Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, July 19, 1855, Image 2

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~~`"~ _z.,~,
~~~ :~~-
Thuesday 11 or si it
The guliublieau County
na County trill meet at M
. .
day oflnlt_inst., for the t
parat*,for the Fall Wet.;
notuttlAnte. the' Committee
Deck ,t'riil~ert Warner, I
Fes.ter, W ilt
cock. A full uttemlauee is
Ropublican St
. „Elsewhere in Mfr lumns will:be found a
report of the proeeedi gi of
.the' late Repub
lican State Conv . entio ,, s :in Ohio and Intliaint.
They indleatethe exi-tenee in thosestates of
a commendable apiri , of liberality and mutu
al concession, among t
,e opponents of Slavery..
, The.people bf the gr , at West, .as well as of
• the:East, are willing . .o forget ft) minor ditl4-
enees, 'and unite toge her on the broad plat•
• torin' of freedOM, ln most of .those States -
the Republiean party already exists as a State
organizatiOn.. . In Pe
i t:sylvania it - Apes . IRA.
But Most of the Pre ' - tSoil i opers in this State
: hare been all along 'n favor ofsueli an organ-
Ivition, and now ma y of them are earnestly
.ealrmgior a State C invention at Harrisburg,
tto inaugurate the R . publican party of Penn
sylvania.- We , tons dor such a •moVenunt
highly ,desirable. • he' anti-Nebraska inch of
Petniqylvanja can c,
fall,;inunited; and
bringhig.atut such
:means of the Repub 1
'body ,knows that sla
that now divides th
and the sooner we e
et to. settle that q estion the Letter for the
rase of freedotria d the safety of thet?nion.
IFree"Scatncr4ife cry stripe, ‘iiietber
.Liberty party - 7a* I, _Free Soil Whigs, Tree
- SoiL,Demoerats, know Nothings, or anti
. Know Nothings, • ota b lit certainly to unite cor
dially together it opposition:to slavery, while
that is. the one gnat iesue,
'• We therefore - fa
~ .ous friends of the
!parts, of. the State;
-ft.gepublican Stat
"torl4l-who are oip
site of slavery, a
existence andNivl
its that the C nstit
thotk,..liiip' betkrie I
atid - Preedorn :don
zation of the Retie
.nia, and for the n 6
'z_Fusion'• eandidat
• The Dertiti
. another colu
..of the proceedings
~entaon at Harris.,
that staunch adv.
-static fitith, *the
-.Montrose Pemocr)
:same from our colt,
-news from am
we have - seen ; th
• give the same in
• whoss report is
-. ..h.stlie singular
Untie has appare
of everything du
:trip to llarrisbur
-of GeV. Pollock'
ker , thus leavin,
. .gion in the dark
' .held by the part
! stains to 'pick up
ikon various sou'
W-e-2.1e piincipal
r tearxratie Uni6 - ',
- theiipat where ti
'supPose.d - to be ti
.- • ranker, the leads
State, 471104 bad!
the Conmeniion, 'a
aesting facts. - j
: Jar. Jones onj taking the Chair, among othif-,
er things, said, he "believed tinstOnvention
• was not one sne)iet:y, for the purposc.of lioini.
• _rating a Canal Commissioner, but oue to reit
erate principles,and whose acts done this day .
we may not Vea l the last of for the nett-twen
ty years. You arc now one year in advance
efthePresidential, election, and you. are , de-
Oaring a platform out of which You :dare riot
take one plank hi .this', nor the - next - election.
; You are now planting the , seed, and this 'fait
and next fall y 4 t e t Will ; rear; the'hari st."' • —
4 ‘We do not : - 410 to make A plartiorm, ,
battedeelarePine," - again says 11r. Jones,'and
atjeppdingly tip Couventlort preceedixl to de
'l-444Iere-theinaditoreetee to the platform Of the
. - .. .
- ." - :National -Detriocracy " endoising the
- • lieree-Ncbraska adniinistration: ' : • ••
-• I
. It will he observed that E.. B. Chase was)
'O2 the.COnintittee, `-on resolutions, : an 4 'that
only two sets of resolutions were licportedd
I thdre ofthe majority vi:hieli is amended pass-,
- ed:unanitnously, and the minority report;'-ofj
. .-Mr..Wright,who,itadvocating.their.adoptioli;i
- declaredapp
roved that he approved the M ajority re-
.... ...
.. • ; port, bu r t t ;that it did not go far enough, - The
'ipahlot, ea-Congressman proceeded' to say
-.- : 'dug it was the policy, and :with perhaps. ofle
. wweiStipn . had heen.the:practice, of the party',
• itt Penusylrania'to tome ,o6t'openly and pro-
" claim',their Principles, and therefore he - {tad'!
.'. reported .resolutions fully endorsing the Ne
. - - bruits bill. Col. Black's reply. to Mr. Wright
. _ _..,
was 'effective gi4,4xrrineing, and the platform.
.Atha:latter - -wi*.iiatAxiowd. "IVe give an
extwiet frota.CoL.l3reeklb• sPc'ech 1 - I .-' . ---:- • '
. . "In the-first place, this Kansas-Nebraska
- - , bill, rightreeongh in principle-though it may
- . - lbeoinea: j treod upon Gov., Bigler: It -was .
• . iffartadltpop him without instruction from the 1 ,
. . yeefile.' - lil do not - stand - here to - cendemn !I.
- :. .' tbptettsp made that issue - for litii i hut • such ii;
: -,44116 *it, well known to us-all-hy bitter c- . ,1
; - , --40 0 6 4 . inci4 k ,t,,kie, t. itholiti-Jaying a - - Word- iti.!
- s the" iii!!i4r,.wi , §-obligeC.ii-Atike: all -the 're-
Ap-J - tottity--onliimself, , ,and lie and hie ' party
,• -• fell togettwei,- , rentiii/T4nie. '; • . - -
,:......,...', Now s eir,flal-leL4.' to icisctlss:,tii :,asrits , ofth : Kan :; Neti L ,.liil : :ltisi
• .:
.1 t, tiwilace to dOlt. • It is 'pa5..p , : v ..,,,., :; .,, ais.
... ltedetf,Tet it ii.ep. • Let., Kair as Mir - •.r.,
- - - reTicre*tend, where they are, hht :for heav- ;
• . --s : . .434t. :not resurrect . theM, fol. • their
it i i ,..e it apt : appat the few r tirthe party who
. „
Te - m itrapp : 4 .kul . to -11 . ...3) -. liw.i.tirOl!g hall:--
i g, Jul y 19, 1535.
70111rilittoe of Su tjnchtut
trn; i• ttti Friday, the trith
1 1t=ncti . on busitwos
rm. Tlw fibllowittglivrsoits
I : 1 1 ';. , 111'
i. L. Canfield, Atuos ;
'Am C. Titrany; G. Z. I)int-
to CoeNreetio*-
silk - carry, the State 110:t
e can see no other wny\ of
union as . effeetaaily as by .
can orgaitiiation. Every
•ery is the great question .
people of this eoinitry,
the North unite togeth-
agree with otT in er
I cc Soil press in - different
rid advocate the calling of
convention, .to be open
to any further exten=
in favor. :of reducing its
ages to the natrowelt
Aim: will- permit—all, in .
that Slavery is sectional
national—for tie orgitni 7
Bean 'stay of 1)12 - nn'1% - a
itninailon :of a . Fri
for Canal. Commisioner.
ratio Convention.
an will be found :a report
l of the late . Hunker Con
nirg, copied verbatim from
, ate of the Modern , Demo-
Honesdale • Herald . ,:pe
xt is at liberty . lo eopy, : thn
rims, if unable to obtain the
','her source. . All the . papers
t ' i r'epoFt the proceedings, i
stilk)staticc :its the Herald,'
ncipubted ly quite - corrue.t. 1
Ictital condition al:. B.
Itly ,
rendered him ohlii9us ;
t tools place during his late 1
: wept some flighty talk', 1
1 , uhd a visit to
. Lewis Da-_1
the Deinocracy of - this 're
sto what is the faith .now.
, we have been at some
what information we could
des for theirenlif , hteument.
111 indebted for 'this to the,
i • •
-; which, being published Uti
he meeting was held,.may lie
fell posted. - The...Pc.ansyl
ing oron . of the party inAhe
a phonographic : repOirter in
dso furnishes us some lifter-
Does', he :not Teuremberliliat, before we. .
came into pow e r, in the National Cenrention
we passed .solemn reaolutions that, the Com
promise me,risares being their the law of the
land, we should frOWn •down all efforts in
.Congreis and but of,Congress tangain reviye
the Slave questiini, in any I"pa s rt of the Union.
firefirenituns - applatiscl ilint„ sir, When the ,
Nehriss;:x and • liniitas Ida, was 'offered' it ga - e -
the AlinlitiOniks a chance to raise a hue and
cry iiiiini the! slavery finestio.ii,, to raise a
noise: dommotiein end turmoil , in comparison
to wiiiijh all their Preribus agitation 'was the
qiiitt:hreathirg of 'a -slleping child.. And
what i the ri. suit'! Whether, the'Nebraska ' I
and Kansas.,thl is .right Or wrung what is the 1
result) • Wlilv
, Illinois. ‘diose Senator pro- '
•-i• , • .
posed the, measur,e, for the first time since its'
existence as it State, deserted the liemocratie
party - and . W+t, to the opposition.'' - ' ' '
ItitCha'sc,l we iufer kir' m his. antecedents,.
ruse who made the majority re
; from Wright'i calling, the. mi
i" my resilutions,". it appears
,reArihers of the Committee, ex-
, ~ • ~ ~ ,
fur tire majority platform
v. lt is eyident ;that !. there was
Free-Soit Man oh the Conarnit-
10. e hail 'Wen,.' he "iniA t h ave'
, .
iturity rept)r
that all the
eept himself,
in Conunitte.
not one real
tee; for iftli
irity - reporii As - Well .as Wright.'
platforn!ti had been adoptedi
• I
ily rws
• I , -
4Pressit, or; in the , words.of the
llitiut . '0 d is sentings voice," Mr.
i I .
d ;a resolution endorsing Goy'.
rs.e, which Was. at once laid l od:the
„ .
