Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, June 14, 1855, Image 1

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' I .
valley of the `East branch of the Ttinkhan
nobkl wltieh.m9ets ' the West` branch nearly
half la mile below 'Gl+viood,, and has its
I sonu4e . ',uoine diatanCe to the North-Eaat of the
a .t- S '' . l'- •
I .. .
!,ALfew ,rods . ' . froiti the bridge I found '
reSidenee (if Win.' Hartley, ESq.,'Ex-Sheriff
No. .2 • 1 ofthis county, and now 'ttil extensive farmer,
I' I
My friend, whom I met atGlenwood, is an lumherreatk dm. I atnl k told _he rtm or had
employee of Mr. Kinney; a brother-in-law/of on' hind th e rim; early Iti - The Spring, about
the grows, and we. hid quite an interesting 1,,(),00,6041 feet 'of ',good 'lumber. The farm
c onversation in regard to the fortunes of the loOkel thrifty•l' and -welf . 74ttended. I 'saw
founders and altdest sole; owners of Glen- twelye or fifteen - eeows, in not a very nice
wood. There are four" brothers now in the 1 Yiral, buk they, were in excellent 'Condition
elm, And one brother-in-law, (Mr. Kinney.) and 'cry prolific of, 'milk, as I learned from
G. A.- Grow was received into the firth, last theAairynitin who had j(ist finished milking
fall and attends to all thelegal and ,variausisele the' t: 'I - think' it:WOulday hint well to have
er business of the Company. Edwin an ago9d cow barn tend o her cOnvieniencee - in
the mercantile business ein Glenwood ; -also aceOrdanm 'l'discolerefl nothing Of the kind
superintends the buying and selling of stocke, abot4 the preniiSee. Suth things are almost
produce,. &c. Mr. Kinney attends to the indiiieti‘able (ci. the . successlbl conducting of
farming interests, while Frederkk - carries on a large' airy, `And are tni) often , neglected by
a large mercantile establishment , In Carbon- thoeeahundaritly Able to leave them. There
dale. They, last fall, diseiosed of their large :are dweiliets a feel rods further on, in
commodiouehotel . to ,Mr. Swoyer, and -whit ' I prestim l e live tedent.e, or hand s i n hi s
I Samuel, who had cha of it, fen - toy to ed emp ny. Half a' mile further from the Ho
Cennecticut; and is now engagen an exten. F ueltel al road branches offl and leads to
, t
sive Cotten Manufactory. Thus a these va c Ben l on Centre,l i Abingtore eke. At Benton
rious interests are carried oil' this this amily Mr. lllartley hes a.stor•ept by his son-in
,firm._ They also in addition to the alio ' e do . law,Mre_Rober i ts. Just ab ove where this road
a heavy lumber business, running large quart- turtle -off there lis a large saw-mill Which. is
tities e eyery spring. Glenwood is one of the ownsl by kr.l Hartley is it is well ,stoeked
mostifleti_satitly situated villages in all, the withilogs, and cie.s an"excellent husiness.- - -,
Tunkhannock 'valley. Beautiful and fertile here I saw a small lot on - which all the.
i .
d•l l s and
Hats.recede from the creek' on eithe_i Side; ol . pe e stamps . u wer . cleanly picked and
themonotony isfrequently and happily broken nifti l y piled, exhibiting much taste ior tidy
by the dark green . foliage of the wide spread- fin-ming; but. tse soil here is not very good."'
' 'clay ey '
one Butternuts, and the proud majestic , Elm: be in g of a col( e wet, nat ure I now
The hills on both sideseof , the valley are one passel thrOsigh,ahort sphce of woodland and
continuous range, occasional% broken by deep issued from thence mem A pretty litte flat on ,
ravines, running nearly at right angles with the il i ank of the cre&\Some . Sixty rods in
the insin valley, and along which course length and twenty in wid*; andwhat is most
raving, tumbling mountain brooks which remirleable is, that
it. was e(Ot e emelosed. ...'Hie
find their support far back in the countrY.,--- soil ie'a rich eandy . loam `with hardier a stone
The bill to the East of Glenwood mounts up ' upon it ; and it really seemed to \ M wasteful,
~ -
in salsa sublimity to the height of several . when thousande were. suffering for k '
sol, that
hundred feet, and sullenly 'thrusts its -rocky, this "Lbould lie , unfenced, producing . nothing
jagged form between -the light of , they morn- but .; 'Pitiful
~;qbantity of grasi to feed e
.-• ing sun and the inhabitants'in -the- valley be- -eon - in - ion herd that flock the road. 'At th
.' - low. . . EaStI end of this flat the rind crosses the creek'
The Hob.' G. A. Grow stared for Europe by! al substantial bridge. ITo the left' hand,'
the day l Was there, (May •12,) having return- far , i . p the sitlehill, I sa4v a niost excellent
. 1 .
ed the day .prelious from accompanying his field, of winter grain--wheat, I should judge..
soungeSt sister a' portion of 'the journey she The hill sides along here tarerocky in the ex- ,
was, making towards her new Witern home, -trent°, while the greater lsortion - Of, the' tilla..
sty aavtlig she Ttiesday before, given up the ble land between the hilli is not yet cleared
• ' bliSsof single blessedness,' and united her oftinber. This portion! is decidedly new
1 ,„
fortune with the l llon. I: F. Streeter, the and • liable of being greatly imprOeed. As
. present Mayor of Joliet; Illinois, and the' sec- nigh, drew on I grew weary and fteqUentle
ond son of Dr. Streeter -of Harford, this coun- cast, Imy,, eye over my shoulder tssi witch a
ty. J. E. Streeter 'was formerly a clerk in glimpse of ',thee r Stage which I knew could not
the store of the Grows at Glenwood, finally be far ba.k on my track, as it started from
,• .
