WATCH, MOTHER. Mother! . .wateli the little feet, • Climbing o'er the garden wall; Bounding through the busy street. .Banging cellar, shed and ball, sever count the moments lost, Never mind. the time it costs; Little feet will go astray. Guide.them, mother, While you tnay. Mother! watch the little hand - • Picking berries by the way, Making houses in the sand,' Tossing up the fragrant hay. Never dare thequestion ask, "Why to me this weary. task v'.' • • 'These samdlittle hatitis may prove . Messengers of light and love.. Mother? watch the little tongue Prattling, eloquent and- wild, , What is said and what is :sung, By the happy, joyous child. Catch the word while yet unspoken, Stop the vow before 'tis broken-; • ' This same tongue may yet proclaim Blessings in a Savior's name. • Motherl .watch the little heart Beating soft and *arm for yen Wholeiome lessons now impart; Keep, 0 keep that young heartirtte, Extricating every Weed, Sowing good and precious seed; Harvest rich you then may see, Ripening for eternity. . _ . ,-11 ;•;.. , vision is made by semi- ' e.!;;-: 10 the ,I.:iited States Trust a.-i;i4ionito:whieh they have the ::-.rsioti into stock. Theternis ------ i ,:.i • lot sal.:;arer-e • -.3. -. 'or purehasers,• being only . PHILADEL PErfA SLAVE CASE. -I 10 pet' l'l :it ' in e. sh iai the day of sale, 15 • ! Al novel case has come up in the .; per ceyt on the ; - 2 t 51114 tine; and the - balanev B. & Court at . Philadelphia. Mr. John 11. ion -I§t: of Jul}. with the option of giving mutes :Wheeler left Washington on the 18th, under 1 for •the hist ii:s per cent, pa:d)le on the lst an ottler from Government to, embark ad S 01) t tub _:er betolier and N - oveiiiher, intere , t New York fur Nicaragua, to which country-'I to be adde:l; from the day or sale. lii , the he is the accredited Minister - of this Rt•pub- i present state Of i - the money' market these lie. He had With him three colored persons Bond.; will doithtl i eSs pampand a ready .-:a1 ! ,., a woman and two'bq:"'s whom he styled his ! The construkion -of a. work road is aork Of the sertants. The party. reached Philadelphia,. 'i highest iiiip•rtand,C to this City, opening as it and went .on board a boat which - was ._ just 1 does a ,direet col uinineation %vitt the Lacka starting for New York. While the boat was i warm Coallfieldsltd Pennllvania.- not sub lying in the river, a gentleman named Will-' ject to interruption during the Winter sea iumson went aboard, and_having. been told ! son ; and 1 1 e lea6l that the . Prcsidunt and that the colored people desired to be free, he ' Managers rlxpeetlit will he ' Open and really Approached the woman, asking her "if she ter traffic . the;ensiiing Fall. , The grading ;is - knew her rights-if " she knew that by ;14w , nearly completed; and the rails are . now bc she was free?" 'The diplomatist objected ;to rill.' laid On,lhe Seranion end of the ;divisiol. -these proceedings on the part of Mr. Will- ; The Company is- chartered 1 ,- 3- the . Sit:telOf iamson, and stoutly declared that the colored PennsvlvaMa for mining and selling coal,an,l' lady did not desire-freedom; though . she•as- lfor Malind'and openleg a Miiiroad, which .