Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, June 07, 1855, Image 4

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    TranuNT REPED nnifif LICA
1 im
ilikOrsday Morning, Jamie 7, 1.856.
;,Veitern. Correspondence of the RepOblican.
• Dixon, 111., May 19; 1855.
,my last I promised "to give your read- .
••rs a flying description of this-town,"together
siteh other sober, funny, strange and in.
ik , a'esting matters as might Come under my:
i!titie& • - •
Vire was a military. post herein the 'time,
BlackhaWk war,- and.t i rora that time
tovOillai been gradually gathering here, and'
claims twenty-five hundred inhabit-
•tits, though I.suspect they count at, least five
I.andred:dogs to make out the number: ..•
The town takes its name from a ~,Air. Dix
-. 101 l Who used to carry. the -mail and dispatch ;
to and from the military post, in the time
the Indian troubleS.:: He Wtts . a. 6,vorite of
. Indians, who callo him Na-Chusa (the
ale friend.) Twenty-five miles above here
~ n the river in those dayi oceurrhd a speedy
ictory. Lieutenant Stillweli Ind a .party
men while looking. for Indians, agfiinst
hens they threatened bloody things, happen.
416 catch a glinipse of the red skins through
Qaic Openings, Avhco it suddenly occur.
7.11 to ',them that a little more intervening ter.
story would not look- bad, so they just Went
-iiitojhe.track (tract) btisiness: Soine rail to
:Op fort, others in their fright forgot where
wais!and for aught . ' know are running to
_ .
• •
ipis day.
.'ThOtown is built. en both sides of the riv.
r and is tied together with a wooden bridge : ,
~ , v e'r which , you. may walk at any time for
- 5 :Ain dime. Illinois . Central and Dixon Air
Line Rail Roads cross each other there, so
.sk,'lat ive consider ourselves doze to every
...._ here. •
Then there is' the bridge oldie eentral road
cr the:river and the dam across it; at eith-,
end of which are grist-mills,
.4„lidiines hops, turning-lathes, an iron foundry
•- • 4
completed, &e. 'Sze.
• Then there . &re the churches ; With. pigeon
.f.eef. , ls, the Court house on the hill,
cow bell to . call the people to
{.,'_'figment,' and . hard• by it the grove where,
efillt, Stephen Arnold Douglas held forth
,avago defence, and,iike Macaulay's wolf,
led biting . hard among the .hounds; and
b .ere too stands the tree whe% - they hanged
yr '':!s effigy, almost before his i)vrit eyog,
A little further along are three third-class
~ yerns and one frit-elass• house. with' fifth
.: accommodations—=that. is, preirie grass
alter beds whibh in the dark be
:likely to take for. Poreupide feathers as
thing.else—a half dozen;two-horse lawyer'
fops and as many :single-geared '• affairs,
Id. ; six or seven banks of Loan and Deposit,
ibis as safe. to loan as depositbanks
wild eat memory., '
Then there are thelunibcr yards,. mid the
houses where they buy and 'sell more .
;• . :1111 it) a ,single month than is' sold in all
J,.!..'isquelunina County in a. whole year,. and'
• Hall; where they all sorts of - .things.,
-..1 where 'Bayard Taylor and .John Pier-
Alit talked sound sense to us not long-ago. -
las l but no(leas - t, is'-the college (in
iabiyo)l Where they .expect soon to Lead'
menlalf a dozen languages_ to serve
:!•:, - vents to their over-stuffed brains, but lam
raid no l tinuch practical knowledge. There
a bustling, rattling, hopping, skipping way
:lb -.this western world that is truly refresh,
; everybody goei;slamining and banging',
..I:i.ead, in no very sober sided way. Per
111ps l conld not. better illustrate' 'this than
• y what saw lost fall in going from Galena
Potosi, where a week beforelhad passed
itotfound a single h \ Ousc,l thens—fosnid ,
...-,:•wurteen pretty'W'ell Under . way. They call
. d them Balloon houses, I 'suppose . because
• I . !:ey Were blown up-so easily.... p. C. L.
• Dr, 4 . . E. Snodgrass, Vice•Psident of the
•,_tneridan Settlement Cornpany, addressed .
'114; citizens of Montrose, in the . :Court H0u . 04
Weoinesdayj i evening,' May 30th, and at .
e close ',of hie' able and interesting lecture
• following r4a.olutions were unanimously
Resolved; Thlit g deeply deplOre'Jhe high
. Landed outrage ;•that. r has lately been perpe l
' :rated in the Territory of .Kauts, in which
• rights •of freemen have ;been tranipled
• ••• , -)on and the purity of the Ballot Box vio
•• • •
-bighly approve of the
t.,'iurse pursued by our • fellow-citizen, Ger
...rtior Reeder, and tender hiin 'Our - thanks- for - I,
-, r ;te.noble stand taken, by, him in attempting
1,13 :preserve laW and order and to_sare the
• , leetive frinchiSe fronOeing desecrated. and
. •!(..troyed by rtiffutits -and outland. • - 1
• Resolved; :That Ger. lleedt'T is entitled to ,
• -- ibe.warmest thanks of every lov.r Of Lis - t
. •
• i ountry, and that he should be promptly and.l
; . Idly sustained -and-supported by the General i
S •.;overirient of' ‘ the United States, and that
• • aid. Govern mint • . +lifrmot • withl told ; such suP
)rt., without proving recreant to the trusts
rz;posed: in it. v
.Resolred,• That:the thanks of tie commit
are_due to Dr: - -j. E. Snodgrass, for hts
•- •Intiring efforts,in favor of the cause of hu•
- roan freedom; and as-Vice President of the.
i_merican Settlement Company we tender to '
' a hearty • welcome, and bid him God
peed oikhis noble mission.
Ms . '• An officer of the British aimy in the
`riunea writes .bone• that the half -has not
, een told of the suffering of the soldiers du-
;It% the past winter. orst,ooo men sent
l'rom England not half survived till the mid
, of March. ss And - the mortality is not in
•-redible in View of the facts of the case:
For weeks together the men subsisted upon
raw of half:cooked salt pork, and . hard bread,
:nd Often an insufficiency tdtheSe;,:while the
article which never failed . \Vas_ rum,which
;he shivering and hungry wretches drank in
aver desperation in quantities that ought, to
have killed men in the best' condition. Ev
t:iything.done for the comfort of the soodicrs
was inv*iblY too late. .
gThe National Era denies that 'the Ger
man and Irish Ovulation ha v e always acted
,a 9 "a nnitin feyor. :of intemperance and - sta..
but ovncedes the. general correctness
vf, the *gement, by ia4 mittink that 'a* major
ity of them.have acted with the PetriOcratic
party, general' Policy has
been 'oPpoaition to the 14ftdne.144uor Law
2PO: - s:u to'Slavery.%'
A - nest imam to,timp • -: •
Tingley; of., the firm of ' Bell
ileop-Bottom., . The dwelling sta
Union rollerLlA - .Co. !OREGON.
• • are herein th en earth
Ova 'WS stoOtO ligtr. • OW many- Judges
the Supreme Court where de; -.1
they ,come from - 1 many -Itepresen - 4,
tires in Congrent3 - from the shire State n?
'flow much would m
itiewt• to send • all the
blacks'to Liberin ? .•Somo Oldie 'Deocrats
here int if every, Ma*. thci United • Stn
would give tweli - e 4-alhalt Cents, it woti
be enough to send alkthe colored people ,
Liberia ' - •
.. i .
• - There are nine Judges Octlie• Supreme
Court, live:fronfithe 4lave StatO, four • from
the free, although the flatter contain twice iti
.maity • free people as the 'foriner. .Their
names andplitees of birth or resideneiare its
follows: .. i' -• - J. • 1 - I -
I ; oger B, Taney,.ie ., fJustieei garyland.
John McLean. .A iate i -0hi0.... 1
... James U.. Wayne, do. -. Georgia. , il , .
• John Cation',. - 'an... - Tinn.e 4 see-- ig, - '
Peter V. D4niel, .1 - d 0... : 'Virginia. • 1
Samuel Nelson, J , de. !
• Nrw York.
; Robert G..drier,: I do. PennSylvankir
Benj. J. Ctiritis, • 1
_de. ' l'irtassaebtistlis
John A. Canipbelk . do. Alabama.