'Le frthe rOolut , ton: - •.:
.. ,
That the taking possession of the
election fur the organization of
of .KanaS by large bodieS of
14ortri, for the purpose of overi
' i nti flare retqCnts of the .Territo',
IcainfraetiOt of the law q, and an
it-':d is fur time severest reprobation
ti rida . peopfei and we therefore
.y vatorse tlfe course, pursued by
I 11, Reolei, ,in his patriothL, cf
)lrce the laWantl Fut eet the rights
lb Of ' Kan , 4.3 remit 'Ciolence and
mail. a min
After. tli
have ice!)
I Jerald,
Chasfi ofier
the ,
the Territor ,
men ti oui I 1
ry,gr i ,
Outrage tbatl
roost heartill
fi)rts I t enfol
of til l e pe l oph
. •
the , a(lministration, subjeeted
ihccats 'of a violent death, and a , !-
ed in his!oWn housti by an armed
Missouri, Reeder,. who
hht his sworn cluty, to excite thi,
lift agailisti son
him; might reai
)aeted from;his own party in hi;
= r
'lnc expressiOti- in , approval of
`•tul copleinnatory of the outrages .
the Pree tate.t. settlers inj the
the laWi of the land ; have been
But his - expectation has been
to :IHpLiated
tuallY littaQ
mill:in lfrom!
done ni thin
deadly h 'sel !
bly hai'e -,N!
own S tut
Itis cur
to w itch
subjects'(. .
to the teuje
s'aiis . fied Ow;
isapi • -
pointed.' The Democracy of ;' ism, Cud raqi.alPlipOsition to oppressiou and
• ::
is , lave • proclaimed thethselves 1 ?dl thorse corrupting influences which . tend to
nifavor of leaving Go,': Reeder, make our ":Latad'uf the Free" only- snelr in
T , r .
r mercies of.the slaVe drivers , i flame:- ' -tie m - airuot 'forgetful of "revolution- .
••‘v 0 on in their career bferinte, I: ary inetnorles," but •.;polie nfainly of things
h y ,„ th e , (1 t .e.ll are.l Such pilletical orations impress'
• i f
\it, it will be:acquiesced • in .
Hetuocraci.v r A:nd , President i us With omi t ' responr;ibilities as freemen, nlid,''
1 remoVe'q•Ov: Reeder and appoint are niuch . mre in keeping with "Freedom's.
• . .
w ith. AnniyerSari" tlatn thOse excessively laborek
a Man acceiltable to Shivery in lis,place, . •
Out Par of giVingimuckofience to the party.high-flown ptoditetioni which sometimes Mid
'NVhat- , --welata - ' ct l n . uire--What cart the place in thi4'dity.s ex:excises. Snell boinba;ltie'
- i ) '7f tw .
South ask' that the' " Democracy of 'the . - Un-' displays imbue us ; with net more'of reverence;
- :
ion" will not igraOt I • • ' , or love for tleSe ",• deeds ut blood and glory,"'
.SLbSequetit:ly lir. Blair offered . the follow-
. and fill us witli, no Very high regard.. fur the
• - - •
I i P - , / .
jag i • I 1 . ... ' . . .: . . : . . shallow' , pat that pompously recites.. them ;
, .
"Resofi'eti; ;That in endorsing the Nebraika- i over. Hat I 'pie' tilde to write, or you the:
Kansas bill, 016 Demeeraey of Pennsylvania patience tohtear theta, I should liketo ,IN C ~* • . •
did l .Tllot: evi trnit yeinsOves to accept the law- in subs•tucta s ome of mi.. Sweets fine pass
i ' ' ..
.less acts oOrinefl and organized bands front- • - ' '' ! '
ages ; but tle . vwould laek. hislteltitv of dic-:
1 adjoining States ,as•anl illuAratkin of the doc- ' •
1 , •
trine of pepOlar; sOvereigutv, but
.intended 'tion, and tl,i - i! •:napre-ss:ve force intiqtrtcd by
[ only to al!ki;' Seival bona file settlers of ter.i his eharacteFistie style of delivery ; therefore
. ritories • to It'et;nlat.e their own domestic attitirs 1 .hall be Ott:USeel ft attempting it.
~ . •
,in their omit wav, witho u t interference' freitn: Theyrockssion was again forme-d r :lnd Pro:
any . tputricir.7 : .k ' - "
- 1 ' ceeded to another t rove, where dinner was= .
• ',SO little) &Nor did: this resolution :receive
, : ...• •••••q• 1 t • , , _• . - i . prepared:. ', ! 7r lie tables were . well supplied;
tnat it was; not Retell oval ut. any
,way, but • , -•
__Y,, - - ; .
: ano, •8-$ gaol' . appetites arc not wont to stig ,
withouth4itig ally notice ; of it; the Conven-. . -
gent restricltions, likrty was not stinied.--:-
aftioit adjoupt4 i • ,' ', , . 5 cam e , ,
. On the Wl•toleJthe party papers assure us it -•- • ~ i, • , i, I
1 - tL , • : -
uere the Kninwinert •
" Was a remarkably harmonious Convention, • i '.' I 1 , •• . .
1 • • The reeeld outrages in Ka msas—Dis,rrace
and that•ib ill.fecling:tior factious O ful'
entiments c•
alike tollie lair flute of ttiir Republic and
were PYLMii-dsted . nulimg- the .tivlegates -. ; 'fol ., the State ill' idleit :they origirated. It sitcA
1 - • 1
although 'they differed in .opinion upon slyer- be 'stmt.:writ chiVilr v ' then front its polluting
l - , •
al ininOr Poihts; upotli a full discussion of the touch ponrktpril 'idirer mi. ! - : 1
. 1 - ,
merits of toy), .reopoiition, 3 mutual decision ilenry Tillson of Ibmsachuscas—Thechani
Pieice may
was aar- to anionoithern."
, .
- ~ • , •
.. r, , ri, ; i.lornini.ittatiou - seems to be grow
ing' feebler from day I to day. ...Air, Borland
.ireit into some diffictilty. with the authorities
'ofl i
GraytoWN and bad ti'l.tOti.. le thrown at hiss
head. ; lie gate hom i .e - and laid his case be
fore 'the pOWers that be, and - What - was the I
iksitsegnerseel It is felt that the dignity of.
this krat, hc.4untrybals beenlinsulted, and ac
eOrdingly i the
tOWn,:layi the thy li. ashes, and thus vindi
•-cates the witinded 1 1 onor- , of the Nation.—
, I .. •
-Again, .s:ln l e of the citizens of Massachusetts
'WI2O think they can'cr i ,,pe. ive a 'difference be
t t)
Ween.riHAitr and Wr ri,g, between righteous
und unri z ,liteoui lair-„ihow,..soine symptoms
•Of a desitie to aifar.fellovr-creatUrein fleeing
.. ,m
bohd 1 -.; .ag• ,
e, and:the adininistration at once
makes it 1, 1 !national s v flitir,-and Orders - dii U.
S. troops, from flew I lurk, to maintain the;
, . ;
sepretna y''Ssf the fedralfa - ws. ' This aellice-1
Mimi, itl4 ',
bias gloriou?4y acebinplisbed; the
United 8 lies Govelininent'surreeded . in re:.;
Au ciTur a ifiz'or black from freedom-to slavery.
1 ' , But mks, ite.-„receritly when 'ati armed mob • I
' 444sdi — '''f" ' '.- ' . of. Uuteri ". -' 1
1 1..... v le , triltury the t. tates,; l
and \-101,11.tes the, dearest rights of the citizens ;
s tlse Genral
,overnmeut seenis utterlylic:W. 1
I 4rlpss- - io present or redress theevil. ' When
1 the GS,%:+rtior:of Kansas, appointed by the . i
President, - Bud as inuch under tin; prOteetina .
Of the: G neral Governnient as a ! ,,Oreign Min -
, ister,.tso inerply has a brittle - thrown at his I
I head, beftsis Altetiand actioe ke ' d down bi 1
' it .('' -' I itii' . ..
i a bully, he I le% ernment
1 protect hint: if- - , Whit - is the - , eauSelni this "re- ~
I lu:irk:able difteren ' . ? . is it, a part Of the doe: I
trine of jpoptdar so . ereignt,ihat 4he General
- \ 1 , ....,,
I:Goventinent itinist , ot interfere with the plans
i .ot the South
fer.,l6i-erning Kansatt , , - Or. has . i
- S
1.- . ,
'anotherl t
fainting fit.{cooled the ardor "of our 1
IteilitarY Prissiderii ? The lateilitarriSbutg..,
• "-.
i. ' 1 1 " 4
C. , ;nyett ion:p place : aeksou and. 11 - cretin the
J J •
aline t f} te,gosiy. : B ut let any otie who rerneiti4
;hers the.:'-eharacter ofJacksou,,iniagine•.what
lie wouldhatie dose in .stich a 4,4 e. ' With a
;man tale him at the helm, would be i
niet - iii,diith 'Car ullea'OUeeteas; and
,driv . l
as the :anlousty reoht. the position of di . 4v. I
~.!_ty. to! he.!Governtneiit of the linion. - t
.. -... .2 '"' ' ! • -, i," '---;-4-
'II - -- - - 4., '.ihity" Gaze tteAr July .12t,b,
propolessit . niat tue-.....,....._,., ~ t i . - -
tion f 4 held'at PittsburM_T'O n ' CPPvcn
: ,i 4 )4sda_
gust,2,f/t.L • - y,Ati-
. . ,
Those Pro-ahwery 'lrmow Nothings!
