Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, April 26, 1855, Image 4

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Correspoo*ce of the Ilinghtanton Siondani;
. .
42161 RS .lA' KANSAS.. '
- " i ' I,C.ANSA6 CM, April.2,-1845.
I. -VAN tiull 24'BEiGn, - Esc. s —Drar ,fir.
Bening just ritereed from a sOinewhat.ex
tended tour UP-the K a usassiVeissnia its trib
utaries, we porpreze Occupying .. the • day . in
!writing to on!! -friends-in Broome - County;
and in order,that,altinterested,lnay receive
whatever of henefit there is-: to be -derived
from our obitervations,.we beg lease to corn
imunicate with! them through : • the columns' of
the Standard 1 . . .
. . ,
The,Kausesiriver, from its mouth to its'
junction -with the sinoky Hill, Reptiblican,
and othertribataries, Is one of the Most beau
tiful and. fertile districts . of country.. in. the
World, " . The most desirable section, howev:-
if one section am be preferred to another,
is found on' the Shawnee and Potaa-otomie
Reserves. •The face of the country is good,
the soil is eiteeedinely fertile, and there .. is
; r,
Much more:tiinber than. in many other parts
of the TerritOry. :It is extremely difficult in
: travelling ever this country, o find' an unde: .
• sirable location. . The Yermillion; On tte
West side'of the Potawotomie lands; ROA'
•Creek. three Miles-above ; and the Big Blue s .
sixteen milesktigher, are tolerably well tini- 1
bered, and i afford unstirpa,ssed -.inducements
to settlers.' 'The only draw -back to - this lo-
cility is . thatithirty-two seethins - are • held by
the Wyandots under a . former treaty with
the Government. They' are now selecting
their claims i„in, and about these . .rivers s and
will take rip the best portions - of the timber'
ranges..-' Fort Riley, situatad at the' junctims
:of Republiein and Smoky Hill Forks, is
a beautiful • Site, The -Reserve for geverre
ment purpose is 'five miles by nine in extent,
and includeS, seme of the most valuable Om- 1
, bered landssts those regions. The. Govern-
went buildings lire of stone, and ire spacious
- and imposing structures. - The country": up
• these streams is considerably broken, njuch
of it netbeing adapted to farming purposes. '
The bottoms are-rather low, while the bluffs
are very high and abrept,_ and are cut up by
deep and'rocky, ravines.. These, however,
will furuishlany quantity of building materi
The stone appears to be a- mixture of
lime and sand stone, - and is easily Worked,
. and yet durable. Osi Smoky - Hill, and Sa 7
line ForkS, minerals are tound inabundancts,
Two or three kinds- of gypsum, of the finot
quality, are !found; also- iron ore, chalk, . and
marble. The Territory on the-Kansas is no- .
' ted for the Number of city and - town -sites
already : selected, and. which make en impos
t ;,:ing array Orson paper.; They also profess to I
have superior advantages, and while some of I
them may become cities, the most of -them
will undoubtedly remain in ." Rau sefo.r—
, Emigrants Who come here expecting to find
the'aceominodations and advantages held out
on paper, .Will as a general thing, hediSap
pointed, and unless good sit tracing 'naked
. - trees and stakes, Will liti: . enable to 'find the i
, • -dired localities. Hence, many are diseour
1 ,
aged by these false inducements, condemn
" the country, and return - home. , Yet, aside
. from-all the discourageinents bro tight about .
s,iuterested letter writers. this isstle coml
. try for enterprising and industrious settlers.
— The waterlis good, the climate. is, healthy,
and for farming and stock 'growing. it: cannot
be excelled. Aside from these inducements,
there - are other and weighty : reasons 'Why
' -eastern men should plant themselves on the
fair soil oft Kansas.
i -
. . .
- The result of the recent' election, end the
-means used to obtain it, should, and we be
. Here will, !send an electric thrill . of indirrna
`tion 'through. the. North and hurl i such = an.
. _avalanche lof her free spirits into Kansas, as
will. roll lack the tide 'of pro-slavery fanatis
-clan , and lawlessness, and save this fair inkier
.' Renee •to freedom. . -
• The Missourians came over by thousands
• the day Previous to the election; encamped
in their tents prepared tor the . occasion,
(bringing provisions and ample stores of Stii_
souri whiskey. • They . Were Maned' with
.. double-liarreled guns s revelvers,"liowle-knives
, &c. Pile ,hundred and twenty wagons en
camped at Lawrence, with two field pienes.—
teven hundred votes were there given for
the pro-sinverw. ticket whereas the, actual
' resident voters could 01112," number about
. • 100. They compelled the judges ti"; resign
• or submit: to their requirernent of what eon
stitute&a, voter;and threatened death to 'any
One wheidared appose their nefarious designs. l
The eleciiiin was absolutely - carried by force.
Two hundred - and fifty invaders - were. dis
patched from Lawrence to Tecumseh, to take
. possession Of the polls; or "kill the 'pauper-
s Stricken!' Yankees.". The Judges -were or- 1
dered to resign. On the refusal of one of'
them, ajhuge club , ea, brandished over his i
head; threatehine = his life.' A pistol waSthen 1
- - snapped at him three kitties... The . mob. be
came more - and more desperate' . uttering
' threats !and imprecations fit only fur 'the in
, *rued regions. Mad with whiskey, their fii ' beclaine irresistible., and- -the judge pro- i
' . -claimed the election adjeurnej, -in
- rouse- '
quence (if the mobocracy, which, rendered it
impossible to receive a vote. iThe crowd of
Sdesperadeei then appointed new, halfdrunk-.
' • on judges and secietaries,:fornied a lime 1
' • . line, and Ifirsettei voted. -' -It was said that
not to free State Vote was received, although
the settlers are two to one Free, &liters.—
' One . elderly • gentleman was. offered - , a pro-.
slavers- ticket, which he refii:7ed, tellingshein
he did - not vote that ticket. •He wasnistant
• ly Ordered off the, premises, and Was. actual
-3y kicked oat of the room, the mobocrats no: Ii
- . - litely . ' telling him .if he catue back :he -would 11
Tecerve a- bullet . through ' his. heart;
_,. We;!
left Tecuinseh at thre o'clock in theafter- 1
'noon, amid
--the most savage yells and demo-.
Zdaedemonstrations that (Impossibly be corll
" - t eived. This is but one of the many Similar
- scenes' enacted through the Territory: - llae-1
- ing possesion,of the ballot littices, they could.
• - go from one district -to
. neo:her. voting a -
- each place, as no questions were,asked as tr
the qualifications of voters. This' is what -is
- • --, called t‘ Popular Severeighty.'".. We put .up
.. s . :tit Lawrence for the night. -The, 74issouriatia
- • - declared their intention to destroy the " Her
- ald tif Freedom' \office that night,• but were
• finally-rheitrainedioin so doing, by some of the
more sober of their friends. had an attempt
- been made, there, would have been bloody
work, asSthe outraged and insulted citizens,
. - felt that a point-had arrived. where "'forbear
. - ant* had ceased to be a virtue;".und would
- :
' : bailie defended their property with their liVe..
• . . sis. Has it come to this, that liberty,' life, .and all
• the:social endearments toimeeted with
republican institutions, must be . inglcirioust •
-. . • sacri fi ced upon - the altar of Slavery , - pro e'
ganclism 7 In addition to. this, they open ,
r i i,
threaten the life of Gov. Reeder, if he dar
- -to call the legality_ of. the election in - qu s
. tion; 'l3uttne end is not yet. . The excite
' tnentis intense, One thing is certain, the' e
•• . - is a clear majority of-Free stale raters sn
, Jrantac. lienesthe mighty efforts to sub
.•—due'and nut dOwn .; , : ." Abolitionism,_". as they
~: •: • 'term lt; There iti,new . a Mighty tide of •
_ .eriCenaigistia surging into " Kansas. N e
. • hava.good reason
. to -believe that this tide
',.=.... will ,tintititie •to -: increase in, volume and
stretaith s And that at netts election the pc4,.
eriod influence of :these btu-Jess minions of
the black power Will be broken for ever. •
. • -
' - Trull? voltrs ' • ' - . CcnamirrEr. :.
• .y - .-1 - 1 .
1 I I
•-• .
I t AN
1 r 80911' w lONEWS&LOW.I
• , •
Whenithe - wirrn sun, that bringei
seed-thno gind harrein, hits returned
inieweet .flood, where niirings
The; first tiowi*of the plata •
I lorelthe seasoh ITC
'When fo4eetgrades are teeiking with bt:,ightfornia,
Nor dark nnd tuatiy-rolded'Olouds I'oo4.
