Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, May 03, 1855, Image 1

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seleet igoefiT.
While Cannon are thundering in the Crimea, and
grim-visaged War weave bis roost awful front in Ea.
To pe, let our readers, happily removed from all the
Appalling scenes of bloody strifebetweeti nations, read
sad ponder " The Soap of the Sword," an admirable
and most forcible Parody of Hood's "Song of tle
Weary, and' wounded, and morn,
Woinded and ready to die, -' •
A soldier they left, all alone and forlorn,
- On the field of battle to lie. •
The dead and dying aline
Could their presence and pity .afford;
While with a 'sad and terrible tone,
He sang the Song of the Sword.
"right!. fight! fight!
Though a thousand fathers die ;.-
Fight !. fight! fight ! . - •
Though thousands of chiklren cry";
Fight! fight! fight!
Whilst mothers and wives lament;
And fight! fight! fight!
While millions of money are spent.
•• Fight! fight! fight!,
Should - the cause be foal or fair;
• Though all that's gal ned bi an empty name
And a tax too great to bear:r,
An empty
_name and a paltry rune, ,
And thousands ~ Ivin dead'
. 0.• , ,
While every glorious rs victory • ' ,
Must raise the price-of bread:,
I_, aw.ta
"War! war! war .. . . .
Fire, and 'fan:line an _ ' ord; ' ,
Desolate fields anddeso . cons,
And thousands •scatt abroad, -
With never ahome and never a shed, • •
' While kingdoms perish and hill, • .
And hundreds of thousands are lying dead,
Afid all•---for nothing at all. .
Ahl. why - should such mortaliail .
Kill those whom we never could bate!
'Tis obey Your commander or die—
'Tis the law of the Sword and the State. '
For we are the veriest slaves • '
.• ,
That ever had their birth;
For to please the whim'of a tyrant's will
Is all our use upon earth. ,'
War,l war! war!
Ilusket, and powder, and ball;
what do we fight so for? '
! why have we battles a all ?
'Tis. jiytice must be done, they say,
The nation's honor tolceeP;
Alas! that justice is so dear,
dud hurnan life so cheap!
Tis sad that a Christian land, r .
profewdly Christian state, .;1 ,
Should thusilespise thattigh conunand,
So useful and so great,
Delivered by Cnsusr himself on earth,
' Our constant guide tote; : .- - ,
To "love our neighbors as ourselres, l
And bless our enemy.'
ti'ar! war! war!
Misery, murder, and
Are all the blestigs I've seen in 'thee
nein toy youth to the present time.
Misery, murder, and crime, - •
Crime, misery, murder and -woe ; - -
Alt! would I had known in my younger days,
In my hours of boyish glee, •
A tenth of the misery; '
I• non- had been joining a happy'band
Of 'lrife.and ebtkiren dear,
And I had .died in my native land, •
Instead of dying here."
Weary, wounded, and worn— .
Wounded, and-ready to die,- ,
. A soldier they , left all alone and forlorn,
O. the field of hattle to lie:
The dead and the dying alone . •
Could their presence and pity afford, f
thus with* sad and terrible tone, •
Oh: would that theie truths were more perfectly
known!), . .
Ile sang the Song of the Sword. ... ' .
3sol - qqiiee. pf kisfoty.
From the London Econconist..
PAST A.HD'IILPSE,NT OP 111 APO i -hr iii Was not yei come - . the pear was not
LEON 11l '.. : t - q otte,rtpe.. - Ile ,was politely -mformed that
Few men in any age or any rank, have had 1. the hest sexvice he - could render toltis et am try
re ups au& do•wriA in this life than the pre s-1 at that conjtinettn'e. Was to remain absent from
Emperor of the French. • Fur few - men I it. Ile took the. hint, and.' bided his time.'
e the oscillations of the pendulum had so I He became a candidate, 'and was soon elect
le a sweep. . lftlieSOvereigne had so 'much ed to a the New, Assemble. When.
luence as is generally -imagined over the informed o f it by an English ne.qmaintance, he
tinier of the 'aliens over, which they rule;' simpli . remarked the first step
Frepeh 'ought 'to be:, th e • best ; governesi I- of the latlder.' pis or4orial atietnptS in the
dple in Europe; for the five: last. monarchs l' Chamber were not succesSful, and he.soierdis..
10 have sat upon 'the:GalliC . throne:had a I continued then.' ' ' • ..
ining in vicissitude and:experience - sin-I as I Wheal the worst work 'and the most satt•
ply rails to the lot Of crowned beads:. Na.. 11 guinary ktruggle I.C.the new- order of ' thing,;;
iron had lnown'the Sad. struggles of pover- ; was over, when the battle of.fune had broken
and the hard toils Of aprof4ssieri before the -the strength of the Red Republic., and a Pres.
er of fortune ma's opened to him ; . and he. ;dent foe flow years had to ,be chosen, the
studied , as a pOor lieutenant, the .-Char- .lore itforder and thereat of new - experiments
at and wants of France,- before he ledher had begtin-to revail,'and the name of a Bui-i
-.ies or climbed up her throne. • : naparte carried 'the day
,against the services
Louis XVlll:imd aeries; X. eat the bit; ; of Cali ignae and the talents of Lamartine.---
bread of - exile.fiir fine-and-twe=nty years 1 Louie' Napoleoh was elected . by aa
vt 'major !
td Inight•liave learned wisdom .if they bad" Ity—a ;tro4oritV which spoke. both of the'vast
'!m of a stamp to profit by the . lessons which I influence whicti hie:uncle's memory still ewer_
manstances so profusely_ showered. around-.( ci=ted lOver intifi the; nation, and of the' Wish of
LouisTbilliPpe, also a wanderer for,; the otlicr half tb re-enter on.aaold fhith, rath
71y. a quarter ofa,",century, did profit much er thento vent re On 4 fresh one, , -This was
- Us ,varied and adventurous .life,;_ . his de.. ' the -eeeond Step if t)ie ladder ;'—Land the an
was extraordinaPy, and he seldomsaga- noonteitient of the, numbers showed,. thh am._
;el himself or ;was deceived by otherai - bitions a %ya spirant. that his destiny' k hence.- -
, ten he did 'tat qcite understand the mar.. ...forth n. bis own hands.' .
ut of the ationtsploue. and fitful- tats :1 • Now . he'gawa series of intrigues and eiDirts.
be - was called : Upon .10 govern ; . hiki Whieh:may admit of palliation, but scareely,
tlity was not teptid to Ws . shrewd sense, lof defintee or eulogi. There can, we think,
c . oolnesS and .reen . lotion - failed at the .edit-. 1 be no'donlit that, aic soon as he became PreS-
moment. He fell at last; less.from *rant ident,le'resolved tkibecerne - Emperor... Tha t'
capacity Or'elevernese,:thuat because' hie is-4s. sont , tas.he 'bad - sworn - to maintatn a
-s eeking \ propensities had . raised against constution: and administer certain laws,
1 a storm of unpopularity which his War-.. act-himseit-, to destroy that:constittition, anti
was not competent to bear.. '.'. ' .:, to violate these IaWS. It is true, unqttest lona
'liken altogether; perhaps, tbeowionditudis 1 bly, that his'Object Wass° Obelotis as to War
:present Eropercw.areatrange—'than those rant theen4eavor'r4 the Asserriblv to limit - his
, - . ~ . .
