Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, April 05, 1855, Image 3

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    - .
SoitEtt.4wotertt, N. H., Moth 1 6,1845:
why was \ \ KnOw Not hingisitt unsuceesgfu I
i n New I.york? Simply because the hun
kers obtained the control, and ignored, Anti-.
Slavery . - and ,Temperanee. Why Wit.. 4 it so
successful in Massachusetts? &vain* ' the
managers were c areful to consult the Awl:
Slavery and Temperance element. And to.w
it has sti..veede4 in up.t.tttira, the .0 4 hanker
Demoeracy of the Oranite - State. • This, !440.
WAS done by, talting:tup men dto were dozi
:.dedly in, favor of the reforms of the day ; and
if the runt party or Slavery pr opagiitidist
can find any crumbs of comfort .in ourrecent
election, .they . are them. '
In your, pa e r o f A b e Bth. you express a
wish that Dr. Kittredoe m ight- be . re.eleeted.
Di. Kittredge vot ed right on the Nebraska '
bill ; but l,i. anteeMenti have. alwar
`with the Old flanker Deaocracy, and by
that part}' hC teas renominated.
' wituted
a. more. reliable Man.
The Know Nothings gave us Illev.Jame4 Pike.
If,, was bone of our bone, and flesh kir our
flesh,' and be . has been elected by 2 Of*i
jority and report.says the other two Repro
. sentatives from this State have been elected
:4 majorities much: ;..and, from *hat
is said of.their sentiments, New Ilimp'Shire
will piesent as forniidable, , a front ftir I;'ree
dem in the next house-oo` Representalvesi
_-as she has heretofore showlPfor Slavery.
'ay look out to hear Jtibit P lisle thutiiler
kg in the Senate next winter, 'as he will be
sure - to be
. there; if be lives.
• P:S.,QId Sam is not as pOpOlar with Yiipng
Sam as. he
,was before his leou're on Slavery,
In. Boston. .It is now said he cannot have the
vote of New England fkit next President.
RuOnE IstANn.-:—A partial fusion of the
opponentS of the Pierce. Administration haS
been etTeettd,in•Rbode Island. •Gov.• Hope
pin has been nominated for Governor by, the
Whigs and Know-Nothings. The same par,
ties haye agreed upon the same candidate for
Congress in the Eastern District, Nathan B.
Durfee,' , .. who i 4 a Whig. In- the - West 7n ,
District the Whigs have made no' -nom na
tion,. but the K. N.'s fil‘e : renotninated 0-4 .
li. Thurston, who is - also the Democratic
nominee. Mr. T., voted against the, N, ehhts-.
Ica bill. So did his colleague, Mr. IDak,
whe: - has ; again been. renominated by the
Detnocrats. Polities are con4lerably mix.
ea in Rhode' Island,_ hut we shall see d iylight
idler the election. One thing is quite (Tr.
*it, the Nebraka:partv will not ••• be heard,
of in the contest --z-N. Y. Tribune.,
. . _..
_ .
- ti X --- ' In jinsti6:. to &Itl( sr Wilson, we copy
1, 1 : ::: t po ieni lla c c , :i . ii . tO ,,,, Wiiship, deed, have been granted to the
in another part of this paper his,
,exidanation 1 undersi t , t neildatal all 'persons indebted to said- estate,
of his course when the bill ant hi trizhig Ore- 1 Will Please In lace inlllq - dine Payment, and those hat
claims nill present the Sallle duly attested fur
gon to foiln . a State 0 - institution wits Irefi . ire
the,Senat e, ile,:stotes that h• ,, - only 'object 1 A u `.. m .! ... .
. PN 4 01 - i; arca .2i, 1855; I ttwc.
was to prevent, the wasting of' 'thne by n i ',. ~,,r . __ 1, _ ~. __ ___—____
i Aiu sTorin- _Oood% now being I re=
ciisT.istiii.n, at that 'Nir On 'tniday nioriiiittz, !,.' I ceived at I, . 1 7 p .. , . i , •.• .
. .• . - .oi 417,0! a. are desirable in
of a nietisur.! whieli,eotild not -possibly be ! tia . i ti te , • sty t e •i nk t v.11(4. -. .. • ,
passed.. At the same tinie, hax - ii , just•pre..i " :ilapfe /)r,a•GOotti, , 1 -COll,7rx,:9lerret,
!wailed on,a. Southern niettilter, •'n - the gronud 1 ihwis Gk L., l• . i :Edirinfpc,: .
efr,!speei l / 4 1111 the day. to withdraw another 1 Oaths. a iid eaasifoicrrs . Boilitffit t ;
, '
.., Wil itO (4,-,thi, ( • '
and .f'aritavla..
.rneasure, Mr. Winson int:males that there !!! CI.OT lIINCi—a• find stock.. Groceries Of till vari-
Nvas a propriety in his taking the sane ground ! eties: . Itardwihy, 'CI oekery, (.«,l: leg Gliis;es, and in
with re;liect to the Oros. iii :hill, though. had ; every depattnient ilieiii assiirtinent is good, and at
i :
it been possible- for 6 pashe. ,prices to suit.l
61:titer hill to
s. •
would- readily have 'riven it his vote. Il'av—; .
r , . MmiteiT-`, 3l,arch2ot 15-5, , ,.
ing previously commented. on the afihir _with i , . . . I .li3onlllty Lands. : . ,
!ionic frankness, we desire quite as frankly : to "GRES* h a , re&nitly 'passed
.41 Pein.ion la‘v
state that this explanation rinnoves all' -doubt • --) "" 4 '' 11, -''''" , , l i ''''''''ll,!'', addition to' tilf' P`m- 4 °"
laws 'before i.i force. • 11. , k o one should despair of reeciv
that rimy have ente
been rtained with . reg a 1, 41 0 wo.l'm a nt, isrd 1 jag '
!",110 has done servicie for the
- -
to NI% Wilson'.
s .
mutiVezi lii the, l'Tvnli , :4-ti-- I United States 'of any kilui, either in the Rev - Oath-marl ,
..K . Y Tribune. - - • ." . , .• • 1 war or since.. The net i ill , o. extends. to the - widows
't noti tninori3 of t hose Whip performed 'the ser4-ice,' who
if now living Wbuld bis ibrititled to'the benefits there !
of. The tnidelisignedlia.s the law and all h'il i ttl forma
to obtain Pensions under the snit'. act, stud will prompt
ly obtain Landlarranis fi' applicants whici may be
entitled ther* for reasonable compenstatiOn. Your
Warranp:srbeff,blltainell can. be sal for. 'money at
any tiine s , if yotf do- not rhoose to locate thel lands.
idontrose. )lii•ch . .2l,ft;s. " •N. NEWTON.
, .' VI I: As -GOODS. --1.---
Tile si t have taken and fitted up, the new
biiildisot oh the :tki.--t aid ;of Public Avente, twodoors
abort. SoarlcA, Illot, - .1, and are now receiving a large
and well select(il assortnient of •-- . .1
' Fall and. Winter Good`. . . -.
IFew are aware how .frequently . Pub
lire-compelleil to' insert among thci r
aciv'enernvntA. stwenterlts whii:h they can nel
- sanction or bejieve. • A plivtgant excep
tion te this disa4 , recable - nivessity are the ad
verti•zements ufDtt. J. C. AXESI,'S Cherry Pec
toral and pills, which Will be flitind iii our col
t:inns.: • We have published for - him beforo,
and idwayS with the feeling that in so. doing
we in no wise lend our:selves to deeeive or
mislead the public, for wehave had indispu
table proof that his words are strictly true.
With abundant Nilson to believe that his mcd
iclue4,will do all they • promise, and .all that
can be reasonably expected from any medicine.
IIi; Cherry Pectoral is too well known in this,
community - to peed any commendation from
us, and his Pills.we are credibly informed are . '
not inferior to his.Pectoral.—Probidenre
Tor, R. I.
• P.....scat.rty.—We learn trout Ifarrisburg,
that . :atxatt forty friends of Gen. • Catneron
threaten to. defeat any • popular measure rec
ommended by Got. Pollock unless he and
his 'fri'ends. will unite in securing hts (Catne
rou's). election to the U, S. Senate. Many
Bills are al so urged 'to render his administra
tion unpopular. with. a view. to break it ddwn.
It is 441 that some of the offia.rsare..engnged
in this nefarious business. if these: statements
are true, the people ought to 'put their fts't
upon such ras-lity, in'any way that Will make
all participants ".stand from under." The
Govener hati, ste. learn. very properly re r
fused id 4 of aP-- ulide•
Pi., $1;40 , R /MOM 13 AlryiSCE, -
• Rates of Adveirlislikii• •
~i u4.4-. { . it; lines er less) one week,.., „,tiu, i
:,111;tre " two weeks.. . , ; .• • ( 1 ,7 r. . ' Aitsitatinigee• - L,
th r e e weeks, . • L OO ', The of ille tionwillattde treatm en t
- one month, • /..t ... 5 : di.eases itr ''
t• • '
r n ...hi r sual
• two marimba., • 2,10 t Ist That patient s iteati ...Glamo r -. can. 4 U i
three mouths,. -- 3,(61 1 ly are.eared much sootier than by any. other practic e .
