Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, August 02, 1855, Image 3

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    or A Cleveland paper. - announces . I t 0:
death, in New Orleans, of ' Rev: ifAldi.a
. or.
C a mpbell, — of Bethany,- Va., founder oflilie
C a mpbellicor 'Disciple' church of Art ( cr7
—.k it . Ile*a.s a natd-re of Scotland; an I a
.'Presbyterlart—in his youth.; emigrated I *
• Western Pennsylvania about fifty years a r
joined the Baptists, who having expelled hin?
'-be established new. societies; now number*
probably 200 7 000 members. . Tie was a that.
o f much learning and eloquence.: ,I
- • 1
CourtS9mmencing August 20th, 1 . 855
- • - GRAND JUItOitS.
. . .
Arotacox—Alfred T.Vilsim, John Kimble. ' I
Arnrnw--John Green, William Witite.
BIIDGEWATEII- 4 . W. Curtis, Abel Patrick. , •
• - BuocKLrx—Charles Kent- -1 . '• . 1 4
CtiocoNt!---James Kinney. • , . --. .r 3
1),N0CK...-..N. A . Lan', Julia Young. •
. 1 1 i
FFI.LNKLIN—CbarIes I;reeit.
t 1
. Ri t irosr— . Ilarvey Ifoliridge, Wm..P. Cnnk.lii„
Friend Burt, S. I), Doolittle, jaF.: ittnISOIL , • ,f.
Issok--lanaes li..trttey, Levi Phelps. I
Mrrmr.rrors—Selson Camp - , . . „. i
Yosrnoss—D. F. Austin: '.., :..,.'
Itcsn—Yathanicl Hollis. ..‘,
SILVER LA.KE 7 -Lairrence Giblen. .
SrmNariLt.r.-7-Ben,inipin,,Thommi n • - . lic
Trousol.other Alarm 1. t
A t•Orl:N—Dati?l Seeley,- Ilenrt Cartes, Daniel Stel
ling, F.. ....-ra Alger. . . • .
__ lyzoußLYN—Willialn Meliilltm, Climks P. Perigo.l 1
• Brawn:wail:lt—lL 11. Dunmore. - - i
‘'... CLirronn---Ezra Finn, D.. 1. Thomas.. ... . 1
D L lp A rr—Willimii Wilbur ,: . , 1 '
s 7 - liimocn — P. A. Stevens. - - • ' , - , - 1
FRANKLtx—Norman Mitchell, Benjanhin Vance.
Fonssr LAKE—R. G: West, Milon Birchard. • ,,TlENniiiiire Miincon, John Colsten. ' '
'll.lnronn----Seth W. Thatcher. • 1
11.1e.moNY--Daniel LvonS, -Luther alineX • ' - . ,
Jrssrr—john Bedell. - , .
. ..
I.T.N-oxL--Iliruni 'Stephens, Wm. 0. Gardner. 1
LlEEP.TY—Jolintkan Ross, B. W. Batley.
ItioN-tninin-Setli Mitchell. 1
NEIN' Maronn---isaac Stafford, lioence Seyinour 1
, -
Henry Den - itt, John 11. Smith. -
. S:Lrrn Loa—Timothy 31urphy,‘ W. S. Dari.:4 - . -
Sr:list:mu: 2 -D. C. JtNtin; Franklin Brooks r Wil
Bata parkins. . --. . • ~.. •
SESQrEIiANNA—R. U. McKune. A' '
TRAVERSE .11 7 1 - 101LS'—.SECOND WF.EK. 11
Arsrn:s—ll. .1 . , Davis: John Bridget.•
__ ....• I
Tobe.y, t Astilcy, .1: R.
2rr.incEwartn—l . s.rael Chamberlin, 11. Kindler . ... j!
CLIFFORD—Thomas N. Dour]. d
- I.
- • ,
ForrEsr LAnx—G. A. Tilden. • • i t
GinsoN—lttipnond Sweet, Willimp.lmper, William]
Pickering. .. . ,
GurAT lirs - D—Levi Simpson. .. • .. I r
lissracs—Abel Kent. ' . . - /
JA6cBos—Geo. W.,Taylor, .Franklin Bryant,olied .'
Nye, Ilorace Aldrich, 'Airam Barnes. g
JEssrr---,William Robinson. -.-
LSTllr.OP—ChriStopher S. -- rerkin:.. - /
I.lnnr.TY—W4 M. Braley. -
LENox—Virilliam llartley, llur . oplirey Marcy.. •
- Minis-rolvx---.lanles Sanderson, G.. T. 8i11i44,
_ Oarr..A...Sn—Johua R. Grimes, ..liorran Slintts
F:4lr..v - iat Lass—Timothy Sullivan, Isaac V. Gagr!... '
1 , 11-grrinv'tx.rx--John Brooks, H. IL Philip., Asa 1
Pidr, Arad IVakeler.
Ses,;7lllaNlCA—liobert Nichols. -
-'so.s.:--3.1. .7. 31:unford.
" 1, - - .. e. , :- . -- I
itouz,lfand Ready Take Notice.
• ibori, - of the 116igh .ami. Ready Fire cm
pmy hereby TlOtitled tzt meet at the Fa
hfl,,Tr:..xt S.itimday at 61 o'clock ; P. M. •
• • • D. SAYRE, St.`er.
Ia TnNeek, on the 20th •elt. 'MART cif
lizze Morpte. resilient of Lenex 'in' the
?F PI, her 3,C.
Flour and F . alt . .
L.tu;lst . F. CITANDLEft..
fi; S. ;nott's Tent/ter:lnce Saloon and
E,rocery • • 1
71)}".7.40VED the rear of Lyons & Cltandh‘r's
.4.E.')oVinp . ... to Maine street ; opposito the Fan4r's
i•ro-e,1%h0;-e. he lutends tr.) !;.c.-.T on hand a nod clock
of Grocorie.:, for sale cheap for- cash. Cask"' paid for
S. S....MOTT.
3fo'it‘rn . 3.r.s, July 2r),
ALL pels6ns: intieltted to the estate of Thoniat4
Whcatcirdi, late of Forest LaTte,townsltip, deceased,
are I , •rel)y r.otifletl to innltc immediate paluet:t, and
thni- t • claiinc against-sail estate prescipt
iLrrn dull authenticated for settlt , tnent.
_ILI Y Tci:o PT 1• -
1 - 171.1,f_l 3f. BOOTH, • . : C E
Forest Lake, July :Ezr,:i; • - 1
, •
• . • •A cc , - qP.
Wtirs of Tomer Time., as filut.trated
. I ,,trt•atttre. of Captain John fintith, President ltf
and Admiral of New England. My Lost`
'f v•iftt. 'fewer. Unknown Tontines—The
L'aiumar,-,- Of ..11!111;21.:. About, f llabies. rare Amor
the Moratort.t. The River ri..lterie. of North Amer
ica—TlP Artificial Propagation of Fish. - Cape Cod=
Thy First .Friftntimbip. Living in the Cowl
try—,k Cloznifry Fire T'laco, • Lires'andTenates, Sett-
Spring, 'Vegetables in -the Germ, A Carden o 6
Paper, Warm - iroatlter—A •Feftta and IrrUption elf
Noseologist.—Constitutioial Law, etc. .Sir iohn
S:!ckfmg. Twic. Married (Continued.) The Anniel
of Europe. Editorial Note9.•— r Ainerican Literature
R-urint., Religious Work , i , ' histories
mty Earnltcan Literature—England, Fratte.,- Gcr r
nit.y, Hungary, Italy'. „Music. New r Pablicatioet
N attire' and intellimont youog man of about 17
1 - 1, years of ag,e, waed as ekrk in.a store. One
to acquire the business and disposed to make
. p.iu,kot useful, n ill. find good encourage ment by up
ilc?.•‘inn sbortly to
Nor Milford, July 22, 1855. 1
TM; public are hereby catztiOned againFt parchas.:
1 in; a note given by the undersigaed to 41erhard
r:i!fkrd fur tide sum of one bundred.and trreittyfA4
dollar , . Said Note is dated Air l4th, 1855. ' The
NT a.; olitaiiced.hy- deceit, and 1 trllle - outest the;
1-aynnlt of the same to the last. •
July 17,4855,
ErtTRAY. -
A3lE3uto the enclosure of the subsetiber, on the
(.c.i,Ltie, a large-sizedßlaek Mrse,witb one
t'• 14re foot and one blind eye, about 12 or 14
tad. The owner is requested to prove proper
and-take him 43.m.r.
.itzly 26, 1855
Register'6 Notice. -.
.‘t'LLIC NOTICE is hereby given to all persons
tolwerned in the followin g. Estates, to wit.
115:ate 01, AleatansisrV. Hcirper, deceased, luteOf
rit.ticater township.; John Foster and Claxles . S.
Execato rti —.
Jain t s le , win et n deceased, late of Great
' 21, m:1011p . ; S.- W. Tr;uesdell and TliornaB
t '~"J'J~^y.-
.!at s of Jahn Cr-en, deceased, late of Franklin
William Green, AdministratOr— "- • ,1
Estate of ../arenii,th T Bailey , deceased, late of
IL molly Township G. L. Lewis, Administrator—.,
Estate of John .f, Whitman, deceased, late of Ilers
township; Jacoh Whitman, Adininistrator---
That the accountants hare settled their accounts
Register's office in and for the county of Susque
ens, and that the same will he presented to the
if.l! , es of the Orphan's Court of said county=, on Wed
•'la v the of August vest, for confirmation
i ithowance. J. W:ChiAPMAX,
Register's office, Montrose, July 23, 1555 . .
Auditor , * Ntitiee.
411 E andersio•ned haiing been e.pppinted i,p lb,:
tirphau's court of Susquehanna conney, an Au
to distribute the assets Of the estate . o4 s riinces
~l iard,on. deceased, among the heirs of said estate,
to the duties of his aPpointmeet,. at his
is Montrose, on Friday the d day of August
2 o'clock, F. M., at which time and plaCe alt
having claims against said eState4will present
t,e forever harved from coining in upon-the
ace saute. J. -Awlitor.
uly 2, 7555. •
. . .
