Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, April 12, 1855, Image 4

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3 . 1 see~f r~eot .
Alma Finder Caritirsd;
Deacon Johnson-wa* very melt given to
• finding.faultiwith his Minister. • The Jseaciat
said it way :t very , easy; t hing)i'preacti a ser-.
Mon and he. should 'like
_very Well to show.
'iln;.'.lteeple: Ito he o'l l 4 perforin this seivitv
though he had no book learning, and hadtnev
er-preached in his life,.;. One ~ S unday in-orn
• inithe minister was taken suddenly ill, - and
- . sending for Mr. dohnson, requested him, as
.. a Special favor, to lcot,duct the - . public servi
ces of the day. • - - DelifOed that the time had
''ittliist arriv4-for him to exercise his gjka,
he hastd home to. make what little prepare
tien lie could for the grand. display. lie
r i•-•
Was at the .church, and in d es k, when the cold
,-. 9 Chills began to come over :him; it_iras tdo
--)ate, however, to-'retreat. He rose i to give
but-ti hymn, and
s contmenced by saying...
. „
tOar pastor is 'detained by sickness, let us
/42';.9 to ht: praise the. nineteenth Psalni.'—
'The e,vident amusement of . the people • in!
.creased his agitation, and he finished reading
'the. Psalm , saying ' Please to sing five - versetiC
-, omitting te-last line of each verse!' 1 - At
' . iettgt . h he came to the sermon ;he announced
histext ; he read it orice . ; . ho read it.ngain - ;
i lint,the more he sought far something to say..
• !the less could he find. 1 He . looked down.- at
the people, and the people loolod up at him.
\ratters were rowing desperate ; Something
: . 1, aust be done. Mortified and humbled by'.
'' - the result of his experiment, heat length
~i f
. I tied out. '. Brethren, any of von think . it
S,ln easy thing to preach. all I h'ave to say is.
: . ust einne here and-try it. ,
:The meettig was soon dismissed, and the
..• iminister baci \ no 'warmer friend and greater
'admirer ater that time , thallet-4401M
- 1 nPe • , - -
;Sen.. . . •i ,
1 But greater men ,:t han the rustle deacon
. 'llave been the victims, of embarrasment, and
;their first esskys at elispienee suddenly bias
.. the very . moment of their promised
• ' Idevelopment.. Many, a verdant Congress-.
linan, fresh from' his constituents, haS found
the national bear-gardettquite a different
theatre for the display of his abilities from
:ate tavern of the store up-country, where„ he
has been wont to hold forth to his adintring
\:.friends. Mr.. Collier who became one of
";4he leaders in the borer House, was taken .
ilellhack when he was first on his legs in that
• 4611: Lie rose and said'' Mr. Speaker.' i:
-,„ The gentleman frO'm New-York,' said the
:Speaker. . .
. id It bcgan to grow dark in front of • the ris•
• I\ing..2tnember, but he managed to exclaim
1 \ I -
again, ' Mr. Speaker,'
- . 1;i ' The gentleman from New-York, said the
.. •
; [ 1 . By this eine the attention was arrested,
and the sudden silence was even tnore, earn
• - foinaling than the uprolif in which_he had.ris
,en. Once maim he-. cried raft, and now on
• the yergel despair' Mr. Speaker.' . -
j - ' The gentleman front New-York; said the
ISpeaker„ with the' fainest smile of, cornpas-
;. r lion on his face. '• •- ,
, -
. Butinii word's mriVe to bear the thoughts
' . iiof the embarrassed member, and turning to a
.‘frietid sitting next to Mtn ; he burst forth..
.F 1 ' l say. V.lis,..orth,/do you knOw where I
fan charter a knot bole for a fortnight - ?' -
That was .his maiden speech. His next
i xi - as a decided hit, and he speedily rose to the
„front rank. of speakers in the House.—.Har
• _Pipers Maanzint. -
. . .
rw - The Kansas iferaq of preedorit, •in
reply to numerous qiierieS whlcti have been
addressed to the editor of that palter, publish
es the following items of inforniatlon respect.
ing the made of life in Kansas, .fur,thebenetit
cif-settlers.• -• ,Il f;.'
' The settler can secure, Op mOstiOf the land,
IGO acres by pre-empticinl at $1,25 an= acre s
and lie may possibly be able to - liid• off what
ever more of prairie Is required 4i the
• - P, -
price. i ' -',
1 The first settlers generally put tip hewn log
. A Yankee ,
Wedding in.New'York. !hous e s, l o g stables, and set up 14 -posts for
Chancing to visit the Office of 'Alderman sheds, roofed with prairiAtay.' , - - ,„ I
. * the tither day, we • witnessed a by- The •winters are generally 4t ipild that !,
inenial ceremony that will,bear narrating. cattle can be kept on lia,y., during the! culll
= The bridegroom was a weather . beaten ; weather, letting then run, out infthe sheltend
countryman,' a perfect . picturr of good nature,. ed groves and bottoms. ..., ~ .- !*• • 1
but so tall that in entering the portals of the ' -Furniture, merchandise and the necessary
fke an involuntary obei.anee was neces i a ..., outfits for;settlen, c•-titi* . had. in Parktiille,l
ry ; while. artificial hull Y hocks on the sum- i II:is-sour', on as reastinable 'tertria -as at St. I
mit. of the. bride'sixitinet just touched the el ! " Ltatis or the. East, alloWing fuddle ci,ist oil
bow of her expected lord. Their entrance
~thinsportation,.&e. ' r ••', . 1 • I
Was precededby On urehin with dilapidated .
1 In regard to stuck' coins will ebst from $l2
garments, vato claimed and' I...velvet - I three . to $25 each; oxen frOni 00 to 05- per yoke- I ,
, clippers as his fee. for guiding them to the 1 horses from 875 'to *100,r; sheecsl to $1.56;
.spot. _ . •.. • .; per head, but they are mostly ofthecommon,.l
' What can:l do for you, my good friends!' ; coarse wool kind. •-- , 4 . '•. `,, ;
. , . ..
asked the urlitine: Alderman, as if in utter 11. BUtter 4a cheese arel, in p.c . :at demand;
ignorance of the'objectS of their visit: ' Pray
. 1 fortunes are to be wade rapidlyitn the Kan
be seated. Madame.' , • . .sas Valley at the dairy buSitiesli. Fiirt Ili
- ". Well Squire,' answered the.gmom, with ley affortls a fine 'retail -niarket fO'r these cont
4-complacent - glance • at the • filagree, breast moditio; SO • also . do- the - stetnaiboata and
pin that fastened a dashing ribbon around downs oil the Missouri: i' Kansa, presents the.
the lady's neck,,' old Mrs. Pittibone. driwn i best'sites in the world fur. dairylfarma.
,to Lynnyou'ie - hear'n tell, about her, II" Laboring men '1;1 hehirediat from, $l5 to
reckon.?': '• , . ' • 1 . 525 per. month. Female help eannot - be had
" Well, really, I think—l luirdly know—l lat $2 per week ; where Wantedthac had bet
., guess not: j - ~ . • . ter be brought alo n t. •A : -
' Not heard tell of her, Sqsass uire ! why . she-` Merchants, hotel- . eepe i rs, mechanics, man
nialtes abou tithebest, piinkiti you . ever .l ufiulurers, clerks, nnrserymen . and agriettitur
put in suer stunt mik, I reckon ; 'Slips deown I ists will till find their in,dUstry liberally re
jilt as sleek as a - greased cat crawling thro' I warded in this vicinity,.and throughout -Up
• a jint of store pipe.'. , I per Missouri. , ~'1 1
- . ' Very happy to be her, sir; I Freights from St, 1.6,0 ii to- Farkville are
but don't let me interrupt you. Pray p ro ..i, according to the state oflthe river. hi spring
ceed.' .. ' • . 1 months from 30 to 50 cents per hundred is
' Jes' so, jes' so. Well old Kira. •Petti-. II charged in summer, 50, to,Bo On% per 100
bone gin' me Dkinthy, here, to git spliced to. 111354 in the fall, 75 cent to . $2.1 : Passage in
.She's a widder Woman, and old .Deacon Pet- I cabin. ." f fi r ' 4 ' class boatit $lO t 4 $l5. - -
tibiine made 'ropes.of money in s shoe peg ; ,Fro*!Parkville.up the Kansaiii Valley there
business when he was 'alive, and I , lurnt the ix an exi*llent road, and teanasican be hired
business with him ;' so . yew diskiver that lat from t2.53$ to *3 per day. ?The distance
tuierally I liked the gall, and th e o ld l a dy iis about .35 miles to the Lawrettee orYankee
gin consent ; so, if ycw - 11 pronounce 'the cer- '• settle-merit, AS it isqmlled, on tb,e,, Wakarusa;
emony, your Money's ready. ' • - - , ; Forty Miles to Grasshopper; 100 . miles to
'So you wiSb to be married, eh I' qiieried ! Big .Bltie, and 120 miles. to k'yrt Riley.—
the Akiertrian;
.willing to spend a few Ino.lSteamb4ats will
_run onithe Kapsas riverdo
!.Thent's leisure
.in - conversation.- 'stay I,', ring high water. ...'i
•-• . . . .
