Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, May 31, 1855, Image 1

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    611.4RLEs F. BEAR EDITORtg:
Ye who courtly beauty prize, •
'Cast not here your scornful eyes--;
Natune'slowly children we,
Bred on bank, in brake, on lea,
By the meadow runlet's brink,
In the tall cliff's craggy chink;
On the srn-shore's arid shingle,
On bleak moor, kr bosky dingle;
pn old tower and ruined will,
By the sparkling waterfall;
• 4ot a hue of gaudier glow,
Not a streak to. Art we owe:
Never hand brit Nature's own,
Oature's sweet and cunning one,")
Oath imparted charm or grace
To our unaspiring race
Ali her elements of might, -
torninctn tanletinirntin light
Shower and, sunshirie, mist and de*,
And his laborers , ( b lithe ones too!)
All unhired for love she finds,
Bees, and birds, and wandering winds.
Courtly ttcornerst not fo r ye • '-
Bloom our tribes of low degree. -
Stately Aloe, Tuberose tall,
Finely deck baronial hall;
Flaunting in exotic pride, ' •
(Sculptured nymph or fawn beside,)
From marble vase on terrace wide=
Where jeweled robes sweep rustling by,
Andiordly idlers lounge and sigh
There intrude not such as we,
Commoners of low degree.
Yet have we our lovers too,
Hearts to holy Yature •true,
Such as find in all her ways • •
Objects for delight and praise, 1 \
From the Cedar, straight and tall,
To the Hyssop on the wall. •
Favored mortals! to your eyes
• All unveiled an Eden lies -
Bidden from the .worldling 's
Wells of water gush for yea,
-Where his sealed sight can spy •
• Naught but dull aridity. • - •
Hither come—to, you we'll tel
' Where our sweetest sisters dwell;
Show you every secret cell .
• Where the coy take sanctuary,
"Paletnaids that,unmarrzed die.",
Primroses; and paler yet , - • ,
• The unstained, odoroni.Violet.
Hither come, and you shalFsec,
. Where the-loveliest Lilies be ;
• They through forest vistas gleaming, •
61zure clouds of Heaven's own seeming)-
- They, their snowy heads that-bicle
- Cowering by the coppice side;
• • They that stand in nodding ranks
All along the river's banks,
Golden Daffodils: and they ,
(Brightest of the bright array!) .
Oh a san-like grace that glide, •
~ ..:1 / Anchore on the waveless tide.
These, and flowery niyriad6imore, • '
All their- eharms„(a countless store,)
All their sweets shall yield-to thee,
Nature's faithful votarT.•
. ' Though we grace not lordly halls,
Yet, on• - rustic f..tirals, - • " -
Who than we are fitlier'seen • ;
Flauntina-Ver the village preen t -
Many a 'Remitter deck wetnere,
Many a inalden's nut-brotfm hair;
. Many a straw hat, plaited neat . •
BY shepherd boy, wimalte complete
With C6wslip imrknet. Then, to see
With what an air, how jauntily,
• On his pate 'tis stuck awry
To snare some cottage beauty's eye.
Joyous Childhood, roving free,
, With our sweet bells greedily
' • Both hi 4 chubby hands doth ".
Welcome plunder! pluck at 'will.
Nature's darling! dear to 4,lnee,
More than costlier sweets are we:
Pluck at will, enough to deck,
Boy ! thy favorite lambkin's neck.
Pineth some pale wretchiitra!
In prison cell, where cheerful day
Only throiigh the deep-set bars •
Beams obliquely; and the stars •
Scarce can glance a pitying eye
On the'poor stud's misery;
Haply on some lodgment nigh, . - •
limy bastion's mouldering edge,
Loophole chink, or grating ledge,
One of us(some fragrant thing)
Taketh stand and thence both fling •
'On the kind air soft perfume •
Born to that dark prison -room—.
Entering, with the balmy gide,
Thoughts of some dear native vale, - •
Some, sweet home by mountain stream,
On the captive's soul may gleam; •
Wafting him in fondest dream
To the grass-plat far away,
Where his little children play.
. On the poor man's grave we're found,
Honoring the unhcfnored ground,
To the grave--the grave for aye,
Reverential dues we pay. • •
When all'thought bath passed away
'From all living, long ago, - •
Of the dust that sleeps below
• From the sunken hillock gone,
ren the cold memorial stone; . ' •
.17nforsaking, we alone,
You by year, Treat tribute spread
O'er the long-forgotten dead.
.I4le l -40 skefefro•
t i o : ors -j - e A‘i 4 :gol ly 4711 0 I. 10 :4
It was in the year of 1840, that I , found
myself on board the good brig Mary Ann. of
Portland, bound for Kingston, Jamaica.--
There were some twelve or fifteen passengers,
mostly young men . some of them Creoles re.
turnin g home, two English officers whoa had
been on a visit to relations:in .0Lp:114 . 111 : 4
were about to rejoin their regiment;and the
rest made up of passengers, into' whe4e busi
ness it was none of mine to inquire, so lOng
as they made themselves.agree,able compag
no 118 4t4 voyage which they all happily were.
Our Captain, was a shrewd knowing Yankee ;
principal owner of the brig, having no briud
an assorted cargo which he was taking down
to the_ Spanish main for - speculation. The
passengers he had Ticked up at, Boston were
&godsend, and had induced him so far to al
ter his original intentions as to steer for
Kingston, whither a large portion of them
were bound. Leave a live Yankee alone to
find out who he is dealing with, and to pro.
• vide means of i profiting by his customers?—
Our skipper had not' left Boston before he
'knew .full well that an kzb a supply of small
stores—such as ales Wines, would be a
good investment; and bad prepared himself
accordingly. Nor wis he mistaken. The
demand was brisk, grid Captam Jonathan
was correspondingly polite and affable. in
deed, the English Major ' 'a jolly, whole seal
ed fellow with a deal-Of honor in - his' comp°.
sition, - slyljr hinted that :he would not see
Kingston until the skipper's small - stoles were
exhausted ; and thereilpon he incontinently'
called for `half a , dozen porter.' Certainly,
if we were compelled to drink our way into
port, the Major was the man to lead the en
were sitting fir9untl.i . the cabin table,
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enjoying the Englishman's porter, and inves.
ttga s yng the merits of some excellent elle
ron%--it:was our tenth day, out--when the
Capiiin put hiShead'down the firitchway, and
called out to•me
-11 say, Mr: Brat* you're- a inan.o'-war's.
