Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, June 07, 1855, Image 3

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1 I ' 4 !0 1 3 4 X , ..
The commencement of the disturbances ap.
pears to have been caused by the purelutse of
the liquor by Mayor Dow and the. transfer
of the same talhe City Agency. by his aid'
ing vote at the meeting of the Board of Alder.
men on Saturday afternoon.
' The- attack on the, building was begun, chief
-1.17 by boys who threw stones, breakingglass,
dte: ',Mayor Dow then appearesl en
'mend nourishing a sword, with two milt,
D , companies whom he had ordereft e ;,
me sripf=arellCe of the Mayor Midi th em '
frA B Perided the crowd, who raec — :
with groa order
ns and hisses. Mayt,„X 4 :
Odthainfito try to fi re whieh•r s ""P - ---
it•efused to obey, sayini iv . the eircumstan
Ceti did not:adrfor sur severe measures '
Th e Rin e G unri ti-mafterward approach
ed w h en t h e Ino vaaving burst open the door
of theliquorj 4 ma a section of the Compa
ny by mi l or d the Mayor fired. One per-
Son vests }sled and sin or seven wounded:
:A p.olic•meeting this morning of the citi.
zen' appointed a Committee to investigate
, the cause and particulars of the riot. A Cora.
ner's Inquest has slso been im_panneled to re
port on the deathof George R o bbi ns ,. Th e
A rgus , in commenting on the. riot, says:
' • 4 A few panes of glass and some other in
juries done to the liquorstore. would have
been all that would have happened, and the
crowd-would have' quietly dispersed , had a
'reasonable spirit been manifested. But the
presence of Mr. Dow, brandishing his sword
and accopaided by the soldiers exasperated
• the crowd to make a more violent site& up-
On the store. These acts were unlawful and
unjustifiable by, those who committed than,
but they did not in our judgment call for
or justify: the shedding of blood.
'The losi of the liquor would have been of
little consequence compared with the loin of
human, life, which we must confess. it seems
to us was most wantonly . sacrificed 'in this
eas enit shall turn out on 'the trial to which
Mr. pow and his confederates will have, to
„submit themselves that the firing upon '.the
crowd was not required by the exigences of I
t h e ei , se gal not authorized by. law, they will
e m mi guilty of murder,'
A public meeting was called to-day at :2
oclock to investigate. the proceedings of our
city authorites on Saturday night. • ,
The meeting which was, largely attended,
was presided over by Judge Wells,..and ad
dressed by several of the leading citizens.
A Committe,e of Nine *as then appoivd to
inquire thoroughly into . the matter, and if
found necessary, to prosecute the City author
ities. The Committee wave's° directed 'to
wait on Mayor Dow and request him, on be
half oktlie citizens, to resign his office.
Tft funeral of Robbins took 'place at 6
o'clock this evening. His remains were fed
lowed to the grave by an immense process
ion k
- A large number of special policemen are
on duty to
We are not the special_ defenders of our
late legislator;.. Indeed we believed that
they should have abolished the Canal Board,
cloud their labors and adjourned about the!
first.of April, and took occasion to say so, as i
plainly as it.could- be indicated in the F,ng.l
lish language. But they have now retired ;
and Pennsylvanian, Ar.O . us, 'Union,
Reading 6 . a.:Ttte, and their' unprincipled al
ly, the. Lancaster Examiner, are misopre.
senting ,and slandering our representative.
bodies,CAT deem it proper to refer - to the
sui)jet.l more at length. . .
Such charges as. " corruption," " leprpusy
unclean.% " profligacy," " rastalk," ' fraud,
'.'speculation and villainy," are easily made
but to establish them in detail,is the duty
of those that make them, and what the peo.
ple will require, before they receive.them as
truth. This has not been, attempted, and we
dare those Democratic organs, and Darling
ton their corrupt associate to the task. There
were.a number of experienced and corrupt
in both houses; most of whom were old
ie Democrats,who err.barrassed business,
owiogto legislative in experience of a large
jority of the members, were too success.
in their_ machinations. That majority we
ieve to have been honest and incorrupti
and for integrity of character;; patriotic .
Ae, and intelligence, we believe that the
Ire; body would compare favorably with
of its predecessors during our recollee, •
i. If this band of accusers know of fraud
nption and villainy, letthem present their
Afications, : and faten the charges on. indi.
Ennis; in which event we promise then' to
our utmost in exposing and punishing the
If we are to believe this bundle of unhap
witnesses. the appropriation bill is with
g: parallel, and robs the Fioor 4 tax-payer
As earning. . The charge embir es an al
ration that materially weakens its force,
that is a barefaudfalseltood..
The appropriation 18.14; when we
4"Ztemootatie and the vigilant
. Darlington in the Senate, exceeded the
!sent by about one million otdullara, and
tither the Lancaster Examiner, nor the dig
ifsed: ,associates with which it now keeps
)mpany, so far -as we are aware, denounced
tr Legislative bodies 83 robbers
.and swin
Again we are told that the appropriation
.>r pay of Members, exceeded that of last
ear by about fifty per cent. We' observe
the Auditor General's report, that in 1854
expenses of the Legislature liras $125,-
; and the Leigislature of 1855 appro.
ted 8125,000 for the same . purpose. So
, last year when the people-loving
mullets) Darlingtiln and the Demoerscy
the supervision of dfairs, it will be otp-
A that vhat they are now ,pleased to
profligacy and corruption, was cast into
shade. With the expeeenep of the past
ter, we would as readily trust the late
islature, as any similar tody ;of men. Chat
convened at HarrisbUrg,. and would in
prefer them to their illustrious prod=
ors ; especially that portion of them
have now. become ;accusers Had the
m, with their present knowledge of men
duty, a session. to commence at this time
would very soon assign the tricksters
disgraced and delayed the Legislature,
proper position, and discharge their oh.
ions expeditiously and properly, with
if they could, but without them if noc-
Great Rejoicing - pervade; the demo.
ranks a the election of Mr. Wise in
na. In various cities (=eon have then
, in honor thereof.: The, - march 44 the
Iv: Nothings is impeded, if not turned
and fears of defeat WA been hani n li e d
the-certainty of triumph. Democracy
Led the propaiimdistn of Shivery are hence
-I'4Kit 'to be identical,one and indivisable ; and
who will not consentto Allis are , to be
driven from . .association shth the democratic
'Arty. That is now the fitoparnme. Will
it ..!meltd ? ft may if insane cealkils obtain
at the North, But, if opposition `to'slavery
cippoition, to foreign influence in . the po
litkalpoone*ns of the coutitrY he harmonk•
0u.4 blend;sti:llz,e present iriumph
giula, is the precursor of thodowfall.of 'the
slaveizinin g oVgaieby and their octrthere re.
tiinerec—Rontailate Democrat,
r it.. ,aries Morris,
___ ,: , Lease at 2P. $. Connecting with Freight Train for
QIICCESSOII otalartea T(llana, 114ABEIA, heti Great Bend, and Mail ;Train for Scranton. (The
ki I %retnoted his Rho')t A, n its former kocatititi: in Freight train meets Hail Train West at Great Bend,
the basement-of Searie:a II to the room in the and 'Night Brpresses both East and West.
time WNW in the rear Oethebarromi, is ice= BETUBNiNG. i
Of ts his. art in &einem acierttiflo mother, Leave Depot far Montrose is arrival deli the above
on an who
be ideated_ th entrust dMir heftialesr trains • . 1 4 szARLE. ,
eureli S de.
recce to his !...r0.. ,,, .....r. , •,•,knust , ..-ittowt44-
-. "94,31!* 4 340 , 11400e,madd1ift. ; fitly '4ivart.y.we i the limit of caapaliaeci mrer, . aOHIaI
wards Clifford. lity . isi4Viioir Ist - up the I rsjwi upwalii. 1 ' I I its #tbsulute dutY to Perform." -
• , Ye* i
. . / • 1 . ! 1 . . i . - - -
...... .
r e. 'kir. , , v'4.wirf 21.4 r. .i froni Liver
'4"' I ves. 0 04 . ' ' -Itetoal Pr9griisses
pool.'', The 'aiege ii ,, , :- i , fierce muionadee s
the earn atf l hatp` - smingin g °faille* aid
diapers ',icotAlrig & terri fi c eircitmatan.
