Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, March 29, 1855, Image 4

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. 4
. iiiiiiiiieOtbS.
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... - . • . . - • -IH4
iikßEr - SitES AND err!' Otutts.
Tf some of our 'domestic animals kneW their :
•own strength; they might foroirer free them
selveS from the'State of servitude which
thettrolto*, held: ; Like' ti* 04:tiger,
they might he their bwn- :masters, hut they
wonid, at .the.v.anie time,.acsamethe respon.,•
sibilityof providing for theinselvii . .; and,, itn'
the: whole; the exchange might not
_be "an im
provement in their Crindition:' ; '; One ftifmm,
however years after live "" in - vithiniitfy.
;f:ionditg,e •to an . artily of greedy. bleMdsuCkerl, ,
•iwho draw out Of them, at beggarlyi prices, -
the hard earnings of - the
,labOr of tnianths, , .
;while they remniwever doomed t 4. Coastatit
'toil,' and mast- ..themselves themselves - incur. the risk -of
droughts,-and of floods s • and ...of ovirslooed
markets, and of blighted crops,'with no one .
• bound togive thetn focid,rie shelter for a sin.
• , gle :day..l And this bondage:ls the: result, to
a:great.esje4t,-..0f-their own ineffidency and .
indolent hulks. They Scarcely feel their
`chalits,:or if they - do,- they have no"l , Jdes that
.they. can possibly be shaken off: •- • TZL .
•: How is this? .A eontp ' lex, expenSive -and
artificial system filled intoheing„ having
charge theemtemsts of -the produ--
cer,.who is taxed therefor from sixty to nine
ty' per cent. ;of: his possible profits. This
systern is composed of carriera; brokers,eotn ,
mission agents, and men of various . other
sorts who make their;entiro Jiving ilt.'of-Aite
profits on the products of the , •farn, actually
- paid by the consumer. : That conSuiners do
.pay cruelly high priees under this Fs.ys.tem is
matter 'of :actual experience. Thatfatmers,
•at the same time, obtain. little - or ino.advan
tage Over the .price's of years gone by, is
equally a matter of experience. ' •-
" ~ W hat would think of , receiving
from. .10, to 2.5 cents for their beef? ' What
castles would they not build in. inlaginatiori
at least, if they should . realize eig,ht or ten
\shillifigs a pair for their chickens, r and three
'shillings a dozen for their eggs? prices
every day in this market. Thei now sell
their thickens at three or fourshillingso pair'
oftener the smaller of- these p4ees ,_• their
eggs at twenty or twenty-five cents a dozen,
paid in groceries ; and so on fl!reugh. the
chapter. Some: services are required.we are
aware, before the living animal iS prepared
for the operations of the cook- : But we re.
member when the hide, talloW, and offitl,paid
the butcher for his ser'vices, and suppose this
Would not be thought unworthy of the : craft
in these latter. times.; fmd as to poultry, eggs,•
and the products-of the dairy in general,there
it no occasion for extra services,- requiring"
compensation, to.fitthem for the stalls
. and
shops of the retaileif: •
.The differenee b'etWeen eight andten cents
a pound for pork isby. no, meant slight in t the
matter of profit ; tWrlity per cent. does not
• - tell half the , story.. Probably the pork itself
eoSt, six cents.. All the farmer'S t . profit, then,
{safe the manure,) is two cA. , nts,, E fit tho s lower
price, but isdour cents at the iihigher ; and
- this increase'. from eight to r , ten; cents,, makes
difference in the gain of exadtly one luni
.dr,ed.per cent. if they could get but, ten
eitt.s a pound, selling directly tO, the consu
mer, and sell for eight cents to tho.'middle
man, then they. pay. him just 14f their entire .
• profits. Wall street men could not afford to
pay. for services at that rate.
Everything that the farmer produces, with 1-
very few 'exceptions, is subject to the expense
Hof a burden Some and complicatedisystem.-- 1,
His butter and eggs Often go to the village
„grocer, in payment fur goods at. the :highest
rates, which goods arc often and usually of;
an inferior quality, and for a „I:sum varying
from onehalf,to. - three-fourths!.pieir fair 'price
,in the market. 'Milk is sold to the cartnien, I
in a . pute_state,.fur about one-half (often less)
of what it brings in the city, after it is near- •
ly-or quite doubled in quantity- by the addi
tion of the CrotOn,to say nothing of the 'chalk
- Mixtures--and so
_runs 'the !Whole.7.Story;—,l
The poor liirmer bills on overjoyed to get six .
or eight per
.Cent._ on his investment.. but, in
a majority: of cases ; . doolned to drag on from
Year to year, subjeetina m his
!farm (for: want
:of means): to a wretched. syStem -of mana,ge
;tient, which. is' annually destroying , abili
ty to produce--gladif be Can feed and clothe'
a family, every member off whieh'toils, not
like a slay e; but harder tha he ; while even
his children can scarcely bell.spared to go to I
school, even hi winter.
.And all this• for
what? BemtiSe the lazy earth will: not pro. 1
.what stie ; ought "NO i l But,-because I
' farmers have, no means to feed-hex. She' is
,feeble as Old age itself They are,. year 1 -1.5' 1
' year, trying out. as by fire, the fit of the
• and the pour thing - Shows signs of decay, nut
-to be inistaien. And all this, while middle
men, out Of the same prt4ucts of 'the farm,
are building splendid city "mansions, and liy
inae' on the luxtzties)af the smson, paid •for,all
of them, froni the ;crops produced" by these I
poor,fartnerS. ! r j • .
..Horrible as isthis pietrtre, we thank God
that we can perceive nu .diffieulty- prOdu
ding an' entire change in this system, if .far-
mers shall so, will! it," se,..tttitt, the - profits that
are made shall go) into thy l pockets of those to- .
, whom they belong--4o wqt,' of the producers.:
And how can this be done'? .
To 'some extent, the way is clear, and With:
. out and 4in4rance; might . be requircA
for pei.l . eeting the' d'etails of this important
reform, butthe folloWnig age self-evident prop
So far . . as the large!' establishments
tels and boarding-house; our cities and
will. es; ar.coileerne4,,.k.very man, who may -
be relied updn for keeping his cOntract,might
engage an i4tnost indefinite-amount of 'eags -
milk, meats; his ; Yegetafiles, and,' if a good t
dairyman, lirS butter and cheese, at' prices
mutlihigher-than are nOw received by first
hands, thottga.perhapi, (not quite so high as
the consumers !now pay.. Our, milk farrui
are scarcely: among tie[imos-tprofitable sourc
es ineotne, - while commissions or charges,
of Some 'sort, are paid to two of three Mid
dle men, who get a large part of their income
perhaps the whole ofll it, - from; .; the profits;
which might be seeured to-the producer.
_ ,
Suppose tne. .n.stoilinouse" require fifty
gallons .of 'milk, at re,gillar periods,. Let an .
arrangement be madellby which that qtanti
ty of nailk,!yrOperly secured, shall be sent by
cars, or otherwise, at I . times agreed upon':
The hoteF : kceper sends his: porte,r; ou its ar
rival, and take's possession of it, returning the
cans at! the same time, How _ simple is the
niaCtiiieri;-, - if the hotel or boarding house
'keeper' doe- not • it the 3roubb 'dims
,:.epe. __RS not wise .rot Je of sending
for it, Teti "him pay_ one cent per addi- .
tional.' or half that,
.accordin,f , to ciretimitami
ces, while 'you engage - A faithful. porter to do
this service A F your Cost. - • .
The same - Arratigetient.' is practicable with
eggs, and most of the productions of the firm
including,; V.egetablea' and perisbable,fraits:—
All that ts•required to accompiish this is_en
terprise,..and• a., good article. - Nor would
-theseestablialitnent4' require- a very limited
supply. ..litindreds.eventhousands,,of.con
tractors..for the whole products of a tern'', so
Gtr as several of these articles are concerned
'might .be found, at once ; in this city. Other
cities would furnish eustnmeN in proporti
to their size . '; and, by degrees, a general sys
teui,relieved chiefly, if not entirely, of high,
priced middle men,-.might be put in opera- .
tionifor of,' all the varieties of pro
ducts required for- our:. tables, acid-with very.