.ma,ui will you just step up and see what you,
van #take out of this - stranger V.;
¶sptain Jontittuul had soon, found out my
pr fission, and with that easy,noriehalanee so
peet4iar to the genus Yankee, .put me to va
rioris duties during the voyage. .1
I.lldere, skipper, sang out the Major; nev
er_ tnind the strSnger; come down and help'
us !fiftish this porter. We are drinking a Csir
`,II- rather gtiess the
.stranger'll . be after
minding you , ' diawled out Sonathn ; 'he looks
. .
-.,', Ililloal what's that?"a pirate, eh? By
jotel there some sport at last!' and we - all
huided on deck. . ~
,It was not exactly ' a aim, hut the winds
were light and came in those fitful puffs, de.
nominated cat plows, which especially ~favor '
the • tropical seas. The strange sail which had
been made front the mast head two or - three
hours previous,land to which little attention
had I been paid taking advantage of those
pnifs, came up:With us hand over fist, and was
nokiabout tWoinilCs distant, on, our weather
quarter. A more beautiful specimen of na•
val architecture!, never floated on the , ocean.
She ;was a schoOnet of somewhere about one
hundred and fifty tons, with masts taut and
raitihg, and a long, low hull, that 'yielded,
`llkoa thing ofilife,' in graceful undulations
to the waves. Aboste there rode a perfect
clOud of cancan, that caught the slightest
breath 6f air, and winged. her with noiseless
and almost iny,Taterious speed Over the water,
wh4 our eluinty craft .was flapping her sails
and Pranging at! a scarcely perceptible snail's
pace... , ,f l .
1 , By jo've ! lidw she comes up!' cried. the
Major. - I . I • -
,' Wall, you .see she fetches the breeze with
her,l said Jonathan with that excesable•pride
which even the Master of a scold May feel in
the Craft he conrmands, ' or.l guess she would
not overhaul the. Mary Arin quite so slick,
no how. • ~, . • •
~ . l ,
' What a .per fe c t beauty, -,
sait. I.
'yes.' replied thelfajor,eveCl ready, Eng
lishriiim-like, td. appropriate alit excellencies
for Ips own patch of an Island, fi4lte is certain
ly a t.rim little craft; belongs id the Royal
Yacht Club, I ain sure. I heard one- of the
firitt, vessels is !expected, on this] fall.'
'"Those timb4rs were never laid in "Eng
land:Vivi' said I. ' she is a ilitititnore clip
per,lthaugh what her present otleupation is I
would not venrare to say.' • 'ft
We'll soon see that, said the Captain ; 7
' mate show:y(4llr buuting.'.. ,
,Thostars and -stripes were q uickly I-iting,
at our peak. ! ana in a few inomisits, as if to
refute my asse rtions, the ' meteer flag of Eng
lanti; rose • maji.sticalls' from the stranger's
de4l, flutteredlaloft, stirred ti'p a wanton
breeze that - didlied, enamored Of its folds.
i sThere sir,' Isaid the Major, pompously,
'1 told you so. I knew there could he no res.
selldf 'equal 'Symmetry out 'f . the Yacht
, ,
Cltti.'l l
'Do the tesspls'of the Royal Yacht Club
carr a ' lotti Om' on a pivot,lMajor,' asked
I, to ing the g 45.., from my eye,' with which
I haa been examining the schooner. - 9-
`'Why, sir ?' I c. .
itiecauselouT friend , seems rather heavily
armed for a pleasure yacht.', i •' -
' Yacht be darned ! 'exclaimed Jonathan,
4 she"s a blendylpirate! and rather guess that
we'll soon bear more about her." '
'Do you thirrk he'll attenipt to capture us,
skipper, said the Major, 'atfil have you any
idecof resisting?' .
1 ( watched the , captain I•-losely, as these
questions were lrut, for upon his firmness and
conduct might depend our lives. There was
fire in his eye, and , a flash spread over his
weather-beatesa countenance, as he replied
with energy. - . , 4 .i ,
' idea of resistance! Jerusalem ! I rather
gueis I• have i -Do you - think that Reuben
Jonathan is going to give up his,
,rig and car
go to them bioWv Spanish thief.ies. without
shrefring fight, and let himself be;pitched over
bctatd like an Old swab into theibargain?. It
mai , be-so that the Mary Anti is not- the
prize for him, and those fellows do not like
to waste thei'r ammunition; but if' the Worst
come, we must fight.' ' . ' •
: We all readily agreed withhiS proposition,
l l under his! direction proceeded to arm
ou elves, whiCh from the ships rnagazine and
our town resources, we were enabled to, do
pretty effectually: fowling pieces, muskets,
pistirls and , cutlasses enough for all being
fourid. On mastering our force, we had, in.
cluding.the Crew of the brig, twenty effective
me ,
a. H
- 'We must keep down, gentlemen, midthe
skimp!, 'and not thaw too much strength, or
he May pepper at long .tave,
.though thse
felldws dont like to_use their b id guns when
theY can do their work quietly; s -there's too
many cruisera In these parts.' . ,
By this tithe the schooner had come with
in hair g distance astern of us. , .
' ' •ahoy l' sang out a voi l ee from her
' illoar cried ou r skipper, T through a
tnonster trumpet - . .
f,' \
' What. brig' is that ?' ';
' e Maul. Ann -of Portland.
,c„, ner is that?'
' e Black Snake! heave to! and send a
boa on' board .1 " -
'tdo it i they are all on board and
, .
sto ed atway Or the voyages'- ,
"(leave to, then, while Isend my boat on
board of you.'l - i
you'd : betterinot—we Yankees don't admit
the 'right of search.' . , I - .
The.. schooner-was still corning up with us,
•the Ugh the 'brig had commenced to forge
ahead under the influeace of a steadier gale.
Both vessels were lying near the wind, in
whieh point of attilirtg, j the . schooner had an
evident advanage. ; Our skipper 'quietly or
' deritd the man at the helni to keep away, and
its the. brig fell away before.the wind, it was ,
per l x.ived On bbard the Schrioner, which made
4 corresponding :movement; while anOtber
fierce hail came, orderingUs to heifitcv;' - ' Ai
out skipperTi n 'sed his trumpet to his - lips to
reply : the -Mai interfered; ..
.2.. ' Perhaps
.aluria a goverruuent vessel, and
'yo had •better empty,'
..,. _ ' -.
i i
'Even if ithi. 'WM. What right ! has she , to
brittg an lanieriean vessel to;! 1 L rasher
guess Abe righL of search is settled,' said ,the
ski . I 1 . ; '','
. 1 .
f e r
Major iieemed , Aisposed in_ji argue th
,_ .
