Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, May 10, 1855, Image 4

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    Die "f 4i* 40 .10'17`iiti,si_a.p.
. •
Parmers Prospects.. . •
Thc New York Tribitne; in an article" on
the present starvation price( 'of hroadjsinifi
and meat, in that city, regards it to be the du
,and: interest of every man who owns" piece
of land; whereon he can sow a bushel•of grain,
not to allow the spring to slip by witluint do
ing it.. The . Russian . war, .which is I he.
agrieulturiSts of the continent from theplough
to the camp=-making them consumers instead
of producers,—as well as • the prospects, of a
small crop . in Great Britain; and the, light re
serves left over fromlast year, plainly 4edu
eible from the present high prices, clearly -in
. dic;:ttes that the demand for the necessaries of
• life this year will be even greater than the
paSt. ln view of this probable f;taic of things;
the Tribune it/was the attentink, Of : Iltrthers
OVerywhere,_ in tho East, as well as the Test,
to 4:unit no effort Or'opportunity 'to swell, in
large or small quantities, the product
. the
the coming year.-- At a - dollitra bm. , bel for
'corn and ten dollars -for - flourrthese- articles
• can be raised at very great profit all Oyer the
,North, and especially in Pcnnsylveuia, which
isime of the best grain growing . district,' in
the country, ...and possesses important
es for reaching a :ready and Mei market.
There,are abundant considerations to induN!,
Our farmers to apply their Witule.cnergics to
thd raiSing of heavy crops the present :in-:Jill;
and no means of 6 produeingrertilitrshould Jxs
Io.A. sight of in engaging' in the work. In
this way the farmer will. pot only reap a rich
return for any inereaseo out=ay..or Otriense to
- ; which he may be put,but the preientstarvatior
prices will be remedied, and the whole coun
try—the whole world in Partici
pate in the blessizi.o that will- . flow from his
'honest and pea - Will labors.
WHAT IS A Tos WEibirr Supro
Court of Pennsylvania i&ently decidecl,that
according to the laws • of this Sra,te a • ton
consisted of• 2000 lbs..and that, . a‘great.
niimbct of pounds could not-43e.14i11y
-acted in purchasing a tai, notw . itlistandL
ini; the custom of giving 2,240 in tale part of
the State, and :2,26S in another, The Unit-
ed States District Court at Philadelphia late.
lyitleeided in n suit in aliaraity that the le
, gal Weight of a ton of coal is .2,.. - 0 - 1b.,5;., and
thitt the coal dealers have no - mttre right, to
giye less, than grocers wouttl have to give
less than sikteeti ounces to ..ille pound. As
the Constitution of the United States'
. gives ,
. to'congrcss the
. power to ' fix the standard.,
opieig - hts and measures,. '- we ihat•
-- the act of 1534, passed 'by ' the,Asscpnbly in
• Pennsylvania; must yield to the . 1110'har - au. t
• thbrity, and all the laws of this State i rescri!). '
..ire= the size pf the yard measure, th -, . cubic 1
- contents of a bushel and of--Tt gallon, ire nail
_ and void where they ditnr from the United
States standard. If this be the case. the I
• Sdaler of Weights and Measures and other
• e
analogous otliceS:in the Common -At-1-4h are.'
entirely useless and illegal. The . State laws•!
will doubtless be :made. to conform, tc - it the
-, -, -Cnited States laws - in thoS4 points where
- they now, differ.. The importance of having 1
\ -Int One standlird will be preeeived from the i
\snits at law to which variouS standards give 1
.riSe. _ : ' - '
, Tuz CATtIkB .I * ltEr.., on Sr.. - Joa n s
Among the repent importations of seeds fr o m
Alicanti, Spain. were those of the Carob tree,
the pods of which, when ripe, contain
.drips of a sttbs.:anr!e resembling honey.
From this eircurnmee, it -is supp:iied that
this tree is identical wit \ li the one upon which
.Sti. John--fed while in, the wilderness, and hence
sometimes called it St. John's hread.
blooms -twice a year—at the end of Jannary
OT the first of February, and about the mid-.
d 1 :aeptcniber—and when ' well watered
grows toa considerable height'and size, some
dines spreading to such a degree •as to, have
a cv
ircumference of from two hundredtO;three
htindred feet;-and bz. , ating upwards i)fl.a - ton
of pods. Young. b trees, only a year'old, often
have stems eight or ten inches thick; with
branclies ten or- twelve feet !ann..' Cattle.,
-horses, and mules'devour the pocls .l with great
acidity, and if well fed upOn them will be
,c..orne extremely fat, or in good ,eondition . to
Work. This tree, doubtless ' will succeed
well.nifthe southern; and - the-roid
• die, State=.— Washington Union.• j -
mo . st serious the way of keep
_ing hens about a house has been their hither
to unconquerable predilection for.:seratching - 1
up gardens. A. 'ingenious: Yatifiee has at
length discovered a remedy for this difficulty,
.and is taking Measures to.' introduce it into
general use. It consists of a small instrument
Somewhatre.sembling a very long .spur, at
*bed to the bind part of a- hen's leg. The
• instrument is so drranged that when the hen
`is about to scratch the earth, the spnr catches
M the, ground beforiber foot. has
. .
scended,' and .obliges her to bring the foot
joyin quietly and harmlesily a little in front
•Of the. place which she has.aimed . .at. The
• hen thereupon tries the other foot, with a like
result. She keeps on trying, and before she
al Ire it, :the machine has walked her
right out of the. garden! An agency has been
opened in Chi* p 7 o. for the sale of thess' hen
. walkers' . .
:' ?ROVING CfIARA . CTER.-, Do you hnow the
,prisoner, Mr. Jones? ;5- . :
c. L Yes, to the bone.'
'What is his Oaracter!' - -
'Didn't knoW behaany.
:Does . he live near you r
~ So amir thatle has only spent five shil
lings for firewboa in eight y&rs._
he ever come into collision :will] you
' in any Matter . ,
= . oi4 oyee,;and - that was when was .
.:*drunk and mistook me for a lathp
` . T'Sin what you' know of him. would :you
him under oath? .
depends 'upon . eireumitanees: - If he
4as so'Stieh intoxicated that he did not know
'what - he was doing, would. 'Una I would
,. Vt., • •
.:TFIE KANSAS OrTRAGE, thoughidialined and
.conducted by Missourians, was not ; entirely
achieved by them, for the 'Missourians of the
...border .are. .stitfierently numerous . for such
• a :purpose. They,' therefore, raised a fund of
r ".go,doo With which they hirea four hundred
, / persons to go from Kentucky; and over two
t thousand from other States,. Each man had
• ,his paisaffe paidAo.Kansas and back, .and re
- 7 eeived one dollar a day besides, while their
leaders get from ten to twenty dollars. Thii: .
• army of hirelings ivii - required - to be wel I
' iirrat - d i and was so. The violence of its mein
: berg was but part of the: services for . . which
- . they were paid. Such are the statements of
• a recent letter from Lawrence city, :Kanis.
...--ST: Loris,. April 25.
, . 4 proclamation has been isSned • bx, the
.. . people of Kansas, declaring GovernoT Reeder 1.
to. be incompetent for the po:;ition he fill,-, 4 .. •PSEOC' 14!1TIATION — r. k . _
- _
jand .that his appointment, withOu t the consent:l A v 117 4 1E A s 'P ar e o' 4 ree ' 64v°d 'a newotc'ek of
'Waiter Galin which have peen bought at . dm
Oldie governed, was an arbitrary exercise .of i l owee r pt i mg ,
. !;
, . anit' `"
‘Theras I sin in , Teat want.§)f Csah,
. Y oolen 'Yarn, Corn, Oats Buttq,.Eggs, Wficxl,(four
AO election has been ordered at LP
-- Leaven- ! feet long,) or Anything, else to keep a pock Nan from
. • *ortb,'-to be held on - the. 28th, for the selee.-Igtarving, - 1 'Mn bottnd o sell goods at a yfT.T -low,
POll of a successor to . . Gibvernor . Reeder...!-fitg?r,nY or tl?e. it ,Orce sulkies. Just 011 . and
- • look, that't; All! . • ' S.: A.. 1. 1 40M. 4 . /
Delegates are to meet there to selecr.a per- Lancsboro' , dant ` ;108,51 . '
, - ;.,
• - - - , , /
son as te.rritorial Governor; whose name will t ------
be forwarded to the President Air- his, appoint. 1 :
meot, • . -- ,
<5 .- -
_ A Capacions Pantet.
1 . Afeantieis , ozeitsionaify ttueets• ,
milli a shock
that is a leSSoa AO rail joileerried, ip.s . p4cially . 'l
to .tho victim. L Oil' the Cles.eltuld (ars,,..a day
or two sine e, opining .to liiuffalo, w.lts• a still-.
wart lnan,l,gt4g . i.o. New .York to 13tty - goods..
