Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, July 26, 1855, Image 2

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Thursday Morning, July 26. VW.
The Repuhlican• County Committee of Susquehan
na County will meet at Montrose on Friday, the 2ith
day ofJoly inst., for the transaction of ,bustness pre
paratm7 for the Fall election. The following persons
constitute- the CoMmittee : Charles F. Read, Peter
Decker, Gilbert Warner, U. L. Canfield, Amos Wiil
iams, William Foster, William C. Tiffany,, G. Z. Dim
oek. A full attendace is reqestpl.
,Position and, Prospects of Pa4lo, North
sad South.
At the. South, there seem to be but two
parties - in existence, the Democracy and the
Knoir-NothingsOioth of which profess pre
cisely the same principles on the Sliyery
question. Each
_party claims to he, more
vTeSlaver,.y than_ its antagonist, but them can
be-no doubt both are 'sound' in that respect.
In Georgia, for exaMple, the Democracy
faro lately tulnpted,a platforni in which they
Acelare that a-refueal to admit Kansas imp
the Unio as a Slave State, will be consider
ed by rgiti a sufficient ground for dissolv
ing, the Union. Tho Know-Nothing State
'Council of Georgia has since met, and unwill
ing to let the Democracy get the start of
them, has adopted, so far as Slavery is con
cerned, precisely the same platform: The
• sum e platform has also been adopted by the
Democracy of other Southern States ; and
intleed it seems to be the doctrine of that:
Tarty": every where, tbat the' Missouri Com
promise lino must not be restored, and-that
if the sovereigns' of Kansas orNebraska dc
aide in favor of Slavery, they must be admit
ted • Nvith slavery. We believe at. not a
single- Democratic paper - or poi' iciati, that
claims, to adhere to the party, tier at the
North or South, has come out in fiver of re
stoeing the Prohibition of Slavery in those
Territories. And in this the National oe-pro-
Slavery..Know-Nothings and the sham 'De.
mocracy stand on the same ground; for the
pro-Slavery platform of the Philadelphia Con
vention, also declared, against restoring the
, • 4::ornpiomise line and in favor of adinitting
ne*-States.with Slavery whenevei• they as . k.
it. In lo6al, or State elections, these , two
proSlaiery parties may, for the present, 'op
pose• each other, but - in aPreSidential con
- test, in the present state of onr national. af
fairs and of public sentiment, no" reasonable
man can' doubt that They will. .unite ; rather
than see the Oppositi, principles triumPh and
-Kansas and Nebraska restored to freedom
In fact, many of the4Southern papers,'of both
c parties,are already clamoring for such unioo.
Assuming that these prO-Slavery parties,
laying aside minor differences, will act to.
-getter to elect a pro-Slavery - Presient, we
have• to consider what Will be their united
,strength, and \ who will be found to -oppose
In the first place, the chief strength of both
•) the South. That this is:the case with
- ther-Vrerroveretic peerty,ther_electiorea. Wm:o
Nebraska ouirage ssuffi*ntly \demonstrate.
e party has 'been 'defeated every where. nt
the North. - -Its former streii i ith and thorough
- .Organization have enabled it to retain a por
tion of its former adherents,. even ,hgainst
their own convictions of rigfilTbut it \has ai 7 ,
ready - dwindled . away to a feeble and distract
ed remnant at the North, and will still fur
ther diminish when the attempt
,is made . to
bring the party anew upon a National pro-
Slavery platform. There is no, reason to
;implies° that it can carry a single Northern
13tate., 'with the - Free•Soil sentiment, united.
against it. The National. Know-Nothings are
`it _even a worse condition. Their proSlave
,l7 platform was at once repudiated by the .
Amerjean party of every Free State, except
New York, and we are,asiured by many of
the organs, f the Order in that State that her
delegates yere false to the sentiment of their
constituents, and that her next,State Council
Will also repudiate the pro-Slavery vlatform.
The -pro-SlaVery Know-Nothing3, therefore,
cannot be expected to make a show of carrying
any Northern State ; and they can Ecaroely
hope-to oust - the `Democracy from - their pres
ent bi:ghplace in the affections of the Slave
oligarchy._ Linder whichever name they
choogit to act, tho South will go into. the next
Presidential .campaign united- 7 - that..., is, the
Tete of every State will be east for the sante
pro-Slavery candidate.; but as the North has
a:maiority of votes over the South, it is Only
necessary for us to beequallyunited to elect
a Froc-Soil Preitident. But on ,what _corn-
mon,basis shall we unite ? This question is
answered by the - New York Tribune of Ju2
, ly tlOth, in explaining to the Commercial Ad
vertiser, which advocates an attempt to re
*ire the Whig organization, as follows:
44 The National Republican party aims sirup
ly and solely at the restoration of the Pro
hibition of Slavery in thellew Territeries i —
This is whit the ComMercial will fird
pressed in the call for the Republican State
Convention, and more than this it need not
seek for. No doubt it will find arrayed in
theilepublicanmovement many men whose
views on The Slavery question go further
than that, just as it will find men who differ
on a variety of other questions, all brought
together 15V the- great necessity of the coun
try to act in one compact body for a com
mon end. In these ranks there are Demo
crate, Whigs, Free Loiters, Liberty men, Ab
olitionists, perhaps. Enough that they are
united under the Republican banner, and . that
they form, a part of that, great movement
which has curried fifteen States, and reversed
the cleuiwtte Of their entire delectation
House of Representatives."
And-- we may Did that the lay yof
Northern men who were repres - in the
late Know-Nothing National Convention at
Philadelphia, stand pledged, in every Free
State oacept New York, to =the support of
'die same principles, and 'that, unless the
counsels of those vcho would foioduce fatal
dissenaksis among Free-Soil n wen, prevail,
'they will be found supporting the Rer.ublican
eandidate for President in 1856, as they now
are supporting Senator Chase for Governor
of Ohio.. , .
ar Of the inmates of Alms-House,
natie Asylum, and Penitentiary, 13Iaek
weirs Island, the proportion of intemperate
perbons is fully setien•tenths.
Soil. ..: . '•
itlie Denioars E . t ` and Free S.: `i
- , . i
FM' thpast -year ; .pup :neighbor of : the
.6 enzOcra has professed to belkadly hns i tile
to the repeal., of the .14iSsouri Compronalse,
and t 4 thiteitensinti ofSlaVerY!'oVer ter4tipry
nowifree-11. thaf . Comvct ; and: during, that
peri;id ratini:wel( Written artioea• have &tn.