• The State' Nothing COncil of_ Ver.
montliehta meeting at Harlington .On the
11th. •Foiir luMdred deleg,ates'were present,
and the eorres . pihalent of the:New York Trib
une seems to haie beenirather surprised to
find-them an uOusunlly goal looking body of
nun. -,Their ads did not- belie their . appear
:wee. •••] They approved the withdrawal Of their !
delegates from, the Natio' nal Council s declared
themeives distolved from its government,
re olved a f; ittin4 tllq extension of Slavery, de- '
elared themse4es'eppoSed to any new Sls
[States, in &vat of .the repeal of the Fugitive
Slave taw;tlairestoration: of the Missouri
Comprt.' mnise, in open . 'avowal of their pro
' eeedingsand membership, and the designation
lof thel" Amerlean •,Party of Vermont." If
these i•lett•ar4ro4Slavery. who is autiSlav
-1 ery? and whaC is the anti -Slavery platfortn ?
i.- • •
Cdrreiplultlice ij the RrytAlietna.
. - .
Travelling-Notes of an ."Untrav elle d" Tray
, eller-40. 5.
111.,july 7, ISZPS.
• Ens . . IZEPirtitaco-1 hare aln..,kly told you
that "Indeperldence pay" was to come :this
way. is came, as
. ; and
the worse pr i:eeding of largi;r and older
towns havebirCtofore been printed and sent
forth to the it may not I be amiss for'
me to thronhile,, briefly; a few of the features
which gave , - 4terest and variety to, the cete:
bration at Ik'beatopica:' - . .
. The opcniii, , g, attic day was nut
unlike that o Wier lays, save. that Young
America was on hand. with all 'sorts . of eploL
siye giying the people assurance
that the .day : liberty-740 make 41
racket---lihd Po.itivelyarrived:
The formiimr,.Of the procession: at the /il-
erty pole, wal; attended with the'usual coati
siou and dcl4y, but the feat was considered
aceOmplit•Peui Imon an, who chose to lid
-IPw the lead ;u1 one horse. inartial music, took
tip their patAciaie:linti of march to the grove,
in the sulmrbS4if the town. The exercises
there were Singing, reading the; Declaration,
&c.; follow:4 with a ibeautiful and masterly
oration by the Rev. Mr. Swect-;--a cousin of
Lawyer Swott, of Oivc. , o. .
I have lisi'ened to!sevcral eminent speak
-ers, - whose p6wers of entertaining and enrap
turing an attOienee we're 14 no means limit—
ed; but seldpm his it been' my pleasare":to
much . intere'sted as on this ocASion.--L
1 Ills .rernaikfwere eloquent with true PatriOt
pion of thep9r:hi;• the noble defender of free
dom:. itipi. hri blow nothing but uncOlnpro
'misini, hostility to the progresi:ive spirit of
Southern . 4ll%;rv•• d % n ot freed tri
umph!shalljitt complete, may he know_ eopie
thinglof .that graittude!which is ever diteTiO
natinn's benefacidr; • .
• TrotherVo?athall'—lndepemlent of John
Bull, and defiant ! of the Pope's -bull—may
his shadovt! :increase- till - Ruin, Slavery, and
Superstition!shall ':kick the - bucket.'
The Oriiiiailof the .Day, Rev. Mr.•Steiet—
Sweet' childhood, and Sweet his
manhood; 'Av. his ..decline be sweeter. still,
and the etirning,of his days bethe swedes! of
Ills -
The Ret1,1 . ,(4, of the Day, -IL Brown,
'May Jte b 6 its prompt in 'filing dqclarations'
as in.rettlina;the . Declaration ; and may he
• I,•F
ts'yeadv. in practiSing, tile 9egai
Lif Illackstone as, he has proved him
the 'patriotic maxim's' ' , AA
l '. E '
• •
r.:itcrov's or his pleqin ~ - i
Ky'!llii . gattt himself renown,
10 %tilatercr he enpges, •
lisi Ito do it up lifutfil.
The Dttril-- , -Mav he never , ~o abroad, - .or .
. .f , .., • • - •', 17 .1rt' • '
receive. VqflturS at diotne. \
'Frank! ,71 PArq-.:--A traitor to his station.
May -the hole' - population, with stern d'ii,al): .
pro/m.6(4 . .izliow.. their righteCats indignation,
. .
and •stanit i'e'pudiltion -- iat the worst :tdrinnt
tration that, Ofte;ticurs•ed, ,
a nation. : ,
lIs`:. •' ' -
b .l'
This laitVwits tow* and loudly cheered• cliv-1;'
hicr evid4ee ' that ' Franktisc.l . ,and his -advisers ii
b ifs
dr ?' . . 1 #'l
have but w ' . friends in s - vicini y. . t-1
. . I i i 1 1 1
er sentiments were:given—creditable ito.thei,
....- 1 ,1 .1,
originat+- - but the above are sufficient' . 1 . tol
show youiithi spirit and enthusialstn 6f :;thel
occasion 4 • i - 1
! _
1 -e. , -•
- • - . i I
H During the' afternoon,while .every (i nt:was
free' to Z t elebratei ." on his own hook ". Bac
.. „
chili fon& '
. soine Votaries;,thoug It I an hap
-- , - .i • • i . . .
py to . - sav that the annoyances- in this
di -
r .
totveri sew. ,
IT..thel' ' ' .r` •'ttere was a limited 1
ever • bu,ii
self iu ul
- Jefferson.]
In In
. -MI
qre-wliics; ending with an 11111 niinaod
I '0( .1'
boob a. . le spectators wentlquictly .• -:` -i - - .- - #., • H B. lleily. l.
1 - - •
.4 . the .141aurnec;' and was again on - my..eastwar,n
to their hinnigi•---One thing on v scant. Avant-. - '4 ', ' i - .04 motion of.-41. ‘yriAt. the i !onventioill
... litiow Sometlung.btate live
• '' • 'Co • 1
Eli „, „. ~, • ! ' , ,AA, s oiv the Cleveland & Toledo roa.d. I Ju l st't • : i ..1
prucck..4.4... to nounnato . ii candidate, lor - Canal' • ..
log to Nano ou the corners, rind that. was "a 1 :3 "' ' ' .! . . : belll,lffleid ; in AlassaehuSetts, afr - Wli
dismissi* such l as was nivel* t the l '• • - r •• 1 befurei . .the depatturc of ,day,••wq p:a....ssblrt) ' etiininis§iuncr. The following names, w''''re. , deleltes were • present •ro 1. •• • t.'
• ..4 F r!. .. - . . 7 i p esell !
, . 0 fAtizerr3 i ..: b : . ... . . . --- •
‘,.. . ~ :
arm- •arn, out of-_: ciit,ao,..a tit j tle lad ., , Li . )c:4 .. f ., 41 , 4.!_i. ,_ c . i i.„ 1te t, 1 i. ; . ,. ' :
..,. .
.. , • tovns,.... 'The cleveland platforitt• - : %yi
• I -' .
of -Iklutiiruse, by', the.....'. immortal Joe. Stirip- ;
~, ~,,. _ . ~ Y 2 hutted, a fusion- of ;titop se<
son, on a ; laiiiilar `
;, -- .11 ..' !. '
.. - ..g i i ; - , ~•. . -.lcot/ :DI 1... - A)i II intim . count , -Do
~ion, y ca'rs a i r . ! .I 1 11 1 )Idi rag :iI t , both.na4ds, - 14, each orwhich wel.e. i , 1.1 "`•"- '-.; "
S C•mmber DI Allettheny -county -% 1 '- A A ~. .A. p arties
. .y. ..,...z., ..' • 4 '
1 . 4 I '''':;
41/8 : '' e, All 1 , 4 i 1 • ,•:.i:., i l .! . 'n• -•• ,•t , • rt J ... . ery-recommenueu amita uunertittoe I
shall notlWrite i t, bettlise. lie Dever 'antliOriz- t It . e 2 li rt'•,:.`?' ..4: 4 .1gg5., - ...w-T'. r'l,:. • . -
t . , ;1 un il ,
~.. j(21111 .11.0 Wi -of .-.• . 'tanklin county; Joith Y. r '• • • ' ' '•-- • • • -- -- '• 1
,• . 1 ed to od,iii ctlecting_that purpose,;-: •
:,* --
his ceareli - fn 14 owligl ebe i'S'l ili tt'iit •-. , • : . 1 - 4 ,-
ed 11 - 1 - 0 I-0 - du - 'io •,.but those why heard it mill i may 1 .. '
.r -n, .......,. g- ~,,,g. .1 I jlooley, of f.,etitre!etninty ; .Bernard Reilly,..; •.i , I . '..11. ...• • ..y••, ;. r... . 4...........".• -,
need neiiher 'pen . nor type to - their r , and royionate ;- .iatid,,,wlietit in.. artcv years, he i of Selillylkill . i•otitt y.;i,lttibert Irvin, 41', (.ht. • _ • - -t—the klip,w-Nollting stitte - ,CODia
' ' - ' ' ' ' - II . ' l- t-r '• 11 Ll'' II '''-- ke -- • "' ' ' '' '' •
•• of y‘frilog liums met a - S iii lc
: • •*, • , - .., - - . _ , ,
...,_ - shall Seek in ' seine," lionseholtrilest, 1 , r<tt! ,u, 1 - I county * • • „ ,tt.e - 1 * -4 „,,... i - - -1 llgi .k l , 311 1. Y 13 , 4 1
.-• , • • • • l i • is .- t ,4 0 A CIAIIIrV; , Iliali10> %wren, 01 - Datipliiit'eotuityf cedjuyinti-slauryptatforlii.
