Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, June 21, 1855, Image 1

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nr nnr. lut.rn nur
In a valley that I know— .-
Happy scene! •
• There arc meadows sloping low, .
Therd the fairest floirens
All serene! • , • . -
But the sweetest 'thing to see
ifyod ask the dripping tree,.
Or the harrest-hoping swain, -
in the rain.
_ Ah, the dwellers of the town,
How they sigh, •
Ilow ungratefully they frown •
When the cloudtking shakes his crown,
And the pearls come pouring.down
`V i rom the sky! . .
:.-They descry no charm at all
Where the sparkling jewels fall,
And each moment of the shower,
t eems an hour.
Yet there's something very sweet
In the sight, . -
. When the crystal currents meet,
In the dry and dusty street,
And thev wrestle with the beat, •
In their • • •
While they seem fo hold a talk
With stones along the walk, , •
remind them of the rule,
T "keep cool!"
But thin that quiet dell,
. .
. ver fair,
• -
Still the Lord doth all things well,
When his clouds with blessings swell,
And they break s brimming M shell
On the air; •
' I
There, the shower - hath its charmsSweetl and welcome -to the farmii,
As tkr4 listen to its voice,
And rejoice ! -
• i‘ •
Bliefefies of 'libel
e onitleima of the Republican.
Hotel of in 'l7ntrevelleeTrav
-. eller.
. - CIIICAG 0 June 4, 1855.
F lie,rt - ameati ',his day of sti
zns. Kept - BLit:A. lit,his day of stir am
steam, - pha everybody 'travels, and every
pub] is A rnal heralds fo - rth what everybody
has seen nii , heard along the way, when
"notes of travel" have become so abundant
and emnnion l that even the sketches of eminent
' tourists arc ! ' perused by but few really inter
esied readers, how can / hare any rea.sonable
grounds to e.xpelittat the readers - of the Re
publican willf give. even a passing glance to
.my random scribblings. But, in order to
comply with your kind request, and to afford
, I
me a pleasant pastime for some perhaps all,
e.-IvLie unemployed moments, I will `briefly`
mote some of the incidents, observations and
imprkrione'of my trip from Montrose. to.
Chicago. 1 ' . • ',
ureSaturday, MLy 26th, I took my depart.
ure in frierid Hatch's line, for Kirkwood.—
'Persons going West by the Erie Fail ,Road
'will find this a very safe and pleasant route.
The scenery along the way is made up of
that rough yet attractive variety for which
Northern I!ennsyl vania is so justly celebrated.
• The only point •particularly "known to
fame""—the Salt Spring—lies just off the
Crek road,' and is a delightful place of re
,'sort fora sultry summers day. Nothing of
'special importance that might by, others be'
I considered in. any way worthy of mention oe
--; eurred,on the routegreat occurrences and
startling events being rare in that section—
but in the little incidents of the-way I found
a sutlicientlfund for an - luster - rent and contem
plation.', It is, in fact, these" \ seeming trifles ,
that m4e up the larger the great
problerr.of life, and that in many senses have
a more gen l eral and important bearing on our
'characters and interests than those peculiar
and wonderful events that thiill us with
pleasure or pain because of the uncommon
circumstances under which - they originated.
.1 was somewhat amused, and really quite in
terested-in Observing the amicable business
relations anti arrangements existing bet Ween
our driver, Mr. Bartle,' and• many of the -res.
- Ants on. the road. - -- I. could net - . but com
mend, hisiind, accommodating spirit, but, in
the light by lwhich the.worla generally judg
es of men,- Icould not help wondering at his
' forbearance.l One sends to " town " for a lit
tle spice and sugar, another - commissions hi rn
to call at a neighbor's and bring , her flour
enough for a "short-cake," and as dozen oth
erist d for '
as many little things " convert- -
ient i a family," all of which - requests are
promptly-heeded, and the &aired articles du
-ly delivered by return' of stage. There Was
to rue animportant lumen in this exhibition
of gentlemanly kindness on the part of friend
B. Iris most pleasant to reflect that human
ly lit tot all hard and cold—to see such a
eheeaful, genial ray lighting ttp. its too often
uninviting and forbidding features. It prov r ,
ed, what very many , would be Unwilling to :
-admit; that it is possible to be a "stage driv- -
er" and yet be a man.. lam sure that he los- .
es nothing iit self-respect, or the respect of
others, by cultivating a disposition so obliging.
The usual-currency paid for these 'favors,
seemed to. be a " much obliged to you," which
might answer the purpose in many cases, for
th e courtesy of some people is better thiari
the coin of others ; but an outlay of so many
little bits of time would seem to demand an
occasional recoinpease in something more
substantial than mere empty thanks. Le ar .
ing Mr. B. to his kindly labors, we will.pass
, FrOm Kirkwood the Mail - Train...soon
brought ine to Binghamton ; where I reinriain
ed over the Sabbath. The . village, of Bing
hamton is marked with progress, although all
branches-of business are materially hindered
o,y the present pressure of the times. The
new " Porcelain" Store is open, and making
a fine displaY ,of its "eternally enduring"
, arid " unsmaShable " wares. But I would not
awaken unpleasant memories in. the of
Sertain Rpecolatitime gentlemen in lifontrose
. .
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and vi pity, whe.enlisted in this vague en
terprise, BusunesS detaining me longert.han
I anticipated, I.dieti:ot leave 13.'611 the-30th,
when I roolt the.afternoon. Express for Elmi-•
ra. Atl Waverly enr friend •T.• A, L. and
his love y bride, canto on. board: The wed
ding: ', juSt trints'pited, the voirs. of life-long
fidelity , alFe been rioken, and-now,'With love
and har)piness, licarning in their faces--and I
trust a world of 11 in their hearts-'--they are
en route for . Nidgara - Via. Buffalo.. Long may
they wave;and no (blighting frost of adversi
.ever . Chill the brigltt summer of their' i llopes..
teavinn' them to pursue their hapPy . way, I
1 took th ears on - the 'Canandaigua ROali from
Elmira I to Niagara! '.This part, (4 , nii jour-
ney would have been essentially lacking. in
spice and -variety, but for the Compatit a
weddin _ party.
