Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, April 19, 1855, Image 2

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. . .
- • ' -
Tginisdriy, April 19, 1555.
• ,
Potatoes and Dried Apples p anted at this
o ffi ce on. subscriptin. •
ttuLti. '
18i Oil Wanted, by a young man 0 com
positor. Piecg-work preferred. For reference in
uire at this office..;
1 garrri e report 'of the 11<ipublican Meet.
bas.trowde4 out some articles 'Which will
S . obably -appear next week. . .
• • (~.
. .
i.A.Rblican ineeting Was held - at the
, . .epu ,
Court House, in lfontroSe, On Monday eve
.iing last, April :16th. . The meeting was. Or
ginized by the election of the following offic
ers r , 1 - •
; • Hon. L,IIRLE.:S I m
INGLE; of liarford„
President; G. U. t . Wade, of New Milford,
C. : 1 1:::• n i(t e h s t i .p li f t ;:l o i f dd D le inli to o w e n k , ,
T A h m om Os a4 A A V a il i
I ti, of Springville , J. C. "Bushnell, of Ar
of.Auliurri, G. Z. Dimoek , of Montrose
id Summeis, of Nets- Milford, and P. L.
....'": on. of HarM!in..)i, Vice Presidents; and
4. . Eldred. and 11.. H. Frazier, Secreta-
:Judge Wilmot, being loudly called fol,
came forward au& made one of those bold,
Qloquent, and . patriotic appeals in behalf of.
the cause of Fieedorn, to whieh. th_e people
listety with delight; Hefcommeneed ,by'say :
ing thit it always afforded him pleastire to
be permitted to discuss high questions of
principle connected' with government, , before
the.people of Susquehanna • County, and be
fOre an . f other people. He. deemed it - the
jab,- of every citizen. to' be earnest and vigi
, • i n " 7 • -
-ant these days of peril to our country.—
. •
An attempt was nOw, malting to subvert the
t.,;Ofernmeut, to give it a directiOn contrary
:b that intended by .its founders, and subver
of the beSt interests freedom. .SOme
lee the danger. !from our 'quarter, and Some
;Font another. : l . lle-t-:aw - the greatest danger
1 • .
. .
rantLelicroachttients of Slavery in our
WC; rty a•usasnatra vcarizor,
Lai. with the true priueiple.s of freed om--4t
impossible for it
.to bekthetwise. Let
- avery trintriph; • . let it attain- the power at
, • 1
‘...:1 1 1ch it grasps:, and it must trample down
: I ,
:.,!eeaom . .for. Ile two '. are antagonistic and .
1 , . ~ •
. ; anngt flourish 'together • ~ . ~ •
' Many thought the Nebraska bill thelast
~ u trage that Sliivery .r'ii•Oulil commit,,, bid la
-1 ''•
dr events hare . destroyed that . . fallacious
:: pe.
..rreedirifn and,lavery are in constant
= nflict, and must so continue as long as there
ilany of thepr i inciple of freedom remaining
iiii: the : land. : 'During, the pendency of
. tile' Nebrasill bill—that act whereby - the .
•41ave Power,-as it were in the night time,
_ .
\ lolated a soleinn compact of thirty years
madl hi a time of extreme peril
tor the country —, Avaf : called upon to ad-
. •
iVidell actain. I. There is a party in this coun-'
0 , ,.
11-..y; [
who are not, for freedom.
~ Judge ye who
l i i. f h i cy.' are. There • are
~attaChments in the,
AArasts of some, stronger. ti-an those for free
-2On). ! '
NV e are told! that - Vie 'country is An great
1 , -
1 •: ger - from .Know-l‘iothingism. But what
' , i ..ii it done ? . The hue 'and cry oit' this sub
• tis raised to hide the real danger. • The,
1 - - i
1 l „,
,- . l.'eal danger is fom. Slavery.'' „We must not
F, stifT e r our attention to be diverted from this
!ll.Jrcat queition,lby false. issues. Here is our
ir,ei•il. Suppose a man ' PP a roaehin _ti r
; 1, . , g P e ei -
'Tice, which threatens to , dash him td 'pieces ;
I w.htat should We think of `.an adviser - who
i `}could counsel him, tokeep his eye on a distant
4elclud and Walk, backwards' tOriard the,preci,
I pipe, telling; , him, ' your real - danger is.there ?'
;ill - he danger of the subversion of the priciples
i - .)f - freedom in (kir government is from. -the Slave Power, IThat Power ia'no longereon
-1 int to rest within the States where it exists.
t j.)ervades and controls every department
'f if the national g - overnment. The Sufreme
) 1
ourt, of the 'United• States is under proic•slave•
' • Infinences. 'There is inot a :Tian on that
leach or in,any,place Under governinetit Who
, r 3
aces express himself in= favor of freedom.
'But we must let th - Rs subject alone. Al
lidugh slaFery its making, war on the consti- ,1
ution, this is .if dangero4 suhject for us to
I i ,
ieddle iiith,SO4 we must keep still, He
Add not keeP , still. 'To any organization,
hlic-or private, that favori slavery, he was
.organization thatlas aided it in-its
. fit - , aggressions, 'is the organization that
'de 'Franklin Pierce President—that sup-
is DOuglas, i Cass, Buchanan, Soule, and
e ison. - Does Slavery e, giv any indica
n l s
.ofpausing' in its guilty career 2 I,What
he history of its aggressions - within the
i taree months ? It has attempted to in
lace the: slave code .'of the' South- r -the
,ws of SOuth Carolina—into the Free States;
Cstablish the ;rule that,whenever a man is
tinied . as a slai , ,e , he must be delivered, , :up.
i•courts of the Free States have alWays
1 that a slave-, biought voluntarily into
„territory his master,. becemes -r fres-,..”
f •
Re'constitution providei for the rettlitioii Of-i
, g live slaves; but not that a slayelrOuglit
`,i v
his master to a Free - ,State, may stili"be
I t : "141 as a slave. 3 This diStlnetion is ateernAit
- &) be done aay with.,-, , ,the,effect of which 1
otlid be the practical ititrbduction of,Slthre
4 - I to: every part of the:Vnion, wheneier
-s ' olders 'might ehoOie to
.bring., their.
, 1
s v here. 'the Lemin'en slave' . 'case in
1 1 1;
. .el, York is one of those in whicri_t-he South
,i. t
" l izie i , .dtd, that die law sssettled by--the uni.
;at ,
hi decisions of • the Courts should be re
? 'I
.. t .
-'ive ed, .and pronounced the decision of-the
* York trilmual which declared ,the
r; .
loves 1
sc free, an aggresiti c n on SOUthein rights.
ITha recent casein Ohio is wiliay a Res. Mr.
