Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, April 12, 1855, Image 3

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ROO the National Bra.
the next Prelddentialeinimaa ,
. t ist 'twig, DUE Co.; N. Y.,
- .February 14,
')Tb e T e mperance questioPis local, thil.Tar
• Iffaotion ts probably . Obsolete, leaving
b u t ' l ora. great national subjects, Slavery and
Know Nothingismi before the people, one or
toth,of which should be decided . by the elec..
tion of '56. In view of those subjects and of
t hicelection, what course ought an
voter to pursue 'I -• .. •
IP.he believes it not only just and pOlitie,
tot"' also the thing • most necessary for our
GOvernment to 'do, to exclude from the.polls„J
all. those who have collimated the - u npardon-'
able crime of being born beyond :our- bor
derS, or of embracing religious • opinions be'
vond our creed, then let him, bY all !imam,
regardless of his Sentiments on minor sub
jects, Note the
hootw:.NOthingtickets. Kon
the other hand, inhs it - most necessary
to Prevent such action, . and , to• put down
se Societies,•Jet him join ,an
ti-Know Nothing organiiation, and support
its n ominees. ..Ithe is most especially desi
roa.S.,of " saving the Union," Castle Garden
style; by. assisting the spread of Slavery let
biro met up a Union party, and go that ticket.
But if bethinks (as I hope all
An d s large majority . of the 'North . do_ think)
that we ought to abolish-Slavery in • the Ter
ritories and District of Columbia, repeal alt
figitive Laws A. ands • the ad
mir•sion of all islaieStates, and that we ought.
to do this first, theft let him join the Republ
b u m party, and} vote for. its nominees, doing,
hi s best of.course to obtain nominees,of his
own ,op i nion on the . subordinate -issue of
Know Nothipgism. • - - S. C. JoitzeiOs.
Gov. Pollock and Bent'.
The Philadelphia Ledger, and; several La
cofoce papers, are sorely exercised that Gov:
Pollock has signed some half dozen 'of Bank.
Bills, out (f the eighty making application;
and has :vetoed but two. They are not Will
ing to,presume that those most needed 'Were j
the first passed the legislature, and that the Ex
-o;cutiye has approved about all that'are likely
tree„..e.lve his sanction in any event. It is a
little remarkable that these same journals en,
dorse • ex:Governor Bigler as a model_ anti
bind: Executive, when it is well known • that
during the first year of his administration,- he .
approved the 'el - Amer or re-charter of -s4.ven
Banks;,u . portion of them with a much larger
capital, than any that have -received the sane- -
i tion of Governor Pollock. It was during his
administration, too, that the Girard .Bank, of
very " doubtful reputation,", ha r d its charter
renewed. That was a Democratic 'adminis
tration, and no complaints were heard. But
the present Atneriean .Execntive dare. not
"follow in the foot-steps_ of his illustrious
predecessi}r" without incurring the abits and.
displeasure of these same editors. •
, Governor Poiloek, standing upon the plat- 1
firmf. laid down- in his inaugural address
has !innetioned, and Will only approve 'of such
charteks as he conscientiously believes to be
requited by the necessities of the business
; cominnnity ; all others • that • may be
.urged upon him will : be promptly vetoed:—
With either horn of this dilemma he-has the
firmness and 'the disposition to grapple, not.
withstanding the pressnie of nionopolists,and
the denunoiation and inconsistency of 'oppo
sition Journalists.---Harrisburg Telegraph.
ii ,""7".TrtE*.KAssii.S• r4Ecrlow..which has
been reported by telegraph as having result
ed,in the election of an ' entire pro-slacery .
Legislature, stems to have been rather peeu
liar in its chaiieter. We lately gave the cen
sus returns - of - the number of voters in the va
r;Uus aistricts from which it, appeared that
in.thefirst, or Lawrence district, settied en
tirely by Ne* Englanders,. there were about
300 voters.. A telegraphic4espatch From Ka>n•.
sus to the St i. . Louis Republican, gives the thl
luwing returns of the election. in that and oh
o districts: . •
KAN zis, March 3.1-9 P. M
Pro-slavery ticket triumphant - as far asteard from.
Total vote—Lawrence, 778 to 255; Tecumseb, 2,66
to P. 4; Douglas,
.330 to 6; Doniphan,_ 320 to 25;
Shawnee ilia.sion, 40 to 16; Leavenworth, 899 to 60';
Hickory Point, 233 to 6.. Election passed off-quietly,
and with very little disturbance.
'As an-explanation of bow this marvellous
change was • 'Wrought, the: Republican, gives
the following telegraphic despatch from west
era Missouri : ' ' .
INDEPENDENCE, March 81-9 P. M.
Several hundred returning emigrants from Kansas
have just entered our city. They wefe preceded
bv the -Westport and Independence Brass. Bands.— I
They came in at the" west side of the Public Square, I
andproceeded entirely around it, the bands cheering I
us with fine music and the• emigrants with good
news. Immediately following the bands were about
200 horsemen, in regular order, following these were
150 wagons, carriages, kc. They gave repeated
cheers for Kansas and Missouri: They report that
not an anti-slavery man will be in the Legislature of
Kansas. We. have mode itclean - sweep ! ti
This procession must have contained about
s thousand. men who had gone to Kansas for
the sole purpose of voting, and having effect
ed this by dintof force,returned to their
Missouri -homes with a great flourish of trum
pets. Such is the popular sovereignty; provi
ded for by Mr. Douglas' bill—a sovereignty
of non-resident outlaws. Let us see what
will be . ,the effect of this. If Gov.. Reeder be
not controlled by influence from W*ington,
he will 'be very likely, we think, to set his
face sternly against such an invasioni and re
fuse to recognize the validity of the,_ election.
Axopinn tiEw VDGE.--Again we are/call
d upon within a briet period to annr.unee the,
appointment of another new judge for this
District. On , the 24th inst. Governor Pollock
appointed - lion, Thomas S: Bell 'of Philadel
phia, Judge, in place of Judge Porter, resign-
,'/• ,; DIED. :'
• In •Bmooklyn, March 31st, Ames G. BALLET, aged
43 years. ' (
. - ..
l in Lauesboie, on the 15th Mare-leak., S. F. 11 I
gest, Esq., aged 47 years. Mr. licliune was an •t- 1;man, an hii loss will be greatly dig iu
, the community in which. he fired. For .. y years
he has beenlthe adviser of many of his n .'ghbors, in .
their various i :business transactions, •., in whose
judgment the y , had far greater con -.. mice than in'
thew own. But in the prime of I ebe his been cut
down. and removed from their • dist, and has left an
interesting frMffly and man 'elicls to deplore his 1
• •
loss. • 1 , Cow. 1
At his residence in dgewateri, on the Sd instant,
Mr. Anasnais cussi max. aged ill years. lie came 1
to this rirtioti l iof entry when biit 21 years of age; I
he was istilteti; maniage with Miss Mclntosh, and ;
settled trprp(the farm, which .he Cleared ;up, mostly ;
STATE: RIGHTS LE NEW Yoax.— I A select with his Gird Vands ,.a nd where be spent-the remain- . I
corniiiitice of the Neu : York:Assembly have i d A er e i ? ae :P r l'• r il l !? 'T u l l r:r r i.,.: / Z2. ) ,:t u t I
reported an ' Act fur the defence of Li berty,'. I". Boys and an g d s r ° ,Z. Th a t `
t - pisnion he leave,' a
of which the following are the main,features: i - i. e d irloir, with a large Amity of children, hap- '
• The bill prOvides - in behalf of fugitiv i
slaves. ply. howev i eir,',Vaised to young man and
womanhood. The family -circle vim an. affectionate
1. The writ of habeas rctor pus. - I and happy one; as many beside those WllO composed
0. A trial 1y jury.
llt have been!maile to feel. In taking him, death has
... .