'Venture to ask what induced you to break i- • No / danger. need be aPprehended from In
;through a bachelor's lif e? ' . - - . I diatis hi, the Kansas Valley beldw Fort Riley,
.. "Sartain, - Squire : sartain. Yew see it's
' 1 and nut: touch above.
nat'ral.' . Whqeyer.beard tell.of a badielor i '
1 chippin' bird or a bachelor bob-o-link ? ll
reckon nobody hai. • , And then atilt doublini
kinder nat'ral I Aint double roses and ,
:tillable morning glories
,'and double' pineys
the isaityist, and donr . everybody . , like 'em i
better than single of a . . fire amount on it 1
is, nature teaches it, Eiquire,clear through iliel
prograiny. beginningwith the robins and leay.i,
ins off with the apple: biosxorns: •• : . - i
'Very. true, my good sir;, a very - philoso- •
phical view' of the subject.' (Turning to the
lady.) ' And You, madath• e have given
- this subjectillie - attention: it merits?" .
- Neverrind
.her, Squire, jest let me:settle I
that air
.• htisitiess; 'taint • no _kinder use to I
'.. trouble votir: bowels ai,oUt DianthY., Jest 1
- you fetch oliky‘sitir books-and fire -aispy.' '
- - The tereMitny was soon performed. Our
. Reform'
.lAlderman 'has carried improver
,went even unto that department of-his duties'
—and a twit) dollar bill:was placed in his
-palm by tie 'newly made husband. After
• .he had 'eongratulated-the pair, and - wished .
them such Jonathan exetaitned :
' Squire.; - you're a regular trunii,von are ;
and if you*ver'come,,ta : Lynn you'll find - a
.., stopping place • with one, and a rousie Wei.
come. , But squire,' mid Jonathan facetious
ly inserted; his fore finger in the regiottOf the
Aldertnan's fibs,' I'm done ',with one horse
- . -- 43e,iiktea,ds ; I am.-7-Journal
. of Coniterce,
vassgave !lie to some queer acne=. A Dem
ocratic orat.r, at a party meeting, haying de
clared that Nesident Pietc_e did nut seek the
Presidency and .was elected against his wish,
the Hon, tdiviund Burkeittitnediately rose
and read afittier from Gen; fierce tohim,dst
ting;tlie•prliadtstial Aluivass, asking him to
use kis itilitianee in his favor.
- .
--The:teral 'reefs' of the Pticifie Ocean are of
amazing g.ttebtoind new Continent-i 4 In pro
cess of foithatioh. 'AU the labor is faccum
plisheArby zu, Thy tes--Inseciiah Wlire-wish
to fofin some tioneeption Of their d Ongs we
have' but to.remember that the etirat forma
of the Pacific, occupy ati area of four or
five': thousand' miles, and. to ',integinii what it
picture Abeirtevuti•wituld, preient;wereit sod
detily: drained. ; -We should iiwalk .antiid huge
mnunds which bad been tailed anit, capped
with the stone -, these animals had stiereted.
Prodigiuus. cones 4ould -rise from thiground,
all towering to the same altitude, YOKO*
the light of the sun from their white sun nits
with. dazzling intensity. Here and ihere. we
should see a - huge platform, - onee large
island, Whose peaks as they sank were clothed
in coral. and then prolonged tipwakds
they rose before us like columns ofsome huge
temple which had heen contmemeed by the
Anak ins of an antediluvian world.—Champo
lion has said . of the Eizyptiim edifies, that
they seem .to have been .designed by men
fifty kit high. Here, wandering stMing these
strange monnin'uts, we might faiAcy that
beings one hundred yardi in stature !lad been
planting the pillars of sonic- eolossal city they
had never lived ,to complete. The; builders
were worms, and the quarry whence.they dug
their masonry' was the crystal wave.
7 i••- : 7 ..?.
.Beep it . Before .the Teopl#.
-Keep it before the penple--qhat, next
to the pulpit; the" press is 'the motif potent
instrument of ,good .to the chureli. and the
N iorld in operation at the present day. •
2. K eep it i before the prple-4at, the .
cheapest, easie s t and - most :'lnterestitig medi
tim of conveying to a f:unity inforMation on
avast variety of important:. subjeeto, is dim'
the well stored columns of n jadieiOsly con-
• : •
'dueled paper. j -
3.. - Keep if, before the r iieOplTliat. the
head of a family', whorefuseB to siilribeand
pay for a good paper on acioinit o( its cost,
is penny wise and' pound foolish, its be. not
only keeps thein in ignoraoe of many things.
they . ought to :knoW,- which kannet apitiir-.
ed in any other way, but I t t . "oexclu4es himself
from information of practical utility, often
times contained in ti single Umber, which
I may he worth tO him many times as much
as the subscription for the,,Wholii jar.
4:. Keep it before the . Pi.:.ople-!hat, the
preparation. and *tie of- aiery ; nuinher of a
paper is attended with cotiiiiiential laboi• and
cost„ati that is somOthing diore than
meanness for a man to make a practice of bar
rowiiiir, and reading a tiapei• for which other
people have had the honor and honesty to
subscribe and. pay. . •
5. bel4lre the pimple=--',That every
well eond ueted ' piper
.is worth 4 hitild red fold
more than it eots,in influeaee tin individ
ual and public intelligeneti, and re
ligion, and they are true patriots vho consci
entiously and liherall,y stipport ,# vigorous
and enlightened - press: , 2
A YEW_ BUILDING mktsatat..4-111r. Foster,
of Wise° '
nsin has discovered a new material
for building ' the walls c f hou4s, barns, and
for making fenqe-s, tt!cc. , ,
One, part of lime tuld twelv4 'of sand
. are •
miffed together in a drir, state„ or with only
their natural quantity 4tt water,: and then sub
jected by means of a machine it* great iires
su re, mi . much as 1. 0' tons Uporf a single brick.
When treat, removed from the fl Machine the
bricks iiresentia white j'appearitnce, and are
simply a Mixture of little and tiand.
They are then piled leo that the air vin_
culate freely around them. . 'the lime takes
I up carbonic acid and the wholei is transformed
i t in the' course of a few days into bricks of re
markable hardness it ready.: s , at once . : fir
building purposes.y continue to harden
until they are as hard and indestructible • as
1 granite itself.-- 1 . 4 I
It is said the amount of ling recrired to
make bricks and put themtogether n a build
ing,does not'exceed the quantity necessary in
Inn ordinary brick building.
1 Almost any color Om be giVen them by
1 mixing 'metallic oxides wits the materials
when ornamental bricilcs are rfivirO. ,
1 L i me and sand are more plentifully scattered
than the clay from which the' common brick
rs f Tined. hence this inventiOn will ma;erial
ly dinainish the' cost cif buildiltg. - ,
WOMAN'S !boars 'socrAtitan. lld dun
licleer awakes in the morning ! fps hiR wind ,
socifenges the 14plof hi* yoice:i `Woman
ruleb•e-r-e r Imtnediatelyrg a neighboring
rooster answet4s . ---.' 8d they do r—This
is no sooner uttered i t han a third reiponds at
a considerable disiso-, 84 they 'do every-
In this W i onaan's rig ht:; era it is
significant, for old, asantielt* is a keen ob
it:vet% arid -
!ONE"; •ThiRT.7--thtire. , an
AmeiioHni Mare '. Have ad othar. .It
bestleart"thatires{er yet that. its puhattions
are MI for libertti for freedom, for republi•
canism,--rall that rain bless the individual, give
vitality and stieeess. to the Stake ; -and gran:
deur and 'strength! to the nation, is the
heart of hearts. .lihow usA man with a 'real
Americtin heart atid we look upone,him , wink.
is An, Ermor to Ji4l kind . i. a full mea.ured patvi--
ot, a firm and valiant defender of his count ry,:.
a proffiund lovelj'i of its institutions. Hie
.heart - is - right. ;His hands care 'right lie
will be sure to 1;4 fright any way aud how.