.. alz months, ' .5. 00 i. -2.1. 'hat many pat,lenti can be cArnd by o° ll 4'
ii • • one yearl," 6 60 .1 wide remedies, who ittt be.,cored by My . 04!
or more squares, inseneti by She year. a 1 g n o me:rt. 1 - , '' . ,
frval the aholejnietta is maile• r early ad . ' That Ipatienta 'tre ' Homeopathically. do
kin have the prwilege of altering or clumg. I not bait ,. te i 14,, under di
.tn , d effeete of the ine *
,dcoth,„nent..„„kout Wino - nal chm""e• • i the... hsvd taken 4, cu the' disea.e.
___ 1
3 cards, not exceeding Eve lines, inartJted ':Gus,
- - - i ii I . v g o -- lE4 • - .7 ---- 7-- ----. _ 1
.i ' W
~ : a annum. ' '
Job Work.
471.. Tviutzu.
. ' i a ': teary Terret i e iode rated Timothy Seed, mums.
•,, i.: , supplied with a good assortment of 1 r 4 - &," P m *. t ,, P _ . , ° r s a l e, . 7 ,,,, a ,„
"lat.Tials, and all kinds of Sob Work, such - ." 03e r ... f" 41 7 'I rl . 3,l°‘° ;...,i
• Posters, Yomphlete, te., will by 4 0 Pexicat; 1 f : i - olli ililiALlk, A 44M133011 ,PLIGOT 1,400.1 V,
orntl e tl y . . .
lifelanstilitpa kl-'544 , A. .19.41.DW1A, 1
, ~
, ~.
anyvffile artiel4 atenlionnd in the foli o
hit, wilt be received at t is office etc subseripq.eni at
thileuOreht market yriee . l,l
0 ,
Fkiur r barrel, , $10,50 ® 11 1 50
i *WhetW 1 1 buAd' 1
, c o it Meal.l-) hundred, ... . - ' -
; 2;25
I Corn - 41 bs,§hcii . lfW)
Rre 11 4 PILA II . -', .. ~
gy;a . ' Fluirr 11 hundred, • 1 . i 25
Bin 44)0
eh .se i 9 Th,..... : ... ... .', 10 ign.:1 2
~.- c
ggp,,, Vitloz...,' , ..... ......, ''• 14 (fp 15
Mnple Sn. , 14'11 • ' 8 @ 10
Potitoe‘' - ¢ Fi bushel, ' • 50 @ 6 :qi
Apples ''ti Imishe4, 150
'Dried Apples 1.!. bushel I 25
%tall,' !millet, : 1 4 •. ' . 50
Betur,buslel, 1 - • 1 ,00
/Is e ? .1 1 ),...... i'.. • —lO R:l2
- --.--......._•:_—______47.
Rougll & toady Fire Company willweet
at the Engine not(se_, for exercise, on Saturday ne,it„
at 6i,-o'doek,,P. ' D. Suax' Sec;
e beHtseii?eqts,
bolitinnot gkt manure enough, •
find a cheap .
anil powerfill •AtibAtitut
. in the, IMPROVED
POUDEETTE mare by the Subscribers. • The anal,"
quantity tiled, the4ase with which it is, applied ; surd,
the .powerful stitnuhts it gives to vegetation,. renders,
it the cheapest and, best manure in the world: ' ft
eaUSeil plants to cone up quicker, to grow dister, to
yield heavier and ripen earlier than any other znamipe
in: the woiid, and -unlike other fertilizers, it can be
brought hi direct Ontact with the plant. Three 410 , ,
hes worth:lsitutiichint to manure an acre of corn.-+'
delivered freli. of cartage or package on limit,
of vi - ..ssel or, railroad it New-York city, ~O- , 51) per bar. rel,for an*. quiaitityoyer six barrels ; I barrel, s‘.ll;
2 barrels, 1t4,50 • barrels, ; 5 barrels, $B. -A
pamphlet inforMation and directions will be sent
gratis and post-ixti4to any one applying for the same,
• • Adjressilthe Lora m .INUF'ACTtRING.OO.
Corttindt Street,;Nior-York. — •
9/1111A raffia of all sixes rind . ntatie from`
ei•oss tin at less than Merchants
tomally pay, to sell n'gairt,• for sale by the Subscriber.
Weltace come to conclusion to Sell pans to Far
nie-is as ion: as are will to the. trade, thereby saving
to the Farnier ourpiefit. Our wares are warranted 1 1
to be pert*-in every Particular Or no
Terms—Vash or short credit. , •
I =; • J. ractatorAN Jr: • ;
New Milfird 1 .
i- ; t7rhe cop:L-poi-06p )leretiAire *aiming between die
I • 1 subscriiiO4 %roles': the firm of E. .S Kont k. CO. is
this • 1141541veti by inutual co:ozent.
E.,S• KENT /k.
tkookikil Apr. 2;465; 14ot
. • AlininisOation Notice.
()TICE v i herchy . ki . ven that Icttets aihnittistra . -
1' J. tion the - eitate of JOHN HAND, late of
Their stocki-4.altuost entirely,..yEW, having 941V4.4/
but a very few goods 11-chn the late dogtructive fire,'
and comprises. their usual variety }' 000/49,
Grocerfe,e, Crockery,' Hardware, Drugs,
Das, Dya.tuffs: Boots, Shoes, Leathers, GlaLg,
Jewchry. Watches, Silver Spoons, Clocks, 'Yankee
Notiong, fie. . &e.-,4 We are dial:kcal fur the patronage
hitherto bestowed upon us, and trust that our Cl 151:
totrtlrs.,, and the puhlic generally, will not fail to give
us a -Cell in our nor heat; On confident 'that, we can
supply them wish gOiuiS 04 as ' favorabl/terms'as here
tofore,- - BENTLEY & READ
Memtr9se, Notprnber 30, 1854.
~/ i •
SuAgtreht4ana Cove y U.
, ,: •
In the Court of Common riots of
. Vs.
,; , I ".N V mid cOunty, November Tenn 1854.
knEr.., 10. 19. , • l' •
7b k..104'. P•vir!: , Whereas a sithisena in Divorce
As is tied to No ember Term, 1854, which Was duly
returned a i. est ivrentwa, and thereon "an aline Sub-
Twena wag histiedthl said ease returnable to January
Term 1855. ;ti pan ;Abe return of which, proof w a n made
that the said EsOr Deuel,,eould not be found in my
bailiwick. i." i; " 1'
' l , This notice is thereforeito require you to appear
t befo
.• the Judge of the said Court on the third Mon
day f Apra neat to answe said complaint &,e r
F. . 11OLLISTER, Sheriff.
Sheri l Fs Office;!Mont I rus March 5, 1855. 1 w 6.
- NONC;RESS has pissed a law giving you additional
• lands. Tho=e .who have already received war
rants are entitled it) More. Danville men, come on
now and I' will getil your warrants. Widowa and mi
nors of deceased sOldiers are entitled to the mune their
hush:lnds and fttlnirs would be if living. .1 hate the
law fry e.h.fcton ViTaShington,, and the neet%sary forms
Of application. SpCculators from a distance are about
dying to,:get those largely interested to sign oq Be
ware of such, and &net sell ;for a song. I'll iln your
business,nccuratel; and promptly account fir the
full value of your •warrattt4 when obtained.. Orom
three years successful expenence I knOw I can do the
business tight, and A protrer you my services at rea
sonable rate and 46iek returns. L. F FITCII.
Montrose,iMarchAi, 1&15. • -
• 1
ri i it lIMATE and member of 01 e University orNew i
1 1 ay York, w 'II he 14 Montrose on the. 6th, 7th'and
Bth of eachnth, atid May be consulted at Hatch's
Hotel, tar thn, days,;.uptin all diseases incidental to I
the hu nail sr eta, ',i,iz: CONSUMP.77O.Y, Bron- 1
S utlatnaupn of lhe Lungs, Throat, Liver, Pleura,. I
Kidneys and Ple?n,l; Dyspepsia, (froligration,) Liyer,
Coniphdnt, RitivitsTiti,m, Scrofula, Eruptions, Spinal .I
Complaints, Dileaseti of , the eye and ear, Nervous I
Weakness, 1e.1.1c. ilParticukir attention given to 1
the diseases of renuthd; and Children. The vari t ais ;
affections of the Uterus radically curd.
Dr, Harris Orel! 4equainted with both , llomeolml•
thy and Allopathy,. haying been in constant study mid
practice for the last tirelve years, and haring first
dr t in-
troduced Homeopathy into .Binglutmion, 1%. T., in
1847. His plan of trta
tmei t is mild, safe a and /rya-
I ,
dons, and different Blinn duty physician,and cures nearly, all ciol - sin all. stages of the disease.
. tir Di•-,llarris luti testi: vials of chi'tracter, abil
ity and skill, from a litundair of the most eminent
medical men in the city ' oflNew York, among them
the cielebrated Dr. Valentinellott. 1 .
Pel.sons wishing prOmpt relief or permanent cures
will 4 Well to call without deay, Charges.moderate.
Consaltation free! Patients Shafted at their residences
lf desired. . Office hours from 7 in- the morning until
1 .
s in Cite e% ening,
Sash and .1
AV' INDONI Sash of various otico constuitl, hand!
