~oi~~~t~s~afio~. I Fbr the Republieetii. Masterts.,Entvous did not intend to trouble el ther you, or the public, with say fin thcr remarks but how can I help it, then an apology is due?-- Surely I was not conscious of rushing headlong i.pcm so inn& greatn6s!. In all the -Wyk,' of egotisin lam told, "if thenuthor were my equal t" Mercy on me! Wh a t shall I do? Let melook, at thi august befog again, thal may not trespass upon dignity 'in future. What a pair of kortis! And prospective pow eri too, to loOk through men and things is easily as , Dr. Herschel coati count the spots on the sun by his moo arotus telescope! Surely, he ought to be -decorated ith garlands of gold, that ncrone.„should henceforth . accidentally stumble a gam* st such serene highness and wonderful talents! But whence did he obtain his wouderful ratio of .srrtat' e7 — inequality! Was it, or not, where and tyhen, he was ejected from de school-room for incompetence, a few years sine s , near the Meshop pen,? Will he con ' 41eseend to give information, that others may go on the same track and ascend to honorable distinction! In twenty-one winters of teaching (nine of which were in succession in the same district) 1 was scolded only Rove; and then three of my larger pupils rose•to put the profane intruder out I have ever thought I was very fortunate till now ; however, I mq be mistaken. if the boy's hid put me out / might have been equal fo some others. - • s I Well, the inference is drawn and insisted upon b y _ , of several a certain class, th at lam opposed to a Co. Baperintendency because ./ was not elected! Pshaw l pshaw, boys, you . don't know all things yet. For these fifteen years !lave refused to have anything to o with our schools, except paying my bills, as all Brooklyn will _tell you; and because I. could,: unde r i the law, see no . chance for doing good. Besith, I lwas out of health at the time of the election, unfit for . jlabOr either or body or mind ; and such indeed-has .ibeeit my infirmity forieveral years, as to forbid my leombating with the -rigorous storms and piercing Allitts of winter, as r should hare been, compelled to, I- , , iif elected . It was the business of others to inquire 1 whether I would or would not serve—mot mine,' on there rumor, to herald refusal from the press ander, ) try corner, lest 'some one Should vote for nought. I' I never said, nor even intimated, that ten months I . scbool Were ever taught.in Connecticut for t4O. No [ man, much less a gentleman—no one but himse/ . 4 would draw an .inference so p reverse from- what I said, Our schoolsin Connecticut were kept open from nine to ten months in the year, at the• cost of from $.65 to €AS : about NO public money were' f 4.• calved annually io the district; the balance was paid i in bill by . the . promietors. I neither said nor implied 1 that the.Coniaecticut appropriation Was sufficient for 1 'Pennsylvania; but that the same amount of help to. each school in this state,'would unquestionably do the I same here that it does; there. •, -., I tuattold he "likes our school law as it now is." I do not doubt it, because the teacher is rendered by law totally independent of the parents,- just as ht. would hare things. Of all living wen I should think he would like it, because he would be out of parental _reach and inctilnerable. Truly, • "The tail has got the upper , Hand for want of crupper."- • . lie who secures and preserves a good correspond .eAcebetween himself and the parents, cannot fail of recess. That fact has been amply verified t hrough *out my lengthy experience. Let Opt , prfneiple,,.be embraced in the pies-ent law, antlittvill then be gad enough. As it now i§ the parent and teacher are thrust wide apart, and they ealinot lawfully unite ;-- • whefrea.s the law should unite them in the bonds of lore and fraternal affeetinn, If "our schools have : made respectable improvement,' - the blind only can see it. Surely, from ionic cause, they hate not been' • so poorly taught„ generally, in ten years, as during the past year; and in fact, all I have sent to,, taken 4ogether, have not been worth halfthe cost. leaching, for more than twenty yCars was part of my profesAon, and I;made it my study, and the close investigation of every system which came •to hand, -even dvrn to this diy, with that zeal which the me-. viaanic studies 'his art, whO desires to excel. If, then, it is so that I am incompetent to on this . subject, the fault is not, mine, while I fain would not -be one of that number who are Ignorant . , in spite of -experience. Raving been reluctantly drawn from my quietude. - In a ruthless way, by "Wholesale persimalities and a wanton perversion of my language, which none, of ,probity and who are free from sinister moth-es, would :stoop to do, is my only apology for this treSpas.s upon your patience. I shall no more trouble the public on this topic, for this plain reason, viz: the inconsistent rigmarole and wanton petveMion of one whoni I can . never hope to equal, of one who is a would-be-thought paragon of super-excellence, will injure himself-and his own side of the question, more than I can have the most dikant propensity to do. • • What is. iniended by "sinning innocent teach era,' I cannot understand. My Music is but plain, natural melody, without slur, trill or appoggititurus.— Arid if a certain association will pertinaciously persist \in crowding your.colulnsWith their sand andriew dnst effusions, I may .hereafler raise some enquiries, and sound some rotes, which, to some pats, may not seem very concordant. Their leader has told us men will not work with Out pay. What, are they working for? There is a eat in the Meal, Mid no mistake. I once bad a tolerable opinion of their motives; their own reported doings, have given the conviction, and 'now I have not. Believing as I row do, their object, to be perverse; pone . of the junto as such need to ex - - pect favor , from me as steadier of my fiani;iiy. • : ~l,~~sceffa~~ec+~~s. • ' A LITTLE INCIDENT. • It was - about half-past i , nine o'clock in the morning; the dense fog, through Which • we' had . been - running for the last finir ,or five hours, had rendered the truck-so slippery that we had lost considerable time in climbing the up grades; but we were bow running down moderaegrude, and as the fi'g was grade ally clearing , away, we had ventured to Crease our, speed; arid .ourengineer, ever at tentive to . bis business, was constantly Watch ing the track ahead, which was occasionally enveloped in thick clouds of the Watery vapor.. As we were thin running along. I observed the engineer raise his hand to the cord at tached to the whistle. Ile held it for mo ment; and then . gave the :signal- to ittrake:' Turning my : eyes in the direction in which , we were moving, I was barely able M discern some. object upon the truck a . onoilderable -distance ahead, :bid could not make out what it was. ' .kmoment more the engineer repeat ed thcsignal to 'break' in that peculiar start : ling manner whichis instantly recognizt - si by the experienced brakeman as, an indication of an - imminent danger.