went, west,-built, up his owes fortune, and re- - Hoppettom at :five, and arrived in i Carbon
turned thi s
spring to 'claim the object of his 'dale at eleven. ' i h was now • two heurs and
6tlection. _ ,- . a hall oet of Hopbottom, and I watched for
, i ,
But I must linger no longer in Glenwood. its appearance with much eagerness: In the
I beiadieu to my friends - .at. half past six meatitidie I pas.seci, a piece of road which
and tened one q natieed in Mr. Kinney's ,wied.s along a high bank of the creek—a kind
door yard some most_ beadtifui ornaments and , of iltigevay--which was in a very data serous
shade trees which displayed a well cultivated cotOtiou for terirs of any kind. to Pais, part
tasie and added much to the homelike appear- of !the road having sloughed off into the
ante of the residence. , A tastefully arranged yy l creek, and the iiig.h bank above the read hey-
I • .1
arbor 2 house near the corner of the yard, which I ing tumble d the - remaioing portien, rein
is undoubtedly to be covered with vines and detlig it exceedingly narrow, uneven and dan
shrubbery, (it haring but just been con o iplet- ger i sof passage. It would seem to be
ed,) will. add new charm to the whoelsome alinclst impassable in the night. , I keiet mov
and farm-like appearanceof all the surround- ini? l ,l .inwly s oti, the country being new and
ing scenery of the dwelling The homes are spy reely populated, with but little to attract
, I . n o w
capacious aed comfortable and several in attention and then a small . hOuse ep
number. A few rods below the store lives peare(d wit a little clearing around It. •At
C. W, Conrad, an ietelligent and enterprising last f saw he
,Stage approaching, -apd I at
blacksmith. He ocettpies'a nice, tidy little once i resolved to , hail the driver for' a little
, . cottage, , and , has erected one of ( the finest aid sl,n my 1 weary...pilgrimage. I felt like
blaeksmith shops in the muntry—probahly" making bnt fe* more views on foot that night,
. ,; : the most commodious and costly, A •small and y l
,moiirited the drivek.'s seat , with a heiney ,
e erelidence intervening and I -came to a large I good willy favorite; place on a etage in
--m ,
i. s huilding on which, I read, in large letters, pit Weather. The ktage Contained four
. sGlenwood Mill '-ia gristemill which does all
,pass gers, Mr . Elisha 'Phinney of Dundaff,
1 .
i • the custom work of the country around, and 1 a stetive Spaniard just fiom New-Yerk, and
e,. in '. common SqISOUS, some flouring for its ; two ladiei-estheir company. The Spaniard
, - , • '' I
owners. '',-. 1 1 i.thou ht th,e people alon g route must im
. •
7. The next is a small, rickety house on the, laginl the 'visual line. that girds them! round,
..., ,
".' edge of the road, at the door ofwhich stood lithe wOrld's extreme' or they would leave this
se r -twe bright-eyed little girlS'ofeibout eight and !,, [portion of creation as soon as passible. - We
-,tenyeara. I gale them a smile and they re- l i eoont came to the Postoffice at. Lenoxville .
turned the compliment—whyno * t 1 like be- ' wheie we vraited . for the mail to be olerhaul
. .
• gets like, and I had rather see a smile than a ed. . Waiting here, fer a passage to carbon
„ , .
frown ;or does a frown impress the young dale ayes E. P; Fartiune Esq., but we could
--I.'with a serious ceommoda fur there were two on
~, conception of your (Jinni- not
i te him,
te ! Some think so, but they know little of ever seat already and the Squire weighed
the child-like perceptions, which instinctively full wo hundred.. I must tell you a little
penetrate such flimsy gossamer, the. shield . of anecdote of the Squire. . Two men had a per
,',.'.." , th , (-
~. arrogant and ,conmited. Butt was sud-seitai difficulte rn
-cae to blows, and could
' '(lenlY arrested in my cogitations 'by casting not, settle the matter .to the entire satisfaction
- ::Eay” eye to the right a few rods North of the or ali concerned, so they agreed to abide by
Betel. 0 ! Glenwood, for shamel what a the eonditions'Of Settlement the Squire l should
dark spot on this bright picture on the m mplsap ie. Thinking .both to blame, he fi ned
• ,
of creation! Can it be possible, Glenwood, them five dolbtrs each, and sentenced them to
. that you are willing to see your Pennies, your work it out with, their own bands on the pub
* idols, your household . gods, your children, lie highway as_ touch j ,road tax..
' huddled together in snith a wretched, ungenHal Lenoxville contains agrist-mill, a saw -mill,
and unhealthy pen as this for the dicipl'ne of i and A foundry.. We passed rapidly along,
mind and body ? - Betterb - f • t o e'
y far that they
and nothing of transpired' till on left
never se9 side a " 448( iful ion • of beyoid the Laiesdale /louse (notes of which
_ .lectrning than to waste their ysuthful vitality . and the country around I have preserved fur
in such an unwholesome apartment as the .i.ies. -.) we mei:nearly a dozen young ladies,
walls of this School housebound. t B u t why i which furnished ; ism for, gossip i ns i de t h e
berate this one so, and let' the one back OD, 1 es s eeil,
thehill pass so easily r Why ? because thi s I se„nel They-benieligracefully-1 recognized
of t h e i r il lesete t
is in Gientoood and that is not . : but was incog m so on we
should' have learned better Gle- 1 we:nti 1 'loft tit '. coach at-Farmersirille at
wood : things ere . 1 tine p'eloc . .els in
,en e ss" . evening, lait-f-can (see node
this--in fact; I beliele she knows better al- .1 i ing litiw th:'p'lace looks m
-night, and therefore
• -,
ready. But , here's Illy hand, I must go and jmulti wait till I view i,by the morning li g ht
leave you—youve got a pretty.. place th,eres4... of the thirteenth pf Msy ere hay mote,
all except two school houses-4ou will, oer. Viningwood, susq, Co, P ee -'
tainly allow me to- file my exceptions - 'ai I i
pass along.. I turned, to the left -and North of
:the Hotel, cro* the bridge_, which spans
.the Turildsannock; and - proceeded along to:
;'.wards Clifford. My I road now lay up the
For to Republican:
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A.lVAusus !Qucinuati, jos!, ;completed,
shoWil tisit city t could a total of 25,648
Ott" Was itstlabktfultioof thugs df tweatidue
acid upwards. . -
5 156, • • . r, ,;, •:,.'