He was : tit it. what u)igltt lie called if stingy or
eloSe man, bilt; hp Was one who, 4st - t• there I
there-Was IL. cent . 4.ltie.-Apiut .: that swindling
Might . deprit'el'i:n IV,' woTt Id :sacriftee a •ssp
bill t . o . ‘ l.l*C . Vlocopfer: . Par frien4 had_istar
fed from Cleveland_ without.' any peakESt,
and when Erie ' bOti‘e', in :sight, he gathered i
himself -up toria general skirmish t'iir ttoy and I
all kinds of provisions. • - lie ,had a Oarpot boir, I
,him, and - .erring in ttithe dining room at
Erie,' depositt4.l l- bis•carpetlbag - on the chair:
while lie tOolOinother by dtis side. -;
11-3 W4s; 1
Mist - .}or abOut ion minutess-s-perfectly oblivi- ;
ous to anythinx, , save
. thitt he had blessed
conseiousness( f :oat( th . t . ltj rapiills , and 'a-1
ltretsably.: : filth 11,' up .his f itiwards • About 1
this time,. the lOndlord came- roun&and stop- I.
ping by our fri'snd's chair ejaculate 4, _ ' Del- i
Inv - , sir: ' A • ollar;" _responded the eating- i
;nail- 7 ' a dolla .- -;- , thotighti you - oniyi - eltarged I
lii fly eel . "' t's ;an 'cal' fat' one-'- .. eh ?''-'; 'That's I
true,'. - will inc. ,ntres:s,'lve . I coma
.ijour car --4
pet-bag one; - sit co if oceuPles:a seat' • (The
table - was far . 1 - ofll being erowdqo.) .. Our !
friend expqs.ttiThted, but tbalaadlorilinsisted, i
and the dollar ras reluctantly brolight forth."
The landlordipaf;selon.. Our .friepd delib- i
crotely - arose, land. OpOnine•:' his efitrpet-bag,
lull to its wid4 mouth,, discoursed unto it, I
suying: ' Carptlbbagi—it ;-pons yo4re• an in.
dividnal—a httnan...ilt:lividaal, sitietyty
yon =eat
i t,
—at !cast rye. oid for. yOti,.and It ow you
must eat,'— up nvivliieli he seized .4..erytliin,i;
eatable wtliiu lis reitell, nuts, raisins, apples, .I
i cakes, anclpie F .,,, midi:mild. the roarS of the
I buyq antlers, - the delight of, hiiprott4r passen- 1
gor.=, and the iliseonitit ure of -thelatidlord, I
phlegmatically iwent and aiok his; seat 'in the
I ears. Ile sqiil i he hid provided . aciough to 1
' last him to N't-T-Yolik i -afler a hilunpfitt-sttp-
ply hal been s Tvoill out iii• the Carl. There
was at least tre•l worth in the bag—upon which
-the limillord t-eillize4 nothing in tife way of
profit. SO Much l'or tneattness.-Bitilido Re
pirTillqiii.- • • -• •
1 .
I Hiss Nightir4gale the Hero of thi War. ;
The London'ebrreplindiint attic s,.ew York
Tribune . izivl"; tie follow itecoutiO.of sonic
of the. tioitif=s tit this pliihathropie, acid trill).„ 1
_,,-• L. P. Hiniiii, .
l noble Worm.a.• l The rOrrepondent says : Ni TTORNEY A'CLAIV, SwiT i udiiil777t;, I'd. Office
i c \kiss ,Ni , thtifnrale i-rtle.A real 11;2;4; of the i - 4 - - t "n•ltai'''' strtid.b•o'''; ,boar c , ist or Leolleines- '
present war 7 . Il t gttly - . 4 traPsport of sick ar-i .- •\ , ri. az i et & - c i se, , -
lived at Scut:n - 1. 1 7 1n the libspittd, *here, mi.! A TTO-IiNF.YB .i..ND cori;nLicons AT LAW:
heddinfr could •be pro‘iiilecl for thein, - they I /X. oflice \ en;Tuliglike street, one door' East• of
were laid on t \ ix. wooden floor of the i.orridor. 1 Poses store, =ii}oireise, .1 . !••% .::;
.‘ '•
liti:. , s Nightingde irnin'oinite)y
.to . the .. . v bert Chamberlin, -
3-0 r for bells and'mattresses, bat pit li TTOTINEYIATit;AW and ; i of.the Peace;
the finskwer. that 'to st(ozes epuld be delivered ..,• - i_ over L' L., tostik,Cd's Sto4, - ifontrose. •
by bim inilei 14. dot a regular order'O n fools- --- -----------p--i ir - in - . -N I L- 7 ----i-t- p -- , --------:-----
e7r) 4 , r1...‘ 1 !)%* krF2 , , two rii i yipeetiVe - ioiii eers -
;t . n j
phys , ,cian3 ( fill„ hospiw.. .m.,,,i. \ t 11f-
ingaie sent-iiim 'Word again "that • Ole must -- . DET:lls,f(r.•tbetate of 1 . 4 w York, will Attend
to all hoshietzs entrusted to hint ti-..lth promptnem..4 and
hate tile bcorldinli itntnediattsly,..but ipromis. fidelity. Ofliqe. en Publki -gnat;, )arenpied by Hon.
ed that Ill.:: nee.l4sary - formi , ..lities shltild •he • Wm. 'Jessup. 1 :f • i ', ••
I' compiled with 4 soon as the ocii,:ers and [illy- 1 -
.1 'Abel Turri)ll, - • -.
si,•;ans shiml&r: turn -and find time tlir writ- i
RA,LEII IN MUG:4,, MEDACINES, . tonicals,
I D Paintseilr, p l y . e-stials,
,citoceries, DrOloods,
ing. - Meeting with a second refusal, she or-1
some Ilveyity . convalescents ilt 111110 W , 1 .1 1 ,1 " :. ‘ 1 , 1 W rv a 7 ' si . h t :g arr :1 (.1141.45 , 2 % 11,
.. : Clt l ) i c i k ts t a l l V , a in t u s4 .
IWl*-i went s f raigllt to the si'ordluael hail . its• uteuts:TrOsscs, Trusses,' t l l ' l i Zea s i-L P l..: . trunie s t ' its; Liquors, P . "C'r. :
doors l'oreeil open', and earried.awayithe nee:- I finery, litirrorii,; Sticlionery Ilniilies, Slioes,-Yinikee•
1 ,:„ if i , 4 . v .
essary arvieit n. . r.. ne sLoruieper sto, 0 aglevst Notions, sm.
.1 ..., i
. _____L_, - f - L. - • - -
at such uneci!erriimico4 infraction of'g,ltis. an- - . -- .11..14.. Lyo ns & .
Ili,.o.:1 V and of' all i'•fficial rohtine bil the la- Av-iIOLES.S.f.F. ,IND; RETAIL Co.,
• (fly . said coolly- : 1 . 4 ' IZ.sii,irt ! el) lizta , Litarti.•rA .V V ; 'Dry Ge.o4,i,Grocii:les, s4lt, Flour, and Hard
that .'Aiiss 1\'',,,1 1 i ng : lt i o • 1 1:1$ l orei .,) I, en th e i ware, Lanexhor4,..P4.
I door and earrie, away what she woofed for
the protection y - f the litii Of - her Wiaje,tv's
she!: soldierS, ' i on her own - resTonsillility: ; —
En..., ,, 1a:; , ,1 - i.:, of e ,nrs-e, delight ed ed -at such inde-•
i -• • i,
i pendent. and Ina IV. ei.'induct,•though The min
, lAry cannot (11 ulli,:. e .loue.age sat:lf'; acts of
1 in:setiordir.ati it ; still Loid inaglan 1.4.1 b. ver
I learn somethino from lfis j i . :Nighttuga t, or
' lo '
; else the se . c . isntl- tampai,gn will .be a 4 burreb . !
1 1 and disaArons ills the firstih( , ts been, hen for
! tythousan,l sol4jer:4. were ; sacrifieett to the
im. , ,1.0:2,11 Of •reitt„i tie and rcd tapz.' •c , •
CrY..4;:k: .1 let t.4Yr ad d res.:ed tio Thom/
as M. Day
. is-p r uldishekl, from tzi-a Clark,
thy: K. N; and " i Fusion meMher of Congress
elect from the Illartford
• Distriet i lidfitvor of
the prOhibitinnj of Slavery in alOhe new
States and Territories against:the 6-rpeal of
the Missouri CA)inpriunise, in qlpositton to the
Fu2ltive Slave Protection 4 Amer
imn Industry, Id in favor ibfthePrOhibiLory
Liquor - The NeW ,thriven Ptgladium
says : 1116 fit
Cr miectiolt: ent l ,
above. What
year, eF3pecially .
the Nebraska
r Congremmen ele'aed from
rtain vjelv* to the
l. niorions ,cilange from .laq,
mid f)articiutarly iil • %lc NI el
. •
- Oar Vermo' t friends will: take - ilk- sen'se
of this - : Q . ., was elected 4 SicleJ4dge 'in
one of the coUn.y courts of Vernulnt. Ire
was pot verw•well versed in "legal lofe,' so he
called- on a friend Of his ICI° 'had s6rved its
Side-Judge, to make some inquiries toncern
ing the duty of the oflit:v. j'To his iilterrOga,
tories the reply - was: 'Sir,Thavo tilled this
-important and honorable office seVeti:ilytars,
but have never : been coil-suited with regaral
to but-one question. on -lite Aast . tlaji of the
- Spring. term,. 10,5,—, the—Ridge, after listening
tO three or font- Ntibuly pleas of ttt hOur's
lenL, , th each, turpecrto 711 C, and whispered
incii* of hang - toood'
7 —itizti I told Min I rather tlipvght itteas.'
