Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, April 05, 1855, Image 2

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    talrtfie - ititiir
ern SenatorA2tO the fact that large grants of
1: - .,nd have been made VI them for the purpose
vf.aiding in making railroads, &e.
,the - debate c lose. this 1411,..Mr.
President—for it opens the Wire question ilf
our revenue policy—l may - 'have, something
more tilk . stiv when shall have time to
range my thoughts and review the,six.!ech of
My friend from Tennessee. I will eertainly'
have sevend amendnients to prOpose;
feel bound by a stern sense of. duty to per
sist in my.opposition to tlfe last.
T.lsur,day - ; April 5, 11135.
We.are glad to. learn that the '!'ir.'ends of
Freedom in different parts-of Pennsylvania
are a*akening to the importance of speedily,
effecting -the organization of a RepUblican par
ty throughout the State.
The success.Of the Republic:ems in other
States, : wherever they have organized, .1 ha;
been ni0 , ..1-retnarkahle, and denioin,trates the
deterM inati , i;filte people to effect a refortn-'
ation the .pOlitiesT of the country: The
right feeling ,and the right,, principles exiA
among the people of Pennsylvania; and there
is little doubt that the friends of Freedom; if
firmly united and acting inconcert, can hereaf
control the State. But *bile they remain
in their present. imorganizoci condition, like
sheep tVithOnt it shepherd, they will eoutinue
liable to'hecome the prey of, corrupt-. politi
cians, n has ',.litkretofore ci oti en hvfallen
them. The people' . .nius.t take the control of
State affairs into their own hitiala, more di
rectly than they have Alone, if*: they ever ex
pect, to see the goverviitertt - either of the State.
orNation properliadmtni%terotl. It k .fiylly
to-sit still andwomplain that tradini ,
clans rule the State. The 'lwo* itave. the
j,power ntalie it Otherwise, unless our boast
ad right_ of self-gov rnment is an empty
Mockery. Anil the present indicatfoas "are
• tlitief that. pow : Will be exerei;ed by the great
mass of - ,Northqn freemen. They have re
mained quiet, sulunittirk%without Mach -op.
position .to the dictation of party "Itiaders., till,
certain interest.;, powerful nut sc: n.itelt by
reason of their numerical strength; arts of their
perfect organization a nd utiltyof ac tio n , have
acquired a dangerous preys - mderanee. in the
.government of :the. country. . It. is not. the
number Or real strength of t*--e - slave.holders
::..that has fiCr half a century given thcM the
1. • control' of the. Cabinets and Cxingrmses and
Supremo Courts 'of the nation ; it is the bold
ness op their :deniands and t fie - unity - cif their
ic.:l9n, together ',with the tarty connivance
. (if kNorthein doughfaces, and the guilty
•pineness the
,Northern•people. It is lint
the number of the Pope's minions in :this
country that 1114'es fhent Alangerptis t(:) our
free liistitittions, ; much as, theiy: : perfect or
ganikation, the +:lOilrine:.4 they hteuleate eon-
eerning ivernment and thlneati4m,
and the ii:fluenee the hire been 'Oertnitted.
to wield in - elevating men of. their . owq
go:i to uffieo, Tlicse two organizat ions,•which
may be desig,flated-as.thei
Slavery- inter 64 and the Jesuit ititerest„liOw
form the thicf `strCritili of :what is ~ e.114.i
' 11(41.1 bang -opposed t o
the true genius - Of. our : Retitiblieart . institu
tions, they . are nratually found acting. in -con
cert, and their united strength has enabled
them I(i:carry out measures the, most reptig-.
scant to the great b..:dy of enlightened
ern freemen.'
• The people hate at last been aroug4.l3fr.9rn
their inaeti',n. and , the g OlectiotlN since the fdis-.
sn,ge of the Nehrka'eilol.4ve demonstra
i tid that there is a.:-,Free North, Now, let
the men 'who-have triumphed eo gkoiousli,
1 organize in every Free State, on the ground
.'l of ". opposition to every speeica of rlelSpOtisth
over the minds and bodies of men," and they
const itue .a party that will be invincible.
In the nioveMent.for effecting such an organ,
;ization. • for Ptlmsylvania, 'Susquehanna Co.
not Lc back ward: • When the Free-Soil
men thi; connty . :tO.4: the initiat i Vein fintn:
: ding the Republican partyhere,"it ,was done
from a conviction that such a party' must
Boon be funned throughout the North, and
.trubsequent events Wave on!y served ti).
.istrencrthen that .cotiVietion. The orcraniza ,
Lion has met the warm approval of ate Firee
§o.eil men here; and r can to-day r a o n alarg . ,e
Majority of the votes of this cOnuty. Let
the Republican part
,of Pennsylvania be 4.,v
tanized,.and that right'speedily. :=°: • .
i The. Carbondale .Trictpry r
74 Carbondale Transcript, in comment.
it on a telegraphiedespatch to the N. Y.
Trilunc, announcing the recent anti-Know
lictfiry in Carbondale, sets the posi
tion of the respeetive parties and eandiaites
right, before pitalie.. The. Transcript say s the
whole a;+ti Rni.R. \ tdhitrtr ticket , :with but I
-one`or - -tWo exceptions, are prii-shrerry ve•
sates, labored . with might. and I
i t a ' ar t, I 'W right in his vote sr• the
• .-
•NiebrasAca fsmindle ; • heSides they are opposed
vi.the.Maine Liw, and all sanitari tneaNurs
fothe intemperance. 013 the
cintrary, tlie_tnen on the defeated ticket are
in:fmorl4:4f free Territory for -free men, an&
the. Maine :Law. The candidate supported
the*Aiponelmg fur Mayor is an • anti..Ne
bras'kaFtee,Suiier, ‘ll,igher Law'
t -
wan, Maine Law man, andarnentber of n o
,organization, 'Kuots.Nothing'"or nth,
er.f :
A'eorropondent-of the Se.ranton' Herald - ,
isrithip:: from Carbondale,. :fay!. that of the
C9itiTs.ii GAttlcil reeenily eteett4 inthat.riiy,
ibere are but tiro .
or ihri , A , who an and it is ab , o said
there is brie tht . Setoet, Coutait
cat aot. r.' his name. Truli,Ahis a
Ticiorii to Cr ow over ! . • - • •
1 - --t""i" We . are infurii . ted tbat the tastes to
I , I be ievi r
ed in tire 1t0r0413 of liioutrosse for the
i ll ~,yat.' 1855 ,:will:ikt9o u . ift to ,sii;ul.4 2 1-2 per
coati 44) the vq.luatif.4l.: ~.. ',
... --.. . •
eir.The : New Sunday , Ligapr Lax was
most Ari*ently rpronvid th Phibarlphia, last
--Sut4ifiv Apt ii Ist single_ diittking • shop
•! - ;ktmoaraer' - It Wad.-. . -
- .
, ,
To show Ithe•trvpination;t or rather the des
• 1 , • i •
perationi that has hati.Come upon the Nerast:in
ka:Doer!) sinceitlib utter route •of their
oreett:thronghnut We
intragriiph from the Ilarrisburg
Demo_ ratic' (Taint!, apapu which7las long
been distinnitished fitr.servility the!slare:.:
•• )
ry intereSt,'and for its ins
: tong
i taunts and
bitter denuliciatitnis t e Abolitionists,'
der which bead it has a ways heretofore .in
eluded G. Sewand; himself,. and men of
Free-Soil' sentitnents!lin enil - 41. -7 To see this
unscrupulous ativot** of Slavery and Rum
come out 'now ht fav)r, of el man 'Possessing
so many goad )3ualities and' right principles
its. Gov. Seward doei, for the next Preside!)=
is certainly Checring,as anindie:ition that
the •reigii Uf slavery :4 over; fur.. when the
corrupt Political trimmer 'discovers which
way the tide of 'publio opinion is..setting, he is
sure to steer his cout4e aceerdingly and this
Prophecy Of 'the Union sheWS that even it has
- discovered at last •that it eati no longer make
,capital by denouncingtts once despised and
insulted foes, the FrEi;Soiters.
We. welcome thetlitiotic;te the Preca lii
m ,
idi's, thongh we that the time and Cameron, or eoneentratit there votes upon any-...
circumstances of its . 4niverSiOn are a. -little one candidate; Ice spoke of them as the 'rag.
