Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, April 26, 1855, Image 3

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..; Down EAST, April 14, 185 A.
NissEs . EntrOss :— Racing been an attentive ob
, . se rver of ' passing events, in Susquehanna Co. for .
. c omelitue past, I am pot at all surprisedat the course
parstied by the Senior Editor , of the Democrat of late.
It is in perfect accordance With his former course.--
After the passage of the Nebraska act, he was, pro
fessedly, one of its most uncompromising foes, threat
! ning political death to all its alders and abettors and
protesting. never . to support, any man for office
who did not manfully oppose
. that measure. By a
•• bold, fearless, and decided 'Course he led. many hbnest
' men to believe that .hewai. sincere. Bat seaThl . m in
the Gubernatorial contest last fall. One week advol
• eating the re-electionsof Gov Bigler as the very im ,
bodiment of Pree-Soil sentiment ; the next, making
that the aubject of Slavery could not by any possibil
ity, be made an issue in'the election.
Thus donut& blowing hot, and cold, when.
the he
and e very other man knew that the tmIN hope of
election of Bigler was that he was supported in the
southern part of the State, as the known;and avowed
candidate of Pro-Slavery men; of all Panties. The re :
suit is well known : the people .made the Issue and
Democracy triumphed. .Arid with the defeat of Big-
ler, 'perished the hopes and prospects of the Ex-
Speaker. I.'•
Is there any one who cannot see a canse for the
continual tirade - of ablise poured out, week after
week, nrrpn Judge Wilmot ? To me the reason is
obvious: Judge Wilmot has been th'e candidate of
the Deniocratic party. As such he was elected to
Congress, and his course, while in' Congress was en
dorsed by, the party in thfs District. - And his offen
ding does net'consist in having abandoned, the prin
ciples which he then 'advocated, or, in having pnired.
recreant to any of the high trusts committed to his.
hands. i
It is that. he has dared . to disregard the mandates
of party, that he has chosen,. rather, to be abandoned
by his former political associates, than to abandon
' the fundamental princip)es of his political creed.--
It is that he has contribtited to the downfall of the
~ Bop, s Demberacy," and has thni aided in 'destroy
ing the fond hopes and cherished aspirations of the
Er-Speaher. Judged by •the, , itandard of the Demo
crat, a man may, be a goodinin and worthy of sup . -
port, though/xi prove recreant to every principle, mor
al or political, that hecrer maintained, or ought to
have maintaineil Bat if -he refuse to acknowledge
his allegiance to party ; if he refuse to hold the stir.'
up for this would 'be Pope to Mount to place and
power, it is in vain that he bolds fast the faith of
"the fathers •of Democracy r -that he subscribes with
his own -hand to\ the doctrines"of a.Jefferson and
a Madison : in vain that he cries out like one of Old;
I am a Democrat and . the son of a DeMocrat ; in
the Democratic faith was I born,_ and reared, and in
the Deinocratie faith_do I 0 - wet to die." All thii is
not enough : the ambition of the • Jesuitiad aspiran t
has Geen.eheeked in mid career.' And the - names'of
those uho have contributed to this- result 'must be.. a.; etecration and bye-ward - fuming their fel.
the Glght a. .Circus -4 WI
, will take Once
a few moMents previous to the opening of the Circus
Perforrancir ' •
' = li LEVI J. NORTIVi
Comprising Three Companies in one, EQUEstemeN t
pans In the World..
This immease•Triple concern will upon entering
the Town make a '
Introducing e ihe Splendid Band Chariot. drawn by
eight elegant Icaparisoned steed, end containing '
Inimedietely in the rear will follow the Whole
Troupe of children on. Lilliputian potties. ,
AITRIL 27tial -
Doors opdn t 2 and 7, performance half an hour
after. I 1
The Equeetza n Troupe comprises the following dis
tioguished petformers:
L e premiere Equestrienne et Danseuse de Loathe,
Parte, Berlin et Vienna.
The unequalled and unapproachable principal and
Scenic Rider.
Tho celebrated Two Horse. Rider; and 100 Somerset
Thrower. I I
Mr. A. Pastor, Mr. Kennedy,
Win. Naylor, • ". Vincent,
wo Companies!
Admialstrator's Noticci "N. Hodgers, " C ar l isle ," G. Archer, • " Wheele,
Memagerie & Cir-
IVTOTICE is hereby given that letters of administra.
cease 1
ill tion upon th e testate of AMOS G. BAILEY ; Tbe •Genthastic Corps embraces Sig As •
oe - to,
Sri B. HOWES, Proe'r deceased, ha% e been granted to the subscriber, the Great Equipoise 'Artiste Moe& Isano -. a tbi
I •
and all perieens indebted to" said• estate will please ' p an t om i m i c perno ' z'
Meier: 41.• Jfar lig an's
make Unmet:Hate payment a -tind Nose having claims ' ctn. J.A.MES MCFARLAND,
will present them duly attested for settlement 1 The wonderful Tight Rope Artiste.
'EDWIN F. BAILEY, Atha's. Mr. T. Mitten Mr. A. J. FERRY.
Witllolll Extra Charge, forrnit
Brooklin, April 24,.1855.
I The Juvenile Concentration of ' -
For One Dar Onit.—Afternoot
' 1 In;Areitie Novelties of Ineffable. magnificence enti
and E.vening.
•D Y direction of the Court, I am requested to say tied ,
J. M. NIXON, Direeter of th; 13 that the Jitrorenummoned to appear before the ;
Combined Extions. Ceurt, for the second week of April Term, will not be ' . ; .
Cindenll he Forte Thievee, Aladdin or the Won-
At Montrose on Saturday ab
required to attend. ' ; F. P. 11OLLISTElt, Shy.
' del fel L. a dup i ldec., in 'all of which 19th, 1855. . I
heriff's Office Shintrose
In this Exhibition will be foun,
1 Aprg 18th, 1855.
1 The youthful/ Equestrienne 4 Ifias JENVIKCIS, ELLA
the two greatest Living Curios
ties in the Animal king"dom, niz
, I i • DISSOLUTION. I Mantiranta Maeter Wants, Master Jasxteos, and
i othere will appear.
—a LIVING 'GIRAFFE, and rill-1E copartnership heretofore existing under the ,
b. Mr. Nonrit will also Introduce at each performance
Brut of !lattice & Mott is this day dissolved.
besides a full col ection of othi ;April I, /855. ' G. R. 'HAWLEY. i t i ' ce i blbratea l Danci rp u , tu ' ll m mme AN y.
Wild Beasts all i t the moat pet
C. W• 11() rr• ,', TIM unnppomehthle Trick lioree SPOT BEAUTY,
feet health and c minion.
he •
• notes and accounts are in the hurt is of 0
altos al ts , samteious L'Utputum Ponsee, TOM & JER
31citt for e'ollection. Those interested kill please call I In% Ji,.. aais s te nt,i, a n E n ni o , ;
c i
1 1
Uncle Ned, &c. '
Censiets of the following cc- - as km' as emmenient, i
knowledged talent, .... * • in - —_ - iii - ,,, -- soi ----- - t a r y lo ---- N., ---------- 1 %%hose nit is infinite, u ill open his budget of Conti
=•..n , •
0 1
!nine, Hite kt pepukt follie.t, Vagaries, and Wagge•
. Clown ............Itm ArTf.rq. - 4 .- a'n e
......_:_lir alinfio
1 7 - frIlE fern of B . F. & R II Eaton is this dem by mu
• 11l , rwona I , la i n s t oo k ii ,tit
% and Iluthorous Eccentricities of every kind. ;
sow.• ,
a n . .-- 1. tu rd content diseohed
1 The feariese, graceful end brit- . - • 1 „ ,
,- ,i' ' g,' ,
The Fr, e- =oil sentiments Of the Democrat,hare di..
accmoil, mu, lci , tt, u tth xata
.17”7ii, art requested to i . C. C. FELL, Agent:
1 , hant American Arden in-her ' I
appeared maid the dust of the " Old ashere" where Marenj eet
, f ir, thr 0 .rp; raii.Yl, ..11#;.0 morathefrom this date. The 1 ) ' ,- - - a - -- --1
the Hon Ex-Speaker has been for ti Tong tizneseareln , Messm. +IT Kin Leßue, W.
Scenes of Equitation s Pal,- i nawdbitq p a g r i p . a t, 1,.. 7 „ ob • ~,. „ii i ,,,,i 8 ,, , h,... 1 April 17, 155.