• • -
• NI " \ V
.a . corre.ponilent .ofl the St.
Luis Republic:in, writing from Platte River
und , ..r date of •Aireli 10, &Affirm's SC•flonel
BEaftan's asSertiOn that the .war is sit 'hi the':
iinagiaation of obr ad atinistiaticn.' ; lie says:
'Thelhave gift the - Plitte, and:
_not; to Whitel River and • L'eaugflicourt
they hare heel anxiously :awaiting'j to hear,
tioin theit Grea Father at •WashitOon,• to
see if_the whits arc determined tp fight.
They naw begin to think it 'all 4.14' with
them.. Titc.y. xafy efley ore iltitermipea not 'to
•L•fiVit the white l i • . But. I shauld notNbe sur
prised if they iineyed Jo • the Missduri, •to
hear of 'mura and thefts N-heneVer they
have a ehance. • ' • I
„;„ r ,
ii- 'frr' - iziocumolOw is it to-day.-4,n you
take that note s.up ?' - •
I'M sorry fot say 1 . ean't-nererlwas so
u:lra-lied in n4 l ,llfe: •
' By the way„! voirare always cram ped;
arc von oOt! ! l'':' , - •-. ' - I' , , .i
'l'm sorry ti)lsay, I am ; and yet 42ere 14
a natural.eausei,ii,n. IL'
'-and hat Isi t t . hat r ~
_ . . ~
4 Why, - I Ar 4 'weaned on!green app'le_S and
water meioni.l I- . - v •
Tus SYA t Isonisrrumg.--In tie Ro
m-ish, inquisition ,in Spain alone, as its Own roc-.
.orb showg, in die last 300 - years, 17,4ip0 per
sons have beep kirni in effigy, 34,381 burnt
alive, and
. 291,400 imprisoned, seou rgod, tor
tured,- eta ; IlVa i dgC :number of its -;ietirns
thus being seen !to bo over a 'thousand per
year, or more kI n tbree every day. 3
ROCHE 'and St otel) Plaid Sbawls,.Freriili Meri
nos. Paramecia; DeLaing. Ice_ at..
LantOyorn,ry 1 , 154.5.] LYQNS.
i , 4:e., in 4 , Basement of Searle's
Rotel, Molitrose, Ya.r • .
; 0, Simmons,
--A • .
!alma itip 131101: MAKEt:Li Shop first door east
I-I of Odd rellois'Trirnpike:AL, Mcmfrose.
Singleton - • '.
fOtin" d-At Lis new stand on ()Wee° et.
C two Iltiora- - Weittd; Searler4 Hotel, where - he ff.
feetflalV topairwlividyi disp4h, Watches,. Maim,
Jewelry,-.Gut!, and 'every deabiiiptiOn of Machinery.
Wheel cutting; awl and wrOCh material a supplied
to theiritde. .; - • • !
(LI ITRGEON.f.tiEI 4 3IBt, Moittrose;Ya., at Se.4tle's
0 liptel, VontizA'ao Tocsitiy.s of each .
, Henry S. Xnxi,prii
fONTROS .. E, 'PA..; with .li't i ir s lroadip f &
11.1. ter, Wholesale Grocers And - Commslon
chants,.No. 173 - Woshiagton sfreet,i between C
stn; and ocy Ith - etits,i New Yisa.
Hag° Trhntocr;.. ' shop sit! his dsre:lling - h.
early opposite RenrOilnicer'kcifolitr6s.., 'Pa.
11141 . er* Poi , der, •. •
-ViToßlNltig 'AND: VOLT:st3ELLOR'S AT LAW,
I- and Solieitor:t4ti Citaneer3:El, OfOce.No, 44 Clarke
street, Chieagn, 114 •
e 119 tel, '
ET, (4ar 13rnatInny,) Sew
CO.; invin ors. In the
kj York.. Sall
riciuit}• of the.v
IIEALER IN 1:1:RY (100D.4, 1 4 Greeeriest,
1' Crockery, MO , and :Am 'Susquehanna
Depot, Pa. • •
_ .
-• • Biptleir & pitch;
AGENTS, Moldroxi., l'a.
s. rmiTLEY . . - .; L. F. TITCII.
• -
sohn is groves.
BL.t, -TAILOR: - 1 S.h - op under, Searle's
. Auld, iMai4e street,' Aloulrpse, Pa. •
: . \D• V Hinds,
I . .
I—/ in the rear ot,'ol..m)ii's Stii6., ifOretroxr, Pa.
• - Colsteii •
TVAIXR BTOVES. Tir s Copper, and Slioet
j I ron Wi t te, nhttr Great Bend Depot.
DeretnlP2r .4. -
' F. P. CluindlOr,
1 TAEAT.ER INinßi' (itit;inS, llearly)Lide Clothing,
1 _l-/ Groceries, T0015..'5. aril Stationery, etc.,' Public
1 Avenue, - ifontrao, .1?(1.• ..! . 1
1- , Patrick & Diniock,
i 1 - )!IIYSICTAIsi; ..V.‘l) *I.7I2GPDSS. Office No. 4
1_ 0w4.--o 55strciot Ite;:ti-m , -./'4
, •
1 • • . •
1. ;Ti I. , Post & to.,
, r I EALETIS Ti; Ii.RY GOODS', !Groceries. Crockery;
5 •
• HaTtlivare,L6tlte:•,'Flour, ?etc., t irner of Turn
-1 pike
. street and. Paine - A‘'enue, ..1/On t rose, - Pe.
jJ. i1443-Az & son.,.
AEALERS DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware,
Cavckery,l,linu*e, Orocerit.s, Bohltst, ete.;
carry 611 the Book L'indhip Avenue,
3tontrose, Pa. •
Bentley &Re'val; •
riltv 000n - .4.., Nogg,' Medicines,
/ Paints, Oily, GroceiriO/far-Aware, Crockery,
Iron, Clocks, Watch Sc
..te: . ±.lry,;,, Silver Spdons, Per
cincrY, 4c.—Foot ruytic Aronne, ..11-watrox,-.
Sayre, Bentley & Perkins,
kiinl "of Casti":pm ' .z, stciveii AgliCultural Imple
ments, etc. Office .ti.t.Sa.t - re?s• Sion; Public Avenue;
Manufactory at the 'P;,, , ..fe Foundry, Foot of Cherry
street, ifontrps , , Pd.
7---- - - _
--•.- - -
William & WxlliainlE Jessult
A TTOP...vEYs ..itontrosi. , , Pa. ,Prac
:..`l. fice in Su4qUtilann?l, Bradford, Warne, Wyo
tnino and Luzern cdunti4s. • ;
Wittia*il W: Smith & Co.,
GIABINET 3!..11;f:5.; Theyikeep constantly on
;hand a good a.9iortnient of 'all kin& of Cabinet
,Furniture. Shop and Ware Rooms at the foot bf
liaine street, ifontrrise, ' . - •
I BockweU, Winton . & Co„
II F .ANUFACTURgRS itnd DB.A.LERg in Straw
, 1 Gooh, 'Cap& Ffer.! Umbr'tnas, Pare
sag, Ribbori4,. ttr. 4.4.,.; 11 Q. 4;_)0 Courtlandi street, Nrip
York, (up-stairs.)
Frarilixr rritser, i
t i i .. ,*.
A TTORNEY AND COUNS LLOR .f: AT LAW, lll....ltootrosr, Pii..i: williattend Ilifulty toutll busi
ness entrusted to hint in the co ty of S,usquehanna.,
Convey:, toeing and, ttlifity..r, of al, kituhOrill be done
neatly, and. charges . tnodetate. He wit! also attend to
the prosecution afelaims of izotili4rs, their, widows acid
Iteirs, against= the Tilifed.Ftat .s Government,/for
Ihninty Land, Pension?; i.ce...l a 1 he found at ail
hours at the officeflirmetly oce d picd ., hi, J. T.F.ltich•
arras, Esq., north
.of the Chilli House. . ! 1489.
. -
K v I e CK I: DI 1 q
fo ; thrownl—
from orbit, and tke Fnn shines on 24/before; ena
bling the " Picture Van "Ito work at hilt trade of light
and Tgbade in his . ustial FatisfactoiT lulu / iner.
Eris New' Stock, j‘ist phrchased . , :comprises every
thing neat anti desirable In Cie !Daguerreotype line,
and he asks that you:will pot forget to caL
lie has also some recently published Books, wrldek
will be sure to pleasii those who-,wish good reading.
/,: W. B. DEANS.
Odd - Fellows' r:OSi Pg.
tgr" W. B. D: dou not, tat qiettsrt a for 25 or 50
rents. noir who whih 41414 troi/t meat go elsetehrre.