3. 'Fines for the arrest of . • I made its firs t idmad ° P on that s happ y eircle, and
tire slaves, who are not such . l* Hers
' ' I Mt. That irldowed family and hereaved children,
4. A denial of the jails fu the temporary i however, =doh not as ;those who, ave tip hope fur
-safekeeping of fugitives. l. their departs 34 Mends. , Their father and Mend died
5. An interdict agai t - all publie:oflic'ers lln ; sas fugt-,, , eensequencei the affliction may , the more deeply be
e Chrit”.:ll reith'uswitotiliih§edri=lcreeeca
a State assisting in 3be arrest and restora; t.ris enter
of the Bride:rater Baptist Church.
tion of fugitive slaves to their masters. I his death, allheugh a long time feared, was ra th er
4. A' similar interdict to the State militia. I sudden and un expected; and yet not so sadden as to
7. Repeal of a conflicting law. - I prevent his ighing special partihg advice to the .
S. Penalties to the State offiLvrs Nilo may vouncest of the
& Urea
benediction iipon the l ffirmly nd pdh l"" eied utle asenn ing a Parti
d l him.: l
prefer obedience to the laws of Congress. • I lie lived restiecteci and died lamented, by numerous
9.. Expenses of this new law provided for. i relatives anot friends. . Peace to his remains, and gas
/O. .The act to go into ef f ect immediately 1 Pel enwlatiO to his a ffl icted family . Their lora is
. • his gain. i , Colt.
' ,
This4ppointtnent we think will give &, , ener-:,
al satisaction throughout the_Digtriet. 4udirei
-.Bell is gentleman of • eminent legal
and ml:Ose experience at
. the Bar; and on the;
Supreme Bench, amply. quality -him for the:
new station assigned !inn. No one can, find:
fault with Judge Porter for his resignation:i
it will' be remembered that he was
",6iidi date, to Continue on. the 8enc..41
if elected, (hiring the full term of his 4)frtee,
pr9vidiitg his health was . spared. It failed,
him: and he was compelled to resign.—Hones=
dale" Herald.
t'W" Both branches of the.Nevi-Y64 Lea- - punt; Ti43othr and aover seed at
It , iature have passed in the same shape a pi.o. . f :1- - .
r 4 itory.liquor hill, which now only needs:
~,., .11htagy for Sale.: _
.tigniture of Governorlaark to beeome a • ' 4 - G oo d fiklindlisnebuggY for sale by*
j as•• This it:will receive i ts . he *as - elixted 1 . 21,: .:, f ;
4 I , . G. Z. DDIOCIL
ta a receive. ,
znag.. • : ' ' •-• r , at im oui A.Euiv . Igo. .
. .
::, . • 1 ' it Inforie &shoes
t o o
That m y sips are. committed in the mime
kofAmcricanisrit., , That, true . Americanism op-,
°poses native as well an foreign rowdies--tdl
who via ite the: hiws of the land, and attempt i
to riderough:shod ores the institutions of the
Republic. i• 1 i
That t 1443 A
inerimini im in, equal and exact'
justice to ail men.
That true .Areerleanlam is, that while we
affoid an anylUm to the bppressed of all lands,
we o ppose their ruling Ins. We give theme 1
home, butilni 'shall n?t become our rulers. 1
That trudmericanism 'tolerates-all reli
gious creede„ ut opposes any interference of
sectarianism with polities. That, it only op
pose*Romin !Catholicism in . its attempts to
promote the temporal :Sway of the Pope and
its interfore4.e with the, established Institu
tions of thei Republic.
That tru . A.mericanisin is for making all
nations re st the flag' of our country, and
rebuking ever) , insult Offered to it. No mat
ter whethe i
such insults come from the min
ions of a Net y despot ' or from the- minions
ofhll the 6 to combined.
1 .
That.true mericanism is .opposed to this
Country being taxed to', support the , paupers,
and criminii,lo of the Old World. -
That true Americanism is, - that Aniericans
shall rule America. 1-
, • That truii i,Amertecutism is for sustaining'
the laws oi i kiod, and the laws of the United.
States.-44intrica's Own.
: • know-Ncithings in South - Carolina.
'AI larg e . 'umber of South Carolinians, at
first I inclined) to Kniiw.Nothingism, held a
meeting noii.leng since at St: .Ijohn'sßerkely,
and appoino a committee to examine into
'its piinciples find purposes . as a. political- or
gani;tion, I;especially :as ,it bears upon the
Sofa .:The committee found"that the socie
ty ofiginited at the.NOrth, and has made rap :
1. id pri,ogressihrough all the, notislaveholding,
Statds, but that 'it's main principle - o f if carried
'out, must i'certainly prove ruinous, to the
Soul .' IttWould be well if the Know Noth
ingsr. hroughinit the South would adopt the
Con cof their brethren of Carolina. We be.
lievel they Would inevitably come to the same
,i-i The narrow minded fanaticism is
not fidapte4; -to Southern soil.—Derr. Union..
Alt 7 . 11 i. ft.NOW-IN OTIIINUS.---In the
Democratic County Qinvention, held at Phil
•adelAia . on. ! Tuesclay of last week thos6 Del
*gates suspeted of Koow Nothingisto were
exatruned uoder oath, and witnesses were al
so examined in relation to. the accusations
figank . then). Tho,.e wno_ refused to testify,:
Or the aeetted 'against whom the charge Was
proVed, were , expelled. Among those_ ex
pelled; was.'BVin. S. Allen, Demoeratie".Coun
ty CoMmisSioner, and 'cin his refusing to de
part ha. w.aS,foreibly
.put out.
. telegraph reports the election of -
the Him. •Orsamus Cole"(Republica.n) us an
Associate Jitstice. of the Wisconsin Supreme
C9urt: Judge Crawfrd. Mr. Cole's oppo
nent, holds the Fugitiee Slave Act to be Con
stitutional; i.hile Mr. le believes with JUdg-
Whitou . tind Smith,: that that diabolical - Act
it not in acebrdance with either the letter; or"`
the spirit of the Constitution of the. United
States. I; •
Mv The Legislative committee; to whom
was referred the:subject of abolishing the of
fice of County Superi:itendent, have reported,
with a negative recommendation. They think
that it has pbt been sufficiently. testedlo jus
tify its repeal.
. .i, • - • . .
: . .1r• The Maine Legislature pa3sed a.lmi
at.iits last session that no person of foreign,
birth shallYote unless he shows hismaturaii
ption papers. to the authorities at least 'three
mOnthSlbefOre an election.. The act took ef.
feet March 18th.-
IMI A PANIC IN CCBA.—A atrgo of 450
African wt4-e landed at Sagnain Grande, re
i - 1
eently, bnd were for fdlibusters - fMrn
the North. hlt ,:.;-.
..,.... sonic hours bet .re the
.panib amuse in.the c
imununity- was reduced.
- •
r..4fty of the , articles meittioned in (lie following
list, teil46e roeirmi at this eilice on subscription, at
the eurrvit market prier.
, . .
Flour "v ; barrel, ' ' 810,50 Cr 11,50
Wheat 19 bushel„ • .. 6 . 2,4140
Corn MeiLl;ffliundred, .... 2 25
Corn Ifbushel, . - • 100
Rye iii trash. " , 1,25
Rye Flour IR hundred, 4,00
Butter tal It , - 20
CheeseV 11), • -
10 (4 12
Egg* 1 1 ..0 01 - • 44 ..... 14' @l5
Maple Siff 8 @ 10
• __ -
•E a s s.
Potatoes , f 4 ......... 50 ® 621
Apples 50
v .... '
Diced Apples e bu5he1....... 1 .... ~..., ... 1,25
Oats fl bushel, 1 LO
Beans IR bushel, 1 1,50
ittata "i 4 As
r' i
, < 10 ®l4
Notice.—A' meeting of the Susquehanna County
ipicultural Society will int held at the Court House
in Montrose, on Tuesday eiening, April I7tA, 1855.