- still, ,
I ' `e ) . ~n both,. and fiCCO /UN remain in the hands of B. la. . , n Eoatity Lands. • 1
en for the tricks of the "Know Nothine" Monster I Arnotrong. R. P•
T idinutt. Man.
ter Ma1ig.,,,,, mp , ,on and
ea haunt, his imagination ;or pernebance th'ey are . 1 . / Entin, mho may be - found at Ids former pl ice of j CIONGHES.•3 hae recently pa , gol a Pension law
• ..„, t a l l e i making en extetteive addition to the Pension:
Prof'; N ion with hie talented :4 • onone--. *led is. au:l/tmed to -ode th e eime.
1 ^ "07".1 up like the Mountain Rill, which under the p c ••- h • - if tAL wonl fe tl • I%*- • " IIF \ 1 aIIIN F EATON: t lawe 1 iefore iniforce. ;No one shoule despair of reciv-1
r o e, a; a n t can aci„,„,,,,t, . • ) I ,` z-1- ' . i RA • LI'II 11. EA - TON.
....... twes of the Hon. Ex nas to renovate the Werl,l, upon ho, aback, Mid in Genies- -• • ---
---- " .
I United States '
,fan_; Lind, either m the Revolutionary
' .
Berford. Apr:lloth .18550
.... more especially his own damaged chetacter.— , tie'• • I
- --
_, '
________ 1 war .II C. I
or •• le The act also extends to the widows
Wnat a pity the fair respects of' the muse of Tem- 1 Th e 11)/1 " . lag rare; and bel n - • I THE' PEOPLE'S STORE. • , and minors; of those v. ho pc:formed the service, who
; tifal Animal. are among the cob
a. „. a T a l ACING regentlyi %oluntarily relinquished the if non tiring would be entitled to the benefits there
aace should be so suddenly shrouded in gloom be i • •
. ((mem belong ng to thie Extubi- ' n e e• I . -
. , . , ,i.„,
.ale of Liquora - excentinn eirietle for medii inal ' of. The 'melt inn:tied ha.s the law and all Jena' forms
rte iltmaaninnent of such a Intninary before it be- time
I ter . rurt)oece. as aDi teeent: theiteople without distinction I to obi I l eesions under the said act, Lind will prompt.
i - -- to -hire. Or, that Earth's fair field!. should be . A BrFziplitn Tip-r, or Srnlth %•-• IP„S, of l'netr. heists, :sect;' or R, larinn, ere tespectfully ily ote.iin [ mndWarra.nte for applicaMs eho may 'be
Am eric i . an Japer. Tu it A frican - '
y.• ri d and dried by withholding the "Motentai
; incited as ie.tal, to call we] esantine the gnility told , • entitled therettf, for reason:able compt•nsation. - Your
Ri - -o long.
leopae"- n N kni • 'tie B .ao, • ; f F lo• h peicia of mod- tied to there'll% a% ail themeel% in, of. Warrante alien obtained can be sold fern; money at
• 1 ----t- - . • • ~N NEWTON.
loa sill neree nitlf me, I pri sumo, that the lion. ; be e a 4 LA, aat,e, a n ‘ #,,, nr e,n n e i n , , a re m% i an leion a ,nnv lA , enrage of :the intrket they mat- thn. acquire. any time, if
..oit do not
choose to locate the lands..
Min [rat, April I tt, 'lii
. . - .4. A IlEt TUIIE:ELL 1 ;Montrose March 9 1 '55
El e l enner Las nifeetken his c-alln.g. He 2:bola t i a III"
o iralat : l ` a ; Kanenurno.—'neeides a sariett of e:'
tee abeilaa Tribe, Pairens l'elicans, Swan; Birds of
l; ,e catered the ...tOnistry, or at least hare Lathed a Peralien Vic. Sc. ...' 1 ' ' : 45-4(i-i-i - PIECF:S . of Wall Paper, and Border to
.....; 1 lit/ match, fe e t. received and for sale the
raetem paper.' It must be obvious to' creey reader
7 ---.._ I 1
Crth l en ever was Irmo ht into tide market, from 6}
!rad deeion to Fist` the combined Exhibitions,- 1 , - 1 '9
4 . '..,e Democrat that hie peculiar talents, ine uneal- -
~, . Ito atleta. ft no. ,
.Box 25 Cents, Children under O years °rage half rice
Lair:tine, dottil his ardent piety, cultivated by the ; Dour, ' • v ' kleo a lot of Good Ploandis nhich pill he ' , old
re open at 2 mei at 7. Perforemaces commence i - .
elo tier than , can be boielit et any other eetatilislo
•. 7 ,Iolntional -hours spent in the "Old Saw Min," at half 0,,t. 2 and quarter . to S. ; ,
mentl. •
, 1 . F. 11. CIIA.NDLER.
no Old Asher,„" and in an upper Mtn - 0 . '''Sesulee Or' The E rapers? and•neneral Or - to IT ofbuth the . - ' / a t fqnticoe, • April 17, 1855.
11,i " hare ennuently qualified him for either Of MENAGERIE k cittet'S TROUPES • _ ra _ ___.... a ____._ •
; have been not up this Seaeo•l ie a style of elegance F in,311.::1S AN.II G A 'IDE:VEILS.
• e n . oat.ons. i 'When we reflect upon the •infinence
d a nrofusion of co.tij•deconitioitshitherto utipre- ;
=the h these (top ;:giber with the iustructions.and ex- un l
Iliho cannot get manure ennagla will find a cheap
, oedented.
-male of liii Samted Father) have exerted upon hie • ' and pow e ril p , uh-titute in the IMPROVED
t The RIDERS and GYMNASTIC ARTISTS, a full 1 rounitETTEmot i leby the lw 'Li The ll
r I
e aril character 'AC cannot wonder that FO many de - ieription of whom aill be folind io the Bills, are al/ ' qua n ' tity ii.ed,'l . he t•a• e. untileilly'lhicetitliteirs:capplietl,glannad
, 1-.5, have been deeply touched, by the mild, gen. belor•ging to the firat doze of their profi•ssion, of both !the
eexee, end are known and dieriegniehed seer; where powerful stimulus it gives to vegetate - it', render.
; manlr, kind and chrietian manner in which he re
it the cheapest and he-t manure in the world. 'lt
I a. the •• STAR TROUPE" of tho-1:4„.11,llntecl States. A
,_kei tru=e riem with which he char ed the J u d a s
I causeetlnte to come ttp quicker to grow rioter, to
.; 0- 1 MILITARY BR-ASS BAND, acconap '
..the Lam_ -ea b eam s; . and ripen l '
a, ~sailer the, Judge has not replied. It was so • red Exhibitions and 'nal phn- durien th rf
ePe an- lin the world and 'Unlike other fertilieers it can be
Ire ', calculated to fasten conviction on his heart,— I ces .4 variety ofnew and fa.hionable 3fusie. ..- • •
, tielit in . direet contact with the plain. Three dol
i[ 1 new permit me to adrift the Ex Speaker (as aI Or The Cempanies'wl,ll enter town In , lare sufficient ,to !pantile an acre of cor.—
`lend ito abandon the " Muddy Pool of. Politica" in 1 I GRAND PROCESSION! 1 I Pri ce , delirefree_of cartage or !teenage on board
!shunt 10 4. IL a after'. - ' • • . '
,an nr, paesing through the promo lof %ono! or railroad in New- • city, $1,50 per bar.
I.lcl be has so long " dab bled," (note ithstanding - •
; pal street, proceed to their I I 1 rel, for any (Amenity over six barrels ; 2 •
'erne - iind holier aspirations) and boldly and fear. i P VILI - 0' 11 -I t • • .
--L e _
1 barrels. 1t3,50 ; 8 barrels, e 5; 5 barrels. f, l B. A
-• I „
oly to enlist under the Banner of Loyola. _ Then
pamphlet with infomuttion and directions will be sent
rail he be aide to wipe out be his own act those sins THE DUNDAFF ACADEMY. •
•11, to applying f
grew and poet-pat any one or the same.
ethers over
nowreon 0 THE
Proprietor, Mr_ Ittclianetiloottnan, resttect- Address, the LODI MA NUFACTURING CO.
aly naourn. Then 1 hilly informe the public that e has taken this In- ,
74 Cortlandt Street, New-York.
all he be prepared to lead the fitithfuj into green 1 stitution with the derign of fittin Young Ladies And a
steree and beside the Mountain Rills, end adzninis- Gentlemen for the r 'mites:ion of eaching, according
to the Normal Mode; or for fitting Young Men for
the coasolatioes of mother Churth to all defeated
may other business of life. deletes. , As 0
E•Tnuma• This Institution is sittmted in the plea_cant, retired,
and healthy village of Dtaidaff, Susquehanna County,
Pa., and is unexposed to the mealy temptations and
vices that are detrimental to the Intellectaal and Mor
al advancentent of, Students. The Preeptre-e, Miss
M. .I. Swart, a biOly educated and accomplished La
dy, will take entire charge of the Young Ladies both
in and out • sehdoL Nor will they be allowed to
attend pa.-ti s, or any place of arimsement, without
teal ,
the express ennission and attendance of the Teach. 1
're- Mr. Thom soli opene I era. . Mils S Tartsent give lesson.; also in Ornament-
d the exercises with i al Needlelork, French , Pencilling. Crayoning, &c.