man :' s French General, Coirobert,
sbiis chief command' onliSteeeeht
nail t i hut remains as general ( id' divi
9 itnd batida over the command ofthe ar
it 10 Genera I Pelisier. 'Various i ii exped . l
iana of tIO, Allies to !Aifferent palate in the
Oriinea, ak`~e sad to have been' uneertaken.
one or ,k., composed of 120000 . English
and Frencii troops, left Balahlisia on the 4th,
commanded by Gene , * Sir : George Brown,
destined.fiir Ktirtach.; A - pitrt of the allied
fleet sailed to that point, but returned after
landing so ' a/troops in IStuniesch bay. , The
Fetich ariny at Sebastopol is
i tO be reinfoe.
ed by 80,000-additional. troops. They bait
heen thro4ving ;stink'' is into the Russian
lines, hut the example was set by the Bus
siani the*lvei, as appears by the detiPatelt
es of Gortschakoff. Besides the,French rein
foreementtl, thexe are expected 10,000 mere,
Sinlinians, and 16,000 Egyptians, and Omar
Pact* is fisst organizing a Tartarforce at Eu
patorin. 'With ail these, it is said that the
allied 'fu' will mimber : nierly 300,000
men. ' F •
rn Eupatcn9a the news is that Sinai.,
is oceupi by 25,000 Rtiesiatis and large
quitntitie* f warlike ;Maros— Tis,--Itassaiguag
iire fortifying the' Antd front Eupatoria to
Sebastopol A report appears in a London
paper thaCount Nesselrode; the Russian
i d resigned i i but it is contradicted.
In Turkey the capitation tax on Christiana - is
finally abolished, and they are liable to ren
der militariterviee, bit will form separate
corps. In Asia, , -.Erzeroun and . Ears were
&stiffed, and General
_Williams was prepar
ing to open the camp a ign. - Pianori, who at
tempted toiaftaseinate the Einperor Napole
on, has been- executed. He, ' died shouting
Vice la Republique!';`ln great Britain the
Ministry isj fast bewmingunpopular.
far Any of the aeticksenentioned in the following
list; will be rteeiresir at their office on subscription;-al
the eurient larket •
Flour "fl bay 1,.... ..-, ... .. , . ... #.. 12,00
Wheat 17 . 1 b hel,' . . •
...Li' ! .2;00
Corn Meg Rhundreiil, •
'' - - 2;50
Corn? bitshel, . 4...11. "1,25
R.Te IR bluih, i l - ' “ -'', ..
Bye Flour 1F? hundreil, ' 4,00
Bader pit -... .. - . . 18 @ s'o
Cheese f lb, .. I .f . c
• ‘ ' io ®l2
Eggs li) tloz.
r- .. . 121.
Baple Sugar lh t r i • L..... 8 ®lO
Potatoes ill" b hel, ' `''' ' '- . 75
Apples "V. busltels;• .!. ', ' 50
Atied'Applesi? bushel, ..-. ... ' . , _ 3,50
Oath Il bushel, . -'' - • , 5O
Beals VII, bnibel,... '
~ 1;50
!Ism 1? lh, , 10 @l2
. _ .
Rorigh c Beady. No.
Are notified to meet it their rooms on Satuiday ere
ttiog next, at Oi_o l crock. By order of the Foreman.
i D. Santa; Secy.
The Sabha Schoel Superintendents and Tea • t i i rourtla of July. ,
Of Strsonebantia contitY, and all interested in a gener
al Sabbath School Celebration on. the Fourth of JUly,
al l
to be held in Montrese,.ave requested to meet, n
Saturday even ug, the 9th Of June in the Aeaderny
Mil, at aqu er before eight 'o'clock, to make the
necessary gerhenti.
_... - • , ,
"../1 SAnUATB Special. St:Ti6ing - m.lEn !
Moritm!e, Stine 5, 1855. 't • . t
fie. I fi,beti,seiT)e,Qts,
Cas for Land l Warrants.
liontrost; June 5; 1855.1 23w4
- ' Asiptiftufstration PlioUce. ' ;' I
VOTICE is:, bereby given that letters efadministra- 1
1.1 tion upon the, estate efliCattant Watts,ilate, of
Springyille toWnshiP, dec'd; have been granted:to the
untlermignedand ill persons indebted to said estate
wM pleae make ijOmediatepayment, aid those bey
ing claims wlli pre sent titb same duly attested for
settlement.. •f- . WILLIAM WHITE, Aderl .
Springsille,lJune 6, Is.* ' ' . 23,6
- ' ' 16 e eat Attrtic(toll • .
"013 A:1-1 '' T 0 A;11."
IAE subscriber would again announce to his mul
tethers and the publiCigenenilly that - be has re
ceived a uncortment,of BOOTS lit.Nl) SHOES,
which hn ds selling for may Pay twenty per
cent. cheaper than ehn be bought in this market, (the
Genuine Hoof and Shoe Store dOwn Town •or the
Rare Chance. for Bargains, 'Op town, not excepted.
"Ouah StoahnO w ty be &nod the finot door East'of the
Odd Fellow*" , Yuriopiie.strat, first floor. ill
though not
,qtlite so comniPdious as some "stoabi,"
yet -it answeral our pultiose,liery, well'for the present.
Neither can min promise out etuoomers that our "es
tablishment" will not he **wed" by any in the
country soon, but we Will promise our customers that
we will sell Hoots and Shoes to suit' in quality and
price. Our siock.ernhiace* a general variety of new
and elegant styles'of Ladieit' and Gentlemen's wear,
among which are Ladies' Silk Fox Gaiters, Colored
Gaiters, Enameled Gaiters''Bia'ck• and Broome,* Now
: suth Boots, Brtameled Booth and Enameled Buskins,
Bid -Buskins, Polkas, Calf f Ace Boots and Buskins,.
Misses Kid Boots;; Jenny Lind 'Gaiters, Gents Con
gress, Patent Xertber, Enameled and ]buckskin Gait
et*, Patent Lather Orford Ties, ToiletSllps, French
Calf Boota i lhi* poets, Enameled Calf and Cowhide
Brogans, Ileys'Pateut Leather Illontereys. Kip Boots,
kc., Youths' Montereys and Kip Ties, Children's Tay
for Ties, Paridoesilmon Biota, tic. Silk Boot LaCes,
all colors. .1'
Work toad to order, acid repairing done nloatly.—
Please call an examine.. • • ; • - ,
- - Yvn* in the Bent aid Shoe trade,
. Montrose, May I, 1655.1 -C. IL SIMMONS.
' SILK AND intEss GOODS. i
M.P.N'TILIi , AS., Laces, Berages, Worked CoDoi,
Parasols, Lawns, fashionable Bonnets, Fans; (a
ehoioe' assort neat in lamb diparunent,) a,iplemild
lot of moire criolique Trim** ;Staple Gonda of large
variety, Clothing, (a large. stoek,) Gents' and Boys'
Bats, (silk aad summer.) iCIOBts Very low, Calicoes
from 4 cerits tb i alulling, Matting, Oil.clo ,
. nd l a w rd ware- -f erm4 T )
Stier & Fla ted Spa . n
Knives and Prolta. - ' . , ', . ..- . ';
Groirtereial—, Fisb, a fine assortment of Teas,
Coffees;... Brom .ITapies, Rica ; Chocolate ,. Baisin a,
Ground Coffee, Corn Starch. 14
.. • ; ;
Peitaiol4--Bay Watir, - loliet do. , Gelin
Parma, do. Gerrira,n Cologne, a kage ritirk
of Fancy Boa Lt. kr... '
Farad Toolis—il*, Ras, Seythe Smiths,
Rakes, ke., i f •:- LL. POST k CO; '
• 6. Procianiatiosi. -
Susqtalicubia, Couitty tip. , - i ,
Sow EL s Iraciatpus In Oetut of Count= Pipes
Int.; !' ot said county,ofJan nary:Term,
Ettza•Liosiati. I$55J N 040:
To Ji7Les:teortord: Villiers= a subpoena : In Rl
voree was issued to January Term, 1855; width Was
duly returnefirton est butes:us. and thereon ins - atios
subpoena via issued in sakicause_, returnable to April
Term, 18551, upon the return of which: proof Was
made to the Said Court- that the said Eliza Lemnos'
cock, not be found In my Bailiwick. 1 , 1 ,!-
This notice 1 Is therefore to require you , to I appear
before the u gee of the mid Court on the third Mon
day of An next, to ansirer saldcomplaint Ac.