O f eiiiisoia elaiine4 ;mulatto ulattO girl as his
s li' v,e , was slincii! . . ,-She,'Was brought. into•
~ 0 '1 1 .) by a friend ' the reverefied gentleman
'' taking'i • • his - --
,iv q was the irginia at request.
,illt• lillioit has alway. beet) under Stood tiit,
7.4 di- person iitsnaint oi l 0 9 . imp . of Out t ,
ik ,
, - i.
, • ~4,
:- • I "'-' ' 'lkeiniulid Burke ithrereu - mum" ............
• .
and ritad a fe.pki from Gen.'.oiirce to hin2,407 .
ring (fie pl*idriitia . -1' ciulear,s, arickag him ui'
use, his itilioeui*iu....hhkravor.. • ,
.. - , .
State, except fugitive sla , i•ea, escitpiperona a
Slave-State, is free. Tha girl +aa brought
before a Judge or habeas pkpits,!and - set free ;
and as she ivas under age, a1,.-guidian inns ap
potnted'for her..
.Dettiton.,t en ?gets -a , war...
rant under thi'kugitii. lal4ye .law, and has,
her arrested .in Cinein l ust.i.. She :is again'
bro't up on habeas corpus, land. ain set free'
Again she was seizedaml again • ued---!res
cued•by indignant men. I The s quel lie • did
not know: . . . ; 1 iC . ; ; • ! -
i:. . ~i; ._ !
In the settled purpose'. tip t Slaxiery to tram
ple on the lairs, as evldeneadbi the Lemmon
case and the Cincinnati case,' lis- our ,great
.daager. - B u t is this !all that t h ey: have tit
temPtedt ot by any means. i 1 A bill piss
-ed the,Senate . near the close, of le: last ses
sion—passed in the night time, !which sceins
to be seized upon by !Slivery iii the 'fittest
season - lo do its • tOrk--4,•thp -eff'ict of which
• vr.ould'be to.. strip every 'ie j itizett of a Free
State of his right to ba -tried, byl the "laws . of
his State. . This law, -!great, as 14 the usurpa
tion involved in it, woitid!hava ... passed the
House, if there had been • tin:m.l. That 4•as
the same House' • that;; pas4eil...!tbe, Nebra4ka
bill, and. it would_ have paired this which! is
"subversive of the established lays of the bind
and of the rights. of the States under the CO
stifution. It would have 4iveni great addi-'
tional - power to the national! goyernntent
‘ibich is now. and has long-beta the great
concentrated instrantent . ' I •of , Slavery. ?,y
that law , any man. befall-1011e Process of the
could c one •
general government, eould ;comMit . any out
rage, and
. not be answerable toi the laws of
the state. This woal - d,....cliange our wille
system,-and deprive tite . people I t o f their dear
-est .rights. SlaVery is qaitit, is !t. 4 . - . Slas4ry
makes •no aggressions? 'Look riot . On its a ts..
In: ‘lK 7 Siothiitoisni is the'.
- 'danger-spa
great hidden danger. Do tioti look' at
,he The North has been drivento her true posi,
, .. . ,- - 1 -
doings of congress, nor theoutrtges' in Kan- tion, and will maintain it: The The more mod
sa; leave ,these things to "'pi...op quietly i let . Crate of the Southern papers take this view
slavery coil:ink •Wlutteieri l ioutrages it "m y, of things. ..One such paper takes the ground
while -we coverup its doings "IY,t.tsaising a that, the FugitiveSlitve . law .was unwise, .`n
smoke over the K,N's.• W.hettp;tyr-Noth- jurious . to the SOuth„, and should be repealed,
• , fsiiii:.i
ingisin had committed one tWent
~, artof.he and the old law restored. -Another paper
aggressions On
the Constittitl4Vat Slav ry advocates the doctrine that fugitive slaves
has, he would Unite in Putting itdown. Sla •e. should be returned,l,,like- fitgitives from jus.
ery may force itself into Kantiby pistol nd Lice, on application from the. executive of one
bowe knife, hui, : it 'innst be let; alone, foil it State to that of, `another.. ~• This indicates a
t” ; i• ,, z, "‘ -I , eys,,r l i .iui .....f.licil t raiti,...: ~ \Y.e._•see it,Ow consciousness that they hate gone too .far—
eigitty that %VAS to decide' F the slavery tines- morrt.. .He predicted - that:in the next -Gen- ,
tion in Kansas. ' Anned end organized bands gress,the - -Southeri f hot,heads will,be wonder
of MissOuriaris ; march forth to, conquer new fully cool. Ile thought there wa,p no danger
territory for Slavery, control the elections in 1 that slavery \void's" control the next Congress.
. Kanms, and then return like theliontana of. There . would he too Many true rum there.
old in triumphal processions, Bitt the Wash What' he apprehended was that before Con
in'gton .Union ; saysl i nothin,tnbeut this oit.-; gress assembled, the I.lxecutive might involve
rage, .and there, are . some other 'presses ne, r- us in a War, and then *mild 'inform that body,
er horde that say' little abOut it. No, dray as did one of-IdS.,..prdecesSers, that "war ex
do not see the ditii•cer in thitdireetion. 4c- fists !" . And We Would then. t . ;00 on, for in case
cording to them; lie wis - n
/7 iiinn . to oVerturn of a fight, our side is'alwayS . right. '. .
the government I- If he waS . ,guilty of those ' He conaratultited the chairman that the
things charged, against him he was liable to parAv to which lie . .(the
.speaker) .had been
an impeachment, and Would , be likely ito be zr,R A to belong i ', the .Wilig party, Was de
impeached, for he was' not ; a favorite' Ve 1 stroved, and that that other great party, to
was -apt to be. refractorY, When the harness 1 which the chairniiiii lied belonged, if not whol
galls. lle went(' not-be k(ipt jt the trace ; fly destroyed, is •tdtierini with weakness, lack
- - ; •
he , woul d A speak his. sen tint en ts. I • ' . 1 ing the supportof the - people • and .they were',
rrl •• . rkbeit.,••• • .. . : 1 . _ . , 1
ilgw enabled to stand tether on the same
a common causnti there vte.w ill stand and
labor till frecdoin: shall be fully secured to the.l
North and the Ttirriterie.s. ' ' - . •
It . h:id been reported that W. 11. Seward.
had said he would vote to admit Kansas as a
slave State. lle . , did not believe this. He
had good authority fiir saying that Mr. Sew
yi and had been misrepresented in this matte:r.•
I.lf the question of the ',repeal .of the obnoxions
2 . portion of the Nelirdska-Kansas b4], . should
come' up in the next Congresi, he deuhted not
that Seward would: be found :battling in favor .
of repeal. - . .
• ,
He ktew Gov. , : Feeder of Kansas. .He
knew'him as an uncompromising Oemocrat,
he believe(' him to lie an honest rnan. Al
though heWas . rather )what Might lie called
an old Hunker in :pOlities, :lie believed he
would try to do ldi ditty as , boverrior. But
whit'haahe been able to do i _ Atchison and
i• • . . , •
Co. hav eqswept: aivai- all bkore them, and
. .
