Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, May 03, 1855, Image 2

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    1 "
1111 . 1.ARLES F.: READ AND H. EriAztme, EDITO.DS
Thzumbday,lay, 3. 18557. -:;„
ft --. 47 -• Ws: have received poein entitled'
1 ` The SohnnyiCake," which, we can't think of
publishing. Cr the writer:MA seen fit to
sing its praises, we, might possibly have pub
lished her aft:slop : notwithstanding the limp- .
ing and other blemishes of her Pegasus,
against the Johnny Cake mwst
Beek day light :through-some -more ',aristocrat
ic medium than our ctilumiis.. The shade of
Joel 13arlimi, , auther•: . 'of glasty I"tidding,'
would rise up. against us for giving aid and
comfort to one Who speaks so disparagingly
of our great •tigricultural ,staple. The writer
evidently doei'net understand ber subject.---, •
We will endeavor nest week. to publish
recipe for making Johnny Cakes that wont
*bore A: •wlll' try; her luind at Ma=
king them, and sneceed better than she do - es
in makin„g verse:A.. • • . ;
• .
~ Ire
-plether column will -be foitud- the
particulars 0f . ..a recent outrage of .slavery on
• a newspaper establishment in Missouri, the
editors of. Which were aCeused of Free-Soil
proclivities. It , seems that. nothing can es
cape the aggresSive spirit' of the "blessed in.
It excites wars, tortures . defence
' less women and children, seve'rs the dearest
domesticities, desecrates the tallot-box, and
torliidsfreedOni of speech and of the pre:o- 7
and not only . . must all this 'be permitted, but
. we are expected to accetiescand aid in• an
indefinite extension of the system over this
continent. .The interests of Slavety' are placed
above all Other interests; and above "all law,
divine or hurriani so that-he who thinks free- •
dom better tlion slavery .for . the Tcrritores,
and. dares express' hisopinien,is by the mob
Mw of shrrery counted i traitor, to be pun
ished' with death. One might as well live in
Ritsiai s far as the secure enjoyment of the
rights and privileges of a freeman is concern
ed, as one of tho Slave State,S. of this
f •
ral'", , llfay-Day\ was,Lere; warm and pleas.
ant, with showlrs and sunshine minced nearly
'alf-and)allin the morning, but in the after
noon - clear aid
,sunshine. When the birds
that sung the laborer forth to hiS'Avork in the
morning. had sung him home again at sunset;
people'bcgan to turn their thoughts and eyes'
away him) the springinggraSs, and soft-eYed
wild flowers, and singing bi&is and brooks,
:towards the eastern heavens, ANbere, accord
ing to the almanac, one of Nature's great,
eihibitioll was about to conic off—a total
eclipse Of the moon. When she—Luna, -the
single attendant of our work-day World that
-cannot affbrd fv keep a 'retinue like her bet
ters- !lifted her full, round, good-natured face
above ,the eakerri hills, it looked in no wise
.different - from usual, but soon, punctual to the
hour appointed, a dark shadow - began. to
steal,oVer her countenance, and We. doubt
not that it was finally obscured in toto. Pur
suant to the programme, but We went -to
sleep before the total obscuration took place
-our latest remembrance overnight being -of a
fair,fitee peeping in at our window. through
half-shut eves. - /
Mona. i ' SQt .kTTER SOVEREIGNrr.'—Tke
-ruffian crew who have taken it upon them to
plant Slavery: in Kansas, not content with in-
Vadingthe Territory and bytheir fraudulent
rotes :forcing, upon its inhabitants a pro.
slavery Legislature, have now determined to.
.depose, Gov. Reeder, who doeS not prove so
pliant a too) in the hands' of - the slaVocracv
as they desire. \ Accordingly. they have issued •
a solemn protiunciathento, in - which they •
declare the Governor - unfit for his office,
and ) - as .appointment.. an infringement of
theirrights of .'Squatter Sovereignty:: and
they - therefore call upon the. people---that is
the pro-slavery people,.for the 'Yankee abo
litionists' arc to be driven from the polls at
the point of theßowie.knife—to proceed to
electa new . Governor forthwith. • This is ar.
I ..M.- '* Archbishop Hughes, the mat influ-
rant . rebellion; and we hope to see our noble 1 •
~ , ' 1 -
Catholic'. ecclesiastic - in this
Pr(Adent throw himself into the breach, tind'i enua ' i t t " . " 111
1 cOuntry , i's 4 present engaged iii:s;piritea
de:leitd the cause of good order, -, and enforce
newspaper- contro - versies,- - on the new giurch
the due execution of the lags, with se much
. ,
energy and promptness as in the case Of the 1 1 . P. i " Pesil . 'Y l aw ;' of Ne* Y'''rk*" and kindred P°.
Inicallquestie l ns. Since' is retarn frem the
fugitive slave, Burns,at Boston. If soldiers I
Ccuneillately held at
. ROme, by the P4e; to .
\ are to be Called ontle compel the Yankees I
acid , tneW.dogrn ! ; a to the' cre.ed of _the,' infalk
to 'obey the laws i fair play requires that thel
ble .t..nurei--;Making it
. hetesy
~ heriaiter not
4 Chivalry ' should:be treated in the seine 1
Wa:k :A GoVernorwould seem to be nearly 1,
tnt t 9, be4e, -.
belie. in tlie 'immaculate conception or.
ramonsittigin of the Virgin Mary-4e
as Much an object' of interest, as a fugitive i
has a t'eraged'', , 4 least one lOng, Slashing Totter
shirk; -and to threaten to shoot a Governor,
as the slavebolders do Gov. Reeder, seems ' a ' lr ,l .ecic ' ' 6 ''q ) 4' l] the wo'rd. ' lie,' - '.ftl-selnioti,'
. .almost as bad as to threaten to reseuea slave an, other terms of similar c -h.qacter,,eyineing.
. no-superahn danoe of the spint „of ehristian.
as the Yankees did Burns. ' . - i .: L i •
meettsess, Irctiuently ocenr. -- s It is high" time
Governor . Reeder certainly ought to he'
A . 1 thatoneliz'Ci f.
j. .
1. ) k . 0 eetentporaries were giyifig,
provided 'with the Maus of returning tram 1, ''
arcitbishop,fits, for thus tittetitpt
Washington; where he now is. to &mac, 114,e d 'l n g ht : f
litag, to l unite it;?iturch : and
in the government to Which he has beee
Stater - Blois , him
in 'patty, and of maintaining law and or
up, gecntlemen ; he is ' Meddling with. politics'
oinuait as mUch ns the Protestant eletY, and
itiwfully *stinted, but We rather expect - anti".
he 'viii be Sent home to PennsYlvania as liar- 1 lir : ea q 4lluvr '' . l2()l " va g t I Y ..19a condemn Fries
1 conduct in ttien- 'lf y,4 u don't . serVe him:the
Mg been, weighed in the - balance . of slavery
fire: { same way, people Will draw theiro infer...
and - found 'drieting, aturthat a' southern
I epees as to ?our, motives.. ~ . - -- • ' :
pter, will be Op:Anted in his place. Should
this be the result,GoY. -Reeder will doubtless. '' . B „.„' pi; - 11 7 7, "d i - . '' ------7L' - , , '
acme borne a good. Free. Boiler, having had
..1 l* 7 1°4 '7 -iSrlettitaral 'Society. '1
1 '- The Socieij met on - Tue..... , -da} eVeiting' 'Air,
any hunkeriSh kindness that he .may ' have' it - im ._ -
.: i!fenty Drillter, Esq., PreSident,
cherished for the staveholders driven - out of .--
• . in the Chair). -
birri• try the altiveholderii Ate ntsel yes. r . - - '' t -
i. ~ c meetingwere read
. . .. - . . ' - The in'netca of the hist "
and approved. '. . • • 1-- :• • • - 1.. •- . '.-'; . ..:
'The resolution Telataw,r to' an 41teratiolirof
the constitution - as respec ts the electiontoithe
Executive CoHarnitiee,laaa-
. Sopi e d As o m .
posed at,the last:pmeetiiig, - I . : c. . ~
1 -_ On innii4e - Thoi: Nitholsen weSeleet tid a
Member offhit Executive COnimitiee'fbr direr
years, ' *.AI OA ' Bald win . foro 'tw 1Y - ears !and
Thount s Jann se i - ' - ''
.._ - ;; i
j : .Tie-meeting then adjourned. 'i . - •
. . , •:
,-.'-flAlittCL F. - CARNALT,' S
' riff 'Cabo& Kinney was arrested io N.