.I..srvit.i.r, Ivi„ July 90.1,, . 1 "tiarttfig r ttic;ii. to share:with low! . 1 .
.. -.•• - •
-•-• •• - •• -- •• : - -, :g:.r - - -. , ,• .1 Arnold Plumer ut Venaneo comity - - Atuill. - 21 t '. • - 1 - - ' -----" ' ' -- •
li,fy prUpcnsityl for viewhig western scene. i little 4 coop," ioy he MIL' be disaypointe<l, i ' , • - :-0 - - 4 ' i'.'4 , -inie . Kii- ,•NI Li • (,- . -4_,, alma -,td.
ry beint oat, satisfied', 1 Cane ta',. this ; and netier - CM* •4* - intielt , u.lOlOl of Jiro's - st4 ll ''NVird i -Ot` I.44,itiioh . cOuut awl- .41.1exand
, , ,•I•4loll.•Zialialias r •pudiated the Cathulie - list. of
1 -i.e/-• . Oi. SaturditV Th • • ''' .. i - d - - ;!:::: -• , • -i:.-6 ,, -,4, ed .•' y ; _I. s . -. Anal: ~- 4 . ',Y' . .1:1 tO .4.lder . 1 •-•,, .- •. . - •'.: ---''' '
,p , .:_. • - I 'l' I , . '-,.. .-- - " •
- • I ' 1 --.:
i;f r- ' . ' . . . * ' - ' - • *, ' 1 '4
formed, in company with a friend, hy-tho l
"hor.;c-and-bugge process—that being pre.
ferret), after Si): much riding by rail. The
smooth riiads!Of this level country afford
faellitieli'for 14;41 - re(iriv b driving, and vi goof a Toc.iii for ithere
horse and car t . ean," be independen i t y; - Itieli w,
and take - thing at your leisure. No (lawyer : wir4r(in
.• . r - • .7,
of getting off the trat , li.,, (while your lioNo ; Imt l 4l, at
keels. the Will& of ili;i i road ;) ion can kin() ' i
a 'lT'ilit,
when you citOose, (ara, if yotir horse Th'e daj .
baulky, wherv•ron don't ehoose,)laiid there is Itnd
no tear of a sMish up, (unless tha.aninial,gets a .ET?e at
! frantic and tipsets the vehicle 4 In short, My pet
there is. no Pleasanter, and perliaps no satiq puldish!
mode of transition, save that,vry unspeedy tiqn of
method of "I . going on' foot." %it-when-feet .
air and fineisenery are nut the objects
di business is the !grand item , pursuit-w h ets
then, of all. inOdes, give me tlai speedy rail
way car.
my ratnbles 1 haVemetkithn6 more
beautiful country then that along Rock river.
At Itc . a..ktoti the-junction ef the Peeatoniea
and Itoelt.riVers' and still further up
„ .
- • ,
~....,..g...13 1....01/3113ittel., ' i '., i • 1
a most eharbtlitgly situated and enterprising :lila - w m. B. f , c , c ,,, ath .h o , Thomas
, B. m . d. q n. mown, t h e nom i r i - t ai n n. was mriade..tini. In reconnoitering the tbriitications .. at •Swea
regortasetilduoe.nnteieaclyrotiidtooe'd.k:thThee et . t - b •i o n a tte ti f, .. ,4; :it e n r a to
• •
town. It eOptains some fine 'public !mild - Quirel'Were-seholim•Seitretin:ies._ ' .
, . ‘.
I I ' al ' i sl i'll i7Cl, l3- ‘ l4 11‘C i e l ti e t -l iC ei: :i .e l d ier ti e ll•P to la o u k se a.. ).' re . recess until Uin6 .
•. .- -~ . :
itms mid nihny costly dwellings, surrounded I . 6ni motion, the. Coiintic4 were c:tiled . in al- 1 4- , ~„: , .
r, 7 ~. - s t i • littify•pasti a clock. - ' . • - ;f "d' •
loutid,• and . while 'WO• emproyed one 6f:the
with beatitifill grounds and shinle trees -1-- pluil4tical oroci; ;; ;Ind Ilie fhlldwing
. 1
• .lIlWiT6tl to the!eall •;•I l' •• ; L. 6. 1 .
Frtim the . observiitory oI the College •;re liatl . • l' - •'- , f. -• • • •
• •C-111lrs: -Ad i nns, Jus, „,-Andersfin, J as . 'AL I ~11r..Bfack, from the Comtnittee on . Itesn--cneur forts .opened a risk fire upon the. frig
.a soitndid yiew of. the towU, the ,sentry ;tip, lutions Ilub noted the following , which Were; 4te...
t . url 'i d o s u v r ou s il h d o il t i s r,
t s % t w r o tie o k the h i e s r : - . '_k l i l ll e irt i. ,, c _at ap. O ,!a a i e n
Bnders(4l AlriAs, 13,,ifillenian B- 41
. .
and - down the. river, and far• out over the fl u thit, Illaelz; •Bradley, I3:itnitz. Bare, Baker, I A'-'ll .anttl°. oud applause: -.• • It,
. I, span•
B ro , lhozoi, Beii i s, 8n5 ; . .,, r .1. f t , Nv . rnall, Bk, ( 0 I. : : .1 e s sc4edl, That the Denmeraiie party need lo' rthe-AtriphiOn - ,•hoWe.vcr,_retureedlhe,ree r n;
oreat Tlock',.Prairie.; . 'The Cofle4r6 is, under
t , .t, o rac k ( ,„ ; M . . p .. p i yo." . Rit e t : 13 ( • yer, m ut t not on old ttld settled issues, to -declare its 1 plinicut is such energy find : precision that
the:- direction' of :in eininent liictilli-, and pril l eiplqs it i l l detail. : It is suflieiept for: us
. t. 6 .1 plie•sileeptled in blowing up at large Ittiian
Brawley Brooli; •Beel: ifinis;dl Burlilioldo:, I,
bears ail ekeiillent reputation of the. 1•k ..
ay,Nlo 1n..1,n r , to ti. DcAnoeracy p.
~. . nia„„i7,ll - It. and :occasioned otij st.
, . i ' ' 'ltt i oi s. Ci'awlilr ' d ilfe - cw.A. ,Craw ford, I. s . . 1 • • ~ i i r . . . ' ''''
first in: , :titttt,:idris of the west. 11.9 WA. v• i All cl .f 0 fr. f i '•.i,ID r 1 I • 1) I Limon ;'end_ recoonize• no g,kkiiriapili6tl ' lines :!riott4 dininigetd-the flirt. : • •: - 1
r the i powder 0- '-.
i. . his , ~AO I, tar., r, I . o i,c . , ...Miner, . 1 . t ,., 3'l ,
The •inter- ll' News.. .frojii - Stockholia •statt's tha ;.• tin,
"cominenet'n.h.e . nt," and a ~T onii time it; ail- • l';:uniq, Evans, iclantn. , rv, A.l-aliatii. (;,, nr ,;,,,,... 1- bet recni tho North and' Son ' t . h.
• t.., - . .. ..• 3-..1 , i • . Vl,„ i
tics sated. -;-,1 . , - - • •.•-•;' . . 1 I :irtitlirie,;( ;rove;_l lan yicl< ,i, I Itimmond, glut- 1 • est ofAlt parts of the country are. the s:tme'tillritislflute destroyed Nystadt.l' .• i
- , • 1 1 •,;',,. I ji, 1 7,.1 1 1 ~ . -, I. .- 1 1 . 1 , - '. i t .1 to , ;old : o fin- - as in our ~ :power we • will, l i., FroinCopcniaigan, Jnly 4, 'we- learl i •thit .
„ .1
Janct..Ville is'a urge: and pros‘perous mace, •'7•' ! ! ''' —. ! i ."‘” 7 14 ; -,41:-, a 1°"1' 'l — '' • ' - - • -
'., I Ifi t ,;,l„ II i , ,,,.in 11. 1 ., ll, .i. 1 i i . H- . . 11 ; malntani tl e Constitutional rights of : every - I:Jilt: Preilk:lt war-steamers l'elican and . i4, ; 4 1 ,
, ),.... , I I . • . . .
and there are but few 'points •NV . ez4 of Chivit ,, k, ' • ' t ' ' "'
. • ,I i I:111 :1114.11frre(1, 1111(1-IIIO ;Etiglish steamerwar-
1 ''' • . ill ti 71r.:111.-. 1 :. ' illt : i ‘ii.(:f;t : i - i ', l:,:) :14 ear: , .,:n. (1;1111:L1i Stqte Altil',i9Pit r ol'lli'fidelity• • .
that offer "i'ellterheilifies for trade, i)r w•Ilore .
.1 . . 1 , 1 0 • ( .1 0 ,..4.
.1_,„,,',,..,1 . 1 ( ;! ;1 6 v ,.., 5 . ', J ,,,,,,,",,, , I ,,, ir d i r, )%etiolved . ,. 'llia every 0m... W . ltonialtes - pur ' i ' ' , AliNtit . to . :wiog - t.he JaclithtNyTalid the Swin g - 4 r
~ . ,
, . • ,
, te ue -'• is t- 1, than here.. 1:1,d,.: i'al ,-t -.. D. W. e. - •':Aii' , o , ,i K., , t , r, 1ii..1.1. r s e,ft•ntryi.hi.4 . llonw.'ainfrfi . ivcs' the constitution ;;!tad passkl soutliWaril.