T Kansas is doomed:to SlaVery-:: Pciimlai Soy
ereignty has received a beautiful exemPlifica ,
tin. , What willlGen. Cass' and those who
went with him, say upon their. favorite squat
ter sovereignty 'priiving to. be a pistol and -
bowie-knife sovereignty 3 : • .- All . the !assuran
ces that were made' indueeacquieicenee in
the Nebraska bill, had! been filsified e Slave
holders carry their elates there - and Claini the
right to hold them. Slaverylwas still follow
ing up. its object. •':. ;'' • -'. .; '.
H 6 would apologize 'for ocenpying i
so much
time, for, as he said in the beginning he had.
not recently devoted inuch. time tol polities,
and he' feared he had been eietnplifying the
,saying, that when One has not much to tell
it takes him a gotid While to tell it. :
i '
' When Judge Jeastiri concluded; the follow•
ingresolutions,recentlY adopted by 4 Repuhli
can State Convention 'fin Maine; we're :read
and adopted : . ''.• .-. ~ :, 1 •
4 1. That the Constitution of the United State 4
was designed, by the people who adopted it, to be a
law of impartial liberty, tothe full extent to the pow:
era granted of the FederalSorernment.
. 4 2. That, by the Conititation, .COngrese is made
the special guardian Of the liberties,of the people in:
, habiting the District of Colnmbitt and the Territoriesl of the United States ;.and until it shall abolish Slaier
-1 yin the former, and forever prohibit it in the latter;
it remains false to the acilefint trust cdinmitted . to its,
cfiarge:. . .... ~
'8 That the Constitution; while itiprohibits t the sec;
eral Stateefrom enacting any •law Or regulation', dii r
charging fugitives front service or labor Irani their ob.:
ligauons,cofers no - power;whatevel , upon Congress
to legislate 015 this subject. 1: The act of 1850, &led
the Fugitive Slave taw, is,aherefori, not only inhu
man, but imconstitutidtalin its provisfons, acid should
be immediately and utteonditionallyiePettled. - . , •
4 4 That it is the right grid ditty of COngress, in all acts
for the atimission of, new Stites into' the Union, to .
prohibit forever the introdtietion of Slavery therein.
`Resolved, That in tbe:Ordinance!of V 787, coeval
with-the Constitution, In 4 freely acquiesced in both
a a p n ra d eti So m uth i,agf , re f s o me r ni m ebo o xie re tiot thsui ni.thtoe.riti .h ge al sh f ?, a bNyw ee econ u no tu grw rj ,rve •
exclude Slavery ,nf.aswtoe.
sert that right, and denTud the discharge of that duty.
`Resolved, That the, repeal of . the' Missouri :Com
:promise, by Congress and the prestmt Natidnal . Ad
ministration, has been
violation of
the plighted faith of the Smith, for the sole' purpose
of extending Slavery averthe region of the North
:west, and strengthening' the- power Of slavehohlers' in
our Government; and thoSeliortheni men who voted
for that measure, basely betrayed the rights of the I
people :whom they were ehnlien to represent. _.
`Reaoft;ed, That thelOtabitants of Otis State, with
out distinction of color, ire at all times entitled to its
protection; and that to deprive any one of his liber-
Ay, without due process oniw, - embracing ajtu7 trial,
Under whatever diseise:itMaY be id:tempted, "s. a
try any standing - ainong' the Natio;: - 'The
Sonth is weak and - rotten, k. wlth her, ini
'tutions, she , Must, ver 1)4 • The weakness
and danger that- belong to the social systen:
at the South, may, ire an apology for aPiar':
keeping silence there, but here . there is tic
inch:apology.. The greatest aggressjon e
. Cur Ministers r
mains to be mentioned.
Europe held a Congress at Ostend, not lo p
since, and engaged - in .grave;; consultation
the state Europe, and: the. relations of o r
government with the several European g .
..ernments. . For what purpco was thattnect•
: ing held? Not to proinote Jour comMert
or any other interests,', but 4iniply- to clew' e
ways and means by which this country cud
get Cuba. Mr.. Buchanan, ',our Minister to
Eanland . , Mr. Mason, France,
and Mr.-Soule, - who went out to Spain for the
express purpose of plunging;this eountryinto
a war to strengthen the SlaVe power by the
annexation of Cuba, With her 500.000 slaves,:
to this Union, were there. A State paper was
; ...i...
prepared, the purport of maim was that this
country shoidd go into alWar -to maintain
slavery . in Cuba, rather than permit Spain to
manumit her skies! I i
. All this has slavery. done I and attempted
within the last three rnonths.l, i.Slavery remain
huiet! It is folly
, ever to expect it ; while the
two antagonistic rinciples (If : frecidom and
slavery exist in the countrY, there Can be - no
.and whenever slaverY shall. become
- permanently 'dominant in the country, - free
,dom will be destroyed.
He. might_ be expected to say, some thing
himself—t 6 defend
.himself from at
tacks that have been made on him. He
. Would merely Say that ruffianism is not con
tined• to 'bullie& There is.
.a i;ruinanisrn-that
tears broadcloth, and wields the pen. In the
nraffian that brawls in ilrestreet, and dares all
to combat, that is - one re.deetping trait, he has
theCourage.,to stand forward and rneet.thecon
seqticncei of his sets. B,Pt he who coward
ly retires behind his pen, and Sends forth froin
thence his fo'd and false attacks upon:the
'characters of others; lacks this redeeming
- qa
ality. • . It was no new thing for him to be .,aailed in the public printi;.' his position on
the Slavery question had made him peculiar
ly, liable to suchaSsaults: ire Wahington
- tuion, the PennSylvauian, and kindriod prints,
commenced their attacks on him long ago.
He had learned to bring philosophy to his
•aid,' in meeting things of this kind. His phi
losophy was that . eventually the truth Will
hecorrie mazii fest—that lies. Wi)l die, While The
"truth fOreVer. 1 • 1,
• Judge 'Wilmot-wits frequ'pntly and enthu
.siasticaliyebeered during his speech, and : on
his taking his seat, Judge'Jessup was calla
tur: - '• r ' • ' •' . .'' .'
Judge Jessup said be came into this meet=
ing to peat• and not to speak,. lie bad been
very li~ueh engaged, in for several
months past, and had no titul to devote' to
polities. Still, thOugh be had ',looked only on
the surfaCe of events, he had. i>ereeived . that
great changes were taking i;lace . It is evi
dent that the National adnunuftration jr"\re•
ceived the sea! of public detnnttioa -that
w-h-e r r-e I' ln this! woman's rigritxerlifis 1 IC u l y - 14, - ,Age . --- To
significant, for bla Osinticker is keel ob- I boors st - the Office formedy occupied b 3
server. and knows) - • aids. Fat. north of the. Court Souse.
it has been repudiated by tife,people as nev
• • 1: .-
er.adminintratiort, w as before . . - . The political
chaacter of CongresShas beo almost entirely -
ch4ged, so far as the people could. effect. it.
