• .... , ' ',•ti '.': ' - ,'l . i- .. 1 ' 1 - . 1 -', ,1 1 ---_, - - _ 1 , 2 - - -'''' - " ~, - - -•-: 1 . -.. " . ...• .2. : , -,,- ' 1 :-- - . ‘ .1 1 :1\ ' ' - .'- .-- --: ''', ' il' - ''' --- - 4 . tig'' - ' - '''''.-17 , '- •-, '_--• • ..-,.-- ~ . , - ~ , . , -----7-------- - - i _ [-• t ' - ~• • I 1.. #, ' ' •+ ,- '- - ---,-,-.: ' '---: ,"`. , ' •-' .- "..- - -'1:, --, -;' ';'`.., .. . _ ~ .. -.. , -,,,, r ,-; .-. ~_ . , 11.- . x,--:. I -- ---.-- ~ -. •••,,- ' I.- .47-='.- . • , .. . , i , 1 if .., . . „ ... . ....,...,,,.., . . 1 ~ ~ Y , 1 ~,; ~,,,......,... . . _ ~ t _ v .- - 1 - i. __ i n ,... . „ , ... ... 1,„........,,,,.. , _ it .. ..„ , pt. 1 I k ", . 1 t - i l - Y ,7 - i , 1 ' 1 , 7 ' I ' 11111.1.11111. 111 110 . 1 11.1 , . I I I I ORAALES i' - oeit'.s: "okilei.. . • To Srs. ,B:Stroit4, °tithe Death of her little - , 'Boy. - "A - mound is in the graveyard, - A short and narrow bed; No grass is growing on it, • . And no marble at his head! • Ye may go aud weep beside it, Ye may kneel and kiss the cod Bat yell find no halm for sorrow Yn the cold and silent clod! • There is anguish in theiniusehold, I; is -desolate and lone, For a fondly cherished nursling • From the parent nest has flown. • A little form ismissing,. _. A heart haa•ceased to beat, .And the chain of lore lice shattered ' At the desolator'a feet. - Remove the•chair now empty, His put away, And all his little playthings With your choicest treasures lay. Strive not to cheek the tear-drops . • That fall 'Me autpmer rain, • _ .For the sun of hope sitinez through them— ; Te ahall see, his face again! • .Oh, think rbe're rests your (Luling! Not in his little bed, - - Not in the distant ehurthvard, With the still and mouldering dead,;' But in a hearenly - Mansion, Upon ids Saviour's breast ; • With his loving arms about hint, lle takes his sainted rest!' He has put on robes of glory, Foi the little ones ye itought, And he Angers golden harp-strings For the toys his.parents brought. Oh, weep: but with rejoicing! A:heart-gem have ye given, And behold its glorious setting In, thediadem of heaven !. For der Republican . LINES, • On seeing the anguishNif an aged; forsaken parent, 11/ffie listening to an eloquent plea inlocralf otllind6o! "Oh, haste," the missionaries cry, : "And bear the gospel to_ the land • Where ac s •ed Ilindoo parents die, • Placed near its wares, on Ganges' stran - , A hen worn with siekkess•toil, and e•ate,! _No longer able to pro:; le, Their feeble limbs their oTspring hear • To meet death in the...netting tide. "Let tender pity melfe yotir breast ;- • Oh, sa.tc.i. them from the s.welling'flood' Go, tell them of a future re 4, • - • And point them'to Attie ' ;41nli of God.' , "Nay, stay," a Clnisfian paient cries, "And, ere, solar auf - 1 nick yo ?pale, Try your own kin-to,binnanize t And turn the !loans of at-home. "For I am weal r, old, and gray, And ply life's bui:y tn,:k no more ; Mr offspring say, Old 311.1 D, au - ay.,' And coldly frown me from' fronitlvir d "Twcre bettor far at once to rink, And 'neatla the wave to - Yield my breath Than, morn and lingeri9g; omits brink; . • To wait and long in vain for death."- grief. God pity thee old man, thc ' Than that of flindons is far Worse ; Ileaien send its ai , .l to the relief Arid spare thy children from its cnr.;:t Itties 4:;,;.-s;;eicii:s.. WOMANSSELF-SACAIFICE. Sadden soti-ow. Seem , to say et - it—so-no -goo-J 064; eriakts to row.. • One have rhought. br; It stu , lif-I,so waFi that of 14e, ilv zroup the .or;le-, of N Hall : but it was a - .every.. day 3lr. Etherwool,_fii'l of tile airs and - ‘rl, • of an ob , tinate valetu4inarian, rvelining h immense chair, cushioileil to : the extremes luxury, his dres,ing-gown. r,f riebly quil datnask folded round his stooping - antatl uated limbs,.and his long gray: hair "fide beneath his velvet cap, and: transparent rallies that erivered his bosora So also was the position of his gentle dal' er.LueyL—his only childL--Aunt Lei .she called to distinguish her from a 'younger heritreas of the mime. She was kneeling his side:• , a lovely, .devoted-16eking. iron and smoothing his fleecy White Stoclitigs,l, work of ber own fair hands, under 11'w i t broidered snipers, with as mulch tenderne . ,:s! as if his.paSsive feet had been those.of an in-, fall. The .rerrtaiiiing- figure, holv4er,. pre-; Rented a new aspect. „ This was ,th)!'gr;ntd . ; child arid iieet —little Ludytb4lgh; nearly eighteen and well grown ; the afrectiOn-: ate watchfulness of her aunt had , sOpreserVerl - her sitnplicitytof chernaer, and eon seritientiv.of appearance, that she looked full two years younger. She. .stor - A leaning against a column, and twistingin, her fingers. the fringed blos.iroin of a passion -flower which feqooned it; and though her eyes were ed upon the gilded .ikires of a hirdvitge i ' , ended among the . vines, it was evi l leut . that neither the sparkling•glancvs, nor the coak,ing_. twitter of it little - inmate attracted from her' a single thought;_, • I * • The old gentleman had . . 'Watelay3 her nazi lunch- for some minutes, and at length ire; hare not seen you feed your bird morning, Lucy r ` No, grzu3dpapn; but Aunt Lu. did not get it !' " • - • . It is well,ihat Aunt Lu . thinks of ev t ry.. thing, - for no*, that Clement Noel bus-gave, there would..be many things forgotten.' I Lney's fa ce . glowed ia...s . brightly as he rose-colored ribbon round '. her neck=. - - -whi It 1.6 Iterimmdfixther WA ' very unaeeountal' e, as he had. s ipkett :kindly and. with pe fiet i singienes.s - of inc , 4ning ; and utter a pau he resumed.:. : .-1: .' - !i - - = . - • _ - I am .afraid you are not well; mild. What is it ails you.? -You know how It -worries MP to see anything about you looking out of the usual way - . - `There is, nothing the.matter with me. sir; at least, I late only a - headache!' ,A v, ran's atAvver . Dear child, you m i t - snake' ine believe that ; when people have headaehes. -they,al: v,ays complain---I never knew anybody: that ; and you have not said a word about it before. You know that my greatest earthly solicitud e is about your health--yours and yutir,autit Lu's ; I am.always trembling lest you, should inherit .some of itnyAirii 4istren-' Sing maladies.. I feel ocinkleat that if your `oiler had liVed long enough he would have REAP S. H. died•;with some Of thethl - And you look ',give her some directions - about your dress liatleinclyiaUr pyes are dull, and I haVe heard ;fur the future!' I told her "not - to send joau*. you Sigh heavilya dozen trnes. ` - Have you ittny. More feathers and flowers, ,and other any !fullness in : the chest, any difficulty of ‘such fantastic- things,- as they - are improper breathing particularly of nights.l! It will be tat your time of life! You know those Were a slung thing : if you should get the asth- - the orders of -Mame Antoinette 'when ;she' ! i ma .'