', , . . ~-.. - . 5 .. „ . . • ? , . ' :11'- ' . . ' -- , ' : • .:. , ...... 1 , :- ' , . ' 1 . I . I . . , ~ . . . .. • il.i . , i . , , r- • . -1., . . . - , . i . . • 1 ~.. . . . . . .., . . . f , .. • -..- I - -- - . • - i I . . ... . . • . „.. . . , . , . , ~ , .. .. . • ~, . . . .. . . . 1.. , ~. . . . . . i 1 , .. • 1 ......•.:_..•....-....::.....:-.„...„..... ; ..„•,. . ~...: ...,_„..,... ....:•„•-....„--•-...„ ~ ‘ ,..._:,._ . „--t, _.:....•.,:.•,.,„..„...„-",,;„- t,,..,,.._.,„...,„. ~• 1 _.- ._. -.. + . ..• _. . . .. ... . .• • • .• _ . „ :t.,_. : i• . . .. , ... .. . . „ . . ... , ~.,. , ,:// . . • . ~,• •.. . ~...t i . 111 1 . . . . . . .. ..... . ..,......, .. . .........;:......:.: tt • . .. _ . . . .. • • . . .t _ - ~ ~... „. ..1• - ,_ • -.-.. _1• : . . , • .t, .. : .. ..... ~• . , b it. :i l bt tjt'l - t . .n'..'''' .__., 1. •. ,: .. „. . . 1, ; . ~,." , ....ii. .. .... ~.. •.• _. .4.1...., •_... , .. ~.,:. . . . , i ' • •, • -, „• . ' - • •:. ,- , 1 , . . . . , • -1; • • i ,: , - d'i - ~, . , f' ' , I.!: - -. : -' . ti : -- 1. "' - '. .. -.' , . . . ,1 : .„ ; . _ / i . • !- - ' 1., .• CHARLE o f' t s eoNeK • . 1 ‘ , 7;;;10§e .Dullin Xation. . - Tontilt THE MOON. - t UNDER the moon the:twilight breeze, ' - Ripples the *at r in pulses of light; Vre stand'on the bridge by the sycamore trees, And list to the i oices that come thro' the ni l . Under the elm toe, misty andflank,.„ . .;,,- ~ Love's sweet laughter rings front the iu'ink— sprinkled with many a dim red lamp, . . • stretching nway through the'distanee damp; /lark! 'mid the fort ige blossomed with June, Tinkles a serenade tmder,tfitrtnOon., %Under the moon in. Gossipping groups Seated at dusky :d Red-lipped maiden lilispe.ring now O Blue as the- heanti Whispering now o As autumn fruita6, Under the cadence Sat aS their pulses the village street, n the shadow meet, rways, there, • • taste of the air; their kvers' oyes, 1 sin - timer Aides; their, flatteries sweet, dropped i' the heat, • .a trembling tune, under the mooom I the: cool sea shore r the, spacious floor, bosomed .sails . I ugh azure vales; bearing-along • 's midnight song; Ito Trith. hands" . amp he stands,- ' e left at noon, ore under the moon ruder the moon by The wind walks or Courting the snowy Daintily dipping the Oyer the crisp foam The musing niarine tic the rising h Lit in the compass • Thinking of those h Sad on the g,ieen4h Under the moon by, the dusty. road ' • Pace we on to the old abode ' • nal listless splendor floating fans . - • , . Over its syt=tored roof and.walls, ' I Peering into the"easeMent nook • ' Piled. with many a brow% old . look; - . • Spirits are they .whose pag•es teem 4 With though tfUl 'di tty• and pictured • dream, Spirits, amid whose silence soon. Our own shall slumber under the moon. . . I, PUN. . • ~ ' the State . of Maine,'3liss An atiout two years ago, Co eicourt.ship, of which the. was .t he most original par, Away down Easel iu Mann was married. Nott, after a br COrreT. onden "WI, that I could out lot = , rel.:ail, my air, : that we uOte liana, and tie a double knot. i me to despair-4for you- l'in Oh take a rrov. , . Aman Your coldae-. - 4 drive "pilovNott." `lf I should hear fir you had died, 'Ovould kill. Ind ; on the :pot— Yrt only y'c'tenlay, were Nott." . -The 'ehnrds, and-te A 11, woula that : she I drill of me heart around ti ee finally twine— Amanda! heal this ac s" wine'. =mart!ling mantb, oh! be " These very terms, a. LeC2 tie then, dear, -menial OP/lie, 511gge , t united tots— ese `card ; :,' and twine' hyr EETEES IL %N . 'S REPLY.. bat a span,lienc6 I have Thii life, we know, afraid That I should still rculain A. Mum,-. at last— • a -maid. +n•l often to myself ro 9ay , on looking ro un d, Tialt!'s Non, a man I everj' , :ivaLt just to my • mind, " I fain ninth] whisper him, ,apart; 110! • ttinice ine blest for life— "lf he would take ine to IL?, heart, and inr.lne A Mann a•wife. "Lore not, inc rnotbt r often says, nntl so, too, says - the song— cu heed the hint in and long "Thou, oh !. uture clays, and love !Cott sell on the spot his chain around me And bind me in a last . , !to km : 4, tied with ri tdegle beau. • fikeie es 'lt•iqbtzi, etc. Correspond nee rif Mc' fielm . b(eran. TravellingNotes : . .f an "Unt - raveled " Tray- i el er•-.-No. 4.. - . P CATONICA, July a; 1855. '.. Ens, REPUBLIC N:—The young. State-of . i jo wa is fast beeom ng one of importance, and, . will soon take ran with fnany of the 'older States, both-in we Ith . and:influence. *lt is being settled rapi ly,e and 'all the valuable goterninent.lands and some that:nre not so F valuable) are being" entered,"eitier fur the .purpose of speculation, or. Attire satlement ; . r that, those who Tri.sh to . get guod.farins,• in - a destrahle locatio , wilr well to make no-1 i delay. And, .as _ rogreSs r is: being marked i d -upon the 'face of th country-the good eiti-1 tens of lowa seem eterinined that she shall not_ he behind' in ~h oltolniielaw. Some of their statuteshoever, are lialide to serious w objections, althOtw wisely 'nu:tided. i Their f . 'exemption latvs;' enacted.for the benefit iafl the honest pocAr, c quite too. liberal' fur' rogue. If a 4 - lan is sharp; and has an he to getting his effects "n the proper. shape, can hold a nice little operty; in 'value'frOrn ten, to fifteen lundred ollarS,' which ne, eiecutlun can ever touch;, it'lionest-Imen will seek to mail themselVes o such aprovisiol4. bp t they are not 31 W 3 's sti 'cessfu I ;. and it thiS should • meet the eye Ofty tri.llain6la . wretch . who. • wishes'ilms to. get rid of his . lionest dhts„let . bite have (..are h . w lie -makes the experi• metit, for the sere , 1 behind 'which he : seeks t 4 lide.'seemetv, nay .. prove - a - legal trap aiii4 shall hold a ill expose him to the 4 •ten : - ; der Mercies " .. tiil h injiirod creditor's.' - : ..:.' linong the - ims rtant laws. enieted at: the ' - . laq session' of the lowa . -nislature; ate the Li2itor Law and. he;Hog Ay), which are es - peeled to keep ail sorts. of ki - vg,' libmati and .itthuman, within tAeir - prope a r:J4ntts• '-.. 