Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, June 28, 1855, Image 2

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„Thursday .11Iorniag, June 28,1)05
:OrThere will be no paper issnea qom .
' this officio next week„ Reason—Fourth of
Jnlp.aad Job Work.
lOrSeverafeomplunications which we in.
tended-sliould appear without fail, this week,
Our friends inusl bave,patience
tve• Colonel Kinney; "witose name. is so
frequently b efore . was: born
wanda,'llWford Cminty, Pa.,:tinii is the, sou
of Simon Kinney Ksq.,, formerly a lawyer of
rdeoslize rtiitien in - . -Bradfind County, but
who failed in tuisinesi Awe, and itnoid to
Ole West many ,years
tatri'l Olier,' the Roston correspondent 1
of the •N. Tribuni ,ays that the reset of
the split in the K. Oonventiou willte, in
Ifassachusetts, the formation of a Republican
party, that will ‘ornynise the Free-Soilers,
most of the Whlis, :and a larke. * porion of
.the'Dernocrata, and control the pellites
, of the State by a large majority.. - .
Vl The D elaware.Republimn, published
makes this importaxa declar
- ation„iwvievr of the action of the -Philadel
phia-convention If Slavery a social and
political evil, as South= men as, Well as
Northern ones have declared, our friend; ,
the South should give way, and not attempt
to extend or perpetuate it by any additional
t v-- The pitt.sbnt Despatch (K. N.) says
;that the party in Western Pennsylvania Will
spit upon and 'repudiate any such platform as
that adopted hf the znejority at Philadelphia
and will refuse to sustain the: nominees -that
may stand upon it The •sarne paper says
• thatthe only course now for the Northern
Know - Nothings is to 'form an open organiza,
lion, and to:, proclaim from the hill-tops a
perpetual opposition i toAhenggyessions of the
Slave power.
Tics Cncann PRPPERTY LAW.—The Bo-
man Catholics instead of denouncing the
Pennsylvania LegiOature, fur having, at its
Bast session, paawd the Church Property bill,
.ought to. &insider it as the greatest favor, in,
:a temporal point" of view; that could have
,J.been done to their Church ; for if the statutes
4ifliortmain were to be enforced, the whole
!tburel property in, the hands of Bishops and
-Other ecclesiastical dignitaries, might be eon
.fiscaed for the' use of the Commonwealth.
_ .
their Southern. brethren irePOsis in ithem. !hi .•
- :i • -. i .p.,,_
New-York . theY &Ive ' Plready taken their _,,
' • Jack Son, Jumt i 19, ISti :, . '
0 '. . . i by- the pritiei4. ,. .S . ' i of ,theirreligioti, and. wiled „ . _ t arti s ate r
•' be largely endolyed kith its spirit, lam I.'. ., 0.. • .... ... ---- - ---
- I .I . you seem, to.s~csilt, wish, to convey the Idea, t at, .
..:, R espet idir y . you i.4, , . 3 ,3, s. • ' ' . l) . - a ted ritti ,. .the •hno . w."Nruthino• ormittiz t a=
-- _ .
.0 ,
stand, 'open& arid,boldly,.: AmOnglthe plinks „ •,„ ~., '..1 , ,-, ~l, , 1
•• Catholics, exclumvely have been, perseett i . • . tton nd have seceded by their Reptese a
..,1 - • ' 'i. ...."
Of their newly repiired•platform, are the fol- - ; ;;•_-17.! .
~. Che . •'...eiltis„.v., v . eieolites to the I_ - . . . 1 . .. .7 . - . ,
I tors. -.'l- I " 1 I. ' i Does Mr. B. real %%believe. that the per.3e,
, rive at R) tadelphia. '..There . iS no subs.tan Ltd
lowiticV- ,1-
, ~; 1 ' - . 'American National Council are thus berated i
.And von sir l+iiiigh(bd•chall'enied to the . cution and inartvraf i rl ; of •Pilotestants under •diffic illy ilt the witY, of fusing- theie.elem nts
0 ••• • ' i - . 'for their Course . ; Ly the Pittsburg Daily' Coin-,f proof, 'And I: itn4, Very wel),- - --that ,
hitt, o r e Otierent-Whole, provided .the differ-
Maintenancelof the compromise Measures -t •
.. P HI ! Queen MarY• anti OtWr . ' Catholic
.. . . i . , .
of . 1850,- and: 4164 doctrine of n on , interVen- merical Jeurnali a strong- able and influen- . i would bkngllO:rWaril the executkons. of Prcit
,' "h. . - Iw•ivs b4ti r •'lroblt , I 1.1 •
.), e ;
the cent )arts Vi ill consent to gRe tip or . jilj 1 by
i ,
- ' estants, under Queen Mary and ;the Duke •of 3 . 1 e -' ' - i
. 1 t , : ` l . , ..' • , •., non ssendal differences, to come . on 'ticr.a.
1 tiou With slave.iy-ilaPpbsition to--the Maine tial Ainerican Oigan:'
' . - - -1- - -- — A- Allyt —_the lfassaeie of Paris, tlieSpani , di in- i Churcli,7 and. that, i I . stieb. perSecutions
' PP° P " o0 to Kilow-Norhillgi4m and -Th• - protest; of certain dele - rnites -to . - the . '. l . •T'', •,- • • ..I•• - • • • , . • ..-- : ''. • t ~jf, •.. vs ...
th ' se f l Plat Orin ilin' which there is a perfect' unit of
Tim Prstsaxtvalm Salem. Joult*AL, l'Or law , 1° - -- 1 •'. , 1 ' -• ' ' L .. ' • • •• quisition and perhaps, some odivr inilividuzil• i so% ereigns were-not con i id. by the la % I sent and which all admit to be • efithe
to'anY b - . 'd l isti l uet t ion4 among ei„tizeits founded
Jurie,cOntailiS seVeral valuable articles, and ConventiOn, arni - ing.whont are those of Penn., eases of persequt'ion :-43ut, pertnit 'me Sir* of the Church ?•' ;IT Such is his belief, a care- ; mois vitall importance.) The d;flicult.fisils.
upon ;inip al anti criled.:! 1_ ... • . .i
i •;
stlso.reports .ofthe•doings Of various educe . . -teal to..' -Oa- clitdour, aril to .1 , -It vou 1 • .
sylvania, bliindrs .groSi.l ., y,, when . it pleads; —l O api, 3,. .. , i ...
. The ; getter inlseeral of the States last - year! tni-.
The New 1 rW; ..tVtevbe:ists that these .'' wipeh.l . ll : i I'll . 1 -perusal of. the' writ kle ilir.reileo Combil. I also beeast.., , ... '6 ; thes.. tine elements'didiunitii O.:,
Aional assoc in different couraties of the I- - ' ' - 1 ~ '.` against the introduction of any question eon-- —Do indiVidnal;Caes of cruelty,
1 planks are all ii ci ftlie " blaihickory ' sort, and-,ways have been re:probated by the C
hun k , ri,t, o,
..m i Cons !11 1 t i
~ ;,li " 'll ". 'lc him. of his error.
Mats The editor of the Journal ,sliggests-li - •• - .t. I ',..• I ~.• ;'; . pa oinpof
i ne ' eted : With slii4ery intd'the ' - 1 tf r • of . r . i i der k tlie- fc'irrii of.the Republicztn oramitzation
andig . ain&l not si,ral i - ietories. c 'The.O . 'ans:
, wliich thil writ . ; iA l su , o4,l, Was_ en l, ac .. t. !
that inste.'<d of furnishing merely a deserip- I, :
... . 1I• : - '' .'; -: ' . ' ciples' Of the "'in - ler:v.ln party—being con- esP'ciallY those
'ant sovereigns—and eotninandtitg Generals, 1 ed and enforced tuidbr the - il..ontan L'At..ofie ,
They constitute h,. .pliitform ',Upon which . the 1- • ' .r . ' '''- . l es vihichirripeiled this cohesion, then, - exist
•_. • •
----- • ! vineed thatini,ts, touch issues were intended to who are not in theltabit, of being. controlled !
, sovereigns . . of Pi..iglititl, but Was abolished - in i in ap•thek priStine pow'er, now and Ile' i'CI:.
rid' the 's; ati(br- . , .
' . ' Ch , -cI, id who trust 1.„, '-- -...1,„„ , it . . u' i - or chic-h, I torn: in Ohio out of the Democratic .ritirty
. .._
ition, of, the organization of these meeting:, ; wise, the sound, the patriotic, iind'the Nei ,i- I ' '--- ':
be I ' eed within its purpose and objects.
-with their officers, committees, - speakers' al men - of' NeW .Yiirk , can stand, awl from I b-,eiu n'a
..names, and adjournments, the reports furnish- which they mily defy) the utmost efforts of 1 .. !` N,ithing con,,iii be more unfounde'd,as to the
in the (lid ac- ', Americans ofPennsylvania,especially of wes
.ed for the Journal should consist, of an ab- their , 'c'PP l 'nt'nts wl?etiler male
, stomed evisEi .Isiwhicis and 'Abolitionists,or - _.l 4nia thinthi - stntement I - loW
:street —no matter how short—of.the good i ? e u °ie.,
lie P . ,'" , . ~ I tern Penns) v , • '- • •
, M er rnd more deceptive one of l•he- i '
things said -in the meetings. We think ali could '_• y eith 4 dian of character': ut his name
publicans," " — ''ll4lll" i ts " " Know Nothing:,el e"'
,• f,'•• ; - P -
- , '-:
:similar pliin,slionld be adopted in reportilig i Temperance men or - Free Soilers. ~ , ,to such a statement, when •
the body in Penn
i -
the County papers. . - i ~ . 1 sylvaria which, he represented had comthuni
-': I - I, •
For thelndiv4i2rti lielinblican. • : • ! eated for his, g•iiidatice and instruction,inform
i -';----
Thip fa - ' lila ' , i inghint it had 'pissed, by an unanimous rote;
.. . ug spa very. -
No person ', Lif gout: intellectual faculties; suchen expression in regard toslaverylis this'?