As Slavery 41aitniisuprerniteY; :it;' always
secures a majority on.the Supreme Berieh.l
As to Congress—tbe slave States sendlito
the Senate thirty Se n aters, heSides being rep.
ret•zeifted •theri ltY . several trtim the ripe
States; and 'ninety RepresentativeS to the
Ilouse, in free/ States - have 144
• members; that. is , an ;apparent Majority ofN
Members; appar nt irti say, f l oi, many of the
free State Repre.'+utlitiics seeiv. to think it
an honor to be govein..4 by the Slareho;d
-1 ing Minority: -- 1 1' -,, • '• , 1--
1 As tii the other•glestion, we will helpeur
1 friend to the ihets.:- •
.1,. , ; ' . ;....
I According to the: g enius of O, the nuni•
her Wil-S-
Of free colored : peoH4le -
Slaves . •-•- 1 .
- Total - . .-• 3 638 SOS
Expense of transport -n,g these ;to • ;
Liberia, :tt $5O per head 4181,040,000
Value of 3 ; 204,313 slaves, as eS-
thilated by the lit
, t4OQ each -. : -.;
Total 'cpst . of the Ila%
tal cost of transpo
: I nd . l lr : e colored
Li bc
- - `-'Four teen hundred
sixid-iindred and ..fia.!
deed dollar. !
. .
• The number of white - then, in i 1850, - over
twenty years Of agei' vas, in round numbers,
3.000,000.. • Divide' the alieveisum' among
tbese s . and the tax oneach trim 'Will be $4BB,
i t
lacking .11 fraction: rat erre than the shrewd
. estimate of the Dc ocratie friends -of our
correspondent. The tax of 121.2
. cents on
every white man iii ti e United 4ta.t.p as"pro
posed. by those profound' ealcidators, would
yield s:i7s-.ooQ—enkingh *. buy and . trans-,,
pert sonic 833. slave. 4-!... They, *Lust try it •
again.-1\ afiona/ . 4iii. I I 1 .
~;' l.
..4i. , • -,
AMERICAS SOLDIS T.-1116 liSt Westmin
ster ileriew has an o.ticle do ,America that
widely. contrasts , W iqi:, m u i.h !that has ltitrc-T
erto come from.• the. British :press. Fut
instance; it says :•• !.• '•-• ' • - • i
' One kittiivs n ot . 'what is most to be admirr the Mexican war, the facility with which
an army of Voluntecris subnutted to discip
line, the perfection oftheir.weaPons, new. in
vention& of Aniericni2tandled. with a skill
previously unknown , the itoedriesi:7iit their:,
coinzniSsariar in a wiplland vast country, 'or
the flexibility of their Mechanical adaptation,
as ter.reporting, prinent and, Co, inmunication
homeward., For fifq: Veajtg past,. the mer-. 1
chant drips of the United
.StatcsT , have notori:
ously been. far bettel built .t.hiti those of '
Great Britain ; and aS in 181 g our gunners
were very inferior, tol: theirs, So iftt the Crisis
- of the Mexican War,- into which they plunged
out (.4 along peace, £heir t .pr.. gee" in. Ismail
arms was immeaSur/dily su erior lel any-,
thing that trained .British re lam .• had tit 'l
that time attained: -. • •' 1
. i
T 1 t' rr . I t
Piir.STICE I I3 . LASTv4-1. WO Or three papers
in the interior a re
~o(tasioo a lsy attacking
us and a friendly leorretandent asks. _ why
we do'uot `castigate ; them: . The truth is,
they ' are 'altogither[ Wei -small? , A Woman
once handed her crying
,baby, td, her huSband
reguegting 'him to' inake t haslii Ilt eontin
bed to cry till she g 4 'tont of patience, and
' then she called out to; tier husband, :' 1 do
Wish you would spank, that ! baby.'
said. hie .. Ile fumbled al:iota:for some. titne,
and at length.she angrily ezelaimedh 4 Alit
t you a-going to span l. dud baliy:l .'1 Would,'
he replied, 4 but in eed• w ife! 1 cited find
i anyilaceNg s enoug k tol'jspank; l .—Lo'niaville
l'Aurnal:.. . • .[.'
• - •
—The Washington ;;Star Says . ; Those
who think that the arm of baker out of the
territory of the .United States by United
Btatei law officers, Was illegal , hre . mistakep.
lie lad time - Ore t beyoud the jurisdic
tion. of the United Stater, its hichad constant
ly been on . an Americat vessel; under Amer
ierai flag. clad he stimeededinlguid ing at. the
Canary Islands-the iirreSt *odd have been
illegal. _
. • ,
—A well-inform 4 eorresiaMdent in Kan
saf, ronchcs fOr the. folloWing:. items: Mr.
Atchison was asked by at .prOlavery : man
how it happened thin, r th 4 tenth district in
linth;a:z, which, eleetlid Free. Soil men, had
not. been supplied With voters tivan Missouri.
Ile replied that it wlas alfover'sight, - 7, but he
would be d--diithi . did Otiatiend to it next
time. ! . . • .
. .
—An inge nious F)diVidt:tal has .diScovered
that the initials tit't ie
.fo4r ro:yal personages
who recently -met in' 7 glah!ii the sovereign of
France at4l#reat, ritaini. spell the nain e . of
the river of the Ru. sian C apita l. N. - g. v. A.
rlr HE subsc ri ber would inform the citizens of Mont-
IL rose aud the publi l p genetillY that he has bought
the Grocei,formerly kept byZI H Fordliam 1
in Lyons and Chandler' banding' on Chestnut Street,
Mon iu the borough of Mon rose, Where he has a fresh as
sortment of Groceries; and , will keep constantly on
hand, Four, Oysters,' Snows; Syrup, Molasses,
Mackerel, Nuts, Candi , Toys, Outages and Lemons,
Figa; Prunes, Sardines Soaps; Vinegar, Coffee,:dried
Peaches and Plums; erting,issek palt, Pies, Cakes,
Bier, Yankee N. :.. and other things too numsr.
*us to Mention, itidch II be sold - cheap for cid' or
most kinds of coup ,prodice. Call and see. *
Aare ofpublicia. . • Waited. S. S. MOT T.
Montrose, March:, DM. •
NOTICE is hereby . 'wen that letters of administrs-:
don upon the estate of JOHN HAIS'D, late of;
Appollatton townehip, dec'd, have been grantedlo the'
undersigned, and 411 persons . indebted to staittestate
will plea/lex:take initUrtate Pl);xnent, and awl* tins'
lug 'claims sill; present, the same duly attested for
settlement. MILIAN ;LAND.
Appollsicon, March 1 1855. 121T4
- . -
I sir GoODs.
WE are recarmg this week a lot orltew (kohl, just
purchased In the cltr, l ,which muter' s our assortment
complete, and which we-ofler oia -the toortfavonalge
tenifs, at - the newbulldlng, one doer above the . Post
Mee. - - I • BD"FLEY 4: READ.
'Montrose, retires)* 111, 1835. •
- -
mystic istrsic
t..)niNcrs ntrnoTrz 14E401)EONEI, =are jitst
/ 1. receired by - .J.ZY01 4 113 AWN.
QILEET MIJSIC- a• Jet tot the • Voice. rum oe .
Ik7 11. elodeas and Gultar.4"ome very beatttiful pies : _
1 •
.f4j use pOlistled—Qa by . - : J.I.,TONS k SON; 1 Broalyn,-Apfil if), inO, : . j Ir 6
h i e.: l44l4s hillings a , t.i . 41414 ' ii'r . i5a1 c 1(44 ,
Z;p\ - A ii t..( 4 k. 5 .. k
iitlV - mPluw. , r liii4b wit* lis - pelfcififilid - the vitrii i tivAvr-ixr. sta, , . An., y l . ' - - ' '77 ;
.2 or6t,, ,Irotterter;
Tingley, iit i "As sol au 110 - 1 ha4.tione the isawing-" said lie .' 1 f ' .-
. 1 5. - Cl• ITEYrsITAM ' ItifttkOsi'llell:o,e,d, juft..°J/cl 4 1 w
1) - _ , • garck - 0 . - • •
u ;
nde on the I" I be4at.soniething drop. .' _ - flrooklon. April 40, 1€55. •
, : • ;--- I
, .
4 3,234,313.
lite,rs, at - ,
'es, and tci-; . , .
in; slay6s; .