Blinds furnished to order hi, •
- ' J. IXON4OIk.i
r t r
Paper Titivating's. f
500 Rolls just opened, and some for•Aiets., - pe
roll, • J. LYON S;k SON.
ri_ROCERIES—A fresh supply of Coieeet SUgar,
NA. Tea, Rice, Crackers, just received and ' for sale
by . • • J. LYONS *SON:
1855-0 . 1 , ;1
di Road Freight Line between Montonee -and
'York. The subacalbera aip cons ;e their
connection of the putt year for selling Suoitak.tuinna
Co. Produce on communion. I I
• MAT am J. Jimmy:Pros, will receive andArward
freight for this company it the Montrose Dep44 EVErN
Thankful for put patronage, and being aitisfied
that 'their arrangements for disposing of- . prOduce of
every kind. will enable them to give general 4tisfaO.
tion, the subscribers tract that New York iirriees,
prompt, returns, and their usual Strict atten*Prttp the
business, will insure to them a continuance i,o(fisvOrs liberally bestowed upon them. '-`
The returns will be promptly paid in currepOhoney
by Mr. Harrington, who will also make liberainivom
ces oh consignment when debired. 1
Our marking cards have - b'een left with ti4,lilail
ituatitFiieght agent Mr. Case who will attend - ,:4Ck for;
warding goods consigned to us on other tisitt than
Tuesdays. I 1.1
ens.? TT Tiorr.
Montrose Monett, 1554. li
Peit , ons residing out of ihe , vicinity of Mottiro
wishitig to send us I'unit/cc can do so by ainalkning:
it to I.IOTT tc. BEVAN'S, No. 187 Ileade.St:':S.
A new supply at TURRE4I4..I
Montrose ' March 29, 1?55 • '
pun Timothy and Clover seol at !!
Cle'ver and .Timothy Seed for eithiliy
Nor:Milforti, Mardi 8, 1855
. .
. .. NOTICE:-
.: ,i
TO TIM woottatsts or.St Ett . Milt. ntst.e.ns ...ttt ~XIC!!..
. ,
In ptirsuaucc of the Acts n A•L442itibly of this Vow
monwealtb, viz. tler•Act of tl e 4 h day of Mar, I 1341;
entitled' "itn,...ket to provide revi inte to meet thiitle
niands hpon the Trvisury, avid 11or other purpottes,'!
an Act of the ltAlt of April, 18:it. entitled "ittE r Act
to increase the revenue awl . hminish the Legislative
expenses of the Comtuottwea th,'l, an Act - passetl,the
22. d day. of April .1/41; entitl4d 1 an. Act to Proide
,for the reduction of the State'dcb," and an Act.tiass:
ed the loth day of April, 1849, entitled "an Art' to
"create a:slitting fund, and to TritrVide fur the gradual
'and certain extinguishment ,oir the debt of tlai Com.
;:monwealth." The itmknsigned.4hPislAer of s lerOan.
;tile TazOs ortilusrperhanna. County has prepared allist;
'Oran Merchants trading within said County, antkplac.?
ell each of said Merchants in thii(Pass which to Idea.
deems right and just accurtling too the provisions, of
S.:tid, Act :of Assembly, a- follows, viz: - ,• i •
Residesec. ' ,I l roi,r;i, for. 1 " amt._
J .tuburn s t • Juba P. Lambert, i, • 14 pat. 104,4,
, f. do -, • Waterman I:Swisher; 14 "
ilrooklvti; Nelson Tiffany, 14
do . , '• " Y. W.- Allen, • „I .
do' •.1. C. L .e,. 1
do "r• Wm. McMillin,
do •"' II; T. .t Alley, • . • .
`,, "do , '. 'Smith 1 / 4 " Ilempste,
'.- do 1 • • ri.. Kent Az Co.,'
'•liffoid, • - Lb C. IFrirelage,
do '.] I. ,F.: N. llalstead, ,I,
Choconutil Fraileist2nitt,'
Duntlaff, i • Church & Phinney,
• do ..1" " " E. Phinney,
:",• do i • Thomas Arnold,
.Dl:flock, k • L. If. Weotradf,
E. N. Bolen'',
Wick:hint kilonfari),.
Benjamin Glidden.
David L. Mei:ker,
J. 1,. )1,..-Ihniin.,% /
Tat lor allOr,
N . : E. lienvedy.
L. Burrow's 4: Co.,
L. S. L94ll:din, .•
Thom:44 & Whiting, .
Henry McKinney,
1/. / 11, C.
Ebeni . Grigg .
• do
Forest f l ake,
do ,
Oi•e:tt Bead,
" do
•• f
do •.„
'Taylor & June, ; . l4 ; I
.1. 4: N. Dultois, l4 -,
%Win: Dayton. ll -i,
James Clark, • 14 r ,
• t
John Miller, •
1 • 11
- : I
). 1 .'..5. - iiionr. 14' ! f,
,101iii.4.011 ,s,: Very, 13 i r•
C.nrpenter'k Sibley, 14 - • i
B. F: &II li. Eiton, 12
S. A..Lytms, l4 .
a B. 1,07,,, l2
Brant ..... Clager, 14
. i
D. A. 1.,‘ m ,l s, & Broth. 14 • •,.• - l ;
.1. J. Turner, 14
Depue & C' jeer, 14.. 1 ;
A. G. Mimi] & Co., 'l4 -
1.. A. Newton, - - 14
Ilt.:11 & Tingley, " - 14
Shultz, Eaton & Co., 14 •
E..R. (=row &•Brotb. 13 -. 7 1.• ,.i
A. A. Beernan, -
Z.• Blakeslee, • .14 - . ' . • .
Ilawle- A. Mott, 12 • . .
M..S. Wilott, . 13 • .
1V... & S. 11. Mulford.l2 • -
J. Lyons
. d: Son, l3 •'• .- •
F.ll..Chataller, ' 13
11. J Webb, . 13 - '
A. Lathrop & Co., 13
Bentley & Read, Il'll.-pt. Ind: h
• J.-Ethridge. 14 lq. pt- Ind.
R. Thayer &: Co., 14 pat. rued. 5
• A. Tura), . 141 y. pt.'unl. 3
:, I. L. •Po.t & Co., , IA
S. H. Bi P. Sayre, .14
l; L. it(“.•rilniuni,.. 14
-- 71 C. C. Wright, - l4.
Charles Campbell, /4-
Ila% det)•.k. llrotbers, 14.
-.J.. 11. Sistyltio,' '. 12
IVin. C.-Ward, • 13
J. Diekertutui, Jr , 13
t do
. do
rop, t
t . 'do
do .;*
•'t do 1
• .do
1- do
• do
do I
;do •
- ,do
New .I.lilford,l
d 6 • . 1
IL Barrett,.
• 13 liquor.
J. M 044 & Brothers, 14
11. J. Champion, 14
N. Granger, . 14.
.Ttipper,, 14
A. J. 'Whitney, 14
:Edmond Stack, • 13'liquor.
A. J. &S. S.lniour, 14
Gay Curt's, 14. • •
Thoinlis InoArinu .14
j. Asher t Co, 13
Janes Bell, - 18,
D. L. Kimber, • 13 liquor.
E. Carlkle, •13
• do
'.(k )
.0 10, •
S. B. West, -141 q. pt. 47...
.141 11ir chb ld, I.V
W.. 11. &J. Y. Ilubbard,l3
Smith A,' Shutts, 14 Liquor
.I.eirk Conrad, 14. - • ,
COil 14
R..Chieltester & Co., 13
Dean L White, 13 1
It. S. Lewis, ' - 14
Scott, Johnson L Co„ 32
McMillen 4; I'ark, 12
Apolaccin, Darry.Barriey, - 8.
• do ' will. But Turn, ' • 8 liquor.
Dundsff; .Eovil Chambers, 8
Friendsrllie, , Edwin Iliis.4,
Great Bend, Lheiatt S'cott, l
do 14 Crane &. Co., " 8
- do ;, AOtli.on Ditnock, 8
do !"-. John Comstock, 8
,Harmony, .J N. Skinner, 8
do - B. 8
• Montrose, A.: Merl ilim,
dO 1. 1. N. Bawd, • 8 lir
dd F.lll. Fordlonn,
New l MilfOrd J. 'Miller
do Z. Cobh, '8
Sustea*Deivt, Jarne:; Oittwater, ' 7
do . W, W. Claik, 8
k Son,.. 7
do ; ' F. 11„ Case,B
do ' , 1). , Norton,7
do:: „Wsit. Skinner, 8
do: . F.
.11. Drake, 8
{ do' ' S smith; B.'
do °: Josi.plt Whittiker, .8
ilVigmore, • . 8 •
D. A. Benn,
- Milt;s Creegan, 8 liqu ,
Thoruppon,'• IL I'. Hathaway, 8 liquOr
Jaines lead,' 8 liquor _
And theludges bf the Court of Common Pleas of
saSd Coutiti'srillt4d a Court of Appeal at tße Court
1104.1 Q itt lit.introse„: in .and for said County,' Thurs
the ltliiildayofiliy nett, at one oeltielt I P. llf.„
at which and Pbautiutyaftbeirrrehanta defined,
demetibe4 aiv.toroasiti toribeliffilinLor
stumpy mOispswif gud appeal fit= sald'asesament
if they thinkroper. • I I
I • . • t - lei.
.Mairek 6, 1860 -
I I .
Silver Pace,
Spank - vine,
SOLDIERSt SIGH (S. - 9 ., I ;. - NO TICE.