• S. F. CARMALT, Rec. Sec._
In Montrose, on the Ilth inst., by Rev. IL A. Ri
ley, Mr. AssM, J: Srsiasts, of Buford, to Miss Ass
Barwartai of the former plaCe. -
`r:ln Forest Take. March 25th, by Rev. Ezekiel
Maine, Mr. Jr:Mantas WROTE' and MBE EIIZABITII
l'#rrsasost; both of Jessup, Swi. co.
'a In itridgewlder, April sth, by Rev. A. 0. Warren,
Mr. WiLroan A. THAT= to Mist! Jams. Dtrrcusa.
11711411M4D ;mix uvRDaT ammo 1,113 1110111111i)li,
• •: • A? $460 1PZ1,1411117114 u .
. :
Rates of Adreettatig.
,One square (16 lines or less) one week, $0,501
;One " two weeks,
:One squire " three weeks, ..1,00
!One .s square " . one month, ... 1,25
;One square • two months, 2,215;
:One square '" three months, 5,00 1
One squire " six months, '
:One squire " ' one year, - 5,00;
For tWo or more squares, inserted by the
;deduciion from the above prices is made. Yearlyacl:
:iertiseraiwW have the privilege of altering or chan4-
bag their,advertisemeeta without additional charge .
Business cardk-htot exceeding five lines, insertetil;
'-at $2,00 per annum.
6 Job Work. 1
This o Ce is supplied with a good assortment of
zJobbing nmterials, and all kinds of Job Work, such;
as Cards; Posters, Pamphlets; &c., will be done neat,:
y and promptly.
1(0 .403be,i•EseliOtl,
lAdministrator's Nettie. • •
vorip's it hereby given to all persons having thi
-1.1 =ads against the estate of Silas F. MeKingi,",
lath, :of LioesborOugh, deceased. to present thy;
`.same duly attested for settlement, and all persons
:debted to said estate will please make payment
:naediatelito the subscriber in harmony township.
- whom I,ess . of administration have been duly grani r .l
Administrator of S. F; ifeKune:
Administrator's Notice. I!
IN°I.IPEis hereby given that letters of adminiti-',
tratlon de boat non upon the estate of Lafiyi.!
;*ite Wfttarth, deceased, have been granted to the;
!aubscriber", and all persons indebted to said estate
please make immediate payment, and 'those yet!
baying clskimi will present them duly attested for set.
tletnent. ' ORLANDO GUNNI.SON :
Jackson, April 9, 1855. • 15k6
JEWELRY. • i '
„XfORE new Jewelry just arrived, direct from tbei
manufactureri, and consisting of a first.rate•ua-'
:torment cf Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gold Finei. l ,
Rings. Breast Pine,' Ear Drops and Hoops, Curb, Fob:
and Vett:Chains, Slides, Keys, Studs, Pens, ke.-+i
Persons 'Wishing to purchase Jewelry, should certain-:
ly call at the store of A. TURRELLI
I , Montrpie, April I'2, 1855.
. „
Who Cannot get manure enough, will find a c h eap
and' powerful substitute in the IMPROVED ,
'PCUDRETTE tnade by the subscribers. The stria'
,:nquantitylitsed, the ease with which it is applied, and
the powerful stimulus it gives to vegetation, renderi
1 3 it the cheapest and best manure in the world. !.It.
1, causes plants to come up quicker, to grow faster, to i
Y. yield heavier and ripen earlier than any other manure
in the w p rld, and unlike other fertilizers, it can bg .
oliroughttn direct contact with the plant. , Three dot-:
r! hors worth' is sufficient to manure an acre of corn.. , -- 1
I:Price, delivered free of cartage or package on -board;
vessel'Or railroad in New-York city, $1,50 per bite s . /
Li-el, for tiny quantity over six barrels • l barrel, $2 4
2 barrels, $3,50 ; s barrels, tS; 5 t;arrels, $B.
Pamphlet with information and directioni will be set*
, 'gratis and; post-paid, to any one applving Gtr the same.
.Addreas, the LODI- MASUTFACTVRING CO.. • i
. I t„ 74 Cortlandt Street, New-York::
'2O 0 ~
'., Milk Pans of all_ sizes awl made from! ,
double cross tin at less than Merchant:4!
. t usually . usually . pay, to sell again,for:Sale 'by the Subscribei;.i'
yfe,hare porno to t1e...c0 - nclusion to sell pan to Far,-; j
tiers as low as we-irill to the trade. thereby szivink`!
to - the Patine? our profit. , Our wares are warranted;,
to be perfect. in every Particular or no sale. . i,
Termii--'-Cash or short credit.
. .1; DICKERMAN Jr., .1
~ .
New Milford April 1. 1855. -
ALhe copartnership heretofore existing beOieedilie!
subscribers under the firm of E..S Kent4X. CO.: is]
this day dissolved by mutual consent.
Brooklyn -Apr. 2, 1855. : 1.4w1
Administration. Notice•• •
iXTOTICE is hereby given that letters of adininistra
tion,upon the estate of JOll LIANA late :of:
;Appollacon township', deed, hare been granted to
undersigned, and all persons indebted to said estate:
please make immediate payment, and those has
Jug claims! will present the same duly attested foi:
•settlemenL WILLIAM MANLY.'
Appollacp, March 27, 1855. 12276
. ..
rIIE Spring . Goodo now being re:
:ceired at I. L. POST & CO's. arc desirabl&. in;
, •
quality, style. and price. .
Staple Dry Goods, I Collars, Skase',
_Dern Goods, • Edgings,
Cloths and C'assinierrs, 1
I Bonnets,
' White 'Grinds, . , and Parasols. 1
, , ' CLOTHING—a tine stock. - Groceries of all 'rat+
, 'etiee: Hardware, Crtx•keiy, Looking Glasses, and iii
i:Tery department their assortment is good, and. at
riers to suit. 1 . .
. . .
Montrose, March 20, 1855. ,
Bounty Lands,. •
CONGRESS has recently passed a Pension list
making an extensive addition to - the Pension
laws' be.fore in force. " No oneshould despair of receisi;
ing a Land Warrant, who ha' done service for the ' •
United States of any kind, either in the Revolutionary
War or since. The_act also extends to the widoirs
iuid minors of those:who performed the service, Who ' 1
if now iiiing would be entitled to the benefits therei:
Of.' The Undersigned has thi law and all legal font*
to obtain Pensions under the said act, and will prompt-;
ly , obtain Land'Warrants for appUcants who may be.
entitled thereto, for reasonable compensation. Toni'
Warrantstwhen obtained eat! be sold . for money.
any time,if you do not choose to locate the lands:
Montrose, March 21, '55. N. NEWTON:
; •
• • The subscribers hare taken and fitted up the neap
bufiding on the west
abote Searle's Hotel,
and well ^elected assc"
Fall and
:Their stock is' dint
but a very few goods
•and comptises their
Groceries,. Crocker
Paints, Oils, Dyestt
',7oWelry Watches,
Notions, &c. &c.-
hitherto bestowed
totters, Mid the pul
its a mill in our "t.
supply them with goods ,
GRADATE and member of the UnirersitY.of Nevi;
Y..rk, will be "in Montrose on the 6th, 7th and
filth, o each month, and. may be consulted it, Hatch*
H. -1, tor three days, upon all diseases incidental to
e human system, viz: CONSUMPTION, Brtin'
aids Intlamation of the Lnrigs, Throat, Liver, Pleural;
Kidneys and Spleen, Dyspepsia, (In digesii on,)
Opmpiaint, UTITVIIATISM, Scrofula, Eruptions, Spinal'
• Cornpininta, Diseases- of the eve and ear, Y,ervoint
Weakness, ,Particulrir attention given
the diseases Of Females and Children. The vs:ion-a
I affections Of the r; terwt iculiea/11; cured. •
1 Dr. fiarKi is well aCquainted with both Hotrnsmal
the and Allociathy, having been in constant study and
Practice for the last twelve years, and having . first
*limed Homeopathy into Binghamton, N. Y., in':
.1447. His plan of treatment is roihh safe mod efrraii
and different from that of any other phyriciat4i
and cures nearly all cows in a)1 stages of thp disease,
Vir Dr. Harris has testimonials of character, abil4 ,
itf and skill s from 'a number of the most eminetiC
Medical men in the city of New York, among dienfi
the celebrated Dr. Valentine Mott. •
Persons ,wishing prompt relief or permanent cures ,
will do well to call without delay. Charges moderate; : .