.. i
more busitpetts is triniFiletet,, .. t .... ..i. i. :iim , .., ,•,.
‘. J..., .....,i .. 1 - -
ri‘= e r.ple tl satitly dii,l6 i • the to - wit , the. ]:u fu " .t. E 0,11,01,111 0 ,,,,;. iv.. !, - 6..11itn. 1,141,.,v Li,i1..,,i; . ; S ,
014 lav ,r 'o r '.-4d the 1 4'el ' • 71. ••: C iif the tjniPni is "Yr k i••"•• Tlit , ~- Toutdii. de "col"qlntiliUie . reOrk
~ .i. . 1 ..,••„d 't ~,.;.,. •,.• „, . ..t,... I its' !al:Jest', sense, a . True ibiterican • Ins i:iliat.."Pie town of •Kertch IM longer exits, 1"0,
husiness petiton ocetiriyiug the east side, in;il i I.' l o' "c"t t • —•••• ,„-'i-...1,•": 1.1‘..•, 'l,l ~I. I, i
11- • , his ' ~ .. i qi•• haul - •: - i -
1 1 it, dc: • • i
• J , :it . a , , t ,. L,„,b ) :„...,,, , 1 ,1„,,6, 1 1.1,..,.. i .,. 1.. „ ( . 1 d iai ; t.., ;kr h-p.ticeilvas nut of own stmt.:lion, alio •„. ore ig eintipie.t.a. . tittLt.o4 ot t.j.k,
elinrelies, kriyate dwellinffs, tk.e., the Wt. , ,f , • - .
.. ~ ~_.
'i' I - Nl4l. „i:•,•:*.niv,i, , ll. ,j j,!„;•• • Al 111,.i , :‘ I„ r k e. r, I `ht old do bitii neither - good .nor hartii--:ltis i. •-,l•lth Jinn!: ,
• • '
At presettt . ; there •ts hot one lhillroild (Mil- I m .• ,b z m . 1 ii- AI ,i • ' 1., 1 •' 1 i M 1 t•iil, 0(46 betwee' it himself and his liatl, awl I: . A Ihte••.:f electric telegNiph has - beim t'') '
- ...P4 41 -
.„ , 4 ,WO 10 , . . :tt . ial . 4, 1. VII:i1„ .., :111.,11.1“, . 0- • ,I . .
watikie S - .. - .3frississippi) which touches at ibis i'\ •,:e , 1•(.31•;Ult. N.lll.fartiii-, .M'liitinev, , siiiiiiild 1 ,..1.A..: . 1 lett -• to 'his owu .judgmetit,:con- 1:61 hetWeen - l)dts'a and St."Petersbiirt,r,!•and.
: - .. 4 , . -
out tit
:._ :!, . 1 respons'ibility... . -..-
...' ,b . eforp,long telegraphiceeinrounientio • Its trill
point, out tit is antic:pitted that•the Cliicii•to Ikr•itn*rht: . .3 , ll l :irroti, • Orr,
.; f:: , • Pls i er - P. lfo i,, 1 ~ ,t 6 ,,- . 11,,,,,i 1 r i :1 11-1 0 ( .i r i ' v 1:1• N k c .. " 11 1 t ; st:11 1 1 1 : ;: i 1V %L. I e ll ).'. t rh a \Y! rekArd - the , ::..ect•iit or--•,...•be establ.i4h:il betweek st..• Peterslotr4 gird.
t.C.t. • Lake E':•;ttperior road, ; Arena,: oartiaire ;,.• • - • ‘, - t .• • t , • . it. . i •
4 14 , 4 ,, . , t , ;. r . ~.. .i,.., .p,. - . - - ,-. ,• . ,
g i. ; "lt'4l,- win:be urged itg : wati. l aud comPli L .'tc( l .11,,,.1,1 ; • h:•„1„.,6 , • 5....1„.11 . i ' . C...-• m . .- Ij . s i " it i t l i :.ranitirgititilratititi 11:tiigt , l't HIS to the priisperitT i . Ilis•Maiesty•the King of the•Bqla i acid
in • the etn'ts' " of 'a ft•w Months.. .
'llls %•ilr •
....,:14,'J1 3L
. :•sil•r're.stlii.;,l.,ro, - S ;Th,:ll, -5 , ,, , :i i• I .: : : 8,41 -1 - -:(,..e , r0f the c'soititrY.• • • \)• r e e,onsidet:il•inte . . akrived. at Buckingham. Pal: :e ;from
. •
open a gi',- , :nitl thortinglihire through n• rich :i 4 hriner,. )::::;:ari : !tilt.,
.;iI I * 4 •„,: . so il f , Thimilis„ll. '-itsltle:sig . tr4 as • utiettustitutiowil a wl- quid i.f i, ,i ',..)s tend on the.aftertMun• of tie thir • inst.,'on
t.:onntry, and frotO its important t:oooe.eti•ii-:, : Vri','lit•• •• • .
1\*,,1t . ,•, \vi t t i l l ,,. 4 . l , i ll. , \\ - ,.,i,,- . 4. • •‘v In„,_ •pa raitiso.t.; hung at once . opposed - to tliell,:i visit to Quetin yietorla. - -
• 3 • t.. 1 ; ,: I . ' 1 - . . 2 7 • • • ••'
cast and north, Janesville will d el ive :fi r a ., \.• ' er, -. W a ll aL . L7 ,•• \ \ •,,, ic . ci , ,i i Nvi , riev . ,.. wright.i. :l, l* t. t 1 tt,tte. Chi i.: t t iitoity and a just an& titior-• ; !i Adtitiral :::e.yinour, whO was wo nde,cl . •ott
• -• , • . i . 1. „ .,,,.., ; . . ~- - . ; . ly Ant'briean s-entinient,. . .
.. "Sllionril 11. 31.. sitip.Extoollth; ti•om,_ he' buist
advanta:ro`,. ' Had there been sufficient
_hat . - I, 1.,
i liler . e. - Avere.• twO •Isets! of deli••‘;ites il•otii i '.: . •:•es,;(!vo, That the DenMerittie party l'1?- ii Ilirt Ur ait infernaltunaehine, ' Wag' ki -satering
mbny q ;ie01)11 111 - 110 n g- the Monied `tileit •of • 1 . ):„,, I:.. i - I ii• -' 'I - - ' 7 ' 1 !il t-....attki.,Crtill reitssert . their conftd :neein •itill• 4 .• - itt7l little hope
L. . _ ~ ,
~ .:.. . , , Willi en; 6r talliedo saving thy
. . -.. I t-;„, ,, 1nn k-` ,l • ll i s•t • :Its- npott learing tto eon
this seetieti,''antl h.:ss pf that individual: L ..” •-• i. • errant • t i t• • .1 - 1 • i 1 i (is , I,• „. alsoret ciii to the poluieal eree . 4 promulgatedi i sight _of his. - toyer }
.- • . t..s„ lit otßetitoll :if 1111..(4. t.l ~t. ./i. In 1 ” ,
, . • - .
ry which sO ',often sat'rifteesthe best int.t:re,t • , ' - 11' , .'Y froni tle.:•itstiiciiii oeKnow..Nothingisto i•I'N I hinitiis Ji..tret-...'.0n, iti
.. Itio first inaugural .I',L The detailed act ruts orthe-atoiek: Ott'Alte
• ' + ••• • • ' :17 el by 'NEW: M,••• • - ' l llfalakotr . itull ltedim toW.6rs.talttie iiy..tlie ~ t .t-,
, , .
• • I ••' I ; . 1, . . ~ •i • • •:
of the wliolt ilit•re is even. reason to liellteve ' d.' " " lI4L "'i t " t 'II • I'.
... 7
, " I ' l, . ' fr:. iVi.'.... ,, 1i. th .11 film - '-il th•it 'I, cieuniittee
th • nt still • greater progress •Wolild hit's - tiet - 'll ;1 , ;., -; '• 7 , % '• . • '';' .' •• •1' ~
. t.. - : • oil,' iw ry t ,pfr.tliel.: t J rvikipl resiioLJOln:. ---..._.
the result,F itid the Beloit & :Alaitisoir 1: 1 :::il..! ! At,. Nlel l / 4 iiiiier niciveti.nn itnientilinclit•that
road might .11:.:se been laid Ihrotigh the town : It e,itiiiiiittee, c•iiiiipi4ed tit', one titeri each
. : ett-
itnnead of ..:Aninino. six .iiiiles distant. 1T1,,..'. lato • rial district, be2al::Poittfed. to report °dicers 1
i- t-, Is,
.., .
in4otix•eniences of this arr tuo.enient.are inntili • !I'''' • a• l'"I:Inallrklt "i'g' • 1 111 :i-'''t.i"Ii• • • • I
: , -----.•• .., .7_, • i ' Mr. Ort-e :coiv:Ted in the aniendint•itt,
leil: and regretted'. bythe citizens, and :ilsi by. ••• -, , ' ' --, ,• • '.-- -• ; 1 .' :
r.• - trio Tcil..Tre:L to pl.ce l / 4 ; i iienti: in support of 'the !
tlic Rilrofid Company : . .. ~ ..
