Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, June 14, 1855, Image 2

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    ljult - ttie - Y - feilli ► feTtint. , ,4 y,
killed hint. During the night they' were too
terrified to proceed - in removing. the traces
of the deed, and in the morning, to their hoe
'for, a disturbance broke out in .their i, 0,4.
diate' vicinity. Madame , And recht , rif-..„
htl r
turned, and -the news of ,the great , rob ert
spread like wildfire through the town: What
was-tnore,natural than that the nedirest:ho*
. ea would bd searched I The w ool-spidner'it
was the very-next. and the board's were stilt
wet with blood, and the corporal's corpselay
in thebellar. This must be prevented, and
suspicion cast on some one, till they 'found
tine to remove the traces.'
. The wool-spinner's wife had the honor of
~ devising the devilish scheme, which seemed
to 'save them. The Blue Dragoon might be
- the cuiprit,for he had:so eftediseeretly elim,b
-,6d over their hedge.. At the same time be
h a d flirgOtten a handkerchief 'in-ter home;
long before, 'which she had not returned him.
Both circumstances tallied. The handker
-ale( might' be laid somewhere hi the neigh,
hoilioed, and suspiekm would arise 'apontane
,ously. The baker's inventive talent came to ,
'' the woman's aid, and one idea. produced the
-other. One„sigtt was not sufficient; a - see,
„bid must betray the' dragoon's presence. in
;.the louse. On a market-day the 'baker had
: completed a bargain with a-peasant just be
' fore the Blue ,Dragoon's house. Ile had to
settle with the peasant, and asked, the
lord fora plebe of paper. The latter. gave
:hirnan old declaration to, wntc his accounts
on theback of it. This. paper the baker still
_had in his . peckethook. - His name, howev
erovas on the. back, and" the account and
~,his name were burned off. The baker fol.
_lowed the police into the heuse, threw. tins
.paper. into a. corner, and then was 'the first to
piek lit• bp‘and hapd it to' the oilmen. They
. had, howevek acted too cleverly, and their .
.extreme caution brought about the discove
". ..ry, as is so frequently the case with critui
nals. Had they let the wool-spinner's wife
write the letter to the burgomaster, as she
..offered—she went afterwards to. Rotterdam
.ito oast n—suspicion would hardly have been '
:aroused against them. The deaf and dumb
boy betrayed them, and their fear soon drew
.the;most ample confession from thein. On
-.the day that Isaac van-C------ and his accom.
, . ,plices were hanged; the game Elite befell the
' haker If and. the wool-spinner,' Leen
' .deri. van Ig-----.. - .
.--Within a few days nearly eight hund red
. , emigrants have . left New York -ou their re
-turn to Europe.
—Three hundred Sharpe's rifles have been\
,sent out from Massael;usetts to Kansas, at
the!request of the New Englanfl emigrants,'
:to enable them - to defend themselves. 1
• =The grain crops. of kinds, through the
.wh'ole . of middle and 'upper Georgia, are rep
,-j'ayserteCd, as, being excellent.' Wheat is already
'lor the sickle. :
-L-The . Herald states that `Torn Thumb, the
• T:l..relebiated little great man ; was married at
`'Webster, Mass.., on Thursday list, to a . hiss
Tinton, of Bridgeport, Ct.'•
• ---Democratic cannonadings• in honor of the
.victory arc nutherous in all direc
.7' tions.. At ond in Boehester, N. 'Y., a filtal
sieeident occurred by the bursting of a cannon,
lilting one man. \
L.-Several deaths are 'reported as oe'curr
ing from the absorption of washing soda, the
sal soda entering the system through some,
scratch .on the bands of those engaged in wash
ing where it was 9sed:, ,
There have'been no attempts made at
'" assassinating. British Monarchs since a law
-.was .passed by Parliament inflicting upon all
:assassins of this character the'degrading pun
ishment of a putlie whipping.
—The Houston Telegraph states that 1200
Swiss watchmakers will compose part ofshe
slew colony • which Mons. Consideran is
about to establish in the neighborhood of Dal.
las Texas. They will carry on the watchmak
_ inghosiness on an extensive scale. •
=Tut. - cost Of the 47orWalk digester to the
New' - York and Ne Haven Railroad has
been -$280,000, and there- are still unsettled
claiirts against the company, outlying. It
. will not probably escape the liabilities and
losses on account of that terrible affair short
of $300,{100. •
- —The Easton (Pa.) Angus says::There
arc 'still large quantities' of last year's wheat
- stowed away in the lianas of some of our fann
ers... 'We heard one _men say he had 200
k_bushels on hind. Atough wheat is $2 80
_ 'A bushel they are holding on to it with the
hope d that they will get more!'
• : 'knots twenty-five years ago, only, the
insane were treated like, criminals. here
how, in the United. States thirty-two in- .
sane hospitals, in active operation, and nine
others in construction. 'Thenty-eight ofthese
are State institutions, and the'number of the
insane is nearly' 20,000.
—Tnz St. Louis Intelligences formally
takes leave of the Whig party, and announ-
Res its withdrawal in the following terms
&We - have renounced the old Whig party as
<lead forever. It did not get ,three, hundred
softer-in St. Louis last April. Its organize abandoned in Kentucky—abandoned
in Virginia---abandonell everywhere. That
party can never be revived as
.a national par
ty., . We oppose the Whig party as a thing
of the past..
;---4,eavenworth town, Kansas territory,
named from 'the Fort standing there, now
contains, it is said, eighthundred inhabitants,
• one steam saw mill, two brick yards, one
.large three story betel, four boardinghouses,
five dry goads-storea, five groceries, two for
'warding and commission houses, five saloons,
twsklxtot and.ehoe stores, two saddlery shops,
, tin shop; and two blacksmith shops.
- - --The General Assembly of the Presbyt
erian Church (N. ,5.,) which clOsed its session
in St. Louis,onSstarstl6 — Y last, before adjourn.
• mug, the following gentlemen were appointed
:a committee to report next year on the con
stitutional power of the Assembly on thesub
rject of slavery : Rev. Albert Barnes, Rev.
Drs. 'Asa D. Smith, A. H. H. Boyd, and the
- Hone... Maws. William Jesiup and A., 11.
—A iiiirresponeldit of the New York Tri
bune at st. Louis,—who says; he has, given
his_ attention to the subject for 'months, and
therefore be cos% 'speak adviseilly,--asserts
that there arc stiff 1, 500,000 barrels of flour
of last year's crop to come to market before
the supply will be exhausted; being enough to
' meet the demand until September next. He
(gives many particulars and statistics 'as to
_ where, the supplies are, to show that his Cal
(illations are made eon s sound basis. We
trust he is right.
