Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, May 31, 1855, Image 4

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I(otes ofAbel.
Corropondeneeiii the Republican.
ROPBDriOM TO ar.E~ Ti-0011
• No- 1. --
Ther l. e are so many who run abroad for
eights, who knoll , little or nothing - of:their
own v i icinity—so many who make the "tour
of Europe," that have never seen one'fatieth
part.clCAnierica, that:! thought a few brief
notes of home travel might not . be unimcrest
ing 'to itt . least a portion of your readers,/
By a short, circuitous peregrination' 1 found
myself standiog on the fop of the hill direct
ly wiut of the Hop-Bottom Station, on the
Deliwure, Lae.kawiuuta & Western railroad.
This,lull is ;soma three or four hundred feet
high; and commands !ti fairview of
Creek; along which the Railroad , passes.—
You descend . by a steep and jagged log'allY
into the road on the west side of the creek,
crossihe bridge to the east, and pass up to
the station, which derives its name from the
creek Of that name which empties into the
.1 -
Martin's Creek one quarter of a mile above
'the Station. The creek got its came from
the fact that hops formerly grew wild on the
battdm lands which recede flora it On either
aide as it passes through Brooklyn.
Thy hill to the west of this station is coy
ered*vith a fine • growth* of timber, mostly .
beech and maple; but The bill to the east is
clothed with briars and an Insignificant shrub
bery Which indicates his been many
_times ravaged by tire..
•I . .
• The valley is. Covered by., a rich; arable
flat, - mewhat cut up by old water courses .
'wide while. inundated by the waters* of the_,
crpelt f which sometimes - overflows the valley
nearly. from hill to hill.* •
.. •
' It Was near. three o'clock, SaturdaY; May
12th, 'as 1 approached the - station and entered
i ,
Bell. 1 - Tingley's store, which is \but a few
feet from .the Railroad and, directly - opposite
the platform, OChich - is covered ' by a shed,)
on illieh goods and Passengers' are. landed,
there being no depot building here.. How-
.ever, I am told the Company intend erecting
one This ..seasm of capacious diniensiOns,
which, is necessary to . the acCommodatiOn: os
the ra pidly increasing bitsiness of this station..
There is a Postoffice he e, one hotel, and two
star •;
; besides, severaT dwelling -honks have
!been erected, and, others are 'hi , the course of
,construction.. •
While I stood on the platform 'in front of
.'Bell & lingley'e store . conversing with old
.seqnaintances, up drove the freight, train•from
crati l ton,* with eight freight care and , one car
.on:behind for the accommodation of paSsen
. geral There were - several piesengers •on
hoard, and among those who alighted- here
• ,:werciJ,Ohn. Brisban and Lady, of Seraeton.--
•;Mr. Brisban was formerly Mernber-bf,:Ccin
. 1 from T
:gess i the emzerne Diitriet„ elected to 1 - , l'
-.- ; .
1* ;
; :fill theyicaney occasioned :by the. death of ! • ''' , .4 - _i• . ' • i i ;
' 111$k Ao.ii?' o.lioqis '
'Chester Butler of Wilkesbarre, in 1850. He 1. . .7.- ' l3 ,4 l )4 ol ltS'et - -- - - ~ ••
_,... -' • • /--- • --r- --
'passed off in :a carriage towards Brooklyn, l. 7 --- - 7 - - - .1 -------- , -- 7 - p•: 1- - --7 . -- --,--
.(I like that - way of orthoirOphiz : ing : ' Sieet Corn forWoddei: I
i 1 I • . •
. i'• CM - ler.) - . .... - . •;I If you ,soii;vofir Cows :!that is,*-stliblfeed
l • - - ' '
them du i iiig Ithe siiinteer,witli green flit - o—r!
Itiwas now nearly four, the freight *train 1
- ... olds -crop is indispcinsahlej Or,. even iti
. you;;
12adpas, sed on, and many Of '‘he citizens tor. ! hake Widel - pastureftel4s,.ftiere - comes a I dine
a ri le or
~two around 'were at the station for t of-drought; in almost eveey ; year, When' the
their papers and other Saturday afterneotet green-orak- is •• binned 'into iniserabl hay,
• 1.
•• .crrands: : Some Were canvassing the results -of
. the ''
pea brush description.; ,affireling a
:..of ‘Topular soveroi, ,, n i. y it in Kansas,
bite aid a dry One to, the leingri am
.orals. Theieffeets! are at once \visiblei in a
. --were indignant at its concoctors and support-. 'diminished. yield 4 milk. _ • . l
• ' ! arei;[ • others
. were.discessing the, hard times, -Now • ele-n • Mini, in ordinary seasons, 'lie
_, : j0ai,..11 were buiy. \, ' Even the boys were phipted 4, as tot be available fir fodder, ,be
r,..,.'-pdayling at ball' in the orchard. close by, but fore the T,st. of July, and of course before any
; very spy re drought can be expected. l , •
7 1 •' !- thefiruived so lazily that gas appmachin
. A -... f; • 1
It sho dbe planted (in patches larger, or i 1 I LLi Post .Sc Co.,
Misery to. watch their motions. After stay- l l -EALER IN DRY pooos, GrocerieN Crockery,
snuffler. s needed) in drills 'froth 2 1-2. to 3 i ti t i e
s l t lardvv,sre,±Letther, Flour, ote., corner of Turn
..: , 4 iner.- 1 , eretnorn. than half an hour,l obtained feet.aper ;* seedino at the rate! of 3 tO 3I 2 t ik met and.Publie Avenue., Nontroar, Pg..-
.; a chance to ride - up the bill, in the direction - I bushels to the ;acre. • The hind should . : be I -
':..-' of Olenwoodi in. company with two or three 1 well Mapured and thoroughly ph)i , ed ; lfor
_. - . friends, and- immediately. embarked. ~ on l this crop is no ordinary feeder, and there are
- - - either side of the road the landi an immense nuMber.Of mouths to fill • The 1
is strewed
corn drills,
,soldl at the stores, will. so* l-hifi '
; ; .
with logs and covered with briars for•nearlyf cro p very regularly, and are; recommended.
.. :. . --
4.1f.a mile; then come cultiVated lands; and Patches tinay be Planted, in succession;, up to
. . the first firm exhibits, considerable industry '
the Ist ljuly,lin• this latieude. , . !!•.• • i
• . -___:,The•e t . , i'et varieties of corn are to be .selec-
and.enterprise..!. The fences were tolerably ,
red; ;be use, tlmw'h they 'dynot yield- the
good• and the "lots" tolerably, uniform in
I. ak of .. -, ' that. the Southern corng i e..s !
Oak Which adds much to the appearance (Ai th e y f al l a i s h . , , a treater amount of nutritive I
a : farm. I was told .that Mr. Scott lived I, value." . The I be. i variety for fodder is the I
• here. This section has the appearance of Stowell s Evergreen ;; and after. this, the Old i
Coleny and other kinds more common. 1
.' . ' haring been - eettled but - a few years; as the
e 4 i . ,-i t e o ld . o t n o gqud sof land, di. well fodd
e p r rep a ar w ell, on i
e s ! i
, •
:' stUmpsare standing in nearly .all Of thefields. k from . o
I We found some places in-the turnpikealone , 1 acre cut, gre4n, will-leePfour ; crows, for I
.. •:_, here that need repairing very much, especial. : three - onths, iii good condition - .
.. ' - f-
. IY one.sfuice-.way which was covered with -, The, rn-shOtill' 'be cut before it-is in ta.s.
AS 'ptherwisq it .will scour the cows; and
• • • plank that are now broken through. • Such t se t ;'
i e s n k lut, ou s t h . :Mill be : allowed to wilt,. before;
, things require attention in-scason, as they are; Opel-the cattle.will he affected
not only disagreeable but, dangerous: The 1 with the horeli,;.(Or 'bloat, as it is sometimes
--. land here is somewhat stony, broken by I called) - ' 1 ,1 3. 1 ...• ,
a! gully or two. in which runs a little .eleu_ l i •It ay be 'Fed lout it racks or iii mangers:.
..Some farmers '.cutter it - Open a pasture field,
let. About a mile. frem the Depot we saiv
1 _,. ; •
. .
shoran at wore preparing. the foundation to i . h • i . 41 ,i 1
,a tri t ess n a : much of the torn is tram
- a house on the lower side Of the road, which I pled*nder rOpt l .,.*d
.:wasted --; the Strongest
! _ /sat therightland. : I could conceive of noth- 1 (not • Iwiys the hest) get the largest'share ;
- lag but
,the advantages of good waton Which ! fightatoccur, in Which_ many a horn is lost ;
- 1 or !and algid:err-4E01.6e disposition is encouraged
- - couldltempthim to place a house fi - fteen
ein the herd
- - -
. .- twenty feet lower than*tbe road, as it certain- i .
