Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, June 28, 1855, Image 3

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NEW Yoak.--The State ,O:piutiiitee:ef the
Republic= party: in New York hits just
e a a circular taking ground'against the ;Ores
tiou of new ' slave States, and reeennuendi4
the Citizens a the State to confer no, .publi~d
offioe upon „tny otnrin favor of such creation, repel_ all -minor differences 11uorder
that New ork may present .ati - unbmken
frodt agait st slavery. The:circular :
that a State Convention 'will be called in the
month of . ugust next, to present ,a State
ticket. Th.- eircular is sent out in order to
secure cia-o t ration in the • selection • lof
mates. Thi. party 'elected Governor (lark
at the last lection. ' '
11211 ANNA .00171‘17..wARICtivri t 4A.
_ noctriT. 1" •
Fair and Cattle Show to beheld in
Montrose, Oct 11th, 1555.
ror the best. Durham Ball, two yeata Old and up
f2d best,
For the b e st Dhron Bull, do.
:Id best, I - • -3 1 0 f 0
For thelwt, Giade or Mixed,— - 5,00
2 ( 1 best, 1 • . 8.90
, For best flow, as regards firm and appenrenee.:s,oo
2d best, .... L ........ ...... -3,00_
For the best mulch Cow as appears front results, 5,00
•24 best, • I
For the best twl years old Heifer. 5,00
2d best ,
. • •••.1/ ............ • • .3,00
Tid best, - - - • 4,00
For 2d tl be teb s e t st lot
, of store .Calves, not les s than five, 5,00
3 01)
. 3d best,...-.,. _ . • -.
- • 2,00
For' the best pair OrWork:intik:o; .. 5,00
21 bet,.....1 • - . --....:.: . :..5,06
Sdbest,... .j ; ....... .... : .. -1 - ...\ ......' .„2,00
.For the best pair two 'yearold . -Steerit, - . . • L1,,00.
.2d best .i .., •
-, - . - 3,00
. 3d best - -.: .... ..... 2,00'
For the bet let of Yearlings, not tins than ftre,.5,00
. 143 hest, I- . . 4,40
;3a bost,.. • • ';
•- • • • - ' . 2,00
To the townshi4 that will send to,
,the Talethe:hest
ten yoke of Working Oxen,' ',.., ;.. . • . 1 . 00
2.1 1 'best,. , ..' ... - '. -.— 5,00
-. . , .
wooled DuCI;
0 1 60
th Down and Middle Wooled, 3,00
2,10 -• • • • •
'g wooled Buck, • 3 ,0 0
, - -
fine wooled Ewes, not less Onto
... . ... .... . ..
For the bye fin
241 best,,,-,
For the best So
2d best;.
For the tt gum
be5t,... , .
N i er the beat lot
:2d best;,.. -
For, the beat lot ,
2d best, -
For lot
24 best,—
(South Down or *Addle wooled .3,00
I Jong .
For the best t
2d best,2„...
.24 best,
;kit lot of ,Ags,
nonsEs. . .;
for all work,
for hest Stallion
9. best, . • • • ••
Beg brood Ma
'2 , 1 best, .. ...
Bfft pair matche
.2,.1 best,
5,0 u
, with by her Fide,
Hories, raised in the county, .5,00
3,1 W
faoy breed, not Its than . no;H).
. s- ..
FortLe best lot,
2,1' best,
Zd best, ' ....
of Butter;
For the Lest firki
.2d best,
best _
curtsy . -
, not 1c than tails
For ths i3est Ohe
2d best,
Best variety,.
ty of Fan applk, not less :than r ! a f
For. the best 'rani
VI =II '
Best specimen of
2a best,
- 110:SLT
from the hive without 'tie
, .. .... ‘24l)t)
For the-best 2011
stroyhtg the Be e s,
2d bent,
el; not less than ten yardi,.,...3V ,
1 ,00
ten Carpeting, .
not,l6as than fifteen
...... 2,00
Carpet, 3;00.
For the but Flan
2d best,
:Id best,
For the best
• 2d best,... .
3d best,:.
For the best W.
hen Cloth, d 0.....
d best,
Fpr the bqt Rag
2rl,best b
'or the beet Quilt
4 2 , t1 best, '
For the best half
. .... , ... ~ ..•.. 7 ' PO :
le of any cleseripeion‘...... - .......a00
i n
2 1 :00
• oz6n Woolen Socks ~ ~..
....• • • - ........ , ..........
• ental Needleweik, certificate of
td best,
For the, best trr
For the bestWoi_ ,
For the best varietl
worlr, certificate of merit
`, of Flower, certificate 9fincrit.
For the best lot
Best lot of Barnes:l
Best lot of Calf Ski
Best double Curtin!
Best double Team
Best single Carria„
For the best Sad
e leather,..,.. ' • 6' 2 , 00
leather, • • -...,
. .
igl : - ?I'-'l,.
;a harness, • •
. 0b..:.d0.... g :)
... _do - 12,00
and Bridle,... : ' 4 00
i 1
For the best exhiltionoltabinet Work; ' '
t ,90
2d best,
r ttirtarxrixf.• . ll
For the beat Plow ter - general use, ' 13,0f.,
, .
2d best, ..... . .. —do - ~.,n o
For the beat H ~. - - - 1 9 ,00
," best. Cul ' for - Corn,: - • 12,00
" best - Corti cutter . 2,110
• " best (false Iler, _ , ....Ise,oo*
' . " beat Ch • ',2,00
" best 9: Cart, . • • no
• " best Horse rake, ..., -
; Foo
. " best Hay rtgeit4,... , . ! ;2,00 1
" best Farm I Wagon, 1 '2,00 1
" best lot of Butter Firkins and Tubs,— i r c. . 1
_ ,,
,00 ,
best Ghee Tress, , -; ,-1. 00
To the person w o shall exhibit any implement of
his own invention, ; which,,in the opinion of the Com-
Inittee, is worthy of merit, 1_ 2 .3,00
Paramus von Onus are to be awarded at the
meeting of the SOciety,in January. - - 1 . I i
For the best -Mop of Winter Wheat, not' less thin two
, • -•- ' ' - 15,00
acres, 1
2d best, 1 - * • .
~„•,,db..'„ , • 13,00
'. ''
WI 1- " I 5 00
Fer the best crop o f,Spring eat, do.. e....... • ,
2d best, I - ' da. --- • - -.1. 5 , 00
For the best crap of - Comm:Ft less than three aerfis,s;llo
- - `3d best, ...... ..... ...... . - ......d0: ..... I. : 3,00
For.the best crop* Potatoes, not less than '"one half
' I 5,00
2d best, - I ' .....-1-."do -. 8,00
- For the best Cooking Stove, east in the exauttfliestffl" , . '' , :*'' - 'iat-ERm - 1 SAtE.- -
cute of merit. • --'-' ' -1- '' '' - "' ' - '
in . set • Fow n, ro ' '** ' - 1 1 ...
.I:j'Y viar(E of a writ', of Leedri Foe lee, IssuOd.
" . ------- ' '• I ...' 1., ~„, &and* • Court of lommonlPleas of Susque
•, Fertile best lot of Horse Shoes for the lines. • lailr i , oonnty- and tome directed, 11 will expose to
For the best forth farm, - • '''''t ' i '''' liiitublie Tendue, on the premises of the Bryant
To the Farmer ho will chew the greatest results /dr .
.. in 0 ,,,,,;, Bend township, . o n saturday the 21st
from his Iran, for. e Ph - st year, in, proportion Ido the 7:e.,;;;;;L4-...7,"•:t 1 O'clock hi - the ti ft ernOon—All that
number of acres ' improved;,a °silicate of munif„ AA emitain plecelorparCel °fiend* situated in
,Lc l odersville,
a .......—' In 41eltat Bettittownship and in_ the cOunty ef Semite
fiet•thest`.......dto ....... ... ~..,, .'.' 0..3.0110 ho w l e d and-described, es follow, to wit: Be
' 1
T he Eleeetive 1 fife; in presentini th e pre- ginning at ainoint in the south-westerly : line of the
miums for 1846, ' gratified in off .to eompet- - Bend fiz l Cochecton turnpike, the south-easterly
' item the most li ral list that has been' laid before ; i of^ Isle eiteseput tree at a tomer of land here'
them . ; and it is h ped.the ;exhibition will be to:pee ex,- , s - ' e'conteyied 16 the New .',,tralt - 8c Erik Ra il road
tensive than at - y former peri o d. There never Was ;Company ; thenti - south 51 deVes 'and' 3Ltninuttr.
a timewben die 'cultural interest was or, prom- *est, along the line Of the asld - 12aiirniii Pail- 8
inent in the county, and held out such indueemmi• ts. 3an.ds about 114 feet to a ececner`theitor; thence
It is trusted therefore, that an huditaition 'which has *;:northooreaterly along the line reflaid Company *ld?'
aided so eisenthiliv to develop the fr.:mimes; Of the. ,tilitit ;1112 feet t 6 the nordihreaterly side, of a locust
county will be Ilbirally•supported.. Applicants (Or pre- i . : l tree withlwo; trunkf about 7 feet' from ,toid line: .
mime on Grain" d Potatoes are requested, n give ;thlimee, north.oll; dei*s einft, about 213 feet to the I
the mode_ of culti on, and furnish th e tkwiety with 'floie of said iti z ioplice, - 1110.-torelf-ficsterly side of a Setrl
complete proof the litilutfity -raised. Applicants ; pest ; thince:FOlith 21 degrees east along the line t u 'll
fer premiums on ch l Coirs kr Butter, will state the wild ternpike„ 1'704 , ' feet: to the place of bee:mini: l
,greatest quantity made in one Week Amin the ~,, ,' ,. ..l nta i n i ng ma wai ls of an *er e o r land more or .
itigat, now ereeted,theleou afitrge _direr story tavern
Persons PfeselyklE • 5 -grieultnial Implements, are I" bOuse, kno w n Jul the " Bryant House:, ' w i t h a large
requested to furmsif rdeaeriptiOn, of
_the arßele.• 1 - hi e . ;
„shed and s t a bien n ,i ne ho t b e and ofitheuses, and
To enable the Committee to ',ere an ' •lu-1 all improee&l' •r-•'III:••' 7 '-'• -:.4, '. ;' ,
w res t, to th e exhihmo n , It is earnestly req . Offal If Taken in execution at thrsuitof L owry eree 4 Y e '
• . ihose who fake an interest in the s:tumesit - '.9f, e ,•ISO I hales .G. liart,•• Y. P. HOLLISTER, Sheriff, .