Janie treuble to any body. Bet - if ,it were
' tf die - 14; 6i - , , _
Witt eZiailderible, —
still, that . labor'titpu3d'hadc reward; and
thatii. just what,: titi, APtive; 4(4014 Ati'llier
,would desire---Itn•inerease,ofliiis labor witl>:
out' an - increase Ot required! capital, which
would bring . with it; a propettlotial increase .
of profit
We could refer prelitierli to moderato
sized bearditig-hcinses- 7 -say fuiniliss,oftwel,o
tti,. twenty: ' pers.onsi who; wOild. • rejoke . to.
inake - sueb at arrangement' ;!Welityveheard:
them 'oxpress.VieWSliti ttOcerdatiee. 'with thcse
suggt•lition an& wye, bare ali;a: laiOwi, such
plans in „successful' iipeiitt; on 4J• . •• ~
NorNould this be . a.small alikir to the farm
ing :interest ' :present,
.tittes,: probably,
it would, quadruple their - prq fi ts ; 'and at or; ,
(Unary prides it, „Woad mOre, *an double
them. The - former' *bo p ow: gets , six or
eight cents fbr- MS , : pork; atakeshut,a'very
small_profit._ Three or - .°
• ,:'S3nr tents inbrease
on each pound - Ai - Mild be's4l7. ; great
'lf he could.himselt, recei v e j.twentpfive,and
twenty-eight cents, a pound,iln, cash; for: hia.
butter, whic4l : the - speeulator 'nevi gets; hej
would.crelong,,have Monet in the. bank ;,af:
ter paying off his i*ortgagei and.
proved ••steek. -Twentytfivo. , cents it gallon
'forinilk and water, even though It Wasonl,r
half-and-halt; Would enable him, if he those,
to . keep . his pleasnie'corr4e and fast h , ?rsns;
and mom than thiS.d9ca.t.nany. an. unkiiipn
lons 'city, cheat get every day of the. year, for.
a meaner article; to 'Say , nothing of another
large - amount forleluilk .01441 - ire, intended,
more partieularly' l for rho poorer dpsses,who
are obliged ,to buy where they can. . •
This. whole system of ntiddle_reen• groWs,•
to. a very, great degree;out 'of the indolence
and inefficiency of the produeer. Do.we not
hear it-said in - reply, thei fanner does not
wish to become a carrier, itor aporter, dan-.
cing, attendance a the :dolma of city ariste.:
crat.s."' Very well ; then)et him be content
with his two tofOur per kent. profits on his
most preductivei articles;iWhile his .activo
and less coneeited city neighbor taLeslbese,
his hard earnings, - and, ha.;sperfortniug such
services, pockets;an- - additqanal twenty !
ty per cent, and:, by-and-liy; becomes-himself
the-city. aristoeratt'.. - But Why should not the
farmer do this . service ? ?Is it less honorttble
to contract with 'another: for the sale of an
article, delivery inchideil than it is to plongh
and hoe, and ditch, and -make compost,' n
producing ? Is ie less hOnerable for hint to
sell and deliver, than it is Tor our dealers in
dry goods? -Very 'few } we trust, will raise
such objections. But they de not want! the
increaseof care and attention such a plan
would .dernand.r In reply to this, we say,
if an increase of care ,is - tolte thus rejeatid, -
Whatever it might - returzi:. h y' way of profit
then, it would be better te'sell half the titrmi
and thus, 1,4 y, confining the labor of: product
tion to a few 'acres, and !ea' fixing from their
products a l arger sum than is now obtained
from the whole,and,;wiptleis,extre, secure
~r eater income ' with, less outlay. The value
of'' this other half
.might then be 'invested in
-safe and - remunerative s tocks. - j
Cemerical ligenies,arevery good things,
when'tlicy are I wanto 31 but they are, genet
-ally, .death to-the prPdneer. - Their incomee, , ,
kept out of their their own con
sent, and " - with their eyes wide open, and with
out the u•ze of chlorofoin, havehinit manYa
princely mansion in this add other ci
furnished . their tables with all the luxuries pf
•the season, while the pfodueer, . who might
.have reaped thiS golden harvest, - is shivering.
in a cold kitchen, andsYits 'at a table supplied -
with the less deSir..thlet . products of his 0%6
hog stye, toughened . /LO. possibly made tin
,hy satdratod with salt, and riot
merely villainoiri, buv polSonous salt pet4c. -
-" Who sits, for .this; pipturei Plough
the Loom - arid the Atitil. •
Prom' G Farinri.
An Effectual' bielli4 of Deitavying Eats.
_Many years ag(,i, the old'inansion in - which
'my father lived, Was' l so dreadfully infested
witti'rats ; that„ liel basement of the building
was quite undermined; Seventeen large rats,
were caught. in one seek in traps, in the wine
'cellar .alone; Many died from poisoal- bait,
but still they increased. • ' ; i
One day a stranier
. 4ame to the bous.4 to buy
some barley; and . hefiring My-father Mention
the difficulty be had Tin freeing the house of
thesedisagreeable tenants, he said • he••cotild I
put. him in the waY of ,getting rid of, them .1
•with very, little trouble. Ilis•direetidas were
simply these: mix a quintity`of.arsenic with
any . sort cif .grease, inid plaster it preity . thiekt,l
,around their holes. :',, The rats, he said; if they
did MA eat the poiSOn; would soil their coats
in passing through I ttie holes,,' like all
i furred animatS, they are very cleanly and.can.
dot eudute.any dirt upon their coats, to' re
I move the offensive matter they Would,. lieli
1 move; ~ ..
their fur, and this destroy • themselves.—
This plan was imMediately put in •practice,• l
and in a month's'Aiine_ii l a a rat was•l to be
seen about the hOuSe or barn. , Finely pound
ed; glass mixed With - grease has also acted
efleetually ,as a 14.50 n, I have beard, .bist I
can Vouch for • thelefficacy of the first named.
' i .•
.I, -•- Snow. Bread. - • • .
1 _ ' All pers i ns where snow abounds, are not,
I perhaps, ware ;of the value of ie `.fleecy
flakes' in akinClight, delicious, and whole
' Tlie.r isno' .• • " in•
some br ::- .. ‘ e raising;' the
i world so perfectly physiological asgood, fresh,
sweet snoW - .... It anises bread or cakes as beau
! Wilily as the best l of yeast, or . the purest se
ids and.allialies,.Whire it Leaves no taint Or
fermefitation like the former, nor injurious.
neutral sakt like. Oe latter. Indeed, it raises
1 by atipplYing at.mospliere, wherewith ki.Puff
i up the dotigh,,Whilst the other methods oily
I supply carbonic heid gas. During the late
snow freshet with, which our city has b.eenifa
-:yored, ( for all :other uses in a city snow may
be regarded as si.nuisathie; ) 'our folks,' have
experimented Lscimewliat extensively In the
1 matter ofsnoW raised bread and cakes. One
1 of our kiteheß amateurs; given us the follow
ring receipt as 1.4 result' -,-the eureka•—• . of his
i numerous mixings and minglings of the f ce
lestizil leather:o.i with ,the terrestrial meal:
,'Sxow . I.,bIEAL.--.Mix, equal parts of light,
diy, snow And'flur or meal quickly together,
( using a strong spoon or stick M stir with. )
When well mixed, pour the .mass' into a pan,
And Bake iMinediately. A rathei hot, `quick'
Oren is essential. Bake fronytwenty,minutes
to one bottr,acrding to the thickneAs-oftbe
loaf.' • ; . '•
, .
Many -Ortni of bread 'and. cake anti be
made by Slightly varying . these proportions,
according( to the: other ingredients:- the:rule
being to' Late a due. degree of moisture. \lf
too much! snow is used,'the bread or' cake
will be li+a•37.l_- • - • '
. A littl6 coore meal and pulverized . sugar
may be mixed with 44 flour, and then the
snow stiired.iii, if .a short and tender, aswell
- .•
as light iweeti :cake is desired.
stated that the late sueeess of the Democratic
candidate for Mayor in the city of Troy, was
owing to, the fact that, in some wards, gangs
of foreigners surrounded the polls andcrowd
ed 6fr their K i tnerican opponents. One of the
most Prominent causes of the, movement of
Ainerlcanisin now sweeping over the land has
been this interference of foreigners in the dear
est riglit'an Ottneriean citizen enjoys. We
hare allowed foreigners to participate ,in this
privilege, /110 they return the- favor by vast
ing illegal votes and forcibly preventing Am
eri6ins from! having access, to the ballot box.
This 'ia one cause of Know Notbin44ln.
;Trunk', Whips, dz., in the' Basanent of Sesuiel
Hoteii Montrose, Pa. •
C. thlnnion%
BQOT:AND STIOE MiKER.i Shop first door or*
of Odd Felkiwie ILA Tor ii iike at., „Montrose,
i •
_. ,
•.•.:- --.; -.• W. nuke --: : _.-
C4N now be found *tills ne stand. on,Owego at.
