Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, May 03, 1855, Image 3

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    From the Platte Argils, Extra,.l6th. I
The Riot in Pirkiille, Missouri.
. Lumnary Press throtin into - As •ritlat
-the editors driieufrotn me/own-36,6a.
*erotic Afeetin g --, Tar and feathers *eaten:.
d—l:iolent Resolutions. ' •
• • PARKVILLE;IO., April 14; 1855.1
The spontaneous upheavings of an indi
• -nant and outraged community were Manifest
ed here - to-day, m a decided manner. To
tell :you that the 'lndustrial Lum'nary,' a
newspaper owned by'George S. Park and W.
J. Patterson, in this town, is a Free Soil
sheet; and has been and abetting the
Eastern Abolition societieS in - their ab o rtive
attempt to abolitionize Kansas. for the pas t
year, is to tell) ou *hat you already know.
'Yoit are also aware that Park has a large
tel ikt this place, ,kepi by a Free Soiler, nit
ported frOm Illinois, - ard devoted to the same
foullpurpose: - •
:It seems that certain men in the neighbor :
JMOci determined to • abate *the'
Now they' manaped to nOtif,r, so' many, and
• to keep it quiet, I don't understand ; but about
10 o'CloCk in the morning we - were surprised
to see about ten or_ fifteen ofour
spectnble eountry' acquaintances ride Into
town; and go to.the• printing- •office,• and put.
Patterson under guard.' 'Park, it appears;
had either. heard of it., or his good , luck -had
prompted hitit to. go to the . mouth
.of the
Blue, , in Kansas Territory. - • .
At 12 o'clock, about two hundred then had
arrived.' The press was very qujetly
dOwni mid :paraded into the street... The
crowd was called to order, and :Puttexson was
. • brought forth to receive his sentence: 'One
speaker stated that; they were nil aware that
they "Came there with the firm . determination
to black, tar and feather, and ride on a rail,
G. S. Park and W.
Patterson, but that as'
Park had eScapel, and left his scapegoat to
suffer for biith, he wished the meeting to de
cide what should nowhe done
.with the pris , .
oner. Another speaker declared his voice
:was i;),!. m , rey ; north:lt he had any excuse
to ofg,r for - Patterson,lffir he despised :him as
strongly as any man could ; but that Patter
son's !Wife thionghout the morning had hung
to hintlike leeek; that . she now held , on. to
him, and that we could not inflict the Punish':
.nient* without groSs viotenee . to he r . feelings,
and perhaps flidenesS to her perso'
n tie
thereflire, fur the salie: or the wife, toOved
vote be taken to remit the tar, feathers, &e.,
and set. Mr. Patterson; at large fiar the. pres
ent. The vote was accordingly 'taken', and a
smail.triajority went in favor of the prisoner;
he therefore, set a large. The fotlow
ingresolutioni: were then offered,: and' voted
oasitig,ly, and. not one. dissenting, -voice was
• Leard the ground.
d pnost every one
‘oted in the a ffi rm ative ; and they voted with
, ,
' vim,; too, that snowea . they. were in earn-
Itesolved, *.l. That the Parkville In4strial
Luminary ,nuisance which 'has been en;
d ured too long, and should LoW benbated.
2. That the 'editors,! - to- wit G. •S.' Park
and - W. J. Patterson, are traitors to the
State and county. in which they live; and
slionid be dealt with as such,
'2. That we Meet - hete again on this day
three ‘'cOekg, and if we find G. S. Park'or W.
:I: Patterson this town then, or at any til)---
se'..luent lime, we VII throw- . them-. into 'the
rlYts' . ; and i(they go.to_ KanSas to
reside., 4e pledge our honiir. nv . ; men id' fol
low att-j hang Iltern 'Whereyer we can take
That at the suggestion of ()Ur •Parkvi!te
iliends, We will: 'attend to. some Otheti Free
Soilers not far 41". .
5. That we null sulTerno.pern helonainm
to the Northern Methodist Church to preach ,
in Platte comity, after this date, .under :pen
ally or ray mi. 3 the first offence, I
and a hemp rope for.the:.second.•
6. That-we - earnestly tall on our .sister
counties througin mt the State to rise it s their
fitight and clean thetnselves of Fier
7. That our peace, oiw property, and our
:safety, require us at this time to . do onr du
8. That we reqiicsf everi - -Pro.Slayeiy pa
per in.:kfissouri and Kallha ' A to publi la the
above re:-orutions.
, t
The Pre4s wrs then shouldered, with a
cap drawn ()yeti its he...ld,,and labelled
ton Aid,' the crowd following in reguli
der; it Was marched up through town'
1 1
ly Lathe upper !landing, and there, wit
- hearty cheers, it IM3 deposited in the
of '.lhe•Ciipulefs,7 to Wit : theldisouri,
A speech was Then made to the eroW l
they di-persed Pecealtly, each taking th'
to his own horde. , •
Saturday last Marsha: Greer aid Coil table
Dawson were called • t.l go to the hOuse
of Mr. Watson, a residit of this plac,' and
take charge of a girl who, it was said, was
about to he carried off -to Cincinnati,and
placed in a Catin§lie. cup vent' agiAst her will..
The officers . immediately repaired =tothe
house, and found the-girl-in - a. greatly- terri
fied state, beanise, as shcafftrine.d, her uncle
and aunt—both Catholics—were determined
to place her in a con vent, and she tho - ught their
(Roma to secure her, would' yet be stux.efiil.
The officers 'asUred her she. should not be
taken by compulsion, and,' at her request, one
of them took her home with hint, where - she
still remains in, perfect. , security. ' The girl, is
an: orphan, about- seventeen . or eighteep years
vid, and withal good - hioking. She states that
her' p.arents have been dead about four years,
and since their !death she had to depend en
tirely upon her r iown exertions for a livelihood.
Her wages, which she obtained - by working
in the ;capacity 'Of a house servant, have all
been taken 'troth her by 'these relatives, who
live in or near Cambridge city, Waynevani
ty. • The reason given for..their conduct is,
that she has . beei:ane 4 member of the,
odist Churcli;and cannot be taken (coupe that
persuasion unless eartipulsory
,irotasares l'are
resorted to.—Oonnerarille cia;) -
Tux GADSDEN Putteuass.--A Correvo !Oen t
of one 'of the Califoraia papers says ;that
mines of - gold and silver exist in the country.
purchased from Mexico by.the.Gadsden treat
.,v and that a number, of ,sinall parties
had gone thithr in Search of the precionS. -
inetals ' found ntfincratis pladers,' but
Were obliged to 4bandon. tlitni. owing to the
hostility of.the Indians and the. difficulty of
procuring supplies :. it' appears to bo beyoPO
a Aloatit 'that gold exists in the head waters'Cf
the San Pedro and Gila, hut the writer .fr4mi
rrbom wo.qUote mys• that the whole country
is as rich in deposites as California:,.; He
also adds
. thae . within-leis than twenty 'miles
of Ash Spring there,aio.,si Iver mines now m
possession of the Apache. Indians richer and
more extensNe than ';the famous Chilinahua
- mink,s neae,COrolltss: ..In the Western see.
tion there are:also said to. be inineslif almost
pure copper, and 4tround,Tuesim iron has been t,
found in abundance: Should this -news Fier
verified, this strap of, territory - wilt not pnive .
bo hard a bargain as' has been .generally
lit req.
The \ l Netiorial* tellig . meet recom
(; ilia a. large pla4Atfd be pit up at the
rlelivery door\ of - every. push flue, notlfying
th.:::p w pi e that hAtere,not prepaid woulds not
Le sent,. This Would ileearrlinorlatd that-fool:
.i , ll and ignorpt class who da
- •
-7-------------______— mos
. .
1 I .i..' —•- -•-- . 7
KE.tilvetp - 0-Tilq cOvingto . n Journal devel, i....
now Illieva.'dirtklrk -PitiOti..", C o:
opSsorneatnastugand interesting faet . seoneern . - 4 u
these wlie l otAgn Pai th e f r v i 4 3 % . te l ; athro P & °. ,to an
410 I tic Detiaocratie Con veniion that•cit--
la k o i ni da ta or de im an 4p
i _. ,
V a fewi,dayo shim to •tiontitthtencindidate No r e l
0;1 . 1p-taw hythe Tenth' District.- The' . ballot i the, sanie at the higliest niarket ptiees. an
All to tal
fini,tlie:different noinipees irere not cowl i
ted whe wi..41 04 Prices and, quick returns we 141.4010 i
Out.. tie .ei...r'etar.y . , after counting a . rii IEN I call ?win : • A. LATUROP At CO.
•-• , 1
w:is int i erropted by a motion to declare Gen. • 1 4 4)nt 1!° 56 ; / 1 0 Y I, 1855. .