Have an Arii4tlmin heart. It will swell
your hoiom nobly. He who aim say have
an American heart, and its everi throb is for
'America,' has a poxse.sAtei, the , wealth of the
"richest of the worid' canngit parallel. , ,
. THE POOH of rnsbato,—Gird's wayt;
are not as
.ways Of men, they:rrfren . seero,in
explicable t 4 ittetatman mind. Notteare more'
- so than those whiCh . coneern his choice as hi .
the objects of hi* favor. `‘ . lie selects as a gen:
. eral thing, not the, rieh'-riftlits world but the
'poor ; not, the, nOlide • and ,the.thighty, hut the
humble and weak.. -Moses• the
. sOrr of a
• poor Levite; Gideon was a threAer- 2 -DaVid
- . was a shepherd b4.:-:Ainos waka herdsinan
—the apostles were 'ignorant and unlearned. 7
The reformer Tingle emerged from.A Shep
herd's hut amouir,i•the Melattethop,the
great theOlogiart,,r}f the Reforrnation, was a
workman in' an ,'arrnorer's shop.—Martiu Lu
ther was the child of a, prior Miner.
A;!.& E. Baldwin, •-
OIL Trunks, - Wlti ig, &c, in the Bisentent of Searle's
Hotel,. Montrose, I!,ti."
T AND SIOE MAKkIL- . Shop first door east
of Odd Feßains' hall, Turnpike at., Montrose.
• • IV% Singleton :
ciAN now be foniul at his new stand on Owego at;
• two doors Kest of S.arle's Hotel, where he ef
fectig!y repairs dispiitch, Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry, 9uns,-andtercry de;-.eription of Machinery.
Wheel cutting • -anti • and Watch materials supplied
to the trade. .
Or. H. Smith,
SRGtON DF4TIST: 'Montrose, Pa., at Searle's
Hotel, ..liondaia and Tuesdays of each week.
ReurY S. gnaPP ,
fONtROSE,... wood, / te Car
. ,Jl_ err, Wholeeile Grocers and• Commission Mer
chants, No. 173 Washington street, between Court
andt and Dey streets. New
Caleb Weeks
riage Trinurier. Sliopi at his - dwelling bouse,l
early opposite gerliy Drinker's. Montrose, Pa.
Miller & Fowler,
A_ and Solicitore, in Chancery. Office No. 44 Clarke .
street, Chicago,-111.
Pacific Hotel,
(near Broatlisay,) Nrie
l_A York. Siiliiibury It Co. Proprietors. In the
sicittity of the priticipal atcainbc at hindings..
PV131113 /12g5trOM. • -
- 11EALER IN PRY GOODS, Grocerie.Z,. Clothing,
crockery,: BOots and Shoes, ke., Suspielian.aa
Deppt, Pa; ' . •
'Bentley o.r. Pitch,
AGENTS, 31:mitecfse, Pa.
F. 8. BENTLF.T..- ' L. F. FITCII.
--. . .
. ,
-• ' Sohn Groves.
. ,
FASIIIONAHI4: TAILOR. Shop under Searle's
Hotel. Malneistr.eet, itmtroJte, I'a. . '
• ; D. D. Ulnas,
. in the rear d Wib , on't - Store, Mottrase, Pa.
• J. CoUten, •
EALER IN STOVES'. Tin, Coppr, and Slmet
Iron - Waite, LoitritriUr, near. Great Bend Depot.
- December 4. •1,
X. C. Tyler,
iNTERESTED HUNT. Importer of and
A. Dealer in Ilargrrare AO Cutlery, Carriage Springs,
kc... No. 215 rear) street, .1% - cir York. where his Mer
cantile friends; in_this and other counties, are kindly
invited, and ettrotty solicited to call and purchase.
---- •
• L. P. Hinds. - •
TTORNAT AT LAW; SUariffeleatiria, Pct. Office
liaine.stt-eet, oneitloor east of Lenbeitu.e..
- Prizierf & Ctise, . .
1 - 1. Office on lutnpike; street, one door East o
Post's Store, ''.3fiiiitroie, Per, .
Albert Chamberlin,
A TTORNEY AT LAW! and Justice of the Peace;
.1 - 1. over I. L. Pewit 4k Co's Store, Montrose.
, .
?Wm. IL Jessup,
DEEDS, for i . the State of New. York, will attend
tn all busbies? entrusted to him with promptnets and
fidelity. Office on Public Square, Occupied by Hon.
Wm. Jetamp, .
. • Abel Terrell,
Dye-stiffs, Groceries, Drs Goods,
Hardware, Sp:Smits-are, Glassware, Clocks Watches,
Jewelry. Myer Spoons. Specta cl es, Musical lust:is
:menu, Tnnries, Surgical Instruments, Liquors, Per
fumery, Mirrprs, Suttionet7y, Brushes, Shoes, Yankee
Notions, Lc..
B. R. Lyons & Co., •
ri R es ET , II ; FI
L DE ou A r
, and Ilard-
Lenest.or , •. Pa. I, • •
B. Chandler;
11EALER IN; DRY GOODS, Ready Made Clothing,
Groderies, Dooko and Stationery, etc., Public
Avenue, Af4tarpipe, Pa.
Patrick ,/k Dimock,
Owegoi Fts, I.funt . roao, Pa. . .
•`L L. Post & Co., - •
DEALERS IN DRY GO6DS„ Groceries, Cmckery,
Hanlitrare;' Leather'. Flour, etc., (• Tier of Turn
pike FtrCet and Public Arenue, Hoptrose, Pa.
7. Lyar~as it Son., .
DEALER S Lit DRY 000DS. Grocfflies, Hardware,
Cmckery,Tinware,- I Grocerie*, IlookF, etc.. ; able,
card on the Boa Binding business--Public Avenue,
Montrose, Pa.
llentliy di Raul, -
I - lEl%lms IN DRY! GOODS, Drugs, Medicines,
1.7 Paints, Oita, . Groperies, qardware, Ciockety,
Iron, Clocks, Watches, ;Jewelry,-,9lver Spoons, Per
umery, dc,—Fnot of Pubic Avenue, ifontroie,
Bs3ll. Bentley" '& Perkins.
iTIL kinds of CaitingA, Stoves; Agricultural Imple
ment% etc.', Office at Sayre's Store. Public Avenue;
Manufactory at; the Eagle Foundry, Foot of Cherry
street, Ifoxtroir, Pa.
• ' • -
W}lli in
& William U. Jessup.
ATTORNETS AT LA.W . Montrose. Pa . Prac r
lice in SttsquehMma, Bradford, Wayne, Wyo
ming and Luzerne counties." •
IvOisin_yr. Smith & co,
CABINET MAKENK They keep - constantly on
hand 'lt good amortmvnt of all kinds of Cabinet
Fnnitare4: Shop and '.Ware Rooms at the foot of
Maine street; **faros', Pa.
- •
, RoCkwell; Winton & Ca, .
.IVJ‘. Moils, Oats, Cops, Furs, nebrelleut, Para
auk Ribbons, re. cfe., No. 20 Coottlendt street, New
York, (tOdtdia.)
43. Maxitailt Pa., will attend faithfully to all busi
ness* entreated-to him iirthe county of Susquehanna.
Convey:mein& and writing of ail' kinds will be done'
neatly, and chzirges n!qderate. Re will also attend to
the. prorecutioh of oh* of aoldiers, their widows and
hhirs, :against, the United States Government, for
Bona' , " .Lattd;, I ke.' May tie-found at all
hixus the tem formerly occupied by J., T. Rich
atda, Esq., tor:th dila , Court BOVA" 144 p.,
J. now*Rn. w. w. wirrox
Franklin Fraser.
T4IIViE bubscribpikluiviiik ltet,(reg
,the oole right. to
B tirl'A'R. WORKftt,' for Sitityneltanna and severil
Adjoining conntlei; r*Opeetfully Init M e all'flutter ak
erm io examine nod Ist die me' tm Ofthlm new and
taiMil?lti Inventieut ; Ve Prolln" ° ru'l'L"' °lel' and
all rif.yoU with 'a CtiOlit .that wilt produms; as ostiCh
butter ;. in as mbori ro. dyne as any other ehurn—one
thit * Th! c°477rtetv'espe/ pie tattlermilk, wash ant!
,toOtk in the sdit.Atftoing it pelyeettp lhrowols the
.Itutte# and fit it fi'd. lime,: without removing it from the
ebony. This Churn , is .ample in ityyetinatruetlon, mei
entifle in its oplratidri,-and easily eleaned add kept in
order, and can lie easily Attached to any propelling
power. . 0 !! i ::, . ! -
For further particulars. imply personally or by let
ter to JAS. C. 1117...11NELL arid J. N. lIRONSON,
, Ararat, Su.mquehapna edunty, Pa.!
t PE .11.1,S -
The Grt atest-14)74r6iirlit'il the Aget—C.