'their Prohihi iry statute4ms iiiii: taken effect, (July lst) lid all lOvera`zif teMpc ram..T . and good order. e resolved that its penalties' I shall . be visited upon 'all known - offenders; , 1 and thus test the wisdom of Its provision s .--.• :. Judging from th quantitie s of ' liquor daiiyi s9 lll ' of Dublicvie, such i ul. . w ' sold and .draokei the City a law is very, .ve y much needed. : . ~. '1 lage r . • Since sending . y last notes; wehaVe (...xPe- , :golsome . i ' rieneed some ye liotiveatheriii this region..' bold interspersed xi h severe doindex: . ; 4 1‘ ; ‘ ,“ . . 1 „... , : I retu.r' and heavy` winds' tO.which..the west is • sub7i . rth4..'' t.ili lest. During . e oppressifee.. lieut.'s...of thel l'erit Tlth , —prolilably lie hottest'of 1 he• : ;:e.i . son---1; i i - 9e ...s's :! rode from Septc 1 .Grove 'to Dabitque; `OS I - s ' , - - 4Lies,) in a lum er wagon, : U "if eivr 1130t.ii f " caved-irt " eutuanit e vary near being ticit itrri j =Lunged to sweat-it:11ml, x. P . :,..-'41)2 likcr„inak took particular dote of bdt Was 14C Catholic Cross.. a specimen sute chat.' AA yid ual. u Ar , l. save in v tj tr tr uoservati\Ais citic! t F READ 'H 11•122 ~ , n otitfred'Ami:,tlie Was seine . distati6e baZ•k .., fom the , 4ississippi7—indieating in:atOnly that 1 matter i.liereabout.§, but mind , adk ii,.under . p:iestlyT'svr4. To .be a notrui4Cailiailic, or tpfavor •their advancement, Ii Ix heretofore 1 tena stirc:passport to office '; 'l'itit I was as -1 stared ;by Men who are bound 4 prima the • - I ples,of to see; -save • the great 'principle 4 , . I.',dtl and the right," that "lowa was -dr , a I • . it...(.,)• • • I a aking herall, and )voultt eleanse.' her- gar 'lf 7AS-from" that dictation whiCh ruperv.has I sa wilit to assunie in her; State affairs. •-. I ,„"';: ,‘ ilturay oti the nwrning of the 28th, I ie.; crossed the :Mississippi, anal 'Wilk the rails to • Galena, Where I spent-the day. ; The location I ()tithe place. was just as • repul;iye, as before, I litiii bea,4*pl4,utiVinced that idaiee 'coat i-tains sonie''verylline. people, acid that, fur the great buSiness of :Oney-makingt,it offers some I.rare induceimenis., The 'Lead Okinci In that i vi :lathy , i 1 .' • I ntV . e proved a Nast. .4..ll ' n''Cl of wealth, land are' yet! fir front being eithitusted: - The' lei izeni arcl independent and public. spirited. lati, - very tenacious for harinunv in social and t i . , lakmestiedife. - !As an instanec'of this last, a 1 friend of Mine • detailed to. me 'how Mansell : an , ]several:of the merchants and others of the ",I ; :I pl o lace,-land taken IneanSto administer summat• ; 1 ry punishment upon a -wealthy old scamp, wtio wtiliiiipens' ist -in Whipping hi s wif,„_ Se 4 lectinglaeold, stormy night, when the • p0i1144 i114 4 had mkeliwarnier tittarters than theop'en ; :Mt atfurdo; I they proceeded quietly: to the I 1 reidencelof their . victiin.. : lirt:akina in the 1 1-_, deLr's, 141 y tiund him Warmly etv.coee 1 : t I.: . • • d by - the side .af Ihs itfjtircd wife, and„-notwith• Ist4ding, tiliatjslie,..:efino , to hint, - (;das , too ! , ' !1, *-- ' , • „ ' i ; 1. ; fidtl , ifin, ca}makingeromanoanu besought Wein 1 to -pare iiiin, i they drew- hint forth into : • the ; I• heafn-miiitliglif air: t; ' They then divested hits L..: • cii. , oT e sin l ,, ailmunt of drapery whieb he had i - • . on, Mani:Whim half a Mile out lit town, Mel I • •- 1 1' '-' • Haitia ' pn. ceen,.,. ;to give warm dressing,a i 1 4 , L i m bider . WI hid/ they cemented with ';bir I aint oianithenfed With fialliere: This dine, 1 , I , ~, , Inoy , arneo lion loose, to vend his was- IRIMe, 1 1 , , -, 1 ' or' ir.Lieil: \ler.,:i:llls ilic;i1:a1101;s • inigla it,•;oi.,— i I Sntit Inea uris seenthiartess, its they • rettlly I are, fait the respon,c-is "served him right." He- I has nth Whiptled his.wife sine;., , ikt, evetiiug; - I again g - ot on a train, (a thing ‘elJell; I L4‘c ireeem le 1 .1(41i. .q uite too 1 .41C1i i . • J ~ , i forla`Goo4 r l.a.nplar,.) and by the forth. of 4.4..J.:.•.,b,/i 4-irenMstauces was•brougitt hither. . i.‘, - e , u i:qrin.., ,, my brief,3l,F,oirc•e - of :Iwo 1 I, . .1 . ik-t.t.E.-;,:•N.fi.;ions noproVvMents have -I.cet, made la.,•ei'im,l still the work g,•:::s bravely .on.l",Mifl-1 sour own blia::ness," ks' die nta 1 jorltua.xim l ; but some 'forget it, au-I - cause- I qmintly tare 4 is an oceasi,;nal street "cuili .siun,',•Or lipilSeStie "S.i/NtSli up,",Whicii:llll,rds gust ps mil backbiters a repast to- ;• feed. upon. Thriy have as vet got but, one lawyer here, midi have 1.6(1 but one important law-suit.— 'e; has til 4 Thi, anspired•-during my saijourti, and 'fl - 4 a vdy Miff.' aflitir it• was. -1- am coMident i c., that/ the citizens of li. will be satisfied itot to l' hav , anotlid'sneh m , this, any a day. • - The ;' i• . . facts were.briefly these: - 1 Air.:Breken, one of the principal actors. is ' I. ' r 3 ....! a writing master, Shanghai fitneler, &e. B e-; forcitcoming to:reside here, he paid his most'' : -'}liar addresses to a • .M.ss G., • by whom:. special attentions, if not received with I', fritude, iecte at . - least tolerated. During : II zourSe Ff the courtship, it seems -that gel .:• 4 1-eil her sundry presents, (intended no , i t its hive tokens,) among which was an tordebn: • The gifts. she accepted, (as' 1g I4dies naturally will,)` hut, fur reasons eir own she rejected the giver... About . time, Or,:which is more probable,a little Omni, inother suitor presented himself ting: - thJ musical name; of Bell. How he II leer dill not ; appear—that is neither here there-4but t 6 'sequel slMweth that, rah !, Itati,lie i' dune up Browny - ' she talaLse to a Belli ,- (Perfectly . natural again, fur .' re is the yowl lady that would not 'like i . . ‘ .. ..a bilit!) :Thus matters sfood, Until a s - ec r ts 4 i4i e u r s i : t e : N , V i i i.. l e t n h.e . A .,: i . r v . i z .,. .7.4 Mrs. Bhise.,lll.