-x- 1 _ s.erted the contrary. - While the dispute was tends &Orli Great 11.2ii(i, where it cvnitiotit: going on, several colored men eante aboard. ; with the rie Road, Cro ;sing the • Licliawan- took the woman :and her two sons, and - cull- - iiit Valley 4 SerautOP, thence to the, Dela reyed them from the . boat ; since - Which, we I ware River. which iticrosses.about five miles ! believe they have not been heard from.- , - 1 below the "Water Gap, (a distan , o of 110 .. Thereupon Mr; Wheeler appplied to Judge ! Miles,) where it ;cc nhects'with 'dui New Jo--' • Kane for a Writ Of habeas corpus; directing-' se.y yowls l - ,:i - ditig -- to - Ndw YOH: and Phi!adel- Mr. Williamson 'to bring, in -- te bodies of thol.,phia. 'lli. (. 1 ,301.:ii ii . lit€.',ifiipany i. 4 83,00, •-, three rescued persons. ;Mr. Williamsonirc- i Q 00; - The 420a1 e4tate is 1,500 acres.. The ,1 sponded to the writ, by averring that the Northern - d - visi(;ll , (50 miles) has Weil in op bodies mentioned therein hat not been in his ; er,ation three years, the; net eariiii4w of'hieli ; custody at any time, and were ntt now.„—. last yearoVith the coal profits, were sulii:•:ent . At the hearing before the Jillge:, Wheelgr's to pay the interest on -the stook and dolt, in attorney moved that Mr. Williamson be Mil.' chiding title; outh Of - r'_,•»00 ; 000iyOf - r'_,•»00 ; 000toward - the i • thr - contempt : in making a , false return. and I conapletiOnof the gasterti , Li:vision ; yet till- t. his° to answer. ton chart of willful perjury. linislied,iitiid leaving a surplus - of $ - 1 - 0,0:K1. The Judge passed aver le motion for - con-J - N..Y. Tr4itne. I , I . ' - tempt; but required Mr. Williamson to give 1 • - l,----4:;-----1-- ---- „- ,• ” . . I •1 bail on the charge of perjury. ; ' I, Tun Its, ixortii:No,l;M:TV is in ;t our.otts i There is perhaps no • great reason for sir-1 ;plat lip condition, 'iti ciOn;3equenec of the pro- i prise at a stretch of authority oh the part tit ieccdings of the, last Nziikund Co:woiitiun..—, I .T Judge Kane in a ease like this; where the The 'LOl'l 4 l4lll kiratt;.•ll Of the order has disa:l - question is bet Ween a man claiming to. own ! vowed all r d onneetioti with the National Coun- ' other men like cattle,--and another who has ; oil and diereq . ildiate , e:),...h011e, * plank , of its' informed the eltattles of their rights and- "putl 'platform. I •Tlie StideCoOool, of Ma:ne,Xer• I. -,them in-the way of becomin in fact, as they i taunt; MaSsachus:etts, Rhode Island, Pemisvi- I were in-law, heir own proprietors,' . Still it vania, Ohio; and Illinois have rejeCted h the a- iS 'difficult to • nderstand on what principleltiOnal pla 'iin Vr and ; mo-t of them.h:(;)•t• inittle it ~he held Mr. illhunson for perjury in swear: creels of heir own, differing esSenti4rvfroii. mg that he had not the custody of -these em- i the genet-id one, not _ only in refeiterwo.: to - t - 1 4ticipatedblacks, That they were legaly.em- rslavery hilt to other questions., In !New tii• . . 1 ,;, B. R. Lyons & Co.; 4s,ncipated will, we presume, not: be di-Anted, tdand -itch the Vi the seeeders ha‘4 libei•al- ;; Wt101.1 4 .