Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, June 21, 1855, Image 3

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sachusetts; Edgar McMullen, of New Yok ;
and James M. Ashley, Cif Ohio.
The following officers were elected for (be
ensuing year :—Hiram Griswold, of Clelve
land, National President; Ex-Governor Bela
wel.l, of Groton, Mass, Vice President;
William ilichardson, of Albany, New York-
National !Secretary; Joshua I: ,obiustm,j of
Pittsburg,, Pa., National Treasurer. :Mr.
Griswold Was born in Ohio and is about 00
' years of age. He was the candidate of the'
Whig partY for Governor in 1845, but 11
defeated ; he received their vote fur Unit,
States Senator in 1848. E:c-Govemor BoOt-
Well is well; known as a tvo ininentDemocrat,
aged about, 37 years, - Bc has been a hunk
candidate for the . Gubernatorial chair Of
this native Btait, and was elected I believen
"two.oeeashins---to wit, in 1851 aiid 1852,
Mr. Richardson is au, Englishman by birt ,
'He came to this, country. .when 12 years f
; „„ e. lie has always been a Whig in `Std
a sT d F ree Soil in national polities. Mr. 1114-
inson is also an Englishman by birth, and i c s
40 years of age. _ He came to this country
when he was 17 years- old. lie has alwaya
'been a Whig of the Anti Slavery school. —+
He was Secretary of the first Anti-Slavery
Society ever started in his section of tht
State of Pennsylvanilv. The officers a've all
mien of undoubted integrity and posses tlit
iconfideace of their respective States. 1 - ,
Buffalo was selected as the next place for
meetineon the second. Wednesday of June;
The 'Chow Nothing ConVeittionThe North
' \ Discovered.. • - , • . 1
llartizrs in the know Nothing CoUntil have i
taken a s.C.ngular turn.' For the first time inL
the history .of political parties the .free serail,.
o.ent:of the North has been fairly and trulyl,
-represented in 4 National . Convention. The
Know NothingSiare entitlM to the credit .off ;
haviiig.been, the first to meet the
Protilafery spirit with; bold and Manly cour
and to Irefuse,-Obedieneei to its .behests. 11
Their exaniple,l, wo trn4,,willnot lack s itnitat,':.l 4 ;
ors in' the* other political parties. Their, no,
ble adherence . tki'principle, we .are sure,. Will ,
be lieldin .everlasting remembrance. , • 7
Up to. the prenent thrte a National Conven
tion has been e.24uivalent - to . a Nationale.stir
.." render. No Matter what party .was -repre-.
seated in it, tior what principles Were to be
advanced by'ltl:—the Slave Power always
exacted, as A co' dition preliminary to its co..
~ operation,'- ourse and an - open field for
its own , eitension. ~The South would -net
. -with the Northern Democracy . to .proinete
- Free Trade, or-With.,Northern Whigs tii Cs !
tablish protection to American Industry ",---
-it was for, 'Or agkinst: internal. improreute n ts,
..- r for,.or against \the enlargement of .E . xefu..
live power,—for, or against' the ''dist . ributton
.of the proceeds of-the public lands, only On
condition that it ShOuld be left perfettly free
to extend the area of Slavery, And to enlarge
• ti - Ni , boundaries of, its political power, at wi:11.
-Tice exaetioft.tias always inade;,-arid hall
' erto it has alsiN3*s l been allilyred.. Eagerness
- for personal . promotion, or for party ascend -1 , , . L. ~____4 _ ____________
.- . .
efic.v—and in sortie vacs .doubtkiss a innrc i ; ,---. '-.Tlie Waidiingion Union in an. edito.
erelitahle. hope tc'oestablisb cherished prince-. ; itil -19 artieleil. - .ti ttal . po4ition of the pentocratic
pies in the condueetif public affairs—have led :. - arty . en ' tbe Slaiery question, - uses the tol
escry party to pay the price demanded for;
, „i„.i ng l ai l iguag ,l : "No party embracltig
. Southern aid. The - Penloerats have -8 1 1w 1 iYs:1.'inembers 'lit the .North nud South canbe:na
prided themselve on the alacrity- , s *birth ~ . 011 ,. , 4; < , ra i
' lfrinotiimis in its Organization which.
they have given the pledges required. 1 The 1 ( oes not s
have generaidy been more reludaut, 1, i s :recd ri . ~ evlinfethe (fnestion i)f Slavery frOin
• \Villa . , - - , ' -
- _
. and once or twice bare 'shown an, incipient i i , , ~,,-. 1 - i
iii - Sisir.e to rebel, if thew po nly , dare:J.' BLit the 1 1 Nis. A NiErticAN E NIBLE:m .—It is said that
•;, . .
result in every ease as, oeen the
88.-7- [titthe' receitt ratification meeting of the llin
. With wry :or withlsmilitta..fitee,. as .the ease i o o s , t •t.N . ,. i „. York City, to endorse the plat
might be, the pill has been swallowed. ~ Pro- 1 f.irin . el tlici pro-Slayery • Know Nothings, la
Slavery, resolutions-Lres - olutions neceptali bnner
r wa.i borne in prOeession,. having' for
to the Slavery interest—have been adopted ~it'll deriee the chariot of the Goddess ot -Lib
,in'every 'National Convention of everYPolit - ietty, draw* hy a IQtig. train of Vali; native
~ deal yart,• that has, hitherto boutheld. And ;'Antericatri 'Slaves!' -; Very. appropriate zonl
4-- -every I:\artv hitherto- has aeciniesced in their 1 siirruititant l i.
•e , •
atiOption: - I . , ,
/ . - ..
: --,-,---- -,•---,--- - • : ..,
-1 ' The Know Nothings hare inaugurated a / 1 ..- H •• i . • •
. ~ 1: 1, Li ; NOTICES. -,. i ll
. new•tra. . The Slave l'ower attempted wit', .: ',
..-, 1 ,
.. them the sante - &Itame it has played so succesf•-- i FOURTH Of 410 LY
. filly with eversr other . party. -It promised i l 1 . . JT... z i - „
~ .
, i , hi t (. . 7 i o il i e i e ri tif i , oi cif 4 :ll lv e ed eit t i i zens of Montrose was held ai.
itsolitelp to the.K)lOW 'Nothing prineiples,if the
, claY• evening Etzt f ur the pu:;
Know Nothings, would Tpa} the old *Trice— :pore of ~„., , ,k - i „ , „ i, si .,- .„„ 1., ,,„• e„tt„ fora --$: .
-*ire free seep: and full swing to the schemes 1 i 0 .--. 1 -- i, i - i ---- )17 „.,- „-_-.- Fil. ,,- ~..N ,
,promoting Slavery. which deform - the 'i 1 ig.,,,..,•,:a L 5) j ‘ S,-&---.1 U l4 „k-j)j\_l 9
present . and loom fi.o largely in the future.—.: i theiensaiii.g foslith day of July.
As usual,a s trifijoritYin the Convention gra<o. ;
, Ih_e ,. in_tle L ti i rlgl7. 2 A .^_fltll_e_d, t r. o , 0 ,,rd, 5 er .... 1 _ , 5 T. E_ : _;&,7{ .. 1 .
'ea at power even oa these conditionS:- ../btt l' e t: u ' e ul..l l e 4 4. l 7 resi "'V d D en 4 tti an . o l ' vm f . :7_ l .7; o Zl i ' an n d
the Free Slates refuied tit ratify' the
,Ictigain..l. T . Aßes e t ,,,,, , vm a, wet :, , ch 0,„,6 secrets - r i m , .
They seceded from J the Convention.• They o,onOtien-tile following , committees were appoint:•
Seouted the entieenhnes, and defied the men- ied 4 Profttre eiocakeis: G. Z. Dimock, E. - Patrick:
- tees 'of I . lt Pro-Slavers propaganda. -- . - 1 J.e.,111. i:Li Frazier, E. B. Chase and Frankrin,fntser.
.. . •- • ' ; • ; fibula/Wee ol i ' _Arrangements, A. L. Webster, W.'
;. • :NI e give in another column the Deelara- 1 IL Matelii pat4.l.l3rewster, C. M. Gere, C. ',W. Mott,
thin which the Representatives of the Free
,F, ft; n o trisier,;4S. A. -Wbodruff ; W. m. L. Post, D. It
States in this ron coition submit to their con : . 1 Lathrop,* 11, Mulford, L. Searle.,--.Charies‘, Witten
stituentS in vindicatie of their Conduct,. "It ; berg- '''i - • - ' -:
is tr.oderate in its tone firm in its language i-'-'i - t"V''''''o , r e • °? ( Finan " , "" win * " i • CrCe9nall' F.
.' 1 Pazier. and Jo4eph CoFkayue.
iticontrovertibly just, in its positions, and txr.;•;,,,, 0 e, mo tia, thi meeting adjourned. •
lain- to be ratfiied. and endorsed by 'an im- • • 1 r.l. i • 1 Wu. A. , Ca ossataN ?
• , i - Secptariott.
niense majority of the People:: • New York.l . -1, --'il • i J. W. cnA'eltas,
.is" represented as having withheld her assent i • I .ni, ' , ;- -- - ": ------ ..7 ---- 7 -----
1 4r
tr,,nl this manly movement. _ Those who in I*,-- "1111
..•• l Ofuly Sabbath School Cel
this clairn4‘d to act on her behalf were recre- ; -„&liSeetig * of etrbal io sci,, . Teacber,i a Sus
ant to their trust, and either do -nof, under-.!cntellmina ICoun't and others was ;held in thti Aeadc
derstito a, -or do not respect, the sentiment of jmy 4all - Jitine ti for the porposd, of making arrange-,
~ People. The 'Pro SlaveryPlatforrit- men for ' r
letabeShale"lld'ataht Mo ntro se.