1 i d.tmli-: il , ..—ai alit •of fniud-as•fal
:auspi44ous.: .Ih:re ia, the ' Prophecy '---4-on- I la g - , nn ,P: .. t. 'g., p' '- t
ti)tuereatOi . ,,ii not itvglioent of the.obliptio
:der if tile initnacitlate Simon m l as aroUnd When. e% 1
of their oatfri . and stit ' 4 ; dittorgatfizing' in ther
it - was Written 1' • " .'' : , ~
- il. 1 - • , course. Ills 4icitell Wei rigorores. heartily-. do s -
,: We some days ago referred to the probable result 1 livera. and isuch relished thr its decided cha
of the coming election hi Virginia, 'and thee:twin:dim I 'a. ter , even ] b man y: of . yth,,, e t o w h om it a l •
we their Caine to is strengthened by recent dcrelori
menta, itcannot be disguised that ttietvople of Va-• ' hided -
.. in motto tunsmtPliinontary terms.. Va
ginia are running pelt melt
-into Know-Nothingistn, avid 1 rions replied, but a sketch of th
the only reason we can assign for Inch a course is - the debate is scati•ely• tniceSsary. It is not prob..
hope of Wiling Free-Soiliian stone • dead' Vitgittia able that dal 'remain inn will be adopted, - mi
will go. gool-Nothing beyond all doubt,, and this h would int o ttive" an'; session, and •imq
result will; produce itnew feature in party polities.
The, Presidential-Contest will theft be Free-Soilismatid ',week pri/ sr tiqbegeneral elect ion,When the pen
Democrai v , l.sus Pro-Slaiery Know-No:ltingient attd plc would eleet representatives in view of this
religious tlerseetttiim. lit l u nch a contest, we should tfaction. The men Willing thus to incur the
not be surptised to see .111-Istwattn, the most p:otni- etnense of •ii called -session; and the odium
neat man In the Union, as a candidate for the Presi- •' '
1 •tly attachUhle to the efliirt to !KIVA !hi"
dency, and tfousands of
; l i iii best nten in the nation ,!''', .- ' • - • • , •
standing on he•saute pia OM with hint.. - - subject from tbel.)eoide's hands, to -whom I •
. . has liven refeCred, will not - be likely to retviv
' l 7-----
'tar -4 SO universa l has been the. practiee Of l much erns iuragemetit ! in their future aspiril
the Conitnissitmers to..appont for cmlleetor t tions. ThelinOventent is Selfish and ill•advisi
the . tierson whoin theliigople Chose for Con. - ed— it the di.4ermination it exhibits
stable, •;that in runnitig fin - that office it h:%. - that Mr. Cani:C.iini will not sillunit to am - del
been COnsidere4 ii- yir thallyl electing the Col- nial of lito dennuids . , aria ill-advised in the itni
lettor."!--L•lifonorose . ~. brii oc
tt•dt.. - -- ' n i ot i tts t v w ioi which he I,ersisis in attemptin,..ll
. tn.
.., A fey atriong• the thinly - thitateents 'of to sacrifice.ev . ry other interest to the grittiti. l
the Denteerat we Set' . ;l i t to
,correct. The cation of hi - : hntbititin; • ;
. • I
athe - ' Prfor ti: thn ofrerittg Of the - amendment m i l
bove is, (ilt., of their.. ' 13v referenee to
• . . ferret! to, the noise 'Stittit tact) as the des} - o
Record, of the Comity rwe final that in the I final lui.iutinaii•tir the `:Atli 'of April, instead
year 18 . 54 aloize,(nb t •r pi•rm.ii,,illuni the Con• of the 17th oflApril,- its inSerted, by the Sen-1
stables elect :were. appointed Collectors in at ate, The yeas and nays. on. agreeing to ad-'
least it dozen Tilwaships,ito w•t : , --Ittv•h, John 4 .4th rOvittio - were ls Wows
jotirn on t he,. I, . • , • i •
, . lt will be, nit-erved,' the nays are chiefly of
Graham elected .Constable arid ,N. D. Snyder those whit !MVO - distinguished, themsely.s by
app4 /lilted Collector ; S4ver Lake-, Mark Sut- the closest ail.llerence to Mr. Cameron's inter
-ton elect(43 Constable and Michael Meehan aP• ests. : With I 11;:st.. meittlicrs, not even a day,
. .
pointed . Colli - ;etor; Middletown, Micliael NV4." • proptsr i4l- Ile filial; : omit their fit6lrite
Keogh elected Con Stable and Ebel/vier Pot- I was eleeteil U.i 'S.. Surat/ Ir.-. I attmcz the, rote,
' • t• • i • - i Phi imiel Olin tiS iin italiri.
"ter appointed ColleVtar ' Susquvhanna, Ch('. . - .y is. _ : m es , ‘ ;, l7 . c . A eer '-
v . , . Boa win, Ban, Borg.
acaiwnter elected Constable s and Levi S. Cld'• 11 C 't • te 0 ix - 1' CI
stresier, ii we , ar ts. , • 1:1111 r in, , 0 -
rage . JINN iin ted Co'peettr ; litery
Fr: - .' nklin, 'James , ver, Crawf,n4.eresso el l. Dtin,g EA' linger
Wilts/tn. 2d eleete4 Constable n. lanies Fg:arott. Fonsi 7 , -Frei.. ; Fry, - Guy,..
Ilerr.'llisig•zoi4- Holcomb; liiibbs.„ Johnson,
Leighthii appointed .- tor; - Great Betid,
. ~
;• • . Kirkpatrick. Icrepps, Lane, Lathrop, Lea.4,-
N Y "" Smith d c?t - ,.. " 1 . r ,, Ct , " . Ittll t ile and \‘'ill • •••i' , " 1-,/ a t,. 11.N% - t. .SVCil'an. MeC4inili. McCullough,
, i ,
Gwen appomtea . Lotustor : Nrzi nit, •.., zi.v.. ...., m A ii; - 1,„.k, NI, irrisini, :Muse, Orr, Noe, Pal
13u-hiell elote:1 Coil:stable :nd S:un. Will- incr. Pentlypr4ei. Poweh. Reese Ross, Mit
harts appointed G;llt.-ctorl/;' Clifford, Lewis C. ter. Simpsot.Sinith../ if 81 / tir,Stewart,Thornp.
Aberselect,s3 COnstable and Alexander Bursts I " 1 - 117(14•14( "'#' , w" id eP , a nd W"'" 1-51-
, .: •,• • i NAYS—Mek•rs. Allegnod, • Barry. Bu-h,
aPpOinted Coliectori Ilactord, Loring. Gates reb ri. , r. c rai c . -: •' .. •fil .1 t , c
. , . f.,*, 0111.171 i 118 ,i 1 oat a. 0.11, Um
elected Constable.and Edwin T.' .Tiffany ap- .1 • - rs - , '.`'t D' i • r E- - t •r F "' •
i nitn• s o .. otin.rse , iiiiiiiit.„, ys l, , ralli,
tilltted C6iletiOr; i ilei; ' fielic C. 11. ElliS I . King.M . Cilniont, NUOuitiel, Metigle, Aforrii,
Smith of Al!.-
elected COnst:tble.attil E. D. DitliOckappoint- `• North, Ifittetila!iii , e. &Made,
ed CAAlector; Sprhatvill(4.George A,Wilson iliat , ty, SetbLey; S . ttir , /le i ka , nt,. TLorn, Wright,
' ionts. mutt :strong % C.PCUATI"- , -- - -•: - . - 1-- - '
ejCetiA, .1 - onstable 'and Oliver Lathrop a_ psi,
i , r.c . voe w
taS t.;tic,en onMd a -on v afteinotin,
• :. . !
p. rifitedletille - I.e:' * ; , r 4., 9 . 7 13 - 1-.--•d•.-di - when the ilons•ei•was nOt full. • ,
elected aitastitille. aid. C.M.. Tingley appoint- The General • A ppropriatioti bill - has - been
ed Co -tor. ' , ' ' . printed.. I rutin.* some of its principal fea-
' .
It has been Inni•li the same in the ditTerent
Townships in p.rvit_bus years. In
the Ofiies . of . C flsta(l!e eyed Coileetor. have
I . • •
been almost always ;separated. in Bridge.:
..water f 11;.ie us 4as -elected Constable in .
184 i and 1840, but kas unt apPointed Col
lector either year. 1 .4 ” . 18t)3., JIIMCS Daniel
was elected. CA'3' tistable - of; Bridgewater and
Henry P.lZobbins was apPointedColleetor..
Now, wasn't it-'`alirostoutrage_ and .an
ntparalleled - inult Ohe people ' of Bridge
water,' to appoint Alts Billiugs Stroud Col
leetor when Mr. Coortl was .elected Con.ita
• • • : April .