The, enriiing•nn of stor*s. •
Frotiv,tlie earth's kasetied'lnold
The saptiu draws its sustehaue.e, and
Thougtratlicirlm to-41e heart with Ili.'
The drOoping tree revives.
aoftly warbled sottg
Coutes Ircim“; pliaaant tfoods, and
Glance,trick the
thebrightsun, that
• The forest openings.
Witcit the bri ght aututet SW
The silv'erf woods with light the gr
its shadows :in the hollowkne the to
. the .b 1
And wide the Upland 'klosrs.
And,'when the,' eye Is born,
In the lane sake, the sky o'er-rea ug far,
Is hollOwed out, arta the Moon dip her horn
And lainkles many atar.
Inverted in the tide
Stand the gray roeks, and trembiil
And the fur trees lix:ok ovir, side
And-see themielves
Sweet Aprit•.-;,iinarty a:_though
Is weddekunto thee as hearts are
Nor shill they fail till to its autum
Lifes golden fruit is ihed.
- • , 1 , L! . . ,
•i. 'i .
1 :
lii.iiry Ward . 13Ciliier, who is one ;of.the
most sensible Mtn in Xtnerit...a,.recentliinade
, ~
some remarks tiponi the subject of ventilation;
in a i)Ublie I lecthre,i iiliiiiell we commOnd .to
arehite4s in particular and our citizens in
general : -.- i
g: • ,
V.F.741LATi0. , 4,--4f they do, will' they not
procure one thitigsupply of air. It is as : -
toniSlitnL.,i that. Podishnuld have setsuch won
drous-abundance of air, and- men_take no hint
• froni it of he piiine 4ceSsity of thiS substance_
forhcalth, brifihtiteso and enjoymjni. 'AI-,
, . s. , ~:: .
- most Wtthont a siligio exception , - new , halls
and old ones `gi are tow unventilated. The.
i i• '
comrent .. kee will nolo you to an auger hole in
Some Cerner oNI4 oiling, mull tell you, that
arrange ments hit‘,e,tieen made for ventila..
tioo iitnt might as Well insert a . goose-quill,
in mdant. to supply all Lowel with water fur !
its Milli.! Tliese4contemptible little, holes,
hardly big enciugU ffra fa rat to run in With
out oiio T an g ii T liisk:,-stele. fur, ~ a re hardly
enough for one breather, and they are set •to
dd . tli4 work of a itholisand people! I3esides,
'no prlivision is Made for the introduction of
fresh air frdrnbeldW; to supply the . place al
that- which Is SuppoSed to pass ott . The air 1
trunk of furna:eS ought to be double the usual
size., and' thehot!air itrunkS that lead from the 1
farnacc cliatnben to the roilm should be four'
tit4s as large a. 4 Usual, sathat large volumes
of Mild air can - 4orn l e, in, instead of fierce cur-''
rents of intCnsely lint air. 'out of which ,the 1
rimiSture has been 'dried and, the oxygen
burnt ire contact with a red hot furnace. -A
moat that IWII,I ,eat a thou Sand persOns should
halie no le*..thon four ventithiets, each one of
them larger - than.a nian's whole body. They
can he plaC4at foil!' corners of the building
i 1. , , g
or they .nntV be arranged along the side of
the wall— z the number being increased as the
diameter df =each IS . dithinished. But the
snUare-iiielie.of the' nentlis of the veniidnets
shbuld be atileast one third' greater than of I
the Mouth; of the h.:at-trunk, .which comes
from the fitrnace.- 1 - [ i
~- . •
As. soon tita speaker begins, he usually
finds his.cheek.flushed his head lull and throb
bing—bad air is at;work with them. The
blood that igi gc big to' his brain has not been
purified 'iii his lung by contact with good air.
It has a dintinished . stimulating ; power. It
IS the first stage of Saffocation. For all that
iscdone when a Mali is hung, is to preventthe
r• , g
passaffe df [air dot`' his•windpipe., And if
, .e• ,
;)-ou -corraMthe, air till! it ceases to pdrfbrm
d vital function, it : _is the's:trite thing in effect ;•
sO that a. pnblic speaker in a. tainted atmos
phere, is FOng through , a long process of at
mospheric banging.;
. .
r • i. • •
The peop
I le,too, instantly sho signs of dis
g ,
tress—women begin to fantheniselves, chil
dren to groW sleepy , and well fed men groW
-I i -
red and sonmolentl. How people can cfmsent
1 -
to breath one Anntlier'S breath over and over
i i 1 •
again, we never could imagine. They would
Bever return to a hotetwitere were put
.1 they
into a hedhetw.cen sheets; that had been
used liV I travelle4 •hefore thorn—no, they
inust lia% e fresh skeet& They would go with
•6nt food inither thhn eat ofr a plate used by
r .
several 1 palliest •In.fore them. Clean, , tre4i
Plates are indispensable, flat, While so del-,
icate of their: . outside skin and their mouth,
they will. take air into their long • that has
been breathed ov.r twenty times, by all sorts
Of persdns and that iiiiriv reeks,Witb feculence
and nothing disgusts them but a proposal to
Open a Wiadow and lei in the clean and fresh
air, that britigs tip - coat-collars and down
scowds, and i amiable -lips. pont; and. kind
tongueS &Ohre that they will not such a
Place amiin irt h ey do not have these 'matters
i • 0
;regulated ( bctV'for the health!
I . l.ll'er.+ 0:14-( Mind ing a newspaper, mutters)
'No rise in the rivers—never. going to rise
again, l)liOre,
'Little painghter—l wish the iirer would
• .-:" •
• what have;yon got to-do with
Little baugliterk great deal, papa; fur
then the bouts would run. _ • .
Pa'-And what have you to !JO with the
bo:its ruAnittg, niy child, hey ?
• Little Daughter;--.-They would bring the
cotton. down.
-Pa+- 7 (Leolcing over his brectitcles)—And
what leave you to do with cotton
- Little Daughter—Why, if the •cotten.was
•doWn i , pa, .you would, be able to sell it, you
• knoW.,. dear papa r
Pit--LAnd• what then ?
• Little -ll'ato.liter--You would have plenty
of 'nettidy.l • -
Pa.4 . 7 We1l •
Daughter-(Laying her little hand,
his„shoelder, and looking up into his face) .
TlieO . yen L.Ould pay lma that gold twenty dol
lar piece -you borrowed of her,. you knoW;
Fhpa'r •
Pa4And what then ; mini ?
llaughter-Then - mama could pay
aunt Sarah that ten dollars she owes. her. .
indeed 'I And what then ?
• ' •
• Little Daughter-And suet Sarah would
pay .Sister Jane the dollar she promised to
give :her on New Tear's but coA she
didn't; have no cotton,
I. mean no'money, pa.
pa- Well, and what else?; Pit lays down
his and looks at her curiously with a
half, smile.) '
- Little Daugliter—Ceushi Jane would pay
brother John his fifty cents back, and he said
wbenbe .got. it be. would
. give me the -half
I*owes:me and two dimes to buy
marbles, 'and this is What I want the rivers to
rise for, and the big! boats to runl And. I
I' owe nurse the. other.liime, and must'pay my
• 1
Pa looked at . mit,l There it is he said,
we are a hig and little row -of bricks. Touch,
and presto! away -w all go, down to
tle Carrie here. She has, as a child, as great
an interest in the.riSe. as I have. We are all,'
old and yeti* Waiting foi'money to buy tuat'=,
tiles' ^a~t~hile Tr;kese; . _ • •
_fibers hav secured the sole right ,to
DAV :,::- .4 .A.D.1778 !DIA' CRUM! AND
ourrER4VO74 for Susquehanna and several
adjoining - thi k remsectfully invite all Butter nutk
era to exatnin'and themerits of this new and
valuable ittreCtioti. We propose to furnish each and
all of You; with a Cusses - that, will. is much
butter as Aort a time any otheretturn-.-one.
that will rtimiletely expertke buttertSilk; wash mid
work in the salt; diffusing it perfeetl.v th lll )4h the
butter tied fit 1 for. use, without removing it from the
churn. This Phitrn is simple in its con s truction, sel
entific in Operation, and easily cleated lint-kept in
order. and - can be easily-attached to any ptopelling
For fuilhert particulaim, apply persOnally !or by let
ter to' Jo.' p. BUSHNELL and .7: N. BRONSoN,
Ararat', Baittioalituana ming. Pa.
4. *B,
/T Tetinki, ko., in the Basement of tkitifis
Hotel, liontroseja.