:two demi west of Suarle's Motel, .where he ef- ..
feettiglly. repairs with: -AqrgutiO. Watches, Clocks,..
JewOry,Gutut, and every discription of Machinery.
Wheel cutting; Gun and Watt* rpsterials supplied
to the trade. , ' i : ! . • • ,
1).r., H. 8 tli,.
QiiiIGEON Pa. , at , Seatle'ti
tJ Ihnel.Mowilve and Tueedwytt of eitta week,
KipiPp •
Arip m T:tiaz oli cit4 , ~./ezi Wood: cgi n . 1 ::
ebatits, No 178 - Wasbbigtau Oreet,..between, Cvatt
aiidt and bez street , Welt , Ye rk; . •
Valeb Weeiis. .-*
riage Tritinnet. Sho6at Lis dwelling house,
ear!). opposite ; 1 11nntrose, Pa.
b[iliei & Fowler, , • .
1% and Solicitors in Chancery:. Office N. 44 Clarke
13treet, ' Chica00//. . •
fa.REENWICEI grttEET,"xiitir Broadway,) Neu
ork. Salisbury .ft
.C 4., Pmprietora In the
vietaity of the principttl,r4etutiboatisuidings. • _
, .
. . .
_•- . Thoiiiits In . gtp.l:um' . ,
TIEALE4.IN, ART GOOPS, Groceigeg, Clothing,
-Lf Crockery, !loot* and Shnes, ko., Suaquehanna
Depot; Fa. - ; • , , i -
' • Bentkyle Bitch, .
-M. AGENTS, '..ifimiroae, Pa.
- John (roves.
VASIIIONABLE !rAltOft. , Sholi under Scene's
1.• Hotel, Maipe street, Abinirose, Pa.
. ' D. D.lfinds,
: in the rear of Wilson's 3iontrov, Pa. •
J. Coliten,
DEALER STOVE.S.,,,' Tin, Copper, and Sheet
Iron Ware, Lc#erarill'f i near Great Bend Depot.
December 4. '!
M. C. Tyler, -
NTEREsTED with' I. 11 HUNT, Importer of and
Dealer in Hardware atuttlutlery, Carriage Springs,
&c., No. 215 Pearl street, Sear York, where his Mer
cantile friends, in this and !abet counties, are kindly
invited, and earrotly solici,teif to call and purchase.
L. P. Hinds, '
ATTORNEY AT LAlr e Stay urhannet, Pd. Office .
on Maine street., one Owr east of tenheira's.
Frazier & Case,
Office 'oti Tprnpike! street, one door East o
Post's Store, ArOlitTate, nt.•
• Albeit Chamberlin,
A TTORNEY LAW and Justice of the Peace;
-CI over 1. L. Post &i..7C'14 Store, Montrose,
Wm.' H. Jessup,
11 Dcaros, for the State of New York, will atten.,
to all blisinm entrusted to hint widtpromptness tin
fidelity; Office on rulslit Square 7 occupied by lion
Wna. Jessup. - I
Abel !Terrell; •
Paints, dill; Dye stills, Groceries, Dry Ghod i :
Hardware, Stoneware, glassware, Clocks ' Watches„
Jewelry, Silver Spoons Spectacles, Musical Instrii
ments, Trusses, Surgica4lnstruments, Liquors,' Pei ,
famery, Mirrors,i;Stationpry, Brushes, Shoes, Yank4e
Noticing, Se. •
Uons •& Co.,
D o E . r t L F d t
!rare,a nept,ore; . , Pa. I '
• FB . Chandler,
111EA:LER r DRY GOODS, Ready Made C 1 tbii g,
I_l Groceriesi Books nnd 'Stationery, . etc.,
,Pub is
Avenue, .3fonhipae, Pal
• Patrick & Dimock,. • .i•
lIIITSICIA.74B AN - p ,SURGEONS. Office No. 4
Owego eqeet, ..ifoiarosr, J'a.
L Post & .
rAtALEits IN DRI7 ; GOOD:4, Groceries, Cnockery,
/ Ilardwar . e, Leather, Flour, etc:, teener Of Turn=_
street and Public:Avenue, iffnitrose, Pa.
J. Los &Pon., I
TAEALEitS iti DRF•GOODS, Groceries, IL{retwnre,
Crock r' Tintrafr, Grocefies, Books . , et'c.; also,
Tarry on the ilook ATeOne,
Mon ,
:• . :; . Bentley & Read,
IL/ Paints; Grix' Tries, Hardware, (1 ,
Iron,.:clocks, ,, Watel* Jewelry, Silv%‘m.
amery, & c--Foot of Public Avenue, J
Sayre, Bentley & Perkins, ,
.111. Idnds castiiv, Stoves, Agricultural
ments,.etc. !Office at Sayre's Store, PutiliclA
Manufactory ist the Eagle Foundry, Foot of
street, .Afoigri:ote, Pei.
William &*i.lliani H. Seisnp,
A TTORNEYS AT LAW, ...ITonfroitc, P a.
tick 14, Susquehanna, Bradford, Wayn4
tiring and 14terne
' :Wi ll iaio. W. Smith a: Co.,
C"F''P MAKERS. They keep cot
band ' ti, good aisorunent of all kinds
Furniture- l i Shop and Ware . loon at 1
Maine itreptifoatrinte, Pa.
Rocksiell, Winton & Co.,
ill Goods, Hate, Caps, Furs, UnitreT
soli,. Ratiohs, &c. 4rc., No. 20 Courtlandt
York, (up :maim.)
R. B. OCR*XI.I.. i' 3. HOWARD. •W.
, . r .
yi n/Mk/in Fraser, ,
Ntiitrote, Pa., will attend faithfully tobusi
ness t'uttrutaed to him in the county of SUsqu hanna.
Conveyin4ing and writing of all idpds will e done
I f
neatly; anti chargei . moderate. Be willalso attend to
the prosCOution of 'claims of soldiers, theirj widdws and
beirs4r against the United States Govenundrit, for
Bounty iLind, Peniions, &c. May be found at all
hour* it the officelonnerly occupied by J. T. Rich
ards.iftiq..; north of the Court louse. i ) 1489:
subecrib4l) having secured
BM:TEA= WORZER, fur Susquel
adjoiningcomutiei, respectfully iuvii
er a to e mine and vEsr the merits
valuable juventiOn. . We propose to
all of you with fi'Cucas that will
butter in as short a time as any
that), will ..complefely expel the butler
trorkiit the talt; clipping it perfe
butier aitd fit it for use, without .renn
:This Churn is simple in its its operation,and easily elt
ordhr, , alad can ;be easily attached
For' further Ptulleulars. apply pet
ter -t0'.14.5. C.BUSIINELL and
AmPat; Susquehanna county, Pa.
P111311PS.: PIUMI
\ \ 7l e Xtreessi:lmprovement of
Williams' Double-..eicting
Force and Lift Jim;
A' N. _lmprovement above all eth(
11 chines for lifting, throwing, ant
eon g- both a Pump and a Fire
Pump,ikkatented in February, 1854,
metallic\ No bolts .or screws about
qUently it will ',last a man's life tint
in every variety of form--can drat
'situation,. and parry it to any part of
is superior to`ildl other. Pumps for "
Mills, Tauneriest, Brick Yards, Iron
ufacturing establishments of all kinds.
All orders must be addressed to Ananace
Isaderaville, Pit., Who has the sole right
lttkrui county;
- I
~1 1 14 e persbus indebted to - the subaeri I
as;Rsigister, Recorder and Clerk of the 0 I
would confer a favor by Settling the Sync
)1100r Os& 41 Tat \ S. I.
‘, .