....-_ eletY, aud who possess any,thlug'that is .4k. ' Theiftat I fileiriffsoftlee, Honfrose;-Juiy 21', 1855. '
or curious, will send It for =pee-lion. • ;
_1 ' • ' _ . ~...:_. _-_
... , _ - ......_:•____L____ - .1 . 1.__:....,--•±..
- . . -:--T--
Tsf e tt a s- NteueLsetry "•7:i Besimets it ligidlpeed 'faces.
I Jul= Rttatelt; -.....-- 1 . 'l. .' B13)1RITT *Alta hii mudning stock ofSilk,
, . I Tim. JOLINIION - • • • ' ,
-# ' :.: - • ' LowitAnd)atraißoonet*, a sea, isilorunclgi
..N• Klf any thing 'has been - over tiolopd* are a 'ieduced prlcte. So dose the business of the semmon '
nouncenient of premiums, it WM • brrtetified, on ap- I '-- - ' '-' "' - - - -
rliCatien to au: -Member of the committee. - 1 l • : •'' I ' ' l'
NOTICES. ' • -
pbtatli tiiitit4l CinielOttlinia. _ .
..,... .
ORDER OF Elciramsts.:, ,!
, .
h et,:allilrileacheis and Friends will. meet at thti
Baptist church at 84 o'clock A. N. ' - ~. _
_,,. , •,-, ,
Proctision formed preci*dy a eniati Under the'_
direetiOtt orWm, 11. Jessup . Esq.--Mis_tshal .fort the
d i ty_sid match to .the Speaker's stand-=where ait
a ddresti•will be delivered by R. 4 . P.AROBE OfiNew
T or k. , whosedistinFutshed services 111 'behalf of
i a bb a t schoels, have given him a wide services ,
a a phi thropist and Orator. -- .: : . 1
The Brass :.!land
lfontro4e Brasaild Will, tieeittnPtuif the,
procession. .-. • , 1 • -...
Alter the Addmta the ( procession Is 'again to bc,
formedjand march to the grove for Tteft‘twltmeids—
provided for . Children, Teachers,and Invited guests:
I • flit Works 14 tlte Evestiag. - .
t t
War .—The friends of the school out of Monirose
are if to ccultribute refreshments and other aid
as the y may feel inclined. IRefres.lizamits are request
'Oil to lent to the Presb,yterhus clutch by 6 o'clock
oath° vetting of the lid; :or to the 'grove before 9.
o'clock A. M. of the'fourtlZ Those 47,09tri . buth% will
please their baskets and tables. • - • • •
Mon July 24th, 1855. - -.:
' ' , ' •
„ . . . — 7l - — 7 - 1 0- --, ' " • -.1 - :1
..A in ting of the citizens of Mont r ose was held at
the rt Rouse Wednesday evening last for the pur
pose i making arrangements for a - -
(9)ELIERP/11700R1 .
the en en duing fourth day of 'JUIN-.
' The (meeting waS milled; t o order by E. PATRICK
JR., cho sen rresident, and C. Z. Dimock, and E. B.
Chase Vice riesiilents.•! Win. A. Crossinan and
James Chapman were cho'seh Secretaiies.
' Oa t otion the tollowi nt; committees were appoint
ed to.lrocure speakers: ;1G...Z. Dimock, E.Vattick
Jr..... 11. IL Frazier, E. B. Chase and Franklin Fraser.
. • Courtiftee of Arrangvrelits,A. L. , Webster,' W.
K. Mt ch. Daniel BrewstPr, C.:M. Gore, C. W. Mott,
F 1 ):: enlister, S. A. WOOdruff, Win. L. Post, D. R.
Lath ;S. 41.iMulford, L. Searle,• Charles Witten:
berg.. • - • I!
to 6,10.
NV, •
I. [l.,
.. .2,00
.. 3,00,
tadiele I nip.
bet 411.1 ea ;Fair held at Susquehanna,
iboartling hOtii - e, - :,09 the 4th of July ; . for the
of the.Presbyteriatt Church, commencing at
lock.. All arc corditill: invited to attend:
DO at - his mAi t lefice - in Auburn, on 1
raailibm BuNNELI in the 0•2t1 year of 'his ate.
.subject of-this brielnote ‘ras born in Monroe'
-Pa., o 9 thel 15th of Deceniber 1803, and remit
Luzertie cci., iihw Wyoming, in 1811—where
sided for n 'atunillOr of yeais, but 'finally, de s pite oflis
ititeto#t in thatplOce, removed to this . county in I 533',.'
wherelheretnatuqd up tO the thin!' of death.
Bunny!-was one ail»: most stetfii* fatinet.s o S.usq,
count•; 11.4 indeed, lave; madd,gresiter profi ..ency in
the same length of time, it one of ilie moR ioniirabk
of all pursuit 4 ever yet pre» to ni.uyi it was.not
so,-why would our Cycatori hate first elected it, and ;
said 'llthrough the sweat of.thy.bro I promise yen
seed ltra4 - : and barvest :t" 11'n th cat.l.l of Mr. Brunel
oorninimitY will sustain a9irr Arable loss; ever active
anti vi 4 rilant, - he devoted his est powers to advance
the intorest of his Leight. hood, as well as a kind and
beloved family. Afe Nears previous to 'his death
he suffered .severely: out tildisposition, hut for the last'',
'mills of its'wtil as a large eh ele of ' I
Pit'4ll.irc.l.l%-'l.-'!"tteiriiNej_3,l:°oe the f
t r it7tro r ri>f °l t l l2 o is f: ''
t 3 _snec't, - enjoyed the
kif e tieet;ased. - lie was a kind'and indulgent
31 and Father, as villas a sincere friend. He
I.dinintense pain prtlious to his but pos.l
lids reason up to the last. He has left a highly
table - fiunilY to mortis his early omit. Coat.
al he
his h
Fur 14
Ler t
risa Azaaver. OF NEW GOODS.
70i7 E shall receive during the present week,,a largo
. Y T addition to present stock' of StiMMER poops,
whik.b . .siill render the as complete, and to
which we invite the attention of all who wish , to buy
Goods cheap ' • I BENTLEY* BEAD. . i
..11Ontrose, .Tune oSth % l 855. .
_:'---_—___ i
. . .
- _,.
e Furviishlug sitablishatent.
rfmit ,
E ,.. 7 to bscr or lie r r i k io c o e . p .. Mlo rai ns d ui s 4y in otta . g, and will
Door..and window4rames and all other articles
ma( . of wood and used lin budding. --
..B iv:l2i,', paintiSland hung on-Aort notice. Glass of
all .',!ryttantities and nuclides for sale. „. • •
Iloork planed and matched -at 06r@ ft2ct per
1000 fe4. .ToMing of ail kinds ) done to "(Her, also
a general. assortment r of c ABIStr WAP.E. •
Bureista, Tables, Starlds of all varieties, -Chaim
Be reads, Settees, 4c., Ac: . -
ood Pine; 'Cherry: and Whitewoor] lumber, and
Gram of all kinds takenin exchange for the above.
. frir"Termi : niady pay, or three months time ip
profred erediti. • All orders addressed to me will re.
eate.promptiattention. H. K. NEWELL
To.neaboro,lune 18t1s,'IS55
, 1 -
. -
anittee on Finance.—Wm. A. "Creasman, F.
and Joseph terelinlyne. -
I.otion the. meeting I adjourned.
'Wr.. A. ettOSSIIAN / soc .
re taries..
i "- i I • 1
_... f ._ : d .,_
i • NOT It; E. .
... •
!the undersigned :Merchants of -Montrose, agree
,:e ow .oam...a -of -business, and keep them
durmm the whole of did 4th of July 1855, pro
all doing business:fall it with the alio . vo regula-
. & S. B. Mulford,
atlatip &
tjtPost & co. l . - I
ittenberg, & Bro.,
ley & Ready j
. andlerii• j
Hartord niversity.
Eoibition of HarfOrd University will be on j
ty, July" Srd.. Tlin arrangements will• be the
Whist Tear.
ditalmmes ofiali the students of Hat-ford
, isity,l will be hand for sale at the time.
I - I
in L^iaix, May POLLY MALISSI only
"ter . of laislui and Lucy Bell, aged :20 years.
his event the hearts of the parents and frienas
been most 4ecply pained. it'ah' sa was a most
le yeaink.., , wermari, beloved by all her acqaintan
,nfidinr,r, liopefal'at all times. She had fJw
I.nd ninny freinds. But all her virtnei only fitted
I ns early for her early, homes
"We're lost Our only ghl at last,
She perished imthe
When sadiest flowers begun to bud : •
And Curtest birds to sing;
We're laid her in !the silent grave;
A cold ,and sad retreat, • • -
A mart 4 tablet o'er her laid,
And 'violets at her feet_ - -
would thatlshe were back again •
.• In all her early bloom, '
Our.joj• ;and hopes hare, followed her,
.Our hearts are in her tomb.
We know that she is gone - away,
- We know that she has fled,
We miss her every where and yet
We.eannot - think her dead:" •
-,ty of
i f t;'l e ,: f .* 4 l (9 o l . lane - IStk 1855.
'_, 4 ,- - itekricl) --- - i '''''''' ' ' l 'l6l 1-4,14,111158U1m- - '
'PROM the enclosnre of -the subscriber in Silver I -.. i' ..: lir DELA.WAIIE,I, LA kAW yr
ANICA liiiiNit
. ,
.1: Lake about thel2oth of Alay last, four yearlings, I P. tr . ? A H sT`O A H,, ,, --..- .:;' f . 1: jig iLitoAD. , ..