' whose moral seuse.slare not•perverted,! will .11 es ul ve d , That the Members of this (Amer
deny that Slavery is •a moral, social, anil po- 'lean irg,anizalon) recognize its relation with
Utica! evil. i,,,.• ''' N, an organization national in its constitution,
• I - ' • . Inational t nu. os ''s and national in its
r people,; vie , in i s i p . ,
Three and ,a half . , millions b- ~1
- -attaeninents - ~ that the :union of these .States
tints of its cruelty and injustice, are held like' has proved a'benefaction to mankind, wrought
brute beasts in Inunillating.servitede,depriv- ! - out of,the experiment of - perfect freedom in
ed of all the. privileges of edutations'and, men: ' civil and reli4ious rights and privilcgmi,gran
tallitnprovernent, privileges essential to h il l ted and guaranteed to all the subjects of.the
man happines, an without, which life'ts If
a - - - Government ;,,•,f such Union.. Did we fail lo
'-, , :' e ;bring to the 'maintenance of this Un ion the
is not desirtthle,. , 1 ,
, I lioniage of our hearts, awl the devotion of
The shameful traffic in, men, women, and outlives; wei should be recreant to the high-
I - • 'i i patriotism.
children, ,co' veying'them like merchandise, est obligatiO ,s of rte-affirming,
pa t t
frinn one of the country to another is a I
therefore, the ;newt ai--dent-suel.t.ent-te, eber
- 1 ' " 1 - Unraii of thei,e States;both as the bulwark of
-crime again+
i justic, and . humanity . , and a :
our'civil and; religion , liberty - , and the depos
dark stain ~.? n. the character_, of an enlightened , itory' of the honor and , glory of-the. nation,
Christian Pclople. „ , , 1 anti,of the citizens of the several States, and
, i Slaverylii based 'on tvrarinY, cruelty and I . avowing . , ',our; determination to stand faithful
I wrong, and is 'a relic of a barbarous
I - . - -age : , ,to the ,Uniol at all . hasards,
,save those of
~, , 1 disloyalty tsk freedom and dishonor to our
,an evil, "whieh, it ba , i linen truly said; eon- i
, s eles . as feeemen, speakin r ,i , from the shad-
Ii stitutea thelsum of all villariies,' condemned,i tw: of free institutions; - we desire to make a i
by every r4oral sentiment, and by all honor- I permanent a-eeord of,' our sentiments touch -1
able men, 1 :' ' . ~ i, -
1 ing slavery ,as t exists- in the southern Statesi
, ,
, It is an institution which wields all its pove- Ii of this Uni4n and as' it is obtruded out us ,
,al made fill ' eletne . lit and condition of our ,
1 erful influeeces refit - hilt the improvements of
{lnd :' . . , ICO coherence as a family of States. Slavery ex-'i
-the trines, ;In— t.,:e., cause of human advance- , i s o n ,,, onlyin and by law` in the . Southern;
no _t .
1 Meat -' I - I ' : ; 1 - i States, is teecessarily;a local thing, and we 1
i 1, It tramplesupon reason, right, and inteln: ; ought not , itt fact to have_ to deal . with it in any 1
, But the present Constitution of .the 1
pence,' prohibiting 1?y State lawa, and by i form.
1 United States having' made it the subject oft
mob-violence., the:free disenision . of political , ~t
restram , evidently, too, as the beginning of .I
principle:;' • ' : _ -,
• !, measures, fbr :its abolishment, and Cones iss
It magi s the rich 'to revel in luxurids' oh- having'k tibSequently ;passed laws for theretained by the hard,lahoi of the Slaie,. 'while capture of daces escaping into free states;this
it Makes ee /ober dishonorable, and brings I n
degradati - nport, the
frhitepop;itlation. , 1,
, local institution has - been constantly forced
i - I upon the - People of the North until it has-be-
Pc•x'rer poorer.-.classes of t h e I come the 4bjezt of a•iepugnant awed well set--
- 1 , tied piibli4 opinion. ' The public opinion. of
:11..n inslitutign! which is morally. wrong, I the inhabitants of the Free States is and iras,
I can nut he politically right, and those who been
• fillVOse to slavery, and that opinion has
, been cut need and,' , 'strengthened. ".b
Idefend Butte an institution., or its eitension,
i events' Ave sympathise the Northern
I•irefielhtlil i g ofilla. inst imral principle.: ',.. i kerlon l etit. - n reggi , dito . s ia v c ,l l , and claim the
As npolitteal evil, it rests, like .
$ deadly I, right 'chilli' legitimate occasions to 'discrirni
ineiihns, On the better portion of the'hoil of' nate liy i ttite bestowal. of , our suffraires in fa
the republic. 1 ~,i_, ', - -,, ; von ofith
• -rrien and l the measures promising
, the most o conserve and give efficacy to the
it is a kouree pf4nsitkuese and indOlence, - II 0 , 4 ..1 , •' ' A
checkiug the -esterilse ~: an* parati-a*Mg the I ' / ;;;;L cso ra ;
b. 'touching slavery, ono to„,
in practice in the South-1
. ' '
energy the people of alltheStatesitt which i era Stateiii the views' of "-Southern statesmen •
' I who ealcniated the period Which should wit!''
tress the lishrnent of Afriesif Slavery in 1
the Lttiii States. r : • ' - '
•,.' Rtiol tid,lllat *1 do not. propose to in; - 1
ierfere j*-iMy-wilie I - , with slavery= withitt - -;the
ihnini . ollthotos: States where by ' helivis it
already ixists; , but that to - every atteMptlo
bring t,lit freemen of the North into new part
'nerslifisfirith slavery ; to ;every -attempt to
why* iteii_•territ4ry to , 'slavery_; to erery
l'ineas :Co!igees - for the : , far
--ther protectitm - or ' s extensiotfof slavery,. And
fOr - ..46 4aliiiiiiinfkif pew: slave States, 'we de
chtre 4;itkisels*** . ..itnd ininatitahly opposed
and refitignant; --• 4 • ' -'• -
.-• i'; -
Tit ai who Impend 'desire to be informed
0.04 tite : Principles of the'; tneritiatt_ Party,'
lve. l - i ti e 2 that Abe, - reso4,ti:ons. are ,portion
s.itiiithii.:Proffiiit Itiiik4 ) .,'' - '4llliii4ii , Anitiiiile-,
4;4 at thnPhifitiiiiention, we re
pli ;tliai not the action of the-Pelf, lvania
41 ' ' .. • - •
ar - Thei Danville Democrat says
. pf .the .
-platform of the secederS' from - the Philadel-;
phis Convention, ; it will present
point forr-the people , of the, NOrtll, - andAVe sin
ceielv itrust tlilt _their doctrines will. be in-
. .
- - .corporated into the platform of ..the'Order in_
..this State, so as to swell the ranks of the
nex Republican Forty, which is now rapidly
!mining among the friends of the. Missouri
'Compromise - over the whole Unicn,andwhich
party 'alone inust . and trill prevail in the
eta:" •
. .
The New York Tribune says that the indi-
Mns are plain that the K. N. Council of no .
; Free State eicept, New-York, will sustain the
jority platform - of the Philadelphia Con
n-en ion.
- The Position of the Demotrratie Party
- alfb following facts-and expressions of
collected and promiscously thrown
• together,..willgive some idea of the present
position of the Democratic party on the
. Slavery question. It is evident that any' par
" ty that gets ahead of theDemoaracy in subserr
yiency to the South, "has'got to get up early
in the morning." _ • •
First we give the platform of' the Georgia
;- --"-Demoaraeyi recently - a State
- Convention, as follows : • . •
- -1: The Union—but the Union as seconds
sy to the reserved rights of the States.
2. The total non-interferenee with Slavery.,
anywhere, in ,the States, in the Territories
-and .in the District of COlumbla.
• The Maintefsancebrtte - rttgrn re - Slave
'taw just; as it Withont amendment twa
.4; The-prinniples established by the Ne
, braisita-Kansas - Act; ivlfich are the rights - of
4hepoxiple of Kansas- to fonn a Republican
1:` government, with or Titliout Slave*, when
-*Ter they please, and to come mterthd Un7knf
---.-ofe-An , ogratal footing with the other States:-
avisOltftinn of the laSt Georgia Leg-":
istitureithat - any opposition to :these pritrei
-floc by spli t man or party; ison act of hos. i
,tility to the; people of the South.