1 'Otte of tprime Objects of this Institution, has '
,'been to estaltlish a Normal Department, or Teachers' ;
' Course, for the benefit of those desiring to make Teach
' ing a Profession- The *bole course of Instruction
('requires three
• yeare. In this course it has been the '
object- to emblace thoae atndies of practical utility, as i
wen as those pf an educational , character; mid great
care has been, taken to so claseify and arrange them '
as to present 'to the student an easy gradation front '
the simplest the most difficult. 1
Pupils• will not, be hurried through a superficial conzne of study; nor ,
will they be encouraged in an
undue fondnees for any particular science, to the neg- ,
lest of others; but such a course will be pursue] as
f will lead to a sestematical derelopinent of all the pow
-lers of the mind, bv directing the thoughts to the study i
of principle's aid fthe relation of cause and effect, in
stead of isolated facet. 1 ; 1
Comtuou Eng.lßmr.chee, per eft of Ileweelas, $4,00
Higher, 1 .. , g• 5,04, ;
iLatin and Greek extra each, " , I • 3,00
French, Gerinan, and Italian, " I 3;00
J. Pencilling, Crayoeing, end Drawing, 3.w '
Music with use of Piano
1. , " 10,00
Vocal Music, l• I - " 1 Lilo ,
, .
Board per week i - , " 2,04
Those wishing I to board themselves; can procure ' I
suitable rooms for the purpose.
Board and Tuition Bills Inrariably in advance. I
The SecOnd teem of title Institution will commen:e I
May 9th.; and iks i Stuflies , Will then be arrenged and
classified, Studinta ere IpirSieulary requested to be
present , I I
For farther informed°l ,
&damns the Principal
We, the undersigned.lcan under the pnesent expe
rienced and efficient Bland of Instructora, who are
practically faxiailr
,trith the Normal Mode of instruc
tion, with inipli l cit confideece commend the Dundaff
academy to th e vomble - consideration of' those pre
paring thetnseives for Teachers; and all those who
desire to give tbei sons and daughters a thorough,
Practical, and liberal education.
... ~.
. • Teachers' Association.
The Susquehanna, Co. Teachers' Association
Methodist Ckarch in New Ifilford on SaturdiYs
‘rch 7.
AFociation wag called to order by Prof. W.
. 1s3::, and R. H.:oabonie was chosen Chairman
fp:towing resoltition was offered and discussed ,
Prof. Aid/artisan, IV. Walker, Wire Er. Bitten,
lir. Thduipsou and B. F. Tewksbury; I.
.e. ,, That we believe more, benefit might be
zed from the uSe;:of the Intellectual that) the prii6- -
Arithmetic in c'Oramon ichooLs. Adopted. • •
•Lf: suf.jert of Corporal punishment was then 41
, ed by J. W. Walker, Prof. Richardson, B. F.
bbcry •
and others.
Ras then unanboonsly ItesolTed, That we deem
in?portimt that exio' marlitions be held &tithe
t.fchrols in the presence Of parents.
ire time and and place of holding next meeting.
::' 6 sidered, and it was decided that when we ad
ire adjourn to meet at tht iethodist Church'
ielrick. on Thursday, Ray 3d, at 10 o'clock.. M.
thatks tray given to the trustees of the
tl4 L ,, ., - , v ng during the setkiiu'm of the
': ,-4-._-d
The'Bill for the sale of. the Public
orks, after haring frzeti so amend-as to fix.
I::tl.l.i4num price at eight million five baud
:thiusand dOlikiis, passed the Hon
::oth inst. by'. a vote (,f yeas rZ naysouse. 15:
'?:}embers froli) the Wayne and B4dfOrd
and our ciwn, all voted jtithe affirm-
tatoes and Dried Apples sawed at this
oz. sizbsaiptilia,
, -.
• B _ ---,- - .
_. •i - R ev. G. N. To 0,,
otice. - Taos. P. Putssi,'Esq.
,Quarterly nieetiO,T of the M. E. Church, Mont- 1 Dur• J. 61 : 10 DR#lis
viii b.: , held in this village, on Saturday and Bah- '• '''' u- r"crx. I
, J. 11. Focus. EN
-oal.. April Ditlt:land 29th. -.
"Y' to Commence. on Saturdai•,•at 2P. if...; on I D • V• I ENa- ~tsaa,
Euxialf, April 1: tit., 1865.
4: lit+ A.' .IL . The Rev . Pallock of 1
Lcr.n will WE-Atte on the oi:cation, •
Bator's--""---Ir:ieir ' illsollitete . 1 • J
.April 23d: - ' \ '
1 •
- .1 I NTOT/CE is her given, to all persons 'having de••
.411 lllllnclsaptinsilthe Estate or ANDREWR RCM
~ Teachers' Ezazaiistunit
flue of. Silver Lakeil dec'd tO .- present thetn to the Buhl
':''''Yv A•Pril 25 1 h, .... •.. ...... •SPringvak• t scribers, Exectitc4 aud 'Trustees of the asi4A. H.
1 4 ,- . Aped -2 9tb,;:, ...... ~. ,•-• • • R uglL I Rose,
..daly autherrticated; for settlement. - And all
. a ,y.
-,---gr ... tn ... , .............. Ditnock. i persons indebted 4 - sii4doeiz, are retpleged to make
,;ii - U23 . th,.1 . .. .., ...... ... .. Jessup: . , harnediat*paynient;
Llf April 30tb,. T,. . ' . -•
.—::. • • • • Bridges:stet-I - , , wig. MCP . 'i *)
. 1
...-. •
, 'MI. S szratii.f 7 .- "'"
' Xty ibt„ .1:: :•.. ..-, : ..... Qbson. - . i
L. llay 3d,. i ....... .. Herrick. I x April SR 1855.
__. • :
.... • • , . onniase,...,, . ; .
~ 1 1 •
itn, . ; ................ Jackson. 1
'' t haic.s Fit} Commence at o'clatic P. M.— i Ilipiti ----- fmi - ----"--------------------Innfign, WAIL-
.14 i,erboui feeling an I t
ow:mon 1 A general w ent of new goods am , spirtng
ate relumeckto Laing .
J. at our store j• ', • - . 4-I.IPONS &§o. l g;
. ; wna.AgiD XICIA44ON. •iAo 19 litilr', '. . ' . j• 1 •• 1
;•. -1 - •
, \ ,
For the Revublican.
A. d GtiItITSON, Sec.
t gira nit iltike (ire Wei mentioned in the following lint, raj , be receir' ed at this ghee on subscription, at
the camp - 4
market price. 1
Wheat V . hushel , - $10,50 @ 12,00
- -...2,00
Corn Meal V hundred, 2,6,0
c ern Tri hundred,
Bye.V bush, ...' .. . ... ...........'.. .. ....... 1,25
jAre Flour f hundred, .... . .. . . ..... ' ..... 4,00
Butter V It, . • + ' '• • • • • 0
i ch eese ' _ 16,.. i.... • • • • • • . • ..... i il ... .. /COlg . 12
Eggs 714 dos. ..._ ..... .',. .. „ ... . . ; .... ..... • .. 12}
8 @ 10
p li o a ta Pk tdes 'SuB ;'br a h' 1b 1,... .. . . ,- ' .. ‘ . ,' ... .. ..... ... 75
Appleii - fl bllshels, •.
.. . ... : .... • ...... .. 50
;Dried Applds V bu5he1, . ..... ....i ....... • .. 1,50
iOats lit bushel, . i. . „ .. - • • . 50
titeans V . buthel,„ , ........... . ....... : .. 1 60
I nnot . iki Ilk., .... : .... ..-.. - if. .. "....'• .. . ....... ..