IL Ifillitini.4 l . l .l.) , itible-Aelitig Ball Valve
:Pore; unt I,ifl PtPRP — •
N improl-o(4lst abore'sdl. Other pumps or mn•
chilies for liltintr thiowing,iand carrying water,
combining both ; a . runw and a fire Engine. This
Puthp, Patented in February, 1844. is the whole of-it.
metallic. No bid.ta; itcrews about it to rust, conic.
quently it -will lait it man's life titne. It can be used
in - ever.* variety,Of -draw .water from any
situation ''
44al carry it-to inv-part of, a building. 7,1 t
La suyenor to altotheti . Pinups for Di.tillcites, Paper
Mills; Tanneries,,illricit: Yards ' lran Worki and Matt.:
ufacturing estahltsllaninis of a ll
- All orders. tntiit be addressed to AnntsoN
Lodertmille, Pa.Orhe has the'sole right , for Susque.
banns counts. ; • '
- -
•- • • •ws.Vittt .41111ANGIA1ENT •
ON and wfttt Thtirsday, Nei% tn, 185.4, the Mail
Passengeri;Trisi4 l will depart from Scruntois
12 M. 11 • •
Due at Greasifletitt. t: 2.36 rte.
Connecting Hztli the Daily Express Trains both east
and west on E R R.. which arrive at:
New York at 9,4.4 b r : and - at Dunkirk at.ll. • !
Return will le'wvei (Vela Bend on the arrival ofthe
Buffalo htjtjni (1.20 P. M.,) vihich de
parts from New! Ycirk lat 7, A. M. and arrives at Scran
at! 5.50 p. m, :
The Freight!centrimorlation Train with• Passenger
Car attached *ill ICail.i Scranton , at 1.50 N., arriv
ing at Great 11614.4 ..t) r. w.,1 connecting with the'
Mail Train boubd Wi..1.41i and the Night Express Trains
bonnd bottiEa4and West.
Returning, Great Bend at 6.36 :s. w. and
arrive at SeratitOri
Stages will 1)4 in Wail:ling nn the arrival of passen
•ger trains at Ficranthij, Ito convey passengers to Car
, bondale, Pittstrin, Willfsbarre; Philadelphia via. the
Reading E3tiieiti and all other intermediate
places. OPTTERER, Superintendent-
Superintentur'S otllo,, Scranton, Nov. 23, .1..185
. . NEW '11111FORD: :" 7
PRE subserftwir leaSe& the Store of the
Messrs. - ;1'01ts: formerly Occupied by I. S. Llt-d
tie, intends to lOcate,perm:utettilv in New Milford.
And he wuild . take this medical of informing the
inhabitants of NO . Milford. and adjaCent towns, that
he has just rettiruedlfeetn Newtork with a large and
splendid stock 44 ; and entirely* new Goods, con
sisting of-DR f;01 ,1 /SS of almost every coneeiva-
We variety. GRWEIIIES as low as the lowest, Hord-
WU/T. Croek•74 :0 . and iqhocie, iota irind Caps,
Bopinttx of which' he offers for
sale on the rSnitlrettsotiable terms, for 'cash. country
produce. s or reliitVc credit. lie would also :ay in this,
connectiOn. o'4o be! . ltas added to she establishment,
the • tuanufaritUring jof
. 77n, .s:11 , 0-iron; and • CipTwr
wore in all lit'S Variiititis, in which he is prepared -to
execute all kitidis J ob.,, by the very-best workmen
I and on the mostiredSonable terms.
Dealers szipsihed!lSt the lowest prices. Particulars
in relation to Bt.tivi.s',&.e., at some future time:
!, ! jr.
New Nlr•lb1 , ,I!. ]fay HI, 1834.
0 . .
t FULL ASSORTIdENT of tin. Sheet TrOn
and CoOtir:Nri , , of my own ististifteture Am!
made of heal - IT plate, for sal.. by
,New Milford, ;Airy I 2, 1;,5t1
i.~FULL 144111:i/iit-ii I of lianlware, Carpenter and
Joinetts'l'f)ol4,..P.unip Chain, and fixtnrea at
New Milf(ril, :Sato . , 1454-.1 DICiiERMAN'S.
, E __ .. _ . _ .
4.,A511 ND I}Lt i NDS of the best quilitv, far sale, '
1 . ...." cheap at!, t. 1 :- . . DICKEIN.k.N.:-...
13011 K, FLPiIt;AND SALT by the barrA of oth
at tlielOwes.t. prices at DICK EMI AN'S.
orylez,ATllEsE, DRAtiFORD COI - NTY,. 24.
CAPITAL, $200,000.
tireera 64 ifoinf foul ..3fortgar on Ihr Real
- :F . :of tie , ,Stockkoldt•is. - - •
Insures agffinstlYk..4 l w biir, of Houses, Ctore , and',
other buildings; GOolls, Wares, and Merchandise, on
as.facorablp tezins;as any similar Institution: Losseii •
promptly.. atijastcd.aml paid. • . • ..
ilotare Williston,.Atheos; Flan
cis Tyler, •fitle:-.g.e. do. ;J. T. rt: 31ever,
do.; C. ti.'Sliintnan, do. :"C..F. Welles. Jr. do.:
Canfield do..' ; I.apOrte, Towanda; Com. 11..
Wakeman.; Go. M. liollenback,
.barre; ;ll.fylert; I..wo•te, Pa. •
lio President; C..
F. 1V ells. jri. V.. Pres.. and Treas.; - J. E. Canfield,
Secretary.; S•!.
Agent. P.:641:!...ut, Montrose., Pa. • [1532m:1
AvrANTzpl:onterlintely : a good active flerk—on
1 .- wlto „his* had espenetice, Irides a fine hand,
and hi cortmetent to take charge of a set of Tkooks—
mast. be: tiiii)e.rtite, mid . to devote his time and
Attention to:the interest of his employers. • To one
that can ans!Ver tit:the above - a liberal salary will lie
'given. None pthrs need apply Good recommend-,
ations required. ' - B. F. &R. 11. EATON. -
liarford, Mar, 1854
_ l _ _
lri ...11UTrikITT wont] invite the attention of his
• I'l. Mend:4;oo the public to bis new and splen
did stock 'of . .fitorbe. Woof. and. C'ardunerr Long and '..• :_ _
Sits/int Shot,ris,: . f.-can $2 to slet--loadies' Dress . ii ii—
W Ls.IODS.; -
Goods, including plain - anti fatter Delanes.- De-Bages, : • t k i • - , ,
l'arantettas..Yrettch• Metinoe.. :S'i/ks. Poplins, Ging- cli 1 C MILLEN 4 PARK return their grateful : -
lams, kc. Lie!, ife/ 8i.61.0ns and Bonnets of new 'l--"- aekeewblgenlVlt" • o,Ale ledilley , and invite .at - • V 7 " . N o ti ce t o the P u bli c , , i
,tention in the rely htrge lock of Spring and Saw- : " .
styles, wlricit!in tonn....etion with a large assortment a H VYING just returued.from 'New :York I 'wish to
Tier Good.: they are now i efeiving and offer. for sale'
staple and Itsites• Dry Goods, Grot.'eries, Crockery, 0--,
call the attention of my old . ca..tomers, and of
at vrry low areas. In addnion to• their usual snort- f
•llartbrurr."' rpni, Storrs, Butfpiles Rolex, earpetipv, ? , ~,.... ~ At ~., _, ' Crock- , the bile in general, to my ; I I' -
B oo t*. a ,i'd Aape-Bat* and Caps: pia n t.4 It-i n d„,,,,. ment ot staple btry,uouti., otocernm, aiaruware, 1
"if 'At ' J. ' • -
ShesPA4 II a, , per. Otis an I aintx, iie., will b .e g , ',erv., Paints and Oils' tke. *e., tii.....y aie , prepa ra_ red lo _l l wilk , ' •
being " 'itought with cash. t 4 the lowest prkei,
sold oft the nOst favorable terms and reduced pr i ce , ' ! ,,exhibit a large . as,!orttne . ntiof total
- -P -8' " fess .w -am2 1 and Ishing to sell principally for the same, I :will of
for en:.-li."prteltie& or approved credit. ~. tof every descreptton- 7 -1•17., , 1tred. Plaid and Plain Silks, •
, fee tilent , , tu greatly reduced prices,„ . , . , 1, •
• .3 - , B. j li a li by the - harrel or load. B S • . i ' •(;totes, 4rc ldies
, . Bonnets, . hAnls, It 6,i0n.,
. 110, e
~ L , ~ ~, ~. , . . fur 8
New Milford, September '22, 18M. I :- i.,...._. -
j fond Misseit Shoes ,of , all knit . aho a larg,e stock of I t,ettn co runts, warranteu fast colors, tr 0114 r
cents a card. Good Brown Su r, 18 - lands . fOrinte
--- -- 4 ---',l - 1 --; - • ____ ll ' R E.A D Y...1f...4..0 B CtLOT IING, Clod*, Caiwitneres, - 1. . ; • ..... .. . P P`
dollar. • Ma rl a, acknowletlced her all 'to be .
1 7 .11 . 1 t; FIRE, FIR.E. - ,•Tweeds, deans, Sumner '1 Oths,:Vesti'ngs, Hats, Caps, i „wanton- ••- . - - ;
• • '
Bondi and 14h0c.... kc• -
.11;' • • ' • . ; the ftitil%all in. use, $5,50 Per keg. Hats affd Caps,
HE suliset:ilter has been recently appointed an ,: .