1":-City, on Friday night list, on a Bench
Warrant, .Wunded an Indictment: by the
United States Grand in ti, fur a misdeinkan
or' under the law of 1818;1111a reads. as fol
. 44 If any person within the Territory orjurisdietio'
of the United Staitei begin to act on foot, or provide,
or prepare the means for any milit ar y
, expe di L io u to
be tarried on from thence againtt the Territory - or
Dominions or any foreign Prince or State, or of any
Colouy„Distriet or:People, with whom, the United
Stites are At Peace. evP7 Pers"" °lrendirlg Phan be
wed guilty of &Ugh iniAlemeinor, -,and Audi be
fined, clot exceeding $3,000; anti iniluisoned not more
than three montbe! ' -
;The indictment charges with setting
on fool expedition spout one or more
43overmnents of Wand America. C 4.-
iptlhergalreJatil in. the_som,, if $lO,OOO,
anicw=r to .4!trs
144V0 71X .612".11TdE ' 4 1)44 13 Bi 1i_V 1 1.1 ; -P 011:
I ; 's
~ TICS r' 11 , : lif i
; .r. - - • „1
- It has recently bmil copsitk .
ed s wit trry 1
si,•vpus, offence \ w„.Prot . cno 4.- - t
exirpss hi.s pdli!ical tt!efere'n -, t vtpiave i
.1) i'd dad ik a
c. tolillshgle foil :ngOttefiron).l
JudlP'l:s4yle,iith, tikextiv*ot tiiiill, s t.. I
ciiiiiii4o illifieltiicite, moriMutl g lia - 14,4 %
and tcael hiin baiter than to be "dabbling in 1
The adjournolt'ourt refer Ced to was ap
pointed:tit the:requestOf Judge t ßovle, e.4pe
chilly for 'the witZtratizatron ))f finvigners.
The l4tter., - eetifirnis cintement that
Catholic foreigner's; as a genefarrule, are not
Free-s4lerst .
, ‘ .. y13;7) . t0 ' 5r.,
Crgitii, Dear Sir : - nisi'
to apprise you oo a dasperat4 move made in
:polities this
. reek, in this - illace. (In Monday._
night ;of this week:-:wo . were harangtied . till 1
midnighthn.the Gourrifonse,jby Wilt/nit and
Grow. They deliverkl theinselves' or • tivo
violent ahOtion'jipeeettei . ; I "itnzot not
getting to sl4ice . 4lspeeeh' w th a little anti-
Popeiy, : whia went off - with his .Whig oath- r
ence like . a Otar4
4%.41 Tuesday afternoort-w were highly fa with . :one Of the. Mos liberal - And in
swietive spreelikiS I ever bard, n t our
.goodS;ov. Bigler.. J refer ypu to tny friend
Timothy Griffin , !for explanation.
.I.le , rea- -
son.of my writing tow . lo . y!ort (in a hurry)
is to have you uSe all your i , xertionsto fitr- ‘
wardl . .Gov. Bigler's re•ilection. See that no t
man who can, haie" a vote b+ taking out his:l ,
papers, shall neglect to do' the same,We
::hail probably have an acijoarned . onrt by
the iirst.ol.()etolii. , i. (See: the(pit pers.) Plea4e
give me 'reSpeetl to all my t,rictids. _
.• •
Meatcal Cans •
A bill. is no•w'.i.elli,re the LegiSlaiutt:,.oftliis
Sale entitled ":4n Aet for theEstablislimont
of iiPoatd of, ..f.edi:al Censor." This, bill
provides fir theapp‘ . >int merli by. the-Govern- .
or of three per ms ; who sil(// he gni eimates of
a .college alna-4rine of tie iilloiailtic or reg•
?liar eleaarabialiPir, whose Bracy it b bail he to
.hold'Sittings once a► ,•ear at : the county scat,
for the. exatniniition of all •physicians . , sus.
goons, and obstptrielans, and others .practis
ing pceialities,
,Dr eOrtAttingltiteniSelves to the
treatment of one or i i ti. giyert number - of dis.. ,
easeS,' :tad to . 4rhtiti certificates of . Merit . to
sbeh as Shall in .')thei ', judgnient be 'deemed'
skillful and of Stiffiei tit'..attaiiiments ; said cer
tificate. to be rencled, and costing. the rip
1•.1 ca'ilt....s2s each .yeltr; tiad- any pers)mi not.
pos-essol of s.u6 c4rtilicat shall hare no re-
I, ' •
course in the hi for the collection of.a bill
3. ' •
rendered for sutgictit, tnedital or obstetrical
services, or for service: rendered fit treating',
a special diseast.. , ' . • .:' ,
Siich• a bill ule should think would find no
faeor . except with an Allopatfie Legislatiire:•
.t- body coMpOsed . of phy s ieitnis "of the Al
lolpattile or rUgtilar denomination," might
pi',lsn't!: pass.:-.neli a law, lint we doubt it, es
p, cially if tltil:'cli , - . ;.(lereil :th,.. Got'ern,,r utt
iiilied in surgly, inedieinc,. and obstetrics.
Nye would sif ,- *4.e4t au amendinent - „ . takingihe
power front - the Governer .and .
permitting the.i . teople to elect their Censors.
alt the more 'detnoerotic' :node, though it
woOld probably be .tin ilivtier to permit
thein to elect. their own 'physicians, whether
prietising Allopathi, Ilydropathy,•llornco•
patty, or any Jother tit - A.lth opathies,
aw makiti , * -invidious - distil Lionsbe
..tquon. Sit I CING IN eitEW ,-/
the gkiteraity received vonqructiOn of
tlieluewLigno law of New-Yorlc, thaiL from
MaY Ist,'.iyhen 'existing ljeenFes I expired, to
Jiniy 4th, no •phstaele exists to the free sale
cif liquor in New -York city," the same. a_s of
any other conmloSity. It is said-that many
Persons Will- avail themselyes of this opening,'
t -
and engage iii the liquor !business during the
brief.peridd ',Plat the lois. Ins, accidentally;
Permit t ed. -it I .I.general 1 , sat urnalia is •antici
pated., AS - free trade . in ).iquor has . been ad- -
rocateii by.sOine as the tive systein, we may
• .
now nave nn ppportunity i of seeing that doe
trine put ;to 4 practical f;st ;, and:if it pro
yery,- beneficial resultsi'prohablY the
Prohibitotfy • li:w• will soap be repealed,
, , - , - i : ' ,-------- - -4.-----• -- ' I
i, --A Naichti comespooent or the New
.Tritunte, ilia sly's he" sees Gen". Quitioan ev
c•cy day , anti has his iotelligenge from
- ' Jw:Ad
iquarters_usserts that'theiQuitin,ati'eubi es;
ped,tintslier shone': `ti , itiilli9 l l, - orditAiri
luiye:becii icsPenqeti - itCpititiutsiil4- and' Ontr-,
. A
teringstentnlxwts - procuring - kali; sfite g —ls
etud. :41d44 rii.0.114 - -: :- "'" "'" ''''' - '" '
reer Aiv;(l idea lam: been started by Nev.,
eral !neretwuts, in consequesee of postage
in4telvf which-Wive caused *me trouble latei
iy..lzt9 , l4P;Your business addresses onr
vnirelppe,2 . -snd by accident a ;latter get. in
qtriefi pritsid :it can inirsedia-ely .