There is scarcely corporal's guard left to
he Itidrainistration. =A friend of the adminis
tration. in.speaking to him of this change, had
said it was all canned by ICncow:Nothingism.
Buti he had rer.lied to this - nian, how comes it
the masses who have: long been honestly -at
tached- to the Deniocratic Party, hive forsak
"en President Pierce and' his adthinintration ?
It Will not do to 'amine these men of forsak:
ling th eir principles; or
of deserting their
ipar y ties without, a cause. That -would be
an anomaly.. • ,
. The MassachUSetts election, he. was told,
;would prove to'Oe a pro-slavery triumph.--
IBUtl what did that State do 3 -.Why, one of
.the first acts.of the Legislature was to elect'
iHedry Wilson, a radical Man, .to
i'the United States,_'' Senate. . Any man who
pre4ded that Ariythi ng but the pro-slavery ism
'of the governmOt a n d the )anti-slavery feel
,ingq of the people) had prodneed these great
results, _Was deceiving or deceived. .He
.did ?lot know whether thei. Knout-Nothint4
had ever done atiything to show that they are
.pro-slavery. if the men in this county -who
arc accused of Kitow;Nothingism, are to be
be t l ak - en as samples; the order is certainly
not Ipro•slavery; for; most of these men have .
beep for many yearS known as slavery's un-'
conipromising foes'. , • •
'1 ho 'people have :triumphed, not merely
over the Administration, but also_ over. the
Sihfer Gray - Whigs and the
,e.tats. They are: deitroy ed—.--tone forever.—
It iS 'a triumph. of true Northern men over
dotighfsces and.:ifoughface
_principles. • This
is the great event Ito be rejoiced over to-night.
manifest Tielation - 43 6,; and should therefore be
made a penal off'en ;'• • .• ,
Much entlittsitti- ' i and good feeling pro:a:
tied the meetinil t ilie peculiarly - happy ,cf
forte of the srieek:fre (quite imperfectly re
ported above) 4 , e,lit3ctilved,.. with:, frequent
burets of appl4sb ; aid the Meeting -ad
journed, leavitgi! . l* friends of the nepubli
can organizati&i*, ell satis fi ed with the po
sition' and prOspets:of Ittefrarty in Susque
.lI_O . , • s • •
-' 111 4°T,,40', a llse a'
_ On Wedneedeji--tatt, week the House
concurred in Oki; Senate amendments of the
Act to reseraiir the sale of intoxicating
liquors,' by a tota : 9f 57 to 27, and . the act
has'reeeived the: approval of Gov: Pollock
and become a'l**, -; A copy of the, Act will
be found in anot.berieolutnn. It passed the
Senate by a votelot i ls yeas_ to 11: nays ;• - t-
Messrs.Brovin," Citbb, Darsie, , lenuiken,
Fraser, Hanilin t doge, Jamison, Jordan,
Lewis, Platt, !Prieei, Quiggle, Taggart, 'and;
Wherry voting in to affirmative, The vote
in the House wit's tte follows t• , '
Yees--Mesere; illegood,_ Avery, Baker,'
Ball, Boal, BoN'vt4eni Cal d well, Carlisle, Cham
berlin, Clapp,lglovkr, Criswell, Cummings,
(Phila. C 0.,) Cointoins, (Somerset,) Downing,
Eyester, Feal'o'n, Igietcher, Foster, Foust,
Free, Guy,
.ocrinfier, Harrison, Hodgson ;
Holcomb, Hol3lis; Kirkpatrick, Krepps, Lane,
Laporte,, LathrOp, t 4,eatc - Lot; M'Cahnont,
M'Cipm, Mrorine4,'M'Cullough, Maddock,
Morris, lforrieen; Muse, Palmer, Penny Pack
er,Powel, Ross; Siiftpson, Smith, (Alli,g,he
ny.) Swath, (11)0i0 Smith; (Phila. City,)
Steel, Stewart, ;SO 'deVant Thorn, Water
house, Wool:and $ mg, Speaker—Ls7.
revs—Messrs: arty, Bush, Christ, Craig
Crawford, Daugherty. Donaldson, Dunking,
Frailey, FraOlirt, 'Fry, Gross, Herr, Linder
man, I . lreonkeA liengl„ North, Orr, Reese,
Rittenhouse, Sallo4f;Sherer, Stehley, Wick
ersham, Witrittlr i IVrigit and Zeigler-27.
- i'
Fir :t4 republican. •
The Know-Nethiika and Mr - Wats°leff.x -
, The KnoW•Npthlng question has vexed and
puzzled the p4ot eyond all precedent, It
, v
• oes off so iii the more you'see , itand
derstand it. rflie . inysterious order is seen
doing things,! Init)loir and why or for what
piirpos.e nobody:knows.. If we are to believe
all that is said:iif it; we must believe . that it
has more pririelpi more measures,. more
objeZ‘s and nuir . ed44igns•than all other orders
and phrties put togelher. These 'designs and
principles are said to consist of all the various
shades-and degOes „ itbst can possibly be con
ceived to exist between the extremes of good .
and bad,' liberli.and ' Proscriptive,'
ic and 'treasonable;' righteous and '.unrighte :
ous,' holy and!,' unholy.' . It questions a man
to his b'rtli-plain; his parentage . and his
marriagerelatiop;.i.: It inquires of him Wheth
er he drinks, Or JMyS . , or S'ells,•,or keeps, or
gives away .itittixli4iting beverages. ' It re
quires him both to Confess and deny the right
of hold !Milian flesh in bondage, to
• it. ins i nktar: 7tp.4.e.erthwa
federal gciverinnent. It' is not content to
learn of a mini, hiS:•birth-place, and parentage,
and marriage.: relations, ; and political opin
iens, but come ::rPttilessly upon him . in hispri
v ate devotions; - and l demands of him his reli
gious belief and 41* manner in which his con
science directslhi4 o worship his God. In
. • •
its inquisition MO : the minds and .ebnicienees,
of nien, it ihrinks . :fiom pubic discussion and
hides itself in iseeret gatherings.' In 'its at
tack upon the political and social, rights of
men, it dares not. to meet its opponents m a fair
conflict at the ballotlziox, bit carries its de
signs by the aidlori"inidnight conspiracies.'