. 1 , •
time to tittle appeared inthat paper, raw:eat
ing.Nertliern interests,; and - in oppositiati to
that Southern and (16i:0X:tee *polity Which
.Itas•SO lorig direeted nnd controlled the lioli
-cy.of the . 2ot:wry. , - '
.•'; . . t
Of the 5000 Voters in this eon - ivy we. have
no doubt that More than four thousand are,
to say, tint, least; professedly free
.sOil.• The
old 4ine.4 l . in, their Convention 111,4, winter;
,took the 4ioit radical free.seil.ground;,apd
s,ettingaS'de those Wito.wek for the resolu
tions, s icY said, .fair policy, it' can. hardly
be dis Put d that; a Majority of that
. pOly
.woule-P, for to*tandoPen a .Northern plat
form ; tlt'Democrat.but'aAoril time Since
taking tit groutik that 'they would sup Port,
the Couni 4 d tuidstate nominations ; but ' bolt
~ . .
the ,Nattofutl,•: 'But it appears from the action
:of the Btli4.o.oorivo4ui that recently aSsetu
bledat lipir4sburg, that. if 41. nerthe_ro man
• intends to 7gtand by - his 'PrineipleS, he will, be
comPell4to bolt before he gets
. to; thel..NU
-tienal 'CluirenYion.
. - Tlio:lihrrii.:burg Con 7
i- t . • ,
ventiottpftssed -resolutiOns, which- for/ their
doughfitc'Subsvrviency o ; stand on a par with,
if they d , not lead,
/ thoSe of, any ' other free
State Con held •since•the repeal of the
MisSourii'restrie . tion.• .Only look at the fol
' lowing, aid thin judge id the I character and
prineiple . of the ! men `,who - OoMposed that
Contenti4o: i- • ! -1 ~, • -
":Ra?oi,reci, That - the haze l
eonfi'dene4 in the' ;ability add integrity of
FrankliniPieree . ,and his' adn4nistration; of
the go ver4ment.of• 0? IT 6untrg." • •
• f : - ,
Now We do not believe that there are one
hundred Men in Sus uchiatinti County, who
would eitcorse the above resolution, or One
out of ten iin the State, bat on the %contrary
they lookt upon -the pre!;ent 'National adniinis.:
tration ascope ofthe most wickedly corrupt
that 'ever6.,x' Isted since Ciiii.einintry had - a'
•i - .
Cens i titutilM. - But our friend ;Chase gives us,
' a clitil.toihe character of this, Convention.—
Ire arcs, t One peculiar feature-of /the Con
vention w'os, the . largq number of subqitiited
del egatcs,;l and the, peculiar stripe of timse del,
-1 -
i l egates. . 11 1 !'itli - few .exceptions they were ,
those."Wit;had beeO in someway - dearly - al
! lied to tin P:i.Cage of the bill i repealing i lie
Alissjouri !Compromise." TiLit, neighbor, is
, i
the key that unlocks Pandora's box. Ichen
a CooventiOn.iS coMposed of snbstititted del
egates ins ;
tead' of these regularly chosen 'you.
maybe sere. 'there is something . '.' rotted in
Denmerkl , "l Either th 6 people were indiffer•
ent, or thil•posvers that be,\Vernfraid to trust
theni, - and in this e a se, we raker guess there
was , a.litil [ elof both:. Not only was the Con
vention-Co:4osec]. in this "peculiar" .iray,•
but we halve - been informed that there was
,quite a .splijikllng of office holders of the 'gen
, eralgoverknentPreSent,and aMongst others,
a gentleman formerly from thiS county, who,
whileberel rwas never 'suspected of being
.4 1
..trongl.y..t.44.l.4t.iirod w:LL. fr.:. 4.4iliiitu... , . Wittah
iCr the tauteittulderS present hail any - I:util in
cooking up irriatter,, u' _e - do I twit knu:v, ' but
presume Ore was no raced )i' - 'illeir services,
.as the Co:Wention was as Subservient as the
most Man l itigated Ilitthker l ceuld desire.
i ,
• ' _The first l
I resolutio reads - as follow: ' .
1 i• ;
-"kcso/14+/, That I the ' DJinecratic party
Peed not on old_ and isettled issues to doelare
its prineiphs, in detail. - It :is sufficient foi• us
to my that ire belong-to the- Democracy .of
the linion,tand. - recognize no geographical
lines Lbet‘4,4n North!,and Seuth:, ; The inter
ests • of al;l parts of the - country ote t hem n - ,.‘
. to.ns, :India's fir as in our ipower, we Will
maintain r i lie constitUtional rights of every.
State, l. recbgnizing in . its .widest extent' the
1 ,
prinetples i qfpopUlarlsorereignty: in the ter,
ritories. 1 - ii - •-,i . -
The Oa 10 relating to Popular ' Sure rc4y ri ty
was inserted in theyCsolution by a vote . of,
"9.1 ttiklinii,aS the rote is not given we . are
bound to .oppose that the two free soil dele
egate:s froth i this county. were atnonw.:t the
live. Col, *right-, of Luzerne, attemptettto
get in a long string-o twenty or more resolu
tions,inmoitniting in Obstatee to these' iass
- -- ili-- . _ :; •
cd,•exeept i onet arfas•or of bad rum, and an
other ngaint 4ti l •kie4'. voting. The one in
favor 'of-Runi; reCci!,ll- the go-by, but the
other, out ofi res Oct . - to. qte. valiant Col., wat,
treated -With :nieie t - on:sideration. I He' is
• -[ i
known- to . - Ve hetei sorely' afflicted since 'he
took his se in o,ngr4s, 'v its 0f..,:re.:
Ip .
'gro-pollia and .4 tho ; pie r- darkey. has no,
friends an could i4otibit I:lack, he has let no
t i
opportunity 'pass imiqiproved of giving Sara
to fits l ; an - aa ' his! last. vote for - Congress . Will
hardlY ent tle hini to 4 seat in that - auguit
body;! the . tate COnVntion was . sleized upon
as the me uric through which to give vent to
his long pt6it 14 zeal in the Nigger question,
and altliou li - rnost of the Col's. -resolutions
were rice; -ed to thettine of "Pcor old Ho.
let hi 2;i' di ".ye:t, on the Tone 'point, he .
not-be putiotr, and asHdarkey can't
'o t s
uo , y s a v e t . u e Col:
. _
rt black voi let, the- esolution was
d "a; an .article o the bortocr4tic
liilow \ sthaas, 1. Approval of the
.ion of • Oe'ri. 'Pierce; including .
!Grey tpwil, ,and the. sealing of Cu.
2.; PoiUlar 'Sovercignta,
J i llk Stripgfello w Al.:. - "CO., by the
ie knife and revolver, and their
tti ruffians,., may' Overavie. the
d legal t-oters of Kansas, and
.'upon its territoiyi: 3, Pozen
'with the l iiies.,: .Jf 4h Democrat • can't go
that pilaf° , ***list himt-.4-erboarti—
After the. adoption Of ; the reSOltitions intro 7
-duced i by d i le 'coMmittec,' the ':Hon ... E. B.