To all whom 111. May. 'Concern. . I ni °C7 R • THATEI4 ialesl dili '
1, , , L I i...c, to big fr i ends sell etisttittiert, t
By 4 recent net of Congrc la the 'Dowdy Land law 1 mtimetfthe practice of medicine, at
has been extended to embraed almost every caw tit i Ho trove, inhere he may be &idol
ofiniiiun7 lierriee. i
__ t - i n , ' •' 1 pmgawionalle employed. He wont
All Pergontt who nary nv engnged in XirnarY ( detted to him, that he will di:dm
Service of the Unite:' States, for a period of fourteen I cens on allacemints paid before the ,
days or tipwards„ are ent i tle to one hundred ari l . (or itanY poor like myself I will duds
sixty acre!' of Lend, If that bpi not received it; and j
..mbirrmo. Feb, go 18f ,,ei . -.
if thcy hive receiveii. lesi; ainbunt they ;are entitled i r • • , .
to auffiCient to make dp 160 4 1 res. - , ' : ' HALLOO,IIIAIIAL.OO, THiS WAY.
Bevolntionary soldiers, mid lioldierit of - any and all I ry E su b scriber would elhrm i the citriena oaks*.
wars' in which theitgited Stay haie been engaged I 1 rose and the public generally that hpliall bought
since, and if , feceased, their widowit o r . minor ch_i_l•_ i the I to eury formerly .
-kept by - F. 1144 4, ;rulrrn a co.,
' dren, are entitled. .. - ni l
1 in L onaland Chandler's building on: Chestmit street,
Officers, Seamen, !Salines,. 'leeks and landsmen in I in r b borough of monrme where b e bi 4 rorregh as
the Navy, their widows . anti, , lour children, are also I
vsortrient of Groceries.and * • will kee p otnasti.. ally j on
entitle'. an d • - ' •-. ~. the 1 handi lour, V Oysters, uhlese,, Sugars, Syrnp, 11 .
Wagon masters teamsters, employed fur n, i mutkiurei. Nuts, Q ux ii es ; Toye r Oranges sad uotwoml,
'transportation of militeryiirdP are also entitled,ia! FigOrunes, Sardines, S oaps, rusev&r, Coffdie; dried
like manner .
!i 1 1 - - " ph,• *titer
lam still engaged in oittailm Bounty Land War:
w tg
~ ,rants, and am wiling to do t t o - buSineas upon the,.
inostliberal term's, and althm I t rt i e - nee , ot t et , to,
Spend my time and laborwi/il l Out charge, yet - I - w ill'
do the business at thelowest,Price that -I can do it.:
honestly and live . N , i . - - '
3 . Those having claims I beliere'will find it materially
to their advantage to call upon [Me before goimielsc
irhwr. . . ,
• After the warrants are obtallipt. if any pf , t h e te ,,,„
*entre, desire to .sell them, I sin prepared' to pay the
highest cash market pelee;
','. I air also , engaged in the prosecution .of other
ehihns against the Governinent - f the.Bnited States,
each as for Pensions,Bark N , ':Extra , Par, &c. Lc.
, .. FIIA.ICLIN FR ; SIR, Att c y at Law.'
'Montrose, May 14, 184):.5; ' 1..
:': - . - we
• iit • ' , .l2egimitei'l ' Iti
13MiLIC uotice is lierebytivkin to all persona con
. A • cerned in the thilowin If : s
g tates to wit :
Estate of JaberGatilner;iieitiiist: :1
il, late of Gibson
tOwnsiiip; Elects Gardner, sod Enos Garda or, Exec
tilbrs-- , - s - • • I - : - ; • •
. k_ 1 1 •
. : Estate of Steph'en Preed,.iitecOased, late of Brook
lin township; S. W.• Hived au ;R. F.lBreed, Exec-
Iliol4-.- " , . .'. l ;
.. . .
i: • ' i
.. .!.E.4.ltt! of Caroline G. SlileA. &yd., late of liarfooll
township ; Daniel- Oal.ley, Exto'..--F-, • -, - ..• / I
'Estate of Jiibii• M'llviiine; tiotT.,Tlatg , of Choconiit
township ; Jacob Kinible...itdin'tf— • :,.
.: ' /
'Estate of John Chamkerliii,,ilite;(l., late iifltesii Mil
foil! townbltiri; Win. :J. Turrell .6il D. D. Witmer, 1
;/ • /
Adars.— —. • 1 !/ i
[,- Thut,the accountants liare settled tbei,r aceminta in i
the Eegister's office in and fir-" 04. eintni‘ of Swipte,- 1
hohni4.and that the s;iine Dili . Till: pr i. yeitteilk to the 1
Judges of - the . Orphans' Court -Of dil•,..ounty, on
Wednesdav_the igth day . of Apilt • iii,xt. for enirtinna- 1
thi and allowance. - 3. W. CIAI'M AN, treg'r.
I•. Megister's o ff ice, Montrose. 7 11)ri•Fli.14, - 1185. •
. . PiorlntnOti v.. ,
I . Stisrintha min ermittg tyl: "' •‘ ' - h l - -
f'• i'IIOY4S MonEnraii /1 ' iii Ilie•Ci i uirt of Com-
. • VA. : / 1.• Iliollce:V.4 of laniii eouniy_
. flatixait E 1.12 i 'NtiIIF4IIPATO Nciv.:, ern'," )85 t,1 4 10.6.5,
i. l•hibiri:gob-E/i.,-, i 2 1 /tor, ,lv horeits it salipiena
~, to divorce I v a , 6snyst tb•Sprenioerleiin ; sisl. . whicli
1., wail: dilly returned non. ...s :iiie.osist, and thereupon
t ansaliasa ar
übpeetyvas U.-11 - Q in Asti . . eauae,. returnable
i to January Tciiii, 1g55, ormeilid return of arltieh,
pretif wa,.t ni:ie to tile Atti.l Con , -t,ilrtt ttie said . Ilan-, ,
t halo Elira No:Timid could not lielfoiind in my . bitli-`I
This i?iitice is ther.Aar to 'iequire vo4 to appear
, ,
bef4reAlie liiiitteii of said CnOrt, °lithe third Monday.
.of Apiil nest, to as said mniplaint, ke. •
~ / 1 r..P. tlpt,tostEtt, Sheliff: •
;/•E.lieritT's Office, n.:t.', Maiell 12, DAA. •S.
:•. i
--- -'"
. Gad Iridium+
- rix a late htw of doltgre..s nll wt diem, Tesin3tt~r~.
,I.3 l •••and their tvidotv 7 :, tninor ehitelret,Are entitled
fn 10 - aeres Homily 1. tnd. Tho . .w.who have
ed'l for 1e...4 :•than 1t aeris - ,. anti entitled to
additio n al or 12.Osieres ?.Varra;it. - Thm.e
ht-en mustered int.isert - me and paid,
rt tom aeres Lint • • , t .
.1 lam still engßounty aged in the Boty t.and *Are:Prim.
Aw , iey. ht Mont:th.,.,,antl will obtata neir - Wart-ant..
rter claimaaß 1712:13!• or 'cost on
cnAnoE OF AST KLN7). Other bases.
.tnerely fO
t r fw,!s." And all pay ;he higlie,4 market
in rash, for all ViiMat/IS, 1
tl% 1 Zit Seal/t.;%4 111/td, a n d in eaV of My abr - tee
at an'y It. Lit:amp, ELj., C•
!•• •Treitsurer,
*ill aitena to piylni,ine: , s: '
I S '
• r
med. 4
13 • .;
14 liquor..: •
I 1 liquor.
14 • *:
12 pat. tneil;
12 liquor.'
13 1
1 lq. pt. turl.4
. . , . ..
i . ,
Al:CTIOIII-k"41L • „ -!: . • .
!..- !
1'12 1 6 -1111. , Atrilter having leaned, hiss f atni ‘.•it.ttalo k ri in
Fort>,4 Lake,-1-1 mile ;from the roe 0111(.! kept . by
!tr..F.lit•firt Gyillia, will sell at iniblic abction on Thnrtt
day tint. 29111 day of March orxs.„ qe to -connoance
at ttlocli A. M.. the tbnowhii. : de.4libeti stool: Sc,
,1 Sitan splendid S
year old flare 1 1 c . t.!iry good 7
year oid Mire, 1 very good 2 rear o 4 grey Colt. 2,
:.iii•t;ttr: oldStr4. , rs, 2, 2 year old Steerii; , .l,- 1 year 'old'
li t %ifer„ /I yearliog-11rift?rs, 2 ;rt.trii:ti.t steed's, 1. Di„ig
gyl-IV:il.ion, 1, 2 lIo:-..teSlegli, I i.ingleintattb Ilarri*sw
1. riongit. 1 Stove. awl Pipe, ! 1 - - • ' Y
r e!taxei: OF,Sat.E.--1:1 Sum! , under VI, easb; all,runni
t:ii-Or.sq and under icio,. 91nontlk awl nn ;Ants over oo, 12 month.. credit. with interest at d antirnrod ar
curity.'; t • BENJAMIN- I.OOKAYNE.'
iittre,ll Ist. 1x55.
. , .
.:-.i.tioniNistnAiron% Nwricr.
T ~ ettim.4 of Aitinitlistriition of the Estate of Ramat'
L.. 0 Dope :3 ,l 3 w of -.I es„;111) tov,vit•liip cleellsed, with dui
Wiii . aiiilextui, huye tieeii gaited to die subscriber.
All4ier r ions indebted to the said estatetlare requested
to"Malil payment, and, those- haring elaims or 'de:
trittitils mrainst the estnte of,riiti decednt,:.wili make
truiwn the same without, delay . to ,"- . i
CILI.RL A AVERY, illustrator.
