- • .. .•• ,$ ... , . ... vilitedfitemo Okmwrihatu , m_ - -. - i n a nother place will be.,fOUnd an interest ing letter from Judge„Wilirtot relative to the • csmeron letter. ''lt Ohs' Called - out by . the •• .u n i i snillelled meanness and dishonorable exia. - . • d u et of E. B. Chat.. -, e, , who, having.obtained ft , letter from Wilmot toCameron, , pnblished it in a garbled form, with a view to ntisrepri ! ' sent Judge Wilimlt's position on the Senator* question. To thoseacqnainted with(abase, • . . . his part in 'this matter will appear in admira, ble tart - not - Iy. with-his general character, and theppblie,ation of the letter in:. A mutilated: form will only increase their contempt for the' .man who unserupuloUsly. Misrepresents, the sentiments of-others: 'We invite a perusal,' Of bah Wilmot's . and Laporte 's letters inithis, paper.. Read and; judge. • • • .. Wilmot i l letter is Caustic enough to . blis ter the conscience of any offender on earth except t h at cf-E, IL, Chase.. -To iii mart ; of his indi rent a - I ' o mi deielopement it Mint cutt i ng . - The letter, as mutilat-- . be slight ,i, h y hi , represetitid \Vilmot as express. i n g himself in favor of Cameron over all Oth er rivals. What he did say was, that he' preferred Cameron. before all his rivals ofthe 'OLD ;JANE DEMOCRATS.'" -The sup. pression ZY this qualifying - part of the Sen tence by Mr. Chase is pluinlyintentional,jand entirely distorts the Meaning o'f the sentence g s written by Judge -Wilmot: Judge Wil mot expressed his prieference, for Cameron. overall his Old Line' Democratic rivais:—•-• Chase omits part of the sentence- r .the my st important—and makeS Judge Wilmot ex press a preference for Cameron over all rivals. Suppose.a man should giie us a note for $5O. We sit down and alter it to read $56.0. That would be a penitentiary - offence. Bin it would not:be a whit. worse ,than the Iletiim ,of Ezra B. Chase in the mutilation- of Jude' Wilmot's letter. The same:principle enters into and governs both actions'. •- - . Judge Wilmot,a integrity will" not he ',doubted by any man who knows him; ,But has certain friends hereabout, who by na ture cati,never rise higher in the Scale of op. iiosition'.than backbiting, and who lose no op 'portunity .to damn-him with' faint praise.' • . These men, (if the term is allowable in th . `"-.:' connection,) are veiy sorry, just now, th' Mr. Wilmot should prove so inconsistent..' La! sak7:.. , s alive! Why don't you 'put crape • On your hats to syMbolize. your gr i e f! . or did. you Weep your eyes -,dry at - the demise of your own ? Why don't you quit this.thiis erable. undertonal drivelling and these' vain • efforts to'pull every pirblic man .down . t:a your level ?-. . . 1.:• Judge Wilmot's.,openiles will not maled Much out oftheir present erusade,against his consistency. Ills I,i:tter to Cameron was just, what any honest,- ratan would' have written .. x.'eno bad - any prerertinee to express. But the Blaring of that letter in the hands of the most unscupelous of WilmOt';; . 4 .- enemiei- by „Cam-. Cron, shOws the contemptible meanness, of , the tatter in its:strot*est. light. .We Will try . to shot op a little more o f i ll i o n C am - cr ie,i Fa' scalir v next week. • . . ' • ' Will the Eagle, which ptibliShod the mirti latetiver;iOn of:Judge lyilmoes letter not long since, with a vapid commentary on thee nine, now pubil-11 the reply. - or, at least; .14r,. Laporte's letter, and thus disabuse the mind* ()fits readers of the . fidst impression its for mer pUbliCation may .have carried . Or will it suffer the lie to go,,uttrebuked ? Tioga Agitator. . 1. _ r b ir" Liquor. laws sharpen-. the irtiention of abOSe wl i traffic in intoxiCating drinkk'and many plans are adopted for avoiding the pen alties of % violation of the law. A keeper of a lager_ beer estal t lisbnient , in New York . evades the :Sunday law . bylholding pretended 1,6 utis- services- thereat, ot - cititing himself a.: 16: leader of cerenfintins. lie takes the readS:a : charer or two, serves each' of hearer s' with a glass of;htecr,.and -fakes up a collection! THE INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN. rtaLisnrb ET*ItY TIIIMSRAT mogrzosi, AT $1,50 PER ANNE*, IN ADTANCE Ra tes v . , . .. • f Adsrerthiat. - ' 1 One square (16 lines or 'less) one week,' /0 - ,50 One square " •,, .two weeks, ' • 075 ,One 'square ' ' thrCe weeks, - - 1,00 One *glare • " one nitmth, 1,25 One square -, -' " " ".twO months,. , 225 "Inc square : " ' three m0nt1t5,......3 . ,00. lit: mtuare f' ' six m onths, . 5,00 nip square ''' t` one year, . • 8,00 . For two or more squares, inserted by the year, a !duction from the above priees . la made. Yearly ad. , erti,ers will have the privilege Of altering or 'chug eg their advertisements without ladditional charge. Busitts Cards,not exceeding five lines, inserted ..!.,i..Pd per atainni, ' . . i • - , Job , Work.. ~ I'hiA (dee is supplied with w , good assortment ;of it4ing materials, and all kinds l -of Job_ Work, pitch Card*, Posters, Pamphlets, •t..,, will be done neat and promptly. - ill . MONTROSE PRICE CURRENT. IS - Any of the articles fltent6 n. in the following ", mill he i•ereired at this officeion - subscription, at current 2narPet price. E . • . text - 0 .bushel, 11,21 . . P hundred, ..... n bushel, .... 