By a private:letterCotti our Ttepresenta
tive, C.:J.-Lathrop,. e
_learn '.that the, act
am . ettding the act tor 4aniing the, time for
holding April Court in'Susiiueharmaleotinty,
had passed the liouse, i andiirlltilii; in, duiibf,
speedily pass the Seo4e., In that case, our
A vril Court will. this !ar l held 4n the third
ogulay giftlie•nionth, i a.l s iiietl and here-alter 1,,
, ~ . , ,
- . 3 T E.:47 ti E OF CiWacti P,ltoPEarr .—ln quite
on the fir•st !s llonday. -!! •i! • '
1 '• ;•gislative bodies are
. - Ia ! num bet.' of Stale the 14t- .
• Co.ssettrtei?r EL710.4---Ae, the state • Adiiiitiii„, ,, nie:lstires !; * tending to prevent - the ag-
elvi..tioit held in COlitic .' iciii, Tuesilav
la s i t h e 1 grvaati4ni t,f all the prolgyrty of a_ religious
KnoW-Nothinits and Nt hign - *1 - '
„ made a nio.4 a• .
34.• ct in the handsßlf" a si4gg ecclesiastic, deem
, E gr* ::juell citticeiitr.iiicin,!of ant hiirity and pow.
clean sweep'. lAd s tilt 'Know' Nothing luid. ' 1 ..! I il, ; 1 .1..% ;:. of ; . 1
; .. ,
_. ,: l• - • - - !i cr ing, 4, : ig:T.inttiall.*.to spirit. our 11 , 14-
W big Conarssineti- ate e1ti..14.5) ;of the 21. •t il t i 4 ; g ig. The Ldoislatdres, of New . York
State 'Senators 20 are iclairtiekby!the came 1 and Afichigati bag - re Just (~.nactc-d laws on the
parte*, and ahont:tvi'li thi \ rds*Of the Iterre- ! sub.itt• That 4 New yorf: contiseates . .to
1 .1 i the St:ite - the priiisirty nOw held' by ecciesjas
sentatives. Ilk:iv-Ism chiiifi . i (.; '. • •
.. ii i ty‘erti4.,r. • . ,- .
• • 3 . I tICS upon their death and directs the State
31111er ' K *.' N ! ! ' 13.1/1-be P eeled I.'\ the i -A4r o i - s t l. !-autingrities to gratit it to he incorporates) re
\ i •
tore.• so cieties. - • ••
* i • ,' • - . ! ligious which nut,- have occupied it.
VERMOvr ' So far ;is returns twee been i Ect•le is-tics are
, Peetogniied by the act as
reeeived Of the election for State . is , \ , rs .- iii ! b4.lding the pri,pei-ft , in frost fur the benefit of
, i•
Vermont. the Know •' Otliitym ' are - , 1.-d - ' the ` 4 " l g re l l '" t "' n " r *s°c.l4Y. using it. The
•. 0 . - ' illiel&faii act establisht duiform rules for the
About 1,700 rotes. * - -!! '
• -i - • r: t . t ' 1 t'l d (1 . ' • f
~,, • i aeipti-t,uiri, ..etiiire,! , ail 'spumy' IN) O
Mr • Ncal Df M r. , * n. 1 .24. ' and Terriperape i.igrigpert3'• coit'veyeilor dedicated for !religious
candidate for *Mayor of Agri land., is ;elected. l 'i g urpi I •.t.s, and lir glides ihit all. 4,,htirch prigiber.
• 7.- .___••,..__.._.•,1, •t •!
.1• -
m ..P,er the'Reptgdicast.
CSnoa I f eaiti• • •
The annual tui.kting Of the 1f mtruse and
Bridgewater Caron League.*ate held, at the
Courtilouse on .2+l.onday evening, April 2, !
1555. The League was tailed to order by
Benj. &tyre, President.. • i
Ou motion, W. H. Jessup was 'appointed
See. pr? tern. The minutes the 134peet.-1
leg being' read and aetepted;i on mcitinn, B. i
S. Bentley, E.. 0 Fordltam, t. C. 'Lill-ter, t •
11: - C. Brewster and. W. I. jes‘up were ap.
pointed a Committee tu nominate officers i
the ensuing • . -
i'he Committee reported the 6/ilowing
tieket,.'s bitit was Ainaniittously ad upted :
President, Charles .F.)ittad; Vice
slants, Seth gitehell, Win. • k'user, Merritt
Mutt and John F. DetuiB; See,,, Alrnd Bald.
win; Treaatrer, F. D. Chandler; Directors,
S. I). SaYre, E. - 0. for4hant and Stink. Biarti
- The Lr.. Ague was thekladd!pssed by B. -Si
liVeatiey EN., A. jilt 5h4.11, 1 L. F F _ itch anti
I Iter. 3. L Poit. ,
lOn nuttiest, iheLeague; adjourned.:
I *. a izeitrt Om pro trip. t
- 1
to - Velip q iu6cero?fie Xciriti Ainciiesn. 1 - .
t ilgitationlo) the §enator Question--Baylof
1 ,
final ii(ttouritmezit—Oeneral.:Aeprfipria
f- . tion Bill.:: . 1 .. •'- .- - •
, itiAitatanuna, March 27.1
I hoped" not to he - obliged again to refer'
I the 17„. S.l S e nator miteition - Wit hits - bei
fpreed upon public atO•ntion, ;Ind by tbefriti
1 .4)f - the 'candidate whin ', has been; during - - t
whole session, rising. every effort to lutve hi .t
. self placed in Omit position. -Yesterday ..w.hi,
I the joint re4plue .;, for a final ailjousiimen i ;rl
the . Legislatur e: - vas before the Molise, i
* Cu nun ing ,t, of Philadelphia, moved 'to antes ii
.by melding 'fin- the re-assembling' of_ the.
tegiiilatitre :on the, 4rst-Ifobday of Oeto '‘i
next. - fir th elpurpo'uo of eleeting a.
U.S.. Se . 7 ,
1 atOr. Thii4-inovettienti has been brewing fi l wr ,
1 soinetithe, ptiWl - is the last and desperate strug; .
1 gid of Si !luta Cameron. : An!animatts.l deba e'l
f enirted upn;the prOposition, which wa4iit A
deCicled at the hour„ of udjournment.'./ft will '
hiikO v comd up r i galn on ThuNday/'.w .when L t
. -.-
may dvihtitly settled . - The largest speech
wits made by the triove of t.-i amentimenl,
wh r o main4iined the abaurdity that the coic.,
:vention iou;ld meet 'i aVibe , time designate; '
without legislafive)mition, , but widied Stle '
action, as additiontaseeurity, thud roundly be
'ratid the - nienziSho:lnid chosen to vote fir th'e
-- adj l / airninenit of the convention to the da!t: .
na led 4inf had refused either- to vote' fo
A., change Of . tlte` pa)';-of mentbers of the
Legislature from the per tlieni now 8 11,4 4 ,0,.
to a salary of ;'s4oo, the ; Speakers of each
branch to receive in addition one dollar per
v during the ;e:'... 4 1911.
• , 'Salary of each :Of the niter Justices of the'
Supretne COurt; $3000; each of . the AssoCi
ates,.s2soo excl ve of the daily - pay. For
the , alltries of thr Jitilges of the First Judi-
Chd District, sBx}o; ofthe District Court of
Philadelphia, 1500; of. he President Judge
Of the second District, t2OOO, and of the Law
Associate. *2000; of the third district., $2OOO,
the fourth $2000; fifth, 2500; of two 4 udges
of the district Ci'airt 4lfAllegbany, 5 0 0 0 ; 'of
the . sixth. $2000; seVenth, #2OOO eighth,
$20110; ninth, $2000; tiinth,2ooo ; eleventh,
2200; tWelfth.. * 4 ;4100; thirteenth, $2000;
fourteenth. $W100; fifiet..ath;s2ooo ; sixteenth
$2000; se vent eeilh, *2000; eighteenth, $5000;
litteteenth.s2oo4'l ; . t werltiet h. $2OOO ; t wenty
first, $2000'; twk..itte-scisiind, $2000; twenty
third, $2000; tWenty-fOmith s $2000; • twenty,
fifth. S4IJ.X)O.
The canal anti.railrmid appropriation,' and
1 other ordinar-
tyr." The 'Dub at Table . ; reviews !severely,
in a late number, Istr. tliandler's•speeeh on•
the tempos*, power. The' Ta6kt is
surpri*d that a ineMber of the Clunk Cath
olic shtmld make sisal a disclaimer, and then
proceeds' tai show that tie Pope does exercise
temps)* power, *4 Is lung *9 at thilfr ma
•, -: tram the ffsriisbiirg llerslat. .. .1
~. and the Legis
~ ~
ihei iiiiks Vie.