any of .his .predeeisto]lObat, WWI age . power and4ie las , haptil iii everY-POI-4le way
revolutien and of vist,aaaldier.of.consutn: 'lt_iS tine, : tinquctionably - , that; the'. ' kliemsirty" ,
late geniuusshould Win thetbrone by -Which ilte. cusp d'slat, was . eic-iisedi was in
naafi. unpreet.douedetiod fiwttute• That, a great moitsure, a netx...stiity of his tornsrem
iter Abe vriolenee of the revolutionary spirit tion. It is barely. pOssible that it perfectly, dis.
ad been followed by its inevitable reaction, - interested AsSemblY,acting tOget her Inalestly,
4.l4itimate heirs sbould reen er the Crown . conseientionslyi and , judiennisly,. plight- - hua - 43:
rhich belonged to, them by bereditary right; i work, that cOnstitatirin. . Blil,, on. the
I not in /lily way asnwtishing. That a nation, other i; id, it musthendlnitt.ed.:tl4' only.a
ielt of the incurable' foll Y 4 its royal lmee, degi4e Of wisd4m hffl and :virtue' in both parties,
uld try the - - experitneht of sUbstitiffing a t whi c h i
.is Ability absurd to 'cepa-4.110°m hu-
Altera! - and . leis ..diseused: 1 ranch . ; WILY Huth= k man tea_ ore, could. have ever(ed oiu4ttint col. '
g more th an histerical 'parallels: '.led us to
I lision and an Ultimate brealcitt
, iiitipate. - But - that 4.ivoupg -Man. ..'offspring 1 -
'p.- , :.',- 2 ... .;
The !adversaries of the - Piasident;' in their
a younger soon of ii; . lisea!kled'ilirriily, -be- I inixieti, to keep hin.iii=fetters,incisuntly,put
ng,ii - ,g r - profession; whOse early life - wastbemsq. 'yes .in the sv' : mpg... : They
..;thwarted ,
1. tin idleness,, penury - -and 'eichessee,- the and hantrivred taw:A l i a d eg r e e thet'i l e . , ruler . .
, k-Hrity-of whost history was only broken -could . 't-ibttlit to - Without humilittifOlv,.and .
:Ipa! : les- whirl'. • looked like' were us , incula bout 'tt.tPoareduciiig bin) ' to a
-,,f. m s. smtity, who I,yas ' . stip;, 'cipher .I Its 1i0y..4 - uton. makinghimeell. ahem'
genius and was known I lute,„ - ,,ii.soon Imiik-ne
;obvious t ua t ,, , lt l i s
_ pos . i..,
'suture of all external-aids . I . iloit with ,. sudi;:an. Asset-n(4,, and Sueli; a con
.g, taciturn, (damaged. and I stititilon:wsus . Uit.erli.insuPportable.,l. }it :was
;mach i,one shitald haVe'step7l: . tititial.liiibilona that ihnhtterasts Of theetani
:ear!, troth p4,v,erty,.. OA,
. 1 try relit . 9 - 04.:41...441apjfe,-, The, ; Jeadv*. of the ,i4eitis einbarrasenietif in
a . Legislature : Were' a3'"determined . upUtt send:
the;Pogilion iliehtehow — inn- the Chief of the:Executive to VinCennes ;
'n'' - 'i libef "-tf the rentesgt; Ite ° h4l , wtO. upon anticipating them in ehco.fing,
._ .
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military nation in the world; and
: treating
and. mixing with• the Other Sovereigns of Ea
-rope on tertns of Omitted 'o4u:ll4p—implies
'comb nation of luck and skill, a concurrence
of nnusual I y taro ring circumstances with Unu
sual sagacity, promptitude, and nerve to tUrn
them to account as 'they arose, to
tOrY affords few Wally parallels. • •
remembered, in - 1848 everything
was against hiM. He was: knoWn diireputably
where he-wakknoWn . at all. Those who were
acquainted with him in private life; knew hini
onty asa silent, dud, unattractive man, seldipm
speaking, and possessed With the one ideal of
his ,own greatness,—owin what' he could"
not pay, and addicted . to bad courses and had
company; Only a few augured anything of his
(Mere.. To theworld at large he was un
known only its the hero - Of 'Strasiaitig and
Bontopme . --aS having. signalized himself: by
two of the inaidlit scheme's of revolution ev
er attempted byttipolitical de- perado. These,
which we now perceive to have been only at-
tempts to pluek the fruit• bdure it was ripe—
premature not insane—then . seemed
nothing but the frenzy of a heated and in
&tit brain.
, That of Strict boure.was so ludicrous a fail
hure,that the- tiovernment.thatiftht its ridicule
" • lit befitt
L trug its es . punishment, and dismissed
!. its 'author with a sotneWhat' contemptuous
'. clemency, on an understanding that he should
140 exiled to America and 'there remain. The
Boulogne descent vas scarcely better: Its
only fitting Parallel might be found In Smith
. O'Brien's, revOution in the cabbage garden.—
Tilts led to sante yeltrs of close imprisonment.
When it it-a; ttoug,ht that the punishment bad
been severe ettough, the prisoner W-ss permit
ted to escape ;land iprobahly no one but him
self ,belieVed ;that he . would ever. re-a'ppesr
upon the stage, But he conviction Of: the
high destiny fi)r which ha was reserved never
lefi'. him'. He perpetually . -brooded over
what his course would be when he was seated
_on the - throne.?
He often startled his inter*:
utors' by the introd . uctory phrtise--‘ When. I
am Emperor of France.' ; • .
• lieanwhile and .itnPrisonment had
been of signal ''service to - MM. While in
Hato, he had studied and meditated profimnd
ly on
.the Frena character :and history,
proliably he understOod it; both, in its weak
nesses and its Wants, better than any ogle of
his conturvineit He' Aibserved 'closely and
analyzed keenly tne errors of existing rulers.
Aaw where tti fitilow and what to hen. li
probable that in. those yeas solitude and
recucillentent lici - had speculated on every cum =
• cielvablo coiltinn'elleV, and decided what course
to pur.zite tinderany circumstances that might
arise, and had 4htuded him elf to the most
dif&alt tm-ks forum ambitious
, of w:Jth:n Jitileanted that cold, vigilant utt
tirii is•the surct road to sacs
While in England, he studied mir
arid . natiOnal idiosyncra.;ies with .a
persuverance, Which belongs
er tai, his I.)uteh than to his French origin. till
we believeite understood ui better, than any
titan in France. Ile learned. Whence we draw.
the res(nirees of oiir inexhaustible 14'osPerity ;
i how we fie_t. the battle~ of party .wariiirei;
what the rer.tiacti , al of our rres,and of otir
Parr:at-Dent ; \w-herein lie the intrinsic differen
-1 ens • 1-
oetWeell the
. L . wo - nationv, And what of-En
was 'or was nut suitable' fir
France to itnitare.: Ile learned .to
Alike our'strength and our security.