I , celebration on
: adopted by the niajeritr of the. Coriventibn
.1 th . e 6,l .-, Y' 4 • . ed
nuttees wre appoint to obtain an .. J e
never can obtain at the ballot-box the apprOv7 . er, gOod nintsic atid rrfrisinnenis: 1 .
al of the People of the - State of New York. 1.. 1
~, romi r ittee of .4 rra nil:finen /R.
• ',Mhat effect this Movement wilt' :have. up. ;' M n - - L-7-iriFiteh, -Miss M. J. Mott,
'' Chamberlin . "M. C. WilsOn
on the politiml fortunes of this new party,. it i , „ A ' • 4-' - • .4 L . - '
! . J. hires, ! - ,
_. L yon;.
-. v . : not easy to foretell.
.At the .worst! the :re- i• ". 1 GeO.Yietlri4, - . "I. Bead, •! ,
tion, of the Convention ; only anticipates the re- : .i. , l• G e q; L ew i. i , - . " trizabeth Biddle,-
stilt of a popular canvass. lithe Convention 1 ." t -Ileery Drinker, _ . • ''' sudera Keeler,
bad hell together .n the . Pro -Slavery plat-1
form, the party would hare been scattered ! • Mist J..kpuntoore, ; Mrs. G.ecirgeLewis.
• • er•J' s intittile. ' on Finance —Daniel iSavre,. Saxon Vw il
-1 son, ne -Jess;
': •. • • t • essup;
to the
,win • t . ds upon the-first appeal to the pop-. Coll t i7i 2 iiti4iton taker r a nd .et h ic.—l. L. Post,
- ular vote. By . . - the. stiee.ssitai—each section - Marla? Fo4ter, SM. Jessup.. ~ ~
'4lahering to its own principles-:-the ascended- ! • Com mitOrpn • .161-csluilents.:-- eserr. atoi lath=
ev of the party' • d '' al States l , rop, Otapnitat. Bain, m,'-d' G.V. Ue tley, ....
in In 1 9 (1 - may 'e 1 fo r d, imi;eii,S,hiltnheriin 1 Webb, Leonard
,maintained:. The attempt IQ organize a -No, I Searle,i W. MI Polk, Miss-Annie P.I Jessup, Augusta
• floridl party on Know. Nothing principles has 1 Carpenter, Fanny 3/rittker, 'Ellen Mitchel,- , Bessie S.
proved a iiiilure--siiiiply because
,a more I Riley, Marg*tpnnmore, Mary Edwidge. -
.. •
fornridabl i‘tsue-=one invOlving. greater in- i
, a .
.. . All he :54,ihbath1.S.chools in the county are Invited
terests and feelings, I tO ti
the teachers iif the 4.speetive liebools
'enli4i4Praibwlder than [ re(plested to give notice to the committe&of ar
.ar‘!' et.nbodied in their reed-claimed kecog- i ran o' , 4 „ 0, h „,ni any .f roni each school may b e es _
f.ition and. I . 'Lim to '.' influence over their Ipe - , -.- and. .
.egi. 8 : .
i Aeade . y Ilill, atj . P..M., of each' Saturday till the
• i We suspect that other pelititid parties will
,6 ncounter the same difficulty. .Any part:",l 4th
. to Orictieh m4ie_for Me oecaston l .
I 1 - ------e-.--- .
certainly, which shall go into National. Cori- l -- ' - ' 11ittrOord University. - l i . .
. „
Vention and surrenderthe free 'principles' of i Th e ''..h-th)tier t iilf liarford University. will be nn
the :North at'Southern dictation,: or for the 1 Toesdsi, July.Srk- The arrangements will lie the
. -i
PlirPose 01 . securing Pro Slavery votes, will 1 game 1 4 lal4 r, „...Tea, ,a lt: t i . . s m .- hn th ~.i
feit its existence in the Northern
•A". Y.:Times.. , Unire ,itr, will. kni hand for sale 'niche time,
:The Tribuhe. on . ! the •Beltere.
- The New York Tribune talks in this, wise
of the Northern KiaOW , Nothings: ' - : •
. ..
NVhile,we desire to render full justice to
- all thoie delegatesto - the Philadelphia. Con;
vention who stood up in defentelorNort rn
rights, preferring , to \ abandon
.their associates,
rather than their principles, it is only fitting
that speeial honor-should be.paido Ilasnr
Wii,soNof Masaehesette and w e make this .
statement with, the, more satisfaction - 1
on one or .two previou.4 oceasiotli we havel i _ . .
-it been able altogether to approve his course. I :
laterally I liptkiik th e -en4k..
.liosthity. i .1..' Lae atiout 4te itt..
ttiou • In- i °n° w h •e";', 3 detil?.tati,tw'o
_li g ( info ? ' ll
n o7 e of o t i ll . Wo fte „ 1411 t,
ha'rid wat I ' ._ t ''' i ' ' '' t •'' TllOl
- %itted by 1 ,Sal ver Lake, JUno!).6th,
. ....... • t. -•
Itl be:re; ' i 77i .. . iir,Sic :, fisliSti
_displays. i• jpiTtiyitgOVED lIELODI
- gratuity , , .Ix "vrOV, 1. ,,, : _ -,
~.- _ J.L.
Ate - . 4i . ki1l i --- 1 --) :: Ot.elotteeiti-_, i
l i
16 w !Pet. i ( 4 ,105 S •ANTLIIOI: 4 47 ERND or kr/As/led to. order
Qwe'l - 9 i-.; 1,2f10n r okimOtiO. i ' J. p*ONS it SON.
• -• 1 . ... tt ' i •
siletieed, ,tuld the response they received was
of a ha' raeter to , induce them not to 're peat
their-expertment.' We have the unanimous
testiinony of many -NOritiern members of the
Con , jention to the signal gallantry and effect I
of Mi., Wilson's bearing; and
,:to the; b o ld,
rile telling .eloq4enec of his 4teeehes.
Intieeo we are happy to know that there was
tw eopeessien, tie hteatlrif .11 , comircantilag
spirit, no yielding‘ hair's breadth oven,
:in all ithe prolonged On,r.eacited Aebate on
the part of that phalanx of : Northern' . men of
whotri he was one. Throughout the whole,
',their attitude:was valtn i -decided and • i mmov,
able. They were tinirerealtnen 'who asked
oo farts ' but dernan'tied justice and right
with proud voices and nplifteil heads. ' . There
fore, we count this as being, all th i ns con
iidere4, the most wholesome National &nvert.
iion-held in our day. There is some- , reason
to believe now that there is :a North!
1 - The i steamship Atlantic' arrived 'St New
York dunes 10th, from Liverpool, bringing
European neWx,one week Inter. The exp.
dition to Kertch, which had sailed ,a second
time„ - bed been completely successful. When. ,
the allied fleet approached, and bombarded
terteN the Russians blew_nptheir fortsind
lieStrOVea • four war steamers, thirt,., tranS
- ,-.• . .
fPngs' and half a nullion sacks - otbreadstuffs. -
n three, days the allies captured . one hundred
ai)el si'xi vessels and fifty pieces of ea' nnoti.
trbe.ficet took possession of both sides 'of the
Sfraits i 4 Kerte)), and hdve .now full eon-i
-nland or the sen of • Azoir, in which there re- ,
tnains lint one small Russian vessel _to con- 1
teed-v.lth a fleet of fourteen steamers of the I
Allies iKertch was of inlitrierise importance to,
the Rusp . ians as a point, whence they drew ,
'.their Supplies. On the illghtsorth• - ... 22d and
23:d of - gay, the French,'.in a Series of 'stin
guinarY 'conflicts, took mid retained the 'Place
i deArmee before. ..Sebastopol. • i
1 • .In tbi4 conflietAlie Rii..itst i t loss was very
.• •,, i ..
i heavy,tis'waS aisn the Drench. Not, fewer
tharreight,thousand men *ere killed pr 'woun
ded, mostly by the - bayonet. The allied
troops liati also made a ..isPid 'advance,' and'
seized .aid, retained the Rnssinn lines on the
Teheran a, and without Mucli loss, • the Rus-',
. 1
sisas retesting to the bills. — The Frenzbi
• haVe established' a camp - .it 'felic;rgoiiii, midi
iit iS said.!that : Belgium will furnish twanty,
i thonsanit inen.,„Franee and England lave. ideclinedrpily further negotiations at Vienna.
The Repiblioan l Party in New York.
The lii.tehestia.• - Denkocrat , hoists the l llie.
publiCattltag, and fort - 1611es, the following, list
Of Free B,oil papers ia that StatV that have
followed ‘;:it e*innple, . yiz:!Autiurn Daily
1 ,.
AdVertistr, (Gov. Seward's 'home Organ,)
' tacit se : l',! - .1 ro ti tele, Seneca County Conner,
)kites Co4nty NiThig, Ontario - Times, (60v.....
Clark's Mine otjan,) Orleans ..A.tnerlean, and
Medina Ailiig..' ~ The Democrat regards 14 . as
i:ertain that a Republican State Convention
ill ,be hold to tionlinate a• State ticket next
. . .
4 :' ' f ~ : 1111A.RRIE D. ! ..
, •
1 . dune 119th, at L. Fear' . el; Hotel, Montrose, by. Rer.