-b.aes -1 lug "Ian!! sync" finite:- too forcibly to arraitl& ' Either•thef Music of the Acco - r : al awaite'ned unpleas.:4lt Memories in the ~„ his of Biiwn. or the frequent - sight .f s •holaed-.:ror, but neVdrlrealtzed-angcl.rons.. i - the' -fire : -of vengianet: , in .his jaralons a, for la.- at once 111141 liis plans to repay t-atter irtraiment. i•h a ecroWol hisfavor. I „ katicsen - lo'';t its elfarm—the cutting of 1 litals" 'audr.`, ' ` flonritlie, s " ceased to claitai • tentivn—and. die force of his • intelldt di is *Aid to Et - sonic) was 'turned to the , am , orefii.„,..ster.ii: , ur6ll 7 n.iivenge, An 4 - ii . Was . l ,- 00ir,gHit against lady B: and. her laid; foi,tik:_reeovery.of the.presente, or alue.:the*f. The . .sutt - was tried before 6• • ;:e,'iritAlb.S the'famelfierpQf had spread • id, it die4::to•;e•tliet a crowd, eager to thelestitliOny, a:lA:know' the, result of range, 4 p4i ceediag ' .': 'Sonia funny . things devehiA bnt,''pne of - tWillithinst was . pit . :4iJoilin'A'•icenee." Whktlic tri 7 ,. , Is in.p l iegres;k,n yininzladil of the_ ;rig: tO:irltainn bal4:.Brown had ,presented .a' lieniful excelling iti penmanship, came w iiktoLOtirt,'. nun d, withtitit,etreiliony, LA' hit .the gift,lkiying,, , as bile did - so, she naiad wish to ; Marry at :some,futurta d, aildishe bad nth desire to ytin the risk di 'flti iaticiey - ae4u, Before a civil-court. ; produM ti -- seniaii*; but the suit ;Weut h. ;wit •I,_ , • pee gait gni the tett(' dou! Acc. Yoe'. of h tdis pre bea. won MEM El ESE r kw care brin EOM deoi Ihear dnee i ed u brain lisf,l its; "1 " cap :his al cuiti at tii) hasb the J - abro hear so :A. = '-- throti), ;t l l l l the, yordiet sues " fendered-:•-no 1 and tkree.hundied cone - Arles, W : ould it be • ' i entl.4 oratli.op. - Pool' Brickwn, his-last : court- Iu• in ''' ered ex-Pcd_ it..ti t. to incorporato wails a 'lug 1 .1 , -, II.) 111101 C r.IICCi!SS t) t 1:11.1 , IS fitiq.— 1 d., 4....vp, , , , ,,,,0 1 01 0 our dulitt.Astic,t.on.,4ltu- Ilis 4r4. , 5t aiid his rept4ation lafie both fallen. 1 1 14);4.1 1 - - '"."': : . ''' -- . - I.;et I tose: itia'appoi.ateil . gc4l tlipte'' In who think I I 'l'l4 . idea which 45 . ilgiiiattd in barbaric ages, i. - -, ' • , i to AI 1-I . love maileis by " legal suasion, take i that 4briste force" .was indispensable to _se warn its:. I,i ~ '• - - 1 - • ti , i i= • . . i cure obedience to all laws,"liowevir unimpart, .e" •', , . . . • • ~ ...i. -- ,- . • i . 'i- 1 '' -....5.i • . • t- [F 1 I Do -- A c - mi - \\DD 1 - 2ge.imu. matam@rT) eLnwiEß,vizarAD _ , _ . . Would it .not -be well flir tome of the Aung limbs of:Montrose to come lint here Mid oiien. Such cases must present a 'wide Old fur ,t.h • display of genius and Black siline; ;: , To-ticiorrolv, the glorious 4th is expected in bra - the earlylitrairi. - There is •to be bere general celebration, some_ songs and an tilin, reinlini the Declaration, and a.njty cent collation—tli l end. with a jollification by the drileing gene'ration. A liberty pole", is about lkii4 erected. buy if their ideas of liberty are raicruuked as the pole"; they must be inspired 4 some other Ppitrit than that of '76. I see by the Dopers that the "Fliurth " is td'hgppen itt)fontrose, also; and that "chit . dren '' and "jmti l iot;s7' are to do honor to the 'l4;t6t natal, day of Freedom .aceording tO. the dietates . of—ihe Committee Of Arrangements ! au this reaches you, all will be over. *rice. and tire-eraeliers will be spent—ha. ttiotitvi and ; 7 ,l(.c'ifiNzade exhausted. !now fhw thereareoVho appropt:iately re paqaber.that4reqt event which' the dayrutnt• i ' • V nthtnorate:§, ti rn nd who return , -suitable thanks ; . :i . to!the God or Freedom for the innuilbid Liles .llll.r,,ii whieit'cluster aroand our dear hon'te of Liberty. ,; i:. . .. stetore -e10in,,,, , ,, lltyo. Just: ink enough - in , ni• pen to' ti l you that there have been great re.::yieings . oi4 this way, at the result. of the 1 Piiihulcipilia i:onvetaipn. . Heaven lie vraised 11it : giving us: ::;1 Wikon, and hii tfoble 'tain t. The 1, , :n0w Nothing; have aveutnpfish i.,4•,rreat ‘v , ;rk-L.-but their sticee,:'.4es are end. di,. 'TI iutojih z-itall he on . the side of the N - 4.1111. .I.';ing . to the breeze the haunter of Fti-edept, and . on :its f;,,I,I ;; .fn.k. T. it, c ;. Ti n; Noun, km) Tife. "K.NowsumirmNGs .!: rue vier:. . ' ! _ Ti itthe .1.' , /,,ft/i..an. , SCHOOL GOVERNMENT- sEarrnes :—ln the " T: 1 1)(11411.:!81/ " ohs , rved from the • pen of a getltleman of ;lianesboro, an.artiele that, .ani nutOverts with considerable acerbity ; on an opinion; expreS , ol by me at the last meeting , 1 ,,f th e T, , aeliel.s'.Assoei:"ltit.n, in 'reference to wliitk ; !. ii due ti) myself:l:atsoiii cxplanation he ralade eom•ernin.i. the matter.. , • Ljailnti!, If, tiso r..;port of the Association ;;;;1,1-4-nt, the rem::rk. that " I trf , (1:(1:11SellIV jr4.n .. c to I,l:k,i•Nr:.! r6A•ac: • fi . ( 1 11/ SZ-41c0 , 1, " mar be so con strli..l as 'to co;:vey tho -:,inpression that I , woqui oo tuts,, on the first exhibition of ailis i;biilient iitelitiation in .the and; before ;Surnitionmg t• Moral suasion " to my aid ; but iht_its an erroneous conception of my nit_ , an- What I remarked at the meeting ()file AsSpciation.in:•rozacd to the matter, 1 will nomtrepeat, I said in-substalice this :--- - - . Were 'a " large schiilar,'' one, who • -had arrived. at • . yeats of discretion,-to come to a ,school that I was teaching, and manifested a refractory 'dispOsition, I Would, first, by mildness and. Inersinasion, b,y appealing to the tender'Sensi- Citifies ot his nature, by kindly 'repreSenting the }:.importance of .acquiring an education .young, and the necessity of , preSerVing Ort4.r in'the school-room, endeavor to CIA ivaywardness, and induce hint to Yield ,obedience to the rules of 'the school ; : butr it; after:.' rcpeatec.lll attempts to . accomplish: this end;=._after resorting to every; tutbans in my powr, othtr. than " brute furee,"l - to obtain •the respect and oliedienCe of the scholar, he stiff continued incorrigible, I Would then, •as a'.4ernicr resort, eridear . er, to have him Cx pell'ed„. and. tbr 'this Teason ; viz.: I don't bC observation. and, e:vperience& have astditecupon.ne the Conviction—tlit schol ars, - thy from the age of fourteen eighteen, and ~ .,,,venty.