$11.1:; -t Ii 111aAIL DEAtERS IN --.. • ' 1 I'' • Sinee they .had. been brought into a Free ozed their; firinciple,l so .as to inch+ many - I 7 T , Di y Guo,IA, Glecciies, Salt, Flour, , lpal /lard . . • . 'State voluntarily' by ticr former master.— classes ()I1 naturaliied Citizens. hi- Spine 'Ca- " re .' -! !"' , ;!_ 1 •__ __. __...______ ___;___. : : i ; ' • ' • : ' - - -;--- Nor will it be denied that it was the privi- i•!? tie opposition to Catholics fias been I ,: ; - ,t: •• F. B.. Chandler, loge of Mr..Williainson to so inform them, if i Softened t o wn to-tan (opposition a'tiainq :el 'l . - ir„.U.r.R I\ IW.l' GOODS, Really Ma,le Cluthie%, he chose to do it. Indeed, as to all tli?•"tirsr- I ee-3 . lesii,trical desp:?tisia In Vermont the. or.. 1 . ! . If Gi:oeciii-s, BonkA and Statiottery, etc., litiblic tvenne,..l/ledr - wr i r, Pa. . , ges preferred ap . iinst him, we NI to - discos-- ! (ranizatitt has been' thrown Oper;ia..s - umed ' -er a shadow of evidence whereu?on to base ' ' f the name of the Atnerican part v, ;and declared 1 ; I . Patrick &Tdinock, • 1 , them- . It does not appear that the people es-- l_against-i: zt ettension of slavery. Tlwre are 1 31 i vs - w -t AYs i ' I ND sunGrE°Ns " - Pime' No. ..t • en-were in. his keeping; and if they were ! s.eareetv two of Ithese northern Viatt;!rins I , ow...pi:street, .14,,fr0v, Pa. .not, there has been neither contempt nor per-' alike ; r In. New Jersey no State ak:ii(ni has ! jury in the case. . . - Yet been had, luit-all the Councils of Trenton We do not pereelvehowits is to be shown and N i ewark lia4e rejected-the nati sal treed . that any crime has. been •-committed, :except t•and dee! wed in iiiyor of the restoration of the • I it - be a crime to inform slaves who•arrive •in:Missobri Compliondse. In Penn;:ilVomia, a the Free' States that they are no lenger portioniof the doioucik 7 attached t i p the ia slaves. That Mr. Wheeler feels, the loss he tienal I ptat form have bolted .'sinee t¢ he action has sustained is very probable. The old Ia- at Rod ng; and Prganizel - a new Spite body. dy and the two boys wereworth to hint softie whieh'., 1e #e waY, has a Majority In the Ex - hundreds of-dollars in Carolina. lie is en- eentiNM :''ointeil of the party in I'l'l I I 1• • q ao e loout.. titled to sympathy in his Misfortune from all Two a-the seeethrS Were frosty Mtintgoniery ' •persms similarly. situated. ' Put after all he counts, :and of these one has ''since! :I;evii re - - • . • . . can blame no one:but himself. He should r .pudiate by th;_ , Co!ineil he rePresiinted, that not have brought his " property"',..into the - i of theAlPper VV:r( . l pf. Norristown; whia ; as Free States. As 'a diplomatist learned in the florid:l tea. ° ns,: lei: approved Of the State • the laWs.of nations, he should have known- action, ; - ti1d..10..n0i0':7:6:0 Q-:.?. national ;,platform. -,--that it ceased to be "property" the instant What i, the ,:x:l , ‘ ~11, -! :linn oti,tliiiigs in Phil , it set foot on. the soil of Freedom.. - If Slave- .adelphi: it ::s ~ - I fi-, : it, 1,., tell.--.Y. : 4raerken. holders will brifig their slaves" where - slaves : - t - ...1...