,c. IL Simmons& • .
001 ( AND SAWS MAKER. Slopdoer - east
of Odd FoUpwie :H4ll, Turnpike 4., Moritilw.
W. Singleton; ' _
(NAN noir be found at his new stand on Owego st.
%. - J ',two doors .irestiOf Searle's Hotel, where he -ef
fectually with ; dispatch, Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry, Guns, and arciry descriptiOn of Machinery.
Wheel 'cutting ; Gun and Watch -ataterials supplied
to the tradc4 ,
ter's cold,
oc•kwed wings
or-es along
I !, XVIIIIiitb,I
UEGEOI*.I DENTIST, Montrose, Pa, at Searle 's
Motel,..Monilays )14 Toe:Ways of each 'week.
slope throws,
: Allenry' lEntipp, -
AirCINTROF, PA., ;with Rote, 31 - oodruf -dr Car
.ll.l. Whoiffale (hikers and 'Commis...don Mer
chants,. No. ra'Thishington street, between Court
andt, and Dey itreetit, .11reto York.
, • ,Caleb Weeks. - •
QAIMIE,;fIiititNESS, TRCNK jilACEß'euad ear
riage Tri finer, Shop -at -threllitg house;
early oppcate"..Tientl,y:prinher7A.,..ll,ontrosi, Pd.
g shadows throw;
; y Bide,
{llRler• &Poiaer,-; .
and SOljeitos-.4 phancery. ?ffice No.; i 4 Claike
itrett, CheciyfiN I .
l wed,
n brought
• ! . - ; ! ; Plleilic Hotel, .
fiREE NWICIT STOET, (near Broadway,) New
VA .: l'ork SaliSlili* . dr. Co. Proprietors. In the
vicinity of<thn Principal steam boat landings. ,
. .
. I Thomas Ingstrinm . • •
TIEALER IS - TRY GOODS, Groceries, Clothing,
11 CroOeryi Bohti and Shot* &c., Stoluchantsa
Dept, Pa.! = -
Bentley &
VTtnitli t:l S. AT LAW,. ANI
AGENTS; 31:0.trose, Pa. ,
D. - S. •
John Grove
Y; tSIIIti\;tiRLE TAILOR. chop wider Searle's
1 Maine vee t, MontrOse, Pa. .
.ID. D. Hinds, •
1.4 in tile reir of Wilson's Store, Montrose, Pa.
1 . J: Colsten,
TVALER IN STOVES, Tin, Copper, and Sheet
11 Iron Ware, Lotkmille, near Great Bend Depot.
Deeentl!e,i; ; 4. ! • . •
IL C. Tiler, ,
NTERPLIED witlt I. L. lILTNT, Importer of and
Desderln Hardware and Cutlery, Carriage Springs,
So., N0.*210 PeaVl itreet, New York, Where his Mer-
Cantile fiienibi, in this. and other connties,'fire:
invited, and :earnestly solicited' to call and purchase.
. .
-L.P. was; •
TTOVSEY, AT LAW. Saaquehanne; Wa. Office
1:1. on *lnc street, one door en..t of Lettheim'F.
Frazier & Case,
Ofti& 'ou Turnpike street, one dtior East o
Poses StO., Motitiose, Pa.
Albert Chainberlin,"
• vTTOitiCEY AT LAW and Justice of the Pexce;
* LS.. over, T..L..PoSt & Store,...lfoutrosc.
Wm. H..,Tessep, .'
...4'.: V DEEfai, for the State of New York, will attend 1
to all business entrusted .to.tim with promptness and
fidelivr. l ;Office On : rublie§_quare, occupied by Ron.
Wni. 4fssiip.
. : • .
. __ ____.
' .ii • I Abel Terrell,
raiiits; Oil's,' Dye-stuffs, Groceries, Dry Goods;
liardwir, Stoneware, tilassware, Clocks Watches,
Jewclri . , ;Silver Spoons, Spectacles, Muzical Instru
tnents,lT :.u.4ses,:Surpc - al Instruments; Liquors, Per
fumery; Mirrors ' Stationery, Brushes, Shoes, Yankee
Notioo,l;Sze '
R R. Lyons & Co.;
.1 Dry'GoodS, Groceries, Salt, Flour, and Hard
ware, ixinesborn,
• ' F. B. Chandler, • , •
EALER IN DRY GOODS, Ready Made Clothing,
gli:pctiritA. Books and Stationery, etc., Public
Patrick* Dimock,
P"Yr,ICIANS AND SCRGEONS. 'Office -\0...4
Olyego strOt;',3lohtrosr, Pa.
. I 1 , I. L. Post & CO.,
TIEALERS 3N DRY GOODS, Groceries, crtickery,
'Leather, Floor, etc., to ner of Turn:-
pike and Public venue, Montrote, • ,
L_ •
- .. i
, .
D''' -
4.LERS;IS DRY GOODS, Groceries,;
.e*kerv, Tinware, Groceries, Books etc.; - at4o;
- carry on the fiord,: Bhuling business—Public Avenue,
.I.ionliNaP,. Pd,
• 'Bentley & Read,
i. l / 4 1..f.R$ IN DRY GbODS, Drugs, Medicines,
Paints, Groceriez:Hardware, Crockery,
Iron, Clocks,[WatcheA, Jewelry, Silver Spoon. q, Per.
em ery, &,c.—Poot 'of Public Avenue, Montrose.
, •
Sayre, Bentley it Perkins, •
.3 kinds 44 'Castings Stoves t Agricultural Imple
ments, etc. Office atSavres Store, Public. Avenue;
Ydanufactitry itt ; the Eagle Foutidry, Foot of Cherry
street,'..lfontiiido• Pa.
William & William H. Jessup,
TTO4NEYS AT LAW, 2110n1rose, Pa. -
ini Busquelnuma; Bradford, Wayne, Wy!> ,
ming and Luaerne counties_ i -
•William W. Smith & Co., •
riABIIiET MAKERS. • They keep constantly on
lon4 Shop
assortment of all kinds of Cabinet
Furniture. Shop and Ware Rooms at the foot of
Maine' street'' Afordroae, Pa'
Rockwell, Winton & C 0.,.
I . I fAIiirFACTERFoRS and DEALERS in Straw
I, 1 eoodi, ;flats, Caps, Furs, Umbrellas, Para-
Rag. ,Ititho4x; 'NO. 20 Courtlandt street, /Vein
York t ttr) sta(nz.)
R. B. nocrn*.f.c.
' Franklin Fraser, •
11L Lifontro4'e, Pq:, will attend faithfully to all busi-
DCSR entrttsted to him in the county of Susquehanna.;
Ctlll'Oyincibg and writing of all kinds will be done
neatly, and .cht,mges moderate. Be will also attend to
the prosecution of claims of soldiers, their widows and
heirs; against the United States Government, for
Bounty Land, Pensions., &c. lay be found at all
hours at the office formerly occupied by J. T.-Rich
avdlN ne,rth of the Court House. , 1489.
nOCGIIT'at the lowed: picot, and will be sold ac
Oibson, October 11, 1f154.
IClathir:',Casidmerete and Vesting'.
A large.aseoitment and at prices lower than we have
eier been efabled to offer them heretofore.
Oct. 11, 1R r 4. '
Dress Goods. •',
A great variety' and beautiful styles,Aind almost at
Cheap its could be desired. U. BURRO WS & CO.
Gibson, October I'3, 1854.
„ • Black Silk. - •
A.,00d Oidity for dre&tdi . at Si cents rsir yard.
Octobei 12, 185:1. U. BURROWS & CO
, . Shawl*, '
Long and, aiinare, wool, broche, and silk, very hand
some stylea and at extremely low prices.
;Octohetr l'2, 1854. U. BURROWS & 0).
Broche Shawls V •
Cheaper than
,ever before known ; beautiful patterna
and fine finality of 84 }Noche Shawls, Lupen's man
nfitetttre, U. BURROWS & CO.
Gibson, October 11, 1554. .
• I Bay Mate. %bawls;
The. LAiGESE SIZE, rrstisr grAtarr, Alld . NEW Pat;% .
?vets,. $7,60 each. U. fiCitROWS - t CO.
- .Gibsoci October 11, 14154.
t ;" • Carpets,
3 good iitieortment and j tumdscane pattern., at Tel
Low pricei. • IL BURROWS & CO.
%ow* °ember 12, 1854.'
: Buffalo !Robes,
A large /cit of handsome Robes, a part of them whole,
Indian dressed and very Superior color and quality. r ,
'' October 14„.1854. U. BURRO WS & CO.
rrhe Subscriber has on hand ready • made coffins
11 may be had at; reasonable prices.