. I eop4! t.iy'. • -
, 1 - - - •
', mi.s4 , 4ithile millions,
: vice ihousand, six hun=
raUOM Notice.
T. B. Ortliiisd i . X. D. -- •
1010HYSICIAN AND BIIRONON, Juickolon. Susque
-- helm comity, I& • Residers a 4, l'oe!,oiNce.
agn . zr&p.i.„
C.OIFET MAKERS, lave reeentlY opened a ware
roomin New= Milford, Pa., Ind will keep eon-
Mandy ; on hand all kinds of Cabinet-ware l also Ready
amide Coffins. Funerals attended with, or without a
hearse: Ware-room nearly opposite I: Diekerman's
*re, I • • . • .
New, Milford; May 15,1855.
A. tt-B. Baldwin, ;
1N R. Trunks, Whips, in the Basement of Resrle's
Ilitel,"lantrose, Ts. - R •
C. E.Sunmons,
BOOT D SHOE iIrAtER. Shop first door east
Of Odd Fellows' HAD, Turnpike lit!, Montrose..
- •W. Singletot ' -
°Ali now be found lit stand on Owego at.
V' tiro doors west of Searle's Hotel, where he ef
fectsta4g repairs with; dispatch, Watches, Clocks,
Juielry, Guns, and every description Of Machinery.
Wheel cutting; Gun and Watch materials supplied
to the trade.'
- Dr. R. Eirnith, -
URGEON DENTIST, Montrose, pa., at Searle's
:Rotel, Mondays and Tuesdays of each week,
Henry S. Knapp,
AfONTROSE, PA., iirith j ßow, Troodre tk Car
-11.1 ,ter; Wholesale Grocers and Cotiimission Mar
ehante, No. 173 Washington street, 'between Court
andt and Dey streets, Sew cork.
Caleb Weeks.
dap Trimmer. Shop; at his dwelling house,
early opposite Henry DUnker's...Von!rose, Pa.
. - Miller elrowler;
11l and Soliitiors in Cluthelgy. Often NO. 44 L`ktFke
strict; chimp), III.;
• Pacific Hotel'
! •
ItEENWICII STREET{ (nett firnadway,) Yeic
froik. • Salisbury ie. Co., Priciiirietors. In the
'vicinity of the principal lin:Wings. •
• Thomas Li g strim. .
D E.I.IER ,DRY GOODS, Giverirs, Clothi ng, 'crock Ifoots end Shoot, 4;c., Susquehanna .
I) '' My Pa. . ,
r , • ! Bentley. & Fit*
D. S. F. siren.
John Gioves.
FASHIONABLE TAILOR. Shep under Searle's
Hotel maine ifpntrore,l4,'sl-.
D. D.'Hinds,
T IVERY AND EXCILI.*iE 5T4.131.E. Office in
4/ in the rear orWilson'a:Store Montrose Pa .
J. Cobden,
TIEALFiR IN STOVE'S,; Tin, COOer, and Sheet
LEJ Iron Ware, Lorlehtrilli., near Ifieest Bend DepOt.
December 4. - ,
L P. Hinds,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, ;Susquehanna, Pe. Office
on Maine street, one door easi of Lcnheinfs.
Frazier it Case; •
11 - 1 - Placa on Turnplke street,. one door East ,o
Post'S Store, ifwitrose Pa'.
Albert Chaliberlin, • .
TTORNEY AT LAW it'd Junks of the Peace;
11. over I. L Post LiCo'e Store. Montrose.
Wm. 7essap,.
Dmms, for the State of New York, will attend
to all business entrusted toshim witti promptness and
fidelity. Office on Public Square, occupied by Hon.
Wm: Jessup. .
Abel Turin, •
Paints, Oils, Dye-sturs, Groceries, Dry Goods,
Hardiare, Stoneware, Glanware, Ckicks, Watches,
Jewelry, Silver SpoOns, Spectacles,. Musical Instru
menti,. Trusses, SurFloial Ipstrumentit, Liquor., Pcr
fumerr, Mirrors, StatiOnerY, Brushes;Phoes, Yankee
Notions, Le. - 4 1
B. IL 40.ns Bc . •
yv. Dry Goods, Groceries, Salt, Floor, and Hard.
ware, Laneaboro, Pa. ; •
F. IL Chan' dlcii, : - • , .
. ; ••
riEILER IN DRY. GOODS, Rindy . Made Clottine,
I, Groceries, Books ant StatiO c ti,
.utc,, Public
Avenue, Montrose., Pa. i -• . :i, .- . '
Patrick de Dimbek,
AOwego street, ifentrose,far
. .
I. L. Post it Co;„
DEALERS IN DRY G 001" Groceries, Crockery,
Hardware, Leatlier, , etc.{ Carper of Turn
pike street and PublielAcan Monist:at!, Pit.
J. Lyons - dt 80n., , .; •
DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, Grocieriee, ilanhvam,
1.1 , Crockery, Tinwat.e, Orotieries, Bunko, etc.; also,
carry' on the Book Binding Inkiness—Public Avenue,
Montiose, Pa. ' i • _
Bentley &IRea4
D EALERS IN DRY GOODS, Drags, Medicines,
.Paints,• Oils, Groceries; Hardware ; Crockery,
Iron, Clocics, Watches, Jewelry, Silrer Spoons, Per=
emery, itc.—Foot of Public Livenue„ffoatrosr.
Sayre, Bentley & Perli;ins,
kinds of Castings, Su:qv+, Agricultural Imple;
mentd, etc. Office at Sayre'a Store, Public Avenue;
MannFaCtory at the Eagle Ettundry, 'Foot of Cherry,
street; Montrose, Pa.; .
William & Willilim H. Jessup,.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW; ifontroae, Pa. Prac
tice in Susquelutnui, ;pradford; Wayne, Wyo
ming and Luzern° comities..
William W. Smith & Co.,
CIABINET MAXUS. They keep constantly on
V -- hand a good assmtnient.of all kind+, of Cabinet
Furniture. Shop and . Ware Roonts, at the foot of
Maine street, Non:raise, Pot. • , •
&wavelL Winton dc'Co„ ,
.LTJL G'oollt, Hata, 'CON' FUT*, Umbrellas,
ola, 'Ribbons, it& 'Cap
Courilandt strt„ Nem!
/*orb, (up stairs.) • - ' !
. 1R0CKWL4.1..., .I.IIOW AHD W .:W W. INT .
Prtufflin Fraser.
lA. Montrose, Pa.; will attend faithfully to all busi
ness entrusted to him in - the . couriti of Susquehanna.
Conveyancing and Wilting of
,all kinds willbe done
neatly,, and charges Moderate. lie will also attend to
the prosecution of &Ind; of solcilers; their widows and
heirti„ against the United Stata Govermitent, for
Bounty Land, Pensions, Lc , May be found at • all
hours at the office'formerlyroccupied by J. T. Rich
ards. Esq., north of the Court Rouse. 1489.
Tyler; •
hitarsrn L with L. BM, Importer of and
Dealer in Hardwire and Cutlery, Carriage Springs,
kc.,,No. 215 Pearl mime, Nero York, where his Mer
cantile friends, in this and other counties; are kindly
inviled„ - and earnestly solicited to all andlitirchase.
PA., AT $11,150.11a AJSLX, IN 'ADVANCE.
• Rates's! Advertising. •
One. square (16 lines or less) one week, $0,50
One square ' ".• two creeks, 075
One square three weeks, 1,00
One square "' • :one month, ..... ..1,25
One square • . • two Months, 2,25
One square • ' '": three Months, 5,00
One, square 'I " • six months, 500
Om square • i". one year, . ... 8,00
For two or More Squares, inserted by the year, a
deduction from the *bore prices Isniade. Yearly ad
vertisers wM haVe the privilege of altering or clang
ingtheir advertiCements without additional charge. •
Stisisess car4a, not exceeding five lines, inserted
at $2,00 per ami`uM. . -
This office is Isaipplied with Wgood assortment of
.Jobbing thatesiils, and all kinds,of Job Work, such
'WI Coda, Poaterii, Pamphlets, lie.:ijrnl be done neat-
IJ aild Fri:°l 3 4i • ;
,•. • •
imam iNatitami«ALunzber
10 1 0,001orsa nquire of •e. •
To the 10etOle 'O lipf , asagotehanat*
.. . , county,. .. 4 .: i
8„,,,,,, a one or c okkot Sufferers' by the recent
destructive re 0 1 1 16hute, having lost•e4-
40 ,, e 4 10u5e ju , emit Alt Of my gocids;l have 1 1 0
i t
however; giv over ta deOdr; but; have takeni r
store emu is the I m part.W . lthe :town, first chioi i
north of ,Ilecier's lio . into arlnth I have placed tht
mango* se.vedfrO thO fire, and sill in the coursi
of a Ivy-81104 . th* It tip the Store: with an entire
new stock of gtxxt4 i f
~Yny Pri'ent new location, ,I
will be happy too* aacirait on my old :customers
and the public gene who will fervor me with ii
call. `I have row•lved'Arti.'erioiriup the ship."-4-
I ant determined to keep DRU nn
G o, and 4
v a,
keep a good assortment Of A Medicines, Paints,
Oils, Dye s, Groceries, . serware, Jewelry, Per.