$,-Sympathy ;with the friends of Slavery
,Kanaax,itt Abair manly efforts e.,
bowie bard MO - Musket] "t« :.maintain the
rights and .in terests of the Southern people," 1
-over 'a the' l'osia 'Advintureis' end leattitierd
hordes "of Northern '4ls6lititlaiiii.'';- •
' 7. - - Opposition to vti7:payiy North.
" doOs not come uplidly and:fairly" to
standird,' - iielitffing the Know=
- • "
Retaliatory measures against .
yermont for " virtualit y`
Afielrogitire Slave Law and '
- '
9. The 9°nel:own of Cuba. : ~, A
, • , 4)1'414 t o laitorzn titiAukuda tfonsiitur
'This ffin
444 - 4117 ,-
ti "4s . llo. '" bate : sl'et ! 4thaliv
people . ..of GiOrita;
*pen every lineation presented in it: Itwin
.1)4 sustained by ; the tirtatial ' ofevery
and patri9 mind
, 0 1
--- -"i:,:; 7 li l Fol4 l 4 4 iublAtiet - iiiiiinimelled
-46 1 111 : 4011- #..010i '168 "eiliefider, (44 n;,P igt P or t '
eonflkw or by recent party entangle.
'rents and l unwarped by personal resentments
' -- " (figs"' at•Philta '' ihe 'e •
tOwaidszfermer o his. I ‘ Itl tfibin - '.the `blue -ey - sn •• , yell r, ee • elphui,6!tt a re4 l ) l 9 fta
-.,., -Pr (*:_. .-,.. : . ik - a o .
..eno qs,,,,ihe,rti,,,etßinimo T ,nitti t it - ' iiiidftrefßuirld in.!oln ',Flits —,, , . 9 „.., .. -k--, - ,; ~f i
4- 1 1
' il l' eBau -'-.
- -
the There . i latfrt .
_*-_, 0 , 4 ,, w ---, , " 3: ,!.. _
t rce , ... ,4
..,--- itsel ,_ - - - eie - ri- 'VI s'' itutio ,, ' th -it . 1 "- .*V'. ‘''''s 1 , 0, , i - ,
` -- ti lit AI 41 4 f ..., - L.L......- 7 itYitAir.' iinit ate r -sla yi feetnen olutiott or . `-- z 'sinkrtfir.s ; - `e
or 7614 1 vl ~ " 4c.40,6, ..;...totric- -,- . ln--, -. , ,
~,,,: , ... !, t•:
tii i ,-, :4.7 ,it - - ' ....y 4
1: te l. : ..,.1:7•.„. :,, t: nt ' ' ' A l l e
.::', .. ;411) ,: t k a :,. :: - 1 01 ' : p i _ ail ofirM ' : 1' ,, ,1; , 1d4' . - 11*W14e .4;- :tit; tell u'P ;- l eq wl 9 ll - i i n :rs. l . ' e tlitti m sentim k ;66;o ,,, C :i llit :: A u "ln rt e T e, :e s e i„ Yi:tr.'
men of the; North— , e Xatio4l Di,
They - will auction; ytd . tiley .tifill austain it.
oerats. pot. slaves. , ' tliietl4.
,tztn peoktleare info- . 1 perha tit _ ihts*ven f' defeat'', ri.,,,._,
rior, it cacti inttiteir defense ? that 'their 1 against dishonor. i ..., i.
, But outside of the
itt-mhat detrw°3t-le P ar _p rivileges for iinpmvp' ment liave Veeti°'inore
ty, where - will it 3. 've einintenanee and sup- limi te d .
~ ~. —,,- -- t :.,.:,.-- , . -.... ;
port in that section We leti4e the history , ' :
of the past, and the - recent Northern elections-. I But tbe ',African rar is capable, not only
to answer,. . -, 1 ,- " .Of iniprovemeut, bUtitilso of :maintaining re
The Hun, liowel l l' ~ Cobb, ei-Grovernor ofitiblienn gOsernmeni
- " ' Addressed to him I; i Look for a momeni at the republic . of „Li
. . .
. .
• -
Georgia, in reply : to a letter 11-_
the' Deniveritey a s tiii k r4o;i;
Icy itiiking him
if better *re'thel3mith to act•
alone politiially 'ORA , of the growing Free .
Soilism of No:*i replies That he believes
id. -
i ie:.
the Ninfiliern betrioeraeY 8 1 •0; Oulidi'.Yet, Jr' potism; it., iittlisl-s.
.0'164.0 they ,he goesfor stand-. 1 Mitiating,theeetitneiwbf a beniabte4f,'"hut irti- . i 1 ~ •- . 4 .• •.-- • - 1 *".• '•: :
.and-Ahe r same malignant spirit spit ... ,
..... • •. I .. • .•• • '. •. ... , .
. • 1 II int keppgettl l ef,.by...the ‘:collesive.: - peWer2m.
ping together "witktlinm on, the. tilled plat- 4 pro ,i ng N i•I 's i.:- ' : 2‘i fFI i. 18 : 53 -. ' '
in hit hosoni t -. The :legniaition thus,- burned
ii i k . ,- ; '.publieiplunok; it titia:hept np 'Stize; - shOW ,
eiantinent. , i;,4.lid we know of no.rea
ferm, espoiallY i es.i lie thinks without. their i a tye mi ions° u - 1 , , g_ .
• - RW * . I °R° ' : ' 4l( "" r. .-- r . - .ii . -..f h it ail bein ii th
Mn. it --Bon surprising !---that, ;-• • vittilitii. - '-' --•••••--- ' ---- •- - .:-•:.•• -•,-. • , .. , ,, , ..-‘0
son why the ,lion: P.... Roberts, who dins so . , ... . . . .
aid' it' would'be im' c rsible tct . get , Kan'sas ad-11 all over-the affaits of tlutt State, ' at, the present ditii,;--.7agalldress.—pirpOrtind Th A e Inqii , isitida - has :dug up the bodies of - The Pr, • ,---: •- , - ..,-.: -,,,.-.•,..,.. ,:; ;,- --.
orginiz . Sta '• andthere -- ii':iiii'sPrObibilltY
... , - --.. r‘d.. _ . '4 2;7 h•lg•Fift.fli iii:**iii,. utter ] di ill*
milted 4 Slate tate' •-• ' - --, .-: -•-- - il i will note ompare faterablO with so .
tie r ii has donu t the children of heretic;iaa
' • • ~ that it nbe • allied- or reorminized in
The: South rie:triocraey . s cei4.Y., a ' Ps - ll- eminent Men of our! own cc:Paltry. - ' :
Me of th© . - "to be ilelivered,—.,4o- the, Pupils of ,a
- school, •-•should NI tinctured so de4),-f-with
; the Die commonly! used by Illiteritte,'—and , ,. • -riumber.,),fBtates ined ,..,, frinri the: AntlSlaVe , file second generatitin, and .inc.a• • - .. . . ..- . - , 1:,.. , . any
' t those ' .-
ition qUite;beyondithe readi &die Southerni' •A' a tit' the i' ' ' s'Of Liberia 'aro - - -' ' . .• - -
1 nw i . cyzen ,
. . r 1 - . - .
_pable . of public honors ,e,xe,cp rho * Bull,
..'• . ;;;, ry pros wide* : of its -.Nortnern and -strong:
P a ' envious Protestant* in the eollorin& of Cali.
T , . • .. have deuouneed their fathers. 71 .; ' : .
Know-Nothings, whom the`.-re (false., i tronizin Schools . ind institutions of moral ' o li c i sm . -. .i . 4• _ -
•-.i . , - -
i. 'Alt,the
tthatpe;eldi ; rwingth re is d e
possibility of -reorganizing.
. .
ly, of-eontse),iia li tleibetter than .Atolition
j. . 1 g: , ).) ,
4. and intellectual im revement it is saddening .It appeared to ;me while listening very at- i .. ii .
,•• , : - party: ';'- .-. '.- -•.,. - ". i
; the o owing words, ylz : :‘.‘ and thesame nia•,, ...., - .. „ . • :-• • • . .
'. " Ranah • !mini- 4, • • spirit! . ' -- - •
71 (i ' a t i li d lie .a r :i * l ' i t i l i 7 l: e r ° b n oTo i: i i, r ; c' '' i r- 11 I • Thus - thn IV -hmond U"(
/07. 1 th'er 83 ,Ys ocl' to refleet, , that some 4L:)t• then( have friends and '' l (idd I s •• ; n'am:
i tentively to your' ; res,7--that th .c i , w
~ t
ed 4 b th .y .. to Th sa e oe re c e il -S u ( s : e wl s, p l aj h t i y e . . h w i a , s s hi li t i t so er r e gn d _n l i tie zi
the Nircinia'SlaV -holder. who .recently haiii r&•tions 'who are AM held; in 'bondage tl - ; I mista k e nu t ..114story furnishes youchers or ii 1
i s „_ ~ si ion, . -c... e.,- T eolip e , T 1 1 e .
— ie 1 - t• " & & ' " '1 d'i •ti th ' death of 1 • ' .•• ' 2 . -'. I Whig , P i tirty.' 1, ,- -=•.; .. -.•,- ~ r " 7. -
.., ~
... 11
in; remonnter wit
. .;Senator 'Wilson
.in the
property of Southein slaveholderiA. 1' i
, f. 1 and whether: under ' it . reenrrence i (if the saine:i .
