Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, April 19, 1855, Image 3

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Nsw-liamesmas.--A. letter from Mason
, W. Tappan, Esq.,yember of Congres4 elect
contains the follow pertinent and timely re
marks : ,
.ttrust that the policy which the Nmeri
, can party will inaugurate will be one ot'such
manifest wisdom and regard for the rights
tiad interests of the whole people as to mark
amew era in the political history of onr State.
The movement which has produced s this
change is emphatically a mirvernent of the
people, irrespective of party ; and while, - In
U .di
yitalso s due to-the American party. as
tinet organization ,
it should at° the same t time
be remembered that it had the. sympathy
and support of thousands of good and patri
otic . men who were not members of thilt or
ganization. Nor should it be forgotten ! that
the grea t outrage perpetrated upon the ',Free
Stag by . the Administration the pi 'Waage
of the Nebraska bill, IQ much to -do in has.
tening the result over which 'we all ha4e so
much reason to rejoice. Everywhere thrilugh
out the canvass the issue was put upon the
true ground•of . Liberty on - the one hand, or
'acquiescence' to Slavery extension oil', the
other; and lam glad to know, that eicry
where the American party. threw its influence
in favor of Liberty, and against the encroach-)
moats of the Slave-power.' -
• -. Barbarian Descent on Xanaas.
CoAspondenee of the New York Tribune.
Srsaainii Naw Lvov, Kansas .River,Aprils 1.
The 'great fight' in Kansas has. prcived
. nearly as' fair a contest as the struggle '. be
tween Hungary and Austria---Only that f the
'Czar:When lie overwhelmed .. tlie Magiars
`with his legions, observed more of the amen.
Ries of 'civilization than have the • Cosstlcka
precipitated upon us by : Atchison. . What
think you 'of a free election in the Territokies
of these United States of America, in the
year of grace 10,5, where a thousand !Out,
aide-Barbarians ' rush, .wrest ' the . pbill ,
. from their two or three hundred legal gusidi . -
ans,..;;making new 'Judges," 'overturning Oie
- whole machinery, and
.allotting every than
access who has a Pro-Slavery ticket in fhis.
hand, a white ribbon in his button-hole, and
all the whisky in ;his. skin.he can' hold '; :bid
in many instances compelling :known Fiee.-
Soileis to take the same :dose 'and vote the
same ballot, under serious threals of instint
death by the cord in case of
! Br4ve
doings, theie ! and bravely has the freedom
of our elective franchise been vindicated be
fore the world I , Who will..refuse to huzza
for Popular Sovereignly,!
All that I have here implied is - sober fa'et.',
On the 10th:day of March, an army. friiin
Missonri, 'regularly organized,arined,OfficeriA
and disciplined, and liberally supplied With
rations and whisky, seized on the polls in
each election district in Kansas, appoint -.(1
-their own Judges, prescribed thiiirtwn rul s,
and cast three-fourtks.of all the ballot'', more
or less; what matter a few -figeres,q--.-Itlis
enough that they.were prepared t2ovcrwhelbi
any legal vote that could be ca t,. aitclVins
they did it. What matters it Whether the •
pro-Slavery..majority is one thouSand;or 4a
—the right; the jastice and the.rOsult tire the
All - this will rtad like a fable 111 the Els' ;
would that it were : so. - But it is ti•fact, pla a
unvarnished; and will ... receive its 'colorhig
from the atrocious " details whieb .Will so ! tri
reach you. _The invading army *-as divityd
into •battalionS, Which were' detailed to "vai - i- - 1
iius points -as wanted. They .were held as:la I
reserve corPs, to he brought into actionlif I
needed. The - main force - was direke d agaitilit
,and that • devoted I Fity' was coin- 1
plet4 overwhelmed. Ilesistahce _ wound
hade been madness against an.arrued and iii
furiated mob,' Crazed wait. pa' a..6.»-...wi :...4-
V. It was only. by submission that : blono-
ihed. was avoided ;. and even, With it, it's
said:that,Mr. Brown, 'editor of. The Herald i
of Freedom, was a mark for the , bullet °OA 1
desperado named Wallis. t
. - t
As for, the..GoVernor, Men, whip ought - to
be-respeetable, are daily heard to illy that:his
life is not worth an hones purchase if he ft-,
luseS to sanction this audacious mockery ifrf i
an election. ' But the
.Gclvernor thus far; h.l.s 1
goae straigbfon ; and I have that faith in Wa i l"!
that I' believe he will die, it need be, at lifs
post, rather than- violate. his oath by any suah'
•eanction. And I also believe that this. Min
ims§ will produce its. legitimate effect, and
that no hand can be - found animated - by is
coo rage or depravity quid: to Itlie ezeeuticiti
'of the horrible threat made against him. It gas
now said that he/will refuse the certificates, mid
go in person to Washington With the matter s ;
but Slavery swears that be Shtdi 'itot quit the
Territory alive. j
Or ':his be- :hi
.in this boat are a bundre. men min the
interior of Missouri, who are returning frotn
the election ; Many of them seriously ill froin
the, effects of whisky and e.krisure. Th4y .
'are an army of semi -barbarians;. they carry
one's mind irresistibly back to ihe Dark Agps
when might made right, and, the weakeiit
went to the wall. Such might , have been the
bullying, profane crew who tore the '034 1,
of Milton from its grave, and 4utthered the
Covenanteri at their altars. Slavery has lh
them, embtlined 'and perpetuated the vices
and barbarisms of the past. L I ,
• - Will the North—the Vniori-rabide.',itaAe,
insuits and these wrongs ? - Less cause hits
overturned States. "Let the Free.States,,lif
indeed they are free, arouse and. act. !'
them cease the 'vain-glorious boasting
has answered no purpose as yet, but to ; ntu
riste the South, ,and proceed calmly!aiC,d
strongly to 'work. A few ' thousand gond
men in Kansas, prepared for any emergenes,
will defend it against all odds. Send
more'coscotnbs andeowarda, armed with big
words; but send.fis sturdy workers, SW°
to the right, and invincible in calm coura e.
Kansas can be'free. • H
• 1;
-Beetcon Carried with Carutom t ,
Correspondence of the .11 - 4 v York Tr:butte. 11
I . i Sr. Louts, Tuesday, April 10, 1850.1
The Kansas Election has resulted ha 'favor
'of Slavery. Tile voters, were eitz' ns of Mis
souri. ::i They- marched with ze cannon • !from
Westport, in MisSouri, to the town of isafiv
ranee, These men 'were, loaded with • Small
arms, they took violent possession of the kl s,
which they held in military array until' th y
felt assured that their ticket would succeed—
and then they - returned to Missouri. lT e
, election was held on Friday, the 30th Mar h.
Thursday, at noon, the day before, an aim
cavalcade which claimed to be 5,000 strotig,
preceded by two cannon mounted, and; bY a
wagon loadedwith whisky—this whole; mili •
_mry array , armed with deadly !weapons, apd
led by a Ckil. 'Young, left Westport, = in Mis.
purl, for the avowed purpose of controlli ig
the elections' in kansas. They had. alx ut
forty miles to travel to re 2 o 1 Lawrence, ut
the roads were dry, and th ey ' proceeded to
Waukarusa Creek; seven mites'; from 1 Likk'Cr
Terme before they camped. About oi3o writ
to L a wrence, and marched up to the flo s,
armed and- took possession of he &owl&
They swore they were citizens of the , Teri ,
tory, and that it was bona/de their intention
to remain there: This oath eadi Missourian
took before be voted, and then , they all sttirt
ed back to there bometi in Missoiirt that sante
nvening., : :Fite legal voters, wing that the
selection .IkEts- WIWI,' nisnaged by foreign ju
terlopers, did not tunny of the 'tote at 411.
There ara l wary few slaves . or slave owners in
the Territory. The , owners dare not Yet
• :
take slaiv' 'es there: Their: - mew ,
spapers; and
the ,lavery men! talk muck of the thousands
who - t are (..rowding - into the ',Territory ; but it
is elf false. Alley have „0n1y . .! been there
long }eninigh to vote, and there danger
of thiir going there to take •their slares. The'
conduct of these)Missourkins gristly retards
the settletwent . of the Territory,) but it 3oes .
not id vniice the elave•interest inlke least. On.
the othOr hand; it is opening the
,ye.s of thou
sandi to:the true character . of Slyery, which,
but f r - Setne such manifestation, would re
main closed forever. • .