Consultation free! Patients visited at their residenceS
if desired. Office houis from 7 in' the morning•untit
in the evening.
. .
:The advantages of
,the Homcepathie treatment of.
diseases are':
.Ist. That patients treated homeopathically, ur:nal..;ll
ly are cured much sooner than by any other . practiee.:
11 2d. That many patients can be cured by flomeo-!:!
Pathic remedies., who cannot be cured by any other:-
treatment. •
Crd. ' That,:patienta treated Homeopathically, do:
nix tare to labor under the bad effects of the undW
cfne they hate taken to cure the .disea.ce.„
lover and Timothy Seed for age by i
New Milford, Mardi 8, 1855' . • . '
stud Blinds.
ViTurDira Sash of, vsnous sizes constantly on'hattCl
lY V • --4 fOO Blinds nushed to-order by
• • J. LYONS a 512.N;)-
Paper hangings. ,
kry Rolls just opened, and some for Acts. per
rti , U, by , • J. VIM k SON. ,
110ORRIEt—A fresh supply of &free, Sup ,
‘.i.A Tea, Rice, Crackers, just received and for sale
tt - J. LYONS L SON.
' 1 '
. ' ' ' i• ' '
:' 1 1' • ' 1555-0. i •' -
.1 L sorry* nuts's. I- . -
ID lail Road Freight ! Line between -- Monteose and.
11X,New York. be subscriber& will continue, their
isnmection of the pat year ; for 'selling l'Sttrqueltansta
Cs. Produce on conansfission. , • t!
3E - kils-sr J. Ilurnntorii, will receive( and forward
Tifilitbt for this company at the Montrose Depot rirt
hi, TUESDAY. : t •
. Thankful for put patronage, and being satisfied
that their arrangements for, disposing of 'produce of ,
eivnrtithid will enable them to eve gener a l ostiotoo
ti..,r the subecribera trust that Newyorh Prices.,
.. ~ 'pt, returns, and their usual strict attention to the
will insure to them a coadnuariee of favors
heretofore so liberally bestowed upon them.
he returns will be promptly . paid in Current money
b 3/ Mr. Harrington, who, will also make liberal advan
i:ela du consignment when desired. /\' ' 1
1016 marking cards have been left wit h the - Rail
HoolTrieght agent Mr. Case who will attend to for
•iiirdingloods consigned to us on other dayithan
- NELSON tr. non: , ~
ontrose March, 1855.. - ',
ersons residing out of the vicinity of ;Montrose,
wishing to send us Produce can do 40* Consigning
it to - . HOYT Si BEVANS, NO. 181 Heade St N. Y
. ) ,
! t To all whom •Itaasy Cipacera.
, .
Ilya - recent act of Congress the Bounty Lana law
ha's been extended to embrace almost every saw of
of,military service. ~ '
:„...- 4 11 persons who have been engaged in Military
Service of the United States; for a period of fourteen
days ior upwards, are entitled to oweAstsdred and
tizt# acres of Land, if they have not received it, and
if (they have received less amount the' are entitled
to:sufficient to make up'l6o acres: _ !
Revolutionary soldiers, and soldiers of tiny and all
',wars in which the United States have been engaged
iii4ce, and if deceased, their widows or minor chil
dren; are entitled. i • ,:.
• Of fi cers, Seamen, Marines; Clerks and landsmen in
't h eh Navy, their widows land minor children, are also
1 ,, Wagon,masters and teamsters; employed for the
tninsportatiort of mflita7 stores, are ali t o entitled, in
I . ilie manner. • • . :, , ,
: I am still engaged in obtaining Bounty -d War
:tricks, and am willing to do the tiusinpadupon.the
: itnotAt liberal terms, and although I have: no motive to
sppncl my time and labor without chimer ' yet I will
AO / the business at the lowest price that 1,-can do it
'honestly and live. ' . '..
,:: Those having claims I believe will find it materially
;to their advantage to clill upon me bekire going else. ,
After the WaiTants are . obtained, if any of the war
ianteca desire to sell tb . ern, I am prepared to:pay the
;highest cash market price. j /, , 1
;: lam also engaged in the vosecution of other
claims against the Government of the United States,
isuCh as for Pensions, Back Pay,Extra Pay, &c.' &v.:
•._ 1 . - FRANKLINFRSER, Att'y at Law.
• Montrose, May 14, 1655 w 6
_ . ,
'P rnUBLIC notice is hereby given to all persons con
l: corned in the folinping Estates, to
-Estate of -tithes Gardner, deceased, litte of Gibson
toirns hi p ; F.lecta Gardner and Enos Garda er,' Exec-
. utOrs--
'Estate twf Stephen Breed, decease& l2te of B:ook-
Ipii ; Breed and R. Breed, Esec,
_ - -
i .Rsiate of Caroline 6. Stiles, dec'd., late of Rarford.
,township ; Daniel Oakley, Eer.—
!Estate of John M'llvaine, deed., lat 4 of Choconut
township ;• Jacob Kimble, Adm'r.— t ,
; • Estate of John Chamberlin, dec'd., late of New Mil !
ford township; Wm. J. Turrell and D. D. Warner,
That the accountants have settled their aecMinta in
•the Registei's office in and for the county of Susque
:hatria, and that the same will be- preictited , to the
Judges of the Orphatis' Court Of said county, on
- .Weditesilav the 18th day of April next,; for confirnia.
non and allowance. , J. W. CIIAPMAN, Reg'r.
'Register's office, Montro3c,•March.l.4
,;,fs ,
pielea aria (7 , malt/ R*. ' - t
ELIJiII pECEL ) In the Court of Common Pleas of
i vs, r said county, Novembir Term, 1851.
fEs - rifFrt Mutt,) No. 19. z.
I To . , Either Pew/ : Whereas a subpoina'in Divorce
'!was Issued to November Terni, 1854, which was duly
:returned lion est inrentu*, and thereon an alias sub
puma ~ was issued in said c ase returnable to• January
! Ter* 1855, upon the return of which, proof was made
ithat the..said Esther Deed could not be,found in my
This notice is therefore to require you to appear
llefcire the Judges of the said Court on the third Mon.
kla'vloi April neat to answer said.complaint Lc,
F. P. IiOLLISTER, Sheriff.
,SlMriff's - Office, Montrose, March 5, 1855. w 6.
C'ONGRE.Sti has paesed a law ffivingyou additional
. .
, lands. Those who have already ,received war='
!ants are entitled to more. Danville men, come on
noW and.l will get your warrants. Widows and mi
amrs Of deceased soldiers are entitled to the same their
husbande and fathers would be if living. ',I have the
law fresh from Washitigton,•and the necessary forms
of application. Speculators from a di*ce are about
rXittg to get those largely interested - to.alfrig oe. Be
, wire of such, and don't sell for ktiong.' I'll ad your
business accurately; and pro.ptlyzaceount for the
full value of your warrants when obtained, . From
three years' successful expeirence I know I can do the
business right, and I profier you my services at rea
sonable; rates and quiekieturna. L.!F FITCH. •
ontrose; March 6;4855. .
11.-irtt res o fa A s4 l l inistra tion of the Estate of Hannati
Jessup township dect4uted, with the
Will 'annes,luive been granted to the subscriber.
Ali pys indebted to the said estate are requested
ttlinuik payment, and those haring claims or de
nier) against the estate of said decedent, will make
k, . . the same without delay to
i -', 1 CHARLES AVERY, Administrator.
Monurose Feb..2B. 1855. 1 9w6.
J ___—_l—_
A large quantity of Detains—a large quantity of Par
anietta—Silk, Wool and Cotton Plaids-i—Muslin and
Candiric Embroiders— Dress Trimmings and Buttons
•:—a large stock of Ready Made Clothing—a large
stoat' of Fancy articles—and a few Books will be sold
at Cost till the Ist of April nest by the subscriber.