One whitetelded bull; two heifers, one pale red the'' ' '
Wher brindfredWh ligi
0,,0ne steer. oever se ve any , T /I.F. at, "ber would a 1 - . if -
grail aunounee r Ilia erne irlN und tdt.r Itottdity, ,ay Ith, 1855, - the 31
i n eo mi ti o o a the ali,ore wi ll .be )i wok reu „ ar , ded.iceil :- cd tca tt itti al rit.n e nt ol th o e it t n nt e b nt lie g ge r n u e o rs o l Ts ly t •
D e m:t hee' re-' l , k_, reeeetigei- Tralt will depart_from • Scranton st
i r ' , ' ' - '1- - , TROD ASJIARTNETT. OE2, i 7 10.2t) a..'w., - Due at treat' Iknd at 1:2(),..w. con ..
s are 4;l lo - jun -
(o , Bth ~„3 . , 15.,...‘ , 8. . I which , be,intends selling for h eady Pap tiventy per I, b ee ti og w i t h the por c h k I.4prese Wcst et the 1.1. 4
t `l , - t- 'v, '" - I cent. cheap* than can be bought in this market, (the
Genuine lioot and Shoe Store (leen Tonal ot'.
-thy the ' In Butilark at 11:15 P. Ir., inul in New York at 11:16
1 - 14 F. IL R.' Paseengers taking 'this irdlnAtill arm
Rare L'baneti fclr Barguins, up towtt, amt,bxcepted.)=- i ., y. :' ' ' I
"Oualt Stoili l " may be found the first eider ,East of the Returning, will leave Great Bend at 4r. it.; du
Odd Fellow.i' Ball, Turnpike street, first floor. Al- Il i ( s tx m a tor ka t t e : 4s e, ,u,, - . , ,
though no quite so cotroupdious as some "stoalts,", The Freight Acco,ramodation Train, with passengei.
yet, it tune - els our Purpose eery's:ell for the present- ' . ar attatlhede will . leave Scranton at 1 r. w.; due at
Neither, capine promise ouecostomem'thit onr "es% Gt•eat Bend at it p. it;; ;co n necting . with the Mail
tablishmentrwill not be "surpassed Ii) any in the Vrain . West and the Night Express `Train - East;
countly soop, but we will protniki our custemers that
we, will sell i lloots and Shoes to suit u; quality and t est, ~gill ssengera taking this traitt and tho * Night
arrive in Dunkirk at 12 tn., or by taking .
price. Oer, stock embraces a general vatiety-of new
31st! Traitt West, - will arrive at Dunkirk it 6:45 it: tn.
I unit ele'gratt style's of , Returnieg, Will leave GOat Bend at la.w. on laZ.
1 among , Ithiel are La'dies' Silk Fox Gaiters, Colore4 i i rival of lOincinnati Express East,- Due at Scrantob
I Gaiter's,F.intane/ed Gaiters, Black and Brewed Koa 7 12,10 P'. v. ' .-• .' ' ' • • '. i
suth Boont,;Enamelcd Boots and EnenteTed Buskins., ' MIAMI NS' or IVilkesbarre, Pittston, Carbondale.
Kid Buskins, !Wow etnf Lace Boots and Duskiest - Phil:Wel • (via the Catorissa, Williamsport
• and
Dilates Kid loot s , -Jenn y Lied Oaten). -Gents Con' _Erie an ReadingßaiiroacT, via Temaqua,) and 'Eat(t
gress, patnet Leather, Roameled and Buckskin Gait- i on, and all intermediate places; will find Mist dna
era, Petetit I ,l , cather Oxford Ties, Toilet Slips, French re stag e COttehei in readiness at Scranton, on the tirriviil
Calf Boot ,Thick Boots, Enameled Calf and Cowhide t o e
, th e pr am
eager and Accommodation Trains VI con-
Brnpuis, Boys' Patent Leather Montereys, Kip BOotso Ter th en to th e a bo v e etsee l k,gfee ig fee:veiling ,pii..
Sc.,ou ha' Mentereys and Kip Tie* Chltdren'e Tay- 1 vote conveyances will find the'best of horses and eel" -
lor'Tici_=, Aridoes Roan Boots, &c. Silk Boot Laces, , rinees of every treScriplion at reasonable ehargell,
1 .,
all colqrs. i 7 • - readv to order. - , - I
Work trade to order, and repairing done neatly.-- .. ' .
Please ea mid examine. 1). IL BOTTERED, Superintendentl
Superintendent'i Office. )
3 ours in the Boot and Shoe trade, 1 Senutton, May 10 iims. r
31tuttroSit, 3fay 1, 1855. C. M. SIMMONS. I _ , _1,,.. ',, . •
I . ArrAN7ILLAS, Laces, Berages, Worked Collaes, ITENTit I Y 81131t111.1TT vapid announce rto
j..1.T1 Patneel , , Lawns, fashionable Bonnets, rans, (a 1
his Wends end the public that he is nciwopOt-.
ehoteerastortment in each deparitnent,) a
l o t of atoiVe antirte Trimming, ......ial,l • Goods of large
F Ple n did ing hn', unusually'large ;stock of SPRING -4242)
Str.ll.llElt GOVDS, including a great variet 'jot
-rarietY, clothing, (a large stock,) tient.' runl Boys' ,
Plias ' fi ont 4 cents to is Gd per yard; plain aM
ilats, (sill,' and summer.) Cloths eery low,
from 4 ceats to I shilling, Carpet s , Matting, Oil-cloth, .
eallewii I minted Lawns; liarege Delanes, Giaghams, Brocade,
, Black Anil funcv Dress Silks, Silk Dress Tissues altd
:aid Ree4l t
Bareees, l'oPlins, B,:e. &e:, with a superior assortment
Itiartla - Vare---German Silver & Plitted Speons,-:
Knit e nild Forks. )
of Sill, Brodie Cashinei:e, and Thibet Shawls • Men
, ' tillas, Parasols, Pr, Lace and Straw and Sill Boit-
C,l ix, is(.rice----Fi-11, a fine te.sortnient of Teas net ric h 1 lii) ' and ilt *a l . - (!t
f*i.frc....l4, }helms Tapirs," Rice, Chocolate, 'Raisins; n s etg ' l - l i a arge la" 3 :
Ground 1011.e 'Corn Snuck
IP ' tt
tir ntery—Bay Witter, Toilet (10., Genie': u li 'o sq .. : l l l).r E,_:,,_ ?lt ' a i l i f e :'l :: l - 1 , ? „ 8 :',; N C , l : l ; n B t. : 6l E 'K eo rA t . i' , i i a . s l o o c ; 1 1 . , A 0 ' , D , 5, iinsitslß,,,ppe
Fat mei, do. Exe acts, Getman Cologne, a large, stock; c ~. ,'
' D , 03, 1. acpc ng4, a . r,
I I\' all Pipe Floor Oil Clothe, Neat.
of Feacyl Fos is &e...\:c.
~„ , , l l ' ed ;Window Shadee, (leeks, Stoves, Oils andPairita,
iv! ratittg Tools—Hay Forks, se:tine Snatus,! 1 , 1 ~,i•„, l & i ce • • e he t _ t h e l e , e ,.. t ki lo ] o f pi es
Rat es, 3,,e1, &c. L L. POST & CO. I , •of °ll llcli ',u,nd e :cheap' C i 0, 5 )11, 1 100 011O rt :ellil to 111Cliti O
- . i ' l -I . : i- ,.. - ‘ ---- p --- r - o — c i - iiT ii ii i - t - i - o T a. -- --- ---„, but just the:things to purchase; all of which will 1 -,
- • • 4 I sold at the most reduced prices and on the most
Seermen,4nacz County sg.
', I V oribli: terraa foreash or approved credit. --
G ----- i -- ; ------ ---- - - ---- - - - ---
UOLLfS Sl ' LraitAnti ) In the Court. of Common Plena I
N. B. Flour and Salt constantly cm hand.
1E11111.111: FIFP,NiII;IIIII7EG STOIC:0 ; 6.
,t. o f said county,o(JanurtrytTerni t 1 is t , tv muro , a: May 5, 1855 , .
.. ,
i A _11) Flux t r..).s.os.titn. ) 18.55, No. :it). - ' i
Tailoring INtabliblitacitt To Wii - nr. Levaard: Whereas a subptena in. Di« I ---- -, - -- • --
1, - ,1 AT • grace! ‘‘44.-i issued to January Term, 1 8:15, which was
„, ,
st'silt'latANNA to:n.vt'. . duly retu rnee } non rst insentits, and thereon an alia ,
ii -- ASHER & Cei could .respectfully announce to •attme-uporms issu e d in said cause, returnable to April
t/ their flietels attjl the public gelier,ill, that they icruti lti6s, upon the return -of which- proof 'was
keep 'constantly of hand a full assortment (If Ready mallet to lehe said Court that the`said Eliza Leonard
Madel-Clothlar , BoOlst and shoes, flats and Caps, and coLitivicitibe finnid in my bailiwick.
everyi thing else nenessary for men and nominee wear. The:. dirties i; therefore to require You to appear
We would partirefarly call th e atteetinn of country befote tb4 Judges (~f the said Court on the third 3fon';
Me refunds to our large stock of Ready-Made Clothing, d.i‘ 4.l l ,ngust nest, to answer sahleomplaint &e. 1
of our own manuacture, which me offer at eholesale, , = 11 F. P. tIoLIJSTER, Slur. 1
at pticee that will daffe:ll great inducements to ca,.11 She: iffift office, Montt (we, Jane El i 1$:•5. . 1
and elmrt-time customers. . • —....4___“1- —..— ___________ ____ ______
A large stock of Cloths, Cassinteres, N't.t.itigs,sie,, . TEE il) LIGIII TN_ IN 1- 11.XPRIESS ti'
kept bonstantly oe hand, fie persons de-irons of hav- 7inti. reared 1--.Forc Rctletrrei . 1 -- Through
ing citithing ntadeAo order.l . .
i ti/ Dcgilli:/ ft t •P ',t
OrJells punctually attended to. 1 . ~;
• • . . • it 4J' NV LEY &J EN KSI I
rili k nkru 1 for gait favoys, we hope to mere. aco a- - I t s
tintiatiee of the smite. - - J. A.SIIER t Co.IFT,tVE - formeil a partnership in Montrose, forth
Depot, Pa., '3lay 12, 1F5,. R 1., perrpretr of doing everybody's BLACIt.
sin rill ING, at the old stand, near Keeler's 114-
tel. , ',Nile. have pnvelri-ed an enthe new stork 11l
/J: V, iiomptising a full nsstetment of nil kinds, di
rect, filen the city. We shall keep constantly on
band, 1 - I;ter, round and square Nail Rods, Cast Steel
Tot , ... , ;etk. Rolls, Refined Tyre Lott, all sizes,, Baud
boil;; Shying. Steel, a large assortment 'of malleable
Ikon, ('t' Chitin;, Cat-lie:re Ilkats, de. $(I. '
1 ; 11111(1 0.2178 A -i) (Y.lli RLIG.E'S ,'
1 ,
hot te d en short notice, unit stock found, or made to
t.:111„-e tleyhtelth..t, as may .best suit, our !tenons. i.