• .1 I:. - •.* ! !i• . '!!! ! - 'reached thirty, a -very sensible. thought! in `Oh, dear, no, grandPaPa!' — : . 'her!-. I did nut say • anything about 'taking. '-I.s *pour digesti o n gpfit!? ? Do you ever *the lilac ribbon offyour !bonnet; and putting feel anylnatisett after eating, or. any burning ion gray or brown, as I !thought you would settation here ? Ile alWays ()xi your guard ~, s ee the propriety of it, end attend to it.yOur. against , dyspepsia, I'r ! it [Would! make you .Seifl. My dear daughter how impatiently I . nnierable for life! YOultnitst!. he alist - elni;.' have waited for this anaiversark-,:-no ! more ouS., ! 'l'll give you soine!Of my bran bread lithe Waged on furbelOws'—A u nt Lu %Vat ' for dinner,land you mustialivays take- tapir} . fond ofa.rieh and tastefid toillette—‘buettll ea,!afterlthis, for your breakfast.' • - ' ! • . ..hall be plain and matron/y . ? I won't insist: 1 , ':ltideed,l . grandrapal it.i ! quite unneeessrt. 1 upon a tap—for yLur poor mother used: to .;, , '! worry me so with sitting hour- 'after hour ryj -.. 1 t. 2. - , . ; ! - tOr pt;rhaps you have taken cold—young 1 plaiting and puckeeitim! her caps! And I ! . . '.'people. are hitt-a - y.4 . so - dePlorably ! careless.- - tsball have So much' Inure of Your society•--'-:'i have you ttliy shOoting pains in your limbsTi for, of eourse, ybu . r. habits and deportment Any . hurtling and-stiffivis about the angles '4' *sill asSimilate ;,rich :yonr! dress !! .-I net 1 11 [ Any acialit , ilti the toes?! -Any—' - !:. felt perfectly sure of youlbefore! I mitsf .., • Any yitiptoins 01 ,-, Mk, dear' grand is and tell little' Luey nbeut,' it ; the exci•.e. b . is . ob, no, tro.'. • '' .• mem oren:my will help 'her :cireOlatitin . . And LUey's. languid tl;z.‘ brightened for an I 01114 S H She Anust g.( t own With the men-lest of sniles, and -her 1. ilarriages.must- t ro t o town . while ;Ye ! *are iat rt)lett ring i%lth Ma? leitl4r2,-,Jittigh, width Was ' ( )inner ' that theyoung people can return lin ' j echmid by her Aurit, Lit.i • ~1 404 titbe ! 1 proini.sed tolsend them !mine! t. Itideed !aro quite . wtill ; and to prove it, .f hell , re dark, as I cOnsider late hours and I I will gisti - c.l get ! your hat 'and- wrappings- .riitilit air'ruinous l'- I ready for ymr ride:' - . 1 . - " ; • I ! •i I ler thirtieth birthday Seldom did Aunt, i i t Thelf Sash- child can't deceive mc,'.'said, 101 indulge/thought s so s;' - nnbr e a s those by 1 f imr. Ethe,rwood;liwho. . after . having • studied 1 li - h'ielt this recollection -was .atttindeti. ' they I 1 I symptotas fir tW,enty year s , had no want of 1 iirooght her, indeed, none 01--the bittc.rness'l 1 h oolifid enc o n*.his) eVl I) f•agneity ; ' . .).711).1 - Must Tee feeling * which is Often !a woman's. lot to ! ave not* -i - the i . chtingt•,: ' daughter La-L.ller ,glare :t the PrOspelilac ic.,lhde sOwst w ict f adeancinz Years, an t 1 disinclination' to her usual employments—if I a * i mournful warning they that the hop e s hith p al er i e , • ..,. it- nothing more , it that be an affeetiOn of :,preservm g in her notch itd the freshness id lit! AteCreS !.!, As l' am going to toWn to ...c e- j yputh !Mist he cast aside forever. W e haVe ! itte a ;i:erlain nexe plan of thy own, 11l just. - s.'7i s i that: sl u t had had her !early 'trials... She I s,top.ati!.!tbk,,l,,etor' s , and ask Inn, t0,....m i e out hial•loved - ‘eith all the firttiness and - ardor 'of i and give slew.:! an examination.. I ,orik at Your a;stroo'7lniital and a warn heart, and h e r ICI *Trot, ;idear ; is it time fi l n the e;',rtiage, tti be. ,f4et ion r vi.as her sacrifice atithe altar of filial! pund i. 1; lei go at one,:—;fir it is ' , ivory- iia: ohedicnce. The. attaeltment that' had did-. 1 l'Orudetit t 4 allow sheh.thillgs to gaitt. ground. ttid her *lam yet 'followed !her, strengthened 1 Ilnittstlao,., cai-e'of her', as she. is imy Only bi- time-Mid enhanced in value by the ripen. gr' andeliilit, and I don:t !expect to!liti7ye atnitre cd virtties- o f its posiess.oz• - ; but she prayed er. sitc , brig been in this'. .>tate•-•-de Inc s e c aiaitist it as a temptation, !when, year after. ;:-- 1 --evenisinCelthe day C!......m left us--4-and- that rear, it was proff.red- to !her- acce•a'anee ,--- I ~,,; -,!: ~. I! . ! , ! -.;,:. , , - ..„ t" •. Im i as ~ , Beet:: 1 , i . . • :-_,till, to 4.1' 1 . herself the object of a dercition:i i Mis.,..iWth e k vo , A never 0pp0.:e4.1 11:11' sisal- , :...' uo!)!e Was a. precious consci ous n ess - i - - au k? 1 f.t.t's hol'ibds-Lso lh e :muffl e d - hi m up b; hi.:- slf`e . had ' !trusted, tit . .11: . th 'Nvitfinitt. a self-ae • 1 . ' v • 1 . . 1 f; I l : o • n r.Cetl 11,11 t ... , .1,011, :MA Vit; . ;l2Stt.'ll. 111111 itlio lililViVlC:3l4olllCili, that she ' might. one day' hil ," : 1 , .1 his 1-arriagf.id Thßi, a s s h e sto o d, looking at-,?"hers-ea to r,..Ward it. But now mite felt th:4 I I.ttir him, she 1.5n0W, to her:ielf to thilik,; that: to*pherish such a - dreatu was a .weakness in - l-,.! lqtli all 1H Skill ill diseliveritig cant-es friun worthy of:one, whore long .ex,nrage of selfsiti- 1 elf, : ct , , thel (311• --stion had Bever struck !.hini mist should have becti a oriitaration to sustain 'A lether the eVent front whieh Ile so -earcililiy . . - 14' in any• off wt. Ilad not her fitther'Spe- I 141( . 11 Li:f4"4 indisp.irsition :night Ma" 'i1.,1p.1.t: elliiaritit!.s4, increased with his atte.,:and were !1i lii_ll , sc. to !do with ii.. This i'saiti! !..b4 patient - sL-rvices, even after'. n''. very few I -C, enrent Nodl " wils a. tine 1 handsome 3 . 4, 1 4f1i, .viiii-s. to he repaid with !the 'gift of. free him ' '1 T .., - -1, .! ....,, i : ,-,- .! , . ... ~•_.,.. !4,., -.1 if.* t,. i , p. s..e...,srlig ~.- lei ~ 1. . ..L.:k::, . .,..1,.., , ,n,., . ....,...!„1 , ...,. ri.v.,,, NO,l tovn ..111‘ an .efr., r ii T leorille. C .l (Mel that )4iit etptljt, and admire in a magazinelie- alio rit.hi . • des(l-y e d her itihter best mid bright- I . !. rc l: at-a? lant.heen clawing his nunoritv, twq.or-- est (Lip, ?! Her thirtieth birthdav ! ?..,..W.Lw4 t ilt% 0. v i li es ' ,-,0 13 . 