-_...4_,:_ __._____-__:_. .* , they can no 'longer be, they must take - the . AT... t''' 1 ....11 . VI: , , 1-1 li ",,, : ,,, ,:,, , L—Aletter'lfrom Law, --: consequences. Neither accusations of perju• rence, K. •f , irtk , i .i ui N - Bth, states that after .. ry nor of contempt of Court, brought ag,ainsti the-Free,Stet; N4,;iolirs of the litigislature, - ; Abolitionists., can restore the fitter;' to thei.chOsetdat the se load election, had been,per lithba of those who have thws. been . chdowed I initted; to take their seats, they - {sere vOted - with the supreme right to the control of theirl Out of thenvagain; on : the grout( . that • the - . own . persons and the "piirsuit of LovesinCss'7 -1 Govertior had no .authority to calla second • in their own way.—.4.V. Y. - Ti;b! . .trie , . - - T.. i %..., I election. - , Thesi'thit body was pu'rged of es-- !-,.. iiiiiuri, , .• . i. I: ..;,• , ' , •. . . —•- .- . 7 ;,Gry in:qfiber not, pledged to - sustain slavery ~ onk m ., _ ' . HAILMONIOUS ACTION.. : - . 1 i in theTerrit,4s. Mr. Conwa, Who had . ____-__ . 1 ! been leeted to Pie Co' uneil, surrndered; his .! The Weit Chester Village Record which rriv , s ,Icertil , , ;,,,, .(.. 3 u., ; kat-- - ehooSitit , to contest di vat; lit ; ° 1 . still adheres to the Whig orgailization,.„, ' P.the_ acts of the -f!;,egishittire elected by pon.res-\ i the following• advice; to. Ile; °Prot ents of 1 ,identsl rather than his cikYll right a sea . cin . i -, „. the administration: . . such a' body. i Qii the; 4th ins ; - both Holm s • . adjourned to ;meet at some future time, day L. -:-------";-- - 7 ' - 1 • t- 1 J . HOW Ann . ' i . 1 The administration of President.Piereo in violating the national faith by- repealing- t h e ! noun:need., a , c, op, .Methodist MiS ! sitni, as be- I tbre stated. .IGovernor Reeder Ibilowed the Missouri Comproinise and establis - hitiii; Slave ju„ti,.. begi4tture•to place;of,iession. . . .. . ry in Kansas and-.Nehra:4:a, has 'been The licopleOf Kansas had Ileaitted that the - condemned by the lovers of ifeeTdoin through- ; . out the work The Missi - :,uri ICOMpiontise 1 -Governor,...ltidges and Marshall !were _to be t h e i removed, on . ..ehargeS of speculatjpg- in Ind lan was a wall erected . ak;ritinSt. the march of slave power. It was $' boon. to freederin. !- j an 4i • • 'f,' . !; Where=.-is • that wall now? Razed, to the,; O . o Saturday evening,. the Bth inst., ,the ground! , For the overthrow' o r t hi s ,„, a ki tl izettle 's at Lawrence held a ilneetitTg to adopt 4 4 ; . ,r! a Mac law foe dig city ; inlorder to remove - auttairs have entitled themselves to r .the: . i 61.0 f .4runkeliness frpie their ~tnidst: ' ciation.of the . entire Norti---and . the: late I .the '-' a. The'llettlerS were given one Nteek in which to elections have rnanifest4d the fitmnes's, of the" I purpose to resent it at the ballot TherTh ere; thring their - business to aciote. -' . • box. are none how to defend or justify it but those] A . mecting had- been eall i ed to take into ! consideration the propriely of repudiating all who are bound - to the car of part,_ and who are willing to support- 4 -- their votes 'shaletawsl/tass4bi ".chat mob Sailed the :Kansas they- condemn. Hence; we see even the stron-1 Wgiiiattfre 2 ' ~ , i . .t.lie • crops that are protected by.fionces, in st partisans of Gm . . Pierce condemn ;the i the Konisas ? *are said - to be looking hell.. ..!, Compromise repealott,:-the very One .arc calling upon the party to rally to his sup- , 1 • - H ---- =--s.