2 •Flurr: 7 o hundred, . tn. , : - 1 3tt, ' 1, >~pn,- ' doz • • - • pie Su:ar hth4to, rde:. a t.ushels, j' bushel, .. NOTICES. gi+s Austin's schOOl will be ll open for • the rem 0 4 of pupils on Monday the 9th of April. . '.h0,., March2B 1855. ' , - • • • -40 7 . The hoard of School Directors for Bridges's tigriet *ill meet a the Court Rouse in Montrose kturd.ty April 7, it 1 o'clock P By order of the Board. id. CURTIS Sec'y. gorater, Mareb-24, 1855. 'ale winter term of the , Susguehanna Acade i,:s.o:i Friday the Gth of April: Thetzamina place on Thursday and Fridan and the ea on Friday evening. The piihlic are invited ' Th e Summer Term will commence on Wed the 18th of April next-one Week, earlier than lrose, March ttg, ftsss. • Greg Rend on the 22nd inst b`7 the Rer, J, .13. !ary, Mr, Cmitarornza Blum tnntletis Etn.e fl.ts'itn4B, both of Windsor Br6onle too. N. Y. . DIED. Suson l ehanna Co. Pa., on the Etth of Feb.. Mrs. livutx Batman!), in he Oth year of her 13. and her husband' meowed from - /Laissach . thin neighborhood in thifullof 1801. They hong the tiNt who penetrated*e deep wilder iis part of Pennsylvania, 'hording land under I zP.tetient Title, which' of come they lost.-- was then called Rtiby. After the Connect - failed, the place was called ;Rash, Luzern ilk;:sbarre the Couuty seat.. Kra. B. was one immiera t ers who were formed into a Catigre-r - Chureh in this vicinity in 18)1, This little . is...eattle extinct for Some cause, and in 18,43 Tl , ll herself with the Presterian Church twitle where she continued a Worthy member p r i t'•: , ,.lnul was universally fat rated, not only it but all her ni,murmisiaxtuaiirtancem. P , ..;e, with her eYe fixed,,on Jesus, &Iv it Van d c Lige hildren. circle of children, grsqd clan*, ' - • 504, 11;50 ttF• • • --21( " ;: 9 .9•5 POO 1,12* 4,00 .20 10 a I'2 14 a 15 8@ 10 50 @ 62+ 50 1,25 . 50 . 1,50 10 @ 12 1 lOW - 4fl,43bOiqirpoqfes,_ . , . . 1 . . - 4855--6 . . • • . ; ''• - t.' noirr ilk BEITANS. '+ , t 1111 Road Freight Line between Montrose and , ',New York. The subscribers will continuetheir connection of the Oast year for selling 'SusqueluuMA Co. rrodoel on commission. , . Marnswi'.J. flawatiorow,4lll metre and twirl* freight for this company . at the Montrose Depot EVE RY TUFZ6AY. l; . - - . . .. Thankfttl; l , for poet patronage, and - being satirEed that their arrange ents for disposing of produce of every;kind Will e nd e them to give general misfire:. l a tie% !the - +Own rs , trust, that New York prim* prompt returns, add their mai attics attention to the inutiness, will insure to them a continuance of favors! heretOfore si, libentily bestowed upon them. The will I:oe promptly valid in current artonet by Kr', Ilsoingtonimho Will also make liberal advert; tea on consignment when desired. Ourimarl&g cards have been left with the Rail Read Frieght agent, Mr. Case who will attend to for. ; wardi k V.:"..41 consigned to us on other days than Tuesdays. ,- i . " 1 NELSON IL norr. SIDNEY D. BEVANS. MATHEW J. ItARRINOTON. Montrose March, 1855. , Persona residing out of the vicinity of Montrose, wishing to send us Produce can do so by consigning it to 110i,T k BEVANS, No. 187 Meade St N. Y. r, ;JEWELRY. I; new supplyat, • TtRRELL't Montrone, liff arch 29, 1i)55. PITRS Timothy sibd Cl?yerseedt a LLS. T • Clover and TiWothy Soe_ciekkor sale by BritRITT. • New MilfoeB, Mach 8; 1855 - 1-NOTICE. TO rns. - wnot4sst.r. DIALERS ants DIALERS IX XXX . en/atoms *trim Tice COG= or 11CsQuItawssi. In - pursuant:* Of the Acts of Assembly of this Com monwealth, vit. the Act of the 4th day of May,„)B4l, entitled "an Act to provide revenue to eet tVe de mands upon the ,Treasury, and for othe purposes," an Act of the th e of April, 1846 entitl d "an Act to increase thi revenue rid diminish th Legislative expenses of the Commonwealth," an Ac passed the 22d day of ApriPlB4B entitled "an Act to provide for the reduction of the State debt," and n Act pass ed the 10th day Of Aprili 1849, entitled "an Act to create a sinking fund, and to provide for the gradnal and certain extinguishment of the debt of the Com monwealth." 'the undersigned, Appraiseri ofMercan tile_ Taies of Susquehanna leounty has prefured a list *fall Merchants trading within said Count, and plac "ed each of said IMerrhanui in that Class which to him, seems right and just according to the kovisions of •• ' Act of .Assembly; as follows, viz : Residence. Proprieto. Class. Auburn 'lZohn P. Lambert, 14 ,at. Med:4 do Waterman & Swisher, 14 '1 Brooklyn, Nelson. Tiffany, 14 do. . W. Allen, 14 d° • „L'.. 43 . fee. I 14 - do •, - • •sv m. McMillin , 14 do • 4. T. - Ashley, -14 - • • d 9 - swith A Hempstead, 12 do S. Kent & Co., 14 - Cliford, 1 1l!;,. C. Brundage, 14 do ' N. Halstead, • 14 ChOconut, . Francis Quin, \ .14 • Dander, glaurch fi Phinney, 13 pat. med. 4 •do Phinney, - 14 do Thomas Arnold, 13 - Dimock, Pp li. Ti.,Wood.ruff, ..14 do 1; 11 Bacon, ._• 14 • Friendsville, 3 iclham k llosford, IS do Benjangin Glidden, 14 ' Forest Lake, Havid L. Meeker, . 14 liquor. ' Franklin, • M eini ma n, 14 Gibson, Triylor 5: Walker, 14 liquor. Jolll Smile), 13 . E. Kennetly,, 14 & Co., 12 pat. med. 4 S. Lenheim, I 12 liquor. i Whitink, 12 1 . do, do Great end, . do John McKinney, ; Henry McKinney, 1 14 do MILT: C. Valle, 14 lq. pi,. 44. 4 Et*ns Griggs, - 14 i Taylor ,& June, .; 14 ;I • J. FN, Dubois, t 14 • i w fn. p ayton. 11 Janws 'Clark, •.. ' 14 . I John Miller,. 14 S. Seymour, l4 Johnston & Very, • 13 t Ca4enter & Sibley, :14 ' B: kB. H—Enton, 12 • , S. A. Lyons; 14 B. B. LyOns, 12 Brant & (lager , 14 D. A. Lynns, & Broth. 14 J t Turne - r; 14 Deptie.k. Cooper, , 14 A. 9. Merril & Co 4 14' I. Newiton, • •14 , • Belt & 14 Shultz, Eaton & Co., 14 . E. GrOa• k Broth. 