?zEgoc:Au-n - zn ',G2U6INIF sa - agav @LAWI-PY
_., 4,m0,N0054.1T04.(.4.§.1)A.17,..4-0.7::.,;.14,18,,e5'5::,
the, Republican. • • '
op goes the weasel,'was.the strain I
heard a strolling organ grinder, peifOrming in
the Bar. Room a &iv nights agone. dropt
my pen 'and, Nrnt _own to hear the music:
his iiistrumenproved , tb be one of' superior
merit,and aided by a girl, a fair bbrnette of
a dozen years„ 'we had - a pleasing entertain
ment. BUt the idea,' (if there is idea
about it,)" pop goes the weasel," .
has very
'Often occurred to my mulct sincethen. 'The.
evening Was wearing away, and the' musician
closing his Orian carefully .placediit in the
corner of"the room—the little girl sat down
beside it, and was soon'nodding--flst asleep,.
weary with the day's travel.. •
Pop goes the weasel "—SOMe one propos
es ochooSing bp for a Bird hunt—but who-Will
choose ? that's, the rub; for no one is anxious
to incur the risk of gettinn• beaten.' After a
prdtracted discussion. that,patter is- settled,
for. Dan agrees, to choUse with if ho can
have' the first , eltOice,.and that is agieed to.--.
Soihey. prOeeed, to eliooseon their respective
sideS,igree upon the conditions of tthe hunt
aiid.iime of nipeting to count off the game.
- gOea the weasel meanithe • shot
guns long gens, short guns, muskets, rifles,
.and Shooting irns4 a variety of descriptions,
from. morn i o i night; .po i 6,ling,bang,
to the infatitelerror and.itntnense destruction
of :grows, - .11 . 4vk5, Blue
. Jays, (T Is, King
s and Woodpeckers The
boys are all at, it, eleaning:up. their, uns,!run
ningi bullets; and the•lik.e„withas much zeal
as if.theii well, being depended upOti. it. FA ., .
ery: moment that can be spared from their
taskS is Spent in pursuit of game. ~' to
the Squirrel or ; Woodpecker that comes in
their.; way, fir the boys are' all wide awake to
the, time of ‘I - Kip goes the - weasel." it isn't
all iti'shooting and trapping , either; there is
sometimes a good deal dine in the way of
coaling from each other, and smuggling. in
game from other bunts.. It may. happen as
the poet- says, -that
"The race-is•not forever got - ; - -
. ~ . -By bitn who fastest rims;
- .
lioribe batde by those peelons..
Wh6 shoot the'longegt gung."
7'e,this. l.
"1,1 . ; to day Abe . partiesmet at place to . 1
,t 1 't the gaMe.
.It fell to•my lot to keep the I
tally being disinterested and , thought bond
est'*ithal,) anti 1 8m sorry, to say, , that the
party of - `y . , friend Jim was badly beaten,
,but he insist. : upon it, that if . hii Men
hunted faithfullY. od brought ingarne enough,
the % . .,ietory would e rtaitily have bclen in - his/
-favor: -The , vantias:he \.lbare their defeat with 1
the heut possible gr..tee, aid promptly footed' ,
the hills. - 1
t, •_ '. • • 1,
Pop goes the .wea; , el"—T4 marksmen
i .
are all at it, tdAtina thir 2, kill in e
eise-. !, M vary Close Otots are •14de„ and" ,
it wOuld,be dditeutt in all this wide world to:
'find better inarksnien than some who have;
this day displaYed their skilf. ' = 1 .,,
. :
". pop goes the W . easel "-The bell, "ringsfor'
• - -
firipg_ ceases, and half a hundred;
dinner-therush 'for the Well spread board; -a good dia.-!
ner, as all the:--einest.4 declared;
,notso mach;
in Ariird'as inaction;'ln its prepa:ration and;
sereing, rnineliost did his house great credit.
"Pup goes' the
. weasel "-The boys bavej
chosen up foria gaffe of Ball, , and 'all handti
are going out on the: Green for that purpose.
I flilkiW - out ti witness the sport: it is an . old 1
fashis'aied airne•lionored . garne,and when plaYedl
with spirit is a noble, manly exercise'. I don't,''
know that there was any thing at stake, butt; the games - wee sharply conteSted..*henthel
players quit, it was only tOrenew"their 'skilli
in firing at anlark.and they einitintl'ed as king',
~: 1 : .
as a,,hit of Wlnte . 'paper was discernable in thq :
• i, ~ ' -
tivtlight. - 1 -'I 1 -
violin •
Pop gocHalthe ... *easel "-A on is utii
tering itS enlyyJning music down stairs in thql
spacious.Didihg . in, Which . .haS been .cleari
.ed .for a datie&i ,merry company -there is{;
: . • 1.,:. •
and Until-long' past the - noun of night,: they!
-V' '
trip the lightl finnastte toe.' I ne;;er could
understand this dancing - ; one monient they::
seem in inextricable-confusion and 'presently'
all is in Order again; plain i enough, no doubt,.
to those who kitow-how,- and thOse Who share.
in it appear, to enjoy it inimensely.,l
Once more, 'pop goes the weasel'--Some one
has broken, a pane of glass, and.therie is noth
ing but. noise and confusion out on i the-.plat- ;
rein. A couple ;;fyppung fellows, jevidentlY.
instigated •by'evil spiritfri, are trying to whip,
each other for some real or linaginary
The' ccpmbatants don't progress far, however,
bel;Pre the Constable interferes, and pulling
them apart, order is pprtially restored.., But
the noise and 'confusion continuo to such an',
extent that I
. have given up the idea of gettioi
much sleep tonight. - • •-*
I:think the . schoolmOier "is ahoye and juts`
written a letter to some of his friends hers.!
ThiSis the
,stipenfcription •a letter whict',
ltitCtly.carne.tvour t P.. 0. .