,retsrged to,you, nrkplstod, in iyotw bittif ydu.
0N.,4.1.441 rid! ought to.
- :
. .
...„ . -
NICHOL9O, WTOMING Co. Pa., Apr. 2' 1855.
fMustis Eerross:43lj quill byoicin,4ine lain
i4e that itmoyes with some rel4iiince;4ind there Is
rt nj,Wmtelt that . Sinoteworthrio einployit.. The
'tilletetirpri;, — , , r so 1 gla.. -voinilt Winter,
to tali 401nd i. ttl Ireadt;l It '1,4- 1 11 winter
is st p r i itai'lleen fdelhe *r l•-•••prisvisioris at
AbAlit,.. thejpgke ‘ ittuf ook* dilt*tiaV et
uric thelniffeitigsite4o4ned by the tighpriees of
hiod may hit're e tn .4reitter in the cities than itilthe
einatry, yet th have been a great many families
throughotit tlio,/4„•wito have for...the past, -Ass ,
1 Months kived'on a vqry short allowance. Man and
I lima faro alike; there arc empty granaries and
-empty barns altmet!tiverywhere, and - aides 'we are
hiessed with an Itinithlant harvest, the prospect is
4 1nomv enough. '• ; .• - -
i I am still in the room I have -lottg occ` n'piedi .
. but
the House lies recently changed proprietors .
.k , .q.
litatort tiOrlitetiffitith n ikelninsitO the age of few: icore
: tear?, bus st,lentii:rotired . f ro nt the cararontt ',per
plexidesaif IthepingtiPubliCTlourni; -'-'' Though the in
firmities of age begiWiatelltomewhatseriously upon
bitilli „his: Wail and body cannot remain inactive, and
e IS at this moment engaged with great enthusiasm
in 'makingexperiments in agriculture. Ile 'and his
Most estimaide wife (who is aunt Sally to . es all) have '
a plensartfroosti by nitemseivee, where theY are visit- ,
fed almost , eiery hthirin the day by troops of many
grandchildren, and,ltiao look, now and then; to drop
tit and converse abotit the gond old tines, with those
whose.leniithening 'shadows 'betoken that they arc-in
the evening of life.. Long may'the fire beam bright
on theirheartb,. and longtime may their presence
'icheer es AIL • • •
If. Eli N. listen, the !ESqr's only ion is-now " mine
Ithost,' and; gives ample assurance that in his
i keeping the ancient 'good, repute of the llouse,thall
I t i be well sustained. I ' . .
t ' IMptisvernents at the 'Depot arc progre-sing. The
I extensive: Tannery,of the Pratt tiros. is nearly in read
-1 Nees to ecenmenee operations. Several dwelling
houses lave! been erected, and others are contem
-1 Plated, it large `;tare was mised•last week, which
, ~ • ,
I will soon ocCupied, and there is • also another
Store in pmgress.: l'lnsiness has received quite an
1 impetnit, and; the Ili , pot is certainly destined to be:
I come a' place, of importance. People are coming itt
from abroad , and wom , h the m men of ;.otee . capital.•
At thiS season - nflthe year, a rafting fresh awakens
more interest anon our people - than almost any
thing else. The idtimber is_rhiefly owned by a few
iatiivitliti.L.., riot the labor of rafting and .running it,
I calls hitq requisition all the available force that can
be obtained. Mt'. Wm. Hartley, of. Glenwood, has
long been iu the business in that line. The first
high sitter in the Tunkhannock was three weeks ago;
not .quite high cuengh for a good fresh. Tut so'lt has
been.moit of the tune since, with the' exception of a
day or tWo when. there was abundance of water.—'
1 The CoinScmiettee : has been that many of the rafts
I have stuck i l.i . 11 bare and shallow- places,. and it has
1 requird a :good deal of skill to get a raft to the
i moutivof the Creek without this kind of trouble. It
is any thing but a P elt
leasant business is a-
I ground for the men to get Into the cold water; waist
deep, arid thg for Goitre to get it off:: , I really pitied
6 •
a comP:iny Of memi who had been working in this
I Manner eintil they-were well nigh exhausted—it was
almost everting and ihe air was, quite chilly. I tho't.
I.i . .
tue nightfall woulti; . surely find their craft .in its un
-1 ,
welcome anehorage; but presently there came a man
' on horseback holding up a gond sized jug and ses
' ing " here boys, come and try the Maine Law."—
The foile l ws one ,
by one stepping up, ki , ..sed the jug's
1 :
moutht and :straightway they all ncented to be inspired
!„with such spirit, that the raft floated in a few min
' utes and.swung 'out into the stream.- Verily there is
Some potency inthlS administration of the Maine taw.
i took it far grantiefitteS6-vrtaar-with the jag had
iii his-mind the wise man's proverb, u bielt says " give
Strong drink to )tint that is ready to:perish," and if;
that aentintent Bever gets a more ill-timed rendering,
Strong drink trunti,do much harm.', •. _ : 1
.. Thelnigue• and risk of life and property . encoun- ,
tend by the men ittnniug the ;umber, is not small, yet i
it iittal accident; rarely occurs. The village of Stet--'
!•ilingville kin in . ..turning on :miscount of the loss of one I
iiof its nest , pr mini young men. Ile was attempt- 1
ing v.!: rand an ark; at Green's pam a tor miles above
riantSburg, olienisomething giving way, 'struck on
the Lick of his bind and precipitated *hint . into, the
river. : It is thought the blow killed him instantly,
and report! say 4 the body has not ycf been found.
The prospeet flir lumbermen who are obliged to sell
immediately, iti, iai-.frOm flattering on account of the
scarcity of nosey; and consequent low prices. .
Th'at this seCtiein of the country is slowly but sure
ly improving, both in a' physical and moral point of
view; is ainply;attested by the greatly enhanced val
ue of real . estate, r •and the attention with , which ,the
instruetions of; the Gospel are regarded. We have
presetting •soulevthere in the vicinity almost every
Sabbath, and a flourishing Sunday School is. in pro
gress.; ',think there is also a growing -interest •in
the. eattee of Cerntnon School Education. There ex
ists some tlivet-si4 of opinion in regard to the present
law, but Most of dur people seem .willing to give it a 1
fair trial. , Our county -Superintendent is an excel- I
lent inan;fandin his hands I tint* theeamte will not i
suffer. ; .
.i . . . 1
. What curious Inmates there arc in the newspapers
now n days! oneman travelling up a wire to the top 1
ore Tent tiol4add'onother to the top of a Church
Steeide—all id stich close promility that it Tooke like
an- attempt at ,the union. of Church and Circuit:—
Your neighbor printer now and then gets up a good i
picture.. ,That lag list of subLseribers obtained in- a i
short time was one—and then that call for an Anti 1
K. N, Meeting,;announcing an lion. M. C:.' as: the I
chief Speaker--why, the man was down here meta of
thatafternooq and when asked why be was not at
I Montrose to annihilate the. KnoW-NothingS„ gave us'
to understand that the advertisement wu without ,
his authcititY.; •The apologyin next week's paper for I
Idstatan-amearaire was nice-Verily there is a screw
loosettonsewhere, but in whose kingdom it is, I know
• This is getting to be "mix gathe min" letter t. ' l
; let Meilose it lir relating an incident said to have
occurred a littlelabove this plaCe some time since.