The rcrOlution'!Of IB4B.came. andastunisli
-1.61 all ':tl] 17, by its suddenness; it. , complete
s and it*blo)4ll(.s.:4 eliaraeter.
immediatitly wrote ti, the ProviAional
I . Goi:erament .to place hiniseif at their dispo
-I.sal-to offer services to- France. The
1, I
F22JEDOtin ,A,FAD 20T.:1111r SMLaYERV u\i'N'D ineHl2o"
hi adsjersarVes that polite attent on. One of •
, „.
Int Awe) competitors for the Fs wers of the
State flitast; become stipseme--he .thought it
de l Strable that Louis Napoleon should come '
out t4.ttiquerbr in the conflict—Land Fruntv
It elitinia lie denied that theuitwaVit
olatiou,iX oaths'and a breach of the peace, -
but it had *time a political necessity. A ,
eiV : ll:War waSimminent,,and it the Assembly
had conquereil . , must I have broken, out ; for
the, nitijOrity-q the eople, whether rightly
or !wrongly; Were satisfied with the Presillen!,
and ditustedWith the Assembly. -The,Very
- weik of: the ICoUp, this journal bfilaitted ,at.
softie length ibe itopo6ibility of matters go
ing on'.tis they were. I The thhig hit6l to be
dorte4and thutre can, Iwe think„,be no queS
tivii noir, that the promptitude, skill, decis
ion and-compteteness with which the blow
waa - strnek, by making opposition hopeless,
saved the couptry . froth the horrors of a ter
6140 and lonoiprotrae ed strife.
It wiH be retneMbe ed that we alone, of all .
the `liberal . jodi;itals of this country; took this
vice: of 'the Object, ut d ventured at onee to
excuse!'!. the dating usu pation and to .augur .
hopiSitili of •/ redeeming future. toe ob
serst4then that thetise made of the power
thin seized mighthe :.itch as to consecrate
the .:seixitre---ihat history would forgive the
deed ififranceisanctimied it by her vote, luta
if 11,OtilsINapOlcon justified it by throwing
over( tt,halpf a re i gn signalize l d by I jus
tice,! prO.sperity„ amk internal peace, if inati--
gurati..4 by vaknee abed oppression. . How -
for has" thisbeen done
,Yvan& in the guilt, if guilt .
ther4'woe ; strut she sanctioned the usurpa
tion iby u ex-Ist-thetO declaration that Lou
is Ni,ilicicon had aittieiPated her wishes ;. that
she passed_ m mieedily and promptly us it
eout4 be :d one the most complete and cordial
',bill of: Ihidemnity that was-ever drawn up,
there is I tiOW noAispute, Some were delight
than:. ; the powers of government should•
once Initirkt lie Wielded by a resolute and des
rmtic!-Tiu; :-;o0le. rejoiced that -they might 'lit
length biy aside their tears of the Socialists;
i:Ome, were atiiious only ler a respite front
the wearisome . .., reiteration , of perpetual in
trigue. and aiarms; - other,.
had no belief in
the stability of ieither a republican or consti
tutional, scgitneifor,Franee. , ,and were glad to
return tOt d;ctittor who would save4hem the
them , eives ; ()fliers,.
again, ii - ere sick 4lf Ik-hbrnmes politipes of
the lat , t ts'yenty!!years, and hoped onkeli frOm
an, entirely -nevi!) t der of inen - ; otli.•er; look,
eel fiir r;t:trlbitioi), encouragement
powiT ; 144 friirii tine iitiitive and
otlu r, it. k4Olta - 4,,he doutteri that at lea-4 a ma-
... ~. , ,
mericalOree-fonTtlts of Franc.. approved of
what had been :iltmo , ' :Old readily pt.:limed,
if thoy till=l not .taPplautl. the mode of doing
it. \ 'N'i'i i ha' the t'anctiim then given been
since witintrawol.ron the coto - rary, the Pros
ident ‘vastScion ttatlit into an Einpvror ; phut.,
have exceed ; no one looks for, .nd few. de'
ire; an iMmediate change - of. dynasv ; even
rival parties have itcriescod for the present,
..and admit that they must wait for a o:m2t.
Of :littlilie feeling bellire they can 'entertain
sh): Pro 7 peet of iteces.:.
.* how 1 - zo• lite 4: NapOteon 111. fulfilled
. the •
hopeful an tgeries :of those who ant iCipated . t hat
his reign ;might he a IdesSittg for his country
—might: he the f;qpeeial • hiessing, which she
moq, reciared ? ' , Nut certainly in all things
`hut on t4,,whide well. Ue 1t.4 not, as, we
1 bipetdped.hi viii
. rliqually'relaxed rasp Of &via
g ity whicb at first light be necessary.
Ile has tiOt .reh*ed the Pr'r.s4 from any of its
fetters. Ile has tot. encou'raged in the &n
-ate or tegls :flirt Chambek xhitt freedom of
speech Maraction which we think he might
safety ILav . done,Jand which would have been
a grailrral',preparation rur a `tnore eonstit utit;n
al reainlP lie hits not shown Winn:ell strong
enough Or t.,-ourageous ei . ninglitodisregard the
hostility of WordS. •He lia+ aot-allikved. that
full filiertylof sp*h,:•witheut! which a Gov
el-111110-4 eau never be sale, or know that itis
safe. Ile has not restored full freedom and
publicity to juiliiial proceedings He has
not withheld 111,4:band, n- soon or, 4 as much as
we believed he Might have
. done i . from, the-
sin of arbitrary
. imprisonment_ Some are
still at C,Uyetine or in Algiers who ought to
he in -France, arid some still in gaol or at-the
galleys \ . wi r tO ought to be ut liberty. He has
not diaxitiraged einruption or enforced purl.
ty of ',nitric., e. ind act utnor.g his officials,. a. 4 be
might to have done. Ills has not been a fru
gal or Oitiontitil GOvernment. . There is
Still much' Peonliary iniquity and nitti.4l scan
.waste iti ihigh places. Si'. far he
has disappdinted the expectations of those
who anticipated frbm him a great, . generous
and noble peliey.-,} - . ..
• On the:Other band, be has disappointed ,
equally the fears :f those who believed that
. his selfish and h sidlong ambition would set
fears f
in i't!,bla ''!, lie has not . marched. 'an
army into Italy. •He has-not seized Belgium.