I several millions Of .Protestant Mart:yrs and a ll . ' • ;,, .; , A ~. a, 'newlparty has siiddenly grown.up,l
Philadelphia Cpnvention 1 - 7 i---, - , , • ,
'. Whileslaver 11" S been 'declining linother ; attributed, and appe nd e d , !to the cited of the 1 eireunitztanees as extsteo In: tile ()arm acres -al i •
st .: i l .l, and-fo r . 'il. tir4 . pri!mis , e(l, to•-• be a •poiverfuh
' "1 - 10W;e(tuld he (11.) . .reblike - Wilson for , I Catholic
• again, , • ••. • • , •-• r poiitie4 org+zation,.uut on fitst atteinp(l
parts of walai in our own country it has , o . was 4 ,yout: bigoted Sell, 1 •
.. ;
trilv•• be a matter of opinion, in .~vine]! 1
; necess: ,•,,,
.. 1 ‘
I•lgitating • the abolition' of. slavery; when, he been •'''• • • ' ' ll • `-• - an , rind I deemed, abscilutelY - neeesSary and indispi•ns. ' ' - • to fornirl \a `tonal Platform it has been hicik;.,
* teaddy increasing ;, at present 1. , ~, . - - -' 1 • • ' • 1 nii. - 11 _may iionectir ditTer.! . .-Should..the - same i-.- / -
Lhad.himself dencginced the institution as. a , : . ,:: .. i . ible in the d'scharge of the august ,dutzes. de- 1 ~lured - ..! ~,,-b' ; b J . i mend. i en int 6 :. fraetnent:4'y the same. - dis c
laves eiteed in number t e inhab- I
time, the's , -
pg • . 1111, tl,•• t Clli 1 1. (0111c ..
sin .apse V•pd 'and an ontrage•upon
_man.? 1 solved upon ;on last evening . , in 1 , the Pres- 1 ' •
enure vilikliha shatteredihe-..Whi(T5...,'..1..:.' •
I 'f . c; eOf the important Stats of Eu- • • • .. ; ant_anci refrain from l•xhibiting such it;spiil, .1- '
I .3ifuSt not J'W*4;ereticonseielisness of g alit; and •: 'tants o . 1 .. rn .
.... • , by term Church in tliiii village. 1 -. ' T "• i -
This ,
.are_ttscertained.facts..; here. s but ..
an appri;hension cifthe.CSPosure:-Of idle hyp• rope, among which are -. Dnmarlt, Hanover, Now. sir,—in ;die drib of' yonr iiddress, 1 •
• • A (nal God irr;lot, it 'id
• . :I; • . - o i -- .
'Fht l qd he) My 4111110t1 1-
one b anized party,. having•yainificationSni•
'oeriticall part hi wiei; pinYing, have Paralyzed
._ Switzorl - an4,' :Moray, s% . N . .e'deti, and ,ei:itland. Truth—scemedto be anted at,--4 • '• 1 I but . prove - ineeirrat.' ' I.he occurrence ..
and ittotta 1 , ''',?l.,,' . - • • all -the. ' tate4..--the Deinomnie ;-. arid. this ha:3
'lll4 'poWers 1; it vras 'Unfortunate. that the 1 •.•.• ' • i • - L , .
I .the Minds - i ''' -"le; &vent, alone, hbwever i 'itn 'attest it..s , - i , . - f. , - , ' I
' They exceed in nninber - the inhabitants of be strongly impreSsed.4.byou.,--on . . not tn . -• pow er ? o ;carry ing•-,anw 7Nort iern
cause of the South was Otniiided to so unequal iof vour Junior licarer4,—as one t
,t the rrreat-' tru th o•f bat •• • ;I- -
:or •f .. . ...
. .. .• .... ;
, ~ , . "
champion. 1 11.e.wis easily overthrown b •
w , • ; th
,- einth of the' South manila nattons l . with e - ' I • *And now iny.- dear.Sir - havii i ig .
est qualifications A at .e . urn • Arne • .can I. •.. .
.'' h 'lll './ 'fr • ' ' ' thus b r k fl y I State,' nd can hardly make .n. show - of any
,. strait , 'except in 1 ennsylvania -and Nenr•
- Wilson: ' : ; ;••• 7 I single exception Ok- Brazil ;; and also the iri- •b 1 rat the whole of t , ) ~ -,.. , • . • •
that 'pcfrtion ( I fnlY'• - id -
i..• - ' ; . r-'' :.• 0 posse 0f, , ,.-adinitted. ' Rut why--;; , • 4 . , •' • r-York. • '-. •1• .•„,.., .. _ , .
arcs, to W Well YOU hare takes:!xceptc , m# in ~ .r. - • , •-• :.: .'- - • - --; , :-I ---
In 'KentitelcY; to, the Know- Nothings arc habitants of BritiSli'America. • ' should you, steP;asidiii from that
. great quail- roar • ' . '• .The KnoW•Notleni7 party a* it no'w masts •
. . L '•' t " 1 The 1--' b ' S ith'; ' most htniable eiwtle. of four paaes fools- t: -•• ;; - , ••• - , '..-..i„..,..-
Said to he little Ater than Alolitibnists, tin. . s,a‘ts of the - .ot are more numer- ; tleation, in the.false iiOnressions, 31ou enueay- -..
11. • , Ttt.l . dirt l , r'kvitl w'bi h r t'w we r'
n ~ iOll the PlatfOrtn.iiidopted idiliiindOluain..AW
1,1 t 4 .. !.. i
. 1 , C ii, 1, '' ; c • !.., ";"'' no exi tenceilbut hi the. South . ekeePt•in'Ner.;
• ' • ' ' l' ..'• 1 - • For our
.than the people.of theism. New England 1 ored- . --with that mind lille,d to (ierfloivin,'s t . a l" ,
conepared with - the pure IDernOrgey. : ?•so_ • so_ rpa u I Le. . ; ~1 - i• •• ; - , .
instance:::Bartlettl for Wlrin the lieutuellY' . Statesi . and , theyicleeed by half s million
1 with bigotry and_Micharitablenes*,—to. cram ; • . -• ' • • .'; : -- ••• • ' - - ' fort: ,nil Pennsylvania, and .in'.these,-Stiit st
•lour wholsale . charges. ot • : ;,>,
Am.: 1,
~, I L , ~. - ~..- ~-, , A ''.3. 'I ,
. • , down the throats Of ybur . Juvenild, listeners. . ', w i t h •oar. iltis a PLiefrhY. in .tue, nonority.. tooeeo,. i tti i
. ••• 1: the nuniber of penPle in the United States at I 1 • 't- ble ess end ii4e faliehoell
delem '-
„ales voted, and. who i‘ was elected •Pres,i• . . c . .., •.- • . . 1 1 now n iiedgei Sir -.4liat,z--t111.4 portion, of ' 'r l A , - la .• •--':, . -' . . •-•)' ..6 lis not !probablcit could now carry a. Singleli
' the commeneem tof the Revollition • and l• , , ' bold-deliance, lam Loci .eltarttable-cither ,, t
dent of the National Kno --Nothing Council, ' . e i'. _ • • • . • •--, -I your address,--4iailing the said,.” Rotwish In- • . . -.---- .. 1.,. - • !. 1 State n theliliniOn: . It. is :also , like the . .Dein-II
- I .-• ~ notice or resent._ • • [i.'.•. -_,-, ..;• ' ; • ~• .1 - • spar ' , 1
is;th AlrashitiOan - Stai• to be i'a by - ninillion• !lei,. in - hole elation of the quisition"-- 7 -to 04 aithotie Chureh,-aud.t
' ' ' at '' . •ro the Many pant spits of irrelevant tan I oerati t • Pro•Slavery,..:' ~ i'. . --, ,1 . ,,• 1 1
' country at that time: i.' •. • :;-.; •- " ...1: ;same kind -of spirit,-;-" still slur/When( in . • • -Fr ' tli s hist - revieiv-Of he .l . 04 (7
full:bleoded •Ke4tileky AbolitiOntit.',•. - We ', • ...•.,, ; .. ~i ' -;; • ..„ -: . . .• --, h '•• ~ • r.. ~_. ~..-; ~_• , . 1 . 1 guage your - epistle cOntaiiis, it WO.uld • ill, lie- . P„ I._. '. ~..Y •: - ',- ... .t-,.:. e 2 .‘ s. .4.0:i
And it is d•
. 1 1 tOurnanity that the ! her osont ---Islik.ukqe - ausenbouit an d tnore• 'state t parties', it is seen - thp' - . p res tiff'
refer to, these eta etnents,:not because we be , 1. to r s . rd ''• ;Von hOwever ctreatii•
coma It L. - C.. 110 • 1 . . n.. .. i
, . , ' •. 1 1 ' • -. • . - . 1 over, 1 dety yOn ;to - prove an y one instance.h" t - 4 - S' in ila T‘' . il ROI' '
, morn 1 t t-n .vo t.