V IT •have liiiit'aebleite4iiigpil'Ofumph.' On the
- biCKAIVA: • Ifild - of: Pleace„, midi Freedom for
your watchword hoitilie ." terror Or lane' for your
a, you ; have wrought *revolution which in
the, id World 'WOuld hive, shaken - of the crown, it
not tte head of every desmit, and buried him beneath
the g littered tiling 'of his own throne. And now
araidlr"Jr - ligh"rejoichigsjasd the jubilant shouts of
vietokw - on everyihand,l beseech you forget not those
humbie companions who clung to van standards in
- )e e
tu t
Ys of your adversity ; defeat, and who are
nth you now in prosperity and success,'especially '
DU old ' patriotic friend ii"ng Daterigy, ' -
it on khe'sinnylieltiiti of far tained Montane;
[as et your deadliest enemy and won the victory too:-
nmenehed within higgates of pearl 'upon hlsi ebon
1 ' dinner :-.• I ~' • , ' , ' • ,
: iii"
'e Can a crown of tithing nervm, and speaks in ha
man gnims, • ; •
°limits - beauty's round cheek, clouds the sweet
iviohlenlf smile,' =- - ,
Fills his empire with tortures novower esibegnile,
rim . the bright litow . of childhood steals the rose
ate blobm - " ' - - ' ' '
, , ~ i
. nd shrouds' the , isage of manhood with sepul
chral gloom. •• i ' .. . '
his foectn refit, kind health, and blimm, the worst in
all creation, . ' • •
it seize, thangh armed to the teeth, and rout by i'-t
-earatilr' I.' f 1 - •
Mid now ilke ; Whigs, and Democrats, and the Know
i - Nothing too, • ; • ''" - • ' '
ii cc we have got the reins of power, we'll show what
we can do. ', -r; 1 -
W 'II purge these "Augean stables" of the opposition
• - clan, i / .. :, , , , ..
A d then withinovntodiTioi will fill tiler" -firk again,
And though:hostile politicians - differ Widely in their
tlie - elatra• sets of measures that each in turn may
choose;' '''! ' 4 '. ' ' ' - ,
in referinee to our policy we sure shall not be
- told ;:•; ';
at rumetedoo - filth aid 4.ottenness should be prefered
~ . .
j. . to. p, Ai, - ; ; : - • • . .
Nor that when antsys . tent has grown rotten in the
he powentihot did the mischief should not be over
throiryt.. ' . .
is, then l A; what lise do in the empire of the jaw*,
he eb'ny tirsants we expel, and elongate their laws.
If aught valuable retnitins, that our preserving put'.
posci 'Suits, ,' -
We -
cleanse - and save ,t, all the rest we pull out by
. the 4,0 fn. '' ! .
Then on the ruins, by our art, we quickly rear again
itn arch oft:inning - 44i, with colonnades of Porcelain.
And now (Mr figure to" complete, we only' have to say,
These wondrous trewformatintul all are done for pay.
- i:'.; -C. D. VIRGIL, Surgecin Dentist.
Montavie NovAnber t. 1854.
L. V. men
. .
• , :?,..,.• Tune Changed. • , .
.i. ‘ RAILROAD. "
ilviNfiut. AItRANGE.MENT ! ' '
ON ruitl'aftei.Thursdny, Nov. 23; 1554, the Xaill
,Tiain will depart from Scranton !t
12 M. , ~ .i . ' ,- -
_,. • .1. ,
• Due :4:great Dend, at 2.50 r. M. -- .
• ;
Conneqthig with the Daily Express Trains both caste
and west On Alin N, V. & E R. R., which arrive at:
Now York:at 9.R . 6,e. M. and at Dunkirk at IL .1i
. :Return Will . leati Great Bend on the arrival oftle s
Bufralo Zipress:bouziti West, (3-.20 P. M.,) which d 4
parts from New York at. 7 A; M., cuidarriyes at .setani
at 5.50 i.i IL' .. -. . ; lf
The ViAiight . Aeointnotlation Train With Passenger
Car attached will leave Scranton at 1.50 r. ta.. at-rii.
ing at Great Bend at '6 r. at., connecting with' tti ,
Mail Traln bound West, and the Night Express Traint
bound bOth East and'West.4 ',
4 !'
RetuiX4n7, will leave Great Bend ati..6.30 A. it: avid
arrive at SerantOn. 11 A. N.
!w .
Stagcaill he inwaiting on the ..arrt 1. .
ral of pagkson
ger trains at Scranton, to convey pasiengers to Gar.
bondalei Pittstim; Wilkwtbarre,:Philadelphia via.- the
Reading Railroad,.Easton and. all other interrnedia '.
places.., , . DAL DOTTERER, Superintendent. l 1
t e
: - Supetintendent's otfiee, Scranton, N0v..13, .1, l 5.
' ' -.. .'
IN: NEW MILFORD.. u - ~1 4! :
T" •Itbseribetk.f having leased the Store of tite
' .HeiSrs. PrattS, formerly occupied by T. S.
q t.
tle, - intedds•to locate permanently in New Milford:li
. .imf, he would take this method of informing , the
inhabiiiiiits or I Neli Milford, and Adjacent towns, that
he has jtist - retitrned from New York with a large dtul
splendid stock; of fresh and entirely wen' Goods, cluin
sisting of IMF' 000.1).S' of almost every. concdea
hie variety .. GROCERIES 11,4 low as the lowest, !Alta
trarr,rrf,Arry, Ply-ds and Shoes, -Hatt, and CO A Ttx,
Bonneti of ei-ery.stvle, &c. tic, ; which he oirers'ifi,for
sale on :Itte most ica.;onable terms, for cash,.country
prodn`Ce, or reliable - credit. He would also say in Yids
connection, that pc has added to the establishment,
the Manufacitning of 77n;Sliret-iron,..ond • .Coivirr
trare'4in • all its varieties, in which heir prepareid to
execitte all klnda of jobs, by the very best workinen
and iltitheMzist reasonable terms. . • : . 1
Deniers supplied at the lowest prices. • Piro ars
in relation to,.stoTes fie., aCgome future time.
, . .. . i .
. NdtrlMilfqd, May Id, 1354.. . . lilt
I .
AFITLL ASSORTMENT cf Tin, Sheet llron
.4.4 Oil Coppo Ware,of my otn ulariufaCturl;and
alad'e Of heavy plate, for'ple by • •ir:
.1. .1. DICIiIERMAN,jr.
NO*afitfgnl INF! : 12, i 853. •
_ _
i }I'LL .z_QtAortment of flardware, Carpente arid
Joiner? Tito's, Pinup Chain, atid fixtures t
NO Milford, ',July, 1854.] , - DicKERM-L ' l *- 4 .
- 0.:4, - 11.AND BLINDS of the best quality, fol.'. safe
/,.... i , cheap ai / ' Di CKERM AtS.
Dt0RR,17...0 Tit AND SALT 1„• tile t Rel ckoth
Ole lowest prices at DICKERILNN7S.
-4 I
. P
I ?.
x i; FARMERS' 4 , !'
to - Excg. AMENS. BRADFORD ie()C:VEY,
• ! 4; CAPITAL, $200;000.
sEcuiett bk Kind and Mortgage on the Rcitt•Piate
' of the Stoekholderi. •
InSures against loss by Fire, of houses, 'Stort, and
other'jmildsniiiyGoocrs, Wares, and Merchandlie on
as raorable terms as any similar Justitution.
promptly tidjusted and paid. • . .
lhaEcroh.s.-+-llon. flora ee Williston, Atb eni 1: Fran
ci do. ;IGeorge A. Perkins do. ; J. T, D. fever;
do,,C, S.;Sldpman, do.: C. F. Welles, Jr. J. E.
CipifOld ; Ron. John Laporte, Towanda ;. Gen. B.
Waleetnaii; Lieerriile; Geo. M. Hollenbach,
birle; Michael Meylert, Laporte; Pa. : • •
limace PredOt. - -, C.
Wellts;jr.'i V. Pres. and Treas.; J. I. •Canfteld.!
L • , ,
;' , ...4gent,,,04 S. BignE, Montrose, Pa.
.J 1
WANTED immediately, good active Clerk--one
vrhci has had , experience, writes: a fitir_hand
aiaris competent to take'charge of a set of flook
Mait'be ieini*rate and willing to devote his time . an
attention; to the interest of his employers_ To on
Odd can ;inSwer to the above a liberal salatt will
gii en . Nooe others need apply Good rectimmen
atiOns rmuired.. ' ' F. At It.ll. EATON,
illarford, gay, g. 54. - • •
tURRITT would invite the attention of his
JI-1, • ,triends and the public' to his new And splen
did stock of, Brecht . Wool, and Cash:net+ 4ong a t ul
6 1 4,aare•ISItainit, from 11,2 to Allti—tedii4s' Dr as
4 .- rds; tochiding plain and fancy Delaues,.oe-Elagis,.