Montrose Feb •)8 1855. ' - r i • vws
Feb. '._ -: . __.:.,_._,.....__..}:...__:„___...._ '
. ,
. ,
A large . t ottatitite of Deluitta•--a large ollanitty of Par
anietta-78ilk, Wool and Cotton. Plahl4-, -Irindin and
Caitibrie.: Etuhroiders— Dress T,fuimirega and Buttou* .
—4largi. stock of ReadY Made Clutlting4--a large.
stock of Fallen articles--and a few MoDi t ts will' be sold'
at e.sOst. till the: ,Ist of April neat hy,tll:. subscribes'.
Fahruitil' 14. 1 1L1855. ' F. IL CitANDLE
.. •
• -•: ; . t. .t •
i i !, ERS ARE, -- ' i,
,I. -- , . , - • I •
"T FI AT: the 4anish Court has decided in:pi toaell tint
I bland of edlevlnd Joseph WittenhOg Si.l3rother
1 Itare!reeqntly decided to-open a-new store, in the
.; 1 building of L. Sourle, a few doors east o 4 Post's store,
4 oppojite 'Vilson's dwelling lonise. coitte : i: of Chestnut' s
i l and flwego streets,• they will keel . on hand a!
.• • .
oplapiltd assortment of Ready ,ilaik• Clotttirg; also in;
initlitipom,to this, a good rissmtment of Woad Cloth,'
ti Ctmlitnint, Kentnekey Jeans, &c.; in sh4rt, ft general
assceMtettt of (;entlemen's farn,ishing (4401.4.! Also,
rpi t 4 l ,li t i ; 04.,ortinetit of I.affies' Dri•ss(;oo.4A.ilks, Me-
Alpaecas. Eflibroj.itlips,,.ShuivlA, Lac.
41J, D kc., of of Which : they are de
•,-tertnined to °fib, to. the very IoW pricer.--
All to give mtisfactionj cis well in
40ality n-1n
, plc-. • • • • ,)
,• Please give us a trial le*.ilit:e pnrrhasinti
Montrosp, Jan. 20. 1854. • •
~S,usviehattior Consty, tx. • i
, ~ , • ,
‘,Va r y Ami Dririq, h r her next) Ito the Ctitrttif Com
-1 Mend' Jahn W. ilr.leitnev mon . - . id
, 7 . 7 Pit4R 0 said coun
t. ''. - 1 vs. ' ; ty, • Novemiteri Term,
l '..' • Y i dgar ['.'Darn: ' 1,554, No. t&o. t • !
'To 'esi , pti? G. Davi*: Whereas a suhrmeniinAlivo t ree
'n as hit:nett to November Term, 1g54, whi
,ii twos du.
tireturned,:nim rat ineentoa. and thereupr . m an alias
Pubtxtunt was i.sned in said Cill/OC, retUrnahlh tOdatery
erm ) , 1F55; uron the return , of which, t,iy•oof wait
made tattle said Court, that the said fligai G I Davis,
otild not be , found in my tutilitviek. .. • • , -
: _Thin notiee le, therefore, to require youlto.appear
hefore the-Judges of said Court, on the third Monday
o.:Aprii nes;t, to answer sold emnolaiot, kei ..
lsr.i. . .. F. P. iIULLISTER, Utrinr.
iMierifra Oakee, Montrose, i 4 .
' t %arch 5 7 !855. . f.,
, 1
IT 1
,e t •
i - I
Abits we arti anxious ID elOg'e our stocklof cloth
. ing .to make loom for Mir spring and :Slimmer
putibase we are Felling it at grelitly reduced' prices.
CiPt, n* lin*/ l* the time en bur ilbean. 1
4River coats:Com t 3.1,00 to tiP,OO: Dress, Fooeic and
ck coats, Wood patterns andniew styles. V P4ntsfrom
iti,„in to IMMO. Vests of every Style. Befits.' Ra-
Dli d,
ing Goods of every kind. 1 i '
Id per tent. 4.!aper than ever otrecad in MOitrOise.
__,.' ' DE LANES.
Vinod qua* and neat pattenut selling at Foist for
ettila '' A. LATIIROIi& t.U.O.
ebrtliar, li't, 1t,5. ' _ t ,
. t... ,..1 i '
Ti , , 10,000- Firkin Staves. .e. '-
W i t TED b%; the subscribers immediately, Abe
ii '
Betiding timbe.o. awl Hoop-poles—for, which two will
pay ittc'highest niarket Flee. Seasoned stav re
fittiO, ' , I. WAITE, &HE
istimays'ribb. i 4 'a} i
!1 . ;
c ~ 1
:wicker and Plums, Lierrini, sack Wit , view,. . .ceir,
Bee 4 Yankee Notions, ILIA 'other thingOixt',numer
ous Winentiou, which willhe ,sold cheap for cash or
most kinds of country produce. ca.' #nd See. A
shareitif ptildic patronage lisolicited.7B.l3.lifYlT.
idolitrose4 March?, 105.1.: , - ti,
Til e i
f IZt a l e ilt and era b Li e lciult v ytt in ler 4 1 i I r e e ciuntizereall
eels. 1 a lot of Stores, which they offer: formic as
low as they can be purchase'll elsewhere 'tithe county.
-A 450.--A lot of STOVE PIPE and plume of the
different sizes, at 1/4411ufaturera prices. r, '
W :Nr/i'..o—Old ,iron, Copper, and Braas,': in Lin
ehan , fin; Stoves of: other gout/S. • l' •
A .
ERs stuck of Winter Sitivilis just meteed and
Li. fOr side fow by SMITH iIt,IIEMPSTEAD.
1/ • WANTED, 1 ,I
5,000 litislielii or Oats,. • 1 . ,000 bush. DOted .ippl..4,
2,001 i tnis,iel4 of C43rn, I,loTbugh: Brick wheat,,
. LOW liitstili of Rye. SOO , " Ikans, t -
and aq quantity of Partridges, at the higliest ioarket
priceN ht rischange for goods'; by 1. f 1 '
If r 00klY ,N 0 P ~ '54. SMI7II & lIEM'STEA.D.
• .
• , / r •
i,, , • *URIC i TIIITO4'1C• : ; :
<< received
MELODEONS, \ mni6 just 1
il. reeriveg by . H J. LYONS &SON.
—___,.. _
1Q II FYN ,M ISIC—a new lot: for the lroicr„ Piano or
t, 1 Meloduon and Guitar—minte very beautiful piee.
les just 'pitbsihed--sold by J. LYONS & SON.
ITr — • Shawl*. ---- t " --- 7 ... ': -.
ge,ft that will be stc td re- v cht4p.
i, Cashmeres k 0 +tines at get haeadtts
t - ly of ' G'r were's jdat opened by , .
• . LS ON SON.
3 bbillings per gallon. Reruns at 4. G &
few tnn
3faatses a
s.O- every .week at A• LAP/ROA:Ceti
7y Ist • , 1. '.
er Shnwlennd D•oLecnet4.,
.oft• at weak has gains.. WI on i,•. '.,• •
•list, k I. XTIIROP,,e' CO's- ,
fiooo Dozen fitaelC*4. : .'
',V Y JanuaLy •• lst . ' : 11 • !.
---- -Griffin - ftiiiiiiiirliiitifi;:.7
fly WI ided . s-and at the. higlie.qt .ptim.s booßllt by
.‘_,Y.T:intiaryl - . ,- A. LATITROy 44 eCeo.
Fr Ult KS [!.land Salt at • 1...1111R0P ..t . CO's
I,ontrtse, Janitafy 1, 1855. . 1 • !
1 — 4 7 '-- -- - : Marvin' . ----- -' "------ --1 1 1------ :c --
Siear . -l and . nrvin'. 'Fire.Proof
-' • ',. • finleN; . • - • • 1, --;
iNIE sub' Cribers have Made artnii emen s to, fur
r ' hi' •`•- 4 who . 'c . 1 . in g ' f i t h . the ,.
above ni :latil l. Ttrit ' ll i al:leSei n f !'i ts,' 4 litth 4 i , ~, at T u° . - ri eni sifi
which they s,c! in lie Ohtained at the ii - ut - inflie;rerl..
: 11;tving cape ieoced the benefit of suclr an article',dii-
I ring the latellcofitlaprration ourselves, we tv4id ern
' e sily• memo :l 4 l d to etheriqtaying, valuable boks and
I papecs, the p,v.silrving of which trould be oflumot4 L ie them, not to deritliout one. , 1 1 ! .... ,
1 Prices range tloin $5ll to 11 :2 , 504, and we ca ll explain
to! any one . Wisfiiit,, ,, to purcliase•;, the diffviencel in
style, size,,pi,io, &e;. and furnish then; on short no
! tics, with theliuternal arrangement to, suit Ithe r4ur•
chir-er... • 'I . 1 . -. 11ENTLEY.S: li t EAli";
1• Ilontro.ze,- December 19, 1831:.1
1 _ L____•_.:__ •:•• • . 2i!!
i '• H I N'^iv coot's.' - 1:\ ,;
~ , „ ~,,.,, ..,,,
tit: are recelving this week a lot of New. , 00t l ius,s„p,rst
' purchased itOthe city, which Tenders our assortment
eoliplete, an • whitth' we offer onlthe itakst Aeoraf•ly,l
briar, at the dia• building, one door above .the Pony
°dice. • I. : - BENTLEY L REA.B.t ' I
~ , i
`Montrose, tebivary 8,. 1835. - , • • i • 1 -
• 1 x :2 . 01X Deitherl, Upper do., Calf Skins; and l'attki, 1
Kip.4-I--a neiv Supply, just receivtal and:for sale
by I,- • ••:!•', ! 1 . lIENTLEY &1ii,..AD. ; , .! ;
• • ,
A f supply pf Nikri Speions, NV - addles,. .rptveIiA
ri'lle. Subscijber, has -on liatutradymailer, cofflOs
I ;rbich tnal be tad at reasonable prices. 1'...