Chase trorn,' this County -offered' 4 couple of
resolutions,-one tiepouncing the taking pos
session of the Itansas election POils by armed
bodietS of7issoMians, and overawing bona
fide reside its , ass gross 'outrage, and alsoE
approVing he 4bOittie of 06v. Itceder in his.
efforts` to ptotect•itho rights of thee: people •of
Kansas froth violence and usurpation.; and the
other, that we will resist any attempts of the
general govern:tient tikPerpetuate the exist - -
ence of slatrery. Eut both resolutions were
summarily ' f luid upon *table—the CotiVen
tion saying, : most ephittilly, that they
approCid'of the course pursued by Atchison,.
Stringfelloul dc Co., aiad that 401% Beetle;
it would p i
tack of th
creed, "will
ba, if pp:
that Atchi-I
was all t
ng in his attempts to protect th,:=
people o 1 Kansas from :the l'ilis4ouri rufliansi;
and that ihe powers of:1 the general goverti
ment bheid be used t 'perpetuate ;and of
iendSlavetr. . The T 0 .006011 of tha'resoh
- _ .
. , .
tiona.offeW by, liir:•Chase, is n most. -ilea;
and full exposition of the vicirs of the-Co
vention .4 tholesolutiOn they. hat just ii • ' ,
eel s and *Mid any one : claim that the result
Lions do riot take the Most extreMe•grotind
that a Sonibern blarehOlder could ask, ju
refer died' to the rejectum.of the resolUtion •
• •
offered bi - M•r. Chase, end askhim what thei
dO mean.r;Thrs utter refusal to endorse Goth.
Reeder in; his hold auk manly stand in dtl
fence of tbe rights ofithe people of the terr
• i , .
tory, is. Alit exhibition : Of a spirit of •servdit
.. 4: -, • .• -
and Meatiness ,which ; was hardly t o be ext..
!, ,
pected, even ; of the doughfaces of Pennsy i
-1, ,•
vania. - ' i I. • • -".--
; • .i • ! •
GOV. lit:Oer,' when appointed, was known
to be in • ttror of the N`chra.,lt
sth ) , b4.Uhen atteptiiting honestly t 6 tairi
out the 10; he is set ripOn' by a band of rut•
lans a tut it;bi struggling-41th Roman ;iirt,
ness, to 0 1 6ist . the aitaelui Of an andi t
• . Y.' L ,
ti on liiqriends and neighbors, the Detno( t
racy otitiS;own State turn -their tack upot
him Mid iake the sideOf his elleinies. In ()Ili:
last le(4sliture conipoed Mostly tlf.K.'N'sJ,
.' . t
Guy.. Reede r's eciursk Ult.:4 'approved by
1 .e r I i.i
1 imailinils•Note,.rokil y 4 ale Gov. was pout,.
; 'wally °wised to it largO majority of that bod
i .' .'
- -.—showilwithat the N. N", 4 it - ere ready an,
willing iri illi for a political opponent wha
the 'Antler Demoeracj- of.Peints'ylvatila slat
i. not do f - ir t friend. .• . -
1 No - friend Chase, let us reason ..ogi•ther
• r t
i as friciat tif freedom, ivitielt wo both Proles
1 to be, 14 i
tis candidly. i nquire what course, a.
- t 1 ' t
i .publiej4ritalistz, trials and justice require a
ottr ham* We, , - V your last issue that
1 yourefti4e:to ° hoist the; State ticket, and 1144
mate quiteklearly - thakyou shall surd' upon,t
your owq Platforml That 'course we have',
1 0 ng
.s imi ,;!4.,•:-;olved to take, come what Illzly ,
amid let It:xi:ties - do t'ts they choose. lu our,
:_judgme4 Ow cfilise it.)f freedom and of right
t „, ,
has for ni:O)y sears from its
rero as Will as its pr i .',4sseil frien t l,, by eon
doctors o'r J.puhlit:
. pt z itrtialti' -t-acrifieing their
I•convictioos:of rigl:l,;l(itlie interests and suc
cess•t• .;
el pm•ty, Chil ‘iiliii.! that .can be relied
upon by pitlitielans 11114 Orty lendcsr:(,'lllo.y
twill t..t:il 4.:oilthlue. to Lrcct their 'doughjace•
, t .
I : - phrtin-,.ipid pari.4l (Ilt -the otric,s amongst
reiuir P.. f 0 o n <l?d,,tri,,c,fpcp:rmprs,re, the eorrukand, tcsigliina; but there is no j
set of m6ul- on earth that will sooner catch'V ri g n 'Y' ' . .'" l 't'':4: it ' k ' s. " )ll -l ect H4 ll ' c ''' ) 4
and .inanly : Northern sentiment." Puts o'n
the . pop ulk_ Ireeze,:hut these lam . e patty
i ezide.r,, , ,
z w
xriny 113,13 is i• ,T TOY - )hase on the doctrine! ;Then
•i .• . ''"' 'he lliis:io - , •• • ' -, . ' -
11 - Ow . • manyj bold -and I resolute men'do yen r l' i t - ' , 4 'l l ' oNe ! e 'g"' ` 11 ‘ ) b"''''' b""
i i nippose if: ivoUld ii &. in the liar- W -w 9 nrunn i- n g liiausas gore only"
risburg gotivention,- tO have eompelle&that il the . d ' - ' eliine t in- iii
" 1111.thrnaL denlQ o ;itie
. . ' . € :1-iphase, and Ithe 5 Democrats, 55'h6 j"iited
. cso t. ,ons in latot oi .
bode to ILI - Ve passed r • I , t.' ' ' '
, - I •
t ._-ag:tinst io'.i4l•its ‘S-tlest extent," but \N - ited
the restoiatiott' of the !Missotiri re'striction? ' k •. i - C
it. Withol'rptalification, Were,only relate
i ' •
We feel (pike Sure that could Von have relied f"
you tor • been'nse! they desired to giVe it Anew
npon 15 men who wotild have Stood with
to. situ this Northern. latitude; Ei
‘-pliase': (Al the 41Octrine is Wro ' -' ; '-
and not tintLhetl, - that 3.011 C resOlutions in re. V phase'
riff, loam
intim to 445V.-13cetler and the:;llfissOuti rum il l '
„ mils
wain:- hay passed; but, ~,,,
was dent fy 1 c,.11 to ottr'rii fits., and'would only be adVoca
., • -
thpsciwho are in favor of SlaverY ex-
,were but jive men who were o p. I" d• by
tind ifalse to' every. profession of a
posed to Stringfellow Popular Sovereign' ty"J ien ' ion ;
-----, , , .
awl - it. woiti' l l tiny.° taken B.wico that number :I gzat;htla a?Ve t ot" our country :no its liberties.