All blitmss transaetions must be settled mice a
Year., `lto. t settlements and long frieieLs .is teir
~„,. i
, ~
I Ite sorer attention to business we hope to receitte
11;1 tera t ine.t , of pltlo ,ag,.. Ali WOi k ;warranted. ,
N. 1111 .t good Journeyman 'trauma, to whoin
:-.te.nlN •linilloxiitLnfai.:l Weft )\ age, INillile. given. ....
1 A. IL dl.kivt.r.e. l'ritt:v JENKS. '
Monttp-e May :',s, 1s /
55. - , 04.1.1
-QTII4I:YED or stolen -a liter-colored Pointer Dog,
L-3 Thd ahava-rewaili will be paid to any one return
_ltiinito the•stoti•of & Co.
/itinttose, June 1310, 1355. • , 25t3
• -
- ,
• - K
o Too% '
A gxbd assortTne4t; Syttu, Snarls,
, .
Raeg, Forks,
..... - 1 --hud 2 icintis"of Horse Rakes—awl superior
He11:4.44 Rukw, ati F. B:CHANDLEWS.
Junel2Oth, 1856:..
- 'Paints and 011 s.
7110 E Paint, flakes fife Proof_Paint, Linseed -and
AL.4 Lipp Oil, Fluid and Phosgene sold low by
June.:146th 4 1855. • •• -
• ',is Flour.
BY the Barrel. Sack - or" pound
Montrose, June ;oth; 1855,
afrul Fancy Pry Goods, Groceries,Hartbrare,
Hats, ceps, Iloets'and
,Shcnrs, Wall Paper, Drugs,
Dye Sqdrs, awl Oil; Sc., which will be soklas cheap
as the Fheapest or!appreved ereclltity -
liarforil June 1 st, :1855. H. M.:JONES. •
Buck — Grode Ithim of excellent gtinlity
' If. M. JONES'.
I.4IIQCLIE and Cishinera filiawls at. all. prices,
I D. apw.tnantill4 by it M. ,JONES._
1) 4DY tinule,cluthieg priers by _
- ' • IL M. JONES.
A*Hpatid l'Or M
co' by 11. . JONES. C
• igat-ford, June Ist, 1855.
A K ood, ..t ~ ~,,,a::d :-., ayes nt • •
.' • •', . SI. .1•X, JONES. .
TE •S, Sugars n4d:Colfers of flue qualities and at
:14w .prices by•j• • , • ,•., H. M. JONES.
~ ____ _ .
1 - .011- will tino a great. varietyof Bonnet, and
1_4•11-ibbons at . :I , If: M. JONES.
LAw", Cliatly Iferrege de Lai•tes and Gintrliams
11 1 • - •' fl' : . ' "ILI!. JONES.
lismiiiiiiiiiimNa 11:(1Winiloy Driiperijat :-
J—ailittford, June d5t; . 185 . 5. 11. 31. JONES.
J. Lyons &Sin,'
13. S. ) I rebli;
31. S. -
:3211. Sayre,
W. & R, T 1 ayre. '
•F. -A dankialsa r;“ or's Notice. •
XrqPicE is herliby given that letters of atiministru
-I_ll. ,tion ttPon t 4 estate of (it.i . RSIIoM 131.:.NNECL,
late (if the township of have been
granteVto the and all persons indebt
ed tq, said estate 1, will ,picAse, make inintediati,..- pay
',nt,;; and those having elaints against the estatO
‘ present then) duly attested fir settlement.
'N. lath,
; 31 ,
Ba.gki*, Collars,
at 'very low
azoin4 I)e:twilit' patterns at ‘,
silk 141uiv.-1:r equally bw for t
1'41 . -ivols latest 4tyle at
Drei:s 4 4 iI k ,
(aoveries of all vet y
ratet.;d::tiele at ti6its per gallon. , You haVe
call iqrk/ exalitiiie,6 become ,atb-fled that the "
ot:' , o - igation.7 isthe place', to buy Chap..
13(liter, Eggs; (tams, far'et
17Vautvy c is cx,iltau ; .ra : l7);:_ ;Dods' at Caz-h
• 3 , ctintrose, J..uv! , 1:,, is3s,
. .
Nelsv GPods';Cheap tar C:t.:11 at the.
L''. Head of niatigatiols. .
Tljr, tridt - T sigb e d • would regier_nfully announce
1-ilat he i 5 :.till 54.111ic... Good": at the Old - place,
and.' ; itlnit he has ail eusir,: , iin. , w 5!...0c1z of Good.: which
lteltrit/ toll Ill , 171) - C. W..m(rrr.
Wriffi.iff tit Li Air . ... - ti . ;, l - eT,e 7.liii lif7 ! .z: Lawns, 6 ;I.
color=, a yard wide, for one shillintr. and Ca!i
corlat all pric,i; at C. W. 310TrS.
A witros, , , 3tay::... , ), 1555..
Atiditor"s* Notice.
Syitquelionna (..'uttly!,, , as.
rirVIE und.mAtred, an Auditor appointed by the
Orphans' COurt cif said eoubtv to distribute
tinning the liell'S;pf Thonlas Ilurdielc, deceased, the
fetat)'‘reniaining: in the hands of Ai.ery Burdick, Ad
mittiStrator, will attend to the duties of his 'appoint
meAt at his office in Montrose, on Saturday the loth
eittiof July next' at one o'clock in the altertimn, at
whte t h time and Place'all persons interested will pry
sent elairns;,or 1.),t forever after debarred Com
contln^ in upon said fund,:'
rroitii)li Notivv.
VOTICE 13 hetel.y gi 11.‘t let fen -, atiwinisfra
-11! tion upon the e:=ta . te of WARREN WF. tats ot -
Spamgville have'been granted
uv“it.r.,-1 7 -,fr led, 'anti *ll inflebte.l to -a . Oo , tate
-411 please make, immediate payment, and thoFe hav
itip.lidninls 13 , i prifsent tip!, N one atte,ti,il fi , )r
• r .
.Tribe 6,'
, -
A. 0. W. ,!
• Loo tic , e
IjkOCKET KNINT.S. A 'good a..:4eJrunciii of the In 'et
.1. ; kind iit - f. A,14.0 1:141v.!s
SPpONS. Silver:, Silver Plated, German Alba
to,liftud Ilritania-rvare :spouus. 1.1,:f) Silver, Save: ,
pl4led, and G' , .!ritian Silver Ilutter.Koive._ -
TIOLLN Bows, aud,Ull.the fixtures, Vi-'
olio , Accordeu4, InztmeLion .
Bckiks, &c. •'
t•LrinLAMPS, 'fluid, - Camplienc, Candles, Laup ;
Oilti. Sc. - • •
FAMILY GliorF.nits. A Cul: tnit-;it, rew :u:11
gohd. .
• OR GS A: PATENT MEDICINES. A iirst atr as
E•uttuunit, and gimuine.
I ) 4INTSIL OILS. A getieralauortment i and of goof;
lIEWELItt. splendid variety of the neates.t pat.
zefea. -. • , : . •
• pANCY GOO DS. Nearly ere.rylling in.thisbraiich.
:.=_PEIIFI.7.IIERY. A choice. rai4e.ty.• .(Nenrjupplies
TO:tired nearly : every week.] . . •
TpLallort, every thing - pers.ons want, and cheap
eV, the variety store of ; .
Montrose, Jttlpte . l4. 1855. , . •
, .
. ,
-N:dpplicatton has nuidc , to 'the Coort of
.1.11.: Common Pleas of Susquehanna county; tolzrant
a D'harfer to thi!..First Presbyterian Church of Dim
otk Corners, of which ult. porsor.s interested will
p.jcase take notice and gdvern themselves aceprding.
. • S, R. WELLS, Proty:
Protbonotares office, Montrose, Junorl3, 1855—[4
s, - Cheap for Cash.
ju.treceived anotherlot of Yew
, :h Do" 1
Lart!s, tk6., whir : l l 'lw
a new lot
• low prie . es, :d:4:) . Black
4iine 1R:;5;
1 Cash 'for Laud Wairauti.
4 11 4 1 L ... L. F. FITCH.
ontrosi, June 5, 1855 . .23%4
- •
• ,To thC Public. • - <t
10E1 on the . eie of my departure for the WeSt,
4.11• 1-trould. sakio.tny frien4 and patrons I*t my
IicaQUERRZO7KP.e#OQ.,VS will he clOst4for:ot.
AI'S *week's. duly apprise you of my retard, (tf)d_
tun hope tofiktil you deeply irprovserl with the ne.
/* sky of g.ettlrig Your faces taken.
z Odd Fellowal Halt Montrose, .IV. B. DEANS.
• I'. - May 16. /855. .
Kg subscriber would inform the citizens °client
rose and the public generally that'he !Uhl bought
the Grocer7.fonsierly kept by F. 11. roan= & C 0.,.
:' . , , -slob saattd,BliuGs.
11t a yoriipid..ehatidler's building on Chestnut street, ,
fit: borougli of gony ! se, where he his a fresh T xx iii - D o % isito r, fatotis 6 .l xe i, constantly o i l han 4
iiketzuent of GiOcerkl4l.lfd will- keep _ constantly :cm ' I , l'''.;-liisii nuils furnished to order by ._... i
id, flout, Oisterk Cheese, Sugars, Syrup, Ifolailaes,, 2 . `7. ' ;1-.1-.;: ;,-.- .--'"*,. i '•:- J. ISIINS4 SON.
