Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, July 19, 1855, Image 4

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• • .
acv.. Reeder . and-the Administration—De
dg on his life—Vacancies in the Depart
' sant&
Cell icipondopico - 4!40 :,\Zv•- York Daily Amer.
. • • .
. .
. ' ' .% -1- WASiIINGTON, July ith; 055.
• ._. , ,Go voinor Reeder is occasioning ay . itst deal
of trouble to General Pierce and the South
ern-De'nocracy. _ His *appointment was at
the .ouitet opposed by the Sentiml, and the
wliololave interest here, on the groundthat
tai . lOrthern man could carry into. effect the.
in_ one of the authorsof the-Nebraska Bill,
iti'Eliiieritor of either Territory. - ;When the
.initid:ciftlift , President, under the influence of
• iFoil i sis known tAI be made np in favoi<'
-of lleed4 appointment, ' deputation§ Were
• s
. formed,Aurge upon' the President a revers:
'al of thiffeeision; -- but the. Northern section
of the Nebratika'phalanx warnektheir Soutlii*
. ern brethren Alit' the matter had been oirried
far enough for' that cxxSasion.. • Reeder was
.'' nominated,r awl - Confirmed by :the, Senate,
but not until - after. - soma discussion in ' that
. body as to -his -political antecedents. The
Very day, hOirever, theconimission was,made
011.t. t .C01 Davis discovered thatAhe Governor
Was • mi- Abolitionist, though "his speeches
• 'bail:leaned the the other way." The Govern
or bad .been an advocate of the repeal
of the Missouri Compromise,. from. the M 0. .-
' ment thatit was proposed. and'-had 'Pepm
hideted.tbe bills otßerks, haranguing th em e be
nighted of that , region on the .beauties. Of
Squatter sovereignty. It was his voice try
inn in:the Wilderness which recommended him l
• for, the place he afterwards received ; and - at •
all othertimes, upon all other questions;. he
had, been knownias a. Northern man.Witha„
Southern fitet.. - Still this was not all that was
.: ',.:_wanted —the times required a Southern heart,
= 4iiid a Southern will for the-Executive Chair'
of -Kansas. -_. - . . - • • '.
- That he should, in this-state of facts, be de
noun-ced as an ' Abolitionist;',was inevitable.
It Was in vain that Forney -- pointed to his
'speeches; Reeder might do very' well for the'
latitude of• Pennsylvania, but was not the Man
to crush out the Yankees in Kansas,Which was
the reasonable service' expected of him. A
Yankee from NCW4I - ampshire
.or Massaeltu
- s etts . would have filled his Place Monti better ;
. b ecause he would have accommodated him
self much More readily to circumstances... ,
Ai thing's have turned out, Reeder has be
come a great question in South - ern polities.—
Georgia, in -convention assembled, denounces
him; Senator Brown. -of Mississippi, pro-'
tests ;against him ; and nearly the whole
Democratic-press of the South-is out in full
cry against tPieree, for appointing' and not
n-io' e promptly dismissing him. • The poor
Gos e
rnor, baited on every : side, has been a
As for the special malignity' of the savages
orivanized by Atchison, and led by Stringfel
low. Intelligent and 'observing Missourians
have informed me at intervals of many umnths
. past, that Reeder would - be assassinated . in
secret or -slain' in a tumult, or murdered in a,
street-fightif he remained in the Territory,
and _continued his opposition to. the - Slave
• State party. , e-The late assault. upon him by,
. Stringfellow was undonbtedly mink in pur
- , suanee of a. plait to.take his life. The acebunt
• given lof the affray by the assailant' himself,
• • Or some friendsOn the St., Louis papers, de
velops the design. When it is\ intended to
, !murder s man- in the South, in itiblie or pri
' :vate quarrel, the practice is for the person
. Iw:hosing the designto arm himself, step up
to his intended victim and insnli him. If the
' ..insult' be resented by word 'or blow, the as
- `.sailarit either' instantly plunges his knife into
the vitals of tiii adversary, or steps back, one
• or two 'paces .and'. shoot§ him .down With -a
• revolver, which he holds readily prepariA for
- that service, - Had Render struck Stringfel
low for his: insolence, thatruffian would -have
- undoubtedly murdered him, sccunilem.. artcm.
. - .
the Administration is directly responsible
for this shameful outrage. Stringfellow is
.. the agenrof - Atehbni in - Kanias,:and through
\ him controls all the Federal patronage in the
\Territory. His
.brother is editor of •the
Squatter—Sbrereign,. an -infamous and brutal
_ ;sheet, which teems with the filthiest 'abuse of
. the emigrants froth the Free states,habitual
ly Stigmatizing . them as Yankee thieves and
. scoundrels, and which 'ha's openly exhorted
. the mob from Missouri to hang the Govern
or and burn down the office of the Free State .
organ, andAhelpublie hotel occupied
,by the
leading men of. the - Northern party. The
Federal patronage . is poured like water _up
on this' abominable &int. kis supportedity
'the pay it receives for publishing the laws,
- Government cetzttracts, -8-. c. The official-54-
. port,and countenance which these two leaders
of the Atchiion banditti haVe received, is
course considered a warrant for their worst
excestes,and has been a souree.ofthe disturb
ances. which have agitated the-Territory..
.• ---,i ,
' I cannot. earn that Reefer's Vindication
• from the charge of illegal . • land - speculations
has .been. received. It must - be waited for,
- but when received will have no„effect what
. ever Upon' the President's course 1:OW11111 him:
Reeder will be dismissed; and some creature
. designated by Atchison will be-named to site
eeed him: -'• : - -•- --', - -" '- * * '
• Three or four btireauS of the GOveriment .
•," haVe been phiaed in - cominisiOn. Judge "M:1-1
son has retired from the Patent Office St 7 i 1 hail t. !
absolutely *.resigning. He leaves the, pu b;: c , 1
' • serslen,fcrlive months in ore& to attend to
-.- hil,4* . faffairs,. a ft er, which - he proposesto at
. - - liirid*Aij*duti* •HC , taill ,returin to, ()Mee
itiliCineetirig of Congress:. esi. - . There are other
• than 'private reasoniconnected with the re-:
- firetnent of Mr.. Masan. r_Congress has
no attention to his recomniendations i and the
President and: Cabinet, -have shown - them
' selves equally indifferent. The President
, and Jeff. Davis - regard the.judge as-a - very
. - -
excellent officer. He is
,Very capable forllui
, .. discharge, or' rather
.the superintendency of
- --• the scientific duties connectedwith the, posi
-. tion, and is• firm in resisting importunitieS.or
• suggestions of favoritism'. His possession of
• these qualities renders the President averse
•,to losing him. . • I
. . - John Wilson Walked in the Native Amer- -
. picopession yesterday with his of fi cial
. ; bead under his-arm, and the Declaration: of
Independencein his hand. The Native. pro;
ceedings in honor-of the great anniversary'.
. - *ere very spirited. • Thisprocession was far.
' • more.liv44. than-that of their eompetitors,the•
. 41 ' . Anti7Anow,Nnthings, and. the, address of Mr.
-- 1 Elis;their- -,_. orator, : was Mantled by a 'foie.
• - - Loam of Patriotie rage - i•hielt Was-really quite
exhilerating. Theortitor on - 111 e-othe r -side
was 5. -M.--Collide,' is leading -lawyer ..cif the
• -- eity,, whose address, &omit a little ambitious
.• -and ecstatic, was a - ..hittlient:performauce.---
' Both effortaireiepi:44lgal, harangues bearing
eloiely upon : ilie party ittestionsof the day.
• ' ----- - . '-: - . ~ '-:- ...atlnipar. -,..
r R' Anew American. manufaeture,:lhat
efidato.slass, fitia been -commenced in Wit,
liamsbutg, where' plates' of glass, ten feet'
wide and twenty feet long, will be made._
A plate ten. feet square can be made so
.trong t hat hold a ten 'weight, and W.)
t":<lt. that owe _mild read the fine print of a
n, r ihu - gii
ro a piece four inches thick..
t' ls sfugurat fact tlxit the English made from American sand.
itu JerSey, - po . s..sing the proper
.raw mateiht , ittlto remarkable a degree, it is
singular thuttets . article has . been so long
inqx , rte4, • " - .
. ..
Wiscominc.—.-- ' State I Contention' of the '
Republicans. is". prOpos . ed to lie 'held at ; Medi
s- ial on the stk of 'Septek x liiir.t ..',. - . ..... ~
• —The Philadelphia yais
. imysit has gOod
reason .:to belieVe ithat,the, s:de'of tile Ilinada.s
to ,t lie . govern Tier t of.. the .=-I.hti ted, States .is
about to be taken lilt° -coosideratiOn, ky the
'British Culdnet,"aid to ho sulimittedro Par- •
liament. • . ' - - •
.-THE KNO W .I4.YriIING !BOLTERS haVellnis
far been fully , snstained • lty their : Ptste..s..
'Maine; . 'New I - la npshire, [Connecticut Mass- •
aehusetts, and RI ode Island have .alt:. taken .
decided grounds .in . fav4 ,of the northern .
movement. .- -
L.-A Lae Unit on lettei:Says Mt. Van - 80...
ren-and Mr. ifilrnore mire present "liti the
galleries of thel•Onse 'Co 'during
1. , , rommui,
. debitte on . .Tu ‘ dziy biAlif:.,..On Ttitui,.:day
night, Mr. - Brighl
'alluded I tit this ' fiti. , ,t,. - and
took • occasion 'tojassla high etilOgiiainott our
countryi .• .-• . • - .- i- v ;-• -•- . ,"- 1 . • :'
----Fourf-rT,ro Republicans papers in Ohio
have taken cip'etoand deeidi;.‘a' grounds; in fa
vor Of the noininittion of the Hon._ Salmon .