' ItVooll, Wool, - Wool :
(i(1 IA POET.NDs warttiitd at the Farmer's ex ,
change, for which the iughest market
, c , will In; Nisi in CASH . , by . -
=ac 1t1;, f1 , .57,. A. LATHROP k Cel.
Thefoady Tree—Mother and iStep-Ifother. (Om:
eluded);—Chip,' Brimstone—Poultry Ahroad—he
Stogy of* Ring . - 7 A Laviatbanindeed--Mechanici in
Eniforia+-Pootri Railwa—What the Lahti
lord lik.Mrcd-,The rind—Anstralian 4..!artiera.:,-The
ItoringEnglishman, Rusteltack f l .the Passage of ihe-
Danubo-+Doctor Dubois-Cheap ] Patriotism-I'4m
vius hi Erupllon--Strictly Financial=French
Strive) Sail and Pray—lndia Pickle—Petition ES--
trmirdinaty--Specim' en of the Alchemists, two Chii)-
tershe First Death--A Veil' Liteleßouse—Quite
Revidaticinarv—TV Rail to Parnassus. .;
Tenus.—Threc thdlars a year, or Twentyrfivei
a number. Theo& remitting - Three Dollars will r!c•
Jthe - Magaziae- free of po)riage.- Clubs-rTtro
coptes)Five Dollars; !r ree coniCs, Six Dollai s ; ;Five
copies,!Eight Dollars and --.Sesenty-live-Ccuta. Pict
nenisitalfotethl y aiul l lororhold Words, five Dollata.
1? Park Place, New York.
. •
• 'vamp' AGAIN" t.
rrITE, Wppt is a " great country:" and !hare quite
JL-. a notion to live in it—perhaps I shall go soon`
perhapS !not at all. But, for fear that you may lose
the opportunity of Securing a good , likeness, you-will
.act the part wisdo:n by ealling.;oon at the 1)41-
Odd Fellow's
• , •
Montrose, anly 17th, I egis. . •
I 'l,
; ,
. ..
1001Plelec:. ,c 7
D pr e i l : i t i t!iim a l w tt to
c 1 1 11 , 7 11 11,,,
I p .el er l ..y } a,; - :!..i l
Ladimi Merl Bore 42--lits—Shawls, I: :Lit: ALI Cai;: t i
peting : at tle !Owe:4 notilt,; now sel •ng by
r jut! 17t11. l-. 'J. LIONS & SON. ..;,
1-11 . KERET. selling 4t six een per 11, by, •
•11 . , i
) •':: i 1 1 - -. ' - I .11,VONS &SON. i
. .•
l i X - T I FAyilot of Gioecriettijast o, en'ed by • 1.;
'i il
' J.LYONS A: SON. fi
i jii1ii.1.,13,8 for,. - d
se 1;y -, /• -; •; •
I - -.1 1.,, ; • / -I.;LYONS .t: S.()N. ?,
_________„_. z .
1 : 1 ' i r ',
. '.l F : SIC' .7‘ i 1.71, i: .. .:; -
j /71.431 . 13 into the ettylasure of the 6llbsCrik.".r; in-Fots••
1 kjl - hit Lake towinihip, about the'lSth of June last - ,
I a pahl red yearlinglieifer, with) seine white on the,
libelly,; and about ,half the bush of the tail gone, apps;
renthi• ezit:Off.- The owner is requested to pay ellarti •
and talieawa.fthe same. ' • $1;;TII W.IIINEII.
~ nitl.est: talte Jult' :18,th .18555 • : - ;
..-- -- ii;--")!;•7 ~_
. . - - -1
1 .-;;;'• .1 7 A11.31 1F r Oll. 'S'ALLE.:.
giibseriber offers fer sale, on the most liberal
1 - tly - rtut;
one of the best -fltrufs for making money;
Irin N...Othern l'entsylcania.: - I'lnisaid farm: is 7.-ittrated•
l! in t_ in to Churelq'
11,Grist!.inill; and saw-mill. It c colitains 1(h) acres, on'e ..
ll Inindlied )l , .nd twenty five under ; a good state - of ' t
eultix'ltioti well watered and fenced, one ; , mod franutl
il : ' . : • t• .
It hollsf. • 2,81 by net feet, two good barns, n•le totialreit : l
Jfdet Of gOod shed . , hog house, untl a goNI young (we 11...),
ant Iliy gr fted.folit . thereon. Posse'ssion will be giveml
to suit, thO.pureltaser. For puke tipply.lo., the pro--,1
prieto en the premises. - )111 7 )1. BARER.
.Dinfockofuly d Sth i 1855. ) I' •: .; '2B w.t. t-'!
i : I
TO ,11 1 .11 r Irr31171:"1. • ..,
ITUITTET: "fi.'.l'_s7rEn. The higltitst; mari:et - prici‘s
will Cie pall in : e;lishi fbr good Dairy flutter be . i;
• .I . : 'i '
iS. it.;s: D. .iynr,.- -f
• . 4---- ;
June Milt, Is l- 74. ,
, - - 4 7 4 "7- „ ~,.. • .
1 IX' :L.7 , ED,' iMexehange fbr Goollif, F.ggs, Paper',
i IlAirs, Beeswax, Grain of all landa and Cash.
11 3fo. trO - 4e, JIM iG. 15.;:x. . ' i' T
t. ERRI , .L.
,_, .. , -; It3oirilrE4 a i rZetitiVefil'ri.ce%. . _
i ri TIU B RITTIwiII slell his - remaining stork 6fSilk,
; II Lawn - and Straw Bonnets, a good assortinent,
) ,
, at redUred Price,4 to close the b; Ones;;; of the sea= 31) •
many -47 f tlient at host. ' - ' ;
.N7l'w Illiford, .rune ISO:, 185.5. ' •
......._ .
A A 1:: 'l iti s i l'n . ll ree4lvellarinz the pre:,,•rtt wek, , tt large.
: tll S . th•in 1111re:sent sock of t-1. 1 31111•711 Gpons,
witicyti.tiii)• - .,t - ht the, tt,-ortlltellt .complete, and to
whit:lit:we invite tlle-tittention . r,f all %clic') wilt to btiy
: t 'ondi.; 7.:77.,: , ,y . i .::
: IIENT13•117 St, READ:t
4 Mrititrosi 7 :1:-.11:4 3 8th, I .85. - ,.-
• 1 . - ;
1- 11-morcd. ; .
t. • •
C: t). 'Yi: - tsil Dliti;;st 1m..-; t . .),l.trn r• - iirms over.F. B.
CliaMll, - frs',!sior, , , in ,isle /t will b: 14 pleasure to see
4 ; 1.:.; f i -le n •i f .. i.. i .l:7 1;; ;, ( 41 : ti,,, •,- ossibl)); C. I). vinGIL.
- mlt':- , , -- ,:i. 1 • 2;‘,..4,1ent in-t:.:.1:
INCir Goods
• •
Firm stleaseiiber is in couitant receipt of New
1_- ids lin,. of htuiaeg , ,, nearly erery
vg.eek.! Theipublie Hill finda, , ', ortment No.l,- and
ISis'artiele 2 .4 tiew.and of go‘mi quality, .Tlie. con
-11,ail;of .hrup.e, Ikeir
Piing/ 6:664r, .Ireeiru,
Store ,at the lower end of the L'oirnt district',
1 .! -- AlOtrose, , ,,Tune 6; 18:i5. - TC 7
. '
I 1,1L1VE.913:',R0
r l)•;etiber ke•=ei. co.}tan try 'on lia;:d,
male to Oiler, Boors. 1111M1s, Witlor . s
54,11 t. Pr:err acid riOdow-froso4-wrid all °ther
of ivood; arid oPetl in building. -
and bong on !..liort. ritico. -
al[ sizes, - rjuiriiities and,.qualities for 'sale.. •
Mooring phiried and matched. at . 'tklG
200 feel, Tztriking of all kinds. 4lotio fo
i•eneral as.4irtnient of CADIVT 'WARE.
illurealqt, Tables, Starol.4 of all • varieties, - Chairs,
Good Pinei Cherry and. Whifewood lumber, and
0: in. of all lands taken-in exchange for the above...
TertnF 1 . e:14 11.1 v, or three months time rip:
crined Credit. All ortfers address e 4 to - roe will. re.
elve prompt attention. JACOB TAYLOR. •
taine,liorn; Julie , 18i13 I S'f;:i.
- •. , . . . .
fi , :earri:4 - : and - Itiarvin'x FireiProo
.• l ilt
• . Safe'!. . - , I
i i
r_ lilt .q , lbsOibers have maiie:avrangCments to fur
-11; insk to.persons who may Lc in want of ihem, the
ab 're named invaluable, . ! S'of4, at the same pricesfor
ait,4t tbet ; rtn.lie obtained it the marmfacturer's,- ,
1 - 1 a t'ing experienced the benefit. cif such apit bele du
rinWthe lath , Conflagration otir , .- - elvcs. we wonid earn
estly recommend to Others having vainableqouks and
papi•rs, the; pleserving of which would be ofjimmense
imp rtairce to `them,Lot to-lo without- tine:l'
'': e ices-range from A.:Qin- to .5590, and we can explain
to 1 ny Died Wishing' to pm r2hase, the difre-enee in
t.t3.1 , e, , size, price, Sc:, andt arrangement
them on =bort no
-ith t e internal arrangement to snit the pur
- q, peceirther 1 0,. 1854. j
. . .
.01, 1 1,XEINIT. 1/ EDICIllit OS.
,ilcGithe great variety of Medicines at ; urrell'a .