• ckerei,4iuts, Candies, Toys, Oranges and,Leinoriii, ', , ,.1.4. ;.:....I...____!..__. —__ ___„.J.—..:_—_—_—.
Prunes SairtUnes, Soaps,, Coffee, dried - L '.i t. , ' NEW . GOODS. . 1
*drums, herring, sack Salt, Pies, Cale ;yym are rekeivlnKthis week a lot of New boils, just , w oo l . wool w oot t .
td,- flour,
' , Viinkeelietions, and otherlbings too nutitir• - Oitt,baso lathe eity, which renders our asseitnient , 4_ 44 . 1 flpoontwou t ed 4.018
„t , - er , t,
most kinds
which will be sold Cheaptm Sash or coiiiiiiete, , and which we offer' . on the inost'faiarahk .1 : itkyk..., &wt. f ar which.tke•hi. may
inost kinds 9t. country produee. Call and see. A . ',. tiLrsas st . the ne*huilding, one - dobr abOve the Peat __„,- ; . 1 .7,„ t .,...-_-_, ~
ehare ofpnblid patronage Issidlcited. -- $.l. B.3if7rT. '.ofridg- ,- k•L' ' -I- .' ' l / 4 «1 BENTwit REAM:, -., rsitt- -11 . 44 .„„..,..A5qt,5 4 .,, , 45 - 1 4-bY, - Lt o p r i t ,- -,,, Lo '
1 ;NOsairOF, Migre4 l . 185 5 . : •' - - I.! soritimei kilit. - 4 56,1 - - -,''''.,'.',.=:- I. ' 1 ., . 1 t 4 , -.1 . !-'...7%, -1 .7T, 4 'a -
11. M. JONES
17. NOTTS.
('. W. 51. -
; e: New
310„s .5; ISros. are now riACekng . •*-
- 0 : ti' prof - soring, Gootts, and belfg
- ierfd of the wit:lnt:Ts. of liaritifr; ready pan . alv
dried 1 . 0 sell goods at so low a rale as to .coll
4ir elisterw?rs • and the public generally that
•o their advantre as well as ours. Our
.. •in part of Brmdclothi; Cassitnerg,
Slarinier Delaiites,- Lamas,
Wielf c.
KlMcnclly Je:.
(Ab() 4.flaglrt..
k , n l ...,)Sdilwl: and
other Staple and
Croclcei-$•, Hardware. Poo,.
a , sortment of rho
CaliLat.f examine nur,stock, and .
as to t 1 trntli of statement.
C. W. 3:OTT.
toid tiro 11 l oofits. und.s
<ioc4. taqoo lit •exchaTig!i for goori.
J. )JOSS &
Itlilfo!:t1.• May 15. 1855.
a CU
.i„.._t.... • .
, .
lr11111; DUNDAFF AC.ADE2IIT. , • : ;
ri Th,!. l'rnprjetor, Mr. Ilterhuto lloohtitAN, respect
..l fully inflittits the public' that he has taken this In
! stittniott With the design of fitting Young Ladies and
' 1- Genileriten for the Profession of Teaching, according
ta tile i . .umal Mode; or fur fitting Young Alen ifor
anV , . lother business of life. ,
• - 'This ristittition is situatd in the plait:sant, - retirOd,.
I. aut.! It etil tl,ly village - of Dundaff, Susquehanna, Comity . ..
I l'a•d:tad is- Unexposed . to the many temptations - and
' vie that are'detrimen tat to the ln tellectual 'and 310 r.
alallitintieumnt . of Students. The PrceptreSs, Miss
M.. 1, S,wart,-a highly educated and - accomplished La
. tin iriq take entire - charge of the Young Ladies hOth
lin ail - .'o4t. of school. .Nor trill they 'be' alltived to
at tel• 1 ,ita.ties, or any _pl a n e pf anny , •.? 7 , pr..4.40 , nni
tin:" ~ , .i n ligs nermission and attendance of the Teach+
ena l ! Miss Swart wili give lessons al-ti in Ornamdtit;
al SeeHitt WOrk, French; Pencilling, Crayoning., '4l,:c.
' the ',or the prime, of of this Institut:on; ,has
beets to, tistnbilish a Normal Department, or teagh.pts'
Cost .4... i ft'or tile benefit or those desiring to make Te4ch••
lug t Pkifesslon. The whole course :of InstrUction
retiOjrvis three, years; In this' course it has-been the
• oiulet to lembrace tlio - se studies of practical utilit, as
.wc-11 iistli . ose' of an educational character; ttnd great
cant litis peen taken to so era.ssify and arrange them
as tit Pkeseitt:, to the student an easy gradation Hom
tlit',T-Iniltlst subject "to the. roost difficult. ' - .'•
. • ,
Fttplls, will not be: hurrieTil through - a superficial.
. cottr.s , qoe, study ; nor will they be encouraged in an
unti' t te Tofultirss for any . particular science; to the neg
leltt:ofiotheri; but h.- course will ibe • purStied as
hill lead to a Sysreltiatical devolopmerit of all the '6Cov•-
.. ers lof the mitnl, by directing the thoughtis to the - Study
of pt•iiici les.and the relation of cause and effect', in
t.tead Of 14ted filets.- .. - , , t
't . 'T, Trl'lON A:0 OTHER -EXPENSES. • 1 _
1 - • ,
OtimmOu Eng. Brunches, per q'r of II weeks, )?:11,90
liiihei., i -..- "-. ! ‘• ~. . t,,t - al
fitx:t andGrgek extra each', " !on
J' inch, Berman. and Italian, " Is;nn
Crayoniag,'and Drairing, 4,00
with use of Piatio, • " - An, ll )
Ttoird per-week t4lOO
l'ltosel wishing to latEird themselves, taut proctire
rurtahle i-ontir.A for the jairposo. -
, .
I.oard atid . Tuitidn inyarialdy in 'udrance.i
Thai Second Term of this Inatitution will coninienze
Mat th. ; itrlO us §tudies,wil) then be arranged and
classified, Students Lan) partieidary requested .to b.
prOeht. . i••
for: further information, addreas the Principal.;
*!4 1 14t, the tudersigned, can:under the present Opc
riei:ced and efficient, Board of Init.:actors, whO i ate
mictleally familiar:with the Normal golly of instruc
tion, ,with conlidence commend the Dtiplatf
AOati4hly to the favorable conhidcration - of those pre:
king theniselves for Teachers, and all those who
depir4 , to give their sons and •danglders thorOugh,
practical, and liberitleducation. •
:14:v. G. N. Tom!, Hon. S,
ypte. J. Gobi - num,
11.,Scoccat. . • J. B. Stoat:tn . ;
Pngiss, Esit. . .Bati . J.•Blit*ZlELL,
• ' riIFXJ AI*FR. 4 • •
•;Dthadatt April lk)th,, 1855. .
QlLtbeft.agOß of ( .. .:harles Tanen, A. 41711,674
$...7 sag retuoVed iiia shop from Rift:muter locatlon
the hmetnent of Bvarle's Hotel, to the room , in • the'
Mtn building ' in the rear of the bin-room, iiprepar.
etl th exercise his art in the most-scientific tuttotter;
on - lk WWI* pleataeal.twentrtolt their h aat - thr
Lei* . 14 liihiud.;3. S2pl
P,-ints, Bonnets, Ribbons, Pain
together with tt stork.
-nd• Shoe's, fiats,. Ikc.
•. for yoursellies
tto it:, quick
,try pto-
ripmE LA13.431t
•-• TrO.ODIItIFF &: :RED:RED . .
HVE i'emot ) ed to the burnt' district, 'Acre t
'will lie glad to sob all their old customers
as tuany!iiek one*Ais please to give them a cal
They fntend to keep a - general assortment of • St.
of the liest hind , and 'tlitalitir; among.which.
mina PRe/i.',V/X-mid PARA 00.N .. A IR.TIG
77114.:Fi - OR.A AVE' COUATY
SirtstEßN OVEN. The Elevated Piga StoN'M all
hire doUble fire-places;livielt-nmkes - them Car a pe.;
riot to.the idttle fire p lace Stores: WO keep rn
emntly-tin Land a genekUlas , sortment of 17.11 r IVA E
or a fin.-.0.:&e qoatityjcir Mime trade; ahm r Well and
adern puMps, Pump Chains and EeelA, Lead-
of all:-' es Jappanned Ware, re
they protil6ie to sell cheap for 'ready pay or app re
credit. Jciti work:dond-witk de:kpatell and In on er.
• lioiltfd,Ae,',3la , • •
Constant teceipt of , 't
pixtil;=, his • of bludnOss, nearly
week: The public will find his assortment No. l; a
his articles',..ucit' and of good quality... The stock
lists asJustlal of Drugs,l.lf r
eclicitt;•s Paintg, Oils, D
4titl , tri,iGr'pecries, , 'Pern UooJa, Jovelrg, Rerf in
ry:;Pc. •toure•iit. the hover entl of tlicturnCills
lloiiirose, June 6, 185".5. . • A. TUItRY: .
lA' VNi Prints, Stuninifr Stuff's, and the to
sill is 'of Dry Gtkals at • -TintitELL
;7 A NTEI), in. i•xCliange fur Ponds. Eggs,' I 'p
fLifr;, floes:tax; Grain'of and .'.s
ntru.r-e. Jut' 6. A. TLTRRE
, .
• - Mont Ot.te• Stages
I)ASSENGF.RS will ifind Stages at Scarle's I to
McintrOso, Pa.. wliich run in connection ccit th
folloc6lg Train?. • -'
Leave at 11 A. 31: connoctimt with the Mail
Tai (?rear i3t+tiil. (Thin train now meeti Day E& re:
both East land West:l
Leay. nit :1 P. M. Ciiinectink with Freight Tratit f
Groat !Bend, and Mail Train for Scranton.
Freight train meets Moil Tr-din West at Great Ben
and Night!Evpri. - .sses both Eal:t and West. •
Lcave Dc of far MontiOAe on atTiral of all the lbc
.4„,, • 1., SEARUE
SiontroSe, Mar 7, 1355.. • '
_ • •
• Rimi.oved: •
-C. D. Virgil Dentist has taken rooms over.