4'12 ;
raLISIIED XVICAT paulisDAT itomairo,' A? Mormon,
PA., .1:11' #1,50 PPR',DUN=
Rates of Advertising.
One 'square (16 lines or less) one week, . .40,50
tine square " :Ftwo weeks, .. . 0,75
One square !- " Ahree week; 1,00
One square " . month, 1,25
One square "
- months, 2,25
One. quare , •
_" , three months, '3,00
One square " six months, 5,00
One square • " 'Ube year, • ... 8,00
For two or more squares,', inserted by the year, a
deduction from the,above prices is made. Yearly ad
vertisers will have, the privilege of alt ring or ehang-
Ing their advertleeMents without, additional charge.
Business eards inot exceeding five lines, inserted ,
at $2,00 per annuli.
Job Wasik. - I
This oftlei• is stipplied with. a lgood as.;:ortment or
Jobbing material; and all kinds vf Job Work, such
as Cards, Posters, Pamphlets,' &ei, will be done neat
ly and,primmtly. 1.
'1.(01». o,3lieliis:.iTe.ri.f,;
Hon. B. WELLS,
J. 11.!CHr,rrffaunng,
. E. Priisrr,
J. it F LOCCM , .
-1 5
Hotel, for thre' -- e days, upce --- cm --- aL„...,.. ..._
the human system, viz: COSSV.VP77O2V; Brow.
chide 1114'114'60n of the Limp, Throat, Liver. Pleura,
. Kidners'and Spleen, Dyspepsia, (Indigestion,) Lirer,-
_____ I Contitiairit, Ratmmayast, Scrofula c Eruptions,' Spinal
9 000 4 " 4 l ' ali i.! s or
sizes and made from i Cotnplaints, Diseases of the eve and 'ear, Nervous
.... double
,ross tin. at less than Merchants , Weakness,• &e., dc. - Particular attention given to
usually pay to sell again,' for sale by the Subscriber. I the diseattes. of Females and Childrin.l The vluions
We have come to •the conelusion to sell pans -to Far affections Of the Uterus radieally.evev47l,
avers st.s low as we Will to the trade, thereby saving I Dr. Harris is Well acquainted with both Homeopa
to the Farmer our profit. . Our wares are warranted I thy and Allopathy, having been in constant - study and
;to be perfect inevety Particular-or no sale. , • practice for the- last twelve years, and having first in-
Term—('.ash or abort credit. --
I trodneed 'Homeopathy 'into-Binghamton, N. Y., in
r .. ; •'J. '
New Milford April 1, 1855. 1 1847. - His plan bf treatment is mild, safe and Efflea
• . • I does, and' different erdnt fro thatOf any other - physician,
..,--------. ----1---------- 2 I l i e d eurt.P. in all stages of the &ease.
I A PENNi" SAVED" IVORTEI TWO I . -- 4 - 1)i ITN' 'lli h •testimonialsf ' I abil
) ~,, . r, as o c tweeter, -
I 1 •. •. EA It ED. ' :
try and - sklll, trent a number of the morn eminent
T WITTENBERG &no., 3lontrose, Pa. take 1 ntidical Men in the city of New York,,.among them
- e.) • this intethnd of"adit‘ing their old friend; and ; the celebrated Di.,. Valentine Mott.
!_custenners and the phblic;at large, that they have just ! Per.sons Wishing Prompt relief:or permanent cureel
I received sad opened the iargest, prettiest and cheap- : -will do
to call without delay.. Charges moderate. i
eat stock ofREADY MADE CLOTHING ever bro't t Consultation freeli Patients visited at theiiresidences
to this piaci., which they jotter:lt a small advance from lif desired. Offiee': hours from 7in the morning 'until
cost, thereby offering purchasers the rare opportuni- : 9 in - the evening. I ,
tv of obtaining ~ i todi 'at'abciut two thirds the usuall - '. • •
• ' , Adcantages.• - •
price. ! •• , 1
Also a large assortment or Dry Glin ‘ de, comprising' The adv•ttntag,etl of the Homcepathic treatment of
for Ladies Wear, new styles Brocade, Stripe,. Plaid, I diseases a i m I- i ,
'let . :That patients treated Homeopathically, usual-
Plain autl clian ,, eable Sae Helaine.., Muslin, De Bagel -
are cured much: sooner than by any other practice.
Berage delainrs 'of new arid , elegant designs. All the't. I S
2d. That.nuiny patients can be cured by Romeo.
latest stn les Of Ladies: Dregs Goods, French Lawns, !
ti l Who cannot be cured by any other
Prints and Gingharn-#. A handsome assortment of 1 Pathis remetlie
Dress Trimmings, Embroi- T
led Sleeves, Collars CuCults, I trea e"t• 1 , ' 1
etc. Jaconet and qwies Edgings and Insertings,Gloves ; Pm; Tht patients treated IfonaeopathitWly, do
• not haNteetolabor Under the bad erects of' the tuedi
r•Mits, Hosiery, Veil, and I Para.sols.
Their assortment of Shawls is very large, embracing i cute they have iakin to cure the
every thing 'that la rich and tathionabie both foreign /
and domestic.
Their Bonnet Department is large and completti; t
embracing the very latest styles, with Trimmings, to !
match. - .
An extensive assortment of Irish linens, napkins i
toweling, table covers, curtains &c. .
We have also it supply Of,hirts, Gentlemen's C O l- I
lars, Suspentlers,Oloyes, tnibrallas and a good many
other, articles MO mention. For bar
gains the public is respeciftilly invited to call at the
cheap store of • ! t-• ' - .
. .• f ,J. WITTENBERG k BRO.
corner of Chesnut & bweg+t Streets, four doors east
of Post's store. .. . i. I ,
-- --;--
Adminiettrator's Noticet
"INLTOTICE is hereby'giveri to all persons haying de
l.. 1 mands against the oiitte of - SilaS F. Melinne,
I •
/ate of L.:theta - Jon:met; deceased, to present the
sam e duly attested for,setilement, and all persons in
debted to salt estate will iplease make payment ilil•
mediately to the subseilher Fn Harmiany toWnshlp, to
whom letters t administration have been,dulpgrant
ed, , : , 11,013ERT MeItUNE,
115w6 I ,
Adinin' istreor of S. F. licKune.
AdiailaisiraliOr's Notice.
INOTICE icy hereby #ive:n that letters of adininis
! tration de &raja ston npon the. estate of I,afaY
'ette Wihnarth, cleansed, Aare been granted to .the
subscriber, and all persons indebted to said estate
pleasewill makc immediate paymeri, and those yet
having claims will puTsentithem duly attested for set- ,
Jackion, April 9, 1845- - 16w6
new; Jerelryjuist arrived, direct five 1116
lvi manufacturers, and donitistlng of a first rate as :
aorta:lent of WWI' and Gentlemen's - Ggld ringer ,
Rings, Breast Pins, Bar Drops and Hoops, Curb, Feb
and Vest Chains, Slides, Keys, Stilds, Pens,
Persona wishing on purr' Juute Jewelry, should certain:
ly call at the ',re of' 1 4, TUMULI,
Montrose April 12, 1225. 3
fOr Nate.
A Good woad Ned buggy for oak by
Ma ims% 4,e1 1111 W,
Change of Time.
atiteMfter*hursday, April 19, 1855, the Mail
P tiger Train will depart from Scranton: at
11.50 A. K. Duo' at Great Bend at 2.40 r. M. Con
necting Wit/it:he Dunkirk Express West on the N. Y.
4k E. 11. R.: - • \
Returning, willleave Great Bend 3.'20 m.,
due at Scranton 0 1.. and
The Actionsmodation Freight will leaVe Scranton at
1 v. w.. due.. at Great Bend at 6 F. 114, connecting
with the Steinnbrixt Express East, Mail Train West,
and the Night EXpressea East and Wait on N. Y. 41;
E. R. k • •
Returning, *leave Greta Bend at ± a. m. on ar
rival-of Cini?lnnatKExpreas (East, Due at Scranton '
12,20 m.! ' •
' D. 111 DOTT ERER,Superintendexit. •
DASS ' ENGIED-Sitrill find Stages at We'.s Hotel,
I. Montrose; Pc)which milt in connection with the
following Train&
Leave at A. V. Connecting with the Freight
Train front Great Bend, for Scranton.
Leaie at 12i P. Connetting with Mail Train for
Great Bend;,(Thii ;train meets Day Enireas West.)
Leare 21} P. M. Connecting with the } Freight se
,comodation Train tOi Great Bend, and the Mail Train
for Scranton. '
Leave Depot for Itcintrose on_ arrival of all the'above
trains at Deptit, except Freight train frotn„Seianton.