,tore, may be found all of -Dr. Jaynes justly
celebrated Fatally Medielems: It4re's Che.rryT'ecto
ral land Cathartic J'ilis; Halsey's - Forest Wine and
Fo+ti Pills ; Hoeflamlis celebrated German Bitters;
Loildert's series of Family. Medicines ; - Merchant's
Gar4lthg.Oil, the greaiest remedy for sprains, in'timn
or boast ever known ; %gathews - on's Infallible it'etne
dy, and.l.forietHentedy; (hick's Vertnifitge, and II .
varlet? of other. kinds . ; Trask's Magnetic Ointment,
the I ,, rest rennily for burns, rheumatism, and all M-
I ,
11nin nato
7-cOmplaintsi Toad's . Extract, a first rate
thin for simil:l. r ^ purposes as above Ointment; An
dr44,s'J'ain Destroying Agent, a good article ; Wood- ,
'ei;elii',.l.,Bils a m qu i d Bone Liniment; At'won,i's Jane.. f'
dice illitairs Canker Drops; Liniment and Dysentery
1/111.4f Ilaicer'ior Compound for bysenteiy-; HOugh
toil' Pepsin, 'Tor', Dropsy; . Ifeliabohrs Extract of
Beeehtir and Extract of Sarsaparilla; tt variety of
'Salvea, ' i tlie host ifi market, Pills, kc., and an almost 1
endless variety 49 Patent, lifedieizies,.altogsther too
numtrek t s, tp enuitetatc--,.. - 60 suffice it - to, say, that
the public 14ill find neatly e4e,ry thing in this line, at
the Illorigarod Fatter Store of '..'"ABEL TLIHRELL.
Mdritrosei July 1-$6" - 5. - l', .. • - 1
L, , •
ill. land- lance', Pry Goods; 'Groceries, Hardware,
Pats,l, Ceps,‘ 134i4 and Shoes, Wall Paper, Th.ugs,
Dye tuffs, and OS, Sc., .
‘ sold as cheap
as the cheapts.t or approved,eiedit. by
liarfr#d, June ISt,i; ;1855. - JONEfi. •
Grotbi.ithinc oTei - iellent quality
'at • ! 1
1 OCHE Cashthere-stiTwla at, all. prim., also
a few mantillas by ' H. M. JONE S. R ipY made Iplothing at low prices toe,
11.11. 4oNg - s..
imaq tor' woifG7ll7b .40N - Es.
[l' • tinear4 'Arne let , 0155
r c if -
paTdl3 .-- r - Paiinutter by .
A 3 anwrt¢icTo f 800 . ts and Sh
m oce ir. at .
ikmv nricem !40S'ES.
E*- tv hail a Via varicti : of ItOwlets an 4
1 I Itiblops at If . M . 40NEA:
"[!AWNS, l etir4l3; llctrre•re de billies and Gingban:4l
la a , t . I ' II II jONEq I
1 - 4 1 140k0IDERING, dud 'Winow Drapericip at •
ALillierford, June Ist,! l 855. IL M. JONES: •
I —l •
* I - Suet ens eir Stuffs. t
A large stock 001, and Cotton stuff* for sum
mer err. , Plen.O.of it tend 6d Print*. Please call
and sc . I !.I . - F. B. CHANDLER.
May 23: I •
land nil?
I articles
Glass of
2() per.
Cr, also
" . Sheiltils Sates. - • • t •
BY rirtue of sundry write issued out of the Cottle
of Co m mon - Pleas of Susquehannawindy and . to rte
directed I will expose to sale by public vendee at the
Court Boast in Mentrose, on Siturtlay the litth I
of Angutt"nexteet one o'clock P. - .11.,:tbe .followinkt
Real Estate, to wit: • . .."' i - t ' t. -.
. ..
All that certain piece or ptrtol of land situate, IA I
lug and being in the township of Springville; in still I
county,:bottudeil and deserilmtl as. ollowi . : .- On the
north by hindS'of Miles Prichard and William B. Birk;
lrick, east by tht Episcopal Posonage, on the south
by the road leading from Springville to the Tunkharie
nook creeki'andon the wen by lauds of Eiekiel Frits;
containing ;one acre of land more .or less, on which
ro situated one dwelling :house, the whole being ine..l
Taken in execution at the suit of B. Sayre, asdigniNt I .
to John P. Ihinmore, vs.•ls. V.-Rollenbacit. iI. I I
Also-=All that certain Saw Mill, Mill Yard nnd api
purtenanecs situated on Silver Creek, near. the .Saltj
Spring, in the tewnshipiof Franklin in the count:) , 6(71
Susquehanna. 'The laud on - which themill stands i i
hounded - on the north hy Henry 1,. Merritt,. on
e.a.stby William Burrows, on' the south by wild landsj.
an' on the west by lands of Nathan P. trheaton sits
Lereneo Vance. , t
' - Taken in execution at the 'snit of Lorenz.) 'rane.
vs.. Luther Sena- 211,1 and 'George S: Fisk.
Also-.LAII that cettain piece or parcel of land situe
ate, lying and being nt the townships of Auborti wolf
Springville,. in said county, and.bounded as follows, to;
wit: On the west by the road or - highway running.'
front Auburn Four Corners to Bennett's Corners ands'
'lands lite of - f3ershant Bunnell, 'deceased, on the enutliji
by hinds •of Jonathan Iluntwil, jeffereon Sherwood,ll
Elias Bennett and ItaaeMussell ' on.theteast by lanclat.
I of Senitel 41.. Loomis, and onthe north by dand.4 oft.
1 Samuel Brundage- and the public toad or ltigloray,l
, running from the before mentioned mad - to the Illitek.'l
W:tlrtut road near the house of, Minot Riley, contaitoi'
[.inglB7-.! acres,he the r"eme.More or I?ss, being thei .
sante piece tic pereel of land that Tredway Kellogg by
1 deed bearing
-date the 14th day. orjuly, A. P. 1553; II
1 and recorded in the office forrecorilho; deeds in and ..'
. for said coutitv, in Deed Book S 6. 2 1 2, page Pi, kte.t -
N o onYeyed to 'Milton Harris, with the 'eppurtermitres, i
one 'dwelling 'house, one fram ed ', barn, on.. corn home., 1
and one small orchard, being mostly imptuyed; T,
Taken in execution tit the suit of Cooper, 'Bender; -,
•son k Co. -ye. Tredcray Kellre . e. - -
..-1/so-All that certain piece. or parcel of land .sitio ti
.ate, lying and being in the township of Auburn, Stis.;
(pleb:inns comity, bottedeel and described as rollOth4,t
to wit : •Oelhe north by lands of Thomas Hines, Otn
the east .by lamb; of Jesse 'lines, on the south. byi
lands of Loiter. Feeley and Albe r t Sterling, and t y,e,
• the west by lands of Thomas ..Tatnes s. cOnf. , itting abono.
ilift acres, more or It'ois,- witl—tbe appurtenances, one
'fretted horse and-barn, One orchard s a';d about one.
hundred acres improved.
Taken in oxcentiort at the Flit{ et ilart,•Camtnings
& Hart vs. and MOrley. k .
.. . ,
41en 1 ...e1l it at certain four-stOry wood imilding cre-1 .
cop i e d as , a h ie mill, shop, : kr; I,:t:Mtling on or near ,
the road that. nms: front the' ..oAtigton k Wat&ford . ..
Turnpike mid to or near the - hen:se of S. 'IV. True'-
dell, Esq., on. road herli:.g to great Bend and on n
lot of land situnte in the town :hip 'efl.ilierty 'and
I .botueled on the north.; by other imitis - of said Fames
And Benjamin W. Bailey, on the south-east hy lands
..: Of said Ilailcy, and on the smith-West I.y lands of Phi;
lo Luce, containing about one acre and a ihilf, and ott
' nbielt said sew Mill stands, whiLb piece of land being
, '.tbe mulling?. to said mili, mid inclidin , .. the dam;
;there beim , , also with the said mill a- shingle machine,
lath maehi:M. :old odor fixture; Ito the san:a belong.
1 'in,. 7 _ , ., which I shall airs sill thoreW i ith. . '- .•
. , " Taken ilf execution id the suit of .rog.,,i ) !, D ul kee,
-to the use of henry Matthew, administrator of John
Lewis, deed., vs. I.oranzo Var.cti.
' : 4 ise,.---All.that certain piece or, hair:',er lat,l eitu..
ate in4.4lers-:ille, in Great Bend township and in the
• •county of Sesotteltantm, honnlied and des:titied ns.
. ihllo‘‘s, to ~.. fleginning at the southwest corner.
-thereof at the line of L , TlVtil` Green and on the north
line of the Depot G , onnits of the New Yolk k E. ie
R a il roa d (..•...; thence by sail 'E•oinp . ally's ground.
south 51 (ICgrees east (In feet ',, tliMme by other lands
of said Jtryant meth .51 degrees Cast 2tet f: , ct tonllC
~ Haiti' ails trayel.•l path of the Old turnpike toad ;
; th 7 ”ce : Yti 7 t 1')111 : 1 N: 1 : g4 : gw ;t6tfr'ttC iiieq - : , r ;i,i i;::)!'; i::ott;bl d‘g , .:eileA:
tc, f.':3'2 feet to the ilepi;r:in,..", tcontaining e'mut 1°91li!
',.1...1 , t,, and !wing erc c t.ed thereon n large hotel known
1 4 . 11. s lb. " riry2llll halt-e•," ‘N lib barn, sheds and othe.f.
r f out.lionses, and all Uniirored
1•4 'Taken in tesecuthat at the snit a Elmer w.,110.--i' -
i;‘,,,,, vs.: A.1.1i-on Bryant. c ~.
'!, • ilbto--‘-.All that certain piece or parcel of Lend ,situ 4.
•ir t ,..; in Fer.,t Lake -township in the county of Sustpte•k;
i d ne l ea and 4tate •of P.'!in , IVIV'i:I, 13X.1111,1:I and tle•1
t. , 'lrti.; ..1 as l';,1lows, to ti it; I3'zi!..4linr. at a post andi
1 .1, - ,•- ;;; : i .-. oh tbo'horlii ~i , l , i of the tlfr'rd'Ai. °Ter.() Turn.q
piii, , •totel: fiteneo,l4long the tine td C. Wrigltes land;
. nor th r,. (leg:re l . : 4' tat .2.0 intrc•hes to : a
post and storms!
4, lin e 0i11.,,i T. 'Case's hind ; thence 19 th._ . ,,, , Yreestinit'2,
p erelleS , to'ni pi;tst and stones; thhtire abnr.., the`! no t :,
of B. 'l'. Cake 'north r.; d-grees tast• St and 44-loth;
It,reitest to a hemlock ti•e; 'thence along . line of 11.•
Tt Case south, 52 degteeseaQl-45 and 7-19th perches
' On leech ; tlt - t.9le- - e -outh .T. 0.; degre:es west 194 perch.'