Chat 4 among; them, Inv] 'alread . } -. en
,to hay s. :sti Kea Salia 772, \ . 1,3 0. the' thiLit to 4 that , the. ConinlitLQ6 on n rePY
- adopted .! dorsed t4 . 4c-trineof I) . opstlar Soveri. - ‘igntv,
The - Alin:,:riean ; National Convention that lutions,
recently 4Ssembled ';:t Vhiladelphia,
a SouthcriLVatpim, on which . the m u st of, an its wYrt't ',Phase,' before thl,4 :`ltnentlownt
the northeirittatesFecvded ill-a body Penn- iI.;WAs added.; f l ur.they had reported resolUtions:
cis thia lfa siiwe; in A State ( . .onvention. re
! ,e . ndot•singYranklin Pierce - and his adruithst7
:' a
Qudiated . Chat portion that related to the t'ines. - 1 tiion twice civet ! And every-body lil , '
tion of si4 ry,. and inserted in is place 0 - pe .: that the great .Insiness of President i .
„Ind his adtu+stration has been the'
based on wife 'restoration of the 'Missouri
' of popular soYereigntY Upon the
, i
t."ontpton - 11:4 line. In the last DemOcrat was.
.article inn, the Read -1g Ginventiou that it is nosh - 1- 'aig carried out '
, We think tlid-great injustice, but we do not N-'l'ned .4':sollri x :111 E:Iv
i .46.,h to inipute it as intentional: The part I Pied. {VIS I vi c lent ; 16 . -
introdueel and then
.connnented upon by the tr:" lutist ;be swat
editor as thoughthoughit -was' thewholc resolution. Pennsylvimh , and
, i
is as folloiVS: the t "Tt/a—toest:— .omof slavery'; (iced. ';' - i •
A :
should not : lW introducA Luck into the platturm of ' • L '" r ": 4 " .41
- i
the Auter'kt:tin pa' rtv. being convinced that no . ditor,'who
such' issue 'li - :as intended to be embraced with- d l"P °s( ;` l.
in its priniiples, and objects." . The balance t Y au. t l .
Of-the resitit ion . :readslas follows: "But in- . but
astauch asl ate subject has->bcen forced upon
1 •
we -reg?t , ,,,l - . the repeal Of the Missouri Corn:
1 sii
• al (I .
cite, 4nd
. . m an 'at
r • Now sui:ipose you had introduced ttresolu,
tion into tlieVliarrisbur4 Convention, claim- -
ing the res;o!litkim of thO Missouri
suppose liow rotes do you suppose it
would. havA receive 4 1 Probably the .same'
tbatAhe Ruin . :resolutiOn‘• 'did: five minus
3. • 1,
, i
'Our coui is clear before' us—we shall
support nc Northern .inaa with. Southern
prineiples,..inil any one Who rutis on a dough
face 'platfoini of : , any
.kind,- will receive .no
favor at oui. hands. That any National par-.
ty will noniiriate a vann-Jwhe will, if elected,
sustain 21'o4liera do
,• not expect.
But there (s ta great and yapidly growing
Northern s4ntirnent; which, it properly corn'.
Lined - and directed - Will 1 triable us •to
retrieve .. mliat have lost. 'The "pea
'pie are aolisedi and the great Northern hosts
are 'already ', ( flirm . ink in iohiO, Indiana, and
severalof ttie: other
LTherejill minor
defferences are laid the altar of pur
country's welfare, and the great - battle cry
will be, Frae'Soil, :Free Speech, W and Free
Men. NevE York has cOmmener.Q . a move
taent in theis a ine direction, and is certain to
be on that idatforin.. That is our p'latfo r m,
avid whateviparty stands there-openly. end
squarely, shill receive our support, but no
other. is ilte Democrat with us
Calfa have ; _been 'issued for the astern
bling_of State:Co;entions of the Whig and
Republican parties-of New York at SyraCuse,
on the Vth Septemher. A fusion is eon
itlr• l'Aaet - of 'resolutiois," few io
ber 'tipt ritEtieularly 0 - hjectionahle, as far
las they Wen}, Were) adopted :did reported to
the Convetrition." Dethocrat. r
Of couirel:Alr. Cha se appiroves the rsolti
foc he wa , ' -if the committee whr)
.ions; or le
_, one ol 1 N.,..
•1 I
reported. them... And it is-- all nonsense
him to pretend to find fault with - them a. , ; !ii ,
nally adapted, fir . he voted for them. - Indeed
after deelaring that, - as originally repOrted,
they were "Inot particularly objectionable,"
he might'ast i vell 'endorse them in full. .And
so he does,.l in ; effect, for though 'he. raises
some 'the' negro-suffrage resolu
tion, and.thei. " popular sovereignty" amend-.
meat, he directly shows his readers that these
objeetioni ~,itre of neconsequ'extee.• . Pray',
what is theie wrong in the re4olutiOnagainst
negroes,- 'voting? Will. any ibady . pqtend .
thatlie#ree4 l are tralt, not t.;:i be proscribed
because of *.!4lte accidents of
...birth," and there,
fore entitledi to the rights,' of dtizensliip? or
that " whoelier. Makes our .cotintiv his home
. ,t ,
and ItiVes thy: COnstltution, the laws, -and the
liberty. of flip UnieniS a true Anierican,t' and
as such jtistly entitled t 4 a voice. in 'Making
the laws Of 1 hil entintrY ?'• Certainly nOt the
editor of iiki _Democrat, for he . tells usi that
" . a.* for n'i'ght sittlineit is simply ridiculous"
and'" t - eW M . it cannot be found in the 'State
wito are in 1;r._ of an2,-"suc.h change hi the.
constitutii - in.t. This-resolution, thcn,he thinks
correct in pt4ineiplj, but unnecessary. -Rath
er a Small irlatter about which to pick : a
•' t
rd With the great.Dentocratie party. •
Then therHS the itiontltnent to the first
resolliatat----li w'e recognize in its wide4t ex
tent the doe rine of popular sovereignty.' ---
If this. m 6 Q, as Citase seems to'suspect, an
endorsenien; Ofthe conatict.of the AfiSsouri
" borderjuirians" who arc engaged in fore.