Ailimitalstratior's Sale;
Notice is herebyigiven that by direction of an or
der of the Orphans! .Court of the County ofSuiquehan
na,-to me directed„l will expose to public sale by ven
due, on - Saturday 26th of May next, at one o'cloek
P. M., all that certain piece or parcel.ofland late.the
estate of Henry Behsonjr., situate in the township of
Jackson in said county, bounded North by 'the - lands.
of Orrin Matteson, oil the East by lands now unoccu
pied, but 'tinder , contract fro* C. L, Ward, ou the
South by lands of Menry Benson, and on the West by
lands of Ifarvtiy - Sinith, containing thirty one acres--
mostly improved,and_ on which is young orchard, a
dwelling house, barn, and other out louses,
Sale to be held upon•the preruises4tenns of payment
made Itxiown an the, day of sale.
ja.LMEDA BENSON, ddmr`x
17 wn, April 24 qBirs. 5.
; . ditAND, FREE EXHIBInot
Az Exgninzoy.- ,
, .
, . .
. • 1 . \.- •.'i NEW GOODS
I'lle itubsCiitiers haVe taken and fitted up the new
building on di el west side of Public Avenue, two doors
abote Searle's Itotel, and are now receiving a large
and well selectt . !d assortment of.' ! ' . '
;.Fall,:and Wiwei Good*.
Their stock is almost entirely TER, haring cared
but a very f4ri"goods from. the late destructive fire,
and comprises their usual. variety of DA'Y (700,D5,
Geocelies,' Cro itkery. - Trardwan: Dregs,/ifedicines,
Paints, '_)lls, l l)Yestuffs, Boots, Shoes, Leathers, Glass,
Jewelry , Watches, Silver Spoon's, ()locks, Yankee
I Notions,' & e . A - &. We are thankfulibr the patronage
hithetiohestowo upon us, and trust that our ens.
lomers, ;and the , publicegenera ll y; :will not Ed! to give
us a calf in new location, rohfident that we can
supply them with goo 6 on as firorahle terms to here-
tofore. • ' BENTLEY At READ -
31 onti 4 ose, - Notrettiber 30, l$ 54.
't • .001E0PATilisTtlisT.he.
of Vidiersity of New
'1 rtrA:TE: memo
0:1;, , in Montrose on the tlth, 7th and
.. .t - h_mi___mt_ll ; _and may be consulted at Hatch's •
e tters of Administiation of the Es'tate of Hannah
../ Bolles, late Of ;Jessup township deceased, with the
:Will annexed, hare been granted to the, subscriber.
All persons indel4d to the said estate are requeited
to make payment; and those having •claims or de
mands against the - estate, of said decedent, will make
known the same whhouti delay, to j 1 •
. ' CIIAIRLES AVERY, Admmistrator.
Montrose Feb'. 28. 185/2 • 1
I .i. 9w6.
. r
________ t_ •-i.,:. 4_..... - .4._ ,
A large qmintitr oft Delains--a large quantity of Par
ametta--Silkf Wool and. Cotton Plaidilruslin and
; Cambric
.Endirbiders—Dressltimmings and Buttons
i —a largf• stock of .Ready Made Clothing- a large
stock of Faney artikles—and a few Books will be sold
r at Cost till the' lsCof -April next by the - stihscriber.
February $4 18.515. F. B. CLIAND,LER.
- -
T HAT thißpantih Court has decided not to sell the
latn4 or Cull, but Joseph Wittenberg & Brother
have recently dot' ded to open a new store, in the
building of L:Bearre, a few doors east of Post's Store, .;
opposite WiNon'ii.idirelling house, corner of Chestnut
and Owego streets, /there they will keep on hand a.
•gpleutlitl assortmeni..of Ready Made Clothing; also in,
atlditition to this, a good assortment of Broad Cloth;
Castituere, Kentuekey Jeans, &c.; in short, a general 1
assortment of Gentlenien's furnishing Goods. Also, a
.splendid assoitinerit of Ladies' Dress Goods, Silks, Me.
Tinos, Detainee, Aliiincaa, Embroideries, Mewls, Lae;
es, Dress Tringniug% kit, 4a., all of which they sue
termiued to offer ha the public at very low prieea.-..r"
All Goods wairitntoil to, give satialmtiou s as well i" I
quality as In prlse,l
Please give its *llea before purchasingolsewhere, '
Mont e, itia, 26 # 1864, i
Tbe ctsti - srtoetship heretofore wasting tilevean the
sobseriberii undsr the firm of E. .S Kent k Co. is
this dotydissoifed tootosi consent.
E. 8 1 fENT & CO.
Thisoirln Apr. 2; Noir
~ ~~`
ail . r:
Road *might. 'Line between Mon4iimietlnsi
_it New York.! The subscribers will continue ftieir;
connection Of pia past year for selling- Susqueh — a
Co. Produce on_bommitssion. -
MATRZW r,, l.4laatuittrios, will receive a n d for*
freight for this cOmpany at the Montrose Depot -R
•-• Thankful' fol. past pa ; and being: sat' .
that their arrangements for ' •g of produce of,
every kind wall enable,thsuzi to give general - • -
eon,' the sibieribersitiust that . New Yoik pri-
prointot returns, rind their usual 'strict attention 16 e
business, will insure to them a continuance of (Isidro
heretofore so libaiafy hestowed upon them. . I
The' returns will be promptly paid in current money
by Mr, Harrington, who will also Make liberal adya
ces on consignment when desired:. - • -
Our marking eirds have • been left with • the •
Road Frieght agent Mr. Case who will attend tot
T warding goodsr l - Consigned to us on other daykthan
-uesdays. 1; . _
. NE NH. HOYT. •-.
Montrose March, 18415:
Persona residing outdo!' the:vicinity of Montros
wishing to sgnoLl us Produce can do so by eomdinink
it to HOYTik BEYANS, No. 187 Reads Si N . Y
. ,
- , i SOLDIERS' RICH IS. - • - \ I
. To allwhiaM i ilt may Concern.,
By a recent :tad Congress the Bounty Land la
_has been extended to embrace almost every case of
of military,service:' • 1 1 -
All persons Who have ,b‘vn engaged in Military
'Service of the United Bt4tes, for a period of fourteett
days or upwards, :are entitled to one hundred tint?
' sixty acres of Latici, if they have not received it, an 4
'if they her; re ceived less amount they aro entitled
to sufficient to Matte up 3t30 acres. •
Revolutionary, soldiers; Viand soldiers of aniand ill
.wars in which the United States have been engaged
'since, and if de'eepsed, their widows or minor chill i
dren, are entitled.: ' . 1 - I
Officers, tu
cers, Senert, Marines, ClerkS and landsmen i
'the Navy, their ividowa laid minor children are alsd
' entitled. • 'I ' • ~1 . ' • 1
; Wagon masters and t amsteri, employed for the
, transportation,of military stores, are also ebtitled,..irg
Ile manner. 1 • 1 , . i
i lam still enrAct.l
,in obtaining Bounty LSnd Win.
tants, and. Rail willing' to do the business ;upon th
Most liberal terms, and although I.have no Motive, t
spend my time and laboracititout.eharge .yet I w I •
do the business at the; lowest price that 'I
can do •
honestli aid lite; 1 1.
. , Those having elaimi I believe will find it material y ,
to their advantage to Call upon me beforb going els -
where.: • ; 'i • *
;:. After time w .l 1.
arrants are obtained, if any of t he tra -
eanices dimire o dl themil am prepared-to pay t e
highest cash m rket price. :• , , •
lan, also e tgaged 1 in the prose • cution of oth r
Claims against , he Goiertiment of the United State ,
Such as for Per sionii, Back Pay Extra Pay, &o. Sm. 1
BANKLLN FRASER, Att'y at Law. !