He haS not invaded England. .He has-not in
sisted. on the frionier oft be Rhine. it is not ins
possible thtit the nild dark dreams which had
. fermented iti his brain during the brooding
years of irdprisonntent and exile have been'
.rapidly disSipated . :by the light ofday and the
bealtby itillttenc* Of the actual' business Of po
litical life.:;,Ha wis.restlesz and tormented
With a,vague mid' insatiable ambition as. long,
as 'he etas: :unfortunate and . obscure :—now
• thatlie has- reached? the pinnacle which he/so
long sought he mot repose on his . , str:ss ,•
he can \ distiguish between the possible and
the imp4tS4ible—between chimeras and reali..
ties--Leave dreains and actualities:--and
is far-Arm wise to risk so rich * certainty as
that which he.‘hasaitained in schcines for the
problematic:arid ilitl -unattainable. - • ..
He ..has - -lnaintained. unbroken order . and
•t ranquil i ty. f ir it hin, ' r He halt f irestal led or dc
tectisl all Obits. in 'time/and has repressed
them :a1i1.144; rWith4l i t
_bln - ,dithe ' d: .He has
steered Iran* thripgh. those perils - *bieh
have so often. prOved fatal to her peace—the
perils' of a ::liad,/ / htirvet-:--with - uncommon
skill. -It is; true ho.bsisdine this byviolating ,
some soundprineiplOwilif:eConomic Science;
but, France- has toollong beeknecustorned to
set. -these it:Utniiht , in jtbigeher or her
Gov.erptrienthy tiorirttles Onid\whatis econ: .
9tuicgry., imiefensiblip ,maTs.:spinetiettes be,at .
a eci-lam criiiis: acid - in certain .. cotakt ries.. Tx?..
1 itioa liy necessary : ' Unquestionably? the p.m
-i &edit* he'.,a4iptedi during .thc-, , scarcity .of
.dtast, year : met :the ayi t nikvai. of the most '•.ega
-40u5.M.03-4Erat*.ntidossuredly a scarcity
I .tiever betiire.tratt attended with So little tale
. 01.: . :f9 little-.diatilrhance.;- -.- .-'---- -:- A \
.- Etu t lie-atlisitie peritived 4s- 1 statesman
that the
. projects: of , jig's's, if . not checked,
would give her „a preponderating inOuence in
- . •
•: 5 -
. .
----'7.--''''''''"*--,1eF",='...-" ~..,",--AV"P,"^-1:7m......F.1.YZ..Tn.'!",-1-..... V15Ztr,”."..L'"r.....1}.,-.24&.!_:7-,:ii;.tailVii:".'..l-,.......:,..4:4:-...adtb...
. r
EttrOpb ine(nr atible with tbe pretension's of
the Western Powers, and th'e maintenance of
the existing tquilibri ; anti that if slie Aker
obtained po&Session . of -Col l tstantinople, !she
would clash dangerously with F . t - eneli influ
ence in the Mediterranean., He was not sorry,
either, in his secret; Soul, to have so early an
-opporttinity afforded h'n't of thwarting and
mortifying the despot who refuied to address
'hint Nty Brother.' ' :
Certain it is that the,nearly universal jtit 7
pression throughout France is that the pitth
lie works which are now' carried on iart , such
a stupendous scale, could - tint possibly; he
suspended - without the - most imminent kind
deadly, peril. And we .must nut forget;
a sct-off to these uneconomic. proceedings; 04
Nopsileen ill has more advanced , notions; on
the. siib)ect of Free Trade than almost any of
his subject ii, and is gradually intmdueing them
.ailing upon them- as ;occasion offktk—
The edge at the wedgeluis!already been dtiv
en in t; and we may hope far more fr o m
hits! tit, this direction than 'from the freest ',as
enibly. that was ever chosen by universal
suffrage, : • • • ; . •
Finll,y, the conduct of the French Empe
ror in the Eastern Questien has deserved 'and
has indt w with its reward. ; ifis . first step with
regard taithe • Holy Places'. was ineonsider
ate and, condemnable enough ; but since then
he ha 4 ;Merited all praise, ; His ; proceedittigs
have ; been consistent, dignified; Eagacious, and
.strietlYl honorable. We do not, indeed. fill
aginethat his bosom glowed with any sineere
indignition against the oppeessive and deeeit
ful 'conduct of the Cdr, or that hs wept . any
actual tears of sympathy .oVer the dangers' or
thewoes of the unhappy Sultan. or thidhe.
hai been guided in this matter by a disitiOr•
ested - eixurd to the dietatO of abstract jiis-
lice. .
10 another:and mere questionably matter
he hasi ; violated strict mon:Attic principles for
the siike of public tranquillity. He has, Car
ried oy public works of utility and ernbeiliiih•
:ti:tint:Mt a scale which his revenue scacely
warra has spent4mblie money ' with
the óstensible object of e:n &trying the
as well, as ,ernbelliShing Paris. It is to jlte
feared that, in pursuing this object; be bps
:pent. t,iistlAums which- will never yield' oily
adequate pecuniary return. But it is certain
that by -this means he has kept in Industry
: mil.coMfort many thousand workmen
would - iitherwise have been Suffering and tar•
when building goes on brisk (s•zys
a Vreni.e: proverb) ail trade goeson briskly:
—and when we reflect that ' t the most indis 7
pen;•abie cOnilition of prosperity and wealthis
securitiland peace, vi:e may admit that el
vemlit 00, 'which purchaseS these conditions
aileYl,e, legitimate expenditure, if not cat.-
: F - '
!it'd 11 , 0! far or continued too long.
But' More than:all, he saw at a glance; wiib
his astute sagacity, that by acting co r.
energetically. with Eng
. irt.this matter, he wofild at once step
into position - which, a, a t ittolatcd - mud
receiit Bo'rereign, he did not of one
of the " Royal conclave of Europe
would beeetne; instead of a successful adveiii•
hirer, a illecognized Potentate, treating: en,
terns4 - of perfect equality with all other Mint
archs:-4he faithfial, trusted Ally of. England
could nOlonger be looked uptiii as - usurfier.j,
Accorditigly, from . the first, his conduct, toi
w t* to been marked by `the utmost
openties,i, c alieitness, friendliness, and integ;
city. Arid he has gained his object. He
na.s . hmitbled Nicholas, -and has : rehabilitated
The.` salmi man who landed at 13ouloone in
1846 v.:iihYa single steamer anda few friends
.111 :i desperate and abOrtire expedition, re
ei.itS it' iti-11854 to review a - vmst army and
receive the homage Of countless , spectators 4
The samel man - who six years ago, -lived
(ibscuritY.lo L:nidon, to pny
tailor , and quite unable to pay his horSej,
dealer'S horn ninny looked upon asstupidf.
and whotti' . none looked upon as wise—Of
whom NW:augured well, and whom few wouldl,
trust mu' t4,we have j u st- seen receiving the;
visit and 'the compliments Of the Consort - of,
I lur .44tive)i,'entertiiiiiiiig three royal gueSts'at
tableine of them the son in law of the:
very Monarch whom he had succeeded- 7 and.
adinitt heri . ind all denial into. : the social/
circle of RUys.l. personages.