-----,• . . • port.. How. Mani DeMoerati rove of planting SlaveryOf Penusylra. I - . A, VW Tenon. Sr6ar.;-Siety yoke - of- Li a app its the Ter- 1 red bulls, according 'to the Prontier News, , ritoriet 7 We Venture- to - say. not ' one. -j- 1 were seen 104 week, by an old lady iu Kan , I - hitched-I to 'an erdpt - -' ~ . - which Then who will be dragged, into the support sas, 1, wa c on,. 'Oft& men and, thepartv thathaVe'beenguili, was Mina'. inthe streets Zr the .city. The _ . . . , - Tof thejlearous act - hicvlilch it lutebeert a 0,- ' team reached kontirely from hill to hill, tier* , • -- -.-- ... -1 one of our valleys,yulgarlyealledguts. The • .c.„tatted. : - :.:T. -- . .c t ; :• . , , , . I .'"W.e - elionl44eprecate a war at. this t.itO, i wa/r - - - heittgivOy tight in;the 'Mud, refused . _ . • 13etween thoieWhp are agreed in their hoStill. 'to - ove • the co:o' usteuence eras , when that I ? ,-- 9 .- :- . . . ' . is , totheicpetd of the Missouri Cemprornlsi,. ) -por4on -of- the Warn m,the : lead; over on the • , Kond words,; therefore, should be used .. and 1 other bill, Skead-theonsel yes in strong pull, , no:*Onndi --- AOuld .•-be inflicted which Int jy Land istraigliGened the'diaiiis,thatiwentyseven ~. : not hOkettled.• There should be no division I yoki.o.of the l •hionain thik centre were suspend. .., atnpngthOse who unite in furor otfteedoin. l ed in..mid--air;•by•,theit necks,: something less , . , . - Th_e,fauestion 4 10 04 be = the Missonri..Coin„ 1 than fifty .feet' from -f the grOund. We - did promise •and - Liberty,,or-Piered - and Sjavery, I not ice it; but uhder - stiami s that a profile view - .The issue will be madei: It will beforeed by 1W . taken - on! the spot:for the News offiCe.= 4 , - the .advocates of Pierce. - That covers the 1 . as day Enter i' ',. -"• :. • • . i. . p tilt: ~: .. : . : whol e ground. - The.Pernoeratie State (To e , 1 ' '', , - .ventlon . too, has st r ifhped the. President witbi ‘ ,. 1 1 Mpg, j PI I D ' .t;i i , . ''''----.------- it S 4111 of Approbation... -There:Can,::then . . toe !- kjt 4---- 7 -' ..'''' W°-"g by CO. . 1 ••LL. PM &CM, . . . , ilefeita 1 : no mistak .-- to:the; bOneri of -Democracy. 1 . _ ‘ - 'it4 ' i i l A PENNY SAVED WORTIbt ' ' li ' It flOits in the breeze, - Ind h 6 who - nips' may 1- - -7--= - - - - - -EF 7- .:--- - --77-- - , - - - -E - - - 71- -- - - -- -, -:=7-. 7 "- - . ----=-7.. - --1— ; i T " - wait - KBE' lE Ro 4 4 l l7 l E o . „ ll) 3l o ' nt t . '' ose ,11 1 -., ta k, read. May" vr,e..libt—shoula wo not--'-have i it. B. Orchard, ;31. D.. .lel •• this method of advising their, old friends any union end harmony (linking fliose - that do wit ; -13 ItYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Jackson, Swine- i customers and-thlojiblie it large, that:,thei have just acknovriAtre tich-- a il•ii , ? i Sueb union c'tn JP- he nna vital; rair Beshleeee at the reateirice. i received and opened the largest, prettiest and elteapt. 