Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, June 14, 1855, Image 3

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    exalted and noble clutracter. Had taught in
• WiscOnsin—thets they ha a Town Superim.
' tendent, a Co. Superititeedetat, and a State Su
perintendent, an d the schools were fbr better
managthanlm i Al t hough ~I_._
ed, in cenn a. we
State wss nine years old there was Seeming:
I- roo
're interest taken in the welfare of the
I s2 ols by the perents. From all, he, could
other, their school system worked admire-.
duly. ' . -
This discussion then closed, and-by rquest
of the School Directors of Gibson, the subject
of text books, and the best method of secur
ing a uniformity thereof; was discussed by B.
Dix, FAo„ 11: Kingsbury, W. & Wilw.ardl,
.TiffanY, a cetera. It s e ethed the
general opinion that the practice of merchants' I
goitig to the city and bringing insuch4 diver
. sits of books was one great obstacle to the
securing of the desired object. il!ut how
• 'should it be overcome 1 i
• H. Kingsbury said he would pledge him.
self to furnish school books to-Abe merchants
of the county at their doors cheaper than they
could get them in New Yiork by the dozen;
so that they could a ff ord tern to the people
at nearly as cheap a rate as they now get them
for in the city.
Re. had already done lit by some mer-
dolts in the county, and was dealing with
• imblishers in the City icy that he knew he
could do _it by the whole. When he was or-
Bering, a thousand books' at once, las be had
already done, 'publishers could afford to , let
him, have them much cheaper than they could
. merchants by the dozen. . .
Discussion here closed: . '
Fo r a Richardson stated that - e.aeb board ot
- sae/A Directors would receive a copy-of the
Pea School Journal without sending to
him, as accidentally , mis-stated it the Mont.
rose Democrat The text place ot meeting
g al then cotsidered. It , was finally agreed
to meet on Prospect Bock on the South side
of Elk Mountains in the Township ofClifforil:
--and if the'4ay were unpleasant at the meet
ing house near Al'Alla's Mills, or, in local
vernacular " the City." The meeting to be
held on the 15th day of May (third Friday)
at 10 o'clock A. M.
This meetteg was unusually well attended,
there being more thin one hundred presetit,
including the five following; School Directors
of Gibson :—B. Dix, Dr. Adam Miller, Gur
don Abel, CoL J. L Gillet and _Horace N.
The thanks of the Association are especial.
lv due to Messri. - N. E. Kennedy, Wm. T..
Cie, Esq., Col. J. llGrillet and Joshua Pot
ter for their kindness in furnishing the mem
bers from a distarkce with such- generous en
tertainment. , They- will long be remember.
ed by all who - partook of their liberal hospi
tality, with the warmest 'gratitude. "
lir. Kennedy seemed untiring in his efforts
to render the meeting of the,Association bed'
vleasant and profitable. He d6erves the
warmest thanks of all true friends of educe-
After a vote of .. .thanks to the Trustees for
the . us:of the, house the meetingidjorne4 to
meet as above; '. . .
B. - F. Tinrrrnuar,
Fourth of July SabbUth School Cel.
meeting of the Sabbath School Teachers- of Slut
g:ehanna County and others was held in the Acade.
n.y !NI June 9th for the purpose of mating arrange
:nnt Lk• for a general Sabbath School celebration on
th( 4th of July, to be held at Montrose.. l
Committees were appointed to Obtain an able speak
good music and refreshments .
Committee of A . rrangementx. •
Mr. L. F. Fitch, " Miss M. J. Moue.:
A. Chamlxiilin, ' " M. C. Wilson,
J. Riley, . " S. Lyons,
"Geo. Pickering, " F. Read,
Goo. Lewis, . " Elizabeth Biddle,
Henry Drutkei, , t Eudora Keeler,
Miss J. A. Dunmore, Mrs. George Lewis, •
r6mmittre on Finance.—Daniel Sayre, Saxon WU
.rin. Samuel Jessup. -
Cemnnittce on Speaker and L
Charles Foster, 11. H. Jessup.
The names of the Committee on Iterreshme,nts wM
Le given next week.
The several schools of
.the county are invited to
meet.ip the Academy 110, at 4 P. Y. of each Satur
day WI the 4th, tn practice music for the occasion.
Religious Tfotice.
Bishop Potter's appointments for Susiquebanns Co
are as follows : 4
June 15th. Banda.
" 16th. A. M. Montrose.
- " P. ll' Springville.
20th. Ere. Mon
" 21st. A. M. New MilEird.
Ere. Great Bend. •
Lecture. •
The Meat Rec. Bishop Potter will darer &Lecture
nn Monday eve. next, 18th inst.; in the Bill the
Academy. Admission 25cts. Proceeds to be ap
plied to the Ladies' Sewing. Society of the Episcopal
chuilch, The subject of the-Lecture to be announced
. • .
Rough dc Ready No. 114 ,
Are notified to meet-at their rooms on Saturday ere
rag next, at 6} o'clock.
' arford
ord er Exhibitio H n of Hatford University y . be on
Tuesday, July 3rd. The arrangemettbi -will be the
same as last year.
In Towanda, on the BQth all:, by tie Rey. Mi.
w lin 9. Ms. Tsmonoas A. Drina of Montrose And
Miss Emir. M. Dux; of the foimer place.
On Tuemiay, 15 ult., by the same, Ma. Glitmtra
ItOto, of Montrose,. to Kiss &tura N. Minns of
• DEATHS. ' •
In Great Bend, on the 18th of May ult., of Coninnnit
:lon. Jm.irr Mown, wire of A. bußois
azed 61 crate.".
• At Hakord, on the 9th inst., Mire. Amu B. Masa,
ner. Miller, aged 47 *es. •
...s3l,iiiitielifeqi s t -
fire4s } : an 4ealdWoL,VlV; s ' Hadware,
IlTe er , Drvge,
Stuffs, andpilis, he. will be midis cheap
al, the chettpestlor cash or,approyed credit trjr •
Buford,' June Ist, 1855. H. N. JONES.
BLACK Grade Rhine Silks of excellent quality
13ROCEIF. andt aehmere &awls at all pies'', ahe
a few mantillas by H. IL /OM.
tow Heim by
SADT: made elothm" g at
htSH - paki for N4'ool by H. Y. JONES.
Hnrford, June let, 1855.
) ABll paid for,Dairy Batter by
t iassortmen Boots and Shoes at
1 1 F48, Sugaris and Coffees of fine qualities mil at
lew Prices by IL J
LI ADZES find great variety of Bonnets and
Ribbons at • H. IL JONES.
AWNEk objaßerrege [mimes and Gingham
• „_
MBROIDERING and Window Draperiiiit
ruarford, June 1E0855. IL M. JONES,
' Auditor's AroiliCe• •
Sus4uetiannn County 0.
T HE undersigned ; au Auditor *voluted by the
Orphans' Court of said_ i nounty ,to distribute
uTiong the Heirs of Thomas Burdick, '
fund remaining in the hands of Avery nrdieJt , Ad-
rainistruot, trill attend to the duties of *Point,
Ifient at 'hie office in Montrose, lon Saturday the,2Stb
44c of July nest, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at
which time and place all persona ante will will pr&
l'at their claims, or be 1 forever a ft er debuted 6°4
Nngll upon said fund.!
dune i 3, 1855.
• inteszc
• r veci!,e4 b
;._ ; •
• "0 LT Alf .
NOAH." TO A H.'r - -
THE subscriber week! again announce to [lsis cus
tomers and the public generally that he has re;
ceived large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES,
which he intends selling for Ready Pay twenty per
cent. cY.ftper time eak;he bOught in this market, (the
'Genuine ; Boot and Shoe Store down Town, or the
liareMsece for /3844138, nis town, not excepted.)--
"OthilPStesh" may be found the first door East of the
.odd Felloks' Hall, Titropikeitreet; first floor. Al
though not quite so cgmmodious , as some " s s, "
yet it answers our ptre very 1411 for the present.