Nor is this change in his singular fbituneS
the only this, nor perhaps the-greatest. / We
can ituagnie . him smiling with eree . .a more
grim . sat9itetion as he Contrasts the / English
Press regaiding him in '1852 and. now :- with
the Tiniei ',Uri - the Examiner of December
1851- and 'l4 August 1854 - bikfOre. him,—and
inarvellinoVer the metampiphosis--the un -
r I
measured ;abuse which was - showered upon
titm at- the firmer date,And the decorous re
speet?ankeurtlial pra* with . which he is
spoken -44 Th'e " seedy swell " • and
the !s4iatiglzinary kad audacious ruffian," is
now the politeind sagacious Emperor, and
takes wine tete,a' tete with Prince-Albert and
King ;LeOPOlk" • .
how Tun-
In a lectilyn' , . 'on what be has,':.seen abroad,
Wendtll Phil lips observes ' •
you -will see man breaking up
his/land:with two cows, and the root of a tree ;
for a while. be is dressed 'in skids with
the hair on. In Rome, Vienna, and Dresden;
if you hirtiOnan to saw wood,. he does • not:
bring a hole along. Ile never bad - one; or
his fathee!)efore him. . He puts one end on '
the grounk - and the other on his breast, And .
taking Woiairin 'his habd, • rubs it 'against ,
saw. ista solemn fact that in Polk
ence,• a eitirftlfed • with the , triumphs of art,
there is not a-single auger, and if a carpenter
would bOre tk , litile be does it with ared•bot
poker. Thilfresults not frill the wa nt of in-.
dustry, but of sagacity, of thought: The peot
rile are byi no lumens Idle. They toil early
and htte-- , metNwotnen and'Aildren-, with an
indtistry 'that Shames laborsiaving Yanke6;.
Thus be - yriut.illsbor; and the poor must live.
In Rome ebnienel is principallyused fbi fuel,
and-you *Will' f€ 4) a .string-:>f twenty mules
bringing little fintits of. it upon their: backi,
'when in le id. draw all of it-in cart;
but the tdalrOstl ow •vendOr.never cartand.
so he keeps hisintileillnd feeds them: This
•is fromof industry; buC:thereis n4i•
. .
4 . ':**l(wae :murder was lately per
petrated irr Jttdiatsa.. family by ibe4aufw•
.ot .. ktubbird Murder 4 - anUt her family
of a m 40,1 .-wife' and five; children; I:W44i
".possession 0.( the lonse , and furniture,: and
haiitsi tin; ;calka in the Cellar' Subic ,
iiuent niurderi.:Orst rnsinimed floyl* by the
übbards,f.e*citect suspicion; and led to_ their
detAttion, . .
.411.11r1f x4llNY.K:;~rjvw:~s ' z~i9yr~ ' S "1-'-'"ir'l".^',..'*4=
The Pftri poirei;!i_n. an AgieripekLiglit
j ilt
i r atiOlibirtity - Ciiiiigeres - 1,
i' 1 Speeh. - . -11
1 .
We espy the following interesting arti e
from the I Dublin l(Roman Catholic) Ta'-
let: l• 'I! ; -I -11
1 :,,., ,!,1 I • ; ill
The Komi, ivoteiug sect in America seems
to have .scattereda 4 :may among the Chrie
,tians of the great " republic. -, Mr. Chandlerja
tweeted naemberg Congress, has been urf
ed by his friends . , ;defend the Church in the
of Represe ntatives, and he has , dcie
so. On the lltEl o:Oa:leery, his fellow-reP}
rsentatites see m to have listened very rit
speetfully to his es'ition, which was vert
elaborate, and fro 'n y
is point of vie*, quite
I s
conclusive.; In E
: flpe, however, the 'estop'.
'sition is like \to I bel criticised ; and \ though
people may r,esPect Mr. Chandler, praise Idi
motives `and into trues,, they will I hardlii
agree with lain, sutipesing him to haim maiii
tered the:principles\ involved in his speech. ill/
It, is licita:pie : riga:4 task to re - pin:ll2w' tlil
help of a friend, or i,, isown him, but it is sci m ,!
tutees a !fay. Ilir.l Chandler -is \ too fOn
and too honest : n(44o concede to others the •
right he vindicates ;for himself: 1 ll
- Mr. Chandler's. th e me was the deposin
power of the Pope i l ;He denies its existene,
independent of a peblie law of nations. I t
is not our, intentioaltO defend that power
present,. floe we shall confine ourselves simig i ,
to the examinatiow of the reasons which nee
supposed 'to be final .to its existence. flu ..?
before doing so , it ieould be fair to remind o'u „!
readers that two
,1: 1 !4ps, celebrated, anion
other acts] noble and heroic, for deposing so ;,:,:!,
erei(his, are numbered with the Saints—Greg;
ory""VII and Piu.s ! l/ 1 These Popes did , not:
tlink;nor did those who canonised them thioK
that they had exceeded their powercer ak,
verted their spiritual authority into unlawful,'
chann els. - : • 1,
Mr. Chandler says that "'the wholeporer,
of deposing
,rested! upon _the , consent, nos,
merely ofthe Kings but of the deposed Prin,
evi themselves." this be true, there is ary,
end h? theiquestion,! rot if the whole powei
rested on the eonsr of Kings ; nd Prinee4,
their deposition moat have been thotOughlt` i
i just. beeauSe volen4noto fit injuria, and they;;,
were, therefore very, Wicked inep t - when the
invaded the Papal States to punish the Pope';
who had done nothing but give efreet \to thez ;
consent of those Princes. Still more wicked•
were they Who c.reafed an anti-Pope to resist.,
the judge whom, the.' had themselves appoinr
1 ted. 'l, , i - 1 ' 1
If this " Whole poWer" rested on' the cert.!, ;
sent of Kings, it i: cl ear that the Papal\ authil
ority does pot
.enter, lint° the question, and]
that it might hitve been given to any lotherl
authority or power. , :, But it ii, 'very strange
that kings - ,Nhould hlive• consented to I vest
r such power in any 1'194, and argues little foci
their 'comm on sen. , t'.,! They 'Must have : , Veal
ways been uneasy, Ond their inieasinese wa9 i
the result rif their oWn fully. Mr. Cluindleti!
affirmsdistinetly that the'powei to depose—i
power hunianiv conferred—was: never Calledi
;in. question ,by the deposed monarchs. They!
l'admitted the constitutional right and' pOweri
ithotigh they may hat e.called in question the! :
'justice of the act. This assertion is at leasti
:strange. Fraeriek Ifterbarosse, and Lewis of!