- .. . .
point, when i qhi c tly touching his arm I point-
ed to, the schooner, a -great change on • board 1
oil which - had taken plate, Her deck. was
astaimmg with armed men, and preparations' 1
were making to lOwer her boats, while ,the l' .
English Ensignihad been pulled doWn, and in .
its Place there went up the significant black
flag, With its'hoirid blazOnry of a. skull sup
pitted by. cross. bones. '
4 -Do her Majesty's-cruisers sail under that
sort Of bunting,'. Major?
,-- . ,
'A-pirate, by, heavens ; 'we must. fight for
The vessels were now tinning parallel with
I • •
aboutkval speed,' making about two knots
an hciar.- In a few minutes three.' boats
aned men patjoff .frotn the - schooner, and
-84.yttering in different directions, pulled with
the evident intention of attacking on both •
si es . , : Every' preparation the circumstances; was made - to give them a
i .
Warm! reception, - - . - -
We must never let the'm get a- foothold '
on dilek,.gentlenaen,' said the skipper, -who -
showed an activity had courage which eicited
otieadtairation.l •:, 4
The ;., T e h plan of the boats to attack us from'
dint points 'at oat,* necessarily delayed
eir'Opcmtiolisi ln the meantime,-a current
o witid'strihlt the brig, pressing " her rapidly
roughthee atcr. W An idea—a- bold and
,, ; flailii.. on the brain of the skip
,- • '
pi„.t r.
• V qpiek, gentlemen, Ih. ve it. We are safe ; 1
:exclaiined he,'„seizing the x)ied. ' Mr. Brace,
jitnip forwardlf you please, take , vhat men
yOu want, andstand - by to grapple theschoon
ers—then -take'charge of the ' long
jdr will you Cohn - nand the sharp shooters,.
a d pick off those fellows if they cetne too
nar f, By the great Jeliosiphat: I'll show
t t fellow a Yankee .- tric k he never saw be
t re.'
!.The idea wrsl a brilliant . one. There- was
every; chance he our carrying the schooner,
ill we.t;oula lay of
aboard' while the greater
pOrtion of her:Crew were in the boats; and
the breeze 'which proved steady, was a prov
idential interposition in our nhalf. Our ,
preparations Were • speedily made, and the
skipper steereir,with such caution as gradual- .
iy, tO approach the schooner, of which we had
the -ad vantage :in the first effects of the:breeze,
without exciting, the suspicions of the hitch
; tiOn on board. ; ',- It was some minutes before
the boats perceived the increased- speed of
the brig, and th;en they . pulled le§s vigorous
-1 , eneeavoringistill to preserve their plan of
aeli. The -bilig had now,fu ll steerage way
t her, and wasi dosing with the schooner, on ,
whoSe deck there appeared some stir.
.p;r ‘ S.:t:aisild b
he 1 g y a :
‘ n e ' 1w
l i te u nt tlu e r aen
turns of i
f sa tke l:the
wehe s e k l ill"
I I, ick. - or that fiil ()w who is steering, Major; the
I first one.' i 1 _ -,1
1..0ar intentiO n . was new understood on
i - b aril . the piralte,liut too late for effective re
I sisterice. - Tlic4)l fired one of their cal-roundel'
-Without damage- to iis— in reply to which,' a
i single - . ,het • froth the Major's rifle, brought
dowit:the man' at the wheel. The report of
.. .
the fi re-arms gave a new impetus to the
boats and they 'headed directly fur us—but
we were moving- through the water pretty
fast. : The . skiPper laid us alongside ; -our-.
- grapples were; well thrown, and leaving the,
mate and one hand to 'secure them I leaped
1 on board with the rest- of thesmen, and cut
down two or three pirates who were endeaV'•
'wring Ito make i j eady the long gun. The Ma
jor mid his command .Were equally pronipt
and in less Chid three minutes the decks were
cleared, and the l i si.thoouer was in our posses
sion. .Now, however, came the. tug of war.
The IT ,collisionlof the Vessels ; checked their .
headway and the breeze which had served -u-q
so well, was fast dying out, while thepirates'
boat s , cotitaining about forty armed and des
.pera , te wreteti4i were last coining up with us.
They. Were already within musket range, and
the "Major's fOre were quietly picking them
Off. , This, hoWever enraged them the more,
and it seemed to me that they must reach us,
- and - g,ive, us'a hard strug g le for our lives. - -
Captain,'. said Ito the skipper , who ha d
epolly retained his station at the weel, ' can
)iou let, her 3 ,44- off when I giVe the word V
- . ' Vein,' was; the reply. • . .
Taking two Men whom I had recognized as
tan-of-war's-inen and one -or, two others of
tie Crew forWakd with nee, I (*at off the long ,
, un,' !which t - ari loaded; and ramming home
nother stand of grape, I deri!esse'd the piece
'nd prepared t }, ,-fire. . • . I
' ‘ 1)row captain; I sang out.- • , -,-
. Tlte,vets- eta Obeyed their helms promptly,
d Caine around almost broadside -to their
- at. 5.... , 1-1 , ' •
'Steady ! sot': -- - ,
- 1 I applied the match. The ;'foremost boat,
Which I had hrhaght within ratige.amy piece
- as borne distatiee ahead of the others. The
hopper trelithled under the -shock of the ex-
ilosiOn ; a wild shriek was heaid, and amid
.e spray and roam which the plunging shot
stirred up, fit rnents of timbers, oars, and a
few bleeding:wretches struggling their death
throet, were al
. that was left of the boat and
ber crew. \c ter did a single shot do so
Muchhav_oc! lit was the grape and canister
which destroyed the first boat; but the round
11 : 11:t with which' the gun was lbaded, ricochet
' , took anotl4er of the boati, which was in
the line of the fire, on her bow, and stove
her in, killing tieveial of the crew, and spilling
the rest. The !third boat paused, and. .seeing
the destruction; pulled for the survivors of the
Second boat ' 1 had not lost a second: ,in
my gthi, and by the time. she had
loading .