..•• •• I ,1, . • .- . .. _ 4 4 . •
I tie; reelth* facility with which the. Leg -
iatutieiatPeniisylvaitiii—and isipticiallyo.ha
Iliviveli)t fi s tintative4—khrustir , thr4llgh
the UppliCatioitv fun' new barking ilitltutiOMl,
has alarMed ' t i he ''. people s start! 4 the e'aini."
-iiierii.ia OnniiiiiiiitY, and astonighed - 'eeerY. Iv.
&e'in ii t ii6 ll -- o tir , ligislutors, mottled
tyranta anti uUserupulons'inenerailisti; exCer
*ed. And . iv. there not'eause fig. treitidattotil
Therit iti*n . .!bout,„4:iithty,applications penditn.t.
and We are - ert..oibly - infiarilied that the.COm
,.mittee.lon Itanks in the lower ,House, so far
%% Ilia biltailnie been reached, hare relviit.o:_,
filvoliailif* e;i:ery in,tanee, and. that With.
outail:lngle 'eiteepthin that body •has , pasSe(l..,
e,eery.hank, 1.i' 4 11. that juti - come before it.—
/ Air.idi it had sanctioned an .inerea4e of blur
or. fireimillionit to our banking alpital,--014
tuilesii ihai peOpia and -.the -press speak Batt
Upon the' s u bject we may. eXpect
,the, entire
-twenty.lmilliPM4 deniauded by reckless , i*e;
ulators to be granted. Speaker Strong 'and
his crattlkitiirs tiny cry '` peace, peace—but
there izi',no*a6." Nines laid; 14114 "witti - a
'capital 443 .200,000 have already be en ' Pre,
seated tm the Governor,saveti of which, with
a capital of $1,650,000, are proposed tiiiihe
locateilin the Interior,—andl in additiiin !:,to 111
this a iliirga tiuMber of bills have passed the
Aloase midi are i,tiow Awaiting pe action of lhe
Senat4. i And de claim,
Speaker Strong found ' it
(final - en U•n t-A) declaim, in his place, a fear daYs,
since, 1 ihat . :” the new banks chartered th.s
winteti Pi4ideil 60 . a capital of a little oxer
'a milling, Ur di'illars r i c . IVe ask the: Jliii'Oe:
to paiWA . ; in.:" itsi,carCer o f profligacy and . ' . u.x,-
triivaA:incei:' FS i4ltiz in' this, we ' .appeal'lto
the Senate ,err thee exercise or that cere.eria
th'e i which the country is %lint
to apply; in4inies of extremity ; 7 -and failiog,
in - botli;livo rely With the. utmost eo li fi(kt;e t
'upon the . dkrctlon, integrity and :. firinii . ' - 's
of GoVeknoi,Poi.toca. Leaving out of
,t 4,
gtiestiuin thii Pathos and capital of sev't rati'lli
• • I . ' i I . ' t' •• 1 •' t . ' •
stitutionit w ioseapp lea ions vv Lre. no
, — . -
liphetl ati,the.prdper time, we give below '4.1
HA of the. charters passed or pending- iii eiti
er Ilint,sd, aa, Well as a tuble - o f,iaach as w e: h,e
dilly 1.10,11, • lai kat d n amy yet be int i-O.
diteed.We , collected our flirts in great liase,
' and entirely correct in ev
ery partlenlar, Nein the main they Win he
Iflan k ! fterreilily. reliable. 'Table i No. 1 e.oli•
fain,: sneh hills ze have been introttinvd :iiiiii,
theiron4, ei. N 042, are, on the 'files .of ' they'
Senate 'anti No:, 8 Such as are' waiting, 11 I
leap lat;lei(Wr.i . ir both. And let it be r
. memberift that iti these lists we inelude. ii,,
Ohl Baliku asking' for a renewal , i f their
:tern, exl4ptiin certain - eases,' where We - only
add theiOditional- capital prayed foe.; The
aggregao.i=4 ,19.U14,000; adman one-half irif
which i 4 derfluadtki for the city of Philipiel;
plain, an,'d'ilni liallilice for the interier..; 14
the IK•oi)l• rend, ietiect, and alsiVe all itis4
in unmis akiiiiie 'ilanguage. to these : who airi.:,
inisrepri..+titing, their constitiientS, and bla..e r
ting ple!fmaitiCial prosperity and prospectS of
Pentasylqinia. i., - ,
. .
14ULE 2io.
Bank of pnnertiatigti
tkactir Cotintr, Bank;
Blnotnribt#74 . ;
Cutri.”‘inn Bno k... ,
Caul (Nif t of the twine name) I'ila.
, - 1.11041,i mit
Clearfield ' Jim tItK
CunAbilana, V:iliey i4iving Barak , - ' ' :0 Dori
Farmers' kD. drers' liank increase sup.; , ..1 ilO oi)0
Fartn4rs' A: Trader,',',l'hiladelphia...... :....25(1 000
)lanoier ..4 , .iiin,a,Tunii...". . . • .541 ono
Iferchanul 4 Mechanics' Wink l'hila.... /.. '3OO o
.Milton Saviltg • flank..: • 100,001
Mineri' Ilink,Pott•iville, ir.eresse. ~. ' ' ' - 300 04.
Now Oliglittlit "ii ! K;ingl cAtimoted,.. , ..-...; .. . ;Its i - ooq
PhiladelphialDePosit Bank .i " , • 'lllO Wail
Pittsburg itaVing Bank (ncrsum,natiell)
LPott. , :ville Nvilig Bank . ' ioo 0011 I
. I ~
Irittaten Bancl I:i ,• 10ii 000
Reatihig sac tigi . liank .. • : 50 - 0001
St•amair's Suring Bank (estimated ) :, - . 100 onty
ci.........1.:.. in t ..4,:,...-,,,;.....•-.:44. . - ! . 150 iofki,
',Wrighi.svilielSeiVing Bank • _ . 150 cool;
Washington Saving Bank. ~. - .
r 1 .. ..l ion 01011
• •
, - • , t : ,• ,
1 . j • -:: -.7
: • ; I )
.. .Y TABLE NO. B. i.
, i t •• i
Anthraiite 'Saving Dank,"DOnaldson.; . .klOO 000
AllentownThinli c ' - ' 1, . • 200 ooto,
AnthraiitelMank, Tint - Zulus, v - • - na yam),
Bank of NeiwlCA4tie: ' . . ; lsO ono
Balk Cb POititOW3l ' - '2llO WO .
flank of I.4,Wisluirg in . reaae 1 100 .04 - on
Bank of MonOt, Pleasant . . ..i.„..., , ,00 non
flank of Per TOwnshiP to restore'capita). _l5O 1)00
.City Bank of plijtadelphia., 500 isin
ConsOlidatifin,Bank of Philadelphia. .;... . —5OO 000
Commercial Dank Ilarrishurg.......;. 300 000.
Cannon bur ''fflaitk...!, ... . ', .1(10 (14x01
Iron k (:oil. Bank, Phibulelpitla (NO• 1, same
I• name ).. ;:.; .. i i - ! - .2,560 0(+0
Lock 'Jaren Pink...:' "- ' 200 . Oen),
1 Lebanon Nail , : .';, TOO OW •
Mechanics Ba k, Pittsburg • ' . 509 000
' Mauch Chunk,Bonk . •
i 200 (100
Montour. Bunk l: :',......:. .:,.. .....1-00 000
Mercer County-Mank ; . .... 200 000
Stroudsburg, Bank .. .. i... . .4
-. 200 0(4
Western Bank at .I(eaciville.... - 1 100 000
- 1 1 . •• - i . . I .. 00
1. I v
1 . . 1 1 j.,Taitt•S FO:' irli ''•
Allegheny Taller Parilt,!Pittiaarg . . ... .0 000
American Banff; Philadelphla'- , ..:...,....1,000 000
Bank of Qom'Ph
: 4 -
. (i0crawe)........250. 000'
i Commerical; k: Pittiourg -
E lect,
son 000 .
Commownwea 'Saving Bank - - . '5O 011
(.BornEzeharig Bank I%ila. - - - 301 000
Chemical & liOngteturero Bads Phila ' 250,000
Carlisle Depoeic Bank. (Increase) . . .......150..0(i0
Citizens Deposit.. Bank. Pittsburg (increase . - • -
1 sup.) -,'. 1- "' . ',, ! • • 2SO 000
. Niamhia Runk (increas e)' - - 150 (414)
Dauphin DePcs4l:tßarik (increase) . 150 (l i o .