• :The engine was re versed as if by magic, and as the steam wag .. applied, the driving wheels whirled . round in an,oppositC direction to. that in which -the ,train was moving. l'now discovered that the object.befOre us was a little child, Apparent ly unaware of its danger. Theldirtost cinc' stant screaming of the whistle with which the .engineer sought .to frighten it from the! Aral*: seemed only to amuse it. The wheelie of our engine gritted and his:to:lawn the i ro r r t r i c k. unable .t 6 stop the train, which.oiring 'tO the slippery condition of the rails, it wag certain would send us far beyond :where the child wits itandingbefirti lie could stop.' Thoslwe - witale4 -1 1ri , ex, riaz rushed on- with the aim Cw t. certainty . ihaq. . - 1/E! subaas - • ber . ' .uevu ...; l ; ecen i ly appo i nted , in the nest tninute that' itinocein:'unsuspecting e. IhttoitloliVßA*“ Wo-young tO know, ittilititiger would iw Athealk,:Pat and Liprepared to insure liviusekateres . s Tlt .trey rye: r . ye: to - see ! 4iud ,. ° " 3 . ," '.."' 1 ' 1i "0 , 1 474 . 34 ' 6 . srea___,and torftir.•ir.ppoent.totrauraneettzwr'penputt ifr)lNY, wasf tti; 6;te t)y l etter pr ,m kpl i v zituti 4 ed ; t 4 cellhttli flying -I.4oxitrd - ' the child, hut.oine - glitticeahawid - niathat"the I 02 4faa'8eadi pa.; . ti41►18&& • .engine must reach it iNfo e., era :The engin ;Li eer hal let his l)94, and:: was n ' yr running rapidly along the -fratne -to the n rcint of the engine.. 19 an instant 4 was crunching nppn the. eowfratcherji , with One . toOt ufl its lqw er.:bar, his left hand holding - tor:the, tran)e, I s work. and hi. right exte dell toward the child, which ut the very inoin . it it would have-been crushed, crushed, he caught by 1 huh, atin, raised it front the track, and. lit e it along 'in safety. One inure.: minute, and the child, uninjured, Was re-timed to its np Aber's 'anns.:'—Liti.: P lustrated. : IJ . - . , . . . • From the Harrisburg ilerol. • . State Prohibitory Comaiittee. .- • The tate Ceettal Prohibitor : Comniittee: f met on'Tuolay - a ft ernoon' in th i: place, and! was organized by ithelehi , clion o r P. Coombey! Chairman, and J. P. Si torkPhiladelphia ti Secretary. • A ft er a full eitp .. lon of Tiewvi upon the presrnt• p o sit on of tie subject -of E'rohibition in i the 11,egislature,iihe Commit tee adoeeil th i tolloWing preatqble and rew lutiong: -. ' ' ' 1_ . • .- . . i il . - . IVhereaq, era are . several krills . now hp fore the Le , ii• ature-!of- this Stiite proposing . . , tr - measure.s for hei protection ofilsociety from the evils of iiiteraperanetit - Likud Whereas, It is deemed i npofiatit that tit Committee express. spine irefe'renee fur sO ne one 'of said bills'., • therefb e„ . ‘, .:. li Resolved, , hat we :are mitre than ;ever convinced tint tint entire aluOion at' the lig-, nor traffic;' a. a &inert/fie, a the only efficient and proper lcgal.repietly fy i y the evils of (in temperance:l 1... • ? j - • . .• l'ilesolved,t 7 .rhati as the leptestotatives of i t the ..friends of .- Prohibitio i throughout the State,- we distinctly. ivow l 'putt object' to be; now,—more, than e vr---to i settures, - -for this State' a law 'entirely brohibiting . the sale of in. oxivating liquor, asi a beveritge, ,: Resolvd, That •in inirjudz,tne nt, th . e pres ent Legislature 4104 pa-is ilie — law, and the law for the uhole State, Yee:4e iq is right in itself, .and required alike by lie I:4‘v of God, and the best intt real Ilmininity, .. , , IZesolveil„ That shinild t lierLegislatu W re_ re fuse to pass a la't )f entir e . i p r ,,hibiti mi , but be . wilting t.o pli: -s tie one of the bilk now het re that body, in . .thit(ca3 - e, we pref,iri • House bill. - entitled "An act' to repeal the; tavern.lieene law;' pi' i uvidui it can be so, lunendetiasto 'preveni l the talilishinerit of: '.sinall store* where ligniaii ca : betioiti by the quart, which may ; be d4ile b ki rang the "re! inners lieense" Very n+eh a J we fhti resent - rate. V. , :.- • . .'- . - Res . lavtd, That 114 })e4 CAniunittee he inibli4iett : in Hatt and a (iipy • the Kunt Senake Ifouso.- . 4lltepre.4n. P. COONIO,I . BE J. BA SNAN, ' March 13, 1835.: s' i .- ~. - 7-4-- si,ifte . 0%- k .r. wee-yeti' to have ji.rt, idea 4hat :when a treo p 'oets iti .. ib.z!;4 l ' ; all4lll:ul4 , ;•lN.Jun l i , . , tile tatter another term tor tlj, wan t of growtu and 'weakness. e. , itscquent up it npgleeted cud ,l.. tivation--it iS only necessany to 4'4 the hark up_ and down the stem wit li!4- jack Ittyf. and , it will at once.spr'ead . oat and grow. l i This is sheer nOnsense.,. Dig alumt i und cultivate the roots, and the bark will .. bike care tif itself, with a scraping of thetuossi and a witching of the stein with lye or soap .I.ids, or chamber e :slops. whieh fast is 'quite tom good. . The in crow:T(l.ft w i 4 ithe. sap itulnced by a liberal feeding; it the r:ilmts, will dij its own bursting -of the hidv.botiod .bark, whicli is. simply its enfeebled [condition as a itonsequence of its poverty o - . 4, -ot, . .No . iinc4l thinks of turning out a, lion -, half-starved-etilt in the spring, in to the clo i : I T flea : with' ttni skin on its side Split thisiugh.With a kitifr in order'to add to its' growth. lint this - last i propositiom is quite as sensible and phiinsophill as the other.-, Nature talc-.s-eare of Itself in these particu lars. 7S.ap in pid-i l ts i,-;. •what the - blOod is- to animals. 1 ts Ivigorons7 4* - reaches every part of iti :on' i lpo - sition,.and gives:to each its proper ON-, and functiitit.l , We can show fre quent irilit4ttict.4 . • Of, a .. deerepid shrivelled branch. tly,ithe throwing itpen . and manuring of the roots, and alhOrotigh prunning.nti the whole to increasing frilln .an inch, to Itwo iticheS.inidiameter hi a.iSingle Seasitn - ; ;and without {assistance it Oew - bursting and throwing!OfF R c . 4 S old .- tnt nacre) 'bark As freely as the grbivill of a vittortjUs asparagus shoot, will del lop itself duri4la warm shower in May: z ,uch nostrunjs are ca.ily the invention of tile hqad to the laiin4s - of theliands.—Ru rat Noe- or l' ' ker. i I . '' . ' '. 1l . . .. . - . • 110,1" SED ITOUSEUOO f DrnEs. - --Froni It variety of aiuses,'Snlimg ismnire comtnon than to find American rfionica who have not 'the slightest idea 4f liOusehold duties. A' writer t hus itifedi.-3 io . this subject:. .. • .. fi 'ln this neglect. of household mires, Amer ican females litand alone: A German lady, no 6 matter !iny high ix+ rank, never forget,: that doinestia,labirrs &induce- to the health of body and mind ,:alittil;l An English lady; whether she be only .a gentleman's wife, or, a dnke's doe's ttlit despise the .Inischold; and even thonfh heO has a tionsekeeper, devotes 'a i.. portion of he time tothis her happiest sPhere.' It is. reAerved for Our' tepubliean fine Indies to be . more elk4iee than ;;even their. monarchical i and arbtmeraf% siker.i4 The.result is 'a las -1 situde of nth id whiehlis often as fatal to the ' health acne lleet of bodily e.iereige. The wife who leaves terhOusehold Cares to the serv ants,. pays the penalti which has been affixed 'to idleness mince the 4 tindatiot, of the world, and eitherl ,vrilts awayffroin ennui, or is driv en to ait.'orts of fatihiortable follies to find . I ( employmept for the,''rind. , *; S. A. i‘-eirros A SIIAR:11 BUY.L-= sOnny, .vh - Ose are •1•• • • Oid . , • • 'Whose 'serer is it : • . . , . `Old man's sir.' - li, - i . ' Well, then; Who ,I,',i your old man l' - - , You mind the pigs, j'll runhoine - and ak the. old -woman:. . i ] - - . 