"4.150 ion hand a lot of Superior window Sash.
1!. 9ripo Band Jan. 115th ts 66.
L. r. nrcu.
w, Vi-IN'To7s.
rivxmoist PUM.Ps t
The `Greizieit Imprpres n cat of :the Age!--0.
lA4Ole-Aetingil 3 u ll 7Valre
.• . Agee an(hLift Primp.- •
AN6Pidvement above all other pumps or ma
chines;toetftinVOrowtng,"ami tairrying water,
combinittifbOth`a Pump and ‘Engine: This
Pump, paterdert in FebruarY, - 18 5 4. a the whole of it
Metallic:l.l 4 46lns eitiiterews abottl i it to rust, bone-.
quently it wit teat a'aian'a life ; titizei It earn be need
in every variety of fdim--eau dray/ **ter from any
situation; and carry itf to any.part off' : a bditditi^ -
is superior to all' othr Pumps for Tlistilrethts; Paper
Tantieiies.'BriekYtirds, Ir.on'Works. and Matt
ufaetnritig efitablishnienta of all kinds. - • ' -
/tlVoilleriemtrat be 'addressed to ADTlSONDtniticir,
todorsville s . a., whO'has the sole right • Stisque•
- •
banns . ,
! NEW '1300P!3
IN SIM NIL:FORD. — •• • . ,
. T , iir.lgutrcriber hating leased the Store.
.of the' ,
• Messrsi,Pratts, formerly, occupied by I. S. Llt-',
tle, intendtilo locate permanently in
. New Milford. , 1
And 'be.: Would take this method , of informing :the -;
inhabitant of •New-Milford, and adjacent towns, that
he has just retorned from New York with a large and
splendid stock of freSh and entirely new Goods, con
sisting of j.)1?-1 - * Gil'i>l).s of almost every couceivat
ble varIt4Y,.,GROCEATES as low as the lowest, "Hard
ware, CroAery, Boat and Shoes,: //ats a fa eap*,
BIAIJIICI4 Or every stle,L'e...Sze., *bleb he offers for
l'sale.tat,the•immt. reasonable terins;;for cash; Country
'produce', or; . ' reliable credit. He would also say is this:.
- conneetion' that he has added, to the establishment,
the minufiteturing of Tia,-Shettriran, and , Copper
warp in all its varieties, in whieliAte is prepared. to'
execute all kinds of jobs, by the yery best .worktnett
' and (MI the niostreisonable ternts.i ..
Dealers. i , upplied at the.lowest prices.. Particulars,
in relation to'stoves'itc., at smite future time. .
- - ' i' , .. - - J. DICKERMAN, jr.
NeW Milfot d, May ill, 1.35.1. • ;lit'
and of Tin; Sheet Iroo
qoppei Ware of toy onin.olanufacture and
made 3f heavy pLate, for tale ley 1 ' •
3filford, July 12, 1853
A }zurj., amortment, of Hardware,Carpenter ane
/3, , qoihorte TooK Pump Chain,l anl.Oitnres nt
Nt4 Ju1y;.1854.1 I )IcIiERNIAN'S.
- _
Q MU' ..V$D BLINDS the) , i4444114h% for .
L. cbcaP at ; • .; PICKpfNIAS'S:
SALT by the hfirrelo; otli
at the lowest prices at DICIMIMAICS.:
Iv ..
• 'A ' ,': .!. FARMERS ' ,
• j;* 1 .- . CAPITAL, $200,000.
Secqeti libi Bond and Mortgage on tbe Real Estate ...
, .
of the Storkhohierx. • • I
Iniinre against loss by Fire,. of HouseS, Stores,
othe f buildings, Goods, Ware=, and Merchatidise, Qn
as favorable terms as any similar Idstitntion. Losses .
. ,
proMptly adjusted and paid.
• Diltacrons,—llon. Horace'Williston, Athens ; Frab
cis•Tyler, do.; George A. Perkins do. ; J. T,,T). Meyer,
do. -4 - 'l. N.lShipman, do. ; C. F. Welles, Jr. do. - ;
Canfield :do.; Hon. John - Laporte. Towanda; Gen. IL
Wakeman;•l.neevviile ; Giro. llollenback,
barrel:. Michael Meylert, Laporte, Pa. •
Oirtexas.--Flon. Horace Williston, President;
F. jr., V. Pres. and Treas.; J. E.. Canfield,
Agenl;,o. S Betnr., Montrose, Pa. [153:211111
'', , P CLERK WANTED: .-
. ,
%AT .4TED. itnmediately : a Clerk—dile
i' trim has had experience, writes a 'fair band.
anttis ehinpetent to take charge of set of Book--
moat 114 teinrrate and willing to devote his . time and
a4rijioill to the interest of his; employers: To one
tlin t leanranSwer to the above n liberal salary will be
n. !None others need apply. Good recornmend
atifins - rtmired. B. F. .k. R. H. EATON:
q ua t liird , 31kV, 1554. t•
- , J. NF.W FALL GOODS. ..
TT: .12URRITT would invite the attention ofihis
friends 'and the public to his new and sOen
did sMeit of Broth.% Wool, and Cashairre Long rind
f; om $2 to, $l6- 7 -Ladiss
•Goris; including plain and fancy Delanes,Mc-Bakes,
ParaMet,tas, French Merinoett, Silks,' Poplins, Ging
harris,4lke, Z:c., rick RiMons and Bonnets of, pew
stylettj*lcich in connection with a large assortment of.
staple, ifind fancy Dry (Awls, , Oroceries, Croc . erry,
Ifardie4re, Iron, Storrs, Bu ff alo Roles, Carpeqnft,
Boo:x . 14W Shwa,
.flats and ['cps, Paintrel:ll74olc
shodes,iWall Parr, Oils and
. Paints, tFe., will be
sold.•or4the most favorable term and reduced ptices
fOi'ettaii. produce, or approved credit. -
EL Salt by the barrelor load.
Milford, September 22 1854.'
rirllS subscriber will act as agent for buying antr,sell
..l. i i ok Real Estate—Farm4, Houses, and Lotsg-rlo
catedin Susquehanna Countyja.. All who with to
offer.thcir property for sale can give a minute deicrip
tion Of their Farms or Lots as follows : Numb'er of
icres. 4 4 bow many improved, and how watered, Imild
ings,!prehirds, grafted or common fruit ; other fruit
trees' and the nearest point to - the D. L. &W.R. K.
aisd Ss E. - R. R. - '
firms on the list, 45 unsold. - By Calling'On "the
sUbsOiber a miititte description, price and ternis can
Office on Turnpike pt. 4 doors west of Main st.
Mitutrose, August 15, 1854. A. BALDWIN.
' HE -subscriber has been recently appointed an
agent, for the Faastrat's issual:sca Co.,
Athins, Pa., and is prepared to insure rinuswk,f,tores
arid ;bthe'r buildings, Goods, Wares and Merchandise.
on Womble terms. Applications made either person
apyliir by letter promptly attended to.
" S. B. CHAS E .
Great Bend, Pa., March sth 1855.
ST BROTHERS having, purchased the; above
establishment, will keep,constantly-on h+:l Sa
p-dine crid 11,w Flour, Corn Meal of tupfriot foal
ily;Mlso Chnp and Bran at the lowest cash pnces.7--
Cualorn work will be done with despatch, and in all
, . ,
Montrose, Juls,
Stoves S Stoves
'LT BURRITT a now receiving new assoriment
..1.1. • of Stoves; including the most popular and
improved kinds of Premium, Air-Tight, and Elevated
,Oven Cooking Stoves, with' Parlor, Office, and Shop
aSt k Ves, for wood or coal, in superior variety and style:
stimh he will sell at the most reduced prices. Pe
' Vritod Oven stoves of new and approved patterns will
be'sold at $24 to p 25, and other kinds in proportion.
- Al . lO, stove pipe, zinc, and sheet iron, stove tubes kc.
Sew Milford, Sept. 22,'54.( BURMITT.
• ,those - Oersons indebted to the Subscriberf,for fees
aslle , ister,Secorder and Clerk orsheOrpbaii's court
would confera favor by settling the •saine soon.,
!Montrose, Dec. 6 1854. J. T. LANGDON.
Window Sash:
Q H. & D.'SATRE having beenappointe#m agent
• for an extensive sash blind and door ntnufac
tory are prepared to . furnish any articles In tliisline at
leas rates than they have usually been sold 'i ,
;July 24.. S. H. i D. S.
Shaving Cream•.