A. 0. Warrek , Mni D. P. Tlrrasr to Mas. EXI.Y W.
Cara* ICI; bOth of Marford., I -. •
ebYi r
1 --- r ------- T ---
Bonai , ts tit Reduced Prices. ,
BVREITT Inn sell his retnaining dock of Elk,
Lawn and Stiaw Bonnets, a good aiaortment,
4 141 c
0 Pric4olo:close the busineal of tic season;
inallY e wena at OA. ' ,
New lan .-- , - . fu,i 18th, 18155. • l,
4 1CRAYED. . '
'4. ' re of the subscriber in Sifver
21 4 of May last, four yearlings,
- 1. 4eifCrs, one Ode red the
Whoever, will give any
• liberally. rewarded
- 'ld • t lIIRTNETT.
N .l `:r-w 3.
• •
MEN good dairy fanners to', takc l,
charge of sur d
'milt on shares ten good dairy farms, with:neon.
ty cora on each for the next *won, Pordoris
kitntlifiell will apply to the sul4licriber. .One of
the *nut will be. recant this fall. '
Prlen4rille, June .20th, 15515. #45:-:yr;
; .
I. REINA - 1111M . • i ;
-QTR*TED, or stolen a liver•eolS - ..Pointer
' tJ The above reward will be paid t any ono return
-11 -hint to the Mare of,- L. tutor 4:t0',.•
Montrose, June 12th ; 1856.- IT, SS• : 24.41411
'l. i' . Ilp.yiug .Ircibol%
II .
L ,
A good assort ment,,Fey . thea, §natila, rtakea;Torks,'
-ri. :!--:and 2 kinds of florae Rake:a—and superior
1 ,
Revolving Rakes, at F. R. CLIA29) - LEIVS.I
i June , 20th, 1855. , 1 --; -: 1
7isK Paint, Makes fire PrraPaiitt, Linseed and
Lamp Oil, Fluid and P-ho2gne epld IoM. by .
. •
3 F: B.
Jimi 2
oth, 1855
irlitYlthe Ririe!. Sack 'or pound '•
JUI • .
- •
Monprose, June 2'06,-1855
and Fancy Dry - Goods, Groceries, Harairar l f,
Hats, Ceps, Hoots and Shoes, , Wall Maperi Giugs,
Dye Stints, and Oils, &c., which vriU he sold nseheip
as the cheapest for cash or apprOred credit Ur
Ifarfora, June Ist., 1855.
LACK Grade Rhine Silks of excellent :qtaklit7
nt, •
• ;, MIL JONES'.
1111PROCRE and Cashurre shawls at all prices, also
JLP .a feW mantillas by . : :i lI.IX. ONES. [
Isiiljtiii3ifeCiiiiiiiiiiiti7low" prices by - i [..
t) 1 i •
ASO - Paid for Wool by .:-
' ';. 11. Vii.
..) i . j .I ° :N I F. : 8 $
. 1
.1 .. . .- ' Ilia-ford' June 15t,18155
CIASII *paid tor ISairi /liiiierl ' . H.
V/ 1 • . - H. M. JONES.' .;
1 ,
A gi 4 asorutteut of Boots 21.114 t!;hdiS at , '.. i •
1 , HAL JONFii;
r PEAS, Sugars and Cofliies of 4ne qualities anal a
JL lOa prices by - 11. M : JONES. '.
ARIES will find igreat enrich'offfounet,4 and
Jp Ribbons at • ;' n. M. JONEA i
lAWNS, Chia, Berrege de Laipes land Ginglimn
',..d at: .. - i • it. IL JONESi
'l 447 ifilliiiiiiklllNt3Tlwid WinilOW(l,lriiileritaT7 •
Adilsrfutod, Juno lit, 1855, • , if. M. JONY.:3;
Tailoring . Extabli«finient ' 7. -
-- AT • • : .; ', • -',
.; , ; systwrAtAs.i. I.IEPOr.. '- ' . 1
T ASHER would respectfully atutqufice:,to t
t.Y their friends and the
. public gentirally i tliat - i14..y 1
keeplcoristantly on band a full assartmeut 'of Ready 1
Madel Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Ilats'4.liid Capts, and ,
even,thing else necessary for men affil wonten'S•wc4r- !,
We wouid particularly call the attentio% of country '1
Merchants to our large stock of Ready-MtFae Clothing, 11
of (mi. own Manufticture, width we ofrer at whoft,,,d,,, t!
at prittes ihrst,4ill afford great inducements to . mill
and short.timet customers., . . - -
A ltir ,, e: stock ofCloths- Cassimeres,,•• re.s.tings . ,i4.,l .TIED" LIGii,TIIIN* 'EXPRESS 1 ..
keptrizoTiviantly on band, for persons desirous °filar- Tinte.:lSared . I —rai.e heclu t red !—Throutih
irt ,, ,doctiitvg =de 'to order. '
~ 1 , - ..1 tipaylitltt I . ..1
' t b'rde. punctuallyl I ''
' .
.rs attent. et to. , . - „. 1 • „ t. ,
Thankful-Or past favors, we hope to Merit a cur- :1 • 1 II AW I.:E'Y Szi '3 EN KS 1
. - I
tinuance of the same. - • J. ASHER, .1: Cu. - i 1 -ITT ATE formed a partnership-in Montrose, for the
Susquehanna Depot, Pa:, May 12, 18:55. tl' t .1.1 11 putpose of doing ererybody's BLACK
. --7-1--;:. , tim N THING, ae the old stantt'near :Keeler's ITO
' • . AdatinistratOr's Notii.'e. - ! I . ; lel. 15" d hare 'purchased an. entire new stock O.
NTOTICE is hereliy given that letters of admitriStra. : RO.V etamprisinga.full assortment of all 'kinds, df.
11 lion npOr, the estate of GURSIIO3I,IICNSELLio 1 1 ect. fron the city, We Wall keep constantly on
late of the township of Aubarmtleceased, • baCe been ; land, tlstur, round - Mad squar.' Nail Rods, Cast Stel
gTanted tit. the - sitlsetiber, and all personaindekti. i ott-cork; hods, Refitted Tyre, Iron, all size; '
'ed to .. ,saitil estate will please, make inuneditite pay-, tr, Spring Steel, a - .large assortment of malleablO
meat. :nil' those' baying claims against the -estat ; lon, Coil Chains, Carriage Bolts, Am; Ste. - 't
tvill•t)lease present th-.ln duly attested for s.tlflonnattl•i l ,. )1• 7 4 GONS AND C r A RR/AGES.. 1
- ! . JONATHAN'NEI.I.; Adner. 1 , I oned oni Short'notit
. s; and stock found; or made to
• -t, ,
At: trust,, June 13th, 1,357,
.. - '
•••••- , o der thrOughout,a.s May best suit oar patrons. 1
All busbtess transactions must • N "settled once a
v ar. Slott settlements" and long friend's -is our
NeWcgoods, Cheap ftr—Cash.
f't 11 - .11017 bias just received an tiler lot of N.etV.; i m
1....... Good-i, SUcli a , Citailes, .13 - Tatle Del:tines; iDtti • i
Boger, Collars, Fahr9ideries, Lawns. &c. ' which •ite,i 41
offers at very, low prices. Summer - Shawl:4, a nesclot'.•.
s ome 1-eartifal patterns at very low, ptiecs, also Black;;
- , t
Silk Sitauls'ciptally low for Cash. y.
.". • - , 1: , '
•- .1
-l'arasoLs latest style at - ' 0:/11'. NOTTS.. ~1
Illack Drkts,S. Silk, a splendid artiele,qtt C. W. 31. - i l
, Sultinter Seuffs in great vatieties,.at C. W. 31: .:.4 New Goods. 1.
tlioceries, of all kinds, very cheap., Setup,a fiitt;., '. ~.• . ~_
rate article at: oucts.per
. 11on. Yon Int. - c otily- tit?,, • mi, 664 ., cut 1airiW44.,14-1314-re...tkrilag their sup.
ea M i d e x. ; m i h m t o b e e mue s s fi e d . th a t, t h e "Bend'l • ply of opting and bummer. tioods, anu being , „
of 'tiavigaticri"is:.thepinee to buy Cheap. • i cot vineed 'of th 4 . -!: advantage of having ready pay, are
.'y • 'Wanted. „ • , . det Tnained to sell goods at so low a rate as to con. 2 ,1
• Butter, Eggs, -Flatus, Lard; Socks. in fact all- kinds I vin e theit) . customers and the public generally that;,
ofeSuntr7 Vroluce in,- exeltalgo for goods at c a sh lit w,lll be 41 their advantage as wellt as ours. Our;'
• . .
Prit'S. C . W . . morr . ~ L PtOt.l; Ontit' , ll.4o in part of Broadcloth?; Cassinteres, l l
MOntrose, ,finte la. 1555. . - ~,Kentucky , ilearts Summer et's; Dclaiziw Lawns,
_y " . . , ..t. - - . --..-
--4 tyCal4oes,Gingha.M a s, Prints, Bonnets', Bibtx:ns, Para
New GoOds Cheap for Caslt at the iiflls,' i Sintwl4 and Black Silks, together with a stoeki
i' - Head of lial'igivtiOll. - ..of o her Staple and Fancy I)ry Goods,-Groceries, - •
rt . : I HE, unditrsignejl would respectfally, announce
. - ',Croc •e:ryShoes, , Hardware, Boots and Ilais, Ice.