F'; P. tIOLLIRTgft, r iltff,
Sheritre nee, Monfiosel June,6, ISO. i
' ' I To- the Ptiblie.
BEING on Ote eve of my departure for the West, J
i...P. I Would 'say to'my friends and patrons -that my
DA GIIgRROTYPE MONS will be closed fOr a
few weelut: ; fiwiti daly apOise you of my retain, ixid I
then hope to And you dee* impressed with the iso. 1
cessit tin
y of *sg your fat*si.taiten. ;
Odd Itelkmat HA, „Ifie`oe, } :W. B. \j
ifayl . 2ll; 11456 i 1 _ , 1 • i 1
—.' ___..... llne:
47w1ige 7s 4attheoldPi
and that4l:lerdir4detockofGoodsrhleb
he will sell.ehetzp. -
IDARE(SiIiC DELAINii fpr;one shilling; Lade, feat
. ./..3 colors, a yard wid e,fnl• one •shilling, and-Cali.
roes at all 'priers, at: f 1 c. W. MOTT'S. ,
Montrose, May 30, 1056.; • . .
Time • &wed /-=-Itre .Reduced !-- - Through
by Pci,ylight
114.WL;gir &I JENKS
HAVE formed a partnership in Montrose, for the
purpose of doing everybody's SLACK.
SRUITIKING, at theta stand, near feeler's Mo
tel. We have purchased an entire new stock .el
IRON, comprising a full lassortment of all kinds, di
rect from the city. We shall ;keep constantly on
hand, Miter, round and siquare Nail Rods, Cast Steel
Toe-cork. Rods, Refined Tyre Iron, all sires, Band
Icon, Spring Steel, a la* assortment of malleable
Iron, Coil Chains, Carriage Bolts, Ac. &c.
Ironed on abort notice, arid stock found, or made to
order throughout, aa otayibest suit our patrons.
All business transactions must be settled once a
year. . Short Settlements( and long friends is our
• By strict attention to business we hope to receive
a liberal sbare orpatronage. Alt work warranted....
N. B. A good Journeyman wanted, to whom
steady employment and high wages will be given.
A.llllAwtxr. • *Pcturr Janus.
Montrose, MayBo, 1855.. ' 2271
13AVE removed to the'barnt district. where they
win be Ora tv ace rift mete- ore cirrrionsera tuft
as many new ones as please to give them .a call--
They intend to keep aPogeneral assortment of Stoves
of • the bestitind and quality, among which may be
WESTERN OVEN: The'. Elevated Oven Stoves all
have double fire-places, which makes.them far surre-•
nor to the single fire-place Stoves. We keep con
stantly on band a genera/ stasortment of TINWARE
of a firth rate quality, for bane trade; also, Well and
Cistern Purrips, Pump Chains and Reels, Lead Pipe
of all Hies, ; Jappanned Ware, itc. A.c., all of which
they promfse to sell cheap for ready pay or apprOved
credit. Job work done with despatch and in order!
•Mirntrose;Virt3 30, 1855. 22y1
/11111 E 'subscriber is in 'constant receipt of New
Goods; in his line of business, nearly eteir
week. The public will find his assortment No. 1, su r d
his articles new and of good quality. The stock con.
' , lists as usual of A lugs, Medieisles, Paints,' Oils, Die
Bettfs, Groceries, Fancy Goods, jewelry, Perfume-
Ivy, 'i.e. Store at the lower end of the burwt thstrici,
Montrose, June 6, 1855.' t A. TURRELL.
LAWNS, Prints, Summer Stuffs, and the common
sorts of Dry Goods at: • TURRELL'S.
lATANTED; in exchano for Goods, Eggs, paper
V V Rags, Beeswax, Gndn of all kinds, and Cash:
Monnnse, Jue 6, 1865. A. TURREL
`Section 43. of Boriingla Ordinances
- of Montrose. • •
And be " owned or
ordained, That herea ft er on eve
: ty dog or kept'hy any person within the
tor4ugh, a tax of Fifty Cents; and upon. every shit
so owned orkept in the Borough as aforesaid, a tai
of Ti r o Dollr, shill be paid by the person or per
sona so owning.or keeping.lsaid dog,or slut. And it
'shall,be the duty of the owner or owners, keeper or
keeper=, of each and every dog or slut owned Or
keptSrithin,the Borough, on.or before the first day
`ofJnne in each and every year to pay -to, the Bor
-I:ougli7reasurer. the said,snm of Fifty Cents for each.
and every dog, and Twcillidlars for each and every
slut act owned and kept by him or them. And npon
neglect or refusal so to do:for,the Space of ten dais
after the said first day of June. said person Or per.
sons in, offending shall forfeit and pay' the sum Of
One. Dollar for each and every dog, and Four Dollars
:or each and every slut so. Owned and .kept by hiin
her Pr them; to be collected before any Justice of the
Peace of the County, in the name of the Borough,
with 'cost of suit. And it itt hereby Made the duty of
the Trettsurer to bring suitAr the collection of the
same; andals coMpeusation for which he shall be
entitled to +wive 20 per cent on the amount so col
lected by hint. 'Provided4 that he shall' not bring
suit, until be has made demand for said penalty,
,vided also that If any dog dr slut shall be known to
be about or in the Borough for three weeks for which
no owner or!claimaut can tie found, it shall be the
duty ofthe High Constable or of any other person
to whom said facts are known, to kill such dog
ohm • Geo. It: Lathrop, Treasurer.
New Goods. "
T *loss & Bros.; are now receiving their an
el • ply of Spring and Sommer Goods, and be' g
, convineed of the advantage of having ready pay, are
determined to sell goods at so low a rate as to con
vince their customers and: the public generally that,
it will be to their advantage as well as ours. Oer
stock consists in part Of Broadcloths, Cassimel*
Kentucky . Jeans, Sunnier stuffs, Delaines, Lawns,
-Calicoes, GiOgluuns, Prints, Bonnets, Ribbons, Para
sols. Shawls!, and Black Silks, together with ,a stock
of other Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, G roceries,
Crockery, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Hats * ke.
Also, a good assortment of Shoemakers' Findings.+
Call and examine our stock, and judge for yourselves
as to the troth of our statement. Our motto IN quici
sales and small profits. Most kinds of country pro
duim taken in exchange foi . goods.
• . MOSS 4k TIROS.
.New Milford , May 16, 3856. • 2lni3
Books and Stationery.
IHAVE received a Large addition: to my stock of
Books and Stationery. among which are: A Long
Look Ahead, (Roe)—Wolfert's Roost (Irving)—Dr
Spencer's Sketches—Wonderful Adventures of cap..
Priest—The Slave Holder's Daughter— ; Life,orSain
Houston—Jane Mar-:-The May Flower (jlarriet B.
Stowe)--Rag Bag, (Willie,) tre. sc.-- 7 will be sold
cheap. ! F. B.,CHANDLEIL
May 22, 185.5.
' " Summer:ituffs. ,
: _
A large stock , Wool, Lineand Cotton stuffs for
Et t er w o w. Plenty of ,• ,
an d see . L 1
,17- 1 6 1 , , Ppri.nA Pl eat s
May `,.)3. •
V: 1' tw
sas Monthly. :
jj,"N esuming the publierition of Putnam's Monthly,
',A. it is
.only necessary for ~us to refer to the special
' notice issued, with our hearty approval, upon the first
of April, by!the. late publiishers. The Magazine will
aim at greater in the direction hitherto
pursued; and without being partisan, will hold de
cided. opinions, and will treat all public questionsfroin
a humane and truly national point of view.
In ill the other varird departments of a Monthly
Magazine, it will hope to amuse, instruct, and benn.
fit; to criticise generously but justly; and to attract,
to its pages, as it has alry:adY done, the contributions
of able szten in every walls of Literature, *lance, and
. The past 'chimes are on:best assurance this noth
ing offensive to; the. past morality, and no wanton
attack upon hotiest conviction, will ever 'find s plane
'in the Magrnzine:,
All communications shotdd be addressed to
k EDWARDS, Pubashers of Pistuansti Monthly , 10
Park. Place, ; . *Ner York.*
' ; nay-LlCsintelata.