N ankle which every man should: trt for sale
by • S. H. at.D. S.
TT — ATS.—A new lot of Summer Bats and Cloths
for summer wear just received and for dbli cheap
his D. IL Li k.
10,000 Firkimi Staves+;,
iVANTED by the snbaciriberit immediately. Alpo
Heitding'titaber and Hooplioles—fbr which we will
pity the highest market price. Seasoned etavesi pre
fe.rred. SMITH 4 HEMIITtAD.
Brookini, Feb. 18, 'sf
'Popular Patent Medicine. Agency.
A BEL TURBELL has just received 111 3 3 W Supply
XI; of an the popular FATEST Mummers 1' the day,
kocluding Dr. Jayne'i celebrated liedicink.s. Trash's
iitagnetic Ointnient. Tanner's Gentian Ointment, My- .
',irs',F•stract Rock }We, 'Forest Wine, ke., Pilla
of. all sortr, all direct from` the propriettirs. Also,
LOufning .F7uid,' CaMphene, cheavartheeheap
ItontroseMecembetS, 1854. ,- -
esh supply of Silver Sixxnuc Watches, Jewelry,
bri ke.,jost mesh-ed. BENTLEY 8 READ.
-.' FAAILY I ifiIiEWSIC. ,'. ....
• •
1 ion g 'r ' s 'is d 'LW ti . if for
rrlintas as ex te ,a,p
,c,. eman an of
ketiie purgatifre pill'Whi+ co uld lid relied on as
slice and perfect .i , ' its CpCration,, . This hart, been
*Oared to meet t e dainand,land an dxtensive; 'tri
al 'of iti-virtues ha ' concluidvely •shoin wirkwhat'sue,
c‘ss it accomplish iti,' the porptisesdesi2ned. It-is elt
s• tlci.make a pegs pii4 but pot 'cas to make r the
best of-all pi/ he wnito Should have none of the
oirjectioris, but all f the adiatitsiges Orevery other. -
Thiri.has been attoinptedlie mid with What,sneeess
*e would rOpecolli submit
to the iiuliliC' • decision.
It has been vofortitniite fir the patient hithert4 . - that
almost evertpurgatlye•ratedifine ',lt aerMonibias -and,
irritating to the b4wels. ; ,Tlit4 is not- ' Many of,therit I
produce, so much 'kripingipail i and 'revulsion in `the!'
sistein as to morOl than,counterbalanCe the gOod to be;
derived from then) . . : Trit'''Sellt . Ifs produCe notiiitittion-
Or Train, tulles:sit krisefromla,prerinusly ..elistine 'oh"
htruction or derangeinevtiti,the bowels.,' Doing pirrei
ly vegetable, no Ilarm can riiiise from their use in unit
quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should
ho taken judiciimidy. IriluritO direction's for tnein mie -
In, the several d4as - es to. wAri'Fli they are aliplietible !
are giien on tlielbox: Aniong the complaints- which I
;have 'been speedily cured ll'y dretuove may mention
'Liver Cotriplairitilin its vapid 1.4 forms of Jaundice, In.
;digestion, Lringior rind Lass of Appetite, Listlesnesrl,
Irritability, Bilitlns ,IlearlaOhe, Bilious Fever, Fever
land' Ague', Pitinlie the Sidi! and Loins :for, in truth, I
all these. are but} ;the consequkmce of diseased action I
P. in the liver. A.', the
ape!itili ,‘ they afford prompt and
r i
; sure relief in Co ltiYeness . ,, ', ilea, Cholic, Dye : enter);
Humors, Scroftill and , Colds with soreneiss of
the body ; Pk erSianil impurity of the blotid; in short;
any'and every c• se where 'a IPurgative is required. '
r They have p .e duced simile singularly succeseihl
cures in Mem* tism, 'Gold, Dropsy, Gravel,--ErYsilic
his, Palpliationli.f the lieallt.; Pains in the Back, Stom
ach and Side. ':- L hey . Shcirld la freely taken in the
spring of the yer, to purify the blood and prepare
t. I I
the system for , , e chattgelo seasons. .An occasional
dose stimulates' t, e stoitrali and bowels into healthy
action, and rest Ores the appetite and vigor. They pu
rify the blood, : nil, by Olin stimulant action, on the
illiculatory syst l ~renovtel the strength of the body,
l an
ind. restore tit, I wasted of Ilisca.ed energies of the
: whole Orgarristn Renee nil occasional dose is advan-,l
tageou.s, event lough no Serious derangement exists ;,.
but minecessar ; ilosing , vidrOuld never -be carried tool
far as' every pi native lniklicine reduces the strength;
when taken, to! excess. I Tlie thousand cases in which
aphysic is reilw'red cannot be enumerated here, but)
they su ,g7eSt themselves to . the reason of every body, - .1
and it is confidently- both:Ted this pill wiltanswer et;
better purposg,than arnytTrung which has hitherto beeni!
available to Mankind. l'tviten their virtues are tercel
known, the mililic, williro lOnger. ilottlit what reme'l
to employ whim inftetirrof a cathartic metlicht . Be.'
ing suptr-wriipPeri They : are pleasant to take,.. nillie?;
ing purely : ve , netable, in -harm can arise fron their!
use in any-rptiOititY. I 1 : ; • ' ii - ; il .
For mineral directions -e'. wrapper on the ea. if
•.. Prepared..k . vlJANlES .I.A.YEIt, Practical and An',4
alytical . Chenl - t, Lowel, . hiss. An,!
' • Price .2.4 Cents Per Box.- Five Boxes for V.'
• ; i I
•• • •
- Ay ! Is, Chtmry-Vertoral.
For the riiiirr i-Core (i , (1(.1),,gh.t, Colds, fl oe
liro n chitif,:ll7looptalproygh',Croup ,, Ast f i}
Coll3llllapiit 1 . .
This remedy has won fe- itself sr:eh notoriety froill
its enres.of- , 11- . 4..Ty varmt i - ,bf, phlmonn'ry disease, that
'it is entirely, Mitiecessar „to'recount the evidences or
its -virtues in any conirlunity where it has been en
plovOil, ', Sci Wide is its field of usefulness, and so mil
meions the rni•Zes of -its cAres, that ahmist eviery se
tion Of thebnintry ithouhlis in persons publicly knoWn,
who have IT' 0 restor:•eil !--ern alarming arid Glen des.'
peratediseriso of - the liings, by its use. ! When onde
tried its'suneSiority evrlr Over): other tirellit;ne of its"'
kind is too Trent to liScape.obseryntlon, and whete
its virtues`a .t known he public no lorger • liesitat
what antidittl to employ for the distr.essiug, and dan
gerous affections of thitiielmonary ergrans which. art.
incident to t orin'elimatel And not only in fortnidallit
attacks upeniitlM lungsi but for themilder varieties?
Colds,Coar,,,/,isdfotirefro - 1....r, tic. ; arid for (lii/jrci4i
is the Plettlailjust MA FL, 4. .St metlieene that can be o
r a ined. 1I! i .
, , - _ 1
As' it hai bang }men ,tteonstant use throughout tlii,
section, wt U . .ed not; d more than assure the peoid
its quality )si kept up; ti the best that it ever has heel ,
and that thetgenuine article is sold by—Am:n Tr,
RELL, Miglitq. , e; BI f.' : - & P.. H. F.irers, Tim foril ;'
CITURCII*Porxxxv; Dundaff, and by all -dealers' li
Medicine ivory where 4 , , •
. .
161\ _
y ,..
Fri i NElr.R.g.tfi% BILL UNSETTLED. ~. ,
QC_OTT,TJOIINSTO.' A: Co., nre now receivl
k 7
horn New Yorl44„general assortment of -Sprh g„
and Sunnueti goods, and .we cordially invite all th t
like to buy goods cheap: to give us a call, 'as our stiff k
is large, Mut we are Willing to sell for small profitili
You canfind liere'alitYMl every article 'wanted. 4 d
we ire . Willi&- , to conklare g oods and prices with a y
i •
store in. tliierpottnty--1 7 e have takt;tt special paik o'
find nicc.lMOds to please the Ladies, such as Mi l l -,
Figured and Fancy S'Aks, Silk Tis.sues, Berages a)ad
Her-age Pel , ies, Plaid and Fancy LEIV'TIta, Silk, French
and ponis is Gingliabas,.Figured and Plain - M t isfilis,
Embroide. ' : Curtain and Paper do.', Ladies Collura; 1.11
.I_ - nderhaild ' erchiefk :Mil Sleeves, Mantilla.s, Paols
and Glotick Straw 1 iind Fancy • Bonnets, also to in-
Mings t toitnitch. A large - stock of Goods for
~ en
and 'Bciv4, 'also Iron,,Steel, Sails, • Horse Shoes- '
1 Horse ik;ailsi, Ploughi! . Salt, Fish, Crocker, Gilnd
stones, andiStonew4; Stove. pipe, Tin, Glass, Opsh
Leather,! Hoots, Shoes ake., &c. Please give nik' a
chance of Olowingyou dm' stocl: before you lull.