.. e ...o t, et n - 4,es, I,
hello that the 'si) them linow Nothinifs 1 Ste • n ..ressivaact. of the 1 ' •.' '• • • ' mistake me if von 1 link to is an indiyiii-
Northern , ta 5,,; y a. a„,,
~ are. • , ,• - • ~• - • - where persecution, w as ever, endouraged •or
~ • 1 . • . •',.. - :.,, ~. , ~,, '. . . I
1 who ave tle:destinic of.the - Union"-in- - th iil
. . tin . or sect, i
,wotho, proscribe, for oinnion si
antiSlavory, 'ha tri.shoW, that, suliseririentas National goVernnient, at to nssist 1 m i„ tenan „ e d i i',i, t i l b 1' RotnisW—or inprc !' harid4 bee ruse ; can elect .' • intiOrit - of I
i. •.. sittsc—and there Cert,:tini,y, is 'Mt in this wide -I ,:• ) a - ~1 Y
the electorA & . illege end thernembers Of fl'n4 '
they are to the livery' 'intereat,the Denim.- lin ; sustaining, fur the south an institution properiyeall4,-.calAdic .P.urch; - .; . ~, ,•:
_ take::.;. , 1 1 is the. ' 'sub' t•of lily '
i work( tric'.-inortal w.,0 . e , Jec I -..- .
racy are feral' ;1 of them, ail& will;' there- ) • . i :
•• I which tiley'' erailited in, its infitney from Am!,
.I Lnc', ground, sir—that you.. „ , ,: .. „ ; „ I. ' 4
. ! frreSS lire p u n t k.,ll..• i n v , dis aiu nn i ze d;.,4tl, e ,',
• • . •
„., ... ~• 1., d 1 " natiCa Anite .or - mance ' / J an
i r own-territory
e v il 'considered must, -
, thei r
.. . , be extremely ignorant of Ilistory, es-4 1, '-. -', , • , - la -tsto 1 c lVi ' '-• 'bre 'd ••i.' bl ; than • ' 1
esi,a T., , to unit._ t k/tn : ,
fore maintain. their sirperioritv at ;the South.. 1 .„. . ~ •, • 1 - r , - - •:. .• . ,- , ii LI N .. i • rienclship, Love :into Troth; has long been 1
2 'I - . • , • L ''l- a - 1 rt . , 1 . - . 1 d'r . c 7 thel P eciat
1 i ta mora mw pri , t Ica evi ,en ange in,1,.0i toe ,Iv:forniation vol• ea cj, -or : 1 - . 1 Ch ar it y : I. to(retl er •iat..o • 0 - nd 'coherent •Or aatiized'abd'
The 'Nzitionr4 Democracy” of the - North ' must be, possehsed of much at - sitf:mi.•e, when.l n ip motto', and i n my esteem t..itartty is the .:0L a . -.. . 1. ' 0 1
I • I , . ..., • • ttl th. 6 Chiefest o f -:111-the ChriS- so li d ody '
•- ' i
will no doubt Vindi.atel the confidence tlett-I.principles of fre9.government , : _ i you accuse the' c i atholie Ch urc4,--; beir,g, i'ln ) iw r 'o VII . .1 ..i , . I: . !'l u re • i q- •- - •.' • ; L .. •
~: ,
- - • c
~ments are composes. ot
,aten wno
J. :W. C. -,tr.secutors bY the ' ,
—bound . to be su ch , i t:lan graei:s.. ... -
.ii ;
•------ - ' • -- ' '' • \\ith the. fertientiwi:Al am( each o . fits may I" tilcil
, have iformerlY acted With all' the old po.t
. i Ili- , el also of_ . many_ .. have •l ate,'
it exists.
ASt ,
Lain I!
!ism ' 611
Ea or district *Melt is. abto to bus.
Pultai* 4.lln oiili on 4 131 14* and
freemen, is , equally able to ;sustain
_ _
!ions offreeincn, and no slar#l.
I._ .
48 „ 4talc, i witi.i'as many slaves - as free :.
fileli; but -Prrq-0-, ban- a cipher ,i l-1 4 1 ;:-. ,
taiiistr itiglift!r in Om* of war, -or iiiiir- .
"Tectiol - ti, it-*itild require,the - greeter 'part of
lii .'
' W keep the Slaves in subjection,.
&ent them - from'- ohtaining, by "force,
'44)...1;i' :*
...:,.4'-vli,etk *J . : are entitled . by
.t i r
lirb'iii i i# l .o l lt! 14; nnglifTf ) rIT'a r d
d• .--,': ;of 40&..iiii.ef, color, and,
ihel444 - ) c s4dri‘r -- ,:iiihe - A. „tun - - IT,C,e.
1 111 00t4ftitimdtitiluilli'1444 11 nPco
thifFiipi.,*a 7 4siiillii:lotigb;aid
i 4 •
some Of the more *BO4 o f the
white ..litilarion,. to take the places of tome
:twer in
berm. •
".1v1,171110-thitatiottaltif Eurnpe ~to
in r • •
onarehietil instituttona, tir Ml° there, the pop:
ular ehingeara frpOgo‘:ernment into a (hut:-
tli `little republic of Liberia is
ibre 44 0 1 444,49i*1 17 . 101 .
on noui W e t" '
Our frieo , 3 . alo.,''oiittiii:Vs he Pe•
milli, In a late nuntber o # the-iteinitiliefin, of
the letter from a *Man Cdthollo tip H. H.
JossuP , rim Ola to iliod j<sme i : i ha _similar
exixtiipnee aiildressed
tOunty, and shortls , ;, after received 'from; . that
place letter, whieh; with , his reply, we give
below, suppressing. of 'loth par
, ties;
. . .
by the law.s.of the; .arch, :up_ , the repg,ii of King., Charles ..., Mr . ~, ; --.-7 . „ --: --.-----; , -
more to their Caniian4 of Bra's*, 'than, to the. i , , i. .
~, ; , 1 • . . , L.
•• t . • 4 _ have acknowledged the potency of the crises,
Canons. of ; the: Chitreli—do -silth individual{ says . (lcet,.Ttistice III:tle, .` te,t., , ,, • DcO,' i , , J ~te .
• . . i and Inive.buried :ill: minor .clitlereneest and
.. ,•, ~ • .
h. 1 TI ll- ' the l ' . d''
cases of critelty,' , prove, that, ' •• `writ _C Ili:retie° cont. i i .., 1., x , I .
the whole . Cat.- 1, It. „et, ture_„, , - greatAlepubliCati
o/ic Churcauthttrizes persecution 1--if - youi.buren•lo'' Was issUCO. in England Was in
!„ - thel patty. :i . , -- ' • ' ,
say,.yess ii then, in order to be con, f i .,...i gr ,' 6(t - li teea mil t e\• ; mull to. shoW that the 1 IN -- lit 4h6 : uld not the Itnovement.. be, gene-
gistent, von ,frost tilso,',assert that, ” wher..qts, 1
. "temporal arm" tnly put 'in - execution - the 1 rati? 7\ y hat is to be g:nned, for ; any: Orte i 'of
- many P:onitin CathulieS, are in; the habit of ;, ..- . I , . .., I! •.• . , •-- tints° elements by. maintaining a separatle br
getting drimiti• therefOre the Cetholic Church .decrees, : of the Chtirl:li, winch first condetnned 1 . . 4
.‘.. iby
' -• 1-
secure ~. . . i. __L.
11 1 . . gar attoirm men cannot the st_i_q_cess of
Authorize'sdrunk‘Lsandas.. An aSsertion, which- the vietim-for here! f y,and thencomtpitted him i an - distlnetive 'measures or Principlesi tad -
I hope Sit- 1 1-4-0r the Credit of your cOrenr.ii - to the lay, power ti. be btifiit, "according. to i ' win inu4t , assuredly risk the loss ot.those-im
sense youlare nut ready to make.. . ' canonical stnietionN: . we ptibirh a Copy of that I-portant iiriticipiesin.which .. all .agree.ll,'the
- „Tell me not, agatti /: Sir ; ot• l a persecuting - . whigs alit] I: ree-Soiters have_ certainly Ineth.• , .
writ is found ill i FL - 1z ll.iiiintrr's-IN.i.ruttA
spirit.". Still 'slunkbering in the bUsorn - of the. ..,,. . ~ , . . ina to gun by 'keeping . ; up.. scattered.. orgitni
i . -. . Ml.:view, vol. 2 I ifigL:.2.6 . 9 las follows; I Ina -. m,„.
• ~,, without
Catholic Church. !, :' . i . ble.
•,- . 1 1% , -. , ' .. - - i nations, any - .lt,tat. or any .. tang,
It is true : I —th4t Queen Ml6', perslit!nted : Thi , ' . .li ing [or, queen] . Sze'., to the Mayor , anti of a' practleal'eltaraete.r. Atut..wh.,t.tt_have •
1 Protestants,-it is true, that liifig Philip per-. and Sheriffs of . ; LOnclon, greeting : Whereas i thel,in4W-Nothings of the Free Sttitesi . :Who
secuted thenti but, thimce—toi coiielude, that the ven eritbl c filth it Thom',', Archbishop ofl have se:Ceded_ from the,lNatienal -COnnell.i, : to
the Roman CathOlie Church ; it, a-persecuting - . CantibitrY, - print ' eof alliEnglttnd,' and le- i gain byj keeping:Up •11. ,separate orgatt4at.ion.