0 ,...L i .-, the w ' ard Of 3.lr:.ratiet - - nor r.t. -- 1 - 11Orr - srattrottet >me - chi rw - a ; - ner per t w , ii,i(l. flu Tad ju:st bjciden . aclieu to *all- i‘on eliangi.4----was it not afready fading ?--,! If il..a'iter,a, ti...itof t.,1 ini,snilt ~ to bogie, an ii r!' slie-o-la 1 i Ilt,Ct. a,. a tuirt- , r. before her.—, c. , 4-ristve tour, which he h a d defetTeLl .frekh MAL her cheek a . ...‘...s as round as in the days t w 0 to ice - durtlirr all that time Mal --bail ,2 11)cg . ~i rlhooil• and alttio,4: as (*lowi ng ;. i ' Y' i 1 I t ' ' ! -''' '!' ' '' i 1 ' ' AC' '' ' ' ~ - b I - t e tt ilt e h nd :I n the-mentor.- 4,1 1.1:i 4 .-eleid ., '11'; ile 'li:tl r. w i ll 11:: . , (lark an. 11 /X!“:1"1:111t, ;• her eyes ; • i , - ,• • . , alit todespeaabl e -household perifort. l'! e*-.- 0,6 , wereeven brighte.r 1 hot . ristiiil-;-6 flew they: 1 Cr sas'tlict-e a more useful !young man... i,lie . woe slig,htly map -v(1 with !tears ; and her . tjl.fia h'el'l rued all sorts of .pliJosophical 11- , x 7 11:10-,tlie member which, kri et p-,:, th e ,:.0 0 tt• 1 x... -htf e nts fOr - itite;old getiilernan ton! tiL•titil . estl of ail shows the creepir g on o f tim e --i . . 1 lli pinieCtilarm in th e original, av and HiPpie wil i ....wbite'a n d full, a nd tapering as ever.---L:-1 i;.rates himself% and lied .lei rinsed.eaiiit.ts Olt tio . I.lwro w;: , no change fur the wow p: t . , . , i , t, 1 4 A u nt .1,,i ; ani,Veinv.; r n e t c ;l ..E, ilian harps - in . iAnt . it Ltt--:ied- the half snide which brolte'l 1 ; ad eltifiell tweet p1ant...:;:,.! tied ut* liking ' ripiet her flat' show e d that sit e peria.ived it •, ; 1 . _ ~ 1 j .„..., anl i nes - : 1- aq d . toward-I litti; , 1-.1! .y.li- had tent, slii : - relapsed into: her ' , sadness and satll [ 1 -ai I , and loOke.l .t fitindryh t h wig , i tie, ~..Ilna- ..t iV. ' t.iik ing her .sati- fiction' of it. .. . .1 I ',lc even to ',to-hint e d to oth. , e- j!...!;! , :. , . Tii .--,-.• $ll, 3 , ,a.:: at length aroused by- a seryant I 1 i i slia could ir4 bare i ' ailed ofi 72,,• 5' ii,lalnig,';l4;l, • a packet. Site'. giailivd :AI the ij I..appreelatt..44 e : . .t . he )1.1:1 gotie a wi...- '‘... i. :0 ill superscrirkion, 'and ha , tily broke th e -ge.81.....il 11 - 11;44,i:1g-her, ifshe had done C u ; awl - tiii•r- w.t.-; .Anl 2 .enciostire fell beside! her, but; she ciintite;; nosy nothing fur her to dr, .hot to „phi,. h..‘rself nef:cagerlY to, peruse • the 'envelope.. • Theo. ,. i inti., a melancholy. !: - ... .. 1! -. , - .. shg.started up, seized the fallen .. -leiter, tut‘l,, l -I 1 A llot !Lu,l with fetttinitie hit uitii"ot.hatl per. wi9t a etithitenance all.. radiant, flew out of I cc: - ed howt matters 4t00d, - aad that . it was t Mi. thet room.. Stiehad quite forgotten her own / id y alone !that laiii! prevented • the yoting grili-fs-in t h e prospect of !being , a, messenger hirer ft - on - ride •larit3 himself. .She was. the id happiness to another —just. like her.. - I ! very "pt4r. , 0,...11t..( sytiipathizz with the sorrow- - -qStop—Stop, daughter Lti..-what letter is i ' ingrgirl—for. p, too, had had -her early 1.4)- that, ?' called , her fattier, Meeting her; but 1 i ma ace and! Idlsap , onitntent . ; but sl e :was:of firs ice hiS 'voice was unheeded, - , soil, with' a happy hopeful s irk, mid suppressing a sigh bericollar half blown off ,in 1 he - rapidity of wh ch startl.l 0. , t..,te - thought of,her own past' Iteritnotion 4 and standing tip i!frdn . l her neck 1 1 eXtierlenee!land Luey-'s present trial, she tru;t. likli, an Elizabethan ruff, she .pa.s.e d him red - rfor a blighter future; and, went cheerful- swiftly as a bird. . . , 'ly abort WC- doinviqie vocations. 11 - it ;- 4eanwhile little Lucy, at: the request .of I hen elegance and necorrion-hments,• Aunt Lu hettrandfather, had made her toilette, tho' I ... ,„!i ,,.,.. '-' was n ,n o tlitr4e L tio tlielv ,, P:`"a 4 any , Phrenolo, ,•carelessly and great relactrinee, .to irecciVe }gist; Would dee-.de by - a &nee. at henportait ; the 4ir..4 in yoleeof guests, and theaghne into I andl . l her.-ni , nl,s s and haliit !of systemizing the igarden to arrange 'a seat ifor him itt his ! wece!all , the indittations ever funned *if tier filvtfrite . sitturner-hou s e. She had brOken off . , tto ! Inny totn ri,CediSrn .ed to be an. old tnaid. as she strolled l i stlessly along, some ;sprays , ' 'Viet this :pretletidel'.to he her lot. ; Tin- • incii.- of the brilliant - porneg,ranatetind the delicate fat igAiite: uneomplarnittg mole and ei . nnpa n bat waoc•rry--,unconsciously, it - aeerned, t. hough of a confir - -msl Ilatiorist, whiltse jealous f. aid- she ?tad a latent remembrahee that dement . . nesii was no Mina:Mei - It fit kfs: exactions, she Noel! adthiritil the contrast of the richiscarlet was hound; as i well by promise as , by her . t-,;.-4' o r the ,fate *i . th -the pe,,arl.like globules Ser tilotts . 4l4-e ()filmy, to devote her . heart of the , other; and witen.she had executed her an ; hand via! life Which, iii spite of th? !draw. ernnr.l, she placed iterselrort the pile of cloaks sp bat-ks of !a- di-eased fancy, oli-.dit prove al- and ;cushionm, with the boquet- in her hands., rdoi.lt as . l4/pg et • . iiiiii - oWIL •. / ! SheilliitUghtoyer again the same things _she' Mr. -EthiTiwoigl!i eontittued his . morning • had - :thoughti every hour for. the., last three j clriVe_.considdrAly l i .lattsr titan usual,- but at scayS•and nights= -that. never had *anybody last ',the .eniciage stc!ij.)ried . La ,thegate, and lie been as miserahle„-before--that she never !advanced !tip: hie portieci W s ith. an akterity al- coo he happy aptitt ifi„:this .;world, and if -it togi,4 - her tthoarrintotil forgetting even* ti) limp., wera,:not sin,, she would wish t.. 0 bizPbtit of it Aunt Lai-ha.Atened to receive hith, and he se... —sa id thirei would be sontel.conselation to Intel her witle - the question : -•' !- - ! • - 1.k,10 •!. that, Should sht.? - die °fa broken heart, What do you think i have been ahotit all Cher .• would' be - 64 person 'tai grieve for her this imrning.l daugh ter l' .- ' --., i, .. -,. .; —cnia particular. person' - .besides her -grind , - ,‘ Something! Yerylpleasant,.l have no doubt father and her . unt Lu. . ! I ---: :- • ! sir, as you .100 stranger and;thore.animated Thus she Sat with a. pale thee and conaprea• than you have dtaie;for toontbs!' sed- nderlip; when .her aunt approached and ou - are - itiaht T . ' l l have hiva attending to peeped at her ,through the shrubbery. ljer -,, -- -4: - • lthsi Cgs for You, which, is . 