. , ...____._.,7._.7.____________.„ ______ - , -
' Butler Ithe poniinee by acOautation, which • 1 -r •
was „4, f g e O, A delegate not posted, want- - I re;, All*llsom - It may Coicern.
.. .
ed the Oultilmg !q pri*ed i ,in order
h e
TIM 'Notei t ad book accounts of Edwin Ti ff any ta
' . might 14itowi,:how the vole stood, lint . he was a :::BriiiiklyN have been. left wi th the undersigned.
overrulisl.• At'',er. Gen. Butler Was put is for enllaition and settlement, and also -thP unsettled
accounts . o1 t the late firm of Tiffany & Smith. It is
tontinutiOn !nn'itrdent delegnte, rising to. his.
.. 1 enecteli . of all: such as -are indebted to the .said, dcelar'ed, %Abut • Gen. antler Was second i Tiffany, note or book account , that tho
' ' l 4 l•J k . '
91 I y t0..Tet, , ,, ru ae son .who was . si.2ond on- will pall on the subscriber without delay, and arrange
fy, to Jesus phrist.' , The gentleirian, having the sane without '
(felay.,- , , 1140 BEN 0. MILES. •
exhausted. intn 7 4f as well, a'4 th e subject- by - 1 - Iboolqyn;;April, 27, 41 . .55.
ilia trernendbus effort, dropPed bark into his
seat. At; Issaceolints, he was thought. to •be
in a fair': way to get up,:igai;. •
listar4 4y lc tirades ate;# ia7: f ed in the falai:44f
, nil] 4,e
re, rived at this.cfee :on subieription, at
the eurr i ent market prior ; ' '
Flour 14 barrel, '. slo,so @ 12,00
Wheat 9 bitsiO .. . . .•..,...... ...... • 9 1 OD
.Coru Meal "ii! unfired ' . .
.• • ' : •'
fßolm /I jbushet, ...
t V ... 1,25
Rye hush. .I, ~.'.. ...... ~.. '... . .. 1,25
Rye Flour ' 9 hUndreti ,
' 4,00
Butter Vll3, . j;...i r _ ' ~
Cheese . 16,.; '
10q., 12
Eggs li troa. • , • •• 12i
Maple Sugarll4 lb .- ' : • 'B@ 10
Potatoes! 9a bushel, .7
Apples 'ft bushids, \! ~ - . .50
Dried Apples "ii bushel . „.,.......... 150
Oats PI tuishel, . ..
~ . .
.. .. • • SO 1
Beans p 'bushel; ....-. . .'; ..... . . 1 ....4 1,50
Ilam lit) 11),....'
; _
_l , _
_* _ .. t'• ' • ' ";'' '•• " ' • - - '
: ',.. .i....-. -
,_,__ -t ,
lecnttsnr.o ErEatT racitsrar KORNIKO, IT gorraost,
,_ ,
1.1 - PA., At $1,5041,:12, ANNLII. IS: ArMANCIL '•
' Alio ..omvanies I
, . ~
i • 1- ~ . 3irentgerio C'gr.
'- ' Unfelt of Advertising. 1 I - ; eiti4 , I
ne square , (l6 Sties ttr leas) one week,
f n square , : " ' ' -r, tiro weeks
110,50 I I- . •.. • , .
075 i • .S. B. lIOW4S, Prop`r.
ne square '"• • F. three week ' s; iO4 i _Myer* if, IV' Is d i
.9 a . it ' s
! hie square 4 ' •• .• one month ,, - - .1,25 1 • —' cittgattarten.'
ne - square i •" ';
t` two months, 2 25.''EQUIF.ISTRIAN TROCPE.
ne square • , ' • ; three Ineuths, ' 3 , 0 0 L.Without Extra t'large. forming
nesquari '.," " t six months ! - 5, 0 01 • 2 EXIIIIIITIO ! .'S IN ONE.
, .
nesqare . • ."
r. ' 1 ..; one year, 8,0 t) ; For One lihir .otilv.—Aßerpoon
• t . For two or moretsquates, interted • fry the y - ear,:a i* . , n a E r eith, g ,
dechiction front the above trice is made. Yearly ad- !J. M. NIXON, 'f the
-4ertisers Will hate:the privilege of altering or ..chang- ! . Coinbined Directors.Ekhibon
.iig. their adrertiSements Without additional charge. rAt MoljtroSe . on i Saturday May ,
Business eardit, not exceeding fire lines, Inserted i 19th , 1 'l,: - ,5.. 11 I . .
.2i. $2 ; 00 per annitm.[ ii- 1 ' • ..-
. In this . Exhibition will be (mind
I. .., • Job l iti r nrk. • • • I h. 4, Svc Living Curiosi-
This office is itupPlied ivith a good assortment of. . ti
two i
esin the mal kingdo viz:
obbing' tnaterial• mid all.;kinds"Of Job Work, such • —a , LI VINO Ani
GIRAFFE, and a
as Cards, Postersi.Patophlets, .1, - .c., will be done beat- I . ' LIVING-RHINOCEROS.,
It and promptly. ! • !!!, i' .
' besides 'a full celfection of other
....... - ---- 1 '
Wild Beasts, all in the most per-'
feet health and ctindition..
Coniists of ' the, lfollowing ac
knowledged talent,
ektwn 4. . '-::,..i...bit Itrxits.
The fearless, gnieeful and bril
liant A.Mcrican ; i Artist, in her
Matchleis Scenes 4 Equitation
Me;sra. IT. 'King!, Leßue, W.
Aretrolm, 11. P:2 Madigan, Mas
ter' Matig,att, 'Thompson- -and
Prorr Nixon :with; his talented
•Pupils, in all ilicit 4 achievements
. upon horsebaak2, and in Gytna:s
tic.s. - ' . • ? 1 •
LPotatoes and Dried Apples wanted at this
office on inbseription:
-___ _-
..A r - ' ' t R R, lED. ( .
! , i
1 . At Lakeside, .uscoehaina.county, Pa., on Fifth
vd. r' 'the - 26th ult. hr 'Friend,' ceremonT, Join.: Cox
- ~ 1
.. n.uns, of Mortis; Otsego pountr, N. Y., to StnYt.LA
i o
T. thutghter of Caleb Carmilt, of the former place.
4 I.ri', Rush, April 1 Sth, by Rev. IT. U. Gray, Mr. Ras
ai TILDEN, of Fdreat l Lakb, and Miss lluttan IL
exatix of Laccrville, Pa. ..fir,-- r
At the in ;I. odersyille on Thurs,llay
...4r, sth. by R.7. , ,r1; J. B. NlFCrearyi Mr IlaanY MlL
unt, of Copperstoivn Piiegp Co. .;.!. Y. and Mrs Lo-
DISKS' Jacx.sos of Loclersville Pa. ;
-.J . .
, \ . 7.1 n • 1 '
./ • •. 11 . DIRD. 1
~lii Lanexhoro A pril 20 . th !Lr.ltt 'Eur.xnrrn datTir-.
ter of Jacob and , Ffannab Ta - ylor 'a.Ted -8 trnntins and
s dais: 1 i..
0 sweet ils the roe bud, encircled in der,
• While' it , fragrance, is ilung otjer the air, '
s4o fresh and so )right, to..lie mother she deemed.
A:4 she Lir in Iler!innonrnce th ire.
. I ititb- r .iNb , iliis iquif . - I
• L 1 c ,s, - - 1
•1, : 4
-.1 ,
pirssoLuTro. '
lien egstitcfen*byrnuar ei..»...t,_&,... tr.,,,,t,,,,,i lini. I .
aceoniits of I thelsa• e are in tile hands of O. 111. Hemp.
stea - I) , for colleeticini An eatly settlethent of all ar
rearages is Posittrely require/1.
• ' I• '' 'l. F. SMITH. •, '
~ , I • 1
• , ! : 1 -
Brooklyn:Apr. fe,, 1R35. . • : . 18s13
- ! 11 i *Li
• , cm° ne .
C. D. Virgil Dentist has taken rooms over .F. B.
Chandlers' store,:irhere it *Mire his pleasure to see
his friends'as qyyli as possiyo. C.l). VIRGIL
May 4, 185.5. , •• i ReFitlent Dentist.
I Ai hitt
it (V-
I near
' three
.43 ' and
l e road
Sel;en That r aidi— red pollars l itestard.
pM 204 re-reward will b paid tome if my ens-
AL fowlers sriil Ball and pa me what': honestly my
due. lam loudly called
et:pillion to pay
up, and it is - impossible for !me to do; co unless my
old friends will step up and ,fork over.\ So attend to
the Matterimmediately, and-square the yards either
by eaSh or noie,`prid save both yountUlf and me.
Montrose, May D. IL HICKOX.