' John Grotee2Advertisement;
AS nature, 'who fornishei the bii c tls and beaSts with
an extra ooat for winter, l ima not made a similar pro.
:vision for man, I lucre concluded to take it'upon toy
- if to attend to - that department; and therefore I
think proper to announce timt-all shivering male-bi
peda, that need ne:ii i ,appiirel, glorious or inglorious,
fashionable -or unfalibionkble, can have their wants
supplied and their tiates Suited hy calling on me, at
my shop in Moutoiei. •
'1 ~1
, .
The Farmer's : Store Ite.bnift.
TE wish to sat to our friends and'eustoment that
V we l bate witlatood the detouring element that
consumed our Sto , :e'f with most of our- Goods, and
erected a convenient' shruitty, where we shall be hap
py to k(PL. our old ertitomers all well as new. We are
going to sell goods lOwer than ewer, and we think ten
per cnt. leis than you can buy els;where in &moue
bannaeo. Call and flee. & THAYER.
/' Chanc e. lo:illtak0 Money. •
4 PROEITA#LE:...A.2tih 110X0RABLE Alr
1140Y-VENr, .
IIE sulwriber.le!desit' nua of;;lstring an agent in
JL• each county anti town of the Union. A capita
of from . $5 totiO only will'be retinir,cd, and anything
like an efficient, energetid man mike front three
j to five dollars per day ;--Andeed4aorne of the agents
now employed are tealiring twice that'aum. Every
information will be given by addssing (post paid,)
• '• . • i;1 W.M. A: XINSLEE, -
• tot PisiladclpLia. - Pa., Offal%
. l A'o the People of Susquehanna -
13E"G...i:..thoig,vatest suffercza by the recent
destructive . fire in .3lontrose • having, lost my
store-house and nearly;:dl of my goods, I have not
however given over:th despair, but harm taken •
store room in the lower part of the ,town, first does
north of Keeleti's Itoteli into which I hate placed tht
small stock savcilfrimn the fire, and will in thC course
of •a very short time ifill up the - store with an entire
new stock of goods. 1:In tny present new location, I
will be happy:to semand wait on my old customers
and the public generally who' will , favor me with:a
call- I have resolved to.,`nerer pine up
mu detenni4d . to :keep a DRUG STORE'and to
keep a good assortment of .Drilgs,..lli.d.irines,,Paints,
Oils, Dye-still / TS, Grofctiti, Glass-ware,Jcsalry, Per
.I"aatte, lirolifins ' and all sorts of Faucy
Goods, &c. suchtti.4 I kept before the firg, which,
devoured the earnings Of a life time in - an hour.
31ontrcoc, Nev. 23; 164. • ABEL TURIIELL.
N. B• ' w ill - 3107 man indebted to ni , ?, please
. I+ineroer me in this my ame, of need,
by sending to me Afe;innount dim' immediratoiy..
' . November 2;,.1854, 1 ABEL TURRELL.
, •
M- - o
- - 171 ------7----7 .1 ---- '
i:. •.a.c.iace'&e. ...
C-4 OLD and ,Silrer,liatent Lever, Anchor and. Li
.Ir pine Watehes4tfiit .reeeiced and for sale by
I kD
-- s —_,..:._.....l.._l_..____:__.•BrCT 4Y ikF '__ RE _,.
• Jewery, Jewelry. , .
GOOD asiortrnept: et Jewelry, consisting of Ear
.t Rings, Elir ihk!p;„ Breast Pins, linger Rings,
&e.. e., justreceiiscil,tit BENTLEY I: : READ's.
' • . Sift'r spoono.-. ~j- ---.
• . ,
Tea, Table,Devert,,, gar, :alt,
\ ,k l e : ,
i tTran i tet , l pure,
for sale by •;, i, ,L LE. L . it; t D.
itoolli ilatid Shoes. ' 1,
An unusually g :ooait s astirtment of the best niake, aR
fredi and prerfeci•fle by BENTLEY &BEAD.
.._ : —LI-- ..__,..
Drpgs iaiid.Yleciivhaes. ; -...
A fresh stock genuinti Drugs and Medicinep, Patent
Medlelnee, Taints, Oils; 41ye-stulTs. Jct.., for filile by.
Dec. 13.] • ,;• L!. •!- . :BENTLEY & READ.
ft.tlop from Its former Ideation is
13 - the e b i a n se " M i t i tn h t l tf Sitarle's lfotel, to On room is
the same building,,l in* rear of the bar-room, where
his.customers will 'bevy:kited upon *by that . .e,xquistte
artist, Professoll_Cluile4 Mork or by himself, at all
reasonable houi. I. I . ,
-Please bear in mind that this is the only Ishavlag
obol) in to - 11 where Hitt !thing is done reienxilically;,
liontivse, . I
I, •
xo IV co.)tp..4.E,TE---and we would take this
opportunityto tdy that we can show . the most
beautiful and stiletalid patterns of Parlor.ond Cooking
Stores to he fonnd -in; the county. Among them can
be seen the ReyolyirtO'rout and Gothic Pairlor, for
wood or coal, entirely flew and decidedly pretty steed.
Prices from fin* to tMt4lollars. Of Cooking Stoves
we think it. needless to say much, only to remark; that
we are selling them ai Ourformer. prices, and judging
from the. torpidity of tinri sales, we believe tlip"puldie
are entirely satiitied -with our prices and the quality
of our wares. ;:.Wo haVe "a few more left" of the
"Clinton Air-thilit, tfnested Oven Stove," "A&nowl
edged-to be the:best, Conking stove now in use.. Rust
tia and English Stove Pipe at old price., and Tam
wings and Tin ':tvat*Of ; ail descriptions. at t the very
lowest rates. • • I • J..I4CKERII.O", jr,
New Milford,•Octolipr' 23, 1851-
• - - `DISSOLUTION. - - ,
'TIM copartner:AV heretofore / known ,4nder - tho
IL name and firm.4NeWells Brothers, in tie Sash,
Blind and Door busini•ss, is this day by mist al con'
sent and ngreentent di'sz,..lllred. - .
I.:mei-1)61-o, .Ti:ly 11.P. - ll.' 11. K'. NEWELL: - •
The suliscribqr would respectfully call the attention
of those who wish do purchase anything in ,fii..--, line of
hitsineszykielt as . •.• f • ) 1 ..
Slish, 1 - )oors:Shiliters•and 131inds, i
Cabinet NN , itre•of v ) trions kind St, ' .
' Bureaus, Tabb : 4; and Secretaries,i
• - 13edsreads,:Stands',• Chairs and Settees.
. 1,:o, Rendy-thade.Goflias. Painting - and .Giaztng,
\ \ l
.N .
rind: Country Produce and Lumber' taken in
eha C. Teitns, ready pay: • .1
Lanes . t o, 'July 14;i1k)4. GILBERT IiTAYELL.-
--'. ,
1 Ali111(401EAP GOOLOS,
1 the lo'n - e...-st. prices, and nil! Wisold ac.
-. I'l 1---, l'S5 t.
1 . . iere% and. Ve%tinnz.
1. t prices lower than we ha
- hem 'heretofore. 1
_ -
. 1 -. tr.,
I if rek,
1 ex elm
1 . 301171M1T
) cordingly..
Gibson, Octol)er.
Cloths; trdOiSill.,
A large asFortnient atiki
ever been enabled tt! O'er
Gibson, 0ct....”,
, ,
, , -FAlitllS Esiplß4 , S,
ri7DEsithscriikir will act :LS agent foi
.1.: ,
in' Ilea! Estat:!---Fareis, Ifousr ,
4 catt..d iillSusquehannkcounty, !fa,
offiti their property for sale!cari ',give :
tiori of their Farms, or Lot 4 as 'Folio'
Bhack Silk. \/ .3, acres, how Many improred,l and how
A good quality. r6i ar q , 4 ..s at 81 Cents per.,‘, l :tid:' . i iligkorrinthls, f,r II ift etl 'or enn:Men r
October 12, 1854.1
. 1. 1 U: BURRO \,Cu. 1 trees ; an ti the nearest point to !the ft
Slittititt, •
Long and square, wOol, hroche, and slit:, very ha d- 1 Gp fitrins on the list, 43 unsold. 1
some styles and 'Ai er,treniely low prides. •. •1 _ I snbseribt4 a minute descriPtion. l , pric
OctOber 12,.185.1. 1 1 1 U. 13U Ro irs - k Cl. ' lie
,:giren: : 4
-------.7 ------ Ittiiiii i iii;e'Sha Is - -.,! •
1, • office on ; Turnpike st. 4 iloos' wes:
. • 1,.