1 The stalks, When not need - el:1 1 ;s green foul
-.." ly robs a• dwelling .of one half its charm .tozi I are easilY cured. - Cut aneshoek t t lie.crop,as
..•• • lioe.R.o situated. • * - ' 9 . -.. . • 1 Othericorn ; When dried, hind it. in sheaves,
.. : 1 9 a th e bill A f ew rods f ur thei i . w h ere m il and haul to the bariewhere it should be salt
' • ..• ." -{rends and I parted, lives alin nu will I find that -cattle will eat it
aged man, some- i ' 11;
I With •vidity ' * 1 ' ' • • •
~. What past ninety years, who performs all the i ' • - .• I •
labors of.tha 4rm, and seems to be in the en-
- • . joyment of excellent healikand -decided des
! •
~.•-,- ,- ticity of muscle.- His farm seems to lie in a
. . .
tolerable stateof cultivation. , • : • •
• . 1, , .1 saw ,ti pi*Lot new:land on which all the
. I • • . . -
. 1• : . Old logs and stumps were-piled and burning,.
• . and the turf. was Weittuened.over. -With the
. plow. • For a short spacell passed over lands
r i * that were rough. And*(4.well eultirated,:be•-
tauee,4 suppose, not. ftt ; tilisible.- . -The next
'abject of note.l l lair was - a sehool—school:-I
hardly put the itayse tosueli , a pile of
- • architecture. I will. not attempt a•deseription
• .1 f•! -
• - . ! pf it, or I NW - .eeue - lumber -= .elose at hand
. .-
. • whiehl,coneeived was to be neeilin the dive
. .
. . tion- of a lienuildn fur sellout purposes,'• _ . . ,
• and if so,
! I faegly spare, it • this time, i. . The :edii,cir of, *Nei , Hampshire
... ~- hope t ha t _ „.-1 , • 4 , . . T ,
.wito tie pope ats.stppearenee may never Y 6 4 : }VAltint:+t i .../eite s '4 4
4 4 ;tri . fl ' Oiii0; says
' ibi recorded Iliould here itteidentally
. a,3,. c , ,
.; the..DeMopratie party is desirous of OA
. - 'vise, dist the neernrie be situated a i ittle fir.-” 1 tin g an cod, to •-*4 tw#, 4, influeace of foreign-.
• •1--. - ! --, -- -.*!----- ••••*- --' ' titizeent in-the elections:: -..Uptel!..whith
' ithez.froni.iht renOeirid= l oin*juded-b,Y *ham the Louiseille Journal : .remarks - : -We pi a. : ss .
~ . -Itrieee so as t. 9 • INA . - 411.9 1 c... jftect, ,io .the: pupils I :the - Detwapert l ytif they Were to du it, -
rind, with utorelderhigattraCtieatt #utiithel 'irißlid belTLT.Ylmuch in the predialitneel Of
!..:/_. : ~--.,,,-:!..,--',::: f -- - -.---.:-
.:, ---. _:1 ;
.fetlOw . , - _•WhO ! wishing - to. aai i erthe ! "..limb,
, - fr im 'a Piet -11 •'h. te
• 1 ••I! neat came tnstbe:-reigidenne•-°rW' M. i i this limb' Whi?e 'h i t pad ! P o ' rna tc) ed l;."'i the Als' '.. ". o -I pe s-t ra u ti rr ti. j2
.2 • tire ! !-- f the firmof Bell 'bill . I
.. ~ , ey., * - . ng.ey, at 1" ' 10501 i '1104,1114
.4 1 , 1011 0i. tbe reswing . 4 . ; #, said , he,
• i, •
i tiopßottom. - The Awelliog stands eiti•the 1 . h eard. olnethint46llfi." .
- - ii
North side cl f it r , 3 tea an excellent'
i 1;e road , s
spring of wa , arid 'appears to be arranged
. with a view ' to - convenhanee, - although , Vditd
not fancy the architecture. It Is an :upright
two-story bnild:ing,'soil@ tweity by -forty,
with a tinter 'lalf as high running the: hole
length en eitlihr side. .1 ' ' -
Beyond thel_house, on- the same side, bs an
excellent fielill'
_e of_witstell grain, 80 , in - en - new
land. Th . & r•nees are in tolerable order,
‘l , ) •
mostly of 'rails. 'Nearly opposite the grain
is a small strainp which- * if cleared would nut
only add much to the geed appearance : of,
farm but would euhancle, it most mathrially.
Ertaken in th 6 properseason and rummer, it
-meld 'be cleal i red 4erylreadily: The tins i ber
would, nearly for quite Pay , t e r clearing, lopat- I
ed as it is wiThin a Inlle and a half of the I
Railroad. - I 'passing on one aide of it only, i
I could not judge well of the fiscilitie of 1
draining it, but presume there would bevery
Hale difficeitkin that respect. Our &fibers
li t
old not sh6n - tbese 'pld swamps a's l'.see
th, arc too much inclined to. They look
ba and yield no mkt previous to being
ele.,tA,-and *lien once subdued they look
fineUnd arc exceedingly abundant in their
, yield of grasp. These old swamps sw i r l an
eye-sore--they mar ppnahy a fine int spect-r
-then let thein be annihilated: Shall it be:
- The nex
appears to
wav of far
house, on It
mostly of
land remar
to wall it.
• • i
flinibitant , . is Mdlard, .echo'
4:doini 4 a! thrifty business ii the
Liv'es in a two-story ‘4hite
south side of the road:. Fences
tinite uniform: l, and
fbly free from istone—not enough
nit Mr. Millard in the ioi.a(l
lie seems
the prooressi*e ideas in reintion
and conyel
imbued wit,
to farthing. ) : . - •
,!, , ! !
About •orls}..ruile East pif ;this place lie;;thdi
Hon. G. A. p ro w 's large fallout, whicil'• he I
cleared lasts' amid, Working himself 1s a lland
• , . - - .
during.the t Me of Ing,-.roiling. (Masts, n
C's prefer -legislative Ingtrolling.) The Cal-
lOw contain:4 nearly' one hundred acres sev.
enty of Avid :h sver '., scorn, with grain t.last._ .
Falh-lorty fo wheati•the residue Eye. That i
which lay over till this Spring he told tie he
should sow tp oats. i.!.As . I passed the turn- : ,
pike gate, the'emed 'turd
'stony, but soon- restired its wonted smooth
ness, and nothing particularly macre/ the
prospect save one orltwo of those, old Swamps;
they seemed, to,. haunt .me at every tarn.
The.farmi along--this section hioltl welt. I' -
found considerable Wall her:, too; also,*fine i
' orchard, Weil grafted, on thee, "Old Co.y tltrin,l 4
(in local ve-nacUlar.) : [l
I am now, in sight of
an a
.few :minute's,
,there,- As il..came '!upon the
I creek road. Lild 'turned aerdissthe brlidge near
,Grove's stare, I Met a yeiund frqual with
whoth I trilked .a.vitile, - Which delayed' me
soewhat.lthe7cfo!re I. nni,;t here '.bid yon
r ,
.hid I
- ' • . 1
' good •aftert)oon. .' - - -f:. : 1 -
I i '
0 ,.
' ,Lipg N Cons.-- : Mr. R.-;,}.
Bingham, of
.Ohio;m comunianes to th Southern C4l
- the -ib ng .. experimentilowi he :made
1, - -
Witht i lime o.ii corn.: 1 , '-,
' r have jug; concluded an ;ciperitnent'with
lime! on a field of corn,-which may be "Wor
thy f li noti4 ' As the Corztlwas codling up,
I f applied abOtit..a hallo pint of slaked lime
to • hill,,iwith the efception of four rows 1
seals the middle of the field, which' were left ` 1
62 i I Oligll 14 x whether or no }biting in the
, • ----
hill; was he eficial to l.he crop. , The itl4l.r l ltates:•olt Advertishing. ;
' t iii, . ,:'.,,50
ttratfueu , the same during the, season. I One Nuare Os lines or low) one week, ** • •
' Harvested Separately the, four rows unlimed, i One °Tim - , 4 two weeks,o;ls
I 46 . / 60
three wee.k5,..'.... ,
(soil -and situation licinoiceisely the 'same) 1 ' n ue ' squ4re . 1 a
4 - s''. •
an the result was am increase.:of a little 1 6 1 :;:fg r e e ': a : -rwnur0 n 5 t k1i 4 ....",.. . *:2 ,4 2 2 55
0,4 r .one-ei g hth in the ;amount of corn in fa... One square , 4 , three m0nth5,.....3,60
1 . 04 Af that wfiigit - wst3 Mimed.'` • i, One' square :' • 4 : 4 six moriths,,-'....'.. 5;00'
One squire ' - ' (_! ". one year, - • .:. ~. ti,oo
For two or inore squares, Inserted by tbeiear -a
i deduedoefivit theabore pricesisuutde. - "restledtd
; 1 ratite** irill.bai'efthe Privilege of stileviii Or g
initheie taiertiseinents without atididotial - leharge .