"'From Virtashliasstoia ' ,
Dispatch to The N. Y. Tribune;
WAsuncotps, Monday, April 16 1855.
- ..kliluMgh some Members , of 'the Cabinet
were i at first opPosed to any thicided Steps ,
again St Spain, . 1 lhave the best authority for
sayib' that the ilstruetions, to Commodore
Macalay were unanittiously approved.
esc i l
instructions, which; were drawn by the
President himself; were , unmistalMhly strong.
The French Legation here . has intimated
that should hogtilities ensue -lietween' the
United - States 'and Spain, France would
promptly support her European •peighbor.
The Star denies the story of The ?04i in
relation to a -war wids,Spain, 'nut! . s.ays that
Secretary. Guthrie has written nothing author
izing what has. been attributed. to', him'. •
• .
The America reached nalififx On Thursday
night with • three days' later advices from Eu
'rnpe than;those of the Washington.. *Vienna
is now the point of attraction ; and attention
was wholy concentrated upon the Oonferebee;
whiel is represented as being in great dilliett
ty- upon . the - all-itnportant *Third point--; so
much so, indeed, that although - the demands
of the AllieS had been modified, the RusSian
Plenipotentiary had referred thei mattO -to
St. Petersburg, and nothing further .could be
•done uut4 reply was reeeived. The :French
Minister tie Foreign affairs has also been in-
London, to . Confer with the English Cabinet
upon the lueStion. Affairs- in the Crimea had
undergo/ow- change. ,-' Letters from th e re report the' i
British army ;as much niprove4.—
The nussiimS continue to strengthen ; :their
works. The:) , are in strong force, near En-
patoria.. Nivt-skirnitslais bet weenit he French i
and Russian riflemen •e4titittue,• without any .
decided advantage to either side, ' I T, he tre:itY
between TUrkey and Sardinia is
Sardinian Con i - ent ion ha's oCeit p ied :t he atten
tion of Parliament, and it is stated that Eng
land 'is to horrow:money at five per cencand
lend to Szirdinia :at Maur. Ptbr . ll4ment was
about to.adjourn over the Easter seitson,tneet
ing again vjt the ietb 14r. Itnebuck's .
Com tnittee. iS. Still . at •work. The latest neivs
froth Spaitqs called satitituetaty.
nit papers state that Spain and Port noi' tie;
ceded to the %VeSteru Mlianee and signed
the treaty at NHS on the tZlst;ot)larelt, butt
this statement
. is not confirmed.. The diffienl
tA;. betweeni , Austria and Prussia- is increas
fig, Front:China we ,learn that the. French
have again 6ttiteked Shatighai; but Were 'fe
pnlsed by the instirgehts;' . Report , ,says. that
the ifistirgepts around 'canton had ;;taken the I
Tiger Furt; and plulidercd the stirroutalizig •
Tr iby ne.
_ _ . •
;TOE LEGiSLTI . IIE..—TIIiS b . d!ziy ;iuljourned
sik-die oit theliith inst.. They 11av
etil a general system of laws, c.biefiy 1.1 a ifooly
from have provided for
organization of euiitie; hate f/11i41.4/ a good
wht4ii law, providing for tree sehonlii for -. ail
upol a liberal lasi.; have ti strinr , ent
ptioliibitory liquor 6w_.; chartered thiee
it eorporated a MedieaV: Society;
.atid fa,t but, not 'least, have pro'vidiitl• for
king a new the . CZ/Suing: falt, by the.
Aurshall; (Limn
ittisrete:cirrucz,vmt 13 I. 11,4
tick. Nobody Surety can' justly :xt:use them
oflidleness; the, statutes enacted NV I I 1111 two
hi lky v,•111 2rcl
ir. ', NOTICES.
! . 7 , .NOT.If E. .
Mil. Oasastko Lrzat, of Ithaca N. Y., ivill deliver a; lee
ture at the Presbyterian Church, in Monirose, On Sat
urativ evening, .A.pril 21st., on the neCesiz:ity, constitu
tionality, and practicability of a PrOhibitory Liquor.
La*. . . . ' : , .' ; , :. .
Teachers' Associatibri.'
The SuSguehanna County Teachers' A.ssociation will
ineet at the Methodist Church in the-Lyon neighbor
hood,llerriek township, on Thursday, stay 3d, at 10
o'elock a. x. 'Per order. .
• Religious Notice.'4 •
The, "North-Eastern Convocation co - Fennsylvania
will meet in St: Paul's {Episcopal} Church, in this Bo
rough, on Friday the ttOth inst. Puhliciservit;elwill
bO l held . on the afternoon and evening off Friday, Sat
urday, and Monday, with three services 'on Sunday.
AiMissionary meeting will he held on Sattirday eve
niisg, and a sermon to •young men preached :on Sun
day- evening.
Tiachers'• Ezainlzattoili '. • !
W‘ednesday, April 25th, • ' Springville..
Thursday, April _6th,. I Rush.i ' '
Friday, April
' '27th • I ;Diatonic.
Saturday, April 28th, • '.l'es4up.
Miitiday, April V,Oth, r • ' ' Ilridgevrater.
TUesdaV, May Ist, , „„„. .. .; . .'iGit)tion - .. ,
Thursday; Mray . 3d, ,. '? TitTriek.
. .
Friday, Mac ' Jackson.
liiimm' ' "litions . will commence at 1 ti'cloc. - li - P. 11.--
Dfreetors andi persons feeling an interest id common,
schools are requested to attend. ! - ' .
1 -
'i , i
:At Brainbridge, N. Y., on the llth insitant, by ;the
Bev. ,Mr. Eirciwn, Mr. Jokes TAttoa, of Laneaboro,
Pa, and Miasyßnone E. VINIEN, of Bainbridge, Che
nango county, N. Y. ;
'ln Franklin, April lf,tb, by Prof. W,i; Ricliardscin,
DAVIit MANS/L i of Franklin, to Miai M. A. Bans-
DA E, Of the same place. , •
' •
In Fmnidin, Friday, April 6th, Mr. Boistz.z.Surro,
In the Om year of his age, '
. The deceased wa3 the oldest of seven
,brotbers, all
ofw horn, natives of Cheshire, Coon., left the place of
their birth and home of their childhood,_ not far from
the . beginping of the-preieut century and settled in
the then.wilderness region of Lawsville, now the thri
ring township of:Franklin. With the exception of )
otte of their number, 'who was"killed;' soon after their I
arrival by the•fall of a tree, the rankii Of this fondly
had hitherto remained unbroken by death, so that for 1
the last 50 years, they had been perMitted to employ
the ardor of early manhood the vigor of middle life
and the strength of temperate age in the physical and
moral, iniproVement of the neighborhood they had
chosen for a Iresidepce. Mr..Switb aiis:a fair repie
-sentatire of New Lug . energy and integrity ofclunic
ter, Before the patient labors of himself and 'assOci
atcs, the forest disappeared and fruitful fields took ita
place. Coming as did these earlypioneers"with little
else but their-strength of Mind and belly and imple•
mains of toil, they have worked out far themselves a
competence of worldly goods, and an honorable place
among their fellow r nien. Mr. Smith was a Mend to i
• pod order and a professor of sound religion, before
. e left his native town, and as this county was then
) our_dy misaiOnary ground,-he was obliged to goi to
Buford to enjoy the ordinances of the gospel; But
about the year 1810, be was permitted with a few I
others to lay'. the foundations of a thureli organist: ttion I
in Ida adopted home; and from that time to this, the
Means pf grace here been sustained; and extended a
controlling moral influence in the township. Ati his
drab, Mr, Sinith left a Wady of eleven children, all
of whom are' profeasens •of the religionaf. , the Fedi
• ;
Ile 'died in confident expectation of a, blessed mud
glorious immortality beyond the 'grave,' He was a
good neighbor, and useful citizen, a kind husband and.
Father and•titi exemplary christian. ; 114 has left a
large circle of relatites to cherkli and ;perpetuate the
remeiribianee of Lis name, who " aptlirsi eat for him
ex those who hive! no hope, " for they ktive asity
ed belief, since be 'lived for Christ, that.'" death tilso
has been his eterind gain.* : -
A geueral saisoluteut o, new poda' flow &emu%
at our store J. LYONS'S; SOS.