,is and 4-1 ntlts ttfa perch t; a poet:' and stones sland
in on th ur
e north side of the afbresaid.tnpike road ;
tlrence. along sib' toad north. 52 degrees west 47
fittreltes and 7.lntbs of a perch to the place of begin
!ling. eontainie!....ho acres and t; perches of land, more
01 : l , -,' ftxcaptillg and resetting thprefrom alwa3 - s 12
o;et stinare; st here the•ehildten oft,. S. Dot; and oth
tir.persons are limited.) - :
' ~.' .4!5 , ,--..-111 tltat miter piece or Prtreel of land situ
atr:e in the township of Forest Lake.xforevid, tound
-01 and described astbllOkes, to wit - Ile,tonning at a
Post the south-east eornr hereof ; i thence-north •62
degrees' west 60 perches along Ilsra4l-11railsfard's.
line - to a post; thene;:t .o; tit 4:7 degrees. east 176
ititches. and 7-Ifnits of , perch tn' it lost; il le hei
.s.cattit 50 deg•reetk east 06 perches along the line of 1,
(.I,,V'est's lot to lost;a - ,thence fonth :47 degi - ccswest
10 perches and :-Bobs of a perch to a post; thence
nittith 53 deyreet; west 8G and--5-16iths, perches on a
him occupied - fiirtneily•l4- T. B. Gregory to a post;
.t4itnet, south;7,degrees 'West along line of earl Greg
(tt.-'s. lot 151 perches to the place of beginning, eon-
Mining 68 acres, be the smite More, or less, together
With all and singular the implovimtents, Se., two
friimed dwelling ,itoustatt, two ha:n.4 l , one slied, 'One
orchard, and about 80 acres improrttal: • :-
- iTakett •in execution at the suit 'of Solomon Mc-
Neeby and otlnit vs. Betsey A. cut*:
_ .
- ~,,• .
-- • .
ALSO. ! .
•, .
1 -I•llthat certaiti piece or parcel of land situate. and
being in the tillage of Great Bend in the conntY of
Stisquelintia,liountled.and described as follows, to
i wit: Beginning': at a post, the southerly corner of
: the, i . lati:ll or Nytori lot, recently occupied by M.
' Triiestlell, runninY thence:l:long the fence upon the
I . -
1 Cot, tecton t 'Great Bend Turnpike 'road, in a south
: erty direction 70 feet to a post ;° thence back 136 feet
``to n stake and stones, .50 feet from thenortheasterly •
-coiner of the lot hereby described ; thence r,() feet
•to :the northasterly corner. to a stake and stones;
• thence PI% feet in a to,i-thwesterly direction along
tle!_ gout,' line (if !tile said Dayton lct to.the place of
beginning, cort..ining 9218 square feet, with the ap- .
.puetennwes, one 'dwelling horse, • Otte stone horse,
treermtly oceupiod as a grocery and Iproidsion store,)
; a nt one barn. and ull improved. 'I
J k .. Taken in execution at the suitof q. 11:Eldred vs.
oli Comstock, and Charles Chamberlin.
.411 , --All thato. - .l!.rtain piece or parcel of land situ
ated in the villageof Susquehanna Depot, in the Conn lAusquebanni, being lot No. 30 fas laid doWn on
a neiri of part ofthe Borough of Susquehanna DOot,
Made according eo a survey by William Wentz : and,rded in the offire fir recording deeds in the coun
ty of :Sitsqueltainiit in Decl Book SP. 21, page . 690,
and P tognded on the north ht' the public highway, on
the i.a.,st by lands of C. S. ffmnett,tin the sous by
lar4 of Nicholas Irwin, and mfthe West by lanais ef.
Oscar :Bennett, containing 7200 square feet, with: the ,
apptirtenances, one framed house and. nil improved.
Taken in execution at the suit of Home & Brown
vs. I„einuel Doollttle.. - . - • I ,
~dYse---All that certain piece orpmjcel.of land Otu
ate, !sing and beitig in tine Borough tif . Susquehanna
Depet,-- county prS44quelianna, bounded and des-Crib- ,
ed a$ follows, to wit: • North by slaughter housast.,
east by land of S....llilliugs, South. by land of Richard
Smith, and west! by street or lane, tieing 29 feet ht
width and.— feet on the side•of Slaughter ionise
street, ..the appurtenances one two entry frame da-ell
ing, With the basement and small uooll shed, and all
.iniproved... . ': ; - • i . . '. •
T - akett in execution at the suit of James liclitilty
vs: Michael Vaughn. " . - •
1 •
i r A.ll that certain piece or, Faucet ()flaw( situ
ate acid-being in the borough of.Susqiehanna Dept,
in .th 'icounty of .Susquehanna, and' bounded, no'4A
lorrs,ll.4 wit: On the. northeast by the public high
way aatling from Front street to Gibson, on the south
east lk.thrtie unoccupied lots Nos. :.---:•---, on south
west py - lands of _Gaylord Curtis;.ao on the nnyth
west bflands of the N. Y. it g. R. RI Co.; `with the
appurtenances; one tavern house, the house, and
weed Oiled', trod two grocery 06:ices, with the dwelling
cotiveitiences attaehetf, now occupied:ll)y .three fami 7
litti,.and allimprov4A, being about 163 feet in width
arid. 140. feet f tit front to rear, containing about 1896
upturn:ll.4d, be he Smite more or IQSB. I Ii Also •111-the
right, title and tterest of E'lliot Benson in and to:3
vacant lets *of laiid adjoining the above and bounded
north )4 , lands above mentioned, , east; by street No.
I, sOuthi by street 8., and west-- by as a John
Schitlll , tieing 186' fret on street 8., 126 feet on street
No.'i; ":0:14o, - one 'llarit - tised as a•tai-etn herb; erect
ed ancklieitig-npan lands - sof the N. Y. El K. R..C45,
' Taken ' in. execution at the Snit of Sit well dt . Brown
•et at e.54 1 2110t Benson... ..,- . . I
-A/ i stir-',One othetseertain piece or - pared of land
tiittunto*ni being in lie borough _ of Einitquitiatuta Re
llotH,lni Sugquelasitut oounty , and bounded and de
sicribolk its follow:. . , wit : Beginrdng! at the north
&Pt :eoitter Of' ffettry.Peritie's lot on i line With the
1 • .!i - .
t ii P • . • •-- • -
. - .
lam; , thence akin g the 'MOM Smith 89i:degrees emit
6 perches and 14, links to.a corner ; thence north 644.
degrees east 2 perches and 18 links to a corner onsi
border of the intersectioh of twa streets; thenCe north
34i degreesiwest A perches °ad 'J links to it earner
ort. the border of a street ; thence north one-hart a de
giee east 1 Perch and 211 links to a corner; thence
ecktli 89} degreeS westt perches and 1 link to a c,or•
Der in the east line of said Perine'sland; thence along
the srune south One-halt, degree west 8 panties and
16ilinks to the place of beginni n g, cont ,ho n g, 4 7
square perches Of land, more or less, 'with the appur
tenances, one dwelling hOuse, one antall , Outhinnut and
altimproved. •i - • 1 - ' 1 ..; r.
Taken in execution at the stilt of David. E. H o lmes ys4 Joint Omen: ;•f . 1 1 • ;;,
.: , - ,
4 /so----All these, following destrille faeces or
••pateels of land, to wit • , One hundred acres bt, land
situate lathe township of Great Bend, in thel,county .
of !Susquehanna and State of • ,l'ennsylvania, late the
estate of Jacob ginner,' 2d; and Elisha Squires, de
-Scribed in Sheriff Johnson's Deed to William Dayton,
dated April 13th,, 1844, and on which - stands ' two trained dwelling laeuses, one . saw mill, one limed
-barn _and about 40 acres impritved land. Alio; one.
,other tract of land situated as 'aforesaid; late !the ea- 1
tate. of Jacob Skinner, 2d, and . Elishe -Squires, de
len-Pied by said Sheriff's deed to said William Dayton,
' datbd April 13th, 1844, Containing 400 acres aid 140•
petthes of land, withAllawance of 6 percent.;;.Also,
ond.other tract of land situate iti the toniashlN coun
ty tind State aforesaid, containing 1400 acres, embrac
ingfliat which was late the estate of the said4acob
Shirrner, 2d; as described by the said Sheriff deed, to
! Urbane:Burp:ma, and legit him 'to William Dayton by
deed bearing. date ; May .3d, 1844, being the; same
:,premises 'formerly intrelia i Sed by rthane Burrosis and
I Elizlha Wiliiates of William Ward rand Jesse 'jam*,
1 Midi:being the same lots of land; coaveyed by;Edwin
j Ebliidge and wife in Ramkun SMith by deed'executed
... t h e ;i2lith day of karch, d 840. I Also, all that other
tract or parcel of 'land situate- it the. same tottlaship,
ferinetly occupied ;by said. Smith as 'the homefarm,
,the same as edaveved: to hizn by the, said Edwin
Eldridge and ,rite by deed executed' the 18th, day of
I, May., 1849,-and by reference tel which
.same several
deed:: the deser iptien of ,' said s everal lots will!more
' fully-and atlarge appear, said. deeds being recorded in
' Suslinatianna county, containing, in. Al about i. 1960
acres of land, be the same moretor les:-,.with allow.
aticti of 6 per cetft. On the homi f irm Are two dwell
ing !muses, tine framed barn, one leg barn, one. ea
tile,' and about 40 acres iniprotmd.. ' '• ' 1 ,..
• • Taken in executi o n at die snit lor hansom Smi th vs.
, • ,
•lliraln Curtis. . .:- • I 1 • • • . •
F. P. HOLLISTER, sh4iir. • •
11. 4 •eritr,4 olTice 31ontres,e, Julyi 2:11 1:155.
„ .
ileginsylennit: illaglideates” La*Lir
• - brary.
. .
paws- JUSTIcE.