13 A. A. Berman, 14 Z. Blakeslee, 14 Haarle7 34Mott, . 12 ' M. a Wilfion, 13 w. J. & H. MultOrd,l2. J. Lyons 4 Son, 13 F. B 1 Chandler, 13 , H. .14 Webb, . - 13 • , Litbrog & Co., )3 • t Bentley & Read, 11 lq. pt. tad; J. Ettridge, 14 lq. pt. rndi. 4 R.' Thayer & Co.; 14 pat. meth 4 A. Tfirrill, i 14 lq..pt. rad; 3 I. L. 'Tost & Co., —lO - - - - „ • do. S. 11.!& D4Sayre, - -14 doL. Rtkenbaurn, " 14 Middletown, C. C. Wright, 14 do Chirf,es Campbell, 14 New-MUT - di Dayd.o•&. Yirothers, 14 do J. 11.iSatpltin 12 . do • Wm. C. Ward, 13 do• -• J. DielE.lrmin, Jr., 13 do - H. Bukrett,l , 13 liquor. ' do J. If*, & Brothers, 14 Bush, IT. J. Champion, _ 14 • Grinir,er,l, • l4 do . Jame# Tapper, 14 Suaq'a Depot, A. J. Whitney, 14 do • BdmotidiStaeic, • 13 liquor. do • A...T. 4s. Sg our, 14 do daylo*l l iCurtis, 14 . do Thmtula.lngOtru , .14 • do J AsNeri & co, 13 do - . James - .13 do V L. Its bet,. 13. liquor. . do E.; Carlisle. ' 18 do 5.113. Wqgt, • 14 . 1 q. pi md. 4 do • llirricilfel4, 14 do ' W. ll.lk do ' Shuits, 14 liquor. ......„____ , *do Lewim Conrad, • 14 do - IL Coliti, ' i \ 14 Silver Lake, R.lChie)a ester & Co., 18 Springrille,• Dean &!White, 13 do ,‘ IL S. Voris, 14• do Scott, Inlinsoty & Co., 12 dol tii Mc ille'nl.& Park, 12 LIST OP G MISS, StEIfeIIOVSLS, &c. Apolacon; H . r , ii,, fneY. -,4*- 11 - • g dO i W . BUllit, m, 8 liquor. Dundaff, ° I.En h (fttiunhFric 8 Friendscille, -- Edwin Illiis, , 8 - Great Bend, Luciantt, 'i 7 do 1 ~ M. Cra m Co., 8 . do ' Iliddisotnoek, 8 do . John Conititock, ' 8 Harmony, .l. N. Slc(Mler,l ' * '8 do • ' B. Ayls*orth,.l '1 8 ' Montrose, A. Merrinian, I, i. 7 ' .do LN. Baird, 1 I '8 liquor. do P. H. Foidhartt, • 7 New 'Milord, .1. Miller,H . 1 , 8 do • - Z. Cobb, tl, \. 8 Susq'a Depot, James °titivate* 7 •' ' do W. W. Clark, S. • - do " Perrine &So . 1 do F. B. Case, 1 8 ri ~: do N. C. & 14. W . Norton,? Motton,7-- • • do --- Win. Skidn,er, I 8 - do' '• F. It. Dake, 1 • 8 do S. Smith. t. ~ 1 8 • • ilo. -1 _ JosephViittiker, - 8 , • dei W. Wigre, •- *8 do -•D. A. Beniiim, I - 8 do • _MliesXregan, i• 8 liquor' . Thompson, -IL P. Hathaway A liquor • ' Frie " 4 "; 1 "„. JametzHeid, 8 liquor d { And the Judges .of theiCou IL ri of Common Ple4 3 or j i said C ounty will hold Ciattot Appeal at the Court House in Montroae, in and filr t*id County,. on Tfitus;' , i doY the linh da,y of May rie ,at one o'clock -P. it at which time and ; place attOf the itterchanta defined,,-, desc o" l ano sktg' 044 ed sa'aftwefedd, or their agent •or attorney may•appear and lipped from said asseatment - if,they think proper. 1 I 1. ' 11 W. mi MOLEY Yer. Atir c r. Hogioottem, ituds ti, 1888. i . FIRE, FIR-E 1 rrliM subscriber hat been recently app o i n t e d an agent for the Famines ilhros Itiscaaacz AtltenN Pa., and is prepared to insure Houses, Stores and other nidings, Gtaxia, Wares and Merchandise, on faroiable terms. Apprititiond tnade either'person .ally or 10k* p rom ptly attended to. I\t , B e caAgE_ -_tarsal; Pa.; limb )ith lac Sash and Blinds.. • 'c AAT INDOR Sash of various size constandy °Owl(' yr Blinds furnished to order by • - 3. LYONS & SON • "raper , SOORoil Just Opened, and some for 6 ets.o per roll, ' J. LYONS &SON. RO ILIES—A fresh supply . ?f Coffee; f.ugtr, Gk.)l TTa, Mee, ee, Crackers, just received and for; side by J. pYOGIS & SON. Adirtiinistration oUce • Xoyl:Crs is i tereby given that le tors of admiiditrw tiou upo, the estate of JOHN HAliDjate AF {!on toanship, dec'd, hare been grantetltci the undersigned, and all persons inde ted to .said eiitate will. please make immediate payme t, and thoi3e,hav-, ink olairps will present tho same uly atteited for settlement., LIAM HAND.. 4.ppoilacon, March 27, 1855. ' MIME spring Goods now lbeffig c.eiied at I. L. POST & CO's, are deshabla In > quality, Style and price. . 1 • 1' Staple Dty Goode, Collars, BleeneiN; C. Dress Goode, • Pd sings, •1. Milks and Caaainaerea , BOWNef While Goods, and, Parasols. CLOTHING• r —a fine stock. Groeeries of ali'vari eties: Hirdmue, Crockery, Looking Glasses, airtfin every dePartmeut their assortment 'is good, and at prices to suit. Montroac, March 20, 1855. , ' • ••• . . , = ; Bounty. &sloth. `.making has recently passed a Pension list; J -making an extensire addition t,o the Pension laws befoie in: forced No one should despair of resew.. ing iilAnd Warrant, who has doneservice for the , United States i ofany kind, either in t e EerolutionarY war Or sink. l The act also extends to the Widows and Minors orthose who performed e service', 4 , 410 if now living' Would be entitled to awl benefits 'there of. The Undersigned has the law and alrlegal "forms, to obtain Pensions under the said act, and will prompt ly obiain Land Warrants for applicants who may t be entitled thereto; for reasonable compensation. Your H Warrints When obtained can he sold for moneY it any titne, if you do not, choose to locate the lan d..; Montross, March 21, 'co; N. NEWTON: •t Sberitlrs Sales.l • r • Btvirts l e of a writ of Lerieri Faciasissued Out of the Court 'of Common Pleas of Susquehanna count and to me directed, I will expose to publie isle at the Court House in Montrose, on Saturday the 31st day of March inst.', at . one o'clock In the after. noon-tAll that 'certain three story framed Situate l on the south side of the street opposite tk Depot„ , in the Borough-of Susquehanna, in the Conn. ! iy aforesaid; containing a front on said Depot street 30 feet, and in deapthabout 94 feet, and.. the lot of Piece of grOwnil and curtilage appurtenant to said building, said Tot being bounded north .hy the street; east by: lot of O'Laughlin, south by lot of B. Nichol; mild west bylot of Stone, and is the east part lot N0.',230f the rt. B. Co. land in saidl borough. , ' Taken in execinion at the suit of Morris S. f utan'lrs:.