•. that he selling is still selliads at the' old plat:;,r
.Als ss
o a; good aortment of Shoemakers' Findings.—
and 'bathe ha;s an entire new stock of (I ods witiiit . ; . .Call". nd examine our stock, and judge for yourtelves
hr will sell eloep. . .. 0: w. korr. ,:is t(1 ., ,t lie tr4fit of our. sta temen t. Our tnotto is, quick
lf: fifiEGEPEI.AIii , for Shillii;:- " , L 341 is, fns-1 ,•,:ittlys'ite.l "small profits.. Most kinds of country pm
_LP colors, a 'yard wide, for one' shilling, rill Cali. , 144, et" akenin exchange for goad j & .
m - os. .
c. 4.
roes at 11.11 prt"cra, at . " - C. W; 3 . l ry-rs. •a, • - i
Montrose, May 'o .1,9.55. 1 , , r-,. Now Milfdrd, Mn 15,'i . 855.
" Y..: 1 Y. - - 1 . .. • 21m3
• ' ,
I -
Striertyvhanna County
undersigned, au Auditor apl)oiiitedby the ;
Opphang! 'Court of said counts .
among the Reim of Thomas 'deceaspdi the:_
fund remainitut in the hands of Avery iturdidk,
miniitrittir. will attend to the duties of hi. ',appoint-;
at his °Mice in Montrose. on'Saterdai.itie 28th:
day of duly i4mt, at one o'clock in tlie:aliernixni; at,
which time and place all .persona interested Tn Il pre-'
sent their claiMs, or be forever after debarred front'
coming in uptin said fund.
. ' June 13, 1 555...
' Adel Oniiiitratiois NOtiee.
"741 1 L T °TICE is hereby 1;1% en that,lettera of admittistra::
tiO3 upon the estate Of W!.RIIEN WELLS, late of
Springville tonliAiip, deed, hare been granted to the
undersigned, and all pertous indebted to raid &tate
will please nialiei:hntnediate - payment, and thri: , e har-'
ing claims will prevent the same duly attested frit
settlement. WILLIA)I WIIITE.
„ ,t
~good ass'ortoleot of the best
:Muds • ia tciarkcti 4o T'a'le In:like," iud ks.
sro6N4. Sib-4r, Silver Plated,•Ger matt Siker, Atha
to, Bricani.4-ware spOons. .Silver, Silver
Plated. said Gel-niau silver Butter KuiveA.. • „
VIOI.IN STRINGS, and nil the . frxt , tro-, - ,
AecordeoitsjinteF, Tuning In.truction
1 TIXID T.A - mr., Fluid, .C . : lri - pltenc, t'andlel:, Lrrnp
pi), &e. •
FAitiLY.GßOciatlEs: A cur, ;:"Flair.-.ent, ties •alid
' gnod. - . 1
. , •
i . DRUGS & PATENT MEDICINE:. A firstratelas
-1 sortment, and genuine: - .
1. PAINTS& OILS. A genersdal-y.o:iment, and of good
qu.a l.
,splendid vaiiety of the neatest pat
! terns: - : .: - .
FANCY GOODS. Nearly every thing in thii branch.'
• PEWFUMERY.4 choice variety. (Nor stipplieti
received nearly every leek.) • •
In short, nearly every thing persons *ant, and cheap
at the ,variety store of "A. TURIIELL.
. :Montrose, June 14. 18,75.
Aapplicatto n has been made to the Court of
Common Pleas.of Susquehanna county, to grant
a Charter to the, First Presbyterian Church of Dim ?
ock Corners, of -Which all persons interested will
please take notice and govern themselves amording
ly. 4 I 4 S. B. WELLS, Ptoty.
• Prothonotary's, office, Montrose, June 14,1855—[4
Ca%la tiff Laud Wiarrants.
Irobtrose, Jun 4 15, 1855
To the Public.
TIEING on the eve of my departure for the West,
.11 I would sap. to my friends and patrons that my
DAV VERREOTYPE ROOJIB will be closed for a
few weeks. I will.didy apprise you of my return, and
then hope to find 'you deeply impressed with the ne
cessity of getting your faces taken.
Odd Fellows' Hall, Montrose, i
May 26, 1858.
T ll 4 #ubsaibek would informthe citizens of Mout
rose, and the publie generally that he has WWI&
the Gnazery komerly, kept by 1„ li. FOrdhata
in Lyons' and Chandler's building on Chestnut street,'
in the borough of Montrose, where he has fresh us
orttnerie.of Groceries; and will keel) constantly an
*a. ••• -
band, Flour.oYetnt:er-Vheese, Sugan, bYruP,
Mackerel,' Num„ Ca die , Toys, Orange's and Lemons, i
PrtMes, &Winos, Soaps, Vinegar, Mee; driedrt ppegauts—wk. fresh 'supply Of Coffee, Mnpu.,
r re-W 2 6 5 and Pluto, Melvin, pack Salt, Pies, Cakes, area; qrackera, just received and .for sale
IBeer, Yankee tiMioba, and other things too numer- by LYONA-*Tc , SON
`oui to tnention, which rill bo mold elieap *w mg) or
, st kinds of country produce- Call and see. A wool,
1 ; y
•• re of public patronage is solicited. S. S. MOTT. CI. L. ?OnAN! irAtill
Arot,Ltrose, March 7; 066, . -
; 1
Flour. 1,
Look glere
. ' Gietit'Attkaetion 1"'
. ,
* i "OUAR STOAH." ~ !
firtrE subscriber - woultitgain announce to hie ans.:
JL•I tomes and the public generally that he hasie=
cebrid s. large ttanttnent of 'BOOTS AND '4lrlsS,;,
which 'he intentillaelling for ./Zearle Pay twenty. pen
cent cheaper thin ran be bou g ht in this Market, (the'
Gcntiine Bodt and Shoe Stern down' Town' or the'
itercii.utee ler Aitivens, up*rwirvitot except f.
, to u ak sw a b" arg", be found the first door Pasta thel i
Odd' ellowsl.HA.Turn?lite street, first floor. At-11
thou h not (pia so commodious as some "st *4"
-yeti answers our PUrpOse eery well for the present. '
Seidler am we promise our-customers find (1111 "es-
tabllbmerit.". will, not be "magi:tame by'any in the
coutairy soon, but we will promise our dustomerOhat
we will sell' Boots and Shoes to suit in quality mid
p r im our stock embraces a general 'Earietv of l ncir
and elegant styles of Ladies! Ma ori:sulligneiSs Wear' '
amohich are Ladies' Silk "'O.. Galterv-:Dokrrtiti , -
Gai ~ Enameled Gaiters, Black and Bronsed Kos
suth Boots, Eintrueied Boots 8 gri, Etial tie lett Buskin!‘,
Kid Buskin's; rolkwyealf Lace Boots and Buskins,
Misses Kid Boots, Jenny Lind Gutters; Gents Coo
gressi•Patent Leather, Enameled and Buelotkia Gait
ers, Patent 'Leather Gsford Timi, Toilet Slips, French
Calf Boots, 'Thick Boots, Enameled Calf and Cowhide
Brogans, Borg' Patent Leather Monterers, Kip Beets,
ike., Youths'' Monterey:l and Kip Ties,Nildretes TAY,-
ler 116, Parldoes Rein, Boots, &C. Silk Boot Lacea,
all eorprs. .4 ; . , . ! _
1 i
Woirk made to eider, and repairing alone tieatly.-4-
Please call and examine- ' I - 1 1
i Yours in the Boot and Shoe trade, 1
Mositrose, May l a , 1645. C. M. 8:IMMO:sill.
\4l) -
ATANTILtAS, Berag,es,,lted Col;!ars;
11.1. Parasotii, Laiins; kshionablo Bonnets, Yam!, (A
eltoielov3sorttneat each departnient,) a spleodid
lot . of if mire anti7ini Trimming, Smple.GOocla of large
Clotldug, (a largo stoe4o (Tents'. and 116ra!'
Hata, silk acid sommer,) Cloth rery lq+r, Calk
from 4eent.3 to, 1 slliffing, Carp e ts, M a tth4,-oil.d o t),;,
and .1
I -
lEtirdWiir Ferman Silver &Plated Spoons,
Knives anl r iehrks. i
tirocerirti-4"ialt, a floe ismorttneOt of Tms,.!
Cotie.:4 Bronla Tapir ,„ Rice, Chocolde,
Ground Coffee .Coraigareb, .1 • ;
PekitlMprYf---Rai Water,i To let _ do. Collar
Paremi do. Etf,truPta, fi.ennan Cologtie, a large - stOcks
\ Eattruinf Tt"lti;--liaylorkl;, Scythe 50:0.45,
Rakes-, tc. &e.- I. L. POST & COs
• :
• Proclamation.
1 &sipOitrici (704 y. ss,
tothe LEoAftli : Court of Common Plan''
-t a. gat Raid coon ty,ofJanuary Terns, LaoNAtto. ; 1845, No. 30.
ir .To LrOnora';_ Whereas , a subpoena in Dl
- to..fanuary Term, 1855, which Was
dniv rentrned twa t•tinvent ti.t. 4 anti thereon an'alifos
111 plena Was isaued'hisaid cause, returnable to April
Tes in,
.1855, upon '!the return of which proof was
. made the said Coart . that the said Eliza Lconniti
cin.lll n
,t found in my bailiwick. .
• Thi: notice . therefore to require you to appear
before the Judgetof t ihe said Court on the third Mon.
of August next, ;to answer saidcomplaint ke,
t - F. r. /IOLLISTEW,
She; DT's oltice; . 3foi.lrose, June 0,-1855._
. ,
ily.striet attention to,knisiness ssc bope to receive
ii!)eral share c ir patrcinage. All wink warfanted.
11. i A good Journeynian wanted, to , whout
ady em' toyrneilt and high wages be giceit.