Donegal Bank..,. ~,.: ....' • • • . 300 000
Darlington 8arik.'. 2 : : ..... .:.....-.....- ..• ..... 154) (11)0 Dillsburg Saring flank ' - 100,01)
Dickenson . Siving:Bank.,i ... . - 25 000
'Farmers' k Mechanics' IMIt. TO.-k - 160 Ono
Farmers' flatikOpaOiele.!, .:. ..... .. : 200 000
.Farmers Bank Iteading.',lncrease_ 200 I ii..
Farmer's Bank,*clutylkill,ineterae........loo.oo6
Industrial:Ratings Bank;j„Sunbury, _ . . so 0(10
Luzerne Com4tyi:Bank...l • - :200 410110
- Monorgahel 4 F'4lringilaol...... " 200 0440'
Merciutnta' Bank-. Philadelphia , - 5411► (14$)
Miners' flank; Souiburv...l... ' '. : -
„2$ as 000
Metropolitan ft ittk:,P.Eiiladelphis 1,090 000
3fechanies Bank; Ifirrislinrg (increase) 201) Oial
• Philadelphia insurance At Deposit 500 (00
Shawnee Bank 1' '-- ' !
,•100 000
Union Bank, Philadelphia......*.,:. ...... ..DC 000
Tmdesmins' Bank Philatielphialbcrease) WO
i Westmorelan4ruunty Bank.,; - 200 060
York County Dank (increa se ) •
• • ', II
• t. ' r!, :,". - 1 •• ' • ' e io 000
itisNcE. atlenipt'get lip' r.w
. 1.- 1 ,-T6 f4V
at the couventilaist eveninglms a failure., A
large crw4 inisOoldo.S,l, in front of the. build
log; hut nu' ) violence +Was - ( - 411. red, and little
distiirhanee '.!wiis Mehl of the pis pie
were probahly. drawn: there by curiosity, and
lowly doubth.4l tretit,'' 4.f sup:
porting the !alitslii* if aid should be re
quired. {Mayoriursts present. it strong
police force. ivas ren7dineis, and it is under.
Kt+sdi ttat fiirther preigiration4 'were quietly .
and jiidli4OUSl3l thade.'y The crowd diversed
at an' esrk tither,. don iage than
one atone thin{ wti at :th Wa
e ist.. and a- few
cheer* find groWniii The followingnotiee was
placarded iu rt a iitreeis -yesterday .
- 'A sliote4,l l 4.(taii.t to CrPate a -.41te6,-.-
The - enethi4 Atf:;the
,Order ha v e
called upen.ihiniembdirs Go - gather f,i a mob
at the cornett Ol.aveidt sical Belied.: streets
this evening . ', ?s a s h the ' :enemies alone be held
responsible tog, nodal. itsconsequen
)3r., . Welcoine itibundnjis to all the par
ty capital thli) 4 ,l-chn or_ of it: -'of the order . - will or c"brse
forther . nntlee,Yof it clian'to - brand its
with} tnerited:etinteinpt, mid. leave
th4ir iierk- of peniectifiuti.--.
1 '00044 Viet! 211-
theta to
' pi(rresporatenee of the Sew; York Daily Times.
Meat Eigitim6t In CireensboroAa-', H
As Abolitionist ROde pry, a Rail,. Bli.cked and '
1 Sent.frooi Toico l l on the Cars: -
. Oreensbori-, - Ga. Stttilay,'Mairh 18, 18r4.
•. Th era .-i v i v i a Alssei te Oil mob herti sin Sat-
*Any • the I 17th. I 'w . a,t' nit i;p2t ed: by a
, J , . .
erOwd oh the pritieipal street. On - drawingi
'i . i•- ; i '• • of
near, saw ; y tam 111.111, a b out 2'2 years
standing in the midst 'ttf. the crowd; They
ware asking his naine,:iwkieh it app'eared he .1
-d lined. giving. - -1 -ititjuireti of a bystander
what the exeltemtait was.: 'He ititi;rintat me i
the young mini " had qt,e,iart.4l himself an ab
olitionist, and it not a4reeing with the senti-
~,,.- 1
ments of . the people, they had 3 notion to
us ; him." - 'lie Was told to leave the (' d ace,
bu he declined. Sknne said, " Hang him !".
"Tar:and feather:him '‘," •.` Ride him On a.
rail !" _ Oi hers, - no tre -toode nu e, priiiioled to
send him 'Crum toWn..l All 'were •in.faviir. of
his Ileav i tig ; 'and t ht Ise'4 hat Were' the least
mita' advised hint till.ette. Ile wits asked
where be waS from ; iitt answered, " Mus.xl
chattels." . 1 . • : I I' ' •• : . ' .
ljaaw, him teave the 'crowd, .and go to the
hotel.• .Soon he came Out. 'and' walked past
the ;Crowd, piing in ihe_direetion. of the de.
pot.l • The leader of theimult, who (I was told)
- ft.. .• - • • ; ll ' :I) old • le,-
was the Sheriff,'swore he MOW, nut leave Ito continue attache t Russia te. he , nee
the ',town, and went in chase of him, fellowed !ere:l l l)(4.n, and not to tit et big father's worde.'
by several filter , . Net knew ing what they l it l N
S llid that a few dity4 before hie death.
might do. I eine:hided t to follew, and if 1I he ineeveded in wire ctii i g a cent plete reconcil
could be of stair screw:3,lo tender it.,11.4 heap- I label between his two ! eldest ken's,' Alexan.
peering to be u et ranger here as well as my. t der'end Constantine, w i le, were at sariance.
self.! On my way , I pitesed fume e ming In Zle 11C148 of the Emperor's e was re
-1 ' depth
dies-es' students ul the Female College. Th .r y ceived in keiglend with tlemonetratione of joy.
inqu w
l ,
ired what a m
s the fitter . I anewered,l.ln i es oral theatre the inanagere (lime lx-fore
4•Thi sax there is an Abe the curtain and
i it
litionist in town." tineeneed the fact, which
Some exclaimed, " T•ir and le:tiller him !" was, sewed re n must Ih-stances With tuirtultu
othCrs, " Ride him on a mil t' I reteeed f In, 1 oue'tht.ering. , ' I -
itteLltitund him' in front of 'a Itiinister'e dee!. I tit the riveption of the new at Berlin. the
.As 2..0011 as I arrised I told the loader ' On It placed itself in mournitio et and order.
I wished to eptelk with him a moment. th. fwef t . iesued for the will& Prue-inn army to
:laid, ,e if it was about that man, he weilld not wee the sy mbele of mourning ter four
h ear i t ." At dd. point the man leoke, and we
k z•
they titter 'him.' Ile juinteel a pit•het fence w
, 't Vienna the nee :mused much agitat ion,
„ 1 ,.
and entered A dwelling house., went up .talc l'helEariperor of Austria direct s , 'in aektiew l
and hid himself in a ! ward' fife.. Thee edg t rued et the •erviee. renilvriA by Nit: r ho-
searched the hetese a long /11w before h e st, N 4 111.4. the Ni. liehte Regiment of Cuirneeeure
feinitt. 1 tried to reaem with -Anne. permed. .shal i l el ear: pre e erve that mum. a 4 it NiollVtilllr 1
ing them to give it up and let hue go. But ,iii tOe Ati.•tr;tili arme .'
they were so eseited, I dill Mil 1,411eW hit . It. Part., the Puttee arreeted -e‘erul hal- '
thus would ;lyrelt me. it l' i -.aid nun h more led itigere. tie deeding verses dieeeepectful
I went lip town. 1111.1 i.. 1 . 01 1.110 Iltitlt V.11114' I" Ilk' dead Czar.
Keck, tnaking all sorts of itid,•MlK i l i k is t -it,%.ith a 1 :i.14 , Itil ,, tatt Amine-ea:l"re have aniecaneed
their prieoner on it rail. tlarried by tiegrove. 1 the rew Emperltr'e twee... eat.