"JameS McGill •
Yome County . . .
Puucanick , teepot, . • township' •
State of Peensylvania.'„
3 3.. 8. -
Nicholson, Pa., June 1, 1855,
BOLD GROUND.—OreStes A. Brownson tbet
note4.Roman Catholic writer, recently lec.l
turgid in NeW Orleans. The C.reo reports!
him as followsl, on the destiny of the' Romish. t
Church ;must become the whiter be-,
tween the
.State r. and the subject: It 'must'
,guard the ; nutrp interposing, the flaming;
sword a*,atiefeace, J! ,niff centime
tutions oldopoutso laws, - , deciding where
the limit of centralized pßwert- !wh4 is
its absolute duty tp_ Perform."
• .
. • .
i •
peicei 4..Rie.
1 ltiftheDutishsowtsof M
,", there resid
e/ 'ri at the :close of tho'lest century, .an aged
4idqw, !mown by the, name of Madame. An.
;drieht. ' The only occupants of the house,
which w as the; widow's 'property, Was herself
ftriti, a maid' servant, of about the same age.—
tskaithe widow was in it, preearioos state of
health, she society, and did not hstve
..her, room for Weeksitogether. 'Her onlysrec
, , ? , 1
she . . .. , .
ireatipri *as, that went in spring, , ,u hen the
weather was settled, to Visit her son; who re
`.si/ed ii.i'a• neighboring villais ° e, and 'on theSe
leieurs iotts she was' always accompanied, by
Iter:rvitnt; who was accustomed; to her tern-
Fgq t r,, ndi was the only nurse she would ha is
ebpittsher,'„ -Dnring these absences from town
• the bouSe svai:uninhabited, and though care
'lol)l looked - up, nut guarded with any special
attention. s i , .
. 'Tbe Widow 'returned from her annual,- ex
etirsion on the 30th of june,-17- 7 , and found
that Purjrig he r absence: the house had been
bri'iken into, and besidei 'other valuable'ss all
her, Plate ,and jewels. Carried 'off. The 'au.,
thfirities i viere l immedlately inforrned,and both
burgomaster and polieel began making a dil.
igent: inquiry. ; It was not di ffi cult to tliscov
'er hilw the thi eves had broken into the house.
Tbe window of a back room looked on the
gaideisittni had been secured within by a bras-s
serist on eithd i r side. - .A pane of glass' had
beenibroken oo each side the screws had been
taker out, anti:they had carried (a their plun.
sier t y the back door, which was found un
fasteoed; Ail the other windows Were still
seeurielyl bolted, and several rooms had net
even been entered. It 'Was evident that 'the
thieves had set to work in great security; had
_taker their time, and had not been apprehen
sive f tieing disturbed.
.They had removed
the top of a heavy old escritoire, ' which had
beenarefidlyilocked, and had lifted' out the
don . - This 4peration had been , effected so
elare IrShat ttere was not. the slightest tracti
r f
of Vi lerice. , ut of thi4 escritoire the jess
, els. ; aiti Other' IvaluableS ' had been taken.—
' TW - o vhest's hail also been broken open,, arid
gold, rimer, and apparel curried off. The vat
ne..of Ith ObjeCts missed amounted to about
2'600 1 Dutch florins. ' ) i
It waS conjectured that the robbery bad
been fleeted by more than one person.;' it
was.' ually. ptobable that the plan had been,
matu ed lOng before.... It, was also apparent
thit't e'robbeil , had' Isten committed by per
...,. tiot Unacquainted With s the, house and
the ‘vijow's.icircumststaces. The widow's
house was . situated in an outlaying tstreet,and
was the , only respectable' one i n the neigh
bortsiisd. Persons in inferior circumstance,
and among thrit seStml suspicious eharac
tem, , occuptsd the adjacent houses. At the
end oi the garden :d behind the house; from
syhichisids theAlsieves must have come, ran
the jailer town ditch Which was navigable,
and only divided froni it, y a quiekset hedge.
The next house was a corner one, and a nar
row path ran along its, side and the garden
hedgeNS a plank laid across the ditch.' lt
.vas II
(1 ,
t suppofed, however, that, the thieves .
had elsobed over the hedges if the two gar
dens, but it was much More likely that they
had wi
i ne i a , boat to the hedge and climbed
. .
over t, , N o tsuspiciotis footsteps could be
notice/ in ;the garden walks or flower beds.
Thei t dis4ivery immediately caused great'
exc 4 .teatent ;: the 'whole. neighborhood - was
astir, tin/ a mob at curious persons surround
ed : the' honse.i The. police were: compelled
to use s their utmost efforts to prevent them
,enteri' g : _still, one of them, a, baker, Who
lived ill the hoose right opposite :to the wid
oWi'lrail :siicceeded in finding his way in With
the bilitCrs: and' satisfying his curiosity. ,His
acquaintances who had:seen him enter_await
edhisetUrn With impatience, to learn from
him a I that ' the police would nirt. impart- to
them. Their hopes were deceived, however,
for he maintained an obstinate silence, or on
ly : gave equivocal motes.' A ',wool -spinner,
-Leencl4rt, van N—, Who lived in the for
ner hontie,jwas.far more talkative! , Wherev
er people put their heads together he hurried
up; to ttipm, listened to:their conjectures, and
fo'ored them With - his oWn :he spoke tort, in
a Very dedided.manrier, and hinted at certain
person:seat/114gs. llia wife did . the same
ainongiher neighbors in a louder kev. She
shook her'bead at one !thing, nodded at.i sp.'