-.A couple of 7 t ong feilowt not in any wise noted'
I for, OAT , ' literary attainments, were taking e walk one
i Sabbatttifternoitin, company ; with an ; acquaintance
I whCess educaticei iris - much better than theirs, , They
i teeriverSoil 'nfoini it.. -, - tariety`of atibjects,,and• it
i seemed : to be , the aim of the young men' to appear,.
las learned and lintelEgent is : their . companion. Ai.
length one id' ti;ein getting desperate about sustaining,
his shit in this particular, deliberately enunciated
1 to Ida friend this most profound sentiment, " it is peo
reedy; esti:nal:4g what a difference there is between
folkeantipeisple." to which his friend' with no little
feeliiigreapOnds,". lotisitCa d s .l liar, there is just
' three times as ;mush difference in rue atrthere is 'itt
Jon'" ' tJrAs, ever Yount, . ,3.3. 66
: -7-_-----s- -0- --------
;-• ' - :
` Frost ArLawreace (iCama4)Trilmne, •
A majority_ of the members returned, to
our Legislatttre snot nt the Berri's... House. at
‘'esiiitirt;llO.,,Tnesdatniglit of last week. •
At tkelast amounts they' were bolding reg.
1 n i al 7•T' ai° .ns At 4 1 e ShaWumMissiorr: John.
Is4n is ,fAlienker., C4. , rks :L and Bergennts-tit
Iti:goir' . itr , 4!. Alati, flectett...... limy, deliberate.
FitiOilamd i doors. , They talk strongly a
the Governors autborit, at detainee
aM,_ lieml;4l.,iug „independently. Let -• 'dens'
work. i•
. ...,They. 1011'8444i .4,13,4 different use:
furlieenli:tban,diatAr whiekit_ was used fie
liea'eawnnb-ntrfke,f/ay:of,eleetion. There:
is 14 a iltiiig, we believe;aaLtreasoa.
41Clntite1trellitt i llie:7' --- ' !''':i t
1• 4
,WOMAN. ' .
. Ar ;Saii 1 i l'ustrating the debasing and un.i
" •
christitinOing .iafl,upice.s . of slayerii has Tel
centli*Ctiiiiliit iiceniiiiky. A chite 41 n'
brougiitbe. r gil.e to Grand.;Jury, ,ofiBOurhOo ;
i conta i n' ilgaitistLit: : Mr. Alphtli. Leiii and .
/ Margargt, *OK for' , 4ruel treatilient„.and',
I torture of their slaves. The licensed belont4l
i to the: 'test .0 s'
e-, o hnili and are amonn- th . el
r 1
Ave4ill4ieilptinhabitauta -of- the,:tnunti i .:owninti
I a large estate, and living in style in a hand.
Isome !Ouse. The mistress of this beautiful,.
I home: A: wothan whose mother is a prOfessor
lof .rellglini,' and whOse sex and position -in,
rijfe blloosl 64. her "gentle and pitiful," 1 4 --
Comes so uhsexed and brutali;ed_by.contagt
with 'the'vile•system of human slavery, as .
to be iiilts of cruelties the bare mention of
which Makes a person of common sensibili
ties shudder. 11,(.titd the following account (li
the,daihgS f Of this Kentucky 'lady,' and - (.-a!v‘
whetiferit foolish fanaticism to oppose tile
spread : of ;the., slavery system . beyond • its
preSeni limits: • ". '
1 -I '
- -" - Me." Lewis not defend . ing - the *case, tie
testinitiny was not elicited in open court,. Lk
it has.been freely made known by the Grand
Jnrort; as presented them. Before the
Jury, oneiof Mr; Lewis's neighbors, Mr..oa-
Vid Memtgomery, of Revolutionary descent,
testified that on the first Monday in Maro.l.
which County Court day, the younger.
girl abiive, spoken of ran into Ifs house:ilia
state Of entnplete
,nakeduesS, and that her
first ivOrd4lbesought them `to please lei her
-warm ,* ltv, the fire.' I_ l pup exantinktion
this neigiibOr and his wife, the girl was fatipd
to* have been most cruelly treated. S.he
showed-infrns thatevidently were made With .
hilt mons upon her neck, herfaee, her barid , ,
underlbOth arms, I...etWi.'o) her legs, botli'f,e
bind ntali.before, besides! bruises :upon her
head, and !bleeding ‘ at the 'ears. She had that
eVening chill afti'r (hill.. This neighhitr acted
butintuelymid manly", and the miscrable4rl,
was shot enveloped in a a unifiorter before his
fire. aful ,1 1 3 sallied out in search of tither
t (i • •
neig iprs, eto•mined to, have them witnesi
the' tmfrid spectacle. Unit alunately.
of thi2.M. were in PariS. He succeeded,
lioivevcr;its finding two,lwto SaW the 'girl
while; at-his • house. He: then, in company
With : one of them,_ went •A"
nonso . •;--bi abs, being town. • Kpo* ithe.
ring of. the prescnted:,fier;
belt 'tit the door. A shout convergition fen
sued,;:iti rwhich Mr'. Lewis acknowledged
flea, had corrected • the:girl, and that 'he
had badelier never again show herself in her
}ores' Mr..M. replied-that she •waSrlin
very condition, andi that sheluid better
send for itar;. upon which the, door was shut
in their flees,
• " was also made
. 14160 to the (Omi
JUry; tip - high not in the dury-room,.ty White
inch in Mr. Lewis's employment, that Sally
(vain . ' is a grown woman,: and,.l think., the
mother Of 'children) 'was stripped by :Mrs.
Levris!s - <direction entirely: naked, and her
heels' tied ,).tp,to a tree Omit four or five;-feet
from; the: ground. ' She then made a negro
• t• r
toile pump, t tind another negro,,co.
manidirkiet the hose so as to drench - her With
wateif,Wh,ile she wmildidand off a Pacel.and
pelt ber:With stones until she would the; and
then' theliVould take to her more • fayhred,
tnocle.uti orture, the hut-iron; The reason
the:;'men iti'Mr: Lewi , l's - employment Were
not Suostrioned ; .before the Grand*Sury
that,..7tta.46 was a saffiCiency te,ti4ioni
wish ait them; 'especially in the case Of the
youngeri Had 'they: been *summoned,
Mr.; LetiiN NrCalld have anticipated the v;;lmie
proCeedittafaud put- the. negroas ; out or the
the neighbors were verk;anx
iouS to-ifirevent, for they bad volont;;lered
t twit% infbrmation to the Jury, and wkhpd it
coldirmo, by the appearance of the negroes.
The!writer of this saW the Slaves in the jail,
in cflompany with divers other gentletOn of
Pa e. 4711101 Binlrbon eoanty, and will hat
Sally hi large sears upon ber:back as large
as One's hands; sore's upon her hips,thighs
and legt,.jthat multi ,carders be . corered: with
the paint : of the The . smalter :one's
condition, has beeff described above.:' She
to: jail with no„utherclothing on than
lint 4 dress." !
• "
. : . The ca s :News.
by: the arrival of the Africa, at lialifax,
havti :news from' England to the 14th inst.
At the seat pf war.-up to; April. 8, nothing
rleciSiveltad occurred, lint the belligerents
weiePro'eeed. ing with their preparations for
attack and defence, the allies being, keady,
th(yreported, comniettee the honihard
ment.ofSehastopol at any
.niSiMelit. jThev
.04)(114 large reittforu.vmenisi. from
: Eypt.,lsaenir i ta and. France--as m:fay as
106.006 =men from the latter, plat.v.
The 'battle Beet had'reached The ;
.concentrating9.oo,ooo men ;in the . ;
Ba.ltie Provinces, and the feeling at 'peters.;
waS that the war must . proceed.
*., The: c.kniferevce, at Vienna on the Stit last , i
edionly for an hour. ilufrilutssititi!diplOtnatists
not tai.'ingreeeived their instructions; The 1
• of the wa.r-expenso ' payment
was 'deterred, The Turkish representative.;
as..k,r i t e d, on the part of the Sultan, to I the
Protectorate of the great PowerS-4inti • re -1
.1t was not anticipated - thin i• the
Ccinferitnee would eventuate in peace:
bi England. the propriety of raising! the:
5i6.,,:e :of Sebastopol .