P. Chase as tile candidate 4.the i.. Republiean
party of . that St+ for doVertior. at the nest
electi4 nt, A: . Republican Mass C4 . lnention •
has be ii Called' fit fhb :13tli of - July,- i at; Co
hunting., -
.. T. ~ ''i' ; . ; -
. ,
• -.- , A Wino cos.vr.srtoti',' has bedn held . in '
Washinaton county, - N. Which haS
. adonted
.a . series of resoltition',deueimciii;.; -- the roPea I
of the Missouri' Conifirott4se and . the out ra:
ges in. filiti T4ritory, :mil reafFtrining it lt. ,
old ' Whit 'doctrines. • The Reporter siay.s
'that :in :honorable fusion with the, Aine4iatt
party was agi%!eil ou. .
Kunsils feurropprideut 41
York Pally Titles 'says . that planlls are on
foot to colonize uri i with : Eatern Free
nit, effort to atilisit slave
ry as' an ?tr,et . : to rho
Of Kale as liy The Itikouo.e . -
pient the litr4ver; is very llttely to
prevent its' bY stirrina
tion is ltiss"Outli. • Tho, mere 'of
such a plan - befitig,
ger' of the, ,exampli - i. set by; tka .I\lizisonrians.
Goon Be
„ .
. , .
The Washinakon Seniitiel in alahtired (re-;
'. . . .
fence: of dui inst anticil of Slavery ; sa,
1. Nance tin State or con I ntry Nvliere tly:
health of the t;etter, - or as
good, aS 'that 'of r slavesi, 3 ' , i
• 2. . Name the Stat • •Ori!.eopnirvi in Which
• •
the Laboring clases 'a .61 more; tioller, or as •
muelt - so, a'' slates?. 1 ' 1 .i . !
~ . -
a . Or ahy- cOinmuhity amOng L wliont there
are a sa few Inti4le-, - iislainong ~l aves? i.. ”
!•• 4. Or hr w4ieh'So Many children are hOrn
sand safelVlive lo ma iiritY ?* - • •••• '
5: Or in Which t iete ; are •so "few riot,:
murders, assaulk4, or burglaries as a Mong, the
stave ropulatioil ? - -1 1-•. • 1 ,
0: Where Lis the;.ilahorl i ng cinninanity
which is so crireU ,for in liekness Una old a g ,,
as among 'slaVei 'V • 1 ',,; -i' '
7.. Wliere i 4 the ComMunity that, cyan ap
proachla.eonipa!rison he't.Ween the . tillithal at
tachment of inalt or Atia - , slave!? .
• S. Aro t.ll.,!l.:f' t not a lnliitir.i.l. aye, a . thon-..
sand inStmees K t .i,-: , .ti , p4 1 0f i:1:0:0 to masieri
‘l ost e r L-;....0;11-e, Where iJitt, can be shown!
Of servant to. his hiring Int:istO or x• - ,f inaster
to his hired 'so -..-ant? i
"9. Is then, a iab;)r:4l7 k'''S In: the: world,
so .well 1 1 _a :Ind kloi.!ig si,
.kitty work- as the'
slave,s of th.e Sentli ?- ! I 1 • 1 .
10. , A!rd fh allv, is ih-re :fur community
on 61irtli, ot'eq . ml munhers; in which there
s so little vice and •Vriine las 'kuna on slaves.?
isias' Jetferscei tlci
nonsense- iii flee "De:cif/ration
what an 01
write _w much
of Indep . enden e ! What b. eLr.4..e. 'Tree:loin'
__ I I r r
is! If Ice Lelievtd a..s, the Editor of the &nil',
net dOes,--ifn aster ii,vo i ti? bita lie.
cause 'he Vas i " White,"H ., -ice would paint.
"black.' and _et , sell loiireiy . cs for niggers.
Slavert• ought, ',under Sutl-'reasciniii,g, to 'be
unirersal. -, '7. - W ite. men should lie ensl4%ied
. .
r• I - •
3s ESt is pOs§i i k:tle. Republican G9vernment,
—self-g've-rni4ent,—is- a lie. and'a crirne;-
- p6pery . (oae 11,.'Itin only . ; free . : 1.0 en§lare ; all
others) beciun l ':s.Go4s tiest . ini3titutioia.—j...V.
Y. Express.'; .. .
i.. l_ •
.. ;---, .
thro one of oar.eOuntry villages
a - Sliort , tiineblure Our .annuaT 'election, we
chanced. to . -n . et boY, , with hooks, „slate
Ste-, tinder wlAom ho recognized to
be a Prottin4 efergyindlea sin, of the same
village the . fonowing dialogue en
sued :-
«ill, nay
day-1 .
I don't'kno4r;
Nou.tlOn't 1 1* ! - but at
wh'Maketi you au
su' - er.thus •
Oh, mother , says I n - itt4t follow the exam
ple of my,pio is ?ather . Oarfd that is the wuy
be answers, tit:6 she I r astis him . about the
KnoW;NOthio party; and sh says her 6 tloult,
cause he says :there is a.kiuk pi it. -
• - 7 :But When hia.slted yOu:iiy4u - had been to
School; you said iiot know; , -Now
thit. the trots!?! • •
• Oh,' there i; - u•,; they. don't call it
school ; the `;talk it the Atiletiv ? •
• Truly, the itht - 4,. that's .ioittig America,
and no mista •et
A SeEtvz.;,7ttz•Ser itic.-Stinn and Kate
- ..
Din were i layinetkineo andJultet at the
Troy (N. 'Y. ~.I:kluse. t un,Ll fo*;eVittiin g . since,
- w he n som e. or-;thcir• eprnies ' . :htgan to •hiss
Kate. , Therti. as a
_great excitement, and
angry exhibitions were . rilfae, betWern the
partr...;ans• mid Opponenis :of 'the netresisds,•
when; Kat e. ss hO wws piLiy lug Juliet, burst in
to tears. . Ttiri turned; the, tide in her favor.
At tl}y ititietito Susan Cote@ upon the'stage,
and . piaotig I er anti shunt her si,ter's ir ii4t,
•turued -tiT'''tht ..iudirlice and exclaime' •
•‘;‘:,..liat ha• th sisier. done ?' • rho can.
say,anythin abaft' mys.i •
.. • . (A voice:
'Nobody.) . Tik!at ,i - -; • ... Say . Whatever
p l,
ytitiplease in rer„:lo*lne, but do notabuse
MY - sister.' ' 'Dint cry, Katy; g 0... on with.
your part.. Nc r r iScitcly i ; ltas,_.. anything to say.
Doti;'`'."'_.lmiinstl I •-h ' • - • •
.e. • „..- ; - • • •
1 .Witia;happy.tnefodratn, -iwtis greeted With
'•';th . ree, times there,' and with. a great Orort,
`l,(7.4i47's:u;bdu cr :her enioti'cins -; and amtinued
. Itet m 1
- ilte• r'•;X ' ' 'beel
. ------ - , ,
- • , ,-1 -, -.. ‘ 4.,• , e,- i
WIMP FIL .ILES FAV )1t Psontnirtotc.—ln an
add ress ..43 ell •ered iby hi ni,• at is Toth!) . eratalie
meeting in fuoklyn, ?layer Itall, made the i
- folloWing - ni4Ct: 'Moretti:tit three hurl-
dred ill-u wikes have '.. #llellliipon •me,.,
loner! 'the first Of Ja inary, to Omplain of
- their drunken hqban s., Who;, rqu l indered all:,
.I.lteir inoneyi in . rti, , tr., tui :.left:, - Altiitu• _without
the . intaitsli sup
tar Oc. p'endit Ire tur r nt in 11).• x)klyn,. daring.;
the .mrsi: if a vlar t tui , 4r4/tree millions V
frillibirs. ..- ..,, -- . i . •
t 1
ylutii •at; Uti
Ihr the last
ter *heu. it
- engsigiAin .
tflad l eti icor-
Thel Kink.
n i lhaveyoo been to school to
H ttio Alio lunatics the State Its.
l a, one
,bas ben at' work
.to _put ,elip•
Hider Niagara, to: ease the wa
ll unips iwhile,another. is. busily
etting out -tholl niter for a
.aiita loather frying
• '• .
pIITSICIAN AND 3111GEON, Jackson, &winc
h:ulna county, Itesitlenc;a . :,a.t. the Pustoffice.
_,411.713; Laub;' • ' '
.ilit>.:ET MAK EPS, hare recently op cued a ware
room in New Milford, Fa., and will keep con
!tan* on hand nil kilida of Cabinet-Ware;:also Ready
made-Collins. Yunetais attended with or without a
lieut.:3e. Ware-room! arly opposite J. - Dickerman'ts
New Milford, May 1855.
./.1 1 Trunks, )Iliipt,lc.e.,-ht the ItasetneitofScarte's
[iota; Montrose, Pal •
0. At, Simmons, •
B°72rr I KER i7 'd r r o u
. . .
.. - Vir .. - S iltgle t o xi . •
, . . : .