Parainetta.s; French Merinoes, Silks, Poplitis,_Gi
!tarns, vish Ribl,ona 'and Bonnetp of tifew
stStyles, Which in rotinection with a large assOrtmeni of
y les,
and. fancy Dry Weds, Groceries, rock7g,,
Wardwareq Iron, Stases, Bu fal
and Shoes, Hats and cap,
Sliades,;lPitll Paper, Oils end
Sold • on the most favorable terms
far cash. Pitt/lace, or approved credit
4). pSalt, by the barrel or'
geptember 24,
i)OST BROTHERS haying ,
establishment, will keep cos
piripte a-id Fins Flour, corn 31
:it?, oleo Clap atel Bran at the lolieit ctiab prit.—
qustem work will be done with despatch, andin all,
&sea tearrantcd. ' itBltf
Mentmse; July. 1851
i Stoves;! 1514)
T - BilltlitlTT is now reeeivil lent
..IlAi - of Stoves,' including thi and
imprOved kinds of Pro:I - linty, Air. stcd
Oveti Cooking Stoves, with' Vark >hori,
.StorO ‘ s, far Wood or coal, in superior tile,
:which ho will sell at the, most reds Ele.
.tratedr(Oen stoves of new. and appr _._,.. / 14 will
he solilit #2.11t0 $25; and other kinds its pinixtrtion r .
Alscis!Stove pipe, zinc, and ,sheet iron, std re tubes kg,
New:Milford, Sept. 221 '04.1 . ;H. /VHH/J.TT..:
f .. ' ' 'Window sosil. t • 1 i
H.; & D. SAYRE having been aiTqluted .. agent
i 1..:7• for an extensive siish b li nd aiui d in
r .nufae.
;Wry are prepared to furnish any artielets in , ~. line it
IV tides th an they have usually been a'
ffuly. 24. i •. 4 6.111.. 4 A. 13: .
l ur 13"11141.
• - - thaviireeream.•
AN: article which erry man, shot* try
, 13. 1 e
II AT&—.A ;: er nQ w w e l a o r t o f
utt ezmin r e e r , ` , 11 . ! -:- to a r nd
- -
11 7 ' 4 " - I' ' ', P. -P. it.
Ler for fe‘ ,
ban's court
oon:- F.:
*1" sale.
1. S.
I' cheip
, .
, .
, .
, .
kAmiut P tiitigic:-. •
r I L
. ' .4fneegfitigT:e.!` ..-:rgaiotigtiveoxiiipitieid,-„tviatiti,clotidactiibdanredlif.eodr.attd:Z.
surVifid pelfect in' its egeration,J. This hue Wen.
prdpareatOrie,et the darnatid, and an ;ilxteiiiivel UV .
al Of Itivirtnes his conclusivelY slacoemwirb
ce-0- It accorlishes the prirposes , clesiStied. , It iii ett.
sy Ito. inalro Peyslial,pilk,buOidt - easY" to make , the
befit Of allp fristie wolco.should have Mine of. 'the
ohections, spit all of the advantages aoeVerY other. - 4•—•
This*as; , . attempted *ereouldiwith..whaten
w woUld.r tfully submit to the, public . dectsloW.
11 hefwe
It ia.s beef yofortunate for the patient hitherto that
al 014 are ipurgative medicine, •aermortions.. and
itlitating,t9 the bowels.. Thislsln t. i Many: of them
prplircelsoi Much griping paikand r.Otalsion in ; the
sYmem As fo.'more than counterbalance the good to be
dlnvedlfiroin them... These pilfa pt . :mince Ma irritation
os pain,; utile:alit raise front a ptcv,iously. existing ob.
stenetiMi okfticiargementin theittowels.
.ljf regetabt t no berm can aliseifrom their use in anh.
quantity ; but it is b,±tter:that any Medicine shotild •
ik taken j idiciously. - : Minute directions for their use
in the sev e ral diseaseswhio. lite.r..r(: 'applicable
afro given ' On th e box... Among', the paniplitinta whicit .
gave beenlveerlily cured hy . dimy- we may Mention'
liter complaint, itt its variottstfonuS of Jaundice, In -,
digestion, llAnguor and Loss.of,Appetite.,Listlesness„:
4nilithility",Bilious lleitilache,!-Bilious-Fever,:reverl
d Aguet pain inAhe 4ife, tinill,pms; for, in!.trMli,,T
l these 4c but the consequence of disetistd action
u the lir l ,- As an' apetiegt, they afford prompt and
are relic in Cositivene:Ss, I'd'es , ry ,
es, Cholic, Dysente,
rumors,- rofula and Seurvy, (~ , olds`i- w ith soreness of.
, he body:ft:liters and intpurityint the blisod ; in short,
hey and very. case where al MirgatiVe is requiretl. •
! They:' dive. produced seine -.singularly successful'
. ures in eutnatism, (lout
i th
'Cropsy, Gravel, trysipe
* Palp trition of the Dear% Pains in. the Back s Stern- -
tech and Side. They Shouldlie freely. taken in the
*spring of the year,,te purify
,the blood and prepare
[the sysnini for the change of seasons. An occasional
: t - dose stitinclates the stomach and bowels into ;healthy
:action, arid restores the appetite and vigor.. They pu
l'trify the Mood, and; by their stimulant action,' on the
dirculattiry system, renovate the strength of the body,
'and yesre the wasted or &senso ' energies of the
whole 0 anism. . ilence an 'occasional dose is adran
tageon, 4ven though no serious ddrangement exists;
> p
but un t...cessary dosings shouldMeVer be carried foo,
far as every purgative! medicine reduces the Strength
when taken to extess.- Theitheusand cases k which
a physis required cannot. be enumerated here, but
they s ug gest themselves 16 the room of.evory body,
, andit 1 1 I confidently ibelieved this pill will answer a
better rirpose than anythink Which has hitherto been
a vadab e' to mankind.;' "When their virtuts!are once
known 4 the public will rohinger doubt what remedy
to when in need of ti cathartic medicine. • Be
ing su r-wrapped they arepleisant
.to take, and be
ing pu .ly vege.table; no harm can arise from their
. use in ny quantity.:, ' ' .i",
For Saute directions see wrapper on the Box-
Pre aged by JAWS C. AYER, Practical and. An
alytica Ch'ernist, LoWel, Mass : ; '- • . ' - .
• . Vrice 25 Cents per Dim.; Five Boxes , for $l.-
Fort )...Aroridiro9l6nrtle::l6l7;ll"f,rpiraY,g;tirt . Pectoral.
17 ,11 :da, ra lf l o arrene . sts,
BY .o..;•• • hitia, IrhotiiittO!ozertie,"Crimp,..l.4ltruct,and
1 7' ,
CrliiMiptiiirt; ..', 1 - • j
This remedy has won'kir. itSelf such notoriety from
its cuHt of every varieV" . Of Pulmonary,, that
it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evidences of
its vitnes iu arty cdinniunity . where it has been
ploy tl; So wicks i i itss - thild oftisefulness, and so nu-,
mercins the cases of itslcirea, that almost every sec
tion of the country abotinds in persons publicly known
Who have been restored f i roui alarming anil even des
p..ra 'e;discastlof the lutig,s by its use. When once
tried its superibrity; over every other tnedie:ne tf itsl
kind it too apparent to:e4cape observation, and wherei
its v rtues are , kno,Wn the public no longer hesitate:
what antidote to. eniphiy for -the distressing and (lan li
kentioS.affectiOns of tit:Ouliinonary organS which a '
incident to our climate; I; And not only in formidabl
.attaklis upon - the icings', .bt..l. for the milder varieties o
.Coo a' Coughs, .I.lfigrafinii.ta, dry: • . ant) for; Children if
is le!pleasarAest and gayest ;inedlcene that can be ob i :. !
tai. •ti. • ! , i i E ! I
~ siit has long been in constant 11:41 throughout this
section we need not I.l63itore than. assure the petiplY
its onlity is'kept;up to the het that it eter has been,
and that the getinineHartiele is sold by-- Ann. Tv/t
-wit I.,!Montrose ; f B. ,1" - & .11: IL. E.vrc's. ILArford;
en Ittn.s4 Plizsr.t, .Bitildatf,' And by :ill dealers hi
tdlane every where, i . : :
. , . . ,
CiC.OTT, JOHNSTON 4: CO., are non- receiVitig
iC.I (ma New YOrk a general. ass'ortment of Spring
and Summer goods, and, we cordially invite all - -that
li e icrbuy goods cheao to, glie us a call, as our StoCk.
islarge, and we i willing. to linsell for siitall profits.'.
u.,can find hete. almost every article: wanted,. and
w . are willing tO co•riphee goods and prides wiwithoiny
1 ,
st t kire in the coudiy—Re• have taken . spccial
firuJnice goods 0 plert/e",the Ladies, such '
as BlaCk,•
Figurearaml Fancy Slik's; Silk Tissu s,i Berages And
• leratge Delanes; ilain.` and Fancy Lawns, Silk, Frehch
Ind Domestic Gliighaths, Figitred and Plain gusfins,•
buhroidered Cdrtains;anj l'apin. do., Ladies Collins;
tiolerhatkdkercbieca and Sleeves, 'Mantillas, Para!sols
dtut Gloves, Stiaw
aid Fancy Bonnets, also Hint
filings to match; A tirr. s e. stock . of GOOtls• fur fen
kcal Boys, also Iron,l.steel,__Ntiiis„ DorSe Shoes, land
tlOrra.. Nails, PloughS'i :•._zal Fish, CI i.ickerv, (rind
miles, and Stonewar, Stove. pipe, Tin, Gfass,'Sash
rather, Boots}, Slit:ips Re.,,.4c.- Plimsc give is a
chance of shOiw Mg yon our; stock Infote vott l'dt.