Neither can we pronsiM our c ustomers that our "es
tablishment" will nit be "sUrpassor by any in the
countryrom but we will promise our ciustomers that
we will sell Boots and Shoes to Suit in quality and
price. 'Our Such embisces a general variety of new
and eleguititvles of Ladies! and,:Gentlemen's wear,
among which are Ladiefs' Silk Foi Gaiters, Colored
Gaiters, Enameled Gaiters, Black and Bronsed Koss.
auth-Boot", Enameled Boots 'land Enameled Buskins,
Kid' Buskini, Polkas, Co . Lace Boots and Buskins,
Misses Kid Boots, Jeny Lind Gaiters, Gents Con
gress, Patimi Leather Emmded and Buckskin Gait
ers Pates Leather Oxford Ties, Toilet Slips, French
Cs Boots, "Yhik Booni Enimeled Calf and Cowhide
Brogans; Boys' Patent Leather Mentereys, Kip Boots,
/kr-, Youths MontereysAnd Children'aTay-
Iles,'Paridoes Itoanßoo* V- - Silk Boot /AM,
all colors. • •.4 I .
• Work made to order, land repairing done neatly.—
Please tog and *zatnine .
from? in the Hootand Shoe trade, Montrose, Mrs 1 , ii4b i ri. C. N. SIMMONS.
1 D. SAm, Secy.
N, Laces, *age., Worked Collars,
.I.7JL Parasols, `Lawns, fishiotfahle, Bonnets, Fans, (a
choice assortment in e ach departmemt,) a splendid
lot of vfleiVie ww.tfrse TriWunitig„ Staple Goods of large
variety, Clottung, (a huge stock,) Gents' and Boys'
Hata, (silk and :
a summer,) Cloths very low, Calicoes
from 4 cell to .1 shilling, Carp: ets,,llatting, Oilcloth,
and Rugs. Hairy jprat
& Plated Spoons,
Knives and Thrice. • - ! I
GrocAerlei+riski w One assortment of Teas,
Coffees, Biome fapies,i, kik*, Chocolate, Raisins,
Ground Coffee, Coyn Starch.
.IPerfeiasery--Bay Witer, Toilet . do., Genin
Farens, d 4 Extracts, Germ= Cologne, 9arge stock
of Fancy ps, &c. ke.
Farm Rag Irimphi—Hay Forks, ScytheSnatits,'
Rakes, Lc. ' I. L. POST & CO.
- L Prochusationa. -
Susqueha'na (Toualj% as.
Hotta 13. wealth In On Chart of Compton Pleas
ri. .. i . ' ad said ecounty,oClan why Tenn,
1; ' Lao. 1855.
Etria. No. 80.
To ;Elise Leona .- , Whereas a subpotth in Di-
J .
vo J
te I was to aahary Term, 18$5, which was
duly return noriert ineerstua, and thereon, as alias
subparna was issued in si!d eau*, returnable to Aprn
Term,] 1851 f upon the *tarn of width iwoof was
made I to the said Cout that the said Eliza• Leonard
could foot b 4 found in my i bailiwick.. • •
This notiee is therefor. to require you to appear
heftier the Judges dun Said Court on the third Mon
day of AngtOn next, to answer saidecotplaint &e.
Merin awe Ifootniae, June 6, 1866.
, I , .,
DAGOI To Me i Public.
u t
the eve of tny departure for the 'West,
LP Iwo my to my friends and patrons that my
DAGITER OTYPE ROOMS will be closed for a
few weeks. I will duly aPpdae ,a o ormy mumps and
then hope fin d you deeply Impressed isith the no.
comity of 'g yfistlisees taken.
Odd re ' ' 114 liontrose„ vr
4 .B: MN&
_ souk and numai.
I,VINDO,It Sub ofrarioussiseseonettodyouluind
fundebed to order 6,
' [. LYONS & SON.
11A.LI.A0, 1 111ALL.00,.. THU WAY.
re eutweriber would info= the chinos *Mont.
rose and the put& eatoralty that'be has bought
the Grocery foraterly kept by F. If. Fordkam k Co.,
t rocen
in Lyons an Chandler's ti ding on Chestnut street,
in the of liontroae, where he hat a fresh as
sortment of et tap *ill keep eoestassely on
baud, Flour, slum.Vbeene; &Mew, km x
Lemons. 4lBl "'
Mackerel, New, Cauda, Toys, uranges and
Figs, Prat* Sardines. likiaos,l7lw, Coffee, Arleia
Prather sett nue; Herring. seek Salt, Plea, Cakes,
Beer, -Yankee Modems. mei other things too numer
ous to mentkm,
,which will. be add cheap kr cash or
most kinds ef. Cou nt y produce, Call and tee, A
ahem &pubic *move loseriectei ;11. a Nam
Montatee. Yards 1. itusti. . '
, r 411il1• Witel 'WIN' I
/0 4900" Ingli f 84111*1 the rwifte.
- Aaga v e. fir
,-,614, the Wgbest market
price will be pabl in CASA by!
June 12tb4 ' -A. LATHROP /100.
Dzows, more just
_ •
millelaritli l Wrialui STORE
, 1 4- • :,, 147/ :
1 Vaillloillig Ena'6ll2l2 •:,
.1 !. f :I____l AT - .• ,
' •
.L___: 1131114uirmANNA =PO% -
jk Co; would respecti* ameonnee to
their friends and the lothPe gestendkr, that
f ee,
keep,tnnatindy iinl,btind a assottment ,of Ready
Mat Plthig, Bo*at,d Hata and Clapa, and,
everlithing else illna7 wen a®d Watnelei VIM ,
We "pub, pardctilarli call the attention of many
Merchants toot , kalla stock of eady-Made Clothing.
of owl own nuinassante, which 'Gaffer at wigeside,.
at iices that will &rank great Inducsinentn to nada
ands ti me
nes. •
stock of Nth:, Ca ahneee, Ve s t
kept i on 4, fi)r persona desrous oft.
lig thing made
to Order.- - • ,
Ord punetialli sittendi to;
- T alter pastlieors, a hope to merit a con
tin of the Ns+ ' . . 1 i 1 - 3. ASHER k co.
DeliKpo.,l May 12, num, I
Li.ivr a — lititalioir's Notice.
CE is hereby Ovenithatlettem of admlnistra,
' upon the' estate ofiGURSHOX BUNNELL,
Lao of o township =deceased, have been
, to the ot*Olibe and all person, indebt
ed to estate WO imalteediate pay
ment, those claims ma the estate
will plzpresent theta duly attested for settlement.
Acts , June 1304 1855.
NewGeeiyi Cliesp. for CNA.
01W. VOTT )rialreceived another lot, of New
klefhicils, Such ro Chailea, Brage Delaines, De
Dages, - Collarr, Ethtiroideriea, Lawns ke., which he
'offeriarrery low Prices. Summer Shawls, a new lot
some *wilful pattern's' at very low prices, also Black
Silk'Sbawb equally low for Cash .
Priole latest stile it C. W. XOTTS.
Black Dress Silk, a splendidarticle, at C. W. N.
13n*er Stuffs in great varieties, at C. W. N.
Groceriei of all kinds, very cheap . 'Syitip, a first
rate article it Wets per gallon. You have onlycl
call as d eminine, to become satisfied that -the "H
pflfaiigatkin is the place to buy Cheap. _'
• Waisted.
prices 1
BaUer, Egg'. Hams, Lard, Socks, hi fact all 'kin&
of Counb7 Traduce exchange - . for goods at Cash
.•. • •
Montrose, June 15; 1855. C. W. ItOTT.
.. rner • 1 i Lk Here I
KNIVES. A good assortmewt of the best
.1-7- , 71c - h417
7in market! Mao Table Knives and Forks.
SPOON Silver, Stli•er,Platad, Gennie Silver, Alb a -
Is, and, ritanikarare spoons: Also ;Silver, Silver
Plated, nd German.Ober Butter Knives.
VIOL N STRINGS; Bowa,,`,and all the fAztnres, Vi
olins, Accordeons, rites, Tuning Forks. Instructien
Rooks,lc. • • '. - 1
Mc.' UIR LAMPS, fiuid, Cairrphene, Candles, Lamp
Oil, k. ' i • ~ :;
' FAMILY GROCERIES. Ai cull assortment, new and
good.; •
DRUGS k PATENT. MERICINES. A first rate as
-1 Ais
sortmen i genuhie. 1i .- • •
PA k OILS. 4 genenMassoe n t, and aped
JEW Y. A' sphardid variety of th e quell* L: •
e neatest pat
FAN GOODS.'" Nearly wriery thing In dal; branch.