ether, and repeatedly said she Would not, be
surprised if thieve , were carried to-pris
on,'befitre 'night. Among the moit'which i lter
husband was honoring ! with his remarks. was
a 4ewier, Who was constantly visible in
th 6 str eta with his wares- .An ttelttaintance
'twitch I, tbe wtolspiiiner by the 'sleeve, and
whispered:to him that 'he had better, be cis
tions, ftlr, the Jett was a spy. Th e warning
came tort late. is The same morning the wool
.spinnetWits siimmoned, to the town-house,
to_givel .ous
: the btirgounot'ter an exPlanation of
sus m
'his Iremarks.r Ile hesitated ; de
.d, a d f .ried ,
unite, evade the questinos, tint
when the burgrimaster: pressed him, lie de
termini/ on siking,:tbough he would OA
ly• base . Saved he persohs, whoj had never
done hi m' any injury..' ' '.. _, , s
At t. t end of the street 'in which the, wool
sPlnn' sr, public' , holi • se had r been' open
e d ived , 1
for several years, kept by a certain Nicholas
Ds-----4 1 -The people of the town, however,
rarely . - ,ealled him by .hiii name, but only
spoke of biro as the " Blue Dragoon '
" as he
had furinerly Served An poi. Von Walter
barth's]regimedt, who* uniforth was of this
color.- i When garrisoned in the 'town some
-years liefitre ' lie had made the acquaintance
of - Madame An/ref:l4's former maid,,Hanne
lA' twin he eventually married. , The.girl'. hail
been slii years 1 in the . Widow's service; and
po , ssessbd her *tire confidence. :As far as
wits kndWn, the old lady had.given them the
~means to open the public house, ter neither
°Oben - , 'had anything. It was also known
that Winne and her Blue Dragoon, as long as
they we re: unmarried,' 'had had few opportu
nities' lizif '; meeting . Consequently lialine
waited,, her mistress had gone to bed,
st : the *raise door, andthe- Blue Dragoon
ntwer fitilvd to (juke his appearaisces : If the
Weather, was fairs they ,would remain talking
there :; if bad, Hanne took the liberty o f in
lifting her lover into ;the lionse. - Thli aid
not ione rennin hidden
-; from the - old - lady,
and sha'aia nog approve. of it ; she therefore
NW, the, 'tweet door locked each .oightsbeforti
61%0 bed, and took; tYe, key ,with. her.--
The itie'ers however were Pot balked at Ilia ;
the'Blne Dragtion sought a road throtigh the
liolspintter's garden. 1 One evening the lat
tr, heard, the clang of spurs ; he went to the
•-. , •
~ • .
hack.door liu iedfy *ith''a light, and jaw
Nielialiti; el im . ink #vei the fence of Ma aide'
AndreditVgardett: He did not makel,l_lny
dbiturbatice,.for he', knew. of the lovi, ait','l
and, the .Blup Dragoon told him laughingly
Ithat he - was -going to bid his 'Rue 'good'',
however, , :When, hoever, the thing Went 0n,',,,
iand the pine Dragbon dimbed.over tilglat if.i,
ter' night, he put a_ atop "to it.' -
1- The. Blue Dragoort.did not climb °eel any
:more, yet the woolspinner saw hiii in they
'garden with his.'llanne. The enigal,wasi
'solved one - evening
-when he can e hOmei r ,
very !Mi., and saii. a boat fastened t .al post;
dose to Maditne.Andreteht'agarden. it , was
on 6 of those in which the • dragoons usUally '',
fetched .' their . fodder; from the stores,l and,
NidiolaS, was at that time servant to lone of
,the;offieers, and attended te,his horse iMan
andArife laiighed heartily -at the Oen' that'
Idire wilt. alWaysifind 'll , way - and ttiei-•fre-1
quentlyisaw the boat under tle hedge.. [Such
waS thdwoOlspinner's explanations ofr.hU mcs•
tives which formed the loondation. °fib's sus
pielons. • Hel found, however, more nourish
4.meitt for them in facts that had recent !y home,,
to his knowledge: Some ten daya l .hefore!
thi,diSdnvery or the robbery, while 014 sirid-;
nwiwas r still in • the country p he' hadlotind a'
-eoltwed pocket-handkerchief at the si de 'Of t . he:
town ditch, close te his neighbor's g#dins.--
'He; put it in, his pocket 'Without thinkmd any 4
thingabout it. . At dinner he told l i the eir-1
cumsttineelo, his wife, and shdwed 114 the'
handkerchief,, remarking innocently i act the.'
same time, "'lf Madame AndFecht -irre in`
town aid Hamm Sfill with her, we should;
know' what it meant. The Blue ragoonl
had been courting-again,. and Lost bi hand-:
kerildef." His with took it, looked a i t, It i andi
pointed to one corner,, in hid] the Ittters'
N. ID. were marked.'
~ Neither of thern!tho'tl
ofthe cireumstanee during:the followingiinys,!
tilVthe'diseovery Of theiebbery re lied it.
.to mind. .•
1- - i
, , -
' Suapicion,' consequently, rested on the,
Blue Dragoon, and another eiretonsta cc ma.!
terially. confirmed . it. : On the first 'eXa'tnina4
tion Of,the house, a partl,!4urnt spill had
been found on the• ground near'the eriteire.l
Had Madame Aridrecht or her serval 4 used,
the ; ptiPer to light a candle it wOuld n i; have;
been thrown ,on the ground, fur their feanlii
ness was ,notoriouS. 'No other persOn had;
entered the house lately, and„ had it betn so,
they would net haVe dared to transgress. in;
such a wily.; -The police had not sa l liirked,l
; anti, therefore, the' thieves could be t ( only,
persona 'who, had, thrown the: spill ttin this,
spot. - On unfolding :he rest of ;he it
waa found to, bee declaration or rece i pt for',
the town dues on ; spirits' that had be ii itn-'
imported. , Whet' the spirits had once, beell ,
carried home, this,receipt was rther;
use; and the papers were not general pre-i,
served by the landlords. , The `greate I pm , :
lion of the receipt:found in '''the - hong . was',
btirat, the name of the landlord • was lgone„I
-the lower , part was in good conditi ,n,and:
upon it was the 'signature 04: the exeiemttni
and the date.' -It was easy with these diciri,
to 4nd out -what landlo'rd had declare , spirj i
its %,,n, ' that' 'day.', - The:hooks showed'' that
Nicholas D-----hiid received several i 4 as of
Geneva.- . This, in 'connection with the;a 001-1
spinnees etateinent,determined the po ice to
arrest the Blue Dragoon, as, well as' hi Am--;
ily, - xotisisting of his wife,
,her, father and bro-,I
tber„ who, lived with him. An exarniti:ation:
of t he house led to the discovery of a r souk
refill. , " : behind fhb shutter of the taproom
wintio*, which nndoubtedly belie - Igd td,
aiMadame Andretcht, for two -letters- dres-!
sed ;to' her *ere found in it. , ' -
While thelwhole toivp was busying itself , ,
in. forming conjectures' on , the subject, a re
spectable tradesman made his appearan e be-,
ford the. 'police and gave in the full wing !
statement : 1.1-le I,was a 'wood-rnerchan ,andl
milting his,customers - wai ; a carpenter, Isaac;
yan',CH----, who as 'alwaya ,in arrea with!
his payments. he tnerchant pressed him,'
and ",at length in
co etieed legal procee ings.