Itlnsinesa. earl:1801ot . e.xeeecring - Ave Bites, foreld
at $2,00 per minis . - ' - •." ,-•-
_,..1 - - . I Job, Work. . ,_ , ,_ -. ...i . I
Pik' alee: is suppgied with a poi nsoutiiiietit gif
Jobbing materiels) and all kinds of Job Work, such
as cards, Postets,'Pasaphte6, fie., Will bit iltir Tat--
1Y tittdr oll : l ol:•'i., 7 '''
, . I`. . '.,
• Orolitifd, - 31. D.; •
11T,§1CTLV..VDttYRICIIN,' Jackson ; 'Soigne
' ' _panne county, Pa. *Re. B ence arthePostomee.
I C.l.ifillirt*AßlT-qt:alfecltcntreeeaw,are
p eon-
rigrm in Neirldilforcl, 'Pk:l ant- _. _ ..vp t ,
i gaudy outland Akin& of Cabinet-ware; :alio Ready-,
milide . Coffina. F)213C111 1 / 1 attended withoriiitkinut a
Ittan9e. Wt - tii-rrin niarti - ohmt:tite I 'Dic.k . Oiran'a
, New , Milford, May 15, Ilfddil ' -
•—-- . . .
• •.- • R .l394dWitt, '
111a•Tranks,Sr:; Bastiicitt Segirle's
• -
Z 23
:C. - IL Simmons, ' - •
1110 001 1- AND. SHOE MAKER Shop first 'door etiiit
_LP of Odd Vellince Halt, T rnpike st., Monlnue."
Singletcm •
CiN now im . fotind bis'new-stfuld on Owego st,
two doors hest of Searle's Hotel, where he - ef
fectuallir tepaiii With dirliatch, Watcher., Clocks.,
Jewelry, Guns, and even description of Machinery.
Wheel cutting :Gun Anil Witch inaterials supplied
to the trade. • • . •
- *.Dr. 11. Oinith
SURGEON DENTIST.Mentiose, Pa., at Searle's
~ Hotel, Mondays and TuOdays , of each week.
henry S. •
ONTROSE, PA., with Row, Ai odrl ff & car!
ter, Wholesale Grocer and Commission 3ter-
Chants, No. 173 AVashingtori , street, between Court
.indt and Dey streets, New -
• , Caleb Weeks. ,
,singe Trimther. ShotOtt his dwelling bouse,
early.oppo3ite Ilenrybritiker:& Xontrose, Pa, •
Miller & Fowler,.
11 anitSolicitors in Cliaqry. Office So, 44 Clarke
street, Chiragodii.
. , ! Pacific;Hotel , . • I -
CIREENWICIf STREET,. (near Broathray,) „Yew
kJ _York: Silisbury & C 0.,; Fropriet6N. In the
yiehtity. of the principal steamboat landingi.
Thomas .1 ,
DEALER IN DRY GOM lt Tr li o l e . eries, Clothing,
_IL, Crockery,:Roots and' Shona, Sze., SuArehanna
Depot, Pa. • ;,
. \ . ` Bentley 14 Pitch, ..
11. AGENTS, Litoatros , , i, a .
n. s. nr.srtifr. : - L. F. FITCH.
John Groves. _
FT.ASHIONAFIL • ATOR.. Shop un&t' Searle's
Hotel, '.Maine, street, .2,lc,Tatroar,a.
• D..D. ;Hinds, - • • -
in the rear or Virilsolies;Store,Montrose, Pa.
J. 6 en,
TNEALEIV 1 4 N STOVM Tin, Copper, and Shec
IL" Iron. Ware, Lodcrse'ille, near (keg Bend Depot
: December 4. • * .
• L. P.l Hinds,
A TTORNET AT LINT; Susgurhanner, Pa. Office
.tX. on Maine street, one . door -east of tenheimes..
• . . ,' Praiier &Case, ' . •
Office on Turnpil,e • street, one door. East n
Poses Store, Montrose PO.
Albert Chiunberiin, - . "
ATTORNEY AT L'AiV and Juatice:of•the Peace;
over!.• II Post. & Store,Montrote. •
- -
: . Wm. R. Jessup,
. 11. DDEns, for ihe:Stitt of New York, apl attend
to all IntsiuesA entruiited to him witll promritoe3 and
1 fidelity. Office on Public Squar, occupied by lion.
.Wm. .Temp. • : •
Abel Terrell, -
_L.I Paints, Oils, Dye;siuff4, Groceries, Dry Goodi,
hardware, Stoneware, !Glaasware, Clocks, Watches,
Jewelry, Silver SpoOnk,!Spectacles, Musical Instru
ments,•Tres, Surgical,qnstruments, Liquors, Per
fumery, Mirrors, Stationery, Brushes, Shoes, Yankee
Notions, te.
B. . yons sk'Co., •
Ir v E4 OO AL d E ,, AM).DE ALERSI
Groceries,Salt, Flour, and Hard
ware, Lint.* ro, pa.
"* - F. S Chandler, •
TA E. LERIN MIT 0o61)s, Heady Made Clothing,
LI Groceries, Book. and Staticrnery, Public
Avenue, Moostrost,
Pitriek'dt Dimock,
I !
. SURGEONS. Office' No. 4
Owego street, Maatroze, Pa.
- -
. J. LSrons & Son.,
11 - AEALP...4 DR GOODS, Groceries, Hard rare,
11 Crockery, linware, Groceries, Books, etc.; ulstr,
carry on the Book Blitging business—Public Avenue,
,Vontrose, I. , •
2 .Bentliy & Read, '
TABAIYII.4.LN DIRT GOQDS. Drugs, :Medicines,
1-1 Paints Oils, Groceriftt, Hardware. Crockery,
Iron, ClockSi Watch6t, Jewelry, Slyer Spdons, Per.
ornery, itc.,--FoOt of l'ublic Ayeune, Montrose.
Sayre, Bentley & Perkins,
131 kinds of Castings, Stoves, Agricultural Imple
ments, etc.. . Office 4 Sayre's_ Store, Public Avenue •
Manufactory at the Xagle Foundry , Foot of Orr;
street, ifauttose„ P 4.
Wiui & William H. Jessup, i -
1 TToRNEYs LAW,: lime/mac, Pa. t'irac
it /A_ Lice• Susquehanna, pnedforel, Wayne, Wyo.
mine and P:Ferrierdpiiiitips. : •
• - Main V. Smith OC CO., • •
GA.I3MET 11.8.K.SliS. They keep constantly •on
. hand:a good ttismittzn - ent of all kinds of Cabinet
Furniture.: shop add Ware ROOMS at the foot of
Shine street, -Ifontroa±,-Pa.
ROC3nVell, Winton & Co . ,
J 1.1.• Go;xls, Ilat4, caps, Furs, Umbrellas, Para
sols, Ribbons, - eke. iv. No. 20 Courtlandt street, Nete
York, (up stairs.) .
.E. Itt!MTELL. .4...110WARp. W. W. wrsros.
~ li t rank Frasep
Mordrote - , Pa.,! will attend faithfully to all busi
ness entrusted lam in the counts of Susquehanna.
Con'verineing and writing of.finds will be dope
neatly: and charges moderates liiK will alaciattend,to
the pr o secution of Claims sokUers their widows aid
beim, !against the -!tnited States 'Government, for
Bonntr Land, PensiOns, &c. May be found at all
hours T at the offici formerly occupied by J.
at*, Esq.,'north of the Court House. top.
O. Tyler, . ,
pi MOST F. D With importer'of and
Dealer in Hardware and Cudety, Carsiqe Sprints,
de., \0..215 Pearl 4rect,-Xati n irork, 'Where his Met
_s.4ntlie friends, in ,thli,andofbor counties , are kindly
nyrited, t and earrgiatly song:lW, to call and *dune:.
rCBLLiiICA EVERY 310 . 1 . 1!(1114, AT MlMTAkelly
. Ittys4:l ?KZ A.Vitli s IN ADTIXCL
10 (WO''' . firstgunisimaaliAmber
Orriokiri.. 441 30, 1855
for side. : liigairo'of '-''-'• . i , , , ' ;4' , ; 1 1; lot '174 b. ..... ,-- Jr, Ink
4 .