- PERFUMERY. ~C choice '.variety. (New, supplies
received nearly every.; week.] -•
In short,, nearly emu thing peremis want, and cheap,
at theririety nor" of • • A. TURRELL.
No • • June ;441855.
! I 3.
.1 1 . 'IIIrOTICE.
AN, a p plication his been made Oa the Court- of
collation Plem dfßusquehanna county; to grant
a Charter to the First Presbyteran Church 'of Dim
.ock C
O rilers, of which all persons interested will
please . '•e notice d govern theniselevi savor:ling
ly. ' •'' S. B. WELLS, Proty.
Motary's office, Montrose; June 13,1855—[4
r 152
° , la to Laud Warrants.
- L. F. FITCH.
Montrose, Jbne 5, 1855. 23w4
. ,
Adiotimaistrittlion Notice.
IV all ..E is; hereby giren.that }enema administra
_LII tion upon the estate of Watutxx 'Watts, late Of
Sprin ' e toWnshiP„dec'd,. hare been granted to the
under/1i ed, and all Persons indebted to raid estate
will pi make immediate payment, and those bar
ing clal 'kill present the same - duly averted for
settlement WILLIAM WHITE,I (der.
SprinO th e, - June 6, 4855,1 • 23w6
New: Gawk Clamp liar. Cash at the
. 111ead et Navtigasion. i i;
A$ -undeniipted would respectfully =now*
that he 1110 selling Goals at the °WOK*,
sad that be has an entire new stock of Goods which
ettl: e. W. tort
... ' ,
g DEL%
colons, a
e yardirh
ats st all' prielt,
iketrase, Ma 'lBO5.
THE urintirriviro ExPßEsss
7Vine Saved .I—Pare Reduced !---Through
by Daylight
RAPS formed a Ipartnership in Montroie; for the
llVlVErNchotiltt reElAel2fo:
tel. We have . purehas e ed an entire new 'stock o f
IRON, comprising a full assortment of all kinds, di
rect Bow the city. IWe shall keep constantly on
hand, Ulmer, round ;tad square Nail Rods, Cast Steel
Toe,cork Rods, Rdned Tyre Iron, all /hear Band
Iron, Spring Steel, a large assortment of malleable
Iron, Coll Chaim,
WAGONS Ceirrile Bolts, Ike. ' -
Ironed on - short'notine, and stock found; or read* to
order througimut; as may best suit our patron..
All business transactions must be settled once a
year, Short setdetnents and long friends is our
By strict attetition to business we hope to receive
a liberal.share of pationage. All work warranted.
N.' B. - A good journeyman wanted, to ..whom
steady employment' and . high wages, will be given.
A. Z. RAWLIT. • PEARY Jots.,
llontriise, May 30, 1855.
TTIVE renewed to the burnt district, where they
. Ilt will be glad to see all their old customers and
as many new ones as please to give them a call.—
They . intend to keep a general assortment of. Stoves
of the beat kind and quality, among which may be
WESTERN OVEN. j The. Elevated Oven Staves all
(Lave double fireidaets, which makes them far supe the single ire-place Stoves. We keep °con
stantly On hand si general assortment of TINWARE'
of a first rate quality, for' bone trade; aLso, Well and
astern Pumps, Pump Chains and Reels,Lead Pipe
of all sizes, Jappanned Ware, Lc. die., all of 'which
they prcnnfse to sell cheap for ready pay or approved
crQit. Job work done with despatch and in order.
Montrose, Ma) 30,11856
New Goods. • ~
rp Eir;.. sulrcriber i t s in '°natant receipt-of New
A.. Goods, in his .line' o business, nearly, every
week. The public will find's assortment No: 1, and
his articles new ind of good quality. The stock con
sists as usual of Druel, Me4ieines, Paints, Oak Dye
Stub, Oroceriet, - Palley (roods, Jewelry, Perfume
ry, Av. I Store at the lower' end of the burnt district..
Montrose, June 6, 1855. 1 A. TURRELL. .
LAWNS Prints, SMnmet Stuffs, and the.cemmon
sorts of Dry Goods at 1. . - .. TURRELL'S.
WANTED. id exchange for Goods, Egga, Paper
Rags, BeeswaX, Grain of fall kinds, and Cash.
Jue 6, 15.5.' I
.A. Ti:EREL.
SectiOn 6. of Borough Ordinances
of Montrose.
• A nd be it further ordained, That hereafter otreve
11IL ry dog owned or kept by any person within the
Borough' a Lai of Fifty Cents, and upon every • slut
so owned or kept in the Borough as aforesaid; a tax
of Two Dollam, shall be paid by the person or per:
sons so owning or keeping said dog or slut.. 'Aild it
, shall be the duty of the owner or owners; keeper or
keepers, of each'and every j dog or 'slut owned or
kept within the Itorough, on or before the first :day
Of June in each and every year to pay to the' 'sßor
ough Treasurer the said aunt of Fifty Cents for. each
and every dog, and Two DOD= for each- and every
slut so owned and kept by him or them. And upon
neglect or refusal so to ito for the space of ten days
after the said first: day of June. said person or per
sons so offending Shall ;forfeit and pay the sum of
One Dollar for each and every dog, and .Four Dollars
or each and every slut so owned and , kept by him
her or them, to be collected:before any Justice of the
Peace of the ,Couniy, in the inante of the Borough,
with cost of suit. And it is hereby made thg duty of
the Treasurer to bring:suit for thh collection of the
same, and as a compensation for which he shall be
entitled to receive 20 per cent out the amount so col
lected by , him. 'rovided, that he - shall not bring
suit until he has made denunid for said penalty, pro
vided also that if any dog or.slut !shall be known to
be about or in the Borough for three weeks for which
ono owner Or claimant can be'sfound, it shall be- the
duty of the Ai ;h Constable or of !any other - person
to whom said facts are 'known, t 4 kill such dog or
shit. . (leo. B. Lathrop, Treasurer.
, ,
' New Goods.'
Mom dc Bros , receiving their sup
,T• ply of Spring and SuMmer Goods, and! being
convinced of the advantage of having ready pay, are
deter Mined to sell goods at io low a rate as to con
vince their customers and the public generally'that
it will be to their advantage as well as ours. , Our
stock 'consists in 'part , of Broadcloth; Cassimeres,
Kentucky leans, Summer stuffs, Delsittes, Lawns,
Calicoes, Gingham; Prints, Bonnets, Ribbon; Para
sols, Shawls and Black Silk; together with a!stock
of other Staple and Panel , : Dry Goods, Groderies,
•CroCkery, 'Hardware, BOniii. and Shoes, Bata,' &c.
Ahm, a good assortment of Shoemakers' Findings.—
Call and examine our stock and judge for yourselves
as to the truth of our statement. Our i; quick
males and smail• profits. Most kinds of country pro.
dace taken in exchange for, goods.
, • . ; J. MOSS 4k BROS.
New Milford, May 15, 1814. .1.1m3
~ -- t ---
The Proprietor, Mr. RIC/LOW lICKMIIIAN, rapt
fatly informs the pub li c that he has taken this -
stitutkin with the , design of fitting Young Ladies and
Gentkmen for the Pn3fessioe of Teaching, according
to the Normal Node; or for; fitting Young Men; for
'any other business of life. ! , •l l
This Institution is situatd in the pleasant,_retired,
and healthY village of Dtindafr„ Susquehanna : COunty,
Pa., and is unexposed to the; many temputtiaat And
vices thatire detrimental to the Intellectual and Item
al advancement of Students.! The Prceptress( Bias
N. J. Swart, a highly educated and accomplished 'La
dy, will take entire etuuie of the Young Ladies both
in and out of taloa Nor will they be alloied to
attend parties, or any plebe of amusement, without
the express permission and attendance of the Teach
ers. • Miss Swart will give lessons also in Ornalinent
al Needle Work, French, Pencilling Crayoning; 'ite.