A. E. . PE.nnr JE.NRs.
40e.tr04,,e, .Itay 18T)5.
rel i t
'... 7/1110 HUNDAFF ..4CADVicY.
riirroritietOr, Mr. MICHAUD ITOOLMAs t
fnly infbrms the public that he has taken tit' In
v.,litutioin with the design of. fitting Young Lade and.
I:entletnen for the Profession of Teaching,
,acitording r
to the .`,i .. ortrtal Nixie • s or fOr • fitting Young;.for 1
4nv otin.s,r business of life.
This llnstituticui is situate in the pleasant, retired,
and in:4lthy.tillage of Dundaff, Susquehanna(County, 1
,Pa., al is 'Unexposed to the many temptations and
Tiers fi at are detrimental to the Intellectual and Mor
al advance:4ot of Students. The pk.soptrosa, Wain
M. ..I. SWart, at bighly educated and complished La
dy, witl'iakeimtire chargo of the 'oung:Ladims both
i. 5 and ilia a school. Nor' will they be allowed to 4
ajtelid panieS, or any ' pke.e. o amus,ement, without
the express frprmissiou -and cadence of the Teach
; els.' Miss Slart will give eSSOrtS also in Ornament-,
at Nredie ;Work, French, Pencilling, Crayoning, &.e.
1. , , One of the. , .prime objects of this Institution, has
hired to fstabltah a Normal Department; or Teachers'
' Cintrmi'. few the 'benefit of those desiring to make Teach.
ing h PrefessiOn. The whole eoursc of Instruction
r. 2, 1 , :i: CS ' ,lireojearg. In #hil course it has been the.
! object tortmorare those stwdles of Practical utility, as
:wl.ll as those *Of an education's' character; and mat
,• Ira= Leen;taken classify and arrange., them'
su . to 'or, *lent to the 'student 'aneasy 'gradation from
th'y• ritnpl,est sehject to the most difficult.
sPnpils f.wi4ot •be hurried through a superficial
ecitirse ors-linty.; nor will They be _ encouraged in an
intdue fondnetts for any 'particular science, to the ncg
lea of others; but such a course wfil be pursued as
' Will lead tO a li:rgternritimldefelopment of all the pow
; ers of thelmintiltr directing the thoughri to / the study
• of principles and the relatunOf cause and erect, in
-Stead. of 'deleted facts. 1
, ' -
Co , innion Eng. Branches, pa il'rk of 11 weeks, ti,oo
Higher, i " 5,00
Latin and Greek extra each, ' ‘..i • , 3,00
Prench, germab, and Italian; • " ' 3;00
Peocilling;'lCrayonin'g, Ind Drawing, . 3.00,
Music nith Use tot Piano, " .l 10,00
Wo&-.1 Mu.4i.c, ! . " ' 2,001
Hotted perlweek, - • " 2,00
T,hosewishink to board themselves, can procure '
suitable roOms"for the purls:lie s
Board anti Ttiition 13111 s invariably in a d v anc e .
. ' The Nectind Term of this Institution will commenJe
Mai 9th. ; and. 4 Studres will then be arrang ed and
chuittified, Students are particulary, requeste d to be.
pre4ent. ,-1 ` - -'
'For further information, address the Principal. '
' We; theinnthirsigned, can under the prcient expc.
rienced ata effitient Board of Instructors, who are
pradtically familliar with the Normal Mode of instruc
t tido', with itnpliCit confidence commend the Dundaff
Academy, to the favorable - eonsitlbration of those.prc
pariltg thanselvs for Teschas; and all those who
desire to ivo their Inns and daughters a thorough,
practical, and liberal education. -
i Rev. G. N. Team,' ' •
1 Thos. P.lPinisr, Esq.. - '
i YYt. J. Gootatictt, •
tit, lI.S.4ICUS;
iT.: , 11, NW'S; XV/.
1 t s i DES!. AYERS,
, Diuttlatf , April 19th.,1135a
.. - I
_ . •
• ,Oriteharlei N orris ' ,
ILICCES4OII of Chides Tilinuut, BAPHER, hay
lag ret4oveti his shop from its former .location in
tbe basement orSearie's HoteVto the room in the
the rear of the bar-rooni, i 3 prepar art iu the moit selentifie.nuumer,
' who ayM be pleased to entrust their heads or
faces i to bit hads. . - - 22y1
Sash and Blinds.
WO .L P; II at*r.Ll 4 Q4 cs°. T uli ! u l l Y m haat
furnis6e4 to ceder, by.
! .; - • '• ' - -- I - 7 7 -7= ,
- ', Change°, %%lie. ' : 1 - , •
s• , -
.113-11L1101.11 0 . , i .• , : , :i :
. . , ,
nN =I ,
idler Monday, lay. "164 4855, dite', MO
V/ Passcinger TtWin will lepart 4ons Seckatun at
10: 1 4 a: >i Due at Great Bend at 1:20 r. lir. Won-
Wetting with the Dunkirk:Express Wick on the $. Y.
•4 E R. IP Passengers-taking thi-.4 train will arrive
131 ralniktik it slialS; PAM Aid in Neh---York!,at 1,1:16
r...w: , . , - ... 1' f; • i ` •
Returning, wlll leave Great Bend !tt. 4, r4w.,) due
at }ler-Antonia 6:45 . r. st. - " i 1,
• - The Freight Accommodation Tralm with passenger
car attached, will leave Scranton at i r. 3i. ;1`,'41u4 at
Great Bend at'.6 r, 3L, connecting with the Mail
Train West, and. the Night ExprOs-`Traitti Fast.
Posingers taking this train and the fNight...Express
West, will arrive in Dunkirk at 12 nt., or 11; taking
Mail Train 11 est, will arrive at Dunk rit' at 6:45 p.m.
IRettaraleg, via leave Great-Bend - t 7 4 ; $ on are
g l i
'rital of' Cincinnati ExpreaS East, D . e rd. Scranton
, le,-1011:. m.'; ' ' . -` 1 i
, iPassengerifor Wilkesbarre, Pittstdn, dathoudide,
'PhUadelphiait (via the Catawises; Wlllia+pQrt and
Erie and Betiding g Ra il road, via Tiuntqpia, and East
on, and all intermediate places, -
will Lind firit class
'stage coaches in'readiness at Serantoh, on f arrival
of the Passenger and AccoannodstiotiTrauts ,tt con
,yey them to the above places. Th ehoosing in-i
rate couveyances`will•find the best of , - ors ti tr ia d gar
•riages,of ever y description, at - ld c rges,
ready io order.-
D. H. DOTTERER, Suoetitit.ndb 1 enc.
SuPeriniAdent's (Mee; t•, 1 ill t '
' Scranton ] ] lap Q. 1855. i i "
„,! 4
i 4
• '
. ~
ITENIRIit ISORRITT irould, aniiiiinee4o s 11r resuming the publication of Putzunn's 3fcindily I - --- - w.'' "."'iwa6tate!-k.
4.1 .his friedds and the public that hb is noWopert. - .1.. k-14-only necessary for us to refer to the specie I days or upwards, are entlUed . to kandred and
inn an , unusually large stock of siinrsp, l .A.N.D notice issaysl, with our hearty approval, upon the firs . l . sixty acres of Land , if theylm'cllnot received It, 'and
SIT.H.HEI: 00014, ineluding a griat variety rot, , of'April, by the late publishers. The 'Magazine xi Of they have received less ainemni-they are:entitled
prints, fr4m 4 cents; to Is cal per yad; • plain anal ,alai at greater excellence In the 'direction bithert Iva sufficient to triakeup 180 acres. ----, - • '
,-. • • '
Berolutionary soldiers, and soldiers of Inc and all `
printed Lawnil, Barege Delaney, (ring to Btbciule,.'; pursued ; and without being artisan, will •'bold dl"
Black and fan9' breas Silks, Silk Drers TiAuiii. and ; ' tided Opinions, and will ireat.a pablic questions fron -1 ware in which-the .UniteaHtites have beti engaged -
Baregcs, Poplins, fie, kV, with a superior as. , meat 1 a humane and truly national point of View. . . i since, deceaSed,llieir,wlilowa 'or Minor chit--I
ef•Silk; Broctie, Ca mere andThibetelhanisi Map- I, TO all the other' varied.departnients of a Monthly r then, are' entitle . . . ', •-• .. 1
tillas, Parasoli, FrenCli Lace and Simi , / and Silk Bon- ! Magazine, it will hopelil sunnee, instruet„, and Lege- 1 • °llieet * . ' Searnen ' Th O nth4-13erk:s and - 11141 * nel ' in
nets, rich ItibbonS and FlOwers, with . 4 largevariety fit •to criticise generously but justly; and to attract i t he - .Nnv Y , theiv- widows ad lu . lo l ' • childx * ll t -am C . 418(. '"'
Of" other Ste'pti• and Fancy Dry. Geodid ,1• 2, to its pages, as it has already done, the contributions, t entitle d - -' ' .: -. . ' • ' .
' 0120CEKIES i . CR Oe.K.ER y ; AIi.VD 11.4 ItD- i. of able men in every walk fl' tii Sc .
o .itcra , , re, • tenet., and' ,
. Wagon.masters , .Ana,, employed fgt . the, •
WAR.F.'—lrost anti .Nails, Boots and Shoes, is and I Art: '• , . ... .
.. ;• - i traweportation of military stores, are - also entitled r ie.
.. - .
