; Pump Chains : and Recta,. Lf(ld Pipes'. . , , Spli ,g-ri11...,' Jtllle 6, ,1 EI;I:i. . : ..... r i , --Ov i as, to the truth of ouretatement • Oar mottoes, muck ~ o r all g ee s, ' eleppantied Ware, &e. &c., all of , which i --- - - --. ---- l - - -.••--- ---- -------,- It -- edlee and imiall profits. - Most kinda of country 0 0 - 1-thev * I'. t forreadyapproved . prom se o sellcheap spey or i • t: '. :, Look Here: • 1 : ' dOe taken ia each:rage for goods. • i. c redit, job work done with, despateh and in order: 13 i KET KNIVES. A send assortment of thellest i , ,: • • , •, . J• MOSS k Bnoz ! .. - *A. A. WOODRUFF. . • --0 B FLDREP. 1: k rids in Market. Ale° Table Knives luelFoilts; •le; .me f .. t i .M . . r ~. r ' ,al ' . . - en ; it o. , ay 1,,, I .).1. ... - ' time . .. Montrose.. May ett, 18o5e• .• . • ••• - ... 22.ry1• SPOO "S. Silver, Silier.PLeted, German SilVer, Alba , . • .• . . , , to, ant Bridaniasware spoons. , -Al ~ : io Silver, • Sitt-er Plated and Gerken SilVer Butter Knives. it VIO INISI I RUCGA,.Bows, and all thr.! fixteresnyi elin4. teeth-del:Ms, 'Elutes, Tunir.g. Forks, Instruct4on Books • &.c , , i • . ' I OiIFL ID T.,A.mp, s Fluid, CamplieneeCandles, L4mp & . 1 1 • .• * , -.; *•.: • FA. I LY: ,GROCER lES. A full aseorttneeti DOW ' /Old I 'FOOO .. ~ 1 , . ' ' I DR TG§ll. - , PATENT 'MEDICINES: A first retitle : torten Mt, :fad genuine.! • e - „ 1 i , i -.; PAL. - TSA OILS. A generalasentinient, and of 4ned: equalit .• j; * - .i. • • '., t, JE ELRy. lA splendid xeriety of the neatest pet,. ,items e i . ~ . • -es II • '' I FA TII I GOODS. Nearly every thing in this brapclr. 11 P 2 RFO I IIEitY. A Choice *variety. (New supplit4 reeei•ed neartylevery Week.] . . tln s est nearly i every thing persons want, and cheap •i • ,at tb, vim ety store of 1, - • ' A.,TURREL !..s . i• M troe, J uhe 14 .1855: e. , i l,. i NoTicE.• . , , up...pile:diem' has been made to the Coat:knot I Conttnon Pleas of Susqiiehanna.'county, to grant trteei to the First Preabyterian Church of Pim 7.ortters, of which 'all:persons interestedy will a take notice andlgovern then6elves according -• i - 1 . . ' - I - S. B. WELLS, Pro y: •1 - - I ,per FRANKLIN ERASER, Deily: ithiatratarY's office, Montrose, June 13, I 555—(4 tJ I. • Afisasiiistratorlg notice.. No i ;r o l , F , E ,p i o s r if:! h r e eb4 t i t y c e o n i. t c h u ay t e:U o rs m or n a u d l E istrLt : late of tlte'toallahip of : Atibnrn,deceased, have been ”ranteLf to the: subieliber,:and all persons' indebt er.xl tri, said estate plear:r, make immediate-pay ment; and thuse having claims against the estate still please preinnt. them duly attested for settlement': - BUNNELL, - Attar. --innaN, - Jl'ne 13th, 1535, • In a Ch ock plea tlivairlor Laud Warrants. lIGIIEST MARKET PRICE paid by . 1: 'I - L. F. Imp" II -t Litre, Jlne 4 - To Ike B ISO on the eve:of my; departnre for the West, • I stj : nttld qty to thy friends and patrons thitt me iMGLTORII'or t YI.'I:: ROOMS will he elosell fora flti% weells. I will day : apprise you of my returil, rind thetlhalite to find you; deoply itnpres4ed with lite ne- Ct!P ityof getting your j fseetk taken.- tid.-iiVlowsl Hall, Montrose, J j j . ' lj t May N 1535.• - ,- • 1 C HE: Subscriber 111A1LILOO, TOMS WAY: , lIE Subscriber vreuld inform the Citizens nil Mon t role and the public generally that he-haw bought, ae. G rocery formerlyi kept by F. 11.1Fordhana.