! . A w a rning to Beep Oft . . The Kansas-Herald of Freedoni puts forth w arning to all persons who the 1 following e 4 to re=enact the -scenes- at maY be disrs Patkville, which resulted in the destruction Luminary press : of the i lis-sztid by the rioters in Parkville, on t n sa i m biy, that the tlltrticticln of the Lorain , 0 . irice was designed' .as p an example to stl , others, and it is very knowingly hinted that • 1 • ours, will. meet , with a similar fate:', -.. Very well; we have concluded to giVeany number of persons , who wish- to perpetrate such an net 4f folly, a free pass -to 'kingdom coma,' and igeliledge' them every assistance in . our lowiT. :, Probably many of them, never took an upward 'journey, and would like to try the Oxperiment, of sailing on ablate Ogloey, audio s couple of kegs of gunpowder, eiplo• -4:14t an oppcittune occasion, would furnish. I%e have not a member in our family, our self included, who would not deetit a transit into the•future life with comp!ignons de -O0- 4:tyre of a goodly number of printing pres t s de tirrer. a, as a favor rarefy to be, .me. with. shoillkt tile , • ffera ip o f Freedom office at .any - 1 time to be invaded for the purpose of dostrue, ti e n, we give this timely warningto all, both friend and foe, that unless they wish to .` go up' they 110 better ketp - aloof :froth its im•• medial e vicinity, .for our purpose is fiied;and the cionsequences cannot be, prevented,' Ric have prepatio,4utilidtte copy ofour subiptiOn books, ; and that subscribers may i s be losers by any contingency which may tu i s i we hereby authorizeand • deputize our estmed friend and, general agents H. A. Timp, resume p, Esq., to the publication of the. fierald of Freedom, should it be' sus pai e d by violence,' at such point as he may d e s 4nste, *lid we further donate to him our entire effects in Kansas, Pennsylvania, - or elsewhere,- to procure the publication Of such . 1 paper, with this one condition; that he - Shall give the advocates of slavery : particular `Jes se' during the balance Of his life. • • F VE QUESTIONS FOR SOUTHERNERS . TO 'AN• s ivE .—Did Protestantism suffer when Cath olic. ranee . sold to the 'United States the ter; ritor; of Louisiana?' • -• D d Protestantism . suffer when Catholic Spain - sold to the United States the territory of F arida ? ' .1) d Protestantism suffer When, Catholic Ife.x co ceded to the United States the terri tory of California ? • ould Protestantism'snffer were Catholic Spam to sell Cuba tdAhe United States ? If Cuba,. by .a revulsion, were -- to_ gain its inde , endence, would not the course now pur sued by the Know-Nothings, deter leer-;from ration to this cduntry, when her religion ide a ground .of.disqualification, in the ad-. stration of the government ?—Fa. Xctos. wi, ~~ HO BITS 13ANING CAKES FOR. BREAKFAST', AND [TING THEM ON TilE TABLE.-=Mr: John hardson. of Mercer, Pa : , relates thelfol - - ; ing singular manifestatin at his holice: At onetime. the Voice speaking to.my wife,. `sail it (the spirit) could bake. cakes fur Get. tge,' a boy eating at, the . table.. . fit. Ric eirdsori - stepped R. away from t stove, wli ,rl . the batter (already prepared for baking cak'.; . ) was, br some unseen agency,. taken from a crock sitting near the Stove, and placed nrion . the griddle, and turned at . the prober time, and when done, taken from the griddle, and placed upon the boy's plate at the abie. . The voice then pyoposed tb bake h ca e for Jane, my. daughter, who was then ;irk-about the house. The eake was :lc ingly baked, in the same manner as be stated, and. carried across the room, and ed in the girl-'s hand.- - , ... . . 11 cur furl. fa 1 . IF-GISTEXIED LETITITS.--The POStOfrlee De ment has passed a series of instructiorks t! he guidance of Ir. ostnial.aters, in receiving, !ab!e 'letters for transmission iii - the mails. I plan is to go into operation on the first !July. on and' after which . letter.s can be stered and receipted .for upon a fee of five O• tieing paid.. - . Extraordinary care 'is to aken to ensure their safe delivery. ]heinFtructions require all letters alleged' valuable to be registered at. the office nailing, on payment of a registration.fee ire cents, and. entered - in ayeceipt book for the purpose., and kept separate from regtilar accounts of mails , received and The receipt- book is to be kept by the master, or a person specially designated . him _for . that purpose, and all. registered fers to be receipted f.r on delivery at the .e of their destination. . ' • . far for Th reg cen be of of kep the sell IA FACT WORTHY OF CONSEDERATION.-- ry C..carey, of Burlington, the ablest l iter of the day on the subject of political .nolnr, doses an, article in the April num of Hanes .Merihants' Magazine as. fol s " The more gold that comes frotti ifornia, the poorer we shall become, un a system that closes the mills and furna of the country, that destroys the power ssociation, and that causes a demand for ortation of all, the gold that we receive; . kith every step in that direction, we are easing the power of other nations to pro cheaply both: cloth arid iron, *bile di shing our own." MARRIED. Jackson, ,on the Sth instant,. by the Bey. J. B. Mr. irD.SON 3f.. COOK, of Susquehanna Depot, 'Es Maar, daugh4r of Wm. H. Bartlett, of Jack ra. ' ' e. • _ . . v . . 4 DIED.- prii 14th; at the•residence of .Frederick Dayton, I, in estip, Pa., lifarn.pi C., daughter of Curtis E. 1 Ha nah A. Thompson, aged 16 years. , o Middletown, Pa., of Typhoid Fever, on the 4th hi , in the lith year of his age, RANSON r 14 —. —IRCII-• it ~ son of John S. Birchard. He endured his pro- I tra ted and severe sickness with much patience. • He 1 ars a promisinelad; amiable sad obßging; strictly 1 i : w ild and attentive to the institutions of religion, 4 ; ce Z ., r f so a m ch e an ti ge me of be b f eot ore his. - death hope • in gair christ e Atoll - , ell' 1 , ..,- I n Miametown, May 'it*. Nast' Eutuu inianstus, i da ;titer of Harvey - ytircuoi by his fast marriage, 1 iid B years. ' r. • in Hadar& May 30th, Mr. 4 Tains Aslant, aged 16. N 30 years since Mr. Adams cams froian Ashburn. ' . Haas into this county, and took .up his abode in ila bu f ribre Here he .had gathered the cOmfortrof a ,- b,, e and hied to see all ins children settled:in life. M;: Adams was one of our most worthy, 'citizens; 9:liiversally beloved ad respected by all claasesof so. e tkft It is believed he had not one enemy, nor - is thete one to say he had in any way injured him. On tir'g morning of hie decease he was in usual health and spirits, and went to a son-in-law's house ,where he niisi suddenly about suit down.; He had been eon emus for some time that his stay could not be long , . 1 d "the summons might come suddenly; yO be felt p erect, for be was at peace in his ow mind with e world and Ms God. . • His remains now reel with the venerable and la: *anted in the Cuiversarist liming ground in Brook ti.,ep lyn. The Lord comfort and bless the lonely =Dani es who are left to weep. • , In Brooklyn, Pa., March alit, Altos G. Banat. Lag., aged 49 years. By the death of Mr:Ballet-the' OP ....