. „
ing slavery- • into Kansas in opposition to the
wishes Oe ti 4 actual st.qt!ers, then lie hints
that the Of 1)&1/Ica:Its Vito voted for it
wire wrong,land the 5 (rather aWeak- minor
ity) rho :i.otpd against it were right. - ,But
if it meatis Ro take the: right Of legislating for
the territOrhi away from Cengress entirely
—although tlat:right, is oxriessly-given by
the tonstittit'oii i has always•ilsl l :6l exi..rei,
and Was alw. ys roenguized ei•cab the' most
zealous . 4‘.l.vyviites of i davery, .Mr. C:C 61111
1 1 : 1 I
illehlt‘etl,:th •l lia rec,mt date, itn,l, i-: (AG to l
to .be talttli ii \;:is-- - noiv for 1.11,) purpose cf giv
lug Slavcry :i better Lin:nue tp:ll , proprinto
(. tli k ,
territorie;=-.'hen - lie tell, its. '• it,,/;O_F l'ln7:-
tha r
.ietit l at the poAtion Of this
heretblore profesSed ter be
doetrinti'of popidar-sovereign
4ieree-"Nehras.ka administration, -
ao ham uniformly sustained . both by
s ,
Aes,! . ..iviiether in doting fur . Bigler, -last
.11, or for' the.;platfcirm lately Itdont l 4 - ,d at
iTarrishurg. I -That platfortnis oficotn4, per
'feetly.Satifaaory to the administration, to
Southern $144 driverS and Northern DOtigh-i
YetCCS. Doug stag mune organ has alread •
TU.onourreed faverably ppou it as 'embodying
the true piiindples of_tha NritionaiDetneera
ey. Mr. phase point,out two or three par,
tieularS injwl4ch he
.would . have :constructed.
it a little difrdrently, (and no doubt mo i st of
i other .sitpri,orters• - cottld do the same,) but
lest he :ehotildi be sustiee' tod ofnny serions
• ''f'; •
tention im;1„„ too ihr and repudiating the
Platforto he ihastens" to assure Iris readers
that his 'objections are but trifles lifter all 7—
that negreiS (inght not),,tp vote, that: puTufor
• ,
sovereignty may not be very obk•tion: l ible,
and that,. ‘Otli the single. possible exception
of its advocac y a popular sovereigntyY the.
present is h. model adMini.stration. Can the
.South desik a better ally, i;i a Fiee-Soi't dis
-O;Ci ? ned,f+ V steps bock to get room to
turn handstnuely: -A few weeks Will see him
b.attling•earrle,4tly in support of this platform
and forthe,t‘lectiOn of *Arnold Plurner, j and
next Fall WIIE .Seq his vote and . that - of. as
Many Men he can infittenee,lgiv
en-on behalf Of Slaver.
or (Tae Republican. '
. • T
The De mocratic State Convention.
.hiEseue • ZpiTjas.--;eve . have .at.. length
read the proceedings id - the Democratic Stnto
,onventicmi, as published in the Afontkoso
Democrat, and alto the .editorial comments
'hereon. T l lftit , paper, being the organ of the
party: in this oclio4y, is; presumed to spell:.
the sentiment 4 of the Democracy. The 'pos
ition whicifiltaks, and the action of j the
delegates iti:tl State Convention will bel the
criterion by . :Which we Can judge the -Senti
-meats .of the liartY in the county. • .We I are
informed tlie.lonv'ention was-composed Prin
cipally of 'f atbst(tizie4lde/qates" of. a ij:?e
culiar strip."l . This county was represer ted
by E. B. C4s'e and A.Lathrop. Chase teas
"substitute4.delegate" of a very " pectipar
'stripe." Me; liathrop's "stripe" wasSuffici'ent
ly " to satisfy . his hnd
he was \ thOrqore permitted 'to attend • i the
convention i n i person. Resolution's expres.
Sing 4ndintitii,i4ed covidedce in the', adminis
tration of rt.if!lt lin Pierce - mad "Jcx t?
o 4 niling
. •
in' its oidatOtetit the printiPle - of `POPular
sovereignty"were laid befort3 the convention.
The thud vote upon those-resoltitioni . " lam
••1;. •
called: for bir E. '13., :Chase and,..othsu that
etc was taken the liesoltitions, by reason of
the " .pc.;uliar; stripe'' of of the
,[ 4 .'substititted di+
°gate" from YI Ids oounty . , , *id iteopted
animously. Thislimanimetis vote, by somd
fittilt of the "idevil" Or some other guilty in;
dividual, tfoeS not appearin the proceeding's
nk published by, Oat: Deinerat. - - The fault
perhaps was in the - ;press. it had particular
objections. juitt then, to telt:og an impression
from types that spelt- u-n-a-n-i ni o-u-s-1:y..7-4-
As soon, es 4r. Chase pent - titled the resolu-:
tions to pass ,ishaaitanuity, to please the ,Ne
braskn Dilmeerats, he got up and offered free-
Oil resolutiena to; please the anti:Nebraska
'Democrats. !Ilk ';resointions Were promPtly.
laid on the able
. Juit . as he expected they
would be, ferhe did not suppose the e o n'i - - en .
1.1011 itiitS goir4 to Stultify in-elf so soon. As
soon. as he g/A cothfortably: 'seated again in
- his sanctum, sfr. Chase wrote the fallowing.
" It the con ventionhatn",ft :.the.Slaveryques
tion entirely alonn and contented itself with
taking the One issue of Know NothingiSM,
we:eould - 4a,ve , went iilyi . the , contest with
heart and zeni." We now have Mr.. Cats
on three sideS of ono question:;, First he per
mits the rcsolations , endoriini; Pierce's ad
ministratiop,liand recognizing pipular` surer
eignty, .- to pass uhanitnously. He must of
course be in tavor of Pierce's ,!adminktration
and popular tovereignty 5 else he would.havo
-recorded his icote hgainst the iresolutionS.—
Second, he offers free soil resolutions and: - is
of course opPUsed to Pierre's ':administration
r and to populhrsot%ereignty',: . Third, he
.is . in
1 favor : of " leaving the slavery question en
' tirely alone :," . cUnsetiuenoy he i believes the
slavery question is of no earthly consequence
one way. or the other. " No‘ : see it,—
now you clout sec=--I'll bet , ten dollars you
can% tell where the little jd t ke - is." To Thal
the true pusqlon hf - the _political .14;teli kg
we will havelto view him as be stands un the
167,rtit side oi r : thCr, ' Phtvery. ' potion. In the:
fourth place lie.'saYs : " Tinit (Know - Noth
ing) platiorul silnPly dockers the slavery . k.
stir---iguoroljt----r, , ally•leaying that part. in
1 1 a tr!cn:sr pu - ition than the Democrats in ref
" i:•ife . .ao. to that i .- L ajition." 7lte D.einera
party. cialorsed Pierce . *natilinistration and
I i;, - Tillar sovereignty . and of,npossity enders
! ed the'repcatof the MiSsotiti . Compromise'.