1 " ' ~_`,, t , •1 . ~.. t 1 only lie brotn , ll. iihoutl by i moderation and! ,;•• • '', . Hall & Lamb, ;• . - : • l est stock of RE A..DY MADE CLOTHING ever hro't• - . . • . t to this place, which ditty Offer at a small advance limn 1 prudence, by 1 torhearatice iftid good slid).— , c i.\BINET MAKERS, Have recently opened a ware- I cos. thereby offe'ring pureltasers.the 'glare opportutti if it should on itrtutattety • fill), and 0 ivision-1 • room in New!:Milford,Pa.,' and trill keep eon- ;tv of- obtaining gods ;at about two tliirds. the usull ensue, • the .eojsequences 4111 be that the •,, Manny on hand allhinds of Cabinet-ware; also Ready- pricl.. •-'i .. ', , I • - Made Coffins: , Funerals a tte n ded w ith or ' without a I Alga a large aitioquictit of Dry Goods,comprising greatest outra' e ever perpetrated by - a grit`- I hearse. Wareiroent nearly' opposite J. Dickenntas t for Ladies Wenr.l. , ;lets• sty' les Brocade, .tripe, Plaid, ernment,,willlieein to ' l liai•q • the -santion, of st „,,- . C ' !!-!! -'• ! - ! ; Plain and cham , eald . ctlk- D laines• Muslin, Be Rage c , t,,,t t , ,• 1.. • . tho people. ti ,1 -.i i 'New Milford, - 4 0 Y 1 5 , 1853 . i 20-13* - I Berige delaines Otne* and eleganttlesigns. All tt4a We earnestly trust (hint :the .Whig Stand-11 --.----. 1 --±----. 4, -.--"- - -?4 , -"---.-7-----1----*---.-------- , lateAst , let of Ladies. Drev Goods; French Llttro:, .. 1 4 ;,& B. Baldwin, : • Prints ' • • , • and Gingham., A handsome assortment or •ng Comtnittele• of Chet-itur carat t} -will take,' I • 1 , A 1.1:C1'1 - FACTO/ERA OF SADDI.ES.,i lIARNESS Dress Trinaning 4 ' • Fmlitobl , d Sleeves, Colhtrs Cuff', early steps it bringing out, tt - full .veto of the 1 1 , .., ~ . f Searles 1 . .., . ._ ~ s. . Trtinks, 'IN Into, be., in t he B ason ent o party and 866 untie thejetp-operation of those ! lintel, m . ! nt t! ii) ,, , ra. •. I . ' Tits, llosieev, A'''.eilis and l'arasols. i.. : . who concur With - thein lon State and national • ---,------,------i--- , --.7—..- -, 1 • ! 'questions. 'II - - ". I.' : ' I -C. X` ls Unin riS P .1 .- every thing that is ri4h and fashionable both foreign ~ .11- _ .....—L.l.—____ i nOOT Odd SHOE MAKER.. Shop tint door:cast . 1. 1 • • 1 . - , Delaware Limkawantut & ' -4-• P of Cnid Fell • • • ; ; -, S t e am ' Eng i nes, Gearing . oir 'Mitts, - Shingle 1 •1, i ; - : ' Capital ;,.A . .500,000. 1 - • ; . chines-, 4(4c. • .. 1 . Moiltrose April 6,'U.. • . -F, p.-cil_t - ELEE: • i - Amon g ' tite Stoves which We . nianufactur4 an r 1 regzioae 6591.-i;ig,Stliri; Rough and ReinfOlo.,..l est Qu'orn. do., Premium do., : .and other kiwi?. 0, ralig..l for burning wood or coal. Also,' S'elf:R i• Inter, PetriOr Store, Cottage .Paidor do., siii.i• two sizes, do.; .and a variety of other Parkp;,4:,•tc both wood and coalburners: We keep Grindstone triminings, Dog Churn tiinimiw.. 