Also on hand' ttikpi. of Superior window Sisli, ,:
. .. t 1 - IfF.SItY.W.UINr.It. :.'.
Great 15taintljaij. I,sth 11453. 1
-- -------', - !---+----------4-----,--1-.--
. , lIELL 'IIEADV. ..
-' • -.. : f , , - ...' , )F. , OPI.E. • ~ ::
AA rooolltk F 4: g,PIiED hare Cot Istatt tly on baud
11. a lar ,, "eOund Well selected 'akottment of tin . -
ware', Reels and ,Cliain fur • itells4,,,puraps, cistern
pumps; tc., III:aulic %Mt. Japanned wareS„ •lend
pipes of ail :sizes ac., ie. Job work', done with, neat
neas and det:patbh; ' all co , tiers prontptly " attliuded , toi
'''4',,T P YES & PI 1':,.1i i 1
;lon hand, a large assortment of 'itovei
teoted and approved patterns.L, Our
business enables u..t to selecC i those.
lely warrant to give entire e
mesonst stock can be!found the I i r
itight . Star of the Weit, Eleysted!
W...; ,Clinton, 1 . - [Oven.;.
i` "i . : Culttrator,• o
i" . ; Fire 11%- 1 .• • , i
. , • • '
, I.' - , Western Queen,.
~1." Premium.
• Tr . :
kept &distant':
of the latest in
experience in t
that it . e can
Amongst our
Paragon ai
Now %Voris),
:A tiro,
Globe ,
S. woonrai
. . .
A . Fresh .Ar i ii.eol !i'' Hew Goods; tohicli - tve
I•ai 11 sell vent Cheoji'. ' •
WEe large stock of Staple and-Fancy Dry
.GG;o v i tsttich We Will sell cheap. . Call aril
examine.' ; . , 1 , -
. ; I,ezil
t y.illEnile Clothing. .• 1 .
We ore now repso;eil toelothe all according to the
latest style. .it ziaq. A LARGV. STOCK., 'MICR Wr,
WILL Siy.A.L 'TER ; ti ros!, tail and exam pun
before pu
• clutsing. Also a.large "stock of Cloths, Cassinteres, -
Jeans, f:atinett; TweedS, lt:c.4tc.—io Atet, our
in dd.% line is conipletei We invite; the attenksirof
casts reacitasslOto pur'stock. Alfkingls of produce
taken in exchangii, for gtkods at cash. priceS.
1 31tnitrose, NO•.1:::: 2 ; 1 54 -• lIAWLEY it MOTT' •
, . .
1 • H ...8
nL.TuRREtr. -
' 1
,IT_T AS: just "reettived flom New York :a full as ,c - R : t'-
Meta of A - .4'W-GpODS, comprising a .first
' to variety of .I.tat - os;-31t:PlelSii:S, CITESIICALiI,. OIL q,
Ncy floona',.w i lnelt Will (be sold extremely low fin.
c A.. flaying reticittiv sastained a loss by fire of at
hi.:4t flit.' thousid t ; dolLtrs,l above insutonce.and goodi
sired, I 'fancy I aTe strong claims - for the patronage
Of mylrionds an the public generally. I ask no man
t i
td ..rive to. me, neither do .1 ask or expect 'additional
pro r lint iri, coaselitence. of Said loss. I Will sell goods
Et/i lOW, irllol, lowH•ihan can be bought elsewhere in
this tows} or County..' AU I ask is-that patrOnage
from the Public which will enable me with.indlistry to
slowly but grad; Ily replace the loss suatained—said
loss being the ha earning:A of a life of sio%ifots toil,'
Store.aCiltelti er end of the hurped district, on
Main street, afe doors below the corns s. ;•--
'i. I ! i- ,854 ABEL TUIRELL.
er 14- 1
•ib 1
+. •
l'ltontrolie, Deo
nigh* Agaiu. I'l '
J i
. ~ . iIiOAMDER.
, .
elr'llE subsc ri ber neuld respectfully announce to his
I . custoipeis -at the; public in-general! that he Is
ar. , ,ain prep.ired fo ;the !Bent' and Shoe business.--
Htiving knit reettivief km New York-a choice lot of
Side and Upper Lesither, Calf Skins, Kip Skins. fie:,
ailloalt.tAnned. ! Aitte an assortment of ReadY•tuade.
wdrk, eon:listing ti o i rart of Men's Thick!! and Calf
-Bnots, Boyti Boots, tildrett's Strap Bonts;!, Women's
Enameled Union' Oots„ Polksa , Kid Buskins, Silk
r i
tatiting,FoiGaite ~ fjoNt Lace Boots, Enameled Peg.
?god Boots , Misses 'lid Lace Boots, Childreres Roan
Boots, ite. &c.--w iCh will be sold fore cheaper
tbno can be, biangli elsenbe ! ve in this et; • Re-
I pairing done neatly 1 ! 1 . • : ._
I'lcase call and hmine: More first - doer east of
Fellows Una i I .
• Business !tours 1100." the tune to work" inittil the
• time for "refit " and r'refrOinnent."!! Grateful for past
favors be hepes - by !strict attention' to business to
merit a continuance l ltditiut Seize. -
I K. ' Being SO ortha iti;orant of the "one thing
Deedfill.“ (lneneY,) Vnnitid saggeiti, in the mildeat
manner possible th ptop tfctt of thol v_t te indebted call
ing andee_ttling Ott epic inunediatiolint
Dee.v.larmitos•s.' -
; ; 'l• 1 . ... .._—_—. . .
_I ..1—"1.:...,,,i-Amirairridl6'..:2l4llllMMlllllMM
a.ALL ` ~
A.lrute tanutriment )or new goods. just received at
the Farmer's Store. /CA' and see for younkiveli.--
Coviyon. nothing to? look And but little to buy.'
• • / •••• • TILA.YRS4 CO.
Montrone; 11:areh 14,184 - •
Ei.issued Ott of the
ofSinetnehanna county
pose to public aide at the
Saturday the thirteenth
clock in the afternoon— , 1 , .
iicel of land situate and he- .. m
ai, Susquehanna County,
ifollowe, to wit ; On theA
;track/manner, on- the . east ,
'. ,
tnil - bY the publiehighway, ', ito:Age.,,
J Rittenhury,-and on 1 , 0111Ver Siesiives. . •- t
Iniiied by E N. Seeley; con- = Tea; T s ai e,
_Dessert, Sugar, Salt, be., warriuded iiiirittl,
_ . .
or ,
Mining 109 acres; more less, together with the ap- 1 1 - for side y • . BEN'TLEY ‘ itt.READ. !
riortimai peen . one framed house. onccoivi house, One • • j gig o t % Ra id. ishoeiC ----- 7 -1- 7- 7- 1
log stable; and about 80 - icies huproved, late the es- i,An unus ally good assortment of, the hest -mike. alll
tate or 1 1 1 14 Bffillmkbeiork4 •1 1 - _' il fresh tin fieriert f ur sale by BE:s.i'PLEY•it READ: . i
Taken in CXOCII4IOII At the attit of AzotLathrep tre. - 4
~ , ,
Deittie — fiittalTedirliz —"-----'
ea. t
Philip Swackluitruner. - = • ; - •,,, • . .
; • - 1 A fresh 8 oek genuine: Dregs and Wir - Pal t'
AL.4O--It the mane tinii and place, all that cer- 1 u •• I , ' - leinM en t
4 Paints ; OW, Dye-steffit kr for sale fir i
Min three - story wood building with *b ri ck frontiveie- . i7 n „, ,„ 0 , EN:- n 4 n.iy "
& READ.- t. l
remit, situate , in : - Loderatille, Great Bend toinahip, l ."` '. !" ••! -
in said County, and the Lot and piece of ground and-1
lentt ries Tillman, Iffit,frbe . i'.''. -
cartilage appurtenant thereto, and on which said
building Is constructed, bounded - on the north-eut by H-Ag're,wored hi s stichi) rrolo its
.- - oru)or roowtiOn Is -
the Newburgh turnpike nran t nnitke aura an d sout h. '. the - easement of Searle's Irate), to t' . e teem. la ..
east by lands rornierly owned by C. J. Hart, - on the 1 the same builißug, in the rear of the bur- , 00m, wherii i;
[ south by groends owned Sag occupied by the New i his cuatenters will be waited upOn by that exilefsitii
1 York 4 Erie Rail-Road Co., and on the west and north- i srtitti Prorwoor Charles Mort,ist or, by binmeb; nr , 4 1
west by lands of Lowrie Green, said building occupy reasonable ; hours, A_
.- , • • , 1
in g and coveting all the lot, being some fifty feet in mind that ;this is tbe - only-Autyisit 'i
fronton add - Rail-Road grounds, and some - 206 of xi the think is done scientifically.: •..I
more feet rear to said Turnpike road. ' . doer 10. 1854. ,' -• '
Taken in execution at' the suit of Elmer W.Btir
ham vs. Addison Br ant, 1 ; . .
ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Fieri Ftleitti, Wiled
and directed es above, I . will expose to public sale at
. the saute time-and place, all that certain piece or par- i
eel of land situatein the township of Ilarford, in.said ,
county, bounded and described as follows, to wit; On 1
the north ,by lands of Collins Peek, on the east by
lands of E. C. it .T. C. Harding, on'the month by _ ---
Allen and A. M. Harding, and west by Elias; Harding,
containing 9n acres more or less ,
with the ippurte
i s
mineemal impt ovements, lifftunell house and barn
I and uhout 51) items improved. :
1 Taken in execution ar thr suit of Zrrab Verity vs.
Wheaton C. Ba rn ey. .F. P. 1101.1.ISTER, Sh'lll
Sheriff's office s Nontrose, Barebtfl, 1955.-
1 wouM take 'this tnetho.lto espre.ks-tny,- sense of
pride itud sincere vratitude to 'the taige majority of
Merchants and dealers in gotshahl Sits q. Co.; wbo hare'
kindly patronised me in New York{ At 4 well as to the
many others, in the different Sections of the country.
and would most respectfully tisk a cOntitioance of their.
fti - rom, as 'well as those.who hare not as yet found it
convenient to call , and become euitomors at- 21$
Pesti St. .(Sett bulginess cant.)
‘; • - '
Very Respectfully, M. C. TYLER. •
P 110 C LA:3I4 TIMM. - •
AV.HZE-tekrt2)dr.'el;tici-h4l--,..„ren anew
l) li h e t t a?tl i e f
lowest prifts, and whereas - I Amin get want of estsb; ,
Woolen Yarn, Corti, Oats ' Butter, Eggs, Wood.(fonr
feet long,) or anything clsQ tol keep a poor_man, frOM
starving, I am bound o tu gouda at a very low
figure for any of the aboVe article's. Just call and
take„a luck; That's all! S. A. LYONS.,
Lanesboro. January l, •
I3ROCIIE and Scoteb Plaid Shatrls, French /Jeri.
nag, Paratnettatt, Ice., at.
Lanesboro, Jantutty l, 18.551 S. A. LYONS.
Ivs. Iva" sox . , & SOIL
VAT be found in S. S.-Mtilford's old store, -East
Vl_ side of Public Avenue. • .
Montiose, tic - lye:Aber: 15, 1554. •
• .
snhscriher is carrying on the (.'ILIA: MAK
1 /KG BUSINESS in all its rarions'branches at
the Chair and Ware. Shop in Tlarford, where-may be
found a greater. variety of Windsor and lipcking.
-Chairs than at at - other establitdiment in the county;
also Flag and Cum: t..=, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Loan
es, Settees, Tahleg, Stands; &c:)&t.., all of 'Which will
be :mid at the 10we.4: prices at retail, (or icholesile,
with short notice.) All work warranted ivell made
and of good material. Short crtidits and small profita
will he my motto. , For demonstration of the "'hove
facts, pleas call at my shopin Ifarford
• ELarford, October 12, 1854. j 1540m6
Tim soseribv . ..3..ofi'er for Ole on the twist liberal
and eaay,tertnS,One orate be4tdoeated farms' fer making,
money: M\Northern Penruiylvaniai. . The saw tarn) is
situated otethe NeWbtirg and OWego Turititike, two
miles east of Mount Pleasant village, and tivelve from
rthe N. ';',V. tE. R.; also . a.ery conveniently, situated
"to Churches, S.ehools, r . OriSt-thill, Saw•milts, Black-
'!. smith shops &c., It, Contains one diundril and sixty.
one • aerex, one hu4red oI it under a good state • or,
cultivation, s well waterZ4 and good IndldiugA cont.:lst,
ing of a rood framed .hMise, well finisnednft,d very
conveniently arranged.. Also two good bar: s and a
goOd barn shed well ealeulaiell for convenie ce. two
large orehards,„yieldingTrom .i'oP to Int*. bu.. els an
nually, ntostlAgratted fruit of the„,be4 'qaali v. The
farm is Well a . daptedt4'..), grazing flifileient to keep a
large stock. For ptiee. and term.NS\,apply 4 B. F.
EATON, or to ALFRED LAKE, on tilt s , premise.,
,- i Llarfool. - Dec. 13 likA4l ,
ii .) i .„.........._.-.-- ---,--.- •
ey and Plain De Laites, Paramettea;firoehe, Square
and Long Shawls, all of new and best styles,-and will
be - sold at 25 per cent. than last 'year's prices.—
Also a new assortment of Riell Ribbons and Bonnets;
Wide, Sill: relvets for
,Cloaks and Mantillas, Rich
Silk and Velvet „Orem Trimming*, ..ifoliair
Dievers,- Rignkts kc. ke, with a general assOrtment•
of other. STAPLZ and Fascir Goons, as wind, which
having bOught wider the present pressure of the cash
markei, will be sold at corresponding and reduced
. .
e. prices. •
• New Milford, November 27,1754.
• -• •Iltrevilr -- •
A great variety and •beantifnl sty**, and abrfost 'as
;cheap as could - be dezired. \ 111:1111(iWS &Co.
- Gila , on, October 12, Iss
• •Blnii , ,k Silk. •
• -
A good gotlity for=dresSes at 81 cents per yard.
Oetpber 12, 1854. . G. BURROWS *CO:
511113V114 •.
• tong and square, wail ; ;broclie, and silk, very hand 7
some styles and at'extreinely low prices.
t •
October 12, 1.854. IT. Bututo irs & 61.
13r9che Shawl!
- Cheaper than ever before known beautiful. patterns
gnd tine quality pr 8-4 Ilteche Shawls. &amen's
nfacture, at V. t. BURROWS & CO..
ni l )4lti s OCtObi h r 11, 1$5 : 1, • •
Bay Male
, the LAWITSr. SIZZ, FINEST Qh:Aurr, and _
87,50 - each. V. BURROWS & CO.
Gibson. October /1,'18,54.
Igore and More New GOOdu.
11. NIIRRITT 11 now receiving new:and full.
Z. •
,supplies of. Goads or the Wlnter 7rizdf,
eluding a new and elegant aAkottnent of Freticlille
rinoes,-Aferisio and Cashinere Plaids; Plaid; Asa-
DOUGIIT atAltejow_est price*, and
cortlingly: . U.' BURROWS & CO: .
Gibstin, October 11, 1854. • ,
Cloths Cassimeroiand ireottings;
A large assortment and at_prices lower than we hay.
ever been enabled to otter them heretofore.
fiibsott,'Oct..ll, 1854.
Carpets, ' •
"A good as orttuent and ftandrawne• patterns, at very
low prices. ' U. BURROWS & CO.
;, Gibson, Octobei 12,1451. •
Bliftalo ;lobes, •
A' large lot of handsome nobles, a part of them whole,
liidisn dressed - and very superior color and ituality:
Octoher 13..1854.- U. BURRO WS & CO.
Popular Patent St ditine Agency.
DEL TOIRELL has just received- a new Pupply
ill, of all the-popular NrswrilliDlClNxkof the,day.
including Dr. Jayne's celebrated Mcdicines, Trask's
Magnetic OintMent, Tanner's German Ointment, My
erk Extract Itock Dose, Forest Wine, &c. Lc.; Pills
of i‘all sorts, all direct from the proprietors. Also,
Bunting MIA Cconp/icne, &c., cheap nalhe cheap.
est. I , !! - A. TURRELL
Montrose, DeceMber 6, 1854. ' •
I AI Chance to Make Xloncri
TRE suisscriber 'is &sari* cif haring an agents iti
• each minty atul to*n of thetraion. capital
of fenerss to *lO - only will be required, aid anything
like an efficien!, energetic. inan can-make tam three .
40:04,444 1 1010 Pot 4ay.:-Andeed, softie of the Omits
now employed 4re,,realizipgprice that aunt, tree,
information still be 01ren braddrve•ing (tiestpalip
• . '•. -W3f. A. NINSLER,
; • • -.lttic 601, Phihurelphia, Post; ogee,
Axes •
C(LEAP' at our Stare. 'J. LYONS 1r - SOW.
fitaaarase k mar. f,
WATilttinieeie ' E . 3n A . eiiffs m ruoc 041Nre
8 Et M. - Is)
, .
ES!! lot of Shakers', Rochester, and Voitstee
ut Garden Seeds just 'opened and for sate.. by
20. LTONS..
A 4
~. . .
Timothy and Cloverl3eekl, nt ' • '.'
Y u R
1 and Ryer-Psi:tent Lever, Archer and tit.
, i'i Watches, just receivell ard for sale l - .
-'BENTLEY a REA - % -
M pit
Jewelry, ; Jewelry.
OD aasortiaent of Jevielry,'.cimpistinroftsr
10, Ear Diopi, Breast Pins; 'Fii , rt.- . irriOq
ju.streceiced at BENTLEY- & READY':.
pie. of Svisquehasiisiii .-
. .