Chandler-A! store, where it +rBl be bis pleasure
his friends ns quick as possible. C. D. VIRG
May 2, 555.. Dentis
-Ses ilundrid• Dollars Rewa
TIIE ye reward will be paid• to me if m c
touters call-arid -pay me what is hones. y
due,: -I ant lout • called on by my creditors
.up, and it is im p ob.. ale for me to . do •so antes
old friends will step u and fork over: So alt
the rilatt4 immediately, d square- the yards .itl
by cash de note, and Save b yourself and me
• MontrOse, May, 181'5. D. H. HICE
. . i
' - ' ' • '. A•TIN E LOT 0
, A• TI N
Li :41n.fie barrel, and extra fine Rifles, for :.
Alai lij •• ' ...;i .. A. LATHROP & it,
A superli m t ji;:it recidred and how offering a
ing:?st rash prima for_approved credit or r e ad
Yew. Vork-W'rices
AllE:noir being paid by - A. Lathrop A; Co. 6
those' wholcimsign theirtmtter and -produce-to het
Theyltariug - made arrangements are now enab ed
solid 1111 kinds of to .Ncw York and- t
the Fame Pit the. ltizherit market
.prices. All tha
who good prices . ; and quick returns we in De
call ;ikon - •]. - v . :4 • •A. LAT11110P• 41 'O.
t .
.Sizek and ,Anad4 fr
A:l 4 V kldoubbi ernsA; tin at less than - Mer4luu
usually pay;to - selfignin . for salt; by. the Sub ibt
We bare come to the'conelusion to sell pans
mers'asilow•as we will to the trade, thereby vii,
to the h armer our prOtit. Our wards arc wa ti
to be, pt4ec' tin ever Particular or no sale ! ,
Torns-411:1 or sbort
ord April.i. 1855.
For 'Pre-:Went. .
FoO 4 ice
31B.INVIL310t OF rEN.:syLyANIA
More New Gogds tit ited •It
Store. ; ; HENRY MeM'INN , Y.
tOdow-iile, Hay 1,5, ißtib. 21' Tr 2
'%•• " r
colottiorship heretofore eetiting un•er
JV :firm eirlfinviey..& Mott. is this ,day disso red,
April 1, 1853. - • G., R. HAW EY,
This: ( rtotett and nedwlnts are Itt the hands of C. '
Mott for Collection. Those Interested wHi p• so
WI soon as convenient. - - -
Aim aTopie - rWiW of i - 2,- - own msuiufact ' rts
made, Of heavy Oak for sale by, -
t ., -if ,:i - • ( J. DicKER4 .'
i l
Ne*-Itilford, Julfl2, 1858. _, , ;-,
FULL tu;sortniant r
2A: - ..; Tools Pump Chain, and R at
' 144 r iiilford, Jol3t;" 1854.] DICK63OI t
' -
, ‘,,,7* --- 4711L1* , 0 4,4 e best quality.,
irbeap•ot, „: , DICKgII)LiN*
:711(0111(..PL0.1,414ND SALT by the:bartl tir
:1- Ole Joilist, 'prier at, DtqFP.4lll
' F = AdinlisietiratortL;ilfotice. -z-- r ,
VoTICii is hei•oisieyen that tritenissf itithiaji
'..l.:*irittliin tie 6nifii:liort i. eratn Ottumwa/a ontiessiii
i . spiiln . "slietistate oilliket - Wright &twig* i t beggli.
grahhed ti: the FWElOdber : . 'y'and' llll 4seikma • (fabled:l
%timid estate Sremittakkeit to make Win iss4
mat; and( those hprlng claims to present th m 4ltti
att4iell Air ettlenrent. -- E. F. DAILY dre'
Conlayri, laity lit, I eMs., '....• .- .—. o- k.
A i b rear,riiit SATED.WORT/11,1riiro. ...11,,,' ..:__,:[805_76... - _:, _ ...,,
4 r " 4l t : ' ' ' ''''''''''' '...' '' EARNEDiti4:.`7.l`-',-,-4.IiZA:- :1r ' ,,,,, L ,7 4 4 1;1 1 10/0/7 41 4 , rigIrAltf:Z ' ' ~, '-''''''„:
1.. VirIrfENBERG & BRO., 'Montrose, 'Pa.',.lialte Rail Road Freight Line ' betWee,n',Morit i ti l ie-.. an
,ts) ii lids niethistef - - adviahig - their' - old .friend,fand - I. N4st York:, .-.l,l,l4.Adals':Ahers will eeptinue their
elireili and ilta l )iildie i lt jar g e ' lhat 04 '! . •- hav i i n a t ! -- connection' of the past yelii . , for : tiellifig Biisquednuinta -:
_xecelyedlsti 3 Olienell the laSestt Prettiqt AO (4 1 enf" i.-Go. Produce on'cominission. , -•-: • • -
-est ,tit.'t OLREADY MADE CT.OTRING ever4bro t t: I • ; : - .lAsaiy A: 3HAiiitINGTON • will- receive - Alma- Ainvard
4'64. illAee-1. wialv!b°Y °lfer at-aaaja4a6an6 4 oEn 1 keightfor this'&niipittiY a ihe'llientipseD+r EVKI
n i t i' tlietel q .- S ti ' , , i o nt s Pt r c ha flP -3 1 1ia i i ,,,i,.-, lure. ° TO*" I RY. TUESDAY; I ....' ... -; - -' "1 - .: • • '- -
;ty of obtlining =at Obit two" ,-.5-.'• eaiiiial ,
1 Tiltinktill for past patronagesind being aatialledi
Prie . A 4o ii -. hurt wa w:k , i '• mo ''' to i D ; ) , 6 : 00 ' - a iti . -;.• ~i4 1 ' . i, „,; , ..1 that' hilr arrangentents for -dispOsing of 'produce of ' -
el2 * , "' ' '' .. b i every,,kind wlll enable theta to give generld,-seti..sfac:
.for.Ladies•Wear, new styles Brocade, Stripe, c p'aid, -
deli; the SubScriben; trust that Neti York. -- pricesi •
• Phan and changeahlo Silk Delano, MUslin DAD c'
- ' - - ' - '-' e ' prOtlipt retch; i , and their initial strict attantlin to itt it • .
rje ri tlge delaln" of hew add ele g ant de ' r g ns- • AU th6l- busines:i, will bisure to tlfeni a continuatiee-orfavOrti;
i latest st: lei of Ladies Dress Goods, • French - 11-- -" ing-- .•l'heretofore so libetnify bestowed upon.tbenu-.2. '.. 7 7 . ..,
Printi and Gin g bame '' A handanm ° - asa° r t m - fnt ° CI . The returns will-be promptlyvaidid orti`reatiPia!er _
DrelSc Trinimings,,Einbrolded Sleeves, Collars' Ctiffs,-...b..i. Ilanington, who will - Moi:nake litTer,4 ll4 4"tatl,;• ;
eq-,lj'atortet and Swiss Edgings and huterthigl,lloves I cos s on co`nsigunicrit when..desirid.. • '," .'.".- . -•:', ~-, - •
11± E llesiery, Veils and Parasols : , • - -,: , - I - , Otti'inarkint , cards dtio - beery left with. tbiltiM <
'FDA. assort m ent 4Sha*3ls very lar g e ' a/Db l ./win g' 'Road Frieght agent Mr Case who 10:attend. ; to foe - - -- , •
/ev*Ahing that is tech and fashionable both f • PtIP I, warding goods consigned to us. on othet,,d#B *all -,'
ant; 'domestic. - ---- -- '•.• -- • ? -I.Tuet..days. .' . • •' -
___- - - .. _ .
A'heir`Biaunet Department is largd and coiNdete, i .. . • , -, ~,...
. :. '''N•bLzioN FL .11Ort. i''''.... - a, .
ere racing th, e'very latest styles; with
,Triininif i ts to' -`
i - srmax B. BEVAIici,:" . : --. • - . :."..
WA ch. ' ' ' • .'' ` i ' '-' s; • .."" 1 ,0,'; - • - ' 'I • ' ' ' ' 1 MATREWI:•IIAIRLVEIIrOW - r f : , ''
I n
;" extensive athortalent of 'lrhdl linenarl/n ) k i n a .l Montrose'llarch, 1865. ''_ . ~' :' ,-: -- -:; - ..-1:-,
'to' eling, table covers, ,curtailis &a. .' • 4, 1 , . • I-. Persons - residing oat, of the vicinity 4: irontri t , .
O have also it supply of Shirts, Gentlemen s OA? I wishing to sent] us Produce can do se bylattudOl •
-Jail Suspenders, Gloves; UmbrallaS and it good!lmant lit to , .110 YT &BEVN, No.,'ISI ReadeSt-,N.'l•-!.."-f,
'oar - articles too numerous to mention. For hatul L_l___,. z „2„ : „.„„. - , -...,,,,___ -,. •,,,,• ,-,,....,...
Out the public' s respectfully invited to. calliat the l '
,-: .• - r.OLDIERS..RIG H is , :- f • :,.
~., .;: :-.i;;,
cheap store of - . - • :. - - - v-, - l't ' '_ • • . 0
• ' -. J. wirrEkiilG & ii#o. , , .To all whoni - ittmar ConeerliZ --:
, To-
of Chesnut &Owego Streets ;
- four doo4least 1 Congressthe Bounty bind eaten.';
By a recent act of ,
of Post's store. '.' . - ' • 1 i i . '-'-''' ' has'been extended to embrace , almost every . tatsciWt
; I ' '
I' Put n am's Moithly. - il, ~- , 1 .All perAon.9 .IThu:have- beeni engaged. in .31liitary .
resuming. the publication •of Putnam's Weil l thly, S, ' ''rviee of tb.