'Never otind;sonhy, I want . a Smart boy, What can',"yiat do?' 11 '-.' --. . . -.. • Oh'. l 'dm do , ttiOre.than considerable, I can toidt r the . ttre, .idjthe turkeYs to water, hamstring the gras ;hoppers, .light fires for flies to.court by; . ea buttons off of dad's coat when he' is at prayer, - keep tally for dad and Mani when :hey - ay./id at a mark--014.1 'wo man is-ni ways allea . 'di , .. ..,..Got any tortitlier.4l! . • • 4 1..(4.3 oreitil7all trained Bill except Blb, his - name's Sattp.4-4 name's , Larry, bu they call sae Latizy..Lawrettee for.slanitte : is! • - . ' . U r en, yon're niOst too smart for tn.! . .7 1 TraVel on, 'Old .stick in the thud ; . 1 haret . hire.yott.flir it Lars t.ti day..... ';' . WurrE 3Sfart..eU ' p AR. -A Vermo, t far mer says thu„-fbllo ''iit is a suiv Method of elarifyine sukar: `lt r nll your sap, before I lug, throUgh a hopper or boz,lof sand-, *bleb ho is - ..satisfo4 will, take out, not only nit the Stains derivid . folio leaves, - tUbs„ bark, hie, bdll4ll. otheri o.kb Ong matter that ouPprevent th`o.littgar. tIY#IIt ig pure - white.—Seitatifie Americas:' ,1;. _ • TANUFACTURERS OF SADDIP, HARNFSPI, Trunks, Whips, 4kr,., In the 4airnent of Seairle's Hotel, Kaurose, Pa. • ' C. X. 131mmonavt , BOoT AND SIM MAKSR: _SO first, door east. of Odd Feflows' Ilrill,. prattle st., Montrose. Sliteetoll: CAN now be found At hisihew stand on Owego at. two, doors west of Searle's Hotel, where he tf feetually repairs with diafierk, Watches, Clocks, dewelry„Guns, and ev ery . descripuhn of Machinery. Wheel cutting; Gun and Watch materials supplied to the trade. • , . . Dr.-H. Bikith,f , , . QURGEON DENTIST, Mbittrosci, Pa., ad Searle's i.J Hotel, Mondays and id' each each week. t ~ . . . - H -.. Henry a Knapp, ' • , A.IO2CTROSE, PA., *itiLßor, ;Woodruff itt Car ,j.l. ter. Wholesale Grocers and ICommlssion /der bards, N0..173 Washrngteit strent, between Court andt and Dey streets, New 4 - ork. !. ' ' - Caleb Weeks. - • QADDLE,' RATINESi3,_ TRUNK 'r MAKER and Ca rriage Triune. 'Shoiv at his dwelling house, early opposite Itunry Drinker's. ..Ifindroii, Pa. . ei Fowler, - A TrORNEVS AND COUNSELLORS. AT LAW, and Solicitors in Charibery. Time No. 44 Clarke street, Chicago, 111. ' . - fIREENAVICII STREET, (nea!t. Broadway,) Neu , l_X )ark. Salisbury dr.i Co., Vroprietors: In the vicinity of the principal steandx - lat landings. • . ' • . Thothas • rkBALER IN DRY GOODS, Groceries, Clothing, CroCkery, Boots; antl. Supple/tonna Depot, Pa., , •, '• • Bentlerlik Fitch, " , 1 4 TTORNEYS AT LAW, AND BOUNTY LAND 1 . 41,.. AGENTS,: ilontranc Pa. ; . . 1: n. 8. n.rnil.EY. .1 4 1 ASIIIONABLE 'T-A1;.,0R-. ;Shop limier Searle-4 ' ' hotel, 'Maine sti‘eci, , iltolitrime, P.,. . D. D Hinds, y IVERY- AND EXCIIANGE-STATIT.E. Office in L in-the rear ofiVilson's Steir; .11aramie, Pa. I. Colston, 11 tLEB IN S 1 ~T~o St s l ' 7e T r:.;r e O n r P :a t t 'r he l . n td d Depot. December DecAnuber 4: ; I INTEREMD with IL TWIST, Importer ofand Dealer in Itrartivtare ft.nd Cutlery, Carriage Springs, &c., No. Itls ?earl atreclt, where.hiu Mer cantile fiend', in this acrd other conntieu, are kindly invited, and earneudy sidiciteo o call and purchase. • itqitigg this `e.lli,rniitg tier. he .sent to-the L.T., Mils; - • A TT ORNEY AT LAW, Siiipithonna, Pa. Office on amine etrept.,.one:dog! east of Lenheim's.' ntatlvesi' ' , Chaitpian ro • Frazier & Case, WORN EYS 40 COUNSELLORS AT . LA NV Office on Tirnpke stiiet, one door East o Pct4's f"toro, Montro.sil, Pa. - Albert Chamberlin, ~ •• TTORNEY AT LAW and Justice of the Peace; orcr I. 1...-Pok &I.Co's Store, Montrose. A TTORNEY AT LAW . AND COMMISSIONER of Dr.rnA, 'for the Stat e of:New York, will attend to all busines. entrust 0 , to hiin withpromptness and fidelity. Offi'tke on Public S4inare, occupied by lion. Wm. Jessup.; • 1: Aliel Turrell, TIEALER IN',I)RVG'S, MEDICINES, Chemicals, 1/ Paints, Oils,. DY . c-sings, Groceries, Dry Goods, hardware, StonewamT l ; Glas , iivare, 'Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Spociiis, Sp ! ptilide..s, Musical Inkru ntents;Yinssil,s, - Sorg iI Instrunictits, Liquors, .Pet fumery, *Mirrors, - ;Stat!ottery,,;Bruslies, Shoes, Yankee Notions, Sc.., • •B. Lyoiis & Co„ AATIIOLESALE 'WO DiAt.ERS V V Dry (39046, Grocuitt.4, Salt, Flour, and Hard ware, Lll7tr'36oFo; riEALER Intl- WOOS. Ready Made Clothing, Groceries,' Rtioks and Stationery,. etc., Public IYenue, Montrose, Pa. Patrick &iDirroci I)IItYSICIANS AM SOFIF,ON' iT Owego street, 41/o,itr*, Pa. -- - . I. L. Posi & - • nEALETt.i TN Dill GOODS, Co. , l,ceries, Crockery, .1-1, Hardware, Leather, }lour,- et ~ taiter of Turn pike street aid Public Arettue, Aro draw, Pa. . d..X.yon - o & Son., DEALERS.tS . DRY GOODS, Ginceries„ Hardware, Crockery, Tin;clur, Grocerie.A; Book: t., etc.; a 1.40, carry on the Bookßindial Inoins--Public Avenue, .... , VatttroAi.., Pa., . . Bentley gc Bead, . - I)EALEAS IS DRY %ODDS, Drop, Vediein Paintm, Di1. , • 1 Grocerieg, Ilerdwam, Crockerr Iron, Clocks, ,Wateltes, Jeweiry, Silver Spoons, Per' emery, ke"...--:Foot of Public Avenue, Moydrose. I fANUF.ALITREI OF AND DEALERS IN all ..11 kinds. of. Castingq Store., Agricultural Imple. mums, etc. Office at Sayre's Store s Public Avert:4 Manufactory in. the Eagle Foundry, Foot of Ch street, ifontriotr. Pa. William &William H. JessuP, A TTORNEVSAT LAW, _lf•)ntronc, Pa. P tice--in;.timimehanna, Bradford, Wayne, Wy ming and Lmterne counties. William W. Smith & Co., • GBINer MAKERS, They 'keep constantly • hand ait.tix4as.sortinent 4 all kinds of Cabin t Furniture.. Shop and . Ware Roolni it the foot , r Maine street, - Montrose, Pa • Rockwell, :Winton 4c Co., . TANTFACTURER.S .end. DEALERS in Sir In Good; Brits, Cols Furs, Umbrella; 1 ), - - so6t, Ribbon; d'e. &r., o. 24;) fourtlandt street York, (up itaini.) R. ID. • Rocx ELLk J. ',HOWARD. W. ir . • Franklin Fraser. . noRICEY AND :COUNSELLOR AT Moniroie, attend faithfolly.to news entrusted to him in the, county of Susqui Omrey l meing turd writing of all kinds will neatly, and chargas moderate. Ile will almost the pruseclaikm of claims of soidiem -- their Kid' heirs, against '. the United States Governmt Bounty Land, Pensions. .4:c. • May be found hours .at the office twine* occupied by J. T. Rich ards. Esq., north of the Court House. 489. HAILIII I KYIEN; TAKE NOTICE IMB subscribers hivirig secured the sole -right to 1 DA 17S!' ADJUSTABLE .CHURN AIND BUTTER-11tORICER, for Susquehanna and seVeral adjoining:Counties; respectfully invite all Butter mak ers to C.1443i11g and Tr.S7 the merits of this new and valuable invention. IVe propo.se to furnish and all of yoU with a Culling that will produce as itch butter in as 'short alime ass any other chit that will comp/den ixpri the bnitersoilk, pad work in ,the salt , diiTuiing•it perfectly throng 'the butter and fit it for ;Me; without removing it front the chum. ;This! Churn is simple in its constructiod, sci entific in its Operation, and easily cleatted and kept - in order, and can be easilyattached to any p • Ding power. ••• . • For further partici:Mt . -v.. apply personally or b ter .tri `AB/ C. BUSHNELL and J. N. BROX krarnt„ SuwitiehatmaikcountY, . • IPUMIPS I PUMPS! The dreateat Imp - my( meat of the Age! • If.it'illiams',Douhle-Acting 8 .att Tro, Oree-,and Lift Pumps— . N improvement above all other pumps I chines for lifting. throwing, and carrying , combining bah a Pinup and a Fire Engine. patable4 in February, 1854. is the who metalle. • Ito bolts .or screws about it. to rust, quently it will last man's life time. It ban b in-every variety of form--can draw ) water fr situation, and carry it to any pin ofi a buildi is superior to all other Pumps fto Distilleri Hills, 'Armories, Briek Yards, Don Works ufacturing establisbments of all kinds. Ail Order , DIM be addressed to Anoxia:ls D, Lode,vlllo, Pa., who has the sole right for htuuno. comity. • • NOTICE. - ~, Thq&e.