One of the prime . objects, of this Institut:on, has
been to establish a Normal Departm nt, or.TeaChers'
Came, in the benefit of those desirin to make Teach
ing a Profession. The whole crop Listrection
requires three years. ' In this course it has been the
0„...,,,„ embrace those studies of practical utility ; as
well as thole of an educational character; and !great
care:lias been taken to so classify and arrange !them.
as to present to the student an easy gradation I ffant
the simplest subject to the most diffieult. -- I.: .
Pupils will not -be berried through a superficial
eoursei of stinly; nor will they be encouraged lin an
undue for any 'particular science:, to the neg
lect ofothers; but such & course will be pursued as
will laid to a systematical development of all thepow.
eat of tlie mind, by directing the thlights to the study
of prieciplei and the relation devise and effeet,in
stead of isolated' facie-
_____' ,
Comakonling. Branches , per q'r of 31 weeks, $4;00
Hi gher. ,
Latin and G;eek extra each, a ,
French, German, and Italian, " 1300
Pencilling, Crayoning, and Drawing, 13,00
Music with use of Piano, " • 10,00
Boardvocal It*, . ld
iper week, , ! . 2,90
t Theist !ridding to board themselves, can p
edits* rooms for the purpose, ,
Maid and Tultion'Bills invariably in advance.
j_TheSecond Term of this Institution willcomMen,ze
llay allt.; and as Studies' will then -be arrenged and
10esidlied, Students ire particulsay requested to be
present. • ' .
.! For `further Information, address the Principa l
I We; the undersigned, can under .the present-expe
rienced and efficient Board of Instructors, who are
practlially &lunar pith the Normal Node of instruc
tion, with implicit confidence commend the Dundaff
Aeadetny, to the favorable consideration of those pre-
Parini thenfsekes for Teachers, And all those' 'who
desire!to give their ,sons and daughters a thorough,
practical, and liberal education. • j
t Bet,. G. N. TODD, 1 Hon. S. B.- Witt's,
1 Tear . P. Pen art, Esq. 1 ' J. W. Cuirrmtx,
I. Dr. J. Gooetucis, . 1 E PaUrtry, 1
W. II Bt - ! • J. B. Swear, Ii
3: 11. I:tuti,n, Esq. 1 . Om. Baoweitu.,
I i- -, , • BUJ. ATM& 1 '
i buidallf, April lea. ; 1855. . . '
Pref. Charles Nerds,
of Charles Tillman, BARBER, lbay.
ba l m = t oyed his shop from its former location in
of Searle's Hotel, to the rocaninj the
same in the - rear of the bar-room, is prepsr.
qd to azirche his ;art is the moat scientific manner,
Mt ail niso may be pleased to entreat their heads or
fisees to his busk! " • 42 .7 1
for we ebillinF; Lawns, fast
de, tbr one shithng,. and 'Cali
, 22y1
- For PresOeilt,
For Vice „ . 1 •
azgite ?iv" , Okmds ai tie new nig
Store.'i. lIENAIrMeEJNNEY.
144 e ,Xl4 15, 1855. - 20--w3
! Change 011112111 e.
ON ; and' after konday, May 70; 1838, the - - Mail
hunger Train will depart from &stilton at
10.204. tr. Due ; at Great Bend at 1;20 T. K. COn
neethig with the Dunkirk Express West on the N. Y.
& R. R. • PasSengers takibg this train will attire
in Dpitkirk at r. and in New York at 11:12
r. • • • r
Rentraing; wilfileave Great Bend at 4! r Ir., due
at Se*ton at' 6:46 r. lr. ' ;
The _Freight AOcommodation Train, with passenger
car attached,; will leave Scranton at 1 r. 1.• due •at
theitt Rend at 6: r. connecting with 'the Mall
Tralx,Virest, and the Night: Express "Train East.
Passerigori taking train and the Night Express
Weit;•will arrive Dunkirk it 12 m., or by taking
Mail T'rain West, WM arrive at Dunkirk at 6:46 p.m.
Returning, will leave Cheat:Bend at 7 a. x. on ar
rival; Of attcinnati Exprelus Ettst.l Due at Scranton
12.104. K.
PasSengent for tyilkosbarre, Pittston, Carbondale;
Philadelphia; (vialthe Catawisaa ; an d
Erie and iteadingltailroad,"ria Tamaqua) and East
on, rind all intennediate places, will find !first class
stage coaches in readiness at Scrinton, on the arrival
of the Passenger and AccomModation Trains to con
vey them to the above Itlaces, !Those choosing pri.
vate , c,onveyancesiwill And the beat of homes and ear ,
riageti of every deseriPtion, at reasonable charge",
ready r ito order, 1 _
.A. H. DOTTEREII,. Superintendent. •
Sapertetendent , e Office.
~Scninton, mft.y 10. 1833. I !
r •
• -- -
HExit ;liIIIIIRITT would announce to
Ibis friends rind the public that he is now open
ing in, übusnialy large stock of SPI2/24"G AND
SU:OIM GOODS, including a great 'variety of
Printa ; hit) 4 ceSts to Is 6d per yard; plain and
Ointed Llama, Birege Delanes, Ginghams, Brocade,
Black and Etney Drem Silks, Silk Dress Tissues .and
*reps, POplins, 'Ake. kc., with a superior assortment
of Silk, Biciche, Cashmgre, and Thibet Shawls; Man
tillas; Taraiols, Fiench -Lace and Straw and Silk Bon
nets,: rich iftibbons and Flowers, with a large variety
of other Staple and Fans D..ty_qc_2oA - •
W.A RE—Llron and Nails, Boots and Shoes, is and
CaPIN !Carpeting, Wall Paper, Floor Oil Cloths,
ediWindore;Shadas, Clocks, Stores, Oils and l i nts,
Ploughs, ke. &e.;; in short, the largest' kind of, ilea
of rich wiql cheap Goods, toli!numerous to mention,
but just tho things to purchase; ill of which will be
sold-st *mat reduced prices and on the most fa.
voralile teitas for bash or approved credit..
Flour And Salt constantly on band.
• New, iliifOrdOray 5, I855."1 1 '
Putnam's Monthly.
N resunung ,thti.publication of Putnam's Monthly,
.1 onlY necessary for ua to refer to the special
notice hued, with; our hearty approval, upon the first
'of Apr . ll,-,by i the l4te publishers. The Magazine will
aim at: greater eicellence in the direction hitherto
pursuN ; and
,without being partisan, will bold de
cided opinuent, and will treat all public queitions from
a humane and truly national paint Of view.!
In all th;other fraried departments of a Monthly
3lagaxiuc. (; w4l hope to amuse, instruct, and bene
fit; ttrcritiCise geheronsly but' justly; and to attract
to its pagesJ as it has already done, the contributions
of able•tuen 'in , evdry walk of Literature, SCience, and
Art. ; • . ,
The past volumes are the best assurance that noth
ing offensiva to the purest morality, and no wanton
attack' titxm;honest conviction,' will ever find a place
in the MagaZine.
Allicommuniattions should be addressed to DIX
k EDWARDS, Ptiblishers of ruin:tries Monthly, to
Park iilee; New= York. " •
- 1114ty—onluts.
The Last Word of Geology- 7 01ii-er Basselin;-The
Cornpensatnp Office—The Alps-;-The DaMes of 'Cif
ginia.4The Turkic ITwo ilundied Years Ago—The
Night ; FehasOnly a Pebble-=-The Count De Cagli
ostnr4he Challtinge--The National Academy of
DesigiThe Birth Place of Mosarti---A Cruise in the
Flyingsflutchmio4The Beasts 6f the Prairies--Amer
ice forithe Amerieans—Twice liar,ed (Continued)—
Editorial Notes, • ; .
I. Litersitt:ar'e.- Atnericrsi.: f
.: 4 ' 0 Reprints.' ;
' rine Arts.
lll.,Music • 1 •
IV- ' l.Or l t an lll - ' ,' 1
Tznits.+TwentX-five cents u number,-'6r $3 per.
office ormore,:supplied at $2. Spc-
citncn. ijnaSbersfurnished, and libel's! terms given to
agentsandcantsars. . .
1. 1 D a IX & EDWARDS,' 10 Park Place.
I iloatrose Stages!
13.i.*NdER$ it'll!. find Stages at Searle's Hotel,
L 31entrOse,- Pd, which run in connection , with the
following Train:,
LeaV, ,eak 11 A. M. Connecting with the Mail Train
for Great Bend. ; : (This train now meets Day Express.