Montrose,if y114,'18,54 1 • w
ati it :law giving you addition
lands.. Thole ishb nave already received w • '
.are entitled to 'quire.' a Danville men; come o
. now and I will get: .youi Widows and :ni l
nors of deceased rioldieraar4 - entitled to the same thei
husbands and Lt,theriwouldAre if living. I have
fresh.,froni,Virt(shingtonYaiid the necessary form 1
or application. rOula t Ors from a dist+ nce .are abou
trying to get thosti largelY ititrested lei sign bjr, • Be
ware of such, and gap% 'sell ;for a song. I'll do you
' bitsiness 'accura t ely ;f and iiromptly account for th
hill value of your, Warrants! when obtained. Fr
three years' succiek-fal experience t know I can do th
btasines,s right, .and tprotrer 'son my services at rea
sonable rates and quick lettirna. L. F FITCH. •
.itontrose, March 6, 1855 1 .: \
, ,
r % 6CT. R.,TII,A.YSII, 'takes. this method of saving ,Jl-7 to his fiiendsand usthiners; that he has again
rOaumed the pratiee ofnaedicine, at hit; old stand at
Montrose ; *here he may belfound at all times unless
prefessionally eriplo Ord. Ere would say to .those in
dated to him; thit he.lwill,'dediwt twenty-fire per
ceht on all account* pith' hefo:re the first of April next,
(or if any poor likelm . yself Twill deduct fifty.)
Alontroac, Feb; 20,;1855. I ;
. . .
li.ALLOO, . 12 iALLCItO,' TiIIS WAY.
'HB iiubicriber ivouldimfbrm the citizens oillcint- ! .
A. rose and the ... piddle - generally that he.hae bought
the Gi,ocery formerly ikeiit ti y Is: H. Fordham le Co.,
in 'Lycins and Chandler's building on Chestnut street,
in theiborough ofllotitrOse,..:#herP he has' a fre'sh as
socurnint of Groceries.; and iitill keep constantly on,
hand, Flour. Oysters', Cheese; Sugars, B .ri . up,•Moti.xsei,'
Mickerel, Nuts, Calidce,'Toq, Oranges and Lemons,'
Figs, prunes, Saidinesi, Soapi4;.Xinegar, Coffee, dried
il,cll,ig and'Flouis,. Heiring,i sack. Salt, Pies, C: —c
Bepr, - ankee Notions, aridcither, things too numer- •
oul to nen tion, whioli
.will b..iilsold cheap fbr cash or
most kinds of codutry pinduhe. Call -and see. A!
share Of public patronage is solleited. S. S. 310TT.
lion e, March P, 055. IV . ''.
• '
TIIE 'subscribe'r:i' &T. learli to inform the'citizens
of Brooklyn and yicinitrthat they haire just re.
ceii•ed a-lot of .S:tioi.e.v, which they , offer -for sale as
lox a; they can be inirchased the county.
• .4 LSO—A lot bf - BTOVE APE and Elbows of the,
different size-, at i4a,nlifarl.r'iii.t prices. -
IV.eLVTED--04.11r0n, Coiiper, and Brass, in sx;
chabie for'Stores qr other winds. -
• . 4
1:1 ---A-FNEW,itOCicof7SVinterSnawn.ll--reeel
for sal_e_lnwA.P.2.,=,-sitivrt HEMPSTEAD.
- •
. • WANTL'IIs -
i '5,000 bushels of Oats, 1,1,0 0u bush..Driecl Apples.,
2,600 bushels of Corn, !. • 1,000 bush. Buckwheat,
1,040 bushels nfRYN Srni " Beans, • ,
ind;any quantity.oil l the highest market,
piices, in exchange . for goodvby
Brooklyn, Nov., + 54. ' 811.111141: lIEMPSTEAD.
1 • • •
received Liy I ,i s J. LYONS &SON,
ciiEET - 111L'Sre,itn l w lot f) , lr the. Vale - Z.:Plano or
r i.J 'Melodeon and s Very beautiful piec
es just, published-44d by •'! J. LYONS & SON.
reit more left that *ill be. sot l re-y eheap.
Piramettas; Cash ems De -tines at gteat banns, ins
at, LYONS &.,,SON'S. •
fresh siipply of-Gi,dcetteijus, opened by
, -
- ; •ii . LYONS & SON:
1 4 Ell., gallon. Syrups at 4, 5 &
t . ' V LYON , &: SON:
Motares at 3 shillin
G shilling., by
kkRIVING elteryiFe'o7,•stt.k LAThROP & COL
, January Ist
, ,
shalvcis stud DeLanes,
QEL LING off at groil. Oafgai** Call op
. 4ar: nary lst I A - ..rtATIIROP‘t CO's-
.• • . 500 Den 0,0. 1
WAFTEWA-' , TED j . • 'A- ATEIROP & eo's
Grain: tirain 1. Grain.
(10,01 kinds, and at, '
the highest prices bought by
VAnnary Ist i
.• A :LATHILOr k CO's.
frritkL4 IRlnnd valz lat. & (55's
13fontrose, JainiairY I; IF*
Stenyns and Turnrvin i
rrk-subs.cribers hafti , made arm' gements to Air
_ ' nish to persons tilioinaY be in want of them, the
above named invaluable Safaca, at' the same prices for
whfehithey can be obtained at the mantifacturee&—
Ravin experienced die benefit of such arvarticle 'du
ring the late conflagralion oUrselres, we would earn
estly recommend to otbita baring valuable books and
papery i; the preserving dfl which - Would be of immense
importance to them, net to do witbout one.
Prices rupg e flor a 'sit to $500; and we can explain
toanj. one wishing to! Purchase, the. difference in,
stile, size, price, &c., and furnish them on abort no
tier, with the Internal arratignient to suit the pur
chaser. •• • • ' .11E4TLEY READ.
Montrose, December O p 184.1
' Sash aad 1311acs..
AviN a D.c: B .ttoiiii s o i tzi t z o :g e n r st b ai:tly on hand
• 'J :LYONS it SON.
. 'ap!r Itanging•. •
rOO Rolls just
, opettid . ,* and ,Dine for 6 ets. per
by J.I LYONS & SO4.
fie4l? suppli of eta°, Sugar,
NA Tea, Wee, Crackdrtgi just received and for sale
tip' J., LYONS & SON.
H . poops.
WE art receiving this week New. Good; Just
purchtuted in tile city, which renritent cur Assortment
cove l l)kie,•and which we 4tTer on the moat iltroratle
term*, it the new buikting,ene finer above . the Prat
Office, ; IiETLEY'it READ. \
Montiose, February fi,118.15. : : •
0401 M Denther; Colt ins,and 'Puns,
Hips--s; new euPPliiiihn rEWelswil r and for sale
+ - ' 1 1 1 BIZILEY READ. •
0110+er algid irpitfotity Seed fiff sale b
• New aliliord, /Web El; 181 i U.
•, • • 1,
------- ----r---
TRE suttscribers offer fl3r sale on •themoi.t. fiberal‘ l
and easy !ertii.l,one of tbe ' st located fanns'for Making
niciiwy in Northern Penn, lvania. The said farm is
sit aced on the Newbiirg and Owego Turnpike; two
mill s;of Mount Plc t.village, and twelve from
thet:l4l . Y. d: E. R. IL, al levy conveniently situated
to Ettirches; Schools, G tt-mills,' Saw-Mills, Blacht
sat ishops &c. It con its one hundred and sixty..
on ncrea, one' hundred of it under a good State of
cultivation, well iratered a d good Imildingla, consist
inOftt good framed house . well 811631(410ff, and 'very
. conveniently arranged. Also two - good barns and a
goof! barn shed well calculated for convenience.' two
largbnchardi; yielding from 500 to• 1000 bushels 'an
ttuallA mostly grafted fruit!of_the best quality. The
fa i. 4 *ell adapted to gm king sufficient to keep a
largl! Mock. For price and terms_ apply to -13. F
EATON, or to ALFRED LAKE, on the premises.
Int4ord. Dec'.'l3 1854 -- •
4 - '
.lore and More Nen; GOOds.
IBURRITT is now receiving new and full
.I- ' .}: supplies of Goods for the Winter Trask, in
ng a new and elegant assortment ofrreiich .11c. :
rino>ai Merino and L'ashmere Plaids; Plaid, Fan
cy att&Plaiw De Lanot„, Paramettas, Bradt..., Square
and Iliing Shawls, all of new and best styles, nn'd will
I be stld , at,2s.per cent. less than last year's pi ices.—
1'.4.150i 'view aKsortmeht of Rich Maori* and Bonnets,
I 1144 ' Silk Velvets. for 'Cloaks and ilartWla.t„ Rich
! Silk and ,Velret Drees Trimmings, Mohair /frail
Dre , Rigolets &e. &c., with' a general as.4ortment
of o e'r STAPLE and FANCY G 0010,: Es usual, Wilidi
I huh gi)maght under the priment pressure of the cash
' Inarki . !clvill be sold at corresponding and reduced
Prir .! ciLii -
• alilford, Avember 27, 1151. - - . •
TA Chane° to Make Money: _
.4 P#01"17411)1,E . ASI) 11 0'014.4BM; EX-
A it!' _ ' PLOYMEYT.
ii)c)'l , libfferib e i is desirons of haiing an agent in
ta l ch county and town 'of the Union. A capital '
Of fronip to $lO only will be required, and anytidtg I
like all'efficient, energetic man can make fl-out three;
to tirq dollars per day ;—indeed„ agents
now eMployed are 'realizing twice timt sum. Evers.
inforniittion Will be given by:addiessinglpostpald,)
i• .. ' ',•
'%; ll : 'Atm 1161, Philadelphia, Pa., Post Office.
r rli E "'Trivia' Goo&
..11., cOred at I. L. POSr et:
twalitp!styk, And price.