0..v1:. now be folitpl at his new stand on OWegnst..
‘J two doors wgst (if Searle's IlOtel, where' he el
-Ire:6mq:l repairs iiitli distpaich,. ~AVatel.tes,, Clocks,
Jewelry, Guns, 4tidiest;fy ilescritition of Machinery.
Wheel .eutting i . Gun . and Watch ;inaterials supplied
to the trade. i
: _ i
QURGEON DENTIST, Montrurie, Pa., at S;;arle's
0 Hotel, Mondays altd Tuestlayi or cad! week. •
Henry S. Knapp, •
TONTIIOSk with Rau, Woodritif & Car
ter, lfihplczn c Prceers and. Conunission Mer
chann, No. 17:: Wllsliington street, between Court
au& and ney:stretr,.:Vor_York.
dateb Weeks.
c ADDLE; 11AltiESS, TRONK.MAKER and Car:
rialto TriinnaA . :•Sitop dwelling !aw,
early oppo,dt6 lioni•yDrinkerls . . Montrose, Pa. •
1 and :-...7%)liciturFlin,Cliancery„ Office ni -1 I_Clarke
Ffrc Ct, • Cif , /11. ' - -
• —-;--1-:.-
acific Aotel, •
(!V REENWiCIi T . III:ET, :(neitr Broalway,)
T rork. "satirUiv „t Gi., Prolitietors. In the
vicinity of the steanibeat landings. Ingstrina.
I AEA LEI?: IN ]}ILLY _ GtIODS, Groceries,Clothing, 1
Crockery; BO:0U Mkt ,Seurgurhuorend
Depot,. Pa.
• . Bentley &IFitch, •••
AGENTi.I, vi,ipse, l'a:
v. I3I:NTLLY.i • , - L. F. FITCIL
iTolln Groves.
11 ASIIIONABLE TAILI/R. Shop under Searle's
11 '
Hiltd, 3Liae ‘.....
~ tit, .110;,troie, I'fr.
--14- ' • :•
, _ .
14 in r.u.iir (INV Store; l'a.
\PALER .IT6VES, Till, :Copper. and, 'Sheet
1 1;;131;W:tro, Bkitll)epot,
Dec‘inber -1
tl4 P. Hinds, . -
W, S,o.ali
rhaa,' Pa. Of fi ce
1.t.. olzi 7.triliite ,i ; :ii. ' one.
q‘l . doer cast of Lenheinig.
1 --
. Vatier & Caie, - -
ie 1 Mice. on 'Pornpike - sti yet; one door EaQt o
Post's re!ore. , ., ~Ife,:eetr4, , Pe. ', ,
. .
- - . ti . Alert Chcmbeilin, •
• i i TTORNEY ...47 LAW arid Justice -of the Peace;
.... _ over I. L Ptist,4 Co's S•tort4 Montrose.
m. H. d essup
it 1)1...m5, for the State of St...itr York, will attend
to all-L•isim.s3 entiltdetl . to . hitn tkith prottipmesi and
iilltslitv. 011ict... 0.4 Public S2mar,..; b occupied by. Him.
Wm. 'Jessup. i. -:' , .
.. _ .
!Abel Terrell,
III:A:LEW IN p)ra-Gs, mEDICINF.S, Chemicals,
Paints, Olis i l! The-Ftuffs; Groceries,. lk.y Goods,
Mtn-aware., Suety are, Glasware, Clocks, Watches,
Jewelry,„ Silver ;ilpoons, Spectacles., 31miical Instru
ments, TitisseAt.l 4 ,urgical Instrumeiits, Liquors, Per
font;..rv; Mirrors, Ftatonery, llruslies, Shoes!, Yankee
Notio:is, .S.c.: ii: :
li. it. Lycns.k.Co., - ..
..... .
Av ir i l,- , ,T. : r i i . ., ; k 0 1 i , 5 i ;. , i ,..1N 1ie 11„ . i t s Z , Kl :i i ii I t T.
F1 1 0. F.,.. 1r t ja ,F 11111. 1N 1 ,.
. W‘ . :l3. Chandler, ..
1./VALER . IN pr.v GOODS, Ready . .NE . itle Clothing . ,
Gencerk•F, Doults and Stationery, etc., Public
Avenue, _lfewtro.f,-., Pa. .
Pita& & Dinock, • ~
13tlYsIci.1. - Ns:: AND ...SURGEONS: Office No.' 4 .
k . - ()%i ego stre4it, Montrose, PO. . ' .
• L. Post & Co.,
nEALERS I.!st DItY GOOHS,:Groceries, Crockery,
1 .P Hardware, Leather, Flour, 'etc., corner of Turn
pike ttreet any] Iluidic Avenue, Noutrasr, Pa.
J. Lyons & Son.,
IIEALERS Iti Nil GOQD.S., Pmceries,
_LP Crockery, Tinivare, Gr.)ccripo,tiook...4, ete.; 412y5,
carry mi . the Pock frin, AvetiuC,
Montrose, , . :"
-P33extiley & Read;
ARALERS lORY GOOD, Drug:a, `Medicines,
/ Paints, Ilardware, Crockery,
Iron, Clocksi "Slatehes, Jewelry; Silver Bloom, Per
&e.-.-17Oot of-Pnblic Avenue., Montrose.:
- - .
- , Sayer, Bentley & Perkins;
_AL; kin. of pistingti, Storeg, Agricultural Imple
nienp, etc. Moe at Sayre's Store; Public Avenue;
Maintfactory at the, Eagle Foundry, Foot of Cherry
street, Montrotti, Pa.
William 4S: Jespup,
A TTORNEVF;• AT LAW, Mon rroee, Pa. Prac
tice in Sisquelianna, Bradford, Wayne, Wyo
ming and Luz4vine
. -
W1l FF 1i&IIt W. Smith & Co.,
G ABINET MAKERS. They._ keep con. on
-band a r ow o.4.sorfment of all lihalA, of Cabinet
Furniture. :;-Inp intd Ware ItoCens at the foot of
Maine streCt ilroatrose, Pa.
Winton & i
A - ANE7O,SSTTUREILS and i/E A 1.ER. 4 .; - in S)
(3,,,,,b; capA,,FSITT, uud,rdtay,
14).;:ti) Courtiand
York, (up st.iiiN=.Y'
. ft. ISOCKIttiLt. .1. ilowAni)
. .. . L , I.
.! .iri. , • , !la -
i k. TTOR_ N c t -:". 4 .,1C1) _4II:NSFJ.LOII 'AT LAW,
-I . Nonit:7o:tl; A1.',...wi1l attend litithfully to all busi
flPSA entrustiltyrtint in the ci*mtv of Susquehanna. ,
Coaveyancirand writit.g. of all kinds will h done
neatly; a chztrg,es Modei-ate. ;,litt will also attend . to
ne 1 secutitm of claims . of soldiers,. their widows and
11 , ... 's ag..ti 4rthtt: iTnitiCil Snites government, for
flotn:ty IA ni,h'cisi
lons, 4. - e. ' 4 llfay he found at an .
hours at the:(iflieC formerly . 94mied by J. T. Rich- ,
arils, Esq., nnitli of . the r-otni.lXouse. - . 1489.
' . • 2E C. Tyler, •
_TSTERESTAD ivith! L L.,IIENT, Importer of-and
Dealer in Mardwuie and Cutlery, Carriage ..prings,
4:e.; No. 215, stOeet, Yoe Tirk, where his Mer
cantile friend 4 tliitV, and othelr counties, are kindly
Irrvited,and earntly:isolicited call and purchase.
runmsum F' :1T TRUBSDAT SiaTtAl3!4, AT .11ONTEOSZ, I : i
re.; 4.. e it.4sp pEn Assr* - , Alim4scs. •
. _
R t ittes of Advt.' Milking.
One Ecipsiv (0. lines or le.o),one week, 10,4 0 ,
One square • [ .." tiro weeks, 0;16
One sqtiare i.• , " ,
One square .:. -"1 . one month; ' ' 1 4 5. :
One square . i : ; ." , ' , tiro monthi,• 2, 2 w
One Square i : " three months, 264
, .
O ne square, r - " --- - six months, .. 5,90.
() l i e Bqkutre - 1 , : i ‘A, - one year, • ....... 6,(,14,
~..,";For two off' morel squives, inserted by the year,l,
Aiiduttion froin the rillove vices is made. Yearly
vertiserti willptaire - the - privilLe of altering or ehani-,
Og their adverti . Sen nts wi*i:Mt additional charge),
t'.; - Ittisiness
,siarils, of exe - .t.4'ng fire lines., inserted
at $2,00 peilimnum , ''.7 , ,H,
_:. - - - I
, • . ' -, i -• J b -Wcirk: . -.., . •„- I'
1 1 . Thy offiee i ! Is .BuLplied . Witk' a good assortment, tot
.. ....,,._ ~.
oliltium nta*ials
i i.utt -all kinds of Job Work, Mph
4.5 !
as Cards, Poiters, .atupldets,itc.,'will be done neat.;
i li and prouqitly. •
.1 - .., . .