I• • iYoUrs truly: it • SCOTT, JOHNSON•k C/,
Sot imiYille, Api IV. j ft, 185-I. I;
?I! linOfalo Robe .
AcitokcE lot lust received, and offered low if,T
;' • • L SCOTT, JOHNSTON &1.
S w
hal,!, shawlii• -
• ,
,t • CIIO,teE lot, cif Wnol Loom Slvawlß vi4v c 'ea t
-1 1- V. by . .lij L. I. SCOTT, JOHNSTON &C .
Sprinkviile, Dcccibcr3. • - - 1
W GOODS. • . - A
• r 4
11113:LLE'Nit& PAICJE return their - teful
stFknowledgetuents to the public., and lily' • at
tentionmli the .very!large stock of -ISpinfr and' , .
nter GoodS they irOinow'receiring' and offer rei sale
at eery/oft prices: lwaddition to their usual ti _ort
latent or stitple Dry Gt4als, Groceries, Hardware, Clock
ery, Pulnfs and pi &e. &e., they are paparild to
exhibit a large assortment of Ladies' Dress thiods
of every des.etiption-i—Figttred, Plaid tour Plain!Silks, -
Bonnets, Shawls, Bibbons, Gloves, Hosiery—titdies
'and Misses Shoes oft all kinds--also • a large snick of
READ r„...vA DE;'(I,O77II,VG. Cloths, Caßaiiiieres,
Tweedr, Jeans, Summer Cloths; Vesting?, HatsACaps,
Boots tool Shoes, ie. '
•A , .
They respectfully solicit an, early call from lithose
who purcha4e good (lowly at
Slew Liiie of ..Mail. S)
. : . , 1 1. i - FROM
IRK.miro r op TO MONTROS . .
QTAG - F.:..4 willlea► Kirk Wood, passing thtli ' ''h Cot
kJ bethirille, 1.-itferty, dc., every . morning r the
arrival of the Maittrains of trs; both Fast ant iWest,
reachlwgi. )lontroieiat 1 P.. ,U. .RetverningOleave
Monti:we dailY . (SOt tlays. excepted) at 2 P. m.ilreach
ing KirkWood . in 01,e to take the Mail trains qi cars,
both*EaSt and W 69 , being the nearest and ui‘st fea
sible ironie tireaiii the Neu: York stud Erieliiroad.
This line intert4 -.a tri-weekly • line for t fimoek,
.Spriogriile, Junplannock, Wyouring, and 'Wilkes
barros which leayoi MontrOse at 7 A. V. evert Mon
,lac, Wednesday xitti Friday. Also, a line toßriends
fjboci:tettiait arid comfartaYe carriage.; a'r+l prOil-.
ded, 'tted the, proprietors irilllspare _no - , pain% to ae
eounnotiate the public. , W. K. HATCH, r, - -• •' '
I April 14, 1:854.1 , : MORGAN & WEST"'
. . i
LateSsboro! , Sash; Blind, and
[ ! .l
. • Factory. •
r' h; 'sukseriberwill furnish at the Shop o Newell
' • , titothe' Doors, Sash, and Blinds. iturning
On hand and fuished to order. Lumber k -dried,
tuuliworkmen utkurpassed by- any in the eci Cary.—
Orders addressed tome will receive prompt 4 tendon.
Gmld Pine Lumber and Country Produce takin in ex
change for the above. Terms, ready pay. 4
.Laneabore: Feb. 6. ' S. A. LIRONS. -
- -- 7.. —- - ' 1 4.......:.....J.
1 1 : ir,,LLIA M McMILLAN ii ' ,
1.-Py'" pturlased the establishment of4saac L.
Post k CO, at the Montrose Depot, ihould ic
resiie 'tfully infOim his Mends that he will 10, ep con-
Itanti be hand :at the lowest prices, a We selected
stoili , goods.;(' • .
i x
• 4
1 lei d, Salt, and Plaster can be had ewe ' as well .
as GrOeeriei, Dii Goods, Ilardware, Crocio,4•.'lloots;
8 1 14ei4 hails, b" ` in exchange for Grain andiall kinds
of :prodnce, at-Mte best prices. Iooo.cpids Mira
Wood iwanteiVi-. , ' I
- Idolitrose DePiat, Feb. 2, 1954.
_f • ;{;::Melodeons '
CIONSTANTLY ON HAND or furnished?, to order
oit short, notice.. , d. LYONS 4 SON.
ANTEW:Butter, Cheese, E Smoked Huts
'Apples; Potatoes, Bemis, its S. M.
r .
'I - l'• - -*•• . f i - tititteiitiocit km -- .
1 1 1 -:, 41731111E1t6044611 . 41 i -
I'li ' -" : 1... L. POST •S; CO. • . . '
1 E now otter 0 the Publleithe 1101 choice and
‘ l , ' i : the IATEST serum of,Aoolls to be bad - any
1 - * re In the Country, and for tha!vety lowest prices,
i Vri ourvarlatlon. - 1 ! - - -
I 1 111111 flt A ;T j a r g A l. 47 L C .4l 7ll ; l . t - O G-1 . have juit
1 ..
..triridi a birge.ruldition to their stock of clothing,
1 ' ' 'sting now of.orerything desirable for the buyer
atj.nch Prices as are sure to anft. The - goods are
iID de first rate, and we warrant tbe work to be equil
if o f superior to any eyer before p ff ered in : this mar
k . Our stock ceutptises. Coata4 fine black French
.4, Frocks and Beninese; Tweed, Cassimeri.and
J, - n Sacks rind.Frecks, also brown and white Swu
m r plain and twilled. .V.rxre4--)Vbite and colerirl
, II rsailles, Valentin; Lasting, figured liarathea , figttr
! el silk and . Satin, iljul every variety, good and-cheap..
P wrs--rFine .black.Cassinicre,:lioeskin, _Cot tsvedil,
L Stlinmer Muff,. linen drill, .cottotiade, -stripe, plain,
n c eck and plaids, so cheap as to be sere of sale to
i• . who desire-0 boy. -1; -•• i -:,_:' .`,;(''- -'.' -
"1 LOVE'S AND HOSIERY Ladies and' Gents
, white:and colored Kidl4lrit*litthe best-quil
t warranted. ::A l a rgo axsortmenfof fill kind. 4 of blue,
h wn and. slate' hose, and }:hose gents rind ladies,
cotton, Lisle Abreact; Batik and,'.-silk- Gloves, Black
a ~ . 1 colors ;_ a large rssortment of black silk and lace
itts, long and short. i ' POST & C9'B. ' '
II -
1 " DOTS AND, SUOBS—,NewI fine Boots. Coarse
Boot g, Ladies One. Gaiters, Illootees and linskimr,
fun assortment of Cheap Shoes, Children"; and ' , Miss
'. Shoo" and Bootees - , Ladies fine silk-linen Slippers,
I.- L. P: & ceft.
jTHITF. GOODS--: 11 and qualities, bleach
ed Sliirtings, Pillon Cotton, Jae. and Cambric
Swiss and Book Muslim., Barred Sluslins,
1 isbops and Victoria .Lawns,.&c., figured and dott.
wins Muslins P. &Co's..
• ~ • • 1. L. POST 3: MS
ROCETtIES—of the best .a ) . nti cheapest kind:. A
t of Sugars surprisingly - ,cheap at L L POST
Cc . '
- _ .
/.1..V775--the most. desirable stock in'the coun
try at very low prices. . I. L. P. & CO.
IGOODS—SiIks, Mullins, DeLan, I?eßa
ges, Ginghams, Lawns' &c., of every desirable
vl c POST.L . Co's.,
iRGE and splendid stole of Spring Prints.
.i 1. - L. 'P." dr. Co.
QTAPLE Goals - at the lowest price.
• ';' I. POST &Co.
CLOTHS, CassimereS, Tweeds, .Kentucky Jeans
and Satinetts, very cheap' . at LL. P. keo's. • .