- ... , ,1n10...,
:1 have, in . l4 . .yetl n . yery pleasant iiiteiritt ; • f• . .. • -krtel• , s And ftiiltio"..ii , cus..;iun, the som- i
, .
with Mr; qc...':orge AVilliston and lady, tbi.nier- •lturliii kli!ll'PII•26 n'Vr.,i to:Witt said 1 / 4 :onimittee .
ly! of .111onir:ose. They are ple:iszint I v ,ilnat... ; 01 . 1... e . ''''': ':;'•'... ''. ;• ' : -.:
' 1' ., .:k. discussiiiii liere!nro.4.e• on - the prOpriety •
ed and although they • have .not... amassed •
!- ( , 1 - i Tt ., l , i i r i, 4 4 I ,l,:if ige l i.„, ‘ , t h e ij e l et4 ., ites 'r
• - -
gi•kat riches, industry and ecimornY
! , 1110 ; !•;:k - li it.....: - .lit in re,..tardt6lK.ii t • or-NothingiSiii. • - : 1
. hack. .:•• c r ~...t.
etired them an abundant competence • "with Y,, ~.M. .. .. Loa's - 361.6 Offered :i I • 1... •• fuss Al •
pt. i ,n-
1 1 : I .
)1 . ii ir li they are content.. Mr. W. has ticcit-•:•Itoenli?•ers !o" i1,!2. 41 . • I -: l•
psi ti a public position. as “ Assembly Man" ore : :q r • -urt : N'V:ll'lle'l lliifitu -.N%-'l'4ll.
' IP it. -
I '
' il • Mi'. J. 1 Z..liities' s a id : that. many i_if the del-
1 the District, and thc.,lduties and lesponsibili. '; :• ! • . .4. i , tr, .•
i,,,, , t,•, ; iu eseii,,. l imo i r .. :outing the rest.) were
ties of, thetstation. were met by hunt tO th.:.."'“,,,,,i,., ,• i,:- • - ..C . to t• k,,• -( - • ;
,-,,, i ,,1 1 ,.,.
.01,10.,0 : .1 ILL t : 1 / 4 i A J11 7 ,-
, _
g \ TRTar 1.:11.10.1,011 0 his' eQnStIttICIItS .In ;-tlit:I;t1 .. , :ttnS.
other uflices of trust, he. lia.- also proved ! him. 7 . , t,I. b.ak., of .\li t gin.,ny.—l oger this.
fob ,
! sill faitlifill . .to the interest; of the .•' •
po..y,c,— ,‘ , 1
.:10 , .vin. , *- res!)lntl . on :t4 a , . stt! ? stitutt.t furs the 1
• e , luiited,by!;;Mr, Longaerez .. !
I, lie has no cause to . re.rret.]the clay., a ...:,c..tit'!. of ; '.soil{,: •• e -1 ...-olvol. That , iti: the esti.til:ltion of .this I
, Vosges ago,: that bruitght, hUn to eel a home Coaventom, any inati whi: lieliiiio.s to - tit:'.. Se.
iii Wisconsin. Ile : :ind his'worthy voinpAtt- I er,lt. Qrder 4noiliOnly c;illeil -Kn..on-sNotliii s , , s
, ..
' ionare now reaping the rewards of persever. 1 tir ! in any Way . sy larnbizes wtheta, ith s . .
;Twice. and; limonif Their Many' domestic ' and liiiid cannot in. 7 l a I.b...tnot•rat—lio , is . IT.. fit to
; - • . • hold a seat here or in any Democratic. assent
I social blessitmi 'they'll° dintbt reckon as by Al.
1- , . . t 1 7
• , v oly. If any, Snell man *ventured. or kill Ven.
1 ,11 . 0 nteanS least ; a Tomilvi of fire children. tur e to claim - 11 . seat in.this body We denounce
1 . growing nii to Cheer their middle lifer and-. 1 hint as a ba,C, , frlisi. /. -1-licartetl deceiver,. and
!. ' .1 _ .
I comfortand - support-theirldecliniiCr Vette& I esseatTal liar, NVIII) dcserves the scorn and
i• • • 1 : : ' I contempt ut every decent man and woir.aii
I.liiive just returned from a ride 'to Mount l i in tti,.. cutintrY (Tremendous •Ippl,•,nse.)
Zion, au . e.leyation on IZ.ocli Prairie, six Miles] • •.if :Mr ticat will Norte On: that, and V,7 et
• ~ .
inland and . n:Lsityard fl. 01:: the river, Where . 1* be a Know -Nothing,; God forgive . him. (Re
1. found iseveral A:ruler residents of South] lwv 4l 3 1'1 1411 ';°•) ••
•• 11L '
Dridgewtiter ; -
sumo pleased witti. tih• 1 .
,bir • , ,
There ony , a intfer4(.:e. of opiitioni abou,
. 1 ,
...inanfre - ( il7 situation, and others willi 1 -sti 4
(1- - --, ,
the anu tests, some wand , .oath;, c;tli
..1 .. 3 ers eertificatt - is :mil p14.;;:1t!,.,?5, the ..ntatio was
.memories of ." other d i t . ) . .s""j that relet' the coloinitije.on re.q.,lutitills.,, i 3i_ up t .,, pro , .
. ilt 1111 --- -•-- '''''' ~...; ---- , . ~eructl 3 .010/ '..•”•....,
, - 7 7 . -7., .. 7 , . 'r; ,t,
.• i I ! - - . i ebilfhtitiltg w:ith the Constitution of the.; Hitt- l t .bany Argus estimates the popmatton of tue
tbey....willyetreturn to find a home Jr tocir: , „ • '•.— + • .AbeET/No . os EStil.o:i. :
• I
, States • 'and ; whether such State :sh:111. State of Nets York ►t• four millions I
old age amid Ote. "wilds" of "good old' Sit. 4 .-1: -Mt: LiullOw; front the "commitke on Offi-'I ' d
• . ' * d
•'• 1 ' -.- ' - TI Bid ' d l i- ' • it''' ' d
rod/mina r , Such; a feeling is, 1 1 01404 i-, an',:, 'eers, r‘TOrt
I ed. Its follow's ; which was athipted l'' . 'I f •
t i le:adopte or rejeetc s avcry
,is tot - :t • le ri tor utporter say,s t e -nu t-•
'•• b ' thegeneral.- . 6 • • lstanding- ... that..tli' - ' . t; '• PI Id
tuattt.r .:o . ingutr) ) ()vein- is et-2..oomina nomination,' ; , i. rno .
exception to -the general rule, as I fyuita but I "n"l'imt)tisiS ; \ .' • I Itet - iL . The adoption of ntl . y measure. which Miner is a `f•eler-W, forWardlop s h Mr..
. .
few', especially farMers,,Who have the ; , einOt4.l . .-: ', , P4 s. IO:NT • .. ; . . I . hvou4l defeat this, is direct eneroachtnentur 'Buchanatt_for he PriAleney. - " ' 1 .1 •I: -
• -
est • idea of giber returning to dwell in theli lion. J. :GLANC'y JONES,. 'of ,Berks . . v i tutflo popular isoVereigitty of such State.— I , —,Spetiking of the .iendorsernent of Pie*
• - 1. . , 1 • II 'hai. tinder- these views . whicli we believe to Iby the, 11-arrisburg ':DernoCratie
,Qotivntiou, -
rough country " from whence they c.iun out. - 't - .' - - '
vicErrizE•tMENTS. : .1 li be p4,r4et. the l,ill enacting . liansas.‘dad, Nt . ..-. i the. Scranton Ilerald Sayi-,." Batt as tlie,K.:Ow
The viets`.., from ;Mount %ion is the mr?st e.5(••1 .
, JI . ,eI B..Dannez•, AdjUns ;,.(... I t imerou 1,144. libraslia ilerritOries, kaVing the question . of i ;Nothings are, they - .*oold Out d0..ap.,.;i , Otettli'a
tended • tiottatty one point bas yet afforded , ;.hard, Girlwni-; . .lesse teazear, G re tqi e: J o h n . i pltiveiryiavith tin. people,;was'not only: eonsti- 1 thing:lts tliAt',.: ' : i'i -'• ,:::-.. - ''. ' Lt''J
me. .The'' visitor 'to_ this vicinity , should not M'CartY,l'ltila: eq.; Nnthan , W0r16y,.. Lan- 1 , rittititii,l4i, but eXpedient and 'propei•; - --and that 1 . : —in the New lll'k4iiii...ihfre-L4tifthitti l re. the
il. •\ 1, • ,—,, , hereb,i , 'endorsu and .. approve - - the i.stronganti-slitvery r!..'s , glotiOitS.o..,ffere): l ...tyMr:
fail to go tl,ere, for he will be :trriplv repaidi easter ; 1 , 1 ,,, 1ivis A,,,,,1.,1,,,, ,
1,.. 0
ouez: i lwe ipoi
TllOlllB3 Grr,ve York -;..ilohn ri,itt, l u 's 3lll l 1•, •: ~ ' • •- :. 7 -.: 1-Tappatt two Aveeks -previously; passc:ol•:on the
in the Inknry Of a "huge peep" over' the iiii' snilivall ; . . ..
. 1 LvconiluLr ;' David R.'. Miller, Allegheny ;11 : On this. 'amend:tient .the yeas atitt nays i 14th inst„after an etettingdebati. , , ~The pre
famed. IlOc4i. Prairie. . ; -- - i '"" "• - 0 -lied f •.l b i
rd - . ; (1. lied ! - sl, 1.;-D, '-.lsolutions . were :reject-
CHIC/CO, July i 1•21.1.
1, earn° .to Ibis :4; greaty
village" esterdifv::
' *
fie.tmilt is just fastasits
Btisines.4hi rC fIS snit' tO•be neVer did!,
must the - thet • that the:nitizi•n4
are deekatllly 'Bhitii). I see nothing: 6t•,Spe t .
vial itiipl.)rtainie to detain me hare, so' in an
hour I Anti - lie .oil` foi-Toledo. on the Mkhi
gait Soul & Northern Indiana Iltntroaa,'
DrsiztaK, Ju
The tiny is !just 'dawning - , and we. littVe ju4t7-1
rrived.:.: My. journey of ye4erday aiaila,4ll
.night sun. dusty 'lax] tiresome indeed,' and .