. , .' •
BEtyTLEY „te RE4I)
ARE now ire&eiring their - nine' suppli of SPRING
AND SUMMAR GrOODS; - " , which the offer tn their
eustemers, l and the pithily. generally, On-the most rea
sonable term*, for Cash, Butter, Eggoi, Grain, Bees:-
wax, -or on approved tredit. i 1
; I
Moutrose. SlaY 1 !1, 455. ri -.
.IS, Kerpecfneres K i entncky.Jeana,
surnmei - Stnffs, and itenentl stock of Staple
017 Goods, just recei-eed an for sale 'tight by
' - ' , BENTLEY & READ.
QUMMER De Lang, Lawn. 4, ChalGe, Gingtuns,
L) Merrimac sod CochecoiPrints. dc. &c. for sale
- 100liNETF. Rilibons, Benuela, St . itarnee
_LP Black Sillcs Dress Trkeinfirgs &e. Le. for sale
by il
t i , ILK, Fur, L' g horn . Pitnamn. Strav, and Pabn
".7 Was, limb:l4las, Sataliels, Window. Paper &e.
HA RDW A R E .- , -- ,C roek e r y i Patent Pails, Tubs, Put l
tv, Gltuut Ex, - ;;BENTLEV & READ.
TIRUGS, Medicines, Paint! ' Oils, Dyestu ff s, sod. a
1 general assortment of ratent Medicines, Jim is
and 'for sale by ' • ItENTLEX & READ.
COLE and I.7pOrLe.sthex,'PatAint Kips, esif Skins.
17 and a giood supply of. ItpotA.4 and Shies constant
ly on:band, ! -litxTurz k REA El,
Ilki - ACKEREL br the laurel or one4iall
.e©, o , 4 xifi* . ;. , BErrt.trit READ.
V 774tilHES l. JEWELRY. gesortn_ent
of Gold Wita &hi= Lepines and retatched
Users, in double imd mingle cases, Ladies' Pins, Ear
Drop?, Bina, GOll Chaim, *e. de. Alen, Silver
Table, Tea, Desenti Salt mid Sugar Spoons, warranted
pure, , for eale by 1- Bsirrt.,swk Ream •
STOVES and '1" NWARE i Clocks, Nails, Candice *
Lamp Oil, eainpliene Le. ac.
Montrose, 140, 1 55: L. ',BEItiTLEYII READ.
• I • provicz.
/111H£ ootee an 4 ageounts:of the firm of Thayre &
A CJ andall P. c.suidail, sire left with Dr,
R. Thayre for , settlement. ThOse indebted are *nest
ed tOnske httmediate payment and save cost. , -
• 11. P. CRANDALL.
'llontroome„ Apri2B, 18.55:
'P/N E LOT OF , -
j °NNW TWM DOV)3 E 11411 REL GUNS ;
1-I single barrel, and extra fine Eifel fOr sale by
May I.] - LATHROP k,CO.
A superb lot )ust r received and how offering 'at "the
tosocst cad& rives for approved credit or ready pay
NEW *74ooiit —NEW 600D$.
rrlit sufirairiber takes this method s of advertising
' his friends sdhl the public generally. that he has
fitted "up a - 4re lust across the 'street frottolds old
quarters. in : i lirno*ayn, where he is prepared to re
axire ens to*rs *Jaen thew goods at as 14:* rates
as 'any 9thek,vstablitilunent in Susquehanna County.
My assortandnt isivory large indeed; embracing Dear-,
1 7 4 Yes at kle_ll ealie4 tor in a country oitorre.
awslntatvisied ni do *minera l so as to'avoid
ijebitsfAsisisgvrespeestitle credAt-PurOassfs are
'143-1 4.! ° _ .?" 944 1 1 11 0 1 1 1 k 1 Menor induc4Aninsitotmii
'and ti t -riOSsii*sOkuia purses. • Csil end see
Jae. C. liiIMPSTEAD..- •
Bt:eisitiyaiiiprikos. 1E55:
BI VIRTUE of a writ of Lerari Facias - , issued
from the; Court of Common Pleas of Susque
hanna county tind to me directed, I will expose.. to
sale by public Vendor:, it the Court House in Mont.
rose, on Saturday the 19th day of May inst, at one
o'clock in they afternoon—Ali' that certain piece.
or. parcel, oft land situated in Loderiyille, in "Great
Ilenclitolinshipj and in the county of Susquehanna,.
bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning:
a point in the south.weiterly line of the Great Bend
& Coehecton turnpike, the south-easterly side Jr .a,
large 'chestnut tree at a corner of land heretofore con
t veyed to . the' New York A brie Railroad Company ; ;
thence south *SA degrees and 30 minutes west, along
i the line of the said Railroad Company's lands about.:
1114 feet. to a eoruer thereof; thence north-witerly,
alongthelints;orpid Cornpany's lands about 182 feet
Ito the: morthiresterly side of • locust tree with two
trunldi about 7. feet frornlsaid line ; thee de riortb Sit
degrees east, "bout. 213 _feet to theline of bald turn..
pike, the north-Weaterly 'side of.a gate - post; thence
south 27 degree's east along the linc,of said turnpike,
1791 feet to die! place of beginning containing six
tenthstof an acre of land more or less, now erected.
thereon alariejlareoStOry tavern house, known as
the "Bryant Ilotise_,” with a large barn, shed and sta
bling, ice house land outhouses, and all improved.
Taken in execution at the suit of Lowry Green vs.
Charles 41; . F. P. HOLLISTER, *Sheriff.
Sheriff's.olbee'i Montrose, May 1 , 1645: •
[ Tr Col
].,..„: THE PEOPLE'S ItTORE. I - , !
1 li_r4% ING recently voluntati, ly relinquished', the
! 14. .ile'of Liquors, exceptingistrietly for'rnedieinal
i purpoi4s i :i . A. a Druggist, the people without distinetiori
f of fal,r.lSOciety, Sect, or Religion, are re'veetfully
Leopards', 2 K. Aniprican- Rears, a' pair ..lovcalE
edgb'f'atnhde to thereby
t b il l e' y av n aj ulv ti t i li e t l l 4Be li ac h q eti Uit: ) . f .
Deer, a heautifuily; marked Zelna b , e a sid l e 'cr s
of i, Nltrrost, April 1?, 1354. 1 ADEL TURRF:4L. '
aPinii:iy.citti.;egiliaft.,:goot:sx. '4l, to Call and ciaMitte the qualitviand
atheWlibint:l'et:.;lTniiielb4riKar4roligats,rlPlZTlicans, Swans, Birds of i
~:i i :(46- ( i. Pi to. , thE,S.jooft
Paradise fie. ii c:. 'i
• • - -' Lev thrt-eve:r was - brought into this market, ' from . ef
e i;:r nn e t n si: to tt2m sit t , (l :i r "th .li e ,
u.: co nd u e i r b ll i ri 3. e e d ar!_of: Exh i bition:,, a.geha,. ' !lrithce.
i i ] .: o
x rie l2, t i s rfi .: l - 10 . is ? ,t 1t R o fp lL T.
~.a 1
ha. ?...
1 13 .) o 00 - x t r :2 11 5 0 1
--_,.' -.-- ,ii. - „._i c•act en F...r and general (kr-tyros a., :
_. r, ,
_. ,
"SIT.NA SERIE 1 CIRCI:S TROUrEs. - I •---r---,-
have heeh got up Allis Season in a style of elegance 1 , ; ir , ,t t, 311 . ll { . B - 411 D Cl_ AiL ei ßD wi r f I TT a l it c l iie ", p I
! and a, priifuFion of rstly decorationik hitherto unpre-INV . 16 0,
nod powerful substitute in the IMPROTED
I , not n .ret manure enou , n , ...
eedeuted,' . •• .
•'' ••i i POI.7DIIETTE made by the subscri The ,sm
The RIRERS sac' GYIC.O .•ISTic ;ARTISTS, a full t quautit+ bers.'
used, the ease with whiCh it is applied, and
description of trinno.will be found in the Bins, are all
both i the tiowerfiil 'stimulus it gives to l vegetation, renders
I sox bet s, pgt a u o %to oro th it e r titt o cl a a: ti s
t n i f i. t t h h e igu ir
i p ,i m ilec fiis e , ai v on er.% ,) w f
hero i
cat t n ile s ij ,r h i ett ati e tß st to u eo nd to hes e
oi3 treui tloi n ck ure or, in to irro tho w w f o as rl tr ...,
t l o t
! as the u 'STAR.TfiOLTPE" of the Vilitesl States. A
!yield! li'ea . rikr and ripen earlier than nor othernure
I MILITARY,IIft.O BAND, accoMpanics the Uni
i •
' red Eibilliticuis and will play duriiig the perfornian
i'broubt in'tlirect contact witlithe plant. :. Thre e lick
rin the '..irrOrld; and unlike other 'fertilizers, it. car t be.
1 ces a variety of ne* and fashionablerMusie.