, whi.i.h. came on . board, at. El
mtra. , rom appeorances, they inlet ' t he the
4 ,
"first eUt "!of the t'oi-u, as the term Islusual- -
Iyi accepted;; but tley e x hibited a little too
. ~ i
mmuchglnicil . rituene 4 ss, to give me tuo i most
favorable itnpressiimt. The newly yoined
.couple semed desitous : of preserving; a .
coming mount Of dignity, but this their kind
friends-4rould not tillow, and so they must
submit Ito he 4 tu4abled up." and "mussed
over" viith . the, res • • . Not tong after leaving .
Elmira we Passed t rough two covered bridg
es, nsh„ . rt distance from
_each other. The
t .
• idea of icked nris,`4tief was no donhtsuggest
ed by die pass4e.i4f' the first, for jiist as we
emerge into 44i-li g ht from the second,
three 0 / four of the gentlemen *ere seen in
the ver y act of snatching kisses froin the fair
darnsel at then.. sues.. limr.shahlay. it was
or day-hgbt to comp around quite e 1 sudden !
After this model arty had left, I - SeCizred a
cOMfortihia, seat, 'ad enjoyed the rernainder
of the ride as dell its a rough rea r and an
eXcesstv amount of dust 'would permit.—
Reached Niagara ii,. little, before- - midnight,
and put jup at the. Niagara House_
,r Took to ,
my bed limmediateiy, and was soon lost . in
quiet alsfbe r , not $o on account of the
aoothin , lulling influence of the great rata -•
ract„ • ring.near a o hand, but because I was
very tied. - Thette is romance in talking
about the •quietingeffeet of a waterfall, hut
'there is-much morn of reality in the luxury
of sleep l. when We kre worn with. care or . fa
tigue. 1 . . ‘.- . . ~ . .•
31st, I Tbe.general appearanee of the Falls
is matetlially the -...iime as when, in '52, I was,
• attracted hither by' the - great Celebration of
Lundy' . Lane.. The tens of thousands ,of f
• people % ho then
.4Ongregated in the grove,'
Lundy' . Lane
eel on every hand, - are gone, but
noble Nlanara has\ none of its beauty,
- ,... ,...
.and terr ible
ble majesty.. Its wild waters rush
.ori',as sys4l . ly, and Plunge dOwn as madly, as
,Its. roar ne,ver ceases, and itS spray
continually ascend like incense to thejthrone
of the Eternal Father,. ..My brief limits will
not.allo I VA description, and it is as well, for
, .1
nopen can do .justice to the subject ; much 1
- less min . 2.• :". ' ,l' .1 . '
I find lso that t,
i tl " e people here have lost
none of ,their propensity for taking in "
i. ft
, I.
strange -,
and tus ki ng money. Iloicil•keep
.ers, carr i lage driveo, guides, and porter's, big
and-little, black and, white, stand ready at ev
ery tur to relieve you of your change.—
They mto consider themselves owners of
this great wonder!of nature, and because we
will be attracted by it, we must pay largely for
the privilege,. Even the smallest boys
learning the trade to perfection. One little
fellolk,vilith a basket of stones, Pebbles, &e.,
accosted me with, 4 - Want to buy any speei- .
mens, si'l only a Penny apiece; and if you'll
buy five cents worth I'll make You . .a speed,
in'the biirgain." Not finding Me in. Want of
specuneins, he offered to make.the speech for
three cents, whichje said With a decided. bu
siness air, was mui;li cheaper than.he would
do it fort any Others, gentleman. ; I of ,course
regretted that I had not time" to bear the
speech- , 1
_i , :
.: Fe:
- June 1 ~Ode fo the Suspension Bridge,
intendink to make the' early - tiain on the Great
Westerrf Rail Road for Detroit; but, (confu
sion to those Hotel keepers for - such willful
or carelss deceptiOn) we' were t be.h.ind time.
While waiting_ for the next train,l had anop
yortun4 of examining that great structure
of art,aind triumph of, mechanical power, the
Railroad bridge which spans the great.chasm
Of the N i l iagara, river, twO miles , beloW th,e
falls. -The ditunce from shore to shore is
800 feet and from, the track to . the water,
250 feet . The flog of the Railway is sus
pendeti ion (Our immense wire sables, ten
inches iti diameter,each cable containing 3659
No. 9 vres.... The weight of the suspended
masSlszs9 tons, and the maximum weight
of lOads)maing over , 500. tons: i The total
length oif the 'wires is 4000 mit es, and the
cost; half' a million. dollars! It indeed the
great wa nder of modern times, sod is consid
ered as tide and durt4e as any !bridge ever)
. i
ccgistri? • I ;
At 11. 15. A: 1 4., (11.45. Anericari time)
,fir making our way through the queen's
dominio.mB. I ixiuld see but little difference . ;
between " free soil "and " slave cursed ' m ud,"
only in favor of the latter; not that
~ I hate
slavery less, but I hate anarchy more. '
1 Canada is, in' many respects, behind the
States, end had she enjoyed Free Trade long
ago, would have been much in advance of whit
she is now. The Ovantages already derived
from the VieciprocityTreaty prove the truth of
this, for they are now getting about Ulm+ ti Meg.
their. ft, mer prices fur all that they produce.
It iaSstimated that duties to the tunciunt -of
half a, ruillioa hive beets paid by them since
tt l e 18
efl by
of Septettiber,: which will be i•efutid
ur pretiment l Between Thorold
"FPEEDON AKD G2_CaN7 alano?3@lr oLawimQv a% Di muor-Aoo9'
1 .
and St. Cathatities,
.a draw bridge.' takel =ti's .
across the great Welland's Canal,wtiichi-uns
through from Hamilton'Bay, on LakeCinta,
rio i to Chippewa, on Lake Erie, and .alOng
WWII vessels . of nearly every - descrippon
earty immense : quantities- of freight . from•
lakejto rake. The Great WeStern Llloao is
Of the medium gaug6, and is -allowed tnuch'
More space than the Yankees are- Willing to,
give; the distance between its fenees being in
.plicei twelve ; and nowhere less than
eight rods.. - Serne of the scenery on . jthe
route is -fine, especially. where it rUns'alOng
the:horderk; of Lakes Ontario and ,t. Clair,
andil • have I
Llfichigan. 4 I not i,' seen Sant " any.
where in these regions. I Suppose this Brit
ishllimate is not Congcuiar, to, 1 his tlts't.el' or
\ , 1,
health: lam not quite sure that 1 should'
know IMO, never having sten one Of Case
. ,
N tiollenback's' 4 ,little books ;" but :from i the
deseriptiOn published. in • the DeMocrat, .:I
thinkl, Ould g i've hint the grip a lalValoa.