'ln its attempt t`ti.4r,ty, out] its principles it
abandons truth and justice, and takes refuge
in ' falsehood
, lies;Yud ,
Such is the hlstO4 that has:been written,
not by the friend's:l)ut by the enemies of a
secret order whjetiAiii - isid4o!have swept, like
a prairie fire; 0.*0r,013wh014 cOuntry-,. leav
ing nothing . but!bliektiess Old desolation . in
its-track. N oW, '4hen the grea(political par
ties of the - day been consumed by it
like dry' grass, tintli*hen the political power
of .Slavery. stands upon the Country, like the
western oak,. charted and burned, but not,
felled, and - when 4ie'dernon of alcohol shrinks
dmin before a firei.iii4ter than his ovM,:there
comes uo from:`
towtiS.hip an obscure
indiVidua4 with ittO i4.lpose or the mysteries
and iniquitie2s all-corisuming power,
with the expectadon that hisipuny arm is to
stay its progresS.-li [ 1:-
- The expose islitied and read With .aVidi;
ty. The 'first eoPvietion that . comes upon
the reader is Mi. IW.ntson'i utter deftitution
of - all sense ofhentir7 l . ,' He btrays the confi
dence reposed in !iiiniby a friend, and totally
disregards. his ,Wertr , ;iind honor freely and
voluntarily pletlgeil'itto a neighbor, He de
clares that he vo*tarily plaied his hand.up
on the Bible sad: ipleinnly toOk an otith that
he Would neverlipieid any Of the signs and
secrets of the ord , to . i . This sOlemn oath he
confesses to h:a.v4?tivillfullyviolated.' how
ever bad the ordetiniaY be, howevei• perni.'
cious its principlesliind;treasonble its designs,
a knowledge of its 'Signs, grips and pass-Words
can be of nt(posiß4benefit to - Community. -
A revelation of it eta can .in ; no: way in 7
jure - - the order, Writ can changel,them all , in
a day. Mr. Wat . sptt istherefOre left.without
the •least partiefe'4'an excuse for violating
his oath not to revol4he workings of the or
der. This. part of fidi.
,expose can have .only
One effect, that is,
,4COnvinee.the - world that
Mr. Watson disregOds the - obligation of an
oath, and to proye hlin to hni'a Perjurer and
a traitor to his..G64 I -
Although tAterC....*iot be Aeilad a Sent
blance'of exewi t eLp# exposing the signs,
grips and pass 7 wor4sOf the order, Mr. Wat
son might be _justify* in' violating, his oath, if
by. doing so, he:could' reveal principles or de
signs that conflict with the laws itif the State
or the Natien,' or. ihel rights of individuals;
even with that "liio4oitly! to which all good
men'are aceustinneti:td.lOok, 1 attempts 1
to give but tivo in - justification of his crime, because be 1 f'tOclk=an oath to tell a
fatvehoOdi and art ciatii oto do'Wron
rthla - if - al pay tile mat mar et price. riearous
k '
J. T. Rich- ferred. :. -SMITH k•IlEt
- 1489.! • ik....a;gai:.• It mit
He has published thei oatha which be took,
an&by a
.:referenee to theini, it will he seen
that!-ho tP l 'oath to fell ajOehood.'—
Nouiing eflhat nature iscontalneit in them.
Ile-makes statement, t4ul publishes the
proof that it Is false. ! • •-
• 1 •
His second reason is 'that he 'l l tococ l an oath
, • 1,
to do wrong :' Let us oattline the , ' l oath of
the first
,degree. 'Aside, from the obligation
•orseereei,, there are but two principles con
tain'e_d in fit. The first is leontaitied in the
~.. .
lolliii_winglizo.uigo.- - sa ! ', iltengrri i A ,i,; ) ,,,,, m - v i ii
with Me wall of the
.1 • ;
ed in a 120ful manner, a¢ lOng , osit does tioi,
. i
mai?ritil when express-.
conflict with the ;Constitution of ithe United
States, nor of the State b whlci . , fie resides.'
He is not; to comply with the Will °fatly one
mad, nor any setof MCOl i , 111 i of any enramit
tee,lnor of any caucus, nor cif any Convention.
Buthe is to . coMply with the will of the Ma
jority, • When ,expressed, in - -a lawfill,rnanner.'
Here. is Democracy in the hroadest and fullest
-aceoptation 'of the terM.f . - No dictation from
party leaders, no intrigue and , wire . pulling
in Bounty Conventions; ita truckling to south
ern idoinination in Baltimore donventions, but
a simple eamplianea with a" fulland free ex
pression Made by the whole ; ord . er: ;That is
purply democretic,- andi' If .Air. Watson had
published, -What he has s . tated verbally, that.
any member will. be gra:need 4i - 11:honorable
dismission from the ordr. by simply asking
for, it,' without even gi 'ins his 1 reason, he
would ha Pe developed te most perfeet Dern
cratic.organization that / der existed in the
l i e it is; there is •no wrong in
beihg goi•emed,by the Wili of; the. majority,
`sot long Its it Shall notleoriflict with the Can
. stitution iof the United' Sat'es, nor of the State
in vhich he resides.'; . ThiS ciatise cuts off all
po sibilitY . of a man'alieing required .by his
i i
-to di; anything ‘:iiiiasonaPle,! anything
`indictable,' or anything; in, ` violation! of the
rights of onseience,' or, an j: ' wrong.' -
The right to-worship God; aecoidingl to the
diciates of conscience is guaranteed :by the
, 4 -•,
uonstitution Of the United Statei, and not
.• . ; any oitp 'revealed by Mk.
Witson.t; ;IC Makes no -dikerence to the pelt
tican whether a man eonfesseS to God, the
. prest, or the devil, or' 7 r vhether he worships
tint Virgin, the Saints, :pr .lliiiiinlciii,• So long
as he 'believes in the exisi i ence; of a . Supr ne
, u..f....,„„1. 1„.1.....i..-..i.i... - i...ii : otini I.pi4iiini,,,- . tit. 'tit- .
lea) influence and his 44olitical power ly
that is c`.iinsidered. • The eXpo4e of AL!. . at
sets - i ; • ' - ' ' •
son at rest the - eliargel, that the order is
ciilpo's.ed to the free. eiareipe Of the rights -of
otlicons4ence and proyps ;that sp far, he has
taken n6 l .' oath_ to-do nukml.' .- I . ' •
the 4e•ond prineio contaiiie.d in this oath
is, his, lyou will not vote; nor give your in,
fhinnee,lfor any man fiii", :lily OfifFe in the gift.
°tithe peeple. unless lit beian '..-linerican born
citizen; in 'favor of An, etlic;in born - citizens
ru)ing'Sinerica, nor idle be a Itti . inan Catlio
li(.' , This prineiple will nOt jtisti;ty Mr.
sOn's vi elation of his oath, betitiiseit-has been
fr . ely taiked, written
. and i'prilited
. ever• since -
tile order was started witlianti [ l . ,,ny attempt at
secreeyi 1 ,The workings or tlit t. ',,order and its:
1 ,.