F. Carpetito , Wall Paper, Fluor ORlCloths,i,Pabit-` l . The past volumes are the best assurance that noth- I. li.l'e ma nner. - ' '• " • -' - ' '
.b, ,
eiliWiridow Shades, Clocks, .Stores, Qi)s an Paints, ring offensive to the purest Morality, and no wanton 1 cl. airs still eniageA in obtaining Bounty Land War- I
Ploughi, Sc. A..e.;lnlsbort, the larges: lan of piles I attack upon honest concretion , will 'ever find• tt , oace .l rants , and am willing to dothe business upon thr: -.];
of rich and cheap Goods, too numerme to &glen, 1, in the•Magazirie.: - - : ' ' . - . 1 Moat liberal tertni, and although 1 hive no Motive tr; ',l
but just the things to purchase; all of whit Will he I - All communications slioirld be addressed ta• DIN I st'end my tune: and labor wit rout charge, Yet I will
wild at die most reduced piece and o 4 the Ininst fit- ! h; EDWARDS,,Pablisheis :of Putuata's MOniblv, t o i ; tin the business at.theloweet price than 1 can do. it •
viarable? ternii for cash or approved credit.. l• '.ii. i Park Place, New York. - - . •",, . I. hneatly and live. .. ••• .., • • '..- - .
.N. 11. Flour and Salt constantly' n viand.; ',' , - i -' • ' '-. • - . •• 1 .!Those having claistis_l beheve.Will find it materialb - •
, ,I - , 1 • ' 4.,'11a.r---C ontents. - .. - • •
, t t their advantage . to call upoOme before going else:
;Nets mlir° 4 M3Y ' Bss ' -. " 1 ' I, I :' , ' i. 1 The Last Word ofgeology-.-Oliier'Bitaselin—The i where.
. ~ . I , ~, 1 , . -. , .
, Compensation Office--;-The Alps—The-Dames of Yir-I i After 'thewarrauts are obtained,_ if ''f h a •
y o t e tear
ginia--..The Turks Two. Hundred Years 4go--The 1 C aided desire to sell them,'-1 am prepared ttri - tt be
Niglit'AChasenly a. - Pebble—The Count De.Caglf-j highest cash market price. . ''• : . •
ostro-The: Challenge—The National. Academy of I ll ani..lalso , engaged in, the prosecution of other
Desi, l o- , The -Birth Place of Sicrzart--A.Criasc,in the i clidins against the. Government of the rztited'Sitites,',
Fly - tag Dutchinan-The Beasts of the Prairies-truer- ; su t a, as for Pensions," Back Par r Extra Pay; &C. &e:
ice for. the Anierie.ans--Twice Married (Continued)—' 1. ' FRANKLIN FRASER Att'Y at Law.:
. .
Editorial Notes. ' " . • ' . . • ' 1 1 •L afentrose, May 14, 1854 -- . ~' . •-•.' ' tr -
1. Literature -1. American. . . - - . _._l . . . -
• '.. ' NEW 'GOODS..
-, Reprints. • '-; • ''.
-.: - - „I t ' '1
1L Fine' Arts. • - . '- • • .•
' - - BENTLEY di. ARAD . . 7
. „ , 1
in. Music. i ' .. . .. .
IV. Drama. - ".. r ' .. - :-. * -‘ - . AIM now receiving, their usual Supply.of- - SP.RDN'
, AND sauffEre GOODS; Willa. they offer to their
Tnitns.Twenti•five cents a - number,or, $3 per
annum. Clubs,.of five or more , supplieant $ 4 ;;ape- 1 customers, and t.4e publie.generally, on
- theinoat tea
elincir numbers furnished; andiberal terms gir, Eggs, Grain, -Bees
%%lP to I
tenable terms, for Cash, Bat wax, oron approvdtl credit.'. -.
agentS and canvassers. - . ' -• .
• DIK-& EDWARDS, 10 Park Mee..... - /-Inuir° ' €* * 4a Y /0855 `. -4 - ,
. . .
-i) ii - oi liikliffiS, Kerseymeres, Kentucky Jeane.
1...) Summer Stuffs,. and a general stoCk of-Staple-
Dry Goods, just received and fdriale right-byr '-- •
- • BENTLEY rt.H.EAD. :
, ..
lIIOME LABOR :I • 1 .fl _.!
ITAV-E reiubsed
•;; r
~ , ~
to the burnt district, where they
. I I ulll be glad to .ee; all their old c(tstorne4 .anil
as many - new ones a please to give 11)ent 4Can.+
Tncv intend to!keep a general issortm nt of '; Stoves *,
of ',the best kind andiquality, among • lett' may be
i ll
.WESTETINIiiV:VC. - trhe Elevated 00ao Stovss all
httie donble'fik , placea, which makes tlimn far, a . upe-
!,rior to the single. fire-place Stoves. Wie keeP;',cott
staidly Onlunatl;tl
~,weneantaisortment. of 7/I.VIIPR.k
of 4 first Fate quality, fur home trade; also, Wlll and
cistP.rn first;,
'.7ltaitts and ileehi, Lead ;Piic
l'of alt sire'; -Jappanned Wore, Sze. &c., tall of Ittildell
1 they profse. to sell cheap for ready paylor ' 4 wed
1 Crt;dit.-, Job wettk done with despatch acrd.
' le
S; . WOODRUFF: t', , -G. B. EL.
i ' Montrose; -Mai3o, lfitis. •
. .
I • . Nett Goods.. . 1
kibscriber is „in cotistant receipt:
T; Goods, in his line of busineiss; nearly ejtery
week.` The public It•Ul nabds issirtment.NO.
his aiticles new find of good qnality.: 'The stock 'on-Y;1
sists as usual of Druga,i..ifedici.uot,
Stuffs, Cirocerii..,. Pitney ,jorclry ? . PerApte
-1'74 ct`c. 'Store at hiwer end cif the Intrnt
licintrose,,June 'et. 1655. A. TtfRI:ETI.
Suqiner - Tl:3itifrs., ;Ina47wcos i}ion
so . rts.of Dry Gdodstat T.I.JARELI4
- lUk7, ANTED, in exchange for Goods, Efgs, Pater
V - Rags, Ilecitya:c, Grain of all kinds s iand
MoUtros.e. Jtte' 6. 1655. A. TcRREEI.
- . • 1110u1Lrose Stages::
IX.S.S' ENTERS ffnd'Stakes at Searle's' . Hoick
3iontrese,. Pa.whieh4un in conneetitin with 'the
following'Trains. - • •
!LeareAi_ 11 ..„31. Cidinecting with. the Ttain
for Great Bend. •I(This gain piny ineots. Dar Express
both East and t.) . 1. 7 I q
f,eaire at;:; 3L Conneeiing withFreiglit TrailifOr
Great C'Eiend, and Mail
~ , Train for -Serer:fon. eflie
Freight train meets MaitTrain West at Gtieat Bind
And Night BlT:vs:4es bAth East and West.,
Leave Depot for llontrOse on arrival of alllhe
trains. l•- • : 1 • '• L. SEAR.,
Montrose, May . *.- . i
C. al:Virgil Dentist h* taken rooms_
Clutrollers store, ,ihere it will be his pleasore to See
'his friends a. quick as po . rible. C. D.
May 2,55. Resident Deitist.
i i
t• • . . ' . NEW. GOODS: '• . • i
•! The subscribers have taken
. aiifitted up: the new. [
ibuilding onthe west side of Public, Avenue, two doors t
'iabove Searle s Hotel, and arc now receiving" a large
and well elected assortment of - 1
, i
Fall a nd Winter GOntis. • - 1
Their stock is almost entirely NEW . , having saved
but a very few goOdS from the - late destructive - lire, 1
plod comprises' their usual variety of DR.I'VOODS,
Groceries, Croekery,, hardware, Drugs Medicines,
Faints,-Oils, Dyestuffs,'DoOts, Shops, Leathers; glassy
- • g ... !jewelry', Watches, Silver Spoons,. Clocks, .Yankce ~
Seven ttn4red 'Dollars ßeVrarifi, ' Notions,' ke. Sc. •We are thankful for the patronage - 1
, ~
, 11 1 IIE above reward will, be paid to me ift My ens- hitherto bestowed . upon 'us, and trust that our cus- 1
'_ll_ ' 1
tethers will call and pay me what is hot)estly MYlomersi and the publicl'genemlly, will not fail to give''
due.l I; am loudly C.alle:d on by tny creditors to pa)? I 1s a call in our new location; confident that we can_
'up, andit -i& irnpoSsible for me to do so wiless My I apply them with goods on as favorable terms ter here..
old friends will step up anil emit over. So frttend O I °fore. • . • BENTI.EY,..t. BRAD
the - Matter insquare immediately, arid the yams eith'er 1 li Montrose, .'.i . oireniber 30. 1.5.4 - .'
by cash Or note, and save both yourself and fle."' '1 1 t, . '
Montrose,May. 1855. : D. 11. 111 OX.
- i-- - • 4, rXrflf;'7.o . lr 010
T ,
single barrel, `aid extra fine Rifles, fees:de by;
May 1.1 -' ' 1 - t' - ' • .4. LATIIROP .t, CO. A
A superb lot Just received • and how offering at the,
&rest cash pricCs for approved credit or reinly pay ,
by '- '- '', LATtilb3P 4; tNt.:. t'!'
• 1 • X •
York Prireg being parieby:A. •Lathrop & Co, l to a 11,,;
those who consign their butter and produce ti:i . theno
They baying made tirtangentents are now ent4bled
send all kinds of produce to. New York - and „lto sell!,
the same id 'the hieheS - market pricey. An tbose l , l ;
who' Wish ;good pries. and quick returns we incite tot
call upon ; • , . A_ LATHROP CO..