—A writer in the llartford Courant' tbui
shows how persons get run over at railroad t
crossings If a man with a horse and ear
; riage upon an unimportant public road in a
.ewuntry town, should approach and cross the
track at the speed of six miles per hour,whieh
would be rapidly, an espress train approach.
frig st that moment would move toward him
tip hundred and fifty-seven feet while #ie WAS
in the act of crossing a diatimoe barely sofa.
cleat to clear the horse and the - vehicle. If
theletwe was moving et .a Mono Aster than
WS*, as thit track is many, ,eramed i the
tsaitt artonki move toward him,. .while in the
40 ,01„ or 'orraa int,. more than Jiro hundred feet.
I_ i
\ II. 11.1 1 F ESED.,;
' .
* Mpt4TOSE .17.1
T 1411, ay
g<",. ago
• -,,- ..- , -,- ~
THE I.oo4)oriannt . .
, ... ;.
-A few Week s sines; during the Anniversa
ry week in New-Nork; the annual 'COmmene--
ment - of - the Uniori Theological Seminary was
, held in one
. of the (city chujches :Addresses
were deliv ered, by several young men of the
graduating Class IPon various subjects, one
Of whick, - Was . an 4rldresa by lirmatt - 11: JEti
4,q4.,(,)f.„this_ e
, .npOtt 'the.."Eibld and_the,
•-.. ;'' ' .. -,' I-• -- :
- -WC find in „ theirt;rt , Of the eXerlises Pral .
lisha•ie the Ne.v/.170rk - Deily papem of May
Bth; an Outline ort he different addresses, to
••\PwliL:h-any Of 'owl readers May referi'who feel
an interest in the following communication: 1
... - Mr, J. in--spealting•of the future of Mehain
- - ,
Medanism, held t h at' since t the religion-ofls
lam arose as . a pote!3tl against idolatry and,
outward form, it could never be overthrown
by the religion of the Eoinish Church, whose
idolatrous tendenel4i and itrytge worship are
regarded with 4testation by rilLMahommed
aus.• . A pure Protestani. Christianity alone
could Satisfy tlier iiritual wants. •
.- On the day fi.illoviing the anniversary, the
following letter froil i n!a Eenian Catholic, who
dis , *uises himsel ' itnd,r difictitious signature,
t 5 • • w ~
was received by I'Dtr.'Jesslp. We haveobtain
ed permission fio publish i it, as an exhibition
of the spirit which - ailiniates many of the ad
herents of the Pope, !even in this enlightened
land and in thelnineteenth century. While
reading it over,prre hardli know - which is the
.most aurp rising, the :'1 malicious bitterness of
its . spirit, or iti reckle ss violatibn of all the
rules of punetution,rgraminar, and Orthegra
pliy.. We - pritit, it exactly as it is !written,
and any who. wiish 49 - ace • the, original by
calling - at our office ! .1 .
.i '
:This letter wi;4s shown(a few days since to
a distinguished Senatcr;; oft New• York city,
who has recent l y been engaged in the famOus
controversy Wikb Arehbii:hop glughs, on. the
Church Property question, and he reeogeiXed
at once the han4Writing, declaring it t 9 be, as
far -- as he. could , 'judge, -':p'recisely, - • the seine
'with that of several threatening iteiterswhich
have 'been addid i essed to him of late, by a Mr'
Cassedy, one of f JOhn iliihes''prii - ate sec
-- j •. ,1 -- i ' , - -
retaries:' Hot
,thiS,rotiv' bete cannot..
sert, but we wtouldltadvise the author, Who
ever he fs; to riefrain front-writing again un
- •
he has learned enough of dhristianity to
I.x• t
control his temper, ;and enoug 'of grammar
to write' the Ei - glish language rrectly.
c 1 ; "Nen . York May 8, 1855. -
"Henry H. 'J. JeSsup.Esilre',..
"Dear-Sir. Dili you ever - examined thoroughly the
doctrines of the Roman Catholic Cliureh before you
Icondemn them resitili. Your brain' wi I shudder at
the thoughts of proritiess examination; if you are of
'good and sincere faith you'd() not see the darkness of
error condemned by the 'rule of controversy. Your
faculties in the brain are inipaired 'by the darkness
within your brea.4t which will, soon corrupt your whole
body and. stenchlwill come out of ypur, carcase suffi
cient to cause the death of yPar flocks Who follow the
blind guides 7-41 tbe blind lead the blinds both of,
them shall fall into the pit of perdition . there Satan
will be judged and condemned by the avenged God.
You and Satan ;are one and :the_srurre person. Satan
, bla.9llreme and 'iontrsidict like you against the truths
I. that the Holy Ghost is governor of the Roman Cath
, olic Church. I : lehall blow out your
. lirain for your
* sophistical doctrines. Your speech is the voice
lof God,. for God is not' against that Church. Your
slanderous speech is without retlectiOn and will hurl
back,against your bigoted opi ' for it is as an, emp
ty cloud of falk and thug , us arguments & fruits.
The speech that sweareth uch shall inake the hair
lof the head 'staPrd viper' , " and its ineverencd shall
make one stop his ears See how the linveterite ha-
tred against thrf light, lon are ashamed of God and
all his tocred things, the darkness within-your breast I
l is your blind glides nciurished by Satan Savedfeed
I; the black fire of brutal passions. Christ condemn
you b y your mOuthfulljof vipers, how can you &cape
the judgment of hell ? .
the Almighty God fondemns the Bible and the Koran ,
because of youi• irteverences and blind hatred, blind
animosity, f
blip: iiim o sity, blind envy, and jealousy
which do not roli you, it lends only to blind your
understanding and 'ruin your intellect if you have any,
drown your reflection and reasoning faculties into the
ocean of darkness. Your impiety abuse the goods
nes" of' God and deny the existence of God, you-for
get God—and .you'Conlinenee to preach evil, as if you
think that Gods do not see Spur heart, nor bear your i
speeches agai the Churt).l God. Must I fctlkow the(.l
doctrines of kriess withdut faith, without light, and I
!have a body 'thous mull Protestantism neglects
to give milk tp the lambs"and makes a deaf ear to ,
their sigh; lei their F-011M!remain in the deep mud
• C 1
and groan all night in -a [drowning situation; on-
science -lamer ell the life long.. Protestantism
guided by the rutai pas:4pp' are deaf to the very
sigh and „deriving them .the works of mercy,
and deny the the halm of consolation. Is that the;
form of ty R Do it cost $ hundred thousand'
Dollars ri wee to examine the stars to lift - rip aril
i high every long minute While the lamb groan, you,
I would not s • m• the groardngs to importune your ar-i,
' rogance, your harightinesi, your disdain, your loftil
ness, your ma esty—nor to kill the opinion of inere.