Staple Dry Goode, Collars; Sleeves,
, Dress Goode, ledgings,
Ll6llta qnd Cga l sintelva, .aunnt-fa,
1 'bil e Goods,- and !!‘rraaulft.
H1NG , ....a line stock. Groceries of ill vari•
etlei:ganiware, Crockery,. Looking Glaaaett, and In
every cTi:partnaent their assortment i f IgOtKI, end .at
prices to,,imit. ' •
Itontroie, March 20, 18515.'
1342 and.
TALLOW abto, Fanners tools fin gen
" Pwr
il i
- 1 -
aßEair c3aPozatrin
A 8 we are anxious to close Out our Stock of cloth
-21 lag to make room forbur Spring and Summer.
purchase we are selling it at greatly siedticed priela
.C2ll, as 'now la the' time: to. buy sbeap. •
Over coats from lOl,OO to . $lB,OO. Dresi, Frock and
Sack coats, good patterns and new styles. Pants from
$1,50 to 118,00. every of
,averyStyle.- Gents.. Far.
nishing Goo of every kind.
15 per cent. cheaper than ever offered :in Montrose.
Good quality and neat patterns selling at coat for . .
February 1,185 S— -
• All Right Agalll.
rrilTE subscriber would respectfully announce to his
customers and the public in general that he Is
again prepared for the Boot and Shoe business.--
Rasing just received from New York a choice -lot of
Sole and Upper Leather, Calf Skins, MO Skins, .4c.,
ell oak-tanned. Also, an assortment of Ready-made
work, consisting in •part of Men's' Thick and Calf
Boots, Boys Boots, Children's Strap Boots, Women's
Enameled Union Boots, Polkas, Kid Buskins, Silk
• it asting,Fox Gaiters, Goat Lace Boots, Enameled Peg
ged Boots, Misses Kid Lace Boots, Children's. Roan
13oots, &c. &c.—which will be sold for cash cheaper.
than can be bought elsewhde in this market. Re
pairing done neatly. s • -
; Please call and examine. Store first door east pf
the Odd Fellows
Business hours from "the time to work" until the
time foi "rest"-and "refreshment." Grateful for past
favors he hopes -by strict attentionsto business ,to
merit a continuance of the same. • \
N. B. Being somewhat in want of the "one thing
(tnoney,) he would suggest, in • the mild,st
Manner possible, the propriety of those in6bted call.
lag and settling the some immediately. Nuf ced.
Montrose, Dee. 4, , ,1834. • C. M. SIMMONS.
H" juin - received from" Neiv York a full assort
ment of NE lfr 000/3, comprising a first
rasev Goons, which will be sold. extremely lon- for.
cash. Having recently sustained a loss by tire' fat
least five thousand deliars, above insurance and goods
saved, I fancy I hays;; strong claims for the : patronage
of my frhinas . and the:public generally.
. / I ask •no man
to give ; to me, neither do I ask •or expect additional
pfits !in cousequenee of said loss./ I will Sell goods,
low,lif not lower than can be bought elsewhere in
t 'is town or county. All I ask is that - patronage 1
a t
&Om the public which will enable me with industry to
'slimly but gradually replace the loss sustained--said ..
liii ; 4 being the hard earningsof a life ofansious toil.
; ! .StOre at the lower end of'the burned district, on
Main street; a f.mi doors below the corners.
lldontrose, Pecember 14; 1854. /.1 •
a•L . READYt•
• • PEOPLE: . . 1 1
Av-• .
Ci a O l D ar ß g tr e F aI F E w L c H n HE ni tt ec h te al d -e
a c_o t n o T t an in t . l n y t o o n f ba ti n n d
wire, • Reels and for wells, plintiv, cistern
•painps, &c., Hydraulic Rama, Japanned "tfares • lead
' pipes of all sizes 'Job. work done; with neat and despatch ; all or den; promptly attended to.
. F -
kept constantly on
° hand . , a large assortment of stoves
'of! be latest iiriproved and approved patterns. Our
experience bathe business enables us to select those
that we can safely, warrant to give efitire aritisfaction.
/Arbougst our numerons stack can be found the
ll'atiagon air. tight Star-of the . lrest,i - Elevated
INe3v World, " Clinton, I [Oren.
!Atlas, • . " Cultivator,-
_ , Fire Fly, .
Phoenix ;
States, -". IVe,•itern Qneeu, "
;Globe, in
Prendu. .1-
H; A. Wpoiatcri
llwould take this
,inethod to esprem•nlyisenge of
pride and ' eisfeere gmtitutle to the large "Inijority of
If erehants• and d...alers in good old Susq. Co., W I'6' hare
Ifrintlly patronized Inc in New York, as weft the
iimity•others, hi the,different sections of the ;country;
ndl would most.revectfully ask n cOntinua4 of their
flivors, aswell as those wlio hare not as yc found it
tiong - enient to • call and Leconte cuitontem ,t 21.5
teati St. - (&e business card.) - I •
' Very Respeetfally, " I If. C. TYLER.
VITHEREAS.I have, just received a new i stock of
Winter Moody which have been bonght at the
priees, and whereas I tun in great ivaut of Cash,
iyoPlen Yarn; Corn, Oats, Rutty-, Eggs,'Wootl, (four
ft:tet long,) or anything . clse to llcp a pdor roan from
sbulring, I am hound to sell oods at a, very low
figld'e for any of: the alicive articles. Just call and
tike. a look, that's all! • S., A. LYONS.
LAnesboro, January 1, 1855.
NR( id s...7lkawltt,
:OCITE aad Fieotell Phi
nog; Paramer
11,4ineaboro, Jarrui
. ii - , ; L
;4-Y-- (Tiound--irrF
side - of.PUblic- Avenue. • •. -
.IfOntrose, November 15, 1354.,
PACTS FOR TUE pr.opi,r,.
• . fit subscriber is carrying on the CH-1/R-11.A A - -
trxv lIUSINESS in all its ralious branches at
to 4 Chair and Ware Sfiop -in Ilarford, where hiay he
c l
ud a greater rariety . of Windsor and Rocking
aiiii than at any other establishthent in-the county;
ifIL Flag an.l Cane * Seats, Bureaus, tedsteatb Loung
es Settees, Tables; Stands, &c. &el, nil of which will
be sold at the loweaprices 'at retail, (or ‘wholesale,
AI • h:.;mllort notice.) Alli work warranted - well 'made
actd of good material. Short credits and small profita
f w ic il s 4 my motto. For ilemon - stmtion of' thelebove
' ; 'please call at my shop in ITarford villa -
• -
, -..; •
•• - .A: W G,RBENWOOD. •
• • flarfortl, October 12, 1 , 354. . . ls4¢m- \ :
Tinsodiy and Clover sett! at '
6. r.
; • oita STOCK OF STOVES . .
Ts Arollf.
. O qMPLETE—ftud, would take this
-1 A
opportunity: to 'Say that , . We. can abont•th'e mint
beautifni and aplendid pattirns of Parlor.arid Cooking"
Stores to bO found in the county.• Arnono tben'4Ao'
be seen! the ftcvelving Front and Gothiefirlor; roe
wood or, coal, entirelyneW and decidedly pretty stolreo.