MontroAe. 3fay I, - 18 . 55..
. 1111kTans of all sizes and made from
hi 13 V Aildoutile crOs tin a less than IleOhants
usually pay to sell 'main, for sale by the Subieriber,
We hire home to the conclusion to sell pang io Far=
triers as loar 3.s we wOl to the trade, - thereby isingl
to the Firiper our profit. 'Our wares are warranted ;
to bo'perfeet in eteryirartieGlar qr no sale.
• Terms—Cash or obort credit. . f
I IJ. DICK,ERIfAX.r . Jr.•
,NeW Slilford*l6ss. .
• :. -
t Presiddit,
-1., VII: OWE,' OF-011I0: •
For rice . Premdent ; t •
111,ore - Near.f4oads at the Red
store; ~ 1 - IitENRY licErtatic -
Lodtri!vile, May 4; 1855. •. - .20-41c3
- -
H InssoLunozu -
T"' copartner:4l4o' ; heretofore existing under the
firm of Hnwlef k Mott is this day disgoWed:
April 1,.I : 850; -G• R 143WLIVir.*
• ; * C. W. MOTT.
The noteli and accounts are in the hands of C.N.
'Mott for Collection.; Those interested will please call
as soon 'as c4nvenient.l
. FULL I I ASIMILVIEM of Tin, Sleet Iron
and Copper Ware of my oirn manufactur and
made of bet#y plate, foe sale by . ,
• New ifilfotd, July 12; 1853. • •
Hon. S.IB. NELLS t
J. M. Ciarrtsprzi,
K PnismT,
J. B. Slocum,
A FULL amortmentof Ilarilware,.Carpenten'And
Jobserst Tools,' Finn!) . Chain, and fiXtUrell a
Near 3filfo 1, Jul}; 1854.] DICKEIIII4:.\
A.Siti.S - tBLUN
kJ Chap as
13DRIC,. FLOUR AND HALT by the barrel
, it the lowed vides at DICKERM.
Adtn . ini‘trator l s Notice.
11%1OTICE i; hereby given' that letters of
: imago ele m»ix non cum Icalamento nuncro
upant tbi estate ofWis4 , Wrlght deceased, lmie ileen
granted, the suliscibler," and ill personlndelOted
to said estate are ',requested to-. make immediate lay
meth, and ill* haying Claims - ie . present them - . t
atteried for Ottleinenti E. F. RALLY •A!inef.. .
Brooktm.May,l4. 18,515. • • 9,5-14
'• ' Olds ',V104,1, 1 10V0011
1.0 000""Da !anted at the Farmer's les
_ , . change, for which the highest maticet
priel will be paid in CA2II, by
Ju4e 126, 1E50, LATPROP &el
DS, of the beat quality, Pie, gale
a- . :
a.' -• ti
- 7 - 7. :. : -... . -7 . - 7. -- ' - - -- .7 - 7 = 1 • 7 '7 7- - •' . \ . .. ' ~,,;.,- -' . - ... --
, A PEN** SAVED - WORTH '' TWO- ' .. - . ,T.5007 - ..6... ' : .: -
I . EARNED.,-' , - . ,-- • - - - ' ; HOYT . et. BEVAITIC- • • -'
T "WITTENBERG 'Ss' 8R0.,' Xotitiose, - Pa.,bilis r . i li a f ib it a fii.olib t 4l t i o .liotwoou•ifoutkose awl ...
lel • this method of adiising.their old friens and
custoniers and the - public at large , hair in lust f
-11, - New York .. The'subscribers will 'continue their'
rat ' t
-- ' d ' " s r connections of the past year for, selling
received and opened.thelargest, prettiest:an . cheap- i c . a. p ro d uc e ot i ecnin pWain.
.." , ..
rest stock of RhADF MADE GLOTSING eccr bro't I- '-31..avnEw J. ittattitarros, - will receive - and fbriard_
to this place, which th'ey 4 51rerAt wa-cmana"lyar''''" from freight fur this con .in at the.Mantiose Depot. SVE-: -
cast, thertdv'effering purchasers the rare oppoitunt-i Ry Tt l EsDAy_ - •, . . i - - -`,.‘:. - . - .
ty of obtaining-goods .at `abotit tvril thirds'- the CISLIttI ' - Ttinnkfo Toe - p e t i t iintimage, end beteg satisfied
Also a large assortment of Dry Dods, •- I that their arran,„lrettleuts for • disposing of . produce or ''.
for Ladies Wear, new.stylgs DAadade, Stripe, - Mu, i thou,
4:*-ill P r-1- --4 '5 tLeVery kind.wilitiable - generic • eatisfac''.
The. subscrleri tritst . that New ird - rk -"peicc•,.
- Plain :Mil changeable Silks, DelaineS,' 11M11 hi ; De Rage 1
I proinp t return.; outd• their uslial:stricfatteutlen to the
flerage delaines of new and elegant deiigns. %Alf the btiemm,„ w il l :. , -
. to t h em asou th lu o c e„ - Tof favors •
latest st: les of Ladies Dress Goods; French- Lawn- -s_ ;
; heretofore so liberally bestowed:9llon them.: ' - '
Prints and . Gingham: . A handsome wasertment of 1-
The ietorns, will be-premptki:paid in cu rests money
Dress Trimmings, Embreitled SleeVes,Xollars , Cuff% 1 b,.. 31r;-llerrie,,,,,e,i,ho will t ag!. Make luraltulvnu- . :"
" f!:
.etc„ 'Tao:MO and Swiss Edgingsindinsertinr,Gloves 4. on o onsi 152,.nt when dasiiok::
~ . , .
•. , .
Mks Iloviery . „ Tells tind' . Farisids. ~,.
Their assortment ofShawfS is very large, embracing I, ' - Ourmarking cards have _been left with the Sail
every thing that is rich anal both- foringp I itv,"anditilFgrictoloddaigecnottudiligur,ef.,dasteortus•hoo.nwillotatir
and domestic :. i. - • - ' •,-' . - - _Ttlestlitys. .- " -- . •- 7 . . 7 '"
'• Theii.Bonnet Depallment is large,and -complete,,
embracing the very latest styles, with.-Trimmings to
An extensive - a&cortnn'Mt of Trishdinetut, napkhis
towelin,g,table covers, curtains Sec. - : - - ,'. ..,
'We have- alasi w supply:of Shirts, Gentlemen's Col
lars, Suspenders; , Gloves, Umbrellas and a good aunty
other articles too numerous to mention._ For incur
gains the public is respectfully invited to call at tIM
cheap store of !. . • 1
come of Chesnut & Owego Streets, four doors
of Pest's store
Putnam's Monthly.
a h .t o d ca
p ti Q utt e z
sti manure t,tittt -t i n o ou i lt n il ;.t e •ill l t l i f t p ttl i it o cheag
POUDRET,TE made by the subscribers.: The 'malt
quantity used, the ease, with which it is applied; snd,
the powerful stimulus it:gives to vegetation,. renders
it the Cheapest: and best manure the world. It
cause 4 plants to.come up quicker, - to grow faster, to
yield heavier, and ripen earlier thin.any other manure
in.thelworld,faii'd unlike other fertilizers, it can be
brought in direct contact:with.the.plant. - Three dol
lars worth is sufficient to manure an acre of_eorti.—
Priec, delivered free of cartage . or - package ou beard
of vessel or . rallroad, in New-Yoik city, $1,50 per bar;
ref, lei, any quantitY over els barrels ;" 1 barrel, $2 - ;
2 -barrels; ; 3 barrel,.'ss; - 5, barrels, $B. A
,pamphlet with infOrmation end. directions will be sent
gratis and postpaid, to any one applying fur the wipe.
Addre4s, the LODI 11,1NITFACTURING CO.. •
• 7-1 Certlandt Strect,'New-York,
i 1 r. R. THAYER, takes this method of saying
11 to his friends, and customers, that he ltaa-twain
resumed the practice of medicine, at his.old stand at, where he niav be found at all times unleAs
PrOfes4ionally employed. He would,,say to those in
' debted to him; that he will deduct -twenly-fire per
• 'cent on' all accounts paid before the first of April next,
:.(or if any. poor like myself! will 'deduct fifty.)
Montrtise, - Feb, 20, 1833. • • • I
and - iViurviu ' s .. .Fire-Proof
- - -- - Safe's. :
iTIIE subscriber :have made arrangements to fur !
/ash to persons wha may be in want of them, the
above named invaluable Safra,. at the same prices felt;
Which' they can-be obtained' at the manufaetarees.:--
Daving eNperieticed. the benefit of such an article dn.
ring the late, conflagration ourselves:, we. wouid tarn-.
estly:recomniend to othemi - haying valuable books and
papers, the preserving of which woetd be of immense
ireportance to them, not to do without one. . .
!,Prices range from t;ifi to ; ssoo;,and we can eiplain
4 .
to any one .wi'shing to purchase; the •differerice in
style, size, prier, ke., and furnish' theta on short tim.,
dee, with the internal- arram , emetit to suit the Ptir
elpser.-• • - - • 7BENTLEY - .& READ:
•1110,nte4se, December 19, 1554. - - - , . • i...- :' .
ILTAVING recently volnutatily relinqUished the
JLJL sale oftiquors, \exceptin& strictly for medicinal
purpofes, as alDrukgist, the people without distinctiim
of,Party, Society, Sect, or Religion, are respc'effully
invited as usual, to call and examine the quality and
prim; of goods, and to therehy'ovail themselves of
any advanuge'of the market they may thus acquire.