• CO., a v on and Chandler's building:on Xhestnueet, in . e,tPrough of 'Montrose, where he has a file as sn merit ofOroceriei; and. will kcep constay on ha d, klonr, Oystersdelteese, Sugars, Syrup, *Raises, Ma l ekerel; Nuts, .Candies, Toys, Oranges and Lemons, Figs, Vunis, Satdines, - Soaplt, Vinegar, Coffeti, dried Pe sehe4 and Plunis, i i Herring, sock Salt, -ries,lCakes, I t B r,l'raukee Notions; and-other things:too pumer o to Mention; whieh will be sold cheap for Mesh or m kinds-of country prOduee: Call and see. A sh re, of pitblicpatkmage hi solicited. S. $. MOTT. . I ' •ri-. • . ontrose, Karch 7,385.5. i - . . -', • • NOTICE. . • 6 ()qr. R. THATIaI, takes this method oil, sayin '-. ta hie friends and Customers, that ' he his agah reSumeti the practice of meseine, at his old' itand 'a Montrose, where he l inay be found at all, s timea unit. professioludly employed: He would stiftit tltose in debted . ..'tir -him. 'that hetwill s deduct twentplive pet 'cent' on all accounts paid before - the first of Aptil next (or if any poor like myself I will deduct fißy.i Montrose, Feb. 20, 1853. , • -• ~ . 1 i 1 Adastallstrator's Not TOTICE hi hereby girep that letters ... .1.11 trailer* de bowie:nen sum . testarnentotannce.* r -the estate of W6a Wright 'deceaaatl; have heo meted to the'aubsariber,, and all personneledebtel 'said relate are resinested to make immedlitte pa} i riCelit, :and those harlhfclaliiis to preaont, them dull titteltid for settlement.. i . K.F. RAILt 4duer. 1 0 Brtiobly.n, May 18, 18frli. ' - 4.. 2—w6 _ , ; . _j_ DISSOLUTION.- . 1 .• : . 1 , 1 i r) rrilie coPeruferMaili beretaoro xistig ' der 0 , 21 12 dna of. Hawley & Mott, is this _day • lved. I I APO/ 4 / 855 . ! :.; G. RialA LEY. ; 1 ~ ' = it - .. C. W. lel I .1 The stites — ehd accents are ie the halide Sic:W.4 Mod tor Colfeetion. -It* iateren 4 4828 e es 4 es sett itti sonvisefeet. .'. - ' ' , H , l it oce4 , _, . 1 - I.- Great - .dittraction - - : . •-••• ~ - ...r. - . • :--tDittemigeitot,,Timei -.:-; r„ .1 , ...,....5,.•:, , t., AT . .. -. • -•-.. • • DELAWARE, LACICAVi e •I4iNA •Ai , TD WESTERN * : . TllE stpteril - ser would again aar.ottnee to We cue- f rvf l an d . lifto - monday, :114 . ,713.1) , ~ 1450, IPiti . Mail „,, ~ ....xotu4s and: the publie . . - gencrally.that be.. las re- . I .k - , ..1 Eassengsr_Train will d epart, friom - scrult, -1 4 eelied &largo_ as m iortent of . sou A rs N . S,i D tr E 4 -‘40.2.0 A. M. • Due Wt,'Grat Band-at i52.01.::k. Which i bs4 into:ids selling for./s'endy J. ta.r.ir.t . '., P er •I.necting,with the Dunkirk Express . Weet on the !;".Y.,- equt.:che. i.r thati eon be bought in this mir.l..el, (the' !. k ..g . ft, R.. - PassengerS,taking . this s traln - will. Gqintlan. 00C a:::1-Shoe Stbre ?assn Torn Or . the.ti r iDa rik i r ta t 11,15 r . - IL; - a ad- in N o * y or k• a t lion .. -.. r Ree Cha ce for Bargaitis,..up town; not. cxcepte4l4-:.- . v. . :i4 ,.. -. -: :- . - ..., - .:. - -. -. :'; , -,- ”Clush St els" May lie found' the first door Bust of the i , ,l etr ii a lai , iiii, l ean , .-G rea t Bend at. -. 1 , p„ . i.,..; tie : Oad Felkirts' Bell, Turnpike street; etst (kiss. . Al c . o. i .aa s crifilton. at 4/4 0 - 1 1, - .