*ffisois iridebted to the subscriber or fees i as 11 , 4.:,ieter.ilcrortfer 'Auld Clerk of thuOrphida court . 4 vital oxipter a' LIT by settlog the ?tame Boom X .“ 401b4... Ilk % LONIIOOI. . •• i. - . ME BUSINESS CAADS. Pacific', H0t,44; L. T. ?ITCH • 1m arovis, IMMZI Wm IL Jessup, F. B. Chtnller, Sayre, Bentley dr Perkins, rELLow vrrizENo, I Yo I have joist achieved ' a signal triumph. Oaf the ~ bloodlets fieldf,of Peace;; with Freedom; for your watchword and the " tertmtr . of Kings" for four battle-4'k _,e Jou hav4 #ituen a revolution which in the Old' World would i have (shaken off the crow!;, if not the head of everfldespet, aid buried him li_etienth the shattered ruinsi of his own throne. And now amid your high rejnicingOtadithejutilant shouts of bowl vietoril on every hatkla you forget not those humble companionstrtho'Clun to your standards in the dais of your adVpivity an defeat, and who are with you now in ppoliperity and success, especially your oil Patriotic.. frhind TII6 DErf/Err, ; . Who on the sunnV-Iteighti of far famed lfontavue, Has m‘t your dos lien vaulty inn' won the: victory too. Entrenched within hi4gatcs of pearl upon his chop 1 thrones, -! iT . •., .. Be wears a erown'Of itching nerves, and speaks in hu I man 'groans; ~ 1 I I . Hollows beituty'e reboil clk'ek, clouds the sweet I maiden's smite, ~ 1 .Fills his euipire With toridres no newer can beguile, Froni the bright:drip, ofchildhood steals the rose ' - I ate bloom; 1i f , . with And shrouds the fisage Or manhood sepul chral gloom;:J This foe to rest, sold health, and bloom, the,worst in all creation,; . i We size, though ;Prised to the lath, and rout by ex -1. creation. :, 1 : , . e .---, And 'now like Whigi and Democrats, and the Know I ,Nothing tali; ; -;,. ~ Since we have got f th e reins 6 . 1 we can-do.::, ~ .tn. ~ We'll purge these" 4/tur, , ,i 1 clan, i ,. , And then with puirmatiTid And though hostiletPelaicist views; f, 1 !_ - f the , contra sets of ineainn . choose, I:1 i 'et n reference 44:i our told ha, nauseous filth and tvttii to ;log,. i; ; . , 'or that when- nny•systerec - ~,e ; :- - E. 'i' 45, , wers - that. 441 the miichief should not De over- thrown. I ; . , hlll po , then is wint , t.ive . tin in; the empire of the . airs, he ch'uy tyriutWAse t.s . pel , , and abrogate their laws, ught valmilde i.ennpu,siliat our• preserving pur pose 5t44.,!4 1 i • 1 • , - ,cleanse and save it; all the'rest we pill out Ily . n I : the - rootaJ i t "••• j i' ' 1 ••• • , n on the ruMs.}4.by opr aft, we qniekly rear again arch of burning Gold; with colonnades of Porcelain. n, now our fiitiee te qiirtqllete, we only have to say, Itaur for pay. I I Se wondrous ftimr.form tions all al* do, ... - • ,-, •:.p• D. f% P IRGIL, Surgeon entiSt. ontavu e, NO . irrOmbeil. f.,' , 1811-t; ', -' ' • . I • : ' ',E` me Changed., :i : DELAWARE, 4; c . iiNstAN' x.k AND WESTERN. lIIA I 111-IK - 9AD. w INi*it AIitANGKIIF;NT! . CAN and after.lhursday, - Nov. 23, 1834.. the Mail 'N---/ Passe-14;4 "7'rtlitc.will 'depart from Scranton _ a 1231.. : i -'; ' i !: 1 , - - ' Due at. Great, Bend 'ut..2.30 r. m. ; :. Connecting ; with the .Daily Express Trains both carat lard west 011 th ..?;1•:t i . ii. E It: R. which arrive itt New York at o24ei:p'..it.liiii.i at Dunkirk at 11. !Return will I l lative Great Bend on the arrival of the Baiffalospre..-e4lxatitalf West, (3:20 P. M.,) which de prts from NeW Tork atti74 ... IL, and arrives at Semi a 5.50 e. x.' ..,,,,'. . The - Freight,,Accornariadation Train with Passenger :CM attached Will leavOicranton at 1.50 r. it.. arriy- Mg at Great Bind at A r.i xt., - connecting with the I ail Train boliMl-W est, and the Night Express Trains ' and both Easkand West. i Returning, Will leaVei Grpat. Bend at a1:20.A. u.,and 'Ye at:Scranton' VI ii; xi. . , ': . ' 1 Stages will be in waiting on the arrival of pas,lsen ;le r trains at SCcatato.ra,. 0 eot t eo.ae p oss e oge i s to fo r . ntlale, Pittston, Wilkesabarre, Philadelphia via, ithe ending Rullailaid, Elston and all other ' Intermediate laces. - Ilai If.' iDOTTERER, Superintendent. Superintendent's 011 ice, Scranton, Nov. 23, 1 183 NEW:sTiliitil! ,' NEW CH3ODS! I • • ~ I' ~ 'F'..SV .MILFORD, ' 'TUE subscriber lievir.g leased till, Store of the I. Messrs -,Tvnittq , formerly occupied bv. I. S. Lit tle,-intends tialtwateptirnianently in New Milford. And he a 2 ,Ontal take "this method of informing the inhabitants of § ,. a . ew3lilford, and adjacelat towns, that he has just ;returned:fa Mn New York Vfith a large and splendid stoeklof 6t-slti land entirely new Goods, con sisting of DR)" tr;'• OOPS of almost every conceiva. -Me variety. GROCERIES as low as the: lowest, Hard -team ernekrri, - lloattt aiod Shots, Hats-and caps. Bonarta of :ever* stile, ire. &c., which-lie.offers for sale on the MOst reti."-aaable terms, for cash, country • produce. or: - iablc.'erea lit. Ile would - ids° say iu this connection.. lxl :that he has added to the establishment,. the traanufectliring 'of Tin, Shut-irtm,,and - C'opper ' ware in all i 0 variaities, in Whieh -he is prepared to execute all ~ kinds 'of fobs , by the very best workmen ,and on the most reasonable terms. . Dealers supplied at the loivest prie6s. . Particulars in relatiddio proves 3c., at some future time. • _.,: i..., - 1 ' t J. DICKI;RMAN, jr. •• ! New Milfcard, MaY ;6; 1851. '-• r. lit ....... L • ;-- .: i '.:4 ; . 1 YOIit.ASSORTICENT - of Tin, Sheet Iron 1111. and COiper . Ware of My own manufacture and made of beat i fy plate{-for sale . by . !. ~ 'i• J. DICKERMAN, jr. „ . , New Milliard, julrl2., 1853. ' ) ; . Office N0..,-4 A FE'Lli tt:utortintit of Hardware,- Carpenter anti ti Joineral'Toti .Pump Chain, and. fixtures at New Jub , 1b54 DICKERMA.N'S.• ! ``Z ASR AND of the best quality, for sale:` 17 cheap at ; DICKERMAN'S. YQRB,OUR; AND SALT by the barrel or cab'. erwise, tt the lowest prices at DICKERMAN'S. f • • •i • • - FARMERS 1.1 11111511.711 A Nen-COMPANY, OFFIOE,;ATeIRSS,' DHARWAR COCNTY, FA. CAIITAL, ,$200,000. ;.- Seeurect by Botididmi Mortivir on: the Real Estate of a, StoCkholctrre. - i ~ , , Trusnresiagidnot kW& by Fire, of Rouses; Stores, and other.buildings,.GoOds, - Wareq; and Merehandlse, on as fitrorahlepriniiika any similar Institution: - Losses promptlyadjitstedl Mid paid.. " . • . • r • i D1849'01115-11iiii. donor Williston, Athens; Fritti eis Tyler;doi ' Gel** A. Pe: king do. ; J. T. D. Meyer, do.; C. .!..i,. Shipman, dio. ; C. F. Welles, Jr. do. ; J. fl. Canfield tio.' f!on.; John Laporte, Towanda; Gen. IL WAfinait.t• ll o . v.tille; Geo. M. Hollenback, Wilk‘- batte ;- Michael. ili.ylert, LapOqe, Pa. . . Oiriciasq—llmi . . lito ace Williston, President; C. F. Wells;„ it., .y..kro. and Treas.; J. E. Canfi4d, .S..ecretars. •,. • '. . , • Agent, 01 S. , Bas.nr., Montrose, Pa. 1153;110 . . . CLERK WANTED. lATAST*Thintmccliately i o good active Clerk--one 1' V whci has:had experience, writes a fair hand, and is coinktentlo take charge of a net of Booktf—' must be. temperate and willing to devote his time and attention t 4 the interest of his employers.. To tine, that can ariswer to the above a liberal salary will !be given. None ',others need apply . Good recommend ations retplircd, & It. 11. EATO3.4 . IlarforoMay,lB3 4 . ' . ; NEW - FALL GOODS. 