-L9 .... - . tavern/Ist society hatileen deprived of one Of ita [of Sptirg and ,Summer cicilibdgof the latest cue. 1 host valuable aud efficient member; and the town ofl DRY, GOODB=A previa' : Wwrtimit thr "g b l cu!c of its best citizen s. - He was a man of sound 1 out. failWo. DREES 4srooDs,. . o ng or I'll"" mind, strict integrity and" daportznent, and possessing i Barege i Detainee , rierieb Delainea, Perdan DelainiN the confidence and esteem of a large circle of rale- i PrintedlLawns, Fancy - Prints, Ladies' Worked Col.; tires and friends, in all the relations of I& Aa a 1 lars, Inaertions, .BdgingF, Black Stlir 3 faCtibis, Thib ..Tf •itiqband, he was faithful and true—es • a father, he ! and Cashmere Nhaerig Paratois e lloolery, Gloves, 4 . 10 1 • har4isrtianmuelniet i w n es di c u li mel' aritable :affu tut eti r e unprr i tendi ki n nd—ab g in hisai melint°oTire'SveArylk:dpeactill4plifniltibCdilitylkes7llA/sollu7Allll643greaSit7 i . • 'lay, clierishirt' g for many years a firm faith in thel variety of Fancy Articles, richee Ifothers; kr- ' 1 loetrine of universal recoucilimion; by • thisfaith he. Crocsery, Hardware, and Groceries or a kin d L 1 , 7 ived, and by-it be calmly and peaceiuity died. The Trunks,- a good lot for sale e heap . Books and. Sta• yumathies of the large congregation who attended 1 tidnery—Wall Paper-090, iii'lotar of thabost quard,yi n the funeral service; evinced in„what estimation I. Mot+oite, May 9; )655, i F.,11 011 APLE#14,1 .14e deceased was held, and thata gsott man had al ---' - ------ - . , from their midst. A ilortity_companiou andfive g etll' a I 1 CI fin FE - ET - f trs t ti Henik ' ck lailalbe ' r'l dren are severely afflicted by *hit berea v ement, but I .1.04 . IA! for4ade. 'lnquire of - ' 1 i dicy,are comforted and!sestaiued by the hope of 11. '-, '1 ' , 'Q. flentilrftPali i i , l P.Fful reunion with the spirit of the departed , in the 1 Brocialyn, April 80 1645.; •'' '. ' ' ' ''''' . . t fadeless ,cli , es of a happy iunnortalitr's "Blessed ire they - dist mourn; for they shall; be cenetuted." " Faretirell, brave and gentle brother, , a, A. • Thoi haat left us far behinds ; i And we warm*, hope another !1: : . , , Sul as tho u; on earth to find•l _ • Undii rayed and unrepining, , , , With a courage true and strong, , . _ Freclylothers' Kurd ens bearing dos ' Tit dirt:nigh life didst pasi Firm d Wady' were thy - footitep , rimiugli the tnorning of thY da Tilt the min of noon was Alain Hot itaid high, above thy way. . 1 . nest y steps tan to falter, , . . Audithy Web began fail, And y blessed to alter— , Turning toward We shadowy vale;' - Downward to the rushing river, ! • ' 1• . _ Sweeping tbtf:dark valley thrOugh; • . • Wan and pale hr td fading ever„! non art pasting fromour view. ~ Shadotrs gathered thickly round thee, Shadows darkened all our beim, • But thit armtl\ntirever failed . . Bore. thee • throigh ; the river's foam.. .. , Broth r, there li Oiler walling ! • • In tile bonteiwhence thou art fled, . Ilearturd flesh tire well nigh failing, . ~ . No that trtbr(nrt with the dead. • - Tot wi cemsobitihn borrow' • - - Fnuto the fbitntaf peace and,lore—' ! • • Igo, we look beyond our sorrow, • To by glorimnihome above." • MONTROSt PRICE -CURRENT. . . figrAn* of the 4 fricles mentiouti in thiitollowing /is; will bit receir* tit .t his office on intbutiption, at the eter:renf market prife. - • • -- IVICraPTA-ushrie.l,l.. r" '.. . Sit:4l Corn Meal IV hundreci,.. Corn "iil bashel, ;. .1 . .Rte 14 buih.....,;, ..3... Rye Eh:turf - 0 humlred; - Butter "44 lb i • " • • " • . Cheese 11-11b,.....' 1: -E gg s 1 4 (1 9s. .•• • ; ..I. . ..... . :..... Maple Su r•i:l 114 Potatoes - bushel, . ' e Apples V bushels; ' • Dried Ap es Il bushel, .. . —...... Oats TP.ti she), . Beans 714 ushel,„l, - • llamlfl IN 4: • .f ( , • , TRE , INDEPENDENT REPUBLI I . 4 • i , 1 1 runusnun EVEIt •rnrt.snJor uontas,, AT ' CA., AT t l is(l PER . AN.NtIi, TS ADVA I I' • . - Rates of AdTertiSing. One square (16 lines -or less) one week, ..... - .0,50 One squat ' • -?" twc9Veeks ...0,75' (Inc square . I:" three weeks, : 1,00 Onesquare - fl" one month, . • 1,25 One squarle, ;" ' ' two months, • . 2,25 One.squat _ • i!" - three nionthsor, ...3,00 One squat ' "' six months, . 2.."... 5,00 . One square 1 .. ' - one year .... 8,00 . For twit or more squares; inserted by the, rear, a deductiontfrom the abore prices is made. r , ad rertisers _will hare the privilege - of altering r chanf ing their iidri:iti..4, merits Without additional charge. • 13usine$1 caril,- not exceeding fire lines, inserted at $2,(10 per annuli). . [ • • ;Job Work. i . This office is itipplied with a goOd asportinent of Jobbing nuiteriali, and all kinds of lob Work, such as'eards, posfer Parn'phlets, Will be done .neat lc and proniptly.; . I iff t e . , ' ..b,..bOti,sei,lieiyi,s, Notice The SulqquebanPa Co. Teacher's Association,-will meet at the Methidist Church on Gibson IEII, on Fri day, May i 25, nt.,1,1 o'clock A'. IL The public are in vited to attend. • • Per order. , : I . t 1 JACKSON . ollinSical Cpnvention and Festival.. , A MUSICAL CONVENTION AND FESTIVA/ k I - 1- trill be held at the Baptist Mting House iti Jackson reiltr; i'.l under the di don of Prcfs. if7-47'C'fif,IL Kt. CIIURC'HILL, f Neir York, r.c e ! commencing on Tutia', June 12th, anti continuing three da4s—closing with..a f'O.Vr!ii..Y. The object fx this Musira n l Cove It c ion is, the, ad- • cancement of Singers in Magical En wledre, hr the i study and praetief of the diiTerent •;;tyles of Vocal Music, coribined'crith familiar Lectures and Criticisms. Teaeliers; ChoristekOlendiers of Cl4airi, and all loy [ era of :V i e., wili 'ilerire pleasure and benefit from 1 these es . .4m 1 Mie . The principal Text Books d will be the Shawm, i the Metripolitan-and „Alpine Glee Bitoks. Members i haring copies of these . books will pli.aie bring tbeni. Each meniber will be tated 9.5 cents.? • ' I 1 ~ i • ELI BARNLS; N ELSON FRENCIt Committee. i 1 CIIAtiNCEY LAMB. For: President. MR. CHASE OF ORM. 1 . For Vice President; WILiIOT, OF PEN.ZSV i LVANIAU. More Sew Goods at the Red 'Flag , McKINNEY. 314, 15, 1855. 20—w3 luittstkator's ;Vance. NL . .pc he rgiven that !letters of adminis -11 "traOon de bona' non cum Itriitastesto. /matzo upon.the estate of Witie . Wright deceased, have been granted to the subscrib er, and all ii . e..rsons indebted to said eState.are .requested. to Make immediate pay ment, arid thosi having clainis to present them duly attested or `settlement{ E. F. Ad 4 tter. Broo4vn, May 16,1855. . . 26-Ir6 [ - Hall 4ic Lamb, C lAI2ET 'MAKERS, have recently opened a ware in New Milford, Pa.. and will keep con stantly on hand all kind of CabiLet-iare ; alsO Ready ! made Coifing. Funerals attended liith or without a hearse. I Ware-roomimarly opposite J. Dickerman's Store. 1 ii : 1 :New Milford, Hay 15, 1855. 20-1 y , , l - _1 Igeme;:lral Illusttrre- :. • ' 10,110 E is herd/ given to •thci Übion FlRl , Artil. leo Company and the Susquehanna Guards to Meet at 'the house of:}. F. Badger in New Milford, on Meads the 29th clef of May inst.,* 9 o'clock a. it. for the urpose of drill and inspection, - armed and equip according td law. -I ' , • 1 4 N. B. General Field and State Officers are request ed to atlend on said . day. " .iiSdot SPICER, . ' Br. In. Ist Br. 10th Div. Sus. Co.- Br. In. office, Barfortl,a 1 • May 5 1105.