The Last W(
of Geology—Oilier Basselirl—The
Compensation efßee--The.Alpa--The Dames Of Vie.
ginia--The Turks Two dlandred Years Ago--The
Night Chase--Dilly a rabble—The Count De Cagß.
maze—The Chailenge—lhe - National Aes.derny
Design—The Birth Place of Mozart—A Crolse!in the
Flying Dutetunia—The Baits; of the Prairies—lmer-
Ica for the - Americans—Twice Married (Contirthed)--
Editorial Notes. : •
• I. Literature—L. Atria:Jain. •
Talus.--Twenty•fire cents a, number, or tt.3 per
annum. Clubs, afiv c or more ' • *supplied at $2..1 Spe
dmen numbers furnished, and-liberal terms given to
agents and *Tamers. -
' DIS & EDWARDS, 10 Park Place,
Montrose fllnies: • I
DASSENGERS will find Stages st Searie's
I Montrose, Pa. which run in eonn cc with the
folloirlng.'rralatc. • t I
Lams at.". 11 A. N. Coenteting with the la Tetie
for Great Dead. (This train now meets Day Eipress
.both East and West.) ''
New Goods.
IL Fine - Arta: 2, Reprints.
TIL • Musk,
IV ' Drama.
- -- - ---.- ....• ..... ....
, .
'ibilliOlll4O Of Ti : , f,- •-• .-''.
, .. , . . .
. • -: - ~ ii f RAIL1104,11).1 •, •
_. , • . .
TIN and WI.: liondny, Mitv %Tith, i lk, the . 'lda
_NJ P te! Train sill de" t fothicranten _at
10.20. - a.S. 4 Due; at Great fie at 140 I, t t...- Con.
meeting nilk-thi: bankiii-Ex . West ("Abe N.; Y.
&E. IL' R. 1 : RasOntigt4n tolcin Oaf Ulan stMarri , v.
in Dunkirk* . 11:15 r. $.;- . •ad Nor boat so 106 I
P.M. ' ", , h1 I: .i, -
Retmiliog -1411*4 ami iienttlit - 4 r.-it•l'Ale
at Scranionit 4:43'. r. if .
..• , i r --! , . , •
Freht AciMminodatillyTraiMnith passenger.
car a uselm4 . l l ollsare;SFrot . im at-1' r. Y.; due at 1
Great Bend int 6r. as . ., unectini with`
the . .31a11. "
Tnin• We.itid the "N t. Expreiit ` Train • East. "
Passengers ;Shinji Ws', and the Night •Eipress I
West, will mitts n D it.l2 tn., or by taking
Nail Train Wait, WM " . at Dunkirk - at 6:43 p.m. 1
RetundM4Slll bsave '
Bend it 7 -", x. on sr.
rival of . Cincitmati . Due , Scranton
12,10 w. lir. - 1; , -'' , '' I
Paasengerifer lif it i i ikA s PittalOn, Carbondale,
Philadelphhiaila-the- , Willitunsport and
Erie and &Sing, ' - Tamaktuaj aid East
on and allintermediate . "---, will find firs class
stagecoaches le :. -.- - - Scranton, on the arrive/
or the Passenger ind'Al .... .. °dialed Trains to :mid
vey them total" above p - . Those choOsing. pri- .
rate conveys*" will fl , ..- e best of horses Sides.'
riageanf every i dew., ! '. at - reasonable charg e!, ready to order.) .
Di U. • . iiiitsii,
iDO . Superintendent. ,
- Surintetident'S Office. „. i . .
Wranton s illay 10 ; 114 1 -- . . - 3
i . .
. .
- ;- ' ' For P4ident,
. lf.R.:, CITAS.I4•OI ,I 01110.
. , 1 I.FOr Vice .oresider4, .
~, , •
More life* [ Goods At the Bed _Flag
Store. - , t i lIENRrY IIeKINNEY.
riottersvinql I
* AA , tikAsiss.,
....... r -. , , 20...-‘3 -
. ,-
' ------..
_ 1
;= : - iTAICILSO .1,
. 111usicai Conreition ad - festival,
11 wilr be 'heisl at the Bap • Meeting House in
Jackson Cenirii Pa., under the direetion of Prof*.
GATCHELZ"and ONVER F 4 4r hew York,
commencing 4 n4T,ll'estliy, June th, and continuing
three days—closing with a COI CERT. -
The object -O fl its Musical Cincetition is, the Awl
vancement of S nit* in MnsicalEnOaledge, by the
study and Mac ice of the different itylest of Vocal
Music, combiped wig) fatniliar LeCtures and CritiCisms:
Teachers, Choristeilt, Members of Choirs, and all lov
ers of music, ;Will ideriTe pleasure and benefit from
these exerciscs.,; ':, I -
The princiPar TO it Bias used still be the Shawm,
the Metropolitan and Alpine Glee Minks. Members
having copies Btl these hooks will please bring them.
Each tuembOf Gill be trieti 25 cents.
;- I !ELI BARNES, '.
II I:4lFAT tw h
da: _ publicthat isnowc9en-
ing unustuilly large stock of S.rI2I.NG 4ND .
st r Armeß POODS, inclut:loo rt,, , treat variety of
Prints from * gents td Is Ott per , yard; plain and
printed Lawnts Marne Delaney, Oinghants Brocade,
Black and fancy Dress Silks, Silk Dre s s Tissues and, Poplins, 'dm. bc, with a superior assortment
of Silk, Broche,iCashmere, and Thitnit Shawls; Man
tillas, parasols, )cnch Lace and Straw and 8111c/ton
nets, rich RibbiMS and flowers, with', a late xariety
-of other Stank land Fahey Dry . Goods.
WARE—Iron :and Nails, Boots and Shoes, Rats and
Caps, Carpethig. `)Viillraper, Floor Oil ClothsvPaint
ed twindow Shades, Clocks, Stoves, Oils and Paints,
Ploughs, ke.4a.;" in short, the largeit kind of piles
of rich mad Onion Goods, too numerous to mention,
but just the thihgs, to purchase; all - Of which will be
sold at the Mottt reduced prices and on the most fa
vorable terms for:ash or approved credit. - • •
N. B. Flour; and Salt constantly MI band. •
New Milford:3fay b,11855.
- •
. , .
• :. . . 1 ,Iteinoved. • *
C. D. Virgil .Dentist has taken rooms over F. B.
Chandlers store,lvihere it vial be lils',pleasure to see
his friends. ait (joie* as possible. C; D. VIRGIL.
May `?.‘ k 1855. : I • ißesident Dentist.
, .
The Mercantile Firm of Smith & has
been dissolved* muttuil consent. The notes and.
accounts of tha;same ewe In the bandi of 0. 9. Hemp.
stead for.colleetinn. An early settlenlent. cif all ar
rearages is positir.ely *ltired. , •
,16, 1855.
• SCVIIII laithdred" Dollar* Reward,„
above iOntrd will be paid ta me if my cus-
Cadl and pay me what is bonmaly my
due.. I am lotidly called on by my creditors to pay
up, and it:si impossible for me to do so unless my
oickfriends *lit step up and fork over: So qttend to
the matter immediately} and square the.yards either
by cash or note, iind sate both yourself and me.
gontrose,'Xiy; 1855; D. U. ILICKQX.
nirftE noigiianol acedants of the firm of Ths.yre
Crandall and R. P. estndait are left aithjYr.
R. Tbayre*st: liettlement. Those indetited are request !
ed to make itnineißate cayment and cos<
j 4 ' ; R. P. CRODALL. •
Montroge ;A:prli 28, 1855 • •
. .
4.1 PINE 070 F
and; e 6a, fine Rifles, for sale by
May 1.3`. - A. LATPROP & co.
tiritlNG 11 2,9101144
A superb lot Ast received and low offering at the
lowest eflo<pttees, for approved credit or ready pay
-bv ; • - •A. LAIIIRciP A CO.
7" • Ilelir York P.ricps
ARE noir being paid by A. 'Lathrop! & Co. to an
those who eon4n'their butter and produce to them.
They having mWe'arratigernents are now enabled to
send all kinds i)fpodisee to New York and to sell
the same at the hikbesk =shot prices. Ali those
who wish . goOd prides and quick returns we invite to
call upon ..• s ! A. LATLIROP & CO.