Some up to the spot, another storm of grape
tmd pimister, : Well aimed, spread death and
destruction aniOng them. We now made
rite to secureithe pirates who had been driv
en below, wtkieh was speedily done. Our
tikipper then ft:trued ,the schooner over to my
Charge, alloallng me two or his sailors—the
fLest :of my er,eiv being made up of Volunteers '
froni'among Vie passengers, most of .wil'oln
[r o o g nt o mi svi r th io :rn itlO : r Th th e lvce
elot:sls were
change,eOf eut (iff; at
desired id
hauled up fidin- the spots where the boats .
been, soil, ten or fifteen wretches, most
ile 'ri rt re a ui ll " tha 4ledeiingin o g f t t i o te o p ars ira 'a t n e d c P re la w?. k — S'
. remained
Ve might laic left these their fate, and
reljr they deberved such treatment, \ but bu
,' itys i forbede h, and it struck me:as a queer
:- , rt, of btirkuinity, too, which saved theto from
c i ut
roWning toeqn — sign them to 'the •gallitit.,----
ith the assistance of a boat front tfic brig,
ovreyer we: licked the survivors up, and,
wing secured and divided our prisoners for'
• eater safetir,riwe made sail for our desalt,:
ion ' . .‘ i . . ,
The shipper; elated With his rise, forgot
about the. disposing of the small 'stores,
• , 1 :, v
' •
and: med 4 thq best of his; way int., port We
foy l i4 aeapit l larder on board tlidschooner,
and nines, that even the Major fkonouneed
uneneeptionable. In three days vire were an
in thel harbor of Kingston 3 , the pirates
were' handed over to theatithatiti and the
schooner adjtidged a prize' and sold. The
skipper was honorable enough to, w to share
pro,ata with his passengers, whie however ;
was. : prete l y gOerally declined, 1 believq!----
Thtkatriount *bleb she brought was consider
able, in addition to the sum of thousands- of
dollars 'fonnd , i on - board, so that .he and his
ere* lbergore tared well. The Major had
the 'ititisilletion of knowing that the most
beadtiful craft in the world' belonged to the
Royal Yacht Club—the pirate sctotier hav
ing teen bought for that purpose y a noble
man• sojourning on the island. -
We have again read the speech of Eli K.
Price, in the State Senate, on the bill restrie
tinethe :-, accumulation of property in the
hands of ecclesiastics, for religiona• and char.
itabla ptirpoies. It is an able . 4 , peeeh. and
must halo weight with every reader asrit will
carri: to every unprejudiced mind a convic
tion ',that it, was delivered for no there party
,effect, from ne ambitious motive,. but because
the Speak'er at in honest nian.andla prudent
legitilaterjelt that some ..iestrictii n had be
come nee:cgs:try% . t 4
There i may be those among Or readers
both; Know Nothings and anti-KnoW Nothings ,
whoilookiat this question-as one Of very lit !
tie iMportancis except as 'it bears Upon party,
aturias One arising out ,Of the entiJtoman
Catholic excitement so generally pervading
the Countty. ' It serves the aims cf partisans'
.wholdesire the Catholic votes, to attempt to !
ere* syinpathy for the' followers of. Rome
and; ery dut against every moventent'as•per-
Secittion, but there is nothing like persecution
in it Mr. Price, to whose wisdot and judg
ment we :are! indebted for the a ft, is not a
Know Nothing, and certainly can have no
. . .
sympathy . with the tteeret society beyond
what every *hig and Protestant may fairly
indulge in.. . 1-
If this - questi on of. Church property were •
between. Protestant s and. CatholiM we might
consider it with great caution. 'pie fact is' ;
the! excitement is principally among Catholics,'
thertiselv(is. ; The struggle has been long and'
. , '
sercire. between - the congregation of the
Chitich of St. Louis in Buffalo an d the Bish
op ion this `very point. The Tr.ustees re- ,
fusel! to Yield the title to the Bishop. They
were exc4mtnunicateil, the most terrible pun- s ,
ishnient a gobd Catholieican suffer.
411 peat; was made to Rome, and the Pope's
NOT: io, f,3edini, was -sent: to reconbile the par
ties surd arrange the matter. As a matter of
course he'. retrminended .submis s ion and coin-.
pliarnl`e ol'i the part of the people to the de-.'
mands of, the Bishop. it was still refused
arid the ; people. Cttliolies! appealed to 'the
Nki- York leaislature for retire"; • .
, ts
The vi s it 4 Bedini will long Jbe remerri-;
bered by the Atnerican people, The air='
graceful - fact'thiit a minister" of a ()reign court,
watt. yelled to settle a ' question) of title t o`
, , ng our citizens on. any pretens e, •
property tuno
and; the, I perhaps not less disgtiaceful, fact.
that' he, iVaS 4ompelled to leave otir shores in '
a elittPle'stioei mariner to escape the vengeance.
of his ooh countrymen, excited y his infa. i
mous characi long er, will it i our mere-,i
ones. ! i - •
. 1 1,11 e struggle between the •Jesuits and thee ,
p..o:de in'Nrinitr Church Philadelphia, decid
ed by -ci-Odge Woodward in favot of the Jes. 1
tiltk in -another instance. - '
The contest betwen Jthe•Bisluip of Hart-1
ford,Contteeticut, and Father Brad y is recent
and fan-tiller! Father .Brady d. built up'
the,church in that city - and by his kindness
unitgentieness had endeared hinisell to his
own people and won the respect of all, classes
of citizens. lie had completed la beautiful - ,
ChPreli edifide, when a Bishop is jsent there,
sole: impudent foreigner no doubt, who de-'
mands what :Father BradY refused to giant. '
The Bishf) . p.4said Father Brady Teta:led to live'
inlthe same; house with him. The excite- .
,riteitt of ;midi it contest was too leech for
pot* old father Brady and killed him. The
iliShop - to let the Chureni opened ;
for ;the bOrial service, but the 'ple with;
priests from 'a neighboring town Set his pow.!
criat defiance and the service wait said in the!
The - Bishop refused , to pernlt the . poor;
old priest to'be buried ;in the - spot himself: :
ha& selectet4 but the indignantpie dug,
:his grave'in the little nook by he Chureti, - '
right opposite the Bishop's hou and buried'
their - old:paStor as he had desire . 'i
se r
~;Within the month we *lied by , the 1
'CluiTch and • saw the spot; only. inarked byl
the:appearance of the earth having beeti re: :
softlydisttirbed. . An intelligent citizen'
of; 'Hartford: who pointed it, opt remarked,
thiit!. the' Pri4ent Legislature would probably
consider thi4 .question of" Church property,,
and' -pans fan eet restricting its accumulationl
inlite hapdslof the Bishop. I-.