• -
W O ODEN WA it 1. 7 .P4tei.1 . Cedar Pai
and Wash Tubs, COCOA Nut Dippers, Butter
Ladles, Prints, Willow liaskels, Rope - Ushers, Bed
Cords, Manilla Ropes, Broonvi; a gOod lot at.the store
of • I. L. POST & co.
r161,-FLW AND . .:II-I(i'KERgL of the best
N... 1 quality at - the•lo!eq pavible rates. .
:Anil, 1854. • 1 I. L.: POST & Co.
ti OLE LEATHER, xery , •
L. 7) • •
i. .•i - Pitlts - T A; Co's
:-- ,
GbeKER I A.PTD (1-.T...118S WARE—a choice
lot,at•low prices. .
~.- - POST & CO._
lAA, Carpet, Room paper ; and Windotr Shades. •
. - -. -. POST k CO., -.
• -4 - .—
Lt 1 L7C 7 11 . 4775, spring 'style—best • quality 'very
L.) Own.. • , ~. i POST , & - ..Cit/ •
•• ...z....._ —____-..1
$ 0 Ite,lA.,
ONSETS and ' Boariet Ribbons of all. kinds, Par
asols, large awl small tl very low
1) " F 'and . " very 27
R h IMMINGSH:ery "5t11e_ .,, (1 ... e.a . 1f1e
rmiez. Co vo I
r i RAL.V.B.A GA—ofthe best quality.,
kJ-POST• 1
, . - • i . . - &. CO. 1
Q. 4 'l,7',- Lime and - plastpdat , .
CI POST & Co's-.
_ _ .........._ .
- 1 - .ADIES! COLLARS—A very choiee . lot of the,
1 J latest styles; Book Enibruiciered.Lymerie, Lao)
Meelin and lioniton imitations. 1.. L. P. & CO.
- 1
MI3ROIDERED and Lice Under:dem-og,!•
3 . 4 'cable styles; also, worked and embr'd.
and Insertings and Flonne• • "I
everyLl,CE Edgings and Inserting; ; imitations of
bJ Lind; ahno•st as goal :is genuine and,
j also pure linen-wrought'Lae. I. L. P. & CO. •
T NG11..9 NE D and Ilemp Carpet for sale:at . r
i 1 L L. POST & CO's. !
, , ..
‘,„ZU3IMER lIATS--Panaina, fine and coarse
med and Envoy bound, Pedal and Palmleaf, for
boys and men, sold very cheap. • I. L. P. &
. - T ADIE.S' and Cbildren's Flats, a good•Tariety, td
-I.J so a new lbt of the latest styles of HOennts at the
store of - I . I. L. P. &-00.
. - . 'WANTED. . - •
1? ALY of all kinde—Bcans, Dried ApPles, , Tail
low, Butter, Beewwe:t, all wool.sochs, Eggs, k.c.,
for which we will.eichange goods at caQh prices.
April, 5. " 1. L. POST Si; Co.! .
..i . •
, . REMOVAL. -. .- - . .. •'I -.'
1 .
rl IRE subscriber,wishoa: to call the attention of his
I - friends and the public to his very large assort-'
tent of • STOVES at his new Store Room in Loderx - -
eine, next to L. S. Lenheim's store, and near the . Gt.
Bend. Depot. ',lie has, in addition to his former large
va r iety-of Cooking ant larloro Stove,manytieio.pat
tin t 4, some of which are=
-St. Nicltaas, - Pearhißrande, Fire clipper;
Jindern 7'rolf; 3fokaak, • -.3fedallion, I
Black ',Warrior; Oak, Bo St4e.•
Which, together with his former stock, will perhaps
be the. most extensive mid varied assortment - of well
selected stoves in the county.
Clinton 'Stores, well ftirnished, at low prices.. 1
rj'Ail articles in his -ine . kept on hand and niatle
to order as usual, and orders received at his old stand
in Great Bend. - I ' -- .JOHN COLSTEN.
Lodersrille and Crea Bend, Nov., 1554. '
Notice to the Public.
T_TATIN'G just returned from New York I wish to
11. call the attention of my old eustoniers, and of
the public in general. my
which being bought with cash ar the lowest prices,
and wishing to sell prinCipally for the same,l will of
fer them at Ocatly redueed prices. •
• Cocheco Prints, warranted fast= colors, for only 8
cents a yard.. Good Brown Sugar, 18 pounds for one
dollar. BoontiarNails; iacknowledged by all to be
the best Nail in use, t 556 per keg. Hats and Caps.
Boots and shoes, BuffalO Robes of all prices, all Wool
De Laines Cashmeres; Parainettaq, Dress Silk, .ISilk
Velvet, &c. Mouslin De Lrtines,-.1 Shilling per yard;
Satin Bonnets and Moleskin Hats, Broche Shawls,
Double Long shawls, Thibet do., selling 'at inconceiy
ably low prices: . .I can !safely warrant-perfect satis
faction to•all who will'glye me a Calk '
Lanesbom Apr. 5;1854. , S. A: LYONS.
BLOCKS—good time keepers; only one dollar.
- • 1: . S. A. IYOXS.
Liineshciro,'Apr. 5: 1 • . -1
A p N r
ee ED— will i epai h d rd . 63-1-I°I B I4 .AT III 'L e Y . O hi N e* S II . 4"st
lesbian; Apt. 5. :
riotiyini- Pi/oatFT
taken in eichange for
Gooas, at my store. • S. A. LYONS.
Lanesbnro, April 5.i
HI-VDS & Me.IIIIILEN'S Raii Rqeul Frei y%
Line between , . Montrose Peva and . I
New Yoi k, every t i ng,-Stm•
• tinas ' -
HNDS k McMILLEN, having arrangements
for forwarding freight to New-Yurk. in tlre care
of Capt. IL R. CADAVELL, of Orange 'Connty, will
be in attendance at the Montrm.-e. Repo' 4..‘e .-r day of
the week, to take charge of such freight nna produce
as may be entrusted to them. • Returns for the same
will be paid it the Store of William McMillen.
Groceries in general, Flour, Pork,- Fish, Salt, &c.,
&c., constantly on build, for sale it The lowest' - Cash
Prices, or in exchange for country produce:
• L. R. Iltsns.. tax
-• April 18 1854. . ; '
inn amps good split maple wood; in esehenge
l/1./ for woolen goods. J. LYONS k. SOK
Montrose, OetoberilB., .• • . • •i •
rrHE subscriber offers for sale his House and Lot
1. 'situate in the Borough of Montrase,.a few rods
East of the -Court House. Tertus--one half down
and the remainder In five yearly partrients, with. in
terest..' P. LIMES.
Montrose, January 9,18 M. " • - -
LIIIINGLES.--Sliaved Shingles wanted by •
ki (October \ •• ; J. LYONS & SON
- ' NEW - 6001) - 4` _•' • 1
atkd LadiCalfirog:dcloth, Dclsiticf.
`&c. &c.just,opepetk and for said by
• "
J. LYONS P: sr;
tanley Tiwrekicelebroted"ito',Aby Qeerl . 4iirrent,
P.."god pure, -For ale dY ;, Anti. Timms.
ioutmooe, Nardi Ist, 1%1, •.1
- . csto,ooo or' NEW GOODS i - t
Great Busk fo r. the Neso',Goods •at .E‘ `ton's
, . . , ..
~ .
PlPElrdlie'lt and Eheapestfisteck of-Fancy, •, ~ ea ,
Ate land SlaOle:OoOus'ever brought into ' que.
Weis connt7. ... One kindredeasee Dry ,Good 4 corn.
prisittg 'in part is folloiss : - • •
Rich:Changeable. Sr?" ...
_ "i B r •Ai '
Obits& suet $.- 1 --'.-
;Bennet Satins; 7 - 100 pc , Fancy,
411:wool-DeLaines, ,: :Velvet Dress Cut
Parisiad - - do j ' Fig'td. lc cOlr'd.
Plaid de ensu e - ' 'Fifty }Ay:State E
Clouded de Remy, • - Cashniere •
,English,,Xeri'nees, ~ - Mocha - .\„ .'
Pacarneuo's , , • • • ~- Silk '_ -
1:34 ri
nisg! 'Cloths, ~• . - ' . Glove": Hosiery , _
.vro . - - - ' V
' Cletbs,ouhrterl
Freneh , chan i ble de'Reive, , 'Vesting',
EnibrOlered - Rebe"; '.. 'I '• Fbillriebri
Gingham - A' and ptAattt,,' -•- . Weaßlankets,
ketch Plaids, . , . -
.. . Linings, ,_
White bonds ' 1 Ticking", ..