• Benjamin Palmer. 2 ALSO—BY virtue of other writs issued from 'ithe said Coart, one other certain piece or intrcel of land situate and being 'ln the township of Oakland in said cOuntyomutuled and described as follouis, to wit .I . J On', the north brthe sew , York Et Erie Railroad, east.b'y landS of Datid Prentice, south by the ISusquehanna River, and Rest k)y lands of John 0. Laughlin, On taining about three acres of land, more or less, with the appurtenances, 1 framed house and all improved. Taken in execution at the suit 'of 0. S. Bennet ff. L D. Vinl.Tordeir. - ; ;ALSO--:o9c other piece or parcel ofi land altilati4 in'Oakland Toth - whip bounded and described toluit On the north-east bi lands of Al Slater, south-east land-of Tho Map Poi , lth-west hy.lands of C. L. Ward, and northop.est by . the - warrantecOine, containing atirtut 624 acres, More orlless, and about 15 acres improved, being the north heir of lot N. 75':of John 80y1e.4 surrey of Whartoti's tract; and late the estate of N. Loomis; Taken in execution at the Alit of C. S..Bennet vs. Nathan Loomis and Milt;yn 3liddouth. I ALSO- All that; certain piece or parcel of land .sit 4 uate in . tbe tOwnsbip.of. Great Bend, in 'aid. county,. botinded: and described as follows, to . : Igoeth. weitethr:by a wood road of Tillman Baldwin, north-. ea4rerf.v . by lands or said Truman Baldwin ' southetist.. erlr land of Londe Green, and southwesterlypy land heretofore contracted by. said Truman Baldwin to ..4.lvalt - Bolden, and being 4 rods in width and eon. tainkig One-half an acre, with the appurtenances, Oe, frawed dwellitig.house and all iinprored. . . Taken In execution at the suit of Stowers dt As os. Alvakliolden. F. P. ETOLL'ISTER, Sheriff. Sheriff' office, liontrose, March L. 1R55. 4LS.o='—.4.t the glinie time and place, all that cer tain - three stor' , ,, wood building with a teick front hasp. : situate id Great Bend township, mill County, land the Lot and piece of ground and cintilage appurtenant thereto,- and on which said building is consbveted, bounded on the north-east by the Sewbitrgh turnpike road, on the east and south east by lands formerly owned by C. J. Bart on th'e south hi grounds owned -and occupied by the New York ,t - Rrie It 111-Road Co., and on the west and nortb. west by lands of Lowrie Green, said building occupy ing and COrering all, the lot, being some fifty feet in front on said Rail-Road grounds, and some 200.. o? more feet rear to said Turnpike road. Taken 'in exeoution at the suit of Elmer ' . W. Brig; hair rs. Addison Bryant. ME I - . • "The above sale is adjourned to the 3 at March ay- The above sale is adjourned to the 1 14th daj, of April, 1855; F. P. IIOLLISnit Sh'ff. ShCriff's office, Montrose, March 5, 1855: tit.N'TED, Batter, ebeese, Egg, Smoked than V V,: Api)leis, rotatoes, Beans, ike. S S. IL - PILOCLAIRATION. Susguehaottis (,vounty as. Euzall Dtnal, 14 the Court of Common Pleas of - county, November Teim, 1854." &man DEtra., 'No. • I _ I To ifather Pearl: Whereas a subpcena in Divorce was isFued to November Term, 1854, which) was duly returned non eat farenters, and thereon an alias sub pmna was issued in mid case returnable to 'January Term 1855, upon ithe return of which, proof was made that the said Esther Deuel -could not be fonna in my bailiwick. • " • Thio -err • you "to rid notice is therefore to require you - to appear before•the 'Judges of the. said Court on the third Mon day of April next answer. said Complaint Sc. - " • F. P. HOLLISTER, Sheriff. • Sheriff's' Office,l3lontrose, March 5, I 855. .wt BOIJNTT LAND MEN ATTE: D. 006 RES. S bas . pawed a law gi vingpitt additional landk Those 'who have already receired war- : rants are entitled th More. Danville men, ctinae on now and I Will get ; yoim warrants. Widows l and mi nors of deceased soldiers arc entitled to' the same \ their husbands and fathtirs would be if living. I have', the law fresh frOin WaShington, and the necessary . of application. Speculators from a disnume are about trying to get those largely interested to Sipa off. Be-. ware . of such { and d,on't . sell for a Song.;,* do your business. ucenratelyi; and promptly tkcltunt -for the full value of Your warrants • when obtained. From three years' Shecessful experience I know I t;an! do the buSiness right, itnd proffer you my services at rea sonable rates' and quick returns. L. F Finn Sionoosedifarch 1 - 855. • . DOCTOR HARRIS, HON EOPATH IST. GRADUATE and member of the University I f New York, Will be' in Montrone on the Gth, 7 hand Sth of each month, and may be consulted at atch's Hotel, for three dant, upon all d'astases incirituital to the„hurnan system, viz: coirstrgprtoy, cbitis luflamation of the Lungs,- Throat, Liver, Pleura, Kidneys and Spleen, , Dyspepsia, (Indigestion,) Liver, Complaint, Rtifarmarisu, Scrofnla, Eruptions, Spinal Complaints, Diseast4' of the eve and ear, Nervous W,eakness, &c. Particular attention given 'to the diseases of Fetuales and Children. , The various affections of the Merin( radically cured Dr. Harris is well acqnainted with both Ilonnima thy and - Allopathy, having been in constant stud, and practice for the last tWelve-years, and hiving th'St in troduced •Homeopathy 'into Binghamton, Y., in 1847. His phin of tiistment is mild, safe mid "'rea dout, and dilVrent from that of any other physician, . and cures nearly all oases in all stages of the disease. or Dr, Barris has testimonials of character, labil ity and skill, from a ?number of the Most eminent medical men in,, the city. of 'New York, runong itiem the. celebrated Dr: Valentine Mott. • - - Persons !tithing prompt relief or permanent mares will do well to l eall without delay. Charges inoderste. Consultation filee! Patients visited at their reside sits if desired. Olnc - e hours from 7in the morning til '9 in the evening. Advantages. The ailvant4 es of the licuncepathic Vestment. • of diseases are ;r • Ist. That Patients treated nomeopathiaailfi , ly are cured toilet' sooner than by anyother practice. 