Y 1. . . 4
. 1. •
~-,L t
A oa c.s truse od : sr A -o;d
K. ' 1,1
lu!laggY lot`, Sale . • i I
iI 1 .• ' ItAIrtNEYD.' • • • -
11'1 W.ITTENBS I I O3 & BRO., Montrose, Pa., take'
41 1 . 111 1. VHS Met ll o, of, advising their old friends and
cualcitaefa and the!pftblie at large, that they pave jurt
received and oPentNl the largest, prettiest and cheap
tt. Sfock-otREARY MADE CLO'PHING ever. bro't
to this place, .whith 'they offer at a small advance from
cost,!thereby offering; purchasers the rare opportuni
ti Of obtaining goods at about two thirds the usual
price. - '' r. ' '
Also a large as4titrneut of Dry Goods, comprising I
'forl.adies_Wtati, .2 aew styles Brocade, Stripe, Plaid, 1
Plato audchangealdp;Silim, Delaines, Muslin, De Bage
Mirage delainea of dew and elegant designs. All the
latOt st , les of Lad* Drava Goods, 'French Lawns,
' Prints-and Ginghitms. . A handsome assortment of
D 'Trimmings,!Embtoided Sleeves, collars Cuffs,
re j,
etc!. aconet and Swiss EdgingS and Insertings,Gloves;
' 11l , Hosiery, Veils; and Parasols.
V dr assortmeut
rich and
is very large, embracing
elfe v thing that Is tich and fabionshie both foreign
tuiedomestic. 1i f
iffheir Botutet Department is large and complete;
esitimcing the-very latest styles, with Trimmings to
nattich.2. '. . • i , , - •
`An extensive assortment of Irish linensp - napkins
t tiling , table cov - prs, curtains fie.
Vire have also a Supply - of Shirty
. Gentlemen's Col- .
lairs Suspenders, 9oVeacrinbrallas and a good many
lotit .r articles too numerous to -Mention. For bar-
Igai i the public is rt_Npectfully limited to call at the
1 /
[ die p store - of i
cOrner of Chesnut* Owego Streets, four doors east
of post's store. i . ' • :
~ ~U--Ip
! '.NtW GOODS. - •
1 • BEN:I:LEY . & 14' AAO . ..
,ARE now Yeeeivingrheir ;mud supply
pply Of SPfiING 1
--VD SUJIMEI4 pOODS, whiCh they oflhr to their
customers, and.tlM - public generally, on the most reo-
"drtble (e ~x, for; Gash; Butter, .4g,, ,, , Grail, Bees
ryarT, or on apprOc,(l credit. , :
Montrose, May 4 1855, .il , • .
IDcLOTiIS, keTrF,:ii;.;e — -
ILO. Giiiiigiyeit,
Summer Store; and a general stock of Staple
tyre' Goods, just re . Ceiyed and .for sale right by
t... . i.„ - BENTLEY &.11EAD.
I CMMEB ne i,aneS .-- . Lawns,Challies, Ginghams,
wz,..., Merrimac atuljeot:hecol'rints,:&c. &c. for sale:
lir ' •'• 1 ' . BENTLEY &READ %
Ofi - NETS, -- lalions, farasols, Smt - nes Shawls,
1 Black Silks,'Dre'sx Tiimmings &c. &c. for Fate
41' '
--1 1 ,
i f L K .i.R „ l tlf il t:r .. , A,
iti l. f o 1 1 g ,
_: 1 4..1 1 o 1 :1 . , k
e l r
.1. ) a n ,. ; p t E s u i ; t
e.T . II S Lt
p l l l: ali. : , ' ,k ,
,i a.. 1
t i
u l
E d b:l, P Dr a . l u i
tt n .
, 11:::,: s t:as . ,
.S . atch,....l.NNlndoic 6: l): E ir 1
i. &c..
- - 1 ItrOS, Medijelnes, Paints, Oils, Dyestuff:4, and a
general asserrtment of Patent Medicino§7jast in
i t)
tin for sale bY : - BENTLEY & BEAD.
?1 -4 0LE-linal Upper Leathir, Patent Kips, 4 , :titgilas,
and a good supply of Emits and ShoeSironstant
11Y tan hand. =.; . •- BENTL,EY St REAti. :i
'4- 1
• rIACK C ER . I• f :T i n
lay the barrel or one-hall
• Za ß r7l -a l- .
•1 • -
• ;
XTATCIIES and JEWELRY.—A full assortment ,i 1
i 1 of Gold ;arm Sill er Lepines and petatched!:
Leta-ex:a, in aloailkamal :single eases, Ladies'ilins, Ear!!
Dapps, Rings; (luard (hainii, &e. &e. Also, Silverl.
Table, Tea, Deseit; Salt- anal Sugar !Spoons ' Svarrantell l i
tti-e-, for sale by l ; • . • IlEvrtsr ,I* Er tra t
I T OLES and TINWARE, Clocks, Nulls; Candles, ' ;
. , Lamp Oil, ClaMpliene be. &It.. ' ... , ! .
i! 1
- i Montrose, May 3, '55. liENTI.EY .5: TREAD.- ; I
~. , . --i • . I
'.l. i. -. PILIMPS : rumps !i . •: t
',e Gteate.q kni)rorenre.irt of the, 4•lge i•-•-- C.
fill: irillimdv i Double-:leting.Ballilitlee 1,
I = ''
!,i . Forile . miil Lift Primps— I )
N' isaiprovernent, above all other - pin/tat or
chines for lifting, throwing, and carryng water,!
'ajoinbining both! sf I'ump and a Fire Engipc. TWA
Bin`p, patentetl !in February, 1854, Ll the whole of it
ail Janie. No ,bo3ts or screws about it to raw., conse-I,
riaimily it will lakt, a nrui's . life times It can .be used
ihlevery variety! of form—can •draw water from any
sltlaittion, and cii•Cy it to any part of a building. It
ik atperior to all other I'ilmils for Distilleries, Paper
Mil t ls, Tanneries,lßrick Yards. Iron Works and Matn=
itfacturing.cstablishmenis ofjall kind'.
'1 , 411 orders ntui4 be :Wake' ssed to Ablusos Diu NIICK',
laoderf,ville, Pa.i 'Who has the solo right for SusapieL,
.harna county. ! .'. '
• 1
;'4• ' •-a ' FARN!ERS' • 1
/1 4 11 ION. liiiSCRANCE CO7III I .ANV,I
il * - CATITAL, - $200,000. • i
I'Vara! .111 Borifr and Mortgage ore the Real EFt.ate
• te" the. Slockholflerr.
Insures agninSt loss by Fire, of Houses, Stores, and
titer buildings,Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, op
s, favorable terinS as any sitijilar Institution. Losse!s
roillptly adjusted and paid. • .
L ._ ' -
pattrx-ron . s,—lion. Horace Willistain, Athens ; Fran
. 1, Tyler; do. • Hetarge A,. Perkins do:; J. T. D. JleveC,
: •ilnfielcl doe • Hon. John Lapo F m r.t ' . l e V i ,
l e T o ll i c e w s ti t a ba n j d r e a . k g ; l : N a ,t ; e ,i n j ik . ..
et lt...
rim; Michael '.Meylert, Laporte, Ph. 1'
' o a..lC. F .: F M lC anN EUSl .'Sila . h — iPt l .:l l 7 l: ll) ll l . :l ll C4 o : : G; C e(4C e . Willistoh, President; C.
Wells, jr., It. Pres- and . Treas. i - J.. E. Caulfield,
• • ceetary.
.. . , ! - .
.• . • I
"..). lAzent; 0. S. Br.EnE, Montrose, Pa. • [1532m3
a ;
I ' rAilms FOR SALE.
lIE subscrilier nil! act as'agent for buyimr and sell
big Rear Estate—,.Fany, House ?, and I
~ ted in Susquelianna.County, Pa.. All who wish to
1 .,
b er their property for sale can give a minute descrip . - ,
liOn of their Fatms or Lots as follows : Number of I
ores, how many improved,' and how watered, build
, rigs, orchards, grafted or common fruit ; other fruit
pees; and the uirest point . _ to the D. L. & W. 11. R.
rid N. T. & F.::z, R. R. 1
-a 62 farms on the list, 43 unsold. By calling on the
bscriber a minute- description, price and terms can
given. , . • , •
1 101fice on Turnpike et. 4 doors west of Main st.
p !Montrose, :August Ify 1844. . A. BALDWIN. :
, • - - GODS 1. gOODS !
HE subscriber is receiving his Spring and Sum
mer stock; of Goodit, comprising a great
hich will be sold as TO* as any in this market.
'lease call andlexamine. • F. B. CHANDLER.'
HATS 410 CAPS-4 good assortment of the
latest style.
READ l'--itA DE CtOTEING—A good variety
of Spring and Sumner Clothing of the latest (tr.
_DR F GOODS—A general assortment througlt
out. Also, DRESS ROODS, consisting of LawnS,
Barege Delaines, Persian Delaine;
[Printed Lawn ancy. Print, Ladies' Worked/ Cyst
!:tarn, Insert' ns, Edgings, Black Silk Mantillas, Thibet
land C• • • ere Shawls, Parasols, Hosiery, Gloves, die.
/3 , OTS A.A"D SIIOES. Clocks—a large assort
, • nt of every; - description and Style. Also, a great
variety-of Fanc y Articles, Yankee Notions, &c. • I
Crockery, Hardware, and Groceries of all kinds.l—
a good lot. for Fale cheap. Books and Sta.
ottery—WalliPaper—aLso, Flour of the best quality.
3fontrose, May 9, 1855. -F. B. CHANDLER.I
et, Nctr
• New *ine of ~ 4411 Stages, .