dulity, of dar news of heresy, and your impiety for all
these the Almighty God is ashamed of you and your
empty, opinion! the Church of Rome never worship
the image as you imagining having seen it only to in
ju? repo the lion of that Church ; If you are bad
faith,.yon wil wilfully shut the eye. against the light
arid to • your sight from seeing your'error and
slander! Th . illahipoteclairs do not regard with Intel
' lectual reflexqui the ceremonials of the Banish Church
with detestation, you, only say so by envy and to at
tempt to ex' d the barbarous practices ordarkneeN;
out of abina ci ty to The Boinish Church . God has
nothing to dtr with the incredulity, the incredulity'
wish to rob pod of his giet7, and to usurp his wor
ship, and to Ozalt the flesh of hog out of contempt to
the majesty Of God, incredulity invaded God'and his
conscience; i all the pretended good works of Meredi
th! are con di -med in the sight. IncrednlitY.lacka
Of faith hope,t charity, and'relipon, and exalt the flesh'
of bigotry and hypocrisy ~'' God will reject the prayers
of incredulity and•dissemlalings and craftiness which
provoke hisf t rth to concert the &mirth •Church,
(must the fie convert the spirit tit the doetrines of
darkness .1') the pure and simple'forms of the Pret
estant model .of worahhi; What is the worship of
Protestaa• Must lii, follow the example ofthe
Phariree, to neeal our vices from the sight,of GO,
taking all t
7 0
e praise to Lourselves and not to give
glory to Goti, 'to be selteontiiited, arrogant, vain
boaster of our own works and despisers of 'others At
to have all outs good works condemned by, and in the
sight of, . You profess that you know , God but
in your wo s you dent God, (because Gild dimly.'
proves yonrilluSt,) being abominable and incredulous
and toe-eery-good workit reprobate. Suppose, the.
Almighty God to spealtltdme, (a Roman Catholic,)
mouth to Mouth and plainly and ..t.. by riddles and
figures will; See the Lard your h ughty arrogance
-.a-boldly me and sepirate any ... , ~ unicaticpn with
My-Father il e Almightyl God out ofjettlousy & envy.
I accept the( acceptattionAo witnesiv, the interview be
tween me and Godeto-Oefound your oh g tin a ie i ncl . ° .
dulity. .I, I i
Yours,•ke.', • TILLOCIUT.
I - 1
e version Of the . Portland riots tiutt
,appeared' tlsa IterOdiegta lath week was
esseatially tneorreet. Mayor Neat Dow
has been 'accittitted 4' all blame by the 4,a1
authorities,'-and titel firing upon the. crowd
was justittable,uoer the circumstances. La
ter devekipementailidieate a conspiraiy of a
, ttiOnth's standing; on the part'of the enemies
1 of the Maine Law;,ruin Neal Dow, and in
linre the &pub -j ib:ma:Temperance ;party; but
1 the plot bas signalty;failed and thejreeotl otter:
T , throws) tir conspiratom •
..:titniFirlidkaMitte.....m,,,r,",{2.s",, ''11101VC! 45.,..e.tiViVC..... ` d e al wi
mavorrenuez them lie iv good too TIMMY:
'lt is well understood that - is ; body\ has Nebraska seatitaeni in the Demotarajli,o' suit
•- ~
eenl in session in Philadelp Iti t t' . Week him. 11e could not Ilea in Ai' Ale
. • • Y lng' ry out
relik' A
s eiv,
Tr, t : , he reptikts i •. e pa- ragen*Fin tlieWe t traill? not ` .
ti•'mo it ~ e . : has ImAtimisteiLt in an d east why whi4'illotikt ive r i ll '' pr lay
t' . )it olinize: .-i -• lay " lilt% one Ito let tilie .ti •kite ''
. r loii6l, iiivs. )t
. , • ftll d ,... .4. , • . .. i , k:. .. -. _ „...:, 1, ,
r '•,qu on
_ the m' ht ro r )11, wide free SO'l sato 'ale
1 CI
members of the 4n' - 'ii 'n,'itad lA. tn . ' ti. he 1 ittribt i '' - ii in uch agouti pc;liify : ' .. in 'Ai!
x -4 ,
catty is thia - thC paramount queition with tics. Therif, was 'a. ;time when Democrats
Southern memliers, that they strenuously ad. tiled aboutlpi:inci • ptes instead of ii
po . cy. It
• 1 . , i , ,
vocated the adrabehmorthe delegates fromthe - • - , : -. tarhint`that4per-Dttattemt Tsa i -mat-
Loulaiana councils, which throw outtheiCathe. ma Repub4ans ev er y day. i ;If we pretend
-fie test, and admit Catholic members. One to be DemoOrits we must -support the' party
of the Louisiana delegation openly declared and its prinCiples.l If we are not going to
• .
that he was a Roman Catholic. . advocate and ristain:the pritleiples of the par-
A Virginia delegate extarsely *tacked Masi; tY; don't let'• ; ue Call oursavel - Dem+ats.-7/
ActiWiertha.and Senator. WilsonoweartiugAM. Batter comep4ePtibliamsAind donewithit.
BrooklynAhought;there wins good Sense in
his 'course haddefeated the know , Nothings
• , • ,
in. Virginia;' whereupon Wilson replied in the gentlemittiVtit ,remark... If We; cannot
miierata i don t let us call oursel ves Dem.
a hold and manly declaration of his Free. be De
Soil principles,, and assured the South that amts. -.I was aliais,a.D,ealOotitt Otthe 3 ef
ferson School . '1 belie v e iii; the Declaration
the freemen of the 'North could . never be
of Indeperiden ' All matt pee created free
mndoto ignore the issue between Freedom
and Slavery, or to advocate the latter. i t , ;$ anft equal, and I zn , I not going to support any'
said to have beenagloriotisspeeckand to have Party, call 4 what nenie yett will, that i s in
produced a marked effect 'upon .the conven. favor Ofthelextensien 'of Slavery over free
tion. I territory. That 1 is; not - Democratic. The
• 1_
1 Nebraska is , meet y ;to every
Bill' ti* ' 1 oPPosed 1
, "On Monday last, the Committee on Resolu
or,thei old 4 . ellersoahm Dertiocracy,
tions reported on Slavery. A majority and principle
and I b7li. %then you ask me to endorse that.
a minority report were submitted. The form.