2d. That many patients can be cured by Heine°. pathic re.niedieai wbo cannot be cured by any other treatment. - grd. net patients!, treated liotacopathically,jdo not have to labor und4 the bad effects of the medi cine they have taken to Mare the disease, j ° Timothy Seed. tanley Tureeks eelebizted Timothy Seed, warmine 1141,e , For sole sly dap. Vcrarsp; IroM - Mir* 111$ left. ' • .: Y.._ SOLDIERS' RI RIS 1 . , Tea altwhom it. Mit " tonee . . By et recent act of Congress th,e • Bounty La d law has been extended to Embrace almost 'every ' of of military service. ~ '':` • .L 'All persons who, here ` been ei!gaged in • ditary Seyvitsx,of the United States, for a4wrind of folrteen days upwards, are entitled to : i one hundred aced sixty, a4ris of Land, if they have ant received i',.and if Aber Itave received less amount, they are e w e d to euffictent toinakelup 160 acres. ' ; ' , . Revolutionary soldiers and soldient of any and all wars in which' the United States have been engaged since, s l id if deceased, their widows, or minor chil dren, are entitled. ' jl, , ,Officers, Seamen, Marines , Clerlia and landsmen in the Navy, their Widows and minotlehildren, sti also -entitled. , Wagon masters and teamsters, : ritployed for' the transportation,Of military stores, afe, 4 30 to w i n likemanner. - ' !, I'am 4011 engaged in obtainhagßounty Land ar rants, and am willing to do the business upo the molt liberal terms, and althoit I have no moti e to spend rnY time and labor lei out Marge, yet I will do the Wiliness at the lowest pricei ,that I can it • Jeonest/yland lire. i: . Thof,e l having claims I believe wild find it materially Ito theiri,,dvantage to call upon me before going Lie , where. J 1 . 1!, After the' arrants are obtained, gliny of the r :rewires desire to sell them, lam prePared to pa the highest dash market price. 1 fun tilso engaged in the prosecution of her claimsTinst the Government of the ridged States, 'such as rTensions, Back Pay, Extra Pay, Lc. Ac. FRANKLIN FRASER,. Att'y at Litt. 1' Montrose, May 14, 1855 1 I - ' wil •l, I , L Register's Notte.•!' . 1110110114 C notice is hereby given - 441 persons .n. .1.- ,ceinibd in the following Estate4to wit : Estate of Jabez Gardner, demased, late of Gi, Son. township; Electa Gardner and EnaiGardner, Ei e e. • utors:— , - ; V I r ' F,state of Stephen Itzeed, deceased; late of Brdok lyn township ; S. W. Breed and R. ir.,Breed, E ec• .. titers-- 4 • G . • , „ .. Estate of Caroline G. Stiles, dec'd.,Tiate of 'Ha ord townsip ; Daniel Oakley, Ex'r.— I_ , . ...1 : Estate of John M'llvaine, deed., k ite of Cluxont township ;" Jacob Kimble, Adm'r.— 4 , • Estate of John Chamberlin, deed., pate of Newkil fOnl tosinslpp; Win. J. Torre!! and D. D. W,artier, 'Aditers.- f; '• • : • That the:accountants ha're settled t it accoun in „ p , 'the Register's of fi ce in and for the co tly of Sian .e -henna; and that the smne,will be p , seated to e Judges of • the Orphans' Court of said county, ion ,Wednesdav the 18th dak of April nea4, for confirma tion and allowance, - J. W. CHAP MAN, Regfr.t Reg4ster's off e, Montrose, March. 4, 18155. , [ --,-------:--- - IProclamation.t; '• , ' ', , _ , Zi,tsqtieliatitict County 8.. - • Tnonis t MongurAn 1 In the Court of ' ,Co. - mon Plea.iinf said countylLowsit ELtzA Monzuzin Nov. Ter4, 1854,N0. G I S. i lb /fanned: giza .Morehead: . tab . as a su6re a in divotce Was issued to November Ter 1854, whi h was duly returned non est iiirestas, and thereu n, an: alias subpoena WAS issued in said cause, returnab e to January Term, 1855, • upon the' retkni of Whic , proof was made to the said Court, thal l the said 11 - nah Eliza Morehead could , not be fou din my , bali wick. , This notice is therefore to require iou to appear before the Judges of said Court, on thei,:third Monday . of Aprii next, to answer said complaint; &c. 1 • • . F. P. HOLLISTER, Sheriff. ' Sheriff's Office, lifonttose, March 1•2;:1855. : • . Glad 'ridings 1• TO- OLD SOLDIEIi - S.. BY tOlate law of. ConOves all Soldieni,'Teamste , and their widows, or:tninor childre'n, are entid to 160 acres Bounty Land. Thosewht e haye receir. c Wan ants for less than 160 acres, entit.led tb have an additional 130 or 120 aertv. Waltant. Thos wholisie been simply mustered into seri:ice and pal . get 160 acres land. ~ am still engaged in the Bounty Lana; and Pension Agency, at Montrose, and will obtain tiew Warrants fur all Danville claimants, PR EE Al COST ar Ctfif It.OE le A.N Y KIND. All nth er case Mercly fUr fees. And I will pay the highest marke in ',cash, for all warrants: . I tit.Searle's Hotel, and in case ottity absent! 'at any tittle, D. It. Lathrop, E q. , Coll* Treasurer atteMl to mybusines.s.