The Sheritrdrew•hie pistel, Ba le would have I A i lsyitepeis el the Emperor Alexander's
she's hint hi it' we' w t im id lea w
!ort:red. Atie aere
r get- inete lets been ri.ceistel sie kim ig 41 ) 1trg.
ling in town, they Ltd a 11. :tr., hi ee k the ri-. Ile veltines di it the sveltare of hi. Empi e
I loner ., r.,,,.. 5,,,,,...tia 4 put it: tine ear ilet is hi 4.rth objet. 11. %%ill Old( Us in. to
nit rnte I , rSiker," Ct.. /V I II r hint hi..! e. h".itt lii lam Llateeiit in the higlie-t etandard of
woe wild at atietime Ihisv nee 11 he lireaght possilr and ;they., and will :ant to tleColliplisll
I can't tell, a. I del tett hear the bid e but the Tree...tut weshee end view, of hie prole
heard their& er3liite, 111111 119111 Wt. I ea-. at tea, i et.....e.r. hi title hope and /cal he trusts that
The mob took him to a &Hiking-al:0m, a nd his 4lbjeets will do their utmost to resist
had the nigeere littgeing :turf kiss he
etie n.— him.: -
I Ile lore it Itke a merle tel Th. 2, said tiles i TI t. <Duke Conetantine, and the other I
444)1/1d kill him it lie resisted. A eeart•li ear. brie" ere eiel etlieer, have tak e n th e oa th. : o f I
rant was pro: tired to sear't • ll lii. baggege to :Oleg Mite. to the new Euiperer.
!see jibe hid Any Abilittedi deetiment , , and Ahetaittler -hag confirmed the diploinatie
I all that w.f.. felted me: way sii-pieiews were imam:lion. issued ley Get tsi.hekofffer the ne.
I, three 0 - pies et the New-Yetrk Tribune. I tutu toils of the Peace Congrees. atilt the (het
While at the drinking ealoon, they in prelb Metre eonfertmee nee been - held at Vi.
Idnlgtd quite freest', and some eot more than enna. The. Emperor islichelase prior to his
they tetuld bear. 1 - denth, bud rel :tiled Meiteeleketl: and appoint
-1 The eleeind in eonmad elfin this inch A t :1 4 ed Generel Gel teettaketr elder etim
in teand.
a faetort hand. end 1 . h 111.1 . pide e e. a vei l , Osten S els. ii -teen:l. and given te G. le Lte
pew line, Mbla fie% er ;Milo] a neere, and :!ere fife mirfritil 11111 in Bee-a...dna.
1 .
it .
mere. never vv ill, one et judge rem' lii, lhe Emir.•rer Awe:lnd:et has: ti
ratel appearance. 'fled care left at 11 (;.•Ovriii Re:linter Minieter ot %Var.
ie . :A:x.l4 in the clothe!. and he w- lin t en
e Tie. A hose is e on It red their generals to
t ~
. iie.trul lam' ... t ee It' A w r il - Iti i. While at t h e fi
press n st.ii.4l the war. rr
t- e
illepoe t the Sheral'and 3f:o -lial lee! a fight, There ha- beet) :wire fighting in the CH
! and , tline ended this th.l.gme: till lied. of inea The French eformiet .t t rill:mitt skill-
Greenebore." • I MAI:TIN! hilly erected by the Ruetteoes during., the
___ ____ _.„ I__ _- I night: and , hundred %sere killed.
A strolls.*
rumor prevail.; that the Grand
t Changes in the Senate. ) r
S;1? t i ike)liehael
i v. Las a!notig the
i wounded at:
Of the 0:d Liberty eltilrel e mine is now
kit itt the Stillate.. Mr. (*Wee retiree. Mr. A '''s e . .;; l 4 ,: ei gl ii l , ` , l , u e i ; ll ,: 4 f,",,. 1" ,, cv , ,h ( e i t t , e ,: i t , 4 ,; ‘ , ' ll e h t e ! nee.
Brainciti will litesele. et de.] Its Mr. C.d imar, iTh, blockade of the Damthe is raieed.
. e,
t , , an Ant:Sl:nen% • Meg, belt: nitre-teeing, we A
..1 dis.noroefnoit ha,
arisen be
t4,le „ „„ 0 t are infOrnied. tile Fttemit Parts in Vertu:att. niici.n 't Nanokon T in d Entliini.t : Naiiiiienn
.4 3.1 r Gillett:. w ill he fellewed l%s. Mr. Feeter ,
I ' .
also antAtimSlasery Whig et white,. vite't.: , I, 2 ,
deeteree teat the two armies stionld not net
- 1
J , . . together. if Mr. Pe'oeltneVe teminintett pro
re/meting tne reteetstructent tit parties:, we .
eeetled I with it 4 inqu iry, Lord C'etrenthin
are in the dark. IThe old le' 'neer% etis e Whiff
„ „.1 , . , ' . e. v. alit I>y eitpre, to 111.11141.91 ii :14111 totele mat.
1 arty t o I sis ' s witintut a rettrtee Hums , tom:
, .
.... is reini . •, 1 . c e on e t, , , . e . , tere ..trilight. le the meantime the commit
',•"`" r. • 0 4 ' i • l" '-'' '' • '"" r " ir s"l 3 'l teti i , tirockeilino. bet it is thou...lit that Par
whit take:, the !Aare of \lr. Eser• it, seeediel
ti • 1 , litunen't! will be r 'titee . olved to obs 7 tate the dig'
' ' trout that ,rte iii 184 S, le it item et' th e iiitie6- elittv I I
1.e.:, of riel.eal aii.ii lebigiteleiry. View-. Mr. .r '
lIF` , -' 4 esidell. of Ai mine, is al l eet„tmtmen, We been he "" of Bl ' l ' ea l ' re r, ined tohave
et -Iv)" • e e„ with tintst .i. ,t 1 i n h a bi tan ts,'
hbelieve, with the Merrell or Republican I'.ir
ij t 3 or that State.' M r . le,„t, of y enning, hy, an eerlitqletke
.. , ' Seritits- ditrwaltiee are oteurritio in Ticino
m? l ee mpatllizee, it et under eteid, with the new s „ I 12.
urder of thing's jti his State. The reeult. of 4. l e z e eria t l i . ,, e„ e ,
, t.
' L ithe late election its New Ihortitshire. author,- :h ie -; e 7, 7 i n l f tl ;,,, i L lie m e ti i l e n e le el ,
exee the belief that two Auti-Ncifra , ka &Ca- . I
!Itors will be refunied, I:reliably Mr, Mule , ONE WEEK LATER. FROM Et:ROPE.
1, ,
and some gentlemanmb
hitherto a ineerof tlAateex, March 30.
~ the Whig l'arty. The. 0141 Line Dome racy• The Cutler:l mail etearn-Inp Aeia arrived
{` l 's a little bet erofrin that seef t. tn. Mr. Mate- in port last night, with Liserpeol dates 'one
will liar lye separate hi tnee if ( rein t h e week later than by the Atlantic. She le ft
or tepuble-an P...irte , but 3leest e Lis erred tin the - morning et the 17th.
t l
'`Allen and Jamee, of Rheile Island. and Mr. The Meant-hip Union bailed Gilt South
'our(%) ,of Connie ticut e .till ',cling to the old auipton :in the 14th inet., for New •Yenit, with
tittety. , ', fifty pae-engeN.
t l What changes since 1852, when Franklin 'f he ~',...ia, reports having passed the -steam.
Pierce wee been eurated I Tle.ll of the twelve ship Baltic at 0.54 on the• meriting' of ehe
I New Er 1 i Sen a t ors 'i wi
, , tie mu , tee . Jig and 1/ene .
18M, bihind to Liverpool. 1" _
I iteratie Parte..., emit elailned the, and the The A 4. I ...tiled hence fior Boston about 1
I }ltitt-Slavety, hue} tiro, Messrs Ilale awl 4 a 1-2 o'clock this. memb r .er. . ..
tiumner. Now; the old eVte g P ail f y cat; _ The steam-hip Afriea,from Bostme arriv
eelaint none, the ell Dem:ter:lee, hut three : d !ere (it 8 o'eloek la-t evening, arid sailed
' While the reset repreeent the Anti SI- 'kg .iii .0 ll li.i. Lis uri.-1.
nII 444 er2, . , . i
t 41 ' 1•111 ) , wider on e or other of its forme, Fe. The indllie ettenthei is eentredeon the Vi•
4. I It. 1 .I`.l i'
i ilifel or llepobliced. 'nem C u ,ll. • renev, ate, ...e opt! tinol tear. :ire
- I
~ The 1)ele ', y
gation front New ork and N ew about evalls bale:wed its to the prehabilitiee
Jeleit.e in the Senete, ei!IIIIIIIIli MIA kinged. of poet., 'fli,, Austrian an Priteeian eireu
..! A el MSOI, hi j". 4 .• Vila,. ft ttil; p m ,
e l‘ •ieani a , lar4 It INt i l. 14 114..lrefill apliv.grarov, Inn the nem
! .e., out, ' but what etratige (-qt.:aim' OM.), take I ifeee ef ' th e Cear Alt xan.ier It. bi 4 army 1..