Fr. 024 -
''.4.,:TAGES leaVe Kirk Wood, .passing throughCOr
bettsyille,ttilxlty, &c.; every Morning after the
;arrival of the MidlTrains of cars, both East and West,
?reaching Motittiose at I T. tr. • Rrturni . ng,
!Montrose daily (Sundays excepted) at 2 e.. x., reaeh
!ing KirkwoOdia time to take the Mail trains of airs,"
both'East and West, being the nearest and most lim
,;sible route to Bch the. Ne...yr York and Eric Itailthad.
Thii line intErsects t triiweekly line for Dimock,
Springville, .1 1 1mkbannock, Wyoming, and WUkes.= .
hire, which limYes Montrose'at 7 - /. m..eYery Mon
. day, Wednesday and FridaY. Also, a fine to Friends
eine LeraysY il le, -
1." dood teami, and comfortable eakriages are prOil
'ded, and the 43roprietors will • spare na pains to 'ac
commodate the public. W. K. HATCH, •
April. 6. 1804, . ;MORGAN it WEST. -
. .
'THE subsciiher takes thisNsiethod of advertising
11 his friends and the public generally, that be has
fitted up a stone 'just across the street from his4ild
quarters, in Brooklyn, where be is prepared to' re
ceive custormirs an d - sell them goods at as low rates
as any other!eatabfishment in Susquehanna county.
My assortment is very large indeed, embracing near
ly every article usually called for in a country store i
As lam dt.t.mtninett to businessio as to avod
"bad debts," Which reipoktible credit purchasers ;are
taxed to pay,l,tin offer saperkor inducements tocask
and otherwiscraoxrx-raytxo patrons. .Call and ;see
me. - 0. G. HEMPSTEAD.
Brooklyn, Aiwa ap, 18115.
- . . !DISS4OI4IIIITION. . .4:' " I
r rhe copai*embip hemoft?re,existing befireen i th6
* lsm
.1.. subse,ri . under 6,1:0' ' 0f:,,, .8 Kent 4k, Co. is
' , this day . di vet i&ilut ' -` " t. - •
:g, , , a KEST* C 9.
Brooklyit pr. 2, ...: - -,*..,' tiwit
I (Mover aiptd Tianoth torsale y ,
NJ • .., - , '
Ncw yinfoid' t Marehli,:lll33s ' I
:r-ainur aul lialfingicor 6 civ , per
an now
tt7lll 110 . 0g
3 °l4-"dt, ciayoliS ksoF•
' e.)kly •stat•Or _ •
NEW arid singularly successful remedy for the
' cure of all Bilious diseakes— T Cestieness,
geastion,' JaundiCe, Dropiv, - Itheutriatism, Teverrt;Hu
niers, (gout, NerYoustiess;!lrritability, Inflathmations,
Headasithe;Pains in the llVeasti. Side, Back and Limbs,
Tatruda:Cotnplaints, &e. &e. Indeed, vt...ry few are
the diseases in'which a Purgative !Medicine- is , not
More or 101.4 inquired, and much sicknesis and suffer
ing might be prevented, if :t harmless het effectual
Cathartic were more . i-eely 4 its;ed:, pc; oi: can feel
-Well while a costive habit of Irody prevLiis; besides;-
it soot( generates - serious and often' fatal diseases,
Which might have been avoided fry the timely and.
jirdicioas use of a good itirrgative.' ,This: is. alike true
Of Colds, Fevanisb symptoms, and ;Billirala derange
erents; - They all tend to beeente or prialuce the deep
ricattl; - and formidable distehipers. whiCh - ltaid the
hearsei"ver the land.' Hence a . reliable finally;
PhYsiols ofthe first importance to the public health,
and- this pill has been Perll . :cte.l- 'with ' . .corusunnutato
Skill to meet thaedemand. An extei:siVe trial of its
virtuea by Physicians, P . OfesSors, ayid Patients, .as
'' Shawn; resides surpassing -any thing liitherto,known - of . .
any medicine. ' Cures have been effected - beyond bee
lief, wksre they hot substantiated by . persons of 'such
exalted positions :arid character as to follaid - the sits
picierfof amtruth. -:Amiingl.the eminent gentlemen:
Who have testifled in favor, of these Pills,. we May .
mention—. •
Doc[ A. A. Hasrs analytical•Chentist of Boston,
Mid State ,Assayer of IStaiisaellusetts ; 11; 3:Game:rat,
Gove?.nor of Mas.streluesetta;: - EMORY WASIIEUEIS Es.
Gov. of Massachusetts; Sraticos: Bao - ti - X, Lieut. Gov.
of ; E. M. WRIGIITi Secretary of State of Mass. ;
FITZPATRICK, Cath Bi$101) Of Bosioti; Prof.
34),t1N!Tiritital", of the of Physicians and Sar
*eo-nif New York city; Dr. C. T.'Jana'SoN, Geologist
of the Public Lands of the linifed States; Dr. A. Br
'ICIIIT4ON, Practical Chenriat of NeW Yhrk City, endorsa
ied 4 Hon. W. L: Martev, Secretary of State; - Wm.
B. Aryroa, the richest man in America S. LE .1.&O '
! Co., „Proprietors of the. Metropolitan Hotel, and
ilothers. • i •
1 Did space permit, we Maur hundred .
' certificates from all parts Where the Pill , have been .
used,: but evidenee even ii ore convisAug , than the
experieficeof eminent puldie men, I: !ftniail hi their
effacts upon trial. . • _
These Pills, the result of long investigation and
study, are oirered to did public! . as tha hest and most
complete %%hid, the present. IOllCe.
can alrord. • They are ,etimpiantiled not of the: dings
th eu f se t v ea, but of the eicfliein.ll vi; tee:: only of Veg
etable rentedieS eatricied clear:kat process. in a
.state of per ity, and cenibineuitogetle.T in snail a man
ner I ,as to insure the best - results: This system' et
coinflosition for medicines ha..t been frond, in Cherry
Pectoral and Pills both, to, produee a moreetlicient
• rsiwitdY than bad hitherto been [obtained by any ino
cess. The rca:Kin is: perfect& oliviT.ts. While by
the ald Mode of composition, her
llenial With more or lesa orae+oniou's and injti: iii-
qualities, by this each italltidulaliirioe only tlait
desired for the -curative ell - ect 4 . pre: etit. All the:h.--
oil and Obnoxioila atitliti& to; each stri:dance ein
ploYial are left behind,, the; Viittles only - be
ing ' l retained. hence it ii 1.74E4% the eff e cts
shoal(' prove as they . have ietki-e jan.ely rent
cdial, mid die pills a inore,nowerfel antidote to dis
ease than any other medicine known Ja
. Ar; it is frequently eipuslieutl that foany medicines
shiadd be taken
the celittscl ati attending
phy.fician, and as he- coeld not pi overly' jade of
remedy Withont knowing its coMpositioo, I have sup-.
plied the: accurate for:nuke: by toy Pulcto
ral rind Pills are trade; to the)yluole birth- of Practi .
tiono-s in the United States and 'British „-Iruet.icau
Provinet , s. If, howevCr;iliere should but any one
wha has not receireal then:, ei,ey will' be forwarded
by jinni' at-his request.l 7 ;1
(V, all the Patent .11aaliqinesi that ate offered, how
fewavoulil be taksoAr their coraPesitiu,'at was known
Their life consists in theirltuysitery. I have tar mys
teries. Thtt coMpositien of- my preparatioics is laid
open teall men, and all who arc competent to j::tige
on the subject freely their convictions o
intrinsic The Cir,err . 3. .1...et0: w-ta pro-`:
flounced by- salentitie. Men Ito bk.: a Wonderful medicine"
before its effects wort:l:tor-14! Mara.:. eminent Phy-.
ariciiins have dul:wed tha 1. 1. . f cur Pills:, and :
evelu more - rsontidently, and rue, Williug to certify that;
their anticipations were - aim: e than realized by their
(Sleets' upon trial, Th: , ..y„operata •by their poteerfuri
;ethic:tee on the intern:A yiscail a • to p,urlfy...the
and stimulate. it into h, althy detio,u—reamye the vial
strnetious of the stomach, and other ori
gaiv". of the body, resireing thcir rua 4 alar action td
14th, and by co: recting,vlH raver - 711....7, exist, such
derlangeinclits as are the first Otiairt ofdisease.
Prepared. by Dr. J. AYER; Pr:IL-tie:a and Asa?
lytileaf Chemist, - Lowell, Mass. Price G 5 cents pct'
boi. Five bOxes for - 4(1,0(h . Sold, hyArtur. T1.71:1Z1:114
Mritutrose ; B. F. tB. H. EiTox, Ha:ford; •Cittucti
& Pansrsisv, Dundalr, and bY 'all dealers in int:tilt:int:4
every where. 'i • '
WO n O l D ar n , L e lTS:ELDltFljhave constantly on hand
and ' well Fi.e(l . astoriment of • tin
cafe, .Reels r•
nod Chain for pumps, cistern
pumps, Itihns,LJapamted wares, - lead
piries of all sizes kc., de. Job work done with iteat
ness and despatch ; all oideri promptly attentle&tO.
("kept cobstautly on hand, it larlgeTassortment of stoves
of thelatest improved , and approve& patterns. % Our
experience in the Titisiitesl- enables us • to select those
that We can safely - warrant to (Five entire Satisfaction.