-yeitre..., -are, as a general thing, if; disotiedient, image any better by floving',-- Let Lie ask :oiy'eandid, intelligent person, if orlsheis of the opinion that a young -wan of s4itenteen oti,-twelity:years, Would be very likelY to ailzpeet aleacher that was accustom inflict corporal punishment upon him, ud '‘vett - " felt • happy in doinr , so?". I as , sututCtlie scholar must respect and - repo..e eoriiiileteconfidenCe in the Teacher if he would prof cieney 'in his studies i±.4uid this,:he Cantiot do-if he,;fears•hiS Instructor.'- I • ' But the itlt:a: . of turning disobedient schol=_ arc won: permitting them to grow ap iA-Aurante, Viciousness and etiine; to.be on44:•ealididatea fdr the penitentiary and gal ktws.;:ivery justly excites the sympathy of A Dirc;Ctor." . . Itt4rty humble opiniOn,, the . necessity; will rarer: if -ever - occur, fur, expelling. a pupil froni-schoo- nor need he; there, be , . govered by.the rod. I believe there . - is in every individual; a• responsive choirc .. which, if ,touched by a 'skillful -.hand, will iwaken the better and finer emotions :of .• of r. Witure .and : the person who is so - unskill' science of iiiintati nature"' its to be irkarial46 . of strikbg this chord; aright', OtigliVnever en - 1140)141 to train the i • • youthful mind.. • ' •,•-• . AOin ;,"Spare the,rodand 'spoil' the Child," says " A Dirtxtor. - Well; Soloi - inon . was itrluestionably- • a philospher, and- E.uttered eery many wise and good '• sayings ; .but,-*Aianse be practiced polygamy, and Anpt it-Harem of 10_10 hundred .wives Yours for Freedoin: 2" ' 4 •, . ei#, thanks to the influence Of Chriitianity :and an -enlightened public sentiment,: ;.is rap- J itli, exploding.: Th e United Siates,:hy-ahol , b4iing flogging in the Nary, have sot :'.an i'ex ' amplethe'world would.dos well to intitite . ; ad must Teachers of Our common . sehools t s 'II be perinitte d to inflict : a - pon - their', pupils that kind Of 1 unishmettt whieff : ti' Nation's wr.sdom, considered too degrading and: brutal .1. ~ • I la. the :goVernment•of: reekleSs,: abandoned -17 1 ' :4:oinen ? :No, fur shame, - no ! i • . , • ilii my ()Onion, many chil(h4n Alva been . sthoiled by an injudicious . appliCation of ithu 44," . A ..11i1 1 1-,. if possessed of a prOud and sensitive spirit r .inust Ircalize,-keenly, the deg ' ratl •-, _ ation and skarne.eonSequent , 'upon ai seve r e ellitstisement ; and as Many a brave,iltnanly spirit has been hopelessly crushed by thetlse - ofi l the lash, so also has the dispoisitiim Of many • , a iroinising,child been Warpedfrunl ilkorted h the same; barbarous Means.! • r •p I~i • " A Director says "the Cominon I f,SehoOl • :,. • • li(w makes provision for the. instruction and • e (ro.e. - rinnent 1 0f all, _and makes Lno• pr4vision :t . tu ; ita.refraetOry:ptpil."! 11 grant . the ;School ,Liilw provides . fur the etiticatien of all s above - aiill under nspeeilled agtt ; yet if I Mistake nOi, the State. Superintendent has' deided— ,•l and reason and expedjettCy justifies his &til l ,-;i,i,__.ihat 'air incorri.rilili disob edient pupils[ :_hill hie expelled fro': t4iliool.• 1• . k i - : The suppbstd ca,le with which" Director , .' 1 cl;)t r ses his article, need.nOt be - tiotiecd, inas indeli as 1 apprehend a Teacherlis not td,ligat- eil I to eject a disorderly pupil the'ischix)l- , roim, though authority .be givLn him i.)y- the lit c , :tors to do so. . . . . ''.,' •-, 1 •, sincerely wish the 011th:twin or:Lane,s , -bat°, wouldcondetwt.l4.l to Inert ' - w i th the l i 't.•actiers -l A•tsoe'atiott:" • unt.i endelVor to 1 , ' ' ' 1 ' . set' its Itantibers - right; V iii , r es pect to that p” , ;lit of school government, Wherein, in ,his i opitipii,,tlrey so grievously err. i . , ! , . . S. W. 'rEWKSltiiltr. . . , I,atliropi July 10 1855..,• . , . • bletelies • .; . . . • •j From the New York Evening rok!, 1 TAE MEMOIRS OF SYDNEY SMITH • „ 'h fifeinoirs of:Sydney ,St / tith, by his daughter, 'lady llolland, (edi ted.lby hai.e appeared it last. NV ei cinbrace - the earliest opportunity ,Of uag _;our rtmlcrs a-taste or thew. i.S•vdney.. : had once to go to: . colirt,and r lfiis : eS - riptiuri of What oCciii - red .. .'"11 bound may colreague, T4e, the'; other dayl in his simplicity, consulting rhea Arch, dea4en of Newt )undland should wear a6beflevee- 7 -a man who,sits bobbing for Cod and ve rpocketing every tenth. Itiweri I did 1,• ? • wore Wheu I wCnt, by ! consulting no • one . :IA through pure ignorance, pin , ' to the . le ree In shoe-strings instead of shOe 7 bucklesl found, to my surprise, peiople loOking my. feet. I could not think, what tif,eV, were at. At 'first I -thought they had •41•6e - lnered the beatity of my legs, but la - St tli truth burSt on Ine, by sonic wag laiighing, ana it I had done it for a joke. ',I was, of;:eOurse, _excessively .annoyed to have- teen suiTose'd capable of suck.' - a vulgar, untnean ing !peace of disrespect, and kept my feet as = co;Fly under my' pettieoats the Veriest, pole : in the country, \ till i could Make rTly e4te; .so perhaps,; after all, .1 'had foetter hai-e followed my ftirend's examPle." hile residing at his .tiring in COmbe !. re*,la pon - Ous little man tn black -was us-h -ere-41 p one rnoring,i who announced Alia. -he . compOunding i a history_ of the ,distin guished familie4 in s).,.iners!'etv.hir!),, isaid parsed .to k.),i)taia the Smyth arms." . • Sydney regret tee he could