February 14 1855. F. B. CBAgP LER.
i'rHAT the Spanish Court has decidarnot to sell the
Island of Cuba, but:Joseph Wittenb4rg & Brother
recently decided to open a new store, in the
b Ming of L. Searle, a few doors east of Post's store,
oppoiiite -Wilson's dwelling house, corner of Chestnut
and .owego streets, where they will keep on hand a
Splendid assortment of. Ready Made Clothing; also in
addidtion to this, a good assortment of Broad' Cloth,
FaSSitnere, Kenturkey Jeans, &c.; in short, a general
asaortment of Gentlemen's furnishing GoOds. Also, a
Splendid assortment ot Ladies' Dress Goods, Silks, Me.
Tinos; Detains, Alpaca's, Embroideries, ;Shawls, Lac
, its. Dress Trimmings, &c. &c., all of which they are do
tcrmihed to offer to the public at very lbw prices.- 7 -
Rll Goods warranted to gm* satisfaction, as well in
quidity u in price.
?lease give. us* trial before purchasing' elsewhere.
Montrose, Jan. 26, 1854.
. .
, .
pun ise ha nn a Cou;ity, its.
Miry Ann Davis. by her next In the Court of Coin
friend ,'John W. Draekney, monrileas'of said' coum
vs. • ty, Novetnber . Term,
1854, No: 27.
Edgar G. Davis.
To Edgar G. Doris: Whereas &sub Rtrfri a a in divorce
wars issued , to _November Term, 1854, which was du
ly returned non est invirtua, ind therestpon an alias
subtxerut was issued in maid cause, return able MJan'ry
Tenn,. 1855, • upon the return of which, .proof 'was
pale to the said Court, that the said Edgar G: Davis,
Could trot be found In my bailiwick. , -
This notice IS, therefore, to require you to'appear
before the Judges of sitid Court, on ttic third Monday
of Arid( next, to anSwer said complaint, h.c
- F. P. HOLLISTER Shrriti
Sheriff's Office, Montrose, Z
March 6,18 l $. f ew.
- 0272,av [3a,nßaaorko
-A anzions to close out our stock orelotb
ake room for our Spring and' Summer
S. 17 1 1 1 1 1 n
Piiichase we are selling it at greatly reduced prices.
can, as now is the - time to buy cheap. 3.
Over dusts from $,5,00 to #lB,OO. Omsk Frock and
fiaCk diets, riod patterns aild new styles. Pantsfrom"
0,54 to sB,ok Vesta of evert Stile.- Gents. Fut- ,
Oohing Goode of every kind.
l 5 per mut. cheaper than ever off 'n,liontrotle.
Good qua* and neat patterns sell* at coat for
i l ia,. • A. LATRROPA CO;
February I 1 865..
f ~•• • -
Door TilitYEß, takes this method of ming
' to his to eutiii sad customers, that he bait agsin
resumed the pritctice of medicine, at his old stand at
liontatiiti,-wh re he may bS found at all thine Indess
Professio ray, employed. He would say to those in
debted to hi M, that he will deduct twerity4re per
cent on nil a ..otitits paid before the first of Aprii mitt,
Or an3i Wc‘.tnyself I will deduct 'filty.) ;.;
Mono.* Tel), ;20, 1865.
11 P° o
1 ,-e, ,
HAL I Ifl HALLOO, 'rust . , way.
r il roset . . ' - bet would Inform the .cidaXne orb's:Ot
_and e public generall that he has bought
the 43 ry f rly kept, by F;R. Fordbam 1 ..,
in Lyons and handler's building on Chestnut litre;
lit the b,o ug_ OfHontrose; where he has a treat:Ot
settment of el , ries ; mull will keep constantly ~ on
kind, Flo , 0 eters, Cheated, Sugars , Syrup, Holaieps,
Mackefel; Nu 1 Candies, Toys, Oranges andlemons,
Figs, Proles, dines, Soaps, Vinegar, Csairee; dried
Fesubes . d nits, Herring, sack. Salt, Pies, Cakes,
Beer, Yaokee Notions; and ',other tiring* too tnnier-
OUs to mention, ,which will be sold _ cheap for =X or
most kinds of Sow:dry produce. Call and sea. r, A
share of Fehlt4 patro nage is solicited. S. s. morri
' Montrose, ] larch . , 1855. !
, 'movies! fOrovEst
Subtieribers b leave to inform the citizens
.1. of Ilrooldvn and vicinity that they Mitre jOst ;re
ceived allot di Stoves, Irldell they offer for ialeas
low as thercan be purchased elsewhere in the einnity.
LSO—.& lot Of STOVE PIPE and Elbows of the
differer rufaeriwers priors.
WA. Iron, (topper, and In
change )they goods.
A' inter, Shaw?
'WITH do
, AN*Eili
5,000 bu4hetor eats, • I 1,000 b 2,000 builbekof fiorn, . 1,000 Is
1,.000 Isaillels;of Ye“ * 600 *
said any qinuiPt7 pf Partridges, at . .1g1ie5i.....-Itet
Prices, in exelpinge for foods, by
i 11
Itrookiin, NOV,I, '54. fi.lpTif & llErr i kliArf.
' __A 14 • -
I 3RIN , F iv E4ZIfROVED t
rec tIEET, te — t for the Vdce:Ptci ) to;
Idelodeotind Guitar—some very beautiful pioe
ejust 1, J. LYONS & SON:
. •-•
bti r inu -
• I
1.. Shawl*.
that will be fold ve-y cheap. 't
t .D4limeres& Delaines at great bargains
fete more lei
cfresh supplqlof Groceries juitOpened by
ifolasses'4it 3 y lilalllings per gallon. Soups at 4, 6 &
6 ihilling • b t LYONS &
~ , I
A RRIYINIevery week At A* LAThROP £ Co's'
.A. Jan nary st - • 3.
1 . l'. 'W inter Shawl% and DeLan — r, i,
QELLI,NG of at great bargains. Call on • '. ,'
L - :3 January 4 .; ' A: LA.TIIROPk. t'AY6 ,
: L tat'ir Opzen Sock+,
Jar uar 11st
i Gioakin 2 drain
f\F all jkindfJ., and at the high%
WJanuary •litt ' : A.
~ .
frl7llßiti Ishaiii - Salt at i .LATIIROPICO's
.1. *stntreio, January 1; 1855. .. .
• _—______14...........--
',---, • I lIQROCLIE and Scotch Plaid Shawls, French Nati-
Stearns nd MarrinlN Fire-!roof 1,
v.l_, nos, Paramettas, DeLains, ke t.
~ a ... •
- i --. . . Safe's: ' ! -/ • Lanestairo, January 1, 1855.] S. A. LYONS.
rcHE fita l s . bets have melds arrangement to fur
nisli to rsOns who may be in want of dim,' the
above tuninedi niviluable Safes, at the same psice4for
which they, • be Obtained , at the manufact;rres:—
flawing expo eneed the benefit of :zilch an a ele du
ring the late conflagration ourselves, we would earn
e.,•itly ri..Ont end to others having valttabl ) e boOks and
papers, the preserving of which would he of-ill:net:we
importance toi them, not to do without/one. • 1 •
Prices Yrange• from $5ll to sstlrt, und'we can explain.
to any Mr- w7shing to purchase, / the diffetince ,in
style, size, pie, Sc.,nd furnish' them on short no
tice, withltinOnternal atrange4nt to suit the pur
cliaser. ii i ' BENTLEY & READ,
I MontrOs'e, ll, December 19,1; 854. . ' • '
i !
1 . 1 .- 1 •
1 .11113 1 EVAGOODS.
-ece I . this.week a lot of New Goa, just
k g
- - 1 1 ,/ "1 1 . ---- .....ortirent
fiir Sale
A fref4h i4.)l t y of Ur.
kel&c., (Ist ,cceh%.-
V {1 f ' :. .1,---1- '
• COFFINS ! . I COITUS ! ccinnko I', .