11111,11RITT would invite the attention of 'ibis a; f t iOda' and the puitlic to his new and splen did itoek of Broiltr„ 11 7 tord,iiiid — CoAiendere Long and Squere T :S e totalN. froin . $2 to 41R--Ladies' Riess Goods, i plain and fancy Dclanes, De-Bagel, P.,uatrift q, French Merittoes,Silka, Poplins, Cqng hams, &el Ribbons and Bonnets of pew stylea,;wltickin connection with a large assortment of stapler and fancy Dry Goods, Groeeries, Crockery, Hardtrarei Stores, Buffalo Robes, i7arpriing, Bootaand Shora, Hats and Caps Painted 'Matfett.- 04d4• 1 t, IN/ Pep., Oils and Paints , the.;. will- be sold en the ;Moat favorable terms and ;educed piices for cash. Produce, or approved credit. /f. 43. i &iit by the barrel or load. NO. linfOrd; Septetnber 22, ISM. • • -11-- • • STEAM *RUNT AIiDSAW 3111144.. ()Si' iIIROTHERS having Purchased the above !establiihnient, will keep constantly on hoed SU* pert aid Mee Moor, Corsa Meal of superior ivat ily, r4e,i) inn, Bran at the lowest cash prices.— Custiim -tot* Will be done with despatch , and *nil , , cases anfr,o. 13810 MOtrcisr.'lldr. -185.4. :; Stoves 2 Stoveis! 81.7BRPTT.is now receiving a new assortment .1.14 • of St,Ow, including the most popultu- and improved kinds of - Premium, Air-Tight, and Elivated Oven Colaking Stoves, with Parlor, Office, and. Shop Stot;ea, fins wood or coal, in superior , 'variety anti style.' which h 4 Will sell at the most reduced prices. De voted Olen stoves of new and approved patterns; will be Oak, s2ii to $25, 111141 other kinds in propprtion. AliP t ettive_piPe4ditc, and sheet iron; store tubes &c. New Milford, *pt. t 2,' 11. BURRITT. 1r let- SO i •X + ye [Ma• Ater, This of it • used 0 any g. , Is Paper . Man. Window Saab. Q.l IL kit 11. SATRE having been appointedi agent Ai. tin extensive sash blind and door tininufac areprepared•to furnish any articles In this line at lead than they have usually been sold July 2.4. • s: a. k 6. MICIt t ue• , f t i ,:ring Cream. A • ji ii4icle *Lich everyman shriek, try Pi sale • • B. 11. it: . OA . 1 1 ,1 - 411. 7 -4., new lot of Summer Hata and Clothe 141:**it4rtittwar 'war just reeelied and (break ehmap blll Il' - pi . L 4 90, i !• 1 - '1! 1 :, • power, we'll glow-what I ables" of the opposition i • will 61/ them op again, differ widely in their s that each in turn may • , y we sure shall not be ~~ i inesshould bd prefe'red hag grown rotten in the sizi - • 'i ' l , - • ,• AYER'S -ILLS )I . , „,. .• ri ' ... -- v . ..POR . ALL tliEittlitt!cosEta ( 1 ,or A . iIP ': FAIIIIiILY PlitfßiC" --!. ~.= I i I T ROts has long existed a pnblieden4nd for an of - .fctitire purgative pill which could} relied on as. sure aritf'.perfect• in fits operation, 1 This haS been prepatif,dto meet the dorotind, ' l and an!ditenslice tri al of ittt virtues has Conclusively shown wire whaesue cess itikccomplishes the puipoiesdesi.lined. It o is ea iiy t 0... mice's reysicall pill, but ; not etniy to make. the best all pills --. one woico shOuld have none; of- the' object Ons but all °lithe adratdagett of-every Other.- 1 Thitilitii, been attempted here ] and vsfith whatisueeess we wcinlil respectfully submit to.the Ipublie decision. It haslbeew vofortnitate for th e' patient. hitherto that almost every purgative medicine ii itcrmoniaus and irritating to the bowels. Thi4ls ant. Many lof them .protince so much griping paid and revulsiori in the System-as to more than counterbalan!ee the OM to be derived:from them: L Theselt4r prtWhice no irritation or paiN unless ip arise ft em atpreyiniudy - tegfting ob structlon or derangement in the bowels. 'Being pure ly vegetable', no bona can arise fi!nif.their uSe in anli quantity : hut it is better that an iftteditin . shotild be taken judielowilY. Minute dirt ; ions for,their use in thd.Seveml dise•s• are to which th • are applicable are given on the box. Among the it:omplaints which have been speedily! cured liy.theni;' t we may l mention Liven. Complaint ; in its various font of Jaundice, In digestion, Languor anti Loss,'-of Appi , tite, Lihticsness, Irritability, .Bitiou. ilentlaelie, liilffius Fever, Fever and ft gue. Pain in the Side and Loins; for,!, in' truth; all these are but the conseqnence .iif aliAcaskad action in thediver. As'an apeiient, thevialford pnompt and sure 'relief in CositAceness, Piles; * Cholie, Dysentery, .liimiiirs,....7"erofula t itti Scurvy, ColdS,with soreness of *the_ bOtly, - Ulcers dad impurity Of tbe blood; in short, anv Anti every eas where 4iirgative lit required. Wily have pr., d iced shine t.itigulafly - successful cures Blieumat m, CtoutDroPsy,, Griivel, Erysipe, t las, Palpitation 'of belle:tit; Paies;in the flack, Siam; aelt !Mil Side. T iey 'should he freeli'.taitettin the spring of the year, to puril thb t.?looif anti prepare the system for th a change qf se:isoina. :An occasional dose stimulates ttr n taell and bowels into healthy actikh, and restores the appetite at il Ilior. ', They itu rify ',the Wool, tufd, by their stint lint :action; on the dirchlatory systein, renovate the. strength 44 the bodv, an& , restore theiii-asted or i disewieti onergies of the I • ' ' whole organism. .Hence an ocelqional doe is advan- I • tageOtts, even th - nigh no stbdotts derang e ment exists .;, i bom nieeessary 1 losing should ttle i ver ibe c•tirried too ' I far* every purgative medicine retinees the strength whim taken to 4cess. The thnitsand;cases in Which 1 a physic is. required cannot be ‘rintnerated here,. but they suggest themselves to the're ; ason of 'every body, .1 and jt is' confidently belle:vett dos pi ll will answer l'' better purpose than anything Which has hitherto been availablelp Mankind. When., their iirtileS are once kno*ii, the ',niblie will no Ningerl doubt vilint remedy toAnnploy wher in need of a catitartionedicine. ' Be, , I . ing - stigar-wrapped they am pleasant-to ttke, and be l'higipurely vegetable, ne i harm can :iris from their 1 t1.4 - e in any mintthy. (Ili t -il. -1 iYor minute ireetions See wratmer!onithe Box. -',Prepared by JAMES (1. AYER, Piactleal and An-. alt tical Chetnisit, Lowel, Mas's • 1 1. d. Price Y5-Cents per Box Five illaxes for $l." ,{ 1 1 , Aye e% Clitivy revtortt. _ 1 l' - 'r the rapid l Carr of (ilughi„ enhbf -Ifnarsorrxx 1 . -,,t,. , , , , ,=l - Pront7hitiot.ll7looping-Cougl i s, (.17pupi„..11411Inta,and ~.ronsernii n tir, r, - i . II . 1 . • • ;-. This remedi has whin-for itself suety notoriety from it's, s h ires of every varietY of pnlmonary disease, that it is entirely unueeessitry to retoinit'the evidences of I its; virtues in any coninitinity Whereat has been etn plOyed. So Wide is its 061 of nsefidneks, and so nu-; Merous the cases of its eures, than almost every see-. -don of the coUntry aboupds impersons publicly known'i who bave becivrestorctl from ttlarmbar: mid even des:l . pirate diseases of the-lungsthy' its use, When once] tried its stirielr re io:ity over ev• I.YI other teediezne of its kind s is too a p parent to esealw-iiiiseiVniion; and where; its virtues aCe known the Loblic no longer hesitate;Meatantidote to.emplo- for the distrnsiing and dana! krrouA atrectio.F, of . 