1 , lars wOrtli is sufficient to manure an acre of cont.- 7
ur The Compaities will enter fort,: in - 1,,, , 4, ,h, li teri, free of cartage or pac k age 9 y•i 4 „, ar d
• ! GRAND PROCESSION!. . . 1 ,. of vosiel or railroad in Xew- York city,.sl,so per trar
abont 10 . A. M., and after pasidng thtough the p:inei- i re t, (4aniquantitinver, sit bairels ; I barrel; $2,
pal street, proceed ',lto their - l 2 barrels, 3,50 • n barrels, $5; s_barrels, $B.l A
i •
~,--' PAVIIJON, OF EXIIISITjON, • j• , pamplilet w ith information and directions gill Ize lent
. • -.. • -
gritindi 3 '
PPiving-f e rde7 e.4dretaltheMDlMAsUFAerlß"aCO4.74eoitlandtStreet,Nw-ro.
rite fi)lloaing Tire 'and beau !
Anintals - are aittong the eel
\lectioß I ;gionghlg to this Exhibi
lion. •• • •• • • •
A 13r:0.111i/in • rikk,or South
Atnerican.Jagudr,'lTA o African
The Proprietor,Agt ! Hootartv,g, -respect
hilly lamps theptiblic iliat helms often this In;
stitution . svith ,the dle-sign of fitting Young Ladies and
Genilemen for the Profession of Teaching, according
to the Normal Iftiile ; or for fitting Young Men for
any 'other busin esit'of life. _ ,
This ItistitutioU ts 'Situated in the pleasant, retired,
and healthy yillage l of Dundaff,' Susquehanna County,-;
Pa., and is unexposed to the many temptations and
vices that are detrimental to the Intellectual and Mor
al advaneerrtent ofl Students. The Preeptress,
M. J.Swiart, s highly educated and accomplished La
dv, will take entirelelutrge of the Youths Ladici both
in and out of schdol. • Nor will they be . allowed to
attend iti."-tiest, or tiny place of amusement, withont
the express permiSh:en and attendance of the Teach
ers. Mlss.Swart Will give lessons alto in Ornament.
al Needle Wirk„ prench,, Pencilling., Crayoning, &e.
= Due of the prime objects of this Institut:on, has
been to establish elNonnal Department, or Teacher's'
Course, for the beniifit of those desiring to make Teach
ing a Profession. 'The whole course' of Instruction
requires three yeait. In t his course it haft been the
object to 'ern \ brace those studies of practical Utility, as
well as those bf an,educational character; and great
carehas 'been taken to so classify and arrange them
as to present to the student an easy gradation front
the simplest ilubje4 to the most clifiieult. - - •
' Pupils' .wiTI not ;he hurried-through a superficial
Course of stucty';. mar will . they be encouraged in an
undue fondness foriany particular science, to the neg
lect of others] but - ;such a course Iptirsued as
will lead' to a systematical development gall the pow."
ors Of the mind, by directing the thoughts to the study
of princiPlps And tt,e relation of eause and, effect, in
stead of imlated filets. •
Commonßranches, per-q'r of 11 Reeks; $4,00
11igher. • . sa fogy
Lain and Greek eitratach, ", •• • • 6.60
French, Gentian, aild Italian , " 3;00
Pencilling, Crayoning, and Drawing, 3.00
Music with use of Piano e i " 10,00
Vona 1,00
Board per week, 1 • " ' 2,00 ,
Those;wishing . to board _themieivev, can procure
suitable kiams for-the purpose. : -0 v.
Board and•Tuitian 131'ils invariably; in advance.
Tbe Second -Tenn of this Institution will eonsmon
May 9th.; and as *tidies will thew be arranged and
classified, Students are penicilliny reqiested, to be
• ,
present. i; •
For further information, address the\ Prineipal.
We, the undersigned, can under the resent cape.:
rienced and efficient. Board of Imtnac ati who are
piactioadli fatalist with the NonnalllOde of instrne e
don, with implicitleonfidence commend' the Dandy:
Academy to the Efvorable consideration of those pre.
paring themselveitlfiir Teaclierv. and all those who
desire to give "their sons and daughters a thorough,
practicyd, and libeial eilacadon: '
Rev. G. N. Toni; ' Man. Wltlll4
Tnos:: P. Pnixsy, Esq. J. lip Cuivrasnan,•
Dr: J« Gomnica, E.
W. M. &0x0n..; '
J. H. ',P,, *'q. • Bra,. 131".0.11111.14-
4 Bes,. Areas., _ • •
Duodift Awn 19th., 1855.
!.,E;i4enter , e Notice;
I\T, OTICE Ss heiftby given, to al! persons having de.
/A Mends aiming the Estate or ANDREW 11. B
late 'of fiilvettaksg,, deed to present thou s° the Sub
.aeribMn Executors and Trustees of the said A. IL
Rose, duly uthentienta, for settlement. Aud all
persons indebted, to Oldest:ate, are requetstato make
l ' etThite
. 4
,Wr JESSUP... , . Ex
• 3 ff. BENTLEY. , '
Montrose, Aptik 1855,•
, .•, ,
44p4iesikaoweitt of new 'goods now oriiviog
at Ot*-dorie • L'I.TONKikSON:' •
AprI4IIISE t :
"IN and after Thursday ; 'April 19, 1933, 1 , the 3
if Farvnger Train will ! depart from Sctanton
1.1.60;a. -u. Due' at Great flemi at 2.40
nrctirig with the Dunkirk Expiett West on `,he N.
E. R. it. . •
w i ll ware Great Bend 3.20 'rt. w., iutd
j dire e ai Scranton 6 F.
The, Accommodation Freight will leare iiitu.anton At
Ir. due at Great Bend at Gr. Y. , connecting
irith the Steamboat Express task Wist,
and the Night,Expretlel I art and West on N. Y &
r,,. ft. R.
Returning, will leave Great Bend at 7 a,
rival of Cincinnati Expreas i ! East, Due at crant a
12'24 P. 11. • .
Ittontr Stages:
DASSE.VGERS will rind ;tilt %es at Sear‘is li
Montrose; .Pa. which run In connection faith ,
following Trains.' • -
• • Leave at, 64. A. U. Con ectlng with thei Preis
Train, Dorn ; Great Bend; forputton. ,
-Leave at l 23. P. M. Conn ng with Mail Train
Givat Bend, (This train 1311 t 3 D Erpr* Wes ,)
.f.Leare P. IL Ctinneeting inch the Freight a
eishodition Train for Great Bead, and the T
rot; Scranton. .
Lmre Depiirfor Montrcrie on arrival of all tlite above
trnins 'at Depot; except Freight train from Sciuntotti
: -
_minisirator's Sale. .; •
Notiee. is hereby given that by direction 44 an o
der kpi* the Orphans' Court of the County of Suitimeinu i•
na eta Me :directed I will expose to public sale;bv vet'-
t' •
dug; on Sattirday the .26th ,MISaY /text, at ono - O'clock
P..M., all that:certain piece or parcel of land late the
estate Of Henry Benson jr., Situate in the township 61 .
Jacitson in said county, bounded North by
of Orlin Mattison, on the.kist by lands noW!imocei r
pied filial
, h ut . under contract C. L. Ward,,ion th
t t
South 'by lands of Henry Beaton, and on the West by
lands of!ilarvey Smith, containing thirty onik acres—
rnokily°, iniproved, andon which is a young oilllard, i
'dwelling bonse, barn, and other out !tows, Ste.---i-
Sule!to be held upon the pretnes ; terms of pyntent
made ktiown an the day of sale. : I 1
. AIMED., BENSON, At;ntrix • :
Jackson, April :24,1855. .1. rvi;• . I'
. -:. • Administrat '
or'si Notice . --l 1
x, T OTICE is hereby given that letters of adMinistra.t
1.1 'tioii. upon the estate of AMOS 0...8A1LE4
deceased, have been granted to the „subSeriber,l
, and' all Persons indebted to said estate . .' win iplease
make ituthelliate payment, and those Juicing iclaiiu.4 .
I willipresetit them duly attested for settlement.:
-, • . . EDWIN; F. B,AILEY, Adair.
.• .11r ' ooldin April 24, 18:4.
i ----
i . , : NOTICE. \. i
Y diettion of th e Court,
,I am reqUested ;to say
I ILA that the Jurors summomsd to appear befcire the
I Court for the second week of April Term; will„hot be
reidirt.sil 'to attend: F. PAIOLLLSTER, SP/. •
Sheriff's Office, Montrose; i , ' .' ‘ . •
. L I
i : =:Api-il 18th; 185,5. 1
. i
I ' . l t '. E __ -
_ DlssoLu__
tN-__. :_—_. .
Copartnership heretofore existing under the
I ' t firm:of Hawley & Mott_ is this day dissolted.