Cheaper than :ever. bcifie• known beautiful Paitern.4 ,ontrose, .kumist 15,18. m. 1. A.
and fine quality Of 8,1: Ilroche S, :awls, Lupen a man- - -- 3 ,1- -- 7 - 7 -1------ -. - - -- '.. ----- f ---- ':• -- --
afaeture, at 1 1 ..1 ' • 'I. . 1 - - U./BURROWS CO.*' , LA TEST EtiblTE3l
. 1 . , ,
Gibson, - 0e totier 11x,1851. / . • • ' . , - 1 . 1
1 •:-‘. - •ti rl
. 7.IO":I3IrASFA 14y - NSi
Q COTT, . )IINSTON •&;:Co .4 are]
ti,: l- ,ifroin
,New York a:gt.in4al :assort]
. and 'Summer gaolkr, and ltet, corinallYl
likehO buy goods t. cap to givelxs a i
is 14-g e ,land we are. - Ting to still flie ( 1 1
Yott can find here alm s t every 1 ; art',
we are willing to cornpargoo , liand i
store in ',the county—;re hliT,e t*ert 1
findiniee to please .th 'e \ L'allies, I
Figured'and Fancy.Sliks, - Silk Tissue
Berke ; Delanes, Plain and Pando,ati
apiliDortiestic Gingharns, Figureir,ao
Einbroidered Curtains and Paper do,'
Underhainikerchiefs and swero4, g ,
and Gloves, - Straw and Fancy', Bo I
min gs te match. A large stock of 1
and Boys, also Iron, Steel, Nails, 11 . ,
116ric IC,r;lls Ploughs, Salt; }IA, qj
stodes,,and 'Stoneware, StoTe pipe,
Leather; : i Boots, Shoes tic.'„ fie. 11:
cha4ce o showing you our stock btj
. Yours truly, • , SCOTT,I JO'
Stningrille, April, 18, 1854; 1 :: '.
-----, -------.-
. . i. 7- r
• . All Right. AgalTa.
.! ~, TO ORDER. •; - - ,
Pr BE subscriber would reSpeCtfullyi nnounce to his
111cnStOmers and the public dit go oral that he is
agaih prepared for the Boot 'and Aloe business. 7--
Hiving just received frontNeiv,Yorkla choice lot of
Sole. l ,and..UpPer Leathdr, Calf Skins,l "tip .Skins, &c.., -
all etak-ttumed., Alsoktn assortment] f',Ready-made
worlt; consisting in Part of --Men's . . - 'lick and Calf
Boots, Eloys Boots, Childreit'itStrap 1 . is, 11 omen's
Enameled Union BoOt4, Polkas, Ki Buskins, Silk
Lastino,Fox.Gaiters. Goat Lace Boots, tunneled I'eg
ged Boos,' Misses Kid Lace Boots, 4., iildren's Roan
}loci', &c..S:c.--whicli will be sold f/r;eash cheaper
shamed* be bought elsewhere hi th ,market. Re
pairiilg done'neatly. ' -i•,, I, - - 1 ,
liPleaseicall and examine.; StOre - u1 'i f tioor east of
the brld Fellows Hall. ' - 1 - ':, '' r
, . 1
liiisi;ten hours'. from " die•thite tolwork" until the
time fur !'rest" 'and "refreshment." Crateful for past
favors he, hopes by strict iattriittionl,:-. business to
merit a continuance of the Sarne.i
1.11. ' 'Being somewhat in want of he "one thing
needful,", (money,) he ironid-sOggest; id, the mildest
=Ones possible, the prbpriety.,.Of tho indebted call
ag ti4d Settling the some inimatliateir 1. of eed. • •
.- 314ntrose, Dec. 4, 1854, ', ; 1 t.!: ..41S111310SS.
,•:; --7 -.-.. ,- 1 , . -- i• - : 1 - -
1P AC lirs . FOR tiiit PiltiPL E. -
p E Subscriber is carrying Oh 'the 111417: MAK-.
' JAW BUSINESS in all itsyartoUtt branches at
. ,
the 4.:lhaiT.and Ware Shop In liitrfottli l ivbere may he
found it: greater Variety of Windsor i aini Rocking
Chairs titan at any other eshibliiihment lin the county;
alsOriag.tuni Cane Seats, Borealis, Belt toads, Loung
Sitte•es, Table's, Stands, l ,te.l4.e. ad .of which will'
be sold at the lowest price* atrets:il;• or wholesale,
with ',short notice.) All. work - Arm-ran ed. well made
and. of good material. m
material. Short credits a d small profits
willlie my motto. For. deonatiatiOn of the shore
facts,lpli ! as e call at my slop in , Ilarfo:14 !village.
. ! I " ! - l'A. lAt GREENWOOD..
Raiford, October 12, 1834. - i %'' . 1 1546inG
1 . .. , i
Dress f not.
great carietv, and', licautifal stV
cheap as mould be ticfikeii. • U. Bt
Gibson, Octotvei I'2; IrS54.
- Bay .141 1 a.te Sliawl*,
The LARGF- 7 .,T Sip . ;* ilici - ....31-AII'ALITY, and CSR' PAT
TEnss, "7 ; 50 each. 1! I U. BURROWS i - CO.
Gibson, October ll,l i t.t. - . i
• . r-e r 4 r ets, -
A good assortmgfit alt l
_handsome p . atternNlat very
low Prices. :
. J . ',- :U. BURROWS & CO.
I d
Gibson, October 11"18:54.
, • linflitloliobe%, -.!.
A large lot of handhoine Robes, apart of then? whole,
Indian drmred and ver , y_auperior color and quality.
October 12. 1054.. : . U. BURRO WS & CO.. _
rile Subscriber haal on hand ready made colfinS
1 which maY hid ai reasonable prices.
Alto on hand a lot O'Supetior window Sash.
*- -• • / • HENRY WARiiER
Great 13,nd 1:11111.855: •
/rnsi, VIRE, FIRE.
TCIE subscriber 110 !been recently appoihted an
agent for die PAttmEa's niroN INsunaseE Co.,
..itiK;os Pa., and, isspiepared to insure ITousk Stores
and, other buildings ; fiOods, Waieo and Merchandise,
on :favorable tertn. •,.Aopfication ! s made eitheiperson
ally or by letter proroirtly,attended to. 1. • '
" I . I I S. B. CH igE
/ Great Bend, P 4.; Ifireli sth 1545. "
• 'STEAM GillS1(1 A AND SAW :wax. -
-DosT BROTHERS liacing purchased the above '
1j establishment, will lieep constantly on hied Si-:
perfine Firtelnoi . q,corn Meal of mtperior qual- .
if y, afro Camp and Iji qti. at the lowest cash prices.—
Custotn work will be done with despatch, and in all
cases morronfed.. , . l:.;81tf
Montrose, July. 151.
- ; Nohricr.
Those persons:intlebt'ed to the subscriber for fees
as Register, Recorder send Clerk of the Orphan's conrt
wonld confer a fivor hy settling the same soon.
Montrose, Dec: f, 16M. ' J. T. LANGDON.
WiOdow Sash. - •
H. S D. SAYRE...baving been appointedm agent
L. • for an exteiaiive dash blind and door-manufac
tory are prepared to Ihrnish any articles in thiS line at
less rates than they hare usually been sold
. July' 24.. ' S. 11. le D. S.
• • hsiviaiCream. •
N article man should try tor sale
Aby. . S. H. it. D.
AZ r li s . um —A me n r Or , hit Summer
Tr and ilatlifo and
e T:4%3
!:03, - ]). R. L. A: CO.
Populr Patent Inedicine Agency..
BEL TE I RRELIOut.S just received - a new Supply
orall the pc:Oahu-PATEN-L. Mkmietsrs of the day,
including Dr. Jarm's 'celebrated. 31edicines, Truk's,
Magnetic Ointment; Tainier's German Ointment, My
ers' Extract Rock' : licfs, 'Forest Wine, &c.
of all sorts; all dirtxit ;from the proprietors.: Also,
Burning Fluq, canipOrte, Le., cheap as the cheap
est- ~
berli 16
Montrose, I*llll , 54.
•i 211 °TICE!
'FIrE subscriVCrs4Ming severe sufferers from the
A. • late disastrous ri' r e, hare removed with what
little reinains of clink Stock, to the new building on
the Avenue, oppOsito W. J.- & S. 11 - ..-Mulford's store,
where they will be happy to see all their friends and
customers, and -hope:'n the coarse of some ten days
to be able to, greet , them with. an entirely la. ir
STOCK OF Ouppo'.; i •
We trust that ;Sunni Of our customers who , bays
been long in ,debt, will rnember that this is a time
of ETSCIAL iS and do as they would' be
done by. BENTLEY & READ. -
Montrose, Novetnheri lt . 18U. • • -
- " ALL RIGHT.- -
- A Fine assortmetWof nevi- goods just received at
the Faimer's Store.' iCptl tut& see for. yourselves.—
Cost you nothittg.tolook and but little to buy.
• . • .
Montrose,. March lb. Oti.s. R. THAYRE It, CO.