Amery, Y-m cotiess t -'44111 hods of Fe u
6 1 00ils, Ate. dc., such -
devoured the earnings .
McCdrose, Nov. 23,
20-1 y
NlOt Will eve,
• IL) • rernembir
by sendiug Ao k me the •
.liorember '23;1851. AIIELTURI4II.I..
, -------r
. &e. 4k,e &e. i .*:. ' • : i
/ . ..1 OLD" and Silver. Pate' ti n ever,l.Auchcir and 1.4.
•.picte Watebcs, just r 'veil and for sale-by
• ' EINTI. : F EY & REA.D;
___..- •
I : . Jewelry, .welry. 7 - 7
. t GOOD assortmentmt : welry . , 'consisting Of Ern.
Bts/A. Ring Ear Drops;' f Plai, Finter MO,
&c. &c., Justreceived. at . 11E$TLEY k READ's..:
tilliveir - giiiOtts. .. '. , .
Tea, Table; Dessert, SuOry.liklt,4e.; warranted pure,
for sale by • ;;' BENT LEY; & READ.:
'. - - Boots riiri:lltoies. ''
An unusually good assOrttatmtnrtfle best make, all
fresh and prtfigt foe stak. by. BENtt.EY & READ. ;
7 7: - ;•; 7 1siiriesr . iiiikeeFit,ail* tali-s:
A fretdi stock genuine. Otitis and - ;;V&llcines, Patent
Medicines, 'Paints,' etc 'Mye-attiffs; le., for sale byi.
. Dee... 13,i . ..i . ,';,"; - - MOTLEY i READ.„
.., ~
INO IV COM/ ,ETE---and wb would, take this
opportunity try y that we bait show' the mOst
beautiful and tiplen patterns of,Porlor and Cooking
Stoves to he found the. county.. Among them esp .
be seen- the Revol+glFront and (,otkic Parlor, for
wood Or coal, entirely uttiv and ( I PcitiNlY pretty stoves.
Prices From five to ten dollars: ,Of Cooking Stoics
we think it needless to t4ny much,; only to remark, that
we arelselling : thera at Onr fornici prices; and judging
from the rapidity of our.sales, We believe', the public
are entirelysakisfied with our Pricls and the quality
of our, wares.: We haie.'" a few more-left" of the
"Clinton Air-tight Eletitted Oven !Stove,"•aipknowl
edged to bc,the best cooking stove now in use. Rus
sia and Enelfsh Stove lit old '')tices,.and Trim
mings land Tin ware of all dbizcriptions at the very
lowest 'Tates. • 4._ . I)IPKERNAN, jr..
New! Ili Oetobei l 23 6
z • .
•: ••••• 1 • t
• • •
; 11 KNOW.
-lint, very fortunately, the earth is not.thrown
from ifs orbit. And the inn itbincs . cni-As before ; ena
bling the." Pi Lure Mait:"- to his trade alight
end .4.ltr.
Isis !New g4tck, jusr, ptirchtted; 'comprises evtiry
thing neat and: desirable fie Daguerreotype line,
and asks that you will itOt forget to call. : -
Ile has also:some rei.'enfly pittbliiltedlloas, which
will bel sure to; please thOse who'wish good 'reading.
• i • I W. B. DEANS.
Nit Fellows: Hall, gontros_e, Pa.!
w. B.iD. does 'p'ot take i..ieptres fir 25 or 30
cents.; .77tose ;rho wish "sash li•ctsh in' oat yo lsetrite re.
- • • •
John (rove s"' Adicitlsemut.
AS nature -who furnizlies. the hirdli and beasts With
an extra coat for winter, has not made a similar Pro
viskinlor man; I have!eoncluded tp take it Upon my
self tip attend'io that ileptuitnenti and therefore I
think proper to annott*lthat all abivering male 'bi
peds, that need new apparel, (glorious or inglorious,
fashionable or unfashintiable,lean, have their wants
supplied And their tastes Suited by calling otl me, at
my shop in Monti . '
• '1
. - „ ~.• .:. ; • 1 , •
groi,'Es - AND TIN WA RE FOI: Tali:
. PEOI'Lt.- - I -
1' . . . ; :
s: ‘ . .ltEDlLive'ronstartav on hand
WPa ° Parg ni e. and ' Well selected tistortmefit of tiii
ware, j Reels' and:, Chain ;,for •wellia,. pumps, cistern
pampa,. /cc.,
.11ydrauliir Rims, 'japanned wares, , lead
pipes of all ..Ines Am:, 411t.;` Job' work doth; With heat
ness aid de:patch; all! milers•promptiv attended to.
, ..-i STO V" R.S .I(.P IT i !
of 1
kept-constantly on hand, - a large a.lsortmenti stores
of theilatest improre(„k . and approred patterns. 1 Our
experience iti the lausiness. enables* to select thole
that We, can„latfely warrant to gi, re , :entire s[atisfactlon;
Amongst our rintricron stock can tke found the • .
Paragon air tight j - ,' .! Star Itif the West, Deviled
New World, " i . Clinton,--i [Oven.
Atlas,! - • " • 1 1::'t.tilltliator, . -".
Phoenix, " ,:, , , Fire py, ; . I • - "
Three'States," • 1,: L •.Western - ,lneett, - - "
G , lobed 44 •••.'
Treilliuni.. . • , ~.'
S. A. wooncrsr.
• , .
1 • . • RE.III6IVIAIb. . ' .
17 EELER k STODDARD, Fine d the late fire. may
11 be found in the EASEMENT OF-BEA ELL .; .1,
110 TEL. NotwithsitMding die Unprecedented • ra
pidity with which Our stock lof _Hoots, Shoes, ke.,
"went off" on the mOrning_ of theifire, we Mill have
some on hand, and shall 'soon be Well supplied again.
Montrose. Novembfrr 13. 1054 i
--'.- - 1 --- I, — ; -- ------
THE subietibersi offer ror mile. On the most liberal
and easy terins,one of the best !heated farms for making
money .in Northtrn DeriosylClinia: ! The said farm is
situated on the Newlit'iirg and; tiwt g o. Turnpike, tko
=les east of Mount It easant Tillage, and twelve (jin
the N.Y. LE. R. R.i alSo aery codveniently situated
to Churches ' Schools, ~ ( lrist-titills,lSaw-milis; Black.
stnith4hops LT.. It contains One hundred and sity
one acres, one hutidied of it un4er a good state, of
cultivation, well waterectand good;buildings, con,sist
ing of a good framed Ibrise, wellfinisned off, and very
conveniently arr.tng4 Almit.wolgood barns and a
good barn ;fled well cuticularoll convenience, two
6r6e brchards yielding,Trom 00 to 1000 , bushels I An r
nualty r mostly grafted fruit o ;th e best quality. The
farm is well adapted ;to grazing sufficient t,? . ."keep a
large stock.' For price an& tenns apply to D. F.
EATON, or to ALFRED Litt, (in the premises.
Ilarfinxl. Dee. 13 :1854
Mere sandi'nore:Nelv GOOds..
HBrARITT, is' now'receiving new and full
. supplies of owl. fin; the ill'inter Track' in
cluding n nest and elegant. tuaiortnient of Fi.cnch_ifc
rinoes, Mert:ito and;Cashnitee Plaid, Fan
cy and Plain De Lars, Parcimetias,BrOchP, S9iiare
and Lony altof new and best styles, and
be sohrat 25 per eent:'Les.s thin list year's prices...