Wringht Chiinttettes, . t . _ Dtanask !pink
i." Collars, :, , linen ' Flo
do: Muslin Edginze; - - . :. Irish Linens,
-- d4 Canabriek Ale, „, , : Bispit Mus li m.
de Linen do: J Etc. etc.
aribrd, Oct. 6: ""'
. " t 2 " - EATON
•' New Viork- city
_TIES, $500,000.
llnsureft - against Loo or . Damage 6
micro Ls. _
A. Q. Stebbins, 113 Bkoattstreet; Peter
11 Sprueeo Street; Girard Daneker, 118 '
Thomas Andrews„ 1361 Cedar: street;
So utbmayd, 377 West street; Albert - L. t,
Greenwleh steet ; James' A. Crosby,' 113
Cha's. Lent, Kingabrifige; N. Y.; Lamle,
ChieUgo, I RI;. I- Smith Illebbie,, Rai , ,
William W. Leland 'Se* York ; Peter' IL
Bank Street; Staites S. Dell, corner West.
Streets; John IL Deinj -18 \ Water itre,
Wart, 11'8.' Broadway; . Horatio N. IGa
West and Barrow streets; Peter H.' P.
'ilansevoort and West; _ i leuben 'Dow Jr.,
Avenue;: Stephen Cromtvell, Camden, 141
Wadleigin Phflatielphiii Dexter B. Brit ,
'ter street ;- unuel Sinclair, Tribune Eta.]
iuel - B. Shaw; Cleveland, , , Ohio. -
I , Dor.t.t., .
Cnintiss C. dtanKE, Secretary.
CHARLES LDR 'WN,' Agent, "M.
, .
• EAGLE i FOU.N1)11.
1.7 ed of Wilson & Col. the Eagle Au ,
prepared tolill orders erten the trade,'a
their line with 'Skill and . despatch. i T
constantly.on 'hand 'flies, (best kinds
kinds,) Cattivators, Strata Cutlerd, C
&e. dc. 417-e. .
-- We invite particular attentiore to'the
we manuttetnre. We manufacture land
The:Celebrated BlatrAlek P
We have l purchased the exclusive righ
tore and sell in this county, Wayne,
.Bradford, neßich's Patent Iron .Pear
Plow is'inade - entirety of iroli, exreptin.
It Is celebrated for its easy draught,
eaSierAban any-now in use, while its s
1 •
rability.ure greater., . .
of all kinds manufactured, and repaired
ed triachinests. s . - . .
.Steao Engines, Cearbegfor Milli,
' [ eldnex A c .-de.
Among the Stores which we mannf
Kepi/Q.le Cooking pave, Rough:and
est Queen: do., ,erendunz'ao., and oche
ranged for burning w ood .or ectal.•- Al.
• /ator, Parlor Slore,`Cottage Parlor
two sizes, do., and u variety of other
both wood and coal burners. We kee
thindstone tritinnirgs, 'Dog ; ; Churn ti
brella and Shovel and Tor.,gS Stands,
done to order on short notice and at,
. Vir Orders for Stoves, Agricultn
Sc., are - solicited from those in the I
filled at reasonable whole Sal prices.
-1 B. S
Montrose, larch 4. S. . S. P
Australia, Ca!liar
Orqznyph'ice on the.. abbe ca
!treater induceinents
HICIT is - now filled with ane
. assortment of articles in their
a general variety of new and elegant •
and gentleinen's wear, among w
French, Silk Lastirg and
Enameled Polkas, Kid; Patent Leath
Jenny Linds, Buskini and Ties :, Ge •
and Philialelphia, oak tanned calf sie
Moroeco, Calf and Cowhide. Brogans
calf and cowhide Boots and Bro_
- Misses and; Children's wear,. Also,.
ment of Findings Which consist in
spa - mblu. ' Hungarian nails , tacks,
tles,shoe binding; awls, rasps, sandst
t..c. Also oak and hemlock, tanned
soleleather, Morocco skins •and linin
Work made to . order Wand repahir
Montrose, April 6', 1,854!
• • , FOR SALE.
9 . .
A VILLAGE LOTS, situated, i -the plea
...: kJ "part of the village of Susquecanna; also,
Houses and lOts in the most bus ness parrot
aforesall village. Also, aFartd,containing 133 ~
with a. small improvement,' the remainder hcaril
timbered, situate WO miles_ from safvillage.
Susquebannais the great Centra Depot of .110'
-Y. Sz E. Railroad, situate at the I*, t of the he
grade on the road, near the great, arks of' Stow
Conewacta, and .the Cascade, and pOssessing by
ture the best waterin,gplace on the route with thi
eality of. extensive Machine Shops, 'nundry &c.;
Susquehanna, although numbering het 2000 inlal
arms, and but four , years of age.,.i
. destined
range alongside of the most nouns ng and pop
towns On the-line of this great tqo ugbfare.
- • " LP. HIND ,IA gent..
, .. . O ffi ce one door Ccif.Letihrtal
SuSquehannit Depot , Nov. 16. , 1- - - - i
• Valuable Lands IF ir.Sale.
VOR SALE IN` ONE BODY,. a it .500 ac
1: Land on the Waters of Sprin .
,Brooki a tt
of the Lackawanna - river; in I O County,P
about mid Way bet Ween the .thrivi g towns of
ton and'Pittston. These laridiA Covered
uable timber, and being stuate iu lie most eat
mineral region in ,Pennsylirtin known to t
iron ore—and believed to.aboundncoal. ani
also in "the inimediate.. vicinity - f several
i „
made acid now In progressr 7 -offer t i : the capit
opporitinitv for the investment ofnoney that.
occurs, ° l.or further infoinfation a ply to ' N-T,
sack, Esq., No. 11; Wall street iii r York, or'
subScriber, Montrose, Susquehanna county.'
attorney 1n fact of the owners.
April t, 185 - 4. . • . , HEY
• ~ , . ,PLOW Slill P.
M. l i t i N ub r lic E til li at?trlv ivi6ul
are tna 4 m n
'et .ct u f rTr i• . g
ta ft ;
Celebrated . Plovra., They also heep coastal
band, Side Rik Wayne Count* and Ida
Caltiratars, Dog Churn*, Sleigh ~ and . Cwn
Plate :Feints of - various . patte '; too I mo
mentioni - .W . e.‘ hope,' by strict ention to I,
• to-receive our share of puMlo - trimage.
'tory, D. Posts - old stand. • : - Fil 'dry, U. DA,
Searles !dill.; : "- ‘•
~ -•.-. i 1 •
- tirßepairing done onshort, mice ] . '-
• i
Feb. -6 - - -- .! ' .--- - - ' .--.- •••• i.ELIJA II 1'
THE subscriber is agent for 4followin'
Companies, • doing !main iat the
rates. I
State Mutual at Harristat ' I .
Ci alai
Cash Mutual at Harrii6e
,llimte Ntio
llontrose Aril 83''54.
LlMt s , AND T I
HE subseribr,l 6 are. trow
[AL cOllttant, r en baud,
quality' at tdontrose Depot, a
q uw ttlea tit a fair pile e.
r' s dantity v,v.*
Superior grtuud w
luwd hereitili"
*n rose P epot,
A New Vietteewd-!
nspio.rate 444
Fashionable gl
:.d Set. • •
• ete,
1. t 111.
ebret s ,
Preach Plumes,
200 - pieces Bo';
• Baker,
uel G.
aklin Stu
I, C. H .
T, N. Tz
i; oach,
land f ight
48 Eighth
'Y.; ANL .
urge ; & M.
• dent.
e. 7, are ma
id clo work in
1 will keep
I) ',Storer, t a li
I , SheLim,
?lows - libith
beep for
tr. -
o !Pandi.
' Inning sad
low. YE:
be batidl.l,
i ,g tine-• 11.41
• T igth Ilni.ldl.
SMugle Jh.
eftat, are tte
kincte:all tr.
1.1 Se If-i!itt-
. 'also 00 iialad
; ,tnings, £m.
e,.....nreA mfrs.
de,,,ami %alit
thot preserd
and xtensisa
line, emhna¢g•
sfyles: of IZ2
ich are Lifr f ,
4ers, • Kill tf
ri,. and Bratiel .
trenien's Freth.,
Aand kip Bow,
&c. Boy kip,
TIS ; all kiwi el
:general BE-Ct
rt of lasts, por,
d, 'via, lie&
nes, shoe knivc,
I calf upper 2
:neatly dote.
0' A-0 ,
- r„ilital #5l
Y. B. C 11!
I b u nting and e
of a ter!
will it
moos vishilig
o.rcasonabl e
[ be kept
two 'l' dr a
I ' A ,
I t \ 1