Loth East and West.) ' I
LeaVki 4 . 3 P.M.;Connecting Freight. Train for
Great Bend; and ;Mail Train fort Scranton.
Freigh!trainimcetri Ma il Train West at Great Bend;
and Night; Efprusses both East and West.-
Leave fat: M+ntrose on arrival of all the above
trains.; H : ; I I.:SEARLE.
Montrose, 3tai'7; 1855. •
1;': . Removed.
C.-D. !Inrgil Deq i istlas taken rooms over F. B.
Chandlers' store, iw ere it will be his pleasure to see
his friends ital, qnieklas possible,j C. D. VIRGIL.
Mayi ;4 1 1855. s j I* Resident Dentist.
ul - ,
The '3fercimo,llnn of Smith It Hempstead has
beenAirtirelvd mutual consent. The notes and
accourrhs, of the serrieare in the hands of O. 6. Hemp
stead for CollhetionJ An early Settlement of all ar
pleitifeh required. -
' r J. F. SMITH. - I
Breoldirn Apr. lit., 1855. ' 18w3
Sel 4 er Hundred Dollars . Reward.
Tgik•ore reward will be paid to me if my cos
turners will call and pay me what is honestly my
due. !I itin loudly called on by illy creditors to pay
up; arid le is Impesirible for me to do so . unless my
old friends will step up and rork ;over. So attend to
the Matter immediately, and square the yards either .
by catter note, and rave both Yoitrielf and me.
Mo thiie, Mat' 1855 - D.:11; IfICICOX.
. .
• --- -7,:i, , :------ t---,---• ,
- ' i l d APIIINE LOT CT
Finials barrel_and extra fine Rides, for sale' by
May A.) I - A. LATHROP A CO.
A superb Jot just' received and how offering at the
knes! pried for approved 'credit or ready pay
;•• • , .
Neli4^ .l York Prices AltE.noW bein4tud by A. Lathrop Qv to all
those who: cons their butter and *duce se them.
They kinng - ma e arrangements are now ena b led to
send all kinds of Produce to New Toik and 'to sell
the same +, the highest market prices. AU those
who wish; good pric es and quick returns we. invite to
mak upon , , A. IiATIIROP & CO.
Montrone. Nay 3, 1855. 1 4
M4122.] I • L tl/416.i.
. A Putt-kW' tenon of iin Sheet I ron
.L - x. and Vcifiper :Waie of my own nnuinfaeture and
made of,lieavy plats , for sale by
New Millais], July:l2, 1853. * ' Il' r.
A Fl.lLli assortment of Hardware, Carpenter and
ti Joipcja' Tools, Putop.Chaln, and fixtures at
New Ifiltbrd, Juin; 1854.1 DICKpiIfAN'S.
QASll4liitiND§ of the beet quality, for sale
kJ cheap it f ; bICKEBIANI,
1304KFLOLTR dISD SALT by thebarrel or o
erwisel at the ((Arm prides at bIcILERMAYS.
- .
, , . .
Books "nd Station ery,,
IHAVieceived4l. Large addition 'to my stock of
Booki and Stationay, among which are: A•Long
Look Ahead, (Iltie)i-•, Wolfer* Roost (Trving)—Dr..
Speneer'i Sketchei-4W'onderful Adventures of Capt.
Priest—ThC Slave Holder's Daughter-Life of Sam
Houston=darie l(ay- ! -The Ray-Flower (Harriet B.
_Stowe)—Rof Bag, (WHIls,) Ac. Ac.—will be sold
che a p. .. . -t I -P. B. CIIANDIiER ,
May 22
• r .
, 855. 1 , 1 • 1
Wail, Linen, and Cotton stall (or sum
' gni, of 4 and 6d Prints. Please eall
A large bier*
mer w
wad see. 1.
Way I;
zoz nu!4nmnys
With, tit*
superb 111 Montrose, on IPri
%Ante b 15th, I¢6s i , afternoon and,evenlng.,
open at ;11 and 61 a f elikk L. Performance
half an hour alterwanie. 'Admission 25 centsk
ThisiCompani is distinguished artheelegasme;i4nr
eltyrand varlet). of Its• Mk; - - •
FAltiesiOinn, 4 unsiie, aaautt6 Pa intoii
MONS. NICOL° and lia bit threiJuvenne Wonders,
Alphonse..Sabistian, and Alma, together with their
two wonderfully trained and highly intellectuel Dqatt,
Torn asmi jam froth the' Gymnase Comique and
°temple, Paris; Theatre'Royal, bang Lane / and Eat.
tys Royal Ampitheatici• Laden, - Renames Hippo.
drome, NeW Work,
MR.IDAVIS RICHARDS, the wild Eecen Mote !
man, will aPpesir with Ilia untamed PRAIRIE
in his.Dare' Debil .Aett without saddle or bril!'
Jumping huedles, leaping fences,ke. This is e Most
"daring and'!uronderful let of horamanseip ever Wit
netuted. - I
The extritoritinary feats of balancing by ' MONS:
NICOL° and CONS, "called La Trapea, will be men
in a style of el 4 gance and skill unequaled by any Oth
er in the country. I
MAD. •VIRGINIA! SHERWOOD, the beaudful -
Equisirienne, in a variety of elegant Tours'de Grae,
positliely unachieved by any other Lady in the Pro
fe.ssiob. ' : . .1
JOE PMTLAND,I- the Great America
.Cloiro z
surnamed by the press, "The Modern - Touchstone,
" Chief Priest of Roman," and " The Initnitiable JO,"
will open his iqexhaustible Budget
of 'Jokes, • Witti
cisms; Drolleries and Eccentricities. .
Mr; FRANK PASTOR, in his great Summeraett
Act of Hoilemenship.
W. PASTOR, as thei Antipodean Equillibrist.
Mn: GEORGE BATCHELDER the Champion Vitul
ter of the World, and Great Two Horse Rider.
C. SHERWOOD, 'the accomplished Scene Ridei
WOOD, the greatest - Juvenile Equestrian in' he
world. Besides a variety of other.tatent. •
The far-famed Performing Ponies, Damon, Bendigo,
Black Diamond & Titan'?t in"their euttastie fairy gam-
A host of other, ildent is engaged • with this atm."
moth!establishMent. - ; For full particulars see bill, at
principal bowie. !
A Grand . Procession!' preceded by the Magniflicat
o r i e ht a i Dragon Chariot, Containing a full Mili
tary Brass ftand - and drawn by ten Beautiful Black
-Horses, superbly harassed and decorated, which Will
proceed through the principal streets to the place , ' . or
exhibition.. c I.•
T ' aggirthership
firm of
Apiil 1, 1855.
The note's and sec°
Mott for Collection.
as soon as Gonvenient
T - " firth
off. F. &IR. H. Eaton is this day by. eau
ttidt con sent dissobWd " -411 persons having bOok
account, unsettled, with said firm, are requested' to
snake' immediate papier/li, by note or otherwise, fr.
fore the r.rpiration_ cbt tied nu/mat:from Misdate. The
books and accounts will.renmin in the bands of R. F.
Eaton; who may be fauna at his former place 'of
business, arid is - authoriied to settle the same.. "A
word lo the wise." • i; BENJAMIN F. EATON
• 1 ' RALPH H. EATON. •
Harford, April Ifitb &SS.'
Who cannot, get manure enough, will find a cheep
:and Powerful • substitute in the. IMPROVED
POLIDRETTE made bsl the subscribers. The small
quantity used, the eas'e with which* is applied, and
the powerful stitnulus gives to vegetation, rends
it the Cheapest. rod best manure in 'the world. t
causes plants toi come up quicker, to grow faster, to
yield heavier and ripen!earlier than any other manure
in the world, Rua unlike:other" feruliaers, it can be
brought in diree t t contact with the plant. Three dol
lars worth hi sufficient tb acre of corn.i..
Price, :delireretLCree of Cartage or package on board'
of vessel or :tuilrhaci'in , itl , u•-i - ork city, t1;50 per ba;r
re!, fot any quatitity; over six barrels ; I barrel,
2, 0,5t1 - 3 balirels, S e th: h barrels, $B. A
pamphlet with info ' rtitatioti mid efirections will be suit
gratis and pest-paid; - to Any fine applying for the slam
• -
; .