April 11. 1 lOC , . '
II Mr Arty of the artidamentioprd is the following
list, rill de received at thiastifee vn Osdrsetiption, at
the current market price. .• :; •
: ' Flour 11 barrel, '. i $ 1 ,10,50 ® 11,50
Wheat 'IR busliel,..
. • , .i ' 2,00
Corn Meal-14 hundred , t .: 1: :`. 1 - , 2,25
Corn "ft•Al bushhl,
Rve 14 bush • • - i * I . 1,26
- , •
;Rye Flour 1 1 .1 hundred, 1 - - ' 4,00
ißutter *fil 11), - , ' • 20
;Cheese "t 1 113, ' • ,-,,. •-
'lEggs il oz. ' ' : 14 ®l6
• )
Maple Surat- 1.? ft. • • ' 8a in
IPotatoeff r bushes, i )1 1 .- 50 ® 0 9 1
Apples "fd bushels, . • 4 • 50
,Dried Apples 'fl bushel, '. ' • 1,2,5
Oats . 1 . 4 bushel .... ... ~.." 50
Beans V bush'el, •P ' 1,50
.. Ole.••(
Earn I#lll3, '' ' - 11 :'......10,® 12
IBY direction of the Court, antroluested to Bo g y
that the Jurors summoned to appear beforg the
Court for the second week of ApritTertn, will zit be
tequired to attend. "F. P. 110144STER)
Sheriff's Office, Montrose, / '
April 18th, 1853. j. 4
. •
rrriE copartnership, heretofore e.tisting under the
firm of liawley .V Mott is this'. dati dissolved.
April I, 1853. IIAWLEY.
The notes and aecourits - are in the hands of C. W.
3fott for Collection. those interested till, please call
as soon as convenient.
• ;
frilE firm of B. F. R. H. Eaton 10 this day by mu -•
_L. tual consent dissolved rill persoitl.haring book
account, unsett/cA tria said firogi afel:reilueste4 to
make immediate payment, by note, bi tithe/vise, be
fore the expiration ve too montht froqi!tisis date. The
books and accounts will remain lit the tutnds etc F.
Eaton, who may be found -at 14 ffeniner place of
buSiness, and is authorized to setae ; tte same. "A
word t the wise." BF.NJAMtS ;$!, EATON.
Harford, April 10th; 18;55.. • •
ITAVING recently - voluntarily ;14 , 1inquished the
1.1 sale of Liquors, excepting strictly for medicinal
purposes, as a Druggist, the people witheut distinction
of Party, Society, Sect, or Religion,i arel respectfully
invited as Usual,. to call and, examine..tboquality and
prices of goods, and to thereby avail tiionselves ;of
any advantage of the market they to c thus acquire.
Montrose, April 19, idr4. A11P44 VIRRELL.
. .
14 AA A PIECES' of
~ Wall Pape ~and Border to
...',A k_i VAJ . match, just' received .ndffo4 sale cheap
ert than, ever-was brought into this nutrlcet, from eq.
to 50c4.. 3-,) Roll.
Also, a lot of Good Phinglis, whicit 'ivill be sold
cheaper than can be bought at. any tither establish
mein. -. P. B. I.7i:i,NDl:Eit.
Montrose, April 17, 1855.
().N.rithtl .2120 r Thornily A.ririt /9; 1864, the Mail
asz•lenger Train uepart irtanpotammuu
11.5(1 m. Due at Great Bend at 2,44,!. 11. Con
nectin,o% ith the Dunkirk Express We.l nn the N. Y.
E: E. R. R.
Returning, will leave Great . Bend 3120', r. Y., anti
due at Sraziten 6 r. s.
The Accommodation Freight-will leave Scranton at
1 P. tr.. tlue At L'reat Rend at -6 r. '4., :connecting
with the. Steamboat Express East, 31ail T,rain West,
and the Night Expr,tisses Eat and Wtt:tat; On' N. Y. 6:
E: R. 12.';
• -Returning; leave,Great Rend tali i, M. on ar
rical,of t7incinnati Express East, at SCranton
12,20 P. 31.
Who.cannot get manureenoug,l4-ivip:4 l o .4 ch ea p
a rid.- po ! , I.ll.)qkilli.! tlte I 11PRO le ED
I'ODDRETT-E Made by the stibserihers:„ :The small
quantity used; the ease with which it and
the powerful stimulus it giv.?a to yegetatiott, renders
it the.cheapest :and best tnanure in the `TVO:7I4/. It
causes plants to came up quicker,• to gicn4fa.4ter, to
yield heavier and ripen earlier than manure
in the trot Id, and uhlike other fertiiiiiiitt, it can be
brought in direct contact with di& Plant . x4Maree dob
Mars worth is sufficient to inabure an aceu'Of corn.--;
Artige,-14'1461r1"Inthfilmo” nit , T; pct- anul
rel, for an - y
quaiitity over sic barrels ; I barrel, $2. ;
barrel's; s4,:tio 3- llama.. t , 5; 5 .ha relic, Ittß. A
,pamplilet with information awl directloiii'*ill he sent
grads and to any one applying felt. the aamc.
• 74 Cortlandt Street,fitlettv-Tork.
. .
9000 Milk Pans of all size's. anti.. Made from
Mal double eros . .9 tin at itiia thin' 'Mercluults
usually pay to Bell' again, for sale by the Subscriber.
We hriro conic to the conclusion 'fitinS to Ftu•-
niers as IoW as we will to the trade, thereby spring
to the Fanner our profit. Our wares stria !warranted• in ever' Particular or no 4-ale; Tennsf—Cash.
Terrusi--Cash or short crctlit.
New Milford April I. 1855.
jWITTENBERG & BRO., Mootresei Pa., take
• this method of advising their old friends' and
customers and the public at large, that thoAutve just
' received and opened, the largest,
.prettiestind cheap
' c,t stock of READY MADE - CLO'TTIINGi;ever bro't
' to this place, which they offer at a smalladvance from
cost, thereby offering purchasers tle rare I:opportuni
ty of obtaining goods at about' two thirdi the usual
price. - , ,
Also a large assortment of Dry G 00421, camprising
for Ladies Wear, new styles Brorade,' , Stripe, Plaid,
Plain and changeable Silks, Delaines, Mithlin, De Bage
Beiage delaines of new and elegant deignS.- All the
latest st , les of Ladies Dress Goods, Frenelt Lawns,
IPrints and Ginghams. A handsome of
Dress Trimmings, Embroided Sleeves, •Voilars Puffs,
etc. Jaconet and Swiss Edgings and liutertings,Gloves
/fits, Hosiery, Veils and Parasols'. 7 0 '
Their assortment of Shawls is very Itirge;iembracing
every thing that is rich and fashionabie both foreign
and domestic. - / ,' I"; •
Their Bonnet Department is large and complete;
embracing the very latest styles, with `Tritnmings
match. •
An extensive 'assortment of Irish linens, napkins
toweling; table cos-err, curtains Ac. •,.
We have also a supply of Shirts, Gentlemen's Col
tars, Suspenders; Gloves, Umbrellas and W good many
other articles ton numerous to. mention:. For bar
gains the public-is, respectfully invited th tall at the
cheep store of
corner of Chesnut & Owego Streets, four doors east
• •
of Post's store. • 11, ._
. . ,
XTOTICE is hereby given to all penufmOmving de
m:uida against the estate of Silas r, McKune,
Esq., late of Lanesborough, deceased,. it4reseni the
same duly attested for settlement, and ir, ! persona in
debted to said estate will please make:payment im
ruPrlintely to the subscriber in Harmony tOwoshiP. to
whom letters of administration have bOeri°duly grant
ed. ROBERT Malt:NE,
151'6 " • - Administrator of geßune.
• Administrator's Notide.
NTOTICE is hereby" given that lettere ,#f adminis
-1- tation de Loris Ron upon the esteti of Lafay
ette Wilmarth, deceased, have been 'gretited to the
subscriber, and all persons indebted *to_Oaid estate
will please . make immediate payment sac those yet
having claims will present them dulyittOited for set
- Jackson, April,T, 18.55. 15w6
Ni o mtif
RE a new rtfi ewe , lr pwr i cous an i i sg
arrived, from th e
Of : . 4
first rate as
sortment ,of Ladies' and GentlemeaPs ,;(iNild Finger
Rings,. Breast Pins, Ear Drops and floquii Curb, Fob
and Vest Chains, Slides, Keys, Studo, Pens, Le.—.