. ,
''IAT . II
OnlEa'X DaiN4aging
4 S we are anxious to close out oltr stock of cloth-1
11l mg to ninke room for our flprpv, and; Summer
purchase we are selling iti at greatly reduced prices. •
Call, as now is the time to buy cheap. • ' , , i
o ver cos t s from Vim° to slB,fita.
e t ..a .eset, Frock and , t ii( E rs plur A irs
Sack Mats, good patterns and new sit 3 . Pants train • „,'; J . A •
$l,llO 11) $B,OO. Vests of every St4e. Gents. Fur-
g, Goods of every kind. , I t t i , i'
1 rdk
la_per milt. cheaper than ever olftriitl in Montrose. fruzaitlia• long existed a publics demand for met of
' 1 feetite purgative pill which could bd milled Onas
stire and-,,perpet in its operation Tido. has been
Good quality and neat palterng I liellint-': at 0 ; 14 for, prepuredlto meet the demand,`and ati dxtensive trl: '
main 'I • A- LAVirLOP 'it.' co- al of its 14irtims has cOnclusively shown with whee l :me-
~ 1 2 1 cess it adeomplishes the purposes desi3nerl. It is ea-1
I'elar,a ary 1,185 S.
DAIRYMEN; TA litt ' N OTICE r sy to Make ti peysicad pill, but not easy to make the'
ZIIE subscribers having secured i r e s ole r i g ht to best of aflpii/a—one woico should have irmie of the
.D A A
VIN' A ILTSfI:II3.IE, or IfUltY AND objectiort bin all of the 'advantages of every other.— I
iltr/71gRsil r ORKgR;f4v Stisqllehal, Ina and several This has een attempted here, and with what success 1
we would respectfully submit to the, public. decision.
adjoining Counties respectfully invite all Butter mak
croft/ 4xamine and Tr:we-the merit's p,Of this new and It has ham ofortunate for the patient hitherto that I
value* invention. .We propose tolfurnish each and j almost Bier) purgative medicine is aerrnoniOns and
all of tam with. ti-Cltuax that will Produce as ntuch itritating)to the bowels. This is not. Many of them
butter7)in as short a tituo as airy, ether churn--one 1 produce io much griping pain and revulsion in, the
that will completely expel the butleOnilk, l isash alai system as to,tnorti than counterbalance the good to be
teork in the salt, dl 'vain it perfeoly throu g h the derived floin them. These pills produce no irritation 1
6144(1. 1 4nd fit it for use, without - rem' ving it from the or pain, pultais it arise from a previously existing ob 1
cliorM , This Churn is simple in it's tionstruction, sei structiomor derangement in the bowels. Being pure-
entific In its operation, and easily..cleried and kept in ly vegettible; no harm ow arise from their use, in ash i t
order, and can be easily nttached b any propelling quantityl hull it is better that • any medicine should
poker: • , ' ' iI D - I.e 4kentjudieiously. Minute directions for their nse l
For, further particulars, a p
supply r 4 Italic or by let:" in the se•eral diseases to which they are applicable'
ter' to 'JAS. 'f'. BUSHNELL and 4?, N. 11110NI;ON, are given oW the box. Among the complaints which
Ararnt,' Susquehanna county, Pa. 1„ If ' • have bedn speerlil7 cured by them, we may mention
....t_.„ __._ Clt la'
• , ,I l • -/-- --- - I.iyer oip int, in its various forms of Jaundice, In
, _ PUMPS! PUI'IU I S ! tlig,estimi, Languor and Loss of Appetite, Listlesness,'
TAe Cfreafest Improvement ilf lithr Age!—C. liritabili J, Hiliotia Headache, Bilious Fever, Fever,
if. 'Williams' Double-.letinj nall'illee ' all these
Agup, train in the Side and Loino ;for,. in tru . tb;
theset,nretbut the consequence of :diseased action
Force seal Lift Pumps— ,
in the Hier. , As an aperient, they afford prompt and
• +'N , improvement above rill o„her pumps or ma- sure relioflii;Cositiveness, Piles, Chalk, Dysente?y,
1 - 1. chines for lifting, throwing, wi g carrying water, Ilinnor4,lSantglila mid Scurvy, Colds with soreness of
email:Lig both a l'unip and a 'FWI , Engine. This the bodeticero and impurity of the blood'; in short,
PuMp, patented in February, IS .1, l',. the . Ai hole of it any andl,o-ery case where a purgative is required.
inelallic. No bolts or screws abont to rust, conse- They 'have produced some singularly; successful
quently it itiill last a man's life timer, It can be used cures in th4umlitism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, Erysipe
in ,every variety of firm-.-can 11,-att water from any la 4, Pali' ation of the Heart, Pains in the Back, Stout
situation, and carry it to any part's , a building. It aeli and Side. They should be freely taken in the
is 4npritnr to all other Puinps for 1 i4tilleries, Paper
:spring : o tli: year, to purify the blood and prepare
Mill., Tanneries, Brick Yards lion
.. Vorks and Mm- the syst in for the change of seasons- An occasional
tifact in ing establishments of all It hair. dose stin ulaie.4 the stomach and bowels into. healthy
All orders must be addressed to .kinnisos Diunntx: action, i i ol restores the appetite and vigor.' Thepu-
Loilai sville, Pa., who has the sole Tilt for Susqwe
- rite the 1 looil, end" by their stimulant action, oti the
hatint county. 1 1 , dirculatoky sS•stem, renovate the strength of the body,
- ; - , 1 .--
and restorolie a asted or diseased energies of the
NEW STORE! • NEW -,GOODS ! whole' ot4sanisni. hence an occasional dose is advent
: tr
• s IS NE .1.1L1111:1) ,
g e
' Lioll.:,!et ill though no serious derangement exists;
i,5e,..,e, 11,it - ing- leased.the Store of the but utitufce4nry closings should never he carried too
;Mess'ts. Prints, formerly ot•etipied by I. S. Lit- Cu- as eqty putgative inedicine reduces the strength
tie: intends to locate pennanetttivl in I\e :v Milford. when taken to excess. The thousand_cases in which
And he would take this nifthoti I,f informing the a physic - 14 tigilired cannot be enumerated here, but
inhabitant , of NOW Milford, und,a4teent town , , that they suggest themselves to the reason of every body,
he bas just returned from N'en I',ork I with a large and and it isi confidently believed this pill will answer. A
splendid sttlek of fresh an 4 entire') 'mew Goods, eon- bettor piirtaise than anything which has hitherto been
sisting of 1)1:1r trt.'ooDS of almostil every conceive- • available to mankind.. When their virtues are once
blekuriety, GROCERIES :is lowirs the lowest, Hord- I known, the tlublie will no longer, doubt what remedy
ware, eroeker../, Bunt,. um/ Shah 1'1T,./., alid Caps , t o emphiy when in need of a c:ithartic medicine. Be-
Botesets of every style, ke. k.c., I which he offers for ing sito-wr';upped they are pleasant to take, and be
sale on the most reasonable terms, or ca-li, country ing purely ieg,etitiple, no harm tan arise from their
pia - Once, or reliable credit.'' Ile:not .1.11-0 ..ay in this use in ally rquantity,
connection, that he has added to the establishment, . For Minute directions see wrapper &Ile Box.
the'. manutilcturing of nit, Shc , it-tron, and 6,p / sec ; Prepared hy JAM - ES C. ATER, Practical and Atte
estre in • all its varieties, in whikh lie is prepared to , alvtieal eheliFt, Lowel, Mass. I
exrlcide all kinds of jobs, by the wiry best workmen ~ Prtee 3.3 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for $l.
and on 'the most reasonable te r ms i l
. , tt,
Dealer's supplied at the lowest' prte4. Particulars
in relation to stoves t&c., at sonii' futnre time.
, I ' ' J. DItiI:F.RMAN, jr.
New 31ilford, 11rty It 185 t. 1 ' I 17t
(IFVICE..)TiIEN's; rin_it)vota) itorNIA - 7
S . ; • • CAPITAL, !$200,00q.
i t'ond and . ifottaape • on the real '.Etrq . ate
• , or th e StOekhold,rx.
InAnreSing.ainst . lo,:ii by Fire, of
()Own Goodg,lVltre., imp 'j
ag 14:i : 0411)1e termig ;lc any simitail Ins
tiroui r - tly.atlitigtell and
F:(11) ILS, —lion. ilorade
(ti, ( ci filer, do. ; (10017.0. Piokin , 410.
! 1./0.% N.. (10. ; 3, V(.11
:011i'4.d.110.; lion. Join Lai)orfe, T(
4 ikvntap;'Lack•vviile (4 , i1, 31).110
llot Rea Will6tol
F. - c Itt•I!s; Jr., V. Pre,i.. and Triia.g.;
Se(in i ,tary. 1 „ 1
4:ient,'o. S., I
es, and nost / ns
• 1 -7.--
' M. S. WILSON d
A r AY; be found . in S. :L . :3/4160's
11.1 i'sicic of Public .Avenuc. • ,
Moiltrole, Noretubcr .15; 18:14.r -
. . ,
Huilallo Robes:
- CIIOICE lot just receiited, nail Dilii
A 1 -1 , ' SCOrr, Pill
tailitrtvls! tiha.wil S
AA cinct: lot of Wool Long film*
i:l3 , , - SCOT, JOITN'S'
,Sprblgrille, December 3. ; '
; .1 4
WAl r T i r s:
. 11 ,0 a ta tteJ , , e h i re :t ir :
ANow cutter anti it tttlhors6
tinge: far sale 'heal; by
A frmill supply of Silver Spoomp,Wa(elies, Jewelry,
ke. net roeeived. - DEFII . 4I Ai READ.
t • 11 •
y i er's• Cherr.*:Pectoral.