• : • Yours holy, j, SCOI7, JOHNSON a-. 0, -,
• Springville, 'April, i ifl, 1854. ' L . . (-
• • . ! ItztOaloi Illcibes -
, ?
• A CHOICE jot iti..4t r,-Celi-ed; anil• ofTereil low !by
.311 awl, 2 i%tui - coll4 :
• CTIOICEi lot Of Wool:Long Shawls very Chen,
IX. by. ~ . '.l SCOTT, JOHNSTON & O.
:Springrille,tDecertiber :•1 - ; I. - .
it — NEW tiOODS. -. V'
1 '
N• . • ' ' ' '
1 1 .11C MILLEN j& Z. , AItE rettirit their . ‘, , tateluk'i
f ; IV.i. - acknowleilgeMents to the public, and incite at.!,
t tenti6n to the veryilarge. mock of Spring and Suia-,
( nier Goods tlx . eyarcj now. receiving and offer for sah
... I
,! at very filar •irci. lln 6dilition:totheir usualittssorlt
1 I ment of stapld Dry Goods, Groceries, Ilardwarecrockil
err, Paints
.and Oits, &c. Sze., . they ;are prepared toy'
' I 4hibit a.lar"*tment of Ladies' Dress Good
1 otevery destription . —Figured, Plaid and Plaits Silks":
Bonnets, Shawls, Ribbons,. Gloves, liosiery4tadieS
1 and Mies SIIOOIOf all kinds—alsO a largelitock of
IPEAD 7.3f.A D1:1 I CLOTIIIX (I, 'Cloths, CasAtnerei;
weeds, JeSils, SuMiner Cloths, Veitings, Hats; Cap .
•ems- and Shoes, Ae. .. j,.' ,
.! , .
They respectfullv - Selicitan garb- call from thole
-'Rho wish tolnircblise'goOd goods at tom pric+ . l. .. 'l
Springville; May :1,'54. • McMIII.E.N -
Neiv Licea! Mail !Eitst,
QTAG'ES *ill leiVe ikirkwood, passing thOtigh CO
AT bettsiille, Laical:, ie., every , morningtatter the
arrival of the MitilTrainti of cars, both Eastand Weiit,
reaching Montraie sit' 1 . t.. It. !Returni#o, -leat,e.
Montrose &Lily (Snndayi excepted) at. 2 P. la:',.reaeh
ing Kirkwood in One to take the Mail trainS. of 00,
both East 4nd Wieo.,!bein g the nearest and4tnost f4a
' Able route to reach the New. York and EriOilbtilread.
This litiO intetidetti ..a tri-weekly line for! DimoOk,
Springville; Tunkhinnock ; Wyoming. and Wilkes
burro, which lea es Montrose at 7 a. N. eery MO
day Wednesdavl and Friday. AlSo' a line to
ville; Leraysville4 :i id, ' . • !•.
- 'i •
Good trouts ekd renifortable carriagra ire priivi.7 .
ded, and the' prlprietora will, spare no pirts to,*-
commodatk:the ;public. W. K. HAWK, - , r
April C.i ~. 1 1854. . ! . MORGAN AtWEST. •,I
Lanesborci .Ssisb, Blind, 'an ,
I ,)Factory
THE tulbseriber *ill, furnish at the Shop of Ne3 eU
Brothel, ;Doors., Sash, and Blinds . • Turning
ou hand and furnished to order. Lumber. kiln-dried,
and workinen nnSurpaSsed by any in the, countri. 7 --;
OrdersM4dresao to me will receive prompt attention.;
Good Pine Lumber and Country Produce taken itt
change fir thelabove, Terms, ready pavl. •
• Laneaboro, ' • S. LYONS.
. x 111.16111T2LOSE DEPOT.
. • 1 IVILLI4.3L37eIfiLLANI.
TIATING ptirehased the establishment of Isaac 14
JLJ- Post A Co. at the Montrose Depot, woui4 re'
respectfailly inform hisTriends that he tilli keep - con.
stantly on hand,; ttt the'lowest Prices, a ell selicted
stock of goods. • • • • • )„''
- .l.4.trte: 7 Balt,,lturd Plaster can ' be had cheap, tut• well
as Groceries, Dry Goods, •Hanlware, Cro6kery, 13ootii,
Shoes, Nails, Ike., in eichange for GraiMand al)lcluds
of •produce, kt the best prices. 1000 cords Mani
YiTood anted - . I - • .
Itiont w nve 4)elicot.,: Feb. 2, 1854, • '1
- irieloteous
GOnTArLY ON - HAND, or Mimi..
04 Rho L notice. ' 1. LYO
F°" el # I I.ILE, a common BUG
.1.. tv: ~ "ePt let 41 4 -A.
A sat;cr • pc. or
f jit IV AM' 1
i *COM ) 50ZOIS 4
111V.,i .. , , a.
n now oner mime pu ue • wse most ch ice an d
he 1 ‘ 74144 Enl4 ll l Ot Goods tzbe bad any
where , 1 the couutry, and fo the • very Ittwe tt, pnerN
without tariatiom
,0 13 1 :i ll e ri a l iam ST I L ad E gitlo!) . LcrlsVcol:lvoelbiltt
ag uctw • of eretythin definable Air th e buyer
at such priers ast are sure to suit The goods aro
roads first rate, Ord:, the nook 110 be equal
If uotooperlor to auy •red m dm roar 4
ket, Our Sock 4: 01 r 4 black Frenett
Sacki, rooks and 'assunere and
y r
and thve, id white Sure,
mer it and twilled 4.e 'lnd colored
Ilaria llt. 1 Takao:to, 1 Barathea, figiu
ed silk =4 Bata, illf good and cheap .
Pawrf.-.llno Mack.' ;km, col tweed '
Summer stuff, lint i mitmo' Phan,
chetah slut Ittlarilk, suer is( . sale to
all whir &tale ft
l t , , 6 ,
A 21'
kfi w i t* and, ei? .
ty warranted. .1.4.141
brovi l t9;offriat4lio
cotton, tl4e'tlt'iest
an , l'olnre,; a tug(
Mitt; ion au,:hc
Os, LatEes
a fall-aieifopuint. of
C 9 Ahoc,lint bootee
,ed Sbiitingß,
3tlifinz,;"Sniii' and
Bislibpslaild ;Vieth,
Swigs 3intilinsi at
‘fil of Sugars
t://I'2ls ; 4—tkiemoit
tri, at Fore low pi
1 kit4SS'
gt 3,
rl ~i•
LA J Ile,K and splendid stock'
I' L . P. of SpringPrinta.
. • •&. Co.
s TAP.LrGoods at II e lowest price. •
1 I. L. P O ST &Ce.
. , .
CLOTOS, ::Cassime ', Tvreelis, J Kentucky - Jeans
- and Satinetts, veri l y cheap at LL:P. it Co's. „
6°IIVV'WA RE—Patent Pails,
Cedar Fails
idl‘ Tuba, t :l rp lPersiute d iad,4, rin: s ivi:owl::e Rop e Halters, ;e
Pordillanilla, Ropes, rooms, a good lot at the store
~ ;f ” , , • , ,
. f..T,. POST & CO: .
I ri 0-.145//: AN' 3/A CK4')?/a of the -best
i 4uality at the 104 - est posidbk: rata. '
i' April 5 • 1854. ' ` - I' - L. POST ik...Co:
of LEATII4'I , very cheap, 'at
'' ' • POST & Co's
1(1 -ROCKERY Al D 'GLASS; WA R.E—aclioice
lot, at low prices ' • :, I - POST
,4,t: CO.
YOLi qnrpet, Roo • paper and Window Shades:
. , -
___ . ' POST 1.: •
'‘,Z IL 1 i _ ' ATS, sp •ing style _1 ' -:-..-,...-, 1 ' 4est q-- k ;H uality very
_VA'ETS, and )onnet Aibt
large and iFnian at re;
TAL.A.s.s TAD!. f4N GS—every atyl deArabla
.4L,F 2 antr, very cheaq.. POST &co.