They respectfolkV 'solicit'. an early call from these ' 800 and shoes, Buffalo Robes of all prices, ill wool
agent fog the, FIRMERS UNION INSURANCE CO., • who * wish 1 . • il _l', • • ;De • qiniis Ca..limeres. Ptvametitt., Dress Silk,' Silk
: to pure torte 100,1'11PM* 4 1 tow priers :v. 1 . Inc. thens, roc; tind.'ii. prepared to insure HOUSP.S. Stores '., , s „ rinn , T • ii i e may 3 P.i4. ' ' MeIIII,LE.N dk PARK: i e "i e " '''' Mouslin De Laines,Ll 'shilling per yard,
and other buildittgli Goods. Ware:, and Mercbaucrise, 1 " ...2 , -: ' , ...~
~ , ,
on fscontbktertait. • Applications made either person- P': l '• Nenr tine of Hail' Singes, * . •j Don de'lLong shawls, Tbiltet do. s selling at ineetteeiv
aily.oril letter, otnptlytittended to. [1: . - ' ; F ik om , . ' i alki• low; prices. I can safely warrant perfect tatis
. • : ii ; i . .,' - S. B. CHASE.
,4, It IRILIVOOD 100 lIONTROSE. , fact mtO all who will giro me sacs!!. !"; •
Great Bend; Pa . March Lth,1855. ,• ' IL .. . . . , .... i L neit)oro, Apr. 5, 1854. ' 1 S.A.: LYONS.
, caTAGS will leave kir wood, pasiing through Cor- i
0 bettsville c Liberic, /c 4,. every morning after the i - ' time kee ri
~,only one dollai.••
OCKS--good pe .
arrival of the. klailTiins I I ears. both East and West, I ~, ' I A. '
reaching Montrose ' r at 1 1).. at Returning, leave.] _.lL'Paekeere, Apr. •
Montrose daily (SunilayleXcepted) at 2r. M., reach- ...."
ing Kirkwood in time to'lake the Mail trains of cars,
both East and W'est: bei g the ; nearest and most fra-
Bible route to reach ,the New York and Erie Railroad.
This line intersects.. a tti-weekly line for Dinioelc,
Springville, Tunkhannoeit, "Wyoming, and Wilkes
barre, which leaves Montrose at 7 a ; ' M. evert/ Mon
day, Wednesday and Friday. Also, a line toFriends
ville, Leraysville, tke. J ..' ; - • ,
'Goad toopng find rfmtrinitolde rarriageti are provi
ded, and 'the proptieters *lll , spare - no pains to ac
commodate the public. I W.-K. HATCH. '
April 6,18 M... . : MORGAN k WEST.•
Ennesboro tictilb, Blind, and Door
ii Faclory. , .-
grillE subscribei• will fuinish,at the'Shop of' Newell
I. &-Brothets, Doors, Vb. Gild Blinds. Turning
on hand and farnit•hed to order. Lumber kilhAried,
and workmeti inuturpaksed hy• any in the country.—
Orders me W i tt) receive prompt attention.
Good Pine Lumber and Cbuntry Produce taken in ex
change for the above. 1 1 1 , k.rms ready Pay.:
Lane-boro, Feb. 6; l'l • - S.A. LYON'S.
..movirso . DEPOT. .-.
irjAvisa purchased "tles e4tahlishrnent of Isaac L.
.1,1 'Pen .t. Co: at the kliteatirose Depot, would re-.
respectfully inform his 'defiers that he will keep con
stantly on hand, at the!! west plices, -a well selected
stock of goods. ;' . i. -• ,
Lime, Salt,,and insstie cid he. had cheap, as well
as Groceries, Dry Good., Hardware, Crockery, Boots,
Shoes. Nails, ke.. in exelpinpie for Grain and all kinds
of: produce, at the hestrites. ' 1000 cords Hard
Wood wanted. - - i 1 '
Montrose De. "-b. ,4
• Tr•
11_30Sr B119TgElli: having purchased the above',
eflOniiii*.tit; will keep constantly on hued
li , rfineaidirine Flour, Corn Jfeal of swp-r. ior rtal i`
if% alio . Cl 4 otivti Bra n at-the lowest cash prices.--
Ctistom iwOilc Will be done with despatch, and in
eases rOrrqu'irct • 1381tfl
• _
• • ; Piitove*:• stove*:
tirßyorr 6 now receiving a new assortment]
.1.1. • tsf irstotrelt, including the most popular and'
improved kiridi of Proniutn, Ail-Tight, and Elevated
Oren caolsi t ig Stores., with Parlor, Office, and Shop,
Stoves . , f0r:4044 or coal, in superior variety and style.'
which hi' Will will at the most reduced prides. "Bk.!
voted ()Yell, Stoves of new. and approved "patterns will
be eol i Sit Cis/ (525, and other kinds in proportion.;
Also, strive; zinc, and sheet iron, stove tubes ke,'
New Oilford' ,Sept. 22, '54.f . BURRITT.
1 i NOTICE. . . ,
Tho 4 14tSofis indebted to the subscriber' for feet ,
as Register, Recorder and Clerk of the Orphan's court,
would sons tt . ; favor by settling the same soon. . l'
_Montrose ; ! Rec., 6 1864. J. T.
LANGDON. ' , If:
. „
Window Bash..
11.. it I!. SAYRE having been appointetlm agen it
L. for an eitensive Nish blind and door;rnanufaci l
tory arepreintted to furnish' any articles in this line ak
less rates tlitui they have usually been sold •
July :.241 . S. H. k D. R.
Shaving Cream.. •
?thith every mart:should try for saik:
Ab i" S.. H. - it D. s. ,
— ILTATSq•- . l—A•new lot of. Summer flans and Clodio
1 II- fOr ,00Mer wear just received and for wk cheap
4 by i • D. R. L
111.411„000 Firkin Staves. 1 '
WANiF.V, 1;i the salitiaeribeiv immediately. At4b
Hesdiag tiptber and flog: which we will
pay. the I.44heat market price. Reasoned staves prilio
ferred.. • SMITH k HEMPSTEAD. I,
ItesSid4,lreb. la
--1 : -- .* Aliiiitir pity . c. . „
, ,
'Erltt.At his long eitsled a public detnand for.= of
' L fectiie:purgatiVe'ol ivificll co ld bd rell4 ones
sure tind!perfeet in lts, opera t on,. Th is hint been .
preptired to meet the rlatrituid,' tlndl . •Iditenidve 14.;
al of Its ,Virtues lois coneluilvelV sh ' with **terve
ceSs it necotnplishes thelpurposestetti2ned.• It! is ea
sy tolmaire,a peysical pill, hilt not g asy to plaice' the
best (if all Bills—one whit° syciuld !Nave none "of the
objectioUS, but all of theitnivantngeai of every:other.—
This has beet')' attempted hlre, an ;with
,what finceess
we; Would, respectfully submit to tI yfutilie 'decision.
It bail' been vofortinintelcciittig i • prilrtit hither .1` that
alt oat every purgatiVe inerlieine 4 ! ,abriu 9 ilious and
irritating to the bowels; - : This IS net: :!tiny Or them,
prodnee ;so much griping pain :atoll , rey ulsion lio • the
systerit as to more,,ibterpounterbatc.e the . ..t:Kid to be
rie . riv,ed from them. 'These irits•P , dtiee tin irritation
or pnin,!unless it arise Pew a preslibtiily existieg oy:
strut;tion or demngementin thdbolvels. - ..Being pure-
if . . - egetithie,' no harm can arise fie I:their iisein *oh
!quantity; ; but it is better thttti an' medicine I should
be lia:ke4jUdicionsly. • iltiitutte ;di bins for their use
ri f t
t!* .
in the several discases",to W 11,141 I. are aPtificithle
are given Oti. the box . ',... - Aning tlit complaints which
hate' been speedily cored by thett,;we may mention
Livet CMiiplaint, in itS:varititti fofins',of jaundice, In
di getstion , 'faingular.tnisl Lo g ! Of Siipetite, LiTlesness,
Irritability; Bilious'. ll:catlOclie,Bi tons FtV r ; Fever.
and 'Agne, Pain in the Sidolaild 4.oins ; furl, to truth;
all these are but the Consequetteci of diseased action.
in - the liver. As on ape.ient, ',the), afford prOmpi and
sue relief in Cositiveness, I'iles,l I Chnlic,..lysentery.
llttutors, Scrofula nnillScurtiv,i ells with soreness of
thi?. body, Ulcers and intpunity. of t, to blood ilin short,
anv And every ease where a. phrgi . rive is required., .