To : find . r oui;'what. Mr. Chase considers a
1" tharsi. jitis.;4ioa",ilian tlat., e,'c will ex:tin - I:Cc
:1 the KnOw„ Mithini Platfo6n; Does it en
1 done Oa.: ,rep l 6l Litt he Mis4nici con; prom . ;
1 aild •reeognize in its widest extent the
popnta' li6yereignt.p? Oh no
if etßu-ts to that end should fitil, Con- -
( gress should iefuse . to admit any state toler
ating Slavcry,;which shall -be formed out of
any portion 6f thei,TerritorY froin which thit
institution " Was • excluded by that_ compro
mise." (That is 'What Mr. `Chase calls "ig
noring". the qtestiOn.) - We can now under
stand Mr. Chase. To say, that the Repeal
of the Missotiri Coinpromie is an , infraction
of the plighted faith of the. Nation and that
it• shall be restored is " worse" than to say
we have undiininislied con9enee in:the Ad
miniitration Of . .. Franklin Pierce. To declare
that Congress ought not kto admit Slave
States - from north of 36 30 Js "'worse" in the.
of Mr. -Chase . than to " recognize . the
principle of i piipular Sovereignty in. the ter-'
:ritOries, in itswieTtist eitent;" 1.);$ 1 ; which it
meant to inclUde that kindof popular sore
-,reignty which takei Kansas, a free territory,'
by force of arms, .and: convO:t is it into n slave
territory. , This fourth posltionof Mr. Chase
on the:slaverY , queStion is the key to all :his
movements. ! : We understand- him now.—
first position he took from principle,—
gjle second, lib took -"trom 'policy-4a catch
:'the free soilerS,—but the third
,rosition: ho
An I
::takes from nterest. -ronimbera the
13ook Speculation 'He• is cleterrnined to
I" leave_ the Slavery.questiori' entirely alone"
i:and to give his whole' attention to the Know
f7Nothings until he and y+rtUer„ Mr. Hol
lenback, have 'disposed of their whole stock
of hoOks: He has started 'now• on a Quix
:''otic expedition lie'is going to :leave.San
• :Cho* Panza behind, While be gotis out to fight
;the Wind Milk ThO fifth aide of the Slave
ry question (" Slivery should not expand
Northward")he laslahandoned entirely. We
do- not• know how :many sides this Slavery
question has; we `supposed it had only two,pro
and con ; but kr. Chase is ii fortunate dis
coverer.. He has already . -- stbod oh five sides
of it; and Surprised if neat week
finds him standing on thesiith.
- .
Ter 6i3 ans
.!, that the clue- -
. by the pazity in
Eder must In isacri-
is wtat thif Petni)4:tratie Convent'
11110'0 . 61.11itlgti took 11 0 1C01:
than that: Does that K.
the "Slavery question cuti
no. .3tr.,Cll4se
test with us ;hen,
But iir. Chain cant
ing-;.ixeause they
entered tho eon
hre "and zeal."---
whir the Know Nod' ,
position ., does the K. N.
Simply- this. We regard
Comprotnise as a,n
-of the or the 'Patton,
it should 13c.4 - c.stol
. 4 r ed"'(thtit, is what
Chase: : talls 1 . .` dodging' ih3 question)
than thlit.
tho 1.4,ea
for !hi, Republic:pt. • ‘`
• '
, Pinner 'fo tha AcadOny Hall-
' 7
younger stddenti Of the Academy
were greatly disappOitt - ted because the 'Exhi
bitioy was not ; to hal held at the , close of the.
term, and they', determined to.have soine-en
klinent. On iFriday morning they provid
ed an excellent,dinner at the':Acidemi h all.
The tables were loaded with ?every thing nice
arid desirable r and the young ladies who fur- .
nishe& them gained great Credit to them;"
selves: The Teachers, (for who .special
book the dinner 'wig Prepared,)- the Trust
. ,
and- .some . '. friends werti present, beside
the scholars. I' l liter !ample justice had been
dime to 'the eatablea and the tables eleaxed,
first Sarnneljeksuplwaslled upon for his.
Latin . or4ion-,.*hich!he had prepared for the
Exhibition. ltdmight . haye t r: beew. well if he
had made previous. a irange eats wi th 'some
tq laugh at the. right However, the
Most srnild tolthink . they didn't lttioYr *hat
he' Said, and Others, laughed because they
couldn't htle
'. T'en followed the. and tositt-i , -- - '
, -•-•, •
-. .
011 am Richmond , the Pritteipal of theta- .
stit,uion-*ka, giving a toast •to :the ".Stu : .
deitta of Susquehanna Actidemy." Hon...
mtldera:Jaisup, -as President Oflit \ bil boar }• of
Ti, lit* o,ogratulated thir students and en,
66 raged titem - .to g 6 on Clohtewelf. - 'Viril- •
liti :J. ltinlford..said he wai.ho'spe.eCh - rriek;-•
'eO Y t ‘eattse -he left -SuSquelitinn Academy
'i '' ---
-tog loon. Rev. Henry H. Jessup said if he
ho - retpa-itted . . .a.little • longer 'in ' that "ql4
A it
: my" he never could have made a Speech.
lid Itompat•ed the condition. Of 'the Academy
in 849 and 1815, with - its presenteenditien.
Ii :4 4 . vise 4 the boys,no; to stody,titlyacalioiq
to see Who 'could catch the, most fish, - pick
tht Imost
,berries, plirtilk. the i most - ,trebs,•oi
ro ibo "biggest stones" down the "biggest
hilts;" Th'ese who 'did this • Id be the
, this,;
t 1
best4seholais (text terra.' ' - ' - . '.' •
1 • ~ i -
if i lS. i3entley, Esq., told the - boys - shunt -
DilOd_ Cro4et. . ' lie said that bithself a law•yc*r
,' i ttor able to sipeak to ten flexes Of
min than -. o the little etilnpany of boys and
gas .pi nt. .he advised every b oy to
ledrp . the . art': of . making speeches' to. every,:
beli• and'onevery occasion. ', , ' - -• , -
Arles . !'. Read:said hestood on the - seine
pl4trorni'ivith Williatii4;Mtilferd, and hoped
Lite L 4 of the,-boy's would tbllow their exainple.-,
I r. Richmond then delivered a liwewell
address 1 0 the scholars,' which concluded ,a.
veil • - I
eil histipyaividekightful affair.; 'Every One
, ! •
' fel la hundi•ed th:itiks_to7tEe ladies Who 'pro
, --,
vi4l the 4upper.