~it 14 only necessary for'is to refer: to •thelipecial days or upua ~.
e United States, for a piriod, of fourtam
cards, are entitled bi_-orrehierdredastaf .
sixti aeres 'Of Leitcl, if theY haVenotrece, itrealt;iftsf
noliceissued, with ourhearty approval; upein the first, • t ,
if the) have received, leiti amoaut-they Ate Catitlad'..
or April, kF the. late publishers. • The Magas.hke will
to -sufficient to make tip, lf,o acres._ - • ..„...,:: ; -
airn at- greater excellence in the direction llitherto
Revolutionary Soldiers, , ,and-soldiers;_or IM- and a ll Pu`rsued ; and without 'being partisen, will 11 I a 1
t nd • e '''' I wars in. which We - United States' have been engird_ --..
chleo opinions, and will:treat all public questips from i sit:Cc, and if ' deeeased;their widowS Or ruinor - chal- -
humane and truly national point of view. 1
li In all the other varied departments'of a M ciailily
dre ith .a c r e e rs e , ' S it e it a l t e t d iid, - 3 l iar - in'e ' e, Clerks -- an ' cllea . deln — ell . - hi '''.
Mitgazine; it will hope to amuse, instruct, andhene- 1
the Navyi-theii Widows ,and minor:children, are also'
fit? to criticise generously but justly; and tO tittr..ct
entitled.__ : _
. .. - . .. - ,
to its pages, as, it basidready done, the contribmions,
Wagon ninstei+, and tesinsters, cinproyed• for the
tillable men in every walk of Literature, Science, and '
transportation ermilitary Stores, are also entitled; iti
t r riilg' jut at volumes are'the best assurance that i: Uoih- 1 like . manne r. '-• . • ' - • .
I inn - Still eri Ziged. In obtalumg IlountY Land War;
irnk offensive to the rarest morality, and no _wanton
nintz, ..i x id. am milling to 'do the - Imsloew upon the •
ittack upon honest conviction, wil ever find a place
I most lilx , nd terms, and althOugh I have no motive te;
MI the Magazide. . . * :I , -'. ' ' ' spend My time ftlidlaber:withowt ehargE, yet I wilt
.LIA" communications should be midreSSPl"°' DIX. I
do the business:it ibti lot -price ti!4. I can do It.
&lEDWARDS, Publishers of. Putnam's %middy, 10 , ,
honesttit and live. - -,
_• , . .- ',. -,. -
Park Place ' New Y°l.l " . . . ''
•! ' •1 Those, having claims I believe will find it nutterially
I - • Plf:ay , L , Coutents....• . 1, •.- to their advanti%e to'Call Upon tile beAare going eke
.. !The Last Word of . deology—Oliveißa-4selill—The where, , • • ''' -_.. if • ... .. - -- ,
:Compensation O ff ice—The Alps----The Dames of Vb.- ' , - After the warrants are obtained, any of the war
igluiaThe Turks "I'wo, Hundred Years .Age--The realest desire to , sell ttTiii,•l ana prepared to pay the .
Ilsiight ' Cintsc=-Oilly a Pebble—The Count lle' , Cagli. highest - cash market-on , fe. -•, . . , . _
iestro--The Challenge—The 'National ; Aca . .deo3y, of 1 • .I : am 'ali-m.: engaged in the
t prcer te n t I t of other
iliesign--The Birth Place of Mozart--,-A Cruise-in the 1 claims against the Governmen of: , U. ed . _ tea,
rFlyingnutchmanlLThelleasts.of the Prairies-- inter,- I such as fur Pension .-N Back Pay, Kura:Pay; &e. Ste.
li a for theAnieriCans—Twice.Married (Contioned)-- I . '. FRANKLIN FRASPR, AitlY at law:: :
1 Montro-le May 14, - 1855- -••- . -.- - 'wo
d l i . wri t a lt ''l ern ot t eus. re-1. Literature - . . ' . , •
.- .. , . - __, -
2, - .
1 1 ,
I 11. ' Fine Arts.
i 111
• . Music.
IV. Drama. . ~ . ' '. ,
TErtms,___Twenty-fiVe cents . a .number, or $ll per
a'inu. - dubs; of five or nire, - - - siipplied at $2.- , 1. Spe
c men uninbers furnished . , and liberals, terms iiven'to.
agents.andLcanvassere. L. -__.- '_ • ... • __!....1.: '. t .._,..11' . .—,„
j - DIX 4. EDWARDS lf) liark l'lnce.. •
.r• ' ,
"I 4 , )r : t h it o ca ll u E not ili ge S t!l p ure?m! , 111 1 - l E ll 7( fin i Ya : R ch S eap
. I
.1' .'and powerful - Substitute; htlie. 'IMPROVED
1 : rOUDRRITE minle by the.snbscirs. The' small
_ ! quantity 'used, the case with which it is .applicil„ and.
t;he powerful t stiruulus it gives to vegetation, renders
it the cheapest'and best Manure 'in 1- the 'Wort lt
•w lauses plants to cmne up quicker, - to grow -4iste, •to
ry . ichl hcavierand..ripen earlier ilian any.other manure .
id ih-the World, and unlike other fertilizers, it ckn:be,
ii: lirought in direct contact with the plant.., Threle.dol
//el IfirS worth is sufficient to manure an, acre Of cdrn.--' 7 -
, r- I Price; delivered free of cartaat or iiieliage'ori lboard
:t.; 4f vessel orrailroadinew-York 'City, $1,56 per bar
; del, for any quantity'overls-4. barrels ; 1- barrel, :$2 ;
--- -, i.bairels; 83',54 ; 13, barrels, t 5.; 5 -barrels, $l4. -...t
m jl Pamphlet with ititormiition aiid directions Will be tfo — nt
- II gratis and _post-paid, ti) any one applyini for thelsame.
11 1; Addresq, the LODI
1. •
1 • 1--- i 4 Cortlandt Street, New-1 OrLi.
i It t
'II ; O : CT. R. TI method . AYER, takes this e s tinid of' 4layim;
11 4 1 to his *friends and customer?, that he itas.lagain
'c O u n Tu tr e o 6 Q ' ' h a e .ll l) e r r a : t h ic e eofn ileiedifuliici'dziatt h al ii i ! o ti l m d es l l d ie a s t .
. _ , may ,
-9 rnfessionallV einfiloyed.- ;Re Wiftiald say to those in
, s 4 liebte4 to him, that lie will deduct twenty-faro per,
, i 1 ent 'on all' accounts paid before the first of .44 neat;
°tl (or if any' poor like myself! will deduct fifty.) -. ; •
Ih!I Montrost. 2.0 1855 '
td' I I 1 -' Feb. '
• , i
tj i' •" - . NEW GOODS; , .. 'I •
I , i The Etib:=cribers luive taken and fitted up - tlinew
on the west side of . Public Avenge, two doon4
1 i above Searle's Hotel, and' are. nowyeceivin . g . iidarge
f' I and well selected assortment of .- • .- '" I '
• i ; Fall and Winter Goadx i .
.! ! Their stock is almost entirely NE liThavingli.:;tved
B, but a very few gesids from the late de.strnetivel fire,
ee and comprises their usual variety of DRY GOODS; ,
1 .GrocerieK Crockery, Hardware, 'Drags!, Stediaines,
i [Paints, Oils, Dyestuffs, BOOM, Shoes, Leathers;; qiiiss,
4ewelry, Watches, Silver Spoons,_ Chocks, Yaiikee
LI . griffons, Sze. ke. - Wears thankful fin. the plitvOnage
4 1 . hitherto bestowed upon us, and trust, thar.our , cus
my ytonieni, and the public generally, will not'fail tOi, give
iay i ns a call in our nets location, confident that We can
my 1 tipplythem With gOodA on as favrirable terra as her'e
tcr r ofare. - . - : ' BENTLEY &JIEAD •
. i
ier 1 , Montavise, Novertiber 39. 1854., • . - -'- 'I
' I i
i- - 1
Stearns and Ilarvin 9 i :Fire-Pkoot l
_i • i . - . . . Safe's. .-.: ' , . ,1 ,
Ii rr r - HE subscribers have made arraingethents.tO fur--'
d 1 ! .1..
.nish to persons who may be in *ant of theni, this 1
a ; 'above named invaluable Safes, at the sanip prietet,f4:l
r - .1 IWhich.they. can be obtained, at .the - nianuficturer'Et.4 :- • " ...
...11 , illi 4 linitc experienced the benefit Of, such. an article dn.:: -, - -'' - ' • ' '. •
~ New,.,,,1nei01r.111411 Slagi . .? . .
i.- Wu the late sonflagyation ourslAVes, we woufifearn- " .
t kc e i C. y recommend to others- having valnabie btiokiand : - - -- • I . I FROM , - i
_I L L . ' '---....,
) ,4,. I tap - the'preSerring of which would. be of inirae,nso • ll%l.lli.lbloWOOD. TO inteirruesz:. .
..: . Mipor cc to them, not to do without one. : - ~ . I•QT.:IGES willleave Kirkwood, pasiMgAlitinaghtor-.
Prices ge•from $5O to $5OO, and we can exPlain.
1,0 , J betniville,tiberty r ,ke., every Morning-after 'the'
;:'• P 3 any one 1 Ehing to purchase; . the differencein 1 'arrival of . the •Mail Trains of cars,both Emit and:West,
a m ;style ; size, price, .e., and furnish them on short no- t reaching. Montrose • at : l . .r. .M. " Aturniti.g,leavo
40. ,tree, with The inte .I arrangement - to !Suit the f ez . f.Moritrose daily (Sundays excepted) it - 2.c.R., reach
t o ichaser.. ''''. .- • BENTLEY & nicAp... ,-jpg Kirkwood in tfine - tri take the Mail train's breare,
,:,-,.. ,1:, :
,` both 'East and West; being the nearest and most feiv
a4e 1 .. • • - - • - " . ialdeJoute to reach the New Yolk tind Erie;Raßteinl.
'to . ! ' TIEE,rEOPLE% -I'OllE. - ,'t - This line intets.ects. 4 tri-weekly •litie - for- -.Dim*,
s • 1 TTAVING ; recently' voluntari relinquished the: i•SPrkutflvillef -Tankhannock, Wyonaing,2And 'NOW _
:.. !Al_ sale of Liquors„ . excepting siric for medicinaki.barre; which leaves. Montrose at 7 .4,t. 31, e1...C.4..1t0n:
!•:, • .I 1 purposes, as a Druggist, the people with i t distinction. 1 - 4 y, Wedtiestlay.*Mt Friday: . Also, 'a line frirrifetids.:
111 of Party,Society;,Sect, or Religion,, are - eel f„ll y 1 vine, Leraysville, - ..kc..-... 4 ' ". '- -; -•,.. . - 5-- . ' - _
A tt invited as uSual, examine the qua •.V and I I -•
Good t eam f and -comfortable carOages are;provi;
rices of ood and to thereby. avail themselv .' of ded, and the propiietors, will. spare .no pains to ac:
.I- e the: public K. 11, Priqr
; any advantage of the- h • ' ' • - 1 commo_at _ W._,_....__,.- :'• -
market they tray: us-acquit.