If I meet hi during my travels, I will send
. - 1
yeti his it - .4 ,L II :
InentJrapli. , •• . . 1
- 1 At Detroit 6til no opportunity l ot view.'
ing the place, (Or. t e shades of night had
gathered around seineitne - before Our_ tilrri
Val. :. •:, - ; \ • ^ I • l
1 .
.1 June' 2. After a long attd't - lions!j l 'ourney
k- ,
all the !light through, we arrived \ 'al Chicago
at ninco'clock
. i.k. M. ' The rain bad been
falling during the night, and the breeze which
bleW strongly frOtri:trie Lake, was as chilly
and . raW as mid D i fcember, making the la . her
Part of;the ride'vqry uncomfortable. •• I
4th.'• The Sabtath passed',iway ;much
Sabbaths usually do in large eaies--4ar m
of recreation than church going or devote,
with the inasses The weatherbecatne a
tle Warnrier,. Ont before evening, over
and:shawls %Vern as common in the streets,
.on a winter's This (Monday) I merni
opens finely, seeming to protiiise summer'
and l ' icy.-.'ro..da:y the peple of Illinois ar •
vote on the Liquor Law. Some little
turbance has been anticipated here but
falai' is quiet; An Anti. Prohihiiion
cession are parading the streets, headed
‘l. Leger ", Band, but perfectly ht Order.
1 I
general impression is that Chicmgol will
against Prohibition. . -
lh •
niy!next I ;will give a brief dtseript
of this great New i YOrk of the AVOSt,'' ..
rtfte of ilOpressions in regard to
IV - eteriieountriy,.expeeiing before the w
eloie: to be; far'o ver th 11'rai
UnioiStaiia'oly yours, , „
4. '
1 23
• I "
The castle of.;the Prince ofTOlfi Was b
On ;the sunimit of the towering landl-preci-,
tour 'rock of SeYlla, in all its grandeur. 11.
during the' War: . of -Middle Ages, When
fertile plains of:lftaly . were devastatediby hi
iiie factions, thoke prisoners were confined
whOse ransom an enormous price was derna
ed.i • 'Here, too, ju a dungeon, ex'cava '
te 3 dg
in the solid rock,
,the Miserable
iniinured whom revenge pursued—the di
fierce and- unpitying revenge c , f an Ital .
hea - rt.. I
Vivenzio, thti.noble and the generous,
fearless in battle, and the pride o 1 N;aples . '
her sunny_ hours of peace, the 'yoUng,
brave, the proud Vivenzio fell, beneath t
stihtle and remdrseless spirit. LHe lu -as
priS(ln er ofToK and he languished in hat r
emrircled . dungton,. which stood alne;_u
whose portals never opened twice upon a r
ing captive.
It had the-semblance of a vast cage;
tive roof, and floor, - and sides, were [of iri
(_ - ;lidly Wrought: and spaciously Con4tructAl
, jab above thei.e ran a rang e of seve.n gr
, ~,
bd ' windows, gitarded with massive bars
they same ineta4; which admitted light and
ace these, and'. . the tall folding diors
netith them,
_which _occupied the centre,
Chink, cir chasM, or projection, brOke"
sMooth black surface of the walls., An i
be stead littered" with . straw, stood in cl
corner, and beside it a vessel with Waterd
a tioarse dish filled with coarser food:
•' Even the intivpid soul: of ViVeuzio shr
With dismay. as;., he .entered this abede
befird;the ponderous doors triple-locked
•the silent - ruffians who conducted him. to it.
Their Silence scorned prophetic of hiS . tate,
the living grave that had, been, prep4red
him. His menhees and his entreaties, his
dignant appeals:for justice, and his
gdlstimning of !their intentions, Were al
Vain. • They lh,tened, but spoke not.
ministers of a; crime that-should ! have
- Hots , dismal was the sound•of their rei
ing-steps. And as their faint eebees d
alOng the winding pa:sages, a fearful prest
grew within him, that never more the fa
or*oiee, or tread •of man would . greet
senses. • He had seen human beingS for I
laSt time ; and he had looked . his fast ut ,
the bright sky, and upon the smiling cal
and upon .t-beautiful world he loped, m
whose minion he had been. Here he win
end bislife—a life he had just begtin
vel in. . And by what means?. sec )
poison? Or by murderous assault 'I- .N
for - then it had !been needless to bring
hither. Famine, perhaps; a thousand d
in :one! • It was terrible to think of! it;
it was yet more terrible to picture long, I
years of eaptivity, in a.solitude so appallf
a lonelinesi so dreary, that thought;l for wl
of fellOWship; Would lose itself. in.inidn
Ori'stsgriate into:idiocy.
Ai could not hope to escape unless be d
the power, with.bis hare hands,- of rending
asunder the solid iron walls of his prison.--
He could not . hopeifor • liberty front' . the
[eating naereik 'el/his enemy.: His- instant
death, under any'form of refined ertielty,was
not the 'objeetef Tulfi, for he mi,ghtiltave tin
flieted it, and be had not. It was !toovi
dent, therefore,: he .was reserved kr adme
- •
premediated Scheme of subtle vengeance that
c-Ohld thin:lomnd fl• fiendish malice, either !the
slow -death. of fatnine, :or the Anwaro
-ofsolitiry intarceration, till the. kat. linke pn
ing spark Of 4e expired, or till reason fled,
and nothing should remain to perish but the
brute fuectiona of the body. ' ,
It- , .was , evening when: Vivetvzicr. entered
his dlingeon, and the approaching shades of
night , wrapped his cell in total darkness, as
he paced up add down, molving, in his mind
these' . horrible ;forebodings; No, tolling bell
front:the cask nor from' any 'neighboring
church or eoii,ent, struck upon his ear to-tell
howl the'. hours passed.' Frequently he
would stop and listen for Wine sound that
might betoken,' the vicinity, of man • 'but the
solitude of the deSert, the silence o f tomb
are ifFit so atilliand deep Cits. the oppressive
desolatipn 'by Which he was encompassed._
Isis heart sunk within him, and he threvi
himtielf dejected on his couch of straw. I-lere
sleep gradually obliterated the eonseinui
ness ,fif misery; and bland dreams wafted ' his
del:glitt.4l spirit to- scenes' which were mice
glowingrealities,for him; in whose ravishing
illnstons he ,on forgot (the remembrance
that he :was ToUl's prisoner.