1 hot place is utthtioq le /teemed Isere warlike. The Vienna Carder
-" 1 Mt. ' • • ' l e t wi n ed a ny,rep te . en t a ti eee ' e l : en: e 614 it'S first fennel nie.4tieg on the I.lfh.
.Te St nate. th e t ss • et ge ntlemi it e i li ii nlit g iii ! I G.:rt.:kik:4; the It'ussitun Ateleteelor, wife
, t there in , her behalf, letvieg diens•owed her;!' nut l're'em-
I aluthority. I - The alike b:IN e reopowd their fir e upon
'I, 'co the di-grace of 011ie. Mr. Chase re to be Seh.tetciP. und it ie 'said with meet etrect.
i stieetx•ded by a dieeple 4.1 the'Callitnin et 1 1 0,4, The Nitelite k eentinittee coo - three% its :4....
tile (nib lose Freedom Ines mitered it/ ell i thesel l sio'ls elle:pare hint the etitidnet of the war.
I c h ange ,. f 1 The l'iepeetr Nip ng
pies:ll% jirog.%),• to the
1 Mr. Pettit, a lliinker Dt"..niee at from In Crimea i l , beliesd 1 e Ito have been postpontel.
, d nue, retiree, to an nee him, we believe, in el --- ------ --
1 temi , t. e snooty yc l
e;,,, ei e t i l l irt
ret. ..A , l d 1 , 1 , 1 1 :` tne , : i l l l
i fi l i tis suet:L...ow i '""l '. `, ,. 111t .s G reen u• to I, the w ell-know 1
i n
~ by hie ale t Chi. fLe ewer of the Cmemnati Fire Depart
eeni.e. , i f i 1114.11 t, 15 Ilit has inatle meet of tile reform. i n
Fillinnie sends an Anti-Nei:lll4a Sill:ll4pr in , it, and elitaltlished it WI thy inedel of its kind
1 the phtee of Pro-Nt.tiraslo (,en. Shield.. I ' leis been deited at the late eleeeittri, a per
tie - 1 ,
111 Mr. Darien, t i ff lowa, representing tin Flt.! l-flit lIIIM i , i 1 ergti-on Clements hong eite-ted,
eihn, Anti-Stasery forme of th a t State, takeei, who state the candidate- of the German Dem.
tile seat of Ang:4-,twi Cm-Am IN sigt-, who4e ...c/ w
'ix retie - -ret (e o
er known a. the s S,ig Nicht.;
teaordinary abillt ie.:, are to it, exerei-ed in Illit. Nat end Adminietratitni is said to be
1 rtipairing the ',the:Wet:4 of theloetend Conf e r . aidieg th spread of this, meettnieatittie %tithe
I et)c.e. ', . vice to eou ra
itteet e t '.thee Know Nothing.; '
IA notthtfill. h ilf.way, coinpromising Sina. end to sultstantiate thi e , :tome letters have
fir front Wi-c+ nein: le , 111.siit:IJNI I y Mr, , t been pnitlkhed.-aid to base horn writ tlen lay tut
1 Durkee, one of he 0.1 LilK•tty Guard, who , kgont wholitad lit'. tar. W .14iingttat to reaer
I will never nude any eirvatwftanetr4 give• aid with Prf'su ienn Pierce on t h e -object. .'lncise.
or eonitlirt to SI very. : 1 !niter{, villiether truthfully or not we ems.
/ Finalle, we I et- great !tepee of a % I mpute , not, a lege that the Preeitletit promietel
in the CUliferith delegation, the clmneee of office.. to I nee. who elietild de tittiet to itch-
M. Gwin lilt g r •eleeition lweettile ever y day i
m bre dtaitaftil. I
i ruse. tin it timpli of i the 4-Seg Niehte" over
1 ' the" Kim Netliin":47
!Outside of t e New England States, then 1-----------
Slavery and Cut eervatkin pie one Senantiet ggr'l4 iNt•ar 11.onp,hiro Bodoni! Can
and lose six, wh le Prete - 14m mikes three. tied ',l va" recently gave rise tat some queer svetw.
seinres ;Ike chap f i r t• • —National I A DemecrJetie oratenet at a partv Imeeting, •
414. : having declared that !President - Pteree did
--, ,
not Beek the Protidencv and was eleett,9l
tin Ktnaitt , tigetieet his ilti-h, the Win. Edmund 'Burke
to Westitn Mn hi s immediatelit rose and rein] it letter fririn Gen.
I" : olie • r i ee li:lt o it b il l iiil d L u lt r ) in at She
his i P oll r :en id t e le il l t n il k i is va rn:
tit. e been t on
e th k e eteil tioi
!`stir.- , At. li . •tso we find it stated in various
1 4 14 7 no Opposing'
Burr, Oak New pug) jour th • >
.. • $l4! in 1
.....;.....tnK) (An
... .. DO noi
... six) (k.
$8,5•25 - 000
4.eZ - rio (egiaten,
gays pro -slavery
.th shie ihk iianNts riVer
El 11000Anuierity,' 'Thrie
in tpi the iiri,t,=qhtvery ticket. In
n't Atfigs#('PieClPOAt
• Oi the
The Pzor'it , Deoth Ontifrocei6-:dlezandir on
th.iThrone,of -
- 41antie
. rnved New
The steamshir.
''',Curly lentr, March Li ver .
pool dates iif the 10qt. •
• eouhrtu the deitth'ottlie'tzar
Sielt,ijas, and denolinee that 1.(1 hist.,
- the Em pets ,r A !emit id er the Seeolid.iiscended
the"throne, having peaceful sii eceede.. d hie
lie,has issued a manifesto Mating that he
willai'There' th e 'poli e y of hi' r 4 lather Niche
7'htt steamship Atlantic , , Lkerpool at
twol.cheek on the sifteriii sin
,lif the 10th inst.
11e4s*ieedotithe Light Ship:iibout Midnight,
Iniediu Hitt '4l)iiie in till dayoglit. She_
countered westerly gides during the entire
)ssug - e. She. brings 74 passiAigers, among
whinifinre Bishon
uisiiin,&.c. I . , ,
• Ttie,.ezair's death hatipened shortly ' a ft ee
o'elOefq o i Friday, Mareh , reported by
the arrival of 'the - Africa. liiy trism.qe wti4
atrOphy of the lungs, :Mil he suffered only l
, a
few •day.s , - last Werds to the
pre*, were, 4
tell Frerick-, hang Priissia,
+fr •
!Ited tt i 6 s he has kith
Bass-WoodPiipeiThe Discoverer
:".` hard in these days of rapid iir, vres , s .
saye . the Chieitgli -Preas,. to d iseover; in s!
tieW'lluder the sun, "'"and' basbass-wowP ‘ . ap er 7
" di* nol . 7' . .etti to be au exeeion te - the w i se
man s trupoin: .We did not d oubt,' witt4 t . q,„
nim6ltno*lle/jt Was truidq some weeks ' , since"
Oft he.ilise overy of a proees4 fin. the manufar
titre cif paper from Wood; that it was entirely'
original ; but the letter of Penningtop.,
which we preNetit below,
,seems to
the fact that very good bits-wood - f9per Ava s
toade fifteen yeam Ago in IN•nnAylv,unia; b y
a gentletnan nettled Milaq,
in this State:
. WtP have before AN .
rather coarse .spc , eitnen of the article thane.
,faetureAl at that titae, - ;,bitt isured i d iet.
touch : finer tomPleA. were made, bin: unVrt u .
ti a ,k4 *Oil - defitriiyed by the burning Of th e
mill, to Whiefireterenee'is tirade by 'our cur.
respondent ; . • • ;,•
.. . - Sriatitia, .Whit4side Co:, 111:: j
i * , .Alareh sth; 1855. •-• , c
ME!..zione4-Ens. batd. Piir44it :- 7 , loliiied i
send yciii:a s. . - sillinfile'+ - 4. hugs woodpaPer, .!nii.ri: -
1 2
utitethred.ti JoAnarMdes . , 'about- the 'year
1840. Als; - t . thiti . time also were .
nriated .
ma ne nonit, r 4. Or: the
.62'10 7 ?
by J. W. Chapman, paper• inanufactnred
front - the same irtiele • .by the unte Jo• o h ti t,
Miles. s,i , rne,sa.s I know Mr. Mites wakths
pioneer, - and the first • Man , in the United
States' tit . Minn fiictii re paperi IN im wisxl;
. 1f
there are the 'that can .establigh- an earlier
'claim,, will Riley not, or some friend, make it.
known through the press?