nitcontribute Ito - so abf,. - ,la work,-for theiSmythsnever had' any arni4 Ina • sealed I their letterS witli their the - donVersatitnal area '• with whill'the aboand. wet meet with the 'original of il2v.sa ying NV h:cli - ihas lately been populr''' iied :among the AdMinistration reforindrs. ;. Yeti ill ge.neridly inl thelfnman the round man and the angular man [plant- el 46 the wrong hi le ; but the Bishop, of= —4, being, .a round -man, i into! a triafignlar hOle, and is kir .better -off than` inaby triangular men who have ftlleij into-. round • ft tv...as probably Of this bishop that he safd, On lacing asked it lid were' piing ti)• bc,l mar. •rio:, 3 `.,Perliai)s he May; yet. how can a bislp: lnarry ? dap' he flirt ?! The*most r 77 &in say is, I will see you iii !the vestry: service. " I 'the hi,- - op he. aft hierarchy was an eternal theme for his d r(4 ['eq. " naturally I u as •i.t get cold'vr; likti teeth but therolis no estlvrtlit . to tit new _sci to tour under ; stint ings. 1 ha ve, 4las, ott!y one illtt.,ien ltift 'an*(liat is the Arch!,islmp•of Canterbury" Agaib : "It is a rat proof-..0f ihynciss..to cruni br.'ad 'at dinner.-', ' .you are*rakl . or me, (te rti it* , to 'a-.young`, lady w4liat by bim,) yen crumble yeur= bread.' I de 4it, when. I sit, by the Bishop of London, au iVith both blind , when I sit by. the:Arai hisho,p." • Of his Jiving in :Yorkshire % hi said, " itlas actually' . twelve miles . from a leiir on.l I • • IT ?.once wanted - en:know why, - if a sailor Wcreinutstleaded fof not doing his duty,yeu shontd not weithereeek n - parishnmer Or net pain* his tithes T. . lie announced the val)kLonden of a,icew.Zealand lattomby -a ' , m4.lcznan Who had Gs. Bti:tattoecd ad: over .Hearing of the difficulty of oengh ingldi,wit a speaker„he recommended as trial of thg whOoping-mgh. --.:Niebtthea discOve rie.4,he described as .history rarer's rl'aniuiruriiine out an excellent fancily trim) . 3 -and . Lucretia' very : :duut . itful charae ler,i, when; •:_ would :not have} visit; ed • D4niel-W:ebster hilikeinitto..” steaM•ta- . 4v**re,'-.! mode the c 1404 ey'iliv think, diff4entfy froi*the'i peop . l'oo.he ''that-__whe4 the Nvis elept,t4 'and robbed, one df .fliitpassetigoribeard , a sweet female voice -behind thlr .. • _Shock :the gint4tnan, dear." Seeing child atrike. the shell I of A i ttlft.l.o, hawked . the' reason, " to i please the turtle;" wheretipen -- Sydney said. It- ,evel,l4.;l!e. , 1 ad;:iiittehto the P rpose- to strikel the d4tne Of St; ?',tubs tO pi e 3 the dean and" chapter. Children,. he'sai I on another Occasioh, at.e txired• with 'the A isdoin :Of "Telatruu4M '' and . 2 - cant think why ,tlyfloso, is fond of hi , 101.Miss 4 ox niece of the Sta . testna ,) he Said_,' at 80w1:4%1,14e Landsownes sea - thht she !"Was perfect, its she gave Mtn' the i ea iff an'*ed angel. - Of a dressed lieinis, 4l .liieli 1 1 % ;he once i4liawin alScrious .family,:" .he - 'd lit . waS - the"'Venus Alillinaria.: On exat lining • : r, t t . some flotver.s in agarden, a bedutifulgi I,wito was; "of the party) exclaimed,'' Oh, Mr. ;pith thisl,Pea I)Vill!•neVer come to perfectit n."-lh ." piirinte me; theii i " Said Sydney,•gentl tak irigiher hand,' attwalking towards the plata: "to::lendperfecti •n to the pea." i Of : trio' "of.ether ladies, he said, f• Oh,. they - we .e G i ll s!!) - IVeautiful; .I?.aris . Could nut hate illeided bet Ween them; lint Would,have cut his fipple in 'shoes." :OfLit t ly Murray's - thotho. -who hadlit most bencOlent " eciuutonatice, ht said her . knilci avas so !riCiant that it ivould fore al ~,,,o "selierrY - bus li . into fl o w er. ' ". 4 le• • • . • i 1 He'll:tied dogs, and, on being 4!asked byla lady: for a motto for her poodle,' he s , rfte. ted," 041., datnnd -Spoil!" but: she tlidalt think it sentimental enough,:though tbot •ipgli ly Shalispearian. 1 : Of bores,- thongli lar Said there were no 'eviiiiiiinds like!. tholin, .ts thto miere utiOnisliable; he waS very tolerai ,sa'y-- ilig he never met! with .unetall the -tit ehe hid in the conntry";liut a Certain dean whb, i he declared; "deserved to be preach „I , o - dk.'-iiiii by: *iia eiirutes.."• "i Being asked by la I ' hidtifhii had' Bet i o remarkable it's ab° -, he • lied that 3 %I.' • -•' • 1 . • TO • * •rep at., t.,as a 1%.311.kr,a 2, tut b uy, and!Was intende to.have 'been ii-Chine c•-sn pereargo,l to",.lin ig ..K.Ong. Coinplaini ig of 14S fe•tiblehess - tis 'it drew iiigliAleath, h sa!ti 1 1 he felt se) weako tat if a knife were 1 t in his himd,lhe'shoud hardly be able to S u_ •k tlu ,- into aDittsenter. - . , I Speaking uf ( iminutive men, •"who li i inung the must i eminent in the. wurl ihstanced.4iiS facial 'Jeffrey, and added i there wa anotilt.T. (name not given) lvlt `1 not. body enotiiih to Cover his mind di i ly • ‘Ot.ll-411$ iti Met was improper icost..4." - tJelfreyi once, coining to seej Ode into th y [ . -. tin 1- yard an a young du he ((Mild butside,lund Sydney, on the la, 1 ailed liiin with "aictiliple of couplets, tli - , J ' Witty as Hopatims - Flaceus, - : i . As treat a Jitibin as Graeclius ; ! : ; Short;' though not as .fit. as Bacchus, - Ridilig on a I ttle. Jackass. ,- -•:.,-, tiThis effusion • ad" nearly produced c,i ronS restil.t.§-afte ,artis t ; for it took sad 1 .4eSSIOn (Alas certain gentleman, that ivli n the point of beitne, introduced tti Jetfr(.. • l'ollau t l, Iloyse, , tilic imaze conjured ,"n 11 the lineS almost s iffticatartim. l.letter st Was his rhytittilet Cal refusal of an invit! tit to 'dinncr let the , 'islimongers' Hall, (i it 1 1 .ducing all the piSckturial 1 - illitrtnients, sa ce and se forth, - ).on the- scor , e • of a • prioren , az .ritetwt.2...4Orier ; ' e whom. he Amite_ said tha 6 had. tht.l.Ten , ')rtinui:idiiients writte 01 I fine, and :looked so virtuous that he n i ;11 , 4;q i . . : f, , .. _ ninu,t any 'erifiles, alai no one wottld be ievi i the posi , ibilit V• if his guilt.