' (A& despatch from Ilartford' Saturday. :
,saye: 'A church property tenu bill, sim- ,
ilciii!to Lila recently enacted in - evt. York, l
o ,
havibeen'tintroducted in the Connecticut- Leg
islature.') l ' '
\; - - -
I, 'As more pearly concerning thi f question in.
Dnipwn:State, ire will make one or two ex-' 1
; . tri'lits frdm the Speech of l Ppice, to Chow; ;
I this it is nit one be tween . Democrats and.
Knew. Nothing Nothin, Protest:
Catholics and otes-'
lantai, but that intelligent Catholics - see the',
wiScloni andineciissity of such roStrietiong us
onti law, imposes.
Alt is Insisted that effectually to eentrol'
their chureh;tnembers, the title to the church'.
;. Pri4erty; must be in the' hands that adminls-;',
i ter' its diliciPline, and that besido the .spirit,
1 uttl,' ! theie must be permitted to hold a, ,civil
', authority.. "Referring to the 4isOrders that,
i. welfid reault from,a lay
,partieiptticm in the:
i manligetnent of the church temporalities; the,
t likliv of:Pittsburg says: '‘ Such -mast -41;
tibia be It he result, more or le. vviltitti'the'
tiasito the c.urek building and t e , sditinii.;,
[ration 01 it discipline are in di . eteit Astelti
inticiis -the decisions ohthose who bold *stet , :
ter are Nested with a civil bindin chareetler.l,
[fetich be tie-result of the existing system 4;
it, Cannot! but afford- cia • argume.n -that .:;ati.in4
_creased Confidence should be , m- ,thcf
haii, anal . a 'participation be gm
. tedtthein hi ,
the man a gement of `the temporalities kifithci
ehinth, for then their teachers must instruct'
and timprove.them for the.discharger of ,their,
&Pipe, all process that: "could not fail:th be
productive Of mutual to chi prieek
and he people.: . 1 -t , ••. *
Bet 'Abe nujapacity in the melttbers of the
ii ' +
'174 V• 4
MAY 31, 181
Catholic chute-12'10
the tetaporanties
tics, which their o
atod, ot lie c
true. that •many; oft
:upon °Ur shores wii
acteristies, there *m:l
gregation, a - large p
and well disposed
in the!, we . of ch i
would be imprOsed
deuce and the
with thoie of better
"It ka inqUited, t
spoken iin•petitions t:
is a reason, which:
have indicated an.
in 'a mannertolbe
names.+-to make th
chairman of the co
It is not prudent f. l
our clergy oppose.
opposing the chur
in confidence that; i
eiery Catholid gen
with whom IP hive c
with exciv i tion,
and hope it rill•
wise; id . , this toimi
a perpetual entail,
ses of properti in t
Another, yet More '
an eminent counsell
requested to say to
,Catholic gentleinan;
'the bill:in raterenCei
'with . hir. cordial apr ii
favorably by Very
'well meanin of his
ion runs with the p .
catty they, are. opp.
sure,: a Unatter of r •
so potential as;to
est expressicin of • i
tion.!Anothe . r Ca
intelligence Wnteso
conversed with a tit
,tlemen; proinioent .:
who. are untiniinou.-;
a mat ter : ofeiVil
too grtiat_ac4uMula ;
of a few' perPoos, w ,
,should :he cO•efully I '
ervates as , Well co
and. fosters arrogat.
duce inequal,itit:s in
bad men it bctom:
Aggregation;' of
corruption, as. well
ular ;• and wben pu
so :• than r4e4er
views, I hulubly
'passage of the bill,: .
Looking'at It - , from
even were Ij i a.Prot:
the integrity as th
I would Still 'lave,
teaches us tbat , ireli.
"become. very Wealt
ousy and envy l,f tl
tions of church iprol
and Where 4tich obj
may easily be foun
wholeSoine laws p
neither, endanger II
tempt ':. the..i cupitiil
speaksj,he inteilige
the spirit 4-A m er
don tatightilb)l thi
true and earnest in
Pyotestauts; at le: .
admit the belief of
to a.d I . in tine adrn
- .temporaliti4. , , or tl
est an
. appreciatiao .
selves, - since - Cat
Protestants; aeltiev
- er ties Of SWI tie rim
.- 1 • -
Vast acCtimUla
hands 'of . any ma
laws . are Very pro
-prevent it . -:; If it,:is
permit or'enctm it;
how much more ph
. a class whose w
onist of repUblicani
is to a:foreign and I
the Times. I • I . .
: Senator
Senator ilot)
to •undprstalid him•
times a gree4 deal
'KnoWNothing co
ing extract from t
of the isiTew-iYorl.
17th, show 4 where
",Generat, Wils.
ence olKnow-Istot
Ile denounced in
attempts whicatar ,
'American' party '
to Slavery , or to t•
tion with regard is
only firni basis o
stand,•the only !ho
fide of the Whig
giound- 7 -that F i re ,
Slavery must not
riadiction of the l
said that the Sla
this' , cinnini sessi c
Other iluestiOnsi,
fluence, and natni."
heard Of in Oonipa
to think of ttabli
ign4ring the;;Slave
be,.met; 04 :114'qt..,
nonncing against
party . Ouja not xti
States except on,l
Iw' or reno uncin
raid ildv - Ocatett anf
of Other parties.
with great ~ppp l
reliitiug, to sLsif
4- 7 --
- .PRIESTICU i I e L .
in the' interiOr .
naf ami a friandt
welio . not,' eino i
16 4 o: 6 '-a4 , . 0 g 4
once landed!, h!r.
.t 4 tti cry-tiff;' , ].
then -she *mired .4) '
Isiah . yon woidd, )
:maid, he: , . gal* I
rand at lengtho
iou a.golog4o
he I replied' 4 INS
any ilia' MO 01)
Journaj.' ! l'
Ltd in the truinagenient. f
,' heir churches .and Cluir,
contributions. have 'Cie
i'.ceded. _Although _it he
t pursuasion. are landpd
Y be found, 'in any edn
oportiott ,of - respeettilile
room; cempetent to aid
!reit :property;•" and who
lby. such ',mark of cOrifi-•
fation, thereby
'education. ,
- -j --
en, wliy . .have they: . ot
the Le islature? Thoirie i
embers lof that eiturah,'
..wlia...-4ve not fitil4i,
garded confidental ailto
it wisheo-. knoWn to'Ole
imittee: ' One writet -
4. me to favor any Fill,
I t
They eall , out, at otiee,
I 7 , but I may say to Ant,.
of only the 'writer, but
ileman (about twenfv)
nversed on .the subject,
pre in favor of your bill,
We do not think it .