O. G. lIEMPRTFLID'. 1 ' 0 , . , ft,.#ggtil.f.juertiNivis o,,,tpdaw
To the ticieopip. - el ir Sullgillehaun a
ICeuit • •
us-p - dhe offereita . m :8 by-the retest
„destructive'lleilo trac e, having • lost. ;ay
an 4 44ily all °tiny gtMds, I have, - mot
horover stiert ove r to despair, but have taken s
store room in thci lower part of tballMr.oe teat
north of React's, /tool, into which I lave Soca
small stock savOtiom th 9 fiv, and will in the eon
of a very eitoktinte fill - tip Ale store with an entire
new stock itirodi •In toy present-new location • I
-will be hoPPYt to:see and, Wait 'on my cdd instoniers
and the publin. teetevally Who wig favor tae with a
I have resolv, ed to 4eser Oen, the ship -r=
am detertnitimlto kesp, or_ DRUG STOREoind to
keep a good okasortment oT.Droo;Mediolor o d' aioto,
Oils, Dye-stmls,aroccrins, , ..Gthuaritare,Jewefry , P
fiMerY .er
-3-424ft:!,1644:ni5,, and .all sorts_ of Farley
ci,Pock'e- 6 4; rich as I kept before the fire, which
devoured the;einititirs, ors too time in an.houn •
/410 x,e;?*,ovr 48, ppd. ABEL TIIBRELL.
Nevery tne", pluatee
a' • iieMemlser me in thia my time of Deed,
by_geollug tint amount due immediately.
AQTemberi2loB4l4. , i ABEL TUBBELL
n OLD -arid Mver Patent Lever, Anchor and La-
One r ceiv
atetees, just reed and for gale by
~...... J - r, t --- --u,
ewelry', Jewelry.
..' , •
IL GOOD itasiirtnieut of Jevrelry, consisting of Ear
111. Dinvi,l:EatEranc E l :aaat Piing, • Finger Rintp,
&c. &c, justroCelved at ;BENTLEY & RE/tDia.
-• t Silver 141
I'm Table, tessera, Sugar, ,`
for sale by t ' • •
• /Plot , vaid Shoes.
An unusually pied assortment of the liest , roake,ali
/retch and prrft4t for sale 14 BENTLEY kREAD.
^Drtii~s nn eines. '
A fresh stodic genuine Drugs and Medicines, Paten'
Medicines, Paints, O►is, Dyq-stnifs, kc., for sale- by.
Dee. 13.4 ; BENTLEY di READ.
S .21r0111 - COM P LET'FA—and we Would take this
niMerluttity•OO say . thati we can show the most
beautiful and splendid patt4rns of Parlor and Cooking
Stoves to . bc fOund in the county. Among them can
be seen the Revolving Prunt and Gothic Parlor, for
wood of co4l, e,titirely new and deeidedlv pretty stoves.
Prices front fi vn to ten dollars. Of Cooking Stoves.
we think itOeetMess to say Much, only to remark, that
•we are selling them at our former prices, andjudging
from therapidity of our sales, we believe the public
arc entirelY satifdied with ear, prices and the, quality
of our waria. We hare :"a fete, more left" of -the
"Clinton Air-tight Elevated Oven Stove," acknowl
edged to 1.)4 cooking stove now in use. Rus
sia ,and Stoye Pipu at old prices, and Trim
mings :auk Tinlware of; all descriptions at the very
lowest rateS: J. DICKERMAN, jr.
NeW Milford; October 21, 1 8 44- •
• Tilt: I f, IFiN0411 1 : NOTHINGS 99.
ll_ Buir;•viiy tbrtutlatelc; ihe earth' is' not thrown
'from its orbit, and the sunfihines on as before ;
bling the I . Picture Man to work at his trade of light
and . shade In his' Usual 'satisfactory manner..
Ills New Chick, just r purchacd, 'comprises creiy
thing neat - and desirable in . fie. Daguerreotype line,
and he arks that you will not forget to call.
lie has itl4 iiome recently published Books, which
stirbtc . i, please those 'who wish good reading.
• .
Odd Peliowoi Moriirose Pa.
ti Wi B. p . . does lint! take l ietares for 25 or 50
cents. ThoselWldo wish toich trash mast gg elsewhere.
• Jolln GrovOte :Advertisement.
AS nattire; Who furni4hes the birds and beasts with
an extra (coat for winter, has not made . a similar pro
vision.fer 'Mari
,I.hav4 concluded to take it upon my
self to ittlend.. ' to thatidaartraent; and' therefore I
think proper- _ to announce that all shivering male bi
peds, that need new apparel, glorious or inglorious,
fashionable- Or unfashionable, can have their wants
supplied tuHd their tastes suited by calling on me, at
my . sbopiin Ilontrose...
The ritrinerlfi Store Re-bitilt.
%ITT: iwisti to say to our friends and customeri that
Nie have withstood the devouring element that
consumed Sta-e . with most of our Goods, and
erected a coatenient shinty, where we shall he hap
py to se out, old elastomers as well as new. We are
going to 'sell; - goals lotrier than over, and we think ten
per cent; less than you tali buy elstnthere in Susque
bannacti. 'Call and see: WARREN' &THAYER.
• . PEOPLE. •
OODIIUFF E;ELDREDhave constantly on band.
V k large and well selected assortment of tin - -
ware, Re* and Chain for wells, pumps; •cistern,.ifydrauliollamsl, Japanned wares, lead
pipes of all sizes lee., k 4.. Job work done with neat
ness and despatch ; all Orders promptly attended to.
kept co:instantly on hand, a large assortment ofistoves
of the haest, impro'ved And approved 'patterns. Our
experience in the business enables us to select those
that ,'IrC itaitiatfe3y warrlint to give - entire satisfaction,
Amongst Miintimerons stock can be found the
Paragon sill tight Stir of the West, Elevated
New World; " Clinton, ' [Oven.
• Atlas, = , 4 '. Cultivator, . • "
Phoenix, Fire Fly, - •
ThreelStates, • *: Western Queen, "
Globe; '^ " F Premium. ' •
S. k.:woontrdrr.
I REillfo VAL.
EELER STODDAIiD, since the late fire, may
1.1 be fckind in the AASEMENT OF SEARLE's -
HdTRL., jlfiiivrialstaiuling the unprecedented nt
piditZ with; which. out stock of Boots, Shoes, &c:,
went off" on morning of the fire, we still have
some On hand, ,
and Shall soon be well supplied again.
Mohtroi 24'overtibti• 13. IEtZ4. i
--- 1 ,-- 1" ---- 1 -
- TIDE ittliStribers offer Sir sale on the*fiwt liberal
and easy terms;One of the best locate# farms for making Korthern Pennsylvania. The said farm is
situated eM ihe Newbitrg and Owego Turnpike, two
miks cast rof Mount Pleasant village; and twelve from
the N. T. *.:E R. R.,!also aery conveniently situated
to Churelr, Schools;; Grist-mills, FavAm il ls, Black.
smith shops . ke: ' It contains one hundred and sixty
one ;acre., . one hunched of it under a good state :Of
eultititiou, well watered and good buildings, cousist:
big of a goeid4arnedouSe, well finisned off and very
etconVeniently nrntri . Also two good barns and - a
good bull shed we f 1
calculated for convenience, tiro
large ofcliardiyielding from 500 to - . 1000 luisheLi in.
I nasally, mOstlytgrafted fruit of the best quality.. The
farm is well adipfed to grating sufficient :to keep A
large Mill. !For mice and terms apply to R. F.
EATON, br tq ALFRED LAKE, on the premises.
rfarfcwil. Dec. IR 1.554 . ' , --
.- . .
7litre and:Mime New GOOds:
BITIOUTI 4 is now receiving \ new and fun
I- o; ttupplies of 6'oods for the Winter Trade, in-
finding` nevi and elegant assortment of French Me.-
antrt'ashmere Plaids; Plaid, Fax
elnd Pfainf De Lae*, Faramettaa, Broehe, Square
and Learjf Shirwle, all of new styles, and win
be sold at 25 ker ceit less than , bust year's price 3.—
Alliko a new asksmitheht of Rich Ritkas and Bonne‘e,
Wide b'slk lefirets for-Cloaks and Mant il las, Rich
Bilk 'Ma :74/ret .Ness Trim:Ai-rigs, Mohair head
~ DrfaeW,lßigiflets with a general assortment
Of Qther. &semi ant FACT GOOMOIB . usual, which
having. tionglit,' wade thepiesenl pressure the cash
=Oct, ' , win he. sold . at corresponding an Tediited
?test a 1 ford, l'ioiernbcr 27, y
HE 6 Hui Goo,
* red'a;t. I. LIPOST ce ,
quiliti , `ntylOind o'ft, . .
. f Staple Dry GOds, Collais, Sleeves,
' 7 '• Prral 006,14,,i .. .. Edgings
• ..' tifit?is 4r A il C4stineres u , Ronnetf: . ..
' '', lilite 'Goal', - *arid .F,'qr4sola.
CLOTHEICp—a Fine *dock. Groceries of a t ll Ifari
"lard 7,CrockFr3 . ,,L.olo4olasser, and-in
exe,ri. 4e nut:. Welt, assortment li.sopd, and,*
tir.ic44 ). ! , u l • :. • _ - . - r
* Igln
: se; arcli 20.103- ~ . -•-•• - .- ." .
1 1, .1*
rfWvopititt, enshitt heretofore existing between:the
lifit*Otni ander the firni'of - K.:S Kent tt Co. is
ti}) dk , Ql , red innbani . ennsoni! . ^' •
1 : I,CENT 4: CO.
3tooldy Apr'A, ES L:' ' . • 1414
1 nd at
• • .•
pelt!. 16110 =a elate?' leell
1 11:31RELVS:
iitoons .
t, Ate., warranted pare,
uqw being re!
CO's. are tleniriibie in
41.T14 1 -0 5 5.101tifintittn i n in gen
s• 4"Xing:ACCAL,
and Clore!' Reed,
Isitibere, itixtestel
NEW .A;11) cisms.x . istooD ,s
B01:411T at e breast viteca, and wilt be Wate.
eorifinAr.' , Ittrvtovn34: -
Gibson, - Octobo , 110054.
Cptaltlterea'and:Yeallllilia: -
A large assortment and oq priers lower than we laVe
ever been enabled to offer them heretofore.
Gibson, Oct. If . l, - '
• . • - • rem .Goods.
A ireat variety 'find beatitifal• styles, and almost as
cheap could be desired;-, V. BURRO WS 8: CO.
Oetoher 12, 1851., • • •
I •Black silk. . -
A good 'quality, for dsessea at' 81 cents per card
:Qctobec 12, 18.54. "V. BURROWA &CO.
• •
•!: Shawls. • -
Long and square, wool, broche, and silk, very - hand- .
sorno styles and at extremely low prices. •
• October 12,1864: IF. BilltßO Ws dr. CO
, • ' - Apache Shawls
Cheaper than eier before known ; beautiful patterns
and fine tinalitycif 8 . 4 Broche Slum Lupen'a man
tifaettirei at ter. ,t, - BURROWS & CO.
Gibenn, October 11, 1854. -
• -Bay state 'Maw's.,
The Lanatsi SIZE, rOssr guauty, and nor PAT
hire, each. AL BURROWS & CO.
'Gibson, Ottober 11, 1854.'
iairpels, - • ,
A good assortment tux! handsome. Tiattkrns, at very
low price& U. BVItrtQWS k CO.
Gibson, October 11.,-3854.1 -
liaffi lo Itobol,l,
A large lot of handsome Robes, a taut of thetriwhole,
Indian dressed and N'erY superior color and qual , ity.
October 1: 1 ..1854. IJAVURRO & CO. '
Mhe Subscriber has. on hand ready made coffins.
which may be bad;at reesonat!le. prices.
Also on hand a lot of Supiirlor, window Sash.
. .
Great Band Jan. 15th 1856.. • ; • "
rINIE subscribers' baring secured the sole right to
BU77ER-IFORKER, for.Susqli6harina'and'oeveral
adjOining.counties, rwipectfully itivite.all Butter mak
ers to examitui, and:, it the merits of this new and
valuable invention. We propose to furnish .each and
all of yim;witli, a CtMns that will produce as much
butter in as shOrt ;a; time 'as any other ehurn- 7 pne,
that will completely Opel the buttermilk, wash'and
work in the salt, fliping l it perfeetly through the,
butter and fit it for use, with Out removing it from the
cburn.• This Churn is simple in its &instruction, sci
entific in its operation, and easily cleaned and kept in
order, and can be easily attachcd 'to any propelling
power. • ; .
For furthdr partiettlars. apply personally or by - let.- -
ter to JAS. C. BITSIIN,ELL and B4ONS.ON,
'Ararat, Susquehannacounty, Pa
*OS: • - .
The Greateit Ithiroveme' nvof the Age/—c.
H. Willianzs't..bai<hle-Atiing Ball. i'alue
• .Orce - gild Lift Pumps— _ •
•(N improvinnehf a b ove all other pumps or ma
il: chines for lifting, threwing, and carrying water,
combining both a-.Purnp.and a Fire. Engine. This
Tamp', patented id February, 1854. is the whole of it
metallic.. No , bolts or screws about it to rust, conse
quently it will htsOrnutieti life tithe. • It can be used
ht every variety of ifortucan draw water from any.
situation,_and carry It tii any part of a building. It
is superior to all other Piimps fur Distilleriei, Paper
Mills, Tanneries, Wick .Yards, Iron Works and Man
ufacturing cstablishthents of all kinds.
All orders Must be addressed to AronisoN Tituute:tr,
Lodersliille, Pa., WhO has ;the side right for Susque
hanna county. ; i •
OFFICE,',ATIIF49.• 11311ADFCiaD COttiTY,
CAPITAL, $200;000. •
* cured by Afoilyaye ilda Real Estate
- , • tit the St6ekhoblerst... •
1 Insures against loss by Tire, ;of liOnses, Stores, and
tiother buildings; Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, - on
tis favorable kernis as any,;simhar'lnstitiition. Ltbsses
promptly adjusted and paid. 4. • -
i Di aEcron.A.—llori. Hornet: Willistoir,, A tli ens ; Fran-
es Tyler, da • Giiorge A. Perkins do.; J. T, D. Meyer,
do.; C. N. Shipman, 'do. ;I.C. f Welles, Jr. do. J. E.
i Canfield do: ;• llon.)John Laporte, ToWanda; Gen. B.
i Wakeman, Lace} - vine; Gee. M. Hollenback,
barre; Micliael Me lert, I.4porte, Pa.
OFFTCF.TItij—lii4 florae° Williston,, President; C.
1 F.. Wells,, jr., l'res. and Treas.; J. E. Canfield,
Secretary. . 1
Ageni, O S. B.0:1114 Montrose, Pa: [1 :;32nt'.1
subScritieri . ;wille et as ag•ent for-buy in , ' , and
ing !teal Estate—Farms; Houses; and Lots—lo-;
sated in SuSqueliaima Connt-y, Pa. • AU who wish to
offer their properttv. for sale can give a mitinti'dekripi•
'lion of their Farms or Lnts a. 4 follows : Number or
netts, howipany hoproved, and how Watered. build.
ings, orch+ls, grafted Or common fruit ; other frnik
treeS: and :the nearest point to tbe D. L. & W. R. R.
' and N. Y..* E.', R. R. •
' 62 furrn ou the list, 43- unsold. By calling on the
j subs .
criber minute desciption, price and terms , can
be riven '
Office on Turnpike st. 4 doors welt Main. st.,
Montrose, August 1851. A-BALDWIN.
„ . _
VIE liEliltasira Mkt. tr'SSETTLED.
c„,ICOTT,IJOTMSTON-bir. 'Co.,. are now receiving
1.7 from.Nevr, Vex!: a general assortment , of Spring
awl Summer godds,latto We cordially invite all that
like to buy goodS cheap to give us a call, as our stock
is large, and we are , willibg to sell' for Small profits.--
Yon can find hefe almost every _article wanted, anti
we are willing to coMpate goods and prices vrith.any
store Mille county-4—we have taken special pains to
find nice goods-to please,the Ladies,. such as Black,
Figured and Fluky Silks, Silk Tissues, Berages and
Berme Delanes; Plain and Fancy Lawns, Silk, French
'and Domeistie: Gingha': Figured and 'Plain Mu.slins,
Embroidered C4rtainsind Paper do.:, Ladies Collars,:.
Underliandkerehiefs and Sleeves, Mantillas, ,Parasols
and Gloves, Straw and Fancy Bonnets, also trim-.
wings to rnateht , A largo stock of Goods, for Men,
and'Bovs, alsOlron, Steel, Nails, Horse Shoes,. and
Horse ,s.;all4lPionglas, Salt, Fish, Crockery, Grind
stones, and Stoneware, Stoic pipe, . Tin, Glass, Saab
ILeather, Booti, Shoes; ac.,. &c. T'letase give IA ,a
chance of sheeting you 'our stock biore von bus.
lours truly, SCOTT, JOHNSON & CO,
.pringville, April, 18, 1854. • . . ' •
. • , 1
• . - All Right Aga it.
sybcriber would respectfully announce to his ,
enstomere and the public in general that he is
again prepared for the &jot . and Shoe business.—,
Having Just received from New York a choice lot of
Sole aud Upper Leather, Calf Skirts, Kip Skins, ke.,:
all oak-Untried! Also, !an assortment of Ready-made
work, consisting in part of Men's 'Thick and Cal.!
Boots, Boys hoots, Childrep's Strap Boots, Womenll
'Enameled ;Union licit..s, _Polkas, Kid Buskins,Silk I
lAsting,Fox Gaiters, Goat Lace Boots, Enamele Pegi
Red Boots, Misses Kid Late Boots, Children's lloaq
mot be
kel—whicli will be sold for cash cheopel
than be bought elsewhere in this market. Re .
pairing done neatly.. 1 ' : 1
..Pleaae call and examine. Store first door east ef.
the Odd Felloivs Hall.'
Business AOurs fient "the time to work" until the
time for "rest:" and "refreshment." Grateful for past
favors he ,hopes by strict attention 'to business tilf
merit a continuance of the Same. . 1
N. B; Being somewhat in want of the !
,'one thing
needfiiir (indney,) ha would enggest, in' the mildest
manner, possible,' - the pmmiety of those indebted call
ing and settlibg the some ittimediately. .I'!itif ced. r 1
Montrose, Bee. 4, 1834: . C. M. simmqics.
FACTS. Ftilit TilE PEOPLE. '.
rratt ittliaiirlbei is carrying on the C11.41.R MAK -,,
J. ING,BrISINESEI in all its various branches at,
iheieltaiiand Ware Shop' in Harford, where may lze'
foubd 'a utter variety: r ot' : Windsor and. Rocki*
Chairs than at any other establishment in the eOunti
also Flag arid Cane. Seate,l3nieansteads, Lou 4
es ttees, Tablek Stands, Ac. ite.; all or which. ,_, 1
eajeat the'lowest prites at retail, (or whol
wit , abort notice.) Al work warranted well mada
T ic
an of good material. credits enamel! proOtj
twill be my rnotte. , FOP:demonstration of the 'Dove
&ens, plesse ball atiny shop in.Harfimi. vi ll age. ',- 1
_., ,;, A. W 'GREENWOOIN i
Raiford, (lesober Iti, 18.54.'• '• - - 1 546 4 1
_ '
• ,' • ; Holies. •
A CHOIC* lot jnot received, and ofrotell low b
' • - soon JOHNSTON & CO, 1-
AunOlCE.lot orgirool!Long Shivils very cb„ '
:14pringv*, Dicobibef 34, • '
• t 4 /alga, Bu tee, Ch . Sc, Eggs, fiaxmked
! APP l ,# ll $ Tot?logs, B. S.
Vleur-Ctittier and
111- Hags' !oilman *heap
A. friA anripli of -81hr . ir Siloong;Watebee, Jew
Le. Le., ju4 BENTLEY & AEA
E. , t t
C s o l tlg r n i f;Te l t ll4‘ , 7 6 L uidslie NSStE0 4,1°'
- .;
d Coniace
11:ER 7 S • PIIP
TUE lllRiOlika •A.
i •
li i ins: has' long oils ted i a public demand ef
purgative pillihich relied ones
sure acid prfect. in its o eratiom
pre cried to meet the clamant!, and
al o i t is virtues has concluSitely shi
eau ti,
cests i aecOmplishes the p 'Testis , '
sy t ' lco a peysicallpi/i, but not
hest alliiii/s--one tv oie 141101114
OW . , °psi but-all ofPe4antagm w.- -.fury ntus-
Thi4 hail*en attempted here, and with what sucees. , t
we, Would i•espectfully subMit tolhe public 'decision.
It hr belt vefortimate for the Patient hitherto ;that
film it every purgative medicine IS acrimonious.; and
irritating to the 14,owels. 'his is not. , 'Many of them
p Ince so much, griping and revulsion in the.
sys On as:toimore than cottnterbeince the good to be
de v d Omitheui. These pills frimince no irritation
or n;_ tiniest; it arise from a previously crying lob
st c ion or demngetnent in the bowels. Being
ly ie etable, no harm arise from their use in anh
mnin "ty i built is, better that . any medicine should
be, tit eqUdiciously, M.' Me :directions for their use
in h! .seteral diseases to i hi& . they are applicable
arelgiver! on the'bos. Among the complaints which 1 ,
ha ei,been Speedily cured, by them; we may mention
Lire! Contplaint, in its various forms ofJaundice; In ;
di option; 'Languor and Less of Appetite, histlesnOlts, 1 ,
I tibility, Bilious. litiche, Bilious Fever, Fever 1,
an. Agde, Pain in the Si e and Loins ; for, in truth,
all es'elare but the consequence 'of diseased 'action ;
'in e Bier. - , ,M; an aperient, they' afford prompt and I
itt ,
s e relief in P k oz itivenet* Yiles, , Cholic, Dysentery,
II ors; Scrofula and Scurvy, Colds with sorenes4,of I
th „ ody, trlcers and inipurity of the blood; in short,
auf ritil every case wh'erit n purgative is required: • I
IT eyl beim produced some singularly • successful
cet& in t ßheinuatistn, Gour;-Dropsy, Gravel, Brysipe- t
1a... 'alidtation•of the Iltart, Pains in the Back, Seoni
ar.hiancl ,Side. ! They; sbould, be• freely taken in ;the
spft tg Of the year, to pnrify the blood and prepare
the system for the change of seasons. An oceasiOnsil
d e stimulates; the stomach and bowels into healthy
"ac I,M, itiad restores the appetite and vigor. ‘ Theylpu
ri ittlui' blood,"and, by trir Etithulant action, on the
?t fi
di ei . Cory Atystem, reno :rte the strength or the body,
an' restgre the wasted nr diseased energies of 1 the
wl e argatiisni. Hence an occasional dose is advan
ta 0u..4,. even though n 4 serious deratigernenfeitsts ;
b tlunneceSsary dosing should never be carried too
fit as every purgative medicine reduces the strength
w en Oaten to 'excess.. The thousandcake In *itch
al bysic is reqhired cannot be enumerated here.;l but
tit -, tr shggest theinselveit to the 'reason of,everyhinly,
a d it i ls confidently bblieved this pill will answer a.
b tteripurposd than ailthing whichltas hitherto been
a iiilahle to mankind.. When their VirtneWare once
k eivi),,the publie will no longer doubt .`hat rentetly
to mploy wluin in need of a cathartic medicine. I Be
in 'sugar-wrapped. they are pleasant to take, arulle
in tufrely vegetable, ,no harm can arise from their
u. ain any quantity. I . , ~
. 'Foe miniitedirection's see wra per on the Box.
irr4Pared by .TAME. C. AYE 1, Practical and i An
al tical Chemist, Lowe l, Mass. 1 . • , I
11 "Trice 25 1 ,Cents ptir lox. • Fire Boxes for $l.
i 1 - . tL
t .Ayee's Cherry Pectoral.: 1 it
Forl:he, rapi , l Cfire 1) . ,. Cough.; addS, - .l.bariteitesS . , I
.11Itpuck/1 i,T,1•11:71.0.0pTg-Covit,,Croup,4-gtlenza;and 1
leofisupzpion. ..,- 1 • , .