„: ,- -.: ~ :,- - .. -- : tliough utt quite . se. commodious ' as 0011113 l'atciabs.. - . ...j-The -Freight. Actominodation Train; with 'pass get • yet it anS e Wer3 our Perpose.Very . Well forthe present:-. - (16 - tiozatal will leave Scirantop at I's.: st. - ,;;;In at Iteittier ciM we prof:lllse our enstomera - that our "eat . tahnstims)st" will not be ‘,'Esurpassodn by any in the Groatqletid x at'4l - p. - 11:, - Ohnneeting with- ail country soon, but we will promise ear enstoMers that Train :West,' and the. ',Night Express' Itinht . st. '. Pasiengers taking this train and:the"Night .Exp e's • ~. .tyb sill Boots and Shoes to suit in quality- an d ;West; will olive, in Dunkirk at 12 in„ _or by .ta INV pf ice. .qur stock embraces a general vat inky , new lu au Train. West; n iii ardmi atDnoiirk at 6;4 ..0 , m . ~., Jim] elegant styles of Ladies': and Gentlemen s . weir, t, Returning, will leave Cikiat Rend .at 'IA:, it.. .a at ~. ainong sr rich are - Ladiesl Silk Fox Gaiters; Colored i i rival of - Cincinnati Express' East, Due_ at ... ton 9 (aiters, Piameled Gaiters, ,Black and Bronsed Kos- 1 1.34) p. tr. 1 , salt Boos ,, Enameled Boots and Enameled . Bnslciris, !„ Passengers to Nviik e§ bo r i, pittmOn, Carbendale:- Philadelptia., (rte the Catawisw Willignisiort. and Rid B.ins, Polkas, Calf Lace Boots rill Buskins, ; Missesd Boots, 'Jenne Tad tiaiters, Cents Con- f ress, Piftent 4Jeather, Enameled and Buckskin Gait- !.,c,Er,ituaildldall-einatelirPnigeßadialltr:pla-va,l3;Tuan.inu'clpunid) first i dIB4 k 4 class t 9•, . • 1 ors; Patina Leather Oxford Ties, Toilet Slips., Ran ch Gait-' ;.on; e coaches in readiness Sit Sennitpri, on the arrival' Calf 1:tool.s, Thicl(Boots, Enameled Calf and Cowhide. •ofthe Passenger and ACeninmodation Trains topper- i liroganti.,l Boys' Patent Leather Montereys-Rip rs 4 . }ots , I vey them to the above.pliCes... Those choosing:. pri! i-&c., - YotfthS SiontereYs and Kip Ties, ,Chiltiren'aTaY-,1 vate - cOtive,yinees will fi nd. ; the bestofluariand cap • : lbr Ties,iParidcies Roan Bobts, tk,v. • Silk Not Laces,l, ilageS onvcry ,desekiption; at, reasonable charges, rill colori. ~ - ... '"; I ready to order. -•- 1 ... --.-. ~.. : .. . Worlthnide to order, and repairing ihincl‘*. ll ) - ! - 7" - t •' D. IL - .D - ...odperintondent :Please 411 and ea.:at:line: - 1- 1 Yours hi the -Boot and Shoe trade. •'" . '1 SuperiAterident's Oifice,,,'. t-. i Scranton, May 1.0. 155. 1, Monaca, May 1, 1;_:55. . C. M. SIMMONS., ---.2 . na.uni's 31Ar0ui1aly. ' AUGUST. ',CONTENTS OF .NO. XXXII: • ; TurkiAt r 3 Ft - inner 'Ulnas, as idustrate4 1n Ve Adventures of-Captain joian Smith, Presidmit t irginia- and Adniirar of Nett' England. My Lost 'tenth. .The Bell Tower. Unknown Tonomes-,;4The; 'Language of Animals. About Babies. Life Ationg the Mormons. The Rivet; Fisheries - of North 'Amer iti-r-The Artificial Propagatibn of FisbT:P Cape Cod— , The Beach. First Friendslip. • Lilting in the Conn- Country Fire .Place, Lares and Penatei, Sea slinent, Spring Vegetableif in the Germ; - A Garden-on Piper,. Warm Weather—Al : Festa 'and Irruption- of N i esetlogists—Constitutional Law, etc. Sir John' lit r lckling.; Twice Married (Continued) The Armies qt EttroPe. Editorial Notes American • Literature Mid Reprints, Religious Works, Histories, Miscellanc, dOs.• European Literature—England, :France,. Ger- zimy, Hungary, Italy.; Music,' New Publications i -Advertisements.; E. • t . . , , i ~ . PATENT 31ED1CINEE... r i t . mONG.the great variety of 'Medicines at Turrell's I.OL. Store, may be found ell of Dr. Jaype's justly lebrated Family Medicines.: Ayres Cherry Pecto= and Catliartic Pills; • Halsey's Fortst Wine and Forest Pills; lloolland's celebrated Gernian 13itterS1 .;ouden's perks of Family . Medicines; .