s TaMELLOW IS VIOLENT.. Flom Thk:Seuatter Sovereign, May a. .IV oas OF TIIE ABOLITIONISTS ,C01151E.,.,:.c. fiD CITIZEN, MAYBDERFD IN COLD A,S u oi"IIER . A BLoom — On Monday week last, at . Leaven. • , wor th City., -Malcolm. formerly of Platte County, Mo., was : murdered 'in etild . bi o a:l4 an Abolitionist named McCrea. ' itheV were disputing. , and, while. Mr. Clark wasin.the act of turning, prollahly. tc) go, away; McCrea drew . .a pistol, 'and shot him through • the heart. He died immediately. He did not speak One word after that l shot..'. The murderer eseaped ; his pursuers and succeeded in placing himself under the. protection ot Abe troops • of. the 'Fort. He will not live to be tried. An outraged tpea. to pie are anxiously awaiting an o pp,ortuniy deal out summary -punishment to the Wren& t er. Hanging is a death entirely too good or • - such a villain!. Let him be tortured, and his friends hung? Hope is beyond his reach. ."'Should . the techiticslities of the -laW for one momint permit the m urdererEl! . a while to / hope, the fire •of.indignation which 'already exists in the hearts - ot our citizens will need no othei• fanning to dissipitate a. vain conjee ture on his part. He may live in hope; but die.in despair he 'surely Must: C u t down in the !mini° of life, lies poor Malcolm,Clark ! He is lost to a devoted fainilv----to his numerous friends; and in him the . 1 5 roSlavery party has lost one abet' no blest defenders. 4furdered without a cause and:by an abolitionist !' Tho,thonght is suf ficient to harrow up-a spirit.of resentment in the breast of tit ry Soot/Oil man w hi c h should telt hi the ranks of the Abolitionists. Poor Clark! "Vhd is there that - knew him who does not fament his loss A . man in the broadest exception of the term—gene-, roes to a finilt. No man ever solicited his .assistanee but he received it. Brave among the ilravo. he knew not cowardice.; a coward ' lv tileu.:_l:l never reached his brain.- Honest •on all occasions, in every transaction.. Pos sessed of energy, with a quick eye and ready arm and a dsvoutivorshiper oftle South and . her institutions, _a bitter opponent () ib ex cue _ mics, a faithful friend, an indulgent Either. an industrious man: and a' good_ eilizen: hi a. • word' he wai a noble specimen of; God's masterly `creation. 'Thus fell by an assassin's hand; a noble man ! .What, we ask, • can "repay his loss? The blood of the murderer 'will not satisfy us!. That would he' placing too little an es.. timate . on the life . .of our. dteeas,...d friend. Blood for blood r-,-but for each drop spill. ed, we Aiall require One hundred fold ! For . every honest man that is slain, let a score of abolitionist suffer. We call - for a -'settle : 'settle ment of this affair—let us make.examples of .such.otttlaWs, and:their synpathizers, until our fair Territory is ridden of such curses=- 'until honest men can walk the streets of. Our towns, without the fear of being attacked by 'Orthern cut-throats dud : hired assassins; un til our homes and fire -sides can be made se.. .tune from the torch i)f the incendiary; and ou r'slaves be permitted to remain with us in quietude and Commitment. As long as one Abolitionist renufins in _the Territory, such occUrrences Will be numerous. both here .aid'in . !llissouri. Let us begin to purge ohr selves of all Abolition emissarieswho occu py our dominion, and - give distinct notice that'all4lu , do nit leave immediately for the EtlSt, WILL LEAVE FOR ETERNITY ! The above gems are hut- a small portion of the good things that fill the . broad,eolumiis of Tie Squatter Sovereign, but they will Zo • • for the present. • Latest from . Europe--Snmmary of News. The steamship Baltic arrived at'New York: from Liverpool on rriday last, bringing news from Europe one week later. ' From Sebastopol the news is that -the Al- 1* lies • have captured the - RusSian outworks.— •''hl fighting has been despe6te. and the can nonade. terrific, but tbe•Allies had nut Made siaclent progres:s to-. Warrant a r , eneral as caulk They; have slackened their firein or-, der to economize anThunition. • There are said to 'be '100,009 Russians Outside. S'e. bastopol; and they were drawing !heir de ; J • ttorfoird,!April 10th, 1853.! 