- Biting once call , d' out by a" - POor wq 1. ... - na,i 4 14 to ehristen alchit iiiinediately, ;t it apbearl.- ; tki tu.,be dYiiit.t, a d- asked on his retail) in What,State- he lel it, Sidney answeredl gave it a dose of t i astor t oil first and iztq it; afterwards; so g l ow it lS'readS. for .ethei7 1 World." This 14titin Of-the oil wilL.api)eat i • Miss strange, whenl it • is 'added that hews , a sort Of phytikian . item - Tit! .to the !poor of hiS 1 . - neighborhOod, and tttudit'll. medicine , and fiery q ualify to . hi "Iself, sating: 7i . :.,, ' 3fai•want4Vtit littl 'here below, • • • : i As beef ' eUll mut n ' port, iamb, venison, s - , - 2014 . . .• - nd dealt i'‘'ithith9llls arising the.reformi • 4 ' .M:iily and Curiars are the ' instances of-lii ~,kinddleart-cd pt.rfo ma:4,es in this respect, on l'ltnan and beast ind'in all sorts ofliouseTiA leconokiny'lic. I,VdS al first-rate proficieat, Win.; indeed i f 1- a-. -a ,veritably i)astor to his" tick, t(4tcli;. '''' hem . 'IOW t 'li eomfi,rtab le in this lif.' img t , .. o i t. . 1 t.. 1 4lis the bestqualification air htreafter... 'Mina" 1, - Itl''''! ;Deo n e n aa p iisre +l,At.brvali , tast:'byAfr,-i , ar t , I et, the famous [ na tural philosopher, on i his preparation, of pig,' he said, "Yes, our "hems' 4re the only true . .!iatns ; your are S 4 nris l and Japhet:S." H I' ". Breakfasts.he ,considezed theplexstintest - cif 1: 1.11 moils, ‘ ; ',.' because nobody .fidt conceited bet;iore one o!clock2 1 1' - This was in the-spr47 of 118-10,1 hearwch he said was _ the only SClVibld. isp i ring; emernh .red,a sit w e a real Marchl lot' intellect.. This Was not the year in w liclii the surd, " there•wit4- never, such a surrinierl i_ i ti iwaterleelling.itt'theepeuee a pirit'.."-iity ck.v.ii 14 rink .beer'!in'V he -,.=es . - ile 4' • " - i 1 Thesecond : NON nie contains a contintion4l !eprrespondence of tiie Comical Canon :with alli the Great Guns;ollthe dav, male antl•fAiile.l the dissertation bkweenlim and Lady, or.;M , . ley' .zrijo the lio2lCly - of young QeakersStitli , he 'Mysterious: development- Of I.ll2m7tiqi( oys,into advicseent.Friends, is -altogetlair a; emarkable ierforbrance. Sydney, in' fowl iinhatiOn of previous : . epistles, says .to _,.het .ia.i !, 1 l ivolio :,, 'r . - r ',.. 1 • i • ~,' ~• , •., ir i ' .." urav tinuerstano me rightly ; .1 do In, it.• :gi-: is " tz s i ;. I - ''--'--- •1 Al ve littrttnl.'4-COilt.-tacory es stn - establi l lieui Pact. e .but as a higlill , - probable. conjectur4.---1 Look in the ciroT,tances. .14, a very- tar-1 y age4olingQiutiFers disappear ; at it !tferyl,' ~.arly age; coat-boy.> are set al n ; at the ai'e (l llieventeen Or , cigh ecii; - young Quakers frrel! izatitieen ;" - ..akAcie ,same it,ge,! the "Coid-boys disaprreor.,.:, Who lists ever :heard of.a Cat-' i nail?.;; The thing u utterly -unkriown.,4 . .ai, - -,i . .ra.l histo r y., Upon" what other eviidence - • " epai he Inigilitioi!:'of 46 grUb into the au liai ' est? ~Afteia 'certain,, number of day.i„the rub ia.tio' ',mere ' keen,* ancl,,-Alie itureliift-il ters over hit relit I , That such a promii r l ent 1 ; filet shOuld have elsmptid., our, Jan:al:so!, is' . (js . e4 , truly iiiiiiiii;iiing. I ha}' iong,suspectecl- it, but-wai - afraid to curie r out with a speehla-; 1 • - ition so. bold ; rind pow mention it as pro' it. , -. ted end iaOetiOned I by. you. .•'•- - • • • . -, -•-- 1 " D iss' ectiOn wo!fld'throwireat,lighen on. he qustion, and if our friecd—,--Wcfuld, receive two boys into his hoilse . about. i thei, tline . 'of theib chanir.ine their, Coats, great,..rer::l iviee 11' . /U Id ! tit : rex! erect to thV;cause: 'cause:. !friend Lord i' i Grey , not.retnarkable,for MI ai:V. tentionE to matural.. istory; was wood- deal; 1 strucki frith i the no elty„.,,aud ingenuity:o4lElle bywhe*. i-,1 'fiartViaseer . tained .thict tithe' lyouti;;iPlueqcoOt-in ants-are fed with dra:: I.:. ored - pap, ivhich - looks - very suspicious;.ore hereafter on4thiS inye . iesting subject. ' Nill'ere . reat.scieneelii,lo- be • promoted, I Will 'h ice o. n apOlogy to.your,dad)•ship t'or this. in .tu f sion.. - ;:, .••:...;:•-. . - . • • - •, ' • - iv/ , • . To this th e Countess, who seems to „have been. so:rnethinjoila.wag.herself, rejoins , : i, , ‘‘ Hacii..l Treceir t c . 4... yhdat fetter two Oy.s . since; 1-shotilahavolisid that your giguirtetts . p 3 . , i • . . I ‘ '! 1 . . ',.- I; ~ - • . . A., - , ! ©29 ..; aid theory Were perfectly etinvincing,iinTl that! the Most obstinate-akepthimust have .yielded : tti them ;- but , t-have-coMe. across:a- perio4 icy that interval ' who gives. the. infinmatio4, which puts us at sea again, - That. the 131 u eclat boy : should' : b6 the larva 'orithe - Quake ...' '''' inrgreat Britain is possible,' and even - ' probak bre ; but we must take a wider - view of. die' giestiolf ; and.here,- .1 confess, I 'am . : bevel‘ tiered by doubts and difficulties., `-The Blul . cat is an' . iudigenou's animal—not so th Q faker ; and now be so good as to give your w Ole mind to theaeti I have te'"eoiiitnituiV . cafe. ' and . - `.l hav seen '. talked Mach ' Witlt :Si I ken. Porter,!on this interest - lug subject: Il,e_ has - travelled.. over the' Whole habitable gll,be, and lids' penetrated with a scientific and' scrutinizing eye : into . regiona hitherto une4:: plbred by civilized man, -OA yet he has nel,. eti seen a Quaker babY. :1-le i has liVed.„ . for yCars:in Philadtilphia, (the .national nest. for Qintkers - 0. he . has 'roamed up ..and • dow4, • y 7 broad way S .andj lenfttliu it .vs, s, in -- eVer • nook • i . •, • - - - -.: aitd corner of Pennsylvania i and : yet-he .fiev r eil . saw :i Quakes ;baby ; and; what is . new • :aid moststrikiag oever, did . he see a Quaker lay iu a situatiOn which gave hope that' a Q aker baby might be .seeu hereafter : 4 ' q ;: s iti t ha ii a . : l, i sti a s s U ta Ci a i a , l inVe le n t etb d le r at v in ° y l ste via r g y t : l as e w II; I fear,- def . { even your sagacity, aetue-- miss. and -industry, to elucidate. ',Outlet.