-Merchant's:i lOargling Oil, the greatest remedy far sprains; in man 1 or - beast ever known ;. - Mathewson's Infallible Remo; ',4y, and Horse Remedy; - Oriel-es.. Verrnifugeonid a ;variety of ether kinds ;. TraslMMagnetic Ointment, m ;the great reeily'for.burns, rheumatism, and all in- I 'fni lamatory , complaints; Pond's Extract, a- first. rate 1. thing for similar purposes as 'above Ointibetit; An -.1 drews Pain Destroying Agent, a good in tide ; - Wood- I I eock's Balsam. and Bone Unirnent ;: Atwood's Jaun- ~ ce Bitters, Canker Drops; Liniment and DysenterY 1 - ..- - 7 --- . - . Mops;. Baker's Compound for Dyientery 1 Lough-h- ; 9000 Milk Pans of all :sizes snit made &inn ton's Pepsin,. forlDropsY ; • litimbeld's'_ . F. xtract .of i ..../ double cross tin at less than Merchants needier and Extraet of Sarsaparilla;' a variety of!, tiittliy - PaY to,,sell again, for side. by tbe;Subscribet. Qat've4 the best in dbarket, Pills, &C., and an almost, WC have come - to :the conclusion to „sell pima to Far 'r " • . endless vatiely of - Patent 31edieines, altogether too, merit As.lot.its we will to the trade, . thernby, saving numerous . to - enumer a te—but suffice it to say, that -to the. Farmer our profit ', - ;1/nr wares:are .warranted' lte puldte' will find nearly every thing in this lip ,e at : to be perfect in every Particular or no' sale. - ,' - the Drug and Fiincv Store of ABEL TURRELL. 1.. Ter intis t lior short credit. ' -,. : . .....! ... 1 Monti ()se; July, Sil;s. - •• - .•'',- - - I - - • . ,J. DICKERMAN fit: =;=; . • •. _.i... -., : New Milford April 1,1855: -:'.. ' - -.- " - - - ,:i.' .• a • - • plearm, and Maralles Fire-Pro o - Safe's. rpm. itibscribers have made arran,qements toifur nish,to persons who may be in want of thcm the above awned invaluable lidfesc at the same prices for !which they can be obtained at the manufacturer's.— Daring experienced:tire benefit of such an articlu du-- -- ring the late conflagration ourselves, We would earn iestly TeCCTlmend Wothers having valuable books and rmPerN the preserving of which,would be of immense, portance to them, not to do without one. from Prices range n $.50 to $.500; and teecan explain iturooe wishing to pur=e, the diVerence in ' latyle, sire, price, &c., and furnish them. on shortneol_ Itice, with the internal anangement 'to suit •the pur chaser.; ; . • BENTLEY. &ARAD. I MontrOse, December 19 1834. ' • Prof. Charlesilorris, QUCA.BSOR of-Charles Tillman, BARBER,-hav kJ 1114 reui6ved hts shop from its former location in the basement of &arle's hotel, to therroom in the, same building, In the roar of the bar-room, is prepar- ed to exercise his. art in the most scientific manner, on all may be pleaSed to entrust their heads or fides to his bandit. • - • 22y1- . Sastcand Blind', : 2 . • 71,1TEN:"1 , 0% Slush of v . ariona Ktzes conatantly On hand V V --also panda furniAted tO eider. LYONS, & SOX. , , 11113 V GOODS: • WE are r eceiving this week - a lot of ?clew CooptKjust purchaaed In the city, which renders our asknltoeut, complee, sad which we Offer en Abe terms, M the Ise* building, one door abort', the - BENTLEY, & REM): Mortikate; Fahrcury 8, 1858. • • •-• 0.4.101111-11,,A1D 1 7 011-WOOIL isv _ MI • • NEW - SPRING; GOODS. • - LTENEI.II'' U.CtU !ITT woald'anaannee ur: 1.,L his friends:and the public, that - he is now opina.:' ing an • urinsnally. large ettielt of SPRING AND' SUMMER .00 ODS, Includiing, a great- variety" of Prints' from 4 cents to ls. 6d per card; plain , and, printed Lawns, Barege Delanea, Ginghaira, Breigade, !Black and fancy Bress, Silks, Silk Dress-Tlissies and IBareges, Poplins, kc. &c., With it-superiorissorttrieht of Silk; Bror.he, :Cashmere,.and Thibet - Shawls; . llart-' dila.