1 :• ' , ----1- I. i i . . -7- wiAlcatipits A 101 i GAPIDE.IIFERSI W h a t na nw ot er g f e .u t l tila su n bs u t ir ti :r e Ig n h i lu e -ill l f i n ri d ß a o chet FOI T IDEETTE made by thelsubscri rs. The ;Mall 4. qua tit2i idled, the ease with which i is applied, and the #orierful stimulus it givos to vegetation, ren6'rs It the cheapest and best manure in ` '' the world. i It, cati+s plants to come up qtdcker, ici grow Faster, Ito yield heavier and ripen earlier than any other mantire iiLthe liord. and unlike other fertilizers,, it -can ;be brinight 9 direct contact with the plant. .Three dol , tars oithiis sufficient to manure an 'acre of cciro4--; T ric , delivered free of cartage or package on'boird jor y A wed or railroad in NewiTork city, $1,50 per bar i rel, for an quantity over sus barrels ;- I barrel, $ . 2 ; - ,2 fl i! r rels,l 1:3,56 . • 3 barrels, $5; 51Tharrels, $B. A ,pamPhlet ;with information and directions will be sent gratis and post-paid,4o any' ne applYing for the *le. 'lAddiesli, the LODI 1L11..N/UFACTCRING CO: , 1 i • - 74 Coratuidt Str4et, New-York- C) W /AAA Itilk Pans of an sizes and. made from L'd /double crass tin at less than Merchants usually' l psiy, to sell again, for sale blr the , übscrilier. ar [ 'We hate cone to the conclusion to P oen pans to Far `: mere as low as we will to the trade , thereby thereby saving I : tri the F armer our profit. - Our a . 3 are warranted 1, to , 1 1 ) , p erfect aslt o in ev r ery P articular or :lo 3316. 1 short credit. 1 : 1• t I 1 i I J. DICKERMAIi Jr, ' INew?' Milford April 1, 1845. • for A PENNY SAVED WO •• - EARNED. 1 JT WITTENBERG k. BRO., ..MOntlose, Pa., take • • ,tilp method of advising theii old friends and ettitorners and the public at large, that they have just received end opened the largest , prettiest and cheap est stdcl4 of READY MADE CLOTHING. ever tiro% to thin place, which they offer at ilmall advance from cost, thetteby offering purchasers rare oppotuni ty of obtaining goods at about tw thirds the ttsual Price. 1 7 ! • , . , AlsP al large assortment lo s t Dry ~comprfing for Ladies Wear, new styles B de,"Stripe, Plaid, Plain Sad changeable Silks, Delaines. Muslin, De Rage Berne delahust of new and elegant designs. -All the latest et; Iles of Ladies Drew Goods, French Lawns , . Printxand Gingham.. •A - handsoine assortment of I)mo:trimmings, Embroiled Sleeies, Collars Oda, etc. JacOnet and Swiss Edgings and' Inserting , s,Glhves Mite, BUsiery, Veils and Parasols ' \ ! 1., Thefr assortment ofSlia Willis ve ; large, emblcing .every thing that is rich and fashitotlable both for*n „ and-do . niestiC. . L ' 1 . : \ Then:lD:met Department is tyke and comPlete; . embiacmg the very latest, styles, with Trimmings to match. 1. ' I 1 • Arteitensive assortment of Irish' linens,_ napkins toweling, table cover, curtains ke, . - We brae also a supply of Shirts; Gentlemen's' Col lars, §uspenders, Gloves, lrmbrallits anti a good litany other; articles too numerous to mention. For bar gain:tithe public is respeetfully in 'Led to call a! the cheap store of„: . - . , J. wirrt. ERG & BRO. corner if Chesnut IS Owego S four doors; east of P 095 store. • ; , ” f • . , 1 Execut . oei Pf+ice s ...."rtaietniaotoo 1 1 1 1 v I . .t e r: law Of Barer Lake, deifd' to presdat them to theiSub. t l or c i ls l et airi Eszeutin and Trusteett of tho said A. IL • I 'uly authentiooded, slittlemenL Arid all person iudehted to said estate, ar i a requatod to Make y . 'tour"" Wart. • • 11 • • JAS11: : te e . • • `.BRILL S. NTLET. 1 Man 4 ralo, 23. 1851 i, AdEplabltitittorZi r, Notice. • TOfICE hereby given to peroooo baviq de. .71a41e cls Against ths estate or tanesborougb, deceased ' , to present tbo gam, o• dub' attested for, seemen$ persona and ail ' in ebtad, toi W said estate *ill please nuke payment. Lou niedistely to the subscriber in Harmony township, to irisotyl !ettms 01 iAtninistration have beets duly rot. ed. j ROBERT IIcKUNE, ; liSwi I idiololotiVor l effk r• WWI". ni*TANTLY t i fr i liAWß it - furrdshed t& order 012 elrorl poOre, I L LYONS 4 BON, • I - . 