Also is new assortment of Rich Ribbons and Bonnets,
Wide Silk ireirets Cloaks mid Mantillas, Rich
Silk i and 11-fort_ Driss/ Triintnikgs,. Mohair Mead
Dresses, kc., with a genend assortment
of other St . a.i.tx and Fmrci Goons, as usual,• which
bari+ig w4r he preient pressnre of the such
mar ce! ke . k.will be sold irt corriespoOding and reduced
• New Nilfoill, So ember . .
; •
T I R E. Spring Goods
ceired at I. L.',POST d
quality, - atyle and price. ! .
Staple Goods, DrYGW,ech :
~i ',, i: -
iedg eolla in r; ,,
Cloths and Calleinteke, Bonnets,
'White Goods, i: apd Parasols.
CLOTHING—a line kick:' Groe`eries of all vari
etiea': Hardware, Cieeker7, Looking Glasses, niul in
every department their' assortnierit is good, and at
prices to snit • !: k rf - 1
Y6ntrose,. March : l 2o, r.1&15..V-
Tbe coPartseishiVbeielothre existing betoieen the
subscribers under thetrio of E .. 3, Kent h Co. is
this day dissolved bb nuitasltconsent.
• E.; S. SENT k CO.
Bevollyn Apr.' 2L1855., : 1414 '
ARDand TAliiiti;aiso, Finnan tooLs In.gen -,
; oral at - : f L. POST &
PURE Timothy; uld atI'CRRELV
- iyhtE 'Medi 414 aortr &ill,. at
A FRESH lot oi,§bakenq Rochester, and Cnnnec•
Ill: tient oa74ibn Ftieds jut °paned and fot at ie by
114irett to. - J. "Nom
• . • = f •
b few more left that will be *Ad ie-st cheap. . ;
Paminettaa l GOinieres & Pelaities at greatLbigrfaine
at • ' VirONg & SONIA
fresh ealpply . if ! „Oveeries t jult opened by,
i LYONS 411.E.0N.
p. i I.ppi:n„
Cgs. are 51esirable. in
• 1‘110t...„
Paragon, October. IT1831!"-
Cloths - Citfaiiiiiities avid ; Vesting*.
A large assortment and at prices kliver thari we have
ever. been enabled to °frt.+ them hOrtitoihre.
Gibson, Oct. 11, 1854.',
. •
, Dresni,Goioditgi
A great arieti:and beautiful atYletriAnd almost tit
cheap cs could be desiral.. U. BURIIOII 7 .St CO.
. GitmOn. October 12, 1054. • L :'•
:131ackiSt14. i • • •.:
, .
A good quality for ilre-4184is'at . 81 mita per Vail).
• October . 12, 1854. t .u. 13,158110ws 4 co.
i si*triff:
Long and square, wool, Iroche, andl elk, very Ininft
some itylem and at eat tnely low i pmes..
OetOber 12; 185$. = tr.I3URROW§* Cs).C .
: • • Bro. lie Shtiwis • . „
Cheaper than ever b fOrt known.; benitiliq.patiertr
and flue quality ,of Ilroehe Shails;Lupen's man=
I.llfacture, at *7.17.P1.71 4R 0W$ & CO.
Gibit,on, October 11;1834. • • ; -
Bus state shaw 1
The. Lanosir atzr, visiurr apt'•
TER Ns; $1,56A-neh. IT. 1)14tR0W.9 Si CO.
Gibson, October ,11, 1'854. ,
• . Carpets* -. • ,
A good assortment and', handsome; pattenie,, at very
low. pnces. • , C. - BURROWS & CO. •
Gibson, Octidmrl6s4. • 1 I.
- B;i
_ „
• fsdo Itol, • •
• A large lot of handsonui Rohes, i part of them whole,
Indian dressed and 'very superior color andiqualitv.
Qctobee-12; 1851. TT: 1101110 B'S & :
COFFINS ! • „._ _ yy
COFFINSI! po its •
The Subscriber ha'pn hand ready' made coffins
which may he bia_at reasorndle
.4.l4ron'hand a lot. of• Superior iindow Sash.
• . RY
Crlint Dana .L.n. . •
r PllEsubsetibers hating secared the Sole right, to
1).-1 .4 DJUS AI3IP tiIfURN , AND. •
BUTTER- 11-"ORKEP, for Susquehanna and several.
adjoining counties, respectfully :infite all BUtter mak
ers to examine and 'CERT the Merits- of this netr,and
valuahle. invention.: ..„.1i 7e propyiSe Ito furnish each and
all of you with , a Crtoix that, veil produce as much
butter 'in as.short a time as •On other churn—one
that will etnnpietely.crpei.the, leash and
worklin the salt,-digrnsing it petfeitig through the.
butter and tit it for use, without. reinoving it from the
churn. _This Churn is,simple in its; construction, sci
entific in-its Operation, and easily' Weaned- and kept in
artier, and can be easily attaChell 'to any propelling
"I• • I
For fm-ther particulars; apply personalli'l'or by let
ter to JAS. C. 11USIINEIJ. and J. N. BEONSON,
Ararat, Susquehanna County; Pa. l •I I
• • • - • '
77fe Greatest Imparente;it Age!—C. l
If.. Double-Acting -ralve .
_ Foivi an? Pqmps--,
VS improvment above all otherlptutips or ma
lA.; chines for; lifting; throwibg,land carrying water;
eondrialng both a Paint) :midi a - fire 'Engine. This
Pump, patented in February, 18'44, is, the, whole of it
. metallic. No bolts •or screws' abbot it to rust,•conse
quetitly it will lust a man's life One. It cite be used
;in es-cry variety of form—can drawwater front any
situation, and carry it any Patit nf , It
is superior to all other PumpS fin. Distilleries, Paper
Tannerie'S, Brick Yards; Iran Worki and Man
ufacturing-establishments Of all kinds, • ;
All orders mast be addressed tO Anntstri - DISIMICk,
Ladersville, Pal, who has the sole right fiirSusque
hanna county. I ; ;;
- • •
1 . • *AItMETIS ' - • •
, g ,•
/ • ,
• CAPrra, $0 , 0,060:L • •
Sl bti•J/07t01 an g .Ifortgonr, on the Real Estate
1 of the Stockholders..` •
I,psures•a,ttairistloSS:by rtrC,'• of lionSes, Stores, and
otfihr buildings; Gootl?,Wart.%, and Merchandise • on
as favorable - trans as
_any similan Institution. Losses
protriptly adju.‘ded and.paid. ; . i ,
• Dirmetoms.--lion. porace - WilliSton; Athens; Fran.
cis Tyler, do. ; George,A. Pet kink do. ;JJ. T. D. Meyer,
do.-;.C, N. Shipknan, dn. ;C. F: Wells?, Jr. do.; - 4. E.
Canlield do.; Bon. John lhapiwte.ToWanda • Gen. B.
Wa , k/...!inan, Vico-vide': Geo. M.l.llolletbaCk, Wilkes
-brCe ; Michael; Sleylcrt, I.aporfo,.Pa. • : •
OiTtcer.s.-116c. Ifozace Pr;esitiont ; 'C.
F. Wells, jr.,. l'res, and Treas.;r.. Caofield,
Secretary. • ; • ;
Agent, 0 1 S. BE.Enx, [1532m3
_ • "L" -- 7 ------ 27 )
, .
rI‘BE subscriber will, act as geitt for buying and sell.