1 by whht may be called .
accumulate . Jorge , tim
e hands of Our. BishOOs.'
*. utions.of his name,gets
i r•to write thui—` I Was
you,, by_ an intelliknq
well known to me, .toatl
to church property meets
obation, and is regarded;'
any of the sincere 'andil
faith.' The private optn-i
persed law, while - apeqri
used -to it. It is,
ret to find the'priesthpod.
eck and overawe an harp!
timent on so vital a qi.tes-,,
olic gentleman, of high'
•er his signature—•'. I ravel,
miter of intelligent en-,
nd influential . Catho ies,i
in favor of the bill. Asl
.;icy,' ho continues, tthci
son of wealth in the hands!
th a view to: perpettlity,l
,guarded against. 'lt l en-i•
porations as individaals,l
besides Ita:oli
society..ln the hands otli
• powerful in oppression.;
Llth and power tendi. toil
n things religious as :ee-.1
e, it is easier to
rout peversion. These!
ink, Sho, Id . warrant I . the
ri i
eminer.tly republiaw.--1
i a religious point of vew, e
' istant,. anxious as wet fo
prosperity ; of my eltOi•eh!
the law.. l'ast.histot
ions establishnients,‘t hew.
ty, have
. excited the jeal4
to civil powers ;"conflsca4
erty have often followedi
ects are sought, pre extra
11. I would. t liereforO t bi.
-serve a just balatace,!!anct
e rights.of my.chureli, noti,
y. of the people.' Thu s
t Catholic, imbued ;jwit4
ean Ikberty and 11el.livisi
' lessons of history,i l yeti
the faith of his chure,. 7 -4
• shOuld not too
he inctpacity .of cdth . Oliii,
[ nistration of the el•t!hreli
t:theyhave if& as tlarn-ii
if human liberty as themi
lies, side by side Iwith;
d and yet sustain th 4 lib;
d and America:" * '', l 1
'ions of property .- it the
are dangerous and otiti
rly framed to - avohl sulA
contrary to our pol l_ y tc,i
e -it in private citiiensi
)uld* we guard agaitist• i;‘•
. ole system is. the . - tiiitag i i
.m, and whose first; Ont)*
ostile power !—Recod-re,
a on Slavery 7 '
of Massachusetts, •stems
If - and the temper Orthe
better than hi 4
mporariesi. The 010141
e Boston eorr.espon4encti
:bune, under date of litay
the General stands
'n addressed a large Audii
lingi at AndoVer fast tOgliti
he strOngest manlier!, the
being made to itidu4 th 4
take tiposition.fiyOr 4 ablii
ke at least a neutral ix)si:i
it.. -lie declared that th 4
whiff h the party 4914
•e it• had of avoiding the.
rty, - was the Anti-Slayery
done is national., andlthat .
be tolerated under thp
ederal GOvernment, irl.lo
. 1a
ery agitation in emigres.,
n would 'mallow t t p all
t,Clitholicisin, foreign iti;
liiation wi mid senrcerr 1)4
icon; and that it wa4, idla
hiiig a, party oil a p:iitforni
y issue. The i s sue' htusi
:decisively - bybuldlyo . proi,
Slavery. The
m nietciri
.'nd a oment in the Vreet
F 'nti-Slivery ground. il
IsO declared himself !n fa 4
the secrecy of the Cl'rcl . ei ) .
ppn :argon zationlikl that
id is apiecti vitiB ans*ere4,
. ..
espe ., gially in thelpar.
.4 d
r.—Two- et -thro(ii "piiperi
re -ottensionell atta4
eorresptindent ing
tate thean; , ' , ho • trut - it!is l ,
herst*c•Hmall.,r,- winunt
rying ;baby to , her fiusfinnft,
peke - it ;bed). - It , cleititini
!] ; got Out!'orpatiencog
lisei husband, dO
ii)iffik , & AV '
fiebr )
ui wide Aisne,
ontik that ball • hrituld,
>i:--'a% i'ausiljind,
1,1"*" " ' - ',...'. -- .- 1 ,• ..'.--:.•'-,.." - - f- , --„' :, .:-..,,
~-•,.. ~ „
. -
. . .
, ......
a •/
.:,.,,.,••..... •.,_ .....,..,........,..."2,,.:.....,....._....„....:....,...,...„.
, .
.. . ,
. .
~ . . ,• ...
.... .
TziPoßth. POMit OF THE POPS.
P l rof: Brown .son's; Quarterly Review is ,
pUblislied approval and the formal .
authPrlty of the Pope, as will be seen by the
6311##% letter:
Health and apostolic ben;
edie#on; Pnr',feueribie brother, John, Bich:
og of 1 tan broughtia us your, letter of; in Which you of
ferednikieral sfprks . ':Written by You.—+lle
spplm usofith:merited phrase of those
stain, Ixtoks of yours f end then:o3re we a are
Iry a hivitter degree rejoiced and consoled by
your sentiment of truly filial devotion land
piety toward us and the Holy See which
youtJ letter expresses throughout. 'With our
supp Out vows and prayers, a e beseech! the
Go& of Mercies and Father of Ligbts that
with his celestial protection he may cherish
and g4ard these sentiments, *hich'lie trust
you will always preserve. And as"a token
'of ip s itreat benignity, and as a pledge of our
gratityde to you for the service you have dohe
for us e we add our apostolieal benediction,
which we lovingly impart; with the palmed
forth Affection of pur.fraternal heart; to you
yourself, beloved son, and to yotir whole fain;
. ,
&Given at St. Peters, 'in Reme,• - on the
29th clay of April, in the year 'of our Lord
1854,1 and eighth year of oar PontifiCate. s .
Pius IX. Pope."
04ESTE8 A. Baot - Oxaos is an ' American by.
birth*. and .has : boxed the theological .6:impels
pretty thoroughly. He is . now a Roman
-CatlaClic .. of the most , bigoted - .and uneoin,.
realising character, - ne is a learned men,
and an able, aeComplished and • practic
ed Wfiter. - lie writes boldly, and with' ap
pare4t frankness and honesty. -
-The follow
ing eictracts. from the ' April, 1855, Number
ofhit Review, Illustrate( his ideas, and of
cour4c those of the Rornish . Churchifer which
he speaks, on 0 very_ important point=---that
of the character and extent of the - k temporal.