1.1,r the froiticl Cure o f Cot.ry/isOAP, licit:runes; I
Bro n 4io, Whoo k iny-anigi, erortp,Aithhaa,and
This iinnOy has won - for itself such notoriety - Troth
its cureslof eery variety of pultnonaVy disease, that
it is entitclymnnecessary to recount the eddcncesof 1
its virtuAs iff any community where iG ha's been • em
plorcel. S'oly.ide is its field 1 usefultfesS, and so nu- 1
me.rous Cases of its cures - , that almost every see- I
lion of the cuntry abounds it) Merlons publicly known
. who hav 11C - en restored from alarmiM4 and even des
perate dlseal4es of the lun'gs by its use. When once
tried its i , tstipriority over every other Medic:pc of its
kind is Om apparent to escape °in:cry:26)7l;nm' where
its virtubs4re known the public no longer hesitate
what ani s ide46. to employ for the alst r e.Fsin g . and clan
°Trolls all'ections of the pulmonary organs 'which are
incidentito Onr climate. And. not only in formidable'
attacks dpon the hints; but foi- the miider.varieties of
("rat . , liorscir.../Puir;s.m , ..ex, ; and for Chitofren if
is the plas:antest and svfest medicetie that can
tainA.. 4 • ; -
'As it 11:: ton.' been in constant use throughout this
{iced not do more than assure the people'
its rinalit,isikept up to the lu.St flint it ever has been,.
and thatT the genuine article is sold by—dart. Ten-
It ELT., Abintrirc. ; It. r, 'A: R. H. Ilyroy,.llarford;
Citt - timt t 1 4 )I:NNF.y, Pundatr,
.Und by all' dealers - in
medicinl ev.;:u.y where.
. .
tzos, Stoma, and
ercharelisP, on
itution. Losses
,Athens; Fran
; J. T. D. Meye,
.5,•,11..,(10.; J. E.
Wanda; Gen. B.
Proz.itlent C.
J. E. Canfield,
[I 5:12.1un
buyipg and '4,11-
3, and Lotp—lo
ill who whd: to
Number of
watered. build
uit • other fruit.
. L. & A. IL
A' , i •
•i' • I • --; REMOVAL. . . .
sT9TiEs! f..TOVIN: STOVES?...
TllRlnhs*ribcr.wishes to call the at ration of his
frietuls land the public to his very large assort
ment of ASTOVES at his new Store Rootwin Loderk
•eille, net to. L. S.l.cnhehn's store,, and near' the Gt.'
Pend De•otj Ile hits, in additiot•ti) his former large
variety til COokinF, and Parlor Stoves,\ many ;tete fiat,
terns, soine'4 which are— • • .-
.*•.;/.. .IV4hola,s, Peach Brandt,. Fire Clipper,' .
31cab.riy rifi.?y, ifohatek, . \ Medallion, .
Orieire t •i= Black Warrior, Oak, gag Stone'.
Which, Tgether with his former stock, will perhaps
be the ntst extensive and varied assortment of Well
selected .storks in . the county. • .. •
Clint+ Storeß, *Sell furnished, at low prices.:' •
v calling on the
r e an d terms can
Of Main et.
now receiving
Inc.nt of spring
invite all that
cap, as our stock.
ei wanted, and
I ptices with any,
Special paihs to
[Biich ns Black,
ricrige4 and
. Notice to the Ill'ublica•
AVINGJust returned from New York I wish to
call the attention of 'ay old custcnners r and of .
the publ ingeneral, to my
whicli 'being Nought with cash at the lowest prices: .
and wishing to sell principally for ,the same, I.n - ill of
fer thrtNat givatly reduced prices. - • •
CocheCo' Prints, warranted fast • colors, for' only 8
cents a )tied.! Good Brown Sugar, 18 pounds for one
dollar. Boonton Nails, acknowledged by all to be
the best Nail!in use, 85,50 per keg. Rats and Caps,
Boots and eh*, Buffalo Robes of all 'priced, all wool
De Laincs, Cashmeres, Paramettas, .Dress Silk, 'Silk
civet, &e. 131ouslin De Lakes, I shilling per yard,
Sa'in B4nnets and Moleskin Bats, Broche .Shawls,.
Double, 4onishavvls, Thibet do., sellinr , ° at inconceiv
ably lOWA:irides. "•1 can safely warrant .perfect antis
tliction , a call.
-LanesliOro; Apr. 5 . , 1851. 5...&.• LYONS.
-C•11.0C-f- , 00d time keepers; onl odic dollar.
Laneshoro a Ap 5. • S. A. LYONS...
AVA rEp-- - -.lookillides, for which the highest
Price Will be p d. - S. A. LYONS.
• LarieShoro Apr. '5. . • • -
riOT4fRY PRODUCE\ taken in *exchange-for
Gores, at my store. \ -S. A. I;YONS..
Laneslioro April 5.
I•ns,l'Alk, French
I Plain llnslins,
Iliadies Collars,
01114 s, Parasols
ladLi,lso trim
{lood for Men
ka.e 'Slio d , and
Irockery, I
ease give 118
ore on buy.
ONtioN & Co
• ' PLOW -sn6g.
At.S'D E. - MOTT would mpectfully inform the
.11 1 • pnblio that they are manufacturikßlatcbley's
Celebrated Flows. They also keep constantly nn''
band, Si4e frill, Wayne. Cootnig, and . Idea . • Plows, fl
Cultivaktra, Pog . Omens, Sleigh dud C!titei• ( Itoot,i
Plow Pclntsi of various patterns, too munerou •to
mention. I, We hope, by strict attention to - bc;iine '
to receive out, share of .public' patronage. Itanutte.
tom D. roses Old stand. Foundry, M, Mott, near'
Wir Repairing done on slniit notice. - • '
ON .
M store, East
vii low by
ON & CO.
very cheat
ON lz CO. •
rooked Ilarns
S. S. U. _
.'ensure C*r
'articles in his line kept on hand and made
order ;i usual, and orders received at his I3id stand
Loderivita and Crcat,Bend, Nov., 1854.
'THE 80mo:fiber is agent fOr the following Insurance
ConiPanies, buslios at the lowest safe
rates. ' . •
State ..itutt4tt at _Hilo •Isbarg. •
Capital $350,000.
Calk lltatripi at flarrixtrarg.
. • Capittilos2oo,ooo..
Home flisu.a4ce, 11 7 ere York City.. •-• •
t. • . Capital ,5500,0450:
.Nao April 6, '54.. F. B. CHANDLER.
subsCribers are now burning and will keep
.1 coustimtly on band, Limo of a very superior
quality at;i.liiintroso' Repot , and will sell •it in any
quantitie.i, at la fair 'price. Persons wishing a large
quantity Can be supplied 1.:-on a reasonable notice. _
Superirr grbund Ilaster will bp kept constantly on
Band hereafter. .. I. L. POST,
• - W. JESSUP.
MontroSe Depot, April 3. L. SEARLE.
• • Stoves! StoVest
TEVERITT Ls now receiving a new assortment
• et Sans, including the most popnlar and
Improvedkinds of Premium, Air-Tight, and Elevated
Oven Cooking Stoves, - with Parlor, Office, and 'Shop
Stoves, fo wood or - conl, in superior variety and style:
which he 'fwilesell at the most reduCed prices. Ele
vated Otin stoves of new and approved patterns will
be sold a.sllo to'Clt, and other kinds . in pro Portion..
Also, stoic pipe, zinc, and sheet iron, stove tubes &v.
New Milford, Sept, VI, 11, EVERITT.
• I • i • •; •
SVIIIIIEIER61 •1 CIO - 10199 - AT
, L:` POST & CO.
Wz now he public the most choice and
;the I% :rar er gir l° :MI - of Gonda to be bad any ;
w h ere in the nono)ry, and for the Very lowest prices;
without, variation. - . ;
•RAVAD MADE or,ozwyo.. ;
QUIOILIt' LES, I. L. Post Co. hate just . ;
10 Made' addition:to theft. stock of clothing,
consisting now of everything desirable for the buyer
at such prices as are sure to snit:, • The goods arwl,
made first-rate, and we warrant the work to be equal
if not Superior to any ever before °fere in , this mar.
ket. Qur stock comprises Coats,' fine black' French
Sacks,'l.Froeics and 13.reduess; Tweed, Caskimere and
Jean tliacks_and Frocks, also brown and White &un- ';
mer plan and twilled. • Vosis...-White and colored . 1
Marseilles, Wilentio, Lasting, figured Barathes, fif.Pr
ed and Satin, and every voriety;good and cheap.
Pasirs-,--Fine black Cassimere, doeskin, col. tweed,.
Summer stuff, linen drill, cottdroule, .mtripe ' plain, -- 1
cheek Old plaids,-so cheap as ito_bia su re of 'save to
l 'oll.who desire to buy. .