'They have produeed some sr igvilaily ')successful
minis its Rheumatism; Gout... Drop. y, Ginvel, Et vsipe
laii.:Palpitition . of the; Beat'), Pains in tae B. itoni
nclitand Side. They' slionltllbel freely. taken in. the
sPriOg of the ytar, to purify the Wood and prepare
the 'system for the chtioge Of Sea Sons. Ati"tfecrt•sional
dOse stimulates the 'limo:telt andlhowels into healthy
netnin, l and restores tlttl apPetite and vigor.] They pu
rifV•the blood, and, lily, their stiniiilinit action; on the.
illre . ".tilatory system, renovate the H. treligthOf the body,
mitt restore the wasted ori, - ilisen. 4 .4l; energies of the
whole 'or.lninient. Herice tin Ice lionaltlnse is advan
tar•eou's, even though no titOriousit ertingement exists;
hullunnecessary closings should te..ver bel l ' carried too
fit'r.las" 'every - pu-gativ - st. . niediciiii •Veduees he strength
when taken to excess.: The rhosand which
a Miysic is trequired eannOt be' en itiMrated • here,. but
they. stiggest themselves to the. r 1
-on of every body,
find it !is confidently :believed. ti iLa
vs pill will answer a
better" purpose than taitythingli el) has hithertobeen
available to mankind* When 1 err vi les are once
known, the.?ublic will rollorige,r doubt what remedy
t", eratiloy when in nced of a cathartic in.•!rlicitte. Be
ing sugar-wrapped they are pkit.5...,.u4 to ; take,
big purely vegetable; no hand eau aril from their
uSe in any quantity."' ; I ; [. I , ..
. For minute directions see 'tyro Iper o the Box. -
Prepared by JAMES C. AYE :, Prac it al and An
alytical Chemist, Lonlel,- 31a$, I . •I , . -
Price 25 Cents per Box. siv'e Boxes fOr $l.
' Co/tbi. itnarsentss,
•, Clroolf,l.-lathma,and
i - I
f such Otcitietv from
'lttiriitory 'diseas . e, that
lo h l e i ri? nt
i t t he: a e: i t b d e e re n n ce
e s
n o t ! -
u sefulitesls, and so nu- ,
.4 . , Ihat 1 , alta i rist every see
. in i rstins Publicly known
.i ton larmingi and even des
•o., "h,-rits' use.i• When once
t' , I lig
er t g , vitlior tinedie;iy• of its
.scarre" - nbst+votiOrt, and where
lit. pit die nn lt d roger „Ire-Irate
4e•; ti. ilistr.-r,,Hz :1 1;,1 ( L in:
tnhhq :ai i 0.• gars which in e
! Addl . tint onlY_in formidable
nit ff. !liet ipilrirtr varieties of
~... ' d..! Ord 'le-Children if.
est hitslicene hat. can be ob
! 1 •.; • - • •i - -
consiant iise throughout this
,arid{ than asSitre the people
its quality is kept in, . the 14 , 4 that it ever has been,
a')oil that. the genuine ofticlo lii4 s(ild by—AnEt. Tea ,
fict.t.„ Moidre , e ; 'it.-F:, & 111. 'lii ,:gyres, fla•rford; 1 - 4 _ - -,
i1 1..M,
CM -at - A t POINNKI4 Ihisulall'''', unit be all dealers-in i
medicine every where. I ill -.. 1 ' i i...._ m
, I lrovi at
".: • . TILE NELIR:A.SkLA 'I'LL VSSIiTTLED. '• i' k
C: COTT. .101INSTONI & ii., •Ore. Inow receiving I s t o r e 0
t.. 71 from New Trich a ;retie 1
at usSortnier& of Spring
and SMltiner gootis;!and wel
give I'S a call. as our stock t 1_..) a
is. !argil!, anti we airO willing t 4 sell for Ismail profits: 7 -- "of .. .1
You von find here ilituist every. article wanted, !and i yr..,A,
: 'fie are wilting to t runiere. gleots rind prices with an!: i
. I_ - _, d
• store in the county 7 -we haVe taken Special pains to i
find Mlle good; to Please . t.11.,..1 1 Ladies. Isochl as Black, .l 'pi
Pinmreil :mil Fancy; Stilts, ' Sl'k, TiSsiti...S,• 13erages . and' -= I .''
, II
ll ' rlig '
,•laill . ': illtiii and Taney La*ns. Silk, French ;. for
. 11 , c
e Illt
and Dotnesile Gittglianis, Figured, anti Plain lifindins, ; A
• Embroidered Curt:dos 'and paper i10.,1 Ladies Collars,. i . PI
'Underitandkerchiets and SI-I , eves,)lantilfits, Parasols .11E7t1OV.A.L. - 1 _! -
4od 'Gloves, - String and Fl . "tcy 11 . °MIAs, also 'trim- I *TONE'S 2 STOVES 2 STOVES 2
I Mings • to match. - large - trick . orl000(k for Men , r_,, subscriber •wishis toss.. .! . . •..
lintl fors, also Iroii, Steel,. ails, if rse Shoes,: tend I tide attentionof ma
. fienils and the public to his w ere largeassort • , .
Horse Naits, PlougiiS,l Sal
,!!" Fish, Crockv.y, Grind -
' merit if STOLE., nt his new Store' Rom' . ' in Lodes-
Otofies, and Stoneware;
. Strle 'ap s e, Tin, Glass, Sash : silk. r iex i : to L. S. Lenheini . siortif, and near the-GL
feather, Boots, Shoes tkq4, ke: den se give ns a . Bend epos . lie has, in addition to his former large .
chance - of showing ; von olul.l stock N•fore von buv. I v . ~„
ariet of .Cooking aud Partor Sao es, ,
._,rnany steel pcd
4 Tour` truly; I SCOTT, JOHNSON fk co; , I terns, sortie of which are— '• . l..i •- - 1
I .'•;. Sp:ingville, Ar 11. lig, 1 fr'.l. •• l I .. , . I - St: Viell.,las, Ranch Braarh,l Fire') Clipiir,.
't • , "Tisiffitlelltaftstsei. . --.- 1 Mt evi Trog,.ifoliark, • 1 Jferial/ion, ; - •
I'l A CHOICE lot jitsilreeehted, and "offered low, by
()ru=st;, . -Block lirariiorj Orsk,:gostStone.
1111... N ;! 'SCOTT, atiIINSTON• & CO: 1 Whir 1, together with his former Stock, will perhaps
!! • Fillaial4l J , w.ilsawln!: ,
'. I most extensive:and varied lasisertMent of ! -well .
.- i A CHOICE, lOt! . of Wort tong, Shawls very rhea_, I select .:11 stoves in the county.• - . ,
by ;! .I:Set TT, - JOHNSTON i CO.CI Irani{ Stores, :well furnished, .at . low priees.: 1 .
Springville, Decomher 5I•. 1 : -* . I .
All articles in. his line kept on hand tunipiade
• ----il . ~ - - lto o r tp , ' nguni, and Orders reeetied at his obilStand
lin Gritat Pend:•-,.. • . . • .101 D: CMWEN.
Loilenti. i ll e and • Greai -- .130rt1, Nov., 1854;::
._ -
.... -
AyerN Chem
Fir ihr rapid Corp
. f?! . Co!;;Al
ipirhrehif;, 117((}43i(i)(94.74 - 4/4A
.:This. retr.eilc has ton for itsi.
lot cures of every variety of c pi
it is 'entirely minecesSary: to
itS virtues in anv.c)mmunity
ployyl. So wide i= it< field of
nivrous the atses of cures:l .
tiOn,of the country nhonn kin
1 . ikhoi
have been rtAnreti , '
; perate diseases of the In
trh'd it: superiority over
kind is too apparent-1(3 ef
its virtu" .4 nee ltnowit tI
101:1fnt:ti , Inte - to employ
. ttfleetion. of :the
incident to our clintate.
attacks upon-the Term,'
q pice
14 the pleasantest utid . safilmed. j
it has lon.' neon 17
Fpction, we reed not do:
tir kept
I` , `VA-Onfloltee l 4W4l44
- litnlignigig l eo4,BM
n ;„1-' o 6 r . 'noel choice pad'
I LI: POFr ' • 1 1 ,
'%l:l3tiveitrrruur of 'Ocods to
tbe;4' '-
Where in thei coutftry;•and . for the ',very kmiat, 'prices,
without variation.
. .
- .
.._.__._, „ 7.,R .41),.ri1'A.1), A .OLOTIIING4 1 ' .
l l'
'‘,IIg3ISIE STYLES. 1.-L. Post 4 Co. Itave just
1.7 :made o large addition to their' at* Of el'otiring,
'coMisting nw of everithhig`dfisitabln for b u yer .
at silatvrisi6 as am - sere' to soft.- - The " ' , goods are'
'tOs4a that nfte;:riadAore variant the worktolbe,equaL
itniat superior to any ever before offeced•iti 41s.mar
ltd. Our 004,Comprises I Coate, fine blaik French
Backs, Erodes end Business ; Tvreed,Taiiiiiiere and
Jean Seeks and Frocks, Mire brOwn and White Sum
_met. plain and twilled. lirsars—White end eolored
"Mamitilles,talentia, Lasting, figured . Barathei, ogur
ed Silk and fistiti, and every variety, good and . cheap.