I, Alnil. l 1835. ..' . G. R..SIAW4EY. =
C. lik notes and accounts are ;In the bands of
.MOtfor Collection. Those interested will pleaSe call
Iss ioOn as convenient. . - i .-,,. '
''' --. - --- t - - -- - -- '------.------- -- ""7-7-ri------+
r r ,,,, firm of B. F. & R. U. Eaton is this day ))ftuu ,
1 . ltual consent dissolved All persons 141crin0Gook
. 1 ; Get: . ; epet, in:ruled, with said tirm, are. reguestrd to
ma ....; iinmediate payment, by note or ollierteise, be
j for the e. - 4 4 piralion Vitro montlafrom this date. i, The
: book 9 arid accounts will remain in the hands of R. F.
Eatini„ who mayj be Mond. at his former tape° of
1 , , business, And is authorized- to kettle the same. i "A .
word thalie. wise." BENJAM,IN F. EATON.
1 iij - .RALI'II 11. EATO N .; '
liar:ford: April 10th, 180, • '1
t'l Milk Pan, of all sizes ,and made fyom
dlidouble cross tin at less than Merchiuns
nsuallY paY to sell again, fora by the Subscriber.
We have Corn, to the conclus ion to sell pans to Par•
mere ns IpiV as ,we will to the trade, thereby , salting
;I to th e 1 - ottr - •
proof. • Our ruts are - warritiiited
to be: perfvict in every Particular or no sale. •
i ,Terms --=Cash or short credit.
I ' Milford April 1. 1855. ..,! .
' '
- r WITTENBERG 4k 8R0.,1-,. Pa, take
0- his I method of advising their old friends and
etratoMers and the public at, large, that they have just
received and opened the \ large4, prettiest and cheap
est if.ock of READY MADE CLOTHING ever bro't
to thiSlplaCe, which they offer at a small advance from
cost,i4liereb,;.offertri tg perchasera the rare opportuni
ty of , ohtaitiing.goods at about two thirds the usual
price. ; i• . 3
Al 4, *large assortment:of.DiT G r ohs's; eemPrising
for tidies Wear, new styles Brocade, Stripe, Plaid;
Plaid and changeable Silks, Delainek Muslin, De Bage
&rake delaines of new 'and elegant designs. All thet
latest in: lei of Ladies Dress Goods,. Fre n ch ,
Prinpi arid..Ginghamr. A handsome assortment of.
Dress!Trintnings, Embroided Sleeves„ Collars; Cuffs,
etc. Jaconset and Swiss Edgings and Insertings,Gleves.
Mite; ;Hosiery, Veils and Parasols. •
Their assortment ofShawl* is hey large, embracing
ereit:thinig that la rich and fashionable both foreign
and domestic.
Their Bennet Department is large and complete,.
embrating the'very latest stylei, with Trimmings to
maw* ' •
assortment of 'lnsa Unmet, i napkiris
towding, table 'corers, - curtains i •kc. • s
WO`haie also a *apply cOldrts,'i,
• lars.,l 4 uspenders, Glorer, raibrallasiand a goad atanY
°thee: articles too numerous to, ,meittion. Pori bar
:gains:the Public is respectfollyiiiivited to (*Rai the
cheaplatore of - . - - •
ti ' J. NitritENBERG k BEG.'
cornit i a 01eitout & Owegti Streets, four. doom 1 east
of P. is Mire. . '
'Atllasinistrati)irls Notleo.
it hereby given m all persons having de.
All manilr against thereApteo( Silas E..lteßntss,
Esy ; late ,f . LanesborougN deceased, to Present the;
MUlleoluTy' attested for settlement, and SW persons in.
debt id u! said estatevill please make paymeoi ho.
nush.stelY; At! the subscriberin Ilirmony township. to
svhoullettens of 'ulministragon have been duly grant,
ed, ' R -BERT MeRUNE,
1.51r4` Administrator of S. F. Marine.
• ,'Admotioilstratoes Notice
IV9TICI: is hereby given that letters of'ladniinhs-
/.. 1 1 `ltnalnn de bolds non tipqn, the estate of Lafay
ette Wl!mirth, deceafed, hive been grantedt.c? the
subsgribeV,l and all persons indebted to - said estate
will pleasuirnalce immediate payment, slid : diode yet
having Ailing will present them duly attevtedAr set
tletn/nt. !I ' ORLANDO DUNN , N.
Jaeltswii April 9,1855.. ,26w6
. r " . JEWELRY.
ArttE 'nen Jenilry just arrived, direct - front' th e
::Inanniu3turen:, and consisting of a firetrale no'
%origami 4 Ladies and ; Geialeaum's Gold Finger
Pings, Brelult Fos, Ear DrOps and Hoops, url Fob
and yesi-Vhaingillides, 'Kepi, Studs, Pens, ke.--
.Persons wishing to purchaser Jewelry, shodid relieln;
IT call ,
April %tore
le,118 - *-- -
Krntrosfr6ls: 4•• • : •
, BARDEN siEl)l3.
,AitaunThcatots!iiikfri",' tocbeite...l
jilmeGardo eltdi P*444l"47rerlit.
D. if. DOT/TREII, Sulterints,ll ' act& s
1. -Ad,
i 1
, t ,
'GOODS.' '' i t
M . a - c &Pang
.LT.e. C knowled' mente"to the public and a til tul tr ifiTte ti ai fu t l
tention tri . the vet' lame stock of Spiv add Sit*:
nter Goofht they ' now receiving. and offertor Ade
at very low pricei In addition to , their usual &oint
ment of staple tor?, tootle. Groceries, - Hard ware; Cropk
ery, Paiute and 011,-tc. Etc, thcv are prep4rckP to
exhibits tarp as: tment clf Ladies' Dress Goods
of every descuip - —Figured, Plaid and Plaih Slits,
i e
Bonnets, lhawls, 1 ibbons, Gloves, liosieri - Ladice
and 3iisse. Shoes f'f di kinds—also' ala . took
REAP Y . :41.A Di' CLOTH INV, Cloths, t, nte+is
Tweeds, deans, td mer Cloths, Vesting*, Hal, Caps,
Boots and Shiiefi, c. .
1 1 '
They refipectfuli solicit an. early call from th4se
Who wish to porc h; pood good* at loai priivi:
.Springkale, May f '54. Mt:MILLEN it, PARti
i Of ,_
M ___
i ail Stages,
1 FROM . ,L-)
I• k ,
1 D TO MOSTA ..,
k i crit'''' ' wcxxi, -passing throuitheiir r
ty; &e., evert- morning atter the
ins of cars, both East anti Weir,
at I .P. . sr. Retwriiv i leale
• .
vs excepted) at 2 P: tr., react':
, e,ito take the Nail trains of ealt,; ,
.being the pearest and It fea. ,
he :fewVork and Erie R 4 Tread:
a Pi-weekly line - for D cm*
llnnoeic, Wyoming, and 11,111cea-
Montrose at 7 a.- x. evervf Nob-
Friday: Also, a line to triendii-
rew iS
L• • • id
Knew* i
CI,TAGES wal 16( 1
beitariile, LI
arrival or the MAT H
reaching Montrose , '
• Mont ro se 't
ing 'Kirk's* in.
both East alsd Wes
Mille route to react(
This lit* interse4i
bane, which leaved
day, Wednesday;att
vWe, Lemyiville;
Good and
ded, and the propel'
conunodateihe put
_1,354. -
i ,
njorfable• carrittges are prort
*iv .spare no pains to a&
c. W. K. HATCH,
HAVING pure,
Post Co: at;
respectfully Infiniti
stantly . on harid, St
Mock of goods.
Lime, Salt; and P 1
as Groceries,' Dr,y l ,G(
Shoes, Nails,l&c;in
of produce; id. t he
Wood wanted,
:OSE DEPOT. ;- - .
- 1
AdfirelflLLAX .- f• '.
ied the establishment of Istiae r
tine Montrose DepfAr, would rq- j
la Mendit that he will keen coil-,
he lowest price; , , a well selected!'
' ir ,„ 1
ster can be had cheap; n - . I we . ta 'I
IA, Marcia - are, Crockery, 11001 % ,1
eichange for Grain antritll kind`'.;,
est prices.' • 1000 cords Marti i
\ •. '4 . , 1 .
intir Lands. : ' f
tl.ecently passed a pensions lawl
sire addition., to 'the -Pensiorl
No one &honld despair of receivt.,
who his done service fol the
Shad, either In the Revolutionarl
A Also extends to the wiilow
rbosperformed the service, iwh
e entitled to the benefits therci
I has the law and all legal-fO
fer the said act, and will proiript4 l
ants An. applicants who n.tali W
Tasonahle compensation. 'tour! ,
kiwi can' be sold for mone:v at
Ot,choose to locate the lan+.
4, '55 - N. sEwro.._ g.