Gentlemen;; you mist take strong ; groUnd
er in favor of abiding by And maintaining the
idnst the extension of Slavery, i-.) set me
Fugitive Slave 'law; that Congress possess.
es no power under the constitution to exclude own as a R4Plilicr! I iiM opperpt}l to all
secret societies,'or I ; don t know but. what I,
any State from. admission ; into the Union* as
should, join the ItioW Somethings if! I could
a Slave State ;,• and • that Congress ought not
to legislate neon the subject ofSlav ~,.)./in the get a chanee :lecietf societies ar t? nothing
Territories, ,or: I,n the Distrit m bi s. compared with the :Avila of Slavery, and I
;The minority, resolution is s : pledge myself secretly and openly never to
Resolved, That the repeal ssour i vote f or , a man again whom I knov io be in
compromise wigs an infraction of the plighted favor of extending Or perpetuating Slavery
1 41
faith 'of the Nation, and t hat it should be re.
stored, and if 'efforts to that end shall fail,
congress should reftiso to admit any State
tolerating Slaver Y which shall be formed out
of any 'portiotyiaf the Teiritory from which
,that InstitutiOit was excluded by that corn-
i New' York alone, of all the Free States,
went for tha,majority report. lowa was not
represented. "Minnesota Territory went with
/New/York, as also the Dfstriet of Columbia ;
aid these with the entire South, carried the
Majority report in committee. Gov. Gard
ner, of Mass.,,made a bold, earnest speech,
protesting against the resolutions _ of the ma
jority. He declared that neither he nor his
State, nor a majority of the Free State, would_
abide by those resolutions. The party could
not carry ,a village in Massachusetts upon
them. He charged the New York delegt.
' tion With deserting the North, and going so
far in doughfaceism as to complain to the
Staith that thei were cOnceditig too much to
Barker waS defeated for re-election to the
Presidency of the national council, and Col.
E. B. Bartlett, of Kentucky, a member of the
.Methodist Church North, and classed at the
South as a "Kentucky Abolitionist," was
eleetetl. • '
ft is said that the Jesuits have a reporter
in the Couticil,:but whether he furnishes the.
reports for the papers from which we gather
the above, Or whether those reports are en
tirely correct, we are Unable to say.
The Dem ocrac y • iert Council.—More
At a late hour, on , the night appointed, the
1 Democracy,' who had gather from all.
; parts of the county; 'hokcie in the same back
I room. I reconnoitred the prernisei and fotind
the key ho i l le 4utied with paper, the)Window,
Blinded wih an old elbak, and ,- an umbrella
;thrown do thrown do , ;.
n on the fl stop stop the crack
I under the lode. A3setitinel had been placed
outside tolwatch,the movements of your re
porter. Fortunately ; he had seen `SAM'
somewher4, and immediately conducted toe
to a scat iii the front room; directing me to
make my escape before they cape out. I
heard distinctly all that was said, Ibut saw no
i •
I one. Havirig no light; "I could take no notes;
1 and must report fqon memory. When I'
was in a, position- to listen; I iteard Ebenezer
'going it. He was ligleing it' to the Know
Somethings awfully
,' He said they were
' men destitute of tnerit, having 'no public
virtue on which t:o rrly.' They were ' politi
cal gamblers led; by a contemptible, selfish' •
spirit, and shunned itrid despised by all good ,
men, (a repetition of this part of his speech.
may be ii;und in the Democrat of May 31st
It is Chase's big gun, and he'fires'it off every
day for somebodyo _ H e:said the Know
' Somethings' must 'be exterminated or the.
Democratic,party would certainly be ruined.
Men governed by eitich principlei would ruin
any party. Ile Wanted to hear from his
' brethren; if they ivtild tell him what to do,
he was jrisethe man to do it.. For his- own
part, he did: not'knOw what the Devil to 'do.
-It was a dark timelfor the Democracy. He
said every Part of the county was rep:went
ed, and he Wanted I the . chosen all to speak
their minds, and then agree upon some course
of action. Ile had tried to please 'all, and
hoped he had. 1113,would like to hear frOin
Springville first. I ; I .. ._
Springville spoke I readily, fluently and
knowingly. He thought that Hollenback af
fair was's sealey Piect of business. For his
I 1
part he wa s ashamed f)f it--was aorry game
had anything to "do with it—thought it would •
hurt him' ;'Twas 1 314 an old thing, every
body saw it last fall, and then it was publish
ed this Spring in the Democrat. Chase was
mean to; cheat his;freends out of a shilling in
that lurid bra way.' There was a good
of grinuhling' about it. He was sick of Ex
poses and toped do roan would have the int
dence to say Exposi to him again. He could
tell sill about Springville. If you can put
any tmnfidenee W i wi:tat Whigs tell, they are
all alga of liars any how; but if you,can-be-
Neve eay4in9 a IWhig saye„ why then, yoo
oat believe the , Know Nothings have all
gone - to' tlin Devi} in our town. They fuzled,
broke up, and quit There, is nothing left of
theta. lAA for the Know Somethings,' you
nee not fisarlthent; they can't _ do a thing
there: 1 ctke and-Amos and their party ain't
goin,g . tor no Maine I..aav: I'''Doe; and Dave
acid **a feliers down below are just tie good .
Neliraskit =en as we are. So .you see the
Eniftr -SOmethins can't' do 'within' doWn
For the Republican
out in fai•oi of the prim
iot p led ge rqvisp, and your.
never to'support any man
thit is oppoaefl to I- bu
rin awry all beforelit in this
If you will corn;
pies of the Wiln
selves, Isoleintily
or any measure
liege the party' •
county. !l• : I
r i , ;
i fetilinded,'the gentleman that
such a course would break up the Party as a
national part' ; 1 We:Would be a faction off
here in Susquehisnita cionniy,lby ourselves.---,
The party litt - afrsiyai bees opposed, to Bolt.;
ers. We tritixt take' the ady'tee givan us by ,
the last Deinolcritic ..County Convention—
rote yourprineipteii, if yap find °Lein in the
party, but ilan't i go!otic pfiheparty after your
principles'; ; 111rtWas the dkictrine' strongly
urged by the speakers and it is thC only cor
reet course, tO follow.. if we go counter to
this doctrine.We shall destroy the great Dem
„.; . . d / 1.
ocratic party. i fast nes M a de thi9t country
all that it fs: As ;has been:.remarked here
to-night, there ianething pro slay nor anti-
Demacratie!in letting the, people of the terri
tories makei their Own la*s.; i it is' ; the true
?) Doctrine and; most: be sSstriiiied at all
arils- Let:our County • iiyention endo
the principls -put forth, b the, State, and Na.'a
tional Conyhtitious. .That i the e i ourse the
party has always pursued, and always ought
to pursue. it The plirty and its prinCiples, aril
no bolting; ls; ivy sentinlent.l , 1
Great Bend. thought Stisipiehatma 'vas
right, in I. Rrociplel44 As tci the; Nebralka
Bill and as to t he:Party Betio in this Coon-
II.; Pepalar Sovereigr4 embodied the true
Democraticprinciple, aid `si a D n ocrati •
i 1 i , e ' c
measure---ithei,e was no question Of it. The
party ought tO suatain the action of the . State .
and National Conyeatioos as a general rute.