Church, ig'jtist :aslogical, as f would be . the, gate of the apost4.iesee,r with the consent and i aqd stalaling aloof from their fellOW_citi4ens
', conclusion ” wiricas: Tom Diek, and Harry,
,t. - I - , lis.sent'of thel.dships and i his brothers the 1, who hold the same yiews .oa .the"etierotielp ,
of the Presbyterian Church Prtinkards—
, , of hi • tof •'•
•ic , d: • •
sufiragans, and tili4). of •ttie Whole clergy •• i urn s . SlaN.ely wh It k them tobreak -off,
. .. •
therefore,' the Pres . byterrau qui - reit_ eneoura, Fr 6Vince, in his . p r i i loy myna .eoutteil assembled, Ifroni tlicir Southern brethren-,• -If the goes-
ges drunkennessi. ..; - L • , the ot;ders of law. .111 . this bOall requiAe. be-. tipii of;Plavery aggressien - .WaS to Ahern sot , --.
• ~
Ou theother hand; what is rrotestantisni 1: ing.i til all thing. ( . 1 1li,..erted, his definitive i tat time ! they. were : willing to risk the loss of
—appearing, as it does, undet •SO ' lowly dif7 •s o utelice prUtionnee . .W
d and declared . Saw- , tlleir.d'stinctive princlides.fUrthe sake of re--,
fferent sh,teS,,, teltehing so many ditierent, i,tinl t „ , (~,I , mini e chaplain; cOldetnned fur fru - - - sititiglt; what reason:can.. they 'consistently: l
contradiet r ofy `trUctrittes. - J i repeat,- again, .esy, :Ma by liiir. ilie: said 'AV. 'heretofore. in 7 ve, why they should not abandon thtir'pres-.1
what is ll ? ';. -Why sir! if. , :yon Would open' form allpti i t,c4l, and .. r .liirn the said.. W.. 1 e it - organiiation• and finite_ With their- ccilov
I your caret-vidl—" like a 74u14".. ---and turn reltipSttil into tlic4sztici lier:jsv) a iminifest.ber- l c tizen4 on the simple,' yet ‘gigniliCatit prtieti-'1
, your .attdntion to.that p o i n t., ;you wou ld
oh:. and decreedillhim to ige • degraded; and. 'leill an a broad platform—' No. more :Slate . ;
I nor could tl43t, 4il to sec, and cons:equentiv.,H utt h ft)r illateau4- really di , ii:ii(lvd him, fi - orn' i state 4 no more Slate Territories'?'. • •I'. ...1
ito tune up in this form " Pretestainism is the ! 9 11 4 ,1 . ‘, 1,r i a i prero , i'iltivi.:::ltul•Privilege, and - bath I -1 ,- Shall We.not then inaugurate a - ' s grenit • Rel
i Hatred of Cathelleiern" in, Oiat- . --you• ri14,t,,1 de,::retal him, ti't3 „ : -, iid Av.., to ,,,,s icei't t, and hath 1 , ilublicin party on it, platform similar 't6•that'. l ,,
admit ,:yo, are, i . only, nailed; in everything . ... , ..•..
1. really left him, t ) the seeplar Court, accord- i t'do . t 43 in Cleveland, some 'aextra
t- . , . . ~.- I I , P - ',
1 else, divided. i -:, . I • .' •• ', titg 4 , the laws and emu:alien} 'sanctions set , neousbiatters which; though proper .f)nd, Int . - ,
, And sir •14-1 Might,—lf tight,—in truth; ! i•,,, i ; t h]in ~ ,this iii ill, and 'll 1 '''''Bother. the' l '
assert, that Protestantism, from _its infa
; • i i. o .1 1 ;.- portant in t lenise vcs = s ton -be -left. out, oa.
' • I -• I - ` I td . f •
:nen .- Church bath :ricAllirig*ftirther to do. in the FisTatietial - piattornri ? 'lNtici itSk 'tilt -l Anti=Xe.
. ,
1 has encouraged, persecution; wherever !het pr e nii , ies: •We t'erj•fore, l Iwilig. zealous thr ilirttsita' men,. all perSonl s the intro
have had the power to do -sir-and. that the i justi,e' and a ltiv6 , r of the, Catholic faith, tail-' ductiOn'of Slavery ; intiflKansas, or - intO'any
same perseeuting spirit, not r.)illy : "still l'ilutii•-.1, lift' to maintain land' defend -holy. Church, and;; erritbry now free, Whatever May haYebeeti,
bens" brit is. kept constantlPllati!.ing :"il' . tile 1 th e ri g hts and liberties - thereof, and to much 1 heir t?revious political - affinities; .to ponder
Bosorn", •ok•ihe:protestant ,ilLurcli.---in part I,as in! u; !leg) to I•xtirp . ate. !by the: rout;_ such. 'erionsly.this proposition and See - What, objec-'
proof,- . -I refer yint to Bladisthne's ff"mne"" 1 hergii..s and err rs out of- Mir Kingdom c. , f 1 ion:tiari be found tort:
taries, Vol,!4tb—for enactments, a shield un-.1 Enoland • mil th punish`heretit so convict. 1 ' -''•, -.-- • ,•-_'.-
der which, there, have be i cn; thousands ot, i e d with - condign .punishment; . and being,
Catholiccfmen;.and women,!, hung, icut down I Mindful hatsueli heretics, convicted in form -1
alive, ripped often; their Bowels torn out and I, aforesaid ; ar.d . :• Otudertmeil •aceording. -to . the I,
burnt before their-.eyes, and tn . this Boated law ',ditino - and "ihutnan *l4 -canonical institti- .
land of freedoth of conscienee I wish to:refer. "thin; and in thiStbehalfaccUstoined,. - ought to
you to.,the luitting of convents and Churches bainnikt witk 4 - ,,biirt i in g - flame of fire, cowl
:and hundreds O'other instances could be cited 1 mind you, tnosti sttietly as we : etut, firmly i
Of a . sintilar•charaeter, all caus e d by the ex- ;:.enjoining;, that Ylou Commit to the- tire the
citing,,inflattinfory and denunciatory, speech-'1 aforesaid W i, - -oo ng fq y 6 u r custody; in sortie
etietnitted frOm•prole..9tantpulpits. :- ' ' - .lpublic . aild open,iplitee-within the liberties of
'Noi,-1, ask you 1-if Sal'an . had convened the , aforesaid, , befure the - eople 'publicly,
all the spirits lif the nither!vorld to m'gener-. by :i ea sati-e( tlitii premiSses, and - cause him
al.Countll,,in order to contrive.means, and, to -.really to ibtutt in the saute fire, in ~detes..
enact laws, for Catholics, , tation.ofitna Crime, and ;to,the . manifest ',ex
-and their,' religion, could they have exceeded sample o f ot ij er i ''hristians ;1 and.this . you. are
itt• cruelty: the herein referred 'to English 'by no meant tits ini't • under. the peril .falling
'Protestan.olx4e,of law. - I i ; . ~ .: • . . thereon... NlViin Ss; '4;ke. 1 ,.. ,
....., ~. -- • . -
Your ,I% liniqter s '' €l3naia4 enani • n a tic4 ' ar e -. :. And does nia ; ii die t " infallible , and . itturtuta . .; - ,
' The.. Bible the Bible;nuthing but the Bible:• '- - ~. 1 ._
1 1 tile mother. Clturch'!. 'stilt decree heretics't.O'
They ;perambillateihe earth, todistributethe , -• • -.. 1_ ; .-- • • . . .:`,'
Bitilei:-- ,- .4heylare,seen -et4ry Where 'with - Pi:. "_beininished,..‘ l, heiiel.' . er rilte-ean . , seen=,. :i
' fin d -:a ;'
ble in band; -i NOwitbe B4ble.'- is Tipth and._
_tar: t ar - 47 i _ to et t iente - . hO . -deerees? tet . 7thei,
Charity. 'And if -yoo . have turned your mitten -dungeons of lialiy t aiswer'...'' : , . -'. "• '4'
tion to that I.lolY 804,-4Would it net have- . . L-f-4 , -' ' ' " '-:-:•-- 1 - , - 2 -.. - '.. •. :4
taught yoti,..quite.a different theme .fricim ...tt4i, . .- ' Ics - oW r Nbri. yk- H s -1 ,-,' : itt . ; , 1 Riton'e • - IStAta.).- 7 - . rk.;
~ . ..
.one put forth in your.. addieSil .Certainly ~ it meeting 'Of':th4q, now . -Nothing State COuncill .
_would bate r taught, yon
,truth:, ithirChailti; lof,i"Rhootif isl4o'.il.h.l.d on Wedneaday*
oil that Ch4ity is the 'Cry - . 4uinte'i - Cense . •of 'anittipproted[the itetiorf'..tif their delegates at
Religion: - .,,,. I. j . . • ..-! •
.. : " .',. i. : -.. • Philadelphia. f. - l&plutfd .ot principles •w. - -::4,..; : ;,. . r.
That 1 Charit '.• if "gerainO '-erriliricea - the amopted' f etabfiteine the folliiraiitig pointa.--, - the . o w ''.;r:::!:‘ - ' :2-a.: ,
:-,-. -- . In tr"
wholehuinan ; race, not, eQuding arty itidivia. - unconditiOtili,lretlio*tiOn -of :Alla •.,:lifissouri 1.. , ~---
iiit,i,,Oii On jinpfn of diffekince; 'either -in, i , ,0: cOno-0.1 4 i i d
_ha 4 ePad 4 iithout'*-04 1.: YO"
'BOW Of reh i giOtis OPiniiiiii . . '..--,.. - -.-:- 'I '-i •-. , • operatiOnj .. .of :ito ..,: acti - ilf , t3ongresi9nakitif,
.. 'BY What kitutof logiej then, Will . :. You at. - grants of 1404 tOtinnatnOlized foreigners ;.thi
tempt io:prilive.'' tafthe,greater - fluid , - refusal t.O - *Xtetal - - the , ',:tigktt
~ •0f:0.1 4 0 .t y al)
tier of Chriaitaris- - .',1:t44.0:4-iii,tonitiri Cathei, ki r reignere;utitit!hey . shatkhar.Oish* l- 0 t,h 4 ).