:tlusiness . Man'i Legal; Guide;'
;•-N(...‘i. and Edition. linin.inff the 'Law
()own tee 1555. i. -
treatise on the office and dutius of Ahlerme and
;;Jo, , tit..c of the • Ptince in die 1.7-ommOnwealtk of -Penn
inCluding all the required Forms of Prhgess
liand Docket •Entries ; and embodying not onlv;ivhat
limay_ be deemed valuable to Jutice,a of ihs• Peace,
,to Landlords, Tenants; and Geneinl Agents and
l'lnakff)e, this volume what it purports to he, A Alfe
jj•Legirt Guide for.flutine-git Jiro. Ify John late
'Aldttan of Waltint Ward, in the City of •Phiipdel
phis; The Sixtb.Editirm. Revlied, ,corrected,' and
greats: enlarged by Fredericke.,,,Brightly, Esq.,; Au- .
;her of - "A- Treatise the Lam id Costs," "Equity
. Jurii . ..p_rudence," "Nt . si Piius TB - ports," Edito; of
-Di t ,Tst;" &c. Itt one !thick volume.. 4, Oc. - ,
taro; I i rice only $l,OO. j • f - •
;11s.o Voitt)...altioit D'utie's Justice.
• Forhis of Convevaneing, and pf Practice
,in; the
nun ts of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions, Oyer:and
fey-miner. the Supreme and Orphan's Courts, and the
officesiid the various Civil officers 'and 'Justices of; the
Bcaee,t Fourth edition, revised, comeeted, enlarged,
quul..C.ltapted to the present state ;of the laws with
ocplannfriry.../otes and - References, arid - -a
new rip!, and comprelumsive ; By Robfit E.
Wright, Esq. -In one thick Octavo Volume: Brice,
;only • A LE;(4, I
3. Eiroad, and Tiriglatly _'slPurdon's
D4,gest-z-1706 to 1053.
. .
. A Diet of the Lows of Penusyivama, Amu- the
wa r 17110 to the Sth day. of 3faY,11555.,' The First
Four ,Editions by the late John, portly,. Esq. The
Fifth. Sixth, and Seventh hy • Mel. Ron. George: M.
Stroud; - Eighth Edition ReviAed,- frith Marginal Ref
c4.eneoii. Foot Note,:-to the JittLei'd Decisions ; An
; alvtical contents; a Digested Syllainis of each Tifle;
; •at,New, Fall, and ExhauStive :Index. By Fie&
errick G. Briglitts, Esq., author of 'IA Treatise on the
1 ! t aw of Costs. "Equity Jurisprudence," "Nisi
filiorts,"'• Editor of i l stice," ke. One
-:. thick_ Royal Svo. Price only S 5
„'"The fres'lnem and perman ,nt ialue
corn's Diges- are preserved by the4piatlicatiOn Minu
-1 ally of t Digest of the Laws,enacted in cach'yeaY.—•
neje annual Di f texts are arran g ed ,in precise '4n
; fkirinitY,to. the plan of Purdon'sDigest. -T,bey a:re,
. t eoeh of thiin, republished annually; are contieFted
.!. ttige_thii,r be a General Index, (prepared. anew . each
Year,) Which embraces the ontents of the Limit.' of
eaell'yt4ir since the publication of Piirdion'a Digest; in
one alphabet; and are lorincl:up with Purdon"s : Di
gest, ailti-also cold separately. -
the purchaser of Pardon's
,Digrst, will alitays
i!bei :ppssession of the eoloplete both' of the Statute
t:f Pennsylvania down to the; very hour when
l 't. Those who
pit7e. Me have already purchased
'Pardon); Digest may always . Complete it to fiate. tor
the'sinall Pmn of Filly Cents, the glee of the Nthl—
.nroe Containing all the anneal Digests issued since
the lirsf publli:ation of the present edition of Pardon's
Di „e 4,
as weg heretofore stated. 1
kit? South FiftkStretl,
I store altove'efiegtnut i ':Phiadelphia.:
it - -" Orders or letters of inquiry' for law',Books
frOt.: thy; country premptly attended to, • ' 28m3
. t
. • •Sisertit' Sales ' .. ... t
. fk virtue of a Writ of Ilihi Facia's, !Rimed 'oat .4
the Coast of _Common "Pleas of Susquehanna county
and to Me directed, I will expose td, sale by public
yeiidue,;at the Court Mouse in Montrose. on Saturdity
the, 4th -day o August :next r at one 'o'clock r , st.,4—
Alt.that certan . 'n piece or parcel of I:tntraltnifte in the'
try:obi!! of•Pakland in said ceitnty, Una hounded its
funiv,i, to wit!: beginning at an oak sapling on. the
north bank of! the Simptiehanna River; thence north
al ih , gred Cast'. 349 perches to . a yellow oak sapling ;
tetiee sOuth.llol- degrees east 104 arid R-1(1th
e. to a White oaketree; Thence smith degrees . w4t
20 and 16-loth perches to the centre 0. the high Way;
thence north TO degrees east,
- 26 andi 4.10 th perches
to.ri stake; thence south .1 degrees West . ni perch4l;
to the . Senumehanna Ait'er; thence down said lir&
as it winds and turn's, to the place of beginning; con : ,
taining 2;33' acres, more Or less, with the appurtenan
ces, 3 Maned:houses, 2 barns, a small orchard, and
about 76 acres improved; being the 'same hind re
cently conveyed to Thomas Jackson and 11. c. (food.
win; and ' . .fornii:rly occnpied by Daniell Van Antwerp,
Ch - ries !Fen-bury, Martin Wade and Elijah weitut,!
Taken 'in execution at the suit of Jahed W.druro
vs; 'Julitu B. Scovill. . . ,
.1 . ', • . i
AIR( —ll3y virtue of a like writ vs. Plaintiff far iOsttt,
all; that ..certain piece or parcel of Lint! 'situate and be.
iii 4 in the Borough of Susquehanna Depot And bound
ed As follnws, to wit: On the tuirtli-east by lain' of
BenjarnitiTahrier, on the east by lands t f Robert Nich' r
ol; i ciii thq south by lauds of John SA terlY, and on
'the itortlt!.west
. by, the public highway, called Main
street,' being about 25 feet in front :nod nboUt 60 feet
front front threar,with the a ppurteritinees, one , Boirf
Mg : A/loon and all improied. • 1 • , 1
Taken In execution at the suit of Martin Ashley vs
John Barnefi. .. .F. P. FIOLLISTEII, Sheriff. t
Sheriff's nmeet'!.fohtioSe, July 16. l$M.
y ` .. i .k . MP Oil,. Linseed 01 and Zinc Pal
.1 , , I I • i -P. It. Cl.
Montrose, June 1855.1
. NOTICt. • I - 1
1. TE . 1',Oor:-inaitten3 of the Borough Mvgnier4
y &gird, to bind out three children ; one white girl.
8 ierirst .one black boy and one Mack girl
the saute age. • Any pera4n deaking toI
more areaid children can call on - either of the Poor-:
mascorK . S. N. WILSON, L pr . 0. • •
;;-, - C. S. FOSTER, 1
Ilentrose, July 9, 1855.;
IP'atOtt Horse
ptm. istp at tlir Farmer)! Eicititswe .tty
a."bine?A" -
, .
_1 • „EsTRAYVIIP . ? '• •
tairnyed es from the prends of the subaeriher, , 1
or near thefiret of lune—Ove ycarlingn . Vivo red
Ste.eio, .opd darker than the 'otber.l Three Milers,.
tnoctiy red; : with,some whlte On each,
haring mini. white than ,- the other. Any person see ,
in t ; tuild.yrlhigs trip o6lle the atdieriber byy taldp4
theni up and sending him word, by.letter be otherwise,
and he_willipay them for their . trouble. •
ilieitsetn;4 l 4 fat; 18551 . 'EA ItitillZE;
P INE PL (1.1 . t .. ) .
• 0J
T Wlb"liDgrlas GUMS o,
'single barrel, and ext.ra One Rifle for gale by
! • .4 4 VAT HEIR CO.
MOBS ziEw acions at
.22.1 PO
~.. ,
VROM the enelosum of the anbserib* is Silver
JL' Lake about the - 20th of May last, four yearling,
One white-sidedboll, two heifers, one lisle red. the
other brindle, +me red steer. - Wheewer - wiltAlve any
infotmatlen f the above will be libereityl, rewarded.
saver Lake, Jene 18th, 185 . 3. '
. 81;00 REWARD.
' TRAM) or stolen a liver-eolered 'Dog.
The above mown' will be paid:4o any bne!-tvturstr
lug him to the attire or A. LATEP'
Montrose; luni,l2th s 1855.
A!Rood atisorhtlent, SeythmSnaths, RxkeP Fork
. --and 2 .kiridi of Rome Rakes--end superior
Revolving linketcut F. B. CITANindiR'S
dune 20th, 185.6.
Paint!, an . 01 a. q V, • I;
7PIK Fuint, _Makes fire Proof Paint, * Linseed. and .
1.4 Loup Oil f Fluid and, hosgene sold iikw by
1 t 11
„ . .. - . - F. B. cB,ANBIIEB. I I
i June
20th, 180. , I, t:: ',
t --- 1! - - - =-- -- L----t---,..----1
, ,
cl • - • -i„ . • -•
11f3Y the
ti Hanel:, Sack or pound 1
F. • ' • -
ltdrttrose; Jurie 20th, laa .
1.. . AND 1 .
Tailoring EstablishMent
... • 1
E ASHER St Co. would respectfully atinotnwe*
their ft lends, and the public,. generally,i that thny
I:eep constantli.onli.and as..sortnicnt ofiteadr,
Made Clothing, Boots and Shoo; Hats and b fa atql
every thing else necessary for men. and wonen.:i wear.{
Vire would particularly the attention sit country
Merchants to our large stock of Ready-Mad4 Cldthing,i
fpf our. owri:rnanufactore, • which we offer at irliolesale,l
priees that will afford Erect inducements tn," cash;
- and short-time enstoniers.•
II A large stfick cif Cloths,
kept Constantly nu hand, for persons deSirtitts hav isiade'io order. t
Order punctually attended tn. •
Thankful for past favors, We hope lo•m'erit 'a con,
tiittuatice of the Stone. J. ASHEIt & Co.