But this Wasiani extraordinary time. The
l'iebrast;a:Billi:was unp4pular at i the Noah
and eslit;:iciallyl in this , county, and • any at
tempt to :nist:in It openly, would be ruinous
to the party.'; He thought the County COs
,Tention betteri pais Free SSil resolutions and
,agree to tolt. the nominations of :the Balti
more Conyetifioni , Tiuirwould keep the par
ty together Ohtil after .Ithe Presidential elec
tion in IS4, hndlben hefore aucither 'presi
dential eleetisn all this sectional fkling Will
subside, and Vie party 'yill be harmonious.
He thought: he lesdhlg Democrats of the
county hadailmrsona/ sntirest in keeping th e .
party togethei., and they ought to, make some
sacrifice Of, feeling anWnciple; 'to accom
plish it. 1 They 'must, 1 reinembar that the
most important of Cif the county arc tube
filled again htthe course of oneeritwo years.
I.e hoped' b ib brethren would Ili it ' iii
1 , , , , , : •
mind. i ..• ; -
"Liberty was in &ice of the party and ;its
, _ • _i_. ; ' . f f
principles, Nebraska Bill and all. Heloped
the party weilld pot at:ink of boltipg the Bal
timore nominations merely fur :the sake of
office. Was in fav4w of standing by the
party tube; lasti It Might be a losing game
for, the l4emprants in this . county for a ear
or two, bui,:tbe party_ Wbuld come 'out right
in the end ifltheY would only stick to
. • .
• Bndgnwat i ser was sorry there was such a di-
Vision of se4iMent iP the meeting. 'When
Judge dune Out in oppoiition WI the
Pce-ritti4s party, party, he
leis that '' he last of the. Judy
It'whi the 01 the- Judge's politi
cal' influence I t in thiseonnty. ;had always
voted aghihst Wilfnot, bht as he always kept
in the pi t rty,ibe was sustained by, the perty;
But since learne put against it and advised
his frieno,h t 'te susteinithe Baltimore nom
inations,; he bact thought there was a ehence
to kill hiS influence in this, county. 'Judge,
then, my ehrpriSe,' says he, when I read in
the last ipel4ocraf, this outrageous intelli
gence, teit die litrhtiolnal 2Velce! we will bole:
1 felt thit't4 Dethothittle park'," Was killed,
the moment 1 read it 2. Here we, have been
almost a wh,se'year :trying to kill Wilmut
for advieing Democritti to bolt the Demo.
cratic prty,land how adviee_them th do
just the:st,im thing would like, to knoi
what kind o lan e,zeuse are lipn:give noW for
the abuse ive hive; been ,heaping upon
I Wilinot. „poll the Notional :ricketi? ‘ A
pretty scrape we are in now; Why aon't;
you multe alga of I milmot, and fall down
1 and worship him? . ;Yoh may Ju'st as well do
it as to*o.4te and. ahstain bia principles,
and Ongilly t 4 0 his idViee and break up the
Deniocilltim - *ty.': "Mr. Chise here inter.
r.rupted and told; Bridgewater. to read the Whole
ecintesee=. : —• fight the enelny, in the
County,end Rate field s i but the Nationel tick
74'1re . 1)101' !Yes' . earl Bridgew ater, ,
that's '#read'ul sinert. How much better la
the petty , in the Si te *lan ih the National
field ? Pid riot' th e party in the State, . en
dorse la: Nebreske not the
....„...,,, r .srseve , ---. 7 -mt l riees , ,,,,
State CentratCommittee also endorse - it?— to p u r sue you: can - ao
It is enough to drisie' any Irian Ott- i o par- '''..,,-.7i
tY to see such inconshite.ney. / l i fy . re go- inr," a jthat's the talk We
1g toNt bhp : e l ;
i llie li t, , , or ..• from e ' 11- ofi the'
•J: ,
Ippie * rreyOke, -.: s 7citi e; dl , i W' F' •ose to i eeti n• ; ~. re.
ti l t a agai n. °.' de: en, H ' in ''''." fell conversed ~ an a ~,eedl
- ,
inedi, I ' . l
~, as . a n f in t; :nt in el it). 2toi*e' I '.: ,
'then 1 Vicnild sis; --TAne nothing of this to. As near as could •
viontemptible bsi 8. •1 , sled down upon the,,coursel
Mr. M Chase/' rose:Again to explain. He said
'rose, but before they came
be -bad do e his titild pliale all factions-- :usion they , wanted to con- I
He written enough to pleaisel, every one, ...0 0 I Democrats. , ' He said 'there
if each one would take the Orden intended was - so - Me
I lk .Of calling a mass meeting - of
for him: It seemed to hire ss ifevery one was all, politicalrtes, or without distinction of
after thepordon clesignedifor another. Says Party] and; mating nominations that way.
he, De:lna:rata liiiint gotlas good sense as' They tre 'afraid 'tic) iniet the Riiittificans ins'
dumb brntes, for ,You never see cows catch- • fair pnblie,fight tip& principles, and-arestott-'
, - I 4 1 ;
ing grasshoppers :tor grinding hay. tritinq every potisible way to keep the :De-
But ,
you see Free Seil Demoesats greedy to mcieracy and popular sovereignty out of the
devour my Nebrasl4 ardelei,land Netraska field.] ...'ll I . ' J
Men are voracious atter. any Free Soil • arti After they,ill,departed . except Chase 1'
cles. That should hot , be. assign each slipped baOC int o the front room tuid beard
one.a portion in due season, and you'should him- live itllongltalk with_ltixitself. . It :was
be therewith content, and net be coveting quite' a interesting talk,and some day I may
-that which is yoitr neighbor's. - `; 1 . - , write- t oetl for You. •
Harford said he hid heard of a man's he- ' / , •
ing " On ! llie fence , about , election time, but
Chase's legs were 34; leng hei;had straddled 7 ' • I .. By Limn , M arc h 10, 18,55,, .
the fence, and was *inning on,' both sides of : . y o l, haVe prdbably received long ere this
it On oneside i he was leading the Nebras the hitter:! which I wrote the latter part of
ka men, on the other side he •-'..was . trying/to . Januiry, giving an 'account of our voyage \
• . , • . ,
pull along the Free Sellers, and the conipro- serest the'.Atlantie and arrival at Malta. We
mise men, or the " bla.very-shpuldn't-eipand- sPenti three days atiMalta , with some mis-,
Northward" , Meti, !were running right on sion4ies !4.-.i Were residing there for their
- top of the fence pinned fast to his coat tail.— health. With them we visited the celebrat.