~----+, ------Lr— --
9 31111
Pans of all sizes and made f
.i.i double cross tin at less than Merefran
rrivallY, pay ;to sill again; for sale by the Subset" .
We hive coy re to the conclusion to *sell pans to F4 , -
mers as low as 'lie will to the trade, thereby saving
to the .Farmer our profit, Our wares are warranted
to be perfect in 3very Particular or no sale.
Twins—Cashorahorti credit. ;
' 1 , . .1. ,J: DICKERMAN Jr...
New. Ililfoed April '
1 1 iass,
.! • .
. ,
! .' i., EARNED.
J_ WITTENBERG &BRO., Montrose, Pa.,' take
• this method of advising their old friends and
enstomers and the public'at lurgc, that they have ju4t
received and opened the largest; prettiest and cheap—
est stock of BEADY MALE CLDTIIING 'ever brat
to this Mace, which thet offer at a small adtarice &OM
cost, thereby coffering, purchasers the rare-cfpOortuni
ty of obtaining gee& at about two thirds - the usual
price. ! -; ; ;;,
Also'a large ansortment of Dry Goods. comprildn4
. -
for Ladies Wear, r new Styles Brocade, Stripe, - Plei
Plain and changeable si l o, Delaines, Mus li n, De Bag,
Beragedelaines Ornery and elegant designs. All the
latest at; les of Ladies Dress Goods, French . Lawn 4
Prints and Gingham,. A handsome assortment
Dress Trimmins; Embroided Sleeves, Collars Cuff*,
etc. jaConei an d swiss Edgings and Insertings,Gloves
.Mite, Hosiery; Tills. and; Parasols:, • - i
TheiriimortmeAt of Shawls is very large, embracing
every thing that is rich end fashionabie. both foreign.
and dentestie. i - '1 • . /
Their Bonnet Department Is large and complete,
embracing tke very latest styles, with Trimmings ttt
match., ' ,
. 1 ' ":. I,
An extensive r.aorim4l. tof Irish linens; napitins
toweling, table covers, curtains &c.' 1 ~ I
We have also i aupplY;of Shirts, Gentlemen's Col`:,
lays, Suspender', Gloves,.Embralbts and a good many
other articles too „numerous to menticin.j "be nary
gains the put ilk is respeetfully invited to itall kt thrt
cheap store of t . 1 -:,. • 1
corner Of 'Chesnut k Owego Streets, four doors ,eas t
of Poses store. i' • I •• ; ' 'f
, • .; , f , /-
DOdr. R. iIf4TER, takes ibis method o f 004
td his friend; and cirstimters, that he has myt h`
resuined the practice of medicine, at his old Man at .
liontrote,•where he ; May be found at all thdfs u ' ess.
prol4sionally employed: ' Be•would say to those in i
debta to hi m, that he will 'deduct- twerityzfive Or
cent midi accounts paid before the first of April next,{
(or if any poor like myself I will deduct filly.)
Montrose, Feb. 20, 1855. J . . . . 1
74 COrtlantit Street, New-York.
_ 7 1 1TW GOODS.
A : BRIMS(} evlry week at A`• LAThROP & Cces
Jinuart let f ,
' inter S awls and DelLa__ nes,
SELLING or Freat l 2 l 4lsahm Can onco.e.
Jariutry A. LA
I , Dozes Socks,
IiATANT'ED: at i A. LATHROP & CO's .
V January , laY ; • '
tt Grata . _miss
Oil an kindi,Antl at the' highest pnees bombs by
Janinry I A. LATHROP & CO's.,
pURKB Island Mt at ; " LATHROP kali
Kontnnie, January 1 , 1855. •
I Executor's Notice
V - OTICE hereby given, to ill perabna having de:
/A minis against the Estate of ANDREW R. ROSE
late of Sliver lake deed to. present them to the Sub
veribers,l Exeeu . and- itrustees of the said A.ll.
Rose, dgly aith for settlement. And all
persons indebted 4 said.mtate, are requested M mike
immediate payinenk 1 1
Aru:.JESSUP. •
kontiose i April ES, 1/45. ' ' •
ldrsiln Orator , • Notice;
.110YTICE is herehigive that letters of admiale.
tration de bestir mei emu tertassesto
upon the estate of Wise. Wright deemed, have-hese
granted to the Subseribe4 Rai all perilous Indebted
to said fatale Re requested to make Immediate toy*
meat, sid thole bating claims to present th em duly
attested for leitlethireL .
E. F. DAILY Ada&
Deogitlyn, May 101, )111N5. - 110-ire
heretofore exisi under the
MOtt is this day issolred;
G. R. WLEY.:
. - C. W. IiOTT. •
nti are in the hands of C. W.
interested will please !ll
rritcriersouirimi look a bow t4tiolt a term ere= `
.41.!i:Lainge - ahtee, awl to lad soak can.
PIV Moo V 'gab 1 , 7 2 4 i ot rViag the:
new led IP fitteetkollit
.•'• • • •
liteittele; Pity /; . 186 3., 1 "
,41 tr,
- °
IRE •now receiving their - n*od stip - ph- lir - SPRANG
AAD BUMMER 000D$, which they offer to their
*maws, and the public generally, ow the most rea
toaible terms" Poe glob ; 401t0V.1140; Grain, Bees
wnt; or on aiproved credit. -- •
; Montrose, May - 1865, I • • • • -
tBOADCLOTRS, Kerileymetvat; ientacky
t Rummer Stuff s ind a general- stock of Staple
Diy;Gilxxia, just recelied hod for male right by
COMER De tont% LIMAS dairto; Crutghams,
Merrimac ind ChiliecO Pnats, Lc, for *le
by , . BENTLEY k VAD:
.13.5 NNETS, Ribbons, Parasols, Semmes Shawby
Black Wha t Dress Trbat 41ko,ilic.- for sale
, ' BENTLEY itgAp..
QILIC, Fur, Leglitml, fanana; Sim; Pabn
1.7 Bata, Umbrellas, Satchels; Whalow Paper &e. -
131 - 1 ARDWABI, Crciclery,fate_taajls, Tubs, fat:
ty, Glass kc. BENTLEY & READ.
rtRUGS; Medicines, Paints;
1. 1 ./ general assortment of Patent Medicines, just in
and for sale by - BENTLEY k READ.
SOLE and UTrieTreathix, Patent Kips, Calf Skins,
and a good supply of Baits and Shoes constant
ly pn hand. • ltaxitay b Rau%
4ACKEREL by the barrel or one•hall
ao, Codfish. . - & Reap. ,
ATCHES and JEWELRT.—A full assortn.ent
' of Goad — ana Siher Lepines and Detatched -
Lelers, in double and single cases, Ladies' Pins, Ear
Drops Ringi,. Guard Chains, ikt. de. Also, Silver
Table,' Tea, Desert, Salt and Sugar Spoons, warranted
Dui* for salelby : Bunn' d HELD.
di - T Q VES 441 TINWARE, Clocks, Nails, candles,
1J! Lamp Oil, Canaphene dc. dc. • •
Rontrose, May 1,'55. BENTLEY & READ.
rti t HE subscriber takes this method of advertising
.1.: his friends and the public generally, that heTh •
fitted 'up a store just across the street from his old
quirters, in Brooklyn, where he is prepared to re-
Ceifre customers and sell them goods at as low rates
as:' any other establishment in Susquehanna county.
My assortment is very large indeed, embracing near
ly every article usually called for in a country store.
{As,: I am determined . .to so as to avoid
"hild flebts," which responsible credit purchasers are
ed to pay, I can offer superior ., inducements to cash
an otherwise raourr-wsruto patrons. Csill and see
rras subscriber. is receiving his Spring and Sum
iner stock of Goods, comprising a great variety,
whlcb will be sold as' low as any In this market.—•
Phase call and exarnine,4 •F. B. CANDLER.
HATS AND CAPE---A good assortment of the
latest style.