A, few -days before the discovery of therob
bry,, the carpentdi cmMe to his house and
begged him not to proceed further, air he!
+mild be a , ruinell man. "See how ill am;
paid'!" he exclaimed, a* hre- placed a,' 14sket. I
on the table and produced from it a ; pli!ir -of
'silver eandlestieka and a ceifee-pot. 1"4 had i
sixty florins to ; t receive of a party, , t ne,,
! begged me to take his silver' in partpaylent, l
and .1 did so, as I. saw I should not- grit i my;
. mrtey; in any other way. I did not like to`
sell it to the silversmitlis here, as f' should;
no get halt the value, bat waited till filvent
to itlonsterdam,where I could dispose of them.;
I Will leave the silver iu pledge with yitt till!,
tireeeiVe ray money:" ' The wood-merchant;
he'ailattul at first but at length 'consenthd.—.!
The 'silver was in my hinds. When he h'eard
of die f robberi at Madame Andrecheel, land
read the list of . ;things stolen,*he
,fiad I no
doubt that these Objects forme d part of them ;1
He did not wish to throw any suspici4 on
the . rarpenter ; he could no _doubt e4plainl
whenee he obtained them, and he seal sur
prised 'he had.' not so already, to proyel
tholatidlord'srpilt or innomnee. The pOliedl
imMediately. EClltlfoy IN silver, and the ixtr-
yetiter p Isaac can C----- - . , - . I . ,- '
- The carpetiter I arrived hreathles'sly.llire;
seemed perfectly prepared-, and bet* they
procheded id question him he -voluneetired'
the following statement :--He hat-beedpres-i
lied by the wood l merelumt, and;was lonse.i,
quently forced to , press his debtors. Among;
theni was Nieholas. D—, who owed!, film 1
sixty florins for sem* . done in his hotisei---1
Nicholas lied come to hint sonic twelvirdaysi
; before(and begged him to wait a littlepOlg-i
er. , Wien,
_the carpenter declared it wits tin- 1
passible; he had o i ffered him seine old river,
in part payment. 'The carpenter sus. ecied
nothing wrong,but asked Wm!, accidental shbari
he hatr got it 1 ''he Blue Dragoon rOplied'
that ,it•belonged to his father-in-141w, to iwitcani
it had .been, lekby an old lad,y, whose'eeach- 1
man'he had , been for several years. .?rhey',
'agreed' -that it. should. be - taken for A ceri
-taro 'price ,' price, and ',the landlord brought it , to:
him the-same'eyeningin a covered - basket:'—
At the- time be requested him not •to
diaposS of it, in the town, for he ,would I ranlyl
' get half its value ;
,and heside,s, he, thelland4
'lord;: hid' reasons i for 'des ring it., - ' i • I
The-Blue Dragocei was now examined ;I
-tind -hilt statemetit'atillied4ith that'of , tii . edar4
.penter. to' a ceartaie,- eitent. „ He allowe,) ;kit
he aired him.sixtit florins, but had nst yet
been, able to pay hirn-any part. He; ihowis
.every denied any knOWledgenftlid'ellie_.!--- .--
The refit of the family made the Berne 't,
meat, but-, all - declared that Nicholas hiid,lin
.thdr, preeetuaNthree months previously, ouitt-,
e 4 .out twenty„ -flOrins, which he said iwte
, • ;; . 1
~j 1 I
& • SNi ITH,..PUBL4SHERSL-VOL : . 1.'.50.•24i
intended for , the
.carpenter.., Blue Dragoon,
on further exaniinntion, econtanled that this
was a fact, - but, bd ., bad Used the money: tet
pay some old gambling debts; and that. be
had told his wife he I .intended; them' for "the
u4penter. This . was, the first :instance in
which any of the aceused'had been convicted
fidieluxxl ; and,although it referred , io au
immaterial eirenmstance,it threwan unfilvor
alile light on their t stateinents, awl his assur;
:nice that he had paid the carpenter. no part,
of the debt by means , of the silvei; found'no
cr6dence. The carpenter, moreover, did not
rtg'it hi his endeavor to convict the landlord
of falsehood ; he produced a species of ledg
er, in which an -entry was made that, on the
23d June; the' landlord, Nicholas D--;--, had
piiid thirty florins 6'llw:count in old silver.--
Tile carpenter's' hoUstkeeper and apprentice
bith gave their tis imony; that they Were
Present when the Bihie DragoOn bad spoken
with their . master on the subject,and swore to
the truth of.tlie state ent. In consideration
of ail this,
and as th landlord persisted in'
ass l erting his innocence, the authorities deter-
Mined on bringing him to confess / by means
oil torture. - All preparations were madcand
the torture would be applied ' the following
day, when a letter reached the authorities by
the Boterdam Post. . ;
1" Before Iv* thia country, and 'read' ii
spot where neither :the authorities ofl?!_1---- 1
niir the court-martial can touch nr,.l will
save four innocent persons who are - now im
prisoned in 31—, tare must be taken not
td punish them for a' eriinnef which' they
,; . .
cannot be guilty. How the 4 pdr . pentOr ts, eon.
nhcted with them I cannot cOnjeCtuife, and I
heard 'of it with great surprise. However,
~ ..
the carpenter may not be perfect innocent.