'iti ways , the most I ightilstep' had! not .been hear d ,! end . softly en. t 'plea4ant occupation' I can hay'? ! . After leav- terink the door, Aunt Lu stole close behind . ing a note for the deictcirabo'ut Lucy,!l drove the - jected•girl, ! anil, reaching the letter over round ;among! . some of your t, young friend, her head, dropped...it into her ;lap: and Prozni , edAO send the ' carriago to bring i Lucy turned rotiad.:-with an, eine - illation of them; out, this! afternoon to a Collation on / the fright, but the seal of, the letter..-eat4ht her grOMiiiik in honor. Of your, birthday l' . - ! • eye, ihnd, grOwing red and then whiter than olff - birthday ?! -. . 1 ---: .•,-'. --- ' • before' she exclaimed: did you .. 'Oa ! ha! ImydeitOd ., )!,ou-think - 1. had - s Phi Aunt L u, . where did you get it?' ! forgOtieniql!This ij,.":,'„Vour.. -c tbirtiath birth. ' ' - Aiint Ln - as s umed -an expreasion . of Stir..!-. _day !, -II tad , ariO,' . ittid, 'that,. .:ait-1 knew priseat.her agitation, and whim- Lucy untie frorn'ypUr correct perception.' ;of the. &new- a, - trembling.. effort to . open ...the. letter, she ofthings - yoti votild now gi,v*'up P. all •youth- caught. her_bfindi; - paying : , ,' ... , .: . . fur atinisenientsatittfriVolitieti, I Would' like .. - 'Not'4o fast, - 14. dear—yon.are not sure theM . ,ro take 4 . levion frown you on entering that it is for iourspif l l ; "It iidlreet.e4 to' Misa a tie* state of rife properly!. ! Allow Ine,. - tiv . ,1,4c . t gtherirooiV And . gliitc - 2 , , likelyl94l , dean,* stepping' o p to her delightedly and .baldr - me r.. i lilissil37, her cheek, 'i to imigratUlate'yclubn tlii ::, Lucy - thisppd , the letter ClOaely and looking riving at the!pericul of mature wottundiood 1 . 1 imprOringly at her aunt, Ofew : 4 lP a way.. : : For ogre r Olikent'AfiCi•Etberwo4 looked :- L'*ita.a Matter of - .some ' . elletiny,': pur, 004 a,txeJ. lint :in ianother•her good Senielrad (Yin , : Sued iAlunt'LAl,Mis(,..,l4evettsly ;1" kli urtlitekt: the littiattealineati; and She. thanked ; that - tls not customary to the conv e nient him *ith - hip:itt r atittlichaerftil smile. ' .:- •- ' 'little words ':senior, and ' juniOr t . after ladies'. f444l,44, 4 ffairlinbt ell - that I did i. I took ,ram " "- On . earanion:pecasiona *fi peectS not' . r tllP .. poti,' - . fi..! . ;... ** . !P# . is that. .',lrc,u . ordered t. , c, .1 . !In . ‘._ Openi,eaehOthei'_tr!! letter) - tint , *bfir 4=1 . 0 . 7 to ; ycsiri.nutitheri Aug: kfule4 4; t 9 4e T , thq.. me, from .gentlemen, tb l ere.ts .no tel. myself, that r Itutl4 have an opportunity: to ling ivhat- the mav within!' '1 i c, . i iH , 1 ' ./, •' ' r I , i 0 .4- ; Ira . 'rth o:d MD • i,f t •ci ften the e crb- V 33 nt parr the /orn- ..'. 6. pn:s . ."c) - /J.4A - b ktioo7,-AOLIM ME i', ' It , is for me, dear" aun I know ~ I it is I' ;exclaimed. Lucy, nervously. - . i , ; 'You - should not, be so - itive, .cliitd : it aPpeara to he the hand of "Clement Noel— and it is much more, pobabl that he. would 'Write to me than toyou. 1 isamazing What :strange things theie young men sonietintes I get inttitheir ' heads ! .Sup sing 'it i! a -love letter?. At all events, nal m the elder, it.is I . nOthing but pr.operihat I alto old -read it grat'l,' 1 'And' as Aunt 11411 pretendoj o snateh:l it, Lu cy retreated . te . the furthest corner of the sum mer-hens°. ' Why, Lucy,-child; this r for about a gentleman's lettt Ompromiseit by leaving it waxberry will be fur you--i leaf for me!'',Taking them rind concealing ~.them in 'her i - fire--whielidiand will you hi . ;The lot fell r upl.tt Aunt .Lul into teats. 1 • • .. . IJ. I;t‘ Ah. Luer-,-LueY l' t said her aunt, tender . .. ~ . ... tr. throwing her itriits .aronnd her,-'1 have lfardly deserved such treatment atyour hatids . After having shared all . yonr feelinui ti•oin childhood as a l mother. could searcery. have I (I', i'he, do you !think :1 would) have iv-kilibeht liki Sympathylin this the most. tryini..crisis of 'your. life ? - lllad you confided in - me, ;Jer (,haps you. might . have been spnred this?, three li...days' unhappiness- I for in such trials We wo -1 Men arc soniefiinea good conlforters.,th each I other. I knots ' everything I . Cletnent en , 1 , elolsed your: letter to me, - begging rrie' to de liyi.r it only it thought. it. wO, uld be favora bly. received. life bits been loitering iihout the -city, undecided to go, yet !dreading Ito re turn, iest, he should' meet wfith disapPoint mein. But. read yi,our letter, dear child, and I'lliturti my batik dud look after 'my gerani iii.n'sli 1 1 , , : lisliall have to learn to lo .c my fl rovers I l!etter l'• resinned Miss -EtherWood, '•asi if to ber*ilf ; ' I shall have. nothing lelse ,WhetrlA- - , , ..cy gives herself 'up 'to Another!' And - 'she l'oOtitid around in time to sec the bit4iii with which - her niece - closed the letter. ' .. - .Y.null d o nowsind hnVe-your hair dressed -=won't y,nti Lucy ? 'Your Madonna. hicks don't, suit 3!w• se well noir that - you-look bright and i.o. sy again. ' But:it believe you iota grandpapda yesterday that..yotr would never curl „svour 1 'nth', again --didn't you ? . And not to tfortb•- 1 , hidinnselt to 'send your honnet ahrr vnu— I for you did noticare how dtirk you got --that 1 laiietv was of no use, that you could stir! '.— [ Bat Clement:thinks differently and yoti will 1 unity have •to take care Or yourself for his etke, and :he will be out this evening ! I knOW h will I aril shall writelto.him! Yost . inusedn the i heJnors this afteinnoon—tor I tint - not quite in I - spirits! Dn yini know, &lain'' , ' that to-A - v - % ' ; which yields- _ion so touch happin, , ss-,1, and I sii4, - ; you a future so fair, roakt.s your Aunt' I Lit in old maid; for. life V • ! . • tie 1-The .r expectect gnestS arrived, andieft. to lit, i,..- 2 -........- 1,,,..„., --1 , •.":"-ci--- - .10. - i.' , ..155i".;-z-tr i lerr T 110;014 the beautiful grounds whic h envirinted • -t- i . the hotise. Arnong.thein was atdistingui .. si , ed, Ii pking man, of thoughtful and 'intalleethal entint;nanee, Who seemed rather a speetaor iif the festivities! thaA'a 'share in themi It 1, was ilVAlter Sidney:, Miss Ethe wood's lO4er t. who ',Strange. to ,fly, wa s al wnyl.:, - met: i- t - e it Ins ri . a weleotne friend by her father, notwithsnind -1 ing his nervous linrrovof 1 - ser -Marriage. -lAt length she is son in appar,ently earnest :'.cOn f ‘ . er,..i)t inn with hill - I.:arid . what has been 'Aid ' b fore may herjlichied by her reply. I •_' d - ' r , - 1 • ` l . No. Walteryou Must ober . me, and hey • 1 cll. : allude to the Istibjeet again . --. 