= 1 NEW SPRING GOODS. BIIIIIIRITT sioold annonziee to Hhin friends and the public th4t he is now open- i ing an hmugually large stock ofISPRING AND' SUNNIER GOODS, including el great variety of a pn Prints 4 cents ; to l's ad pert yard; plain and printed wns, Barege Delanes, Gingham, Brocade, Black d fancy Dress Silks, Silk Dress Thanes arid Bang im rwoi Poplins, & c: &c., with a superior assortment of Silk, rte, Casbniere, arid Thibet Shawls; Man tillas, P el, French Lact.and Straw tritil Silk Bon nets, ri .itibbons and Flowers, with a large variety of othe ,Stapic and Arne, Lky Gouda. GROCERIES, C.ROCKER Ir, AND HARD WARC -ran:ln and Nails, Boins and Shoes, Bats and Caps, edrig, Wall Paper, Floor Oil Goths, Paint- gi t edl.,Win glades, : Clocks ; Stoves, Oils and Paints, • Pion te. ice. ;in short, the largest kind of piles of as h cheap. Goods; too numerous to mention, - -but j the thing ul h to purchase; tin of which will be sold a t e most reduced prices and on the Most fa-, ?arable terms for cash or apProved credit • . . N. Il i ; Flour -and Silt constantly on hand. . .: New Ilford, May:; ft; 1855: l i. . GOODS 1 GOODS! rISHE subscriber ii receiving his Spring and Sum '. m stock of Goods, comprising a great witty; which Wiil be sold as low as an, ut -this market—, Please ealLand examine. ~ .7: 0. CHANDLER. NA .113 AND 04 PS—.4.gool omortment, of the R est Ingle. L , READY-MADE ciormo,t4 , — A good variety, f F ®1 2,00 2,80 .... 1,25 ....1,25 ....4,00 .10 ® 12 12+ • ..8 Q 10 ao t I • 1,50 • 59 • 1,50 MI MONTROSE, NOTICE.. rrITE !tenpin who took a barrel of salt it few ere• sings since, and Arra to call and settle, min pay for 'the,same by setiding $?.,25, or replacing :the salt, and ~n o'lueStions-aSited—otherwise will. be ex posed. ; . G. B. F.. liOnn:ose'lldiy 7, 1855. . 4 i ' NEW; c" - ihif s iVTLEY READ • ARE nosi reeektilng their usual supply of SPRING/ AND SUACILFR GOODS, which they offer totheik customers; and the pliblio generally, on the most tie• soaabls larousi.for Clash„` , Butter, Eggs, Grain,• Eeem wa:, or ow approved credit. Montrose,, May 1, 185, IROADCLOTHS, Korekymeros, Kentucky Jeans, Summer Stuffs, and 'a - general stock 'of Staple Dry Gomkquat received and for sale righ t by ' BENTLEY & READ. Q MUER De Lanes,;; Lawns, chilies, Oinghatns; itertinnte and Cocbeeo Prints, ,ke. &c. for sale ! r BENTLEY & READ. f ------ NYM Ribbons, Parasols, Sumsnea Shawls, Blank Silks, Dress Trinnninits &c. &e. for sale by BEN TLIVI.A. READ. Leghorn Palmas, Straw v and Palm kJ Hata,,Umbrellat, - Satebeia," Window Paper &c. &e• ' _ , BENTLEY & READ. Ir_TARDWARE, Crockery, Patent Pails; Tubs, Put- IT; Glen kc. BENTLEY & READ.' IFlRDGS,lltedicines, Paints, Oils, Dyestuffs, and a JLI genend assortment of Patent lidicines,justln ;and for saleby , ' 3 BENTLEX k READ, upper Lcathe.r, Patent Rips, Calf Skins, TA.3 and,a good'supply bf Baits and Shoes constant. ly on hand.' . BENTLEY & READ. AIACKEIIEL by the barrel or one-hall barrel—al. IVI so,-COdfish. 1 BENTLEY & READ. 11ATATCMES and jEWELRY.—A full assortment 7 cif . Gold Amu Slicer Lepines and Detatcbed Levers, In double arid single cases, Ladics` . Pins,lEar Props, Rings; Guard dhains, kc. &c. Also, Silver Table, Tea, Desert; Salt% and Sugar Spoons, warranted are; for sale by Btoinsi,ar Ram). • STOVES :and TINWARE, Clocks, Nails, Candles, Lanip oir, CamphOe kc. kc. Montrose, May I, 'b.". ;BENTLEY k. READ: NEW STOIC, .NEW GOODS. THE Sul:4ol)er takea this method of advertising his friends and the public generally, that he has fitted up. a StOre . just ecross the street from his old quarters, in; Brooklyn,;jwhere he is prepared to re ceive custothers and sell them goods at aglow rates as any . othtir ,eitablish*ent_in Susquehanna county. My assortment bi very urge indeed, embracing near ly every'article.usually,4lleo for in it country store. As Ulan determined' to do business so as to avoid ‘.'bad , debts,t,' which reitonsible credit purchaser* arc taxed to pay, J offe superior inducementsticoak and otherwise eionrr-ravisa patrons. Call ani see . me. i O. G. tiFIMPSTEAD..• Brooklyn; April 30,1.855. ; • i Reimoved. Virgil-Dentisi.bas taken rooms over Chandlers' store. where it vrill be his pleasure t. his Men& as ;quick es possible. C. D. VIRG 11'4 2 1855. Resident Dentist. DISSOLUTION: •Tbb Meniantile Finn i of STAR!' k llempstead has beenidissolred by ttintbal consent. The notes and accoiiiits of.the same !itle in the hods of 0. G. Hemp steadifor coNetion. '4n early settlement of all ar rearaps is itositively*equired. J. F. SIIITIL 0. G. lIEMPSTEAD.. I w 3 -1. . BrcioklSll4pr 16,1555 , . . Ser.en.lliindked Dollais Reward. rI I II,E aboVe reward will be paid to me if •My cus .l touters will call mid pay me what is honestly my due. I tuniloutlly,fxdled on by my creditors to pay up, and it it !imPassiblh for me to do so unless my old friends Will step up and cork over. So attend to the matter lininediatel, and 'square the yards either by cash hr liote. and Sive both yourself and me. Shintriaae o May , 1836. , • I). 11. lIICKOX, i • i ; NOTICE. . * i911111}4 notes and net Ounts of the Snit •of Thayre & 1 IL ! C.ianilell 'and.l4 P: C.-andall, are left with Dr.. ' R. Thayreli)i vet tletOnt Thoe indebted are request -4 ed tomake!itnmetliater • , vinent and s.tre cost. t 1• '' • . • ' R. I'. CRANDALL. • .3iontroje4, April 28, 1855. . •I,:A pi E LOT OF .1 l omioN TWIST DOUBLRBARREL GUNS ; do. singleibarrel, ati4.extra . fin - e Rides, for sale by A1a.F..1..] ;• . 4 ':1 A. LATIIROP A: CO. • ' SPRING GOODS, L • A superb hit, just reeetved and how offering at the kastat eaafi priers forlapprovlNl crvtlic or rtmdr'pay bF.I .! A. LATIIIMP k A'dmi.sai4rator's Noti66. NOTICE-is ltMelly given that letters _of admin&- trition ion upon the estate *of Lafay ette Wilma'rth, deeen.ifd, hare: been granted to the subseriber,land all persons indebted to Said 'estate will please make imnikiate payment, and, those Tel having elainnt will preient them duly attested corset 'tie:tient ORLANDO GUNNISON. Jackson; Aptil 9, 1455. New Itork Prices ARE now . 13eing,paiil' yA. Lathrop: & Co. to all those who consign du:lir-butter and produce to them. They having made arrangements arc now enabled to send all kinds of prodnce to New York and to sell the same *t the higlitiit market prices. All those who wish good prices iind quick returns we invite to call opdit ' A. LATIIROP k CO. Montrose. May 1 455. • • I' • *OTICE, • TO Al! whom it way Concern. THE NOtes and book aceounts 'of Edwin 'Many of Brooklyn, hare'heen kit with the undersigned for collection and itettlement,-and also the unsettled accounts of the late;#rm of Tiffany & Smith: It Is expected of all such as ate indebted to the said Tiffany, either by. note or book account, that - they will call-on the-subscriber without delay', and arrange the Stine without delay. REUBEN 9. MILES. Brozokliri, April 27 1855. - • • 18w4 SaEIfIFF'S sets. • •• 150 Y VIRTUE of a l writ of Fieri. Fades, issued 11 from' the Court of Common Ply of Susque hanna county and toi tue directed, I will expose -to sale by, public vendt4 at the Court House jin Mont rose, on Saturday the - 9th day of June next, , at one o'elock hi the . afteritoon-111 that certain piece or parcel ;of land aitilated in Bridgewater township, and in - the county of Susquehanna, bounded and de scribed as follows, to jwi - t: Beginning•at a post stand ing.in the road leading from Montrose to the Cochec.. - ton and Great Bend turnpike, thence north 17 de grees west, 19 perch 6 to .a post in the centre of the road leading to LiWsville, thence along said road, south 56 degrees, west 5 perches to a stake and stones in the - centre of said road f .thence 15 perches to the centre of the Bret nientioned road, thence 'along said p4ches to the place , of beginning, 'contain ing one-third of an acre more or less, with the appir tenances,[one framed house, and all improved. Taken in execution at the snit of John William: F. M. Williams, adni 4 r of 0. J. Williams Deed. I. F. P. HOLLISTER, B. • rift - . Shies office, Montrose, May 15, 1855. ' , Chaote of Time. DELAWARE, LAC . RAWANNA AND WESTERN 311.411ILILOAD. • . . r Zw a sta ' 1 1 , tftprn li epart f i i , vm lB3s, the • Ma i il t 1 014;134 after I 11.50 i. x. 