Montrose:Stay 1843. •
• = jffEBRIFF'S SALE. -
BY VIRTI4E a grit of loieri .I?teciaa, issued ,
from the 'COOK 4f Common Pleas of Susque
hanna county I and to me directed, I ,will-expose to
sale by public i vendue, at, the Court house in Mont
on Satirday the day of June next, at one
o'clock in the af4rndpn—All that i certain piece
or pared of hind actuated in Bridgisinter township,
and in the cpunty,nf Susquehanna, bounded and de
scribed as foilOws,lo wit: Beginning !tt a post stand
ing in• the rmui.leading from Montrose to the Cochec
ton and Gre*C.Bend tutupilte, thence! north 17 de
grees west, 16,.perehes to a post in the centre of the
road leading 10 Lawsville, thence along said road,
south 56 degrees meat perches to a !stake and stones
in the centre Of sald road, thence litierahes to the
centre of the first mentioned road, thence along said
road II perollia tOtthe Olace of beginning, contain
hie one-third of an; acre utore.or lea!, ;with the appnr
' tenances, mieiframbd hhuse, and all improved.
Taken itt Oiocuticin at the suit of Jahn.Willialtli vs
F. X. adber of 0. J. Williams Deed.
; • 1 f. F. HOLLISTER, Sherif.
Sheritl e. Oleo Montrose May 15. 1855.
fOlt WOOL by
1,1. L. POST k CO
'New 12; im 2:DIOIERIMAN, Jr.
A FULL aiworunenVof Ilarderare,Tsapenter and
Joinentqa*, Pump Chain, and fixtures at
hew 3tiifoed, July , 1454.1 DICIKER3tAN'S.
Altifig,r , NDs of the best cluitlity, elle
ky c h eap 0,1; 11id . ..k:"
PORK, FLP SALT by.the barrel or oth%
• erwise;tit the toweat prima at DXCKERNAN'S.
for 6 eta: pe r )45111*er 41a, P•nd.j°'
,LIONS 18°
b.1.0,6,16t,0pel J . 500 ra""t"
filtOCErtif4 fresh sapAy - of Coffee, Sugar;
Tea, ItiOe, Crael4l3, just „received and for Rule
") - 7 f4...supNs & SON.
SELt•lhlenting Smoothing Irons kr
ask bi- • ; J. IXONS Ja SONS`
_ ~ ~
Atilimititistatteirt Notice. ' . - , tdorsints rittok's !fence' ' „
, . . .
"VOTIEE to Iteriby given that letters et' sdirdtds: 1 1 / 4 ,TOTIC is hCreby - awn Omit 'otters oritilministrt:
'll moan l'ls .bolsis lien run' erttemento ahnexo 111 tion upon the ands 'pf AMOS, 6: BAILEY
upon the eittate erWise Wright deceased, have been deceased, have been :granted . to the autseriber,
granted to the lobes nll*, and or porsoas indebted and all pet tons indebted to paid estate isli please'
to mad stele Jo's requeeted to make, immediaterpay. make immediate patine and -these baying rialtomeet,
ment, and this hsAng claims to prelent them duly will pmseut them dilly attested tor settlernent. - 1
attested for'lettienteitt.l E. F.MAILY Aden , . ' i '.: EPATIN F. BAILEY, m' Ad r,
1 '44 • - o,44ll,filialistalkohr we Brooknii, Apra 's4, 1855- ' ' - '', ' 1
_ .
Inatiftithieteolgartien. Aini evtating e • • - mostiefistobt
.ter ii e a rd d i eiciabg of s purs; tie wen t toilts e 4 out twenty" flotino, .which 111 said
• , 1
With an 'ftilre tiew oina Viimani•liquipment.'
superb Troupe will exhibli at zontrose, on Fri
day, June 15th, 1855; afternoon and evening.—
Doors oporrat and 61 o!clock r. a.- Performance
half an hour afterwards. *Adthission 24 cents.
Thls Company is distinpdahed for the elegance, Ilec.
city and variety of its Entertainments,
Equestrigus, wisiststic., and Panto,
MoNS. NICOLO and his three Juvenile Wonders,
Alphonse, Sabastian;and 'Alma, together with their
tato wonderfully - trained an # highly intellectual Dow,
TOPIrGrASD JACK, from the Gymnase Condone and
Olympic, Paris, Theatre Royal,•Drury ,Lane, and Bat
ty's,Royal Ampitheatre,, LOndon, Franconia Hipps
.thame, New York, kn. ;
, MR. DAVIS RICHARDS; the wilifEccentric Horse
man, will appear with his untamed mantis STEED ;
in his Dare Devil j Act! without saddle or bridle,
jumping hurdles, leaping fehees,itc. This is the most
daring and Wonderful act of horseinsuiscip ever wit
nessed. ' 1
The extriordinnsi feats r Lof 'balancing by .MONS.
NICOL° and RINK Tmpez, will be given
in a style of elegance and 0111 unequiiled by any oda,
,rformers in the coutito. l
MAD. VIRGINIA in count
the beantind
Equistrienne, lira variety of elegant Tours de Grace,
positively unachieved by any other. Lady iu the Pro
&orlon.) •
JOE ' ll PKVTLAND, the Great American Clown,
surnamed by the,press, "The Modern Touchstone,"
"Chief Priest of Memo," afid " The Inimitiable Joe,"
will open his inexhaustible Budget of Jokes,
Drolleries and Eccentricities. •
Mr. FRANK PASTOR, la ;his great Sumtnersett
/Vet of lloriemanship. t
W. PASTOR, as the Antipodean Equillibrist.
Mr. GEORGE BATCHELDER the Champion Vaul
ter of the %feria, Mid Great Two liorse•Rider.
C: SHP-WOOD, the'sceomplished Scene Rider
WOOD, the greatest Juienlle Equestrian hi the
world. Besides a variety of other talent.
The far-famed Performing Ponies, Damon, Bendigo
Black Dianiond & litautia in their &Mastic fairy gam
. .
A host of °tiler, talent le engaged with this mam
moth establishment Foqueparticulais see bills at.
principal bcitels. . -
A Grand;Procession preceded tis the 3fagnifiicent
Oriental Dingell Chariot, containing a full Mili
tary Brass Band and drawn by -ten Beautiful Black,
Horses, superbly ItartMescil anti decorated, which will'
proceed through the principal streets to the, place of
exhibition. \
TIIE copartnership hefemfore.existing under the
firm of Ilawley S Nett is this day disiolred.
April 1, 1855. " ' , G. R. 11.4.WLEY.
C. W. MUTT...
The notes and accounts, are in the hands of C. W.
Mott for Collection. Thpie interested will please call
as soon as convenient. '
' T HE firm of B. F. & RAI. Eaton is this day by mu
tool consent diSsolr'edi All persoirs haring hook
aerOunt, nitsettfed, with said firm, are requested to
make imuiediate Cpaynaei4, by , ante or otherwise ' bey-'
fore the expiration of two iponthttfront this date. The
books and accounts will remain in the hands of B. F.
Eaton, who may be found it his former place of
business, and is authorized to settle the same. "A
word to tat wise." BENJAMIN F. EATON.
, -
Ilarford,:April 111th , 181M5..
lijrho cannot get manure enough, will find a the
1 V and- : powerful sabAitute in- the IMPROVED
POUDRETTE made by the subscribers. The small
quantity' used, the;'ease with which it is applied, and
thewerful stimulns it „.iives to vegetation, renders
it the cheapest and hest Marture',in the world.. It
calms - plants to come uP i quicker, to grow faster, 4
yiekt heavier and ripen earlier Than any other m9r urn
in the: World, and unlike other fertilizers, it „can be
brought indirect eontact*ith the plant. - Three dol
lars Worth is sufficient to Manure an acre/6f corn.—
Prioei delirered free of cartage or Tia9kage on, board
of vessel or railroad in NSW-York city, 0,50 per bar
rel, for :ea quantity over six liarrels ; I barrel, $2 ,•
2 barrels, $8,50 • 3 barrels $ 5; 5 barrels, $B. A,
pamphlet. With infOrtnatioh,and direction• will be sent
gratis;and post-paid, to 'arty one applying for the same.
• !. f i • t 4 Cortlarrilt Street, New-York.
9000,. k *sus .sizes and made from ;
,double,emis iin.M less than Mereinurts
usually*y . to sell again,',: for Sale by the Subeetiber.