14 least With that vain - word hope.! Don't, forget .‘Vhat j Itly, Ether brought - you all • here for=-td re i j,,ti•elwith him at. the prospect elf my initia -1 tion into the sober' inysteriesof middle age ?' 1'• ` And it is ten 'years since l' ftid her com . . . Ipaninn, musingly . ; '.we would . n% c thought iit ' !Ong time then, Limy l' . l i - . . • I 1 • . ' 11 • 1 Yet to me it, LIS Basset] so slowly P Said IA no V. LU, taking up his thonght, . I ,you And to me. I 1 have lived upon hope, and .. .yoU in the earnest t. di s charge 'ot - ;1;, arduous - 1 j tie - 4 for the perttirmanee orwhich I have lovesi, 1 it - iihonored yon- the More, ntch:: as' I hilve I fal*. r id by it 1' I .-- #l. know it, and think you, Walter! But !it . iS time that we.shotild. look ti en thingii . st.s•, ',they. really are. I Though my father's', heath,'l , is 41)(1 promises jo bei:better th; it,Was then Veil hi' more and ,more j lotts, of tny attendance, regarding my undivided .tre and S . NetiOn as the Very breath of his" ii. -1,41 y• `course is plain : 11 iriti . St still live on as-1 h..Ve: .done-,larid, gradually r i sing my l eapatlity Tor 1 . 1 ..,.., g become reconciled to .ch Pt a li c r :h k 'a T n g gtr- ü ß r t r' il e y li - 1 ;4: 4 ' - you ar *I &till yoiing 1 ---iiltr :younger than I iiin--though I hhve not I 'ntititbered as many yenrs. Yot may 'yet be ' Vcey liappy,land,you Ole it t; Providence I Whi.). places the' mea . tis ~of haopiness in yOur han.ds; to.aceept them.: You nit st- marry,- ,-for,lybu arc formed for domestic t ife---inid See . tioW gently even; theSe gay 3.97 fig il)ildt!eti nriamd us. would listen to you ! De not think.l would rabic ycht any the less - . ' - you' itaVe given me, unble 'proof of ynur trut h,and !should be proud to resign you Ai side that would' : prove a essing to you !• I ~shotild . , . . ,know, that I still lr.etained Tau r esteein—abd -oven now, of what worth is anything. else to mil' 1 , . - f - ' - ' ' 1 A - '• The; lover listenNl with a e-, ffrave smile, eh& • , where she hid concluded, he rept ed.. i: - 1- m .$ I hhve now become'accustoed to', toy af _ feetion; Lucy , and oven if 1 would,.' 1 cotilifl , not,;part - with it ;tlterefore; if it . must , be So, twill Wait ten yenrs - mbre r. . . '-• ,I . . I ..The:tompany Oepart;fti early,' according to therarrangement of Mr.' Etherwood, and if-, ter' . they - had gone,. Aunt Luey went ler . ae, custemed round in the .: apartment . 4. , e in valid she spread •0t1: 4 , - bis night, '• - i elf:, nr rtingedi his lamp to . ti . proper di mneas,.,pte: 'paled l his . lotioiis and panacea.i4; and then -waiting for further °Merit, took hir seat at an , open winuow. j - '..,... . --- • • i he s tl";e . was . a l , iialtn;] soh . Tnopnlight'. a9d. she.,' Might have; foundfita .. "eclat; ve to her uivattie:thoughts4 . , but, lihreogh. the. - )nxui.i::: eittloliage she could perceive the '',•hiti'dre4s of LOc,y, who -- w4 . now -iflittleg ilyj abort with` Clement" Noel. .1111 d'E P e n b ;teal lied slam. . nat.:mei in 'the eariy 1 Jnier.<l . iltiO . . hetweett -. ,- • ' 'herself and her ialtbrur :Weller Sld.noi who 'in - I:her heatt ` the. st4rpetaisted 1.- shoul d ' lie' we*nOct from his hopeless 'put's' it- - -- . -and no: . • .. weader, that . a siihescaird her, 1.- -; 1 !!)70 porno a d d iray from- the-. ihn ow, dauo., 1 -;!!!.t.L ll ,l.imilifc:b.ohle4itok screen t'..4!(/ . ..he . :, ' 1,44er:; • ‘. - You giro stitc h' -pod" eh digit pow to ,. Ottd . erittited :the" doigif tit,'....40,....pig1ik *if I_4 , Iroiir .„,belol tioUnds,-wbeiOng;loPt.. ni*l4;-. 1 P'.i.s:io4lo,,lfyoufihad taker i .:it: . .ioaititpllo . nt . Fit, .4- tbliArreasit; 41reitlIll 'Whitt '-lioa — tbee?me 4. • L - ti,,,! , -:,••:,,_ .-.. •- • ,_- •'- - .L . -----. , „- 7 ißLAVrikplr . . . „ !She - I's engaged With Clement 7.Npei,. ra„iff , er I- • •, 1 - ... ".....1 .. • . ~.-1., 'Sureenough; It was very foOlish in that. lad when •he filund the ship or, steambiAt wOnidn'tg(4.--witich Was it ?—netVtli. eolne baek to us r He ought to • know low linrd it goes for me to do without peopl when I -once get used to them ! . It' was a •ery - f4ol ishi prOject in him E to. :go travelini,,, - putting hisnselt in the way of all sorts .Oll.'dange* when he could so well afford to stay, ; at hot*e! But you- i never answered • Me . when I asked you what letter that wirv!! - ,I-l' - 1 . ' . `A love-letter !' tWhat.L—What—a Jove-letter? I disturbingOnr ; quiet by sending 10, agiiin . ? I litipe—daughter Lu"--: ; It- , . ;as riot for. me-sir-- , ' bnt fOr I eY 1" ...- '. • - ,i, 5 i!For little Lucy W ihew! If'that ist't . - S- A f comical ! - Little Lucy -wilting lovietters . And who under 'the sun - Would setup. one to I , . . her; poor child?" • - - ,• 5 1 'll o . fuldn'ti - yott guess, father? . I ;Cleiiii.nt Noel 1 ..'• . , •• : • i . 1 • A light seemed to .hreakopon thooltl On tlenian, and he looked at her - witbont reply . ~ ~, .; - . ingA single wi...H. I- ll .- 11 - You think Very ihighly of Ml'etit,• t i ny dun.' sir !' .pursued his.dangliter en 'ouraitql by liis . silen4; ' and he has begged ; y influ ence to gain your favor -to his eau. 0! Ile Will suit yott better - than .any one ell •e--tor, li ~u cinirse, you would not:Wish little lucv !lo heel unmarried - , too!' , : ; - - • .Still he returr.ed ii 6 ans:wer, but sat for full ten ininntes.! , At last he flint liiinelf kliuguiat',Lehav r ! But: *e will to Chan 6 : this ho pomegranate rom. the hoquet hands.. Now, ave . laud I,IICy burst I wouldn't tike my to be c. butve up My little p Iv wr-pai•child—z-hoi,V NVOuld—that coutdret five without a grand-child V 'What ijilip c ni .say, - dear father Amit Lu, approaching him, don't know' what I said, but this 1 haVe: been thinking about,--that-if give up little'lLuer. - you had better g 'vied;!' Alunt Lu sprang forwara, thriyu arun4 around neck-, burst into: tear the Old man wept with her: we must begin_ to make change. - he, can-as Well put . up with - two as • A.ht) now an infallible clue being gi the terniinatron- of our story, than i; us to go oti ? of course tiobody. DESTRUCTION OF : THE INQUIS, - , i ' OF„ SPAIN. In 1809, GA. Lehmanowsky was at to Shia portioned caPoleiits.arm V whip stat•onea I aan" . IN7h.le in thi s said Col. L , ~ ' !I used to speak freely it the People abOut the Priests and Jesuit 1.,..,,,,c. ~,;,,,,,h,3 , ,,,1t ti „.12_,..., a-1,4-......