'lnninbers have been 44 eeret, - but ' not. its
gqeat American, principle-.-• Aineric'iins to
eilery" Men's'. thotifh
..tintii: -t '-li ?Hifi,. l ' - iiii - a g'
: ri • , •
n4t . a secret
_revealed by Mr. Watson.— ,
`.Aeri <ziiiit to rule :anzeric,a' i 4, a principle de, 1
rii nt
-eif directly li-om the! donstitution -Of the
LTilited Slates, 'whieh tbr i bids that a foreigiii
should - Eiver be permitCcd t1otill" thin Presidnn
tial chair ii ' What better right, haS a foreigner
to be ,alOovernor that to b& President—
what betCer right to rule.&.St4c than ta rule
the nation? None ; asi I Understand
. it.t .
I,`Nar,if he be a Rainnn, CahOlic ' "ie . adit,l
e,' beciise the -Remain datho4 Church is I
believe& to be-a great, ipalitiet i l as well as -
ecelbsiasticalTobir,`beeensii it-lii‘stiines aitd
eierciii. Iheright togOern in 14inporal 11'
well as iii,spiritual affair,. 1.. This! belief is de
- t r
riled froth hiStory. Upon;thilAuestion men
are not asked to take assertions l O,r, opinions,
tot hear Ireasens or They are'
mrietly direct,ed to history;!-which!Settles; the
qtrestionlWitheut diseusiiiaa. ;
_Catholics are proscribed on account of their
Political 1 opinions and it)iin:ence, - the seine_ as
Dinocrati, are proscribed by ,A 1 ii and as
Whigs are proscribed biDeriMeints, but - in:
'not other way. • Whethpr. this lle i right of
wrong, men are.left to Julge l for ;themselves.
If a man 'l,elieves . that 11/intierleatis; brought,
up and edUcated undertikinerienn; laws and
S. terican Institutions, sib hetter-,4talifled to,
rue America than are f`origneig who' are'
1 • ;
brpughtup and edueatet4under Are ion laws.
anfl l toreigi c i institutions, land if -he . believes'
tbit Catholicism is inconsistent wili Repub.
licanism, then he is a Kimlwliklathing in prin
eiPile, according to the eXPos • e
Pf[ Mr.- Wat
son_..- t ~, I-i. _
,I; . . „ 1 -• .-
The oath of the' second degree contains no
• I , ; ; •
Ine principle but. earrias out -more Perfectly
; , '1 .
th principles contained in the oathnlthe first
degree. ; I . • . • 1- I.k, l'
.. ,
'here; is: one view of th ease ~ l iieh . might
I seem
,to otTer some exten ation' fil r ir this most
execrable - Proceeding. to !have! cansidered
thud matter as if gr.Wateonibacl tade a faith
fullexposure of that w.hich hei knew to be true.
But this is.,hot the ease..' HI: is Merely the
du)e and tool of'E.B. Cha i se ! qe states that
he ttended- only lour . meeings , o r the order.
In hat time he could not havei committed
those oaths; to memory, krinn nierelihearing
peithna.repeat:ed, so perfectly ha:could 're
t thane ; tux- months, afterwards, ; Verbatim'
,iteration; commas, seMiCOlonsll and iill.--
'l'4 thing ill not to be thiitight of foi a me-
Mein. Helne mita that he lwas het an officer,'
ail& therefore could not liavJ seen:the oaths,
ner c could he hive read theni-if he ' bad seen
them. - How then came Mr.l Weisoe -to re
veal these oath% He is;a! teak Man, total
Incapableof composing the article', he has
sil el • Then whole thing vas .prepared for
hi hy Chaee.' l The l oathe ;* deh • ' from
. ~, p l - q .
an . p .. pose published. in diet. Peiiiiylvanian
beflre the lest fall'electian,lend c+culated by
Chap! all over the' counti I' 'The l eigns, grips, I
andloathslare the- .tinlo
,in !N:Sratiikin's expose.
as . ih, 1 -the exPaso of the Pilin'ailv'anian: . That
thesle Signs, grips, pass-wardi, die r l Should-re
maiii unchanged more than 'oil niepths after•
thes were exposed, :Lippe* 6, perfectly -. ridicti..
loui \ do any cats , at all . conFerlit .'with the
worliinp of ii secret order:)l jici ' , Mr. Virat
- - • ii I;•-I 1 ; ; '''
1cii,1571 .- 1 1 - iXTArrEp:,-.tiditei;l4l'edse; Egg,§;sl
Iv V itrnalee. Piit'atcteci Beene. ka.
son was inOubea:i to sign an nxiioe - Avbieb bore
the evidenle'i)f• falsity ; upon its 'face;is i mat.
ter of conj(icepre. All that is knolinlabout .
it is that' : had just returped fro4i, Ha r .!
risburg wlre': he had been electioneering for
Canieron, Ind was 4 :tiush,' and Mr. '''tyatsori
was poor. ,o
-' -
If the expose is correct as to principles,
then all Wll4ve to say is , all the charges
made by thed Democrat against the Ktiow.
Nothing? , O;by they Democrat proved to be
untrue. 4the Deynocratia i! m
be, as here ofOre,'th; only eiheient eans. '
disseminat ng Know;Nothing principles thro
the great mass of. Democratic voters, and of
disproving any falselstatements made in r
lotion to its 'Objects', and designs. Far th,
publicatio of this expose ampermi tted ti
I'' ' - I
say to Mr., Chase, ' I thank thee, Jew.'
i `,t + ' ' t ONE OF 'E.%
. ,
) For Ih4 Rep rblican.
. What to , great . noise the Democrat ma
1 ,
makes abnt her screw .loose. Wh
man, such stnall scr l ews would not. be miss.
if a doyen.,tthem should get • loose. Hos
much . tie .;did e. t t.Speaker Chase and hi:
i •
,y associates- lately 'spend,• in ,
• i
private wayi l auout It tertain horse-barn; a - itnlrish: Whiskey tavern in Ne
Milford, liunting up this loose !crew, an I
getting up : .*eommtitfication and. endeavorin _
to palm itiott as a produetion of a Mr. Smith 7
The. attenip(i is..vaiti, for
. all. who know 4..