' i
Blivaris, disputed the power'nuist dietinetly
, and they had an army of scribes; priests)
layman, learned in' the law, who niaintaiined fi
that the Pepe had no 1 power to /depose; and!
more, that there wusoio powerto depose oth-i
er than God's. •So ear is the doctrine of the
deposing power Imre I havirig been admitted
by the deposed moreireh/that they wholly
denied it, not merely as vested in the Pope,'
but as actually.Subsieting in the world!
The depottingr?,W4r does actually exist at
present ; is; publicly; taught in every state
that'eonsiders itself free. It, is the doctrine
of Amerierme/firor their , deposed George 111.,
It is the doctrine of Englishmen who deposed 1
James 11 /and of Frenchmen, for they have
deposed/ the dynasty.' of Bourbons. 'The
Spaniatds Admit it,!..` for queen Isabella's
throe is in danger. 'The difretenee between
tla/modern and the medlieval world consists
in this : We vest this in the people, our an
/eestors, more wisely, , in the Pope. In , 11. ,
gland the orepeising, doctrine is made a law,
of the kingdem,to be put in force whenever
the reipinglSovereigTprefers his soul to the
sceptre. Kihgrs,!, of course, have done their
utmost to diieredit :tbe doctrine, and they
have gained for themeelves, instead of it, f the ,
scatl'old and,the !sworil. i The divine right of
certain families to pavan• people according
to their will Is refuted, not by argument, but
by exile or 4 ; ioleilt death. If kings prefer
thiesollition ! of the difficulty to that which
mediaeval principles offered, that is their affair.-
This, however; Ye certain, the,PopewaS more
patient and considerate than the people are,
'and a deposition is lees !injurious to society
than a bloody revolution: \ A deposition
dues not necessarily 411o:rive's change of try
nasty, but in genrril: a revolution does ; and
perhaps kings might„ on ',reflection, prefer to
lose the crown to theinserves only, to losing
it,for the fatally .as will: ' . - ,
A great clamor iui,e been raised in the,
world against, the Power of the Pok to de
. pose wicked ievere,igne, but we believe that
there would:leiveheenrea clamor if the pow
,er in question', had IntLtia sSted in tbe Bish- ,
Lops, or even in AivhhiSteaps. . , .
Mr: Chandler gees $ great deal further--
we are sorry ;'too 'refer : , to him so often---
end trenches ; odi the
,reirl spiritual pow
er which he is, so nrizieiti to ' guard inviolate.
His words are these: :Ili! deny to the Bish
op of Rome the right ;resulting front hie di
vine office to interfere. iti the relations :be
tween SubjeCts and their, Wavereigns, between
citizens - and' theirigovinimente." .It is im
possible that lib cart' mean what theie words
imply, The- fopii, is atl,this filament "inter
fering" -in Piedmont, de fending -one - .class of
citizens there rigairrix t4geverriment, and yet
in the Mouse .of- Repreeentatives a - Christian
Jenks the right. Govern rents may and do
.prohibit goed,viorke, and the Pope interferes.
; They - - also encourage aiid commit evil, the
'•Rope interferes, and geed , * Christiana lirefr
;the Pope'afauthority'tO 'tlitit of the State.-`-;
The Godless Colleges itilieland, the Hierrir--
:by ,in England..the troll' I,l' te of
,riedmont , - 7 -
rill bear wiuiess,togeth4 against this unehris:
iian opinion, which ,must, have eseapedifrom
the speaker, who dig no ponder his. words,
i It is to be reirterebered,;however, th 4 Me.'
Chandler speaks -on thellafithotity
,of - others,'
one of Which is the late Thid-England, Bishop
AA Charleston,: ;That Pielo3 .11 1 ' 1 ' 0 1 )61 ' 14 "e' .
fume wiitten:, - .1" Let thii Pope and Cardinals
mad all tbe powers of the, Catholic world uni.
led, summon a Ono* meuneil. Let the
. ' I' , f
FRA4IE.ft , /e SMITH,-PUBLISHERS-7--VQ1.,:,1;.1.`N4::10;
council lay a tax of t taleseitt only 'upon any
of our : aunties', We will _ not pay it. Yet
we are most obedient Papists." And again :
"if the Pope were tn declare war against
America, and any Roman Catholic, under the
pretext of epiritual obedience, was to refuse
to oppose this temporal aggressor, he would
deserve to be punished tor his refusal,because
he owes to this country to maintain its rights
and spiritual power does not, and cannot, de:
stroy the claim which the- Government has
upon him:"
Now, suppose the Government were ,to or
der 'a. priest to fight, would Dr. England
' have adniitted.ihe claim; and thrown the dis
cipline of the Chinch to the winds? if the
Pope can forbid a• priest to fight, when the
civil government bids him, there is. an end
to this argument, for the spiritual power does
in the case of the priest, destroy the elaim'of
I the Government. - • .
The old, driven ont . .of the
Old World, ferments in the'New, and the ei;
ploded opinioni, of obstinate men •in Europe
\seem to have found favor in some quarters,
in America. Humanly viewed, the matter
is easy of explanation, but ,it is not the less
perilous—for unsound theories about the ex
tent of the Ecclesiastical power Will. never
convert heretics, but are sure to pervert -Cath
olics.; • '
It is no pleasure to a dug to get
Quite . the reverse Dreadful as hydroPlrobia
maybe to the human being, rabies is 'iworse
to the dog. It 'snakes its approach more
gradually, it lasts lunger L.. and is. more in.,
tense while it endures.. The„ dog thatiis go.
ing mad, feels unwell for a long tiraelprior
to the full 'development of the dise.sse.!, . 'He
is very ill, but does not know what ail him.
He feels dissatisfied.;with everything ;. vexed
without a. reason; and greatly. against his
better nature, very sm ppish. Feeling) thug,
he longs 'to• avoid • all :annoyance- by being
alone. This makes hitt • seem strange' to
those who are most accustomed to him.- I pa
sensation induces bim to geek.soliin t ude. 't,„
there is another reason which - deeidty Jul I
choice of a resting
,place. The lightjuifliets I
upon him intense agony. The sun 's• u'yllint I
an instrument of torture, .which th,itiefoie 1
,studies to - avoid.,-for hi& brai aeWes,l and .
feels as it were,a Arernbling/fly. / This in.'
duces the poor hrute. to fin opt the •)aoles
and cornera where be is least likely to he no- ,
ticed, and. into which th/light is • unalile to
enter. ' In solitude and darkness he . passes
his day. If his retreat is discovered, and,
._ the master's - voicepids,-liim -come : forth., the
creature s'Counter onee'brighten 4 ,
his tail heats the'grtiund, and he learcisbis
hiding place noxious to obey the lov ,
.-4 au.