GRA LY" BAGS-I—of-the best quality.
Fabt — er -77— at.
Ltit& COLL
latest styles; ;
Ma linatd lloniton
li/ r~lrle stytes •
anti Insertingslani
ri„ :4 Act Edging,
Mild, -almost
puiy linen-a/
QUAINI.:R lill
m4d and fin
b6ys and men, sot
lAIjIES' and
J e 6 a new lot
61Pre of
i - lITOICE and f
V.l also, some o
if • '
) Ora) at '
•• 1
/X of al
!Jr low. But t er
for which n•c aril
Apia, 5.
. .
.1 - • RENTOVAL.H • • .. ..
:1 •• -STOVE." 1 STOVES 4 STOVES! •
i rfkLlE.s.ubacrib r wishes- to cull the Attention
. of his
1- ,fricnds an : the public
.toinz's rery large. wort
:Ment of STOV i .S' at t» ,S new Store RoOm in Lotirra
,:vith:i next to L. S. Lenliehes-stone, mid near the Gt.
sBellq Depot._ I e has, in Midition to his former large
'variety of Cook tlg and Tailor Stores, many no e loaf
ilter...:4, .some , of hich are—i •
Si . :. Nicholas, .Peach k i raiteh; Fire Clipper, -
i 'c• - it i odf re Troy Mallaiek: '. Near.allion, Oiient, , Blaek Warrifir; Oak, Ego Stone.
~ .
Which,. Ingethe with his.former stock, will perhaps
LI be the most exensive infivaried 'assortment of .well
seleeted stores in.the eiuity...!
(. 4 .lint.;n Ste x, welliturnished, at low prices.
'All arts es in thjs line kept on hand and. made
,to order as us , and orders received at his old stand
iin Great Bend.. 1 . ... ' ( .) JOIIN COLSTEN. '
1 . • .i.orieraqße ,ad Gre:at. end,N0r.,1834. - ..
LA call the
the public. in
which being
and wishing
fet them at
Cocheco P
cents a yard. I
dollar. 800 !!
the best Nail
Boot:: and At
Pe Lanes, C
1 4 :elvet, &c.
gatin Bonne
I)ouble Long
ably low pri
faction to all
' Lanestm I
8 - TANT
' Good
. NE
.I_l. for f 4
of Capt. H
be in att
the week,
as may btr;
will be,pail
d •Door
• Grikoti
Ire., cons
•Prices, or
April 1
MontTol i
T im a
Eat. of
and the
i i
bed to order
NS & SON.'
QPL . 1
kJ :kc,
, fine Booms; Coaree
Thieteetetinfl Buskins,
; Childcene and Mu
te Ailk=linen slippers;
I. I:. P..k. Co'ii.,
and qualities; bleach?
)p, Ja,e,..4o4.Cambric .
"ria., Tarred liatilln4
and dO,tt:
• 17:_&
NES at ,
al cheapest kind: A
cheailt at. I. L". POST
I iitiralate stock in the coup-
eels. I. L. r. & co.
•-s, Muslims, DeLar!mt, DeMa
mas 14c., of everx.desirable
L L. t'OST & Co's.'
is of all kinds, Par
low prices.
POST & co's.
.11S—i1 very Choice lot of the
rook Embrciidered Lynierie, Lace,
imitations:l' I. L. P. Az
and Lace Lrndersleeves, ail desi
ds.o,,worked and endir'd..Edgings"
louncing.. ; " :
Inserthgz ! tzlitations of every
ood ris genuhie and very cheap,
'lt Lace. I. L. P. ez CO.
Hemp Carpet for sale at :
1. L. POST A: CO's
-nutarna, 'Emit and coarse trim
bound, Pedal and Palmleaf, for
ery ehdap. I. L.R. & CO.
• Liildren's Flats, ! ,:t. goad Tariety, .al
ff the lateSt styles. of Boennts at the
. . :' LL.P. & CO.
mey article:l'of Soap and Hair - Oil
the finest Perfumery at the 'store
I: L. POST k- CO.
ILE6W — Tas; T), Farmers toils. in gen-
I. L. POST & CO's.
kinds- Buns, 'Tried •Applcs, . Tat
-I.lceswax all wool socks, Eggs,
cxclttiget-goodtz at cash" prices'.
1 I. L. POST Sz Co.
lice to ithe l
-t returned from New tork I wish to_
attention of my phd customers, and of
.tight with cash at the lowest prices,
Sell principally for the same, I will of
atly reduced priees.
nU, warranted fitst
_colors, for only 8
I Good BrhWn Sugar, 18 pounds for one
ton Nails, acknowledged by. all to be
n use, 84 1 40 per beg. Bats and Caps,
Buffalh Robes of all prices,. all wool
tneres, ) Para*ttas, Dress Silk, Silk
Mouslin De Laines; 1. shilling Per yard,
, and :Moleskin 'Hats, Brodie Shawls,
- shaWls, Thibet d0.,-selling, at inconceir
.... I can 'safely warrant perfect satis :
wh% win roe'girea.c.ill.. ~
, Apr. 4, 1854. 1: t Ar. LYONS.
good time keepers, only oae dollar.
• ' . .1 . • LYONS
p-1 - 600 Hide; for which !the ho;ii .
Will-be paid. I . A: LYONS. •
_ .
Apr. 5. I• •
PRODUCE *taken in tizchange for
, ntiny store., I S. LYONS.
o,,Apni , ;• ,
McifILLEN'S. Rail Rogd Fretyrk
"otter/qr. Montrnse ./iriiot, and
21ew York, ereo day, ;Sun;
4aits izeTtet... •
Mc3lll.LEN,,ha - cing n.ade arrangements
kwarding freight 'to New-York in the care
R. CADWELL, of Orange County, will
'dance at the Moratorre Dep& day of
take tharge•of such freight: ana produce
entrusted to them. ' Returnii for the same
a at the Store•of
.5 in general, Flour, Pork ; Fish, galt, /he.,
ntly on hand, for sale at the; lowest Cash
,in eschan* for country produce. .
W-AN i rElk
FORDS good - 30 olapla vow, in eicbinn b v
oti woolen:goods.'' J. LYONS k SON.
, October. 18:.
- •10R;8ALE.
bseitber Oars for nale nig House and Lot
to in the itoroogh of MOntrose,* few - rods
he COnittfouse. i fertnii- r one half down
rnainder ip five' yenily' payinente, -with In,
• •* . -
OtiPAL-4shi'vC443hitteee wanted by -
DID Prints toad Ladlits' Broadcloth, Delanal l ,
kc,just, opened ;autd foi sale by •
sAo,o49roßvir • 000Olt.
- olitArArrititttiOliPJ
Great• Rtilator'tht; reit! Ood.s. o 44 Zafort's
0 1 U PRICE eitoitt I
HE hugest and-ckeapett Siockt4 Fancl:,ofetlis.`
, dc and Stapls Goods aver - brought intio-PuagWo
county, One Inuslypd lumen D, Notls cold
pri, ng In pail as rollowa : '
RI • •Changeable Silks; ' Fa4bionai4 fin am ) Ea;
" Pe"is
- Prvneh [Bonuets•
, •
" 2° °=.Pieces Rconnet-IP)=
41qte.k .
Si .ooliriOi,"., ' u . _
' Tl)Oias
.IkmalOt cJa ils;""' '' .1 100 pos. Fancy prfti.s'do i .
All *a' 'nes; . Velvet Dress Cations; • ':.
Paibiat :. i • .4n" • • ' 1 I'i rd. A; elated. - Telvots,
Plaid de - .0 . I -•:. •,, : f. • Fifty Ilay:..State,Sliawls,
j i
.0101140 d 11 e • - , Caslimerek •• la, .
Eneslt.lfeii,l4 . . Broclia - ' • 'do
ParamOtto'fi- ''' ' s • - Silk -- . t:, _443.: ;J.,
Lyorfose Cloths ;. 'I . Gloceicg os io., 00 , ..-,
I Coliorya :'-_- • ' sj•J' - • Jambs, (34.satio*s,- ~ T.
rrench chan'lgo do ewe,. . Veptinzs
Etobiolcle'recl Robes 1 ' ; Flannels ,
• : • ' "-,
Gingliains aid'Pkint.c, ' ' Wool:l3Linkets; - ,
Sdteli Ploicli;'::••• :*1 I • - s • Liir,
,whtie.Go o ds, , -- ' J : , t Tithing:4i -
Virmoght, Cliftniuttoi„(l. - Olin:l4k S.,Prn4
" j ,..• Collars. .. 1, ~ - I , inen (re
do Musiiii Vl
jj j righ ' llneas;
ilo Vambrick,do . - 1 ' ekMlnilini, '
do Linen ••- do ' '• - • 41.10. J• r - ..