May the judges pay due attention;] at this
hint! They may afterwards . bitterly repent.
ng ; gleding it. They need nut attempt to. 'fol.
lo me. , If the wind remains in the; present
. qUarter,' I shall be in England before this let
•tsr is receive . ' ' >
f' Ex-Corporal in the Company le Long."-
; The authbrities gladly avail:A theMselves
of this opportunity to delay the. torture. It
sgemed, at first sight, no mere invention of
te prisoner's friends. A - company corn men d -.
e . by Captain le Long was, really 4n gar.
ri n : a corporal of that name had served in
it; but had disappeared or . deserted , four
weeks back, Till then, all inquires after him
hid been useless. The police also found that
the corporal had disappeared on the very
night before the robbery was 'made known.—
A connection ,between the two facts appeared
evident. A =new divert', however, des
; troyed this conclusion.' The letter froin Rot
terdam was laid before the commanding, kiffi
ctir, and he declared it at first sight a forgery.
The band writing was not Bhuler's ; all 'phis
c4misides asserted it, and' several old Cornpa
ny's listsochich Ruhler was kuown - to hfive
written, proved it, to the satisfaction'of 'the
jUdge. Consequently, the.letter , was; nothing
niore than a trick ofsome friend or *deem
pike of the' Blue Dragoon to liberate him
from the torture.. This 'was the preval l ent
oinion, When two new and very importimt
wSmesses made their appearane6.-.. They. had
no connection together, nor were their,
o it4te-
Ines the least alike ; the faces they brought
ward contradicted one another in A , -mea
sure, and which, on one hand, throwing a light
on the „Matterom the other, they only' .rien-,., more obscure. ; 1 . '; -
A tradesman of the town, who was A en
eral dealer ,
and lived in the neighborh of
t e widow Andrecht, had been absent in the
s lath of • Germany wring the whole Of the
trnii. He had but just returned and bhen
told of the affair ' when he voluntarily aiPear
ed before tbepolice, and made the following
vry 'im m
portaut stateeut :—Abent the dine
i ur en the robbery must have taken place he
w s still in the town. - The carpenter, ;Isaac
e t
van C----•:; called upon hinfand begged him
td .lend him his boat, in which_be- usually
I -
transported his .bales and heavier- goods.—
This beat 'was generally fastened behind 'the
hOuse, ;near his warehouse', rich .,waselose
toj the town ditch. He had a large quantity
of casks to deliver at that time; and could
riot ipare it. Isaac, however, begged. him
very' earnestly, and stated he only 'wanted
t e boat for a couple of nights, and would re
t rn it to its place in the morning. 00' hie
inquiring why he wanted it particularly at
ni4ht,'he replied, after a pause, thathe Wished
WI move . fhe furniture of seine people, who,
were leaving"By;tfightr the
Owner of the boat asked.' " WhO -leaves his
house by night 1," ' The airpenter replied,
liith a cunning smile, , that the people' were
bankrupts and ' were going. to,-" shoot the
noon!" nI" . The owner was- indigent, and re-;
fuked the use 'of hi.A boat., The carpenter,
luisiever, quickly said that he had' been in
je4t, and his intention wai to go fishing with
hi 4 apprentice during the night, He had not
told him his real object,: for fear he might
suit like his boat dirtied. H 6 at length yield
ed to the mrpenter's pressing entreaties,
and lent him the boat on condition that; he
r e turned it again the' next morning. The
I penter-kept his word' faithfully. When:
hi went to his warehouse the, - next Itilf;
at/ an early hour, he saw the carpenter; and
MI; apprentice just. fastening the beat,. It
snuck him directly that they had no nem or
flailing implements.' • He examined the - beet,
and was still More stirprised at finding it dry
and clean inside. He i, d therefore, detiteted
th carpenter in a false.aood. In the boat he
piked up a parcel, consisting of two silver
foilta wrapped in pa r." The carpenter's
fi' t statement- ' was Erect, therm '; ;he had
.11 ped the bankrupt to retnove his ; furniture
el idestinely. In
iderable anger at; it,
bei ' put. the forks in - is pocket -'and went
sttaight to li.utc v . C...... The,orp e nter;
his housekeeper, , , . the apprentie44 were in
tb work - shop. Ile held out the forks to
t m, saying.--;" You le ft them in My Boat:
i ppose you used them to eat the fish you
Pl igh t. I hope they will - agree with you."
1 u
TI ey were evidenkly confOund The house
e that' her master "bad reallyberl some
p 4, pia to more." ' This was in itse fno Very'
crWttable action, and he presumed :that their
eolifusioe arose from .
their. fee lings of shame.
Whenhe asked the - name o r the rrson, the
etkpenter said that he could n ot to I him then,
; bgthe would explain to him alters:Ws. " Hs
w silent, but inquired cautiously Who- bad:
~.t tly quitted the toniu t though yr,4l29ut re
r'ee ving any satisfactory . inAirmatieu.
f en
joUrnet to Gerrnahy had * caused - him to'cdr
get the matter , but naw he bad snot" least
doubt.that -Isaac van C.-.--. - w a s the-guilty
_:..+,-....+:ku:`:w2' :
the =carpenter,`and' his filthily' were'-im
mediateiy 0r640;4nd hii -- hairie 4atoo.