Says he, ' You are ending apretty figure; Mr. e l Palace of the . Knights of St. John,
Chase If I could get a strip i of -paper long rode •1 to p i . Paul's Bay, where the great
enough to put yinkr iegs on l/ i should like to Apotitle 'soffered
_shipwreck,• as recorded in
make a picture Of You.' '' / •,, , _ . - the 27th and 28th of Acts::. - This , spot was_ of,
Some one suggested that the best way to counie peceliarly interesting to us, and gave
use up the KnoW-Scanethings, k was just to en- rise;,.o many thoughts which I have not time.
dorse their platfdrm t andneminate candidates now to ei l ,xpre's. We could hardly. realize
who were as strum on every one of those that ,we werestanding upon the sameground
principlesl as the :Know.Seinethings them- whole - the' first missionary to the gentiles
selves. A judge hopped up, and reminded - stoat 1840 years ago. We visited several
'the gentleman/that the Catholics would nev- other seen.ks and objects of interest upon the
er swallosi that; dose. He thought they had islatsl, and, on the 3d - of February, after_bid
better leave outhlie anti-Popery Part For dingladien to, the missionary friends Who had
the sake /of the iparty he would go that plat- kiny entertained us, we once more set sail
form, lethey m4fuld i leav e out the first and upo i our lmaynge_ te:the East. Passing by
third, planks. But'. he just I,wanted to say_ the, tlassihl shores of Greece and the Negro
that- the Catholics Worshiped God according pon , over the beautiful waters of the Arche
to the dictates Of conscience: - • pela o, itUdded with its thousand verdant
I 1
' -'.One
• 1 , , • , .
gentlemen, you! have been hi-fi-noodling long MT the coas t
of Scio, noted as being the birth
enough, about 'that ',election ; business. You piaci. of the ancient. Greek poet, Homer; and
\. , • i. • . ,
all seem amens to bat the Know-Some- on the day after (Thursday the Bth) 'we drop
things, but don't 'know how•to go to work. pedf anchor in harbor of ~Siny rna. ,We
llt is the easiest! thing in the' world, gentle- receiveka° cordial greeting from the mission
men,i : f •
the easiest thing in the world. Hang .aricp at !Smyrna, Messrs. Ladd and Parsons
out 'your flag. i'",Petiery•., Slayery and Rum. and their families.' , We spenteight or ten days .
Popery will' ti l ting in the Catholics, Slavery with their Smyrna is a large city . of 125,000
1 will'bring in ,;, , f he Nebraskninen, and Ruin init. . Here everything was new to
I will fetch them' all; in. 1 Wilmot may speak in% end" 4t ngp; not only the appearance of
r • '
his abolition speeches as much as he please': the a peopl , their., language and customs, but
Give me a jug Of.good {i rum and and I will the:stle ,f° architecture and the vegetation
ake ten vote i s , to ;his
,one. Rum will call wee entirelyilifferent from anything we had
them all in, W. big; Democrats, FreeSoilers,. -betore sect,. !On the Sabbath I preached in
I Nebraska men, Abolitionists, Carson League I theich4l where this English service is held.
.; 1
and all. Show them a jug Of Rum and thy It pas Ali h emotions of no 'Ordinary kind
1 • •
will all comb.•• Why, Geod Heavens, yOu ‘tha,l I dellvered my first sermon on mission
!. ,-• •• i 1.
couldn't dog "ein off," , . ,• gill. .roqid in that far-off city of tfie old
•,• • -
' One of the cautious ones! of Montrose got .world—elr Same city Wbere the venerable
iI . !
up deliberately and said I he had heard i PolyearP fell 4 martyr to his faith in Christ,
them all express their ;opinions, and now he l and whir existed one of the "Seven Church
wopld give hlslopinion, and it might go for elof As a fifteen eeuturies ago. (See Lev
what it was wOrth. "If I , understand you, l ela ions;-S.) . , : •
Gentlemen, your Object
. is to defeat the Re- - f:hi Sat irdly, February 17th, we took pass
publican party: My first advice is, to place i ag4 on h ardian Austrian steamer for Beirut,
_no principles i 4 stake. ; The first i 4, there is 1700 . mile distant from" Smyrna. The Italian I .
no principle that can be calleddemoemtie, cx- I lan:page was: spoken on board the steamer,- I
cept popular" 4overeignty.,l'r It will not do and a lift e French, but no English. °By pre- 1
to make that nn issue this fall, because we vidus skit y Iliad acquired a smattering of the
shall be defeated as sure ns we • do. ' If we Itian,iw feli I fliund of great . service ; and
have', county ' contention this fall, and I\ be- as', i
was Oni'pelled to keep up the study and
gin,to think We had not better call one, we pr' etice f itlwhile I was on board thesteam
will simply Pats resolotiens against the re- . er 41 was able,'before I got to Beirut, to make
peal of the. Missouri Compromise, but none ini-self , p etty 'well understood. We were a
in favor of its; re-enaettnetit. We will say wek _ oh the pas,s'age,' as the steamer made
1 , ' - • '
nothing about .l N at i ona l: t i c k e t , we will see seyeral I ne. Stops of from twelve to twenty
., i s , ~
how things look after election, before we de - for hOn i rs at important places along the
c!de to bolt! it. You see, Gentlemen, the coas t; L and these .detentions we had no oeca
,It is tic. have the' party stand non- si "ti tc:,, regret, on the contrary 'we were glad
committal. jlt must jnot'l commit itself to th y o ccurred, for they' afforded us oppertu,,'
•i t .