Pile S4bscObcr • has . on hand ready made inns
1 whiehlni4 be had at reasonable prices. i \
- ' Also obi, hand a lot of Superior window Sash. 1:: ~
,Great an d Jan. 15th.1806. .. • 1 :
t - PEOPLE. i
oipitcrFF k ELDRED have constantly on
ai large
well selected astortmcnt of tin
are, Reels land . Chain for wells, pinups, -tern
Y4inps, Hydraulic Rams, Japanned wares, lead
pipes of 'till sizes eke.,
_Ake. Job work done with eat
ness andldesTiatch ; all orders promptly attend to.
kept constantly on hand, a large assortment of ves
of the lateft iniproved and approved patterns. I Our
experiene4 inithe business enables us to select thbse
xliat we ein safely warrant to give entire satisfaition,
Amongsi buiinumerons stock can be fotind the I I.
Piiragonl 1 air tight Star of the West, Eleleated
New World,- . { " Clinton, Eq'ren.
Atlas, Cultivator,
I Phoenix, ; " Fire Fly, et -
TlireeEtates,l '" Western Qneen, et
Globe, l • I " premium. A ;
it. A. Moon tit?, 13. it. unzip.
IETAs (just received froth , New York a full %Ort•
.1..1.' meth of NEW GOODS, comprising a first
rate variety cOntas, MEDICINES, CILEMICALS, ILS,
Dix-svvvis, ('LASS-IVARE, FAMILY Gleocuem, ATE
ANCY (ODDS, which will be sold extremely lois , .for
cash. Miring recently sustained as lass by fire l of at
feast fivd thousand dollars' ? above insurance and
4ved, "
liflincy 1 have strong claims for - the pat Mtge
tc my friend s io.nd the public generally. I ask n man
o.give tb;in., neither doll' ask or expect addhlonal
Profits in :caisequence of said loss. I will sell kohda
as low, i notdower than can be bought elsewhere in
this to ' n' or, county . All l I ask is that patrtmage
,from the pubßcwhich will enable me with induit
slowly b t gradually replace the loss sustained --a i d
less being the hard carningi of a life of anxious,tail.
Store at the lower end; of the burned distriit,lon
Main street, a few doors below the corners. li.
, . •1i i . - •.. 1. r. ABEL TURRELL .
,Montrose, December 14, 1854. i 1 .
• $
- !
All Stet Again. t -
~ • , 1 '
I i
rinm Stibscriber would respectfully announce to his
custtimers and the Oublic in general thathe is
again prlpared . for the Boot and Shoe busin s',—
H aiing ust deceived from New Tork a choice i lot of
Side aud.UpPer Leather, Calf Skins, Kip Skitul, &c.,
ailloak-ned. Also, anlassottment of Ready trade
ayrk, nsistitig in part 6f Men's
. Thick and Calf
Bdots, oYs Boots, Children's Strap Boots, W471G11'13
Ktiameled . Union Boots,!Polkas, Kid Buskin' , Silk
l i thuing,F6i Gaiters, GoatlLace Boots, Enameled Pcg-
Ke4 Boots;lnfSeit Kid Lice . Boots, Children's illt,lan
Boots,lec. & —which will be sold - for cash ctaper
Ulan ran{ be bought elsewhere in this market.l Re
pairing dohe r ep y.
a PleasC tall'land examine. Store first door c
the Odd FellOwit Hall. 1 . ' # ,
Bailor/ hour/ from "the time t o work" utn
time for it'eatt,'' and "refreshment." Grateful RI
favors he hoPes by 'strict attention to busing
merits continuance of the *June. -
N. B. N i lng•somewhat in want of the "one'
needful," (money,) he woUldwuggest, in the ni
manner poitsitne, the propriety of those indebtei
ing and leitling the some immediately. Nut ed
Ifontrose, Dee. 4, 1854 . C. M. 6111.1101
— l ----
1 i
1:' t; ! Prociau,alion. --,-
SOntfrOlifia,County fg.
ITHCISIS 1101trli EA I In the Court of rcipt-
I I, i vs.. . ' I mon Pleas'of said °fu qty
RilefirilEpiA IfOrtxnEan! Nov. Term, 1854,Ni0 „ 05.
To HanaoltlEtivo .)forehead : Whereas a aulipatha
in diva-ce i? r!i a i issued to November Term 1854, , ranch
wai dulylreturned non ere 1 Osman*, and therftMou
i an alias aubixena was issuild in said cause, retu-natde
. to Januaryi Terra, 1865, upon the.„return of whii.h,
proof was nude to.the said Court, tha
t the saidMan
inah Mica Botfehead cOuld not befound in my ha, II
- wick. + . 1
re re require you to pSr
This notice is the k• to 4) i n
before tk i c e Judgetrof said tut, on . the tl2lrdldpu ,' y
tra i t :
Of April xt, to answer d complautt, otO. I
• . , 1 • - F. . uoLLIsTER, simile,
filltsvirs;Ofilott i Moe 'fuel 12, 1 9 41, 1 % I 1
'• : 1 - I
• Aix. Eisen
A. Fine assorttbene ellen" kook )net received at
the Farmer's Store. Call and see for yourselvet.z-
Cost Tott=nodting to look and but little to buy.
'Montrose, March ili, 1810.
`• Sheriff's Sides.
111 QT virtu* of a writ Ifrend. -ex.; issued out of the
.141 Court of Common'Pleas of Susquehanna county
and to the directed, I will expose, to public 'sleet the
Court _House In Montrose, on Saturday the fourteenth
dais of April next, at one o'clock in the afternoon--
AB that certain piece or pared of land situate &natio-
In; in the township of Auburn, ElMquehruina County,
bounded and described. as follows, to wit; On the
north by hais.of Daniel Swackluenmer, on the out'
by lands of James Hotel and by the public highway,
on'the south by lands of James Rittenbury, and on
the west by lands now occupied by E. N. Seeley, con
taining 109 acres, more or less, together with the ap.
purtanances, one. framed home, one awn house,
log stable, and about 80 acres improved, - improved, - late th e es
tate of Philip Swackharnmer. 1
Taken in execution at the suit of Asor Lathrop Ts.,
Philip Sweckhammer. . . _ . •
ALSO—At the same time and place, all that eer.
tarp three story woodhuilding with a brick fn3nt base
ment, situate in LodirSvMe, Great Bend. toinship,.
In Mid County, and the Lot and piece of ground and
huitliage appurtenant thereto, . and on which said
-building is constructed, bounded on the nortleeast by
theNewburgh turnpike road, on the east and south- .
east by lands formerly owned by C. J. Hart, on the
month by grounds owned and occupied by the. New
'Zit* it Brie Rail-Road Co, and on the west and north
' irk by lands of Lowrie Green, said building occupy,
ing and covering all-the lot, being acme filly feet in
front on said Rail-Rosul, grounds, and some 200 or
more feet rear to said Turnpike med.
Taken in execution at the suit of Elmer W. Brig
ham vs.-Addison Bryant. - I ' .
ALSO—BY virtue of a writ of Seri Facies, issued
and directed as above, 1 will expose to public sale at
the same time and place, all that certain piece or par
cel of land situate in the township ofilarford, in said
county, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On
the-north by lands of Collins Peck, on the east by
lands of E. C. & .1. R. Harding, on the south by --,
Alien and,A. 51.1farding, and west by. Elias Harding,
containing,' 80 acres more or teas, with the appurte
nances and improvements, 1 framed house and barn
and about 50 acres improved: . ..
Taken in' execution at the, suit of Zerah Verry vs.
Wheaton C. Barney: 'F. P. HOLLISTER, Sh'ff.
Sherilf'sroflice, Montrose, March 21, 1855. -
• would , ke method to express my sense of
pride and - sincere gratitude to the large . , majority of
Merchants" and dealers in good old Susg. Co., who have
kindly patronized me in New York, as well as to the
many miim, in the different sections-of the country(
and would, most respectfully ask a continuance of their
favors, as Well as those who have not as yet found it
convenient to mill and become customers at.- 215
Pearl St. (See business card.)