'_l.. in„ RealEstate-i-Fartns, Rouses. and Lots- 4o
cated in SusquehannalCountY, ra. All who Wish
offer their propertyftir. sale can give a, minnte descriri
tionlof their }arms or Lots a. follows : Number of
acre=, how many impiived, and Inin; watered, build
togs'', orchards, grafted or common fruit other fruit
treei t and the - neare..l point to Oe D. L. Oz W. R:
itMLN. Y. &E.R. R. . io
r. 2 farms on the unsold. By, c illitig ph the
subscriber a minute description' , priee'aud terms can
he given. ;
°Mee on Tunipikee4. 4 don tt west
;'Montrose, August i,5,.1854.1 A. BALDWIN,
1' THE . .NETIEAf4KA .I.;i4TTLEEti
ca COTT, JOHNSTON- 'A; Co.i ate now receiving
j from New ,York general assortment , of 'Spring.
atiOutumer goods, 4,1 we cordially invite all that'
like to buy goods . to give us a' call, tis our stock
. large; and we are, willing to sell for
. small profits.—
You can find• here alriiost - everyL article wanted,' and
we are willing : lo compare goods and prices with any
store in the:county—we have taker! special . pains to
fled nice goods to please the Ladies, such as Black,-
Figured and Fancy Silks, Tissues; 13Crages and
Berage Delanes, Plaits and Fancy Lawns, Silk. French
and pomeiiic ifighatis, Figured and Phan Nitslini,
Embroidered Curtainsand l'aper dO., Ladies Collars,
Underhandkerchief3 - aitd Sleeve, Parasols
and Gloves, Straw and Fancy .Thinnets;' also ,trim
mings to match. A Urge. stock o Goods "for Men
and Boys, also imn, Steel. Nails, florse Shoes' ' Arid
'Horse -PlenghS,l, Salt, Fish, !Crockery, "Grind
stones, and Stoneware, Stove pipe, !- Tin, Glass, 5a511 . ,
Leather, Boots. Shoes &c.; 4e. illeas4 - give us a
chance of showing yOu our 'stock befor e . you buy.
Yours truly, 1. scum, JOHNSON k CO,
Springville, April, IS, 1851.1
All R3glat Ag
• • • TO ORDER. ! •
ri - MTE subscriber world respectfully announce to his
II customers .and the ntihlic in general that he is
again prepared for •the .Boot
,and Shoe: btisiness.—
Ilaring just received ifrom New Turk a Choice lot of
Sole nod Upper Leather,.Calf fikins, Kip Skins, &c. ;
all oak-tanned. Also; an assortment of Ready-made
"Work, consisting in- 'lntrtc.eif , Men's Thick and Cal-
Boots, Days- Boots, Children's Strait Boots; Won:tete:4
Ennmejed , Union Bciits, Polkas, ICid Bitskirts, Silk
Lasting,Fox GaiteeS, Goat Lace BoOts, Enameled Pegs
ged Boots; Misses Kid Lace ,Bootsr.. Children's Roan
Boots, ke. E:e.--- 7 whiOt will, he sold for cash ehr . aper
than ,a;, be bought. elsewhere, this market."
"pairhig done neatly. -
Please call and examine,' Store first door cast o
the Odd.Vellows flail,: ' -
- IN.sittess hours from "the .. time to - work" until the
time for "rest" and "refreslunOnt." Grateful for past
faTors-he 'horiett by ';strictiattention to= business to
merit a continuance of the are ; •
N. B. Being somewhat in want ofthe "one thing
needful," (money,) he would suggest, in the mildest
mintier possible, the lirepriety of those indebted - call
ing and settling tini.tiotne hitmediatelY. 'Nur ced:
Montrose, Dcc. 4,
.15.54.: I. C. M. SIMMONS.
THE subscriber is 'carrying )311 the CHAIR MAK.
ING BUSINEWS in 4117 its rariona branches - at
the Chair and Ware,ShOp in Raiford, -where may be
round a gredter ,Jrattiety of Windsor and Rocking
Chairs than at any other establishment in the county;
(6o .Flag and Erne Seats, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Loung
es,; Settees,. Tables, Stands;, all of Which will
be-sold .at the lowe4 prices at retail, (or wholesale,
with short notice.) 1 All work warranted well made
and of good material; , Short credits and small profits
will be my m0tt0.... For demonstration of the- *bore
facts, Please call at niy Shop in Flarford 4lWge. '
1 . • • , A. W GREENIVOOI).
Ilarford, October 12, 1654. 1 11546m6
Batlnto RObeet.
A CHOICE lot just, reeelveil, tuld offered low by
Sham;ln! Shawls! ; , .
CILOICE lot ot, Wool Long . Shawls very cheai
Springville, December & , _
' ANTED, Butter, Cheeic,:.T.w t Smo ed Hges
Potatoei, Beino t • B. 13.11,1
A New- Cutter raid atwo horse Pleasure Car.
-el tinge for sale OeuP bT j A. TURRPILL'
A fresh supply, of Barer Spcioni, Watches, Jewelry,
Le. Le•just received. • ) IkllsnrLEY, is-READ.
r • Itlirelotreolis ..
iIiSTAITItrON 'HAND er fiirnisilea tic oraer,
n c
, '',. 6n;shd - rt n'atieo: J. LYOYS: S' SOK.
a Conine 1 ' '-• ';•:e. qr-4 , 0. , A mansarons_
.for_tale by 1 0 ONSTANTLY,,O .111‘..ND or funds
• " )93- • 1k ) qii OWL notice. ' J. LYY)
- ....,i.l •'' ilr'W. .
ga ---
Bth of each,tnot. s. 4ntik. ~_
Hotel, for ' ,04!„, 1 maybe
._,‘`. . - -o
1 the hunutn sy , - ;zoo all enseases in ci n e n cu to ,
chitis InflaMatiOn , : 1 ' ,1.. , , C .... ..N5UMPT10N,' Barn-
Kidneys and Spleen, , • , Thmttvi 6 tv,ere news.
,' It
Complaintninuartirof; .14/ndigesttort,kLiver,
,Complaiutk'Diseases 'of tliiT• • ibre Eruptions, ` Spinal
'Weakness,. ;.kei, lie. :Particula.l4,r e, 'Natrona
the diseases ofiFemalis and Chihli lfi'reu. to
affectionsrof the Crtertis vadicaliy cur - "e Tanoul
Dr.' is well acquainted with ho 'X0....
thy and locuithy, hiving been in constant intior
practicer Ali last twelve years, and having
trodueed Honteopatliy into Binghamton, 14. Y., •
1847.. 11 a plan of treatment• is mild,
,saA end e i tkv.
ciente,' in ilifitrent fiom that ofany other physician,
end cures nearly 'all' eases in - all stages of the disease.
igr Dr. Harris.hait testimonials of character , al&
ity and skill, f,rom,slnumber of ,the, most eminent
medierd'lnen in the city of New York among them
th , 4 celebrated Dr. Vklentine Mott; ,
Persons wishing prompt relief or - permanent cures
will do weft Wield/ without . delay. Charges moderate.
Consitkatfoit fool Ratients visited at their residened
if desire Office hciuns from 7in the morning until
9in the venfpg. ! •
„ lAavautages.
The a vantages of _the Homcepathie A t of
diseases 'are , - 1
Ist. That Patient's treated Homeopathktilly, usurit•,
ly are mired. uch sOner,than by any other practice.
2d. That imy patiettko can be cured by Homeo
pathic remed ies whb cannot be cured by any other
treatment, 'f I ; , ,
",rd. ITlhat p tients 'i l treated florneopahically,' do
not have tolabor under the bad effects of the inedi. ,
eine theybaVe takei to cure the disease.
- L- t , . Szta ARE,
rrilAir the Spcmiib Court has decided not to spllths
I. Island of Cab; but Joseph Wittenberg at Brother
have recently decided to open a new store, in ' the
building Of 4:Searle, a few doors east of Post's store,
opposit Wilson's dwelling house, corner of Chestnut
and Ow go 4reets, *here they will keep on hand a
splendi (assortment of Ready Made Clothing; also in
addititi n to. this, algood assortment of Broad Cloth,
Cassim r:e, Kentuckey Jeans, lie.; in short, a general
a. , -sort eta Of Genamen's furnishing roods: Also, a
Pplend' assorimen'ot Ladies' Drats Goals, Silks; Me
rinos, elaines, Alpfteeas, . Embroideries , Shawls, 14C-
I i
es, Drm Trimmings, tee. &e., all of which they are de
termined to co ff er t o the public at very low prices.—
All Goods warranted to give' satisfaction, as well in
quality as in price.!
Please give'us a' rial before purchasing elsewhere.
:ix ris e,` Jan. 26, 1854. - ,
, .
_____., NEW GOODS.
.r' DLIPLEIf & PARK return . their . grateful
_Ol. .cknowledgements to the public, and incite at
tention to the ver y } large stock of Spring and Sum.,
//Wt. f.; )ods they are now receiving and offer for sale'
at C•-7'y !WC j3Fiees.! rn addition to their usual assort
nientt f 'staple DrY Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockt
cry, Ppints :and ,r, &c. kc., they are prepared to,
exhibit 'a - s rttnent ofLadies' Dre s s Goods
of es:
.1 "..