• thority , but/befttre he hai• gone- half tits dis-,
Lance, •a kind : Of sensation cores ,over (bin;
which pfeduces an instantaneous change '• in
Iliti whele appearance. He seems to s:iy to
himself, 'Why 'cannot you let me allinut,
I G,‘;‘away.l Do go away ! You tronbleHpain .
bite!' And thereupon he suddenly turns
I.tail, and darts back into his dark ' corner If
let alone,there he will remain, perhapsfroth
-1,. - .•.
g• little' at the - mouth, and drinking a
*relit deal of water, buvnot issuing . fronl his, seek after food, Ills sPpe
tites. are altered ;,htlii, ,straw, dirt, .•filtial es-
4creraent rag, tin shavings , stones, the inert '
noisome .and unnatural substanc'es, are )hen
;the delicacies for which the poor dog,,eha4ged
Iby disease, longs and swallows.. in hopt to
ease`ahttrnincr stomach. Ile .is most auxtous
'for liquids. Ile is now alto ether chattl!ed.
;still he does not desire to bite mankind; he
!rather endeavor's to avoid society ; he takes
"long journeys of thirty e's. forty. miles' in ##' ex=
tent, and lengthend by all kinds of iteeidlent,
to vent his restless desire for :notion. , :• . .
When . on thesnjourneys„.he'does n.ot' ..walk.
That would 'be too fertual and Measured a
p ,,
ace . for an animal whese.wholefraine quiv.
I.,ers with excitement. • He: dues not run....
I That would be 'tow great au exertion for 'an
i animal whose body is the. abode of.a deadly,
.litiekness. lie proceeds in a slouching man.
I ter, in" a kind of trot -a . movement. neither
'run nor walk, and his aspect is dejeCted.-
His eyes do not glare and stare, but are dull
and retracted, - Ilisappearanenis very char.
Iteteristic, and- if ikice seen, can never after
wards be mistaken. In this statehe will
1 tii.ael the most dusty roads; his tongue hang
liiiii dry from 'his „Open' initial; from Which,
liowever, there drops nordam. :His :coarse,
!lit not straight. How could it'-bn'sinett it is:
doubtful whether at that period he sees at all 1
His desire is to travel unnoticed. If no , one
netiees him ' he gladly_ passes by them, He.
kili very ill : he cannot stay to bite.. If, never;
itlieless, anything opposes-his progress;' he.
3 Wi11, it . .by impulse, - snap as: 'a man in al
lltntilar state might strikelind tell the.persen
o get out of, the way.' He 'May take=
ad across a field in which .there is:it , flock
pi:sheep.. ... Could these . creatures make robin
rb,l. him and: stand-motionless, the - dog Would
1. ass on and ,leave ;them behind , uninjured.--.
'ht they begin to/ run,,,- and at the_ sound the
pricks up his ears. •_.His entire ,aspect
, .inges. Rage takes 'possession of him._
' 4. .hat made that noise 1.. -He.pnrsueS it With
aft the energy of madnesi. He flies' at one,'
ten at another. He does -. not Mangle,-nor is
. a bite, simply Onsidered,sterrible.. lle cau
no:t pause' tolear the creature. he has caught.
114 snaps and then
.rushes onward,-tillt hirty 4xititisted,i and 'unable . longer to follOw t ga l
stinks down, and the sheep, pais' forwerd; to .
no more molested. He,-may have - bitten
wenty -or thirty in hia'unid - onslaught . ; and
laste d- - -f u r,
have worried more, had his strength
lla t ted—_--eur the,lnror.. el, madness .then : had
potpeision,ef hint. 'He, may h o 41ain . while
4nitbese ' . excursions; - hut if f he esca p es, he
4eor,ti -Nitric,' and -: iieki' the 'llitrithess
. and '
quiet of his fornierlabOde. — II i* - thirst. in:'
lreiises bnt.willt it cornea, the swelling -. of the
' t tioat.. -1 - fe will . ph bead into , water,
so ravenous is his desire ;' hut not a . drop, of
- ille,lll4Uld cadbe-sWalloW, thOugh. its . 'siirfniat ;
' :ii ,iovered ..with 'l:iubblei, in 'eonsequenee of
thell t efforts he .:makesl6:' gtilp'..the sunalliit.
riu44!ty. ;The,thmatis enlarged to the -ex.
• .414 which will permit._ nothing to piss. ~ Pe
lll*victim of the most horrible inflow tun ion
of the :stomach and tht; most intense itiltinutpt 7i i
'turn ortlie . Voivai: iiia'sat4 of . I mai*lg 13 - 1
ratlable'. He: hitS lest all. Self.reliattile ; -, 'even
'allltailitig, is' gone. - Yile f1i4".14,._04 - 13 . 1i s fi':ii)! . 1
' A ilisilei any thin that iiwithlnhis,rlaelt,,iiO4.
animal in'this . coneitien, hiihig eettitied near`
, • — alf10; fie* 'it the 'fiurninktrnat* . I pilled=ent
1. 'tie lice coals, and in ftity, Crauriphoi them.
1 Ile emits the host hideous dries. ., 1' The noise
Ihe tisthes'is incessant -of ,peculiii. -- It be
, •
t. • ' ' 'L\ . I. ' . 1 - • .
I „,
* :,y*
gins as a bark, Which sound, being too Or
turitig- to be continued, is quicitly.ebatgegt to
bowl, which is suddenly eut-shartj .in Abe
:middle; and so the poor wretch.. ati lengilt
falls, fairly worn out byy - a terrible:diseise.t—
IMayhem's. Dogs.'
- , BEAUTIES. OP- rIikt&VERY... •
T.. -..11a9w, of the OkyizgaiOiel, w 3 i
Ims recently 'returned from a Winters
liourn in Wisconsin, giye the followink thrill- .
iing description . of a scene that .he - witnessed
on board of a'stiOarnbii4t, while on his • way_: .
homewar .. • .;
• In the tore part of the everting t sere wawa • ,
•piey.discussion between a live-Nankee • free , .
stiller. from Ohio; and .a Souibern. slave-hold- -- . :
er, The slave ; hi - bld - er was then in 'pursuit - of
.-.. ,
a runaway that he`sald' Was Worth- $2,900.
lie de.crib'ed.the'slave ai-,Well edu&ted, near- - .., _.
ly , white, and. ' , worth ?nor* , thaw t herd - -of -: .
the tommern black eusseel?. - He :farther:And
that there avati' not money enough at the North '
tobuy. Mia; .t hat he was six-feet and four itichy . . /
cites in
,height and propOrtioris faultless. • 44
I sat on the bench in the cabin 'of:the- boati .
z .
looking carelessly into the crowd," - MY. / I( e. , . • .
suddenly leaps into my .throat and;; rtotb)em
the slaVe-holder and his runaway/ ~ ere, . .
hi the dim- light, stands a inaa of mass e - pre
ort • -
ttu ions, his fe ,w'of the
lamp, and his urn upon his'.
broad' crest:. TI dly:firtn- - --,
and . imposing.' '.. 'there . -c--- - -
the grandeur off: n: every- • ` '
.tiring about the is clear, .. f
thou gh oll dark.; tho e ;of the •
African eab sea; 'and
arotind the read ',the-,
unmistakal _ ?ose and -• .
hazardous - t head is- slightly. bent ,-
, forward, a) • the _heavy. and: high,
arched bre lull luations and in , .
tensely/ lack. , - inere was ,diguity - even. in
that/ye/but:lts calmness is the , repose of
eonsctons strength., His dres.s:is -is faultless' -.-
as ( ' hi / bf inien, one simple golden stud glancing .