01 'puffin - Mary .orgitits which are 72 ineiti.,•it to oiir elinuttei A6.li not intlY in formidable LAtittaeks upon!upon!the Inagsi but ifet• the milder varieties a 10 , /ti-t. Coughs, Maria p , s,s, id+. :. ittul for (It il.frr . o'i ii the pl.:tngitiite4 attils l itle , tiriiiAicetie that can'be ou, r , ~, i , i - i',l:',,,in,,t:- . .---__, ; . ~ o . 1 I; : .1s it his long been in costant use tlirotighoot thiS "sCction, we heed . not do ' morn than a4sure -the People ;Its quality isl kept up'tb.die.,4.(ist thfit k ever haibeetil, 1" . 41id that the genuine t urtiele 'is sold by—Ansi. Ty 4;. tiEra„ Niontrip,e; B. F.' .1:1 ft. IL! EATON, littrford,i' Cni•tiert A: . 'IIIN.NE,Y, pose it and' by all dealers iii . t . inedicine•every where' I , ' _- - -i. , t' ' ' - - ir I LATEST EXIFITEAENT. ~ TILE !CEBU:V-U lILL T...q:SETTLED. . ;1 , i'Lf COTT, 1 101INSTO,N & Co., tire now receivitfg. 171 from N7,evr York 4 retread assortment of Spring and Summer goods, :md we , cordiall .invite all thia like to buy igoods clieltp to give us a icalt, as our stok.'' is large, and we arc viiilinglfCt sell for small profits. .. T . Ton can find here alums_ t every article wanted; and. We are wilhug.to contpare plods and prices with atty . store in the county—iwe haS' takkn.- special pains jio find nice gbotls to please Ladies, such as Black, „Figured and Fancy Sliks; bilk TiSsues, I3erages Berarre DiPanes Plain and fancrLawns, Silk, French and - Dometqic GinghrnS, Ifguredind Plain .slusliUs, Embroidered Ctirtains and, aperAo., Ladies' Coll: r 3; Untbirbanilkercbiefs tad .Sleeves, 3111ntillas, ParaLs afitl Gloves,. Straw i and Honnets; also trim mings to match. Llarge :{stock " - of Goods for {ten itnd Boys,l also Inm,lSteel,nNails, : Horse Shoes, find Horse Nails, Ploughs, Salt, _Fish; Crockery, Grind, Stones, aril Stoneirure., Stci'Ve pipe, Tin, Glass, Sash 'Leather, Hoots, Sh i ites 5(4. ,&e Please give tis a chance of showing i-olt Dug stocic before you guy. TOunrs trolv,l S( I E/TT, JOHNSON & Co, 'Ap'r4, - 18, 1115,4. !, _ .- . .. . H! , f" Buifixl4 Robes': - ! . ' CHOICE lot just received, and offered low Icy -' 1 =-- -. 1 SCOTT, JOHNSTON' SCO. .Sliaixilsi !-) Shwirwls:, • 1, ! - t CHOICE lot tir Wail Long Shawls very chea t -. . .L. • by - -i 1 SCOTT, JOHNSTON! & CO. , Springville, December S. !!• - !'• . ----'----- - i i - .' ' • .'-, . . 1 NEWIGOODS.. - .- I! ' ~ A 1 C MILLEN I & PARK return their gi4tetul .-.1 ll ae -4towled.Onients4o the piddle, and iiiviie at. tendon 1 the vett tinge' stock of Spring and ;IS UM mer GOO( A they arch now -'receiving and offer Dir.-sale lat rery i rrio!.si lln addition to their usual *ort mut of i st 'pie Dry 'Holls„Hroceries!, Hardware ( Cmck -4:. _cry . .. Pain 'A and • 0i1. , , A:ii/Sre.. ';ths,7 are prepare' to exhibit' large assnruneii of.leaflies' Dregs Goods of ever'y descriptitat—Figured, l Plaid and 'lain !Silks, lionnent, Shawls, ißiblibus, Glint's, HOSiCry"lAdieft 1 anti Mitas.A Shoes' of all-ii - bult4—also a large sibtek _of I READ :31.41:14 . CLOritlISO, Cloths, Cassinieres, Iliecils, Jeans, Summer, lotla4, Vesting!4, Hats,' Caps, Hoots and Shoes„ &e. - .1. , •- - '.- II They tespeetfullr solicit an; early call „fiontil tho:se who wish to purrliiise,ryoWirol?ds,at low prier.o l i • Springville, 3fa Z,'54 f . McMILLEN & PARK. . .. _ . New tine of Anil Singes; I • . • .. ?'• ' I ' li.Roai _ • ~ BIRK 410 Bi 00 TO',3IIONTRO4E: QTAGFS will' leave wootl, passing:throOghCor .t :I bettsVille, Liberty ; c., every morning ntler the arrival of the MallTraitis of cars, both East and West, 'reaching Montrte at, P. , ilill. ' Returning. leave Montrose daily ( f tindaYS excepted) at 9 P. )t. reach .ing Kirkwood ! intime t take the Mail trains Of. ears, both :East and Vst, ing _ the. nearest Mid raoSt, fed -I,to sible!route -to retie' th . .New: : York and Erie Railroad. This line Inteptects a tri-weekly line for .Bituock, Springville, Typtchadnock, Wyoming, and;! Wilkes-. barre,.which letiveli MOnttose at 7 A. i. every Mon-. day,[ Wednes.dak• and Faiday..•- Also; a line to Friends ville, Leraysvit, 4.c. - d i ' , • - .1, i! Good trains 'nl egia . fortal;l:e carriages are provi ded, and.the prlorrietnrs will spare no pairs -to ac ,contnicslate thei uldi4. W. K. HATCH. ( . ri • April 6, 1854. ' MORGAN &-. WEST. . Lanesboro ;Sails, Blind, nnit Diaor _ . ' • i • - • *netiory. • , , THE suhscriber•will. furnish at . the Shop Of Newell i & Brotherr' DoOrs, Sasli, and Blinds: :' Turning on hand and furnished to order. Lumber kiln.-dried, And worktned'imsurPassed by any in theLeciuntry.— °niers addresied to nte will receive prompt ' attention. GoOd Pihe Lurnher acid Country Produce taken in ex change for thdbove r Ternis, ready pay. "- .Lanboro, 'O. fit , - - .S. A. LYONS. ii i -'-' --- 1 1 . " - - --. 1 . ----'...---- .:!.•--- ---.-- - itIONTROSIM DEPOT: ' 4rILLIA UJIeJfILLAN• HAWING :piirchti;4ell the establishment of 'sane L. 1:1 Post &leo. the SlontroSe Depot,l,would re. respectfully inform ils fiends that he will keep eom stiotly on -hatid, id. :the lowest prleos, a well selected stock of gmals. • • P,htster - can tio bad cheap, as well as Groceries o llr,y floods, Hardware, HrOckery; HOota, Show, Nimisda, exchange and all kinds or prquoe., at; diet - best prices, jOO4ll cords Hard Wta*.Waata I Hofitrosie pOpOt.,,Feh. • Melodeons • • LY ON RAND aithillished to order , °doe: - ' J. LYONS. & SON. fIONSTA F( l tit% LE * eimmum BUGG WA Sept 11 , 4'1144 A, 11414111V11t Nil A SICI4CT STOCK OY II SIMIII4II. GOODS AT . r 1 1 1. L. rosT at co.. nos- o ffe rn he Pttlthelese!Vet and t,e..Tlsr:;jtso tobeaiany 'where in the country ; and for the very lowest prices, without variation. • " . RA Pr Am DA' CLOTHING. STFLES. I. L. POST & Co? have just kJ made a large: addition to their stock of clothing, consisting now of everything desirable for the buyer at such prices a 4 are sure tb suit. The- goods are Made first late; and ire warrant the work to be equal if,noteuperior to any, ever before offered in this mar; ket. Our stock eonitiTises Coats , tine black French Sacks Frocks• • , a . omega Tweed, Cassintere and Jean Sacks and Frocks, aim; bman and white Sam ple plain and twilled . VEsys-4Vhite S and, colored Valentiai Lasting,.figured Barathea, figur ed Silk and Satin, and every variety, good and cheap. Pasrs—Fine black t'!assimere, doeskin, col. tweed, &wafter stuff, ;linen drill, cottopade, stripe, plain, check and plaide, sti cheap as to be sure of sale to all who desire . to buy. . 11 . 1. 0 VE.S.' NI) NOSIER p—Ladies and Gents X.fi , white an. d coltwed Rid Oloies_of the best quail warranted.- IA large assortment of all kinds ofblue, tiisM"tind - slat4 and hose genti. a s nd ladies ( cotton, Lisle thread, Berlin and silk Gloves, Black and colors; a *lv o rssortutent of black silk and, lace ._MittS, long and shot.. POST - I)GOTS-AND 14110F2,4iew tine: Boots,. Coarse .1." Boots, LadieS fine Gaiters, Bootees and Buskins, a full assertsiteilt of Cheap Shoes, Childrenw and Kies -es Shoes and l3eotCe.•s, Ladies fine silk-linen Slippers, " - L p. & Ws. IITP, OtX)DR-LA.II vl d qualities, bleach- V ed - Shiihini; ' , Pillow. Cotton, Jac; and Cambric MoSlins, SwisS and Book Ruslins, Barred Muslini, Bishops' and -Victoria Lawns,. &c., figuret. ..knd dott. Swislt P. & Co's. OIIINGLES AND GRINDSTONES at I. L. POST. & .CO'S. ROCERtES- the beg and etkeapest kind. A %IF -t of Sugara surprisingly cheap" at I. L.. POST & . .I I II2INTS' it'e most desirable stock in the Conn, Irv; at•iiwOoa• priers. • .1. - p. P. & CO. • . 