Persons wishing to purchase Jewelryishonid certain
ly call at the store of - A:. TCARELL
Montrose, April 12, 1855." .
Administratilms 1114140. ,
MOTICE is hereby given that lettertiotvoiministra
-LN don upon the estate of. JOHNIIAND, late of
dppollaeon tolinship, doted, L:tre beesi•Ounal to the
untlen.igned, and all pennant indebtiattO inthl estate
will - please make branediate paymenl, intl those hay.
leg chards will present the same duly- attested for
settlement.- , WILLIO FUND.
• 4 PPoliasxot, March 27. 1855, 'f i 2 irtl
4 Fine assortment of new f , j u st received at
the Farmer's Store. •Call szuf see .r , iottptelves.-.4
Cost you nothing lo look in 4 but lit - 114 buy.
U. T 'YRS it CO,
~Vorttroae, March 10, 1853. -
- _ 'Buggy tor Sale. i , -
Good second band buggy for safe by
. G. Z. blifOCK.
A.. • G. , ~.
iiontrose, Aril 11, 1816, ,! -. :: -
it t,f4zirtt 4 4 ' 7stf4":l
. 1 AL EXRDrriozir • •
Change. of
D. 11; DOTTERER, .supirtutentlent
Administrator's Noike.
i !.i
' performance. ! i
, ___. 1.1
CornprisingThree Companit.s in one, EQUESTRIAN,
GYMNASTIC 4..‘111 JUVENILE—The - Largint Ciiiii
pany in die word. • 1 ; ;
. This bamenseTriple coriCern will upon ;entering
the Totniroake a '' i . -. it -i •
- -
Introduce% th n Splendidlliand Chariot' , d wri tit
eight elegant" caparisoned steeds, and coniai rig I. WM. BIXTHE'S NATIONAL BRASS Oki). IP I.
n t
Innuediately in the rear will follow. thcil Whble•
Troupe of-itildren on Lilliputian ponies. 1' i
APRIL 276, i • .•
i; s,
Doors opecoit 4 and 7, Performance, halfan hou
alter. - '
The Equest ri air Troupe comprises the following di.. ,
tirviished performers:
L ; , 1
Le premiere Egin.strienae
. t Danseuse de. tondrel
Paris, Berlin et Vienna. 1 ' • - I ; 1 1
;LEVI . 1 .4 . „N0RT11, - ,'. ij ;
An - st =approachable principal and?
1 1; ; i
HORACE ;SMITH, )li • ,
iwo Horse Hider and 100;fStirnerset
The titiequalled.
Scenic Rider.
The celebrated
Thrower. '
1 ,
Mr. A. Pastor, •• • ' '!, Mr. Xenne4s,;
Wm. Naylor,,. ' 1 '.. Vinceat,i .
Rodgers,. .• 'I " Car/islO,
• " G. Ai - cher, ', " Weeier.l
.1 . ,
The Gymnasnc Corps etnbraces Sig., Aitrosto,•
the -Great .Equlpoisc Artiste, Moss. IsAnoita, the
Pantomimic Perfonner.. ll .
MR. •
1 0
' : • • -
The wonderful Tight Itopi-Artiste. •
Mr. T. -Um's.% Mr. ..k. J. "'limy . . , )i . .
: Thei.Jurottile neentratioh of .
, * TWENTI. ) LITTIX CIIILDREN,'"i' i 'I -'•
In Arenic - Nevelth. abht inagnitie,en
oflnette eriti
tied- .•• I - 1 -1
Cinderilla, The F rty Tldeteis*Aladdizi or ! t the Won. .
derful Lamp Ac., n all ehthfch .• i .', - ,
The youthful Egicestriii)ini Mist JeN - stxs, i Et.t...t
Marnittnr, MI/1;44',*7 Master JEskilicis, and
others irill appear . • - ,'‘e. - '
Mr. Nolan hill Also introdace at c.teh pefoiinance
his celebrated Dancing Horse v P ) •
• : • 1 TAMMANY. ' i'•
.. .
The unapproachsWeTri forq,,SPLIT,IF4 WI.
..... 1.u... 1 '5... ft ....•3 1 .1. /.......... ••-•• • • ,
... , . , .
MY. Harry Stebhin's ftshion4.tnele...Ned, Ac i
whose wit is infinite, will Opel:1'11s budget !ofiCorni
calities, Hits at polular folliesi Vagaries, and Wagge
ries, and Itumortnii•Eeeentriciities Of every i kied. -
ie. CAPELL,'S.O4. -
Ap;il 17, 1855
1110nlity Bands.
COXGRESS I h.i* recently passed a, Pensiop law
..J making an esitensive addition to thii . Pfinston,
laws before in forty. No one f , hould despaicoftCceit . -.
ing'a Land - Warraot, who hint 'clone service
,f'efr the
United States of arty kind, eitlter in - the Ilevidutihnary
war or since. They act also: eitends to . the Widows.
and' minors of rhoswho perfortnZil the seryicei who
if now !icing would be entitled to - the henefits thei-e:
of. The mulersigtied has-the' law and all lii4al4 orms
to obtain Pensions tinder the skid act, and will p
~ tript
ly.obtain Land WaiTunts fur applicants whti =iv', he
entitled thereto, fir{ reasonable cot»pensatiOn. I.)Tour
Warrants When obtained eat-vibe' bold for' monev at
any tithe, if you doinot choose to locate the: langs.
kontrose, March 21, ':;:i. ; ! N. NEI'Tt N.
• 'NEW GOODg.. ~•I
The subkribers have taken', and fitted,uti the new
building; on the wee side of PublicA.venuetwo doors
..... .'
Fall avid . _
Their stock, is alMost entirely _WE haying caved,
but a coy few geoids from dip late destruitiver fire,
and comprises their usual variety of DR YIGOODS,
Groceries. - Crbekerv, Hardware; Drugs, Wditines,
Paints,- Oils, Dyesl*s, Doots,hoes, Leathers,
Jewelry, Watches,l Silver Sptaans, Clocks,' Yiiiikee
Notions, &c. &c. )'"ire are thankful for theli3atfUnage
hitherto bestowed upon us, Ind trust' that our cus
tomers, and the public generally, , will not fail to give
us a call in our neie la corm,:_ eonfident that we can
supply them witligtxids on as favorable terins arthere
tofore. • ; " BENTLEY & READ •
3fontrose, NoveMber 30, 1854.
I , .1
DOCiOR-1-1. ARRIS9 !,
-' • 11 ONEOPAT HIST, ''
fl HAD ['ATE and member of the University or New
lit - York, will bel in Montrose on-the 6tls, 'lth and
Sth of each month, lad may be consulted itt Hatch's
Hotel, for three dah upon all diseasei incidental to
the system, viz: 'CO . NSUMPTION, Bron
chitis Infiamation of the' Lungs, Throat, ',vier, /1 01111 v
Kidneys and Spleen, Dyspopela, (Indigestin,)Liver,
Complaint, Ettsystimszt, Scrofula,- Eruptions, . !Anal
i n
w s
Complaints, Diseashs of the eye and , ear,,ear,,lie vo.
Weakness, AC., d:C.. , Patticular attention giv n to
the diseases of Females and Children. • The v 'oils
affections of the CieruS radieiglly cured. i - ''
Dr. Harris is well acquaint nil with both iHorneopa
thy and Allopathy, having beta in constant study and
practice for the las 4 •twelve years, and having Stet in- -
troduce.l Homeopathy 'into Binghaniton,iN. Y., in
1847. His plan oftreattnent is mild, safe end'!efea
cious, and different'frorn that'of any othert, physician,
and cures nearly all cases inall-stages of the disease.
air Dr. liarri's has testimonials of chaticter, abil
ity and skill, from i number: of the most eniineuti
medical men in the city of New York, among; theta
the celebrated Dr. Valentine Mott. • 7 -
Persons wishing prompt relief or permanent 'cures
will do well to callwithout delay. Charge Moderate.