Were come to the evade/don to sell pans to Far
nvers aA lovi as we ;will touthe itmde, thereby .caving
to the Fanner our Oar wares are wanranted
to be perfect in, even Paitimdar or no sale. -
Tenw-4:ash or, short ieredia
i Newrprd April 1."1855.i
1. 1"
EARN D. - ' ,
T I WITTENBERG CBR „ Montrose, Pa., take
0 e'r this method of a6isin !r their - old friends and
customers and the puldic!at ge, that they have joat
reeeivedartd opened thelargt,st, prettiest and cheap-;
*Si stock of BEADY MADE CLOTHING ever bro't
to this place,' which they °fret at a small advance from
cost, thereby offering purchattprs the rare opportuni
ty-of obtaining goods ai alm t two thirds the usual
price.. ; .. . ; ' ‘ '
Also a laro,,e assortment of. ry Gooas, consiirising
for Lad les Wear, , :new style.s,Brocade, Stripe, Plaid,
Plain and changeable Silka, Detainee, Muslin, De Brio
Berage delaines of new and el[Tant designs. All the .
latest at' let of Ladies. ftws 0 s,- French !Lawns,
Prints and Giughatur. A h ds.come asabrtipent of
Dress Trirninings ' Embroided coves, Cellars', CA,
etc. Jacentit and Swiss Eagle and Insertings,Moves
Mits,,lloshiry, Veils and Parasols. I !
Their assintment ofShisrls i t very Large, emlnacing
every thing that is rich and fashionable both foreigm
and domestia. ; ! - -.. 1
1 \
Their Bonnet Department i large and coMplete,
embracinethe very lateSt sty es, with Trinunings to'
match. 3 : i
.. .
An extensive assortment' of Irish linens, napkins
toweling, t4ble covers,..enrtolnli &c.
We have also a sup ply of S nrts, Gentlemen's Col
lars, Sdspehders, Gloves, timbrallas and a good many
other articles too 'numerous to mention. • For bar
gains th&clublic is respectfully invited to call at - the
cheap store of • ! i . .
corner of Chesnut 1t Oifego treets, four doors ea s t
of Pot's store. .
, . .
r. ,
• ,
Doer.H. Tll3,YER,tak , this method of sayin g .
to 114 friends and gusto • ere, that he has agani
resumed tlao pnictice olinedicilne, at- his old "stand at
Montrose, *here be may, be lurid at all times unless
professianally employed.- He would say
.to those in
debted to biro, that he , *M ( deduct .tarenty-fiveper
cent on alliaccounts paid: befov thelirst of Atatiest,
(or if any poor like ; myself fwill deduct fifty,)
Montros4 Feb, iii i lli•Sti, I. -,-
. ,
' Niw;GOODS.
A RE/VING-eveiy•.woek LAThROP,k
Jatnury Ist ' . • <
Y • OST &
• Wint)ter SbaW,ls aildbeLisSes,:.
otra& - g reat, 4.1.0a8,.-
January Ist 4. LAWROP4 CO's
of Tin, Sheet Iron
own manufacture and
Grata 4timin ! Grain: • -
OF all kiqs, an!l:ltt 14gbesS prices brought by
, iguitutir - • lA:LATfiROP &
r,rUliKS:lsland Salt St. 1411111ir ik CO's
J. • Montrose. Januairy ), 1855; .
IVOTICR Is hereby given, to all persons hiving-de
ll nand! against, the Estate oI'ANDREw . p. ROSE .
late l otsllver Lake. .deed to present them to the Sub-'
scribers; 'Executors. an# ,Trugees of thqi4iid A. 11.
Rose, duly: authentiented. - TOr settlement. And all
pt rEna's indebted to salt eatilare rcquilited to wake
immediate „
- - Woe. VP. • '
' • • I . IkNJ. $. BENTLEY. r' ers '„
Montroae„iptil 2.3,_)814, 1
+ Dozes{ Socks, _
• • January Istj
i sit .. , -i- 10 ----.
1 '',. - NOtB. .
r tkIIE iogrzon who took a barrei.ot silt 'ai'ew eve
-4 irti*:rililte, 414.101)7 . 0f ' to 'tan' tutd•Rtae, an
pi for Atm saateby , mat $2,2.5. or.nytichsB , 1 ,
tutk and; no 4404iiion• . thcrivise WI be tax
• _1.4.1,41. .1."-,.- ,
ontitafe; tny-7; 1855: ' -
• t
,-- ' 11rEt*Iii00 I) AG' - ' .' . •
.1 l' ' BENTLEY tt. . REIID ' • •
I f
AO - noir receiving their anal as ply iPRIYO
AND fiItfALVER,G.9¢DS; erbia eirey er litheir
6461lieks; and he publie . -generall . y, a w most /tog
ant4le 4ereni, for Cash, Butter, F.ggs, in, Bees
waz, or On approved credit.
- ilkestrOse, Mai 1, 18616, . ..
11101iR041170140nIS, Itersertuetes, Kentucky Jeans;
- Faikrner EMS, and a general stock °Cilia*
Dry Goods,. just received and Aor aide right. by -
1 'l,„ .. . , lIRSTLEYA READ;
11 NUR Dc es, ons, , Challies, GioghaO2o,
Neriimee. and,Coeheco Prints, &e.,„ Etc. for - sale
14 1 ON. MS, Ribbons, Teti:sob, Rumen Maids,
BlnikEilks; Dress Trimmhigio &e. *e. foe - isle
SILIC, I rar, • . orn, Panama,' , :Straw, and Palm
Hath, Umbrellas, Sateliels, Wlndoar Paper &e.
. ..14 ._
ABDWARE, Crockery, Patentralls. Tubs, rut
: ' ty; Masi dic. 1 BENTLEY & READ.
RUOS, Medicines, PaintS, Oils, Dyestutts,And a assortment of Patent Stedieinrs, just in
an for sale by . . BENTLEY & READ .
- OLE - and UFperLeatbtr, Patent Kips, CalfEltins,
and,a good supply of Boots iindEboes constant.
1Y imn bind. . Ezsnst 14_11man.
• . ,
VACKEREL by tito barrel or one-half barrel—al
/ sti Codfish. - BEsTirf & REAM
4---- ----------..—.....—,___.
4821 - Teci SitFr Lellite k- fi l it t i tett:ln t l
Lelvers,',ln double and - single can Ladies' Trans, t e ar
Drops, Rings, .Guard Chains, be. be. Also, Myer
t l e
T de, Tea, Des6rt, Salt +lnd Sugar-Spoons, warranted
p , fol. Ole by - • BENTLET k lissnA
---_____- --
TOYFZ and TINWARE, Clocks, Nails, Dandlete,
Lainp•Oil, Catnpbene be. ke; .
lontrose, May. 1, 55. BENTLEY A: 'READ.
, .
, ,
rHE'uliscriber takes , this method of advertising
t l ed
his - filen& and the public generally; that he has
fittEl a. store just across the street fnnn his old
24arten, in Brooklyn, reheti be is prepared to et
re customers and sell them goods at as low Pales
isi any *her. 4stabliAment in Susquehanna' county.
Mir assctrtMentlii very large indeed, embracing near
lyievery, article usually Called fur in a country store.
lAs Pam determined to do business so as to avoid
"had dank" Oa responsible credit purchasers are
taxed t 4 pay, t sari offer superior inducements to rash
mid otheraise intoarr-rartso patrons. Call and see
me. i 1 • 0.6. HEMPSTEAD.
, illrookkn, April 30, 1,1355.-" -,
‘ .
r IHE subscriber is receiving his Spring and Sam.
mer /stock of Goods, - comprising a great variety,.
pr.w'cb wilt be Asold as low as , this market
-call aska examine, ' ~.F . B, CHAI3DLER.
HATS AND CAP.S.=-A good assortment of the
latest style. i -
of Spring andiSumuter Clothing of the latest cvv.
A' GOoDS—A general assortment through
opt. Almi., DRESS GOODS, consisting"of Lawns,
IlaregejDelaines, French , Delain es, Persian 'Helaine, .
Pfinted.Lawnii, Fancy ffinte, Ladies' Worked . Coy-
Ir, Illitet;tiO4, Edgings,. Black Silk Mautilltu4,7t,
apd Catihrpere Shawls, Parasols, hosieryitlov kc.