Very; Respectfully, .Y. C TYLER.
ltE have just
a rh sto ck ; f WguterC awhthavebenbigtatte
lowest prices, and whereas I am in great want of Cash,
Woolen Yam, Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs; IVood,(four
feet loniSor amthing else to keep a poor man from
stervin 'am 'bound to sell goods' at : a very low
-figure or any of the above articles. Just call and
take look, that's all! - S. A. Lyqss.
eslxoro, January, , l, 1855.
• -n. , S. IoVIV,SON 41c SON, • -
ATAY be found in S. S. Mulford's old store; East .
.IV - 1 side of Public Aveuue. " -
Montrose, Noveinber 15, 1854. . .
rpm subscriber is carrying on the CHAIR.
LNG BUSINESS in all its varituts branches' at
the Chair and Ware Shop in Hanford, Where may be
found a greater *ariety of Windsor and Rocking
Chairs than at .any2other establishment in the county ;
alio Flag and Cane Seats, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Loting
es, Settees, Tables, Stands, &c. 4c., all of which will
be sold at the lowest prices at . retail, (or wholesale,
with short notice.) 411 work warranted well made
and of good material. Short credits and small pre;fita
will be my tnottoJ • Foi demonstration the 'bore
facts, please call it my shop in Raiford i inane. '
ilarferd,..October 12, 1654. 154dna6
r post
rir 'S,
THE subscribers offer for sale on the most liberal
and easy terms,one of the best loiated &ribs for making
Money in Northern Pennsylvania. Thei said farm •is
situated on the Newburg and Owego Turnpike, two
miles east of Mount Pleasant village, and twelve-from
attic N. Y. & E. R. R., also tery conveniently situated
to Churches, Schools, Grist-mills, Saw-mills, flack.
smith shops kc. 'it contains one hundred and sixty
one acres, one • hundred of it under a goodstate of
cultivation, well watered and good buildings, consist
ing of a good framed house, well fmignedoff, :an very
.nveniently arrAngeit Also two good barns and a
... barn shed well calculated for convenience. two
large .rchards yielding from 500 to 1000 bushelsan
nually,\mostly grafted fruit of the best caudiv. - The
farm is tqkll adapted to•grazing sufficient to keep a
large stock. For price and term i apply to D. P.
EATON, or t ALFRED LAKE, on the, prefaises,
Harford. Dec:13 7 ',1854 - '
More aisitialfore New - -GOOds..
ni t w i t ,. now receivinginew ant full H '
• supplies of Gdods for the Winter Trade, in
cluding a new andelegant assortment of French M
rinoes Merino and Cashmere Plaiifs ;1 Plaid, Fan
sey an d Plain De Lanes, Paramettas, Brodie, Square
and Long Shawls, all of new and best styles, and will
be sold at 2.5 per cent. less than last - year 8 prices.—
Also a new assortment of Rich Ribbmti,and Bonnets,
Wide Silk Velvets for Cloaks and Htintillai, Rieh
Silk and "Velvet Dress 2'rimmings, Holiair Head
Dresses, Rigolets kb. &c.; with a genet'al assortment
of other Srarut and I.raNcr , Goima, as usual, which
having bought under the present presstire of the cash
market, will be sold at correspondinvind reduced'
prices. I -
/ New Milford, NoVember 27, 1754.
1)OrGIIT at the lOwilat prices, and 101 be sniti ac
-1.) cordingly. - I,', I ,U. BURRGWS b - VO.
Gibson, October 11, .f35.1i. ' 1
Cloths,'Cas. ere% and Vesting&
A large assortment and at prices lower ,than we have
ever been enabled to offer them heretofore.
Gibson, Oct. 11; IAS .
D Goode.
A great variety an 4 liniautiful styles; apd alniost as
cheap as could be glen U. BURROWS & CO.
Gibson, Oetoberl2, 8.
, .
Briack gilk. i
A goOd quality for ()mattes at 81 centarr raid. --
October 12,. 18541 II
1 U. lIRRi WS k CO.
1 I Shairls. • 1
Long land square r wOol;lhrocbe, and silk, rerfband t
mune 'styles and at 4tremely low pticcii.
-October 12., 1854.1 1 U. BURROWS dt CO.
firsichis Shawls
Cheaper than ever Itefore known • beadtifur patterns
arid fine quality of, 14-t Troche Shawls, Lupen's nian
ufactnre, at P. s U. BURROWS At CO.
Gibson, October. 41, 11354.
_ • Bay !Ignite IShavrlit, • •
The tutatacirr atzEortisir QUALITY: arid zitstr
$7„50 each. ; - U. BUItROW'S k CO:
Gibson, October 11, 1.554. = i•
Carpets, i-
A good assortment auk handsome. patterns, at very
low prices. i. I II: BURROWS & CO.
• Gibson, October 12, 1,854. F
.11iittiilo Bober,
A large lot of handsome Robes, a part cif them whole,
Indian dressed and very superior color fttld quality.
October 1854.1 U. BURROWS & CO.
Popular Pain Me ed' eine Agency.
A DEL TURREL., has just redeived la new' sop*
.CA, of all the.populir Manion/Es of the day,
including' Dr. Jayne's celebrated Medicines, Trask's
Magnetic Ointment. Tanner's Gernisn Ointment, My
ers' Extract Bock ibise,! Forest Wine, ':&c. &c.;
of illisortsr, all direct from the prokietors. Also,
Darning Raid, Caraphertetile/ilia! the cheep
, , &e.,
est. • A. TURR.ELL.
• - .
,Montrose, December '!l,_• 1844. • •
• .
• 'Chance ; to Make :Crowley.
pOl - mEhfr.
H~.subrcrilier is dottirtius of harilx an agent kL
each county and town of - die I,7nietn. . A capital
of trout $5 to $lO ouly will be:rettuiredi and. anything'
like au efficient, energetic twin can imake from three
to fivq dollars per day;—, Indeed, somelof the agents
now totployetl are realizing twice that. Sum. _Beery
information will be given vaddrassitt4(post paid,)
v I .‘y KINFtLER,
Box fitlll t Philadelphia, Pit., Post 0111 m
Time:thy Seed. _ .
Turret s eerelpeted Timothy !peed, Irerrenb.
1.;.."..e4 pure. For rale dr , Air*. Tunstu..
Voluted. Marsh - • -
, _
L T R D an d TALLO*, ; AUlNFarnieri4llo9l6 In gea
st. . -• . i 1 • • - V.L rm . -41i coyi., :.,
Atient t'
Itarth 200
BARDEN itEdi. - • ' -
.costaire, Rothestiir, and Camnei:f ..r
Seeds' just opeped and a)r lude
ldd acier Seed, at
F. B. CUMWillra.
puit*.Tia T
itc• ace. *C.
Silver Patent Lever, Atichor — antia.
heti; jist received 'and for Sae by
, .
:Wein; Jewelry.
eat of Jeweby, consisting of Jar
ce4 1 :1 1 : larea" -;Ellt al arl "er %S.
am. Ac.,
Silver Spool's. - • -
Sugar, Salt, &c.,-Ivainnte_qpii,-
Its andShoes._
asooitment of the beat =skis, az'
for sale by 1301 1 1,Er Ai READ.
no and '
nine Drugs and Medicines, Patanlr
to, Oils, Dye•stu ßE ff t s f 4l, for Bala. ,
A fresh , et.oe,t;
Itedichme, Pa
Dec. 1341
• Chitsles Tillosavi t iThifilber.