Consultation free! J Patients visited at theitiresidences
if desired. Office hours fromil in the morning until
9 in the evening. - .
• Aidvantsiges. i
The advantages 6f the Hotecepathic treatment of
diseases are 1 ;
lst. That patients treated Hotneopathicially, nsual
are cured much Sooner thaiii by any othCr protegee.
2d. That many ',patients can be.cured by HOmeo
r pathie remedies, who cannot be cured byiany other
grd. That patients treated Hotricopathically, do
not have to labor ender the bid effects of the inedi
-1 tine they have taken to cure the &sense. ! 4 •
Letters of Adraiilistmtion df the Estate of flannah
Bolles, Went" Aesimpfoittiship deaa.sed, wi ,h the
Will annexed, have' been granted to: !;obseriber.
All persons indebteo to the mild estate are' regliested
to make parnent,i and thosd having claims or de
mands against.the estate of acid decedent,: will hake
known the same without dela*, to ;
CHARLES AVERY, Adtnittistrator.
Montrose Feb. 2.8. 1855. I 19w6.
A large quantity of Delalns--a large quantity of Par
ametta-LSilki Wool and Cotton Plaids—Muslin and
Cambric Embroiders-Dress Triramiogs and Buttons
—a large Stock ofl Ready Made Clothing—a ' , large
stock of Fancy artidles—and few' Books *ill be sold
at Cost till the lstiof?Ap . rit neat by the • subsdriber.
February 14 18515. '' P. B. CHOP L.ER. •
• - - !. 1 .1
TUAT the Spaniph Court, has decided not to sell the
Island of Cubs, lint Joseph Wittenberg di, Brother
hare recently decided to open a new store, in the
building' of 1.. Seas*, a few dpors east of Post's store;
opposite Wilson 'a 4welling Idase, corner Of 'Chestnut
and Owego streetswbere thiv will keep on hand a.
splendid assortmeni - of, Readiiiade Clothing; also in
additition to this, aigood assortment of Woad:Petit,
Casaimere r iCentnekey Jeans; 'tic,; in short r a general
asscirtmeut of Gentleman's furnishing Goods. Also, a
splendid assortinen* all Ladies! Dress Otanli, Mks, Me
rinos, Detains, Embroideries, Shawls, /AC
es, Dress Trhnudnis, kc4lo of which they art de=
omph:tell to offer ti the public at very
All Goods warranted-to sit e ) ,astisfartion, -as well in
quality as in price.
Please gire us atrial befoie.purthasingelscwhere.i
Montrose, Jan. 2 i tt, 1861, ' •
rrhe epPartnetabipberetoM exiating between Ui
1 subscribers under the firm ntE..S Kent 100.
this day diasoived trj reuttud.:e4asent. .$ ,
E. S. KENT 4:eo.
Orooklytt Apr. 2. 4 161 M. : I'll'4
.. . .
18154 e - - ---46./.
-it. , . --
DO Road Freight Linei n iietwecn Montrose and
.11.1. New York. The subscribers will continue their
Connection of the past yearifeir selling Stisquelumns
Co. Produce on ,commission) i'
I . M.irnsw, J. RA1M:441024 will receive and forward
freight for this company at the Montrose Depot EVE
RY TUESDAY.' • l• `•
Thankfurforpast patrortagc, and being satisfied
u !
that their arrtutgeraeata for disposing of produce of
every kind will enable th em to give general satisfac
tion, the subscribers trus Itluit New. York prices,
prompt returns, and their' titil strict attention to the
business, wilrinsure to them it continuance of favors
' , heretofore so liberally bestoiqd upon them. •
TheCtetiuns will be prom tly paid ii
n. current meney
by Mr, Harrington,' wile wl also make liberal advan
ces on consi g n ment when d sired. ‘. '
' Oar marking cards have , heen kit with _the Rail
Road Priced agent Mr. Case !t•ho will attend to for
warding goods consigned top on :other days than
Tuesdays.. 1. '! ,
-- SIDNEE .11. BEVAN'S. -
Montrose March, 1885. i , •
' Persona residing out of the vicinity of Montrose,
Wishing to send us Produce isin do so by consigning
it to HOYT & INO REVANS, 187 Reade St N. Y
.. .
1 . SOLDIERS' :* !DR
To all whom COncern.
By a recent act of Con ' the the Bounty Land law
',has been extended to etuhra almost every case of
of military service. I .
AU persons • who Italie Wen engaged in Military
Service of the United Suites,l
_for a period of fourteen
'dayi, or upwards, _ are entitlid , to one hundred and
iirty acres of Lard, if they tkliVe not.reteived it, and
:If they have received less tujinunt they' are entitled
tersufficient tO:mahe uP.l•6oeft
',,,Revolutionary soldiers; an Soldiers - of any and all
wars in which the United St* tes have been engaged
since, and if • deceased, thei4W,hlOws or minor chit-
Area, are entitled. ,•
Seamen, Marlue,s . Clerks and huniSmen in
the Navy; their widows and rninor children, are also
entitled. • i •
;,;Wagon masters and teams ers, employed for the
tiansportation• of military atoisiS, are also entitled; in
like manner.
I am still engaged in obtaining Bounty Land War=
rants, and am willing to do )he • business upon the
most liberal . terms, andalthovh I have no motive to
spend my time and labor viiihout barg e , yet 1 will
clothe business at the loivesti price that I can do -it
-honestly and live.
'Those having claims, I beliete will find it materially
to their advantage to calf upoli I.lle before going eLsc
After the warrants are obtameu, if any of the tear
.iantres desire to sell them, I iirit prep red to pay the
highest- cash market price. 1, '1 ,
I ani , also engaged in' Prosectpion of other
claitus against the Goverstmer Of the United States,
such asfor Pensions, Back P Extra Pay, &c. &c.
- • FRANKLIN P 4SER, Att'y at•Lary.
Montrose, 'Slay 14, 1853
. ,
OONGttESS has passed a lar;:giving you additional
i rands. Those who hared already received war
rants are entitled to wwe. ntitiville men, come on
now and I will get your warrants. . - )Vidowi and mi
`nirs of deceased Soldiers are entitled to the Kme their.
Js'ArtrottitrodOS'itAlifeeictiiiifith6 irecessal7 forms
of application. SpeculatorstrOti: a distance are about
trying to get those largely interested to ein . E),,ff .• Be-'
'ware of.such, and don't sell fo# la song. 11l do . tour
L ihnsiness accurately ; and propiptly. account for - the,
full value a your warrants When obtained. From
1 three years' ouccessfulexperielice I know fl ‘n do the
ihuOiness right, and I proffer yod my services at rea
, :sotiable rites and quick returrat.; • • L. F. FITCII.
Montrose, Mareh. 6, IBSS. i il:
r\O . CT. Tlf AYER; takes this method of saying
di-I to his friends and custatuirel, that he ,has again
resinned the practice of medic's:l . 6', at :his 'old stand at
3lontrose, where he may be.foontl at all times unietls
Professionally .employed. •• lie iVOuld say to those in,
*tlebtetl to him, that he will tiditet twenty-five per
!ritnt on all accountA•paid before, the first of Aprilnel,
(or if any poor like myself I wiliiiednet fifty.)
Montrose, Feb, 4 20, 1855:
- •;' • •
,1 subscriber would infinirtbe citizens of Mont-
i rosb and the publie_generally thathe has LOught
itie Grocery formerly kept by.l% 11. Fordhant & Co.,
n Lyons and Chandler's builditilt on Chestnut street,
ln the borough of Ifontrose, ddre he hasa fresh as-
.1g,4; Prunes, Sat dines, Soaps, Vinegar, Coffee, dried
eaches and Plums, Fleming, tiek Salt, Pies . , Cakes,
'.. Cr, Yankee, Notions, and of dr things too"numer
no° mention, 'which will. be told cheap for cash or
oat kinds of country prodyee,l , Call and see. A
hare ofpublic patronage issoltclted. S. S. MOTT.
ontrose, \ March 7, 1885.- 1 i .. .
I aulkc.ribers beg leite.itti inform the citizens
,of Brooklyn and vicinity ihnt they hive just re
a lot of Stores, - whiclntbey offer for sale as
as they can be purchaseciefskiWbere ifrithe county.