• this twining I feel old mid in bad humor.
I : The route fro in . 'sago to Toledo presented
- but little of in st. Wearied. with; watch.-
ing the 'ifast receding landscape, 1 turned rtik
eyes within and watched a sleepy travelrer
- whose - wide stretched mouth seemed to I . le.
taking ;in, its: full.' supply of coal dust, an,;d ,
whose - Jtreacher(Msly limber. ne.ek
harshl)iwith:the'head-it supported, by ieltero,-
ing . its posteriOrphrcdology on thetu.-2k-Of
the tiul If his kart is as hard as his
he :4 rNihat an-unimpresSible wretch lie nttt st
be! • )
Ar 4. 4at Tolvit) at 5 r. si„ ferriA offer
*inStl Cleveland . .ioon ifter 10 r. at.;:
thence hy the Cleveland S:l,Erie Road . to .
Erii.:, and 'on* hylthe Bnftaloi A 5 'Erie to thi,± .
1, , - 1 t ,1 , . .. .
plaoe, • pot -I sepi that I - eat; rtv rite no more
conies that - t eanng oiginojeant
lilt soon ho.,hityhed[to our railroad".
All right " your
d: ply yOUr of pre, for thmi g lifs .
out I; e ti 6
gi yes • pro inise;rol, al elieering breeze,
Intl-ciliate 'a phittiai4
. trip---for: " the
i a vice. ir.t:ind
tl: tiiabl,el." ' I drop
with .jii3t tithe' or .lutillting you for
,inn my strogyligilliote,q, in cotisidera
!winch I cannot tnit, be
• I f
. Vrrtily yotiii, 1 1:
1 - . ---i---:- --L------- - -- r ti 7 ~ , ----i-r---'!
. .. Fre; n i lie frostil xdal ell 1 : 1111. .
.. .
.: . Tie Demopt:atic State Convention.
:Tbe ConventioU ass4iiibl4d- in the Hall- of
thh H fuse of -RepreseUtutifes at - •10 o'vlovk
On the -.ldi - of July,. wiien . oe motion . of lion.
111. 8 . 1-:\Vriht, Sohn R (;uthriii - of Pittstmr ,
wits-made the tt's : inpot;,ary 'ltliairmaii, - . owing
td therdeatit tif',../. Plil lioplptn; .Esq,,.the
CliairMan of tliii St:itk I Ciiiitral Committee
,Vesse•Johtison, Baeks . ;'•••Wilson 'Laird: Erie -,
!...ilitkr 11, - n-er, Chester ;,!Clairles :Carter, Bea
. .
iVeri Timothy Ives,. Potter ; Jo ph, Lippin
eOtt, Phila.; Azur . F4 - ithrup, SusquelKunta;
1 , 11 . , w. w e a ver , Ci,Gtibia. , .. •
i• .• . • ziER*.I'AJUES.
'A . M i l .- • A '
.. 7 . 1111114.),
~. tunic, N.rthaniptoi
:Cambria •, Win. P.
Orr., • Fratikfitt. • , • l'
• .- Al r. Jottet#,km‘ beii
made. a verj- .exeeliel.
ceiced w - ith I much- zipi,
.tion. •: ; - 4
It; was then moved and carried 1 . 11:47 , the
eommittee on resolutions . he. composed of
One from,e4iSenato4al Distriet; and that
the o.elegates of tiaid.flistriet..!‘seleet. one froM
-their: nuinhe'r as stiell emmnitteetintn.- The
following WAS the result: -
• • 1 Peter Logan, D. Barr • - 2 - J. Johnson,J
Moiled], . -P. flanito. 3_ A. B„,Longaker ;,1
-1 Geo.: Palmer ;.5.:P . : ii.... Miller; 6 Isttiaht
jaws': 7 11. A. Sivai-r, llammond ;
8 Al
ricks; 0 l'lnttei.; 10 _Brodhead'; 11 Reny ;4
11 -Melt ; 13 James i Ander s onl 14 E. A.
4 rC awford ; 15. Join - , Scott ;• 16 Wright; . 17
E. 13;;l lB I\T.: !A. Wit*e; 30 W.
Meliitight ; 2.0 1 .1. - 1 4 ....41rad1e.y : ; - 21 Meylert ;
-22 8... W. glaik, lei tt:i 'RUbertii; 23...1. La,
is- .
zear ;. '2 1.1 1 111
' 'I: 6 01s 'l.l
;titbit S: I!..(twiiftl.J. 'Keenan ;
On jnot . on it was resolved, that in case
the netrunCe declined
,to give' a pledge. to:the:
State putial (.;,4 1 anunittee, of lkis purity frOnt
the st , itt of I t low-Nothingsn?, they sbould
be au°hied
r to make a nomination, in: his
stead.i .
• Thl CA)o , ietition then proceeded to ballot
fur a caraliant with this result.: •
1544 Ballot-4-Arnold; Pliirner, 50 ;'-
S. ; John Ore; 0;, Geo. Scott,
7, I:4.#)t..fri-in.4; Alex: Small, 4_; John • P..
. . . . ,
Ituomur,4 ; .Itirrity Whelan, 3; .11.1 ) .- . Pack: -- 1 f ro i n Genera) siiiipsoll 01 - ). , .th e :artmloon.o . l . i
'er, 2 llonalO' Reilly,',4. 124 . votes, neeea- I the . 3Qtli
.ult... For some' days previouslY'
"say Io a 'cholee .03 votes. • Loll) Raglan had heel; suffixing from i indis- .
'll#3 friendtiof.Messrs. "Robert Irvin, Jas. , pc4ition,; , bniiintil 4 P.' '4 on . the-28th his AVlnrkell,.l3fu i rray • Whelan; 11. ! I'. ' ite 'er, I I,o"rdship 'progressed. to- the satistitetft*,,of his ,
Jiio. 1 1 1 ) . IIool)er mid Bernard Heil! :* here l'imi,dieal : attendants. Afterward.. alarming
witlislreWl' their names. - .
.. 1 ' , Sy inptoms. -:develpfied themselves,
WI B4llot Arnold Pluiter;' 60; W. :S.l With difficulty of breathing. whichgrad,uallY
Cain' bell, 41 , ; John liorr, 10 . 1 Geo. BcOtt,.l.incireased: - From' 5 P:11. s.ho , was i nic o l .-
5;. lex4tiqc . Small, 4.•: - .'122. . ' , sOyes, and from thittliviod,-hc.. grplu a tty• .
toe' oielii, .of MeSsrs: Ilorr i &Ott audi sank•• until .25 :.ininuti-Oefore 9,. at which
Simik her-e withdrewtheir names. •.. ';' hourite •died. .The' event has plunged the
' 3t.1 - _13i410t4 ---Arnold ' Plumeti 71 ; Wm. 1 whole artily into the most prOfound grief—..
C I f inphellV .46 ;- Bernard Rielly, 1. 124 Nis stated - Major General Simpson. has sue
votei , neeessitry to a choice 03. , - ': eeeded Lord' Regliiwpro.tein; -_. - -., .- '
•Ti e - ere4ident :cleatred Arnold Miner- i TheTimis.,correvondelic- wilting *a in,,
duty; nanin4ted the . DemocratiqCandidate , the Baltiesstritea that ,on
.the. 214 „tilt the
for qstila ) C4immigsiptter. - '' (Great aeplause.)l 4niphion 30 &rot trigate,:while emptoyed
0 3. ,I.
A. "4.44intsyelatii r l ;lip A.
"1141 s: •Niagtilre,
1- .NPGrath. -Phila. ; John
I, 7 c.ondlitto.l
I t.spech, ehii 4 was re..
I platiso b3. , 11tc C'tihrot--
:t(lllres.4, and.practicet. _y ~, ..ison, monroc,l/•.....
.1 a l.l i slitt, Van !lurch,• Polk - and .Pieree in :goes oii the 18th ult.,.have be,euxeceiYed.. i*nd
iliic - fit l i;liiiii,trath)6, -- -tlitit thou priileiple.4are published in exteoso in our .columns-thii
relptirkl uti conceahnent, and . that experienee l imorning: ~,l'hi.A various correspOndeuti : AS
h: , s fully determined their :Applicability to :111 ocrilny the repulse and :great loss :whiCh'rtlic,
tlt : intii , reta,s of the -Amerie:m peoph: - • :11,1;i:rich and,English eiperiCueed to the Want
-, : i
Itestid vial, That we have undiminisitetl con! of prolAcr management, turd,- the total atisnucc
thinu:tliq the ai.ility :Ind integC u ty Air Fralik; i of that Military knowledge and ito g n;e:' iq 5,. :
.4 Pidrei- and hi g -4dministiation of the (rOv. t requsite in -such hazardous. and ditrteelt stk.:
:, ~
inpitteil.t. pf.our conntry.
.. . de rtakin '' , .s.