Arnongst our iminerons stock ) can•be fonnd the
-Priingon air tight • Star of the West, Elevated
NeW World,.• " [Oven;
A !las, '• Cultivator,
Phoenix, • • " ; Fire Fly, •
Three States, • ' " Western Qrteett,
Globe, . - " Pritnium.
woontal ,
' f
. ,
,More and:More New•GOOd!4. • 1
..i , •
KI-BURRITT •Is uoic . rectirmg, new auti'full 1 t
• supplies of (4(0 for the Wintrr Trade, in- I
eluding a new and elegant assortment•of Freila, ifc- ,
rinoea, Merino and caalan.fre e1,,i4 ; Pi lid- Fan
cy and Plain De-Lanes, i r firmitettaaiinrocArtSiatare
and Lony Shamla, all of new and beat styles, and will 1
IM sold at 25 per cont.!. hiss than lasi. rear's prices.—
Also a new assortment', of Jail, Riblems and Bon nitc,
Wi t t e Silk . Velvets' fai Cloaks and 11antillaa, Rich j
.Silk and reface -fire ~ Tiinaings, .31ohair Head I
.greases, Rigol n eta.&c. e,. with. a general assortment I
of':: other STA PLI: and ARCS ;Goons,
,n. 4 ' usual, which
', hriving-bought.ntzder"the present pressure of the cash ,
1. miOkei, will be sold:'at corresponding and reduced
I prices. • ': • i
I ;New 3lilford, NoV'ember 27,175.1: • • .
- 111 K subsefiber eating on theCHA ILIK
L.VG BUSINKSIit alt its carious branches' at
tint Chair and Ware Shop Ihtrihrd, where mar he
found a greater vitrieti of .Windsor and. Boeiiing
Chairs than at any other:erlahlislintent in the comity ;
also Flag and Cane Seatti,l3nreans, Bedsteads, Loung
e:l, Settees, Tables, Stands, (fr., all of which will
be sold .at the loweSt priceS at retail, (Or wholesale,
~with short notice.).; All Work . warranted well made
min of good material: - Shoo credits and small profits
will be my, motto. . For. demonstration of the tthove
facts, please call at illy shop in Ilatfhril cilia e.
11.0.r1ortit October 42;1864. - • 1540nti
JeWelri, jewelry.
ii GOOD assortnienc of deaielry, ennsistinp.;.orEar.
1.1 - Rings, .Earßior , nylicea.4t Pins, Finger Rings;
&C. &c., justivccived at BENTLEY READ's.
, Silver
Table, Dessert,' Sugr,'Snit, dtc, wairanted pur,
for sale-by _ .": BENTLEY &
• Ptsotti . listitt Shoes.• '
An unusually good itssortnient of the best wake, all
r , esh and perfect for sale 41 BENTLEY &
• Drag";
A fresh :stock:genuine IDrugs.anti Meditines, .Patent
Medicines, Ptunts„ Oils; Dye-stuffs, ac.,for sale by.
• , Dec.l3,] BENTLEY & RE 1D...
. ~
ffE,l 6 ,pring . Good:
ceired at I. L. l'OS.7 l 'et
gnalitv style atol.pilco. 1 ' :
144ple;Dry , Gcf,i, 1 Collars, Sit -fees,
I 'Dress Goods, ' 1' ; Efiginys,
1 Clotho and Cassiinerst, Bonnets,
. I Blatt. goods, I and, Parasols.
1 t .;
,I . CLOTIIIXLI-.—:t lis p stock. - Grogoies of 101 l vari
e.ttes: Hardirare, Orokety r LOokirif.t . Glasscso f aliti ilk'
ever)' department their assortment. 13 good, mid, at
prices to'suit.
' Montrose March 2tl 1855. ' '
John Grtivss' igitpriptemeul.
nature, - clo and beasts 'At r ial.
an extra cent for wittier, Lis not wade n Similar pro
vhion formanj have condlried4O Cake it upon my
self to, - attend . that depitrtmetit ; and; therefore. I
think proper to announce this ail shivering Male hi.
.nted new apixtr4; . gloriUtis or Ingloriotni
fitSbionnhle or unfashionable, can bare their wants
supplied and their tastesmitcd lavealliug on mu, at
thy shop , .
. • n Oc_ TCO4I,IIARRIS t
. - • • litiluAzoii.A.Tiiislr,
. d nicnber:of the universily of ,
ew,jyorl;*ii 1 l
in. Montrixii: on theAlth, 7th and
Bth of each moiith,i. and may be consulted at Hatch's
Hotel, fo4tliredi dais, upon all ,dizeases Incidental; to
the butuali , sys l ierii, viz: C0N5V.31.1 4 77011; Br oil .,
Allis leflrinatid?i`cif the Lungs, Throat, Liver, Pleura,.
Ilidne - ys tt,id SPlcen, Dyspepsia, (indigestion,) Liver,
Complainli,•Anituitixrfax; - Scrofula, Eruptions, Spinal
Complain, Diieti.4cs' of ' the *eye and ear, Nervous
Weeklies , &ch 43:tt.. Particular. attention given to
the . dist., *is ofiFeinaleS . mid Children.. The varietn,..
affeetions.: of din UteruS rdefically cured. - -- . •
Dr; H 'Tis 1.4;we1l acquainted - with both - Helatiopa-
thy and 411optithr‘ baring been, In constant study and '
practice it the la4t twelve years,.nnd haiing' first ln-
troduced lionicor*aby into Binghamton, *N. Y, in
1847. . llisphin of treatment is inild, safe and vfle.a
eit.itat, anp.. ditrereilt.from that ofan v other .physician;,
and eore# nea r ly all 'eases In tli In: 10,e3 of the disease. -
tar. lir. If4irisllias testimonials.,of character, ehil‘•
' ity and e)cill i from ; a .'number - of " the most eminent
Medical then in the city of New. York;, amity, them
the cele rates Drl . Valentleelf oft. i -- . -
Perse 3 wishink prompt relief or peso . 'admit cures
will do W.AI to;:clilt. without delay. - Chargei moderate.
I. Con.sult4ion Pee ii. Paticiitp.risited at their residences
.if desired._ Dilicehoure from 7 in tlivinorningiuotil.
1 9 in. the tyciiiig. i . ..
- - •‘, Advaut;igvl. ..'
- il i
The al, vantages oft the' Rounepatbie treatment of.
diseasesilarei i..,f .' - .. - • '. .
Ist. .Plat paticiits reatedThaineopathically, nsual
ly arelred irnieh sooner than - by any oilier practice.
- 2d.' • hut !many • patients can be Homeo
pathic rftnedi'es , :who cannot lie cured.. by any . other
ereatinetit, l,; - i; . .: . • •
.",nl. IThattpationts. treated Homeopathically, de'
I;.not 14bori.under I.lle , bail effects of the taedi
eine thr bake tatgit to cure the disease: -
.. , . .
1' ' L
__ I ' CIJEW - GOODS. - :. .. • i
i• AICiX.IDIJIIIT & PARK return, their grateful
i•... atkno #l.;tl;c men t s to the• - ptdic, and invite at-,
; tontionlio thii very large stock of Sjcrinf . i'itirri Soiii. i
iner GOOds - thev Ore now receiving 'and offer for'sale
at:yr.r.i/ jure hr;e4. . In addition .to their Usual assort; 1
- mein or,sttiple Dry Goods, Groceries, fferdware, Crock-
I err, Paints and pi1.4,1,:c. &c., they.arii, prepared •to
ex . bibit;n lar; as,lsorttnent of Ladies' Dress Goods
Of every deOrintion-'--Figured, Plaid and Plain Silks, -- 1
Bormetl, Shawls, Ribbons, :Gloves, -Hosiery—Ladies'
and Millses tillois4 of, all kinds--also allurge stock of
/C/•,'.-1 .41.111,1,1.1 E CLOI'.IIISCI, Cloths, Cassimero,s,
Tweedi Jealis, ilummer Cloths,'Vestings, Hats, Caps,.
Boots :in.l Shoest &c. . . . .
Thei ro-mect.fillly solicit an early call front those
, --.1, • ,
who wt.]] topurnase. good ~v-odx tramp prieel.
:Sprit gvi11 , .... 4 MaV 3, - 'O4. 1 31c1IILLEN & PARK. . - T •. '
-, . -
- '- q *olce 1.4 i the Public.-
T-tyIN(A. just returned, ft Ma'New York I wi t h to .
„ILL Till HO - .attention of fily , old customers, and of
the put?lie lA,g.eheral, to my •. - - • • . .
! 1 I' NEW. ti'r oCK OF GOODS, •
which icim4,hotight with cash :it the lOwest p:lees,
and wiplain-1 i to .4e.11 principally for dm -saint., 1 011, of- .
.1 i
f.. , r them at greatly ret! teed prices.
• Coe4ece riinfs, waiTanted fast c01 0 7:',.., for - , oalii-, 8
cent? '
yard. tlo orl Brown Sugar, i S - pounds frit one.
dollar,'i lloti , iitozi'N'ails, acloMicledged try all'. to ;be
the 411, Nail in ;'n:ic,....i.,:,,:in per keg. ' Hats and Caps,
Boom I'ml 51if , ....4 Illuffilo Ilohos, of all - prieeS, t - ill wool
be Lollies, ';ishincres, l'a;autrita , . Liress Silk,'Silk
Velvet; it.e.l, .301.m1i0 lie Laines, I Ailling . per yard,
' Satin llomtts"nal - '.'ll'ilt.‘skiti Hat , ,. lit oche - Shawls,.