. ,ie Animal Andress was delivered the
pr_4ilous evening by Rev. David Torrey, of
Dtiliii, N. , y.,land was listatied to with mark,
ediattentioit by a numerous audience:.• The
stict•waS "The Influence of. the Imagina,
tiorupon tvery•day Life.'! It - was • rreatei
in-a•masterly manlier, and was of-Unusual'
tercit. \%e cantiot giyean outline of if
hope the - -author will, consent - to f
• • i
' for pi;iblication.
11 1 -I
Executive Gagrir
linii i kv . Nottling party of 1.-
ltai passed is series of reso
ths .pre-enrnent intpor
qu tiara, apd the nee/
ly (alt olipoe'd
j stir ft ion.. Il'he'
E , s.
! a lxldtion tly
nrot4s UI
in fiiyr
!.ittee of thei
.., wrotee county
o .itions recragnizingt
r nee-, of flu: slaveryi
ssity for kgeneral .rahl
• the extension of the ind
therefore, decline .. hiakingl,
ecomtnend their members lei
°it. efliets to control - the rnoverr ,
flo her parties, and urge all citizens 1
, ! o an independent organilatien op
..os. sl very extension, to ineet,in them
v ruins dikricts arid elect delttatcs to ti}
cfmilty cc,ll' Cilthill. , This is a virtual rett•ra-1
Cy Front th field of the Know Nothitigpartyil
in plwren . The following preamble midi'
resOution, vhich we extract from the t.eriesll
adviiited by the above, committed; arc honest, l,
!flank, and •indid : .. • . i
_ntt.. much as, an attempt has', been"-
;, -' cl
tinto to transfer the power of , the. Seactl
Or.prs tootle of the old political parties,ma;[l
king. use of dm uninitiated members of lhati l
part) , as foiIL to . designing - members of thei
Or(ler - forc-1-.. heir • - perscinal ao...randizetnent ti
- 1
the4fore , - 1 41
tpsolved, That we - disapprove. of and dep
1 41
reeete any .• d all such. prostitution of- thel
po4I - ers to t ile. Secret Orders, - a.s repugnant
to i.1 ,, e hones intentions of avast piltig,!„rit4. Ott
owl . mein re, awl as ,. 1.1 , 1 r• - - .;3;aohlUits - . .,-;;:c ii
honest and s ell-meaning - ~men, who , are noti,
' metribers, b t who would thereby be ' fraudl
ulenily brou lit into direct connection there-:
. witlll • - .
The refere e° hero made is to the Whi , *
-1 r- .. 1 ,.. -
partir,.and,under present ctreumstatices : stich a..
kl 1 , .
clean and emphatic expression is of irittelt.irti 7
poiee. The movement in Lawrenee looks.
to O.forma ton of a Republican party,and a
strung efforts afoot in Allegheny for -a slin
;Tait purpose. ' •
itforin leave
alone ?" Oh
The Lantence papers state that several
of the inhabitants...of Wyandott - have • been
furded - .to leaie that place upen suspicion of-
A t
betlg abolitibnists. All that is necessary. is
that it man should be pointed : put .by . some
rows y. as an labolitionist, and forth With, with- .
.ouOtvestigation or proof, - he is ordered to
reaid. A' Convention of delegates from all
park of r i .
of the territory had' ust • been held, at
which the fp' llowing„r_esulationp were' pas
sed !: i • - .
• Niolved,l That we look upon the 'conduct.
of it portion of the people of Missouri, in ithe
lat 4 Kansasitiections, as a gross outrage 'up
on the Elective Franchise and our rights as
freemen, and a-iiolatitht of the Principles of
Potailar Sosiereignty ; and inasmnah as, many
of the 'ineinhers td the present• legislature -are:
mei Isho oute their election to a . combined
system of force and - fraud, we do not feel
bontih to obey any law of their enacting.:.
.IttSorved,, That_ the legally' elected mem"-,
bert,i)f the_ present .legislature_ be requested,
as• 6"!:iod and ipatriotic citizens of Kansi.aP ! , to
rest; and , rspudiate the fraud. • .
I eiulved,l That in reply to_ the threats of
z. soward frequently made in our . neighboring
State; our answer is, we: are ready. •• i 1 -,
Iteoolved,i,That the people of Kansas are
oppi3ied to the establislimentof slavery here;
and?it established, it will be contrary \ tp 'the
wish of three fourths of our people.: .
lieSolved4That Kansas has a right to, and
du 4 hereby invoke the aid of the general gov
ernment against the .lawless course of the
sl . Vytiv prolyigiiiitia with refereilai to thister
ritory?. -
fltitn crims TIIE AD3II4IcITRATION. .
Bank; has ‘fritteii a letter from his house in
street Washington ,'showing the sad
coaiequences i of the , removal of Superintend
ent Nate. The following is an account of
the treatment of Indians in California-:
'lt have stud the Indians in California are
lcilkid 'like makes and dogS. Of this yon
maA see accolunts in' every paper ; but I must
givi;) - iou on which I read in the Spanish
parOof a Le' Angeles paper. - It recites that
the ,Fudge of ithe district, on his way home
examination in a case or Aui
eidcii 411 in ivwithiWO_lndians, 'in (imost /am
entalq condition.' Their heads were poUnd
ed nfn mashed up so that they could not
spezdi:. Geidg . to .the plate 11.3141 examining
sonfelorgebkiody stones and comparing them
with the rnashbd up heads, it was seen that
the Indians had been thus pounded while ly
ing ile4n asleep. The editor` . - adds that it
was tufeertaidwhether any ingeiry would be
made into it.}-This is what 1 tall killing_ in:
dumis like Inekes..' • .
"ale wait be removed because
he we* upoti the central routOo help Ben
ton end becittise he would not work in the
elec.:44s. Henley was preferred over nth-.
us, because , ishile relied upon to work faith
fullyini the elections, (which It .has done) he
also bad somthing In band to o to another;
- *it*
chy in Kansas
poitmaster. t San Frine't
co, whicli Went to
.Senator dices brfitil'fir
when:O r- dale's office was 'given to Henley."
linfewsis when officials were fOrbid t o
work a e lections; time; is, and that
whiii,that Working semis to be the condi
tiotpan,which office is obtained and retaib
"‘ Respectfully, gentlerrien, yoar obedient
servant." " THOMAS, IL BENTON."-:
. 'What they Think at the &milk.
• The Iliehmend Enquirer, which .the,_Na
tiqiint Era informs us.isitte' lending joer,6i
of the South, is opposed to - the organizati4r,
of ti Southern pirty—thinks . it*ill break tit, :
.laryt hold of the south on the nortikby - 41,tr(4.
Slittra . -Deitiberat pUrty.:'
ore the -follOwing.oestionable compti.:
meat te . their . Northern . !