' Susquehanna Depot, Pa., May 1854 E
Itontrow Jutii 20th, VW
. .. ~ • 1 •
Adminittvator'‘'N 1
NT OTlcr..js hereliy.given that letfCrs of alimihistra-
Alen-upon the; estate of GURS:IIO3I•IION'ELL,'
ito of:the township of Auburtydeceased, have; been'
ranted tip the subicriber, and all persoWa ladebt,
d to •'said estate{ will pleas? , ; make inimediatri par 4
ihent t Wand, thoselaving claims against the estate'
Will please Present Them duly attested-for s/ttlenent:
Annrrv, Junel3th
, , o 18r3
- 4.
ILNewW Goods, Cheap for Cask .
i . MOTT- has just received another lOt of New
foods, Such as Chalks, Brago ..Delake,4 De
Bages, - Collars, EthbroiderieS, Lawns, 4!.; . ., 7,1 , 101 he
offers at very low - prices. Siunnter Shawls,la dew hit
some lienutifud . patterns at eery low pricesalso Black
Silk Shawls equally;low for Cash. „
° Parisaols latest styleat .'' ,C. W. mons.
Black Dress Silk; a'splendid article, at C.tW.W.
Summer Stuffs its great varieties, al C. - IAV. 11. .
.Droceries of all kinds, very cheap. Syrup, 4 first
rite article at 60cti per gallop: You - havei: olds. to
call and examine, to become sati s fied that ttk "fiend
of:tinvigation "is the place to buy'Cheap. .1 . )
k .
__ i Wanleifl.. , 1 i• ,
Butter; Eggs, trams,- Lard, Sticks in ftct #ll Icind4
otCo.intry Pt - -Oduce in exchange fir good itgash
Prices.. C. W. an.
'Montrose, June 15, - 1/155. •
etv Goods Cheap for Cacti " t Tate
' Hend of Norigation.4
HE undersigned would respectfully ittinoupce
J. that he is still selling Goods at the tild playe,
said that he has an entire new stock of Gaols Which
Itfi trill gel! rlieafi : - e: ItOTT.
AREGE DEL/INS for ont shilling ; Lain!. ,^ Gist
113 . colors, n yard Wide, fur one shilling, ahtl Tali
co at all prices, at C. W,. MOTT'S.
ontrose, May fil), 1355 • •
. • : . -1-1
• Auditors Notice.
. .. ,i '
-SifßquOliavita Cdunty Rs.. i
, 1
rrliElund, - ..rsigneil,att Auditor appointed by,l the
..t Or Khans'- Court of said, county Jo dlatribute
among' the Iltlrs of- Thomaillurdicl:, decealedi" t h e
and remaining in the hands of Avery flurdlckAd
ministrator, will attend to the duties of hilt lippOint
meld nt his office ini'dontrose, on Saturdaythe I, l Bth
-daV.of ..I,uly next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at
w1;1clt tune and place all persons interested iTIII pre
sent their claims, or: be forever
. after debarrt'd 'front
corning in upon said fund. '• [ . • ;
• t .- . FRANTILI . X FRASER Atiditoi:.
:ittne - 1:1, 1855. - - -• ?. r Iti.]
• ' Administration Notice..
VOTIOE is hereby given, that letters of adtninistra
,tiort upon the estate of WARREN Wramspatti of
Sprlngville township, deed, have been grant to:the
undersigned, and *II persons indebted'to vaip estate_
willlplease make iminediate payirient, and thdie hav
ing Iclainis will present the same -duly attesfd for
settlement:. Ni'll.l.lASl WiIITE; A m'e,
SPrineille, June 6, 185.1. 1- 2-ilw6
, Look filet 'e .
rt tof tile best
Tall7Kn rn ir e e n s and:Forks.
SPGONS. Silver, Silver Plated, German Silverl, Alba
to, and Itritania-ware. spoons. Also Silver, i'Silver
Plated. and German Silver Butter Knives. 1, i
• VIOLIN STRINGS , Rows, and all the fixtui:os, Vi
olins, Acenrileons, Flute*, TUning Forks, Instruction
Rooks., &C, - ' • ' • l i _ i
FLUID LAMPS, Fluid , Campliene CarllesLatnp
Oil, fie. ll
FAMILY GROCERIES. A full assortment, nqw and
I. i .
DRUGS .1 - , PATENT MEDICINES. A firstiateas
sortreent, and genuine. F
PAINTS & OILS. - A g,eneralassortment, and cif get;al
. no ate .IEtVELRY. A sPlendid variety of the nos tO4 1
1 ,
. • 4.
FANCY GOODS. ;Nearly even , thing in this b. s. taneh:
• I :',ERYUSIERY. A choice variety. ( Nevr sutplies
received.nearly every ; week.] .
In short, nearly every thing persons want, and cheap
at the Vat iet y store of • _ , A. TURREI r L.
I '
Mtintrose, June 14..1855 P.g
F ) ,
I.ispplicatfon ha's been made to .the Conrt of
Comn%onP Pleas:of Susquehanna eaunty, takrant
a Charter to the' FirstiPiesbyterian Church °T i ll/Int.'
ock Oornen,4, of which all persons interested will
pleasd take notice and govern themselves according:'
Iv. •.1 ..S. B. WELLS,
. per FRAM X LYN kRASELR, Dopy.
PeoPiiinotary's office; Montrose, June 18, 1854-I'4
• . :d Carib ior Land .Warrants. - ,
t t. FITCJI.
Montrose; Junefi, 1855. -2 • *3w-I
, To the IPahl e.•
BE t; on the ere of my departure.for the West;
l)would say to nly friends and patrons that niY,
.7)A GITERIi'EUTYI I E Rpoms will be elosedfor
feat webkii. I will duly'apprise you of inc return; and
then .kirte td find sou deeply impressed With the tie.'
cefigity ; Of getting yourhees taken.
Odd :Fellow? Hall, Mont:llse, ) W.' : B.
i May 26, . •
111,&11111,00 4 • HALLOO, THIS WitY:i
rrlll4 subscrilper would inform the citiiens of 3 cult.]
1, rose and the public geherally that he has !aught',
the Grecery formerly kept by Y. H. Fordham epo..
in Lcolis and Chandler's' building on Chestnut stceet,
in the borotlgh of Montrose '
where he has-a fresh as
sortmcnt of Groceries; and wiit . keep constatithi on
hand, Flotir t Oysterw, Cheese, Sug ars, Syrup, 31o14;see,
• Mackeril, huts, Candies. Toys, Oranges and Lembn,s,
'Figs, Piunes, Sardines , Soaps, Vinegar, Coffce v d — ed
Peaches: and Plums, Herring, sack Salt ; -Pies, Ca es,
Beer, Venkce biotious, and other things too nu er
ous to mention, which wilt be sold cheap for cash or
most hinds of couutt7 produce.. )Call and see. .A.
share eflpttblic patronage is solicited. S. 8. mint.
Montatie March I, 1555. ' ;
i / I
• R,TifAyEß,u,ki thia m , etbecl of sapling
to his friends and enstdrners, that he hks again
resumedthp practice of Medicine, at his old stand at,
Moptrosi,:where hi may be ktund at all t ones !ultimo - .
professionally employed.'- He would say to th`atiiln
dehted t 4 ;11m, that he will deduct twenty Are er
cent on till acconnts paid before the first ofAltrilneki,,
tor if atiY Poor like mytielf I will deduct fift:Y.) !,
Montrwcte, Feb. 211; 1855. . '
- -Xidnitadetrator's Note . 4 . ,-
I\ . TOTICI3 is be given thit letkers hf !übeitils.
.L 3 traton de bowls non eum etiptaitento • 41131f20
Pifion theestale of Wise Wright deceased; haii been
granted to the sabee.ribee, and all persons indeb;ed
'to saiteritete are requested to make immediate pity-
Meut,,attAl those-having Ohio. tti present-then" dilly
atieettedlhr settlement. 1 B. F. BALLY Adat'ii.
liroohl)te, Mil -Td; 1855., - , • 2c)—w• .
nt, for gale bli i
lANDLtft •
"partnershiP heretofore ell/ging under e
firm lof nAwieY & Nott ill this day dissolved ,
Apruli; , G. A.
0. , W. MOTT.
sodiOckiieLe are lo theluuoia
Jection. Thoiseloiereelled w il l tilesso D
eroireniset. - . • e
The DO
/tall tor..
mg seen a
ST k '
'laying Tools
Great Attraction
"OUAH o Ali." "
subicriber would agatuannounee to his 01S
ii tamers and the public genandly - that he, his re
eeived - a large assortment of BOOTS AND24O . K,S,
Istich; he intend s selling
,tbr Rettih - Pcift'twentyper
teat. cheaper titan enn be bought in this nuricet,(the
Gelatine Boot and Shoe Store down Term or. this.. Chance for Itargaits up town, not excepted.)— I
bush Steah", may be found the firS ' t door . East of the
Odd Fellowe'fiall, Turnpike street, first floor. • Al
though not quite so commodious as some "stooks."
yet it answers our purpose very well for the present.
Neither can we promise our customers that ourl'es
tablishinent" will not be "surpassed" by any in,.!the
country soon, but we will promise air customers that
we will sell Boots and Shoes' to suit in. quality and
price. • Our stork embraces a `generatyariety of new
and elegant styles of Ladieeand Ventlemen's wear,
among which are, Ladies' Silk Fos Gaiters,. Coleted
'Gaiters, Enameled Gaiters, Black and Bronsed Kos
suth Boots, Enameled Boots and Enameled Buskins,
Kid Buskins, Polkas, Calf Lace Boots awl Busload,
Misses Kid Boots, enny Lind Gaiters, Gents Con
gress, Patent Leather, Enameled and Bucks - kin Gait
ers, Patent Leather Ostbrd Ties,' Toilet Slips, French
,Calf Boots, Thick Boots, Enameled Calf and Cowhide
- Brogans, Bore Patent Leather 3iontereys. Kip Boot%
ke., Youthe . Montereys and Kip Ties, Children'sTay
ler Ties, Paridoes Roan Boots,"&c. . Silk toot Laces,.
all colors.
:Work made to order, and repairing done neatly.—
. ilease . eall and examine . . . 1 •
"flora in the Pant and Shoe trade,
liag 1, 1'655. • C. M. SIMMONS.