Pairs- 7 -Firie black Casslniere, doeskin, Col. tweed,l
Bummer stiff, linen drill, cottonade; stripe, plain;l
check and rinds, so cheap as to be sute , of sale to'
'al who des re to buy
t "V LO rEs AND HOSIE R Y—Ladies and flents;
‘,ll whitol and: colored KM Gloves of the best quali-1
ty warranted. 'A large assortment of all kinds ofblue,
brown and slate hose, and I. - hose gents ;and ladies,'
cotton. Lisle thread, Berlin and silk' GlOves,. Bhiclt
and colors; a large rssortment of black silk and lace d
Mitts, longland abort. ' - pogr & CO'S.
-1----. ---, ,-
"no(kri ANl'li PiloEs7-liew fine $0448, :COSIFSe
AJP - Bciotti, Ladies fine Gaiters, BooteeiandifaSkins,
a fnli assortment OfTheap Shoes, Childrens•andlibak
es Shoes and Bootees, Ladies fine silicdinint Slippers,
at •.. 1.. ° • • 1. L: P.* co's. 'l,
'tun nit; GOODS—AII styles -and qualities, bleseli- ,-
V IV-ed Skirtings, Pillow totton, Jac. and Cambrii
Muslims, R!Vii:fl' and Book Mullins, Bari!tl
Bishops tind Vittoria 'Lawn's, 'lke,. and:doti.
Swiss.Muslina at • •P. k Co's: '
J " 1 it ;' •I. L. POST :. & CO'S. 1,
• ROCT, ItltS—of the hest and cheapest kind. A
G, • t•tif sukars surprisingly. cheap at I. L. POST
Cc - . . 1 • . '
1) i:I2T.S-4the most - desirable stock the coun
try, itt very low prices. •1.14 P. k CO.
Muslim, DeLanes, Delia
ges qiiighams, Lawns &c., of, ererv.desirible
yle.' ' . • I.L. POST -&
. A LXllGR.'and splendid stock Of lkp ring Prints.
• - • L L. P. k. Co.
QTAl'rit Goods at the loWest price. 1 . - '...
L . I . I; • - I. L. TIOSTi Co. 1
riIATBS, tbvsimereg; : Tweeds, Kentucky • Jeani
%._.) and iiatitietts, very cheap at - I. L. V. & Co.'s. 1
1 i ;1
NV°.? l 4)..!';',l; 7 l,"T'AuttL:C — orotiae;tui P 'zgsrieriAL,', Bail!:
Ladles; Prints, Willow-Baskets, Rope Bakers, :Bed
Cords, *milli Ropes, Brooms, a good tot at the store
of •. • i .. I. L. POST & CO.I •
I . _
ri - OD-isir A SID MACKEREL *; of
.'the bCst
kJ quality iii the lowest possible fates ; . .
- April 4, : 1e34. - I. L. POST•& CO.!
. 'LI OLEI LEATHER, very cheap, at ; •
. ,
--) ' - . Kin k. Co'4J
~and Ins
1J lin
also: OW
Eggs, Smoked Hems,
Reins, ko. 6. S. U.
AND GLASS WAI,2E—a choice
tIO , w prices. POST
I arpet, Room paper . and Window Shade
- PclsT.k CO.I ,
11 1 7S, • spring very
POST; k-TO.l
C R" i
lot ,
5. J cht:
B "lci
'F.T.S and Bonnet Ribboris of all kinds, Par
s, lirr and small at iery.lote Prices.
-• POST Si CO: ,
i.„ _
style desirable
very cheap:. ' - • POST & co:
•• •
, L.N:BA GS—of the beet quality.
1 Rost sc. co.
T AR n
.1 1 a
time and Plaster at T
4; POST dz Ces l
Q 3 L
ES; verv. eholee lot, of the
st Book Embroidered Lymerie;
J lat
11 eclin
nsl No:.iton imitations
DERED and_ Lace Undersieeves, all desi
iityles ; 1114 ,, , worked and einbr'd. Edgings
nrtiiigs and Flouncing. ii - •
. -
Edgituzs and Inserting.= ; .imitations of every
id, inmost azgOod as. genuine and very;eheap,
11hen-trrzught Lace. - P. Sr. CO.
. .
, AINED and Hemp Carpet for sale at.
1. L. POST ik . CO'S.
IE4 HATS—Panama. finel , attil .cottrse .trim
-1 and Emay hound. Pedal and-Talmleaf; for
d Men, sold very Cheap.: ti L. P. & CO. II • -
IFS'. and Children ' s - Flats, a - good 'satiety, 'al
' a riew lint of the latest styles of lioennts at the.
• - 14 L. P. it co. .
and fancy articles of Snap and •Ffair Oil
rate of the finest Perfurneri at the Store
• * I. POST & CO.
F D and TALLOW ; also, Farmers tools in gen
' .11 at ; - p)s-r
I .
/IV of all kini&-- - 11e...vm. Dried A pplei, Tel
w, !flutter, Beeawux, all woOclsock.4,
ell l ire will exidiaage goods pricef.
I a • . I. LI POST k
which the highest
7"A Orice will he paid. ! S. A.•IXONS.
aid : Km-0, Apr. 5. • •
I Goods, at my btQre.
nefhoro, ;April 3.
. ,
1.1171.5 if: Nein LLElr$ #ail Ro'od .Frigit
1 iline bettrrea Aluninme Depot and - -
11 . New 3'04, every a, Sun.
- 40 Vit eZelpff... ! -
11 LIPS k'ifc3ll.ll,El4l, havinfn.: 4 e arranketieut
11. Or fbrwarding fMght to Sea-York in the care
of a pt. It IL CADWELL,..of Orange, Sea-York,
he attendluiee at the Montroat Del.o . 4 %tor day of
6 ' wcisk, to take charge of such - freight *nu Produce;
gok taY t he entrusted to them. Actium for- the same
wt be' ; .,:paid at the Store of William 'McMillen.
eh ,tties In general, Flour, Pork, Fis, Salt, kc„
tic , cOsutntiy on hand, fur safe at the loweit Cask
Prict. , sl :or in ackange for oonUtry produce. 1 -.
11. Iliana. • 7mA...a iitliit.tiat.
18 1854. - I - ! .
) WANTED,' i
1 (LCtoOrnwpooStritil split
Qdr. lu r; Il oN O l kT. e t x AT *
l oitcrtme, October 18. .. ' 1
__,, L ':' l ' • FOR esp. . !
itb. subscriber °trewa for isle his House; and Lot
situate in the Borough of Montiose, a 'few 'rods
bat :Of the Court House._Tertna—one half down
a: d the rensaiuder in five yearly , paysuentsj with in
tercet;;P. LINES.
Montrose 'January 9, 1854.1- ' ' 1
EDIGLEB.—Shaved Shingles arant;iby
k iiktober 24.1 , '1 .1; LyoNsksoN
NEW GOOD 1. !;
4 PIMIDID,Priata and Ladieellroadeloth;
*:c juSt opened led PO sae bj__ •
I sio,eveiertiVainh64oolmo. •
II " - ateVATlrtitiOlONit•L- ,
!Greiti Buirgior the Arele - qoods' tit latioiti
47 - IN` .E . PRIC - Etil) -J
-an . cheapOt'titock 'or Faxicy' Domes- i
ir ma 2v set
,‘ l i tic and EitUtdeliciods.em.:brought iinto Soigne—
bann' county: 'One.hundred Carir b ry
pastas . . 1 % •
Rich hangeablei, l / 2
•" p° 04)!Imi„
Hi Plaid ' " t 97
• 4, 1' Bui c k 4 $ • '4 200 - piecee,Bonnet - lßib.
Moist" Bonnet " 1 1 •
Bonnet,Satins, • 'lOO pea. FaIiCY,DFOOIdo.
ymol!DeLaines, • , ;Velvet Dress Cuuons;
Parisian j do • .ra; - &.eolr'd Velvets;
Plaid delCossit, - • rift* Dal Stlateltnewl4
Clouded fde Berge, Cashmere , ;do ,
English Merriam' . Bri••clut dv• *1
Parlinetto's • '
•LyOnesel Cloths, r Groveg: Flo fiery,. etc.
courysl ClethP, Caarmereis, ".
French, chalehle de Wire, 14116, -
Embroidered Robes, _ • ' •
Gbigharna and Pants, ' Wool Blankets,
Foutch - Plahla,
White Goods, _ • TiCkings,
Wc;ougt)l team+,
4 '. -
_do} Claud:tick do
do Limon do
*Theord, Oct.