Smith, are':Well aware•of his incompetence ti
write suih i .! 111 r. Smith, according to his
own story? t breaks his.own so . leiim obligatica ,
in what h . 011 s an exposition - of:Know-Not -.•
ingism, a d i !asks to be.believedi and in• o .
zer to help the thing along, gets, nine Ter '
respectable !gentlemen to Sign .a' i certifies e
setting filti., that 'said . &I . :kith ::s I a . Man f
truth andiVeracity., . . ' • • '
Theie 4itte very iespectable 'gentlemen / -
doubtedli 4aa thelcommunicatia signed by
Edmund .with, and .consequently must has
seen and art erstood that he had broken h"
solemn ohligacion, by his own, shoWing,, ant
therefore 1 1 ..4tU1d not honestly claim a chant
ter for tqith and veracity. Do they suppw
their Owil ehakaeters' are so high in the' esti
'f the public, that they, may sign
il4 to me - ,: at least, to -be a lie updln
1.1eF,, and not have their ctwn-intevi
nqoii ? Surely, there ninst he tronb:e
ifijwhenigentlemen condescend to
o r meanness, promi;ing office cir
t 'to such' a man as Smith, .wl•
poor sou;
what sees
. -
its very
ty questi
iu the cat
such acts
low no better • than to belielle
• i
is therefore to be l pitied 1-:c in
assure vai,:gentleinen, thatsO far from. the
-R '
American Party growing less or being on the
decay in lc 61i Milford, we:ar in good con
dition, veVt.jprospOrimis, and at the next elec.-
tion-willishoiv you that our iy numbers are
&foal to our wants. In another article oft e
same able ed4or seems .scriou s y
, 1
to be y:1111116 the attention of AMcriean:.c.l i
-4 .
- i
zees as -td whetherjhey arc really capable 'r
tit for Jui•vinen, or Judges, or whether, u
fact, the American people are any longer o
be enti4ed with selfgovernmcnt, - 1 lino
of nothil that should' induce a sensible -ma i
-to use sitthhinguage; disappointed am biti n
that the telings of a disappointed politici, n
are hittcri 114-olid . .all things else. This ma y
account ftr the constant, overflow from• ill.i i
bilious foinitain, but for meanness; hypoc L
.cy, and. olitrageous, insult, it caps the clima .
Ar old; iencit 'be well for this sagaciousi .
l j •
to gij ier petit him his advisers; and seriousl
consider ihe . "inatter, and if they really fin
the Atnei'licari
. people incompetent for RI -
governt a.
neti , :to forthwith import' from t e
Emerald sle'a: sufficient numbei-„'So that t'
Judge's 13en0i mai, have its numbers ful ,
and en_ left for:coniveloit Jurymen, - ari
• • : -
by . so doing . gain voters enough to carry al
- ' l
elettions, and themielves into the fattest o -
. - v • !, . •
&es? i, Would not that'be nice?'
.. i . 11 i. *
- • - AN Alizrucas. - 1
• 3%,4 ' '..
New 1 - Iford April 16, 1855.
~- .1
them, an.
Ft I:he Independent Republican. .
. i
1 11 COTeettoll. •
~ .
ESSR,B .4DITORS : In. your last week's p..
I pet you ptiollshed an anecdote copied fro_ 4
1 the Ohio Oran, entitled 14 SCRIPTURE WEL
Aretar.n,"in;which the characters are Bisho
:Doane, of i New jersey, and the Rev. .16.
Peikins,:alsci;an Episcopal -Clergyman. Th
incident i 4 *ell told, but like many othe
good stori/s,Aacks one essential feature, viz:
truth, A Ipersonal acquaintance with hot
• parties enables me to set the matter right. '
The ane4dote is an old one, having first ap
peared. abi,nit ten years since, at which time
I was pi4siing . my studies under the diree.
tion of Bishop Doane, at Burlington, N. J.—
It was fir4lpublished, I believe, in an English
paper, under ;Ithe title of "The - Jolly Bishop
and the TelnPerance Priest;' and soon found
its way intp some of the American journals.
Inquiries to 4.scertaiti the truth of, the story
were iminWihtely made by friends of the
parties, ail ,t l the result was that a card from
the Rev.
I r.Terkins uppeared• in thetßur
lington (1s1,•-•Ji) Gazette, pronouncing it to be
utterly fals4, }and stating that he had never
dined with biShop Doane in his life. The
character..of the Rev. Mr. P. (who is a broth
er-in-law i:41111rs. Win. D. Cope, of this C 0.,)
- i •1
is a sufficient guarantee for the truth of his
statement. 1 The Organ must, haire found the
anecdote inisOe'oldpaper, oecoPied it from'
an authoritY ;',that derived it front such a
source, as it i identical with that, published
in 1845 or i 846. - ' '' • ' -, -
1 •
By givin the above an insertion you.° will:
serve the c/ti..e of truth ; and oblige I
- tYOurs Se., .
I '' 7 DEwrrr C. grurgimr.
- • :743e.Thq I„,egislatures of several of the
States—PeriniylvAnia, New Inrk, Michigan,
and othiirs+-have recently ptuised - Church'
Property bil l the otject of which is to.pre ..
vent the acgunnalation of Church property in
the hands o 4 Bishops ',and other ecclesiastics.
It is difficult to see why those Whose calling
is to ininistro the spiritual wants of their
logo* tncri, liCuld oppose such. slaw.
ny-A I r ieiich superior officer has written.
home trom...ihii Crimea for asupply of gard
en seeds, as he says the soil is rich and he el
Peel -to\ havi time, to gather a crop 'previous
to the corielwiim of_the siege.
•ilicittea Hams, "I ac.
8: S. IL,
as Ac t to R estra in the fiele l ef Intaiieliting ,
.. — _Liquors.. 1 •';' - i; -
. Section i. Be it' etzeteted!:&c., That v from
and after the Ist day of October next,it shall
be, :
unlawfurito keep or nsitit4tin any] house,
tixona . nr place where vinous;tsiglituoits, malt
or brewed liquors, or any adinixtures 'thereof,
unsold and drank, except as hereina ft er pro--
vitleil ; and 411 laws or parts of laws!, incon
with !the provisions'of, this act,lbe and' .
the same are hereby repealed. 11 .1
. 2.: That if 'any person-or persons .
within this
.Commonwealth shall keep for sale' ' -
and sell- , or in eonnee-ion...w* n 'other busi- -
wegror pr .), Lame employmen , ,
- therefor-on.)t price ; profit or advantage, by any.,
measure whatever, and at the same time var.:
untarily affurd a place,- or' any other eerie qn .
ience or inducement, by which - the attinatnay ~
be used as a beverage, any. Vitiotis, apirite'ous,.
..malt or b4ewed liquor, or any admixture ...,
thereof, he, slte or they..andlany one aiding,
abetting or assisting therein i sha ll be deemed
guilty of a Misdemeanor, andopentonvietion
shall be senenced to para Otte not exceeding ' -
fifty dollars!, and undergo imprisonment not -..
exceeding One month, and for a second or any '
subsequentloffence,- shall' pay a fine .not ex- •
ceeding one, hundred dellars; and undergo im
prisonmenti not exceeding tlirea months.
Section 16. That if any two or - more per- -
sone conspire, or act . to gethisr, Ihi Which, one
may sell, - and the other providela place or oth-.„
sr convenience for drinking, 'with intent to. -
evade.the 'provisions of this ant, each one so. •
offending, !Ton epnvietion; di:01 be punished. /
as provided in the second Section of this act..