PEA DY-.VADE OLOTIIING—A good 'variety
of Spring and Summer Clothing of the latest crr. •
DRY GOODS-4 general assortment , through
out. Also, DRESS GOODS. consisting of Lawns,
Barege Delatnes, Freneh Delainea, Persian Delaine,
Primo' Lawmt, Fancy, Prints, Ladies' Worked Col-
Insertinns, Edgings, Black Silk Mantillas, Thibet
and Cishmere Shawls, Parasols, Hosiery, Gloves, &c.
13 . 007'S AND SHOES. Clocks—a large assort
me it of every description and style. Also, a great
randy of Fancy Articles, Yankee Nottonb; &v.
- crockery, Hardware, and Groceries.of all kinds.—
Trtink:s, a good lot for sale cheap.,`Books and Sta.
tiokry—Wall Paper----also, Flour o the best quality.
• Montrose, May 9, 185.5. - F. B. CHANDLER.
New Line of Mail Stages,. :
k • • . FROM • , ; •
QTAGES sill leave Kirkwood, passing through Cor
ta bettaville, Liberty, Le., every morning after the
arrival of. the Mail Trains of cars, both East and West,
reaching Montrose at _I r. - m. Returning, leave
Montrose daily (Sundays excepted) at 2 e. a., reach
inglOrkwood in time to take the Mail trains of cars,
both East and. West, being the nearest and most ki
th* route to teach the New York and Erie Railroad.
.This line intersects a triweekly line for. Dirnoek,
Springtrillli, Wyoming, and Wilkes
barte„ithich leaves Montrose at 7 a. at. every Mon
day;•Wednesday and Friday. Also, a line to Friends-.
diesLerapnrille, ke, ! „ -
rood teens rind eankriable carria&s are provi
dedi and the pioptictors wilk s spire no pains to ac
commodate the puNe: W. K. HATCH,
April 6. 1854. MORGAN k WEST. °,
1 WlLtailareMlLL4N \
ITAVING in?ndssed the establishment of hue L:
XI. Pat k CO. at. the Montrose Depot, would
respectful! y Mein fits friends that be will keep con
stantly ; on larnd,!at the liorest prices, a well selected
lioeit of goods.
Urns, Salt, and Plaster .can, be had cheap, as wen
its!Groaries, Dry Goods, Ilindware, Cream, Boots,
Shoes, Nails, lc', in exd Grain for Gran and all-kinds
orllitlichice; at the; bat prices. - 1900 Colts Third
lifpntrose 1854:
•-1 i, NEW GOODS. •
'the subseribers have taken and fitted up the neilr
building on the west side of Public Avenue; twe'dckfri
above Searle's HoteLand are noir making ti bite
and well selectid assortment ctf
:Fall and Winter -Goods.
Their stock is almost entirely NEW, having saved
but a very few gods- from the Iste„destructive fire,
and •paroprises their ante #artety qr DRY VOODS;
Groceries, Crockery, liardirare, Drugs; Medicines,
Paints, pill, Dyestutilt, Boots, Shoos, Leathers, Glass,
Jewelry, Watches, ,Silver boons. Clocks, Yankee
Ifotrials, &c. &c. We are tkful for the patronage
httherte bestowed upon, u s l dud trust ~that our cus
tomers, and the public ,generally; will not"fitil to give
us alma in our new /oration,, cxatfident that we can
supply them with goods on as fait:cable tirmias here:
tefore: • BENTLEY & RP.AD
Mcintiose; November 30, 1854: .
tIfATING r iebently voluntar il y relinquished the
11.1: sale of Liquoil; excepting 'Wetly for Fuedicinal
purposes, mil Plants; the people withOiit distinction
of Party, Sotretn&ct, or Rene* are respectfully
invited et usual, to can and examine the quality find
pricei of getoda;ilted to thereby avail .thentselves of
an. dthantage of the market they may thus. acquire.
cntrase, April 19, 1844.; ABEL TURRELL.
. '
new ./Ottelry just arrived , di rect from the
taanuitetorera, add t•-!taeosiatang (fa Matt tate at .
ent of ',tunes' and GeOtlimeo Gold Finger
111 B rea T*, tar Drops and lloteptk Curb; yob ,
and T eat CM* Slides, Keys, Studs; Ptinl; kr--
Pepsins within* to imichaseiJewelryi should kertahl
,ly tall at the Iltdi j i tf - , A. tuilittr.t.
Kohtrase, April 12,. 1855. '
• , ~
1 • L'.. XEW GOODS.
0. -
T LEE., .AF MONTROSE Dkl`OT, has •
.jnet re.
tJ • ',,celveti, a new a 1 41ply; of Spring 'and Summer
Geodi, irideb will be sold eery low for cub or farm
iood 'i . • • '
1,. "WNW Neir OH esuta Sugar for one dol
-1 lir at - J. C. LEE'S New Store.
r rEA;:toreeiolatim kith, Met and G ro ceries
af.sll kinds, very cheap at •J. C. LEE'S. '
A . Wanted, . ,
- xy quantity of Eggs at 12 eenta pft down, is
: *:clangs dose at J. C. LEE'S Store. 1
?firm:amity ofßnyerat 16 cote per mend, h k
charge rot Goads al .7: C. LELN,New Stoe;
THE wishing to purchase for oak or in ex-
I change for barteri will find it to their interest to
call- ail& examinei my stock of Goods and prices fbr
themselves. Ft ribitter of all libels thelhigliegl prig:
es nhiii at aittimei be relied meat J; C. LEE'S Store,
NontOsie Depth.
Strains anti nissiiiials riire.proot
k Bate'..
rl l %tutates4bers hate made ansngernents to for
-1 to persons ' - 'o may be in want of them, the
above itunedlnvaluable 46fes, at the sine prices for
whieh they can be obtained , at the manafitetereet--
Having experienced the benefit at'such en attic!. da
ting:the late eoldimration bilmaltes, Iwe windcLearn
tidy Stetemmmd tti others having valuable boas and
IPl'Psrif p w .ta nft the P = lg of lo w re ledsbe4"4l4t by
inu"nie l
toepi** null! tam not
to MIX sad *Ain lidain
in any , arse wuslOg la purcltie, the Ailirere , in
, price, Sc.', and furnish them nn short ne.
, . the korai erroottalloot to oft thOinr‘
, . : • - . MI/MUT* Mtn
Mooieese, December 19, 185 4 . 1, , i,
leiroir avid Timoillai aced for salt; by
, 1313
Wiw:lllllbed. Nardi 8, itis I kr 7:
A B. 1 1,
__ __ly i.. , th y '
..LX.. cure of altßil ode etwes-reostivenese i Indi
getttlen, Jaundiee, Breit& itheutnadsin; FererscHu:
more, Gout, Nervmumeis, - Liitability, Intl‘mationsi-
Iteadache; Pains-in the Breast, Side, DtLeh., 4 nd thlabit
s'enitife Complaints, itel &el IndeediverY. fur -efts
the diseases -in which 4 Purgative - Medieine l not:
men iir less required, and much sickness and - auffer-. ,
lug initcht be prevented, it a harmless brit- effecteil
" 44 '4
here more fi .6 o) . used. .. No No• person can feel
well iiime a costive habit of - body pre_
besides;l it Wolf generetes serious ! and 'Often Wel awes,
vihrtli iiiight hive beee avoided by theti c mely and •
Judicious eat, et k good Purgative. ' This *ran - elide,
of Colds, Feverish. syniptems arid Ililliclederanelk
*tits. They all tend to bectitne or prude the doom, •
iiiiaa and feraddable•disterripers ehichrlient the
hearses allover the land. ilience 1-' reliable family •
physic Is of the first import -twee to the public health,
and this pill has been perfected with cousutrunxte
skill to meet that del:timid. ' An extensive•trial& its,
irrtites by Physicians .Prefessortyand Niigata,. has
tilt,iwn Ker h il ts surpass i ng any thing hitherte known a
any medicine. cures have been effected beyond be-.
lief, were they not ml ibe:dated . by peewees of such,
exelted Jealitionip,end character as to forbid-the sus
picion of tint - rob: Artiongl the eminent gentlemen
who have testified id farm.; of these MK we may •
mention— '. - " I `• I, .