Montrosc DepQ!,
J. 2,1-SLR
• Bo'
making an cite
laws before in forte.
ing a Land Warrn
-United States Ofany
war or since.' Thew
and minors of tlioae •
if now living Would
of The undrsigne4
to obtain Pensions urn
if obtain Land Wirri
entitled thereenjor i
Warrants when °hull
aier tithe, if you do" n{
ifoutrose,'3farch 2
iff GOODS. -
e taken and fi tted up the p ew ;
ide of, Public Avenue, two diook ;
and are now feceiving a 14r , e
' ment of • l' b ,
Winter (incubi. IL: I
entirely KR If', having si etl'i
trout the late destructive are, I
sisal variety of DRY GOOpS, 1
Hardware, Dm...F., Mediciad,
1 4 Boots, Shoes, Leathers, firs t
fiver Spoons„ Clocks, Yen ce
late tharkful for the patron 'age
n us, int! trust that our Ils•
generally,, will not fail to"he
Ideation, confident that wen
.la . on as filvorable.term ls as h re
, •
in 30. 1.1.1.
1 •
" -
the subserib,ra hal
building do the West
whore Seirl e's
and well seletted ,
Fact' add
Their stock Isliihuo
but a Cery feiri goods
and compriseatheir,
Groceries,' CrneerY;
Paints, Oils, Dy tuff
Jewelry, Wateh s;
;lotions, &c. Ate. W
hitherto bestow u
totiliers, and the übli
us a call in our rig
supply than will
tofore. .
• Montrose, Ncir
.1110311 D
ri R A DrATE and
1. X York,' will , be' in
Bth of each tnontb,' in
!fete}, for three daY,s,
the human systcm,. r
chills Infiamation of al
Kidneys and Splean . „• il
Complaint, IIitE7WATI•
Complaints, Diseases
Weakness, &e., ' c.
the diseases of Fe ale
affections of the 1 tdrul
Dr. Harris is Well, a..
l n
thy and Allopathy, 'ha 1
iotia - , - 4;:a crdferlOtz
and cures nearly; all T.
Inf Dr. Ilarriq has
ity and, skill, front; a
medical men in :the, cl
the celebrated \Dr..Va
ember of the University ofl•i`pw
1 Identrose on the Gth, ith ifiid is
,!may be consulted it Hater s i'
Non all diseases incidental
41 f.'OSSUMPTION; 13- 1 .---
1 IP
e,:,Lungs, Throat, Liver, Pfeil , li'
/.yspepsia,.(larfigestion,)pivi r It'
u,Screful.i,*' Eruptions, 1 . ,
p r f the eye and ear, Nervqus ilr 1 1 114 subscriber would inform the citizens of Mont
tirtieular- attention given a° 1 I;',-.1. rose and the public generally that:he. bas bought
! ;iuni Children. 'The raricios } i the._.Groccry formerly kept by F. H. Ferdham A: Co.,
i 'ead;raify cure & • 1, iriLynes - ,and CliMidler's building. on Chestnut street,
I ,
iniMinted with both Ilowelia- 1 n the_borough of Montrose, where he has, a fresh ag
g been in constant study 4id rsortrneet 'of Grheeries; \ and will Veep constantly on
46.4N0t.14tgi,, Molasses
6 4.. s i n all stages of the disea4e. - 1. . ' • ihi b 'll't
testimonials of character, allil..
- I 'ous te m noon, w
ntimber of the most train t 101 wt kin B °l country P r ? e ,. ,-
e. • Cali and see. A
cwi .sold cheap orf cat tor
tit :of hew York; among_th tu i,• m __,_, L ,_ , ti 7, 1 , 315:
',lshareof public patronage is tield S. S.IIOTT.
eithre Mott. • . , i ux ,, .: 21
64t relief or perrnanent'eu #l, i• • ( J o 1.1 FEET t i n . ..
t gamily Tfe c niloFk Lumber
loin delay. Charges =Aerate. 19-.
li for eale. Inquire of '
itfents visited at their residen ~ i. , -
rit from `7 in the Morning 1 ;I' - I • .\
DrooklYn, AprO 30, 1855. • , \
' -
,• • .
Persons wishing,,pr
is 4
will do well to call wit
Consultation free ! • •IP
if desired.: Office ho'
9 in the evening;. ,
•I •A
The advantages of
diseases. are : I• 1. •
let. That paiietii .
ly are cured trntehl .
- 2d. That nititty . ,:
pathie rethediek who
".rd. \That patient,
not have to lihor untli
eine they have taken
the Horncepathic treatment of
. . I
t4ited ItOrneepatiWY, luoti - •
" - sir than by any other pi-Seiice.'
*Ls ran be cared bylitimgo%
einnot be cured by a nyy* other
• • , • -
_ I
,er!t r lxt bad effects of the midi!
`'eure the disuse.
elsins—a large quantity of r .
ind,Cotion Plaids—Muslin d
..- F i treas Trimmings and Buttons
Ready Made Clothinga .
1-4 and a fingr Books will be ld
C April next by the subscrib ~1
. ..I • F. B. CHANDLER.
. . t il an :
3 _
ir ;
H ,, L .. .. ~,
Ii 1T the Span' c;Ourt has decided not to sell the I
1 Island of Cuba,' tOoseph Wittenberg & Broth er I
have recently decid :open a new store, in 't ie I
building of 1,. Searle . few doors east of Post's suite,
oppelite•Wilsods d ailing house, corner of Chesil' tit
and-Owego streets; here they will keep oh Muir( a 1
splendid assortment Ready Made Clothing; also;in'
"additition to this, t 1 assortment of Broad •Cloth,
Cassimere, Kentuck y • cans, &c.; in short, a genetal
assortment of een& en's furnishing Goods., Also
a 1
splendid assortment t Ladies' Dress Goods,tilks, 31e-
rinos, Delairips, AO t4' ', Embroideries, Shawls, Lim- . I
es, Dress Trimming 4.; , . &c., all of which they are. e-
termined to offer tO 14Ipublic at very ' low prices I
All Goods warran i , r '
gnie: satisfaction, as well in '
quality as in price: , II •', -
Please glie"ns it!- - 'itiktegare purchasing elsewhe .
. - .."..
J. zyngßa &.BROTIIE •
, .
Montros - Jan... 21l . VM. .. •..
A large quantity of
pambric Embroldeis
—a large stocli
stock of Fancy attic!'
at Cost till the Ist . o
February 14 185 D.
DIN. ziprzorr.
Trjhe copartnership ir e
, ' retolbre esisting between e
subscribers'!under t r e Atli of 11'..8 Kent & Co. Is
this.dsy dissolved by mutual consent.
' •
Brooklyn . Ayir. 1;4111 14wil •
• ,; W 6 ligl. • -
aIOTR4DEroy, has just
stilTly . , spring and Suni ,er
"rad yeti low for cash -or ~
'a* Orleans for 'one , O -
IN 4
•I - J.. LE E'SNew, Store •
i as.7
, Fith, Rice; and Grace as
ry f aheap At J. C. LEW •
sitaa t. — 7 .4.
0-12 cents per. d ' hi
it at ~ J. C. LEE'S
, ,
• Tr —7----- •
idi ISO, - -
Bettoryna if, cents per pound la
' at 4. C. LEP Now
tot nweltaso for cash, or' in ;-
r, will find it to their inter* to
y mock of Goode and price* for
for of all kinds the fitgbrot p 'a-
N relied on at J: C. LEE'S. S
JC.LEE, Wt..
. (mired i
Goods; which *Or
produce. -
TA, Corei, No
A:l4i qtiouo6.4l
e*hano foi
•NY quautio Pri
-tX7 e#l.largq9itl..!:
rrBOSE *Mil*
1. change for, bar
WI and examine
themselves. for,tt
es may at; all One
Montrose Deo*. 1,
1- ; : *Mina of Tin, Sheet II
•'I an of iny 0% n tuanuticture
% i . sa e by ... : . f , ; I i NEW GOODS,- 1
' i i. DicKERNAK, . i VIM ate tteeiving this week A lot of New Goods, just
Ne w inf or d; -• jid 14 4 18 5 3. . • • , purchased in the city, which renders our asserunent
ter d l complete, ai . ld which we offer on the most s itiverabie
PULL 49140 .en of Ifardwase, C
XX. Joiners' X, , P. top Cbain and fixtures at . I Lerma*, itt+ theflowAyulding, one door above the Poet
Now 3111 t orci Jul 4 :54.r 'DICKERNAN! . ' fticel ' - ' 8E..118Y411
' f • M°4tr""Nrbfril.X 4 lN /BIM • . ii:
QAtill-A.NATILI 1) - 'of the best quality, for •i•
_.. ' Cal f
0, cheap at ;1 • • : -.1 , . PICKUP' 4 s. -11101 F, Deether:UPPel ,
__Skin; sll4 ' Patin,
13ORK,11OUR • SAI E T by the riel or , tlr ...:7
.113P1 " 11 13"
511P1117"41149W4Ve1l 143344131.