'Due at], Great Bend at-2.40 P. M. Con. R. 1 rcting Withihe Dualchic Express West on the N. - Y.. 1 E. R.,- -it , i l i e 1 1 ; Returning, will ve Great Bend 3.20 r. W., ant due at Scratdon 6 P.K. The docowauodatipn Freight will leave &niacin at ri 1 P. 11,.. due at Great Bend at 4 r.' it., ionnecting with the 'Steamboat ;Express East, Mail Train West, and the Night ExplpsseS East and West on N. Y.:& E. R. B. - -i i ' Returning, will leave Great Bend at 7 1. Y. on ar rival of auteinnati Express But; Boa at Scranton 12 1 20, r-lx. , I! i pxorTMER, Supprktendent. ' • ' MaitrOse Stages! • • . PdSS NGERB4I find Stages at Soarie's Hotel, MontiVse. Z I !bleb run hi ootumetiois with the fonow*ltsins.' , . Leave ; at .11 4.11(. Connecting Irish the Mail Tram' for Great Bend. '(T.bis tnOu rummies Day Express both East and' West!) Leiveat 3 P. .31:.Ponneedni with Preen Totin for Great- Bend, : . and • Nall Train for Scranton. (Tbe Freight train• toe*, i Pail Twin West at Great Bend, and Sight Espy,* both East antd West. . . . . - • • • RETURNING. • :Leave Depot 80 McinnOse op arrival of all the above trains. , •.1 L. SEARLE. • Mciptrine, May '7,! 1855. - • pinfinirrED with- L HUNT; Importer of and 1 Degar anidis i are and Cotley; OarriegeSprings; -- No.'-'215 Pearl atreet, New York, There his lifer liler!diOtiltda. and other counties, - are kindly adk4ted to calf and purchase. *".** TII , NDAIPP A C ADE he Proprietor, Mr. %maul Reousun, respe c t. 'fully.inforrns theblic that he hal taken this In- atitution with the desi gn of fitting Yahng Ladies and Gentietnen fur She Pvbasion drenching, according thi/Nortimi: Mode; or for fitting Young Men for any Other ;Witness of life. " • • This Instficitkin is.situated in tbo pleasant, retired, and healthy village of Dunde e Suaniehancut County, Pa-, And is unettp?lted to the many temptations and Tkes that* detrunental to the Intellectual and Nor al stir wee:petit of Students. The • Preeptress, Miss M. 3, Swqi., a 'highly educated and.Wccomplished La dy, will take entire charge of the Yocum Ladies both in and Mad set:ickd. Nor Will they,be allowed to attend patties, Or any place of innucltement, without the expreta permission and attendance of the Teach ers. Miss Swart will give lemons alsoin Ornkment al Needle Work, French, Pencilling," Crayoning, &c. . One ot,theprizne objects of this Institution; bas been to est.o , tigh a Normal Departmeiit, or Teachers' Course, for the bene.st of those desiring to make Teach ing a Profession. The whole course of Instruction : requires tbiee• yearn, In this course it has been , the object to enthral:* those studies of prictleal utility, as well as thinie of an educational character; and great care has litientalten: to so &sari and arrange them as to present to the atuaCnt an clef gradation from the simpledt anbjece.to the most Pupils,yailloot be hurried through , a superficial coursreof abidy ; nor will they be encouraged in an undue fondness Ovirof particular scienee.,•to the neg lect of others; but lath a course witl be puraned as will lead ilia aysteMatical development of all the phi.- ers of theixdoci; by directing the thoughts to the"study of principles and the relation of cause and effect, In stead of iinilated bunts. TUITION AND OTHER EXPENSES. Commoir•Mug. Drenches, per ifer of 11 weeks, $4,00.; Higher, ; j 1 5,00. Latin and,dreelt extra eichj . " 3.00; French, %man, and-Italitut, " i ' . 8;001 Peneilling, Crayoning, and Drawing, , • 8,001 Music with use of Piano, - " • 10,00, Vilma Music, : I" 1,00" „ Board per.week, • " 1 1 • • 2,00 1 , . Those *lshii** to board them:lett es,- can procure; tmitable tonic; for the purpose, . Board 10d Thition Bills invariably in :Oran cc. The Second Term of this Institution Will coternimmt May 9tb.; land as Studies will then !be arranged and! classified' StUdenti are particulary !requested' -to be; pre:mit- • For further inlimnation, address the Principal. We, die - undersigned, can under the preeent'expej rienced and efficient 'Board of Instructors, who are' practicallifamilliar with the Normal Mode of instruc=t Lion, With:iniplicit -confidence commend the Dundao Acaden the favorable considenition of those pre:, paring tinututelies for Teachers; and aB those whci desire to give thelr. eons and daughters a thorough;, practical,l land liberal education. Rev. fzi.,Nt Toon, Trios. P. riIINNT, F.sq. Pr. J. noo:nincrv, • • W. IT.l3Locvu. • • - J. ll.rit4ra, Esq. , _ ' : asst. ATMS. Duntlati; April 19th., 1855. . :':Aillnifulstratoes Notice Is hereby given that by direction ,of an or. der of the.: Orphans Court of the CottntyofSusquebt4 na,. to me: . dirQi.ed, I will expose to public sale by re l it. due, on Sattirliky the 26th of May next, at one o'clock P. M., all:thitt ; certain piece or parcel of land late thi Mate of Ilehry Benson jr., situate in the township of Jackson in , itid.connty, bounded North by the lands of Orrin Matteson, on the East by litnds now unocctl pied, but:* under contract from C. Ward, on „La, South by lande of Henry Beneon, and On the West by lands of liarycy Smith,. containing thirty one acres.. mostly inlprpved, and otr which is ti young orchard, dwelling house barn, and other 04 houses, ke Sale to be held, the premises ; terms of payment made ktulwti an the day of sale. • ALMEDA BENSON, Admex Jackson, Aril 24, 1855. - 'sr 5. ' • SI nistratoes,Notice j NTOTIeE is hereby given that letters of administ4 111 Lion upon the estate of AOS G. BAILEY deceased; • have been granted to• the subscribei:;. and.all persons indebted to said estate will please' make innnediate payment; and these having elaints presentitlaem duly attested forlsettlement. • •• • * : • EDWIN F. IIikILEY, limekiln, April St,. 