- Doct. A:.N: KATES, Analftleal Chernist'd Boated;
;nd State imayer of liftuisatimsetts; H. J.Gatimunt,
Governor of Massachusetts ;1 EMMY W+eximtur, Er.
thiv. of Massachusetts; Sakai Bititarir;Ltent. Gov;
of Mass: ; E. M. Wiueirt, Seeiviary of State of Maas. .'"' ,
Joni B. Frrzrariumc,AVishOp of Bosttin; Prof.]
Joint Telmer, of the of Physiciantrand Stir-
geons, New York city; Dr. C. 7.. Jim* , Geologist
of the Public Lands of the Baited Stites; i Dr. J. R
ama ox, Practical Chemist 01 rtew IrtsalL oity, v..40.1--'
ed by Hon. W. L. Mawr, limitary I& ISikte ; Wit.'
B. Amos, the richest min in knerieti; :IA Atin & -
Co.; . Proprietors -of the Metropolitan Hotel, and
others.- ' • ' 1
- ilie space- perrott,',weetnilti n give ta y' . .l.Nee.rel
certificates from all p a r ty wher . i .the•Pil s bare ben
used,' hut !evidence even mOrenrivincingi- than the _
experience of eminent pubtie men, is' found in their .
effects upon trial • • , : - . I -
•- Theme P il ls, the result of long Investigation and
study, are offered to the publie as the beat entre:Mat
complete which the preserit Aide, of, medical seleittm
can afford. They are compounded not.oil the drugs
themseiveit, but of the medicinal virtues only of Veg
etable remedies extracted by chemical pnocess in a
state of purity, and, combined together in spelt Amon- -
ner as to insure the best results. This rsystern _ 4
composition for medicines has been found' in Cherri- --
Pectoral and Pitta both, to produce a more efficient
remedy than had hitherto been obtained by any pre
cios. The reason is perfectly obvious. j While by
the old mode of composition, every inedictnel, , is bur
dened with more or less of acrimonious arid injurious
qualities, by this each individual virtue ohly that .is
- desired for the. curative effect is present. jAll the in
ert and ohne:ions qualities of each •rabritruice em
ployed are left behind, the curative virtues only be
ing retained. - Hence it.':ia
.self evident the effects .
should prove as they have ProVed,' more Purely rem
edy, and the pills
,a more powerful l antidote to tib - -
cue than any other medicine known to the . world. •
As ft is frequently expedient that !piny, medicines
should be taken . under the.counselfirl an attendieg
physician, and ail he could net prepei:ly 'judge of a_
remedy withtiut •irpowing , its composition,:) have sup._
plied the acciirate . formuhe bittiffich bothlniv Pecto
ral and Pills are made, to the while btldM 61 - -Primtf- . .
tioeers __in the United States 'and Britishi.Ameeetin•
Provinces. If, however, there should 'be any one
who has not received tiliam, they will be !forwarded
by mail at his request. ' - 1 ?:.
Of eil the. Patent Medicines that are offered, hew
feir would be taken if their composition was known.?.
1 Their life consists in their mystery. I laic no 111f4.
' terms. The compwition of my prepiratinns is hdd
open toall men, and all who are comtmteet to -judge
on the subject freely acknowledge their ciSevietions of
their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectorid was pros"
nounced by scientific men to be a wonderfcil medicine
before its effects were knoa-ri. Many emihent ph.;--
sicians have declAred., the same thing of ut Pills, and
even more confidently,' and are willing' to eel tify that_
their anticipations were more than realized by their.
effects upon trial., They operate by their powerful .
influence on the internal-viscera topurifithe blood
and stimulate it into healthy action-..:.remoive the ob..
structionii of the steariach, bowels, liver, and other or
;gaits of the body, restoring their regt;lar 1 action to
health; and by correcting wherever they exist, such
derangements as are the first origin of disease. •
• Prepared byEtr. J. O. SAYER, Pmcdcal l and Ana- ,
lytieal Chemist; Lowell, Mass. Price 2.slcents : .per Five boxes for ttl,oo.
,Sold by AfiEG Ti;lMEtti
-3fontrose ; • 8. - F. kR. H, Earox; - Ilarford,; Cuenca
A Pnissav, Dundaft and by.all dealers hirmedicinee
" 1..
every where. • . - -
.1101tIr.dc BEVAN&
lail Road Freight Line between Montrose and
New York. The subscribers will.continud their
connection of the past year for selling iwiqtiehantui
Co. Produce on commission. : • A •
MATinw J. HAantscrerow, will receive and forward
freight for. this, company at the Montrose Depot EVE-
RY TtE.SDAY.. • • •
Thankful . for just pifrimage, and, bging satisfied,.
{bat theft iiringetients for disposing of' pioduce'ot .
every kind will enable them to g ive general - parisfac- -
tion, the `subscribers trust- that New York prices{`
prompt s returns, and their usual strict attention to the .
business, will insure to them a - continuance : . of farrs
tferetolbre soliberally.bestowed upon thetni
The kturns will be promptly paid in currintmoney . ,
by Mr,Marrington; who will also mike liberal-advan- -
ces on consignment when, desired. - , ' s., -
Our Marking emit! have beck left with the Rail -
Road_frieght agent 11r. Case who will attend' to for
ve.arding goods. consigned to tts on other ';days thair
Tuesdays. - • •
• -
Montrose March, 1855. r
_Persons residing out Of the vicinity' of Montrose, I
Wisteug to Rend us Prpduce can do so by e l onsignirm"
it di:- HOYT k BEVANft; Np. 167 Ready St.N. Y
• -
. SOLDIERS' RIGHTS. - . l .l
To, *horn ,It may C s ozaterit.
a L recetit act-of Congress the' Bormtyl t leind paw
has been extended to embrace almost every case of
of military service ! , ' ,
All persons Ishii have been engaged in. =Ham •
Service of the United States, for a period of' fourteen
days or upwards, are entitled to one haat:aired and -
sixty acres of. Land, if they have not received it
.they have received less arnouittbey ore entitled to aufliciept to make op 160 'acres. , ••• . •
' Revolutionary soldiers, and soldiers of a ynand
ware in which the United States have been . engaged
since, and if' deceased, their widows ,or minor chit.
ciren,are entitled. • . .
Officers, Seamen, Marines, Clerks and latillstnen
the Navy, ,their widows and minor children,,i. are also
entitled. • . 1 •
. Wagon-masters and azinistehs-eMpintedausthg,..-
transportation of-military stores, are dweltt
like manner. , • '
I am still engaged in obtaining Bounty Land War
rants, and am willing to !do the business I'4ol de
most liberal terms, and Althtemlt I hese - nliffintlire to
imend •tnY time and labor•teithent-eharsie, yet ,I
do the business aetbe Invie4 price that can do it:
honestly and live. - • • •
Those having claims belleie will find- it tXrajeriailr to their advantage to Exit upon me before &lag. •
After the warrants itre obtained, if any of,tbe war
rantera dealt* to sell,them, I am prepared_tto ji l ay the
Wiliest cash market price. . „ f;
am also engaged in
,'the •prosecution bt - other -
claims against tbe,,Govettiment of the States( -
such as foe Pensions, Back Pay, Extra PAY, Atf. /kn. •
Montrose, May-14, 186. - . 9 w 4
firing tiOtea and account:l • of thellrm of .11nkyre
• Crandall and R. P. C:andall, are
.left [with Dr.
R. \ Thayre for Settlement. Those indebted.arn smiting.
t.dtti make frnmodtate payment and sore eost.'
PA.. eMANO4/1.
Montrose, April : 2B, -NS&
• „,
• lEinggy for Sale. • ` l ,
A Good seeded hand buggy fbr gate "1
, Z: DI 1 1(001C.
Montrose, "April 1 r ,11133: •
SIOIX Welker. Upper dc., ogit Must sad Pdallk
RIP Hipe ! , -.4 new seplikicjust received eagreekk
- • • . BENTLEY k
Paper • -r-r„.
lollajuat opened, and soma for ea,-: pet . .
t 11.1.1 • roll,. by .. s J, LTON,S4r SON.
fIitOCERIES-4 freak-wanly Coibe . i
Tea, Rice; Craeltexs, jll4xeeehted as* Rtr. solo
by_ ; ' _ • 11,14YONS1k1SON,,
S E ut i t: e y ijeatiaglial "Pffi e l lr.lllibr
S &