Section . That it shall be unlawful for
any persoo; to sell or keep for sale any vinous, _
spirituous, !malt or - brewed liquors, or any ad- f
mixtures thereof, in eases' nth hereinbefore—
prohibited; in a less quantity than one Tian,. '
nor without license granted bY the Court of
I Quarter Sessions of the iirocler Coinity, on
1 petition piesented-for.thatlporpose, to be ad. •
vertised aheerding to the firsti section of the
act of the ;twenty-ninth of Tbfareh, one thou
sand eight hundred and
~ f orty-one, supple
mentary tip the various acts relating to tav
.licensas ; but no - such license-shall ,be -
I granted tol other than eitiZenS of the United
I States,of temperate habits iand good repute
1 for honesty ; Provided that!,no Certificate shall -. •
I be required or published as mentioned in.the
1 act herein !referred to: . Prvidid That no li.:
; I reuse- for the sale ofliquora as aforesaid, shall
I be granted to the keeper a 4ny, betel, inn,'
tavern, re s taurant, eating-house, oyster-house i
`'or cellar,-theater or other '.)laces of entertain- _1
2 went, amesemeut or refreshment... i
Seetionls. That the said courts, by their
''; riile., shall "fix a time at which applications .
I for said li4euscs shall be heard,lat which time
all persons mlikind objectiOns shall be heard.
Section :9. That it shall I not be lawful for -
the clerk (t• said court to-issue any license as
atbresaid, k intil, the applicant shall have filed
the bond ,hereinafter required,. 'and the cer
tificate Of ihc city receiver; 'or 'county treas
urer, thatl i the license, fee has been paid to him: .
- Saation 17. Thit the appraisers of licenses "
under thiS - act shall be apPoint.ed as provided
by existing laws,: exeept in! the' City of Phila
delphia, where, on the pasage - of this act, and
thereafter I at the _ beginning of every year, %
three repdtable and 'temperate persons shall
be appointed - by - the. Cotoli of
.Quarter Sas- .
sions to appraise dealers hi spirituous, vinous,
malt or bkewed liqaers aPresaid, and of dis
-1 'tillers and brewers, and I to do and perforrn
all duties ,now enjoined by[ law 'not inwnsistv
I cut herewith; and said appraisers shall be cit
izens of the United Statt.r., in no manner -
connected with, or. interested- in the liquor
business, and shall be coMpensated as. now
provided by law. -- ) .
- Section's. That, no licen6e shall be granted .
without the axment to thP receiver of taxes.;
lof the city : o hiladelphia, hr to the treasurers
i k :
,-or-tna of entkis or tfai Stafe, air the use
of the Cof4monwealth three times
_ - theamonnt
I now fixediby law to be paid .-by - vendors of.
spirituous' vinous, or maltiliiitiors or brewers
and distillers: Provided That no license shall.
be - granted for a less surn ihan thirty dollars.
Section 9. That the bond required to be
taken of all persons who shall receive a license
to sell spiriteous t vinous, Malt, or breWed li-
quors, or 4ny admixtures ti reof,.shall be in
one thousand dollars, conditioned for the
faithful obervance - of all thh laws of this Com-..
monwealth relating to the - business of vend:
ing su eh liquors, with two 'Sufficient sureties, _
and warrant of attorney to leonfess judgment;
*which bond shall be approved by one of the
judges of the' Court of Quarter Sessions of the
peace of the proper? county; and to be filed . in'
said Court; and whenever A judgment for any
' forfeiture or fine shall have been recovered
against the principal the - rein, it shall be law
ful for the diStriet attorney 4fthe proper coon-,
ty, : to enter judginent against the 'obligors-'
in the saidlbond, and proceed to collect the
sane of the said prindipal or sureties. .
Section 10: That every Person licensed to
sell spirituens, vinous Or Malt liquors as afore- '
, said; shall frame, his license under glass, and
place the same So - that it may 'at all times be
'I -conspicuous in his chief place of making sales; .
and no license shall authorize: sales'by any per-
I son who - shall neglect this requirement,. nor' ,
h shall any lice . nse authoilie the sale of any siiir
lituous, vinous or ma lt! on Sunday. ,
Section 11. - That' any sale made of any'
spirituous, Vinous or malt liquor contrary to
to this act, shall be taken to; be a,misdetneen
or, and upon conviction of the °Cenci:. in - the '
Court of Quarter Sessinns Of:the proper Coun:- -
t.Y; Ohall he punished m l the Manner prescribel
I by
.the second section of tlii act, - -
Section 12. That the provisions of this act
as to appraisetnent and licen*shallnotextend
to itnporters who .shall Ivend brAispose of said
liquers in the origina l licasesl, or.packagee as
impOrted, nor to duly omniissioned auction, ,
eers selling at public vendee r or outcry, nor
to brewers or distiller. 4 selling in quaaties not.
less- 1 than - five gallons,l nor !Isbell any thing
herein contained prohibit the Side by druggists -
- of-tiny admixtures of iatoiieating liquors-as
Meclicines. , • ' 1 1
I. Sect ion 13, That it " S hall !I be the , duty of
every constable of every town; borough, town
ship, or ward within this CoMmonwealth, at.
every, term ofthe Court of Qlki uarter ge§sioas,
of each respective county, tofmakp return on
oatkor a ffi rmation, whe, heewithin his kuowl-.
..edge there is any. place wl th i n his hal I iviiek,-I:ept
and Maintained in. vielatiott tied
-8f this act • 'and
•shall be especial. ki ' . judges '
it the ut,y of the of.
said courts tti see that this return is faithfully
Made i and if any persoit shall 'make known
to:Bitch constable the name of names of any
one who shall have violated this . art, with the
»ening of , witnesses• velai can Iprovo the fact,
it shall be his duty to make return . thereof on
oath ',or affirmation - to. Attie - Court, and upon
his Willful failure so•to . do, he shall be , deemed
guilty of a rnisilemenno, and , upon indictment
and conviction, shaft be lentenCed to imprison : met h in the jail Of the countyfor a period h get,
less than one, nor, more . than!: three months,
and pay a fine not exceeding fitly , dollars. -
Section 14. That ths act Shall not inter,
fere 4 ith any persons holding a license hereto,
tbre granted, until , the i time t fo'r which - the
same. was granted shall have expired ; Tier
shall any license which May ba'granted before
`rst day of July nef i t, autWrize the sale
of said liquors or adm)Xtures - thereof after.
the . first day of Oetober 'next, fr,iiitrary" to the
provisions of this rict. !i _ - •
! N.
Empez, •
, _ - The news of the ;death of the
or Paul, in 1801, was Itwents,one, dap a
getting to 14ondoni= that of the ativ.Ernmt
,lfeholtie? roar hours oild la*rter4 - " "
rv,lrsow. rA.La- "41 . °i f 4,6*