40 • • i Muslins i Delaney, Della ges,• iiinghams, Lawns of every desirable, ' 1.. L. POST k Co'S. anal splendid stock of Spritim P.rintS , • .1111. ••. I. L. 1).&: = • • - • - ‘t I TAPLE (oohs at the lowest price. k... • . •1. L. POST& Co. ILOTIISi.. Caststmeres, Tweeds, Kentiicky Jeans 6 - ...and S:tturtiets, very: cheap at 1. L. P. & Co's.. 1 NV°"44''''' WA RE — Patent Pails, Cedar Pails I - arrOVakth Tulrs,.Cocoa lint Dippers; Butte Ladles, Ptints,::' Willow; Baskets, Rope linlterl, Bed Cords, Manilla Itope., Broom., a good lot at thßstore 4f .ii •,! , . -I 1. ' • I. L. POST &CO. * ~:i _ .:. . , • J 1.,!..., .1 rA4O,-A.l'Vlf! , AND Ar. 4 CIiERP,'L - bf. the hest ...• quality atitfie lowest possible rates.' April 5,4454. - •' L.L. T'OST - & Ca. , SOLI? ,LiE4TIIER,! very cheap, at ''.• -.- t . POST & Co's. - ; 1 -el Rllll/04 Y -4:VP. gLel SS WARE- 1 -a chOlee V) lot at ;low prices. i . • • POST &CO 0 .1 I 1., (. I.rpet, Room; paper. and, Wilidiiiv. Shaded. ri - ; ' , .i. : '• -; • 'POST & CO. . __ .• ~. _.... ..... '4 6 ; 1 ,411( ~ q4.7,..5. , spring • styleben• quality' very ki cheap , "POST.& CO. 130=VAlf.i'S and Bonnet *ihbons of all kinda, Par. 1; , !, asql4 late and small at reili low prices. .1 1 ' ~ ••sil ' ; D R E'l(3 17:1.1fM/...V05--ei,cry style . (Arable _ andif - very cheap.: - • : .POST•t&itoi . l . • I ( 1 1 , RA ; I F ...ACts--4)f . ille hes quality. . I LPOST & CO- • • _...:__..E ....: .- .... , ......_:._ = I Q -1 1 1 Little am! Plaster • - 1 • 1.4;7 POST . -- .01p5' CeOILAR - - - A very choice lot of Ole, lat4t styles ;;Book.Endiroitlered Lvnterie, twee, Ifioniton imitations. I: L. P. 8 CO.I t • -4 vBPPIpERED and Lace ITilesleres, i4yles ; also, worlFed and euzbi-'d. Edgirigs and - Insulting:4 and Flouncing, • ACE Eitging. and Inserting,.: imitatiOns of every I . hit 1, alutost as 'good as„genniue and very elMap, also pint linen-wrought Lacy. -. I.Z. T. 4.: co. • • • I'm -,1: • NORAINED and Hemp Carpet for sale at..' I • ;11 1 • r • I. L. POST i CO'co'.4. - . . , Q 010'4 IIA:TS"---Panama,. fine and coarse trim- CI rued and filmy bound, Pedal and Palmleaf, for, boys aril Men, sold very cheap. I. L.P. & CO. • ii: ~i, . • " . .•- --- :•.1 .. ! . . • i . T Ao}l.s' .lslid l Children's Flats, a good variety; al -I.i slit' o , ox lot.of the latest styles of Thiennts at the store o , P - : . L L.' P . & CO., f • ' ... • . 1 • . I ri it ICS; and fancy articles of Soap and Ilairbil l..ialso, Some of the finest Perfumery t at the Store' of " ii, I. L. POST & CO. _ i ..._ -T ' — ind 'TALLOW.; also, Farmers tools in gen- L Aip eral.at • - . I. L POST & CO's. . WANTED. fiRi4L:l 7 of all kind--Beans, Dried Apples, Tal- I_l low, Nutter, Deeswax, all wool socks, ggsi for wliletklwe will c:ichauge goods at:cash prices. April, 6. ; r. POST & Co.. -MI •:, 1 r ,: • 7 • REMOVAL . - .STOVES! STOVES ! STOVES.: • - 9 , 1t-siibecibei 'wishes to call. the' attention of his 1 Iriettds and the public to his verv, large assort ment [of 'STOVES at' his' new Store* Rim, in hid ers vine !tik!"-.4 to L. S. Lenheim'a store; and near.. - the Gt. IlenaPePot. He has, in addition to his fornieri large vatic., y of Cooking and Parlor Stoves, many ncOpat terni.: sane of which am-- ". • 1 1. • Sti ! ..,Virh,o,las, 'Peach Branch, Fire Clipfier, , Mliierit Troy; Mohawk, '. " --ifea 7 allinig, Orkal, . Black Warrior, . Oak 2 Epil St o ne. Whielt,logether with his Amer stock, - will perhaps, be the Most extensive and varied 'assortment of • well sMeeteti.Stoves in the county; ..; ' ; ' Calton Storra„well furnii4hed, at low prises; i ' 7.1 • 0.11 articles:in hisline kept an hind and made to . o' 10 as usual, and orders received at his old stand in: rent Bend. - ; - - JOHN COLSTEN. leirarillei'altd Oval Bend, N0t.,.185.1. • 1 .• :- too _ i_ _ a 7 3 Notice, to 'the-Public. •ILTAVINGjwtt. returned from New ,York I wish to JAI; call the attention of toy old- customers, land of theiPublic in general. to air * - 1,1,, , N EW:STOCK OF, GOODS,, trlikh being bought with cash at the lowest-, prices, ancilwilitting to sell principally for the saute, l i will of fer pieta at greatly retraced prices. - COcheco l'rints, warranted fast , colons, for;. only 8 emits a yard. Good Brown Srigar, 18 pounds forone dollarj, Boonton Nails, acknowledged by all to be 114 laid. Nail in use, 55,311 per 14g.. Hats and . Caps, BAnts and shoes, Butlido Robes o ail prices, all wool DellLaines, Cashmeres, Pammettio,-. Dress Silk, Silk Z 4vet, &c. Moulin De Laines,ll-shilling per yard,. Sal `n c l,Bonnets and Moleskin Hits, Broche Shawls, Dable. Long shawls; Thibet do., selling at ineoticeiv at y lbw prices.' 1-can safely warrant perfect, iiatis fa tioh to all wrie will give tae a.,c 1. 1 ,(1 ILanestairo, Apr. t, 1854.. ', S. A. LYONS. (UNLOCKS---ip:iod.tinie keepers,', my one rh4lar. . i ... ~ S. A. LYONS, ,I.atiesboro, Apr. 5. : . 4 i -, I‘,TA,'NTED-10041 Hides, f r which the!hiehest Y vt.' price will be paid: — .- S. A. LYONS. j!Latresboro, Apr. 5. I Cr NTRY PRODUCE taken 'in exchange kir Goods, at My . store. . S. A. LYONS. Il,,attesboro, April 5.-' • 'NEW AIRRANGEnENTISit. /11NDS L ilitifILLEN'S Rail Road,Freiga... I s; Line between Montrose Depot and . New - York, every G'ny, Sun- • , fi r• ' — days •krINDS SINcEILLEN, havingn..ae arrangements for forwarding freight to New-York in die care Pr Clipt. ff. R. CADWF.LL, of Orange.CA'mnity, will Pe iii attendance atlthe ?blame*. Dei.o% owe day of l i he'week, to-take charge of;uch freight anci produce is may be entrusted to them. Retnrns for the Milne kilt be paid at ittb Store of. William McMillen. droceties in general, „Flour,: - .Pork, Mk Salt, &e., ;&c.l conetantly on hank for stile at the lowest Cash 't:Prieca, or In exchange for country produce. , L. - 11; Dixon. •' /delta:a:4 "- APril Ie 1854. _ - . WANTED; —•-- - • ; 1 . P(.1 CORDS 'good split maple . . wood,. in (:change llV fcr,tioolett.gootls;. 4:.LYONS ili, SON. 1.1104:title; October lit. • • ' • IFOR SALE. Prim antkairibee offerslor gale his 'louse and Lot ainiate in the Borough of ilemliosof a 'rever9ds East of th'e Court Ben** lierrini=--one half down and the remainder i.O -. five yearly paymentiv, 'with in-' ttireat. p. LiNg3. ;Montrose, 'Januar)! 9 1854 lllNGLES.—shaveitstaiika wanted by • kz.l.loetober 244 J. LYONS & SAM NEW 1400,0 4 . QPLENDID Prints and to:lies' Brcedclotb, DelinSe, L 7 lc. 41434 just opened.and far Saki by r - i. LY0118411011: $14,000 oi NEW GOODS „ GREAT t TTRA.cTIONI Great Rush for_ the New Gadd. at Eafon's . . , . ONE PRICE SORE! ~ - P E lavest and: , cheapest shock of Farley; Domithe , tie and Staple pciods• tiler brought into gotilire hiona county, Ood.hundred easel DreGdods, tom- - prising in Fart as follows : • '. I . •c, Rich Changeable Silks, . Pashioruible Si l and Flat. " Stripe. - - _ 4 , , Borineta, ---, " Plaid ' ''' I-, . French Plum ,- . ,t 4 Black • • - 44 . ' 200 *sea • miet Mi. Ghats Bonnet lIF 4, ,- t, [bona, Bonnet Satins, 'lOO pea, Pane Dross do. - All wool DeLaines, ' . Velvet Dress Attune' I Parisian ' do . Fig'rti. .it colr . Velvetti, . 