Griner. 9. W . A14.. STREFT.
. ~
TI - 000,000. i.. 1 - !
inatirnn against Loss or Daguise,ky Fire..
, —.. .;
. .
' . .1 - ,
,- ! • DIRECII '
TS; -; 1 ' . .
it. Q. Stebbins, 113 Broad .street; Peter C. Bikir,
1 . Spritce Street;
,Girard Baneker, !OS. Broadway;
Thomas Andrews, 136 Cedar street; Samuel G.
SouthinaYd, 377 West street; Albert L. Conklin 810
Green;wich steel; James' A. Crosibv*, - 413 B r oadw a y ;
Cba's.iLent,"Kingstiidge, N. T.; Laimbert.C. na,
Chicago, Ill; I Smith Hobbie, IlliOcitter ' N. T.;
1 1 4 - illiam W. Leland New York ; Petcq. R. Roach; 138
• Bank street; Staan.v. S. Bell corner West and L.aight
streete ; John L Deen, 78. Water !street ; D. Yale .
Warti ; 118 Broadway; Hainan N. Gallup, comer
Westland Barrow strm;tz.; Peter , IL .Foster,' corner.
Bansevoort and West ; 'Reuben Regis Jr.; 48 :Eighth
Avenjie;, Stephen Crpiewell„„CaindeO; N; . -Y.; Albia ,
7 3
Wadleigh, -Philadelphia ; Destar B. Pitta's, 49 N . Va.
ter street ; Samuel Sinclair, Itibune nildings ; Sam.
uel It Shaw - , Cleveland, Ohio. .- • \
. -. Resat. OfAMBERIIIN, President '
COARLES C. CLAnKE, Seetetary. .
CHARLES L. BROWN, Agent, Montrone, 'Pa
' ,
EAGLE FOUND 1111(.." ,
QAIYRE, BENTLEY & PERKP haWing pnrclas. •
ed of Wilson & the Eagle - Youndry, are now
prepired to fill orders froialthe trade, and do wotic
their, line with skill and 4deatiatcli. They will, seep
constantly, n hand P/oaw;'thest kinds,) - Stores,
kinds;) Vitltivatora, Strafe Outter4 : Corny EAdiels,
thc. - • .
"---•:-- .toithe Plows m idi.
invite particular attention . toitne
we manufacture . We ininufactureland keep for 'a
The Celebrated Blatehll Plow. I - [
We have purehased the eiclusive tight to unumfat.
tunes and sell . In this county, Wayo, Wyoming ant
.Bradford, re — Rieit's Polemt Peasn Plow. The.
"Plow is made entirely of ion, excipting the
Itisi celebrated for its
.. easy &alight, being-one-Hurd .
easier than any-mow in use, while-, strength and do.'
rability are greater. ; I
-! -
'of . au kinds Manufactured '!and repaired by esper'
ed Machinests. • ' 1 • .
SteWni Eogitte.l, Georin:ry for ifflls, Shingle Yo
- Alta , , titc. - ,
Among the Stoves which-.we inanufiteture, ate tit
'Kr *stone- Cook ing Store, 'Rough 94 Ready do. i For:
est :Queen do., rrethf tott .dr., and other kind?, all at ,
ranged for burning•wood'i or coal. Self Reg*
lathr, Pirrlor Store, Cothrge Parlor d 0.,. Stifaleyt,
twti sizes do., and a variety of other Patios.' Stores,
hoth..woo'd and coal homers. We:keep also owbusi
Grindstone ttinintil:go, 0,00, m n
Clainnuings; Cm
brella and Shovel and f fn i -gs Stands, fir. fie. :Work
done - to-order on , short nonce and 'at the lowest rates.
!Orders for Stove?, Agricultural Implemeuts,'
are solicited thOse in the' trade, and whit* ,
filled at reasonable wliok-satle prices. -
" I 5. B. SAYRE,
P. -14 CO.
optrose, March 4.
Aastralia California, . .
Oi•-any place on-" Glebe; present
greater intl meementp than -
-‘ll7 HICH is
e n n o t w ora i rtl e tl v eg iti i i n c"irclitl7deernxitnten:lnvge
a getteralvaliety - of new4nd elegant styles of Wits
:'and gentlemen's wear 4 among, which are Lade
French, Silk Lastirg and Prenille Gaiters, Kid tad
Eaameled Polkas, Kid, 'atent Leather and Brawl
Jenny Linds; Buskins'and Ties-; 'Gentlemen'sFreselt
and Philadelphia, oak tinned calf skin and kip BOM!,
'Morocco, Calf and CoWliide 'llrogans 4kc. • Boys kip,
calf and cowhide !loots and Brogans ; all kinds id
Misses and Children's w*. Al4O, a. general atScit•
Mont of
• Findingi'whickconsist in part of lasttptv,
sParables, Hungarian nails,Mck4, thread, was, Brit
tle.s,shoe binding, ails, rasps, sandstOnez, shOOmiret,
Ice. also oak and henilock, tanned calf upper *4
soleleather,Morocco skins-and linings.
1 Work made to order; and repaitirg neadvidora,
! • •[ KEELER .
4k. STOD4RI).
Montrose, Apra - 6; 1854. .• = •
9 0
dr part of the villageof Susquehanna ;also, this
!louses and - lots in the most business- pill. of tis
aforesad village. ':Also, a , Farm containing 186 ,irrn,
with• a small improvement; . the remainder' Ite.snly
timbered, situate two relles'from
Susquehanna is the great Central Depot of the i. ,
Y. & Reamed, situate at .the foot of the iheaviett
grade on the road, near •the greet works of Startle%
And the Cascade, and possessing by I*
tore the best_watering place on the route with their , '
entity of extensive Mueliiiiei Shops, Foundry ice., Rs.
Susquehanna, game* nuraVering bet 2000 inhabit
anns, and but four years iof age. is-destined swots
range alongside of the.mnst. flourishing and :populost
towns on the line of this 'great tqorougbfare.'
: f P. HINDS, Agent. : •••
! • . ; Office one door east of Lenheim's
Susquehanim,Depot, Nov,l6s • !
• s _
Niaaable 11,audis For Sale.
_about 6500 wires(
'l.' Land on the waters of . Spring Brook, is bras&
of the Lackawanna riv‘r,. in Luxerne County, Penn's,
about niid*sy between the- thriving towns; of Soo
ton and 'Pittston. These lands pre- covered with ini•
noble timber, and being situate fn the most lextensin
mineral region in PennsYlvania--known to coatis
iron ore—and believe' to abowad, in 'coal, and being
also in the immediaie vicinity of several' railroads
made and now in proo.ess--offer to, the cagitalin at
opportunity for the ittyestment of money that Belden
occurs: • For furtherigformation apply to. N. P. lie.
sack, Esq., No.- 11, WI street New York,' or to di
subscriber, at liontrole, Susquehanna county,Ps.,do
attorney in fitet'cif the owners. . •
April 6, 1864. 1
AND E. MOTT would respectfully inform di
/VI, public that thiv arc nuunifseticirieglatilies
Celebrated Plows. They alto keep' militantly ori
band, Side Hill, it ilipte County, and Jilv; Plow
Cultieatois, Dog Chants, Sleigh avid Cutter Shot
Plow Points, of varinus patterns,
,too numerous
mention. We hopei'by atriet attention to burbler;
to receive our. share,;of Public patronage, Marie
tory, D. Poses old Ain& Foundry, M. Mott, t
Searle's Mill. • I; . • -
on, in exchange fbr
. F111E ,1 4
. 111141VilltANCE. I, •
THE subseribet iAvent for the fellewine...
ComPanies, tieing businesstle trot
.IL. - •
State Mutual at oarris.)urg. i ,
Capital; $050,00Q•
-Cash *dual at .f.lirrrisbUrg.- '
7 1 1 Capit $200,0 44 .
liong InsuraneejA i ele York City.-- •
$500.00 0 .
Montrose. April 8,11,'54. IP`. tao,lo,ll*
T~ L
luttE "4WD PLA*TEIR •
subscribers,, now buittini and will
constantly, on band Lime of a•.very eat
quality at Itontrosef Repot, ign4 w in B erl It
miantities at a fair ; , rice, ftaima
quantity can bit sup Plied +,..":0n a reasonable nada? '
Superior ground ster wilt be *apt eainguilltil •
hand bensititer. • L ii iPOST.
• n.
/Nutmeat Papot4prila. IiWARLEs
_ .
Men 'do ' -
Block / 16 .1 1 " 1 4
Etc. etc. l
E4TON ic CO.
situated ip the plOsaptest
rir It epai rin g 'dodp on ehort notice.
,E ld'E u ß i tt A rr a Mm_oolTrr:
Feb. 6
and a► two horse Pleasure
b r l. 'MP'
New. -
Alimo tied Nal a