-..,„„,.. 1 the; Emperor '.Napoleon that the trtou i and ltlOnasteries..should. be suppressed - 1 1 tt -- * ,, , 3 -frrce - ion t e of thelnws ens( this 4-ountry, was not-yet executed. Al had passed away; but the priions of -I ' quisition' Were still unopened. One , about- ten or eleven o'cloek, as. Col. 1,11 walking the:- streets of. Madrid, two men i4prang front an' alley and Made a ous attack: lie instantly drew his . i , i put himself in 4i position of defence, and l struggling with them .saw at a distanoi lightS.of the'patrols74elich soldiers ni ed. %Ott.) carried' lauterns, and rode ti 4 the streets of the city - at 'aft hours night to preserve order: He'citlled ti in Frit - Itch; and as they hastened to his ti anee,'oo assailants took to their heel escaped, - not, howeyer, before he saw ; by diessi that they lielonged to the guardsi,, lA/17 Inquisition. ! ' • The Colonel went immediately- to 31 4 it rsha) &mit; then Gosernor of Madridi,tol I :bin( what i had takA place, and reminded him' of the dc:Tree to suppress this institution. ' Iktiri shat smlt - replied,' that he might go a ''d de:.. stroy !it. Col. L. told him that. his reelmen4 (the ninth of the Polish lancers ) was 4 , suri i . tieienr t. for such a service, but if he - would givei him an additional regiment, the ii7ty - ,- hey would undertake 'the. work, The I litb . reg-f, invent; was under the command of Ctil„De-; Lite..; "The troops - required' were gririted4 l fad I Proceeded (said G )l. L.), to the. nqui_ sition; which was situated about five Milek, .from the city. ' Jt was surrounded by, ' . .wal( of grentistrength, and defended by a-c4mpai ny or soldiers.. When we arrived ' tlie r walls,l addressed one-of the sentinels, - and summoned the holy- fathers .- 442 - surrender to ihe,iniperiai army, and open he gates of the'l Inquisition. The sentinel, Who was staltdit, on 1. 4 . wall appeared to enter into. edit yersal lioiffOr a Moment with some one Within, at. the close. of which •he presented 'liiS . nitisketl and shot one of our. men. -.' This-was tils sig.i, nal for;atinek, and 1 ordered_my 'troops tyfireW upon those who 'appeared ;upon the walis., " 1 ; "It iWas soon ohviotis that it was - amp tie qual Wart - are.- The Walls' ilf the - hiquiliition i were cnvered with.soldiers oftlieliolylifliee; there *as also "'al. breast.work- upon the ivistl,. behinct, which. ther but partially exposed tbe rus4il ve.s as they discharged their 'atuiltets. (Kir troops ,sere.' in - the openiplain,' - and ex, posed toe ten rde,nitty :fire. - We had nil can non, nOr cottNl 'w cafe the walls, nud the gates joiceeiedislly resisted all attempts at foreing[,thttn. lieould jug, retire end lsend for cannon to break_ through walls wiiihout . givingt,thfr i timeto Jay itrain tObleiv us up.,.' . l4aW that :it was necessary to • effhtige the mode of attack, and directed - sometrees . to. be 'eat down old bin:rued, - to ,boisdd -as batteriiig rams. ''l Two, of these were, ; *ken' . up by detachments of, men, as, numeroftsas could Mork; to - ndianiage; and. ,brOught to hear 11#0n the Wills with all; the power! they could curt, :whiles`' the' troopir keptritpl 'first toprotect - theni . Orn o the fied , pcluied : upon them, iliem the . wall.t.:;,‘..Presently„„the trans„ began 40 tremble . 1 4 breach was, ins.deil, and the lnipe.riali troops' ',.itishedl - .into . Jita‘i . .fittittisi.: tient, ''Oetil ire: met With'l'an:ipeldent - which nothlnifitit - 4cenitioil effronterfk 604 to., The lutptisiterteneral, followed by the-tither . conies:ors. iti:thelr,. pricatly :robes,. all ca me' Out . cit. itheleitiouts,.. tai, We were Maki.* our 1 way ".10i4: me,.iptOriiii,.tir.theingoisi t lein and- I With . loiit'faCOS, 'end - Withtheiti,titrifec - ' - . i Amer- their, breasts,. their ::fingers . rest 4- - - On their'ehtittiders,, as though , they' had - .het:oo4e riiiso to all the noise of the . atitick:and*fen arid had just lei:quid What.Wasiielni . oo, - ilit: : ad dressed4etaSeleCiiin the latiguito Of re ake to their:oiti-.SoidiersiTsayitigoill'hi'tfo..yoni Apii.R.Sti -'.eri'ends;4o'iiiitelatt!;;;:”. --, .':•-•''? . :W1?:; , ' -:' Cei - Thei Ont4lgnniMY':d.Oulti , :wilit.lo.ina us thing.. .01,*.deftinee wig wimpy ; lissau or s , 14,1 by iiMiss:hop)ti g -,* if :Could inalt .. pit. : I)elive.- liSt they . 'Wilk(' stritlidly - ,.th4 . 41 1 1 .4 . T 1 Er ai_ND M - 1 E H OEV I , la Mho is ye-letters tittle 4u ,, triti.pg ered to EMI rgi t I . ? I I ask Od , ruu64 L n - f a bl d r I - 1 1,3 d 'ptie !_ l en to !Would I I . have a bitter opportunity;in . the eonfttaiorrof the moment, to - es Ope.• Their artifiee'Was ;too;shallow, - and. did -not sneeeed.., ! -_,I ,eatriid- : ' them to. bevlieed 'under gliard i ' s and _all \\ the: Soldiers of the ltiqUisition; to hi , .." - "secured:lei roomsprisonerie- We -then proceeded - - to . examine,- all the iof-Jhei stately 'edifice. - = We passed through '.room 'after rooni; ibutid all:, perfectly in , order, riehly furnished; with ali . tars and crticifixeS, and wax candles in abund-E.:, 'time ; but could "diseever no eVideneeOf iniqui ty being practiced ihere,—hothing 'of - those peculiar feattsres - which we exlieet, to find in: Or Inquisition..- ; We found :splendid: paint.' :ings, and a rich and extensive library, . Here Was be:tidy . and splendor, and! the titost:pe, ' feet, order on which my eyes Irel 'ever rested. Thearellitecture;--the proportion's were per.,_ rect. The:ceiling and' floors ofwood were 'scoured and high riPolished..- The marble pavements were arranged. with . a_ strictre .gard to order. - There- Was everything to please .t h (....• ey e a 114. gratify fVeillti %%Wl:taste ; , but, where• were _those horrid instruments' of torture of which we 'had been told, and where were those dungeons. in 'which human, beings were said, to be buried,liliVel:;',:WeseareGed. in vain. The holy fathers assured__ us that' they had bectr.belied; thin' We had secti all'i and -I -was prepared to gi Ye hp' the s.earch,: conYiticed- that tbis• Inquisition was different froM 'Others of which I had 'heard. :- - ',- "But ".Col, De Lile -wits not so ready, as -myself to' elinquish our investigation, and said to me, '`Colonel,you arc commander to day, and as:you say, so must it:be; hut if you.will be 'advised by me, let this marble fluor. be examined. 'Let-water- be brought and poured :upon if, and we will watch and See if there, is any place :which . : it - passes ittoF.e.' freely than .others. . 