I.l,OfrES AND 116,SIERY—Ladies and Genii -
VA IFhite and colored Kid Gloves of the best quail
ty. warranted. A large assortment of all kinds of blue,
browniand 'slate hose, and hose gents and ladies,
„cotton; ',lsle' thread, Berlin . and silk 'Gloves, Black ''
and colors;, a large rssortment of black silk and lace
Mitts, long and short. • . POST & CO'S.
- DOTS . AND . 5110t5 7 --New line Boots, Coarse
ill Boots, Ladies fine Gaiters, Bootees and Buskins,
a full assortment, of Cheap Shoes, Children') and Miss• j
es Shales and Bootees, Ladies fine silk-linen Slitipers,
at • . - ' 1. L.P.--,k4Co's.
V V ed 9O 'n O gu i) Pillow g rttri z r, d J ci ac. an .ti (r Cambria
Muslitis, Swiss and Book Muslins, Barred Muslins,
Bishops and Victoria Lawns, &c., figured and dott,
Swiss to dins at • - ; P. &ces.
0 L L_ POST b C 6 0 ,,,
ROCRRIES 7 —Of the beat and cheapest kind.. A ‘
t ofSugara aurpriabigly Cheap at' I. L. POST.%
1.7. Co I .' •;
I. i:IXTS--tlie most desirable stock in the eoun
try, at very low prices. L L. P. & CO..
GOODS—Silks, Ifuslins; DeLana, Deßa
ges, • Giiighams, Lawns &c., of every desirable
y I . I. L. POST & Co's.
. 14illodid stack of Spring Prints.
• L CO
STAPLE Goods at:the lowest price.
I. L. POST &Co..
CLOTHS. CaSsimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky deans
and Satinetts,
• very cheap at I. L. P. &. Co's.
00,DEY 11 7 :ARE—Patent Pails, Cedar Pails
and Wash Tubs, Cocoa Nut. Tippers, Butter
Ladles, Prihts, Willow Baskets, 'Rope Halters, Bed-!
Cords, Manilla Ropes, Brooms, a good lot at the store F.
of , ILL. POST & CO.
. .
.. , - _....
.. I T
ri 3 OD-FISII .A ND JIACKE,DEL. of - the — b eet
V' I 1 1 11 0ity at the lowest possiblO rates.: - ------ • - i
.April,s, 1554. . I. L. POST & Co. ';
OLR LEATHER, veiichear' ,at -
• POST r
OR I C KER Y AND - CLASS WARE-:-o: choice!
loti at Totr prices.. POST k CO. -
Carpet, -Room paper and Window Shades.
' . ' POST . I k. CO.
ILikr spring. style best quality ver) ,, r
L. cheap.- POST it. CO.
IVETS . and Bonnet Ribbons of all kinds,Par—i
large and.sinall at very low prices.
- POST & CO.
B°' .
TAR SS 'l:l?lsfAlLSOS—ev,ery • style tliritble
lJ an very cheap. • • POST iTo.
BA OS—of the beet quality. . •-•
S ALT; Liam and Plaster at
rSt) COLLA-RS—.l. very choice • lot - of the
-1.1 latest styles; Book Embroidered Lyrnerie, Lace,
3lcelin and Ilenitun Imitations. I. L. P. .5; CO.,
L 7 l 4 MIIROIDERED add Lace I.lndersleeves, all desi-:
5 raHe styles; also, vrotked hnd embr'd. Edging
and Ins .rtings and Flouncing. • .
. .
j AC" . Edging- and Inserting. ; imitations of d - 61-y
LI kis d,.almozz.t as good as genuine and cheap,
also pur s ta linen-wrought Lace. . I I. L. P. E; CO. 1
. ,
INED and Hemp Carpet for sale at' •
• . • LL. POST & CO's.
ER lIA.TS--Panama, fine-and - coa.rse, trim
and fmay bound,
.I'i:dal and Palmleaf, for;
' men, sold very cheap. 1.. L. P. & or.),
boy an'
Ea 'anal Children's Flats, a good variety, al-
new lot of the latest styles of Boeunts at the
I. -L. P. Zi; CO.
store of
`VAJ •
LV of all•kinds—Beans, Dried Apples,
VT low, Butter, Beeswax, all wool socks, Eggs, &c.,
for which we will cad-lenge goods at cash price&
April 5. I. L. POST & CO.
SAY 'E, BENTLEY k.I'ERKINS having purehas•l'
ed .f Wilson k Co., the Eagle Foundry, are now,
prepare. to fill orderstrom the trade,- and do work in,
their lie with 'skill and despatch. They will' keep
Constan y on hand Plows; (best
.kinds,) Stoic* (all
kirds_ ,
,) 'ultirators, Straw Cutters, Corn Shelters,. .
&4. &e. p. - _
;We invite, particular attention to the„rlows which , .
we man' acture. We manuficture andlceep for.sals
1 - .7:he Celebrated illatehlexPlow. . ,
We hay purchased the exclusive right, to_ inanufat-;
trite an sell in this county, Wayne, Wyoming and * ~,
.Fertidford; arßieh's Patent Iron Ream Plow. The,
PlOw is ade entirely of iron, excepting the
'Cis eel rated for its easy- draught,- being - ime-tbird
cakier t MI any .now in use; while its strength and dn-","
iihility are greater. • to * '
' 1 ' I - - 3IACIIINERY ' -' -
otall kirds manufactured "and repaired by experient-'
ed macbinests. °• - • ,
Sirens. _engines,- Gearing for Mills, Shingle Ma-', .
1 ' chines, dc. ike, .
Ikmong the "Stoves which we manuacture, are the° . •
rrystoni Cooking Store, Rough and Ready do., For
!.11, QueSri do., Premiuni do., and pther kinds, al sr.'
4tinged or burning wood or eoal. - Alsb, Self-Regu-i
leitor, Parlor,
.Stove, Cottage. Parlor - do., Stonley'si .
tip au, do., and a variety of other, Parlor:Stoves, ,
bdth w and coal burners... We keep also on band •
Gtindst e trimmings, Dog Churn trimmings, Um- brella ° d
a t
Shovel and Tongs Stands, &c. &c. Work.
dam to rder on short notice and at the lowest rates.
B:ctar •
.; tun
filled at
i rders for . Stoves, Agricultural Implements,
olicited from those in the trade, and will be
asonahle wholesale prices. -
Australia, California;
Or an
1 '
• . .
.on the Glatt cannot present
greater inefteeententi than
" V- AM fi * . S in!ti.: STORE. , I
CH is now nod with.sinew aid skatem6sa
;sortMent of articles in their line, embracing
a genial vendy of new and.elegant styles of ladles
and • geAtiemen's wcar, among which . are ladies
h il
French, 4ilk Lasting and Preni ll e -Gaiters,. Rid 'aid
Enamels Polkas, Kid, Patent Leather and Bronit4 ,
Jenny nds, Buskins and Til!s ; Gentlemen's French
aud P • delphia, oak tanned-calf akin and kip BOots,
llococco, Calf and Cowhide Brogans Ac. Boys kip,
ealf:lnd 1 cowhide Boots and Brogans ; alf kinds of
Missei - mid Children's wear. Also; ii. general assort;
rnent of endings which ennsist - in part of Luta, pegs,
sperable. llungarian nails, tacks, thread, wax, Eris-,
tles,shoo , hiding, awls, rasps, sandstones, shim kniyes;:
te. Als
.oak \ a,nd hemlock, tanned calf upper and s soleleath r, 'llorr-co skins and liAngs:. . , '
Work ad s tiiM.dei. and retailing neallY'dons,
se; April 6, 16641 " .
' 'liable Lads Poi Sale.
VOI{ SALE IN ONE BODY, about ‘5500 acres of
1 . Lan l i on the - maters of SPring - .. Brook, a bran C-
of the . I. , kawanna-river, in Luzerne County, Ppnreil.,
about mi4way, between the Ariving .towns of &Tan-
ton` and Pittston. These lands are -covered with vil-'
nable thn er, and being situate In the Most .extentOs
mineral .gion in Pennsylvania—know)). to cont&in
iron d believed to, a und in eoeld being
RIK. in e htunediete 'deli ity - -of snveral 4ailroada
wade awl no w in pro Ter to the capitalist in
opportun y for the investme t of money that sehloM
occurs. 'or further informs ion apply to .N. - P.lle
Sack, Es. , _ No. tl, Wellostreet New York, or to the,
subscribe , at Montrose, Summelianna eounty,Pa.; thee
attorney, . fact of the ownera. .
. .
April 1 1854. i IiENIIY D_RINKE.TI, I
• ' NEW GOODS.:. .
4,;,IPLENPID Prints and Ladies' Broadcloth, Pe'huteis,
► .tc. c., jut opened and Ilk sale by
Is ItteNS SON:
Timothy Recd. : „ .
tanley Turrel,a celebrated ThgathySeed, warrerit-,
ecl *pure. • For sale 'dy .luau TURRELL.
.Montrose, - M arc h Ist, 18115... • - .!, 1
_ _
LES.-.Shavc•cl Shingles vratifid by
ei 24.1 • J LIONS
t. • Loon
POST & Co's
• S. H. SAYRE, ;
- S. PERK S.