A LSO— A lot of STOVE PIPE and Elbows of the
itrerent sizes, at )nitintartitrif prices. •
WA.A7.E.D--Old Iron, Cetiper, and l i tteia, in ex
ange for Stoves or other Atslsts.`
NEW stock of Winter Shaiivls just received and
for sale• HEMPSTEAD.
s'ooo bushels of Oatk, . .1,00 bush. Dried Apples,
1,000 bushels of Corp, Lov.o bush. Buckwheat,
I i-000 bushels of Rvfi, 500 " Beans,
and any_quantity oi'l'artridgest at the highest market
noes, in exchange for goods,lbi
Brocklyn, Nov., 'f4. &VIVI .t DERTSTEAD.
I MAJ.: -
i,lvll C
received by t. 4. LYONS & SON.
r — HEE? MUSIC—it new lotpit. the Voice. Piano or
tia Melodeon and quits .—so, .1 very beautiful pies '
.1 just published--aeld by . J. LYONS & SON
Shaw A:
few more left thatiwill be so d• rev cheap.
Paramettas, Cashmeres d: Delaines at great bargains
fresh supply of Gtoeeries julifi opened by
-1 - • LYONS & SON
Masses at 3 shillinp per galhin. Syrups at 4, 5 &
:shillings, by pyoNs & SON.
RRIVING ever , . week at FA'• LAThROP k Co's
January Ist I
Winter Sittrivh and De. Lanes,
-ELLING off at otestbargah4. Calf on
4.J January Ist ) Al. LATHROP& ,CO's-
6000 Dozen;
W„ ANTED at ' & CO's
January Ist I r
drain 1i Hirai Grain. _
kinds, and it the hi &t prices bought by
LVJanuary Ist L.&THROP & CO's.
URKS bland Solt at( ',LATHROP
I Montrose, January 1, 1115.
. . , ; :,
Stearns and lilarsrin!s Fire-Proof
j 1 Safe , 4l.l
ilt "subt ! cribers have madi'Arrangements to fur
nish to persons who may he in want of them, the
iilx•ve named invaluable Safest' lit the same prices for
!ihich they can be obtained af, the manufacturer'tx—
paving experienced ithe benifithf such an article du
i ni. the late conflagration ouis t elves, we would earn
try recommend to Others bajiihg valuable books and
' ' pens, the preservbig of whirl ' would be of immense
mportance to thern,lnot to dig Without rte. , .
1 Prices range.fromlsso to SIX!, and we can explain
kany one wishingi to purthalse, the di ff erence in
yle, size, price, A-c;, and furpfih them on abort no
tice, with the inters* arrattgerfient to suit- the pur
looser. . _ - 3 _
_gtiT LEY & READ.
Montrose, December 10, 10tf:
Sash andXttinds.-
IL 71NDOR Sa.4h §f various ti'l . cereonsuunly on band
. a Iso Blinde!furniehe4 io order by
id. LYONS k SON.
= PapOr Ilanfings.
500 Roll• just opened, 111,14-s°!":°e
roll, by /
fiROCESTES—A, freeti :su qty of Coffee ' 'Sugar',
Tea, Rice, Crackers , just tweived and for sale
FE are receiving this week 14 of New Goods, just
;purchased in the city, which flders our, assortment
'complete, and which we effer H n the moat favorable
{!arms, at the new balding, ouo door 'above the Post
`Office. .13Y2 TLEY & READ.
%mitres - e t Februaty 8, 185 ,f t .
16101,11 Des ther, "tipper do.letdf fikins,land Patna;
111. P Rips--avnew attpply, just ireceive4 and for sale
. .
o..krver and in alottty Heed (Ur r solo by
74- 1 ' I i .. If. BURRITT,
t t -, New Milford, March Ei b lBill6 , I
~ .
I a
1. 1 O.
\ '
COlr2tEaqr C3ati a 2C4o@ ,- , -
-ABhiwgettutre`"s:lol7:44°4ll osfugouttlet;
purchase we are selling it at greatly_ redticcd prf,ces.•
Call, as now is the time to buy cheap. r
Over coats from $3',00 , t0 $lB,OO. Ores)), FroCkand
Sack Coats, good patterns and now styles. i Pants from
$1,50 to $B,OO. Vests of every Style.. Gents. Fur.
niz.4" himg Goodisof every kind.. j.
15 per cent, cheaper than ever offered in hfontro:s.e.
k - Good tinalliy and neat patterns selling: 04 . 1br
cash. A. LATHROP & CO.
February 1855..'
' •. . All Right Again: 1 . i
_ • O ORDER. - t '1
MIR subscriber would respectfully announce tiOds
J. customets and the public in general', that hp is
again' prepart4 . fOr the Boot 'and Shoe linsiness,.—
flaying Just received from New York. a thhice kit of-
Sole sod Upper Leather, Calf Skins, Kip Skins, &e.,
all oak-tanned.- Also, an assortment of liesdy-mide
work, consisting in part of Men's. Thick land Calf
Boots, Boys Boots, Children's Strap' Boots,l,Womiin's
Enameled ,Union Boots, Polkas, Kid Buskins, Silk
Lasting,Pox titers,' Goat Lace Boiots;Enanieled.reg
ged Boots, M6ses Kid Lace Boots, Children's .ROn
Boots, &c. de.--which will he sold for cash ,clicaper
than can be bought - elsewhere in 'this market. Me
pairing done ready. , - - i
' 'cl
Please call nd examhie. Store first iloUr east! of
the Odd Pelle i flail
. ~
Business h urs from " the time _to work" 'nritil'thri
time for "rest and "refreslnnent." - Gratend for 4.4 t
furors he hoes i f ry. strict attention to Anisinesill to
merit a eondn , nee of the same: . 1 , • '. l
N. B. Bei' g'sornewhat in want of the "one thing
needful," (nio ey;) he would sugge4t, in the taildi - ist
manner possili e," the propriety of thoseuidebted cull
lag and settlino the some Immediately. Nuileed.,l
Montrose, Cc. 4,18 M. .- ' C. 31. - g,IMMOISS:I.
‘, ,t
, p
ABEL irtruszu , i ~
eeeived frotu New York a full azl4iirt
.2l-EIV - GOODS, comprising) a first
Dnuas, MtancisEs, enEMICALS, - 0148,
which will be sold extreinely low for
recently sustained a loss by fie of at
'nd dollars, above insurance and goials
I have 'strong. claims for the itaironag,e
t d the public generally.. I ask no man
• either do I ask or expect, additional
, , quence of said loss. I will sell gocids.
. wer than can be bought elgewhere in
ounty All- I ask is that patronage
which will enable me with industtto
wally replace the loss sustained,—s a id
ard earnings of a life of anxious toil.
lower end of the burned district, On
w doors below.the corners. ,
HAS just
meth o
rate variety of
Dvx-srui:vs, G
Xerzoss, JEW
FAECT Goons,
cash. Ilavin_
least five thri
pared, I fancy
of my friends a
to give to me,
progts in cons
SR tow, if not 1
this towti or
from the publi
slowly but gra
loss being the
Store at the
Main street, a
comber 14, 1854. • •
Montrose, I)
,ILATtivirscc- •
V V a large
ware, Reels a
pumps, &c., II
pipes of all size
ness and despa,
. .
- .rix - rupivr,iind.(e -- etntstatittrofrounti
land well selected assortment of tin=
td Chain for :wells, pump; cistern '
draulic Rams, Japanned jrares lead
. &e., &c . Job work done with ne4t
ch ; all orders promptly attended i 6,
on hand, a large tOsortntent otsto4s
/ roved and approved patterns, Otir
e business enables us to select thoie •
Iv warrant to give" entire - sans" faction,
merons stock can be found the
I -
tight • • Star of the - West, tievated
• • _ Clinton, • • [Oven.
" • Cultivator, . '
" Fire Fly;
Western Qneen, •
• 44 Premium.
kept constantly
of the Latestin
experience in ti
that we calf •
Amongst our n
Paragon ai
New World,
Three States.,
S. A. WOOlattl
this method to express My sense of
re gratitndC to the large-majority Of
elders in good old Susq. Co., who balm
mein New York, as well as to
the Afferent sections of the country,.
respectfully . ask a continuance of their
a those who have not as' yet found.t
I would tako
pride and since
Merchants and
kindly patronize
many others, iu
MO would tnol
faVors, as well
fears We.