1855. _ DISSOLUTION... PRE topart nt.rship heretofore k•xistitv , under the .1, firni of Ifatyley & Mott is thIS (la); ' , . , . Aprill, 1835. RAIAWLEY. • W; MUTT.. The notes and accounts ire in, the hands of C. W. licitt rot Collection. Those intere4ted will please odn as soon as convenient. DJ SOLUTION. . . • rHE firm of B. F. kR. H. F.aton! is this day by m , 1 tool Conseht. dismayed Attpersons haring lo4Ri aerotint.iwisritled, with 'sniff firrn4 are :requested lo ' make petyraent t lay note , or otherwise , . fare the itrpirertion heo months/oot this date. Sri:t it books and accounts will remain in the handsof B: Eaton, who Mar be found at his former place of busin.ess and is' authorized ' to. settle the same. ";`,A: word to - F. EATON.: RALPH H. EATON. ; ItarfoM, 'APril 10th, 18255. ' FA*MtRS AND GARDEITEIM, Nhq cannotget inanure enough, will find a cheep .1 and ;powerful' substitute in the ntrnovsil,l POUDRF.TiE made by the subscribers. The quantityiused the ease with whleit it is applied, Arid. the powerful stimulus it gives to vegetation, . rendersi I It the cheapek And best manure in the world. "Jt. causes platttsko come up quicker to grow faster, to! yield heatler and ripen earner. thrift any other manure in the World, And - unlike other fertilizers; it can be; hroughtin ditect contact with the plant. Three dt lass worth is Sufficient to manure in acre ' f , Price, delivered free of cartage or package on board of vessel dr AilrOad in Newofork city, $1,60 per btir, rel, fur any quantity over sit barrels ; i barrel, s'4'l barreltici ; 3 barrels, $5; ,6 barrels,' $B. iA pamphlrit!with inforniation and directions wilt be sent gratis and Poritiudd, toxin , ' one applying for the sane,' • ..4.ddri* the LODI ItiNtTAOTL - lIING CO: ; 74 COrdandt Street, New-York.?: 9 000 Milk Pen. eC all ' 411" "d made it * a a ./ double'cross tin at less than Merchants, usnall:cpsy to sell gain, fOr hie .by,the Subvcriber.' We hayelconiv to the conclusion to scil pans to Far veers as Ipw u we will to the trade, - thereby sating to the Flartner our profit. Our wares are warranWd, to be ikert,bet l in every Particular or no vale. Tama!-gash or , short credit. • • ' J. DICkERMAN Jr.! ;1. • New Milford April 1. 1855. ' 7 . • , A PENNY SAVED W O RTH TR* 1: ' EARNED. . . - i._ ' JFiITTENBERG • k BRO., liontrosecTs.. take. ii` Lids Method of advising their old friends and customers-and the public at large, that they have jipt received and opened the largest, prettiest and Cheap. est stock Of RE-4DY FADE CLOTHING ever bip't to this pbeeovlrich they offer at a small advance from cost, therebY offering• purchasers the tare opportuiti , ty of obtaining goods at about two thirds the ustud price,/ 1 : - -. . __ i 1 V 11.40 a large assortment of .Dry Goods, comprising Ladies Wear, new styles Brocade, Stripe, RIM; lain and changeable Silks, Deltilnelk Muslin, Dc Rife Fterage!delaines of new and elegant designs. All the latest et; les of Ladies Dms Goods, 'French Lawirs, Prints rind Gingham*. A handsmne . assortment', of Dress Ttimniings, Embroided Sleeves, Collars Cuffs, ' etc. Jaecmet and Swiss Edgings and atertings,Glotes Mita, Hosier , ~ Tells and Parssoli. Theii'assortment ofSbasils is eery:large; embracing every tldirg that is rich and fasbiOnibie both foreign . , and doinestie. '- Their Bonnet Department ix- large ind complete, embraeing tire, eery latest styles, with Trinimingii to match:'.:, , ' . . . . . Awetienaire iussortfnent of Irish linenst,_ napklas towelirtg, table covers, curtidns kc. - ' , Welfare also a supply of Shirts, Gentlemen's Col- Uri, stisPemders, Gloves, Umbrallas and a good many other'. articles too- mammals to :mention. For 1,06 Pala t4ei public is respectfully invited P. can al 4b9 I cheap store . of J. WITTENBERG k - 13114. corner.Ot Chesnut k Orrq:go Streets,..four doors lug, of Postialzwre. ' Execsatair', liolice; VOICE is hereby given, to all persous havinglt.' viands against the Etitste of ANDREW H. late of Saver Lake, deed to present them to the Sub scribers,u Executors and, Trustees of the said A.% H. Rose,,, duty authenticated, :for settlement. AA all penmut indebted to said edge., are requested to imam jtmotxliste payment. , , • - • - Wit.JESBII:II ) . BENJ. S. BENTLEYL 1 • Itoittrose, April 23, 1856. • • •.Adinhalstiiitoir's Notice. IVO num& TICE is hereby giv en to all persona havinidc‘ IN against the estate of SW Y. Belittler Esq., late_o,f LaneabOrough,,deceaa'e_ d s to preeentAe same duly attested for settlenient, and all persona in debted to laid estate - wfil please make payment ;im mediately to the subscriber in Ilarmon,rtownship,. to wbont letters of adatiniarldiOti bate been duly. relent._ ed. ~ ,?; • • ROBERT BeKUNE, RF ,15e6 ' , Administrateref &F. Melodeons' t.! riONSTANTLY OW II'AND sr fun/Lilted to Sl•do_ r os d'art ootice.. 4. LYONS & SO. Tito Ofidst_utudei t. Metiagerie &_ollr , S. B. BOWES, 'Prop's.; Ofye r ik ,Macfig lf II • cELED RATED IEQUESTRI A N TR (Yl.3.P] ',Without Extra Charge; formal EXIIIIIITIONS 4 IN ONE. `For One Day Anent( and Evening: [4:' M. NIXON; . DirOctor of Combined Eihibitions. At Montrose On Saturday 18th, 1855. ;In this Exhibition Rill tic rot the two greatest Lii,lng Curb ties in the Animal kingdom,'‘ --a - LIVING GIRAFFE,' am ."-LIVING RIIINOCEROS, besides a full collection of of Wild Beasts, ell in the most fact health and condition. • , THE CIRCUS TROUPE, I . toosists of the following 11l - • . knowledged tlthmt t _ I 'lown. ... .;.... ;Jilt Mn •.. Miss ROSE MADIG.AIi, The fearless, knieeful . Iliad Rant American Artist, In h r, Matchless Scenes of Equitatio - - Messrs. T. Ring, Ll,clitle, , . Armstrong, If, -P. Madigan; iii ter ' Madigan, Thiimpson •iti d 1 Prof'i Nixon i with ibis talen ruidls; in all their oichierenrk; t.. 1 -upon horseback, and , in Gym , Gag. - 't ' . ' The following rare and be , .- tiful Animals ire among the - l iecdon belonging t d this Exhi :i -tion.• A Brazil Nam Ti er , or - SOo`. ;American Jaeuar. Tyro Mr! :Leopards, 224, American .11'..; Deer, a beautifully potrked Ze ,a White• Camel, a :Kangaroo, the Monkey Tribe, Parrots, P. ;paradise, Ste.:4c. i • Admission to see the combi 130x.2S Ceitts, Children under 11 Doors open at 2 anti at 7.! P. l at half past Zand quarter to Or The :En6trxitirand MENA,GERIE k CHIC - have . been got up this Seasoh and a profusion of costly deco •eedented. ;, ' The RIDERS any GYMNA • description of, whom will be f belonging to the first class of 'sexes, and are known and di. as the " STAR TROISPE" 'MILITARY BRASS. Hon. S. B. Wziuti CIitTTENDSII9 Paw n% •• I J. B. Simeon, Ilsownst.t.,l,- ted Exhibitions and will Int• cei a variety bind! and &P hi 'The doniptinies ..GRAtiD PRO about 10 A: IL, and after pa: pal street, proceed to their ' • • PAVILION OF t KIRKWOOD T. QTAGIN will It.Ntife bettsvill+, Liberty, be.; arrival of the Mani-Arts of reaching Mcettrim at 1 ai r • Montrose daily (Sundays exe ing Kirkwood in time to take both East and West, being tl Bible route tq reach the New Thhi line intersects a titi-w Springville; . , Tunkhannock,; barre, ;which teaTt.ta MontroS(. day, Wednesday and Friday: vile, Lenaysville, &c. • • ' Good (earns and •eomforta, ded, and the proprietors will commodate the public. ' 7% Apri 6, 1854. , 111,01 TRa. 't TI - ANING purchased the 11 poet Co. 'tit the.IMO respebtfullv inform; his frien stank on hMI, Fit; the !owe 1 stock pf goods. Litre, Salt; anitPlaster Its Groceries, Dry Goods,.lla Shoes.; Nails, in:exchan of produce, at the: best pric Wocxl wanted. / Montrose Depoti Feb. 2; BOunty, adds. fIOp`gGRESS has recently paned a Pension law 1...) Making an eitensive taldition to the Pension laws beforein - fort4. No on should despair of recei ing a Land Witrtant, who b done service fur the United States of any kind, ei her in the Revolutionary war or since The act also extends to the widoirs and Minors cif those-who ormed the service, who if no* living.would be entitl ul to the benefits there- , of. The undersigned hati th law And all legal forma to obtain Fells:kw tinder the: . "d act, and will prompt' ly obtain' LAO Warrants' for , applicants_who Jnay,/be entitled thereto, for reasons , le cempensation. / iYour Warrants when obtained be _ sold for money at ant time, if Yoe do not ch to kwate the lands Montrose,; Marsh 21, N. NEWTON. , NEW* I ODS. . The snlisCribers have talc ! .n and fitted op the new building on the wrist side of •ablie•Avenne, two doors ahcive Seaile's notet and now receiving a large and well selected assortmen of . • ran and WI ter Goods. Their stock is almost end - dy NEW, having saved but a very few goods from he late destructive fire, and compriSes their usualiv riety of DRY GOODS, Groceries, crockery, %Bard are, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Ours, 800 ~ Shoes, Leathers. Glass,' Jewelry, liVatchtut, Silver - poops, Clocks, Yankee Notions, &c: &c. ',We are ankful for the patronage . IdtAcerto besiowed: upon !Lis . and trust that our cus tthnert, and the public tly,-wi s u not fan _ to give us a call in our new foratiii confident that we cant supply thenorith goods on favorablelernis as here tofore. • ' ,: - '! I BENTLEY & BEAD • Montrose, November 30. 