1 replied td hi-M i ' Do as' you -plem;e, 0;lonel,' : and ordered Waterto be brought. tteenrdingly: The' stabs of marble,. .were tarp and beatnifuilY polished. ':When the water had been . poured 'over the- floor ; . , much to the sa6sfaction:pf . the Inqiii.sitors, 'a direful examination was made of Scant - every -, ,., in the noor, to - see if - t he water passed 4rough;. ' Presently Col. De Lile exclaimed that he had 'found it. - By the side 'vi oyd of 'those marble slabs the water ; pasted throogh.l (4st, as though ''there were an opening be-. 1 neat h.' : All hands were. at .work - furl further discovery ; the officers with their swOrds "andl the • soldiers with 'their bayonets:, - spelt - it* to l etear out the - seam and pry .up the slat; ; Oth.-1 clan with the butts of their muskets striking" tlicSlab with all - their - -might to_ - break it; While the priests remonstrated against ()pr; desecrating their holy and beautiful 'hoe ie. 1 " While thus engaged ti : soldier, Who .s. .was '1 1 striking .with the but of his Musket, strak a 1 Spring, and the marble slab. fh..w up. The 1 [ f ;!_ e rr s : (. ..._ ) T f i t i .l :: . ._ , l . l , l .e: q tr uLsi t t7s!:', l 7::: , p , :l ., c ,ik as ii .ll ,..;t l is l i e t t b zi l i , 2:ar's. when the handwriting : appeared r an th e'; Sttiirease,. U ' .st tT"cp if . , ..., ......, ... .. . .. - - from the candle stick 'one of the cand!e..s, - font feet •in length, which tsar burning, ' . that I might.exploret.e room below. :As.- 1..-_wa.s doing this; I was arrested . by One .of - the In- . (visitors, who laid his kand - gently on 'my ,arm i and With a Very demure and..stinctinro, pious look, said, 'l).frtures„„y ou must, not take those lights with your bloody: bands; they are holy. ' Well,' I said, -‘), will rake' A holy thing to shed light on iniquity, 11-Will bear the respoiWbilit,y l' -1. took the' Candle and proceeded dOwn the stairease.,.. A. lye reached. - the foot of. the steirS E =4o entered .'a a forge, square room which Was,,called i the Hall of Judgment. - -In the centre of it w,". A .huge block, and a chair.fastened tO .it..,1 On -this 'they had been aeenstonted to 'plaC'e the accused, *iced to his scat. • Oti One side Of the room was' an .elevated seat,. called the • Throne of judgment.. This the Inqnisitir.... General occupied,. and -on either side • were seats leers elevated, for, the priestly - fathers,. - wide engaged- in the . solenui bitsitle.:S Of -1n ... . .. quisition. - - - , From thisroom:ire proceeded tothe right, aud.obtained . access to:small cells, extending :The entire length, of the edifice'; naiad, 'Nee such sights Were presented es . we hope neVer to ,see again: . . ' - '''''''' • .- " --- These cells were places' of solitardteonfine meet,, where the wretched objeetAof - -- inquii.. itorial hate were confined 'year after . year,:till death released, .them from " their sufferings, and there their bodies were suffered to re main until they:Were entirely- decayed,.end the rooms had become fit fly others tO ilciu. py. To prevent this beifigtiffensive to 'those who oecupied the inquisition; there were flues or tubeweitending to the.open airisuffielent ly capacious to carry.off.the odor. •, In ,these cells we found - the remains or.thoso•whe had paid the debt of Ilium; -,stime of them hail been dead apparently- but A short:time, ivbil;.) of , others nothing Jeinnined but the bones, still cliainvd-tollhe . fiery of4heir"dungeori. . -. . , "in other - we found living suarers Of .both sexes, and of every age, fruui threeseore years — and ten down to fourteen or fif : teen -years of age-. all naked as when born -1 I intatite - World, and all in chains! . Here were old.men - and.aged Women, who had .beeriishut np -I.OL-ntan.z. years:. _here, too, •-were OA; middffted, and the young pm. 441 the I Maiden -.of fourteen years old. ,The Vdiers] immediately went. to work to - releaseAteis i .' ilk It t [yes . from. their :ehainx,:and . took liotri'- ttw napsaelcs their overcoats ind.ither. eloth;. - , inn, w,hieh. : they' gave • them., tii.:alier:lheir 1 ',nakedness.- They were eXceedingly anxiOnS 1 ''to-bring them out to the light: of ' . day . ,. but be ing aware" of 'the danger;' , l : hid food given; !.thern, then brought them. gradually : : to;tho :light, as they were able to : bear, it. - . '7.2, -We , then proceeded -to - 'explore' - another iiietn . on tholek,.;.lleitiVre found 664 . .t tit' 1 . . . , meets .of torture '.of every:.f kind, Whfeh,:tlio i ingebu4:4: , ..nipn or devils could . . invent.---. Cul.- 4-thOs describes-four of , theie - :,:horrid, 'machines:: , ',Tli4Alit .was a inaehi*,by ' 4 which the _victim , Wals- secured, and than'Se , , ~ginning with= the -fingers every.' . joint..in the -, iihaoriktime i 'and body war - brokett or: drawn . one . m. after- another, until -.4 he 'falterer 'Aied.--- `'The second was ti-box,iit. wiActi:!.*llead and. I ,tieelir‘of•the - aeCusett-r*erti-,*:..c , lffis!* iSeeA*l' 'that he eonld.-not' ' : .'1 ;:.,4 : !4: ; '''.-'' lit:a -Over lila hex was it ., ViSsiigri - r ' '. 4,0 e.( 1 1 .4 - q. hater. a. 'fel,k , : : -- , . _,. ~,, ;'', 4 .:91 ', li t i A ,j,. o ,;-: tim; - ;- - -evert tatec.e** '.. . Ifdlingo ' ''pre„ !eifielvr. the -. oil* . place, wiiith--'*qo .0 4 -'o . ti 14iretilititm 'ln 'A . -- few- ineMet4A„sanktic: thei: i n t i iii iinl oo fferer ,, , ,,iii;i talh il e i n or m e s rn t\ a c i k ., :c to rn a e o tti o g ; : i ag ni o d n : y ho ,! rl:i lli oi t• 6.iiliti;ta"Whieh . ..the ''Vetirti'il'ettft: - bettn*-':hi` - The.,'- initianient ,woi:thett'. - 1 - placad.' , hativithi ., '.:tW4. heal - 11111W - which 'Were- Seorei"ef'hiiit . ir se ki.e44--;that . 1 4 , 6itilitig , ttiti- - --tiiiiehip*with:: kkrank: I he: fie*: of the sufferer' was .tet.*fri.kii El 10=EIMI his litribs in - small piecetZ The- foiiiilt 'Sur- Passed' the the other in fiendish ingennity.-;7IW--' - exterior ''was a beautiful wonwl, or hultd-doll',-• riehry dressed,. with, arms-extendeti, reslyjo. -., embrace it victim. Around;fxer,reeteffe..rail:,': circle was drawn: - The victim - - who ittsed ' ' over: this fatal mark tottelied # spring, . which' ' caused the diabolical: .. engine ,tf open its arms,z . and clasp him,: and a thousandiknives7cut him _> in as many pieeesin their cleadlpembrate.' ~, 1 Col. L. said the - sight or these infernal !:_engines of cruelt.y kindled _the.,rsge of ;4.401 , f diet's to fury? They - deelarel:ol(eArir la ' quisitor 'and soldier of the inquisition should be put to. Ibe torture'. Theit ;tags was:un- goYernable.