• r.
power of the Pepe ' ' and the design of Roman
ism so far es regards otirown country: They
are,*ortliy of careful perusal: • • .
'But would yoh.have this country come
under the authority of the Pope 7 Why not?
But the Pope would take away our free in—
stitutions ! Nonsense. But how, do you
kno'l , that 3 . Front what, do you infer it?
Aft 4 all, do you not commit a slight lilim,
der 1, . Are your fre e institutions infallible'?
Are they founded on . Divine right ? - This •
you , p . eny. Js not' the proper question for
you : i to discuss, then, not whether the Papacy
be 0. b o
,notxonipatibie with republican yov-,
ernia6it, but 'whether it be or. be - siipt found
ed taiDivine right! if the Papacy be foun
ded U divine right, it is- supreme over what
eve!ri is, founded . only •in human' fight, and
the l Your institutions should be made to hark
. •
t t
mo 'is :via it, not , it with your; testify,
tiaitt!, t 1• The real q uestion,' thee, is, not the.
coMpatibility or incoMpatibility ofithe'Cath- .
ofie 'Church with democratic institutions, but,'
is the Catholic ChUrch the Church of God r
1 §ettle this queStion - first . But,: in point
of faCt, Democracy,' is a mischievous ,dream,
wherever the:Catholic. Church 'doesi. not pre
dominate, to inspire the people With reve
reneet and - to teach and accustom them' to
obedience to .authority. . • The first leSson _ for
all '4.leain, the that that should be forgotten.
is, to; grim You can have gOvernment
whq* - there is no obedience.'; will ;;tot long
beenforced where the fallibility. of . law is
r seen . and, freely admitted !! But !it
is the intention of the Pope to pi:Oess
country:Undoubtedly.' • In-this; intention
he, 10 Aided by Jesuits and Catholics prelates
and priests.' . UndatibtedlY, if they are faith
fnl to; their religion.' • •
,- .
Where is Gen. Atchisont • •
'Vat has become of David B.', Atchison,
the fOrrner Vice President. by courtesy, of
the Onited States—the wasotportitor; the man
wit§ 'Contended with Stephen A: Douglas for
the lhonor •of having • repealed the Missouri
COMp . romise—the boozy backwoods speaker,
who, in his maudlin speeches, blackguards bet
ter and greater men than himself and speakl
lohn Bell as a,' miserable • devir—whore
is lie? He , left his seat and Andes in the,
Senate, - and came
. to `Missouri;,. before the.
elo4e of the Congress, to get himself elected
to the Senate for a second term, but, he didn't
succeed. _
Rumors have reached us of tremendous
ti*ts made by hint in relation,to" Missouri
ano Kansas, and we should .like, ,
know if
hells going to carry them out. We under.
stand and belleie that David Atebisorl'is
at ;the bottom- of all the troubles: that bane
afflicted Kansas, and is the chief inStigator of
the' i meetings, mobi and cabals, treats and
exeltements which threatee to plunge the
border into a wild fratricidal 'strife. Atehi
son is the prime mover, and,kringfellOw is
his Jnan of all work. Atchistn is safely and
'qui*tly eseoneed on his Platte county farM,
testing the glories of these five barrels of
'Derby,' while, his myrniidons, ,whoin he
giv#s orders, are scouring • the 'cou;ntry and
arousing the people, by flaming appeals, -to
Strife and bloodshed. ' '
Poes - our boozy ' Old Bourbon' think ,he
is going , to drift on the current of this fierce
storm into the U. Senate If so ho' is
mistaken; lkiwouri will not permit herself
to 'l,,e represented in the national councils by
a pplitical gambler, who would jeciPardizu his
country's pvtee for his own selfish, sordid
aggrandizement. —4 Loup; News. 1.
"!:(Jxio.—The Columbian S i I c.rournal'con
tai4s the call for the Delegate Cenveition to
meet in,Columbus on . -the 30th Of.Tuly, AO
ni‘inate an anti-Nebraska Stat, Ticket-
Th,@, call is put forth by the Republican Coin
mitteo appointed by the July Conv,ention_of
lait year. The Committee propose that
there shall be one Delegate 'fur every 500
viltes in each county.* the Oetober - eleetion
of last. year, and ii table is , given of the ntnrt
her to lihich.each county
,is entitled.. liana-,
11,tdn' county lientitled to thirtpac pot °,
gateit. The call Is addressed ,to all'` Friends.;
e P F
'Pr'' 3fedonl,' antl . appeali 'to ; the - fricnds ;of
•Kei)llblicai'orwmlzittion,li 'view of the,
.(cation of B. P.. Wide's' Seitt:itf the Uni
t' States Senate,' inkl.",the 'outrages _'oft the
S VerY Propaganda in Kansati. . -' 1,
100111. 0111102 , MISCARRIAGIititift the
604 , of January last„ from fifteen' to= twenty.
:letters, emnaleingAnnney, anti dirootod •to al
eetabliament' in the city of -Albany,
.ore inevereinnel toltand. ;; L atmainie aietiew
.Imes soniewhete, and investigations are's. be
ttor untie to aserrtain Argus,
' • `
. ,
' - • A image
Y 4xe.:,--;-:
Behold onder iimpli) hu.ilaiiie •-, N . • i
crossing of the.villag tt
e road lilt illii• :• -:
of rude construction,•but it' ". 'thilti4o'•
,? ` ' - 7-,'
ant and quiet spot. Ama %befit;'''.,; - •1 1 ' .. -
spreads its broad arms ateo e, ina., - ...,iffir0p.r.1)::,.,
leanl towards it .as 'a - atop % nvin•telidefo . '
shelter and protect a Childq A breolc- rains ; :;:
through the meadow neer,d hardily there'
is an . ; orchard—hut the ..tx have , sulreree'
i s)
m •
and hear no fruit, except , v n the ost re-
mote and inaccessible ' bran es. libel ititt‘. - -
in its walls cornea a buiy hbtb, sweis_Yon,
may 'hear in a disturbed betwhiSe. •'Noir
peep through yonder windw, and. ' yOtt Arai
see a hundred children, . ith - ' rosy nlicski.6 . i
t ee
mischievouseyes, demure -- s all- - engaged;:'
or pretending to be so, in theirlititeretrotA. , -'. :
-It lathe public sehool-;--thetree,:thi common
schobl—provided by law; open to all, claim
ed from a community as a t, not accept- - t ,
ed as : a bounty. - . . ~
Here the eliblren of t e rich anitii;
high and. low,' meet upon, perfect equality.