• J0H241..11.1M0CK.. • • Montroae,'March,F; .1835. . • • AUCTION SALE. 4 Tlic subscriber haring leased his Farm, situated Forest Like, 14 mile from the 'Post Ofit:ce kept by!, Mr. Elisha Griffis, will sell at public auctiOn Thnrs.l day the 29th day of March next, 'sale tiA commence at 9 o'cloi:k A. the following descri* stock 1 Span splendid .8 year old - Mares, 1 very good 7 year old kart.; I 'very good 2 rear old gtey Colt, 54' 1; year old Steers, 2, 2 year , old Steers, 1,;i:1 year old Heifer, 5 +earling Heifers, 2 yearling .QtOrs, I Bug ,gy Wagoa, I,''2 Horse Slegh, 1 single Dutek Harness '1 Plough, I Stove and Pipe, - Ok SALE.-All Sums under $5, catkall sums , Over $5 and under sso, 9 months, and ail gums over $5O, /2 Months credit-with interest and atipmvetl se turity: 'COCI L ITNE.. Match ISt. 185 ' 3. l • 9w4. ADAINISTRATORS NOTICE. TT etterstif Administration' of the Estaiglof Hannah /LI Bolles'i late of Jessup totrnshipdeceaXed, with the Will anneied, hare been granted to the Subscriber. All persons indebted to the said estate,are, requested to _make paytuent, - and thoiie having elating or de mands' sgaibstthe estate of said decedent, 1 will make known the itante without delay to • - CHARLES' AVERY, Admittrator. 3.fontr* Feb. 28..1855. 4 ' GOODS AT COST FOR large quantity - of Del:tins—a large quantity Of Par. atnetui—Silk, Wool and CottOn Plaids—Sl l uslin and Cambric gikabroiders— Dress Trimmings ar34 Buttona —•a large' litock of BeadyClethingira large 'stock of Fiuiey articles-any a fin. Books will be sold at COst till. the lst of .#4pr4 next by -the February 14,1855. , F. B. CfrANTLER. • ------- I' I THE LATEST NEWS BY THE - ERS, ARE,S EAM ' I,IrINIAT the Spanish Court ha); decided not o sell the; Island.of Cuba, but Joseph Wittenberg k Brother'. • hate recianti decided to imenlu new store; they building orLi Searle, a few doors east of Pmti's store, Opposite , Wilson's dwelling hotise, corner of CheStour lox; Owego streets, where they will keep mi,..band a I a..isdrtment of Ready Made Clothing; also' in additition to this, a good assortment of Broad Cal4simere, Kentuekey Jeans, Ac.; in short, 4 gefieral. assortment 9fiGentlemen'it furnishing Goods. [ Also. a ; splendid 'assortment ol Ladies' Dress Goods, Silks, Me- Delainei t t,, Alpaccas, Embroideries, Shawls, Lae- . eS,tDress Trimmings. &c. &c., all of which'they; are de- . tirinined to otter to the public at very low. prices.--- i 4.11". Goods wet:ranted to give satbditeticm, as l e vrell in quality as ut price. L Please give u.s atrial before iturcbasing etslwbere. .; , J. WITTENBERG & BROTHER. ; Montrose, Jim. 26, 1854.* PROCLAMATION.. qaskueltanna County, s 4. . I; .. . c , ILatY Ana Davis by her uext ,lu the Court of Com- Mend, JohaW. Brackney,moupleas of said coun t;,; :- :vs:\ •}. - tdy November ;;: Term, , Edger"G; Davis. - /854, No. 27. ti t. To',E4gar G.:Daels: Whereas a subpcena in 41voire. was. issued to tioreinber Term, 1854, which -teas dd• lyidturned noti eat intteatua, and thereupon aii alias subkentorsii h4sued in Said cause, returnable to4an'ry TOO, /855, upon the return of which proOf was made, to the said Court, that the said Edgar G,l) ar b , cohld:lot be found in my bajliwicit. rills notice hi, therefore, t`ct * require you to 4pear before the Judges of said Co urt, on the third .ifonday of Apt/I nett, to answer raid coinplaint. kc ii ) $ ' ..F. P. 110LIJSTER„ Shei.iir. lirtlrs Office, *mime, **eh /BMi• WINTER CLOTHING • - , , ir 1 r ' k ' Th' '..."771 r‘ MO f. \ Mr• ' A I.,(l'.a_ati Li . LsDiftallsktl'F., . Als ere are Julianne to close out our stock or/toth . trig to make room for our Spring and Sungtner purOhase We eire'selling kat greatly reduced pi L ic\es.! Celli es now is the time to buy cheap. 4 . \ . OvCr rout' froin ti , P,OO tO glB,OO. Dress, I' end rocl r. Sack t?tutts, good patterns and new styles. Pants rote s 11,0.t0 S. ,ott.' !Vests of every Style. Gents. rut-. nishitik! Goodsof every kind. ; • , ALL,,'WOL LONG SHAWLS .„ 1.15-ppr 'cent: oheoPer than 'ever 9tfered in Montroge.! L I '.-, . DE LAINI*3. • • e GOA q try and neat patterns selling at cos 4 for rash,n !! .. i • A. LATHROP &CO • FipillarY I', 1055. - • - t •1. 40,900 Firkin Staves.. - WASTED by die subscribers immediately. Also, Headl.l Umber tOd 1100 P1Koles- 4 0r which we Frill pay LU igh ni i ark e t price. Seasoned atavea. SRI= k 11E10§"TEA Drllleirt 1 : , [l S.' ; i NOTICE; 'MOGI!. It THA I /Ell, take thin I/14 4 4% "Yb?lt . , , ...,, to bis ftiends and calif:omen; that he hash xabt resumedtherpOtetice of Medicine, at his Od stin4 si igotitroSe, where be may be found at all 'nines unless profesAionalti employed. lie would say to those in• debted to Km; that he wM, deduct tw tttytive per cenros all aecounts paid before the first orApriloext, (or if any- ranior)ike myself I will deduct fiiiy) 1‘ Montrose, , ,reb, 20, 1866. - ...' ' 'I- '' , HALP,: HALLOO, THIS WAY. MBE z PO nb*riloci would infintn the citizen's ofilont. ' , ,rose and the public generally that he Liss lxiught the Grocer, 3armerly kept- by P, 11. F 011141113 StCo., in Lyons antECtrandier's building on ChMititut street; in the borough of Montrose, where he 110 4 fresla as. sortnient of groceries; . and will keep constantly 'on hand; Flotir; Opiters, Cheeke, Sugars, SyruP,lifolaises, Mackhrel; Nuts; Candies,. Toys, Oranges and LeniOns, Fip PruneitAtit dines, Sciaps, Vinegar, Cidree, dried Peaches and Phims, . Herring, sack Salt, 141,.Cakes, Beer,TankeNotions, and other things top numer ous to mention, which will, be sold cheap tor cash or most itinds.of, country prOduce. ' Call and' see. A share of public patronage is solicited. 