AATIIEREig I have juSt received.a new stock. Of
Vl' Winter Goods which have Beep bought et the
lOwest prices, and whereas I ion in r ^root want of Casli,
Woolen Yarn, corn, Oats, putter, Egg.s Wciod.(fonr
feet long;) or at ything else to keep a poor inan froffi
starviug,, I am bound to sell goods at a very loir
figure for any o the above tuticles. Just call and
take a look, this all! ' , ; . .S. A. LYONS. L.
, Lanesboro, January 1, 18115.
BROGUE d Scotch Plaid
. Shanis, Preneh,)loi
nos, Para .iettai, Detains, at.
Lanesboro, Jiunutry 1 , 1855.) S. ,t.. LYONS.
in. S. wit.goN ac sox - .
AT be &and' in S. S. Mulford's old4tine East
side of ' üblie Avenue.
Montrose, N,vetnber 15; 1654.. -
. „
Tubserlber is carrying on the CHAIR, MA K
ING BUSINESS in all its various branclies•at
( f
the Chair and are Shop : ln Barford,, where may bit.
found a :grea r 'variety 4 Windsor and Rocking
Chairs than at ny other establishment in the younty ;
.also Flag and ane' Seats, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Leung
es, SetteeS, Ta lee, Stands,-&c. &e ., all of which will
be sold at the lowestprices at retail, (or wholesale,
with_ short no 'ee:) AU worlwarranted well matte
and of good nuterial.- Short credits and small profits
will be my moito. : Foe demonstration of the ikboie
acts, please all at my shop in liarford village. - 'i
Burford Octobei. 1') 185'3 . 15.461136
THE subsc+era offer for sale on the ,most liberal
andeasT teoneof the best located farms for making
money in .I' . i'ort em Pennsylvania. The said farm it
situated - on th Newburg, and Owego Turnpike, tic)
nus.t ct
miles east ofomit Pleasant village, and twelve froin
dm N. Y. & E R. E., also eery conveniently situated
I ch
to Churches, ools, crist-raills, Hair-mills, Black
smith shops &C. It contains one hundred and sixty
one 'acres, one hundred 'of it under a good state of
cultivation will watered and, good - buildings. consist
ing of a gOod framed house, wellfinisned off, and very
conveniently arranged. Also two good barns and A
good barn shet well calculated for convenience, trio
large orchards yielding &QM 500 to 1000 bushels au
nuallv, mostly grafted fruit of the best quality. Ila'e
&lulls well adapted to grazing sufficient .to keep a
large stock. For I price and terms apply to B. F.
EATON, or toIALtitED LAKE, on the premises. 1 1
Ilirford. De .13 1854 , .
, ..
?lore ;nd Maio New- GOOds. Y .
BURIIi - irk is now receiving new and full' •
anppli s of G'oods for, the Dialer Trade, rin
eluding a new ndielegant assortment of French MC
linoer, iferin) and Cashmere Plaids; 'Plaid, -Farl
ey and Ph" I ''' - lei, Paramettas, Brodie, Boiare
and Lo) 1 of new and'best Styles, and will
be sold. tt. let% than last yQ:ar's prices. 4.;
Also a is It of Rich Ribbons andßonneti,
Wide Si n. Cloaks and Mantillas, Rich
Bilk at .ess Trimmings, *hair Hentd
fie.; with a getteiii assortment
FA' CT Goons , as usual, which
oT othe
the present pressut* of the caah
at corresponding and reduce:ll
tuber 21;1154.
fo ,Make !
hi desirous:of baying an vent hi
and town of the. Union. A capital
iniy will be required, and anything
3rgetio man an make from,three
day-t—indeed, some of, the agents
realizing mien that suni: Every
given by addseasing (postpaitl,)," / :
WU. £ 4,INSLER ;
Philadelplita; Pa., Post:Mien.,
of Prow '
like an
to fire
now em)
TUElby tug Goods nose being re .
ceived a , I L.,P.OSTe C 'a. are desirable in
quality, style .4 price. - ' • 1
btapte iry 9 oat, liars, Skives, ..;
Drees GOoris o • ' 'rigs, - • '
i is
Clothe and efueitnerea t • *14,1101!4 - ' : i
White ticiede l , tul Parasols. , :
CLOTIII,' —a; tine stock. roceries of A vari
eties: har d c, Crockery, Lao log Glasses, 'and:in
1 r
every depart out t.iselr assottm at,' is good, mad 'i t t
priteslo radii, • t
- Montrose, 1 4larch 20, 1855. • •
, TALLOW •, also, Firmer& toala in go t t,
-j , . 3 L - POST k,
end at
p uRE - othy Ind Cloicr nod at
S<}• it :
- -
• GARDEN- LE,lkesteLi.,-Atul.torCre
lot 4seedsB4akelo, Vetled-7—x. LION&
AT taff
t G 4,4,
cu 2o.
TYTRE Timothy-and Clove: Se*d, at -
J. t • ; F. D. CHANDLERS.
.• - .
- dice. oftc. dice -
GOLD !aid Silver Patent Lever, Anchor and
'pine Watches, just received ned Torii& bY
_ - SM I LEY k
, . Jewelry, Jew - 7 — i ---- cry,- - --" -
A 600 D assortment of Jeirelry,eging et rth u r , orgy =,-
.‘ll. Map, Ear BraPa,llreast Pia 0 : 1 11/ilype ,` .
ate. &c .; justreceived at BENTLErkRaIitPL. .i . --4 .
• . Olivet i . --
eons.l ------ ' ' ,' - flio
Tea,- Table, Dergert, Sugar , Salt, &e., warrint s ? ) , L , ri ,
for sale by . BENTLEY & REAL, - .. 1 :
Boots and SIT7 ------- 7 --- -• A'
An unusually. good assortment of the besi 4 -
fresh Ind perftet for sale 4 BENTLEY &AFAR, /
i - - Drugs-antillse—hi—et.
r A fresh stock genuine Drugs- and Medicines,lio a t•
Medicines, hunts, Oils; Dye-stuffs. '&c,,,k. &
ti. sale by. • I
. Dec.. 13.1. BENTLEY READ.. -! .
Charles Tillimuili o f Michel.- ~ Aphi
'ETAS removed his shop from its formeilecatioa la 1 .
' , JLI. the basement of Searle'slroiel, to tLe room la:i , t),
the same buitcruig, In the rear of the har-rocan, whemi! ~,.
his customers ijn be waited upon bi that - exquisl4,, 7,,
artist, Professor; Charles Morris, or by,; lilinself,. at 'V
reasonable /Mgrs. •• "( , '' • 7 0114
, , n ~
1 Please bear Art mind that thiS 'is theOniXstiolitillilla
shop in town where the thing is done scientific*. ..„? •
Montrose,December 19. 1854. - 4- '
. ,
To. - the People or ilusquebstekcl3:,
County.. `• ': -. -ff'..
11011,ELVG one of the greatest enferens by the reascs:.ilir
I .1-IP destructive: lire itt Montrose, havulg lost , -; 1 1604
store-house and,nearly all of my goods, I hive si.. l 1,1 ;
I however . given over to despair, but have takes - ...i-s.,
, store room in - the lower part of ,the town, f irst doe?,-ii-1- AL , 2
~north of Keeler'S Hotel, into which I have placed ~..E';,
small stock saved from the: fire, and will in the' court ilio
nrs 3
of a very short time fill up the, store with an entrii- - •41
new stock 'of:loads. •Br tuy pi*nt new /motion, / ''•=`
will be happy to see and wait ore, my old castmners)
and the public generally who will favor me with a ii ; - I
Call. I have resolved to s'nerei.,,nirentp the ship."—'4'
'I um determineil to keep aDRI7O STORE; and- to it .