They. found in it, with thiceiteeption of 0 few
tiifinig - mattera all thit.:itiai missed - -from
Madame Ana4aies: - They were threatened; -
with-thetorture; and at ;last confessed that
b)ey_ hid cominitted, thil robbery.: On ;the
morning wheti - the discor ry was made, mss-" -
ter and Oprentice : !Weie among the crowd,
to hear what reports We, spread. The, ap
prentice heard the woolspinneei wife openly`
state 'that ,she suspected t he Blue Dragocrn:- . -.- '
i He told his master ofiti. and they . deterrnin
ed on inereasingthese.': - Ithspicions by all the
means in their powee . The opprentice,soen:
after wcnt, to the:Blue Drair.kovii to drink a.
glass 4spirits. He aske d fir a coal to light
his, pipe.. While he wasene - tiro& it, he
employed his -absence to slip the'sthrienir be ! .
hind the shutters, ' Their unanimous confes
sion entirely'exonerated the diagoon and - bis
family ;froth the, charge of having, committed
the robbery, but`there was mecikyet te - be -
explained. How bad Nicholas D' 's hind-.
kerchief been lost at the hedge 11,1thir did the
spill, made of one of his `receipts, find its way
into the house 'l The carpenter and. his-4e
cornplices &dared that they knew . 'nothing
about it. Even whet threatened - with the
torture they asserted s,- their ignorance.' The
suspicion MILS excited:that other.accomplicea
still remained undetected.' The retorted
to the corporal's letter. If nothis handwrit
ing,' he might have bad it Written by sonie
one else, and was mixed up some ' way in the
affair, end his desertion was evidently in close
connection.- with:'the..rObbe4' -Duringl the
carpenter's trial, hoWever, a new witness volt
untarily came forward, the.schooltnaster ofa
-village about two miles from the town. lie.
showed the judge a piece'of paper, on which
only the-words " Joseph ,Christian Rehter"
-were written, and inguired whether a litter"
in the tamehandwnting had not , been lately
received by the authorities' - On cotnparing
it with the letter Rotterdam, - it Was
fitund that they were v4rrit,ten - . 1)); the sane
person, and the Schoolmaster gave the follow
ing explanation, - 76;0
.materially.altered the
whole affair: 1 •
In his village there was a deaf and dumb
bey, whom the par4l Lid given hirti sui a
boarder: He had suciveded in' teaching-the
unfortunate to *rite, and he had .brought it
to such perfeetion -that he -was employed. by
many persons, even the burgomaster of the
•village, in-preparing' documents, A short
tine back,-'nn 'unknown person bad come to
the 'village - during the-schoolmaster's absence,
and asked fey the deaf and dumb boy, assfre
quently happened, and taken him with him to.
the inn. There he.ordered .:a private 'room
and-a bottle. of wine. -He then begged .the
lad to copy hint a : letter which he clete
his slate. - The boy:, did so at first without
suspicion: still the 'contents or-the letter ap
-peered Singular to himotedlthe demeanF of
the unknown revealed-fear and autiety:' ,
But when he was directed 'to write the aa--
diess, To the Burgomastef of 'he
refused to comply at first, and' was only'
diteed to do se by the pressing entreaties . of
the stranger, - whO gave a florin, and recom
mended himz r :ilretterve.strict silence. The
bey was - at inclined to dq so; for ha
knew be had, done something wrocg ;- but he
at length confessed to his master, who imme
diately perceived that•thia mysterious affair
was in close connection with the uniVersally
spoken-of trial. 1 He went to - 'the landlord of
the inn,- and asked him- if he 'remembered a
stranger, who had brought the deafand dumb _
boy to his house ? The lincllord,retalled the
circumstance, but did 2: not - - - know the. - man.;'
his wife, however, - called to mind that she
bad seen him speaking fa miliarly with anoth
-er well-known man from- : the town, the mil-
ler Overbliek, Who bad just - stopped with his
wagon 'before the:dOor. They shook hands
,on parting,-and called =one-another hy ; name.
The schoolmaster inquired farther, Relent
directly to Overblink and asked the name of
the man. -The miller remembered the eir
eumaiance perfectly:• and said the mati was
-'no other thaahieold aeiluttintance, the baker
H—, of that very . townl ;This seheo}}nas=
ter, after reCoutmedink the miller to oh
, serve the strictest secreeyi
. had then come
straight to the police.
The baker eras-immediately arrested and
examined. He Must have' given some 'hit-
formation, for the wootspiener.Leendert van
N.-4nd his wife were alto imprisoned du
ring the course of - the day.' These were the
persons who hat' first raised sitpicion against
the Blue Dragoon, and had made such a Wel,l
founded denunciation against him before the
authorities. The crime of which =they Were
accused was quite a different one from ,the
preceding, and, had as little contiectiOn „With
the carpenter and hiaaplicea, es the -
ter with the Blue Dragoon and his relatit
Without,the robbery, however, in , which
last persons arrested were partipipat
this dark erime, would hardly-lave been
We find -in the dirty low room of it he
woll-spinner Leendert van .11 - -----on
lug of the 29th June, a :company of card-play- -
ere who,as regarded their _antecedents,. had
not much to reproach each other with. The
players were Corperal Rader, the baker
Leendert , van, They
were well acquainted,' though .414 hated uud
detested each othei v lint common criminal
interest connected thtuu together. The ba
ker and corporal were old allies; the former
baked the bread for the garrisne, and the lat
ter bad' the 'duty of[receiving jit from him.
The baker employed the Coticitoti trick, of
rendering:the breld the proper- weight by
mixing deleterious ingredients; in the dough:
The corporal: detected it, and gave the baker
the choice of being denounced orbribmghhin.
He' ehosetbe latter.. The corpenal t however,
treated hint harshly, and he, , temsequenify,
bated him. The enmity between - the. carp
rat and - the wool-spinner was. atilt - more vio- ,
jdot. The latter had formerly_all the Tole'.
hie of supplying the garrison 'for,thetaiters,
but the corporal had lately deprived , him
it. Hehad lost considerably-'blit, and -hi.
was furious. The carpets]; however, had
power-in his handa, and - could -deprive thew.
both of ether advantages whichtthey derived
from the - garrint. = .They were,- therefore,
'fbreed.tosuppresa'their" - passien,'suffer his to,'
• - bitrary treatnient,'atuffeel honore4f when he
visited theta. •
They. were. playing der tethei.
out such deeplproOted temiti i 'estes in such
pleees; and!with peoplei=of clias, irer'or
-teal- the provocative' of riViolehl-
They began quairelingdo , thbf evening.'- 'The
corpora) employed throats. From i Words
they proceeded to blows; and the rear was
i at