Doillrl4 li•uti". slum's, Thitiet do„ - soiling at irusroiceiv
ill,ly qa- paces.!l ca - ii'sat'ely warraiit..purf , NA" ,:,:tti.-:-
, fleziwi to alt wh'O will give me a call..
lati:t;;bovb, Apr. a, 1:•451: S. A. LYON'S.'
c i i.epcK.l--21:0,1 t.inp!. k , .:opers,• Duly one Wallin , .
• S. A. 'NUNS..
- L•iin-.1,0), Anr. 5 ' . . , •
'4 , f. • - •
A V iAN:111:11-10n) 4)ides for whwhichtheliiiirst
1I 1 prim will he paid. . ... S. A. LIONS.: .
I..e.rwsloti.), Xpr. 5. •• . •• - . ... .
. 4
(M) - NTRY.: I ) . RODUCE taken: in extliailee foi
~' Goods% at My store. .- - S; A. I.Y(iNli.
Latiesbofo, ..kpril -5,, : .
DA. lit 10.111 TA:kiE NICI-Tt ICE .
rrltt :-.4 , 6scrilters having secured the eole right to
11./S' (1.11..".14V , AXD
triZEß4,ll. 7 i)Rla.,74.fiir ::•1ti..,1 - 111.:`11;tillia and several:
;:juh,rtt reipoetftilly invite ;ill Ilinttrmak
ers the of_ thi new anti ,
ini-ent'on: ire propose to furniAt each and
all of } you. )ritt a.CntraN that will produce a...t mach
it el in 'its 1-1 ort a thae at any othei elturn--tute
that the .
01::(p. ~i t/ ;1 perfr,.-114 a tc
i for in , e, without l:moving it front the
churn; • This -01 turn. is in..tple iu iti•cptistruetion,
1 4 •; opt..mtion, and dasifv,clcankal'ancl kept in:
er,1,1 andi - cani attached to at.r.•
Puri further -fartieulars, apply persoriallr or by let
ter td Cl t 13USIINELL and-J. N` . . ® IIItO.NSON";, Sniquehanna county, ,Pa.
ir'r.e4f , •
stleie.; ,
Aor i A$D .MOTT•ivoald respectfully info:7llWe
that they are taanvfaetuttng Itlatebley's
:They • also keep constantly on.
handf&O, TM", Wayhe Cortnty, and Idea Mrona,'
enittraink . , Digt,ChurnA, Strillit and Cu4ter
various fatveripl, too ninneroni to,
mention. MWel hope, by strict attention • to busines s ,-
to rcicirei our share of pnlilic : pattonat•o: • Mainifile
toryips oh! stand. Fialndry, - M. Mott, - near
Searl6:-M,111.._ a'• • 1
done on •shOrt notice: •
i 0 .
rill - i: sitbscriper is agent - for the follois'ing - Insurance
.1 ;Contpatiitis, doillg,l4rsjile,,s at the 10w.24, safe
rat;;l- , fj ' - .
Stuee .14+ttirol ut I
i litrrid,wrg.
• •
i-- , 1_-
,i , Capitatl *350,006.
ert-ytt iiitturit at ilito•Llmry,
' i ..... ' . ,Cai)ital._s2oo,ooo. •
Lfollii insur l ance '
.4.l"ew i - ork Gay. ' . .
. • , ' -. ;:r.
L Capital ;•.,-...)00.000. Atiiil6,tsi. F. E. CIIANDLER.
3 . .
rINIE übsciibers are now hurting and will keep
.con4itantl, - . on had Lime of a _very superior
quality'-a 3ientrose Dlpot, and will sell it .LlKany
qua title at '',lt fair price. Persons wishino; 'Otte
4itatitityl.ean lie `supplied s'...:•on a reasonable notice.
I Stiperibr ground Plaiter sill . :be kept. constantly on
tang - ; ' 1. L. • POST; .
- • 1 • 11. DRINKER.;/
• ,
Mfmittbse Dcpot, t • • •L. SEAR.LE:
I 51i'113,4.1‘11 IST
416;11 BROTHERS' baring purchased. the above
keep mistantly nr hued Szt.
wr it v tit Flour, (?grit Jfcal virriur gaol-
ty r iihoilld:ql and Bviii at the loives , ye:101 prices.,
Castinn be done IVitfi deptitelt, and - in all
t tt •
tritritzttfril. i• • 1481tf
3iptttni)se. Itay.•l§s3.
NOTI4bI3. •
peritens indlehted pi: the subscrlberfor fees
as Hegilter,..llecoyller, 4thlfiA;ll: tifith Orphan's court
!would confer u favor by / f{ettlingth.i saute soon:
3fpnteose, Hee. 6 11;x4. ; T. LAGDON,
. -• i` It
1 1 .1...'A;r111•; !roving• anpointelm agent
k. NJ' 1111 - 1N,611 , ..i'Ve.:1011 ilin(l and dtpn• wrtmuts!.
toriarti preped -to txruish ,any articles in this line at
leis . ratia than they hate usually been sold
Atly : S. H. D,. S: . !
711 7- 7
A Y: ititic:l6 which tivery should try"foi' sale
b i t
.Sc IL D.
new tot of Suit - mei_ Ihtts • arid- -Cloths
- fol. siunOter wear just r060i1.,.6d nod for vale, cheap
!by k'CO.
M.S. witsoN & SON' • "
f A s t be found' In S. S. Mulford's old store, Esit
111 de of - Public - Avenue'
' MonCrose, „November 15 1854. ' ' • •
' '
--- --77
Buffalo Robes.-
A; CHOICE lot just received.; amt offered - lov byi,
L • .` . ' SCOTT, JOHNSTON-1i
Isalvl,4 Shawl*: :
elloleg lot of Wool tinig Shawii c Cry their
peeeTber 2, • .•
virs - s'iEt),-Butter, Cheittitt, Egis., , ,firuolcesll2lariis .
!ApvlciaitTowtoeg, S. A. 11: 1 , `:.
ft*ll7tutii riaul a 't w o
fiatdificap by A. TrflillFll4 4 ,-..:
A Si.l 7 AV J'
rep p lot, ewe
.kekt.' just ' it REID.
now being' re.
CO's, tire (it... , irable 111
- ~ ' i if y /lISIte S lISSITSiC :,, .. • -
I..! . IICCE'S IMPROVED gELODEONS; tpore... - just,
- 1, 1 iltel TO bY - - - - , iJ-1X(V214& SON. . '
- 1 •-'.
_,_Tiliefottptikilit - ' -
4:IIiOttiTATIAT:OII., ILINN I D: or furnitilted 1(4 ord.«l
ati sigh , notice, : .1
, . 1.,Y0.N & SONI
i ; *if. PAID_ Olt IES - 04:44. by ,', .
T. 1... POST k COI,
" I. L. POST- & co..
W E ti i i i: i
T o x fi: s e T r
s t4 L th i..: : p o u f bl G ic oo tho ds e In to os b %eh t ;ie d e an an j a
where in ,th country, and for the very lotiest prices ;
without ;earl tion.
- it 4'.. , 11.) Y Jfil DECLOTHING,
QI.IMMERiSTYLES. I. L. Pon & Co.. have just
i.." made a large addition to their stock of clothing,
.tconsisting n4w pf everything desirable for the buyer.
I. at suchpric a 113 are sure to suit . Thif goods are
made first e and we warrant the work to be cwt not superi 'r lo any ever before offered in this mai
ket. Our a k comprises Coats, fine Meek Frdach
Sacks, Frocks and Business; Tweed, Cassis:len and
1 Jean Sails )Ind Frocks, aLso brown and white Sulu.
I mer fair( and twilled. Vv.wrs—White and "colored
1 Ilafsaills, talentia, Lasting, figured Barithea, figur.
1 ., ed ailk and atin, and ev . Fry variety, gebd ind cheap.
1 Parqrs---Fiu black Cassunere, doeskin, :ea. tweed,
&taner st tf, linen drill, cottonade, ~,u i p e, p i a i n,
check and flaids, so cheap_as to be atrr e o f s a e A , 3
Gall whir tlesite to buy.." I :. -
. .
CIAO VI, .A.Y.P..17081E111"4-Ladies. and Gents
White . d colored Kiinflov,* of the best quOi
t.i'marraote .' A • kirge issitrtuteneof all kinds of blue,
brown and s)ato,hose, and + boiti3!gentil and` ladies,
cotton, !Lisld thread - Berth, andl silk Olovert,i Black
and colors; is largo resortaneuVof %black and lace
Mitt; long 4nd short. POST CCrS.
14 . OOTSND SEIOES•4' New Ens Boots , Coarse
.Boots, Ladies fine- Gaiters,,l3, turd Baskin;
a full assortraent,of Cfreap"Shoesi Childrenssnd_Miss--
es Shoes an .'BoOtees, Ladies :Ella sUk-linen Slippers,
at' • I. L:P
.. & Co's.
.• , .
GOPBS-"—Atratrlea' and qualities, bleach.
lifting - a; Pillow: Cotton; Jae. and Cambric
las. and Book ,Muslins, Barrett Mastitis,
it - Victoria Lawns, &c., figured and dott.
Is at: : • - 1 P. &Co's. '
ltusling,,S. I
Bishop ! ;
IES-Tof the hest and eitenpeg kind..