Liarford., - Oct:. 6. - . ' • • ' • '
.. EATON & co.
lies and Geids
the.beit quail=
1 kinds ofblue,
AS and ladies,
Gloves, Black
silk and. rice
• ; York
IX IRALIIICE. Carl '.A'lll - ."
- . VIES, $304000.
'lnsures against Loss br Dania ge‘\ . Fire:
• A. Q. Stebbins, 113 431*d - street ;
1 tipruce Street; Girard Bancker 118 Broadwayi
Thomas Andrews,. 138 Cedar street; &mud O.
Soutinuayil, 377 street; Albert L. Conklin 910
Greenwich stek ; Jatties A. Crosby: 11 - 31Brnadwa•
Cha!s. Lent, •Kingsbridge,, Y.;. Varnbert C. I 1 II
CitiOgo, Smith Hobble, ROchester; N. Y, l
William W. Leland New York ; Peter R. Roach, 133
Bank, street; Stitates S. Bell, corner West and Laieht
streets ; John L. Been, 78 Water street; D." Van
Wstl, 118. Broadway; Horatio, N. 'Gallup; corner
Wes and Barrow streets; Peter H. -FoSter, cdrner
Guises -port and West; Reuben Ross Jr.. 48 Eighth
Avenue; Stephen Cromwell; Camden, N.' . Y.; Albia
Wadleigh, Philadelphia; Dexter B. Britthin, 49 Wa. •
ter street; Saniuel Sinclair, Tribune Buildings; Sate.
uel B. Shaw, Cleveland, Ohio. .
' . ROYAL ettAmwgßus, President.
CkAnt.Es C. CLans.k.-Secretary, , • '
CHARLEL. S BROWN, Agent, Montrose,i Pa.
AYRE, BENTLEY 4SI PERKINS baying purclat.
ed of At. Co.' the Eagle Foundry, are Lox
prepared to fill orders from the trade, and 't/o Work is
their line with skill and despatch. They will keep
constantly on hand Plows, (best kinds,) Stotei, ( A R
kinds,) "Cnltivators, Straw Cutter; Corn &tam,
Av.' dm. •
We invite particular attention to the Plows , Akith
we nutnuliteture. We manufacture and keep for Etk
- • The Celebrated Platehley Pb u.
We have purchaiseli the exclusive tight lo mantra
ture and sell in this county, Wayne, \\ }owing sal
.Bradford, Vi" Rick's Potent Iron.Bann. Plorc. Tle
Plow is matte entirely of iron, excepting the handler.
It is.celebratetl for its easy dratigbt, being one.thirel
easier than any now in use, while its strength and de.
rabilitv are greater. '• ; ,
of all kinds manufaettired and repaired by expeziert
ed machinests:. • ,
Stettin Engine', Gearing- for Shingte' ifc•
• • -chines, • .
. the. Stoves which ice manufacture, are tte-
Keyittone cooking Store, Rough and Reedy do.,
eat Queen do., Premiain 4., turd other kinds, ail
ranged for burning wood or coal • Also, Seil-.Rep 5
lator, Parlor. Stow, Cottage Parlor Sion/fir,
two sizes, d0.,-,and" a variet. of Other Parlor Siom
both wood and Colt! burners. \fir keep. at.o on lAai
Grindstone trimmings, Dog'
brella and Shovel, and Tongs Studs, &c. IVork
done to order on-abort notice and at the lowet rra.c,
. ,
".Order 'for Stores, Agricultural Implevientc . .
are.Solieited from those in. the trade; and m 1 . 1.4
filled at reasonable
Montrose, March 4.
Atistralia; California,
Or . any phtce• on, the cannot pre;:ea
. - • greater inducements than
. 6 ne r w lin n e nd e - ez mi tintj . 7
a general variety of new and elegant styles X L12. , .1
and gentlemen'a among which -arc - LAM
French, Silk.i,asting and r Prenille Gaiters, Kid ct
Enameled Polkas, Kid, -Patent Leather' and 711n.:-:2i
JennyLinds, Buskins and Ties ;
and Philadelphia; oak tanned calf skin and 'kip
iforoeco,• Calf and Cowhide Brogans ke. Bps
Calf and cowhide. Boots and. BrOgins ;. all
3Bsses and Chilli en'a Also, a gentitiw,l-ri.
molt of Findings which donsit in palt of btsts:l , :a.
sparables, 11,angaria.n nai's, tacks, thread, war.. 8, 4 -.
sles,shoe - binding, awls,: rasps, sandstones, - shoe kr.:rl.
&e. Also oak and hemlock,- tanned calf nppn
soleleather, - Morocco skits and liningt:. '
- Work made to order tnd repairing neatly - 67,7 i.
3fontroie,. A pril -6;
, _'• : FOR •:SALE, ..-' . . '.. '
I i3n . VILLAGE LOS, situated in' the par
GI V- part of the villag , § of Switmehanna; als).11:
Houses and lots in; the most business ',and
aforesad . Village: Also, 4
.:Plirut containing 1;;:i
with a stfiallAniprovenient, the remainder.-ho
timbered,..situate two•ntilis from said village.
.Susquelianna is the Brest , Ventral Depot of tl . l'.
-Y.'ok - E. Railroad, situate at the foot of the •lio.
grade on the read, near the great works of -Sntrx
iConewacta, and the Citseade;-and pOse:essiO, t!i
ititre the best Place on the route with tit
eality of extensive Nlachine'Shops, Foundiy Sc_'
i:Susquehanna, although numbering bet.2ooo
anns„-and - but four years of age, is destined
range alongside of .titel most flourishing and 1
towns on, the line -of-this great ttloronghfare..
. ' ..., . i . . : .T . ,.. E. HINDS, -Agent.
' r • •.- Office- one door cast .of Leah,
• . Susquehanna Depoti Nor. 16.- • .
••,- , . ,
. . Tatnabie Lands For Sale.
V9lli SALE IN ONE BODY, about 5500
1: Land on the waters of:Spring Brook, a
of the Lackawanna river, in Luzerne - County,'
about midway,betWeen _the thriving towns
ton and Pittston, !These lands
liable:timber, and.heing situate in the mess 0 1
mineral region:in Penosylvania-,:known tli
iron ore-•-and• believed, to abound -in , coal. I
also, in • the immediate vicinity of iierrlll' .
'made and now in Progress-'-offer to the curd:
opportunity' fey the investment of money that
°emirs.: .For further information apply. to S..
sack, Esq., N 0.. . -11, Wall Street New .I%rk; r-: .
subscriber, at gontrose, Slisquehaitna eounts.
• attorney in . fact of the owners; . ;
- April 6,- 185-1,.,. •-• — HENRY DR!
. .
8110 P ., 1
f AND E. 'MOTT 'ivould reipectfutiv
111 • pliblie that - they
-are renntifitcturin'gK
Celebrated_ s 'Plows. They - 'keep' Con,
hood, sick mu, -.D'art, Cdu•ty, apt!
Cidtivatrori; 'D CAtoma,Steigh ap-21 - Com
Plow Points of og r
various patterns, too jitliv
mention. We - hope; by strict audition tt')
to receive our Share of public, .patroUage. •
tbry,'D. Post's old 'stand: : Foutuity,
&Ark's Mill. • '
Virßepairiig . done on.shoit notice.
Ei.IJ to
Feb. 6
FIRE )111iStr.ifiLiNCE.
THE subsoriber is agent for the folhadart
Cominnies, towiucw at -the
~State. ilftqual at Harrisburg:
• Capital
calsh; Itarristitry. , •
Mame Insurance;New .I''arii (7/1"
Capital 45 00 :
- F. B. (11.0/
BSontroso April EI; 0 44, 4
rrHE linbscribetli 11.11:3 DOW burning act
contently: on hand,_ Lime .of a To!
quality at.:3lContrase Depot, and will ~ 3 4:11
quantidea rti •fitir price. • Persana
.quaulity' eau- be supplied vten a reafznat
pn ground Plasterwill be kept
loud berAafter.- • - _ 1. 1-
• • W. if
Montrose Depot, April 3.
A.Ne.w: Plater and a iwo horse
rings for sale *heap by A.
s. PERKTNS. ,;.!;•;