.was freely-. spoert_ of
--in;publie, and it- was looked upon as a PriaU . v
aliie event. Lord Palmerston ' htui .heett .,
.eOlitpeileil to annoutice. a loan , of iftfam
in lions sterling, on which. Console ...atm:lined
to t 01 .1.2.; Parliament had atikumed 'omit
the: lfth. and the Roebuck Counmitt••!o to the
18t11.4April. - , .
• .;74,14i. g rotpid on which Spain has rimnired
the, reeull of Lord Ilowden„ the Briti4h
ha..4ador, was his interferencv with. relijOns
Matters. -
.1 Ant gonday,
_the 16th, Prince Albert was
to meet the Emperor. - AO Entpre..4l. of the
; Dovir, and accompany them to
Windsor..' Tuesday,- M. Bonaparte
would receive, the ; Corps ..DiplomatiqUe;be
inveiiio ' , with the . Order • of the Gaiter. oft
Vi r ;edisday ;•visit the. Crystal Pabice and
the -oPera on -.Monday • receive an' 'address
front .the City of London,. in thtiluittall,. on
: Friday.; and return to France. on, Stiturdity.-
Ilisreception was expected to be as adulatory I
poSsible on the part, of the Court; and, the
• •
.tar Thera is a good fusion Anti-Nebrasktv
Maine,' having .a majority !•: of fi/e•
*)uSaud. - to ten: thousand 'votes. .-1(.!. wpiuld•
seenf,t hat this should satisfy any
~rear , nable,
opponent "of the sham:Democracv gut not,
There is a paper pUblished in'Aßangor
(Med The Jouracti, which is essaying, to. re..
vfveihe old Whig party, p.rnfe*ing to
Snail a very, straight higthaYit. coma en
(4c4. with it heopposition Cynicnts lin that
tate. This :seems strange : ennugh .to an
outsider. ' We ahould as soon think Of seeing
• tit.patter started
.10 - revi4 old ;'Federal
itartrof -1812, a* to. engage. in - fbe. ;task • in
ajiticlincJournat seems to have ernbarhed.'
to;one of .ilte ,, .WashingtoW:.l,,lnitin
Jtill ;Akar] ike ; the-C4an.q •
came torthi; Pi iliett . ay is t# i e teat 1
• AmOng the ItoManh` . 4.ltholies. and :inem'-7
bers of - the GreeklChtl there has ev l ir been 1
• ; ;.•
a great, even a , tper7io imis regstotffor the
,Land„- *4! in P4t,ieuhtrLfOr, , pJaceed
deer iitiiriipeclally iittly l ;!itir
,iefainOle the pia* 11
Of Cliiiiiti:s. birth ;IQ i.. .iiiiiL':' 0* eao,. as it 1 1
IS supposed, 4, F ' hu t - ii.iiiie'r, o t-' . created coat 'meM; If
i Orate the eVetit4- I Piere are eight 4:40' calW 1;
; `Holy places :1 bt4,tla4„. l ehnreli where was the
! stable at. Bet hielieta, !With a Silver star !nine— .
rgood Catholits and Grtleks think—Over the i
f,pretlitteopoi.44.4l4,<„,-Soittes , ,,,birth ;
_end the
i ehum:h. - built bythe, , Einpress Helena 'on the
.1 supposed pfiue Of hi* aomboire considered
I peculiarly saeredi i The'Roman Catholic and
`Greek CiairehOs W !- 'ert;liindivided.until A. D.
;• • ,
1 1 . 862. llenee,;up to tiat lone,: Greek and
i Latin Christians ingtqber Visited the Holy
I Land. though. the ;western.- nations. even be. ;
i fore-that time; had sotne4ifficulty in nicking; .
,• , "
t t heir ‘ pi Igrinutges; to those
sacred places, for g
1 the Saracens came iiitii . possession of them ins
673. Yet as the Greeks were so near by, and!'
were yet poWerfid, they- had privileges nobs
I ,
according to the'Latias. - , .ft
- These difieolties - inCreie:ed, more and more, i ii
and the hard*hipS endured
. - by• Western pilii
Brims beettine - intOle' rable; so much- so, that!!
in 1096 the Crnsadesdieganlon the • Ntrt, 'ohs
the Papal. powers to kibtainan open,door fart '
their pilgrirn4- to thi!l-11til • Land, - and tii
wrest JernsateMifrot,ii 'the Infidels. ;
• •• As is well litio' , •+iii,Aibe.Latins took - Pales' i
tine, and held it eighty years; yey the Crufl
wades 'continfiedi, tine kruinfred und twentg'
year; after. ! • ~:
~1.1 . .
, i
After the Titrks ; took Pidestine from ill
Saracens, thei Chili:l4M .pilgrims suffered yet
more. Even the Orel:I., 'filler the fall -of
conAnuthuiple, 110 , 453,4:teed badly at their .
hands, but,,than the ikeidentals. • i
Francis I,i in 1532; .en the part of the Catl►
()lies, made a treaty' with the Sultan, - seeml .
ing to theMl certaiiil privileges, This . wap .
the e+lrnmetTerneut
,:of • negotiations : •Aftet
. which 'France and Ntistria Constantly insistee
on the right 4 of the Puriati Cada 'lies. The
Greeks, however, hiring fa. powerful putrul i
to plead for themat the court of the•Sultaii i ,
were entirely atJheinierey of the Turk's, int
i i,
seine seyei.tyi or :eighty ' ;years , ago, whet'.
Russia In•gail te:loten neritmong - the poweis
.1- ef Europe; i Treatiek were. ,inade at, Rutselnik,
1 Kanairrgi, and Bucearest, Icenceding certii, i
l 'privileees to the Greek Chbreli, both in Ru .. -
!slit MIS Turkey.l• . TO' . 0.20 Rtiksia made 'it
; inure important - irCaty With - . Turkey' 4t
l'Adrianoptqq . .1 i I .i -•
1 .--
In the nulantihie,: , tip to 18-17, the churehis
1 at the 11oIy< pidee4 on theliolidays, prvAlt
' ed . scenes °fines` t lioribleiStr - fe and viol - eneb.
The Turkish got.trat i netit had' to interfere mid
-regulate the; n lett eriti - Sonketimesthe Greeks
.and.Laties. Were ,te , at@edlto take their tun a s,
and go in - day aboilt or
_tin; difr-rent parts 14
the same . d a l - .;, Yet Tial;kisit guards a' d
seimetars eOu
• •
ltkno.; prevent the roost dS
u g raceful collisions ietween those wlie c•iire
to pleees . deen I et! saired,l4ause. once occupied
by the Prince of ?race. 1 In the height !Of
this ehristian strife the 'surer star that tivqr
hung the place of. lie mangt l r .where - Jesps•
lay was stS)ten • The Greeks blamed tile
Latins, with the th.t - t,. andflie Latins charged
it on. the Glreeks. •' ' ' • ' i
• In this state Of Cfrairs • France, the nexier
/ -- .
failifig frieUti of Al e I'apaey, sem for the s4lt,
purpose an; extrao:diliary anil,asador to Ole
Sublime Parte.: w :ii succeeded in oleareilig
a grant of 4pecial .:tvors to all Roman - Caih
elic 's Trims itu;i . the 11Oly . • City. Ruq . iia
• eartung this, sttlitkin -envoy, who ni turn- 412-•
tamed special firiV'' . ileges fur the Greeks.
France, dissati4ied with • this 'treaty,. 4n--
mediately dispatehed M. Lavalette, curtsy
extraordinary. to Turkey, with a ninetyltin
O l ii, to . mekie e 114 C Porte ; .in order to ;To
cure terne.ily et ni ire favOrable to Cat h e lp s .
This was 41851 i_y:A.. the instance .of Vil g .
land, this botbeaded man was reealled, the.
man-of war witialtawn, and LaCour, a - plan
of prudenOndle+eiliatory spirit, wits sot - ;
- :t o constautinonle. who, with Sir- Stiaff*rd
Canning, utm- Lo-A Radcliff; pursued milder
counsels. I ' 1 --- ' - • i ;1 . , -
. On Felif•nary 1,-1853, Menschikt off Cain , !,
doWn•freni Odesia.• in A large ship of wail to!'