% Par-nib's, French Lace and Straw and Silk Bon-, nets, rich Ribbons and Flower-4; with a largo vaiietx iof other Staple 'en,d•Fancit Dry Goods.,' • -= - ROCERIES, CROCKER .r;• AND ~:111 Nails; BOcits and Shoes, Rats and' j•Caps, Carpeting, Wall Paper, -Floor Oil Cloths, .Paint-- ed ,Windowhades; Clocks, Stoves; Oils and Paints,' Ploughs, fie. ;-in short, the , : largest kindof piles. of rich and cheap . GoOds, too numerous to mention, but just the things to purchase; all of which will - Am' sold at the most reduced prices and on the most-fart. voral3le. terns for 'cash or apprOved Credit. N. Flour and Salt constantly on hand, . New Milford, May 6- 1855. - . ' . • • - Books and Stationery. •• -. • . . IHAVE received a large addition to my stock of I. Books and Stationery, among which are: A Long Look Ahead,, (Roe)—Wolferes.Robst (Irving)—Dr, Spencer s Sketches—Wonderful Adventures of Capt. Priest—The Slave' Ilolder 4 s Daughter—Life of Sam Houston—Jane MaY , -'-lite May . Flower (Harriet H. Stowe)—Rag; Bag, (Wilhs,) be. &c.-4111 bg sold cheap. . - I F. IMf CHANDLER.' May 2;2, l 855. • . - i ontrotc Slingesi ro AMNPERS find - Stages at Seatie l s •Botell4 - SID:Ase, .Pa. wh ich run in connection with the following Trains. Leave-At 11 A. M.V onneeting with the Mail Train, fur Great-Bend. (T)rs trait} now meets Day. Efpresa • both. East an d :West.) • •-• • Leave at 3 P. hi. Conneetirig with - Freight Train for Great Bend, and . Mail Tram. for: Scranton.. Freight train meets Mail Train West at Greet Bend, - and „Night Expresses both East and West.' BETERNING. .• - • . Leave Depot in Moutiose . owarrivi4 of-all lie above' ttnina. • . - -1 , . sg4RLE4, Flbntrosq Nay 'l, 4853. •-• N . ewYork PitFeit A-RE now being paid.by A. Lathrop & • Co. to 'all those tcho consign their butter and produce to them: They having made arrangements are now enabled to send all kinds of prodtice to Seer 'ink arid to sell the same at the highest inarket Pr}Ces. - • 'All those who.wish good prices and quick rebirns we invite to ca] Upon. • ,A. 14TtinoP & Montrose. May 1, 1853. , ' - • •. • . - • • jC. - LEE, AT MONTROSA st...EPOT; has just re. . - ceived , a •new • supply of Spring and SUAIlte 130iidte, WWI IFill be gold very low; for - cash, or Earl, produce. I 'pp) POUNDS goo& New OrlcaOs Sugar for ono deli lar at ' LEE'S St o )lotasesii:l4,l4.Riee,'and-Groceries JL •Of all lands very-cheap J.J. . C. LEVS.: • - •Wantedi-, • As.NY cpuintity of Eggs of 12 cents tier 41o1Cn,lit exchange fur goods U. LEE'S Store.. is A NY qiukutiiy iit gutter' nt. l Cents per pond; eic4argij toy Go:ods at J, - q. StOtec - _ rIMIOSE wishing to perchnne fbr or In et-' , change For barter, will find it to theleinliipsjo call and , examine say_stock of 114#1i. ,.nd prices jbe thesiaselyeA, For , beyter of allUdetheltbeeipii:e. - *es May at' all times be relied onat:110 LIM'S State, Mantrasei Depot • - - • • ruTz. ASSORTMER'T- or Tin, Sheet Iron X. 1.: 'and Copper' Ware ;of ; raj own Inanizthetnre and- wade of heavy plate; for Gale by • -;f• e r. J. DICKF4I4.OIII jr. ,Nes - `3lilfcit:ll,July 12, 1853. A YVLL 411401 . 11nertt at 141 4 4 1411 1 ClirPS4*' And LIL - ..l.sluoritTools; Pump latmia;4o4 aztureltrit 'Re* Vitford, JutY, 16541'_:_< ASE ; 'AND du BLINDS pof, befit quaßiA' r sale Aa c h e ip , DICIXERMANS. F 0 . mug j uni,B4o. by 4 e Um! oth twowestrieticf:7-10tAn; II FE mal