ILTAS removed his shop from its f ormer location la
.the basement:of Searle's Betel, to ti e room to
the same building, in the rear of the bartoom, whet*,
bie customers will be waited 'upon: by that 'exquisite
artist, Prof+or Charles Norris, or by himself, at all
reasonable lours. -
Please bear in mind that this Is Ithe only ' shaving
shop in town' 'there the thing is dont, seiendfically,
liontrose. l , caliber 1 9 . 18 * 4,
~.__ - •
k tht
' • tliO '' '
fp People of :famf 4 / 111 emilammar, "
i . I v Count y.; ••i - ' -...,
„'G on of the greatest snllkrCrs by the reeent ,-.
destructike Ore in Montrose,. ! hiving lost my- - -
',tiusd nearly all Of my goods, I have not - • ,
however given over to despalr,itait have token a --
store room .iln the lower part of the town, that dots,`
north of K4ler's Hotel, into which I have placed' the
small stock eaiedfrom the Ore, and will in the &nse .
of & very stick time fill np the store with an entire
new'stock Of grad& In my preltent-new location, T
will be haPri/ td see and wait on my old •enstomere -
andl/ so
the pub e generally who wt favor me with a
call. I hatie ived to 'criever sit up the ship.,'" -
lam determi Cd to keep a DAV STORE, and te:' - ,
keep a good itment of Drugs, Jfedicixes, Paints,
. Oils; D ge-sruls, Groceries, Glasi , u4ny, lewdly, Per
fumpry, rautee Notious, and slid sorts of ,Fasey
Goods, ke.lk4., such as I kept befiire the fire, whisk
devoured-die 'earnings of* life tibiOn an hour. ,
Montrose, Nov: 28, 1854. - - 4I3EL TURRELL.-:
:ver, Will every man hide . 1
.11! • i remember me in this 1
by sandbitto, me the amount dui I,
November 23, 18154. - . AB,
17 EELER STODDARD, aIIIC - the Lae flee, tuAT
IX: be form in the BASEMENT F SEA RLE'ir
HOTEL.the Unprecedented ra-- -
pidity with', Which; our stock of Boots, Shoes,
"went offlott- the morning "of , the:fire, we Mill halm
some on Imud, and shall soon be well supplied
Montrotie, November 12. 1224 'I -
TILE -s ubscribers being severe sufferers from Q u a '
late 'disastrous Fire, Lave', removed with.whaii
little remains of th eir stock, told* , new building ow
the Arende, Opposite Sir - .V. &S. H. Mulford's store,'
where theY Will be happy to see all their friends sudl
cusiomers,,and hope in the course of some ten days
to be able , to greet them with ',an entirely NSW!
We that some of our 'eustomers who have , .
been longlin debt, will remeinber that this is a time
of amass, IMP erns rs, sod 'do as they would bit
,done by:_ BENTLEY & READ-
Montroie, Notembesl4. 1854. ' •
- i,'
THE copartnership heretofore known wider the
name and &Os of Newells Brothers, in the Bosh,
Blind and Door pusiness, is this day by mutual cOn-_.
sent and ligreement dissolved.
LariesbOro, July 11,'54. K. 'NEWELL -
The subscriber would respectfully call the attend n
of thate sOo *IA to purchase anything in his line alt.
businesi, such as - • , 1
Sash, PoorS, Shutters and Blinds, -
Cabin:et Ware of carious kindS,
Bureans, Tables, and Sneretaries,...
• Bedstads, Stands, Utudra and SetteeS:
Rkdy4ltade Coffins. .I'ainting and GLunag,
ifrequired. Country Pnsduce ; and Lumber taken) is
exchangii Terms; - ready pay.
Lanesboro. July 15, 1854. G IL BERT NEW
II Het, very fortunately, the earth is not throws
from' its orbit ; and the aim shinis on as before t • ena
bling the "Picture Man ".to work at his trade oFUght
and shade in his 3mual satisfactory manner.
• Ilia New Stock, just pur,chased, comprises every;
thing nest-and desirable in fie Daguerreotype-line.
and be asks that you will not -forget to call. '
He has also some recently *pablished. Books, whirl) ft
will be sure to please those who wish good rending
' - • ,W. B. BRIMS.
Odd Fellows' Hall, Montrose Pa. _
W. B. D. does not- to pidures for 25 or got
mat. Those who task: such must go elserhert.l
JO n Groves' Advertisement.
AS nature, who furnishes the - birds and beasts with .
an extra Boat for winter, has not . made a similar pro.
vision foriman, I have - concluded to take it upon inv.
self to attend to that department; aed therefore
think proper to announce that; all shivering male_
pods, that need new apparel, glorious ''or inglorious.
fashionable or 'unfashionable, can have their want* i
supplied a . nd. their tastes suited •by calling on nit; at
my shop ”,na Montrose. ' I
NEW GOODS. ' • .
TC, LEE, AT MONTROSr DEPOT, his just to
0 • ceired a. new supply of Spring. and Sumner
Goods, w i doh will be mold very4l6w for cash or firs.:
Q POUNDS goodVew OrleCaut Sugar for one dol.-
.10 larlet .. J. C LEE'S'New Sun*,
TEA, Coffee, Motp.ssea, Fa; Rice, and Groceries
JIL of sli hinds; very cheap as J. - C. LEE'S.
Want ea - , ..._______ ___
. .
ANT quantity of Ens at,'ip. cents per-dozen, is
'exchange for goods at , IJ. C,, LEE'S Store.
A." quantity of Butter it 16 cents per pound; to
exct!arge tor Goods it . . 1 1. p. LEE'S New Store.
TiIOSE -wishing • to purchase for cash, or in az" -
clump for barter, will find it to their•interest up. •
call and ,examine any' stock of taxis and-prices for
themselves. For barter of all *lnds the highest pile.:
es may *elan times be Telied °ill at - J. C. LEE'S Store...
MontroseDepot.. _ 1
' , • 1
The Farmea's Store
E w w e ish a I t .e o t a ly h t s o t our t ti e la v nnd o g ul e :Merl
consumed our Store with - most' of our GaAs, - and
erected a convenient shanty, *here we shall be hap;-
riy to see 'our old customers as deli as new. We aro
going to sell goods loWer than over, and' weihink ten
per cent. less than you'can buy elsewhere in Susquop
henna c0..1 . Call , and see. . _WARREN & THATRIL
. SOUR snot: orirrovzs
TS NO ;V COMPLETE—and we would take this . .
opportunity to say;that tve tin show the moat
beautiful end splendid patterns or Parlor lind•Cooking
Stoves to 'he fouSd in the collat. Among them can
be seen the Revolvidi Front and Gothic Parlor, fee •
wood orcoed, entirely new and decidedly pretty stoves.
Prices froin - five .to ten dollars) Of Cooking. Stoves.
we think it needless to say much, only to remark,
we are, selling thim at outforMer prices, and judslnE
from the rapidity of our sides; we believe the patella
are entirely satisfied with our prices and the . quality .
of - our. wires. - We have "a few moreieft" of -ths
"Clinton Aie-tight Elevated Stove,";*knewl. -
edged to be the best cooking stove now%nish.
sia and - English Stove Pipe at old priees„,and
flange and Tin ware of all descriptions at •
lowest -rates. s • •14 DICKERIKAX Jr.., •
- Now Mpfertl, October 28,18114. , ,
iIE sit ,scriber will ict ea agent, for buYing
ing Bstate-T.Tartnajjouses, and Lotif..46-..
-coned in Sustpiebanua County, pt.. Alt who. wish SO
bar their in's:party for self:it:au Kimee. minute descrip..:
tiou of thqr farms or 144,1 t t i, follows -Number itt
acre*, bole Itiany , improved,' and how bwatered; build%
orebiulte, grafted or common fruit; other fink
trees; em i Ale nearest point to ;dial). L. IL -
and N. B.
62'faimit On the list, 48 unstop, By adilig Ote
sunieriben a niinute destriptioni price tunliAtims Pia Oval. .1 •
Office o Turiipike et. .:4 duare west of midi m e.;
Montinie,: Angus! , 15 18 1 4;
eiHOIC end feneYeirtieles of
V.) also, some of_ the fteesk perfumery ,at.ttneritore
of I
• . to me, please:
limy time of eleed,. -- •
• naMilately.