'Tars surptisinglY 4 Fliede- at -I, L. POST
VA. of
& ed
131;147 . 2' the most • desirablestock in the coun-.1
ir.Y* at.very low prices. - I. L. P. & CO,
kIIESSSOODS—SiIks, 3fusiins, DeLaneS,
ges,- high:nu:a, Lalins &c.; of cliery, desirable!
yle. • . T. L. POST .&
- (,;;TAPLE ,
Goods at the lowest priee .- •
- . I. L POST 4 Co.
. .
rrLOTH.' Cassimeres; Kentucky . .. Jeans!
V.), and Sltinet6,--rery'elmap a ^ I. L. P. & Co'B.
k+, Cedar Pails
PCl i
'A V ;;-Pateri W all TL , ZicoaVutl
Pri it. Willow *Baskets, Rtipe Halters, Bed
Ha:Ropes, Brooms., a gooil lot at the store
of - ' . _ L P0,4T 7 4: CO.
'IIN AND . ..VA Cl_i ; EP.o. — of the bet
at. the loweet rote:. • I
854. • , I.'I4:TOST & Co. •
rt 01)-t'
April 1;,
EllTllER,6veey cheap;.itt , -
Y •IVAR4',.. g --- a dlioic3
my : ; • : POST & CO.
• • _ •
pct,,, loom piper and Window Shades. 1.
1e121: -c quality very
• POST-& C0..1
10 t at
W.., c._.11
1740 J.V.INJ ,
71,`5 and Bonnet Ribbons of all kinds;Par:
.te and small at very low prices. •-• I
rost & co.
itylo dagrablb
cheap: ' ITST & Co. 1
BAGS-4)f ----
; POST & CO. i.
T - A'reEssl
V 7( .
Jr' AIME:.
.1 J latest
ICOLLARFA very :choice lot of the
kyles;' Bobk Embroidered Vymerie,
llloratkm idlitation:4. I. L. P. I kco.
IDERED and Lace Varlet-sleeves, deel-
Isiyies • - worked and euabr'iL Linings
d 5 anil Flounclag.
ilerings and Inserting:; mitationaoferelly
onost as got 4 as gienitiueand very cheat) ;
Lei: wrought LaCe. i LL. P. rem
ILI ruble
and luserti
11-1 f
ahlo pure•U
-t;r xj
11 . A.t..--Patutift,: fine nra ( T an: A , -t r i t i;.
fhnay bOnn(l,. Pedal and PalnklfAt
.n :=Old very cheap: kP. & CO. I
'and Children's Flat;, good variety, al
w lot of the latest styles:of Poennts at the
'I. I:: P.-& CO.I •
QV:Stitt El
.uys and
so n
:i?f Apples . ,
utter; Eiteswax, ioeks,
e eicchau,,We go'bdi; at cash
( POST &
for . which Ai
April, 5.
' - AGEE FOUNDRY:.. 1 •
IBENTLEY d: PERIttiS having nurclias•
Nilson & CO: the Eigle . -Foluldry,. are rrw.
1 .4.
- fill orders front. the**, and . do war I in
'rith skill and ides.patel. They will kvp
sit. hand : potf.,s,(be'st:k!nds,) 'Store; gl
' irator:c ;Straw .011flene, - Corti 'Shell, ,
- 2 -.- ... - 1 - 1 :- ~ . -.. • - . I
prepared it
kindi,) 0: 1
&c. the,"4.c.
we, manufa.
particular-attentionto -tlie• WWI
titre, •• We manutitettired keep for gale
. , l'he C'e/etratr - d.B/atch*lP/oze. , ..1 .
We hailiorchased. the exclasive l iiight to ruttnuStc
tit re 'and - sell - i hi :, - t - li& cOurity,,Walme, Wy'omin g And
.13rndfortl,. .Rielt's - PatentlrOn - BOam . Plote. The
Plow i.4 - tiin e. entirely of ::en, excepting the handles.
It ii: &deb. ted for its ea,, draughy.being one-tiiini
easier than 4- noirin ii.§e, - while ite strength and'ilu
rabiliV are heater. /.• . - r.. 7 -..!
31.XCIIIIS'ERY i•-:-- ' '':'
ofall kinds' . ininafadiuted laid- repairid . -.-by- - - esperi4e
ed niachinests. ' '''''' .i. . , -.. --.': '. . - "-- - F.
Steam. Eliineiegeoring f_or, - .3fillf i
-- -Shingle .illa7
1 „.
~ - . •
_/ - ehlttes;.&e. de, -h • _ , - - i
- Among he Stoves 'Which We inannfst.u*are l the
Keystone f,. ooking Stot.,, l llonyh and Reddy (10.L . ./.'or-,
est f ‘ iuT-n./( 4., Premitan . do., and other kinds, alt at:
ranged fir 'burning burning wtio . 4: or..esial. - ! Aldo, : ,Self-lifrit
la[or,.Pitr or Stove; collage Parlor' do.; Stanley's,
t . wo / sves; i 0., and a variety,of eilte., Parlor Stoves,
'ho,th-wood and coal tm.riter.4.', 'We keep-also on hand
9rindstone trimmingsj . I*,g,-Ohitra4rimmings, 13m:
Ilrella .and j '.luivel' and Tongs ;Stands; &c. &e.- - -.Work
done. to prier on ihor notice andat !thelowest rates.'
. t7e - .Ordn.s for St ves, Agricultural Implements;
&e., are so l cited trim] khose
. .in the - gide, and will be
filled at unable whplesate prices. 'l,, ,-. , '-': i '
S p. SATRE, I ,
S..gEIdIINS.. I ' ,
Lits:traltia, "Califot,uity ; .
tucq, ow the Globe: cannot .resent •
firMter iialarentents' than ' - . 1
KF.ELEI: .t; STODD.AIiffS . 1
E. ! .
a% ltliti : ' t ie t: " l n r a'iqextensy
Fsoitntn lltiLl_iiiic,
a gr, niezal ral lehrof new and elegant rityles of- ladies
and % gentfent - en's wt..*, among; which aro Laulkk.
Freiich, 'Silk Lattirik nnd• Prenille ' (Liters, Kid [awl
Enamered - Pulkas, Kid, Patera Leather- and -Bropzed
Jenny I.;lni s, - DuAine and .Ties; Gentlemen's French'
and rbilad Iphiii,,oak tamied, calf skin and kip Boit!, -
Morocco, (lilt and Cowhide Brogani ',kg.: Boys Ikip,
(111 f andwli
u cioiile, -Boots'and Brows i air kinds of
M isses ambiebildren's wear. • - -Also„ a general intort,
ment of mina Analol'.4lft in' part. or lasts, Pep;
sparableungarian, nails, tacks, thread,. wax,. Brig , -
tles,slioeding,awle, rascia t saralstoncs, shoe knives ? .
&c.. Alio' , ak and hemlock, tamed :calf upper; and"
scoreleatherl Morocco Adai:and linings..:.: . •Y.
Work in I,le'fo (Alert. iepatiirig neatly dolie.
:' 1 - ' - ' . ' 4 '' ' ''' ' riVSTODDARD. -
Mont i •;••, April • - : ''. -,--- '-,..,......• ; . -
777 -- , - -it • • ,
' Vr46, -• 1 midis iPtir-Sale. 1
V Oll- 8- 3 / 4 !I I . . 'ROPY,' about - 5800 "acres -a
l' ..Laniti. lbw. ', era itil3prin g ':Bitiok,- a branch
of the Lae .-, tsarina Over,- in Lucerne County, Peilale.;
about ntidv ~ y.yetween than thriv!pg,..towws of Siren
ton. and I s l Coif. — Thesetisialiaro iat. iered w itil i val• .
initie that) r, aidlicineSittuitribilhe - inost - extensive
millet r_rlti - ...4 , t*1rtk01a.:-4no - .contain •
iron :ID d belidicelo abnuett in cos and heing
al ecl,iii di, ...gluictotiiiiiilliciiity of cevend taibOarb
144(.141./ C 1 qW; in pttig*s-r—Direr to_ the capitablr an
opportuidt :for thfilerethilent of money that eldntu •
occurs.:- •F O fttterjnfortnation apply to It.l-',... He'
. sltekr e ls43:',ll4lo. 41, Nall streat• New York, or 4, the
suit-Sueiitiebannit ecutnty,F,i,the• fact of tlic: owners. , !.. '. ' . I
- APeil ( 1 ,..1:1854. -.- . : lIOII.Y I)RINK - El.
:- • ,:- :• i, lir lEW - - GOOIDS '..... 1 .
c-4.v , mNirt.Priut4 and LldiessitroitdolOtb, DiAllitc%,
•I'''—'&e. A .r.iust - opened antl for silkily
' ' '. ..: .1, - . •• • -•• ' ''''-• '." ..: 1 JAIYONS k SON
1 : _....-,---....—:_.--...............,—.____.......-....... ----........---
- - ItinitotAy iced. _
holeylptrl 7 qs tielelivated Tiututity - St'cil; wdrF ut.
ed pure. Fty 15111 - e dy- '• ' Abaft. Tuuntmt , ..
3totitronc3iailitt'lA-1856.; r' ' '
winit 'by '1
iftesolKY: 24.1 , • J. LYONS & SON
:fl, - ; , 31b isti }ilty ot Omen-it a just - opezieil ;by I;
POST Co'..
D athl liemp Carpet for salo'at
- . POST S.: CO's
March 4