Berages, Worked Collars,
I'l I'aragols , Lawn.a,fas hionable,l3onnets, Plano, (a
choice aysorttiteut in each detiartrneat,) . a spletnlid
lot of 'noire antique Trimming,. Staple. Gods of large
variety, ClCAbing, (a large . §tock,) Gent4'.auil Boys'
H a t's, (silk ;and summer.)_Cloths very lov. Calicoes
from 4 cent; to 1 shilling, Carpets, Mattli2,.oll-c)oth,
and Rugs. 1 .
Hardware—German Silver & Plated Sixums,
linirey and •Forks.
Grocerieft,r 7 Figh, a fine aSsortme.nt W' -Teas,
Coffees, Broina Tapies, Rice, Chocolate, Raisins,.
Corn Starch.
. -
Perfumery—Bay Waxer, toilet do.; Genin
Parena, - do, F,xtFaets,,German Cologne, a large goek
of Fancy Soaps,-&e. &c. .
.1 -
Farming Tools—llay Yorks, Scythe Snatlis i
. • • .
_,l.i POSTA Co.
Pro g!to uration !
Sus4uehon na County ss.
11oLus S. Liznsann In the Court_of Curninott Ilesa
of said connty,ofJanunry Tenn,
r - JulA LEONAI:D. ,1855, No: O.
To Eliza ,I,ronort W hereaa a subpoena id': Di=
voree was issued to .linustry term, '1855, which was
duly returned non egt.ineenins, and thereon an alio.,
subpoena was iF.anediti.said cause, returnable, to April
Term, 1855, upon the return of which_ proof was
made to the-Raid Mirt that. the Bahl Iliza Leonard
cold not he found itOnv, bailiwick. • •
- This notice, is thedefore to require 'Fon to 'appear
kefora_the J11(1E:es the said,Coort on the third Mon
t:ay of August next, to answer saidconiplaint fie.
F. P. 110LT.I4TER, Shft
Sheriff's office, 3fonirese, Juno 6,
Tine Sired ! —.rare Reducer] '1 Throtiyk
iDayGght I
LTAVE formed a partnership In Ilriutrose. 4 fur the
1 1 purpose of doing everybody's .. .111LAf1k.
*SAE Till NG, at the old stantl,`t eatKeelbr's Ho
tel. We hare purcha.!e.d an entice Inc* bluckAll
IROX, comprising a Ina assortment of all kinds, di
rect froth 'the city. We • shall keep 'constantly 'on
hand, Ulster, round and square Nail Ilmk CaSt Steal
Toe-cork .ilodq, Refined. Tyrclron, n'l,l size?,.-Eand
Iron, Spring Steel, a large,. asiortuteut malleatile
Iron, Coil Chain's, CarriTte Bolts, &c.
. . _
Ironed on short notice, and 'stock found. or made to
order . throughout,. as msuit our ;patrons. All Im , iness transactions must be settled -once a
I Year. .. Sheri settlements and' long friends is our
: Br sttigt ettentron to .Im..tinetas we hoprto receive
a Iltieral dilare of patron s. All •worlt; warranted.. -
N. 13. • A good Journe%tutp . waneed; - to whom
steady emidOyntent and high wife. '!rill be
-given. '
. A. E. li t tro.nt. l'ettur
Montt4w, May 30, 18+5 % . 22: I
New Good.• • •
T ows - Jk. Bros. are now re 4(. ceigitii their sup
ti • ply of Spring . and Summer .0.11.1 J end being
ctinvinced.of the:advantage of haring ready pay, are
detertniried to sell gdods at FO low kretet . its to con
vinee.their customers and the public' generally that
it will be, to their advantage •as well as elms.' •Our
stock consists in part of Broadcloths; cassiineres,
Kentucky Jeans, Summer stuffs, Delames, Lawns,
galicoes, Ginghams, Prints,' Bonnet., liiri ions, Pzll7l
- Shawls and Black Silks, together with a_s_tdek
f other Staple 'and Fancy Dry Goods:, iGrlii:vPs,
priNkery; Hardware. Boots and Shoes-, illars,--4ke.
'Also, a good assortment of Shoemaker:4' flndings.
ipall and examine . Mir Stock, and judge . fortourselves
as to thr truth ofOur staternent. Oar motto ii, quick 1.
sales and
. Fmtill profits. :Most kind%_42f c nary pro-
duce taken in. exchange'for good's. •
J. SIOSb 13RDS.-
New Milford, May 15, 1855. ( illui3
9 1 he Proprietor;'_Mr. Ricnano Ffootan.6 respect
'', fullyinforms the public that ho has taken this In
,stitution with the design of fitting - Young 'Ladies and
Gentlemen for the Profession of Teaebing, :accerding
to the Normal Mode; or for fitting - Citing, Men for
ary other 'business of life. ' •
This Institution is 6ttrattin the plea-met; retired, _
and healthy Village <it Don' sir, . Susquehanna:enmity,
,pa., and is unexposed to the many temptations and
vices that are detrimental to the Intellectual and Mor
al advancement of Students, Tile. Preeptms,..lli.
J. Swart, a - highly, educated andatcomplisbed
dy, will take eatire -Charge of the -Young Ladies bbth
in and outer salon). Nor will they be allowed to
attend partletr, or any place 'of amusement,''without_
the express permission and attendance of thei•Teach-'
ere. Miss Swart will give.lessons also in.Ornamont•-•
. 111, Needle Work, French, Pencilling,- Crayoning, &e. ,iii
One of the prime objects' or this. Institution, has
been to establish a Normal Department, or. Teachers'
Gears e, for the benefit of those desiring tiiinetreTeitcli
ing.a Profession. The whole course of Instruction
requires•three years: . Iu tbis course it has been the
object to embrace those studies of practidat utility, as
well as those of an educational character; and great
care has been taken to so Classify and arrange them
asp to present to the student an easy gradation , from
this.simplest subject to the mbst"difficult: ,-
Pupils willnot j,e inirried through a superficial
caerse.of study; nor.will they be
.encouraged in an.
twidue fondness for apy Particular science, to the neg
liNt of others; but such it course will he puraued as
will lead to
.a systematical development teal] the pow
ers of the mind, by directing tbethoughts ;Is the Study
of principles and the relanon of cause turd.effeet„,in
stead of isolated 'Meta. -
Common- Eng. Branches, per q'r.if 11 weeks, t-1,110,
Higher, • - " , 5',00
Latin and Greek extra each, " •. • 8,00
Frdnch. German, and ttalin, " 3;W
Pe'cilling, Crayoning, and Drawing; , .3 . ,00
Mu is Mph use of Piano, ' ,' 1 .4 _ 10,00
V - - 11 Music-,
c i .
. 0, 0 0
Do. rd per week, -. _ !I :. • .
Thosa•wisbing to board themielves, -can procure
culpable roceitsfor the purpose,,----- . '. ,
!loan, and Tilden Dills invariably in advance. - -
'lie. Second Tempi' this I nstitutlon will conimenze
• t,
Mel 9th. ;,and as Studies will then be arranged and,:
classified, Students are particulssy requested to lid
For further information, address the . Priaclfitt
le the undersigned, can under-the present crpe
rien ellnd efficient Board ?f Instructors, who are
.pract' llylamilliar with the Normal Mode of interim- -
tion ith implicit confidence commend the Dutidair
Act erny to the favorable consideration ofthose-pre
pariqg themselves .for Teachers, and all those 'who
desire to giro their sons and daughters a thorough,
praciical, and „liberal education. '
1 Iv, G. 4: Tope, ~.. , - ,Ilun. S. i3,lViu4s,
T 00. P. PutoOy, EOci. "J. M. Cntrreotncs,
J. Goontnen; - 4 ,.. E.,Poimitir t
: - W ll.St.octrit.4 -.V ; ' ' J-. B. fitoottx; , • ,
I 3. J . PIMPS, Pact. 4 1 , ^ - 11=i. BUOWNILL,
„ , : BO:. AYana.
1 Du vine, Apra 19th.; 1855. _ _ , •-,
• , . Prof. -Cliarirs Morris, - -
IQUFCESSOR of Chaties lillmati, -.BARDBR, 'hay
-130 i 3.l:emov,eil his shop fiem its former . toemhitt,in
e - coolant cif Searle.!o fletei„ lb .the ratml. 4 14 ,the
dame Witting; its the sar of the, bar-room3i-Pritiar
'0 t o, e rclise Ws Art , in 'scientific , tumor,
lon all who may be plaii.; , u4 to !entrust their beads
faces, er
o M -
Ma bands. .l .. '_ ' - 22 Y 1
-1 " ' • Mash s l i d littll de•' • '-':` '
* A7?,DIT/0U Sash of rt . trimae sizes eqnstatitly oti , tiOid
i VV I Also Blinds furpifibed to,ortter ,
L - NEW GOODS: :":
Airp, ate re ceiving title week a lot Of New Pectiktnit
purchtiseti - in the city, which Tendon our hseottinent
compl i
tite end witieh we'Qii:et on theAlmigvatiate
tem* ktthe n wi Indltilni, one doitilbotal the Post
(Mr. •
Von rase; Fehrctry 1855,
`change of Tithe.
(rNY and after. Monday, May.7t1i,! , 1855, the Midi
Patisenger Train will depart from Scranton 'at
10.26 a., S. Duti'at'Greitt Send at 1:20 P. sr. - 1
netting with the'llunkirk Expreas West_on the N. Y.
&E. Ilia. Passengers taking Attie train will arrive
in Dunkiiir at 11:15 P. x. l and in New York at 11:15
Returning, irill'lW.4. - Great Beridtat 4P. u.,' due
at Scranton of 6:45 P. M. ' ': t ' '
• The Freight *ccommodatlonTraT4witlipiaenger
car attachedosill leave Surapton - at ). 7; - mg . due it •
Great Bend at 6 P. 11„ -colirsectiri _with' the Mail
Train West, and the Night - Express 'Train Dint.
Passengers taking :this train and Si - Night - Express
West, will arrive in Dunkirk Ut Pi ~ orlby taking .