and upon' the me auspides the* .
area of life. Here the sustenance of the mind
is served up to all alike, as the Bpardasseysid
their fund upon the. table. Here young ani
bition climbs his I ittleladder, and boyish gen--
ius plumes his half-fledged wing.. k'ronl'it
mong thoie laughing childien will go' forth
Men Who are to control drill destinies of their
age and . Country ; the sta Irian, whoie-iris
-dom is ,to guide these ' the pnet . who
will take' captive the hew Of the people . inid
bind them together by i mortar, iiong--the'
' philosopher, who; -boldly seizing upon % the
na _
elements thernselves,* w it compel them !T t -
his wishes, 'and through n w combinations Of
their primal laws, by sou)great AisCovery;
revolutionize both art and t
science. ~ "
That common village school is New Et*--
land's fairest boast—the brightest jewel dui' -
adorns her brow. The prin ciple that society
Is bound to provide fore h member's ettir-
catieti ~ as well as prote ion, so that now
need be ignorant, except rpm choice, is, di,:
Most - important-that bpi() is to:Modern phil- -
osophyi-, It i s essential t - a Repnblicattgov -
ernment.. Universal. edu tion , is pot only
the hest and - surest, but-only shiszt foun
,dation for free instittitio . True liberty , i -:'
the child of knowledge, s e pines away ;an-?.
r ;
dies in thearms of ignoratee.
. ,
Mr.: William Payne, a. very good 4/1
low,. was ii teacher of m. sic - in a
town in Massachusetts; old in his school:
, one Winter, was-a pretty ° trl, sortie twenty
.years old, named Palm Adams, who„.hav
' Fig made a strong im ression npon Mr.- . -
Payne, time in ~ declaring his at
tachmeat, which Miss A..reciprid, 'and
an engagement was the i ult: JuSt as, Mr_
P.'s attentions became pub lic, and the facto:
an engagement was getaally understOod,
the - school being still in oPeraticm, anthill tile
parties on a certain evilning present,: Mr:.
'Payne, without any thoutht , of the words.
named as a tune for the commencement ex'
ercise, i Federal Street,' l'i that excellent col :
lection of Church Music The CarminaStera.
Everyone loved Patienc ;and every-one en.
tertained the highest respect for Payne; and,
with a hearty good will jn - the . part of the
School 1 the chorus Comm need . :,
. "See gentle Patience san'le on Payne, -
See' i dying hope revive again.' ' : -
.The.coincidenco was so striking that tin ,
gravity of the young . la4ies and gentlemen'
I s
could searcely be eons imed long enoughto
get through the tune. T e lteattitul yotmg
lady was stilt more:char, ing with her blot'.
ing chcieks and - down - - ea t eves, while tS, -,
teacher was so - emba sed . that he knew
not - what he did. Hastil turning over thi•
-lea%w (if the book, hin„e lit
,upon .a wolf
known tune,. and he called out 'Dundee,'
The song began ask called .;
stiffmient order
could be restored; and at the last lirfe,‘Of the .
following star . = rose to ti - elimaa.:. .' ..,',.-
Let not despair.nor fell 4venge; , - •
Be to ray bosAim lakowl ;.. • .-.- . -
- Oh, give ine 'tears km others" wecs,-
• And Patience for - my crwri.'. • . ,
Patiencee - we - a already betrethed ; the was
in fist his ;in about a y afterwards they'
W ere married : ' '• .
T gentle Patience - amlle on Payrt:e,-._ ,
And Payne had Patience f his own. 1 4 E,- ,
• It - is pleasant to be &hi to add tiutt they
still live; fouE,.or five litge Paynes have been
added to 'the family, which, though ,they no
doubt occasionally try.Pittience'- patience,_ 5. 1 .
one of the happiest to be found in this beau. .
tiful world: : . - • - ' :-
Ntr Among other in
of the, Choctaws, the Nevi
can gives the following al
ncr of love.making : •:• l b .
female. its
COurtship is invariably e.gun by the feale.
If she. fancies a young m , she: makes; what
is technically calle'dthafi t banter:. This is
done by slyl_ squeezing i e hand, or gently,
touching his footat the ciimp fire. If a man
i t
lily :
should venture upon - any ef these' littlOpre
liminaries without being ure of it reciprocal
partiality; the indignant aicl would irnmsdi
ately assail hint with ks 'eh, tmd this would
be the signal - fir a gene_ Tassaidt all the
squawS arqund on the pr, Oiling lover , Who,
unless he fled, Would beiniatencilthoutmer
cy. The young squa*- 'hoscrearnsthe loud.
est .and 4hows the most
,esentment-at these
unwarratitable liberties , , fan ardent lever,is
set down as the Diana Other tribe. - . -
sr An, eccentric mi Bonaire o f -Paris ;ih
arnosing himself by the ereetion•of a chateau"
covered with buttons The walls,
ing, the doors, the exterior and the Interior.
ell are ornamented With this
of architecture. Buttons of orerraeaerlP
tion, from the very origin oi,their ;.itkvcattion
,np, to the present day, lu ve bee I . o . nployed
in the, arabesque and oreametitetiott-of the
wails'. 'Every country tatt been ' - rantete'ked,
And:some roast earioui epielirieneArronght
to light; • Those !Wog - from the-lower Greek,
empire are. of m*,,ettri4l.l*: and'
wonderful ingenup.
. - Wanapie SnitaK-41t iiE
then 4.
lured by washing eforo the wetorigeb.
_warm } .. ; , - -- ',- .:} , - -.. -i:..-:: , .., ',..
4 1
4nd als4.hy'dkivipg soinpli+a insnAtot.
' kite acid' ' getting - *lnv, ill-4011;W p6t,,in.
l l*
'to the. water. ' If chee p p
Elie`tro' totat "liite
'to walk lot - it be done vday:ova?into; so
thattbey may be NKA , how luaW,-,:: : ,
,Tlle.wtnit of a lit lio att,elo, *;,' ~:the,_ faun
too-164 heidtb`of tlia' i sistte. n. entails
upon thorn '' litiatjd - eig'--7;* ',tiiiiital 'bit
ter piiya"tdr eiti'l art itieei j' thwu'ih tse;
will get along after. n &plop t •
_:~NQ: =2~.
, - .Patientie on Pain
cresting aneedotes
Orleans :RApubli
. etch . of their .man-
( t