A • endie , at tld4 ir .t prices atllftstnstAN - 1 br__-_.:)' - • - -,: BE*TLEY- 14 / 1 .
+1" ‘+',_:! 1 + Alodeoles ' -
rIONSTANTLY I N i iii AND we S. higdabloti.Nr • sti
T,Tnr!;t .
•:' . 1 - .
Arun An.
and Copper 11
made of heathilat
I '
1 •
4 4
. .._
_ .
h - TB5-a, 1 '.. , .:'
.. -1 - , WINTER CLATHINI: '-_ .\
nor* at R
EVkigs. :,
AT .
i t u.. Rai. Ffc,gsit Lane betwee l n Montrose and - A.. s--..., -- z y- . 0 . 0 --r k NI
1 New York. The subscribers s - ill cOntinne their. Q . 3 - 5, - ,<, 'u - jr , §. r.- ?•1. 0 : :,.. 1A It-j@ ;
E t, ail a -2 I 9
j unction of the past wear for selling Susqtelianna 1 A i s we ' t wg seliou o to close s out -.
our stoCli ' Of cloth-
Co. Produce on cotnmiision.
m for our Spring and - Strums:
1 , Mkruzw 7. lissaisovors, will neelecand forwiid I
freight for this company at the Vomits' Depot Et" 1" p , urci:a u s g lp !sr a e ke sselling it at greatly reduced • prices,
. .' "" i tall, as now is the time to buy cheap..
, Thinkful for past paironage, and; bein-• 4ti .._, 1 • Ores' coats from PM to $lB,OO. -Dress, Frock sas
r product' of 1- Sark coats, griod patterns en,d new stylia. l!atitsfrom
; th at their'irrangensent s for disposin of
1 11,50 to Vests of eery Style. :sta. Fa.:
i every kind. will enable theni to give general" satisfa
c. ilon the subicaers trust that New York
prices, I nulling Goodkof every 'kind:,
, ; ,-.*
- -
I, prothpt returns, and their usual strict attention to thel ALI, :WOOL I.ONG S - ttAIV
hhuslifes.9„ will insure to theta a contissuatiee of &sots 13 per cant. cheaper than eeer.offer4il is • utrost. \
eretofore sall6ralit besterrod - upon , thins...,.'
• '.. The returns .will be promptly paid in --current mane 1- ' . DE LAINES. i - _
advall Y . Goad quality and
. niat,pattertia stsAling i lt Cog. fot:
hy my. Barrington, .who Will also make liberal
eel on consignment when tie:Jinni., , ' • i cas i. l. - ' ' - •A. LATPRO 6 CU.
1 ebruary ; - 18 U - - 1 ...
Our marking cards have been left with the Rail - ' ' ' '
Road Frieght agent Mr. Case who will attend to for- -
warding goods
.consigned to salon Other days than
"A'nesdays., •
. •
• ' . " NELSON IL . 110 Y-T. "• .
• Montrose March, 1856.
'Persona residing out of the , vicinity of Montrose ...,
wishing to Send invProduce can do h, ,con:vignin I
it to , MUTT & BEVANS, No. 187 Meade St 'K. T I
To all whom it fluky COlicern.
By a rceent act of Congress• the tleunty Land law
has heen eltended to embrace aimOst', every case of
of military serilce.
All persous who have fiecti engaged in Military
Service Of the Cnited States, for a period of fourteen
days or upwards, are. entitled to 'one hundred and
*illy acres ri Land, if they have not received it, and
if they have received less amount they are entitled
to sufficient to make up 160 acres.: I
Revolutionary soldiers , and soldieral of any and all
wars in which the United States hive been,engaged
since, and if deceased, their WiLloivia •lor minor . chit.
dren, are entitled. - •
, ..
. .
. ,
Officers, Seamen, Marines, Clerka and landsnten in
the Navy, their widows and minor children,*: are also
entitled. •
Wagon masters and teamsters, employedl for the
transportation of military stores, are also entitled, in
t -
like manner: . .
; •
I tun still enzgwed in Obtaining Itiounty'Land War
rants, and am willing to do the business 'Minn the
most liberal terms; and although I have no motive to
spend my time and labor without charg. yo. I: will
do the buAne.A3 at the loviest price that I cGu do' it
honectly and live.
Those having Claltna I believe will find It materially
to their advantage to call upon me before going else
After the warrants are obtained, If any of the Vat ,
rantees desire to sell them, I am prepared to pay the
highest,cash market price.
I am also engaged in the prosecution of . other
claims against the Goyernment of the United State;
such as fur Pensions, Back - Pay, Extra Par; &q.
FRANKLU FRASER, Att i y,at Law.
Montrose, May 14; 1855 - w
OONGRESS-has prAsed a law giving you additional
‘J lands. Thoicri,ho have already . received War,
rants are entlita fir tirors Danville men, come on
now anal will get your warrantri. Widows and mi
nors Of deceased soldiers are entitled to,the same their
husbandsand &them would be If living. I have; the
law fresh from Washington, and the necessary fornis
of application. Speculators from 'a distance are about
trying to get those Largely interested toy sir* of.
ware Ofanbh, and don't sell for a song. nt ao your
businosi accurately; and promptly, account for thefull value of your warrants when obtained. From
three ;Years' succeaul experience I krroW I can do' the
bUsiness right, and I proffer you iny,,..serviccs at rea
sonable rates and quick returns. 'F FITCH.
Montrose, irarch 6, 1865.
, noer. R. s THATEIi, takes this method of saying
.1„/ to his friends and customers, that,he has again
! resumed tle . practice of medicine, at ti's old
Montrose, where he may be found timesstand•at
; I .professio • 7ialle, employed: woulti . sa to those 11;14 ' 1"
!debted to him, that. he Will *dedutt4ents fi? p l e n r:
cent on all accounts paid before the fikjof
(or if a'ny'poor like mySelf I will deduct fiftf)-111 nest;
liontrose, Fcb, 20, 185,7.
Adatinistratioa Notice.
INOFIcE hereby given that lett!rsof,.admil
, upon the estate of
Appollacon township deed, have been granted
(undersigned. and all persons indebted to said
:will please make immediate pal'ment, and those
iing claims will present 'the same duly attestf
settlement; ' WILLIAM SA;
Appollacon, March 27, 1855.
• Buggy for Sale. _
Good second hand buggy for sale by
. . G. Z. DIMOCIE.
Montrose, April 11, 1855.
. MELODEON'S, entire lust
received by J. LYONS &SO.N.
Q HEST USIG—i new lot for the Voice. Piano or
ki Melodeon and Guiutr--sorne very beautiful pier►
es just pulalished--stold by J. LYONS &SON:
old i , e-y theap,
elaines at great bargains
IA few more left that will be
Paramettaa; Cashmeres &J
laresb supply of Grocrties lust opened by
1! Molasses' at 3 shillings per gallon. • Syrups-at 4, 5 k
6 shillings, by LYONS soN.
RIIIyING every week at A- LAThROP &Ca'a
!; January .Ist •
[• Winter Shawls and DeLanes, '
Q ELLING oft at great bargains. Cull on
ki Annoy Ist A. LATHROP& CO's-
- 5000 DozeiiSockft,
V January list• '
Grain I' lEatin Grain.
(Vali kinds, and at t highest prices bongbk by
NJJanuag Ist .• , 'LATHROP' k Lough
Island Salt at LATDROP & CO's
I Montrose, Jannary I, 113155:
Stearns and Marviies Ftre.rreet
Sate's. -
11 1 AE subscribers have nude armvigenienti, to fur
-1 ni+h to persons . who may bel4Vrant of them, the
above named invaluable Safes, at the aerie prices for
which' they can be obtained at the mannfrettirer's,-,
Having - experiented the benefit of mach sin article du
ring the late conflagration anrselfres,we wouid earn
estly recommend to others having.valuable hookis and
papers, the preserving of which would be'of it:men - se
portanee to them, not: to do wlkhout one. •
Prices, range , from $5O to $5OO, nd we cap' eapbtin
to any one wishing to purchase, the difference in
style, size, priee, &c.,, and fUrnish them on ehork . - no•
rice, with the interna arrangement to suit fins pur
chaser. ' BENTLEY k RVAD..
'Montrose; - December. 19, 1854.
"ash and Ittin4s. ; ; •
7 INDOU Bash ntvariona sizes constandy . on hand
Y V —a Uo Blinds furnished to .order by
Paper Ilangines.
500 just opened, and tome AO.' 6 eta. per
roll, by J. LYONS &SON.