1 cnesokled, That the view's tuld prineipli•s $ /vital dt, St. , Pet T.OriiTt. pnblii , bes
: 4 •. , , 1 • r '
ot i th - lpresent.tate Adittinistration, as em.: a correspiAndence respecting__ the .outriAge at
rt ; kli e 4 bi th e n e t * p ass ed by th e rece nt L eg . 4 Hang°, Which Russia excuses im the grOathl 1
is atm+, iiti.appt'oved by. the governor, hr: that o che flag of truce; Was not up.. - 11issia . 1
- i• Al' deli ,iln.l• - interests of the Sta!C have been or licenses England, of Making - improper . - Ats.i) ofl
p<!,sed to he seriously :cud ittjuritnsly fin , :i of truce,. - - • •- " ' ~: *! '
a e pry . „ , _ ._.
a l'etAil,`g: strthlgly witlt the wise and . ';‘.tiother'• "demonstratioe - a' , :tinst'" Lona,:
14(1hbins:paw:gem eti t •of the oot-eminent 1.6,, Robert Grosvenor's :Btunlayl.'rading.l4ll 'took .
tioveltlloi\ lligfer,:ad tend 1.0 - slio•Y the ii •place in Hyde Park vin Sunday', July il,l'aildl
gLt- oqenirustingthe control OfilieComm on- exceeded iuntimbers and viol the o ue:;thick
wralill ti.l the hatitt-i - Of men s are . tiW;Lyed tooi*. place the twee!: pre:vittlis-- -Accut4 l,7 4/ 0 !
ll• f: uraticisin and governed by •-te : _xt_portr -- of l'he; - ..:.4forrting her a ld - the
: .lkill \led, That We 1 . G.(1 ,, e, our party atkfl scan!. is beyothd deseription. • :\t-the juive.4 ti
tite:i k
!etcoi-es to the eeti.,, t i of Art-toldP ,iit
iu- ~utAi6l ~..upward of 100,000' Men,-!..woi
up+, theicandid:tte lbr C:utal Commisgioner, men and .1:1 ildren were .present. TiteLproL
Rt i , I ' 1
i IlltlM, W i l! fI:IVC . this clay" notnimited without : eceding.g.wdr,; (...ortnn'enced by,
I,:idissinttng voice. .- , c .: . in gto 'll,ld . r as the eroWd,..whielt atteuipt was
, i 1 :-Miti--Wri' , Itt of .I..wente- then read a .mi- innuediatel • pu - CdoWm - by the pcslice" 'Tlris
4 : 1 1 . ' 7 '• •. . " *t .. , ~. , . .
t i wit), ri,port, which was quite teugtny , ,, l and gave rise, ti an ext . raordinttry:•seeue . of eon
1 ditrer4 litaterially with the inajorkty report, 'fusion.- TI e constable: hats: were knocke . d . -
tidy '4l those parts which took Strong'rounds, otrand . the s A lyertl-earriagt,s.whicit were bold
1 I . lf:iv:or l ot the, Nebraska and Kansas - billg and, enough to liter were hooted aud this: horseli
: fraillit, I the • event 'anii-liecuSe law of } this frightened by the titOli.- Sevef•al.of the le-sati
tat d r 1. . i - _
. , erg were taken into etistods , , bitt.no6vitlitiut
-$, i 1 1
$ MiY,, Wri;_%,ll. made an able and' lengthy . ar- giving great trouble AO the'poilee., who, wena
1... . / !
f (uncut ;in favor of the. minority: report. Col,' in - mtmy inst.:lna:4 compelled" : to' cost_ :
. - lack in re,ply; Whkli for eloquence and 'dutrd i staFes in a wry seyere. manner.:
Bits at, te Xtiowt..STOth . ings, eau rarely be sur- 1 1 - . l'- 1- - '' l • -
intSsed, i We' shall try and' publish ',Leith
1 .
4pecejle4 next Week.
Tlic: - ' r i illowihg; :intendment was :lost': : .
Ittilielyed, That evert' new State ought to
acitMtted alto the Limon with such aH Cop
titulioff,as zs majority of the citizens thereilf
, i'ided there is nothing therein
iwer4' 41. (or, anti being _or:levet..
laS folloiws: Yea, -- 4 4t: ' Nays 00... : • 4, - ;
. - 7 . , , ...
•. , .
:. (4 Motion •of Mr. \V right the toll,.tving I. .—',llie First•Presbytertan . . o .ohureft (-N.!t3.)
lamendinetit was adopto by:a vote of 01 .to' St. joseph; , Mis Ouri,c,dvertiSe in the Chris'
l• )8 :ii 1 — . , . • i 7 ,
- i
• . 1 •
14. solved, That we are opposed ti.' ' any- IS,lntherit Man-in his 7 feeling:4." Thatl..,i-1; be
in our State ConStitution- conferring lalin:it- believe in the :Southern religiOninsri
npot) net s , , roes the right of suffrage.: AN - i'e are t' of the Christian.' -1; - '. 7 ..2,-.: ‘ • 1
not 'Willing that that chts:s , of . Americatni shall l' —The Methodist ,Pl'ot - esatit -Church, d
ritle,zitliis part Of Atnerica,:euircedni, : ‘ , to. (All,l North Illin - eis.prdpOse 1.4 hold a Cort‘.entionza•
, • •-., ..., • •
ir t i litittes' the right to gratify their Lown i i . date meeting in i:0 It re . farov;. Linrea.p.,
tasqs in this particiiiar,_ laiwever ntacit we I 111,. owthe 174J1 o f August. nest, toaittee - ull- - .
ant,t, differ kiln them- in.opioions: •
.:. '-' 1 :: , " ' 1 on some plan-tbr settarafino . ,- Ssid antr#qh-frout
:. Mr. , ,t.f.tniltiw•niov•ed nit atuendene.nCto the , its eriminal . c0110:N . .64A1 wi7th slaveoy; DA
ii rst!- rcisolution; which should make it reqk I:tninistin.s,and nietnheTs ate ittvite - d -to be pre
i l
thu4;: r the interest ofall•Parts ur:the-.CotiVri-ent:
try pre' the sante to Us, and'`so - far a.s. in our . —The laivr-of libel -i,n Connecticut. asfila•
poC.r; We will maintain thu . contitiitional terialfy.modified by 'M act of tite•racent IN.
rights 'if every'state ; and retntliziti'its_wid- which the - defendant may slifivr
est extent-the principles of popu tar' so vCreign- the intention w itb*hi'eltlho,..liiatle .the putai
ty iii the te ; :rituries.' it Was adopted by 01 catiOn . ,,and,the •pla,ilitiff.- inust. i :•.proyej notkv
to 5,, I --r„ :, - ."' s.- : .- : . . before . he"_cati'x , - '*er,damager l / 2 -- ,! L.. •
Thel majority repat .Was then ininited;:**as ' —Stiiiiag. .1 • arc being made;ia varieu4
anten sd, without a dissenting vote:---.,i
- ..:, parts orthn, i** :I 'ptite3. twOdow' 1 - ev11e,.. ,
. t his moment Mr Chase offered two r.. • iu - Liberiiii : la , Li ri:said tti not
there, is n - 1!
°lotions ahem:. the -Kansas : t r o u blo; '.which, :this: time .a 'tiingle.bolleie On the whole coati
„Weit3 laid-on - the table . -.., . : :_ . - nellt.orAfriiia„,!,:-.Should;-. tithouht ',attar Jan in i stitati 6
MO, McKinney
: also offered. a' r iutitm .be rounded2aridt . e4lOwe!; ---: it - Would: --- thalea h l . _
abohtl Temperance - and` the "JUg -
...Law,” ..iiili - ; .- priie*ig g.04 - 11,1a)fiblit to that qUarter° l
whiilvc r was laid oh the: table. ' -•-•., '' * '._ . , 1 . 6 - N , ;( ,ii,L:'! ..:.- t . : ~ 1 -•' - -- i - - • -
'., MrJ Blair also offered 4i 'resoltitioh , about :.:' '..,-- The i lr l '' '''-' ' ,that ail the
the luU Kansas erectioii, a mo
tion, t 4 adjourn sifee
„ . . •
"'Prim/ V the-Arogu—'Death of Lurd',Rog.
litrO -- 7 ,lfairg in the eriinea Unchanged_
The United Statett Mail steamship AN, - ; .:
Cal4:Liaes, arrived at
.IN,Zew'York on M;,,
Afternooli AI nbotit 1 o'Cloe4 ; bringi,p,g-0 1 ,..', •
frohil.Livro London to the 4th
!KW . Arago briiits.hitellitren . eci of the - clonal.
of Ford Commainire.r4u-Chief of„tho•
I . lritish tibrees hi the . Tho 4 inelancifoly ;
nc*s iecc.iyed b 'Lord -Pinmuro
- •
The Albank'Xhickei:Locker ,s4s:tli4tithir4
is a man who belies;eslnl i rota
tion of t.ropstf One year :raises ;:pqtliiiig,
the flextee.tis.;! I
- :1
--(A) mparimf-the lig,tires already plc I, e by
the'CenstigiklarAills with thoseigissg, he Al
' . f
, rez,u
no - Pittsburg papa's. mentiott,--
ar , tvol of 1111A.rtiitotencr.‘ 'lArehbisholi 1 ,11 ugh's
itt con'smrstto the Pltt
Arahle Wni, it'ket4lt the Monongahela licia s
);1-1t Certain lawyer, o le of hidfollowers, , fla' ,
on recognizing the his oft,' . ol .46, w i t „ 4 it:
knees and kissed lbe b shot s : balul, :Oa get .
iing through 'with! this menial servicse he torn'
ed round tiuii °tiered o shake-T,lialid3 with a
ventleturm with -whon -he Veati,iietitutiltteti, hat
the latter declined his )roffe'red lewd' runsrit
htg, tliitt " lnt: eouls,l vs: shake,' hands kith alt)
mean v. - he wc?ul4 - si'brsltip• a s felrow rnPrtal in
tlittt: waY.' 7 11l .cOotinviting,on thisidi=grao2:
ful scene,. the Carlrndele rroft,serirt 6 4 Y 3
that not lotig. : sittce; a wcll4lll.lszed thingln th.
shape of a tntit`i in etirbondale, Ikiserd 4
.:Priesei naked foot r- - ' • L - 1
ti bas
ell 137
I n 123
to star
il of It-'
d : adopt-
Ctllt~Cri t ISO