* but:Le cheeked-and . cast doWn ; `truth is the i ll et d and oi) . ;(;ct i'f oar research: ' Let us not 'lhte one, jut of heart and hope, but ..still bca.r up and - steer out eourse right onward." t'' (From Tpa Trollo_l,4 ....Adventures—or _ Womiifs Rig iis Ev.•4lif.ed. ' 1 , Cab, Sir ?• • • , • •- • : lkot being disposed to answer an interroir- . at l ory so rudely „uttetcld, I was tuoyin,4*' Olen iny..aFin was rudely grasped, and I was it4teremonionsl,y whirled about face:to fliee . - wnh the, intrinier: „ . • I lave a cab, I- RAN. acco' Mmoda . ti toms . t• you to aline hotel4- 7 -airi apart: . 'furnished—supper ready and writing.-Step in , Sir.' .11av I;z% collectedvselt6ufficiently toscon, ~ rs;kat the person who thus accosted, : nie I ;was sulrprised to see a - ,short., chubbyl Specimen .t i l k re:n.4l., sex staltdingbefore r tne!._, blaek hair was dangling in slUventy loeks uv,.er her- sunbrowned, forehead -and ~nee;lt,' Hpr thished . and dusty abe had Teen so it i gated:4Y-lier.Tiratitin, thatlittr fjature , s 'were, alinoajobliterated while - she "rolled'a - quid "of tobacco in a masterly manner frOni one side: tot the , btlier:of her filthy mouth.{ . Her slou'elt wa,4 conked on one side, ; midi her-sin:ill bi4tek.eayes . kooked - atlei I v out. from beneath • tla lovip . hanging-rim.• She, was attired a/a Blootner, with the 4dilition of a pair of b00t.. - , into whi'ch thelegs of her trow4rs.,AvereerOwd. ed.' Her little red hand flourished a Whip, o 4cazsi On a lly bring:llg' it 'cavalierly. a erliAS her beots4and ending the:l - I:4lqt with a &i.2..ni'fi eait snap about her head. . • • This palsQcno , er' roared a runner rof •* 7 • (14, opposite sex‘; hands eV' 'Yon'd best to keep - out of the rair;a,of my whip: screamed the-indignant little eziih wOinati, I'll, flog you within an.-hick of your lith? '4lld suiting'lhe action: tiiAhe woid, sh'poncerenioniously",laid the whiViibout cais. l llackmen and hack-Women ru.shed•iin tOltakl2, sides with the combatants; while f.,:etea of the pugnacious little ctib-womliii7 ashe' Voeiferatfd,' Woman's Rights! Vito- Rights I' rose eir'aboye the din. . iht the . Midst: of the uproar,. I .ucOede'd in inking ,IIV escape 'from thefearful4nelange. . . wece Ile that colt- ' hi rii; key tan Lint, 'us rA visitor; sir; awaits you in the .parree.' took the wril 7 J-it was from allady—Miss SkRAPLIV,4I4, WCTORDIA TITANLL; How sWeit- Iy it ova:. seentedL—what d,delie.ate : rose tint it had. Some dainty finger must, have cal that superseriWon,.taught I. 'A rose leaf from the fairy wean ,- • . liaVinfr' smoothed my' disordered. hicks, stroked `my be:ird for the twentieth tinieotet. tled . my "collar, and - straightene'd- my hastened to pay court to her majesty.. I laid but cleared_ parlor threshold, - When some-' thing like a roll of muslin dropped at iiy. feet.. I sank. instanianemislV .to pick, it and to restore it ..to my fair visitor—who, frcirii - the subdued light of the parlor, yet incognito—when the • mysterious.buidle \ showed signs of life-r-inv•extenddd baud %Vas caught and conveyed_ 'to . the ivarin lips. of a. kn:puling - figure.' It was' itania heiSelf-ny Visitor; bait her then visible proportionilis polled the idea of a fairy. Most lkautif4l Of 'men,' muriutired, the ',;v deign to eoMpassionatethesituatiolkof .Vo - nr,prustrate adt,rcr. See, I kneel - at yoryt;: 011, Mess inc with onelook-4 . -Mie wota. S 4 that 3--on taine---mine to love preitect forever ! Midi not tln4 blushing' : flees from mc— I *ill not.,lpavV : yott until y..!iirprotoi4e•to be mine:- 'T.: - Stop, stop, my dear girl,' Cried, you m:4 inist:l44 I have a: wife and seven Cyril drclo 14 " - • • .• • Unf.rtunatedlsecsure ThoLlady's face arldatilly subsided into an exPi - resSioniof.. lea 'indiffc:renee, and she gathered. h , mattermg 4.4 :die left me,. l.thonglii: eioOk -64.10.d,' and :his wird! ani. sure Muse be a pOor, :weak-minded 'creature !'. • •'r - • .Stand back, sir; the Major General ge; , mitna JacK,t,on anout to pass this' way ! to -tago comiritinlof the troops. The •enetily is just`at hand "and 'one forcos - are - alreldy the ground.:' Shontd-yoil like to see the engage.. yetirXest, -way :would be to iinount the' battlemelti* seriout;one, Out asyre yatt. , But I must go home. to seepre• the door§,:andsee, that . the baby sleeps.'• W eith the words, my eimnpation, an ath letie multi - of Some . , thirty- years, left, me. Sure enough, there was the.army parad'ed . in beautiful' array,- below me. Officers, mount 01ton spirited horses: we're•blustVring about, `ln every direction. They were'Ortmed 4ike ,rnen; bUt their long- hair streaming 4rheOful ! yput, upon the wind, -4ind_their beard_ less. chips argued, • . 2', • ai - «You ihould b women.". t • • ...heavy .fire atitis;l4eri changed. - OPtosiO4: ly.il-o:nsido to side; that IN* t 04114 Iliid Sla),itliirs'inight rest,'while latetoq and: too - - heavy, .irrre cum s rani; striving ;cover : :titoititorrit 01_ fright2L—'rhere wore) - niut-muts-iit.iiissap.iir - ", aniOnt.fiha. soltiersi Roily .tpiki jestloust.e . mvii,; ,,Qx -p A n '!,, ,1- : 1 , 1 . ) b I as. scntlo. gay • "• 1 _ . e'Builitlo. CM • ral—the General !" and* that ' augus t ' ]arsoff- age made tier app'eara n e e . ..She ia a -dre n nedf in a military suit; which, front its et3i.le tut ' bge, I concluded might have belonged Vi.Gfli::- - end Washington . ; Tiie breeeles wereAriiini Up in ample folds:to fittife delicate litribs'af the wearer,. and the 'hoots-seemed construe ed to 'aupere.ede the, in:dessitjr of a kruitatele.- Pardon the indignity-'—but I could nokrefrain from smiling , as the story : of Puss in_Booke: was suggested by the' comical ''appearance of,' - the Major. She wasaiAted upon fr opiriteit horse,` like the one upon *hid/ _artists; escudo ; - ly represent - the Father of our Coubtty., - ..