-on / the bosom of his shirt.. lam
. iture,he si._
' Vie fugitive from - - [Gad forgive me for near- - ..
ily. writing justice by o . ssaciation a- Stotier y,- ' .
.1S the :nosier with his 1 - anzaa houd,rls - .. on `tie .
boat - ?-111 thought fills tny'Yeins.*ith - ire:.
At this - moment a man enters ~the door be-.•
hind me and-makes a remark.itboit:.the cog-
'toss of. the, night:
. It is the slsoieholder.'w
.voice, awl I keep my eye upon the negro. .. .
A. .cloud hUlgs oiniuously, from- the; contract
ing brow and the- lips arel closer. shut. ills . expand::Oslowly as the -"breath -is
inhaled thrtb,ugh the/thin nOstrils, and his form' °
seems to swell.' /biota-that
..he has iccog- '
nized .tome • dreaded .enerogi for . his. hitherto . •
mini eve dilates and glitters; and - he-- drops -,
his right hand :Ominously - . -Into his ; overcoat
.poCket. -- Salve'. this, he is has immovable ' 89%
the' heavy Millar ' against !which • Ve. -‘ leans- ..•
Their reyeS have met] , Felt a fall. minute ',..-
they sultid ; and 'glare at ',caell _Air. The'
SlaVe.ewricr ;slowly turns and passei - 0ut:7,17
follow hitn.and find him tendering sloo'4o ;-
have the bOat immediately return to theplatits - :' : -.
of starting, uhere the pirate's friends. - have. -.`,'
stopped. .Bin, the nun cant:tit:be bought and . '.
intiignantlY 'refuses; .•hlthe'. meantime,- the
negro has fbassed(but of theother.door of Alm ,
cabin, and . stiuds in the 'shadow lobkingdoWit
upon the iu'ater. - I pass - up- to him and • take
his6ll(lolnd through my clenched teeth say
to him,. 'stand :yOur . ground ,gild trust, to .. :
. 110 returns my, grasp la silencU. : -•• 5
1 . ask . him' if he is an'te'd l ie heals nietWe)..-
heavy revolvers; and then two heaVy'knives.' -
- ' The negro's story waihriefly - told as the-.
boatswept thrting,t; the .water- fle..wai' , ,the - .
favorite clerlof his nuniter; and was n0t...--al- . .
loWed te] s pureinist.,... his : freedom. - While . ali,
sent to New , Orleans on, bushiess, the master . , •
degradetrthe neg,ro's wife and then ;sold - het •
and her Child. The negro;ran away; and af
weeks of hair-breadth sufferings and dart.
gets, retitled a free State.. 1 There purer . ing- - '-,
clothes,-he started
. for a -friend's in N - . 1 ,.., li t ..,
tie dreaming- that. he 'should enenunter the
mail who Owned his flesh
. ',stud' blood. - 11*.
said quietly, knit. how cam I.—fearfully Calm'.'
—that he never go back alive.: 4 Th6e
barrels,' said he,.• as he put up :his pistols,
' have-each, two - balls,es- and these heavy blad '
shall be,'drunk- with blued When I am' a slave
rain; . - - `': , .. -•• •• .- :
• —The trait
:starts for -.CleVeland; bu t . - the
negro is *not 1 ea board.- ;The -shis*-drivei.".-;.f. -
made, a feint of not taking the train, and now. '
it is under
. nuition,he stalk" through every'
4r-in search of his human prey. .T/te negro ;
ii on the r Underground R. -I,.''f& Cii'!iida.. - 1 .'
,- A ilint or. -Tiro. • t 1 .. - _\ .
Never_make use of an honest lrpman's
name, in in , itaproper. place, at, .a improper
dine, or in a united company, - s'islev , dr'.makei
assertions about her that you think 're . un.:
true, or allusibas that you thytk'-ahe' herielf
would blush tol heat:4-wWiteni you're t . With ,
men who do nOt scruple .to=tnike. u. ....of At"
woman's nante lin a recklm4and unprincipled
manner, shun them,. fur they twe the , very
worst Members of the community, MerLiost
to erety sense I .of honor, every feeling Of Inf.
inanity: Many a 034 and Wertity'vlomates
e.hariteter has'been •ihrevek.rained,' and, .her
heartbroken by a lie, tnantifiietttred by some : -
villain and repeated ere, it 'Should not haie
been, and in tl* pr&.ettee Of•thoie wh6se lit.
de judgment' could not 'deter, them, 'circuit':
ting . the foul , and tblitggitig 'repoif. A shim
derts soon propitipttecl. and . the smallest thing
derogatory, tot womap's'ehnfacter,,. will fly:
on the Wings of the, wind, and. magnify as - it.
eirculates,, untilits tnonstrous,'Weight crushei
the poor 'tticonsen;tir victim. IleSPect; thti
name of a., woman, for your mother,lotir sis.-
ter, arewertriett4 and as yotimould - havetthek.
fair names untartlihed, - and.. their lives 11 Utgif•
' bittered t l . the slantle i cyCsanti%t° o glirAce 4
the'ill - your Words limy bring[nponlbouith,
er; aster, or wtte, ofw‘cinto fellow e attire,
, • Va4able Receipts. • --
To became. ti..b-..Ssivemytir money 'aml
scar 3 •oursennscienee. l ' , = ., - k ~ .
1 1 0 bccoliies .9.lse:=-Fia - t; 'slcep avid'sai c tipili=: .
i 4-• ~• • • - -,,
_- ...,,,,...,...-:-.;
Xo f..becOnie f },
pular--io . in Alm . , , strangtsv
church, nuttilt t h e ftVret. ,, ilpsOeiatiOnS:' -:.'-'!•,'
. I N become It stieZ•talile --L Sa.rYest:g ii.rOti
other' iiiim's'api 10n.4i mut haveu9l4l f4 - 10:ilft,
::'l`4l lleebtiie i:iialtecr . vi a little office. T - I
ready at' all tiMt 4 4 - ritiltet agti. liiei ' - i i tic Ctitt'-
i it in i _, . i i . ; :_c i ..,,, , ,,r , -, ~., ;. • ~ -4 -,..7 -1 , ,- , - •,...,!. t.,,, ,
_To becotne - poor-Be; honnitt;i4utcl - .Tgiti - - .40.
suspicion. ..„ 1 - . ..-. -;;.,.- •
To become insane—SpeiliCyour selitti'/etN.
without consulting the oracles. . 1
Tibecollie Yilf9.l l VP4 ll s 4o .ftt - your tttlvr,
- F