) HOOTS ..f..VD SHOES. . Clocbs--4 la" assort- '
silent of every description and style. •Al :a great
vitriety :of FancrArticles, Yankee Noti , ons, ke. • •
Crocite, hardware, and Groceries of all kinds.- .-
rrunki t a got 'A lot for sale " Rooks and Sta.
ttoneryt-IVall Piper--alsn;- the best quality
' f Montrose May 9, 1853. CHANDLER.
i : 'We* Lissei 'Hail Stages, -
1 : 1
i ..1 1 / FROM
ITAGES wil cave Kirkwood, passing through Cor
`: I:kettsiil , Liberty, Se:, every morning after the
rival Of z )t e AlailTrains of ear's, both and West,
ieachirit illontrose at 1' P. st. Rettliming, lease
iTOItt.K7Ae daily (Sundays excepted) at 2 P. u., reacb
g.' Kirkwood hi time to take the Mail trains of cars,
both F.itsthind West, being the nearest and most fea
:Ole rduttto reach the New York :ma Erie Ttailmad,
..Thisfni ' inteects a tri-weekly line for Dimock,
springiille, Tunklumnock, Wyoming, and' Wilkes
. ITC, 41/111C11 leaiCil :Montrose at 7 A. M. every MOD
y ,W i j ednday and Friday._ Also, a line tnFriends
, ille, Leraysville, ite, . .
Good te',ams agickromfoitatAll egrriagea are provi
ed, anti the proprietors sill spare no pains to
co' sts' ines j iate' the public: W.ll. lIATCIT.
I•Aptil 511 .1 1854. IIORGAN & WEST.
HAVING purchatted the establishment of baste L
rosi, it'Co. a the Montrose Depot; would re
risPectiblis infOrm his friends that be will keep con
stantly On hand, at the lowest prices, a well selected k
of goods. - -
time Slit, awl Plaster ,can .be had cheat., as well'
as iGroecries, Dry Goods-Hardware, Crockery, Boots,
Shbes, Hails, &e.; exchange for Grain and all kinds
Iproducteott the beat prices. 1000 cords. Hard
Wood Wanted.. •
liontroSe Depot, Feb. 2 ) .1854.•
II The subscribers have taken and fitted up the new
f Wilding on the west aide of Public Avenue,d,wo doors
''Arbors Searles Hotel, and aro now receiving .a large
and well Selected assortment of •
!Fall , and Winter Goods..
: ; . ritei+ipt l ock is almost entirely ArEIV, baring Bated Ira a tin few goods from the late dfttructive fire,
,and comprises their usual variety of DRY GOODS, -
Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Drugs, Medicines,' Paints;Gils, Dyestuffs, Boots, Shoes, Leatheri, Glass;•
;jowelrf, Watches,- Saver Spoons. Clocks, Yankee
otioa &c. At. We aro thankful fiir the fiationsge•
hitherto *stowed upon us, and trust that our CII3-
tipper, land the public generally, will not fitil to give
cis a call in our new &canon., confident that we can
11 1 1 PPLY Plein with gtx)ds on as favorable terms as here
felons. ' BENTLEY & READ
I!Mtintkose, November Ilk 1854.
AVING .recently voluntarily relinquished the
•,1 sale of Liquors, excepting strictly for medicinal
. ;
• pin-pose r s, as a Druggist, the people without distinction
of Party, Society, Sect, or Religion, are respectfully
irwited ,as usual,' to call, and examine' the quality and
'vices of goods, and' to thereby avail themselves .of.
tray adituitage of the nutrket they may thus acquire.
ai Montrose, April 10, - 1854. ABEL TURRELL.
ItIORE new Jewelry just arrived, direct from the
manuticturem, and consisting et a first rate as
-I(ertniedt Of Ladles' and Gentlemen's:. COM Finger
Rings, Breast Fins, Ear Drops and Hoops, Chrtir, Fob
i/nd Vest Chains, Slides,, Kays, - Studs,. Pens, &e.—
rersona wishing to purchase Jewelry, should certain-
Jf.y call at the store of • • A. TURRELL.
itontrOse, April 12, 1855. ,
' CAME, AT MONTROSE DEPOT, tatijiist re
- • \ 4iVOd a .new supply of Spring and Summer'
qopithii:l4c4 will be sold very low for cash or raps
Orodiicr.: .
8 I,l?ursg'
_ . New
/ 1 1; 1111 . L s Elt ai Nc i t e STo e rs ll6l- .
friNX/li, CofTe, -Molasses, Fish, It and Grocteriesi
J .T.
1)1 of: all kiwis, *cry cheap 14„ - t LFZ'S.
- -- • "'" • •
} ---i
NI( ituendty of Ens at 12' cents, dotes, is
eiebange for goods at. J. C. LEE'S Store.
• Also,
3 NT qtuultity of Butter at 16 mots pOr i pouod, in
.41.. ezcbarge GoOthi at .1, C.I I ,EZI Now More.
1 1 .110 SE• wishing to . purchase for coati, 'or; in es
- change for barter, will find it to their intnrest to
401 and ezaznine my stock of Goods - and prices fin
themselves, Tor barter of alt , kinds thehighest - pries
136 May sataA that:sherelied on at J. ca Ims• Stare;
literati:4M Deptit..
t,trt ins and illtirvhets FlreAPirocri
• - -
anbscribers have'Made arrangements', to ihr.
11 nil& la persons who may be in want of then!, the
above mined invaluable Safes, at the same Prices for
Which they can be obtained at the mantifacturer's
llayini experienced the benefit of atoll an article do.
Ling the late conflagration otiosely* we would.easo.
tidy .0v:0m, end to Others having.vtdMtble . booits and
impel* the-prisereing of which would be of ittimensO
inmortattecto theta, not to do.isithout '
Prices ; range flom $5O to $5 O O, 101 l liettliOligt&
to any one wishing to perehitse,lthe differomm lfl
!style, she, price, kc and furnish then ` on shotroo.
lice, with the in.tcrp; arrangement, to. snit the, pur.
- .8}204T
*Omits - neAtilber 10,1654. - ° ' L'
Plenrer and Tiesotley,Seeetiergekt4 tatOIS Dentber, Upper dc.., Calf Skins, Aid Pupa,
A 4 - 'MU Kips--a new supply, pst ieeeiced and foi tisk
Nei VW,March 11 ,-- ta h BUTL E Yftiooirt ie ,
1"7-!, -2:trZ7r.
em ra fiewthtaprilistgdq' re '
n?. -- Oloy proceeded to - blow*. AM the reiodt W ae
Ngt.ana itrowiin,ccoviut retuctikfor the
cure'of all Moos diseases--reostliveneet; /Wl'
gestion, Jaindice; DroPsy, ilhennuttisto; Pevers;llo-
more, Gout, Neqoutame, InitaAffyilneemmegneo; -
eadarkeiPoltus *the Breast; ttde,ackand Limbs,
trek Comp . lainia" ki. ke. indeed; very fern are. •
e iliseases m Whirl v a PurgatiVe Manelne tivnot
Mote or less reqeireccend i much siclea - peod suffer- .
lag tbe prevented: if a liarthiess bul l vitiated
piAba were more freely . 13 5e1 , , ' i i*P C s B , 4tlu e•
Well iyhile a costive habit St . f bogy . Prevailal, 1* eit
ivisoon , tenerattts serious 'and often Eitel, des - vies; .
nbleit:totebtluive.beert 'tickled- by the - *may, and
judicious use Oa goal plegstiv., ThisktAlike true
of 'Colds; retCd* itympunaa,.and SiMOtts derange.
merits. They itliteaCtokectrate or &wince the deep .-
'seated and formidablidistempers which ,ked the .
hearses. all over the land;". „Treece 'a reliable family , .
physiib oflbe Brit iniportfance l to the Public heaths _-
tend 46 pill has, been Pelfetted IWith. "Writ
skill to meet that dimand. • An,extetiaitve. -
virtues by Physicians,. Professors,-and Patierits, -, Us
. _,.
showkroalitssurpassong any thing hitherto known et 1
-Any medicine.. Gates have been.effected' beyond be.
lief, were they.not substantiated by perecaut o,'sink.
exalted pritions,aud,cheracter as, to
pfciort of untruth. Amoni the epinentgentlenva , i
who ' have testified in etvor of these Pills, re..maj
mention— -' " . • •.: -, '
DOct. A. A. }UM, Analytical Chemist of Boston;
and State Mayer of Massacistusetts;'ll. i .GAiwitur
Governor of Maasachusetts ; 'Poway Wasistruu,•Ets: '; •
Gov. of IlLamucliusatui;. Suisum Ititoirs, Lista.. Ger..
of Maas.; R. K. Warner, Secretary of State lifairs.•
Sou* D. - Fruraratcx, Cath .MA4 azositni;
Jona Tones; of the College of Physicians and Sc r-
geons, New York city; Dr. C.T. damson ) Geologist`
of the Public Lands of the United States; Dr. 7
Crum's, Practical Chemist of New York City, earknism:
ed by Hon. W. L. Nancy, Seiretary of State; Wm.