`1.1054-4nallAi.'r.r4se:lnidgAlfriit*:-.'iyOur:-4.3harity, . tinite4 §ttitatO#Oity.ppo!: - 00.04: - ,.Mli. dildin -
'and - nirOaffully- : ixi cvnaidtred' . 7 . ii_•aubjetta •• Of -0 . 14.0 - : Offu*l * ':hy,nott'f*._..:ol;Ylileg4''ah '
of 'tin hatnediSpiteatid;ntalice: --- .• • 4_:- : •, %,...• '. - .7 . ' tiotieti4itio* i , i r010tit41:0 . 4(4V,f440:;, : ja - a
•re l
NoWiti'you .are '."‘:': .IrAiiita.#nOthi to .. - cooie..i.lietu ' 4,1 apse th4.-10401 , 4 - 0 . f.#16.
rt ;
ogui4poiliti iiii4': ,- tfoi,' t itiiii - ;',ooife* ainqlt,i-, . 611 0*.* - 'Y' I!. ll . l * 4 'p r aa 6l4: ' - • .11 0 a : - .. 1 .4 e '
.1.r. 1 41 1 l4..MOttitriliti....-i.,?4,..a1l ita•treaa-Oider,! - : 1 Oteru4r e ;o4ol-ton4.. g . tiitl44,
'.oi:ll4,4WlWilliitii - anti;110 . 14 4 0, -. .inid - With: 4 0" in 4 1 k*,..0 14 . - -_fm a l.#.-Z-10.±:$ 10 44E 1 * 41 i"a' - 4* ,
itit..44.316.54:i ookiiiiiiiB wo* - '",-iiiil . 4o4 , to - act', Auage.4o,...tb4 - :. f:: , -. .g.n0491144.C0nyett.-
nornplish—what said g o vernment, after a tai,' tion at . fhilitd, !tit! ..i..,.,,,T,..-.
a 1 of two hundred yea*, had .finally to &hart.' Shall Ire 4,y,, 1 4010 , 0, .
'd on " hTelestaiithe destruction oit9 l, 4 lloll °' - -.44-c,: : -•.1,,,,-,;,„,,.., . - - -;
ity. „. ) 1 49 yilit.bic Ole to ne.Y.Of 'L i -:
tha -,
~,,-, -.„'s-;--.:::,0417.4_:491'.".77-77"""'
4 .
yi ..,,.; ; . i.ii30..1#4e. r!. 7 4 - tibi . - =CMis ".";-;'*:arrilFed at:
rui & , ' l° P 4 :: , r li!. ,i- , 0 -..s . e a. tI; pla u
, ;;,0 4 t its
. c.01 1 1 1 1 1 ' . .
. 1 " 11 11 :A4 , 1 1 11 Y l t A * ,:yil : I :,' ... e l, . i oat ' e i r __ i .:
:; r a l li w ig ra S b e t :-
I ti
‘ti'‘' ' ' il f
't'' " p I , .--' .'-'' NMI iti. 4 .kopor to ride:
• .
i .-f '- - ,' ' I • i 1 st Thrwlears ,1 4° ' livi t
„, Ntetrea.s x PA., March 1,1553.
~,,,, , p rincipal tiolitice w hich parties,--Aall 1!. , , ,-
I io r ua th l
e Co il nk' r e e ; i t o i
isi(4,l4ilford on the
,F7th„ carne tii hand insk De tie,. tfte ' Whig,' and ' l'ree - S-oil.'
-13etrijt'.riPilat'—igVAti'll4:t.Xd6,11---Tor' Ssttnirla—rkYed"--at
+7eienitig, -, nnd 1 herow!th - trantnni to' yin , 'al! :, .. 2,37 Th. t s cly wh i d n Ti . ° lB l° s l 2 lla ; t : e to d w ca i n t d : i l a Tit
" the n parties - t, only one; the ;teat.
otae.t copy of all that, 0° 111 " ri c ' r ' III Y ' uddress ratio, now. °slats in an organized state.
of /h e .Aithough it hast-been greatly wcahenea bY
t r o e 1 t irg a i l b le n h 9 i f t
, q :m4 llll !l d oin e.S. etl A ,. :l : e u % e s d Oe t
, A h li c l n
.i 1 1
,;r4: 1 u
, . . ' ' Be
' hulgutts 4 - viz: I? - Wirt: the dark age . S, tho light 1 t!' .. e2 4 2, m° 2 2 1 -. 1 11 )._ 1 , i'L Wllleit t_ h o r 3 Pi7rfil:viliari°l4-11.11cbettlie".
Ang,„4o.! 's
L9f 1 4 411.41,anit'.
ting,u)shed by
the- 'Sinn of
raek and the
y i t a h n e fiTi r e ll i t e h nil7 l ;p F Clt ersee el-i uhons off"
Sin. The newish aurch enish
Ahle by ,fire anti. s%lerd ; by. the
hellish tortures of a*lnquisition,
ii , At spirit 011 elnmhers
\ it
irganizail en i otbee tvto,'yet sways__
lag- tor' tlialirPr 6B6 ietli*aWM.OA
having: citietTs. l trngth!)ti 4 . §ciuth, ::here]
these die rga:roPg,efree*l*Y - P_:tlol:`otlifa, l 4
to this saifo extent,, and' havhiesNo - 0.4=.
!sessi6i,p th‘.,Nfitienta GovernOient,..ayid
1 Tit V. INioLErtANCE start.
mg, contrast to the manner in which the bigot=
ivy and intolerance of, Renianisin - , is patiently
enduilc.d here, is exhibited in fact thaflti
Tusciiny, several' Italians hayie4.ntly been'.
puni.4h ed for teaching, thadoti's trauslationef
the spriptures to their neighbors - and, .chari
' F ,iiiglthat neither it,nOr the original scripti.tres.
ju.stit many of the doctrines and 1 -usages 'Of
the c arch, skit as .bitruitig wax 'bandies be
fore.:..he altar ' offering the homage In the Fir;
gin, tCre. Thearticle of the code undei. IVhieh.
their', were.punished, is this '
by - means tic publie.addres , ;sl
cithor in writing,'-or printing, or by fig'qati!itO
repOsentatinn, diffuses, pasta up, eippsee; , ;oe
-othOwiie bring to public notice; attacks- on
the religion of the State, E .hall-be - .. pttnislteilL'- ,
lst;liin the galleys for from 5 to 26 - Ye* if
the !Object be to;propagate,implous - dOctiines i
Otktb separate 'frOth -the Catholie„Cbej i elkent
olwhot.appertains tr.! I the , seines•an . d,.2C
wit imprisonment ft‘eita I to' ftleare.:irr.tue
objrct be Only to, insult:. .Iteligion,;i 80; who
ever for the end_ conteMplotedi makeFusei-eit
'Fiji/aft% initructiont or seduction Shalt, bo
twthe _galleye tbf-:frp* to:l,t,
,iii:illiii‘ It — ei 0 1 1 Pan - 1 1 044) ‘-daviirdi a / 1 -.
-':1050tr0,, , r4' 2 1;56-turdai ' ,Taie 23 1856„'„
- A. large Otto - mention wil 404 , becie:to. y
tai [nominati `deriiatei -;',
.t..4. - -.4.-RitaibllClta.
. - -
Sta Conventio*Wife be --7
thi 1 2th Of4ul - 34:,:t'Qw. /4 Siittifir444444l.o -
' aal had -ben inatidlite Otad iii`-14 1 44-
a they Air - Pw:71 ,11 4415,..- - -7a.goi 4z Aelil' ,- Pf . c,r;
qiiOnent, prorigefllLb*iift4oniiiiii**i
rfuSly; eireideClOait wits iiilthriatiply, -- .Nreott
Al4t viieririli4oo,UVur pni-Peitrelitiou4ioSi
:thik , K l l o *-1 411 14t; 40 Slari'ziler.! I**
,00kiiidera - AIL 0444.04-, the ..iiat.-- O QlO 3 t,
.....*ortr4stoy the,,ioiirottliati ackitfm:444i - was:
**Tiled, ali*:istruitoiiiooll*....,
,+- ~ 1.P.,;": '....`., ' '., T. - • ...., k
i 4. 6(14'0 h ' el
clot ,- , la , ,av,e, ec.
—._‘. 101°PL 'The= Governor,
limilfkißepnti..el,- and other :' 1
liz;oitc* -- _.lic„ , :iiie7 - itici . reliabie f
--- A mentioned Wilettif*/*Yl.t.*St.l. o 3 l -
iS{that EigteifOrgeiii . , ohicitcbtif,ff.'Arrett- - i
ed,'iii 'Nils, andastainedlW4if diiilf in - :, pia.