4 description—Figured, Plaid and Plain Silks;
Boon ts,Shawls, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery—Ladies
and. 3 isses shoes bf all. kinds--also a large stock of
.I:Ect .V.E4 AD CLOTIIIIV49, Cloths, Cassitneres;
( i n
ce s l „ deinS; &tinnier Cloths, Vestinp, Hats, Caps;
Boots and '.shoes,-4:c:.. ,
They reSOeetfullV Solicit. an early call from those
who wiSh to pure4se good goods at lore prices. -,
Spri tgville, May h, '54. - *MILLEN A . PARK.
fer tl
..,f. - .1
• ' .o Ilill AND PICASTER. '
Ti lhicribOs ;are now burning and will keep. ,
. eonstantiv tin hand, Lime : of a very. superior,
mial N eat Illoistrbse Depot, and trili• sell' it - In'aitv
qua b liss lat a thin rice. Persons *wishing- ilarie,'.
qu•-- -- can be Stipp ied ~:on a reasonable' notice., • '
for mmtid plaster will' be kept con*iitly on
lifter. i , ' . , I. L. PM. , . •
i i 1 ". H. DittiiKElL
W. Jp4§LTP:'
- , t'pepdt.„ April s. " L.` O 3EARLE. ..
,• • , ,
Those liersonilndebted to the subscriber• for ties
as liegister. Recordei and Clerk of the Orphan's cour t
tso en rifer a &icor' by settling the Fame soon,
14entrole, Dee. 6 1854. J. T. LANGDON
~ I
i •
, ••• ~.: • r-••••••••••••
...•, ~a .,, , ,Witpicilimr-&-e- m ni, L - - 1,%.-
X tY: , foupd In 11-& Mulford's.. old store, gam
. 17 ‘ , ! ski. 41 : ,.POilt4renits. -; • . ... - :.- .- --
_, itoi! , ~firerit l ? e r .15, 1554 . i
-, '., z , , --'•,'.=
e4 .. .'''fii .- i,l - 11:iiiire:ilrtilme AtonitC:t . • • :•,--,-. ~..
S k SON.,- !! IMoltrose, Noveniber-15, - .1854, •• ;-
1 -
4.4; just recelietl from New York . a full as Ort•
imentl of N,EW -GOODS, com Prising• a first
lariet)l of Pei.ns, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILM,
; FOR pcnri; ltlrsicAt. INSTRCMENTS, YANKEE
.'s,. J JEWELRY , rEAFFMERX, AND ALL - sons or
t Gonos, which will be sad extremely low ,for_
, Haring reamtly sustained a loss by fire of at
fire th,:oussuul dollarS, above insufance and goods
1,11 fury I Mire strong claims for the patronage
friends and Rho public generally. I ask no man
l'titi tYneoleipter do I ask or expect additional
in on ce cinvecin of said loss. I will sell goods
, •
4 , if not lowqr. than can be bought elsewhere in
Own!lOr!cotinti. All I ask is that patronage
the InibliCwbich will enable ine with industrito,
L but 'Ondua !replace .the loss sustained.—said
ling the hatlil earnings of a life of anxious
iric at 'the loicr! end of the burned district, on
street a fewidoors below the cornerk I
ecchth,er 14„ 1854. • -
. . '
1.r0c .. ,
i N
just Iret,unted,fiom New York I wish: to
hall the attlntimi"of my old customers, and of
üblic in general. to mr".
t!beink bought with each at the lowest prices',"
shin to sell.principally•for the same, I will of
dm airgreatii- reduced prices. ;
I heeNPrints warranted fast colors . , for only ,S
it yard. Good Ilrown Sugar, 18 pounds formic
1 Mc:it:ll)ton Nails, acknowledged by -all to .be
est.Nall in' nse,.'ss,so per keg. Hats and CapS,
• and ihoeS, Rulfalo Robes of all . prices, all wool
;lines iCashnieres, Paramettas,. Dies:: Silk, Silk
I, til - Motigfiri.De Leiner., 1 shillhig per yard,:
Bonitets and Moleskin Hats, Broche
fle Log shaids,l Thibet do.- - , gelling at ineitmeehr
low places. 1 can safely warrant perfect sada- .
to al who ',trill. give me 'a call. • - , •
6 'esboto, AM!: 5 1854. ' , S. A. LYONS.
1 OCK--good time keepers, -only one dollar.
" i
nesboio, Apt.l 8. A. LYONS.
4 f;'. • , _ ,
TIANIED--1-000 Hides, for which the .highest
I rwill he 'paid. ,S. A. LYONS.
ncsboo, AO.
tUNTRY taken in exchange for
Goodi, at n* store. S. A. LIONS.
nesboro, April '5.
ND E. MOTT . would respectfully inform.the
14lic that they arc manufacturing Blatchley's
rlowS., They also keep -constantly On
M Hill, i Wayne County; and Alen
kt*Dop!C'h6rult, end Cutter. Shotia,
Trito of carious patterns, too_ numerous to
. iNV:e hope, by strict attention. to business,
slatre of public patronage. Manufac-
Nstls old stand. foundry, M. Mott, near
t - , 1 •
pairing Oolic on shOrt notice.
*scriber is agent for the following InSurance
paniea, business at the. lowest safe
1• ! .
gliatual at . Harrisburg.
1 '• Capital $350,000.
Mitgal 'at ifttiT;Plizekg.,.
• Capital $200,000,',
litsyrailte,ia.yete r.k ork City.
"." Capital *500,000.
;roc F. 13. CIIAN'TILER:i
DROTIIEIS having purchased the above
vlI lishrnent, w il l keep constantlyon haed..Su
-1 .Final7air, Corn Neal of superior Itual
kap aid Itrats at the lowest cash pricea. , ,—:
rk will. be, done with despatch, and in all
l anded.; 1 , ' , I .- .. 1381tf
ifontmle. JuTt, 1553:
U. ,I , . Window . Bosh. - . -/ -4 .
U. V. SAYILE having been appointanni aginli
for_ - aziensfte amh band and door, minutiae.
• areF to 'Tung& any articles in 41alinenS
1 rails they !lase usually been sold •
y 2 • 1,.,-• • -• . . a 11, dt.D. 13.• ed
Kat isle w ev e ry man eloodd tri , for sale
by 3 , R. A,-14 D• . S •
. _
,A ) 1. --=-N Tie* lot Oreit n tote 'Rats "ancl .ClotbA
f 4ffint*wasejust nt - C 'and for sale"
. _ .
;, • , 1
4. rtt.,..;.- ' *l.-- 1: 1,4,.. - 74 - rgilocreet,P* 9 :
where in the extue447,l‘• • . 4 ,
witttout variation- ii . , it iir cLorfinre!i;
1 ' 'R"I). .-- l - f
L Ton ft Co. :halt irigt - '
,Igrarg , .. aktitA , a — ao ' 'th e i r s o c k of • clo01 1 og V
antionmadge a a a ht " r i rs i orer zns - - -- .r. desi gui reeh t. le itie for
irxie the bele,.
ar : t
at such prices as are • " - - t, the w o r k en_bei. equal •
made &layette, andlieralla n befora _ affein a in a : a ttar . -
if not ' superior to any ever sun - bt u * p re i n k- • .
het.) Our mode comp_
. t•tm : ___, Tweed, caatimeie aili,
ks, Freeke•o 4 " umnew . _ _t_.."' " n and widte Sam' ,
- Sselts , o l Ft a a,,-,_,"' v a T irri ,..... kite and ,colored.
„ , • Aigl ,:0----T.,..„,---finiiedLThirsthea,figurt'•
'Valenti*, L.••.--S , ---. d cheap:-
ed a. s at i n E A e very v ariety , am , — an ....
ki ,
Pa. ' . ii ; ek c linn e me : doealdrt, ea 'tw_,etl ,
Streamer nun Ain, tout :made,' • edziPeLtain t z ,,
*ne.—k dtuqrtiw
cbeck 'a nd l li ---, cheap as to be awn 4 4 S MW:e. -
all,'who d ,re to ,
fir.ov.Rs ANDlV R y—Ladiesaid Ciento'
k_A - white: and colored 41oves`orth&hel4 (Pa'
tiirarrantdd. A large 1124301 t, or , all kii m b ofblue,
brOwn aridelatollo3o, and re nts and Ts es,
cotton, Liide thread, Berlin and lid Gum*, Black•
and colors f-a large resort:mut of )M I, silk and lace
kitts,ilong and abaft. - POST 1 COIL
1)00TIFIAND SHOFA—New . fine Boot4;• • Coarse •
.15 800% Ladies hoe Gaiters, Booteeandßnakinsj:.
a full assortment of Cheap Shoes, Childrens and Mina- ,
es Shoes and Bootees,-Ladies fine silk-linen Stlppers, 1
at • - LL. P. 41k
IT GOODS—AII styles and qualities, bleach ,
ed . §hirtings: Pillow Cotton, Jac. and Cambric
firrits* and Book Main% Barred Moans,.