-: Cu!. L..did,motipwkir them— :- 1 they . might have turned their arum :against . I him ;t• he attempted to arrest their work:— They began with'the holy fittlfers, ,-. The first, 1 they . put to death with the rii inefor'break ( ing joints. ...The tOrtureof inquisitor pat ' ti ll 1 to death by the dropping ti watef an his head was most exerutiating. i .The - pm!. men . 7_ i cried out ioagony to be taken- I ' 6lll 'd* ma i chine. The Inquisitor Generid was brought ' , I betbro the' infernal machine eldlesl - thtfalitir-"' i gin.' " - You,haYe caused (Ahern ttiltiaWher," ' said they , "and now you must :do , it. , They.. 1 interlocked their bayopetsisci .. 4.mto form large •,r I forks: and with 'these they:pushed iblingsVer- Ithe -deadly circle - . - The beautiful 1, in stantly prepared for . the erabrat.v., eiespad* I him in its arms, and he was cut, , into - hml 1 Inerable pieces. Col. L. said that be witness:: .1 ed the torture or four of th - M--his ..heart. sickened at The .awful scene-'-'-ind he, telt the soldiers to wreak. theirsetigeanee en. the last' guilty inmates of that'prisen-house of hell, i .. In the.mean time; it was 1 reported throug h Madrid that, the prisons -of 'the Witiaitien i were Broken open, and multitudes listened '. 1 to ,the fatal spot. And oh,,What ,i - k 'meeting_ - I `wus there! It. was like: a 'resnireetion l•-•• About a hundred of those 010 - hiut been buri ed for. ninny years were novi4estinied`to life.", There were fathers wbo foundtthelr Intliklost daughters.; wives were restored ict:theirfius. bands, sisters to theif brothefis,_tmdlitir*ra to their 'children ; and - there wore szitneirkir could - recognize no friend's - thong the hatilti= qude. The scene was such asibotnngueean ' describe. .-, - a. f" . . ' . When the Multitude had reti red,64 - i,...i library, - t` fti" II ' &c., vaused ;the pain ings,l mi re, to be.roriot•e4; End- having inert , to the _city ihr a wagon load. of powdef, he., depoiiied a large quantity in the vaults beneath the build ing, and . placed ,a". slow matehlin coOnection with it. All withdrew to a distance, and in -- 1 a fen- moments. the assembledi'Multitude be held a most jpyfulsight.- The !walls elicitor- • rets of the massive structure rose majesticsi- .. Jy toward the heavens, impelled 14 tjietr . . mendous• explosion, and , then': fell back to earth a heap of ruins! ' t .err tat .a' ever tv e _______ eet% ; letter m an.., tent or in - modern 'times, the e la. not; .. which has Veen of such ad van ta eto its; .i ,,,, i - —_ 1 er As the Legion ,of Honor. .. A is; my !midi ir I work-and Inv m asterpiece:" ' - No etie . either • I now or in.fuiure days, can dispnte my right to the glory of foundin g it I n ot i n d e b te d to it eir in ive til iha illy victotie4." - Napoleon stated what wa.4- perfectly_ true. • The hope of obtaining the cross has been the; parent orineredible .acts;,,of, valor, many .41, which are stilt unknown to the World. ', Ift.irb . is one among ...girth's, a chief d'' escrciiildi he used t . ,0 take particurar delight in relating. - ' / 1 In ;tik-course of the night - whichreceded. I the. battle of-Austerlitz t , one of m b igadlika - %rai:e'red his watch with one of his` naiades that he would gain the Cross ofhono the fo - I- " : lowing day. In fact, - in a; brillian charge against a very superior force, be Peefratesi t .l , the enemy's squadrons, killed fi ve Merl with - 1 his oi;n hand and carried off; a st,andard.— He was covered with, blood, eSpeelitly, ou - ; 1 his face, the .only visible . part of:.*hieh _' was_ • his eyes. As he was returnin b e fo ' 'his c4l meta the Emperor met him and said. " ' ' .. • " You have done enough for once;my friend, go and get your ,wiatinds" dressed. " ~-.'' ' -.- ' . The.brigadier; wiping hie fileemrjth.oe, qa t he hakeaptured; replied ter the" Eniiiiror : "1 alit not Wounded; sir. - it'll, - ii* my - Used-which.you'Ace, but 'that -or youc- e lk - mies." ' 44: - • Napoleon delighted at this:answer said : . "I make you Marche: des 'Lelia,. .(4riartv master,) and confer upor.youj,be' Cross 'of, s hoeer.." •• ' ' i .- •I'Me-e,': -, ', The, most singular`circumstance iti tide af fitir is, that the moment-when the -brigidier was thus recompensed, his: . emnradt‘ with ivhom he had bet hii watch - arrived - wounded Sy a pi,spi shot, which'had been fired at hint oflieer, whonrAte brough t _as a GCii . prisoner to, the Emperor.- . . ",- 2- - -- 1 "Another Cross of Honor," said Nappleon,. i Ihughinir " Ifthings 'go on_ in ' this way I - ~i . - - ~ ... . _ , f t , nalt.eit icr•lnte to suppress the urner, or i 4ecornte,thc whole army." . _ - • Tan EI:I6PrIANT.—Gdt Brown, of tho New • Eaglinui FarnienhaVitig ttte•Erephant, (ve meat! Barnutnic), reports as follows: , • "'lles:eats on an aferagionei bushel efiati.. and ono hundred pounds _of hayimr citlY** l s* I dfiyB ald all. His weight iii 4 '4,700 pounds. He will .accomplish any kind 'ofwork set be fore Mtn, ima-useictenltitties"better judgment f than threetenirths of thWlbelp l- which i obliged to eiriploi ouNtlarm.' things be is not an 4ielervant:. Once 'set him to work piling mood, picking up stoups, or- anything else, and yodtan leave hhit:Withi out fear of his- piaying old Soldier Itt abiwpce. ." - AnUtfkr capital s negative r tity Is dosilt_pick up bk.dudt kart for hornet exactly at six o'clock:' iti; : th!Jkiter. noon, al many Other. fastnePa',. issistatits",.. do, ; 7, lie is Wilting to . lit&ir . tiltfoui r oWif t aiditifen L i fer if l t o rk Is presaine . !'i 4 9. he is a- very hoiloiable;'NuOtilsiu4 .gent,: and well4hohaved.'fittlitie.:4lZoverthe", less,' ca n uot;locleno .. 31 44*411,netild efe.q PlPints 4 , 3 the .4eflPitit*tißpril They. canat:-work of -,- ,.. , ;_wiithei.jiat of VQ111:$0 would eat t ; A :" 'll . uP," - ti*At and 72 t A nfi;e:11414.nti.14te0:tir:the- flint - tory:eight yeaVs dndet thl4l.lotd6t Stitutiem down 16 ' - thp'electiOttOldittltiVanr- Burcn, - -only._fifieen votes-m*oAm - the. Potunlue-for an Y NOrthentAtuditittlei . fiv', the Pre;:idene.Y..'n,!„PlA.;lwroret7 ly limit this nutnuei ; titi-tPttri - i.lidtPzer Itie 11$ votes given to jobb AdalttilttVelEt; - tittalt six of 179 a, wcrs , glven with a tfelfisat edge theY . .4ollll::oqt", cc,* Making it Yief!-Proliliiftt;,--: EOM ->~~:A.. :.a. . S ~~ ~' A ■ BEM El The Legion id ISE ■ EMI _ • "- FM El MEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers