Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, May 31, 1855, Image 3

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—Of our fourteen Presidents eleven have
been lawyers, and three soldiers.
..—The remit attempt to assassinate Lou
is NapoleOn appears to have made him more
. popular than ever.
—The anagram of the word editors is ao
tired. Very appropriate; for editors are the:
hardest working people in the community.
—The aggregate number of Romceopathic
Physicians in the Union is 'estiiriated to. be
between 1500 and 2000. -
—The cost of the war to Englind, is one
year, has been $200.000.000; to the four
powers concerned, $800,000,000.
—A Washington letter says that Gen.
Butler, of Kentucky, is talked of as the next
Democratic candidate for the Presidency:
—The Pennsylvania Legislature, ' nt its
late session, passed six . hundred and eighty.
f our bills. Woe tolhe,individual whir ha's
to read them all. -
—We continue to have the best accounts
'Of the coming' Wheat crop. From lowa, Illi
nois, Wisconsin ; Indiana and Michigan, all re
ports'are cheering. The wheat fields never
looked better. ,
—FrFrr Pennsylvanituts, headed by ' Dr.
W. Comfort, have nettled a few miles
northwest of. St. Paul, Minnesota. Quite a
l arg e settlement is to be made, and forty
families are soon expected to join them.
storeship supply in now being thor
. overhauled at the Brooklyn Navy
Yard, and put in complete order fora. voy.
ag eAo the Mediterranean to bring home the
camels which are to be experimented with
on our Great Western desert.
—A NEW clock has . - beet' manufactured
down cast, to - be used in those States in '
which the Maine Law has been passed. Up
on the dial the figures indicating eleven- and
four o'clock are omitted, , ,and thus the happy
po ss essor of the time-piece, failing to be re
minded 'of the accustomed hours of refresh-'
meat, forgets that he is dry.
—A raft consisting of one hundred thou
sand feet of boards, has recently floated down
the Susquehanna. Smile of the luMber in
this raft was made from trees marked by the
Mahe opany trappers and, which afterwards
served as guides to Gen e ral Schuyler, in his
celebrated expedition against the. fndians.
—Amendntents to the 'State Constitutor
of Connecticut passed the Senate, May 23.
They are to strike out the , 'white' in the quali
fication tO electors;
to require all voters to be
able to'read ; that there shall be but one Rep
reseniative from each town; and - 1 thit there
shall be but' one State Capital, instead of two,
—An election took place in lifassachu
setts,'May 23, to decide on several proposed
Amendments to the State Constitution, among
Wth are, the establishment of the plurality
Fystem of election, the election Councillors'
in disfntets by the people, and against the ap
propriation of the public money to Sectarian
&hook. •
. .
—The 'appropriations- of r national ' gov.
- eminent for the current year amount to ser
, ttity-me millions,_five hundred thousand, and
the National Intelligeneer thinks Abe contin
gent expenses Rill-sit ell the grand total to
seventy-live thilions of dollar., John Quin o y
Adams was assailed by his opponents, on the
score of eXtavaginee, beCause. his administra
tion required twelve millions a:vear.
. .
—The inauguration of the 'new dogma—.- . I
the, Imtnaculate Conception of the Virgin /
Marv-r-is represented tolave been the sect
gr Lao ana - 11n4osing eoestoony ever witness--
ed in.lllex icci. The archbishop of
. Niexieo
officiated, and the car containing the image of
the 'Virgin was drawn at the head of the . pro
cession by the three Isig4est church dig nits- i
ries in the,Republie • — • •
• • The Viralia Election. •
• Wa.shingtou, Monday, May 23, 1355..
The friends of, Mr. Wise are now firing
from the Capital ime:hundred guns in *mot , '
of the election:: ••
Wise leaves for Accomaeat 3 o'clock:
this afternoon.s His majorities continue to
roll , in. 'Ruisel• .County gives him 350;
Grayson County, 290; Carroll County, 250.
Aggregate in Little Tennessee District, Me
-3 100:
'The returns of official and reported major./
ities in 07.. counties foot up as follows
Wise 19,032; Flonrney, 11,645: There are
Pvet At comm e s to hearirom, which gave
lerce.l,lso majority.
Destructiye Fire at Wilkesbarre.
• Wittr.sussaE, (Pa,) May'2B, 1855.
A Bestruct ire fire occurred here this morn
ing, consuming the stores of Messrs. Morgan,
Frederick & Wilson , W. Loomis and J.
Lesii.. the law-office of G. B. Nicholson, the
Hotel,= the dwellings of Lord Futler,
i , }•d and others. The losses are most,
ly insured, except in the ease of Dr. Boyd.
tir Any Vthe articles merttioterd in the following
lin, trill de -received-at this office on atirecription, at
tite eurrnit market price. • •
Flotir? barrel,- • : - e. , : v $10,50 @ 12,00
Wheat ? bushll, -• •
Con:02031 :f) hundred, , . '••• • -- - --- 2 1 : 25 W
r2ona'l4 bushel,
• • 1,25
Rye iilbuss
Rye Flour , e_ hundred, , • ' 4 . ' 6 : 1
Butter ?D), ~..... ‘. -• .
(11itsel;? 16,-,.... 10. ® 12
Eels ? dor
4- , 40.
Maple Sug ar 'Y
- 8 4 16 9 16
Po4t6e4 bushel, •
- 50
Apples V bushels, • • '.
Dried Applds 'y bushel, ,
• \
Nis? bushel .
Deans p bushel, . •
... io 12
ilain"V lb, ..... -
'Of S The Medical Society .
usquetenn a County will hold its send-annual
'cl nu 'eli Lodersville, Wednesday, June 6th, at 10
A. GL L DINOCK, Sect', _
I None*.
The Edectic Botanic Medical Society will - hold Its
antmd meeting at Montrose, the A Tue sday in
B. C. ntu
; secy.
4 Veto. ftabeilieseißeos,
• •
, • To Pu blic.
DEDIG on the ere of *ir the Weil,
1..1 I would say to my friends and patrons that toy
LAG URREOTYPE BOOMS will be ekoed for a
lei week& I will duly of my return, and
then hope to find you deeply impressed with the ee
mseitr of *log your faces taken.
Odd Fellows RaD; Motkuvse, 1 W. IL DEANS.
May 26. l&lib. ' •
.:.Prof. Charles *MN .
I ..TCCESSOR of Charles Tillman, ,BARBER ha..
ing remos e ii his shop from its firmer location in
theitasementeof Searles Hotel, to the room in the
wok. buildivg, hi the rear of the harenom, Is
his art in the most scientific manner;
04 411 rrho may be-pleased so entrust their heads. or
k%l to his hands. ' 22Y1
ug Mead .1 Nairlgaitteit.
undensigned route respectfully 1111201111 Ce
that he is still selling Goods et the old place,
%at he has an entire new stockef Goods which
_mill cAea C. iurrr.
OttliE DELTIIiiI for one ah
ad'or'er a Yard wide, for one shilling, and Cull
c`Z all prises, at C . 'W. YOTTS.
to e, May :;o.
' • ism Liiitirryctsci- kitimmiss 2 :
Tv' Sated I—Fare Reduced /—Through , J
I T .
b y aylight 1 ' • .
- • - • HAW EY & JENKS
AVE &rifled a ership in Montrose, for the
urpme of dot E everybody's , BLACK.
Sli[l6llllVO, at he old etand, near Keeler's lio•
tel.i We , have *trellised an entire new stock of
1 'max compriedng a fun assortment of .all kinds, di.
reef Born the cit*. We shall keep constantly on
hand, Ulster, routed find square Nall , Rods, Cast Steel
Toe•cork Rods, ',Refined Tyre Iron, all tins, Band
kori, Sming Steel,' a large assor tm ent of malleable
iron, Coil Chains Cerriage BOlts, &c. Itc.
Imno on short •atetipe' , and stock found, or made to
order throughouq as, may best suit our patrons.
AB business tiltniactions must be settled once a
year Short seifle and long Mends is our
mottO. • _ li, • - ! '
B 1 strict attend to business we hope to receive
lilietel share,of Oat nsg , e. All work warranted.. •
N. B. A ~goxp.d otulkeyrintu wanted, to whom
~, dy implosmerit didgh wages will be given.
A. - R. IlAvv_qtV, '.' -
i ce
. li r
.„..., .., 8i1,18.55. I •
, •
' 11414, •LABOR ,1 •
a I s
.41, new
00:: ; ,.0
pie F iu 4
m E gi L te a em
DiREDa can.. jr..
V,E rem ' t e burnt district, where they
will be )fladlto • see all - their' old customers and
They intend to k'eip a general assortment of Stoves
of e
,liesticipdc rind quality, among Which mar be
foist) PAVE/Al•and-pil RAO ON .AIR-TIGET,
WM, ERN OVER. The Elevated Oven Stores all
have.plouble f i re-places, which makes them far supe
rior tO the single fire-place Stoves. keep con-
Meath- on hand w general assortment of TINWARE
of Wing rate quality, for home trade; also, Well and
erstePumps, Pump - Chains and Reels, Lead Pipe
. of all sizes, Jappinned Ware, ke. &c ., all of which
the' romfse to sell cheap for ready pay or approved
cretiat, Job, work idone with deiTatch and in order.
Ifoltrose, Ma, $ O 4 1855. - i 241
Musical Coarention and FeSilval.
. ;will be held lat the Baptist Meeting House in
Jackson . Centre, Pa. under the direction of Peofi.
0-.ATCITEL I, atak'CON VERSE, of New- York,
comniencing on Tuesday, June 12th, and continuing
three days—closing with a CONCERT. . .
The object of this Musical - Convention is, the ad
vanceinent of Singers in Musical Knowledge, by the
study and practice-of the different styles ~of Vocal
Music, combined with familiar Lectures and Criticisms,
Teachers, Chorister's, Members of Choirs, and all lov
ers of music, will derive pleasure and benefit fro l m
these exercises. ‘, 1
The principal Tet Books use,i will be the Shawin,
the Iletropolitanr4tratfAlpine Glee Books. Members
having copies of hese books will please bring them.
Each Member wilkbe taxed 25 cents.
' 1 NE LSON FRENCH, - Committee.
''NOTICE .TO. DOG OWNERS.------7----- 1 ---- --7
- - ---
Sectioiot 'IT. oil Borough Ordinancesi ' :
' NEW' SPRING GOODS. • ;. ‘ : Adininistrator's Sale'.
-- 1 'Of .111IontrOse. . 1 i_TLNRY 131JRBITT woull announce to I Noliee ia hereby given that by direction of an or
friends and the public that he is now °Oen- der or the Orphans' Court ofthe County ofSusquehan-
A nd be it further °Maine& That hereafter on eve- ! -s--L
.... ; ing an unusually large stock of SPRING ANT, na, - ; tome directed, I will expose to pulalie Sale by yen;
1 - 1 rytddg . owned or kept bf any perwn within t h e , , - , - .. c
including a great variety of due, on Saturday the sill
clf May next, atone o'clock
Borough, ft . tax.of F ; ifty Centla, and upow every slut ! sbAriflK 6 ' 6lo '
{ Prints: Flom 4 cent* to Is . ad per yawl; plain and P M.; -all thateertain piece or
at e pacel of land late the
so owned or kept in the , Borough as aforesaid, a, tax
of Twr4DolLiem, shall be paid by the persOn 'or per l' P rinted L4 '"' Ba n e Delafies, Gin g am. l i meade* estate of Henry Benson jr. iti, Me in theiownship of
Black and posy Dress Silks, Silk Dress Tissues and JackOn in amid connty, &nut ' ti e d North bithe lands
sons soli Owning or keeping said dog or alut ; And it 1 Baregea; Poplins, &C. arc, with a superior assortment ofOrtin Matteson, on the East by lands now urioccu
shall be th i lt duty,ot, the o.Wner or owners,; keeper or
of Silk; Broche, Caidamere, and Thibet Shawls; Man
keepers, o each and every dog or slut ; owned nr
pied,•hut under contract from C. L. Ward, on the
tillas, I'arasoW , Fretieh Lace and Straw and Silk Bon
kept within, the Iketugh, on or before the first dot ; Soutar °t
lands of Henry Benito; and on fife West by
of June, _ hi each and, every year to pay to ; the Bor- ; nets, rich Ribbons and Flowers, with a large variety' lands
Of Harvey , Smith, contldning thirty One lierell--
_ough,T ensurer the 'said sum of Fifty Cents for each lof other Staple andiFancv Dry Go•kix. • m ostly
improved,. and on which is a young orchard, a
and ev e y
dog, and Two Dollars for each:l'nd every
f ,
t .: ORO C.'ER II I3,•;CROCKERY,- .1, 1 17) HARD.
1i r ..1./tE—lron and Nails, 'Boots and Shoes, Bats and dwelling house,:barn, and other , out house &c '
s, „
slut so wneti and kept by him or them. ' And upon I . Sale tit be held upon the preinises; terms Of payment'
Caps, Carpeting, WWII Oil Clinlis, Paint
-1 7
neglec4 or refusal so to do for she space of ten days : ; made -known an' the day of sale.
after the iaidfirst d' v ofJ le _said
4. !II .person or _per- eil Window Shades,.,! Clocks, Stoves Oils an d Paints, ., ALMEDA BENCtri - -le '
.._ t , 1.. mr x •
kins * so !offending. shill forfeit nod pay the sum' of ' PloughS, ice. &e.; in short, the largest kind of piles I Jackson, April 24, 1855. 17 w b..
I of rich, and cheap Goods, too nuntcrous .to mention, !
One Dollar for each4ind every dog, and Four Dollars
for eat and every glut so owned and kept by hil a 1 but fact the things to purchase; all of which willbe '
sold at the
literi prices and on the most fa
her or cm, to be collected before any Juatice ofthe
. 1
1 vomble terms
. efkllt or approved credit.
Peace Of the County; in the name of the. Borough,
N. B; Flour and ;salt constantly - on hand.' •
with e4i of Alit. And it is hereby made tholuty of i. '
the Treasurer to bring suit for the collection of the j Ne'!' 'milrord, * 1 )1 5 . 1855 - .
same, and•as a compensation foi• which he shall be ! -----.- --=-• •• - - --- .7- .
entitledltO receive 20 per cent On the amount so poi- 1 : GenCral Master. '
lected bY . him. PrOvided,' that he :liall not I.riog NorrcE illerelY given to the rnion Hill Aril!
suit until he has trade demand for said penalty, pro- .1„ levy Company land the Su.squehannaGuards to
vided alio that if any dog or ;tut shall be known to meet at the house of I'. F. Badger in New Milford, on
bee - about or in the Borough for three weeks for a bleb Tuesday the 29th olit,V of May inst., at 9 o'clock a , it.
no owner•Or clahnant. can be found, it shall be the for the purpose of drill and inspection, armed and
duty (flaw High Constable or of env other p rson ; elltdPP o 4 according Rio ; l aw:
to whoiti said facts are known, to kill such d or I N. B. General Field and Staff Officers are requost
ant. 1 N •. . J Geo. R. Lathrop, Treasurer. i ed to attend on Said day. AS-A SPICES, .
. ' 1 -, • - • Br;
In. Ist Br. loth Div. Sits. Co.
- ! ! Br. In. of fi ce, Hattori!. May 5, 1855. •
. .
f . : -- , -
. - -
New foods. .
lii T subscribei. :is in, 4onstant rec e ipt of New
Goods, in h 4 line of business, nearly !revery
weeLf The public will find his a.gsorunent N0..1, and
his and of goed quality. The stock con
lists al usual of. D
ir si i t ngs, Medicines, Paints, Oili, Dye 1
Stu groceries,:rancy Goods, Jcieel4, Perfunte- '
ry, ctei -,!re -_ Store at the' lower end of the burnt district.
Montrose, May 1; 183. A. TURRELL.
LA r itTNS,Printsl Sumer Stuffs, antf . the common
ri f t; of Dry Goods at • TURRELL'S.
liTiviiTED:iiil.ic&inget6T6Oid s Eggs, - PaperV lAKgs, Beesirax, Grain of all kinds, and Cash.
Moqtrlse, May 31, 185 d . TL'RREL.
~, 4 New Goods. •
J ra t. ogs &*pa. are now receiwing thenii 01 of. Spting land Summer Goods, and t
conrineeld of the adv'antage of haviiig ready pay)
determined. to sell pods at so low - a rate •as to
wince du it customer and . the public .generally
it rt:ill tie .to their adyantage as well iur °Ors, It.
stock copsi-te in part of Broadclothis, Clissint re.
Kentuclq Jean s,l Summer stuffs, Del.lin t La ns,
Calicoe4,lGinghisths, '', prints , Bunnets, Ribbons, F.- -
sob, Shark.: and Blao Silks, together with; a sl y of other[ Staple l aud Fancy Dry Goods, Groeeies
Croikery; Hardware:i Boots and Shoes, Hats, d:c.
Also,.agrd anvitirtment of Shoemakers' Firidings.—
Oall and "amine 'our!stock;'and judge for , vourstives
as to the truth of Otir 'statement. - Our mottO is, quirk
sales and striall profit's. Most kinds of country pro:.
dude takcr iii exchange for goods. •
1 - J. MOSS &BROS'.
New M ld, Mar 15, i 855. .. • 21m3
• • ;oiks and Stationery...
I HAV r, • ived aparge addition to my stock of
1 Book. Aka StationkTy, among which are.: A Long
- Look Ahead, (Roe).4ltolfert's Rooat (Irrioo.---Dr.
Spencer'slSketcheonderful Adventured of Capt.
Priest—The Slaie Halder's Daughter—Life of Sam
HoUstrin--;ane MaY4—The May Flower (Harriet B.
Stowe)—Bag Bag, I(Wfilis,) &c. be sold
cheap. t ' , I •F. B. CHANDLER. •
• May 24, .1855
large stock Wool,'
mer wear` Plenty
and see.
May 23
Pain 's Monthly. •
TN res r.
g the mum of Putnam ' a Monthly,
.I. it 14 necessarY for,na to refer to the! special
notice issued, with oni l hearty approral, l upon the first
of April, by the late; übliyhers The.Mag,azine will
aim at greater excellence in the direction hitherto
pursued; abd withoCCl being partisan, will hold de
cided opiniqus, and Win - treat all \public questions from
a -humane, land truly 'isitional point of view.
In all the other raitd departments of a Monthly
Magazine, it sill hope,,:to amuse, instruct, and belle
;" to criticise genersisly but justly; and to, attr ct
to its ,pages, as it has already done, the contributions
of able men in every ;aiiilk of Literature, Science, and
- I .
'. tie past. tolumes arle the best assurance that noth
ing offensitte to the pitivit morrtitr, and no wanton
attack upo 'honest ciariction, will ever find. a place
in-the MagsZine.; -1 !J
All comiunisions - be addressecl to DIX
•k EDWARDS, ablitheri of Putnam'a Monthly, 10
Park Place' "Ne Yoria
ri- " •
' I !I
_ .' Aari—,,Colattents.
• The Laai Woki, of 04orogy-.--Oliyer Bassein—The
Compensation Office-L.-The Alps—The Dames of Vir
ginia—TheiTtuiiit Tied, ;Hundred Years Ago—The
Night Melte—Only a Pebble—The•Connt Cagii
oatro--7Thoi Chaßengt+The National Academy of
Design—T e Birth Plane of Mozart—A Cruia ein the
Flying Dutch The Bftfts of the Prthies--Amer-
Ica for the Twice Manied (Continnedj—
L Ilterrturei-1.• Aniericiut.
- :Fide Ater 2, IReforinta.
111. Ni"'
re I cents' a number, or $3 per
!twitoore, supped at $2. Spe
10i1, and liberal tens givia to
ki.EIIWARDS; 10 Park Rae.
"(ree l Stsitigresl •
AA find Stages at Searles Hotel,
riontroi e , Pii. which run- eonneetion with the
following Train&
Leave at IL Uonnectinglritir the Mall Train
for Great Rend. (may ,!f.raiu now meets Day Express
both East add Wen.) I
Leave at 3 P. R. COnecting with Freight Train for
Great Bend} and ll_ap j Train for Scranton.- (The
Freight trah4 meek MO Train West at Great Bend,
and Night 13* . pryil. .. both East and West. RETURNING.
- - T --
Leave De Pot: for *min* on arrival of all the above
tr • • g •• L, SEARLE. -
/Ifuntrusei Mayrl, • -
itirator", Notice. . -
1* ---7
; 4 '
heeebb.4en that letters - . of adudahr
est i .,
N OTlCE tration ' bonus runt Inie lestawseale an,e,to
upon the ' o4Wiie Wtight deceased, bare been
granted to ' subseiber, and all penmen; indebted
to said " me tegunsted to make ix: mediate pay.
meat, and those hiving Ogres to present them duly
attested for ietUetheiw i LF. ROLF Atlm'r. -.
Brooklyn, ilny id, 1:80. ! - 2 , 0-w6
! .
. .
t I
iner Stuffs.
!nen, and Cotton stuffs for.surn
i 4 and 6d Prima. • Pima. call
, .
Chipage of Time..
*AILROAD. • - •
n i x and aßer•Ronday, May 7th, 1866, the Mail
NJ' Passenger .Train will depart from Scranton at
10.20:a. w. Due lit Great Bend at 1:20 P. Jr. Con
necting with the Dunkirk Express West on the N. Y.
.1: E. R. R. Pail . ..engem taking this train will arrive
in Dunkirk at 1140 r. w., and in ' New York at 11:16
Returning, will leave Great Bend at .4 P. R., due
at Scranton at 4:4ti - P..11.
The Freight Anmmixtation Train, with passenger
car attached, - will:leave Scranton at 1 r. w. • due at
Great Bend at 0, R., connecting with ' the Mail
Train West, and', e Night Express 'Train East.
Passengers taking is train and the Night Express
West, will arrive'inirmkirk at 12 in., or by taking
Mail Train West;;ar arrive at Dunkirk at 8:45 p. m.
Returning, wiltleive Great Bend at 7x. x. *r
einter Cindunati Express East, Due at Scranton
12,10 P. x. . -
Passengers forl l l 7 / I kesbarre, Pittston, Carbendale,
Philadelphia, (vialthe Catawissa, • Williamsport and !
Erie and Reading Rjuhaud , via Tamaqua,) and East. I
on, arid all intend diate places, will !find first class i
stags-coaches in readiness at Scranton, on the arrival !
of the Passenger ind Accommodation Trains to con- !
vey them to thetore places. Thai° choosing Pri
vate conveyances di find-the best of horses and car.
riages °revery delseription, at reasonable charges,
ready to order. j
D. 0. DOTTERER, SJperintendeut
Superintendent)." Office,
licrxnton, 1 , 0 . 1855. g
• For' President, . •
Fcr Tice Prestdent,
more New sn oods at the Red Flag
LOcrsTille, May 15, 1855. 20—w3
, •
, .
u - .• ' (WOved. .
'rrig. ! C. .6. rirgil Dentlift has taken rooms ov e r F. B.
are : Chamilers' store, irhCre it will be his pleasure to lee
•on• , his tirienilit as quick ,a. 4 possible.' C. D. VIRGIL.
bat i May 2, ISM.. •I • Resident Dentist. •
ur . -...,. • .
The 31;e-candle FirM of Smith Ifempstead has
been dissolved by mutual consent. The notes an 1
? e " accounts! of the same,iare in the hands of O. G. Ilemi
stead for!colle , :tion. !An carly settlement of all ar
r&arages-1s positively required.
• 1, J. F. SMITII.
G. G. HEMPSTEAD.B klyn Apr. 16, : 118.55. ' 18w3
Ses,ea, Hundred Dollars" Reward.
rr lig above reward; will tie paid to melt my -
•_L tp*.rs will call find pay me what is honestly m
dde. I ant loudly called °why my'creditors to ga
up, and it is impassible for me to do so unless to
old friends will step up and cork over. So attend
the matter inntiediately, anU square the yards either
by cash cir- note, and iave both yourself and me.
Montruse, May, 1845. • D. H. BICICOX.
E notes and accounts of the firm of Thayre &
C4indall. and It. P. C:andak. are left with Dr
R. Thayre for aettletaint. TbliSe indebted are reques t
td to mite immediate; payment and Rare cost:
31onal)6e, April 8 1855
iingla barrel; and extra tine iniflerk, for sale by
May 1.1 • A. LATHROP it CO.
A superb 10t... just recesred and how offering at the
lowest caiA prices foriapproved credit .or resulr pay
by ' : : 'i• - A. LATHROP & CO.
Aditnluispratoes Not'Oe.
IVOTICE is hereby given that letters of adminis
tratiim de immis Won upon the estate of Lafay
ette Wilmarth, deceaso, have been granted to the
subscriber, and all persons indebted to said estate
will please maim immeptte payment, and those yet
having claims it'll/ present them duly attested for set.
Jackson, April 9', 1895.
Nest 'tork Prfele,
ARE now•being paid by A. Lathrop k to all
those who consign their butter and produce to them.
They having made imMgementa 'are nowenabled to
send, all kinds of produce to New York and to' sell
the same it the highest market prices. lAil those
who i srlih good pri6es abd quick returns w invite to
call upon ; i• 1 ,; A. LATHROr A. CO.
• Montrose. May LI 11345. .
To AIJ wb
ne It may Concern.
THE Notes and tioc4acconnts of Edwin' Tiffany of
1 Brooklyn, hare beim left with the undersigned
for collectiOn aid settiment. and also the unsettled
accounts of. the at firm of Tiffany & Smith. It is
expected of 4111 such as are indebted to the said
'Many, either by riot° ror book account, that they
Will call on ;the s...obscrib:er 'without delay, and arrange
the sank. Withoul delay. REUBEN 0. BILES.
Brooklin, 411 27, IBst. 18w4
. , ! isitititirs SALE.. -
B P "MOTE 6f a. iirit of ;Teri Facies, Issued
front the dotirt of Common. Pleas of Basque
'hanna count?' aid to nee directed; I will expose to
sale - by wake selsdne, it the Court Howse in Mont
: rose, on igaituxtal the Pty day of June next, at one
, o'clock in the ifternonn--411 that certain piece
1 or parcel of land sitnatid in Bridgewater township,
and in the scan t
, of Su4quehanns, bounded and de
ep, ribectss follow to wit: Beginning eta post stand
ing in the road Iding frost Montrose to the Cochee
ton Ind Great Bind turUplke, thence Donk )7 de,
i l
greet' west, ; 19 es to a post in the centre of the
read , leading la- 'grille, thence Along sald road,
math 66 degrejs west4etches to* stake and stones
in the centre of . d thence 15 perehes to Site
centre of the went id road, theme ahmg said
road 11 perthes tp the place. of beginning. contain
ing one4drdWast acre *re or less. Stith thesp*.
tensneek one franked hotise, and allllaq:wowed:
Taken inexecutiOn at snit of Doha vs
F. M. Wilnazas, &doer 00. J. WlliatroDecd. ' -
media office orontiti,exii 16. 1866. - , i.
. • L L.PORTAL. CO.l
ron Armw"
N 0 k. herebyVven to ail persons haviivg de.
amea4kAijpdoit the awe or Sibis totimo.
ifLaneeboclough.-deeeased, to present the
same dr* *Vested (*oddment, and all.pereons in:
debted emote plow make presto • I*:
t 4; the htitaiusatly towns*. to
whom letti!ii , adadeletreticm have been dilly rent.
ed. ,'; ROBERT •
18w8 I • Ad4slotstrator ore. F. Lague..
miginesting holt* hr
;79 sale gliaelt" S B°)T'
.I.•r. POST.k CO't,
r • ,
T HE person who took a bane' a to w ore
psiAle -Once, and f ito all alai Me, an
we the tale by
,15, to g the
silk and ,hotqueatioris be ex.
Pol4A. . '... :....., . Ct: B. F.
• Nontrose,:nay 1 1835. . •
a- -
ENTL t er RE44O
ARE now neeiving their fiend supply of it,
4.1V.D 801,11kR 00014 *hi* thei otel
0 4stiognen!, aSJeI itbe. public generegy, As
404* termi . r, ibr Cash, Batter, Eggs, Gni"
witA, or on approved 9:04
lkontrose, /, 18ab." I
14 EVAlkiCiftlic PreeyTheree, eaui c k
Sommer Ste., aid a general stock
DryiGood,o, Jest received and trade t
E -
COINER Zs Lanes, U
lm, --- ChitiesTbi l
S' ,l ,Reninsai and Cs:xtheco Riots, ke.ike,
by .I . BL'iTLET It
T4ONNETK Ribbons, Parasols; Summer
I !'..
Black Silks, Dress Trimmings ke.!&e
- .
.by : I , I , _ IIRSTLRYk R
ILK,-Fur,l Leghorn; Panama, &N T,
- ;.114ta, Umbrellas, Salads, Window Pa
uIDWIRA Crockery, Patent Pails, TO
ty, GPI/okm _ B E Ri
riiiilo.4Wlieines, faints, 4A l , Dy e d u ir s
• .; general assortment of Patent Ifedieinea
and ibr sale by - .BENTLEY & RI
SOt.E and Upper Leather Patent KipU,
*id a goad supply of Boots and Shoes constant
ly on hand. I ' Bzsrtr!& *UM
Af t.tC o lV ash. L by the barrel or l Lone-hay t
moinri k
1- WATCHES and JEWELRY.—A. full ass4rtn.ent
of Gold *ma Sitter Lepines and Deliatebed
ILerCrs, in double and single cases, Lathes' Pins, Ear
IDrops, - Rings; Guard Chains, &c. &c. Sliver
Tabli; Tea, Desert, Salt and Sugar Spoons; watranted
!pure; for sale Drarrurti READ.
!OVES'atid TINWARE, Clocks, Nails, Candl.
,e Lamp Oil; Oamphane
- 3l4utlese, Ray I,'Z3 . BENTLEY & READ.
rrlIE subscriber takes this Method of Aciviirtising
.1. 'his friends and the public generally, that he Las
fitted' up a stoie just across the street• from his old
OWSeric in Brooklyn, where lie is prepUred Iv re.•
eeire custoMers and sell them goods at as loin rates
as atty other istablishment in Susquehanna county.
My almortment•ht very large indeed, embrucin near
ly every article usually called for in a country
44 O .
i tore
lam determined da business 'oo• j aa avoid
"badidebts," which responsible credit punt-614.ra are
taxed's° pay, Imam offer superior inducements to cash
and otherwise Paourr-rstrima patrons. 00 acrd see
me. .. • ; 0.0. BEITSTE D.
,Dirklyn, April 80, - 1855. • I
Aglazinistrator's Notiee
V 0110 E ift hpreby given that letters of administre
_ll lion upon . ; the estate of AMOS G. BAILEY •
decease' d, have been 'granted to the fiubscriber;
and il4 persons Indebted to . said estate lan l please
make immediate' payment, .and those having claims -
will peesent them duly attested for settlement. '
' EDWIN F. BAILEY,j Adifr.
litrolain, Apr i l! :4,
PRE copartnership heretofore existing under the
1 Eith of !lairley it Mott is this day diSsolved:
•• April 1, 1855.' • i 0: R. HAWLEY'.
The .notes and accounts arc inthe band MO s of TT. C. W.
Mott for Collection. Those interested will please call
as 'soon as convenient •
1 9 11 q 8 OLITTION. -
r PRE llitit of B. - P.. 4 R. H. Eaton is this dal. by mu;
I nod consent dissolved A il persons Issuing book
aerourit, unsettled, with said firm, are requested to
make immediate, payment, by wise or othenrise,.6e
.iore the expiration of two months/root this date. The
books ilnd accounts will remain Hi the hands all F
Eatort,,Lwho may be found at his former place of
bmineis, and is authorized to Nettie the same. "A
word tti the wiseP BF.NJAIIIN F. EATON. •
HarfOrd, Aprilloth, 1855. • •
T , •
AN.;d can po i Terl ulan sua e tu ell teleib wi e
POUDUETTE. made by the subscribers. The tffi.
quantity used,-the ease with which it is applied, ind
the powetful stir it gives to vegetation, renders
it the ch'espest and best manure . in the world. 1. It
causes Pants to come up quicker, to grow ffister,t to
yield hd,avier and,ripen earlier thab any other manure
in th 6 'Odd, amtunhlte other fertilizers, it cani be
brought indirect !contact with the plant. Three dol-
lars worth is suffiCient to manure an acre ofcorn4—,-
Price, delivered free of cartage or package on Wird!
of renier or railroad in New-York city, $1,50 per bar
1 . '4 for Any; quantk over sit barrels ; I barrel, $2 ;
2 barrog, 4 3 ,3 0 3 barrels, $54 5 barrels, SB :4 4A,
P with infdrutation and directions nt
gratis and post ' 1, to in. Oneapplyiag the e.
74 Cortlandt Street, New-Tork,
20001 2 made
_ °lr d i n in at less *
Ye is
usually ioiy;' to again, krr sale by the Subscribet.
WW hal' cOrna to , the conclusion to sell pans to Far
niers as Ida as we Will to the trade, thereby saving
to the Farther our 'profit. Oar wares are warranted
to be perfect in every Particular or no We. •
Ternut---Cash oeshort credit. • -
- '
4' i J. DICKERMAisT Jr..
New Milford Apia 1. 1855. ,
' __.
_. 1 ,- 1 'EARN ED. ' '
U. WiTTENBERG k BRO., .liontrose, Pa., take
• this Method!of advising their old friends a d
customers and the public at large, that they have j
received 'lnd_ opened the largest, prettiest and eh
eat atocleofßEADY MADE CLOTHING ever bre%
to this place, which they Werra a small advance bein
costethereby offering purchasers the rare opportuni
ty of oht4ining goo,*, at about two thirde the mufti
price_ .. — . •J i
Also - ala, e assortment of Ittz GOnds, compri ß r i til
for Wien Wear, new styles Brocade, Stripe, Phi
Plain atel:chingable Silks, Deigned.. Mitsrm, De
Berage &Agnes of new and elegant designs,..' All the
West at; les of Ladiei Dress Goods, ' French Lain*
Prints and Gingham - . A handsome assortment of.
Drees Trhinnings,,EMbroided Sleeves , Collars Cul*
etc.`JacoOet `and Swles.Edgings and Insertings,Gloveis
Rio; HelY e Teile and l'arasolti.
Their en 1
nw i t 4 l
t tifShawis is very large, emb
•evelyttle . g that is rich and kihionabie both ,foreigr
oi ortm
and domestic.
Their:llonest Department it; !s; and complete„
embracint the very latest styles. wit h Trimmings it),
match. ;i ' 1 1 ' ,
An exthaisive asangtneet of Limb, Baena, n apkins
toweling, Wile cover*, curtains &e.
We hs k ip 4iso a simply of Mktg, Gentlemen's Col.'
lent. Suipinders, Glove, lJnibmltas and a good man ;
other - artitleis too munerotui to mention, For bar :
gains ihe public is respectfully invited to cap at th ,
cheap Store of' ' . , ,
I, , '
14. wnTENBERG k BRO.
corner of }(s agestOlin° Street*, fmr 401
of Post's gore. il ,
N - • N IfteerineroLo a nllie. •
MICE is hereby, given, g de=
trits. ‘
MilUatt spatial do Estate of 0: ROSE
life of Slier lake , die'd to 'prawn ' em to the Sub.
scribers sxecntore end of ; the said A. It
Rose. 4141 anthendnted, ' ietGeinent. And a'
Po r loostiolet4tld to Odd 'lzmir/NW to Mike
untneinate4mpeeat.. '
~, '
K. JESZE:# P. ) ,_.
- .:Ii ' . lima a aa.N.7I,E.T. i Ll-.
41 *
Non April 23,4 1855. - •
1 ,
- TIME DITNIOAFF AC,ADERnr. . 1 • • . i ie rt s pill s .,
tillui ProforiO,Or, Itt.. RICHAIU) .1110411LIUAN, r4pect,,, A
i. NEW and sinelarly succesisful remedy fin ,bi g
fully informs the Put& that hello taken this In - cure of all &Moue dismises.....costivenesi t ; Its&
ititution with the design of fitting Young Ladlis and., gestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatisni, Fevers, Hu-
Gentleinerifor'the Profession of Teachhig, we l di ng in* Gout, Nertmetness, Irritaby, Infianunadoney
Mto the . Nortnal Mode,L;or for fitting Young Mni tar Reedaehe, Pain, in the [freest Side, Beek and Limbe„
reother business of,life. ' q Fe Complaints, &e: ite. i Indeed, eery few are
:7 This Institution is Sitiatd in the pleasant, refired the disease s m which a Purgative M . ;l e els not e
'hind healthy village ofiDundaff, Suaquehanna ' WY- more or less required, and much sicknesal . d stiffer ,
l!ti., and is; uneipwA: to th e nutty temptation and - Mg Might be prevented,ll a hannlesi .', , 1, Miami
Mica that are detrimeatal to the Intellectual 'Nor- teuharde were more freely use d,. s e person can feel
ai adyaneetnent of S tudents . The Prceptresq Miss well whiles costive habit of body pr
IL I; Strad, allighly*lucated and accompliehed La- it soon generates serious and often 6441 diseasee,
dy, will take entire chine of the Young Ladiallboth which might have been avoided by the timely and
in and out of schiioL,: Nor will they be allownd to luditdowl use of a goodpurgative. - Thig is alike true
*tend par des, or as ',pla it amusement, without I of- cehls, Feverish eymptoms, and Billiaus derange
**Piltrela Pertniaviott. ottoodonee of the c meats The all tend to become or pruduce the deep - 1
hers: IHmilwatt will Ott:
lessons also in 0 cot- seated Mid e distempers which load the ,
id Needle Work, French, Pencilling, Crayoning", kr.. t all over the land. Hence a reliable family
4 .
! -One'of th e prime nbieets or this Institution; has ;.pus iof the first importance to the, Public health,
been to establish a Normal Department, or Teachers' ; physic ,
I,a pill has been perfected with . eonsultuziate
Course, for the benefit rif those desiring to make Teach- ;I singes -m ee t that dem an d, Au exte n siv e tri a l of its
ittg sProfelision. The; whole come. of Instruction I; rittites by Physicians Profess no, and Patients, has
requires three years. lln this course it Imo beei the Ishown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of
object to embrace i: studies of ptactleatntillty, as ;shy 'Medicine. Cures have been effected Beyond be!
well as thou& aim educational character; and :great fief, Were they not substantiated by pergolas of such
care has Wen taken io so classify and arrange ii,henr
,exalted positions and character is to forbid thesuie,-
as to presettt to the student an easy gradation • ifr o m „ I picion of untruth. Among the eminent. gentlemen
the ahoPleat subject to the most ditlicalt. • 11, j ; who have testified In 4ror of these Pills, we may
~P upihi • will not b e . hurried through a supmllcial Intention--
course of study; nor Will they be encourageil In an li DOM. A. A. HATZEI, Analytical Chemist of Boston, ~] . "sawmills/41M •- ,
undue fondn, es* for any,
science, to thefieg- liand State.Asasyer of Massachusetts; H. J.Gaitosp; . The aarantages of the Itookotiathie Ire
lelct of others; but an a course will be pursin as :1 o f masaaeh u s e u s; is
...MORT WILSABITIr*, 4X. di seases ;
will lead to:a vete tWii development of all tho u iiow- ; Governor oor. of Massachusetts; ; Samos - Baotrx,l Lieut. Goy. s at , ' ;That patie n t s treated nevi
ers of the radar by dirgethik the thought, to the study
Er r
;of Mass. ; E. IL Werenr,. Secretary of State of Masa.;
of principles and th e relation of cause and effeet, hi- ly are cured m'ucksooner-thie- '
'Josh B. Frigesraice, Cath Bishop of Boston; Prof. 2d. - That tnanY Patio'
stead of Isolated facts, .1 - i tJanri Toaarr, of the College of Physicians and SILT- 3 p at h e r eme di es , w h,-
; • TVITION AN OTHER. EXPENSES. 41 'lcons, New York city; Dr. C. T. Jscitsosi, Geologist.; treat en
Common En g. Branchejper q'r of 11 weeks,' . 0 0 ?of th'e Public Lands of the United States .•
DJ R I mt. -
, r. .R. 3 r d, Tb.
Higher, I " I. • ii - - ; 0 0 . •
. 1 0, iLluvrow, PiarticslChetnist of New York City, eedore- I not hee
l Latin and Greek extra Okla, 4 ' . .. ! `MO '
;ed by lion. W. L. Matter, Secretary of State; W' Me
French, German, mid Indian, - " .• ,; pOO B. Aaron, the richest man in America; S. Le. ACM it
Pencilling, Crayoning,' lied Drawing, . I 1 0 0 `Co t iProprieters of the 31etropolitan Hotel, • and
Music with ;use id rano; ' " • 141,00
,POta4s. 1 •
Focal Musk, ! =I- - ". ' i l,o ° 1,1 Diil space Permit, we could give many hundred
Board per free! .• i " ' f t,OO ':certificates from all parts where the Pills hare been
1 ' !Those wishing •
to board themselves, can ',reel arr . 'used: but evil once e'ven more convincing than the
suitable rooms for the piirpmo
',Board 11114 Ttiiticin Bills invariably in advance'. ;' :esperience of eminent public men, is founkintheir .
:effects upon trial.
The SeCoOd Term of thislnstitution will eminence !. These frilis,l the result of long investigation. and
1 s May Ath.; ikid is Siudies will then bc-arrungt4ood stud are are o ff ered to the public as the best and most
ke, houtified, Students ' are'partieulary requested tip be
, 1 komplete which the present state of medical 'sdienee
I pmsent. - .
• 1 I t kii•an eiford. They are compounded not of. the drugs
For further hifortastion, address the Principal. ,i ithemSelves, bid of the medicinal virtues,only of Veg
-Ne; the 'Undersigned, can under the presentleXpe- 1 -4,tigie
unit y ex u tu , te d gy chemical proe „, i„
; rieneed and, efficient, Board of Instructora, whO are list/de:of titnity; and combined togeth er hi-ench a man
- practically retailer with the N'orloal Mode of tilme" I iner as to insure the Wit results. This lystem of
thin with implicit coefidence commend the D Off 1,
krompesition for medee has been found in Cherry
Academy too- the tivorable consideration of thoielpre- iPecteral and Ping bath, to preduce a more efficient
miring theMselves for Teachere, and all. th . ;ix---h" ':.temedv than had hitherto been obtained by any pro
deaire t as gke t heir so ni l and dau ghters a ,rho ''
S h, 'c . 'Th reasonis rfeetly obviods. While by
f ., , eits. e
practical, and liberal ethication:
~, ' the old mode of composition, every mod
Is bur
.`Rev. 0. N. 'rope, L
11 , ° „,"' '.'„.,- ' ' EL L Ln, ;deflect with more or leis of acrimonious suid injUtiona
Taos, P`..;Puissr, Esq. - J... 111. leillat INPEN. A
:Dr. J. GOonitica, , ; , „ . ,qtudities,-by this each individual virtue only that is
B. P aINNT , 1 - Aesi+l for the curative e ff ect is present . All the in-.
W. H. Stocuw. _ I' - J. B, Suter , ! !ell end obnoxious qualities of each substance etri
';. H. Patin, Esq. I Dess..l3lcow - gra,
~ . ?played ars4eft behind, the curative' virtues only be
, ' ; - Bax.r. Arens.
.ang retained . I Hence it is self evident the e ff ects
, .
.Dundaff, April 111th., ,Liltrs.
Aould prove es they have proved, more purely rem
edial; and the pills a more powerful antidote to dis
ease than any other medicine known to the world.
; As' kis frequently expedient that many medicines
glaciuld be taken under the counsel of an , attending
'llliysician, and; as he Could not properly judge of a
*etnedy without knowingits composition, I, have sup
s!lied,the accurate formula! by which both my Pecto
lral '?hid Pills are made, to the whole body of Practi
i, loners In the United - States and British American
Provinces. • If, hoWever there should' be
Who has not received them,' they, will be forwarded
by mail at his request.; ~..
. l Off all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how
few Would be taken if their composition was known.!
heirilife consists in their mystery.
.7' have no ,
teries. The composition of my preparations „is laid lI
ripen to all nice, and all who arc. competent to judge f '; .
AS just received framt Weir . York a full &meets
9 1 1tbC subject freely acknowledge thekconrictions of I I _
meat of NEW GOODS; comp ri sing/a first
i their intrinsic Merits. The Cherry Pecteral.was pro- I
Mxtuctsm,•, 4144_
Bounced by ementific men to be a wonderful medicinel ~.. to varie r of Dumas
thre-sruerg, Glass-wsna, FANMTGROCERIES, Run.'
before its effects were known. 'Many eminent Phy
g;ists roil Lionrs, Hugest. INOrRVIIaSTic- \ YAMS
siciang have dedared the same thing any Fills, and 1
1 even more confidently, and are wire lling Ut certify that ;
Nortows, JrivEuts, Pr.itruxtsp 'AND ALL EOM
id extreniely low ilk
their anticipations we more than realized by their .1 raNcir 130 0Da, which will beso
directs upon' trial. They operate by their powerful I „cash- Having nuclide sostaleed Alms by fire of at
influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood I least five thousand dollars, abov!liniurance . mul goods
I . fancy I have strong claims for the Patronage
and stimulate it into - bealthy action—remove the ola-.1 saved ,
gtructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other or=
Igl ' :of ni . y friends and . the public generally. 1 ask no Mari
ains qf the body, 'restoring th eir regular action to ;to give to me, neither do bask Or expect additional
llkealth', and
.by correctieg wherever they \exist, such I profits in consequence of said losi. I will sell goOds •
derangements ag are the first origin of disease: .I as low, if not lower than can be bought elsewhere in
I Prepared by'Dr. '.7. C. AYER, Practical and Ana- I . this town or county. All I ask 'is that pattensge.
; Iltical:Chemist,; Lowell, Mass. Price 25 cent s per i from the-public which will enable) with inders4y to
liox. lFive boxes for $l,OO. Sold by ADEL Tcnaco., slowly but gradually replace . the loss sustained—said.
Moutrni-e ; 8.,F. &R. H.-EATON, D arfur.' ; c mita , 1 loss being the hard earnings of a life of anxious toiL 4
oi PIII;SNEY Duudati; and le- all dealers in medicines i - Store at. the lo.wei end" of the , burned district r oa
e'y cry Itch ere.
,I - , Main street, a few doors below the comers.
to their
tot res.
awf k
or sale
n Put-
just in
i trilE subscriber la receiving his Spriag an. ffnm.; I. mer stock, of Goode , comprising a great T riety,
which will be sold, as low u any in this markt:4.—
Please call tin' d examine! F. B. CHASIDUB.
HATS .4ND C.'elP t .S:—A good a.ssortment 'ofiltbe
latest stylej, . .• . ' • i
,ar r;
of Spring aiid 'Summer clothing of the latest cO.l - -
DRY GOODS—A general assortment throngh
out. Also, 'DRESS OQODS, consisting of 11.a.iins,
Barege , Detainee, French Delainwi , Persian Behan°,
Printed Lawns ,: Fancy Prints, tidies' Worked Col
lars, InsertiOns,: Edgingsj Black Silk Mantillas, Thibet
andVashmere Shawls; Parasols, Hosiery, Glovq
m c.
IBOOTS AND SHOES. Clocks—a large ' rt
ent of every description and style. Also, a g; at
variety of Fancy Articlu, Yankee Notioni,Ac. 'lf
Crockery,! Hardware, and Groceries of all kit dril—
Tarreki, a good lot. for tifler cheap. -Books- and *ti- I
tionery—Wall Paper—also, Flour of tht; best quality. 1
. 3fontrose,lfaY 9, 1855 . ° F.ll. CRANDL ft •-1
Line 01 Matt stakes;
IRIC.WOOD TO :nurrirnos W
Q will leave Kirkwood; passing through dor
ki,:beit6villc, Liberty, dm., every. morning aftl i t; r ille .
arrival of the Mann d
ing cars , both Eat and 4ist,
reaching MOntrOse at XI P. '.‘ll. Returning, derive
Montrose daily (Sendays;excepted) at 2.r. rt., re4h- I
ingKirkwood in time to take the Mail trains ofj cam
both East arid West; behig the nearest, and mat tea
siblo route to reach the New York and . Erie Retread.'
This line iitteriects tii-weekly line for Di oak,
iTimkhannock, Wyoming. and IrCjilkes
harri. whiekleaves- Montioie at s.'w. every MO
day WednelaY!and Friday. Also, a line to
ville, LeraYsVille w Ac.' • •
'Coed tee:a:ilea eonifoitable carriages are ,
deft, grid the!proPrietors will spare no pains
commodate the public.. W. K. MAWR, .
A i
HWING' pu r chased the establishment of I • L
Post & Co.' at the Montrose Depot, wouli
respectfully inform his friends that he will keep
stantly (in hand, it the lowest prkes, a well sd •
stock of goods. I
Lime, Salt, and Plaster can be had cheap, as
as Groceries, Dry Goods, liardware, Crockery,
Shoes, Nails, exchange for Grain and all
of produce, it the best prices. /000-0311/9I
Wood wanted.
Montrose Depot, Feb:!, 1854.
The subscribesi have taken and fitted up the
building on the west side of Public Avenue, tiro do,
above Searle's Motel, and are now receiving a lhr
and well seletied atcortnieist of • i
' I Fall and Winter Goad*.
Their stock is almost entirely . NEW; having veil
but &very few goods fromithe lite destrnctive Ott
and comprisei their usual variety of DRY GOO
' 4
Groceries, Crockery, Hardware,Drugs,Medici e, ,
Paints, Oils, _Dyeertutra, Boois, Sh:aes, Leaherii; G
Jewelry, Watches, Silver Spoons, Clocks, lacey
E m?
Notions, kc. &c . , We ire thas:kful for the patron age;
hitherto bestowed' upon us; and trust that clue alai
tomers, and the pUblic generally, will nisi - fail to givO .
us a mill in Mir nivlsvatjo l t, confident that we can
supply them with goods on as favorable' terms as
'it hr.
tofore. - 7 , ' ; : BENTLEY REA
Montrose, November 30. 185-1. ...
LTAVING reeentlf voluntarily relinquished h
JL.I. Bal e of Liquors, excepllng 'strictly' for medic n u
purpoies, as &Druggist, the peoPle without disfirie ioi
of Party 4 Society, Sect, or Religion, are reSpectfollY,
Invited as usual, to call and examine the quality 4nd
prices, of goods, and to thereby avail themselve of
any advantage of theinarket they may -thus acqu re;
Montrose, April :19; 1854. ' ABEL TURREL "
~ - ,
JEWELRY. ' - -
"fi l fORE new. Jewelry just arrived, direct from' tho
IVJL nuumfaciurere,, and consisting of a brat rate as-•
sortment, of WI& and Gentlemen's Gold Finger
Pins,i Ear Drops and Hoops, Curb, Fob
and rest Chains, Slides,, Xeyi, Studs, Pens,
Personi wishing to purchase Jewelry, should certat-r
ly call at the store of A. TURRELL.I
Montrose, April 12, 18515.
UM; :AT MONTROSE DEPOT, hart just re.
• wired a new sapply , of Spring and Summer'
Goods, *bleb will be sold very low for cash or'
produce. - j.
Q POUNDS,goad NeSt Orleans Sugar for one
1 lar at,' LEE'S New Store.
rrl/.484. Coffee; Molasses; Fish, Rice, and Gimeeri
,of all kinds very eheap at J. C. LEE'S.
ANT: quantity of :Nei at Mt eento per datenl
eiettange ibr ig a at . J. C, LEES Store.l
_ Also,
A :~~~
rat? or:Butter at. f 6 cents per pound, 4
friarge for Goode at 3. C. LEE'S Ne*Store!
; 08M, wishing to purchase for cash, or in eg
change for barter, ' F pl find it to their interest to
call -and evuniee st9ek, of Goods and prices ter
thanseirea. Tor batter of all kinds the highest On;
es may at all thief; be relied wet J._ C. LEM'S Stole,
Montrose Depot,'. • •.•
A iPtrit Aiseittion of Tin, Sheet It*
and - Coppe,r Warn of my own . manufiCture d
made of berry Atte, • •
New Milkettlali IS; 1853. •
A FIT/ IL smeortmont of Ilardwaie. CoMortiPr
A Aid
&bets' Taols i Tinoo awn, WA 'fixtures et
"New Milford, Oaly; 18441 DICKMAN'S. r
QAga AND lAMB of the , best quality. for sa
cheap at ; DICKEHMANIL
Yag; FLOUR AND BALrby the barret
• mdse. at the lotreitt prig*. at DICIEDN4WBO
200 eIFFE B . 4 w*Pver,and,l3o,la
_, mach, o at, received and for‘arde ekes
er tkatt brought into' this market, from 6
IQ WM, it Ron.,
• Abo, a lot of Good I which aol
cAraper thin can be btinght at ,any other eatabito
meat.. , 11, CHANDLER.
Wootrote, April 17, 1833, •
er. l V's - 1 • 1855-6.
!.. • HOYT •dc BEYANS.
.• •
c. ail Rued Freight Line bearcen • Montrose and
4.11.; New York.l l The Subscribers will Continue their
un don of the 4t year for selling Susquehanna
° p a - • .
Op Produce on commission. . .
. 1
"t IMATtussr 4 MAnitticorox, nill receive and, for Ward
- fr'eighCfor. this dompany att.he Mentrosellepet EVE
-1 'FRY TESDAY ! • ' • • •
7 !Thankful for past-patronage, and being satisfied
that their arrangements for disposing of produce of
C9 2 ' 1 biery.kind will enable them to give general satisfac
ctd I
tibu, the subscribers' trust that New York ptiees,
.5• piornpt returns, and their usual strict attention to the
basineas, - will inSure to them a continuance of favors
outs, I
beretofin.e so liberally bestowed upon them. ;"
Ta ; The ieturns will be promptly paid in currentmoney,
N. ! by Mr ' illarringten, who will also make liberal &Ivan
- . oneonsionment when desired: \. • I
—1 I;Our Marking cards have been left with the - Rail .
Rixad Frieght agent Mr. Casejiho'• will attend to for-
Tit wirding goods consigned ,to us on other . dayi than
ada:va. • • , _
i . - 1 NELSON M. - Harr.
;Montrose March; 1855.
Persons residing out of the vicinity of . Montrose,
wiShing to sendus Produee eim do so by. consigning
it Eo : - HOYT i'DEV.ANS . , No. 187 Reade St N: Y
,--- '•• = h SOLDIERS' RIGH I'S.
, .
• .!To; all wham it may. Concern.
ilv a recent act of Cimgress the Bounty Land law
hai beeßextended•to embrace almost every case of
of Sanitary service: i ,
All persons who have jheen engage'd ht Military
Sei.viee of the United States, for a period of fourteen
or upwards,l are entitled to one hundred and sizo.acreo of La d, if thdy have not received it, and
if they have rec e r ed less amount they aro 'entitled
•to Sufficient to m r eup hp acres.
l' Bevolutienary Soldiers, And soldiers of any and all
I *am in•which the United States have been engaged
singe, and if deceased, thrie widows 'or :minor' CU
dreg, are entitled; .• ••• • -
Officers, Seamen, Marine:a, Clerks and landsmen in
1 the Navy, their, widows and minor children, arc 'also
entided. /
Wagon masters] and Monsters, emploYed for. the i 01 , ------- ,,, ---------- - -- 7 - ,,.. 4 ...,, - -„„ -- . 6 .
tradsportition of Military titeres, are .also entitled, in 1 gIi'SLIZI AND OLi A1LM4,614- OVM '
liku manner. , II _
our store . , ' : J. LXONS k SON.'
I :am Still engaged in ohtisining Bounty Land Wars} at
rants, and am willing to do the busiuess upon ibe A"/ l 9
.1855! • • ."I I . - -
moot lituiraL terms I and although I hare'ne - motive' to i
-ipead rrty time and labor iiithouf ehaige :yet -I win !
do the business *Oho lowest. price that 1 can do •It
Aoaistly and live. ' - '1 • , • 1
' Those having claims I believe will find it materlallti 1
to heir advantage to call upon me before going clic.
whaie. ' ' 1 • . :
,After the warrants are obtained, if any of the mcir
.ranfees• destre to sell theta, I am prepared to pay the
highest emb market price. 1
/ ilal engaged in .the prosecution of ether
chains against the Government of the Milted Stateis,
such as for Pensiods, Back Pay, Extra Pay, kc. AC.
it • 1
FRANKLIN FRASER, Att'y at Law:: -
311antrose, May 14, 1855 ' \ . - ii:6
ONGRESS has passed aiaw givingyou additional
Ilan* Those! who have already received war-
Tonle are entitled to more. „Danville men, come on
Cow And I will get 'lour warrants. Widows and mi.
nors,of deceased soldiers are entitled to thosainte their
hustiands;and fathers would be if living._ I have the
law fresh fromWashingibp, and the 'necessary tbrms
of amlication. , Speculators' from it distance are about
trying to get those largely interested to tips of. • Bez.
war*: of such, and - iron % sell for a 'song. Pll do your
bushiess Secunitelvf; and promptly acount for the
1611 faluti of your 'warrant* when obtained. From
aired years' puccessfid experience I know I c a n do the right, and I pioffer you shy services at rea
sonable rites, and quick returns. F
Montrose, IttarchlG, 1855. a. -
A (RIVING eveiv week at 41.- LAIIII01!•diStes;
47.1.;Jtutuitty Ist ;" .`" •••
• " ester BNatsls and DeLnuah.
RIMING off it t bargains. Coll on
4unan" lst A. LATITROP-Ir CO's-
i - 60001DOZella"Mocka, -
rtirANTED at ! A. LATHROP* pgra '
I•T Yi January Ist , ~i . , I
i t
' I - Growls& Grain I Gratiii
)(Iran kb* arid the highest pries* bought by
INJjanuary ist r A. LATHROP* COIL
iPirit - MIES Island Salt at LATHROP k CO-';
11, i i Montruse; January 1,186 d. . ' 1 ' .&
,•• t • .
ellever &ad Timm* Seed lbelaale by'
,‘,..) }. , /
r i
iir+ , Milford, March R, l ean , 1
itoltrEcp,i. HIM - . . '
Gri.RADITATE andlbenaber rif the Unitersiiyaf New . .
York, wit be in - itontrohe on the Wr it 7th and'
Bth of each month, And only be clunked et, li*Leii
Hotel, for throe tars; upo n
, Wale-lees hialelAg tt .
the human system, viz: COASCI*PrIOI4-Bron-
,ellitis Hdhunstidn of th ibtkfiribiort, /A*.o; Pleura
Kidneys and fipleen g Dispepsia (forgeratioA) fiver,
Complaint, 'RHECIATISX, Scro e tia, - Eruptions, Spinal
Comp " Diseases of Alin
. 8 and . ear, Nervous
Viresi • U.; &c; - ..ltrittlen . ' attention itiveti - to
the ' of Females . rind' rem . Tbe Tutium
affections of the Uterus rcref' ,/y cured. _ .
Dr. Harris Is - well trequain ' with - botli'Anomph
thy and ..4.lkmathy, having beed In constant Ent and
practice for the last twelve yeah, and having Opt in
troduced Homeopathy Into Binghtuaten,-N in
1847: His plarfof treatment hi mi/dw*MirdrAess
*us, and different from that of any.otber,ph,yercum,
and'res nearly ill cases in all stages the disease. •
Dr. Hairis has testimonials achailictiF i ibil-
Iv and sk4l, from a number . f _the mosteminent
medical men hi the city of - N w Yotir,'Anstineduini
the celebrated Dr. Valentino , ottz , .. ;,- -, - ,,,-,ir ..--,...i.
Persons wishing prompt - .or pernntne4tlt4
will do we'll() all without delay: 'Citergeor - .
Consuhation frees . Patients - visited at
If desired. Icritlce hoirs from 71 in the:nrce*Ong:
it In the evening/ . . - '
- -I,: Adiantstikes: .
The aJvantages of the Noniarpathic t!eatinint4
diseases are : • : :I •- " - :,-: .1 -. „
Ist. ;That patients treated HtmiermathiCally, usual-.
ly are cured much'sooner than,y anrotrerprzetlie,
2d. - That many patients be cured br.liorptio
pathic remedies, who cannot cured by any other
3rd. Tito, patients Petted Eromeopathleallyi. do
4j: ;1
not have to labor undo the bad effects of:the medi
cine they have taken to - cure the disease. - '
THE - LATEEiT HEWS Hi THS, STEAM' the Spaolsh EßS ConTt ia! hiisidecided ;to ' th : s e
.1 Island of Cuba,•butJoseph Wittenberg b , Brother
have recently decided it new store, rite
building of L. Searle, a,few doors eastof Post's siore,
I, opposite Wilson's dwelling ouae,lcornerot Cliestnat
and Owego streets,,where they milli keep - on hand a
I splendid assortment of Ready_Made Clothing; also in -
addition to this, a good assortment of Bro - ad, Cloth,
Cassimere, Kentuckey Jevans,.4c.;* short,a genial
'•'assortment of Gendemen'sfutadithiag Goods. - Also, a
uplendidassortment of Ladies' Dress Goods; Silks, Me
i rinos, Delaines,.Alpaccas, Embroideries, ,Sbanis,-.Lac
, es, Dress Trimmings, Ate lc., aP of which the.y nie,Al4.•
termined to'offer to the it very lOw prieris:=-
AU Goods' warranted to give satisfaction, as well'in
quality%as in price.. j• , ,
Please give us a trial before purchasing eiseishere:
Montrose, Jan. 26, 1854. : "
. , - , - --------,
_' NEW GOODS. • - • '-•
Xi a iiimsizz & PARK retuntheir.gmtehil.
.A.T..A... acknowledgements to the public, and invite at
tention te; the very large stock, of Spring and Sum:
mcr Goods 034 are now meeiihig and Offer for AAe
at eery low prim.. In addition to their usual !wort-
ment of staple Dry Goods, 43n*ies, Hardviare, Crock
ery, - Paints and 014, they are Prepared-iik
exhibit a large assortment Ol s ten' 'trete . Goods
of every description-;;FigurecUlaid and Pia& Mks,
Bonnets; Shawls, Ribbons, d yes,-Hosiery—Ladies
and 31 r isses Shoes of - RR kinds.j-ddso a lam stack of
READY-MADE CtO2 I IIIN I ', Cloths; Cumin:term
Tweeds, Jeans, Summer Cloths, Vestingsi - liats,`Cape,
5,00 1 1,
gßoots and Shoes , k :
e. .
: .They respectfully solicit an fly call from those '
who wish to purchase good at Imo prim -4'; ' •
1 Springville, May 3', '54. McMIT INN & ' ARIL
Montrose, Dezember 14, 1854:1.
Stearns and Itlarrizei• /Fire.Proo
i . Stites., 1 • •
i MITE subscribers have made arrangements to fur
-11• nista' to persons
,who may be want of thent,. the
1 above named Invaluable Safes; at in l the same prices for
whial thee can be obtained 'at the manufacturer's:—
I flaying experienced the benefit - 4.4inch an article du
ring the late , conflagration ourieli•es,, we wouid•e-atn
i estly recommend to others luiiing.tvalnable boo's and
papers,. the preserving of which w'ould bent bunemie
importance to them, not to do without •one.:
Prices "range from $3 . 9 to. SSC/9,11W we can Ordain
to. any one wishing to purchase,! the 'difference in
sfylc, size, price, &c., and furnish; them on short no- -
dee, with the internal arrangement to suit the pur—
chaser. BENTLEY it READ. , •t
llontrose, December 19, 1854.! • • '••• •
11 OCT. R. TRAYER, tailies.this method Of* sayii;
to his frionds and eustomeri,l that he has again.
resumed the prflctice of medicine,-at his - old stand at,
Montrose, When lit may be foand l atall times uhlese
professionallY eMployed. would pay to. those in-•
debted to _him l that he - will dedUct twenty-fire per
-4,l.cent:on all tea:Mats paid before thd first of .44 nest,
for irony- poor like myself" ‘Fill,,doiduct fifty:), _
- Montrose, Feb, 20, 1855.. I • •
Sash and
INDOR Sash of redone Oonstandy on hand
—a Lao Blinds furnished 01 *Weir by
a. tyoss SON.
Paper Hangings.
.! •
a OO Rolls just opened, and spine for
.6 etS. per
_ roll, by 4. "LYONSet SON.
supPly .- C-olTee Sup r,
lit Tea, Rice, Crackers, just molted anefOr sate
by _ : ' • . liIONS & SON.
WE are receiving this week aiot New*Goods, just ,
purchased in the city,.which retaleis'ohr assortment
complete, and which we•offer: on - the most favorable
firms, at the new.buUding, one doo r above the' Post
Office. ' BENT LEY k READ.
Montrose, February 8, 1805: .
OLE Deather, Upper ac., Calf /Rini, and Patna,
Kips--a new supply, just .received - and - for sale
b• -• . . BENTLEY k BRAD,'
FillEß subscribir Would inform the ieldzene ofliont
.l. rose and - the public gene that he hail bought
the Grocery formerly kept b P, If ' Forcpumt.k.Co.,
in Lyons and Chandler's bu ilding on Chestnut - street,.
in the borough of Montavie; where . - Ass a fresh as--
•sortment of Groceries; and will ke p constantly lir,
hand, Flour, Oysters, Cheese; Sugrins,iSyrop, Molasses,
'Mackerel, Nuta,'Candies. Toys, Oro gas mid Unions,.
Figs, Prunes, Sardines; Soaps, Vinegar; Coffee, dilipi3
Peaches and Plums, Herring, sack Salt; Pies; Cnke,,
Beer; Yankee Notions; and other things too mllet-
OUS to mention, 'which will be , sold • cheap 'lir cash or
most, kinds of .countri ficiduee. - Call and ilea. ;A
share of pubik patronage is solicited.'
... S. S. iltOrt• .
/ 40 !Arcag; March 1.1854. , ,_ : ...
'A4llllllllillittilott tlce. •
I\TOTICF isitemby given thatiest4rsofidruiokstra--
Uon upon the" estate.of J0E1144/ LIASDI,IIOcif
Appelkern township, dee'd, have been 'vented tit ne
undersigned, and all persons .indebtOd to saidmtate
will please make ismuediate pvtnent, and those hav,
ing claims will present the sanAil i ptterite& fin ,
settlement. BLVD.`.
Appollacon, March rs • 12wdz
Baer firr mil
4 Good woad lumd:buitaftkr,
. - A
Montra4; les& -
11 11 1 1E1C1111114111fir
14 )111 NbR'SDIPROMIMODVONS more jtist
Xll.rixeiTed, by • Lte$B4lr,SQX.:
iftslo-4 uewlot foribe
'Nekdeon said Ghlitir , —sople vm 4
',Jest IndAdte4--aekt !Y
1 440 le* that will
bulmett!ta , engin.
IA - : -- froth supply at
iMoltseses at 3 shillings
6 sblllinga, by
Itr•by '
L Plllolk.
to o A.tial l 4o7 , r — :
heatOol Ore-
Olf* & SON.
be aeld i err.ckexix
41c De:Ultimo gre, at bergebul
LYON'S SON'& - •
_ .
juslN!'44 .by
PURL 4rupe at 4.a it
firN B k PAN -