• This remeq- has won for itself such notoriety from ,
it ',ctireti, of every variety of ',pulmonary disease,!that 1
it is Entirely unnecessatry to recount the evidences of
it ',i-trtues in any community where it has been em-I
ill(iy*d. 7 St. ) Ride is it. field of usefulness, and sO nu-
ertius the cases of its cures, that ranittst evers see- 1
tiiin bf the cohntry abounds in persons publicly known 1
1 4 / 1 1t4ave been restor&from alarming and c ert des ,
p i lrite discaies of
the[lungs by itS use. When lonUe
- Ord its supriority (p i er every other rnediclne'Of its
kimi"is too apparent th escape observatiOn; tupi Where
iis ee_
irtn. are known, the public no longer hedtate
1 lia't antidote to emp l oy for tbe . ,),listressing and, &in
' ertins attedtions of the pulmonary -or,gar.s which are
i,iciOent to"our climate: And not only in ficintidabic
a l Vdcks upon the lungs, but for the iniider varieties of
e i pres, Covh.c. Lri , arltelicAs, &c. : and for (7-tihiren if
14 the pleasantest and safest medicene that Call t e oh-.
tiiiied. • '
i - As it has long beet)" in constant. u , -c throngliotit this
Isc,cilont we need not do more than assure the People
ii-s finality is kept up lo ftil.e best thht-it ever liasb.:ten,
c rind.that the gentfin4 article is sold by—AnEt,!Thrt
i_tEct.., 310;ittlVe ; It., F. kn. 11. EATO.4. , : ' . Harford;
n,ltnett & PittN ti Ftv,l'Duittlaff,• and by all dealers in
11'1(0h:hie every where. " ' i •
I) ; - I . ---2---,..----;-1-1--;------
11 . Notie to the Public. : 1
IAXVIING jest returned from New York I wish , to
I 11. call the attention of my old customers, and of I
:l `. public in general, to my . - ' I 1
, ,
1 ! - - NEW STOCK . .. 6F.GOODS, .1- •
' hich.being bought !with 'cash ", - at the low2st 'prices,
ti 4 wishing, to sell Principally for the same, - I Will of-
ek them at greatly tiedaced prices. - ; i .
3,s and, silis.,
, C Caps, .
- Cizielieco Prints, Warranted fasti, - Colon", for l only S ;
tints a yard. Good Brown §ugar, 18 pounds forone
1011ar. Boonton nil", aclMOwledged • o r . all Ito be-
i fo la *b ts es i a t li n e N t g l a e s i c l i to: i e n b s, ro u ll e e ti r ' e - 4 5 1i 5 ,. 1,1:o lim P be er s e .k t o t e a t:.; , Ill prices, all 'wool
•,' - klvet, &e. Mouslin De Laines. 1 shilling per vard, •
• 'tido Bonnets Hats; Broche Rt:tit - Is,
{Double Long shawls,' Thibet do.; selling
at inceiceiv
'ialily low prices. 1 lam safely warrantperfect satin-
ftiction to. all Oho 'will give me 'a call. - 1 .
i - - i LanestiOro,- Apr. , i.5.' 1851. .- i . -• B. A. LYONS. : •
1 •• CLOCKS—good' time keepers only one dollar.'
l! • - 't-
- • 1 .-' -- • • SA. •LYDNS,
Lauesboro, Apr. 15..• : ' -
- .....: 1
7 171111 - •
IiTANTED-21.(109.11ide5, .0 which ta_ g teat
:4 V - price will be paid. ; S. A.. LYGNS. •
i-Lanesboro, '" . 1 • - - 1 • •
PO - DUCE „taken - jn exchange for
IlkJ Goods, at nrs . - I ,stOre. S. - A.LYGNq
a •
1 ; Lanisboro, Apnl 5.
a •
1 • • pow 611.0 P
.- •
AND X. Mc:GT:Would respectfully inform the
4.11. • public that they axe Manufacturidg,
Celebrated Plow 4 They a l so k eep
.con , ta n t l y on
hand, Ride Hill, Ilrattni County, and Alen P10w.,.
I:cultivators; Dog tin;rils, St e igh - , - and,,.Cutter!Shoeß,
:Plow Points of Nlarions patterns,' too numerous .to
ncution.. We hope, by strict attention, to business,
Ito receive our .share of public patronage. • Mermfac
itory, Post's old stand.: .Faundry, M. Mott, near
-ISearle's Mill: , •
11 MI - Repairing (.
II Feb. C.-
; : rII I IIE subscriber agent for the, following InSoranee
?r Companies, doing nosiness at 'the lowfst, safe i!
State Matzial at..ifarrisb . ury. .
•"$: . • • - $.150,p00.
Cash itfri4al at Ifarrisdurg. .•! • • •1
Capititl V2OO, 00.
'roma rork' City.
• Capital 006,000.
Montrosetpria 6,".54. •F. ;B. CITA'FOJER.
. I •
La two bhrso Pleasuid,:oy-1
one on short notice.
I.lllllli* _CND PIASTER.I
rSHE subscribers are now burning and will keep',
.1. constantly Un hand, 'Lime of a very superior
quality at Montrose Depot, and. will sell • in any,
quantities at a' fair price. :Persons wisbingi a large , '
quantity, can be-Supplied i.:zon a reasonable notice.
Superior ground Plaster will be kept constantly
band hreafter. !, 1. L. POST.
Montrose Deniot, April S. ' L. SEARLE.,
STE)11.111'44111IST. AND.SAWMILL.
DO , Si BROTHERS . having. purehailed 'the - nbore'l
1 . ablidanOtt, will keep constantly . on Ited.
per. ne Flpur, Corn Megi of stiptrior-quat•
ity,•drii Chop t(int Brim at the lowest caoh
Custoint'; work u4ll be done with despatch, and inally
esuaes 138101
3iontkose, Jl4, 1833.
is indebted to tlic,subAcrilier lbr ' feet
order. and eicrli -of die Orphati`i chart':
• acor by settling ibo nittne'socin.' ' l'!,
c. 6 1851. J. T. LANGDo.N. i
-..................... ,• ....................„....Li...„.........1
Th 0.44 periin*
wonld confer $0
Mont se,
1 - Window Sash:
ll_ k I):EATILE tiaring , been appolitterintage4
0.. for aii.extensiyre sadtblifid and.tbor =saurus ,
tory are'prepaicl to. furnisla . antic articles in thlsline at,
Less rates anutithey have Usually tken:sold '
• 8..
July: .
; • twit,
- '..riEw ocboris.f
cpt.ts - liitivAio:w . wriienreaatigth -,
- 1:: - .) ke.„&e;joikohiktrnatir Me by'
~.,,, ... , .,..:,:i... , .:... , :-- - , --- ---
- „ ...
-si - - leiniotiti7seed• ;1
, •,::Titanio , zeros celebrate:4l Timothy *ed.'
STiWill'iirell itr,•SON 1 : ~,, , .i ,1.7: 4- est pnrp , , ;.1.'0";.- !ate tly . ,-. , :it!itt , Toll
untioilltSveteltuld:l old sten*, F , lt*tt 1 -...;- .. S.l : P i r..." * ..-.. e .,1. - *1 ..., e• }l • l3 .l' _..-1,8-31,.::--...._,..." ___... _....'r
-4)vetuber 13, 1E434, ~. ; J (ftjtlNGtlS.=---Shavell ShingleA !ranted b.. ‘
• t \.i , ; f Ortober 4.: t. I .1 T 'OV:A a' .
N 'articlolvrtqch
. 1-e..11 , man. stmalittry , for sals
! t- IrTI.-&! I). '
stew . 'or ttniosor Hata arot,'Cloit4._
'er troo# jtioberspliind for solo cliettii
D R. I lc 'CO
AT AY be f.
aide of
.. A 841oon or
' p- . ,
.51G(.313.4E1L", GOODS .A.l l, . , '
_ _
s J ..—. . • • . . .. , s
.. ~._
-- ' ...I. 114 - POST &CO - - ' •
WE now offer to. thspublic the most, ce and
t h e Lorytr vertu' of Cicada -- td be ' :d any
where in the country, and for the fiery low.* prices, '.
without variation. " c - - • i - , . :
V_EN.WER STYLES. .- 1.-L.-Teaf& Co.' h ve jut
matteis. large addition , to thtirstock of clothing,
"consisting now of everything 4etlinhin Sr din, ,
_buyer • -
at such prices as are sure to suit. The woes are ~
Ina& first rate, and we-Warrant the work to be - egtua
if not stipirior to any ever before: offered. in this mar- -
ket. ' Our stock comprises Colts, fintr:blar,ki French'
Sacks, Frocks and Business; Tweed, easel ere and ..
Jean Sacks and:Frocks,. also , brawn-anthwhl
tefum- •
mer'pWn -and twilled. - Vasrs—White and ,ealored
.MariailleF, Vidontia, Lasting; figured Nratb4avAgiir-
Cd silk and Satin, and every variety, giied and cheap.
Piss,.-Fine black.Casstmere, doeskin,:coll -tweed,?
Summer stuff,' linen drill, cottonadt , ,, - stri. , -plop,
check and - plaids, so cheap as to _he sure o sale :to
I all *ho..desire to buy. . - . ----
..- - , .
CILOVA'S AND 7 /TOSTERr-i-Ladies and" Cot# l 'N
NA'S white and colored Hid Olovetrof the. Wft 40*
ty.narrantad. A bugs issortotent Of all loinalkofbitte,
brown and slate time, and boas Agents and ladies,
Lisle thread, -Berlin and silk..Gliivinollick
and colors ; a largo is:tort:neat of black aMtlinut lase
Mitts, its* and short., _ • MI . & CO'S.
13 4 ,00TS,AND13110tS=Sew tine Bootii; Coarse
.fie; Ladies. fine Gahm, Bootetsianitliuskins i
a full'assortrnent. of Cheap Shoes, Childrensp,4 misc
., shoes and pooteds, Ladies fine Silk-linen Slippers,
at' • ' ' -• • -,' L. P. & &Vs.'
AA T BITE style; nod iitudidest,'Netidli . :.
V. V :ed Shdrtingm, Pillow Cotton,..Tae..and CaiMbrfe
Muslims, SIV iRk3 and Book Muslims, Barred Muslims,
Biskops and Victoria.. Lawns, dtc, figured and dott.
SwiSs Muslims P. &Co's. •
CBounif t s.--of. the best an 4 cheapest hind... A
'IF tof Sugars surpiishisly cheap at 1. L. POST
ia..VTS—the most flestrabla Elf/sac. in the cons
try, at *cry low prices: - k CO.
iIIE.SSDOODS- 1 -Bilks; Duslins, Defanes, Delia
ges,' Gingham, Lawns &c., of every dei3irable
vle. - I. L. POST it.
LARGE and splendid stock ofSpring
- - Si..
-. APLC GaAs at the loweittsrice. ,
0 • -' : I. L. - Pter &co.,
„ -
et' LOTHS,' Ciissimeres, Tweed, Kentucky' "
t;...); and Satinette r vcry *mpg L L. Pi
_3t Co's:
, ....... .
yATOODEN TVARE--Patent Palls, Cedar Pails
I' V and Wash Tubs, Cocoa !Nat Dippers, Butter
Ladles, Prints. Willow'Daskets, Rope Halters, Bed
Cneds,'Manilla'Rop, Broogis,,a good lot - at the store
of ' , • " -i\l. L. POST 4; CO.
(71,01)-qS,If D, 3 • WR the
k tick
)..cpuklay at the lowest possible rates.. •
Apra, 5I 1854 ' • I. L. POST & Co. -
S °LA' very cliesp, at
- POST &
A..) lot at low price& POST
_k CO.
RA/Li Carpot, Room•paper mid iirindovr. Shades.
' ".:. • POST. & CO.
IL HATS,' spring 'Etylc-r-beat quarity , yer7
cheap. .:• • -' PUS? k CO:
Bb.kKETS and BOnnet'Ribi!ims of allkindi,rar
nsols , larre and small at very low prices:
• ' - " POSTA CO.
TIR.ESSr TROININGS- 7 -every.... style deenible
13, and very cheap: . ,'" POST & Co.
. POST & CO.
ALT, Lime and Plastei at
T AMES'. COLLARS—A . ' ;Try choice
,1$ "• of tie.
1.1 latest styles"; ; Book Embroidered - 4merie,.Lece,
.Ileclin and lioniton imitations: 4.44:41"„3,
3113ROIDEEED'and Lace Endo:sleeves, ull deg
.. rable•styles ; also, worked and embed'. Edgingf
and Insertings_ind °Flonncing.; I.
lACE Edgings and Inserting.: ; Imitations of. er , ,
'kind, almost as gocid as genuine and very cheap,
also linre.linen-wrought Lace— " I. L.'l". & CO.
NarCAT'SEII and fferrltirAir.t
171111:Ell, lIATS--7'anatna., fine and wale ; trim
med.and &nay bOund,.redal and Palralef, for
1 !Joys and men, sold very clleat): I. L. P.. S. ro.
ir .DIES' and Children's Flats, a: . thood.caxiety,
Fo a new lot of the latest Stylesofl:Wnntsat the
;;:zore ~.:• L: PA; go;
_Ti d.& of all Apple. 4
low, Butter„Beeswax, , allwool . 4ocks,
for we. will:exclirtiige goods at cash Prim'.
Aril,Si. 5. t LL. POST Co.
- .
pd of Wilson & Co. the Eagle Foundry, are tier
prepared to MI orders from the trade, and do Workia
' their fine with skill arid despatch.,: They will keep
1 ; constantly' on hand Plows, (best Itinds,) SlO res,(4
kinds,) Cultivators Straw Odin* • Corn A.,ltettm
41:e. fte. cfrc.
We intite;pirtieula*attentiori to the flows which
we manufacture. We manufacture and . keeti forth
tel4rated Blqtaley Tloie. i
We have purchased the exilnsive nght, to. mg nn
tare and sell in this coribty:Wayne,:WYoming
.Bradford, EV — Rich's Patent Iron Beam Plcits. 'Re
1; Plow. bi - made entirely of iron; etteptingliaihan* ;
P It ia celebrated for its entity draught, .being .eni-taro'
4 easier than any now in use, While its. strength and
lability are greater. •
of all kinds manufactured' and repaired by eiperisr,.
ed machinesti - • • •
Strom Engiita, Georini for. •Ernis4/e'3(g•
chines, six. &c.. - •
Among the Stoves which re nianufaciure;areit
; Keyatorie Cooking Stogie , Rough and Readida i 'fir•
eat Qiieeit - ,do:;'„Preniiiincdo„ - and 'Other kinds, el sr
ranged -for burning•Wood or coil. - Also,--18elf-BT
lettor, Parlor -Stotie,..Cond '
ge- Parlor' do:, Ponitys..
'two sizes, do„ and a variety oil other ;nal& Stevs,
both wood and coal burners.. }Pe keep aiso on kr!
Grindstone trimmlings;. Dog Churn' trimmings, Tst.-
-bre'lla and Shovel and Tongs Stands, &c. , te, Rat
done to order on short notice and at theioWeit rite.
• . ' Orders t foe Stoves,! ..kgricultural'lMplemetl ,
ice.., are solicited'from thole in • the trade; and will Is
filled at reasonable wholesale prices.
• - • .S. H. SATE.
' B. S. BEN'T'LEY ,
• - S. PERIMS.
Mobtroge, Maje 4.
' • - Asirali.a,
Or any place ..oa .the-.:G10be. . - cannot regal
• greater inducenzents' &Cm
W " av " 4o lll rt i m g e n n " : zPagc ' l w es i tt a lletli:, ( L e T I4
a gentral variety of new and elegant .styles , of-lad
and . gentlemen's wear, aniong - which' . are Lad
French, Silk Lasting and Frerfille - Gaiterti,Eid •
Enameled P-idlcinclad; Paterit'Leather:suld E
Jenny Linds, Buskins and Ties . ;' Gentlittimes
and Phikulelplkia, oak filmed cal!' sithi kip
Morocco, Calf and Cowhide Brogans 4: ... .BoyA
.calf and .cowhide Bostiand - Brim _ ; ki
,111s.scs and,Chiltht - tiliriearA, getter:ll
ment of Fiaditigs Whieli consist: lit put of lags
sparables,'Efuilgatign.mdk tielts;ihAd4wax.
tleaohoo binding, airlit,it . L9S, sanditoto, 44,11 c,
goleleather, itoioccO Ain* Ilitings, ..
inatie'to Order Ind itiparing moldy doit
liontor,e, April 6 1854: ,
Taft. able Laiids•For.
147 0 h SALEIN ONE.BODYi &bon! 500
14/14 ott the:wisely offSprlig Ilroot,
of tho Lad:swain& rivetiilausOlie et )l4lt Y'
1 '
46°00.-tuldwaY lAtareett ,the-thriving towns et
ton and Pittston. ,Thpacjinde ikte .pyrefed al
uable tiMbe4 and beingfituatilithe maid ext
mineral. region in PenneyWanki---knolni
iron ore—and believed to abound iu eO4,
also in tbo ; OinuOtatu-xiehdly - of 400 1
made, and deur riiiwgrair-tHlfer tho`..supit
opportunity fotthe IrtrOnnent moneythat
neenie. ' further appli f or i r.
etketc=„'F.Aq.;'sO; 11, Widritieef :New York, rte
"subaeriber, at Moiitres . ?„ Stiattahanittiountf,P .,
attorney fitet:of the'ornera.: -
- Apra 1.1 ltts4" - 'EMY PRlNxtr'