Popular Soiereignty nor to Slavery Reatrie- nines cif 6ecin g 'some of the most memorable
t ,
tion until we see :hew the waters trove.— places i& this most interesting portion of the i
Those two pro chiles are the bone of i conten- world. We passed by Ephesus, Once a pew-
don. The D6necrats fe i r Popular Sever- er:ful elty, bdt now _cheap of ruins; the island 1
eignty, and the Republicans for sla i very re- - of pata-nes; Where St. John wrote the Rive- '
striation. Ashnettera stand now the Repub. lalioni; 'stoPped a day at Rhodes, noted . as
limns would heat u n doubtedly on that issue. tile phicel, Where stood the famous -Colossus,
It is therefoFei out policy tp avoid the issue, - one efth seyeo wonders of the world ; teVelt
and.pass no resolutions which will commit us 'ed aslll , tes+ni, within sight of Tarsus, the
irrevocably te. either principle. In i.he next birth rila l ee Of Pau) : and "-when we had sail-
Place my advice is not to make , any florid- ed.:ove' - thelsea of , Cilieia and Parriphylia,"
nations. Ifiwe nominate leandidate.4, we shall wie cant e to Scanderoor,. 'near which is, the
organize twO Parties, 'Democrats and Repub- plain .if issils. where more than 2000 years
• 1 i.
In , case the;•, Democratic party stip was fin the famous battle' between
will fail forlthe Wantrof princ i p l es-to contend AllexatMer and Darius,'which decided the fate
1 , , (~ I .! ~
for. - We care only call upon
. ourlforces to o' die Wersian Empire. ; 7 And when we had
sustain the. Pai•ty: But if we make no nom- hiunehefrem thence like sailed under Cy
inations the Republiesnsan't organize a par- er 1
us, 4 „ o tie track, of . St. Paul, leaving the
tybecsiuse they Will have nothing to oppose. aticient f.,,aciicea at our left. We remained
They will remain as they' are now la diseon- n il i daylat Cyprus, and then proceeded. direct
netted, disconcerted, disorganized mass, not to the coast of Syria. !Early: on Sabbath
at all prepared for the. Presidential campaign Morning, 'F i ebruary 25thf we arrived in the
next year. - !In that case,l,en the presidential 4ity ipf 13.iirut, , and' from the deck' of the .
candidatesWe, can whip them all ti pieces. eiteamer.sasirthe sun rise .over Mount Leba-
In th e last place, - in) , advice is to run good Sion. i, II shall never forget the impression
free soil Dernocrists,•l as Independent Candi- Amide' Om my mind by, this, my first view ,
dates. Take itwe that are known to be free 41 the Holy-Land,'. ('This places which 'I had
soil, but wbolvotedfbr Bigler last fall, That illrealy seen were too far to the Nbrth to be
will suit all rlerties, for the only test we made proper! Y included •in thelnoli Land.)'
last Gil was to vote foci Bigler.' My mind i I Vaal reed the accounts' of travellers and'
is to r
l IIn Bela Junes for ißepresentative and• fiehrd the 'descriptions, of returned missions;
Danie Brewster: fur - Treasurer. :Now you ties, but: 3,i,et the scene !that burst upon my
see, Bela 4ories will Isatisfy every man who vision on tbe morning - of my arrival at Beirut,
has spoken ihere to night. He.lvoted 'for farleie4eded my highest expectations. The
Bigler, and'is thereforei,a party gran. 'He beat isterse; huildings, wth their square, flat
.don't go out of the party after his principles. Issofsi, khe!graceful dorneeand minarets; the
He is sound !on that' Democrtic doctrine.— f a ll dark cipresw trees arid deeP foliage of the
i - 1 ~
He is a Free Seiler in !principle. i The N. ;orange :grii'ves, with ,he l ie and there -a wide
' '
braska men can't oppose hint on that ground. -
imreading palm ; the calm blue sea and blim
t r
He is opposed to the Catholic Church 'as: a „sky, And above all, the lo ft y-range of Leba
political- organization, but he keepe it to him- Eton todrer - Ingup 8,006. eet, its summit coy- I
self, and is member a. no secret organize- r i4iiNvith ! snovr and - reflecting with dazzling
don: He isl i in favor of a Maine Law, and ibriglitnesti the glowing rays " of the morning
keeps tavern. 'He keeps. that Jug of Rum :sun--all this conspiiedl l to - form a picture of
that was spoken a', 1,-think Bela Jones can't - the most iurpassingbea ty and magnificence,
be beat - . ' He has been! spoken to upon the ißut4 tnnat notdwell on thisseem: --: Before
subject and - *aye be will run provided 14 is -- 17 co'4oelt Mr. Hurter!' who le connected'with
in no body'si Way. IM : wavta itte , be bar- 1 the *isifnari" hire, tante . on board- the steam
minions :!..and perfecili *agreeable -to every '', er, and taking-ea on IbeireAft - a stnall boat,
body. Another consideratioftia,he's'a family ' condhtte4 us - through the city to the house
connection of the Lathrps and 'Would cut , off of Belk Mr. Whiting, 'Aare breakfast' was
all that famiiy influence 'from C:4. Lathrop- waiting , for Us. At Mr. W.'i 'we Met Rev.
the old Bepresentatilie Tfutt. is 'Ahe course Mr. l: l ll6llbouir end:Rev. Mr.- -, E,ddi. : theY
' ' r-1.......-.. , •,..., i , T . ' ~......-,
had, long been expecting ...
us r and.gave - us -a '
. .
i ty welcome to Syria. Mr. C. bad come
410020 m his station at Abey, fifteen miles
fr t
d„. meet us, and Mr. E. is here from
' nti
po; i the, benefit . of his health.:They
n,4iiibat they did not intend 4 to ask • me
$o mjitell the first Sabbath afteMy,arrival, '
tiff - as the brother -wllJ l ase turn, it Was to
preach in English was Unwell 'tie should
be glad of my assistance. -, 1 rejoiced that I
was able to commence. My missionary work
, i J -
soi soon, - _ and at half -past 10 I • pr
to a "
congregation of about 40, half o Whom were •
`natives who had acqui ed, kknowledge• of
EBglish. In the afte. 06'121, ;Attended the
:service — An'• Arabic: C.J.C. and commeiced '-
atddying the-Arabic iii - yor - two after 'oiir
arrival, and spend six ours 4 day in the
study. We have' a vely`intelligent yOung
man for a teacher. - '3. is an Arab, and
opes English correct! }+ . .
There ar e a. great Many ,Inatterl about
which I intended to speak, but 1 haven't tithe.,
now, and my sheet ia alie.sed i=full. I would. ,
like to send my regards to' My - friends at`
home, but ihei are , "too numeroasi to men.
lion." . - Yours, •Scc. -. . .