Whet; he iwoke, it kw:daylight, but how
long;,he, had slept he kneitrlnot. ft might be
earls inorning,er it might'be sultry nookfor
he enuld measure time by,no othernote 'of
its kogreas than light' and, darkness„ He
had been so happy in his sleep, amid friends
who;'lloved him; and the- sweet endearments
of those . w lio !deed him aa!friends could not,
that' i ln . 'the firs moments of waking, his star
tleilinnini ti;eemeed to admit , the ktiowledge
of his situation; as if it'had burst upon it fur
thelli•st time, fresh in all ;its appelling hors
rors Ile gazed around with an air of doubt
and ;:airtzeruciit, - and took 'up a handful of
I the ~ : tra:iv upon: which he htr, as though' he
' would ask himielf what itineant, But mem
'ory,.too faltliftd,to her .ofEee . ; soon unveiled '
the Meltusehisii past, vrhilei reason -shuddered
at 4ski
„lifting up beforelhis eyes the tres,
mengl s ftittirf. The contrast overpowered
himd remained for sonic time lament
ing,like a „ t
th, the bright 'Visions that had
vanlthed ; andi \ recoiling
,froni, the' pre4ent
which (dung tri4iiis a poisoned garment.
When he grew - mire calm, he surveyed
his - ',l:glisomy. clunge4s. Alas ! the stronger
lighil of day only -served Confirm what the
gloginy indistinctness - of th preceding eve
ning; had partially disclivied,- t utter impoa
sibiiit3r,!'of escape. As i however his eyes
wandered around and around, and frOm place
to i . ?:lacie, he noticed two eirCurntainees which
excited his surprise and curiosity. The one,.
I he !Imagist, might be fimepi but the other
waspe:iitive.- ' His pitcher of water, land the
disti l / 4 which contained his. 601, had been re
rnoVea l from hill side while, he slept ; and now
stood hear the 'door. ; Weegi he even - inclined
to d6itlit this b suppced4,` he kid 'Mistaken
the'Apiti where', he saw tbeni over night, he ,
could not, for the pitcher now in his dungeon
wieirnCither of the same forth or color as the
otheroyhile th‘ food was changed for some
other Of ‘ better!quality.. tle, had been vis
ited,!therefoie diming the night. But bow bad
thefiesoti obtained entrance ! Could he have
Slept so soundly ; that the unlocking and open
ing:of' those ponderous portals, were effected
- withent awaking him'! He would have said
this_ lwas not possible, but' that in doing so,
he '
m idst admit a greater, difficulty, an en
tranoe by other means, of which he seas eon
vineed there eisted none. It was not in
tended, then, that he should be left to perish
by !;anger.' Blit the secret and mysterious ,
mode it:lf supplying him pith fUod, seemed to
indicate he war's to have no opportunity of
compinnicatingl with a human being.
The; other circumstance ..which had aurae
tedlhi4, notice,- ivas the diSappearanee, as be
I beliii;*eil, of vile of the seven grated windows
{ th*ran along ;the top of the prison. He
I felt 'itioefident that he had observed and count
ed isivp ; for he was rather Surprised. it their
nunifter, and there was srniittbing peculiar in
'their form, as well as in the:manner of their,
arrangement, at unequal distances. It was
'so Much easier, howevei, to suppose be was
mirth! en, than i that a portion of' solid iron:
14-high tbrmed the walls could have escaped
.froiril i i is positioo, that by lik)on dismissed the
thOnOt from his mind
1 Viv l enzib partook of the food that was Ise
,, furbi!in whim@ apprehension. It might he
poiSioed, but if - it werehe knew-that he could
not 'Oscape death, should such be the 'design
of TOW', and tli quick e st death would be the
[ speediest relief., • \ , •
The:' day pused wearily and,gloomile ;
',..tlicaigii not with a fidarhope that by keZp
-1 ing wifteh':at
night,he might observe when
the peison came to bring him food, which he,
supposed be would do in 'the same way as
before f . The mere thought of being t sp.
proaChc..d by- Oiving -creature, - and the op
portnnity i it (night preient o f learning 'the
doom prep red; or preparing for him, impart
ed- goine comfort. Besides, if he came alone,
might he not in a furious onset overpower'
bin lj Ot he might tempo_ him. Or he
"might be; accessible to or the ',Whs.
enee-Ad such munificent rewards as he could
bestOW if once More at liberty, and master
of hiunielf:
.SaY he wits armed. The worst
that ;could; befallif neither bribe, nor prayers
nor force prevailed; was a faithful blow,whieh
though dealt in's damned cause., might work
a desired end. ' i There was. no chance so des
peiate but : - it, looked lords in vi vez ia s
eyd, compared; with toe: hie; of being total
lyl Abittrdenee- •
-The: night mine, acid Vivenzio watched ;
morning crime, and Vifrenzio was confounded.
He nitst have !slumbered without knowing
it.l !'Sleep must have stolen over him when
exhautted by fatigue , and' in that interval of
felierillb repose he had been', baffled ; 'for there
stood 'his replenished ,ptteher of water, and
there his day's :meal. Nor was this all.—
Castini his looks toward the windows of his
dunger, he counted but five ! Here was no
deception ' • anef he was now convinced that
there lied been i none the day before. But
what did all thia protend 1. what strange
and' roysterious!den had be' been cast? Ile
wised till his eyes ached ; he could discover
notliing to , explain the mystery.
That it was so, he was satisfied. Why it
-wacsd, he rackol his imagination in vain to
conjecture. He examined the doors. A
single ;circumstance convinced him they had
not'lmen opened.. . . •
€ A whisp of straw which he had carelessly
~ , I
thrown against them the preceding .day, as
he Paced to and fro, remained where he had
cast . !iti though it must have been displ ,
bY the slightest motion of either of the doe .
Thii was evidence that could not be disputed ;
and i it
,fullowedl there must be some se er t
nuichlOery in - the walls, ; by which ape ,
could enter. He inspected them closely.
They appeared go him one solid compact gni*
F co
# iS-
of ition ; onjoined, if joined they ! were; . w ith
such nice art that n 4. mark of diVisicia wins
perceptible., Again' and again - - he surveyed
theni ;- and the floor; and the roof ;. and the
range of visionary •WindoWs; as he was now
almost tellopted to, eonider them; he '
disc Over nothing; abablutely nothing, to te
fieve his doubts, i onl,satisfy his Curiosity...----,
.Sonietimes . he fancied that altogether the chin
geori had a Mime contracted appearanee; that
it surely look 4 smaller ; but this he attribn
ted to fancy, ;find the impression -naturally:-
produced upon his mend by ,the :undeniable
disappearance of twe-of.the windows., 1 . •
With intense Anxiety Vivenzioll6oked fbr 7
ward to the return- of nighti and 'as it Ali:. preached, he resolved that, no treacherous I
sleep should
again betray, him. 1 in,adlor
seeking his.. bed ofii.straw, •he continued Ito
walk up and clOwn Ina.dungeOn• till daylight,
straining his eYes-itii,every direct i on i through
the darkness;, to watch for. any :appearance
that might explain these mysteries, While
hua!engaged; and as nearly as he Could judge,
(by the time. hat afterwards elapsed before
the morning came iti,)alleut two o'clock,thre
was a alight, tremulous ' motion of -the fluor.
He .i stopped;' the .:motion
. lasted :neatly - A
minute ;' but:it was .so extremely gentle,that
he almost. dotibted whether it was Teal onlin . -
aginery. Nita sOand 'could . be heard!.•--
Presently, hoWever;,he felt -a rusli . of 'eoldlair
blow upon him.; and dashing jtOWArds :the
qUarter wh e nce ity seemed to Iproeeed;l lie
stumbled oven . something Which •
.111 ,- -..-judiT,ed .
to be the Water ewer. The rush of coldiair
was!no longer perceptible ; and as Vivenzio
stretched out his • hands, :he foUnd hiniself .
. close .to • die • Wall;:' ;fle,reinained lot ion' cbfa
fora considerable_time ,_ but nothing occur = '
red during' the remains er of the! night .toIe: 1 / 4 -
cite his attention,, though .he continued: t.o
watch with unabated - vigilance. 1- .• I •
The first approaches of the-merning were
visible through the- grated windows, break
ing With faint division of,light he.-darkless
thee:still . perVaded every other.. Art, long be
forelViveniie was enabled to distingitiO Inv
object in his'dungeor . i. : In , tinetiv,ely and fear
fully he turned hisi . eyes, - ,hot . Und inflained
with w'atehing, towards them 7 here Ntere .
four! He could see only four; but it Might .
be that. :sorri e intervening obje t preve4te d .
the'fifth becOming perceptible;: ind he 'wait
ed impatiently to ascertain ifit %
.ere so. lAs
the • Ilight, strengthened; however, - and pen
etrated every corner of the cell; other,objects
of amazement • stritek his sight.. On .he.
1 , •
.ground lay the broken fragmentsi . of the pi cli
er he had used before, and at a sihall
diatance from them; nearer . the!' wall, s*d.
the One he had noticed 'the first night. It '',.vas,
filled whh .N.4-4ter, and beside it was his food'.
He waa?:?%4, ',cer.taili, , that,-by spine mecli,ipi.
cal contrivance,, an opening was obtained
throUgh the iron. wall.and "that through this
opening the ;eurrentefair had fouled entratice.
But' ow, noiseless..; For had a feathent al- . 1
most waved at the time; he must have hiard i
it,. Again he examined that part Pftliel.vall ;.
but-both tev:igiit and touch -it , appeared lone
even, onelnniform - surface, while l to ,repeated
and 'VioletitltiloWs i there were n,reVerbra
ting SoundslindieatiVe of hollow ness.• 1
. 1
The perplexing Mystery -had ; for a t!me
withdrawn his thotights 'from th e windoWsi
but flow, t direeting,i.hil eyes'. a gain towifycls
theni, he saw that the :firth *id idisappeled
_in the'sarne•-imanner as thi; preceding wo,
with Put theileast diatingUishable!alteratioh of'"i
extefual appearances. The remaining fair
looked is the seven had originally looked;
thatis, occupying, at Irregular distances, the
top of the wall on that. side of ihe,lllUng4On.
The ;tall fettling door; too, still , seemed;_ to 1
stand beneath, in the centre' f the tour. 'put
. he cOidd • no longer doubt,'whatl on the tire-
ceding ditY,i lie fancied might he the effect of
visual deception : The dungeon. was smaller. '
- The roof hadiloWered ; and the oPposite.ends 1
had . contracted the Arninediate distano by a
'space eqiia4 he thotight, to that:lover which
the three w indovra ;had extended.- He ivas 1
beWildered I in vain ~ lin:Tin:Wen; to, accqunt
for these :Ithinwi. , .Some frightful purpise;
some deviliiii torture or mind or body.; some
unheard:of Idevice for .producing
'misery, lurked, he was sn re;-in.Wh at had tak
en iilacc. lOppreaSed with. this! belief, - ~. tid
distracted incire by'. the dreadful neertaiety
Of si•hatevert fate impended, than , e could be '
dismayed', he thought, by'theknowledgei of
the. worst;' , be! sat run . ' Mating, hour after hour,
.yielding his fears in' - succession to : every, lag-.
gard,"fancti. ' At last a' horrible suspifion
flashed suddenly seross. his Mind, and! he
suited up With - a frantic - air„ '• ' yes!' lici et
clainied; !Peking wildly' around his dui4ien; •
and ~ huddered as he spbke---, Yes ! it - must
be sO! I see it ! I feel the maddening tluth.
like Scorching flames upon my brain ! - Eter
nal God!-!-;stipport..niel Yes, yes, thisiii. tu .
' be My fitte:! . 'Yon
. iieof will descend !—these
walla will hem me round ;. and slowly,
- •
ly-crush pie., in their :iron' arms I ' .L . epd! .1
.God 1 look! down upon me, and in Mercy
'strike . raei*ith initant .death ! • Oh, fiend ..---- •
oh, devil tis this'yOur revenge 'PI' .. i
Ile dashed himself upon the grOlindin ngo-.,
ny ; ! teart i l burst from hini, and! the -,s*.eat
stood in large dropa, upon his face ; .ins ioli
bed alond;i.he tore; his hair; he rolled ; about
like tine sufTeringintelerableanguish of . bcidy-,
and Would Alive .itten the iron floor beneath. 1
him i_ be breathed. fearful curses Upon Thli, '
and the nex t moment pasSionatel prayers to
heaven fOrimmecliate death. Then the•vie: -
. his grief became exhausted, net lie
lay still, weeping as• a child would weeq. 7. --.
The twilight of departing day shed its-gloom
around hini :ere . lad arose from that posture
of 'utter and hopeles s sorrow. He had ei
no food. ' i-Not a drbp of water had. ethfiled 1
theTiver s o his parched lips. . Sleep haillnot ,
visited his eyes for
,six - and thirty hours.- llle .
Was faint with hanger ;. weary with watching
and With the excels of his emotions.. ille
-tasted of his food, ,he drank with aviditY . of .
. water; and 'reeling like a - drunken Man to: his .
stray', sit) himself {, Upon it to brood again
. over.the initialling image that • had fastened
itself upoU'hM almost frenzied•thonghta. 1 ,
Hi slept; but his slumbers was not (ran
quil.T... lie resisted, As king as lie could, their
approach s;; and•when at last 'enfeebled!, na
ture yiel ded to. their influence, he . fliund• no
oblivion !from his •6ires. : Terrible dreiims
haunted him ; ' gbaStly visions harrowed up
his iMegibStion -. he',shouted and screamed as„ ,
if he'..jhad already felt the dungeon's po ' er
ous of; • descending, on 'him ;he breathed
hardland ;thick, as though . writhing between
1 1
its iron yang. Then would he spring ,up ;
stare - wildly i abuuq" . , him,; stretch forth; his
hand's tolo sure tilt he had spat * enough to
live, ?and Muttsriulti some incoherent wards, ,
• ! - • I 1 . 7 -., .; .- 1 - A '
. I
& S11"-ITH, NO.> 25.
. . 1 ..
sinitdown again, to pass! through the same
fierce vicissitudes of delirious sleep.
The morning of,the . fourth day dawned, up;
on Vivenzio. ' But it was high 'pool) . before
his bind shook off its stupor, or he. awoke to
a roll consciousness of his': situation. 'And
what a fixed energy of despair sat, upon his,
pale features. us he cast his eye upwards. and
gazid upon the three windows that now re
mit-Med ! The three ! . There,was no more,
and; they seemed-to have [numbered his own:-
,allcitted days. • 'Slowly and calmly - he sur-
Veyed the top and sides, and comprehended
all it he .rneaning .of the diminished, -height of
the former, as . well as the gradual 'approxi
mation of the'latter. The contracted dimen
sion's of his mysterious . priSon were now too
grOlis. and [palpable to be the - juggle of his
healed 'imaptiation. Still !lost in Wonder' at
theitneans,,Vivenziocould,Put nocheat - upon
his reason, is.. to the end.
,[ i By what horrible
inoi e .iiiitv - Was it • eontrived, that walls, and
1 ,,,, , -
roof, an( win dows, should;thaS srilently and
imperceptibly, without noise, at n without
mcition alMost, fUld, as itH were, ;within •each
otikr, he knew.not. He Only kneW -they did.
- so,landi` he vainly strove tti.Perstiaile himself
it was the intention of the contriver to rack .
the miSerable wretch who.might lie.immured
thcire, With the anticipation, merely, of a fate
(rob which, in - the crisis of his agony , , .h •1- wa s
to [be reprieved: • ' , ;
Gladly would - lie have Clung even to, this
possibility,, if his heart Would brive let his;
but he'felt a dreadful assurance of its.fallady.
Aid matchless inhumani ty it was to
dopni the sufferer to such lingeringltorment;
to ilead - him day by day to such an 'appalling .
death, un - stipplietil4 the. [ consOlatiOns of TP.
lig)on; unvisited hy . any human being, aban
doned to himself, eserted of ajN end-denied
eqn the small .pr vileg,e ef knowing that his
ertiel destiny wog !d . 4rakerr pity I . Alas!
hewas to perish,; abate he • waS to wait a
MOW-coming torture,,whOse most exquisite
paligs would be Inflicted! by that very -soli
! tta§e, and that tardy. coming,. ' •i - .:..
If It is not detithd=fear,'Xe eXelaimed, !but.
th'edeath I must preparefer ! .Methinks, too,
I'4Ould meet evert that, all lairrthle Jirid re-'
V (kitin g as it -is, if It might Overtake me now..
Bit where shall I!find : fo'rti iude to tarry till'
it c omes? :' How Can I endure the three long
days and-n ights harii. to Ilive? 'There is `no
[ poWer in me to bid the hid i eouispectre hence;
noire to make it familiar' Ito my ;thoughts, or
[ myself, patient of ibis errand. • My thoughts :.
rapier flee to me, bald I . grow mad in looking
at . sit. Oh h!-fir a deep sleep to fidltipon - toe!
thitt so, in deatlt'OikeneiS I might embrace .
d+th.itself, and drink .no more !of the cup
tilt is presented ito me, than my ' fainting
spirit has already tasted - l' "; -I- • . \. -
-In the Midst.of these lamentations, AtiVen- -
zici noticed that liiii acenstomed Meal, willi a,
'pitcher of water, had been conVeyed,-as. he-.
to4e, -into 'his dungeon.. gut this eirentn-,
stance no !Linger excited his surprise. 'His:
mind was overwhelmed - with Others of ale r
greater mignitude,l, - It sitggested, howevert
a Feeble hope of thiliverenee,- and there isaiO
hope so feeble as not to yield :some support;
to; a.heart bending. under .despair: _ He: rd- .
solved . to watch,' &mina the ensuing• night,'
Pot. the signs he liiid be fore : o bserved; . and,
shbUld -,lie again[leel the gentle, - tremulous
mittioti of- the floor, or the Current of air, to
seize that ; : mornetit.' . for giving 'audibis ex
priession, to his misery. 'Some person niust
'bet near him, and ltvithin reach Of his voice,
at{ the instant the food- was simPlied; some '
. .
-0 4°, perhaps, susceptible of pity:;' Or, if not
to; b e told that hiS.apprebensionS were; just;
ankt that his, fitte-was to he ivhat i ,he fbrebod
4, would be preferable' to a suspense which
hung upon die -possibility of his worst 'tears
being _visionary: I- .. 1 •.-
`:The night came; andasthe hour approach
ed when
,Vivenzio imagined he might:expect
the signs, he.stood . : fixed and silent as a .stat
uo.[ 4le feared- to breathe, almost; lest he
might lose any sound whiCh should warn hiM
Oe coming. 'While thy' listenino with
r . Is- e.,
otery faculty of mind, and body,:strained tO
I i
an agony orattentiori, it oceurreel to : him he
should.` be more sensible', to motion if - lie
.stretched himself al6ng the floor. He ac=
cordingly - laid hirn*Self softly down, and had
not bciin long -in that position, when—yes, he
was certain of*it-'—the floor moved tinder
itin. lie sprang up; and in a voice suffocat-.
el nearly with emotion, Called aloud. He
pausedi; the motion ceased - ; he felt no - stream
of .air; all was hushed; no voice answered
154 his;! he burst into tears, and as the sunk to
the gnitind, in renewed anguish, Owl:timed.: ..
1 4 0 h; my Godl - my God ! Yon - alone have
pOwcr:to save 'me now,, or for
the trial you permit.' - - 1' - -
Another Morning dawned 'Upon the wretch
ed, capture, toted the fatal index Of, his, dooin
met his eyes. No windows! and ,two days,
avid all Would be over ! Fre,sh fodd ! fresh
*liter! The mysterious visit hailbCen - Paid,
- though he had implored it in vain,; 'But how
aWfully Was his-prayer answered.inwhat he
now saw! The roof of the dungeon.. was
within a foot of.'his head. „The! two ends
were So near that - in . six paces- lie trod .tho
space between than. [ Vivenii 0 shuddered
las he gazed, and his steps traversedithe ma
n* area. But his ,feelings no lifbger. Vented
•themselves in frantic wailings.,.l l lh folded
.rrns and clenched teeth, with oyeS o t iat were,
bloodshot - froM much' watching, [4' and flied
With a vacant glare upon the ground with a
. ~ .l
hard, quick breathing, a hurried walk, strode
I4eltwarda.and forwards in' silent intising - for
several holies:. What. mind shall Conceive, -
. what.tongne shall utter,. or what pen -describe'
.4be dark and terrible character of his thoughts?
.. ke the fate that moulded them, they hadtio.
similitude in the wide,ringe of this World's
agony for- man. _. Suddenly he stripped; and •
his. eyes] were rivetted on :. that, part of the
well - whith was over his bed:of Straw. Words.
are inscribed here! A human legnage-trac;
... a human :hand! -He rushed towards
thern . , hut. his blood freezes as lie _reads :- • ...
I Ludovico Sforze, tempted by . the. gold 'of the
Ptince of Tolfii spent .three years in contriving and
*exiting - this accursed triumph of my art. ' When it'
was completed, the perfidious Torn, more devil thin':
meal, who conducted ice hither one morning, to be ,
witness, he said,' of its perfection; doomed me to be
the first victim of may pernicious skill, le - ct as he ; de- .
aired, I should divulge the secret; or repeat the ef
fort of my ingenuity. May God pardon hiO, as I holm
kick will me, that ministered to his Ili/hollowed pun-
pope I kiiserable , wretcb,-who ever thou art; fall on
thy knees and invoke, as I have done, liiii
murcy, who alone can nerve thee to meet the vatf..
ireance of Tolo,-arated with his tremendous engine;
which in s-few hours must crush you as iit will the
nil dy wretch who made it:: - . -
:,11 r • • ~
. 11A:deep -groan burst from VivenZio. ' fie .
stilkod like one, transfixed with dilated , . eyes,
expanded nos t ril s, and quivering lips, gazing
il . r
° /
, .
.. . .
tit this fatal inscription 'lt t571.3 - as I ,lk*eiCe" s .. .
-froth the sepulchre. had sounded in his ears' -
Prepare!". IN , ..e.fpitico*.hini.-- There was' .1 . -
his sentence - recorded in thosedisniiill.words.; .. -.-
The future steed before him,' gliaiitly•,- appal - ."; .
ittg. 1 His brain - already . feels the diseendirig:' 1 -
harrow; his bones seem to crack and. emit . - . .
hle in. the mighty grasy s Ofibn_iren si Walie f—
linkbowingi what lkii; 4 dyes, finntaes ;n. -...
histarment for some weapon of Self-destauc-- '
tion:' Ile cl'utche's his throat in hia 'cent-via- • ' -
ite 'gripe, its though he. would strangle him. :
self Lit once; titles ipon the walla, and hia:_ ,.
wavering spirit demands : "Will they not .'
anticipate -their office' if ..I dash - nit head" . .
against them?" ;An - historical laugh chokes .• •
him as he exclaims: ' Wlig should IT He
was but a. man who died first la -1 their eta.'
_bracetruid I should be less thatt. s min not to"
do as.iiiitili !' . , -
.•- • • .
- .. Imo . .
- he e r venincr sun was; deSeending , and :VI-,
vet io beheld li
• its golden . entita streaming . .
thif ugh one of the .windows. What e• thrill : .• .
i ,
of joy ahotibreugh - his soul at the sight ! It
'was a precious link - , that united him, for the
fitment, to the world 'beyond. There 'was
... -
'Cc:steer in the thought. - • As- he • gazed - long' .
and earnestly, it - seemed as if the windows had ,
lowered.suflielelitly for him to reach them.— -
With•euesingle bound he was beneathlheth -;
—with one wild spring he clung to the - bars. --."
Whether it - was so contrived, purposely: to:
madden with- delight 1 the - wretch who looked, - ,
he s knew•not; but at the extremity of along
vista cut through the, solid rock, the ocean, -
the sky,. thp-setting slim; entre grates, shady -
. 1
walks, and in the, distance r dpliefoue glimpses 1 s •
of magnificent Sicily burst upon: his. Afiew.,- - --
How. exq nisi te• walithe cool bredie as it swept . -
across his cheek, lolided with fragrance. He..
inhaled ft as thongb it-were theb.reathoreon*- 7 -
tinued life.. And - there itas a .freshness in' the . .-.
landseape,nnd in the -ripnlings -of the calm • •
green, sea, that fel l .llnpon his. withering heart • .
like_ dew upon thelparehed earth.- Hew . lie - - •
s and panted; and still clung ' to his hold
sometimes hanging by .one band; sometime:;' .l -
•by the other; and then:grasping the bar with. • -
both, as .if loth to , 4Lit the smiling paradise .
I ' -
stretched, out - before'him.; till exhausterd. and'
' his hands swollen and benamed, he dropped • 1 ;.
dowiyand lay starned for some; time by the.-
fall. - • .
-jW hen he, recovered, the . glorious vision had ..
vanished. He was hi the darkness. He doubt' •r
ed whether-itwas
. hot a dream s that had tiass.----, t s
\ ed before his, sleep fancy ;:b ut gradnally'his l -1,
: scattered thoughtsTeturned, and with,: them 1
eSpie reniembrane ' Yes, he had leaked, onee o .'"
again upon the gorgeous splendor et 'nfitnre..
Once again his • dyea had . trembled - . beneath -
their veiled lids at: 'the. sun's" radiance, and
sought . reposes s in the 'soft verdure of the-olive:.,
tee Cr the gentle sway of undulating . Waves.. • - ,
Oh, that 'he .Were a . mariner, - exposed upon
those waves to the . worst fury - of the. sraiLln
and tempest; or a very -Wretch, loathsome -
with 'disease, plague-stricken, - and his body,- .:
one leprous contagiiin • front-. crown AO •seie% 1 ..
hunted firth to gush out theremnant of infect; - • beneath those verdorit, trees, so he -
might shun the deathly' upon whose edge' he • s '
tottered. ' - . -
Vain thoughts lif c d.these would- steal over -
,his mind from timelfi 'time, in _spite s of him- 7 . _
self; but they scarcely- moved it front the - .
stupor into which - it had stink, and which kept _ - .
him,- for the whole' night like' one drugged : -
with 'opium.. He Wes equally insensible to -
the calls of hunger , and thirst,-though :the ' - -
third day was now einnitiezieing since even a ' -
drop of water hadpassed his lips:: ' He.l,re
mamed - on the ground; .sometimes standing-, -
sometimes lying; tit intervals sleeping . hkair: , •
ily, and • when not sleeping silently 'breeding ..
What': was to cone, and talking - aloud, in dis- s .
ordered-ipeech, of his wrongs,' of* his home, - ...
and of those he loved. 1 - - . ' s . - '-. • . _
. .
. .
In this pitable Condition the sixth and last
morning dawned tipoh
. I ,7 iverizio;: if dawn it
might be called-the dim, ohseurelight Width ,
faintly struggled ihrough the • one 'solitary
window. ; of his dungeon.- lle could hardly - be .
said, to notice . the melancholy token.- - And
yet .he did notice ;it ; for } , as raised his
.:-eyes, and
.saw tttis'portentous sign, they° was
a slight convulsive distortion of his' epnnto-,
Hance. Hut .what did. attract .hiS -notice, - and
at the tight of Which, his agitation was exces
sive,. was the change his iron had undergone.
It was a bed tiO longer. lt - stood-betbre him'
the visible semblance - of • a funeral, couch •or'•
bier. When he beheld this he Started from.,
the grolind, and in liaising himielf suddenly
. struck.hisheadngalhat the, roof, which 'now
was so law .that he-could:no longer-Rand-up
right. idtkl's Will be dOtte,'"WftS all he said,,
as he crouched his body', and placed his•hands
: upon the-bier; for-such it.was. • • • • '
The bedstead.had been so contrived,' by •
the' mechanical art
.of Etidovico Sorze, that
as the advaneing..walls camein contact With
its head and feet,, pressure was produced
upon concealed which, 'when.made to
play,;motiork a•veryAsimple though in
e6ntri red . machinery, that eireeted
the transformation. The . object was
course,.lO-heighten, .the closing .scerie 'of
this horrible drama, all "The - feelingS of
pairnnd an„,aiiish- which: the' . preceding .ones
had aronsed.' • }"Or the same reason; the:last
window was so - made as tOldinit only ittliad
'owy - kind Of glooth rather than •light,•that Ale
- wretched captive mightbe - surrounded; as it,
were, With every seeming preparation for tip
proaehing depth; • • •• I
Vivanzio.seated himself on his bier Then
he knelt and 'prayed - fervently— and Some
times tears would gush fOrth. • ihe•air seein
eiti-hick=,. and he'breathed with MetlitY'l 6 r.
be thathe fancied It. - was so;.from
the hotT and
limits of his •dungion,.
Which were. now ati diminished that, be could.
neither stand ;hp nor lie down •• at. his;
length. But,hiawasted spirits; antroppress-.
ed mind no longer struggled within him.:
110 was , past hope, - and fear thook . him no
more. -Happy if thus' reveage_ 'had struck
its` final blow ;. for he would have'failen. be,
neath it almost - Unconscip,ut Of a • pang, But
such a lethargy - of the soul, after stick an ex . -
eitement of its fiercest passions,. had . entered
into the diabolientealeuTations of Tolfi,
the fell artificernf his designi `had imagined:
a counteracting deViee.• • • .
The tolling ofan'enormoustiell struck Upon:
the earl of Viirenzto. He started.; It beat
'but Ogee. The sound was so• close" and
it see Med to shatterbia 'very•braini
Ohile it echoed through the hielty. • pasiages
like reverberating 'peals 'of, thunder. Thli
was Tullowe . 4l by a sudden - ciat-frofthe roof
and walls as" ,lf they, were,akout fall
and close 'around. lthn• at once.. litiVenato
screamed,tand insilietiiely 'spread forth
Arms. as, t hough he had a Ones strength to
, t