GROCERIES --.A fresh supply 'of Collet; Sugar,
lea, like, Crackers , just received "and 'for tole
by_ J. LYONS 4,,,50N.
nit ik metal'b''
C itw~r ta use y or Bola y'
.Ir , • Dy.4. ?put
- •'Businisa Aoura from "the timei to work" trotil this
time for' "root" and ''refreShment." Grateful forpist
fit*ors lie hopes by strict, attention to bu nei/
merit' a,continuance of the same. ; j 4 -
'N. B. Being somewhat in Want of the . "obe
needful," (money,) he would.soggest, in theifmildese
trimmer, possible, the propriety of those indebted 911-
ing and , settling the some immediately:, Nureetl.
Montrose, Dee. 4, 1851. * C. 3f.18111.110N5.
nr AS just-rectiived from New. Yorka fuq as meta of ..VE IV 130 0.0.5 0 0inprishv a One
rate variety OrDtCII9,..3IF.DIC:ItES,;CIIEVICALE,
RULE FOR LIGItt.I, Mustcat Itcsraumms, „Vattasit
FANCY Goons, which- will be Sold lextrentelyiloir for
cash. Having recently sataained 105.4 by fire - Of at
least five ihousand>donars, above insurance aid goods -
saved, I fancy I have strong elahn4 for the patronage
ifd i nty friends andlhe public generality. l'askxo man
to give to me, neither do I ask oitexpect additional
profits In consequence of said loss:- I will sell goods
as low, if not lower than can bcinght elsewhere hr.
ithis torn or county. All I ask ds that patronage.
fromthe public4rhieh will 'enable nie with Industry to
, slowly but gradually replace the logs shstained--said '
loss being the hard earnings of a life. of anxious ton.-
Store at the lower End of the biwned oit
• Maitistreet f a few doOrs below the orners.'
Montrose,- December 14, 1854.. i'
AVOODRUFF &RLDRRb hare Constantly on hunt
V a large and well selected astortment of tin
! ware, Reels and . Chain fbr wells; pumps, -isterst
pumps, Ac q Hydraohc . Rams, JataMned *emit, lead
i pipes of all sizes ,te„ &c. Job - Work , done with neat
ness and despffteli ; all orderS proMptly attended to y ,.
kept constantly on hand, a late assortment of - stovesi
f of the - latestimprored lad apprned - pitternair Our
.experience In the business enables us to, select those
that We can safely trartant to gire vinfi*tatistictioa.
! Amongst our nainerons stock can bi - Cound thel
Paragom afr tight ' Sils of the . West, EIVII2e4.
New World, "
Clinton, - lOvaa.
Atlas, `` " Cultirato N • i"
Phoenix " • Fire kIY, it
- Three*.9.tates, " 7 • Western QUeett, •
Globe, " Premium.l •
-5. 1. woonr.rry.- - a. a. sums,.
17 - EELERA STODDARD. since the. bite firer isay
he-found in the BASEMEN - 2"OP SEA
JZOTE.L. .Notwithstanding the. unpreeedent4d ram
pidity with which OUT stock of Dnots, Showl l -&e.,
"went off" on the morning of the fire, we At.q tIATO
some on band, and shall soon be well supplied attain..
Ifontrose. November 13. 1854 - ; •
atarrher, I am bourn - I
-to at a very ow
1-6gare For any,t)f the above articleal Just:cal and
1, take a look, that's all! .5.. A: Lros4. - .
Ltitiesbnrci,. January . i
B R n O o C7 . llp u rn dto . tep e l'lz l t i. i! , Sila c w ia s i. French
lanesboro, January 1,.185.1 A. LYONS
Ibßcriber is carrying Tv the ,CHAIR MAX
BUSINES& in all its various branches at
and Ware Shop iu Elarford, where nay be
\greatea. variety of Winds& and Ranking
Chairs then at any other establishrnent hi the county;
also Flag aidlCane Seats, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Limns !
Settees, Tahles, Stands, &c. di., all of 'which will
be Sold at the lowest prices at milk (or
with short notice`.), All work +warranted well nada
.and of good niateruth \ Short credits and small profits
will be my motto. Fe'r dr - itratiOn of the wbovit
facts, please call at in ItarßiSti
TILE subscribers of fer for safe, on\the most liberal'
and easy terms,one of the best located farms for'making
Money in Northern Pennsylvania. `Theltaid farm is
situated on the Newburg and OwegOTu s rnpike, two.
mites east of 'Mount Pleasant village, grid twelteti from >.
the ltr. Y. k E. R..R:, alsasery conveniently - ifittated
to Churches, Schools, 'Grist-mills, • Sftw-mills,
smith shops kc. It contains one hupdred and aiilty..
one acres, one hundred of it undev a goad state Of -
cultivation s well w.atered.and good buildings. cOusist."
lug of a good framed Nouse, well fulisned of, and very ,
conveniently . artrgetll.l Also two Owl barns and a
good barn shedwell oilculated. for convenience." two ,
large orchards yieldinglfrem NM to 1000 bushels an
nuatlzonostly. gralled.fruit of the Wit . quality. ' The '
farm is welt adapted to grazing sufficient to keep • -
large stocki For price and tettns apply to: B. F. .
EATON, or to ALFRED LAKE, on the preenises. •
Burford. Dec. VI
?lore More Ne*GOOds.• •
BIIIIRIT'T is _now rtreirmg new and , fah H• supplies of goods i'or tke ifri 'der Trade,
eluding a new and elegant 'assortment of Frtrirk.Mr.
1 rinoes, Merino and Cashmere Plaid; Ftlllte
et' and Plain De Lyles, Parametta43roeke, Square
and Lony Shawli, all of new and best styles, and will. '\
r be sokl.itt 45 percent. law than - lastlyear's
Also a new assortment of Rich iiibbobe ,aea Bonnets,
IVide Silk reliefs for Cloaks and gantittat, Rich
Silk and Velvet bras l'rinaningei •Mohair Head •
Dresses, 'Sigolets kc. ke., trith,,,ot general asigortment
of other Starts -and Fatter doom, is . usual,
'having bought ender' the present preisure.of gie cash •
.market' will be -sold at rotresponding and reduced
priceo. . - i
A Chanie to Make IlloseCY.
HE subscriber is desirous of
. haying anigent in
each county and town of the Union. A capita!
of from $ll eo vrill bo.renuirediand anything
Hke an Ardent, energetic man can make from threw
-to five'doibits per day; indeed; softie - of the agent*
now employed-nre:yealizing twice that sum . Diery
infOrmation wiH be given bv addressing(postpaidj.
Wt. A. 101 4 '441.ER,
Boa 601, Pbtladerphia, pa., Poet OEMs.
!1 1 11E Spring Goods . now being re•
1 ceired at /. L. POSTL. 00'1. are desirable la,
frailty,. stele and price: •, . ..
Staple DrN G
. 00ck •• " - Collql, Mettle!, 0
Dun, 004 .-',-. E 40 2 ,1 8 , •
• tioihr dud Comintsrl44- ~ Bonotetr, . ' • .
•.11 , 1ite , Opals' ~ -- It.. • and :Paretatilit.
CI.OTITING—a line aft**. Groptiriet of lat *ark
- etio .
: .Hardtrare, Croc , km;:lo
xd '
inglGlar es;
ercry'departnent their 41414011 - is ew4 IA
prictictli suit: - - = .-
~1- , lontrost Maickel3ll., - , i
rit t kliat . s. lail4 Cloylc.geed #.- : • ;..` - :,.
Seed. it
P URE ilm * Y "4
Ch"err. 04drin:RP%
; All Right Agaiu. 1 - 1
9 , 11 E subscriber would respectfully atino4ge is I&
I customers and the public in geistiii
again prepared for, the Boot and Shoe .buidnettc —4
Baying just received from New Yoik a choice lot of
Sole mid Upper Leather,. car Skins, Kip Skins, it;cl,
all oak-tanned, Also, massortment-Of Retitlyonitte
work,' Consisting" in' part of Men's- Thick and (lag
Boots, Boys Boots,- Children's Strip Itoota,Vomets'4l
gnatneleti tnion. Boots Polkas, Kid.Busklns, . Silk
Lasting, Fox Gaiters, Goat LaCe BtrtsiManstrttled PCg.,
ged Boots, Mtsses Kid Lice Boots, Children's
Boots,- te. dc.-- - which will be sold for tashi eltraposo
than can beibought elsewhere in .Xltift market: no.=
pairing done' neatly. .
Please call and examine. Store first doot aid .41
the Odd Fellows Ball.
M. S. WIZ SON ik ISOM . •
be fonnd in S. S. Mulford' old store,i But
of Public Avenue. •
one, November 15, 1554.
Itatford, Octobei I
New Milford, Noeerebei 27,
A:RD and TALLOW t deo. ranliiftt 3 / 4 0igIr in get.
'and at - VVIVRT CV&