1,4-eilii ; ;and Shovel . and Ton:gs Stands, - &e. 4 4 - .done to : or4r on.short notice and at the-Icotest; - ry" Orders' -for Stoves,. Agricultural Infislcr• 4:e., arc -solicited from those in the trade; thid • ~., filled-at reas9nable wholesale prices. .' . 1 - . • .- - 5 ; ;31.. SA 'RE. • I LiNE AND PLASTER. r lO/TE *stibktiberg are now burning and will keep if,. Constantly .on Inunl, Lime of. a very 'supetior qualiiy at Montrose' Depot, and will. sell it in any quaniitieS at a fair Price. Persons wishing A large quantity eau' he supplied. t..7;•0n-a reasonable notice. S7upUrior ground Plaster will be kepi. conspoidy - on •I. I POSt • , • ...IL DRINKER"; • \V. llN' 4 l . l' • • L. SEAIIIX. • .• ‘,o4ntros.Dei) . ot, 31- ~1 SIIOEAM GIIISMAIIID SAW I . vg.IILIL. T -- Os ' )O ST BROTHERS .."inulmr, purchased thelabove j lestablishment, Will keep constantly on lilted St/-1.- - - ,--- - . i per:fine . n.wl Fine Moite,'Corn .11; , (11 of • , ;uperioi• Jinni:. t . •' . AllittdiralitY .California; ; sty, also Chop and Pron at the lowest cash prices.; 1 "Or-seta, place, 01/ - the Globe canna prO ' COS!!our work will - he' done with despatch, and in all I , grecgter inducements 'Mo . pi . - ca:qoia warrcoffrel, - :11:381t1 - 1.,, . liontrose, July, 18Zill. - .. -..' - . ' • I' KEELER & STODDARD'S - ....:._. : '- `. , 11300 T APLIDIr*SHOE STOS.E:- -- ---' RICH is' now filled - with -a' new an sibs . III, CH ' A l i ' i nl ' • 4 * - - . .. -. asortment f articles their line, l erala• A o:eneral ‘Mrietv o tear and tdegant 't..tvles of acid gentlernen -i s w war, among which . 4i re 1 French, Silk t:astin and Prenille Ciaiterzt, Ri: Enameled Poll:i.,: ' (1, Patent. Leather aid In Jenny 'Ands, llui.k is-and Ties.(tlentlep n's Fr. and Philadelphia, ak tiinnetl - calf skin andl kip . l', Morocco ' "Calf :MU Cowhide firogans &c. flt calf and: cowhide 'Boots-and Biogans; iill h Misses and Children's:wear. ',Also, a geier2 l went of Findings which consist. in part . ofikos-, 'parables ; Hungarian Mails, tacks, thread, i wit 1 tles;slio&binding, awl§,'irtsps,s.autlstonu4icei rn Sc. -- Mina oak and hemlock, tanned . calgtiPr" ' soleleather, Morocco skinsandlninkt. .1 - - . Work made- to .bter . .- timi - . repairing reads , !: - _ , t. - '' . ' • —. ' .KEELER & TOPOr . ._ . _Montrose, April 6, 1.654. • . 1 . - - - . 0 /., - • • • NOTICE. • I .• • Tlio , ze."penonl intielite4 to the 5111..*griber; for fees '4e,,..i . ster,Decoi•der and Clerk - 44. the Orphaa,'s court jrbiddconTer a favor by settling the sapte Uontr9se, Dec. 6 1854. J. T. hANGDON. . Window Sash: (1,4-11 . ...5: D. 'SAYRE. baring twen:lpppinte4at zigent. • for au etein;ire Fa.4l blind - and ;bier flutunfae-.,, tdrY are prepared to. hruisli, any artielesin tliisline at . lesp rates than tliey - have usually 411lv 24. " S. Shaving Cream.: ALN artieie wliieh every man should ,trY for sale Y - s. -p. s. .t.'l-1. . . . M 4 ...:..4.00w tot Of Summer Mate aid Cloths Ifor simmer ire icr ju3t. received and for sale cheap 4t.. • • . • n.:II. I. ‘t•di.j.. • XII. S. WII.SON - dir, SON AIAY be found in S. S. Mulfoiln old 4tom East 1. side of Public. Avenue. Ilfontrose, November IS iSzia. = • - Utiffalo.Robe : A CHOICE lot : just received, and oirei•ed low Cy. SCOTT, efOIINFT-ON,:-S; CO. • Shall:1S! Si CIIOICE tot ;of Wool tong. Shnivls very chetti b • - SCOTT,. JOIINSTO,N - .t: 3• • . Springvilk,'Deeember - IkIVA:SITED,.Butter, heese, Egg Smoked Rams ! 