834. • , 11. TEE PEOP 'S STORE. . "ETAVING recently 01 nUuily reiiptiilished the 11 Sale of Liquors, exec 'ting strictly- for medichial purposes, as ' a.Druggsf, the civic without distinction of Party, Society ;. Sect, or , ligion, are respectfully invited as utquil, to call an , evunine the quality and prices of gOods, and to ' threbY avail 'themselves of any adrant.age or. the Mirk t they may thus acquire: Montrose, April 19, isr ABEL TM:MELT,. ~‘ t ' ir . I ' JEW I AT URE mant u itact w utns, weil ln i r t. sortalent..of Ladies' midi i Rings, Brelist Pips, Ear D , pr and Win Chains 4 Slides, ; t ; Persons whaling to Owe ' ll,l 1, - ly call at the store of - , 1 . Montrose; April Apri . l it, 1 7 81; 4.4. 4 ricw , • C4KB, AT MON • ceioed a -sew eupi Goods, which wai be sold produce.. 1 8 I ZU Tra g°°"e TEA, Cothe,:tiobtose of all kimis; very c AA stmaratikra Eg exchraige for ANY quuntitv:of Bu exctuirge for ..„ FlVlORMwishing to I. dinette fox; WWI; call and examine my - iltemselvei.bart is may at tisnekbe Montrose Depot.i,-- New Line FRO 'Orleans Sugar.for one, doll ;. C. LEE'S New Store. i'Fish, Rice, and' Grace ell NIT et J. C. LEE'S. • at 12 cents per dozen, - - -4 echase for cosh, or in. ex pi find it to their interest tit of Goods and prices - for altkindo the highest_ptici tot ail; 0; rxn .cose; • 0f,71n, Sheet Iraq of. toy own monubeite Welty% • . : . ; DIGKERMAN,jr: . A PULL MOOR "- Ind 9 0 PPO Vcore multi of heavy plotO,' New Raton!, July' I of diardwartN : CisiVeliter:o4 'nip Chain, and fixturi , a at j .DICKERMAN'S.—". FULL aesorween A. New Hared, 4uly, :Tof the - heat quality, thr: o. sag • DICKEItiIiAI - 3 1 SALT by re barrel orothe qt Wilma at DICBF4MAI'B" (ZAK' 4 ero , p4TN• cheeps it toomt,:rwqa A eivide. rit the tom ; (Wall Paper, , and Border'kit received and for salefihesp; • •• Into, this market,.-frpin Pkni oa, which . *ill .10 tithte any other establis: eIfANDI,EIL • 2000 . match, j. ?'lcEs- li er than eta , ' wait . , ,! to 50oW 1:4 Roll. : I Also, *lot 01l t , . 1 cheaper titan :iiiii.lie ment. ; ~ i Montroite, yril 17 Ai '• ' • 11. ':- ' ' .1855—.0.- . • , • : HOYT 'it BEVANS. . . ': D,all Road Freight • Line between Montrose and „11l New York.. The subscribers will continue their connection 'atilt! past year - for selling SusquAtanita Co. produce on commission: - - - -*. • , - Iti . .ittzvr J.llAntmarns; wilt receive end forward freight for this cOmpany at the .M.ontrose Depot EVE ' RVTUMMY: - - * : , 4, I-- - iankftd for:tist.patronage, and being satisfied ' thn their arrangements flit - -disposing of produce of leve -if kind will enable them to give general - . seitisfac-, i i tiott, Idle' subscribers _trust that New York prices,- ' prainPt returns, and their usual strict attention tit the 'business, will insure to them acontinuance of fay.ors. • herretafttre so liberally bestowed upon them. "- ' • _ Tit; returns will be-prOmptly paid in current money' byti.. Barrington,. who will also make liberal saran i -nes on :n.lacontkng cards havesign i niert'when been desired. left , tit With the Thin Ro ,Frieght agent Mr. Case who -will attend to for- Wapi t ing goods .consigned to. us On other days than Tu sdais. , . . . I I . NELSON 11. BUTT: - -- - SIDNEY B. BEVANS,' . ' - • MMATTHEW.T. - lIARRINGTON. IL t introse March, 1855.. ,-.- ' • ..ltalsons residing out of the vicinity of Montrose, tribing to send us Produce can do so by consigning it tit .! IlOY'rlic BEVANS, No. 187 .. ..1teade St N. y , t , . . . , . . .. . SOLDIERS' MGR (S. ' .. • •: . - ' To al.! whom It istay Concer n. ,-. • 13,i a rpeent net of Congress the - 136unty Lind la* hat been extended .0) embrace almost -every Case of ofluilitary sertiee. . . •Al persons who have been engaged itt M tar) Se *tee of the United States, fora period oflonOcen 4 ~,, ,i:..i .4 4 . e o y r i : t a p v i .; : ree trtis, i, - l i re - l e e?,ii ntiti am cd ;:m i n o t , o tt n e s y it . are uadr t e t :a ded uit - ' i rst.res of, !and, if they have not received.it, and • tolstifficient to rimke up 'lBolaerett. ~ - ' volution:ll.Y soldiers, And soldiers of .any and all w . ni. in which the United States have been engaged r si:c§i and 'if decedeil, their widoits or minor chit , d 6, are entitled, - -• • -. . f /Akers, Seatiteh, Marines, Clerks and landsmen in thpl;avy,,theirwidOws. and minor children, are Also entitled. - ' .-; t' . .. Vitagon mast4rs. and teamsters, employed for ,the -trWitispertation, ef military stares, are also entitled, in lie!'nianner. . 1 ' :-- 11 tin still engaged in obtaining Bounty Land Witr ittii; and ant Willing to do the busines. upon the ali. t liberal 'ferias, and although I lmve no - motive to end my tinni and labor irli/sout,elia - ratt, yet I' will dthe business; at the lowest price that J cart.do it-- A' n i;stly: and lit* , . • - ; , Those having claims I believe will find it materially td their 44vant#,;e . to call In bawo . going else, wh.ire. - ; _ ,L - ' ' . -•—" • ' • After the warrants are'ohtniaed,- if any •ofthe !ear- raltires . desire.to sell them,' I am prePared to pay the I , lighest cash market price.. - -i • ... ,'.::„ - ,:. tarn also engaged. n the - prosecution .of Other .claims againSt the Governtuent of the Matti - state/4, I, .4(41 as for Pehsions,llaek'Pay, Extra Par, Am.' &c. • ',-i . • - i:ItSN - K,LIS ERASER, - -ttey at Law.• 'llontrose, ]lay 14, 1855 . ~ et .--'1 W 6 • r---------; ---, , 1 • - 2 DOENTA" LAND MEN ATTEND.' nOXURDiS I t , nts passed a lair givin you additional l y V! landS. Those who have - -already reteived war- i iSitis are entitled to • more. •Dafiville men, come on nom. and I will get your warrants. - .Widows and,mi- 1 (tors' of deceased soldiers ,arc entitled to the 9:ll7lC their With:lnds and fathers would be if living; I,have thei Last, fresh from 'Washington, and the necessary forms! eflipplication,.; Speculators from. a distance are about irying to get those largely-interested to sign of 13e- 1 trate of such , abd don't seU for a 'song. .iir .0 your/ • business acettrately :, •and ,promptly account for the i art -vale 'of your warrants When obtained. From hree years' successful experience I knowTean do the . btitan ess- right,', and I proffer you my services at rea tenable rates ntid quick returns: = . • L. F FITCIL 1 . . Montro4e, 3farcb G, 1855. , , , .:! - • i t 1 ;; , 1 - 1- NOTICE. . . - i OCT.II. Tif AYER, takes this method•_of , saying = .to his friends and customers,. that he has again, )) -restimed the practice of medicine, at his old - stand at Montrose, 'where he may be found at all- times unless .P"rofessio• nally . employed. . He would say to , . those in &hied to him; that he will, deduct twenty-five per emit on alt accounts paid before the first of April next, r. if any : poor like myself I will deduct fifty.). - ' I 1 Montrose Feb. 20 ' 1855. LI. . . • a pair - of Englist ta, a Peruvian 'Lama esides a variety of * Swans, Birds of l ied Exhibitions,- years of nge half-price., ortuanceS commence-. 