1 _ 1 Plaid do Cosi*, s Fli},y Bay BM Shawls, ' Clouded de Berge, Cashmere . do • -English Merinoes, Brocha • , do - . • Paranietto's -, ~ Silk - -,' . - Alo , Lyonese Cloths, - . Gloves, Ilosl ry, etc. ', _ i ti Coburys ' \ ' Cloths, Castel eres; • '-'• Piench ehateble de Reive,, , Vestings, Embroidered Robes, 1. • Flannels, • , "1 '' . : / , ' Ginghama and Prints, Wool Blankets, •• '• 1 Scotch Plaids, " . Linings, White Goods, . _rl. '- ..1 Wrought Chimizettes, ' Damask Sp . aks, ' " .IColisfs, . - - Linen . 'cl° -- • ' ''..,1 do Muslin Edgings, ~ - Irish.Lineruj, ' _ ''.-: •do Cambria tio . - Black Muslin; ' do iiitien 'do • - ~'Eta; etc. J ' ' Harford, Oct. 6. .& CO: ' • , • New York liCity: - 1, INSUItrANCO I COM PA*Y. " OFFICE 9 W 14. 13TREET .. .i CAPITAL, IN CASH' ANIS APPROVP) SECLIO, TIES e $4590,090. Insures allaiiist Lossiar I)ainage loy Fire. . • •. • pink • - I A. Q. Stebbins; 113 Broad street; Peter.C. Raker, : 1 Spruee Street Girard Banker , 118 , Broadway; Thomas Andrews. .136 Cedric street; :Sainuel: 42L. Southrnayd, 377 West street; [Albert L. Certlilin 31a . Greenwich steet ; Janum . A.. Crosby, . 113 ;Broadway Cha's. Lent, Kingshridge, N. it; Lambert . C. Chicago; 111.-; SMith '„Bobbie, Rochester, N:. William W.. Leland New York ;Pete R0ach,..1313 Bank street ; Swaim; S. Bell,*corner Wat and Laight streets; John . 1... Been, - .78 Water street; P. - V - Wart: 118. Broadway; Iforstio comer, West and Barrow streets:. Peter ILA Foster, Omer Ganseroort,atf West;" RettiOn Rokl.h., 48 .Eighth Avenue: Stephen-CroinWell, pruntlert:, N. Y.: . Athia Desaar .B. Britian' 1,, 49• W ater street ; Samuel Sinclair. - TfOune gs s*. uel B. Shaw,Cleyelind, Obio UoYAL Cnatenzslus, Citaumts C. CLARKE, SCCiiitaity. CHARLES L. BROWN) gent, • • . IEAGLIS, 11"0,11 1 NDRY. -; SAYRE, BENTLEY .k PERKINS having prelim. ed of Wilson &To. the?Edgle-Foundry, are now prepared to fill orders font thelmde, and do work in their line With 'skill .and despatch. i They - will keep constantly on hand. Elora, (best kinds,) Storcot,(all kinds,) Vafticatora,-.,Straleutteri r Corm Sheller; . • We invite particular attention to the Plows:which we wantditpturg. • We Manifracture i land keep for sale The Celebrated Platehie* Pew.. ,We•har,e purchased the exausire right to znanlifie tare and sell. in this couuty i Wayne, Wyoming...and .13ratiford,,arRick's .Pe(cry Iron Beam Flow: The Plow isliiade entirely of i>im, the tiantlim It is celebrated for its easy? draught, being one•third easier than uny now in we:while its strength , and du rability are'greater. • ,1 I - - AIACIIINERY '' ' . 1 ' . of all kinds manufactured ind repaired by. eiperiene ed machinests _ , . -. .. - • Stecon "E;nifiliel, - Gearing; ; for Millis,. Shriegle , ga . - chinex, its. ec. . - -:"• - • Among the-Stoves whi4h we, tnann&cture, are the keystone Cooking Store, Rough . and do„ . For= eat-, QUI:Tit, do., _Premium 46., and other kinds,; all .ar ranged for burning wood klr coal. Also, Self-Rqp biter, payler -Store, Cotirop? Parlor ' do., Stonhy ..„ two slies, do.; and a varillt .. y.of other.. Stores, both wood and coal burne .4. We iteen,.also on hand i Grindstone trimmings, D 4k, Churn Wl:in:lugs, -Um brella and' Shovel and To tgis Stands, &c. &c.- Work : done to order on short no ice and at the lorest rates. or Orders . Or . Stove l, Agricultural Imlementi, tc. are solicited from those in the trade, and will be filled at reasonable wholesale tirices. -I . • 1 S. H. SAYRE, B. S. BENTLEY. . S. PERE:INS: . -. . Matitrosiv, Mardi 4. !. 1 ft r ILI .11a4( California, Anstr' Or an..ypluee, o Globe - cannot preient 1. • greattc indUcements, KEELER &I' STOBDARD'S. BOOT AND ,;SHOE STOP:E. I[XTBICII is now filled with a new and extensive 1 V lairsortment of articles is their line, embroil*: a general vat iety of newland elegant styles .. of ladies and gentlemen's wear,, nniong which are - Ladies. French, Silk Lasting and - .Prelate Gaiter?, Kid ;and Enameled Polkas, Kid, Patent Leather and . Brained Jenny Liuds, Buskins4tl Ties ; Gentlemen's Frbnch and-Philadelphia,-ask tinned calf skin and kip Beton, Morocco, !a 1f and. Cowhide Brogans &c. , Boys kip, calf aini owhide - ,Boots tad Brogans ; alt kinds of Misses' and Children's 'wear. Also, a general allsort ment of Findings Whichi consist in part of lasts, er. Sparables,Aungarian nails; tacks, thread, wax, Brix tles,sboe binding, awls,rts.pst, itindston, shoe ki ke. Also oak and hendoek, tanned .calf tapper arl soleleather,,Morocco skins and linings, Work made to order and repairing neatly KEELER & STODDARD.. • MontrOste,-April 8, 1854. 1 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 'FQII.• SALE. VILIAGE LOTS,. situated in' the,. plearinded 9 0 - part of the village of Susquehanna rest), duet ncases. and lots . in• the hnort business part of the afpresad village. Also a Farm . containing 133 infer, :with' a small. iniprovement, th e . remainder heady. tio :thnberedtriate two piles from raid 'village. • Stimniebanna is. the, great Central Depot,of the L & E. Railroad, situate at . the foot of the beano grade - on the road, near the great works Of Stamen, Conewacta, and -.the !,`Caseade,,and . posselrsing toy ture the best watering place on the . route with the le. cality of .eitenSive 3inchine Shops, Foundry &c, Susquehanna, although flumhering,- bet 2000 inhabit.' annS, and but four years of age, is destined Foork range alongside of -tip most flourishing and populoe towns on the line - of....this . great ttioroughfare. • • P. HINDS, Agent.. • 01114 one door eaSt of Lanheim's.. Susquehaiain Depot, Nov-16. - Valuable - Lauds Foe Sale. FFORSALE IN ONE .Ii:ODY, iibout - 55 00 acres Dr- Land on the writers of Spring Windt, a bra-t - b °file Lacitawanrra , iver, in Luzerne - County, Pens about midway' betty en the thriving . towns of fret, ton and Pittston. ref* lands ire vexed with 0. indite timber, and being:situate in the most extent mineral.. region in . ,Pennsylvsmiti--known to care' iron ore--andbeliefed to abound in toe, and t , also in.-the iminediate vicinity Of several railix: made and now fir progress-a-offer to: th e e- capinbt opportunity for the, investment of money: that occurs; 'For fm-ther information apply to P. sack, Esq., N0..11,i Wall street New. York, or to - subscriber, "1“ Montrose, Susquehanna county,ft-,e4 attorney in fuct - ef the owners. • -. _ Apririt, 1854, HENRY -•- • .e ow SHOP. • - • NET lt *ID . :E.'S.I9TT- would r6Tetfhlly info! imthE , e rhatitlley are manufaCttiring Blatt Celebritted Plows,r They also keep -constant hatid,'filer Bill, Coirety, and 'Mtn Cultivation, Dog urs:, .Ski#ll.• and catter .6;6 O Plow Points of .iarious patterns; too - . nuinew mention.. We. bPpe, by strict. attention' to 14 to receive 'our -14hitre-of. public patronage. tory, D, Post's alit stand.. .Votuldry l . 5 1. Moo; Searle's Still, .• 4 arßepairing tlouo on 404 notice., ' MERIT 3105 Feb. 0, ELIJAH 3101 • - EIRE INSITHANCE. . TE sub:44:llWe ismenaor the following irok Ccimpanies i doing GU9IIIe 8t the loweg rates: ! • Stkite Muttia-l'ut Capital 050,00 0 . Cash Mood Hartivfmi* • Capitaf $9.00,000. 110ne Insttrairit,.,.Tew York -City. • . , Capital $500,000: • - y . Montrotle Apri l . F. B. CEI.A.NPLa. L 1.31.110 AND -PLASTEIFI. TTILE subiciitmi 'aro now tanning anti ri "con:away ;On baud, Liam of a .very qu'allt7 Montiosa Depot, and., MI it qtatntitica Ltd price. ; ,r er 4ckno ,wishing quantity. eau AA:easoultbic _Spperioi ktutita i rlaiter.wift, be. kept CODY band hereafter. , .1. L. r -rati 'l. SI No 4 troi , DCP o A Atiril ew znndtwohorAo vise fir:itati sheep by ertr, D Montrose, Pa.