keep a good assortment of Drugs, lifediiisies, Paints, ;IN*,
Oils, Dye -stuffs, Gr•oceries, Glass-ware, Jewelry,Per
fumery, Yankee Xutionw, and' all sorts of Pane / 1-
Goods, , ke. &c., such as I - kept_tieford the fire, whisk ;•• -1 "
devoured the earnings of a life time in an hour. -AR
Montrose,- Nor. 23, 1834. ABEL TIHIRELL. . 1 ''''''
N B'
-will every UM indebted to me, r - pleasa 1
• • remem ber me in this my time of need; . IMP
by•sending to me the amount due immediately. •. , s7*
November 28, 1854. - •'-' . ABEL TURRELL. 4 •CA
REM ALTsOV; • : - tt.. l ,
IT EELER & STCODDARD, since. the late fire, may , 'T. -- 1 r,1"
.L 1 be found in the BASEATR.NT OF SLUR - Lk:4 S
I.IOTEL. Notwithstanding the unprecedented va-
iiidity with which our stock of- Boots, Shoes, &e.,
"went off" on. the morning of the. fire, we- still bave.z' -., •. ; .,..v --
some on hand, and shall soon -be well lapelled - again.' " •"41 11 "
~-,„ . , 4 . o i
!TIM subscribers in sufferers, sufferers from the.'.:.Ail
1.- late disastrous lice,, have Iremoved with whaS4, i
little remains of their stock, to the new - building twit, - • 4 .
the Avenue, opposite W. 3. & 8. 11. Mulford', storeiy:.,!! - 1.,„
where they will be :happyto see all their friends and'4,: - TRI
customers, and hope in the coursele sonic ten daYs-,,
to be able to greet diem with au. entirely SE. W, , ,'{',l Lip
STOCK O.F GOODS. .' - • - ' . • . 4, ~,,,.
We trust - `that some of our customers who hayst , - : 44?-,,:
been long in debt, will remember that this is a tkne - 4'.f.1.
of epeeist. SEER sventszs, snzr - do as they would bs:ritis
slone. by. .
.- . • -BENTLEY &11r. CIL : ~ - ices &
Montrose, November 14. 1854. - .
- ---- ' ,-,
....,....- DISSOLIITION. - ,
rrits; 'copartnership heretofore known under lb.
, ..1. , name and firm of Newells.Brothers, in the 811k; ,i,*
Blind and Door business , is this day by ututtudtete..i 4
sent and agreement dissolved. -. ,
- : , ~•,,,.,-,••
. - , '-' J il
- • I-% f;,,boro, July 11, '54. --. H. IC. NEWELL. "c- --,
The subscriber would respectfully call the atiezif,,
: le
orthose who wish to purchase anything in his lines ''
' , 411, t.
business, such as . . \ .:A- - 4••
Sash, Doims, Shutters and Blinds - ,T. :(.-rum
Cabinet, Ware .of variens-kinds, , ~,,, is
•,. -- ... • ~.t . ...:
---ikagfeagNtiftwyVtiv - ,i`riz'szTeee.s:7, . -
- iffeNiitre . ouu ry ro etc, an um r• 1 . - 'ISI : I
exchange. Term; ready pay:
•Lanestoro. july 15, 1854. 9ILBERT NEWELL. 'Mt
_ - -•-. .; - • ;F: 1
TM. I': " KNOW NOTIIINGg " , ..
,•.; 1 4 .
HAVE KICKED IT A TERRIBLE 311L - 1:•.>S1 - :—.
But, very fortunately, the entih is not thrown. ~-,,i'•,. ~.
from its orbit, and the sun shines onus before; ens-
bling the "Picture Man "to work aat his trade alight- `-, -'
and shade in his _usual satistactorrnumrrer. -
" Ilia New Stock, juit purehastsd, eontizriss every-
thing neat and desirable in t•te DeguerreotYpe lino;
and he asks that you will - uot forget to call. -,/ - .
He has also some recently
,Published BQOka, which ; 1 -
will be sure to piesase those who wish good rending.
. ~.
W. B. DEAN& ,
' Odd Yellevii ) Hall, Montrose Pa. - , -.- ... „,,„.• •
l air W,. B. D. (foes not take pictures foe % 4 25 or SO' '..-.7"
Leeuts. Those•whowish suck trashmust geeleetrkere. , lipke.
- , John Groves' Adverthesient.
AZ nature , who furnishes the birds and hiss* with .4
arrestra coat for Winter, has not made aiimilar pie:
s r:*
vision for man, I have concluded to take it upon my- 'i,+,'.
self- to attend to' that department; and therefore V ', it&
think proper to announce that all shivering trade bi
peds, that need new apparel, glorious or ingiorleat„ i , r
. a
fashionable or' unfashionable, can have 4their vs* ' - i
supplied and their tastes suited by calling MM. in i. ' ftu
my shote4rt Montrose. - ." :, . . ', '..114%-
e. P. itmete.
T C. , AT -MONTROSE DEPOT,' has just rs•
0 • ceived a new supply of Spring and Smmer
Goode, which will be sold very low for crab or tans
produce. • 0
18 _T irr U ar S :g ood, ;Sew opi; : u2s_S2sii!_fo n t
r .p_ite 41:13.
I_A, Coffee, Molasses, Fish, Rise, and Grocerist,
of all kinds, very cheap at , J. C.LEE"S: - 4 14
- • ,
- Wattled, : ;" ,
A NY quantity_of Eggs at 12 cents per dozen;
2 - 11. 'exchange for goods at • -J.;C. LEESAtore...
, Also, .• •
quandly Of Butter at 16 cents-per pound, hi::
exchange for, Goods at J. C. LEE'S New Store. • • =! - 7
rrBOSE wishing to purchase for cash,. or pi elf •
_L change for touter, will find IC to their . inteftatto.•
Call 'and examine my stock of Goods and paleiuk,
themselves. • For barter of all kinds the hightest - prilk ,
es may at altinterl. be relied on atjJ:.o.ll4llll9SStarts,.. Air
Montrose Depot.' •
The Fe rmeirle • Sitore_ReetoLtll4,„,,,, -
WE wish to •say to our friends - l aid Mesa Grit
we have Withstood the *burin eleipent that
consumed our SifiP•e With mot' of our %Ode, and
erected a Convenient shantyovbere And be. bat). ki
py to see, our oldi customers as *well as ttaw;-I'. We art
going to sell goods lower than, ever, and,vnThink ten ". _7l
percent. less than. you can buy elsewhati Seaga,
banns co. Call and see. \-NYAREEN. airL6.YER. .
j . OUR. STOCK OF nova •-.- yit
TS NOW COMPLETZ--iuld we would take - Ribs 'bor' P
1 opportunity to oily that we ,cast _alinwllte most .71.:1i
beautiful and splendid patterns of Parlor Cooking MI
Stoves to be found in the comfy. Among them can 1,. •
k i g
be seen, the Revolving Front and Gothic Parlor, for
wood.or cold. enAirely new and dwidtittlyPtikly stoves .i.M.:
Prices from five to ten dollars.' Of Cooking &or* I
we think it say much,
.on!y to remark, thar •,1-''.'
we are selling them 'at our formerpncee, andjad#ll 1 ,
from the rapidity of our sales, we believe M the O , - ,:1i., i
are entirely/satisfied with our.price's , and theiStrelill
of our wares. We have "a feW more, kW or the .. ..:isa
. "Clinton Air-tight Elevate& Oven fitovq! *attend- . -- . .i
edged to be the bestimoklng stove now is use. Ijue' —: ~". f '
sia and English Stove Pipe •st old pric*- and TOM: - ,'
mings and Tin ware of . all desesiptlams- at the *try zi.. ~
lowest rates. • , . : 'X. DICKERMAN, Jr. i, - , , ..'- 4 ,.... 1
. New Milford, October IIS, larwl. --, . --,--”,
FAMINES - IVOR *AIX. .'• - - I , `: -. "!
PRE subscriber mill tit asagentibi bu:ying . end eigtv:tzt-,
1 lug Real Estate , —Yarms,-Iloustes t
sated in SwPrelnuina County , , li ., ' ; "-.
offer their property itt vsle - ea*gte -
tion of their Farms or tots as - era
acres, how many harmed, *LOINS*, •••
lop, orchards, grafted or
. elpinocur fir
trees; and the nearest pqe! 05 Ina p
and N. Y.* E. R. R. f' ,
olt farms on the.listi4s.ussold. ,
subscriber a minute iiestAPlibn, price
be given. -- - - -
- Office ou Turupike - il. 4 doors irf
-, itoutrass o iegitst - l!i, 1844.,. A.
CTIOICE anti faney tu tides of Soap
kJ slats some of the Su e t rerflar
• : -T "
% 2 .0