1 Orr-qtr ofboth the 7S TROUPES, n it. Style of elegance tiona hitherto utipre- TIC ARTISTS,. a full nd in , the Bilks, are all heir profession, of both hignished every *here lthe United. States. A accompanies the UM during the performan .nable ter 'town in ! throkh the princi -0 IIIBITION„ Mil 3/ONTROSEi i• • paSSing through Cot , I ' Very morning after the • both East and West; •M. Returning,' lenyo pted) at 2 reach- . the Mail trains of ears, e nearest and most Tea- Tork and Erie. Raroad. Oily line for Dinioek, coming, anti Wilkes- . }lt 1 "A. Sr. evert also, n line to Friendi- tie:earriages arc provi- I spare no pains to ac- K; HATCH, tRGAN.k WEST.. _ • EPOT. I txbli9hment of Lane - L. triage Depot, wonla re , s that he will keep eon ! t prices, a well neleeted. be had cheap, ns .well. Aware, Crockery, Boots, te l for Grain arni itll kind.; 1000 cord: Hard LILY. arrived, direct from thell insisting of &first rate u 4 ltlemen's: Gold Fingerf ips and Hoops, Curb, Fobi eve,. Studs, Pens, ke..—?. Jewelry, should certain-1 TUIGIELL • t sOODS.j f: - & LOSE DEPOT, has ust rel ly. of Sp r ing and Swnmeig ycrylow for cash 'orfank] -- , , 1 J. C. LEE'S. Storv.l er 0.'16 wads per pounw ti qt. J. C. LEE'S New Store. ALLOO, H / 9 %VALALLOO' THIS I% pm. subscriber would infirm the citizejdof Mont rose and the public generally that hetes bOught 'tt i r Grocery foimerly kept by F. H. FOrdham A: Co., i Lyons and Chandler's hitilding / Chestnut street, in the - borough, of Montrofie, Wh he . has a fresh as- , rr , nritnent of Groceries; ontl-ivi keep conStantly on ,and, Flour, Oysters, Cheese ur.ars, syrup, Molasses, .faekerel, Nuts, Candies, 3 ..,71,,,,,,......a-i........., "1- ? n v , Primes;,Satditteh,.- Stn. 159., Vinegar, COffee; dried caches andPhims, ).irring, sack Salt, Pies, Cakes, iteier, Yankee Notions, and other things too nunier !nal to mention, will be sold cheap for cash or `most kinds of •ountry produce. Call and see: A !shire ofpubyc patronage is solicited. S. B. MOTT. 1 , t lfontro,d, March 7, 11 , 55. • • - ... .-• Ilil Alinijuistration Niaticia..• OTICE is licreby,given that letters of administrar. 1 - tion upon the estate of JOTIN NAND; late of iAopollacon township, decd, have been granted to-the up' and all person. indebted to said estate wiP please make itnmediatel4ynteut, and those hav -1 ing -claims will present theanist\duly attested for lisettletnent. , " ' WILIJAII lIAND. li l'Apollacoia, March 27„ 1855. '2\ - 1?.w6 i i t - :'' , " ] • ii. it; . Rugg,' for Sale. Good-second hand bi -fr de, br \ _ tom ./iforitrose, April 11, 1853, MUSIC ntisre DELVCE'S IMPROVED MELODEONS, more just received by. • - J. LYONS &SON. QHEET 3ICSIG—a new lot fur the Yoke. Pinao or - 10 Melodeon and Guitar—some very beautiful piec ed just imbliShed—sold by J. LYONS &SON: Shawls.. Alfew•more left that will be sold vele thea)). • IParamettait, Cashineres 4k. Delaines at great bargains LYONS k SON'S. Y of 6"ceri4.* just opened OdA&SOS. Afresh Kapp i. . . . _ 26/iisxes at 3 shiUingna per gallOn'.• Syritim at 4, 4 5 & GI - ihillingo, by . LYONS &. SON. 1 7 1 7 . . 1 i NEW. GOODS. . - A RRIAING every ~.week at A• LAThltOr &Co% ..ci.. Jannark Ist .. ;., Winter Shawls and DeLanes,. QRLLING,off at great bargains. Calton 'lay nary Imo A. LATHROP& CO't- ta - *ll Dozen SocKw, T ANTED at V I' Jim mylst 1. .Grain . • ; lall dioui dat tte :highest prices bought by January Ist , 4", EATMR(*T d'; itURKS Island salt at , LATTI - 110ik CV's .. Montrose Jannary 1, 165.. Stearns and Marvin's! , Fire.Proot. Safe's. - . subscribers hare i:nade arrangements to fur, MAI to persons_who flay be in want cif then; the" 4ove named invaluable ales , at The same prices 112,i Which they can he obtained at the manufactureed.-- acing : experienced the benefit ofpnch attartiele• dn. img the late conflagration ourselves, Re, would earn-. estly.recoramend to Milers having ,yalugble books and rippers, the preserving of whieh 'would be of immense hpportatteite them, not to do:without one: "' 'Prices range from $50.t0.5009, and we can eiplain t 9 anyone wishing to purchase, : the tlifference in, site, size, _price; de., and furnish them on short no , . glee,. with the internal arrangement to •suit the . por: i cbiseC, "-• • ' BENTLEY & READ: ' Montrase,:Deeember 19, .18641 k; ' , • Satiannd 1111114 s. • , ' - txT INDOR Sasti'd %minus sizes amstantly on, hand Y. V =a (so BIM& furnished to order by ;! J. LYONS .St SON.' , Paper.lllanglasti. . j' .500 ItollsjUst'opened, and some fbr ets.. per. ;1311, •by : LYONICk SON: ItOCERIE - A ii:esCsuptay of Z'T.offe'r Tea, :Rice, Crackers:, just reeeired and 'for We - - J.-LYONS k SON. ' L NEW GOODS. WE are rociiing thk,week a lot of New - Ooods.,lnit inirchakd In the city, which renders our assortment Complete. sad, which we offer on mostfreimebte fenny, at the nee building, one door above the Post ' - . BNNTLEY,A:I2.IEAD. Meetswee 'February 8 , .1865:_•'' ' • 1 SPRING AND SIIXICER MOOD& kgeneral issortment of new goodi now 'arriving' , t our store . J. LYONS k.SON'' April 1918415. Q 01.13 Mather, Upper do., Calf Skins, list) . Pitts; INC" Kips--a new supply, just received and A:iv sale : - • MTV ,I (I4 I WAD. lover and,Timotair,.l4 eat ((if, 44i:b y ) " Nev Milford, March t, 18u5 DOCTOR ~3lTt ] lS4'. iirosteoPAirumwr,- GRADUATE and member .ofthe University ofNew 'YOrk, will bb in Montrose on the 6th, 7th: and .Btli of each-month, and May be consulted .at Batch's Hotel, for three days, upon all disease* incidental: to the human - system, via: CONBUMPTION,I3ron c4itia Inflamation of the Lung!, Throat., Liver,_Pleupt,• Kidneys and Spleen, Dyspepsia, (Indigertion,) Liver, Complaint,Muscitswm, Scrofula, Eruptions,` Spinal 'Complaints, biseases of the ey and ear, Nervous Weakness, ke., ke. Particular "gentian given to the diseases of Females and Children. 9.The Tallow 'affections of the Uterus radically-eural.. ,• Harris is well acquainted with both,ncomeopa thy and Allopathy, having been In constant study and practice for the last twelve years,land having first in troduced Homeopathy flute Binghamton, N. Y. in 184'7. U plan of treatment is raiici, raft. and Ora ', cious, and -different from that of any other physician, and cures nearly fill cases In all Stages of the disease. 1 far Drlllarris testimonials of character;' . abil-. Sity and dull, from a number of the -most eminent medical men in the city of Net! York, among theta the celebrated Dr. Valentine Molt • . • . Persons 0111110 - prompt relief or pennanent apes will do well ro call without delay, Charges moderate. Consultition free Patientsvisited at their residences 1 if desired. - Office hods titan 1 in the morning until 9 iu the craning. - MI toraae, y G.. Z. DIllOoK„ . • N Mg A. LATHROP 8: CO's EE 1•11 Advantages. The advantages of the.lhimupathle tresr o g u s o r lat. That Patients treatedit. omeAiathleally, ly are cured much 400ner than by Any otherpractiee. 