Mail Train, 'West, will arrive at Dun & it. 0:45 p. m;
Returning, 1611 leayO Great - Bend nt'7 .11-3 t.-on at ,
that of Cincinnati Expren East,' flue
_at Scranton
12,10 r. K. ', •- -. ' -
• 'Passengers for- Wilkesbarre,.Pitteton, - ;Carbondide,
Philadelphia,' (tia the Catawissa,, 'illiamsp - ort and
Erie and Reading Raitroad, via Tanniquii,) and East- I
ori,`and all intermediate , places, willifind- first class
gage coaches in, readiness at Scrarston, on the arrival
of the Passenger arid Accommodation Tralits to - nun- I,
vey them : ithe above places. Those chewing _pi- '- - 1
vete coriVelicces 'nit! find the best pr horses andcar
ringesaof ever - j• ''description,. at, reatlimable , charges, Y
rend} to order. : ' . - -0 : '.l ' : • - .
li ff. DoTTERE4, S'iiperintendent. -'I
Superintendent's OMee. / .
Scranton,.May 10,, 1855. f - t
- 1.3 Y ItTITEIof a writ of -Z.erari i 1 cctaa, , isstted -
from the Court .of -77<imnion Pleas of4alque- •
:hams county arid to me difected;:.tinill.extkuti
. 1
;sale by public renlioe, 'on the twends'ets Sr the BrYant - -
Mouse, in GreatHendltownship, on Friday the 270 .
lof July inst, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon—A.ll'ost
certaht piece or parcel ofland situated in Lederarille,
ilin Great fiend township. arid in the - crinnty ofßavine..
' - ibanna,,bounded and described as follOw, to wit: 4e
*hull:l,, at a_ point in the•south.westdrly the '
-I.lreat 'Bend- S Cochecton turnpike, thetouth-eaaterly
I side of a largewhestunt tree at n - corner of lend here- '
tofore, cons:-rein to the New York 41; Erie -Railroad
Company; thence south 53 degrees and :30 Mintiles -
west, along the'liiie of the 'Said Itaiload 'Company's
lands about -114 feet to a corner thereof; thence
north-westerly along the line of said
,Emnpttny's lands
about 182. to Re north-westetly•iide. of it locust
tee wit two trbnks, about_tfeet limn said, Ener
thene north 511 degrees ettst,about'2l3 feet - to the r .
line if said turnpike,
the north-wosterlysi4eora gam
p ; thetfce.southfi- di; roes east aletigthe line of
d turnpike, 179+ feet to thCplaee of beginning,
ex ntaipjag six tenths of an acre land More or
le, now erected thereon a large thr i ee story tavetr.
• house, as', the o . l3rytuat Housei" With a large 7
barn, shed ant.' sial6tim-,: ; ice house cantouthouses, and.
all improved. ' I - -
Taken in-execution at the suit ofliowry Green-vs.
Charles Cr. Hart. F. P:HOLLLS'fER, - Sheriff .
I. Shetiirs oltice, Mnntrose, July 3, 7555.
The sale of the Bryant property whose deScribed
I ,l's adjourned to Friday the 10th day of August
at the same place, and same hour• as above.
F. - P. HOLLISTER, Sheriff.
1 Montrose, Suly,2s, 1855.
•„. . • NEW. SPRING:00011t.- -..- -.-..• •
.._ .
UIRRITT *odd announce tc
1.1.1 his friends and the public that lie is now open
ing an unusually ' large stock of SPRING-.4.A7)
,SUlf-IfER - .100 - 01.45, ineluding+ a gmat variety - of.
Prints porn 4 milts to 'is
,td-pgi yerd; plain'atid.
'printed Lawns, Barege DelaneS,-Oinghaini ' Brocade;
- Black and fancy Dress Silks, Si Dress' ssues and"
BaregeN Poplins, &c. &c., with a upetiOr assortment .
lof Silk, Broche,- C4shmere and tibetShatvls; -Man
tillas, Parasols,. French - Lace and traW and Silklton
neo, rich Ribbon? andFlowers,'ith ,i'larte variety
of othei . Stanle end Fancy -Pry oods,i-: ;
•.. -
-117.4.1?E—1r0n and .Nails, Boots and goes,' !hits 'and
Caps, Carpeting, Wall Paper, Finer OillCloths ' : . Paint . -:
ed,Window Shades, Clocks, Stoves, Oils andPainti,
Ploughs, kc. &c.; itt,4ltort, the_ largeSi, kind of 'piles
of rich and cheap,GOods, too nutrieroris to mention;
1 In 4 just the things to purchase tr. all oil which, will be,
i f BON at the thost reduced prices. arid - on 'the. inost Et-.
I yorable terms for dt.;rt or spprol-ed crddit. .. . .;, •
11..14. Flour arid Salt constantly on itand. -
I • •
New Milford May 5 l 845. r . 1 - • .
• - ! -_ 7 .-.
- 1 ~'" '
liOAl3 LA./3
WOODRUFF ELaii.E.D ; •••
- L_TAvE-roniovo to the burnt t istriet,:whkv this
• 3 * will *glad to see nll their. old 'customers anti
its many nets ones is please to gave them a ealL—•
They intend to:keep a general, ast_orttnent of Stoves
of the heSt kind and quality;singng 4hich)niay be
nun& Pllac...V ISand P.4RACIQiIr IR-Tlala;,..
WI:STEPS OVEN. The Elevated:.thiien Stoves all
have 'double fire-places; which makes themfar eupe
rior tosingle. fireLphice Stove's.r keep -eon=
stantly ad hand a generalaQl;ttii4nt'of•VAZW.4RE
of a first.kte quality, for-ltorne-rfrade; Apo, Well and
Cisl„ern,lltatr, Rump Chains. and Beak L:wak.Pilike
of -all 'Size',
..Tappanned Ware, Ac. `all of which
they promfse to *sell cheap for ready pa of approved
credit. job work done with despatch and in order.
S. A..1"t00 DRUPE. ' ' O. B. BLDI3ELY.
•, 3U, ISa5. - 2211
Books- and -StationOry.
T RAVE recgivekalargd addition stock ctf
Books'and Statio . among,whio 'll:lAng .
Look Ahesd, (Roc)--44rolferes-Roopt grying)—Dr.
.sifeticer'A Sketches-=—Wonderful AdVentOef! - of cacti
Priest—The Srare Daughter-4A • of
Ifous . ton—Jane Itay—The (Ilarriet B.
Stowe).--Rg • 134, ba-sold'
cheap. _ P. B. CHANDLE4. - ..
•- Stay 22, " 1555. _ . , . • -
illontrase ,Stages;,
"LIA&W 'GEttS will' find Etagatitt &Ade'. Zeta),
Montrone. Pa. which ran in connect on with tie
following Trains: • t , ,
Leave at 11 A. M. Connecting wit b tho Mail Train
for Great Bend. (This train now meets Bay:Express
both'East and West.)' -
Leave at 8 P. M. Connecting with_Fre,iglt Trtihilhr
Great Bend, and :Mail Train for_ Sdratiton. ; : IThe
Freight train meets lltuil Train West .4t Great Bend,
and Night ETpresses bOth East. and Wes
Leave Depot tar Montriise lin arrival 'attache M ore
LrCiins • I t t:litAttla
Mnntrtieo, May 7 , 1553.
Now York Prfc
ARE_now being paid by 4,. Lathrop to. all
those-who consign their butter and prcklithe to them,
They having made armngententi are now' enabled to
send all kinds, of produce to New _York slid to Sell
the same at hichest market;. prices All ihOse
who wish good, prices anti quick return itwp invite to
call upon . ' . :b. - LS . IIIEOP co:. .-
-Montt - en: M a y 10855. i
900()pant of.alk-siaes and
double ,cross,tin at less, than iMerchants
'usually pay to sell again, •for sale,- hy. the §ubscriber.
We haw cbme•to fife Conclusion to sell pans . to Par—
niers as low
.as we will to the trade, -thpreby savitig.
to the Fanner Our profit, Oar wares are ..`,warratited
to be perfect in every Particular or no sale:
Terms—Cash or short Credit.
Nevi. Milford April 1. 1855. : •
• Y.
• - • • NEW- GOODS.
0, LEE, AT,24O I TROSE DEPOT,. liciju,st.. is
.7 • s ewed a • pew supply. ; of Spring ' and Sumtner
'Ciotnisorhich sill be kick voryrow for ett - sli or farts
produce. ,
. ,
POIMIX 3 good N:ew.Orleana.Sugar fv pe
lar at • - J C LEF'S' Vow—More
.. .
~. .
TEA, C9frots;. MolftoOa, Y 10; Rice ; anti firticeties
of all Mods' y,ervthedp At : . 11 - ... 9 , ERS,-.: .
, .--•,:-,- , ....,-" .- _ ,_.:._: -..a...:,.....
A:' , ' • -- 1 1 :': ~ . • •'-lititstiitt , • . i-.. r. I
, .NT qoaniq of „Eggs ;at 12.pems - per! en, In
exchange for goeos 10 .4. C.444.W4.iitore.;'
• .
quistitv of.Bakter at. enta pef'faiiind, in
a fl exchirgc tor Goody at 17..C.T 4 8irS N:eirstoie,
firnosp. w;shing to purchase, for. caship' et.;
4 change for bar 4- ,er, willniiit talbeir7 . 4-.4reet to
callAkoel ositaine my-titapic of , (1008i .-- and*ces
theroselvee. For bartetf`of all tbi• bighead vie-,
es allay atlll times be relled otts;.'t:),LEWS:Stere,
Montrose bahot. - - - -_
. .
A 7171._1% ASSORTMENT,ce !rut, Sk6t. /“Xt
and. 11-Opper*Waro of. m own tita4olli4ttire and.
outdo otltelay plate, for sale " • •
- -J.
ly te 18 5 53.
New Mi;rowl,
-k Pint. I.4Urtmeiitllf
414., Joiners' Tonle Poop Mani aidiriturtat ps
New Milford, July; lt4 .
CIASIT AND I . 3LINDSI4` , the't►ei
!0 - ateap'tit . •.: .- •=. -11NEARj401s,_
ilon,inkun AND SALT by Oke balor oth
t etitio% at tile ItitvOt Prices lit-preKKft