D. Alma, the richest man in -America; 8.140.a5n
Co., Proprietors of the Metropolitan Motel,--and
.. . .
Did space permit, we could give many hwidred
certificates from all parts where the Pillahaye beeno. ' '
used, but evidence even , more convincing tha n thus:
experience of • eminent public men; is found in Weil: - . ./
effects tipon,triaL . l'' - ...., • •--. i ,-.,. '' " -
These Pills; the result of long -111VenigatiOn and ; ,
rte t
study, are offered to the- i nane as the beat and most , .
complete which the present state of medical acre i . : - .
can afford: They are compounded not of the dill ' . •; „,
themselireS, but of the medittinal virtues only oflrse„ -.
etable'retnedies extracted' by -chemical:pp:o9e* fri- a. -
6 j
state of purity, and combined togethenin ucli amen. ._
iter as to insure the best results. Th* - system' of -.": ;.
compflaithan'for medicines has beet; and in Cherry _
Pectoral and Pills-both, to - prodnee a more efficient . • - • .
remedy thari had hitherto been ,obtained by any pro., :. ;
an e
cess. The reason is poi•fee ly obtrious. 'While,bl„ .',•• L
the o l d mode of composia every medicine iLbur
with more or lei; f aerinionious 'and injurious
qualities, by this eae ndividual-virtue only that 1 12tu yi
it:- -
desired for the cu , re effect is present. All the itt.,'•
ert and obnosio qualities of
each substance. eta- - ,
ployed are ref 'behind, the,cumtive - virtties only be- -
)z rt.
ing retain Hence it is self evident - the effects.
should pve as they have proved, moresiurely - rem-. .. •
,edisd, id the pill* a more powerful antidote to din- -
7than any other medicine known to -the world. : -- .
•. As it is frequently expedient that many medicines- " ,
should be taken under the cinibsel'Of an attending
physician..and as'he , could ilo4 TtOper,XY judge of a:
remedy without knowing its composition, .I have sup.. ~
plied the accurate formuleby which both my Pecto.; ,
"ral and Pills are made, to the . whole body-of Practi- ', -
tioners in the United States and British American, . •
Provinces. It howeyer;lhere should •be any ono-
who hat not received them, they will :be forwarded' - - .
by mail at his request. . . - - ~. . - C-
Of all the . Patent Medicihei thlit'aie Offer4" . how
few would be taken if their comPOsiticp was known!'
Their life consists' in their mystery. T.hay,e no Pr • '
teries. - .The.composition' of my preparatkitid i.i , kW
open to all Dien, and all who are competent 10 jtidiet, - .
on the:subject freely-acknowledge their convictions of
their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pro.
. 2 .:
flounced by scientific men to be a 'Wonderful medicine -
before its effectS were known. Many eminent Phy. . .
sicians have declared the same thing of ray Pills, and
even more confidently ; and are willing to certify that- _
their anticipations were more than realized . .bftheir: -
effect upon trial. They , operate by their poiverfal.
influence on: the internal viscera • to purify ifie•bli
and stimulate it into healthy action- -, reutoie . , gob_.•
'stroctions of die stomach, bowels,:live r• -and o er of-` ' , .
g.ans of the body, restoring' their. reg . /doe a on ; tot
health; and by correcting wherever they;".eir inclii - i
derangements as are th e first origin of-diseas e ."'.,
.- -
.Prepared by Dr. .1. C. ATER, - Practical. and I.oiii"•:''
lytical Chemist; Lowell- Mass._ Price 25 Cents per .„
- •
boi. -Five boles for' $l,OO. =old by Am. Tuissir.,,,
Montrose ;-, B.•P. Ik-H. IL - Kareii,,Harford . ;• Ctiuricu
.4: PlitssFei - Pundair, 'and by all 'dealers in medicines
ever; where. • -
1110,ail Road Freight Line' betrreen. DiOntrose ands
I.lh New York. -The stibsckibertritsaretintihue.tiicir
connection of the past, fraf - thifilling Siunitichanna .
Co. Produce on commission. •
3fssarti J. Esaantaeon, wit redelielind Czorward
freight, for this company at thiMontr6seDepbt•EVE=l
- Thankful for put patronam. arid being lmtbilell I
that their arrangements for dispwing
_of wedded, it
every kind will enable them to give general
Lion, the subierlerstrust. "
that New York plices„l'
prompt returns, and their usual strict attention to:thn,
business, will insure to them s'continuance of &roe'
heretofore so liberally bestowed upon them. .
The returns will be promptly paid he current moneY_
by Mr. Harrington ,- who will also make Meal tides*, .
ces on consignment when desired: '
•Cittr marking cards have • been left with the Rad
Road Ttieght agent Mr. Case who will attend to for- •
warding goods consigned to ukon other days than'
Tueitleys.. , •
' • .7% NELSON, 11.1101 T.
'-_ Montrose March, 1855. •
_ Persons residing out 'of th e vicinity; of. - 11 - cir!tro*
wishing to send us Produce can do so by oionsigtdrig
it to HOYT et BEVANS, N0.'.187 Heade St N.: .Y
To all wham it may Corieerat
By a !n r ee sit pct of (4tigrc.., qs the Bounty Land-J . aW, •
has been ' l extended to . epfbrace alnfost every' eerie-of
of Military service. -
*ll permute who hive. been engaged in 3fifi G 4sie
Senvice othe United States, for a period of fours ea. -
days or pwards, aro entitled to one kindred and _ _ -
si.rfy acrcs-efLasul, if they hive not kceived it, and.
If they. Niro received less atnotint they are entitled'
to-smith:hint to make up,160 acresi. •
nevolotionary soldiers, and soldiers of any and
wars in Which the United,Statea have been engaile.
since, snd if deceased, their ,widows or minor - -
deer; ercientitled. • " • - .
Meets, Seamen, Marinds; ; Clerka and latistknigota„„„.
the Nevy their widows and minor children, are
entitled-- ; - •• " • _
Wagon masters and teantaters,, employed for tlie
„transportation'of knilitary•stores, are. alkrentitieiVin'
like manner.
'film still engaged in . ablaining BbilutY rd.d4Ni r ar`.‘
grants, and km willing . t tn . .; 4 9 :the' business" tiPtitOthe
most liberal tetnts . oi,bd kathougb,l balm no mot/ve
'spend my time and labor loitho* chavor, yet. , I. *int
do the business at the loirest price that, ;1 esti:4lo:lP 4
hone4ay and live. • : , - -
Those having claims I believe, find it insteriallyi; • '
'tollkeir advantage to call upoik me, before goirtielse-, -
' After the instants dre'itibtainea, if any'eftlio.war. •
rartten desire tasell tliemi fauVprepared` ter•pay the.•
highest cash market , •
I am- also engaged the preeeeetion.nof other
-claima against the 'Government of' the United Statea o
such as for Pensions, Hack Far, fatia Pay, ft; it r",.
Mootrosailiayl4, - 1814
, .
1101UNTY ithtriptV MEN ATTE/MEN_
Oo\ RE:SS has poised - Oa* giyinune additikmal
Undo.. Those whcr:lutve . idready_recetved war 4;
rant* are entitled to moth. Danville men; to ;
now and twgl get yoUr oxatie.V •
noes of deceased soltriers are entitled to Owosso their",
husbands and fathers'irould be ir hive the,
t a w fresh Corti Wasbingtoc,.a4 thit, necessary forms •
of applimtkon: Spectilatorif troll a illotante mahout
trying togot those largelfinterestrillii4,l6weift ße.
ware of such, and don't AA s.spug. ;111 1 .deitate
business accuraiely proniptly Amount - AT .thrt '•
full value of. your waitints whep .obtrgnelt - Freak
three yeare• succeitaful'experienee I ken* I can do the
business right, andl proffer:yen- iny: - .sersicet at re*:
ramble_ ratOi and qui*
itonuedftObach si. IN&
t i „,.-..-;,..,,, , , : ...- „;
..x-Gwe..i.pgr01.i4..1._.F7. !be aide
Mautrcnie, AO 110855.