Constant ini,ple staking flintier demand iferi
Greek Christians.! To most of these the iv-,
eminent vieldetid On the sth of May. in Mei
morning 'firinans,or ediOs i were issued 'Oise-1
llme it , cure the flilfi of that part that had.lhadi,
relation to the lIrly: vlaeeis. - All Was ;,kill
Posed to Ile settled. In the afterneOn of ~i.hei
same day howev tr; Mem:Oil:oW, in orders toi .
sai'e liirthr iron de and misunderstandit4.64ll
to the treatics.ip oposed that another arttelell
be inserted in tto treaty ; stipulatina tbatli
' 5 . - 1 I
' whatever right ru3 privileges •
.4thora here. ;;
after he conceded to any. Christian I seetrind
Turkey ; those same
. .rights
. and .privilegi.sp,
shalt I,e consideri-d as sit right ti; beiOn4 to%
the orthtsloxAthe Greek) Chureh.? Certhir9
ly nut a niproper request. Such a stirj'ela-11
lion the Tlnited liateS made with China, and.l
weelieve, With t
,apan, that any privi*-4;
guaranti e d 1,11 other lations• in treaties niathil,
hereafter 'shall I) !considered as grantedllus4ll
or that our riati4bO regarded on - the iitostll
, i,
Esvoraltlefterias4.l - •
.The Ttirkl4i einbassader was alarmed if
he granted thitq request be
nothing More! t;O:!-: Frunee than Rtissiiii-nth .
• more: fur Papist, l- than Members_ of the tliee4l
Chnrch.• 1 So-he . , ‘iniferred with the Eieflisq,
and French 'ern ' S:sadort=, who advisedlhint
.nut to yield [fit ; • proptesal.• Next mording;L
a Frenelt and .Airill -veiesel left bethre ihtyll
light to ialVi t it govetnineuts of theslew,
tarn 4 die :nevi hit ions. The Turkish . ',,ej;
,ernment k-astrit4if on the French and
.Erg . i
lash, and iv(uStaf to entertain the propietifioril 1
and in tep or tvitive-:days 11IensehikAleft -1
uud went4intne:l -•- '- - 1 ' - Ip' li
On thci.3otlti I May, Nesseloide ni - it fi e -
r i
i , ,
+be - government ' td Europe that he Wintl 3. 0d,,- I
cup,y the, : 'Prineir attics as a ' material guarli
aiitee' tut:til,Tti ey stwuld the
Greek' Christian; :en as . good ft4thig :644:oth
ers. Early itt•' one, he thartbed'ait ar_ ink.
across. this Pnith, l and occupied Moldaviti and
a part Of Wallachia. - - In the mean F;thue
FrlnicO invited 11 . iv.:t ria and Prussia to P--join
in negtalatietittnd the se t of , diplishial
was trariSfetrealtto /Vienna. The resti)t .. tlf
this was t.he.Vietinti note of we believe-4SO
tember, in whieh - the substance - of the
sition •ofMen4ikoff wars mond.. Ru* , ..ia at
Once.aceepto'.it....hut.Turkey refused and' de
matided,ithat aClause should be added n 4114.
ing the -(ateatitati of the proposition, viz rrhat
whenever right'S and privileges Shall 'WI cob.
4any `. . istian sect in Turkey; Ithoite',
rights and privileges : " be eolisiddr-, - ,'b lung to members of tke :rir
ix .(Greek) ibureh that may heinbjee.ts
Sub* i Porte.'. : Thus openfm* flu
ehattee.R , I. Frit
,t .e to obtain for her CalColic'
friends,Tavortii,still fereater' . beeatisel th4y,
Would. herep', ed••as ftireigners, to
. WhOin
greater Tit Or ei Id- then be shown than '4O
_Ori%cittit•at home: To this t its , iiit
demurred and; n OetOber, TaikeY
,de :larl4
war, Its altia had: .spent.the interval in marshal
ling heti foredp," iinmediately.Katatitt itiultbe
region rtroad 4 . ut.wasinvade4,4 the Turks;
'lltvu .44 Tarsi • prepared ,to 'fight, mud in
Mureh '.18,54,•4 r was', declared by rratlei
and linglanCl, .:. :.,-, - ; ". ' . r-,j: -
I 'AV hit Us 7 lp' • rr . efF4o-4he: buttl'esilof
Alma,:lit Sep '; nbet 20; of lialaklava and Ins
esrmitti" 1,1,- izi ' ber and - Noventher4i +II'
anoint' •i 1 , -1.. •,\ ~- •- - - -I ' - •i• ' 11' ..'-
;•1 - --' ' - - " .: i :
, , Iris eertaitfi' no, it is a war tit* ' rtligitai .
I, o 7.rAthitriak ' titidne.-Vho shall h‘tiOie
.• 4:Lf.. .14 -'' -. ..; - •-•ifv'l .1 ,, ••;,, -1-,A ,:i ... 1
- ! . ii . • -
• - "....'- -- Pr i rr-yr,' , 3'..!-.,Awtiot,-- .4 . 0 . 1 . - ! - ^4.! .. ....47'..,
itteis of t he ti y - laces? shall the,.• tnan limp:en - of Goverinn• :Reeder-400 A tt .
!Catholics. heeekitlierri entirely, in their jinda, , ,rizar. tht plains • on.. the Peoplo o f
torishall,the' f f-Gieeli Church have equa ' , .fighl 4 : f -r - ' -•:..1 , •:..„,. - ,„,., ' - \ •! .
.. 4(:) , ,, , theritit .,, : ,.... , .•• •.. : , , ... -1, `;: . :g i :„‘ ; •,....r.i . aa rote, (PA, Idenday,' April 30;
i - - -' i. Xellon. A • Reeder Go
ii•or,.ranay::4o*the a b ove ^we a live ut- I.' t.• - •v - • • • 1 Y etnn r o f gali
. - arted here today: from the We. 4 vi a -
l Eetyto Iter,'lltr Baird, WhiOgno.: u.' bet- 1 , .
a :v-.tpy enthusiastic reception:. from hi,
Air actituditted with , affairs : AWE!) pa . th an 1.444 .
~... . :
.., liiiia . , i'•--0 - iiiiider od. neighbors. , He reached Philis.
. une On anis - . „s , - 1 5. -.., . tour . , ;
• ,'.;r_ . .• • ' 4.4.... r. - '4. I - 'l,''' , - -..,. ' notin, and '
was therefnet and escort.
ll' , .q' ' , -i est - • .11P-aintraitils
. The
. Iteply to. . 'art() the Court-House-Square,,in - Ea s t, n n b - -
large coucourile f the eitizenaf all • part( s,
'; - Illuring_the recent 'session ot.'paigress,
1.141 r. Joseph R. Chandler, the imitable and accompanied by the•EtistOn Band. On 1 arri-'
aceomplished gentleman who represne
etd. ving at the . Court.l .Nuse, Gov
" 4 Reeder w a s
Philadelphia in the national eauncits,deliYer- welcomed by: tlieitizetis with hearty cheer s;
Oa speech in defense ofßoinatiisin,! intend- and a f(n*lttal we. come then extended t o 'bin ;
c 4.. especially ; to counteract • the' notion that in .an Ong:lent . and impressive ispeec - hh,Y the"
J.M.• , Porter, who complimented Gov •
that form of religion was - unfriendlY, to "Re- •ilon
• publicanism, and denying that the Pope claim- Reeder on the,
.tnitly apd courageou4S well
aSable tnanner tw',Whigh be : hati:,diselintged '
,t , 41 to,interfere.. in ally temporal-,concerns of
~i ' Slates and Kingdonei., This - speee4 Seems to the - du ties of his diffieult,,tind. responsible of •
''hive been'very skilfully . pmiared . , atfe r ilii... -r ficii."' He Went into a hasty narrative ot the
sent a very plausible has grilwih alul . p4*rena of-tte.,Slave queitiOs,
been attacked by a' • h ost of - assailliatA •in a ll attributino - .lts 'rdinigereua and: threafgail v ,
. 0 • ,
'., partsthe country and in very different
of * character:it the present Annie fa the fan atic a l .