.a . .
1 , Montrose, - -April. 1D,.. 18'4 ' "ABELTUR,RELL...; ; pril. - 8, - Iss; . , :.. MORGAN..k, wrsf , •
.- . -t
•- • •
11 fORE new Jewelry just arrived, direct Prom the
it Al mannfactnifers, and consisting of a - first rato . as.
isOrtment of Ladies' and ,o,entictuen'a. Gold Finger_
;'• Mings, Byeast-rins, EarPt:aria antritoopra, enrb i ; Fob
and , Chains, Slides,;,:Keya, Stada., Penic fic.--
,`; • reisetis Wishing, to purchase Jeweliy, should tertain. ,
ly call at the stein or- = - - - TUIIRE%L.•
Mcattrose, Aptil It, 1855,
. ,
NEW GOODS._ 'l' 'ls
ii v. - LBE,. - AT MONTROSETEPUT; ht; re
• •ceired a new :supply of Spring - . leer
di, which:will be sold vtiry. low , +. 1. :or farm
bduce. . •
• Q POUNDS good New °dearer Segar for on 6 dot..
• 0 lar at -, .•-• •., J".:C, BEE'SITew 5t0ie.,,,,,
eirEA„:Coffen,; lliolitsiFish, - Rice, and Groceries
all • eircheap J. C. LEFS. - •
A gY tuuddy,ot.Eggi *flit nerds tker dozen, in
exit antilbr windm : l4. J. C.. LEES Stoll.
- , ;-, ,r B__
utteAlairlir • • i" •
t. • ' p
E t I..riviusiltjty'r at 16 is p er een pouqd,itt
y' - II ezaiiirgo foiGoods at J. C. LEE'S Nei kbre.
A e
-I, r LIOSS -14.01 g tq 'purchas 'for each, or in e
lid- : c ugu Aii barter , *lll tad it to their interest to
'i:all 'and ozamino my stock of Goods and prices for
theniscliett.'; Yor bartere,all gas the bigh_fttl prie.
le' , . k.s Outi. - at all tithes be.rdted goat J. C. ',EFS q tore,
I (Montrose Depot. / . ,--- ' r• ' :-'-.' '
‘ .l i
~ .- • NEW GOODL- --` .4,.' . . ' ~
I*-Rniviiia every week at A:;,!.l4:tidiorlsro!fl '‘.
rf.A. .
Jarnilu7 Ist .• -, ,1 . ...-• '...;•-- It F :'l- ; ,-, ,,.. ii , _+
rWiar‘ipliltiFiTitir i:aThiati-00i ---, Illseto!
.. . C . ,... ,
SELLlK4korrat grk!atrsains. Call on i..-.... 1 J--
Jaauary'lsa _' -- A. LAI'IIIIOP. UPI. • 1
• - . 1 , : 1
1 ' ---z ----77--7-- (7 :360 - 6 - liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit , '" , f.•.
I'VK L TAIITED at • -- .. A. LAT4IIOg aI, NA •,‘,.
i 3 g,,, , *-4.40901 Pit -. ,- : t.- - .--_,_,-..„..-__:- 44 71 ,, ,, d_____A`/-I_.. -
..- c _ i skiiiiiutii atulfs,:; - -,4„ 4 , , -
14,,-,, ~;(4 ra ilk 1.. AriliPleG 4l l4l""i- 1 '• - ./T , '''.- A largo stockiWool, Piney, aultetlit4o,o4lsolir law
;()1 01 1 icinllN ,l4llll,l 4 44 °- Pilic4 A. ; s t u g! 4 - 1>3. -:- 1. raer t' . c,ar. Plenty , of .4 10i4 613—Itigia, , ~ase, call.
fI C"
JinUlitk litri„...: Z.. . At''' - I'.tegO AI-Cjfil: an d sae ,
~ , 1 ,
.. j ~.‘, ; :-.T1c'.01,141.4-pLER.
1 . ilitiliKV kr',.. : 44 Sake al '"' - ' 9_ .it CO'a• I go 2a, „ : :! - 1
.. _ll - :, I `; • , "-:, .. , 5 , 1: -' - - -
. , er:i 11. lentritOi r litiliiiiio;, 2 iBs6: • : - .1- , r , --
i,,,,..,... -----,--i.,., t ------.-4.-...:-. '-
S ORE. 301 K, %mob-s -4 .
t • ; - -
i., , . 1 4m 032 . ,tgwysT:4„ cr
~i .
...II 1 p
73 71E1 1, AgAp
Alit; now...receiving their usual supplyipfSPLlNG
SW:HER GOODS, which they offer,totheh 4.
distorters,, and the public generally, .oi thinuist
sinadte tenni, fikr'easb, Butter, EL ng4 Glraln,,Bee4;
wax, or on apprOved, credit.' • , f• -
•.rlidentrotge, r 3lay 1, 1,853. 1
ROADCLOTHSOCersetmeres, likraceky
X Slimmer Staffs, and- a general sioek • of. giatile
Dry Goods, teteived and for sale right by
QlNra, DO Lanes Lawns, Challi,ts,,Gingliams,l
17 Merrimac and Cocheco Prints, tti.i kedor sale
1.) - ONSTI'S Ribbons, ,Para Sttntotgo,Riaw,
..1) Black Silks,- Drys& Thitunfogs dep. Atafiri aide
`ILK, Pur, Strimr, _and Palm:
• • .1 " • .''REIS7I:I4Y-47:11EA1V. ,
. . _
11 - A4DAV,ARE, Crotkery,,fatentr,
.1 At Glat.=;,' Ste.
DBEGS, 31edicines, Paint?, Oils, D.yestn
,ffs, and.
-. general ui.-Is.ortntei!‘ of Patent Madiciries, justice
and for sale by 1, . BENTL • .t.B.EAD.,
GOLF awl I.7l.perLeatlttr,ratent Slips, Calf Skins,
kJ and a god supply of Boots and ?thoes eon's - taut.
ly onlantl. r - • B6l'Ltra; READ.
ATACKEREL by the barrel or oneiludi bairel—al
111 So, Codfish. BE:trtE l .-S: READ - .
-•-- - --- • • ------ .
W A Y r do C a an Alt d D j 2 S: C E r l i ß .e l p - i — ne_t u n d i l l =
Levers, in double and, single eases,. Ladies' Pins,. - Ear 4
Drops, It ngs, i GUard - Chain's, AM &Cl.- .lilso, - Stiver,
Table; Tea; DeSert, Salt and Sug,ar Splions - ' warranted'
pure, for :..-ale by -.- . . , BEN-AXES: READ.
LTOYES 'am] TINNY:ARE, Cloels,ftNaiL.4, Candles; -
. Lamp 011,'Campliene &e. Ste... :1. ,
11onirose? .- nay 1, 55: BE.N'TLIZY
-. GOODS.: - GOOD - •• ,
T 4 FI, sal;scriber is receiving :his Spring and Sum
" mer stockofPoods,' - comprisinOt great variety,
which will be sold - as low as any ind this market.=- - :
Vlease call and examine. - .F. : 13. cIELINDYAIL
11.4 2'S AND C.4PS—A g9ptias„Ortnidn . o of t h e'
l tftyle. . • . . . 1 1 . :
' READ Y-MADECDIrH/NV—LlAltiiiii: iiitietyl ,
of Spring and Surntner !Clothing `of t 4 lates 'Cit. '
- • .DR'Y 000DS—:1 , gengtat assotpiettt through= .
out. Also, DRESS GOODS; ctmaliitiioof Lawns,
lilare ,, e,DelaineS; Frenett Delaines -; Te:roan.Delaine,.
Printed .l.awns,', Fany - y'rints, Larker Worked .Col:
lars, Insertions ' 'Edgings, Black Silk 31antillasilldbet
and Cashmere Shawls,, rarasols,lloisery; Gloves, &c. - ,
BOOTS AND SHOES. clocko,ahrtiaiisott-::
ment of every description and style. Also. a treat
varieo or Fancy Articles,. Yairkee :.% tions, &c.
' . Crockery, Hardware, and Groecri ' or all kinds.- - - -
Trunks, a
good lot for sale cheap. 71300 ks and 'Sta.:
tionery—AVall Paper--Also, Flour of ! the best quality: .
Montrose, May 9, 1155. . P. B. CHANDLER.
_-• - _ •
" " • 80TItt ' ••
nidatt and aceoCilits tha ; :firm Ilea . i •
Caandall - 464 Orandall sre ieft•wfth Dr;
It., 2 TtrayiNffor Thosiiindebted a1e:14064 4
make irninediate paymeu and Ewe .
. _ .
• ..
M -
ontroseo.April 28, 1855.
goal second
M Deather, Upiier de4:6lf
11611.:Vp_s7-41 new EroPPlii iugti:e4Pie r d
for sale
!Nola al .:. !leap
rIT recefitta: - .44 larici - cm , t o - m of,
t t iiil
'J. Book and Statkinary,' anicAtlkldek -4. , A Loos
Loak! , AheadOßao) , - - ~ WolterValtAinati :, k ) !—Dr;
*ante: ee-SkOnti,?*,-. lin,ilderful Ailfea " jor Ciis4.
Priekt -- -Tho - Alikid. ItadOes-Pau,glitai-,--144'nf Wit
itolzito4-410:6' Ifttiv—Tholf :May Itlowet Markt IL.
5tc 4 971 11 9g : Illtai:Vtilli!i4Y: Ito. 4.oe—wilti;*= sold
U.Xi** 1: 11 4 - 10: 4 :' 6 4, 13 8 r, * 30 .2 agilt;
eniti!triWO , rtqatiraL , ale
b 7 .; 1449;5,
'ls, Tubs; Pat;
;IT. 4; 11.E.Agt,
a has
Prz:;', l - ~.:::••• --.
• ~: ::::..--, , '