7' Apples,, Potatoes, Beans, S S, a A New Cutter acid a two horso,Pleasuro Car - 411..16 for sale-eheap by" A. TURRELL. A fresh supply or Silver Spoons, :Watches ' JewelrS), *e‘ &e..,j4t received-. :BENTLEY .t.REA.D. :MUSIC 11 MUSIC IRINeEIi IMPROVED MELOPEON:,I, , more just received by - J. LYONS 4 spy: Melodeons . TONSTANTLY ON 11.1N1)._ orSurniAted to, order A...) on short notice. . - - _3:I4YONS it SON. Priptii, Summer Stud's, and tho - comiOn Al .1 Nod.* of Dry floods at • T • , A SKISCT STOCK OF ' SV.ltlXtrit GOODS AT • " L.L. POST &O. wE now. otter to the - public the most choice an, •f" T the LATEST STYLES of Goods to be bad yid where in the country, and for the, very lowest prices ; without variation. . READY MADE CLOTILING. ; .(aLlillEß STYLES. 1. L'`..Powr.Ak Co. have fist made a large addition•to their stock of clothing, !, now of everything desirable _for the bliSrer lees is' are mitre to emit. The goods Are and we warrant the Welk to be equal letior to any ever before offered in, this rear. stock comprises Coats, Tine black French ieks and Business; Tweed, Caiaaimere and' .s and Frocks, also brown and 'whitejfaia .7 slid twilled. , Yaws---White and colored Valentin, Lasting, figured 13arathea, - id satin, and every variety, good and e.lien. lie black Cassimere, doeskin, col.. tWeeu,. duff, linen drill, cottonade, stripe, plain, plaids, so cheap as to be mire of sale to i .sire to buy. F,S A 3 L 11081)s It Y--4.sdies and Gents: i s and Colored Kid Gloves of the ' ted. • A largo assortment dill kindS oftdue I slate hose, and i•-hose gents -and ladies: vile thread, Berlin and silk .Gloveri, Black a large rssoAraent of black- silk and lace 1 , ig and - short. POST &'CO'S. ANT) SHOES—New fine:_.Thao Coarse; • ts, Ladies finti ZaiErra , Bivteesandßuskins, irtment pfKitiesp Shoes, Childreits itaid Miss. I ,and Booteiis, Ladies fine silk-lirien Slippers, Montrose, March 4 Valuable Candi For Site. t lf -1 01i-54.1.E DI OAT BODY, about .53 1 :- )0 -''' . -'Land otoite waters of Spring Br 4 i of tho.Lacl4twannativer,in:Luterne County:.l about mitbVtty_between the thriving tol!* - c' n tkttitx ton-and . Pittato These lands are - coTt* ' milli) tirnber, an tieing the nutst t miners' ,region in ennsyivania—know4 0 iron cail-.--and aboinid in cep. z' al: o in the immediate vicinity of sewed made *lid IROW . III 1/TOgie!SOffdP to the ""gyp; opportunity for.the investment of crone; th 3 . l oecursi,..' For further information apply V l': sack, Esq., u. 11; Wall street New - Igliz , t. subscriber, tit- 3lontrekses Susquehanna eouty,, attorney in filet of the owners.„ . - ~ • ....tpiii 0, 1854. : - Hrsß i y EISLv NEW GOODS• y, rNDID DID. and Ladies'. Broattloth , " PL} .it.. jnst, oinmeiliunf for sate by ' . J. • • • - . - TlMOthr faced. .1, Qtanle.,y' Turrels coletamto Thaothy ifetsd. w ' e±l pure. For sale dy " MEI; 'l% ex Moutrolo; March Ist, 1855., EINGtES.-:-Sliared Shingles wsi Iogtobor .24.1 ..k7ft,';:!l.ll-78uppN'bf.Groctries justioiN II II B. S. BM la PERKLNS.