'nit totrfori T he Proprietor;Mr fully itiforms the stitution with the deal Gentlemen for the P to the Normal Mode any other buillness,of This Inatithtion la and healthy village of 'Pa., and id unexpose vices thatare dettimer al advancement - of St 11.1. Swart, a highly dy, will take entire ch, in and out. of school.. attend patties; or,any the express pentussion era. MisS" Swart will ill Needle Work, Fre • One of . the prime: been to establish a N Course, fee the benefit. ing a Profession.. Th requires three years.. I object to embrace tho well as those of an e care has been taken ' as to l present to the's the Simplest sue 1, Pupils ? will not be course of ittady; uor undue fondness for an. lect of othert; but se will lead to a systems - era of the Mind, by dir Of principleil and Ithe stead.of isolated fact. TUITION. AN Common Eng. Brune . Higher,. :, t " Latin and Greek cx French; German, and Pencilling, Crayonin 'Music withuse of Pi Vocal Mtisie, Moan! per Week; Thosewishing to suitable ripsaw for th Boanfind Tuition The &Maud Term May iiith.; and as St* clamifted, , Students Pirsent: For thither inform We, the :Undersign rienced anti efficient practically!famillias don, with 4mplicit e. Academy 4o theftv . 1 paring themselves f desire to: give their practical, and liberal Rev. G.IN. TODD, PUIIiNT, ' Dr 4 J.l9oonnicw, W. IL SLocuw. J. 11. rucces, E, Vunditfr, .4.01 19 GOO : erllP,.:llthscribei l mirtstock of G: which Will be sold Please (tall and exat lIA ti A D CI latest at. I:EA p of Sprldi and Sum IIRrpOODS out. Alo, BaregeMelaineS, F' Printed Lawns,' Fa Tarr, InSertions, and Caihmere Sha BOOII'S AND ment every des .1 variety'cifYincy A Croelcery, 7insakt,i a good lot'. tioneryi÷Wall Pap IfoOrpse, May 1 New Li KIRK WO+ i ji QT.IOk.S trill car LI be4aville, Libe arrival& the Mail reach - nig Montrose; 3fontros l e duilys(Su l ins Kilitwood in t . ' both Fa`rt and Wesfi sible route to mach', Thii. line interseli Springville, Tunklif barre,;ithichleavd4 day. Wt at ville, Ltraysyille, _ Go q 4 an and deli, ,inti the prop' conatnOtlate the put April 6. 1554. MON 1 WI HAVING pu Post & Co: • r9speetfully inform stantly on hand, a stock - 10f good* LitiM, Salt, and as Grloteries, Dry Shoei, Nails; i of ptoduee, at the; Would ranted. - I 'Montrose Depo I • t• • 1 , 11 , W GOOps. Tlie;subscn have taken and fitted.u. -ihee,new building on the t side of Public Avenue, tat doors ',above Searles Ho and are now receivi g a large and Well selected 'Sortment of I i • Fall aid Winter Goodiw . E . Their stock is al; ost entirely NEW, having Saved but a Very few • from the late destructlie,! fire, and 'eonipri..ses theirl usual variety of DRY GroCer,les, Crocks, Ilardwere . Medicine 4' Paints] Oils, Dyestu ff s, Boots, Shoes, Lea'th4rtc, Glass, Jeatlry, Watches , : Silver Spoons, Cl Notions, &e. are: " e are thankful for the trUnage' hitherto bestowed Upon us, and.trust that Uri cus tomers, anti the p; generally t lwill not f give us a call in our fl is /oration, confitiefit their wee can supply' them with ; sof as favOrable term as hen"- tofore. BENTLEY & EAD Mcnitrose,Nov9 ;ber 30, 1854,1 I THE } HAVING. rcd tale of Ligi~ purpottes, as a Dru • of Party, Society,[' invited as usual, pribes;of pods, an advantage o ?dontrose, Apr TEI TWO I i A,l - ORE new de, ill mannfactit' soitment of. Ladi' Iting.i.q Breast Pifi anti Vest thalni,l Persons wishing ly;eall at the mote Montrose, April 1 C. LEE, t • ceired ; Goode, which wa I Pf l oduce- 11 0, POUNDS -1, 1011araC 't[ EA, Cofree,: 05f: all kindisl --r-- quantityl .41 exchange o, ' 1 .. ;• ,A$Y quantitY 'Fxciutrg e fcti ITIDOSE sad 'change foli Daft hnd - o;ansipP themselvos. Fo ,lefottrose De 4.1.1 A.l*lnfie A. ' and Clop* made of heavv l • '1 New Mfltbedi A :Fru, U. Joiners' T /47/ AZASII AND , ' cheap at I 1300r‘ i SLOU erwise. at t 6 22 . 00 . ler au ever to. W. s**- V mso; • ipt, df. thetiper thin molt. I I fa Wnt."l4; at - i• ACADEIIIIIt. I lifltilAlD HOOLIIIAN, respeet- - lie that he has taken this In -4I fitting Young Ludifs and :don of Teaching, according !. 4 : for fitting Young Stan Or . , It ted in the pleasant, retired, ndaff, Susquehanna ihal.the many. temptations ajtd • to the InfiAlectualaniMer. dents. The Prceptress, 114pif • coated land accomplished La.; fgo of the Young Lull; tx4h; will they be alto ed to Isce of amusement, withcfutil • 'aim! attendance' f the Teaclt vta. lessons also in Ornamatit..l 1 . 11; Pencilling, Crayontng, jects of this Institut:4l, basil 12 Department; tir,Totc.boie 11 If those desiring to make Taal- Whole course of Instittctlimi pi this course it has been-thel Studies of practical uti ity,taal Cationat character; an great; ;`se classify and arran , them; &fent: an.eitsy, gradatio from! , Most difficult. - Inirrted through a an BSc al dt , they be eucouraget -in. an! t. particular science, to t e nee a course will be pursued las; cal development droll the pow-, Ling the thoughts to -the stOdy i relation of cause and effi?ct,in.i OTUR EXPENSES. es, per qqrof i ,i weeks, I " " land Drawing, • " • •ard themselves, can purpose. iHa iii ariablv.in soiran this Institution will co !les will then be Arran e particuluy. rcqueste • ion; addrvvi. the Prineip id, can undorthe press 'Ruud of lustnictorS, tit the Normal Mode of 'ifidence commend the hie consideration of tit', Teachers, and all tbol is and daughters a th .ucation. ]ion. S 11; ,J hi. . Cul . E. PuniNril .1. B. ‘51..0 - c BENJ. B ,*() AYKILS. 1355. Iris GOODS - I .' N 1 , ••• • , - ~ receiving hts Spring Id t unk .1 ' s comprising 4 great variety, ,s ' .. 'low as any iny this m rket.l--•- ' hie. : F. B. CHANDLLILt • I'S—A good assortme n t of ,the 1. . . CLOTIII_VG A gocn virility 1 l er Clothing of the latest,cq. rx • general, assortment 4hrpugh 1c GOODS, consi4ting of ) ,Lawn., ; neh Delaines,: PersianlDelaipe, .y. Prints, Ladies' Worked; Col rt....Ai-Black. Silk Mantillici, Thibet - A - Parasol's, Hosiery, GIOTei, ic. 1 1-1.. OES. Clocks—alary'c,,, . a'ssdrt- Lption told style.. Also ] a ••rhelst ales, Yankee Notions, fie.' :re, and Groceries of-all kinds !for sale cheap. Book's an eta- 4,--also, Flour of the besi qi ility. l l '• F. B. ' IS'S ' CHANDLER': • • • ' . , Li ,i ie of zrati stagesi I.', i ii)'lP4 Y10.4TR0.! Kit kwood, Passing.thniiugh Cor ti, &c., every Inorning i lftOr the abs of cars, both East and Wast e at 1 -1..• %L. Returninqi 'lease Mays excepted) at 2 P. 11., ietrich-. le to take the Mail trains i of -ears, 1 being -the neafetit and tiling fea ',the New York and Effie ttaiirtiad. r.- - is a tri-weekdy line or . miock, llr. ii ock , Wyoming, and Wilkes 3fontrose at 7 is m.every, 1 4 Mou d Fthlay., 'AI a linkto'i'!etidt- Onsforta Me carriage ,. i rtrti !provi ttors lite. IROSE Dr.& IA -If.lfclfILLAN l itsed the establishment of ltinae L. • t the Montrose Depot,. lio 9 ld re this Mends that he will ;con the prices, a Well Selected r' ester can be had cheap,: ; well l 'hOods, Hardwam.Crockeity„)3pots, , !exchange for Grain and all kinds best prices. 1000 coLdsi'Hard Peli 2, 1854., . _ i ; • 1 • • E• • EOPLE'S STORE. - ..; .tiy . voluntarily relinquis Led the [ ha, excepting strictly for ni dicinal • : • t, the people without diititictiOn t, or Religion, 'are res*tfully. call and examine the quality and id to thereby avail them elves of he market they may thusla Omire. ,19, 1954. lABEL TICRRELL. . :WELRY.' I elry just arrired, direct f4ofn the ,•rs, and consisting of a firstl rate as 8' and Gentlemen7i Gold Finger ; Ear Dropt! and Hoops, rh, Fob I , "des; Keys, Studs, Pe S„Like:-- 'purchase Jeirelry, shout Certain of . • A.; TUK KILL' 112, 1855. t : - ,W GOOtlfi. MONTROSE DEPOT; has Jost re-' m supply of Spring aruAliii , x . mmer be sold very low for •usk , qr Win . , New Orleans Sugatfooite dol- J. C. LEE'S NewiSiore. • I classes, Fish, Rice, and rOcciries j ery Cheap at J. C. S. -- • 'Wanted, • f Eggs at 12 cents per - dOzen, la goods at J. C. LEEWSiore: Also, f Butter at 16 Cents per pound, is Goods at J. C. LEE'S •Ne , Store. to purchase for cash, "., '. in ex er, will find' It to their interest t• my stook of Goods and prices for i actor of all kinds tho bighhist pric. he relied on at J.C. WI'S Store, I RTICIaIT of Tin, Stiti4 iron ' are of my own manuticiure and te, to sate by 1 J.VICKERMAN, jr. 1 12, 1888, ' went of Hardiware,.Carponter .and 1s pump Cludn, and Bun* at v , • 1854 DICIOEII. , AIVIi • gbg of the hers otl DICKER , AKA RALT by the barrel or ottr lowest, papas at DICKE: Arl3, 1 ' of Walt Paper, and Itorder to Just received and for safe cheap• !brought into this nuirkati from 6} ood Ploughs, which, Irtit i !be sold be bought at any oaf& establish.. F.'B. C11.401/ER, If 11, 1855. • - . TB5 - -6. 11110 YT & t EVAN 1;.; 1) tin Road Preight Line betwien Montrose and 1; New York. - The suliActibera will Continue their connection of the peat year for !4eliing ! Suizqucliunua . Co. Produce on commission. - I • • Si AWI rIIF J. TiaaR ‘ INOTON, will receive and rurward .freight for this' company_st the hcontrose Depot EVE* RY TUMAY. " - ' Thankful fbr past . Patronage, and being satisfied that their, arrangements for frisposing of produce of every kind will enable them to give general satlifam tion, the sidateribers. trust that NeW York Prices; prompt ietunts, and their usual strict attentions to t h e business, will insure to thein * continuance of favors heretofore so likverally bestowed upon them, The returns will be promptly paid in current money by Mr, liarringtnn, who will also make liberal advan- . ces on cirnsignment when desired: Our marking cards have been left 'with the Rail Road Frieght agent Mr: Case who will 'attend to for warding goods consigned to tus on other days than Tuesdays. . 4 .. NELSON 11 - 110 YT. • '. SIDNEY B. BEVASS. , MATHEW J. BARRINGTON. Montrose March, 1885. Persons residing out of the vicinity of . Montrose, wishing to sehd'us Produce can Op so by , consigning it to ' HOYT & BEVANS, No. 187 Iteade St N.' Y SOLDIERS' RIGH To all •whom It may Concern. By a !recent act of Congress the Bounty Land law has'been extended to embrace almost 'every . case of of tnilintry service. All persons who have :been engaged in , Military Service; of the , United States, for a period of fourteen days or upwards, are'entitled to on' hundred and sixty ,arres of Land, if they have not received it, and if they, have received less amount theyi are entitled to sufficient to make up 100 acres. 1 . ; • Revolutionary soldiers, and soldierslo any and all wars in Which the United States have.been engaged since, and .it deceased, their widows or minor chil dren, are entitled. L j • ; • - ; Officers,,Seamen, Marines, Clerks and lands Men in the Navy, their widows and mincw,children, are also entitled.••, Wagon masters and teamsters, employed for the transportation of military stores, are also entitled, in like manner. • -utr ,4 e. nnep.4 ed ;tnd , • 14 b.l ISE I ant still mx ,, aged in obtaining Bounty LXtta rants, and am willing to do the bmilnels upon the mostliberal terms, and although I have no motive to spend !my titne and labor wit/Knit chrge pet will. do the ibusiness at the lowest price that .1 can do it hoarstiy and live. - I . Thoim having claims I believe will find it materially . to their advantage to call upon me before goi4g whetx. Atter the warrants arc obtained, ifany of the sea . r-1 ferntee,s desire to set them, I am prepared to ,pay: the; higheSt cash market.priee r - , I am 'atm ,bngaged iu the prosecution of othetl . claims against the dovernment of the United gtates, such as for• Pension, Back Pay,Extra Pay, .ke.4.c. KLINTIC.SER, Att'y at Law. ; Montrose, May 14, 1835 . ;at t hqare I undaff pre ree ropey, Virgt.Lit, itP\~LUG 3g, ME 'BOUNTY LAND MIEN ATTEND. :001 , 1GRESS has passed a law giving you . additional' iJ lance. Those! whol . have alreadrreceived war rintslare entitled to more. Danville men, come• on now'and L will get your warrants. Widows and mi nors ti(deceased soldiers are entitled to the Same their husbands atfd - fathers would be if living. I have the. law freshfrom Washington, and the necessary form er application. • liteculators om a distance are about trying ~ e t. \ those largely interested. to sign off. Be; ware'of su a ch, antedou't sell for a song. act your busine: accurately ; and promptly I account for the full v ue of • your\warrants when 'obtained. From three Veers' sitccessfulsperlence I know I can do the busitie right, and I por`er you My, services at rea sonable rates and quick re c tums. L. F FITCIL M anode, March 6, 185 • • NOTICE. . D Q (.7l'. R. THAYER, takes time method .of Ito his fiends and custotners,\that he has al,P.tin resumed the practice of medicine, agis old 'stand at Moneyose, where he may be found at tat times unless profes,sionally criployed. He would' say\tri those in debterd to him, that he will deduct twenty-five per cent km all accounts paid before the first of A Tilt:mu, (or Jr any poor_like my.self I will deduct fifty.) ' Montrose, Feb..2o, 1855. IIiALLOO, HALLOO, THIS WAI subscriber would inform the citizens, of Mont i_ 'rose and the piddle generally that he has bought the Grocery, formerly kept by F„ 1.11 . Fordhatu & CO., haj.ions and - Chandler's building Chestnut street, in din borough of Montrose, where e has a fresh us sortMent of Groceries ; and will keep. constantly . on hand, Flour, Oysters, Cheese, Sugars, Syrup, Molasses, MaCkerel, Nuts, Candies. Toys, Oranges npd Lemons, • Figs 4 Prunes, Sat dines, Soaps, Vinegar, Coffee, dried Peaches and Plums, Kerring; sack Salt, Pipt i Cakes, Beer, Yankee Notions, and other things too numer ous 0 mention, which will be sold. cheap for cash or most kinds of country produce. Cell and see.. A share of public patronage is solicited.l S.S.IIOTT. Montrose, March 7 1.355. 1 Administration 7 .lfOtiee.. - 170 TICE, is hereby given that letters of administra lfion upon the estate of - JOHN HAND, late,`of Appollacon township,dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned, and all persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate paynaent, and those hav ing claims Will present the same duly attested for settlement.' . 'WILLIAM HAND. 1 , ..Vppollacon, Marehl6ss. 12W6 . . littgarlor Sale. : • . Good second handing:l,y for Sale by t! ..14. Z. DISIOCK. - Montrose, April 110855.. • music MUSIC PRIN'CE'S IMPROVED MELODEONS, inore ju%t received by . " J. LYO:siS I I.: SON. OIEET MUSIC—a new lot for the Voice, Piano or L 7 .1 Melodeon and Guitar-sonic very beautiful piec ea Just publisbed—eold by J. LYONS b SON. Shawls. • , • A few more left that will be sold ve-y cheap.- • Paramettaf, Cashmeres /i Detainee at great bargains at i LYONS & SON'S. . A .4I 01 IIG . .by.. • , • • . .LFONS. k SOY, .1.14 asses at 3 s.llillings per gallon. Syrups at 4, 5 & 6 i stillings, by - LYONS & SON. • I - • NEW GOODS! . • ARRIVING every week at A. LATbROP b CO'S January Ist Whiter Shawls stud DeLaiu!", CELLING off at great bargains.„fall on : 0 ; Jae:nary Ist • A: LATHROP& CO's- • .5000 Dozen Socket: • IANTED at ' A. LATHROP 1 t..00 Jazu . ary Ist • . 1 • Giiain 3 'Grain 3 Grain. nrall kinds, and at the highest Prices bight by kiJanuary Ist A. LATIIRO 4t CO's. FriLTRICS island Salt at iAlrußort J. llontiose, January 1, .1855. Stearns and •,Marrin's Fire , !Proot i Safe's. 1 ?TIME subscribers have made arrangements to fur- 1 .1. nish to persons whornay he in want of them; the atiove named invaluable Safes, St the same prices foe,' which they can be obtained at.4e-cnaniifiicturees.-1, Hiving experienced.the benefit of such an article dci 7 .l ring the late conflagration ourielvelt, we wcuid earn- 1 estly recommend to others having valuable hooks and ' pipers, -the preserving of which would be of illllllolllo importance to them,.not to do without one. ! . !Prices range from 850 to $5OO, and we can explain tci any one wishins to purchase, the difference in style, size, price, Lc., and furnish them on'sbort mi. tt e tviththe internal arrangement I to suit' the pur-, BENTLEY & READ. i Montrose, December 19, 1854. I - . Sash and Blinds. I NDtSliaslo parlous sizes natandi on band aßntiaedto order by - J. LYONS & SON. Paper Hangings. 500 L 11674 opened, "4.LsTigsteliPer I,OCERIES—A fresh isuppli of Cabe, Sugar, VA Tea, Rice, Crackers, just received and • for sale tiy . • LYONg &SON.. WE are readying this week a lot of New (ipods, - just plus?haaed in the city, which rendera our assorunent OomPlete, and which we aim on the most faiorattle terms, at the new building, one door above the Post mice, • . BENTLEYS; BEAD. Montrose, February 8, 1855.. ' ' , ror We ;INV. SPRING AND SUM ER GOODS. -s A general assortment of new goods now 4 niving St our store • , J. LYONS &80N. April 19 1855. • ' Deither, Upper do„ Calf Rios, aid Paw% 6 -• Kips—a now auPPIYI Pad received and kw We .BENTLEY & READ. C lover arid Timothy Sltietr i teale by - I NM wird, - Van& 0, 1004 , • MEI ',dad war- PI IMV GOODS; , - 1 . . DOCTOR. HA I ITRII -' . .lIOM E 0 PATIIIST, _ •• • - et RADIATE amlinember of the Univet•Sity ofNaw N.X York, will be in Abontrose on the. Gth, 7th and Bth of each montbLand may be consulted its Hatch's Hotel, for three - days, upon all diseases in6idental to the human systetn;_vis: CONSUMPTION, Bron ichithi Inflamation of the tinigit . „ Throat, Liver, Pleural Jtidneys and Spleen, Dyspepsui t (indi:qest ( on,) Liver, ' . =plaint, Mastrwailaw, Scrofula, Eruptions,„Elphuti plainta, Minims o f . the eve aid ettt, NtrTOUS yreakne . sug, &c., &c. Particulir attention givpn to . the diseases of Females and Children. .T.llO - know ' affections of the Uterus radically.eured. i. Dr. Harris is well aCquainted with liotli, Iforgeopa-' - thy and Alloteithy, having • been in consta nt Study and . - practice for the last twelve yeaks, and having first in- • Aroduced Homeopathy rinto Binghamton,l Is. Y., in, . 1847. His plan - of treatment is Mild, safe and spa- - eimut, and different from that of any othei physician, and cures nearly all &wei In all stages of the disease.. t Dr. Harris has testimonials of character, abilt ity and skill, from a , number of the nit eminent - medical men in the city of New York; among them the celebrated Dr. Valentine Mott. - ... • I - ' - Persons wishing -prompt relief or mit cures I will do well to.caff withoutdehiy.. - =moderate. ~ Consultation free I Patients vlsite4l at their residetteet ; lif desired. Office haunt from 7in the asiortilngwitd 9in the evening. - • - - 7 . . - Advantages. " The advantages of the Hoincopathie AViatment of r - diseases aro :. • . , Ist. That patients treatettHomeopathleally, uSual f• ly are cured Much sooner than by any other practice. i 2d. - That many patients can be cured by. Homea• Ipathic remedies, who cannot be ' 'cure d b I V any other ( treatment. , grd. That patients treated.ilomeopethietilty, da not have to labor under tbe bad effects of the medie vine they have taken to cure tlrti - disease) • - - • - THE - LATEST NEWS BY THO 9-- "STEAN -ERS ABA - • • TIIAT the SpanisliCourt has decided.not to sell the Island of Cuba, but Joseph Wittenbeig & Brother have recently decided to open •4i new store, in; the building of L. Searle, a few - doors eastofiPoSt's store, opposite Wilson's dwelling house, corper: of .Chestnuf and Owego streets, where they sill keep %on hand a splendid assortment:of Ready Made Clothing; also in additition to this, a good assortment of Broad Cloth, Cassimere, Kentuckey Jeans, &c.; in short, general - assortment, of Gentlemen's furnishing,. G oOdit; Also, a splendid assortment of Ladies' Dress:Goods, Silki; Me; rinos, Delaines, Alpaccas; Embroiderieti,lShawls; Lac.: el,. Dress Trimmings, &c. &c., all of whr they are de termined to offer to the public at'very low prices.— All Gor d a warranted fa give satisfaction; as well in quality i as in price. : Please give us a trial before purchasing elsewhere. . J. WITTENBERG &AROTBER. Montrose, Jan. 26, 1854. j. • • FEW. GOODS. • 1,ri.1. C KELLEN & PARK return their grateful 11 acknowledgements to the public,l and invite at tention to the very large stock of Spring and Sum 'Tarr Goods they arc now receivingant), offer for sale at very isns ces. In'addition to thew usual assort ment of staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Ha'rdw.arc, Orock ery, Paints and . Oils, &c &c. they are prepared.. exhibit a large assortment of ladies' press goo& - of every descl iption--Figured, Plaid.and Plain Silks_ Bonnets, Shawls, Ribbons, Glovesrtnsieg—Ladies and Misses Shoes of all kinds—also . la stock'cl • READ Y.M.A.DE •CLOTHING, C °Ws, Cassinteres; Tweeds, Jeans; Summer Cloths, Vestings, Mats, Caps!, 4 Boots and Shoes, &c. - : . • 1! They respectfully solicit an early call frOni,. thosti `who wish to . purchase good goods at low tj 'Springville, May 8,'54. .McMILL&N &PARK. ABEL - 171t,RELL, - - , IT AS just received from ••New York: a full &swirl: ..1.1. ment of 21 7 :4 - 1V 0 OOPS; "coniprising a first . rate variety of Ditvos, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, - r. LI ss-sturrs, GLASS-wsax SI , FALLY GROCERIES, MATE RIALS FOR LIMITS, MUSICAL' INSTRCILENTS, YANKEE i Non o,ss, JEWELRT, `PERFUMERS, AND ALL SORTS Or • IFixes aoons, which wUI be sold extremely low for; ~tsh. Having recently-sustained a loss" by Ire of at 'least five thousandi dollars,. ave insurance and goody - saYO, I fancy I hive strian; inims for the patronage 1 lof my friends and the public enerally 11 I ,sk no man .. ~ to give to me, neither do I ask or expect additional: - I' profits in consequence of said loss. I will t.ell goods ii as low, if not lower than Can be bought elsewhere in r', this . town or county. All- I ask is !that patronagu frOm the public which will enable me With industry to it gradually replace the loss sustained 7 —said , the hard earnings of-a life Of anxious toil:, it thelower end of -the bitrited distriet, on -et, a few doors below the corners. - - • / ABEL TURRELL. \e, December.ll, 1854. 1 - - ~ Aontr ALL, -READY: - STOVES, AND TIN - WARE.FOR THE' • - • PEOPLE. • - N,17 - oto DRUFF & LIMED have *surlily, On lutitti V a large and II selected sotortment of tin ware, Reels and, Chat for wells, Ipumps, cistern. pumps, &c., ilythaulic • ...s• Japanned wares, lead. - pipes of all sizes &c., work'done with neat- . nesi and despatch ; all milers prempily attended .to. STOVES &I%I i PE kept constantly on hand, a large gsertment of Stores. of the latest iusp!ovied aril approved. patterns. Our experience in the busine4 enables ust*to select those that. we can safely warrant to give entire'smiSfaction, Amongst-our numerous stock can he,found the Paragon air tight Star of the West, -Elevated New World, - Clinton ; ' • [Oren. " - ICUltivator, , , • Phoenix, - Ply, . - ". Three SiateS:, " Western QUeen,. Globe, " • Premium S. ..t. woonnurr. - RE.IIO7IrAL.', ' . i jr BELER & STOW:MAD, since the late fire, sta y Iv he found in the - BASE:4IIE-V7',OFSEAR,LE's HOTEL. Notwithstanding . the unprecedented ra. pidity with. which our-st:k of Boots, Shoes, ttc.i' "went °Wren the morning of the fire, we still have some on hand, and shall ,n. be well supplied again.: . . . lit#,LER do STODDARD: , . Montrose. November 13.11854., FARM FOR SALE, A GREAT BARGAINS. , THE subscriberS offer to sale oni the most liberal - an d - casy , terms,one of the b t located farms for making money in Northern Penn, vania. The said farm is situated on the Newburg . and Owego Turnpike, two. miles cast of Mount Please* village, and twelve from the N.1(.1.k E. It.'R., also fiery conveniently situated to Churches,Schools, Grit-mils; Saw-mills, .Black smith.shOpsitc: .It contai sone hundred and sixty one acre, one- hundred of. it ratuiera good state Of .cultivation, well watered arta gobd,lnaßdings; consist ing of a good framed hous4wellfin4ned off, and yell conveniently arranged. Also two good barns and a good barn shed well calculited for convenience, two large orchards yielding front 500 to 109,0 bushels an nually, mostly grafted fruitlof the best -quality: The firm is well adapted to gr#ing sufficient to keep &- large stock. For price; and terms apply to. - B. F. EATON, oito•ALFRED 14E, on the premises: Buford. Dec: 13, 1854 ~'. -. . , s ire d -... More iMo e New GOOds. ' ii- ,_IIIIRRIIr is. n w receiying new and full ~ /L. IL s Supplies of Goods for The it Trade, in. a new and elegant lassortmekt of French Mc_ tinges, AferinO and e'asllntere_Plaithr : Plaid, Fan cy and Plain De Lanes, Pnewts, Brodie, Square and Lony Shawls, all of n w and best styles, and will be sold at 25 per cent. le than last year's prices.— Also a new assortment of ieh Ribbons and Bonnets. Wide Silk irelretS fOe it. ki and Mantillas, Rich ~s u Silk and - Velvet Dress 'timings., Mohair Head' Dress s, Rigolets dic.'dre., with' a general assortment of other Srartz \ and Fax Goons, as usual, whic h . having bought wider the resent pressure eif i the cash. markei, will' be sold. at rrestionding arid redueeit i prices. - . New Milibrd, Nosemb,e4 27, 1731. .. 1 "i 1 . TIRE Spring mired at L . L. ACS? quality, style and price. Staple Dry Goods, . Sleeves, Dress Goods, Edgings, ! C/oths'and Cauinier s, - llitnnets, .Gooda,- eartParasoli. - CLOTIIING..--e, tine s k. Groceries-bf alt yeti miles; Hardware, Crock , LookingGlassetki sO in every department their orttnelik . 11.00, and at prices to suit. Montrose, - March 20, 2,, s'. f, * •). plismoi f v.Tro.N.. :-._ ..\ .../ . rrhe . coparkitit sbip hefetoibre eistints bettiecriAe . .I. subscribers widac theliirtn of E. - . 5 Keut - a 06.'i 4)6 / this day disselo4,by %%Ate - constint: - - -/ • • -., ...- -. • , 'B. 141.,,iC .., ~ 5.i - 1 -. ./ 1. iti Brosliyo Apr. 2, 185 LAZ: 4 TA'L"(I 4 3YI.II4IZiIr&POeU ppw illuothy 0,1.1.47a4i," : 6 at/ ifirtt . pthy arto. GARDE /MESH ojf34ldie 21" ticut:Gaidon . SI" Moab 20, , BEI 0. D. ELDRED ligyr be g re= CO's. are durable in i 4i.s‘,(4, at • • Y. IL CLIANDLERII: 70,AcioIsiyiterood Oceißec Pat oraCil awl for sale by J, LYON .