4 " J. tortxxxo tr
P. S. Our .A.rabie.teacber has asked per.
, „
mission to sou a word to this letter; and .
writes., as follows, in -the Arabic, - which
translate :, - ' J- LL.
" .
[Fos AatEntes..l
My excellent ` lards and ladies, frielids - ,arul relatives
of Or. iyott the Missionary : • . -
You must i havealready. heard of the.arrival of nay
lord, Mr. Lyons, in our country, with his lady. They
have coinmenced to study the Arabia, with, me.
hope they will succeed in the study. After I had
asked their :Permiesion i l took the liberty to offer
you ;my cotnpliments though. I have never known
you. I beg you - will excuse me, and Perhaps you
will honor me with two lines from your own hands. -
May you live limier. Written at Biciut, March
I;tb, 1855.1 . Minima
Teacher's Assoeistipn- .
The Suiquehanna Co. Teacher's Asiocia;‘,.....
tion met 'Pursuant to notice, in the Church - ' I
on Gibson! Hill. on Friday May 25 1855,: at ' I
10 o'clockl A. M. -s
' ,
I While waiting for the arrival.of thetofficers -
(none being present) the TeaChers.and others
aSsembled, listened to an address', by Prof.' :
W. RiChaidson upon the duties oflthepach..-
+_the iniperative demand for bet.ter#each:-=',
erS--and the necessity of teachers doing tilt' , '''•
in their -power to improve in the art ofteach...
.1 •
ma - .
e '... , t
1 Th e A s sociation
-then adjourned to meet at
one o'clock P. M.
A.fternOon sessiolt.—The Associationagain
assembled aed organized - by the election of
'Win. T. - Case Pres. and B.' F. Tewksbury,
Sec. pro tem. ' .
On invitation Prof. Richardson ; then open-%
ed the session with prayer...On, motion, the -
subject of school government-and the best
mode of instrection • was taken up for , discus- -
~, . .
sion. . ,
Prof. Richardson said a young teacher la
bored under great difficulty on fiiit 'going in- .
to sehool from not having very clear ideas of
Ithe proper management:and government ofs
I school: . ..' - - ' . 1 ' - -
Every teacher should understand the phys.
leal and moral constitution of the pupil, as.
well as the intellectual, and the -best filode of
edueating.tbem; and they would thereby six
ceed much better in government. 1 . -' ' -
I ' No 'scholar could be expected , to sit upon'
l a bench which has no back, and where his feet- -
cannot reach the floor, without feeling an tin- ~
easiness which is almost sure to esss.iftst , - iv
self in, mischief and disobedioce. . - •
- S. 'W .
. Tewksbury said he liked moral sua
sion much better than _legal restraint—teacb
ers should always be - plelistint 7 :-should gain
the esteem of their pupils—vMuld use his in
fluence to have a refractory pupil expelled
from school.., - I '• -
Z. E. Loomis said he had had-butlittle ex.
1 perience in te.achingj and had - hardly formed
i , any definite opinion in regard to government.' -
Said he had taught in Illinois, but that the
school system of that:State was not equal to
that of Pa. ' • -. ' -
JAVoix l said he preferred moral su4on to *
anything else as lOng as, it.did good - , ea& then
tsjectnielit from the - school rather than 'a re
sort to corporal punishment. That the , best
mode Of instruction was that which would in-
terest _the pupil most. .3. F. Tewksbury .
said that as mind: (=trolled 'all the move;
meats of the physical system, and as • : it-was.
necessary to
, govern". the Mind in order'to .
Control the phytal. actions, and as mind -
could - only be act upon and governed by •
mind, therefore all governments, in the true
and - most exalted sense,otthe term, could be
' nothing mere thin the control whith superior
exercises over inferior, mind. :If a scholar is
refractory,. the cause is-to be founifin his or.
gnnization; either natural or cult'vated, and is
no more snseeptiveof being whipped out, than
kindness and benevolence is of•being whipped
into him. ! Like 'begets like: We should be
affable, kind and treat our Scholars hbintine• '-
ly. .N 4 lvOld not think it best to-expel.schiol
ars from school.: . . •
- 4. Woo i
d,replied.. Sad he desired not to be
understood as wishing the expnlsion of schol-
ars until he had thorooghly tried to' reclaim
them. I '
, :
!Benj. Dix, 'Esti. said he could not . give ei- I
perience in teaching, but couht in going to=
school. Was:
in favor, of moral suasion- -
once aided, in' rescuing a little clilld.frotn the
inhuinan -aarbarity of a monster, and .tho't be.
did right. He was glad, and - belieied. the'
people were generally, to see - teachers corn ,
ing together fur inistual improvement in the
art, of teakhing—he had been interested and
believed 611 parents would be if they .attend
ed, ftettnied by the right 'Spirit of iinproVt. •
m'ent in CdUcation. - ,
Prot ,Richardson• spoke . in. regard to the
manner of interesting pupils,-especially the.
smaller ones. Give them something ,to do,
not ask thein to, be quiet, or keep Ord 'of mi.+ -ii
chief. ' li '' • I
Whenlwelearn the power that : interesting
has as a ti
' auxiliary in government, there will •
be triuchlimore pains; taken *regard to:it.
H. , Kingsbury , spoke in regard to the
schools 4 New York--found li much better
to have all: the pupils employi i id. in loin i that
which :slit interest them, and also something
to their "advantage. Said-ne found greet difli- :
cOlty. in Obtaining a uniformity of text toola•
Prof. Richardson said no country took so.•
little interest in the eduCation of its Sae: ,
eigns as t:hits-the"sovereigns of all othercons -- .
tries arisihighly educuted, and it 'is s shame
to `beentone. by a monarchy, when here tbe
,whule p eople hold the sciverimp,Power.
J. B. ITm i
vis then gave his 'experience n
teachingi also a description 'of a school he once
hadehaiv,e iif in Schuylkill Co. He gave such
a detaiio and humorous account of it that it
Interestild all, and notquifrequently eonvuls ,
ed themi-with laughter. ,- .. - .1 . '
- ' W S 1 Wilrnarth. said. he tho't moral sus ,
sion wo !d i . ofJo in tisseavias wil ling ,
• all . - - d
to use it a far omit proved ellicient-- 4 hot
he had Seen`many cases- in which it would,
prove entirely . ineffectual::" . ..
Orlando lifiantlifuld not agree with Mr ,
Wilyikl-hiahad the greatest confitlearci 6
Morel S4sion, but-it neednd-mileh eiPrier
andwledge of human nature to . apply' it .
siicees . sPlit -.." It 'needed s ;Witcher of the 'not