Prices Aomitive 'to ten drillers.: Of • Cooking Stones'
we think it 'fleet - Nen to say caucti,_only to rebutrk; that
we are ?Olio g them, at our former prices ; arid judging
front the rapidity of Our sales, we believe, the pobiie
aro - entlrely Sath4fied with our prices and tln
of our wards. We have:"a few more let!" Of --the
~ "Clinton•Air:tight Plevaied Oven Stote."iackootid:
edged to he the ,heat CMi r illg stove now in USe,
sin and English' Stove Pipe at old pideekand
mings and Tin Ware of, all dermiptiona tit ,- the vary
low tut rate 4,:, • J..,DICXEIWAS,
Now Milford, October : .,:n,•lB4l i _ '
eqfOICE and fancy articles of Soap and Hair Mt;
aka, - oine Of the finest Perfumery at•the store
of • ra,. ran t , ciYA
notv being
'CU L are tk.mieuble In
XTOTI6E hornbY given that lettereolidminiatOk i
&ion tilDion the estate of JOIIN lato,dott
AppollaeOlitOwneLip, deed, have been panted to kltO
ttle/ersigiledii and all pereons -indebted to watt! Mato
will please make innuediate payment, and Oman hai.
ing claims will pet*ent the.same_duly itteeteil ftw
vettletnelit. ' • i • WILLLVII 11.1N1X . 1
AppoLlecoa i 31erth 655. 12,6.
A1.X.11161111P. • - • -
A Finti'ssurtuteni of new pods Just received
the Fatttleee 18terei &nit EeEk for yoursolvos„,
Cost iottniatiOg to looltgtd but little- to buy.
• - R. St
Retureits. /farelrlft, !Ogg. _
. •. ,
, -
- - . GARDEN SEE DS, -. 4 \' .-
A..FRES II lot of Shakers', Rocheitert'.araLCoonao
-21 tient Garden Seeds jinit opidted'and tor'aile by
Marelt 20, •. j ''' - ' - I. LYON&
•"....... ~... . •... . .
prix Ttmaitlii i and elOvei Seed; at
-a• - F; B. CM&
- &e. ake. - ,
and Ivor Paint Lever, niihgr and L.
pine Watch ;just received end fbe sale by
A GOQD assortment et Jewelry, conastieg ofEwr
Mils,' Ear Drops, Areas Pink Yiegir
&e. justreceived at . BENTLEY &atrial-
flea, Table , ns. .
DesaeFt, Sugaz, &e., warisittedßre,
for sale 14 - BENTLEY RE
Itoota_antre s .
An unusually gond assortment•of the bast make v all
fruit and perftect for.sala by RENTLEY k REA.%
....._____ __
Draiiii.iisid- Nedifelisiell. .• ..- -
A fresh. stock genuine Drugs . and •Medielites,. .Patuale • .
Medicines, Penns, thls, Dye-stuffs, &e., for sale by
Dect. - 13.) . I t BENTLEY i RIAD..
Charles Tilllnsan,"Barli,er.,
H M removed bis'shoP from its former lisaktion i s
the basement of 'Searle's hotel, to t i te roma is
the :mine bujlding, in rear of the bar-room, wiustis
Ms customers will be waited upon by that eagnisini
artist, Professor Charges Morris, or by himself; at
maiunable'hours. . • / .
Please bear ire mind that this is the only ebevise
shop in Warn where the thing is dons scientifically.
-.Montrose. December 19. 13154: . •
To th e People of liusqateheiraini,
ippEING one, of the greatest sufferers by the rent
destructive fire In Ifontrose, hatlng lost my
store-house and nearly all of Mygoodi, I have rim"
lis:ever given , over Ito despair, but have takeir s
store room in the loWer part of the toWn; first does - i
north of Heeler's ;dote', into which I. have placed the
small stock sa
_red froni the Sre, mid willdn the course
; a roes short time fill up• the store with' en entire:
!' nevi_ stock of goods:" In my.present new leCation, I
will lie happy to see and wait on my old 'Customers' ,
the public genertdly who will favor tile with a
eall. - I have resolved to "never pire sui s the tAip.".!
I am" determined to keep
: a DRUG ST G ItE, and` to
keep a good assortment of Drugs,, Afedicines,Paintsi
Oils, Dye-site's, Groceries, Glass-ware,-_
turnery, Yenikee. Notions, and sorts of 'Panel'
Goods, &c. &c., such as I kept before the fire, whisk:
devour d the earnings of a life time in en hOur•„ • •
Montrose, N0v.:23, 1854. ABEL TURRELL
evety.m~ indebted to me,
N. JLIa remember mein this tay time of need,
II by sending to me the amount due.inimediatele.
- • Noven.ther 2.4 , 11354. ABEL TUARELL.
nErarovAL.. .
Tz' & STODDARD, since- the late fire, may
Ilk be found in the BASEJLEXTOF SEA ELE's
HOTEL. 'Notwithstanding the unprecedented ra..
pidity with , which our.,stock .of Boots, Shoesc tte4:
"went off"; on the morning Of the fire, we still biri:
some on hand, and shall soon be well supplied-agaia'•
Mon troee, Noreinher -12.-1'854
, . NO. TICEI- r
. 0
'lrin- fril).,,cnbcrs beingn serere sufferers Pent th#
late disastrous- Fire, hare reinovecl with what
little.retnalon of their Stock, to the new building oie
the Avende i , opposite W. J. & S. .I.l..3fulforcra store;
where they will he happy -to see all their fricindiand
customers, and hope hi the course of some ten 4ayi
to 'be al,k I. to greet them . with an entirely WEI" -
STOC.A.7 O'P' OpODS. -.,
We trust that some of our customers ;Who hate
been long hi debt, will remember that this is a tints
of ercciALlNixo-witn 1 - ,, and •rlo as theki*lould bi
done by. . •-• ' . )3ENTLEY &:RF.A.P; -.
:,/ilo4trose; 'Noretuber 14..1854,
•• - • DISSOLUTION, ' •
copertnerthip heretofore. knots ,:under tits
1. name end firm Of Neiv,.lls Brothers; id the Sash;
Blind and Boor business, 13 this dayby &ft:teal cp.a.:
sent and agreement dissolved.
. .
LanesborO,lnlyll, -
Tile eulmCriber. ti: ould respectfully call tilts. at . yettfote
of tho3e tr* Wish •to purchase anything in.hig 1114 ct
• Sash, D6(lrs, Shutters and Blinds,. •
cabinee.Ware of cariou s kinds
TAO - ea; and Seerti,iiries,
Bedsretis, Stands.- Chairs and Settee ts.
R.:Ay-mad e Coffins. Painiink rind plants.;
''required: Country: Produce - and lurnber. tttltenlif
exchan , -e. ,Tenn?, ready - pay: • •I j
tanezboto. July 15, I§:4. • GIL4F;RT NE-WELL.
e tottc-swishd
plea ogoo rea mg.
Odd Fehows' hall, Montros e I y a
W,B. DE.A4 , 19.
r e W. B. O. does not tokeltictures for 2 . 50 r 10
teols. . Those' who fridi inch trash must go elscu:here:
„John GrOro!' Advettiseinfent.
AS nature,_ who furnishekthe Wills and beastsj.witlt
an extra coat for winter, has not made a similat' pre•
‘ision for Man, I have Conehided to take it upon my-
Self to attend to that department; and therefore I
think proper , to announee that all shiCeiing male' bi- -
peds, that 'Med new apparel,l gloriouti or infrjorietus,„ ,
fashionahle or , unhithionable can hare Uttar wants'
supplied and 'their
my shop in liontr mo tes suited by - ealling All me, at
- . • NE* GOOD S
• . , 1. ,
T t LEE; AT - MONTROSE DEPOT, inksjuio r
t 1 • cared la new supply -of Sring and
Good; which] will be sold Very low - for cash or rarim
produce. •- ' .
8 POUNDS good New Orleans Sugar for oneldlsl- -
tar at , - J. C. LEE'S New Store.
r PEA, Coffee, Molasseti, Fish; Rice, and Groceries -1, of all very cheap at J. C. LEE'*- •:
wanted, . •
A NY g ' l4
ntity of Eggs at 12 cents per`dozen,*
ezeitanze for goods at J. C. LEE'S Store.-
- - ] Also, . ~. .
,tll Y quantity of Butter at 16 cents per
.1. pound, he
eiehargt; fer,'Gooda at J..C., , LBES Now Staie,
rrtMOSE 'wishing to purchase for cash, or in,ev
change tor barter ' will find it to their interim' te
call and, examine my stock of . G00(18 and prices
.{ for ,
themselves. For barter ptall kinds the highest.prie..-
es may - at all times be relied on at J. C. LEE'S,Stori-,
. 7
Montrose Depdt. • • • • -
, .
8 V river' 7!ory
w e ih ave l)nitouttrlend :
consumed our Store With`"mest of onk Goods, end
erected a convenieni shanty, where we shall he p.' Mit
py to see our old.customerS as well as itew. Vire ire 1
going td .sop goods lower. than ever, and we think ten
per cent. less than you Can buy eli•ewhere,in SusqUit- - . :
Minna Co. till and see. • WARP. O4t TEA '