Montrose, April 19, 1854. ABEL TVRREIeG.-
1 - l'' -': _JEWELRY. . : • .:'
If ARE . new Jewelry just arrived, direct froth . the
i .1.11..1. inanuEicturers, and consisting of. a 'first rate as
sostnunt,a, Ladies' and Gentlemen ' s Gold linger 1
I ,llingti,lßi'east Pins, Ear Drops and Hoops, Curb,- - Fob i
.land Vest Chains, Slides, Keys, Studs, Pens, lic.-,-
yersons wishing to purchase JewelrYshould attain-1
ily Cellist the store of . -2, - - A i : TURRELL. I
1 Montrose, April 12,185.5. . '•
- 1- 1 t
-". --4- - t .
' f l - T . " -- - • NEW 606E05. .• •
1 ,
1.1 'I T q LEE, AT MONTROSE DEPOT, haslust , re.-
,i_V . • cared
.aripply of Spring and Summer
Goods,`,(whieh_will be sold • .very low for cash or farni
. torci b 'l'.
I „ ,
11 Q MUNDS good New Orleanik Sugar-fa one dOI-:
Ili IQ iiir a - _ : J. C. New Store:
!I rEA; Coffee,' Molasses Fish, Rice, and Groceries
-1121.14 of, all kinds,. very _cheap at . • J'. 0, LEE'S.:
1 , '
F ' • • .. IVauted, .
'P' .
1A I ,;i 4 r quantity of Egg it' ill - cents pa dozen, in .
eehange . for goods at J. 3. C. LEE'S Store.
i• ' • •
~t . ,n quantity of Butter at lil cents per pound, in
IV exCharge forArkoods at J. C. LEE'S New Store. •
VllOSE.wishing to i•tircliase foi'leasi
' 4l° :lL• i change for barter, will lind it to thel
iitill,and examine my stock of Gonda an,
ttlitlies. Yor•hartet l of all kinds tho I
tt ' y at. all timea be retell on at . J. G:-1,
o, ✓ f. Depot. , !
I , ' ' NEW GOODS.'
1 , I . iIIIVING 'every week at ~ti - lAMBI , /
January Iwt .
'i ' i Enter Shirtvis and IlleLft .
ELLWG off at gvcatbargains. Call•on i
i _ ;tummy lot • _ A, 141 . 11.R0Pk. CO's- -
1r! L' . 60iiii - jairieil Stoilkii, :
iIt:TAT.CtO at , . A. LATIIROP.,•k UV*
.1 Ti , January lat F. ,
.. , •
'‘i T' --- 12 - - Kt - lin ItUriiiiiT4iiitiii: :_---
i Idt kind: and at the higlied twioes booed. by
JarmarY Ist " ..,_ A. LATHROP'S; CO'it.
- I I:l4lt.Flialina Salt — i - at .11M•tRii i- t.:Ves
r p
„lionisidt, Jamtary74lsss - •
1l MDSE NEW Villo at
' 1.T.1.1,May 224% - • L.L. POST 4. CV&
_ •
NELSON' IL, notr. •
Montrose karch l .l.Bss. " -
Persons residing Out of the vicinity of 'iliontrOnet?
wisiting to send us Produce can do so by , co ma
it to IIOTT BEVAliiii, No. 11.37,Reade St N.l'
•To ail whom it 111114
By a recent. act of Congri*.the Boinity Land bite
has been extended to embrace. nltntot'eirery-esse of
of rililitary
service, • '
MI personi'wts; Inive beeq engag.ed . Ifllitaiy
Service of the United States; fora porlcal fourteen
CITTMMER De I..anc4, .LavrniChallies, Ginglaune,
O. Merrimac. and Coelier.o P nts, &e. &c. for *de
. .
ONNtTS, Ribbqns, .Parasials,:sntames
11 Black Siliq, Dress L0..34. for sale
lyr = ' •BSNTLET dz READ.
C:211,1, Fur, 'l,egitom, Panama,• &ma*, aiul Palm
kJ Iles, I.4aloellas,
,P , .atchels,ilVhsdow ".Piiper - Se.
&c. • • _ "1:314411EY'&31--
lEr..-I.IIDWARE, Clpekery, Patent Pails, Tubs, Put:
ty, Glass fie. . • BENTLEY ti BEAD.
T DRUGS, .Medleines, Paints,Cb. Dyestu ff s, and
_LA general assortment of Patent Mediehiesdnst is
and for sale by. . BENTLEY* READ:
OLE and ETT.perleathir, Pa •nt Ripa,.ealf
. and a. good supply of Boois , and Shoes constant
y ori hand.. /. • 113E3.711,Eit'Rzap.
XTACKEREL by tbe.birrel o ono-half harrel—al
- so, Codfish. - • READ.,
AATATCHE'S• and JEWELRY—A furl* asiOrtzterit'
V V of Gold anu ailser Lepines and Detaighett
Lecers,.in double and single eases, Ladies?..:Pins,.Nar,
Drops, Rings, • Guard Chains, Le. &e. Also,
. Silver'
Table, Tea, Desert, Salt and Sugar Spoons, - warranted
pure, for sale by . B - Trati• & Rix).
_NeR4 - CanAF,
Lamp ca.mphene &c. &c. • --; . -
Mont:v.:id, Nay I, '55. BESTLEYt READ
snbsenlier is receiving his 'SO:Ig and.Btim
.lL meeltock of Goods, comprising a great variety..
which will be sold. as low as anon this market.—
Please call and examine: - F: B. MANDL=
HATS. AND C-4PS- 7 -A good assortment of the
latest style. • • • ;
READY-MADE C.L0.771MG-;•A good- TarktY
of Spring and Summ& Clothing of the latest car. _
DRY GOODS—..A.. general assortatent throng.h
out.. Also, DRESS GOODS, consisting of Lawns.
Barege Delaines, French Debtines, Persist' Delskle.
Printed Lawns, Fancy Prints, Ladies' Worked_ Col- -
!ars, Xnsertinits, Edgings, Black Thibet_
and Cashmere Shawls, Parasols, liosiery, Gloves, kn.'
'BOOTS .AND SHOES, Clocks—a large assort
ment- irf every deacription and'stylb. great
variety; of Fancy. Articles, Yankee liotiims, sitm •
Criickery, Hardware, and_Grocerks of all
Trusks, a good.lot for sale cheap. 'gooks and-Sta
tionery-Wail Paper—also, Flour of the beat quality:
Montme, May 9, 1855. F. B. tHANDLER.
NOir-Mivie . of
TAQES. leave Kirkwood,. passingthrough Cor
k? beilaville,-Libtrty, &c.; every morning after-the -
arrival .of the Mail'Ntins of cars, both East and Vest,
reaching Montrose at 1 r. 31; Returning, leavt•
MontroSe.daily (Sundays excepted) at 2 r. w., reach
ing Kirkwood in time to take the Mail tialns of cars,
-both East and Wost, being the nearest and most fea
sible route' to reach the New York and-Erie Railroad.
This line intersects a tri-weeldy line for Dintock,-
gpringlille, Tmakhannock, Wytimingo and .WUkes
harm; Which leaves Montrosent '7 A 1. . -14 event 'Mere
day, Wednestliy and Friday: _ .Adso.,a line to Friends
vide, Lernysvilk, &C. •.
' Good team& and conifortable_eartiages are provi
ded, and the proprietors trill spare .
- the public. W. HATCEf,
.April G. isfil. - MORGAN & "WEST.-
Tk subscriber takes .iliis' method of advertising
his - friends and the public generally,,that
fitted up a store 'dust across the street kom-his',Old
qyarters;.in Brooklyn, where-he is-,- . Prepared to c•
Oive customers and sell them kkals at as low ratv ,
as any other.establishnient in Susquehanna county-.
MY assortment is very largaindee.d c ombracing near,.
- 1Y every article usually calie4-form a connti-y store-
Xs I am determined 'to do `baldness so tia to arObl
"bad debts," ?ialponaltle credit purchasers ore
taxed to pay, I cant:Ate superior inducements tocosh
and otherwise PROIIPT•PAYma patron:;." Call and Set:
me. •1 Q - G. BEIIPSTEAD.i.
-Brooklyn, April 36,
THE fim RE notes and accounts of the of Thu*
1: • Caudell and R. P. C:andall, are left with' Dr.
R. Titayre for NURmert. Thou indebted am nitwit
ed to make iiumediate payment and save.etiat.:
, •R. P. 411.A.,NDALL
Monti-ose, Arai! 28, 1858.
naggy for maw.
4 Goixl Second band buggy for sato - by .
_ _ G , Z.. DfltOCK
Maritrose, April 11,, 1885-,
r in ex
terett to
rices for
'B Store,
Denther, tipper du.,.Calf Stan, and Fatenr,;,,
!Cips---a.neur supply, just red - eked,. and f'oesahr
v - . BENTLEY & BEAD..
V (liolkajust otrOedolnOtimmijokr ds. Per
rot, *Ns.
.k. Co's
B • k,*try -
. -
T ITAST, itmerved WO eddititei- tct myfitock, or' l. Bottle; indSeetiottoi:, among wbiWaret. ALocip
Look - Abeed, (itae)-;-IVolfertig
Spencer`i Sketebes—Voironderful 10We:items of CapL
Wiest The Slave lielder'st
Ilouatork-4,auct riceito;lll4l IX;
Stowe)-Nag Bag, Milli:Sae4ote'..— , wifi be .341
eithl4P. ' . ne : P 44 PLYX.
Nay 22, y 55. 1 . : - -
fitiallOter St -
A large knelt Wont; Linen; and Cotton-sfaira anni;.
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