'Bishops Ord Victoria Lawns; &c, figured andlott.
Swim Muslim, at n y P. A: Co'o.
1) a/.
1 try .
1 kRES::. Muslin , DeLanes, Delia
.l 1 ges, Ginginuns, Lawns &e., of .every desirable
. POST.A: Co's.
STAPLE- Goods at the lowest price. . .
••• ~
' I . ' 1.'1.. PCST S.: ON • i.....
'OLOTIIS, Cassinteres, Tweeds, Kentucky .Tetuiet '
V and Satinetts, very i cheap at I. 'D. P. & C o v 4. ._
-.-.- - --, -
VbariE.Y . WAR.-Patent Pails, . Cedar Pails'
and Wash Tubs, Cocos Nut Dippers, Butter .
'Ladles, Piinti, Willow Baskets, Rope Halters, Bed'
Cords,.llanilla Ropes,- Bryonts, a good lot at the store
of • tI
- • - - . s. POST a co.
4 .
,V) quality at:the lowest possible. rates. • -
April /4 1851. I. L. POST•k
SOLE f E A7TER,'very . ch , " . r, / off
J lot at low prices. • . POST & CO. •
IL, Car Pet, Room paper and Window Shades.-: ,. .:.
ll POST & CO.
4,211 K HAM', owing style--bst quality very
cheap, • - POST k CO. c.
BONNETS and Bonnet Ribbons of kinds., Par
asols, lirge and small 410-pry-lois prices.
• . ••• POST.&-00. -
TTRESS TRBLVINGS---every style desirable
I. and very cheap.. . POST & CO.
CIRA/KPA GS--of the best quality: .
, • . .1;OST k CO.
S ALT, Limeilurd Piaster at
LADIES' COLLARS-+A very choice lo t (71? the
latest styles yßookEmbroidered Lymerie, La*
Meclin and Honiton imitations. I. L. P. it CO:
r able styles ; also
and Inieitingt and Flours
r ACE Edgings and In
Ili kind; altuost as goo(
falso pure line - n4rought I
'INGRAINED and.Remp Carpet fowate at ..
- • I:L.ROST &TVs;
QMIXER HATS—Panama, fine jusd coarse trim
nsed and fanay- bound, i Pedal antiFWmleaf, for
boys and men sold very cheap. -I. L.l'. k CO..
ADIES" and Children's rats, a. good tiariety,
so a flea- lot of the latest styles of Boennts-at the
store of 1, • L. LP• CO. -
flß.d/.24" of all kinds—Bans, Dried , A pples,-, Tad
low, Butter, Beeswax, WI trail socks, Bggs,c„
for which we will exchang,4ods 'at cash prices. '
April„ • -- • 1. L POST d; Co.
ed o 1 Wilson k Co. the Eagle Foundry, are -no w .
prepared to SII orders from th e trade ,
aria do Work in.
their line with skill . and despatch. They will keep,
Constantly on hand Plows; (beet kind";) Store*, (all,
kinds,)nehirators, Straw ',Cutters, Cora Sheller;
dr:de.the. . -
We incite particular attention to the Plows which • •
xre manufacture. We 'manufacture. and keep for sale
-• , The Celebrated Blatehley P10w..... • :4-
We have purchased the e3clusive right to nianitfae.,
ture and sell in this county, Wayne, Wyoming and,
.Bradford," Ver Ma's Patent Iron' esitn Ploi. The :
Plow is made entirely of iron, eicepting the handles.
.1t is celebrated for its easy draught, being, one-third
.easier than anY now in use, while its strength and du
rability are greater. t • :
of allkinds manufactured and repaired by experienc
ed machinestn. •
.Steant Engines, Gearing
,for ifs e r a
chines, •e: /fr. - '
Among the - Stoves which we manufaeture, are the
Keystone Cooking Store, -Rough and Ready,do4 For.
,Queen rlo. , Premium do., and other kinds, all ar
ranged for burning Weed or Coal. Also, Self-Regu
lator, Parlor Stove, Cottage Portor do., Stalky's,,
two siz, do:, and a variety of other 'Varier Stoves,
both wopd and coal burners—. We keep also on land
Grindstone. trimmings,: Rog Churn triminingk Um
brella and Shovel and Tongs Stands, &c. dc. Work
done to order on short notice and at.the lowestrates.
DT Orders F o r Steres, -Agricultural' Impleineists,
akc., are solicited from those in the trade, and
filled at reas•onable wholesale prices.: - 1 •
B. S. 'BECTI.I7'.
Itontrce March 4
Australia,' California,
Or any plore on the, Globs cannot present
• grenter indneements than '
NX7IIICII is now filled *Rh .new and extensive,'
V.V assortment of articles in their line,.embracing
a general variety of new and elegant;styles - of ladles
and'' gentlemen'S wear, among which ire... Ladies.
Preach, Silk Lasting and Prenille Gaiters, Kid and
Eitarneied Polkas, Kid, Patent Leather andltronzed
„Jenny Linda, Buskins and Ties • GentlerneVis • ,
and Philadelphia, oak tanned calf skin and kip ;-,
MoroccO, CaMand Cawhide Hrogapal ' Boyd ".'
'calf and COwhide Boots and itroginn/ all .kinds-`
MLsserand Children's wear. •Also, -a genendiumert-
Mein of Findings which consist in part of lasts, pie,.
'eparables, Hungarian nails, ticlui, - ,thread,. Wax, Bess
tles..,shoe binding, awls, rasps, sandetobes, sheeknivca,
'Also oak nod hernia*, - tanned; cidf npp - er ands -
soleleatlifir, Morocco skins and . •
Work made to order and repairing nes% dens..,
IC.Efqia 15 STOP ARD. •
Montrose, April . 6, 11354. I -
_ Valuable Lauds For Spies': • •
OR BALE LN (1248, BODY, about figikseres
Land on the. wAtetio of Spring . Brook., a Itrandi',l:
of the Lackawanna'river, hilAnzerne County,. enn'a., •
about midway between theAttrivbni towns - Of Berm
ion and Pittston. Thew linds'irer ens l;
cable timber,. and being 'situate hi theinearestha*r•
I mineral region in Pennoilcardaturani.ici,tontaht,,:,
Iron ore--and. believed to abound In , "01,. and being
_Aso in, the immediate -vlcinitt of mecca') rallrOadis
Made and 'new In progres • 'to the. •iniPitillatm '
PltliOrtrogtrilp the investment Ofraoney that Seldom •
,oectitu. Toe further•hdbrmatten *My. to..N. P. 4145:
"lack, Elswlro, 11,-wastreet Now York, onto;:ths
autocriber,4lfontrw, Susquehanna ecninty,Pa4the
'attorney In Diet of the oiraera. •
I April 6 1854.. ' ' InttlßY BIPNB_Ete...•
I. L. POST & CD'S.
e best and cheapeakkbals - A
riaingly cheap at 1. L. ,POST
desirable stock in the coun
kricee. • 1. L. P. &CO:
d splendid stock of,Spring _Prints: ,I.
. I. L. F. lc.
. . . e .
ertmgv. mutations:of very
as genuiue and reiAr cheap,
I co. • I. L. P.. CO.
~0 61 0 ,1 1 - • Nunef,,
cipiartimxt rdpisand7,lz
J side by loth,
ke-''t c- *J u s t °Pelle 4 T
. .
c Tivilft
rated TimomyT'vu , w
• y- • -,i-,:Aeut.'"Tement• .
iinan For Sal9bit ; : 14 •
oidriedeti •
Phlnfrifil'ONg otl7Bos
r actobtr 24.1 •
co Underaleeres, desk%
orked and embr'd. Edgings .