°icon the compialit'd if sculpthr;i*bci had i
licit a work ,qt rt!._ to the' New Y6rls:`CrYstal
Palati- . 7lko 4l ltOlial- dismioalt : tlio - oase- -
1 - ThelltgOt l 9,kso eartiestlyAtiae to pat. •,
Tories liOmtklicirlfils94o4l - -keetts-...4"*.441-e*: !=
'lal'iin elnbarto i on=asiinftsirtntion - Of Such I
ntiMlVAl B .l l o** o l; ffOritilliiitfOli - d- -
d to allttOnet,tilel? 4 relOPPY - ntrlispa- • i
Fuab i ting,:tapparentlY,-, - .,pager , to punish <
aliusetts. ; ,.- .': .• , , 1 - - ,
~ ~ .7. , .,- ,.. . -
—Roma is apparen tly.-preparing for a
low -7 war.- Tha4overainenV has commenced
the construction,of: road whic4',is AO unite
. 4.'inland to Swedewaxourta':diev , nor - thern ea-
t t reritity of, the Gulf of Bothnia i thy, .nietins or i
, Which Ru4ittnay:prdenre from Sweden all
the mklT*4l44,'olChlhe g94 11-467 frPvents
getting into Rnssiis' direct by-Sea.
--Joseph Bunkle,y, a' measurer in the Cus;- 1
tom house at Norfolk,'Va., Las been remor.'
, c .. Nth Bunkley was dophtless 'Proscribed 71 -
(;on the.accounfOf the offence, committed`l4 - i,
lit& daughter , 34.iss`., Josephine m: Brinkley,
ilagainst „thet;llies of 'the= AdMiniStration, ia_
t ij escaping Worn the Convent at Emmittsburg. 1
' l Talk of persecution 1 :Off with his head ! .' '
—Air eminent teacher'of dancing , named
La Gerbier, is at-present exciting quite a fu
ror - in New York among the..Gisman pope.
lotion of that city:. .::11'is reels are-described 1
' as being -of a singularly origittal,deseription,l
and so cxeiting in their- effects 'that nutnbers
of his pnpils have been recently arrested for f
disorderly conduct;" Owing tothis,tuiotll
- auses, Herr LA l Gerbierhan*O'Pistift4
' that after the 4th 4 JulV - ne*Alli - -lessonii
must;be . disaimAtix,l4, . -,..., '-. 'z ':' 2F - , r 1
;...The rknit-ovne Ofizeile'tigrA::- There i:1
once more a z serious - intutioir,, or' Ortitink
i France ankEngland hy'nsufniarihernOway":
i.The,4atest,; PAYSILIM,;
I who, with-40 subaqueous 1)0*i-of which' he
lis the inv entors_ lAo6:saiinie and navvies, 4,
• 340,000
_cabie yards - of l material; and £lO,
1. 000,000 sterling eipensei, weidd-nndertak'e
to construct a funnel, by ,means- orwhieh the
l-straitiz which`: separates ':the two. ,countries
I would be crtS - scd'in.:33:minutes. The posi
tion of this tunnel 'iv:Mid be; no doubt, near:
ly parallel with tbatof the electric. telegraph ;
and - eontigtious to it, as being the itarrowekt
r part' of the Channel, lift well'as that Isltere-the
deßth of water is A
be !east;', - -; ::,
• -,, _...-- ,- . • I
44tlitri;04, gave
,b st iiiiwimnted it for
Nr.w • JEnSix.--The organs in
'New Jersey Are' repuilintinci-',Oid:, - phitform - t9f
-the Majority. of the National;c,4ficil, as .
doebt, the great 'bulk'.6t the - prirty that
State vitill;! The Newark -Mercury declar,es
that the - sedession - of the North from the Coln,
1 eel left - the ;latter _withoutrcharacter or statid.
ing,—that;its platform . will-be whistled dOn:
the: wind- without • the- slightest clonsitl4ra
tion, - and .fhat it' will berepudiated ;:with
imuniMity throughout New: Jurtey. The ,
1 Sussex IteiiSter thinks that uow is--the time
.1 to Stand up for die right, and . that-this is:the
golden -opportunity - to rewter the groim l il
I whieh has been . the North. The jer-
sey City Sentinel approves the *thin - of - I
t seced ers, in favor tdthe-restoration of
the Compromise. The. Newark...ka
t vertiser, always a:conservative journal,,styles
t the- platform -`
a kind of lametthical tetati;e,'
usingular centrast witli'tke simple aoduft.,
equivocal avowal, of the seceders—L.' a weani
some string of•moral ahstraetioni,•and
hearsal bf Southenr platitudes, constantly ze•
peated time out d tninA.' The Advertiser
tells us that New Jersey, rejects the deca•
merit withlscorn, and rege*tci - see her risme
in any wziy connected" with it. - The Trialon
('State Gizette-is euit emphatically agitioq. '
.liivery plank of the platform. • - •
Fitaticu Sisa I;Rom.-7,lii the intervalie4 ,
tween the 'sortie's o,f the.enemy at Sebasiopa
the soldiers amuse Ihemseli•es in the trencher
in play in 4 pitch and toss, =i or cards, or a
bowls—the Rassiat,iballs serVing as the holds.
Soule-040s, too, to try the Skill of - the ,, Rn.,
s,ian rifletnen; who at'e in:ambeiseadh at fiff
or si!cty inrcis' from: theta - ,:theriaise a hotie
or a. Op . ou
_the:ttip.of*-paraistet ; and . r.vki
the'-man hita it, whlehhg- . ulmoSt always dw-,-
they hoist,- up a 't..aittett; , to .signifyth4t , he b
aer.vea a diink for haviti,c,i lireel.§,o \Ten. i F''' .4
days ago,vigil!, of the:oldieriWere plaYingst
loto in the tretiehes, grid all 41,t,:bnee d si
tell in the' Midst of them:: ' 'Qui tritxl ff er',6l ,
.• , . ... _ . . '
one With a laugn, ana ,a ,monaeat atter; et vs
laseertaria, thatibf - their. party Was kilig
add - six woutyle4. The other. e.-ettin,r;a
-I.tinel,[who. w
as peeping through a holey in to
parapet; cried, ~ Here are the Rusalans COq,.
tug I' ' /N.ithey-„,-far , , ,. . - o,47l'_asket:the.Ottiefi .
Not eery,' ... answerathe ientinel. , AC
when. they , ara-qulte!elo.4e,t telt us, and
nieit'remaified'ilhietly-se`atotl,'"lresoqty ,
5ii4 161 4f4 - ` Odi: 4 4 l 4, l kr§ l • l: OW' 'gt'jd
en'ell man seized hi.s_niuAket„..o4 iaey
a-volley o);er' the r iai.apet4ita e 4 tos:
I ta - c,k , the -Rnssians-NVith tha.'lniyotiet*, and 4
1-a fe'w... t ,s - ceOrdironted ° ther4 \ « : : , -;„..., 1 , •
- _ from , (A, JC. We ) 1 3- 11- o.;ceeP l V-eQ. - ;
the Trikune, 1 11 1'
taiidPOnsY/vitina7 taps - • Noti
iienvinie r that tit the Knon-,
%rat' _ 17 . fa SI
. the Pro-M:o
Grand Council le. vote
1 7 hittorra t. adopted: •.--
Ha :say: . ; _
•I Ata not vbfe for said Platform f and.; ,
not intend to , do so hereafter. 1-44opost
in Convention, spoke 8011 5 4* -- asipptio
the Cetivention; protested AtlittieSl and
fused tilYeaoperatiOn with' any Zralionor
gatiiiation.:, that recogniied or,adoptd it;
am a6lomhat I have-been-.4ifwitt and
sistent opponent
:C44*l_l:.;':„We','*re'i*-In.d:lnto• the belief I
Gof:: - Zahtiatotilaikvealfy - voted for the!
Sl -1 1# tform:i lt_t ; ftndintia T h e P
47.0462470-41(ineotothat e6et
.3 , iltiri hivi it
' -'
6 - -- . ent _ . eoeme ii..mere rug 1,
Ploko_t*aotillf:oilitaj,::;l4 Chilianitur
ttorK4 - 64_0'img'itt,8 - Sduty;lta velaeo
l'e4nOkOti,Sfin Ft'ime*—cclor lesslliao
per bm•rel,; , _ - - .00 .- ter ituell eircui
';e4**twiett'to IW wottdeie4 tit that did
ebilat"flikeiSiii Fnitzoiscii:'have oftica,,
cV ike:-AtA 040404 ",:iitifirdfidstitifi. to Ni
York.- - .ti4Yiat '
14-ifiit#'ii 'afro 4
,`oll*oo"totia;:wiiii!rtoiftliitt iilteat,n q l
.era are follow.:Akililtri-plain illa'c
.ttiat , .theLl4P4 i linfltiO%ft"CCAl:SD gir
:145ngel%inA004:14Siti)41-014`,TrOrn 66
'erri Btat49;':'r4Y-,aiilit*io- S4OIY
,a4iilies;'#k*Syt-apOietfey .i.houbl,
`ttitYViirrelluo6/14eat47.-br l'm
,44A, rf thit#,A4: - , mil
env is
: S
4491iiii4tott , r_, , ; -
' ...,V4i: : ` 4 s ------ „ ':---------: T
.., --erhil 01X 0.44401 are 00 :the
iontAillifitiiiive Goi'i , 'lttittel. '