.4The . Democratic part :' -M the North
arille.d . - from .boyhOod the,principics of
Southern Republicanisni,*r of opposition. o
.Abolition. • Settionar feeling occasional} •
misleads its meinbers,imi - they Oftencevi e,
as in the 'Case of. =y:of:jibe softs,a4i.. ,
lion t 6 return to the filth of theiefath , s and
of their youtk; o r
even the conservative.-.,Portion. df he' Whig
party :of
.:the._Nertk,' -• the • Siive . Giay and
Webster . men -have beenso . ititinetrinatd
. with hatted &Sundt, that 4 et will not ahr..
with us f i cf ackieve a "contic... n _object. •• .1
"`A; large 'portion of • : Northern Dennie. •
racy Bus ever been tr - - to
.the 'rights . of the
South, to the Consti don . a'oo -the Guar,, 4:
der alt eircutnstaives. Shall -we. insultingly
east oil such tri: and faithful nllies and rel x.
upon a South . - n party, whieh would be vetetl
down at the trst division on a sectional, quds_
I tion ,t. Co •gress . A S9utherti party . is - alt
powerfu for mischief—impotent - for good._
Like . wicked child; with a:mate‘h it-may ex...-
t)to • a Magazine, or with a torch eonsurne'm
p ace ; but it cannot restore. that • magazine,:
.r rebuild That parace. • • • '
" We thinly believe that the Democratic;
- party, as now compoied and Organized, is Ad
equate and ready to the - North AO
the South, .tlio,East.and the West, the peaC:e•
ful enjoyment Of - their several rights and kis
munities. The rank and file of the party was
, neverifirmer, truer, sounder, add its.-Exe6--
tire, head has approved its Aecision, - its med.
1 oration, and its firmness, not only in the tri'at
..ter of Burns at Boston, of Kansas andl\ .T .ebil.s . -
ka,'lit in the more recent 'peirie .farte: . : - ce"
lidure' to which - it has subjected the .recreAtt
I Reeder." -
A correspontlent'o'f the Macon Telegrapi 1,
ft Southerner tra'vellinfr in the North, wri(es
- '
hkinie as follows: -
hi conclusion, Udesire ea - 11)041y: to *aim
-all Southern men-of all patties, from any;alli.,-
ancer Whateter with the Know Nothings.,
all my travels thus fir through ibel.siorthd . ni
States, 1 . -find among that order the.strd'pgo
hostility to the ' South, and' to Southern in,4l
.. .Their language When:ap'plied•toSouOlei-n
-ier-0 is of the most. 'l)itter and : poiSonouS
I nUnCiation.
In all their elections 'they -have defealoi
thoie true men who stood boldly _acid
lantly for the South; and elected -men of The .
rankest abolition and free soil j'rineiples tO fjil•
their - places. •-• r • .
I say- further, th
wiou . t the fear enn .1-:
diction that in all their elections-thus f . ir thcr
have not elected a Single. -- man to any
rho is 'Mi. an Abolitionist . of, the
:1 - tamp. lam -a Georgia Democrat. an I
Waal' inY- Southern- Democratic friends wt.:l - •
have unthoughtedly jeined this nem IYltig
party, to pause in their career, and at
. encu
ceme r .s.A.t,.of this dark den of politieal eorroll
Heretofore I have. steadfiistly avoided,aty
interference in political matters. I havener
er rejoiced over victories or grieyed.after de
feats ; but since rbaVe been an eye. Witness to
the disgusting scenes of the, Kridw. •
bOth its political circles and pub3iig*licring,.,'
of the: North, I am fully convinced that stroi, , ,
and immediate .. action on the part of. i'n'e
.South, and pariieularly Southern slave hell
ers, is indispeneable; and on my return t o
Georgia; my native State, I. shall return pie
pared to' take the field, arid if need'be,
stuthp,4o battle openly , and . boldly With the
Democracy, which is the only safe and relia
ble party, for alb South to stand by. There
is hope for a tree, though it be eut
There is vet hope for the South; therejii
hope for 903' rgia_, and I cannot _ but
that those-good Democrats who have •been'
led astray- by the fidse pretense of the Know
Nothings' will nbw - be convinced of their error,
and return to their - time honored . fold, to
unite, .with locked r:"sr elds shoulder to
sholder, in battling for the Country, 'the pon
stitutioti,:and the rights of the South:'?
. .
' The. Charleston' alferpury appears to-ignore
the existence pf the race of Northern dci,e2ll
- and; taking it fg A r granted that the North
is united in. its opposition to slavery, eXten
sten, thus urges a union of all:parties the
,South" in defence oftheit: favorit e in titu-
tion : = . -
"GradUally but steadily the conviction has
spread through the Northern mind; that they,
aor.a part of the United Statesi have .a right
to'use the Gerierai G'overpteent to cheek or
•overthroW the institution of :llver3r.
weak evasions, the coviardly and foolish otn
i?romises, which from time to time we have_
assented to,have only strengthene& Old
growt€t. of their insolenee, , and emboldiried
their aggressions,
until at length we riowf see
regular political, -sectional organizhtioriJ for
the degradation and ruin of the Sorth.
.Is not high time for the Statestnee *of the
Southto - tem to the defence of.._their.
section,. of the Union, "and to lend all their en,
ergres'to 'the onegreat object of elieethigi
Union' of the South, fur her protection against
the liosfile and" deadly:combination oft tie:
.Free States'{ Will they stand divided and
bickering against each her, concerning,par 7
ty associations with them, " when'every prin
ciple or self-respecti dig,nicy safety .forbids
To stand apart and be united amongst them-
selves, to meet the union of the North fortheir
overthkri, is the course which the north teach
es them, and tho only course left them ShOrt
of a• fla4 surrender of their righis and in'stitu
ti 0n5.:.,„-We thank the;Naill for herlesSeus.
Although slow to profit'hy them, we 'do not
despair,of the -South 'At winning her way ';0
independence' find - honor, under giemorahle
teachinp. A united; North, and unit id
South: on the institution of slavery,' 4,',Thediy
di our deliverance will then come never mere.
to darkened
,bv perfulluus and implaeale
associates. e
`When we think how'Casil.) the south.init:ilt
vindimte her character, and rese l l her insti
tutions from .the assaults of a lion,. were ,
she only united, and what a multitude of not- .
Lira' syMpathies and Interests be . blelia, -
ed in sueh unlon, in contrast wit the , tlis
cordent elements which exist in; t e urdon pt
the With and South; it-is indeed sUrprislt .
that- they should so long be the victims of
blind fatuity." : 1
But the organs of The Sham Democracy
of the North, reply . to k such' ultrair4s as tli t) '
Mercury, that their alarm is grourdless, tVr
slVery has still a bimitl'et faithful friends at
the North who will iia*,flesert