2d. That many patientg can be eured-by - Himeo. pathic - remedies, -who cannot be. mued any ..other . 'flint patents triated.,frorheoliathieutly, do not have to labor under-the bad - effects of the elnethey - have' taken to cure the &mtge. - 43:115.Ni#:4:94k:rt:1:114'61:.:115 :TN: . , 'ERS ARE,' r rill AT the Court has decided not to sell the is Island °Melia, but Joseph Wittenberg& Brother have recently decided to open a new .store, in the building.Of L. Searle, a few door! castor POst's store, --- opPosite Wilsons dwelling honse, corner of Cheitnut and-Owego Ptreetg, where they will keep' on hand . 'a splendid assortment of Ready,Made,Plothingi also In iulditition to; this, a good assortment of . Broad •Cloth;' 'Ciissimere, Kentuekeyrjeans, &c.; in short, a.general ' • assortment of GentleinerN furnishing Goods. - Also, a sPlendld assortment of Ladi& Dress Goiods - ; Silks, Me- rinos;Delaines, Alpaceis, Embroidmies, Shawls, Lee- k es, Dress Trimmings, &c Am., all of - which they are de. lAermined. to .otter to the , cablic, at; very, low, prices: T . - + All Goods Warranted to. give satisfaction, as well irk, Imudity as in price. , - : :. . 1 I Please give as a trial before•Puichasing elsewhere. 1.1 ..- • „ J. WITTEIviBERG , & BROTHER. ;I ; Montrose, Jan. 26, 1864. ' '. ; '- -; • z .. - . . .cloota . . . C- IVITT:CR,N PABIK return theiigrandtd IT.I. 'acknowledgements to the public, and invite at tention to the very large stock of Spring and Simi :o'er Gocids.they are' now receiving and offer for , sale at sery iota , priers. In addition to tbeir,ustid. assert-. meat of staple Dry Goods; Groceries, Hardware; Crock ery, Paints and oils, &c. ie.,: they are prepare.d to , exhibit a large assortment-of Dreu Goods of every description—FigUred, , Plaid and PLain Bonnets, Shawls, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery-4adies and idisses Shoes , of all kinds—also a large stock of READYOUDE CLOTHING, Cloths,,Cat , sinieres, Twet*, Jeans, Summer Cloths,Veitings, Rats, tape, Boots an&Shoes, &d.- • ,/ - . They retiteetklif solicit 'an early call from those 'who wish to purchase good-podia/ low prices:) Sprjogyille, May 3 3 -"_54. ' ., *OIILLEN & PARK. ABEL TBERELL JjAs lust- received-41DM "New York a fall assort -I.:Ment of .NE / W•00.0DS1 comprising "ti first rate-variety of MUGS, /ELI:Hen/EN CHEMICALS, OILS, DTE-SIEFFS, „Gt f rAis-want, FL lILvGfOVZRIEs,- /LTV IHALSi . FOR. t. GISTS , liorrlddlENTS,, TAMER' NOTIO,NS, JEMELLII, -PERFUMERS, ASH ALL SORTS 01" EANCT floOns, which will-be sold extremely low 'for catth.l/flaving recently anstadned a loss by fire of at lea,syfive thousand dollars,.above insurance andsgoodi saVeti,. I fancy 'I have strong claims for the patronag? tuA ftie:nds and the,public generally. I ask no man• 1.6 giv r edo me, neither do I ask or-expeet additional profit:a in conselttence of said loss. ~ I will sell goods as law,. if not loWer than can be bought elsewhere in . this . town or conntv. A ll I ask is that patronage , from the public which will enable me with industry to slowli- hut gradually replace the loss snstained--said loss being the hard earnings of a life_of anxious toil • Store at the Idtver end _ of the burned district, on Maintreet, a few doors below the corners. • • / 31cMtrose, Deecmber44,• ALL RI)ADY. . - STOVES AND TIN -IVATIETOR THE, PEOPLE. • 1 . W oo a p a ß r r an ' tr. d E w L e D n ß .s lZ t tZe n ets tant e lz t o: i l,lll ware freels and Chain for wells,: pumps, cistern purops,,Le., Hydraulic Rams, Japanned wares, lead PiPI-Dr all sizes &c., Ae. Job -work -done Witt; neat- . ness :4nd despatch ; all °niers promptly attectded t0.,1 1 . STOVES .1 kepticoiatantly on hand, alarge a_vortment of stmresl ctfthe latest improved. and approved patterns. 'Garr. expdrience the ht'Ainßss enables us to select those; that we can safely , warrant to eve entire satiSfaction,l Amongst ;our numerous steek can be found the • Paragon - - air tight 'Star of the West;Elevate NewlWorld, . " • Clinton, - l'venl Atlas, • \ Cultivator, - ,O Phoenix, " Fire Fly, - Three Status,. " Western Qneen, , Globe; , = " 'Premium.. Woomtcrr. \ • • REMOVAL. TPREJ.ER & STODDARD, sinee the late fin; may - 11,e found in the BASEMENT OF BEARLE's 1107.1 M, Notwithstanding the unprecedented pidity --- stock of Boole, Shots, &c.„ "'Ont. off" a orthe fire, are-sbil'hays some on Inn soon be well supplied 'again.. • 'KEELED & STODDARD. MontrOse, FARB( Ft,. E, A GREAT BARGAINS. THE sobscralore ant fer:sikt on the mcqt ,Liberal • and magi' terins,one ofthebestiocated fiums fin' mud* . money in Northern Peru3sylyania.\„ . The said carat is situated on the Newburg and Owe g o Turnpike, two miles east of Mount Pleasant village, at twelve from the N._ Y.-,&. E. R. It., also .tery - con'veniently situated to Churches ' Schools, Grist-mills,. Saw•mflis,"Black• smith shops I.:e. It contains, one hundred anksiltj one • acres, one t hundred of : it under a good to of Cultivation well iratered.and good biildings, - couslat i -i ing of.a good framed house, wellfinianed off, and very, conveniently arranged. , Also two good barns and .st pod Imirri shed Well calculated:for convenience. two . largeorchards:yielding from ,500 to 1000 bushels sit.. nually; mostly'grafted fruit Of the-best - quality. 'The firm is.welladaptedlo grimitig suffiCient. to keep *- large stockt , For price and terms apply to 11. F.:` EATON, or to ALEREDIARE, on the premises. " .llarford,' Dee. 13 1154 •,- - ' - ' More and • attore , New . \ GOOdg. • BUBRITT nom receiving' new and full iJ • suppries r. orioed• for the - Winter Trade; in cludinga new and elegant aKsortraeitt of French I rinoes, Merino and Cashmere Plaids; d?taid;:Fan- _and Plain :De./lartwa, Parametlinkilioelie, Square au:d LaiAy• Shwas. of new and •best Mks, and will be;s4tat 25 : per eent.,lewtban lent yeses prices.= :Also a new assortment Cr Rich Ribbonicand Bonnets, Wide Silk rebelsfor Cloaks and Mantillas, Rich Silk and Velvet :Dm** rtimmings;'-'llfohair Dyes** Ritrolits &r:.. Ace., witb genead immanent 'of ptber,S;r•rpt and Fascit:oooo4l4 lUI Ilinlat which baring boned wider the-present pressure of the-cash ' market, will be sold 'at :9rresporang and reduced tbarlllilibrd; liTorembet: .17, 1754. MEM Apt:llo4-0- .1: ' '6oo 'at T: I POST a' qualitti style "arid prate.' ' : , - - -$41).. , 1e..Dry. GOMA, i. . 1-Collars, Sleeves,' ' . hivss Goods, . Edgings,- : ~ • Optka and Casiiineres, B 0111101; _ If,lite. G 241, -. , -. , - - - :•and.Altlifolt 4 CLOT, Ell5O-4 ti - it stock : Gioc+iies of all Tani. `Oias .: Ilaidware, eilackeiy, look ing Glasiseti,atid in. `eveijllepartment theit'assortment is, good, sad at" Ptices 4 suiii' - 's ,-, . ' .-. , ' - ' - . -'• '. ; ' 3tox4rviae t March 20, 1865c.,-, , .'DISSOIAITIOIC:"!' • ' The' _copartnership beresofbre exiatioi beivreen - thi aubocribors under tboluti of E.LE KeOt it Co. ii (noolve4 by mu t ual ggoksent,. - ' - • • E. S. KENT 4 CO. Bioefklyn- " ' 14'04 Allt1) and TALLoNy, ; "40, Farine ' rs tobia in gen at • - T.& CO's. '-Ultititiimdtiir : fttiifilloNer 'Died at X '‘ • - !TUROWS; I_ll.log Tint' Otlty and CloviiBee4,kai . 1- B• .- -9- I t,stlnOgg• 'J.-GARDEN SEEDT. - "- • I'RESII kit of Shakarie, Rocbitistcr, anti &tined ticut Garden Sikeds jgst opcnc4 and ..fcti Xac'.(ll,lo. ABEL TURRELL; e. L.Y.LDLED. 111011 y. being.re• 'oo'B, are desirable in