8. &MOTT. 'Montrose, March 7, 1853. STOVES ! aTOVES! T ux subseribCri beg leave to inform the citizens cif Brooltiyi . luid vicinity that they haiitjust,Ve ceivedl a lot pf Moves, which they offeror sale' as low as they catt bC purchased elsewhere in the comity. 4140- 4 —A l lot lof STOVE PIPE and Ellseilra of the different .e4' at ortastufbcfarers prices.: 1ir..4.217E4-411t1 Iron, Copper, and Bnui, to is, Change: for ; Stares; or other goods. r . . 1. a Winter Shawls just receivedarid SMITE & .11E1IPSTEAD. stoieic . A fgr 'rale 16w,' by i l , WANTED, " - ' 5,000 bushels •iof Oats, 1,000 bush. Dried Apples. 2,000 bushels Of Corn, .1,00 bush. Ruck*heat, 1,000 bushela a dye, 500 • " BeansS. and a . O (141414' of Par= at the highest market . prices, in exchange for by , . Brooklyn, ISnv., '34. S3flTll & 11E111*ItAD: ....._ - MUSIC,: MUSIC 2 13R1NCE'S LIIIIIOVED MELODEON' 1, snore jtist reeeilied Uv J. LYONS &EO.N.':. BEET MESIC—a new lot for the Voice{ riano br S Merpileen and Guitar—some-very beautiful piet es just iiublislidil-+s.oltl by J. LYONS A: SON. • • Shawlx. .A.rewniareleft!that will be Oold et-7 cheap. • Para Mettas, Cashmeres & Delainem at great bargains at LYONS & SON'S. ATfresh tiupp of Groetrius just opened by - . 1 tress ifolass4 at 3 a4illingi per gallon. Surup; at:4, 5 & 43" fq Ly'or:s & • NEW GOODS.. A RRIVING every week ht A• Jarluary ! Winter ;Shawls and DeLanes, off at great bargains. Call on Januarytlati A.' LATIIROP.k. CO' Mtn • licrkeri Soric% INTANTED a . i A. LATHROP a co's 1' January ISt Gru ui Grain:: O(I , ran Pntl9, iptd at the highest pricestxiukbt hi? N.../Janueryllsti A. LATIIROR& CO's; grILTRKB Islaiih - Salt at LATHROP Ma JL 3lotrose,.lJailuary 1, 18515, , .1 1 , :Steariat . l gOd Marriu l l.o Fire.P4'ool, I, 1 -.!- Safe's. .. '. lil ;: I r'irLlE subser*shave made . arrangement.4. to furj.. i JL nisi' to Pershmi who May be in want of them, the ! • ~ . above nateedlinval linable Safes, at the same prices for , ,; which they can be Obtained at thci marinfactureir's.-11 Having experienCedlthe benefit orsuch - an article du- 1 ring the late Conflagration ourselves, we woUld 'earn- ,1 iltuly recotirmenMto Others.having Valuable hoof s and;` Papers, the preserving of which would be of immense,( importance to' thetn,r,not to do wiebout. one. L I Prices rimi e f, i:,th 4,50 to $5OO, and we can explain:l to, any one wishing to' purchase, !the difference fito style, size, price, Wei and furnish them on short no-. 1 tice, with the internal arrangement to suit the: put , chaser. 1 ! ..:r ' BENTLEY, ft . READ. .1 1 Montros`p, pectinAier 1 . 9, 1854.; NEW G 0041114, i !; WE are receiving thiS week a lot of New Goodk, - just purchased lin the'city, which renderi our - aasortinent complete, and which we offer on the most faro-rabic terms, at the riew;building, one door above the Post Office.' : a -1 BENTLEY & READ. ,'Montrose, Febritary 8, 1855. : OLE D'AmtberAJiiper, do., Calf Skins, sad Kips—,-a sierrisupply, just received and fk:sale by , BENTLEY &,READ. A fresh supply of : I Silrer Spoons, IVatches„ Je elry, just received. BENTLEY *3-. --- COFFINS - yi COFFINS I COFFINS': rj' he Subscrib& Dmii on hand ready made otiw 1. which May be lad at reasonable prices. 1. Also on handla fa of Superior window Sash. I, HENRY WARNER ? • Great Bend Jan; 15th 18.55. 1: ; . ALL. READY. 1 'STOVES , AND TIN WARE' FOR T: I, • ; i ; PEOPJ E • I TiTOODAUFF, & ELDRED have constantly oni ,a large and peell selected astortrnent or ware, Reels, and tJhain for wells, pumps., ch pumps, Ake., , jilydraUlic Mimi, Japanned wares,l pipes of all sizes &c 4. ke. Job work done with ness and despatch;), all orders promptly attendet i' ; STOVES & PIPE I f kept Constantly on hand, a large assorintent of st lot the latest imprOved, and approved patterns.'; fexperierice hi the hiSiness enables us to select t !that we can iafelfwarrant to give entire satisfac Amongst our nutnerOns stock ran be found the Paragon air tight ,' Stir of the West, El ` New World, ; - ",, f • Clinton, • • • . Atbvi, - • "I, i 1 . Cultivator, . 4.1 Phoenix, ' "I c . Fire Fly, • vil hree States,- '• 1 : Western Qneen " Globe, ' `s ' '. Prerniuin. , ' 1 ,, S. A. wooDFiri.l . NEW GOODS. • I. . IA Fresh ii- -Arriva',V Nees 'Goods, which we will 1 , ,Aell very cheap. , TE harcl, a .large'stock ofStaple. and Fancy Pry G ~, oods,whicl I we will sell cheap. • Call and xamine. : . Itendy*oile Clothing. ' ';. We are now prepared to clothe, all according O . :di test style. iWE IpLirE ,A LARGE ESTOC,E, WHICH `(Wk: irH.L SELL c Entr Lots, I'.Call and examine before puri4 haling: . Able, a la'rge stock of Cloths. Cassimeresi eans, Satinetts, Twileds;i&c.&c.—in•fact, our. st ick' lit this line is *cornplile: We invite the attention of e ft tsit PURCIIAS' ' fr.4 to*or stock. AU kinds of prod',ce I. taken in exchange fqt goods at :cash priCes: ' I • ',. Montrese,Kor. 22;'.14.. HA,WLEY & MOT .