'G tme.,of the greatest sufferers by the re ce nt
destructive fire .in Montrose, 'bating • lost nrY'.
storc-house. and nearly ill of-my goods,
.I. have- no,— -
wever given over to despair, but Aare Miceli - s;
p •
Store room •m - the lower pan of die town, first claw -,
north of Keeler's Hotel, into Which I bate ph:CM th;k'.'
small stoe
1 :4,
artvri from the firs ; and will in the courii,
of a very horttime'fill up the store' with i
ati entr o . 4 ,
'new stock goods. In my present new locairon, . .. l
will be hit my to
- see and wait on, me old customers'
and thript blic 'generally who will' favor me Witli It':
i l‘
cam Iha ia resolved to an , re-r oie , ' , ,:n /AP ship."- -- . ,
I am
..dete mined to keep - a .DRI.7O..BTqfP, - , / red. to
keep a l'assertntent of . Propi, Jfedietv ..,x, Pahtts,
-Oils, Dye ETA', Grocer/4..5, Oloalfreori:,.liirrir;, , ,,P.T. -.
'..finner„ I' shire irotlonr' and all "sri , ts of Forocir
; Goods, &c. &c.,•,.such as. I 'kept before the fire, whisk'
devour; d t ejearnings - of a• ife tirni. in au boar; : ' .
• Mont NOT. 23, 1854_ ,ABEL TrungtL.
N. 13
Will every man indebted to - me,.plewto
. reManber me in thist my time of.neett,
o me the tine immediatelv.
"23; 18/54. = ; ABEL TURRELL...
by sending
• Novembei
. .
RlP;*llrlrA.ll, -
SiTOrtDAßD,'Fince the*, trtil
iti the -BASEMENT PIr:.S.I::AR-Le7e. ,
'etit - ithotanding ',the " strpfeetder.ii4 ... tt.;-
_ _
11 hc• fou
pidity wittvistott Otte' stock' 4f - rooto - , kt„
”wenfoff'?. n 0 . 6 morning of the firi , -; atill-hays•
tiottie ou ka.4l, ahtl_sia.lll form, fk?
1 . KEELER 4.. 5irqDDA.RD.;,".....,.,
Novietither i l3. -
Metttmil , .
- -
1 .
snbscriben; being sc'ere sulTerers.f-om the:
T l4te • tii:;astt OA Fire; haye 'removed
little remains of itheir stock,. to the 'new buibling
the Avenue, oppOsiie W. 3. & S. IL MOTO:Ws store..
where they will he happy to see all theirlieilds and',
;customers, and hOpe in the course of sine. ten der,. -
to he able to gleet them with entirely .117EIV
47(1C'E'PF:G6ipliit. •" 7
e tKtgt ilia! some of our customers who . hiirc
been, long in-debt, wilt remember that this is It.tiuti
Of SPECIAL SEED - wllll Eft, ILlthdrois. they , 1:411.11(1 Le
,done by: • .STLEY lL RE AU. :
Montmse,Arreruhe'r 14.• 1854.
rrELE co
Mind and
trici•Ahip • lumetofore known under tile
fili - p of Newell; Brothers, in ,the sa_44,
tiusitreas, this v day byiumtial 63E-,
Tein disii6lre(r;
11.3 11, '54. H. .K. NEWELL.- - •
, r 'would tes-peetfully call the attentioa
ah . to pnrehase anything in of
Labeib , _
the sub
of those wi
• Atso,
exchange.' Tel
• Lantshoro. J
,'Shutters: and Blinds,.
areof yarions,kind9;_ • :
.tind ScerctntieF,
Stoils: Chairs .and
fro4uceind Lrautxr tak,ez isr
relidr pay.- •
't):'l3. -GILTIERT ."'S lull.: •
Tlll. - ; ' , RAO W NOTTIII, - ?CC ",
ITAYE KIC "ED UP „A TERRIIII,KI;, - Sit'd !-..---•
IL 'DO, vcr ' fortuilatelv - the earth is rot. Iltairrn
. --:.
its orbit, a ti the snn shines on to liefirfe; en - a-.•
fling the " Piep re ]lan." to.iro:1; at iiiittude o' light
and shade in his.usual sittit , thetOrr manner. ~ ~
.Ills Neir Stnc -, just purebaset coinprWs , .everi- . 1.
thin . ;.t. neat aOll esirable in - t c ''.Da t queryvulitre line , •
did he. asks that rot; will not fo•get to call. ;
lie has al o 'me recently published - 11 - nohs..*hiek
will be sure topl Qe those wlxi - ; wi51i . ; , 4611 vcaflint, -
. • ; ' •. - ' - --,
W. B. DEANS. • ..
Odd tcilowsi all, ',lllontrosf_. Pa.: - - .:•. - ,
WO tar 4(1 I $` for 25E4 .110)
torah Iraqi intixt , " eo el,terhArP:
E gr fir. Th D:1
ernts.-1 'ph
John G
AS nature, n•ho
an extra coat for
vision for man, - I
self - ito attend to
thitdc:proper to t
petti, that need
1'4446'41de or ui
811 IPPPc ;: ttand thei
tuy alton"ip Montt
veal A d venitseitni.ut*
rrnishea the birds and - Imasis
winter, his not Made a Fttilar pro 7v
re concluded to Mire . it
.at department,: • and t tiMrefore
nource that, all slaivelirg, male
revr apparel, gloiimi4" or ire° , ions,:
d'ashiontiiile, can hare their wants •
tastes suited ,bj - ealliig .on me at
lEW GOODS.. ~- '-. .... ... , .....
MtYStROSE_IIEPOT,i, flits just r e .
• w supply:. of Sluing thirt Summer
e sold' very low far t... 31.1 or farm
. . ,
1.0 , LEE; . /
..., A 1
• Ceivtd a n
Q POUNDS g , !
I o,lar it • . I
irtA, Coffee, M
1 of. all kinds,
IaF.R, PIA, Rice; and G7.:ivericai
cry.' J: C. LEE'S.
1 •
- 111ranted\;. ' • - ." ... - '
Eggs ati 12 ect,fr. - Ter .Iflier!, in
; ... sat - J, C.,;LEE'S Stole.
A- NT quantity o
..Cl. exchange for _
, . - --- -- 7
,: - I .• , ' ' iil SO L e ' , .\ ?, : : • •
:N.Y . quantitY.or Rutter at 16. emit* per,roued, la
/IL eSchara. foralai at J. C LEE";X*,Stora,
r ROSE wi;hinn ,. o ptr chase - for - cash, ip.i.s.-... 7 •
. t ,...
1 change for hart t r; will find ir to.thei-ii,tero*t to.-
till! tind • evniitie m . stock of aped*. •,,iiJi pricea lilt • .
thetosetres;; ; For bit ter of all kind* the I , 4vhostpili.
,es may at all times-b railed on - at J. 0./..illECSStOttc: : -.
Montrose Depot. . - • • '-.,-, : . .:-' .. --,'• , •
: ' - DOFII
T.. - FRIORTFITED- - ',. i - -:--
.- The - -Firitilites Sloie. Jll6-built. :,- .
A7..wwito - si - F t pp oar friends and eur.tomeia , ther,..
VV. , , we have:withstood- the derotnirgelement that •
columned ..our . S:o"c With Most ef:.,enr: Gootki - ;:snd
ereeted a conrenient lianty,.where )we,f , hall,h;lieli r ,
pp' to see our,old mist molt aS Wel) as viiie., _lT'e are
going ho sell geed:4'l.l ei than rier, - -:ar, fl.'w'e thii,k" ten ,
percent. less than'y can hue el-7enht:te in S6.que
- Lana co. -. Call acids .; !VARREN-k.,T11 ATER.
, _ ..
.. • '.' OUR 8 OK OF STOVES. , . : ._ . .
vt9 IV CONTI ! '77E--and wo would take this :
- 1 -
• opportunity to ea that' we Catitihow the '-wear
wear .
beaailotand splendid patterns ofPai-inrand teokhrg;
Stoves,to he. found in im county. au onk awn, Cad..
be'see 'the 'Retnlvili Flent.;.:n•mi tfotl . ,ie Pmlor. f9T'' -
i wood or roal:entirelr ew and deeidedly inetty sieves., .
(Trice*fiamfie .115. t? dollars, Of !f.'f7.ekirglftorea.„
we think it uetnilerwi. t say much; ot4 ttirennik; trial
we are i,elling,thetri 'at lour tuaerr priees, andintlgingy.
limn the rapidity of Ani_r sales, we. believe : : the
.are entirely satisfied al . th. our p,riet's at:-.I itit,-.. q ualiq,
.44 ,otir wares: 'We h tie z, a few rn4re. tele' tut. 40:,.
"Clinton , Air=tight Ele -ate d then - St6ve", !aeFrnitil.' . .
edged to ha the-.beauct king store co* iu ttSk . ibts
"Ilia. and - F.1404i Stoy'e 'iptit ; at olikpliee*, and - : Wm . .. - .
min g* and Tin ware of all deoriptio . r*- ot t be.vetT.
lowest rates. ' - :, . . : c . ,T,-DickEitm .14,4=,.., - .
.--Now Iti4brd;43o4•4e 2.11;-1854 - .: :' . ' '', ' : . •-•
,11 7 0111,. 7
rr 114 tAilancril*i will net nnkgent fur, burin};
in Reiittititte=f;'ntnna, lloiise spit
cattnl In Snsiliteliniina'6ntiel", Pa.AIT
offer their prepertrilir Rao canfiive n i a innre
tioi 4)f their-Fart:in 1 0t.4 -as fellow a:: Nu .*t - ,14 1- '
Rep"; bow, flunky inipmyed; - " - ate AN-- ,
ingsvorthAittsgrnft , d or • comilieM rot*,
tr*4 ; - and *tile near - ost reitit to Ow
"." '
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3!enttese, August 15, 1854, ~,4. ,
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