-•It - was with Considerable difficulty tbat,,slierais ed her plumed cap to the 'Shouts that fialutett• her on her' arriVnl, and eloivily‘ , repliicV#.- • nikin her lily brow,'she addresaed the r t*ttile in, the fbllowing laconic style;.: ' Seldiers„ the eyei of tthe world aii:upotr you." _You: ere day to , decide Whether:• the eueray- 7 yonder _cowardly. trienl l :-LshiA: possess ouriair land—the home of Stead; Brown', • and h 'Blotner—Or we: Fight' bravely.-:'Fight tor. 'your hoities and 'year husbands.' - -• • She ceased... The armies neared the test.' At the:first charge fired, the van of -fe male forces bowed like a sea of grass: w.estern wind. String to , madtiesbyllie fall' - of their ,brave companions , the rear right "- wing.and left, rushed in confugon'tpoh the fooAnd closedin deadly -styife. = Fire.arms,•• bayonet and sword were soon cast.aside;aad. eaps, were torn off—nails buried deeFf - in-th6 und eyes 'of the masculine eneray,Aind! locks of hair, bleeding and toip; flew by"on the passing,bmeze. Anon there was-straw:- I piing of hoofs in the distance, and 10, thore,,• : treating forcCs were' straining-every nerve tc-- - overtake. their brave - General--ljrciliabli, to . - get further _orders. They were pursued in hot haste by the relentless foe. - As. soon as the . ground 'was cleared, I kis, - toned •clown,,,,and followed It, barid of f dutiful husbands, who„, with their 'babies' on - theil arms, were hunting up•their wounded coo): pardons.- Suddenly-there was a stir' : in tVei. prostrate' van, and we bad he plea Sure tii. find thht thC - ,victinia: were recovering' froth, _the fainting fit, into which they had fillan. the noise of the gtfns. -a = - INIEw Yoe:: BTU PErnissimpre:--I'iott; the . results already' arrived - at bx the' , eettsti ,_takers, the Albany . Argu.s arrivs at the esti;"-- mate that the population of ikrew Yorri:Staa,"' at die present time will show, an anregatc (4*.four millions of Persona. .This. conclusion., arrived at. by a comparison of the. kr,.!:llt . fig res Nvi thlhos'e of theletraus, gave the total population c it 8,099,000. - this should prove accurate;tte State will show. an increase infiVe years •of about 900,000- _ Thii shows that the procrress of the epuntry,. during those-years, has Tieeti much more id than diiriu,„o- 'the preceding deca4e, atuf reilders it highly probable that qur eatimatC 'of the population : ofPentisylvartia, ba,sed-up im the, last reFort- of - the Auditor Genera 4 were rattier under than over the tnark',. !Oar lowest calculation then made the poialation. of our State 3;071,298,.wifi1e a moriEvreba ble estimate - gives it 3,349,416.: Abiuming the , latter to be' correct, we have the chic't: ,Statei of the. Union comparing thus .!in ' gresa for the last'five . Years :. - t r • - • - ' lagreas;r. New York, 3,099;000 ..- 4,000,000 .901,00,r PoinsTlyania' , 4,311,000 3,849,000 1,0 3 / 3 ,004:r case 065ur State,"the Itaxablee bii ' .which our estimate isbasedare those teturn" , - ed 144-year : by the assessors, a fitet must be taken into consideration in iegarding . the probable correctness of the calculations. These two great StateS, it - is thus, rendered certain, conta'n over seven millions of inhab itants, an aggraate which, no doubt, exceeds that orquite a number. of States conibined.. Their. rapid _growth in populition, commerce and all the requisite of pOlitlai-i strength, pliice,s them at the head' ot _the .;?!.-Q Con eraey; arid Might to give them. marecon sideration in national affairs than has been ace - op:led them. The steddy pace, the:y,keep, together is remarkable, ,and shows thattlie' elements of their greatness 'must be "eirnital- • , in character. It needs but a glancel at the map to develop the fact that it is -their .geo-- graphical position which gives thein.rituch , ? Of their:importance. pod'. command - the , coin, 'Reran of the interior and exterior hi:their dkriet."connection with' navigable `wat rs Qtr: theiritastern and western extremities.-lj . Ne4- York is ahead ellin in the race 4f p: in (=sequence ofhaving long-. beforwi ;ink proved the, riatural advantages of• hay piXii-. - "tion., 'And since we have.done the.,inp!,e, we . - too haw? shot ahead wonderfully: We - 44. not doubt that , ill the interior cities of fßift,i,:t Ivitnia exhibit most, gratifyhiecggte„, : „.... , gates of popalation and wealth when-the. ne x t , h ilationar , census; shall- be .taken in ,the ye.ar 1860. They flourished greatly-even wlien our : railway system' was-but partial and 'lnman - plete hut noviithat they enjoy the ;bentfita:., ,exteraled . ..throrigh routes, carrying . .tha, men* burthens of the trade -to their,, l 4atio4* tatinot be otherwise than that they wit: , muve on much (more Thua Erie on the'line of the throulr iontea • from', Viitk to- the West - Lancaster _Co habit,. ,liiirrisburg and . Pittsburghitve,Stul.._oikli. great Central road passing , by ,their;(*A.§. 0rk,h3.4 the extended Susqilehailud\ 1. 4.4.74. 4 - • '- reaching fromlßaltiniore far' : away to wards a connection with our coal:tvionS, rind the Sanbury , and . Erie road . , - whieh read aftiO .passes through the line of, the:i great northern" and*eatatn route,:vl4,-,Catitivissii, Williamsport .. - 4 1 ,4 1 ,"74- - n - tira, new doing-„iinch a 11441aliitic,-: . business. , And EasionAta',rtiliway**o4- tion Opened with-both•Nel*lork kid, Thai. dolphin.- Thus' the good "old emnrriotvikad . ProlMasing:bravely. - Her= '4; 4 40 ;Owns! and -cities: are., no longer Coifine - 444.1epel _trade, but Aspire to matter 4 of mere -liv-'1 tance,,while at the same iftriOF:their-; eat i„g• prosperity . imparts_„to,thia-, settlement of the ,:ttestl vigor-tO therde4lopemetit vf_ouraat . s,arees.;. Thero'theight , ..of. - -Netrli - FirgsPerity vttpia, Otter than the niosti 'O l ll riraf!,Yo7*Prii. - 1 _ ot labor w t4iirt .the htst tur situilar ittir,tittsa, Prr4at tlio war and:tin tially;iiii the Itifited Statt4l, : z .:':- - ~ : t...-_• 't.:,:•.:'-..,...: MB •-•