1 W'lly S. Some of these replica, as for.iexample, Aintlitiouistsat
,the North,.bukadmittittg al .\
that of Dr: Berg, well-known as an I Ajair -in so thatliliVery ifieik hied' in' tliete'• - turti b e . •
t .
, eVery form, of the Mohan etnitroverS, y, have l'lC'rne iti , finiatical and wrong -alti• the' Aholi •
he,' el; exceedingly e ff ec tive, • tionists themselves.,lle .went:' through the
old 'routine' of aPol,igy ler ahe Seuth e ' -' -
1 i; But there is one whielt far surpasse.s all the
~ , * v ow
~.„that they had Slavery „entailCd upon 1114,
i rest, which has -been unconsciouslY : Made
I which evei .y iir,itstuut wilt a d m i t tr. be - u t and ass rtifiri ins full the broadest Pro Slaver, -
the highest authority, :and which no ltortian. y.eteiets, ije;ared. that Gov, Reeder had dale
Ist will think of questioning for iVitioineat,',— his dut y' s ably, e l ind t h at h e, would and should
• •..
.be - sustamed both by Pennsylvania andhth e
This has proceeded from tioll,wer source than
i ;.;
• Ins Holiness himself. l'io Nintv has over- . coontry'ait 10 0- - - • - • - ' . -''
I i. , •
torown his ablest lay 'defeneer in this coun- -Gov:lteeder,jin reply, eXpri.-saed in feelin..
and-eloquent terms . the. grateful imPteasion
ti:y. Just, 'while Mr.• Chandler wag denying
t rind disproving that",the. Popes had Or.claiin. made iita'in. hint 'l4the
„warm -,•and lehthiisias.
tic recep tion gi t ren to him by so large tin . as.
i ell the rbde. to interfere hetween.subjects:and
b •,s,. . . -,
sem bIY of his f flow -citizens. , He referred to
• their sovereign, between citizens and., their
, .
!,•olverunielit,".the Head of the, hierarchy was the reports - of ,fraud and outrage - upon the
i . prenotineing or issuing au allocution denOun-
part of Slavery men in the Kansas election
Y worst
1 ping .in the strongest . terms. the measure
and emphatically gon fi rined-the yer
anich converted , certain eclesiastical:prOpe . r. statement of them which had preceded his ar:.
- s
fc• in Sardinia to educational purposes, and ea- rival: He said his opiniAns On the übjeet of
pressly declaring said law to be invalid and t popular sOvercignty had nitdergonennehanee,.'
e cOnduct of the p.44)1 .4,ftlae bor.
null. . Could interference b e more gross and . but that, th
7 .
etariii ,, ? . - der Counties of the North Of At issoiri had as. :
Tlie t '`li . iw is a• legal, fungal, constitutional tonisfied - and amazed bind' by
.• theit- reckless
enactment, confessedly Within - :the province disregard, of all laws, compacts and
,ci . nisti - t n,.
t'a . the Lrovi.Tortignt, as., such, yet the Pope, so • t.1011S: t hat. the TerritOry ,of 'i t iCanSaii, : in • h e y
liir as lie can, annuls:it, releases . his, subjects late e lecti o n, had been inVaded."bY . a
i front the obligation of Obedience, fuid seeks organized -army; tinited: to 14e.--toth; wh,
ItO overthrow quo a d hoe the governmenL.s `took possession of Ithe ''halltit-Im*es an d
Sup pos s e Mr. l'utnam's Bill should become a r made a Legislature to suit the purp4se of the'
i•law here; and the Pope pronounce it invalid, prti•SlaYery piii.ty.
- . i . ;.
1 - the interference- would nOt be : 410re, ptlitabte 1 . Kansa4,"was tubdued, sulingatedl and eon.
j it bus been with - the Court Of Turin.-,- Lquerecl by armed ran. Omn i • Mi4l4Otiri, but
. I ,We ,aillinit that Mr. Chandler haslbeen best l her citizens were resolved - never foi•giv. up
i-efuted by. his °Wit friends,. amid all, snit is the lightfitr their free dom - and .the' mdepen.
1 ; • needed . to expose his ingenious sophistry, is dence of their, soil; from foreign control oi.
1.,, cite, an extract from the
,last .4. Altoeutiou interferenee The State of .111buionri :woula
; to the Venerable Consistory" ta l i Itinn , .c.— he called iiponAo diSavovi albsyrriPithy with .
itihristion latelligenver. 7 ' ' ' ' ' these border • itiffiami. •If 'she re used, the.
iil : • 1
"would be • tn d i sco untenance .
!i, There is recent instanee of the di- South
IF 1; • '- If the SOutli refused, the soinmit "duty
~l'eet attempt of the. Pope, to ; exerose tempo-
wouldhe• devoty - c H
tipon .
the North . toi.. . tak - e
. u . i,
'Zi • 1 r‘v '
lir.a/ power, and Which oecerre in 8a,,., in re- flue !natter, so ,that the right. 4 of her sons who
~ _ ,
!lathe! -to the repnbiie of N e w Granada. Tlie. had settled in Kansa . * in the faith Of solemn
11Coneress of that ,republie has'_ pasSed sundry eompactß shall, bevindicated; and 'austained
, ts
i 1 1 aws in refer ion .to. education; - - tythes &a.,of 1 - - .
Ile 'declared' that the accounts he. the . - fierce
u es and wild violencies perpetrated at •
I; which were displeas'ng to hia.HOliness the • u ! ..? tra
~, . „
iT: the election, published in . the further!' pa-.
t Pope, and •by a l'a pal bell issued in 1852 the
.pers, were in no wise exalt rated lie - con.
I , ,,preecedings of said Congreas were promUMeed eluded liy saying that Katigas- '‘Ar . stow a
_., .
;` , nail all and void. • !Int the. Government of ihat .
conquered . cointrynquered 'bb 'force of
1; .i • -
~,,.r,...,,uh1ie- sill ent l, re ,A t h e l aw „,. ; t h us very arms—but that - her eitizens - 'were resolve,}
;:properly repudiating his, interfert'ince„. The never ti, 'Yield, their . rights,,aa& .;iiied::npan
. the:North to aid them ,hy :demonstrations of
piattempt of the P . oPe,.. ll"ivever,. ' f,° - exeic!'w public sentiment and all :Other legal . - means
,:itetnporal power there is undeniable. until they • shall be 'fully and :,tritimphantl":
vindicated. . .i... .. , - --.-- • . I, • ,1-. *.
During his l ,speceli Gay.! .. ,,Reeder . was fre
quently .and. - entiiiisitiatieally cheered: by the
large audience - Present.. '• ::' ' -
i: Virginia Democracy Exemplified. ' I
I: lion. James M. MaSou, erne idlthe Denlo...'
.I erotic U. S. , Senators of Virg:nia, and as fair a
specimen bf haughty; imperious, purse-prOnd
- aristocratic as it has
_fallen to our:, lot ever to
I ! ,•lrold, made a speech. reccutlyl at Peters-
burg,. A: Jud Sid Crane, Escf.; an American - I
1 eandidate for the 14.. , islature. and -- one of the
i nio,t popular oa ators. in the state, happening 1
. I . t,i be present, was called upon to reply to
t i Senator Mason, but was'not permitted to do
-.- ~
so on the ground, according to the . S.ith Side::
.: Democrat, that Mt... Crane is -,sol. inferior_ to
. I .Mason, " that it w - oull have. been; disreepect- -
till to that gentleman, •to his- pbsition as ii i
Senator, and to his reputation as a Statesman
for the President of the Democratic Ai4soci-:
ation -to have permitted any such diseuSsion
as' the one proposed:" Th'e Petersburg .14-. ‘
telligencer thinks this one of the greatest_ spec.'
intens Of politieal pride .and - arrOgairee that
it has l eter seen. , lt does not follow -, that be
cause he is a _Sensatr he may n o t - meet his
match among the people in argument and el.,
oquence.. A good joke: occurred in relation .