M r..Nlileg :commenced . experimenting i s
the eon verion of wog 4 into paper ' in It ris ik
lin, Penn.; itt. 1 ,:and had not • tnistiirtini s
(fire) I.laStedlt,
~prospeet-:, his name .*, , billi,
not ,now. be, uniqlown in. this 6liti-rprise.i . - ,4l' n
Mill woo, intrnetkin the fail cut' 1841, iirttitha a
active mind and hp nlin,triotis hand Md. per.
. .
feeted. " -- . *• . .
'hiving Ty, in.stiminee and losing all; he !Mop
after removed
, t . .) -the , We4, - and i4 . 7now li Ong
. .
in tnis plate, respeetA by all that
,knovi him.
.- • 'L. S. PENATVOTt*.
. _ .
. _
• ; The Frialy or the" Late; Cats:: •
r. l The_Eilper4tu
Nlcw*ileave t following
Minter - tat Witty be. Empress O le
tilidrit, Fed rtivirs,:(Fttrinerly called Fretiri.',
ch-L.ttiisirCharrtlttte-W . jlheimina,) datightOr
the latePrederie-W iiliatii II I,K Prifisia•,.
Ikas Jaly 13, 119S;' I atiti -isin very teealt
healt The_ isstte.of marriage are :1
r , t . A lex:Miler, liti viteb Cesaroviteli,
the present. Emperor • ltitrit April 29, •lEi.18;
ititirried April 28.. - 1811 ;111ariti,'Aleitatuirr.
presetit . Empress, (formerly..
milietme-Wilheitilitt-Augusta.Sophia2Mari a ,)
Wirt' May 8, daughter of the late :Limas.
If; Gr:nul duke ot'lleir: , e. I.:t sue of this , Mar
: ii•htilas;:Alniildrovitek :thti preivat
Crown Prince, born. September 20, 1813;
Valtlimar, Alel 0;: ttadrovit born April :4:22,
11447 Alexis, lexatidrilviteh; bora. Julius:,
r•„ 1 -
av 14 1S50:
: Maria, Nieho,
1819 . ; itiair44 - 1; July
ian, Duke id '
t.(4lt ; Witl4 AV_ NI
MA: •Nie,oloit•%l
1, 1:42 ; sswrrieti to Ch'
of XV oro-mhore.,
F rth. (I° , o4ant:ne, .
St•ot. 21,18‘.2,1"; thartied
Duke 41f S.ixe-Altiqsina
I'B3o ; Non •alct
Si Aliviv! . (.- 1, ! 11
25. 153'2. • • •
'lle-late Czar al=o lefty
rin Tinily:4la: .Doivitger -,
Saxe:Weimer. :lust Anna t
Witliatitil, liitl l g of fit4li;
in-law;lh.teitti. 'nitrovita, i
Dnkt ISt lefittel,- itudilint:chtt
Pant. 44' Wurttinsherz. '1
ter, the Grand Duchess C
tint, is nittrrierl tt the Du
letatutg-St relitz,-
.- .
---The_Britil; station
_.' lista . ti .1' _ pitlVdl6!_, ' 10.•!it'i t
iChiPil wits re4•Ptiiik oftenet
be I
en, 144 k
0.0. WU rifle: reej
scribe,' a--; the VI Tietrt scuts
illation, distinnth l ii. l
-- , Gott:ertior Flolloek 'ha =
oriler that hereafter all ap
di if I lli ust tigjitreeet!ed by. I,
uotiee to - thit Tri4rlo. Atti;i
ty.etitteerned, and tt•tt day
itapr. `: L, . . ' •.i
—Front :some,. unexpiat„
York Oroldi)ito r ry
tire in - the ..Senate.- Of c
known h► . I,e in the rods
lif - the . lititior,dualer has
the delay., •.• • I
tk - Anierica*
Jersey; 1344 This
ly :organized on th'e
rier ;,hut . it aptiears ; that t
numbers, money. 414 eitir
MIME! - • • ' I
—The StaatA Zeituner
Man paper, states that a•m
!talon in, North Carolina,
tsnra rt•galating the slay u
. ret;)rtn-i.alv
tbni i.f marriage aismhg sla‘i
.mtty:tlir its perpetuity ; the
inkruetitat t•in:Veti in ren
Smith, a . ,hrot :er
et; writes t , i . the
pnlygamy gut tti
her. evils wb:eh gpq
and tilalidg:r ttitinet
e - bplial . s.lll 1 W lid 1 . 1/01
tyr grave; and were J.lSeil
443111 . 11/W r;{4 : 11,. au
Oitiun of thiov - ittthe Salt
;tvottid: spurn:J.2;pm' j t.
Yiiairg, toatit
dotftritiei4;:'.l •
. .
CANADA".--;Our telegraphie;devatchea rat+,
ly have made frtittent mention ; of -a inilitia
bill ...a. 1.1 ;eh has pas*al:thc.lostftx house -of flit
provmcial,,..Tiiiit : meitsure vvaa .
tweeAsitated by the
. withdrii‘val'of the 'British
regn:ar tr.,/ ips troio,theProvinees . toreintort4
the i arloy in the east. - .11.1enj must be prowl.
,to take flair ' l ri i
efenders of the :
I ) rovinces,against foreign o domestic treub-;
It::-.4, and the - tnilitia.are, to i4T.calted upon, -tor..
-valit purpose. -11 - i4 is regasded by many a*,
a very. important stet* b th‘ eireer of Uritish.
- , Anieriea, looking to notliin
-.:sh.:shat.:shatthan .. virtual,
, - Already th
• -Canadians have.
-a.sort - 6f-republican civil j.. 0 tstittition, w.ith,ll,
respousilde• • legislative..,,,o
.. .and titinisteri.,
If the. witbdritwal,of the tro ps,'and klie auhr: r
stitiition 4 tile. militia lie perituteenk as, it
now- seviiil Jikely_it mill be there !LIP only
rennin, one . regniaite to eta e• the aasociated..
prvince4 pruetivally a repo lie7ir-inttilelY; an.
clectiie Give rultr..Gclieral, Vtilien,tliey-utiit.
. . . . .. ~. . _ .
!ant that i.:xiiaats. - -ititt, - thu.tie . iticillig A 1100144,
Gqatt,:Britain will. be; a. Tut') atrhdri; tine. in' 7 ,
4tftwtl,-ittni. ihu .iiiii - preittaty '0 th
. n-guern.rnilt
li:tuntlinitl. . . ..... .
.. . ..
Womitt's Buittitt 114 ti t_ went' to find
touch htvor,itt I tower 'louse et
the lesiohttpre Ofibflt, passea s-ret
(!lutiott direatitikill'e; - itolgisitiou., of A Coo of
ithlt* 0 Ott itii s y lady iitto . .ttoki 4.e.iun.7 publiti
thot::ol) l Ank!"*e 4ll4 ht Wilk;4 l43 i
fist pitting ni,oo)Vattiparell
4 1 • 839, to Maximil•
1 ;•g, Prinee
burn Septatn))er
.trle4. Prince Itnyal
: IS-111. •
iclu . )laievitcli. born
~!1.1c t .-. I 1,. 1.,48:"to
afghtcir of Jost;ph,
-was bort/ July 20,
tkvitt:ii; born Oct.
t sisters; 31a.
Graial Datthess - i of
)1v !of
Jul • Alst.; a ci , ti - er.
v t )vt t Grund
r (the late- erinee,
tha rine.
or enlistment of
•e: in the '•Crintea.
Yiirk' has
juits. who are_ de-
Ie f thtialien pop
I igi - sni,;(l' . an .4fiefai
!)fieniitniq fir
lat lezvq. five davm.
. 1r)e.04
.fioiice ill drie*s-
cd cause, the New
..ikw seem* to hang
ursi., the $40,000 .
f t he I. thby
_to do with
Phalanx, in New
siviatiorr waspart
es of charle4
19y la - eked in• the
city beeesss,ry to
New York' - drt l r:
ntorbti is in eirett
/r a change .in the
ystelit. The fol.:
ii:—the introdua :
es, w itli legal goat' -
reeignition of tlt:e
ing sutd writing
fJt)fi, tha propb r
I Journal that the
by Young', Anil
if it, are it
er of tne,-,prnplx,
‘ idrmg in it mak,
Smith to coma,
view the .eo.lf)-..
tke euttetry, pit'e
nee °:. Brighitir
t - 1.1 a
curio AU ...Zink;