1 to this absurd act: . When Mr. Crane addres- . .
t Sed the - opposition niPetershuig inf .a
'l quent evening, the friende!of Mr. Wi.?: want-'
ed where an opportunity tun- it reply, and .
proposed the lent law: .
yet.. -: The - fr bled that
1 as-the latter the' Vir-
I gine' Legi..ii - And the
I other indivit 'that high .
Ihonor, the; \ - - the at-
1,,, ,
_._... .: Exi
cling fur his healta in the East..• --.
`lt gives orie/An ever present . ; idea ;cif the
expatisive enterprize of his emintrynten, to
find r..their s. 4l titinpriities of commerce . con
titteidly iii/ hiS •path : Wherever :he : gees:. I
have not yet visited any considerable city - of .
Turkey/where I .did not find -Medicines
of ro''- . country - represeteed by Armes CHER.
Itt r ,'
.zeTott4t. ,ln. Smyrna, • Aleppro, .iiillit,
Jeru:alem And Constant iniiPle;-we see in each,
„On . (lie deal petit, astern: bazaar. the peculiar-.
. ......
ly American looking Iron eatd, Of -I.le.Ayer,•
. sayMg in a ;Hugo:age „which itelt - ,,one in .ti
thotiknd ..f the passers. by can read,' Ayer's_
CliOry . Acquit . t 1 f o r Cough'3,,, (;olds . . and
Con:tumption, Sold Here.' • Ow a shelf ; be. :
hind' the . crossdegged litissulmaii, :are seen
the 'bottles with their
~English, Spanish,
- French and 'German - faces. Write& to ;the
I• - -
•ertovel, : and. ter enquiring WC: are. . told, . that threiguers are riot the : only - ptirclesers,.. : hui
the tree belie v er_. themselves ,wnive .Itheir.
t rest. ln fate to try" this product. I If, Amerif an
skilf., when they. find there. is, no ::other[ cure .
I %%-iisi told here that,The Cazttiv
. -Y . . ,
PkiORAI: bad been presented to' he Sultan,
and' is now
,in constant use in "has harem, and
in the
.1-lospital , ,4 of the Empire: '
Youn . Cov - wry
traet from
. Fowler & "Lifit 111uStra
ted," is so good and to the point, tharve fee
ommend it to our, fliends without turther
:comment t -
We oceasiotdly- receive letters in which
the writers:express an intention to stop their
county or village paPer, and "take one of our
publications instead; Wb always tegra` to
receive such intimations. We think a Man
ought to support hat own paper rifts; and
then if he can afford to take a. paper froio
distnnee, let hitti do
.;so, we sh u n h e happy
tai fainish him with "' Life \ illustrate ti." . 'The
country press, in our opinion„is fhb MOseitti
portant in its eteets on the enlightenment of
the nation, It. etmv4s in -ten 'tbonstind' rills;'
intelligence to nvtrly , every bottle in the coun
try. 'The country ;v: ought to receive a
cordial . suppftrt. • 't p ro roy place,iihould try. to
haye liapet'of `4Ceharacter that tlio
People - could bttjustli 'Proud of if; this
end their pay promptly, , advertise - liberally;
recommend • wa Hilly, Andevery'Way' - statid
, 'by their editor is !ring ai - • - tbeY can CnOtia49=:l
. . .
—lt was Seventeen years on lain Monday'
:since the firt , t; Atl,antic: steamer tarrived in'
NeW: " The' Sirius,.,C,aptaik , tubens,
who eras :subsequently lost.'in the . ;
nrrive4:early in the morning, and '.1 4 few hears
afterwards the Great Western. ; .
i)ta, Ri . au of Chteaflo ' Illinois, ic•
setts a: prayer , of hi4".own the Olive Branch
of i that:eity; . which : Oh, Lord!
-hare- mercy on our ‘. special revivsiti4 preach.
ers ;' mercy and. goodness, we. 'humbly he:
set;Th thee keep them from taking ladder who
become converts on their knees, - ind .4 fuldin , 4
:bon iri their arrns'and kissing them''
'fioW . coubilya
marry hn Irish girl hy. Either,' said -the I
son, `Val not able te, keep' two
.! women—lf
I'd married .a'.Yankee girl, I'd haire• had to
.hire an Irish girl to take care of her.' 'r:
city. tditor.saysi. •t• n- In vet
York himself. in trtufkle by .marryip&
two, wtyes;.- 7 A.:,` western editor i . replies. •Oy
a•atiritto. D his - .eonteMporary - .that agood . maOy
rnen,nblichimml hav,e,done 114ug
by .only . marrying_otie.-.„ ' , • j
—A specimen- :of piper ' nisnnfilctined•
from the contmen-cane, the bamboo, of the
Mississippi tivert, has been l exhibited at St.
Louis, and is highly . approved; • . , •
—WhOle number of aplications for
land under" the net (a. 'March 3,1355, received
at the. Pensicin Office up to this ditto, ninety
thousandsix hcridred; num§e4 of4 - ppticatic
_for the wis4c - ending gattaday'; April 21
19 Union. • • ;
thetrandolently elected
egate from Kansas dpi the fust Cangreis, 1$
the abettor of. the recent ille,gal.2.participation
of Mi:nourians in the Tiirritori,al - electien,hn
been rewarded by, tne PnAsidnt with
office of lirdian Agent. .
If t Ray.
now tray-
is emitting* *eat sensatiL
in. Holland -. :.rhCre . she is Om carrying 'out
series - ofPrefeSsional:engagenichts; 'Hera;
ject .; 7 riSise sad endosterient - .fund for
hospital In Sweden. font eitsporary with'
'reaching' tiollinid were the: recent itunds
which' haye.'dricen-niimbers front their hot
and saakied , great 'distress - ;:tend "poverty. •
her ns n. Onuine spirit, she inunediateil
posed )etlictit. , l for the-relief Of the destitr'
and is'nove . Singing-in their behalf.
„,.. .
FRA):CIat7AN r Arnsus. , Three Priests
a layman of this Order of Friars are at
locating iherriselveslin this eityl las rriissim
ries for the'Senitherii part of Bishop Timm
ciioeNe. This order of Moutvi i i as es tahli
ed in 1208; and • was distintruis ed ' by
vows Of aboolute - poverty, and renutivial
of all the pleasure.s of this wort ~ !.earil,i
and intefieetualueeomplibhmentf its m en'
were uci.t to - aim iii, but to bog and toi
Erenehalty the 'restrietioni of porerty
taken: off. What: they.-ill-Ocompltth
in promoting the.religums •srate ofe •
main Church rernallid -tu;. be SCCTI,-- : A/ 6a41
Reiileir:. • , -' '?. --,” , - 1 • -
ai7 The Kin* N uthiugs of Maine,
their,•txditkal..acti o n, ai as Mae like tL
,bandit,ii,- of this State, .as a
eagle! is like .0 elution buzzard. They. tar.
hauds with Freedot ti /tad Temileranee,
ofstahtliog,thent unile,r the cloak *fan iita
ivin When io t a K. N,'s - of
seetioe and stripe Al k olvictorici
more honorable al
,gi v of it re I
of the apples-whieh *ere;
„swimming h
pan i Dow. ;is as isr from .64'.
xert; 41 - an,wiget of Nip
frilalliosiig reekiess-derii,e--CaVrP
I ` 4lll ilym U.. Rotlqr, who U'
lei* days noirkhi*d., ne . Peow
entlaiOkt-14i 2 Ciipitiess jp .the Xth Di