*: , j, • , , li: ;iir- ABBI. TIM/IEIZ - , AS just receives liom New York a full assort.! ' meat of' YEltr, GOODS, - comprising a• I* riite variety of Darns; MEnictats;eurssicALA, Otis, • AFE-MTV,7I4. GLASSM 4 AME, FAMILY GIIOCKIIIES, MAYII. .10AL8 FOR LIIIIITS, MrSICAL INSYRUMENTA„ YAI(161:' NbrIONS; JEWELUY,, il FICMFOMERX, Am) ALL FAMYS klr F4Acir Goons , "lief' 01 be sold extremely low for Coh. Having recently sustained a lass-by fire of Int leitst fire tbouluitid dollars, - above insurance and goods Saved, 1 fancy I have. claims for the patronage grim' friends and the üblic generally. I ask no mink. t'pgi've to me, neither de I ask or expect addition Al (1 profits in conseiyienc .Of said loss.. I will sell goods as low, if not lower thilin can be bought elsewhere In ths town or, county.ll Ali , I ask is that patronst. ft* the public which *III enable me With Industry o slo`wlr but gradlly replace the loss sustained--sanl lot being the,hird ertingS of a life of anxious toitt tore at the lower e l ect ct of the burned district, On II n street, a few doorS . .befo the corners. .' • i i '" •ABEL TURRELL. i.' a/ i ontroSe„Decemberil4, 1854. • - li t... • - 71 • All Sfgltt Again. 11 BOOTS& SHOES, READY MADE AND MADE TO ORDER. - - fr HE subsciiber ;ionld avii : pectfully tinnoimce to his customers and the public In general that he is again prepared for the lotit and Shoe business. 4 li cl: n at g ul% t p m er ce ith r e e a dr tr l Near Y ork n choice lot 'o S all, k-tanned. Also, tt.nasSortment of Ready-madeF. atoi: , consisting in part' of Men's Thick and Calf. Bob Boys Boots, Cbaldren's Strap Boots, Women's; ith' eled Union . Boot Polkas, Kid *skins, 13411 q Ida tig,Fox Gaiters, Galt LaCe Boots, Enameled Peg.: ge4 coots, ..111s. Kid ice Boots, Children's Roan) , B , &c. Av.-1,1116 will be sold for cash cheapen tha eon be bought ilsewhere in this - market Be.) pal edone neatly. 1; piense'call and examine. Store first door east of . the Gdd rellowsliall.l • - •1, Amine:skean from Ithe time to wiark'Nintll the, tim t " rest ' br and "reit:cab:tient." Gmte4tl fbr ,• favorsbe bores by strict attention to. Whines* to. me 'a continutmee elf the.' mune. N B. Being stunewhht in' want of tIM "one thing nee. ul," (money,) he alai suggest, in the mildeist man er possible, thelm3Klety of those indebted call. log d settlinitbe some Inunetlistelv. Nur cad. • ' bt'ser Dee , 40 9 544 . . 1 3 , , N MINE =EWA O. D. iLtalr 1 ME Mae usorpren armer's Stott.- Iron bottling to ~~ istrose,.itaMi . , r - IS* is Sales. .. .111010 T virtue of nr , Er. issued out of the .I.lllt3ourt of Coma ~ of Susquehanna county end tb, Me directed; , mpose to public sale at the 1 Couri Hoaseln Mon m Saturday the fourteenth 'day co April nextpt , 'clock in the afternoon-. All that certain p eel of land situate and be , ing In die township. mm, Susqueluuma County,' boon ed and desert fellows, to wit; On the north by hinds of D rackitimmer„ on t'te east by Ist ds ofJames.ll it by the public highway, on th south by kndi es Rittenbnry, and on thew tby lands rit& ao pied by E. N. Seeley, con tainin 109 acres, or less, together with the art; pert ancety one ' d 14e, one corn house, one. i log's hie, and about __ r 9O • improved, late the lit= tate' Philip StratittliMM, r. Tak n in execution et thimultof , AzorLadirop. vs. Philip Strati:hammer. s i A By striae; of a tof Fievi , 'Facies, Issued and das above, I eipose to public sale at the e time and' place, all that certaist' pleceOr par eel of d situate in e the lownihip of Hanford , in said coin bounded and described asTelkiws, to wit: On the no h by lands of Coffins Peck, on the east by lands f E. 0. & J. O. Harding, on the south by , 1 Allen dA . 11. Harding, and west by Elias Harding, con •' g . 80 acres :more or less, : with the appurte nances and improvements, 1 framed house and barn , and abOut 50 acres iMproved. ' .1 ' Taken In execution at thd snit of Zerab Terry vs.. Wheaton 0. Barney.' , P.HOLLISTER,ff. Sle Sheriff's office, Montrose, P. March 21, 1/WL. ...- - A - CA D. - Iwo ld take this. ineth to 'express my sense of pride a d sincere gratitude to the large majoritt of Il n erc is and dealers in goad old Sum. Co., who have kindlyatronised me in , Neis York, as well as to the many o h ers , in the different sections of the o titre i i and wo d most respectfully ask a continuance of their co Eivors, 9 well as the who have not aa . yet found it i conver4nt to call and b me 'customers' at 215 Peed St-. (See business - .)` .. , . . Very Respectfully, ' M. C. TYLER. ' 1 PROCLA4. ATION. c I L, NV li4f4E te A r s G .x,hi s tr i f: v i h j i uj a t ia , c ,r e e i l je rcla bo n u e g w h a t t a o t ck a t i l e f 1 loweit ces, and whereas I in great want of Cash,.l Woolen Yarn, COll3, Oats, 131 from. Eggs, Vtrood.(four 1 feet lon ,) or anything else t keep a poor ma n from. starvin , I am bound to goods at a very low I &gore r' any of- the above larticles. Just call and take a I k, that's all! , i . S. A. LYONS. . f t , Laneiboro, January 1, 1855. BROCHE and Scoteh Plaid-Shawls, French Merl •noit, Parametta.s; DeLaihs,.&c., at. Lanesboro, January . 1, 185 .] S. A. LYONS. - ' ,11. IL Will S 'lt & SON' 1 East ulford's old store, 111Aqi e 4e or ;)::lici7LBen. S. 1 ifontkne, November 15, 1 54, - 1 , IPAl,Cirlii IFOlft TI PEOPLE. T HE iubscriber is carrying on the' CHAIR. MAX. INGBUSIYESS in al itz various branches at the Cheat and War'C Shop in arfind; Where may be: found., a greater variety of Windsor and Rocking Chairsan at any other establishment in the county; 'also Flag and Cane Seats, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Loung• es, Set 9 3 Tables, Stands, &c. ate., all of which will i be sold t the lowest prices at retail, (or wholesale,. with sh rt. notice.) All work warranted well made and ofd material. Short Credits and small proSts will be m motto. For 'demonstration of the vbove facts, pl e call at my shop it i Barfoni rillnee. . gi .s + - 1 .A.rtir GREENWOOD. October 12, , •1854. ;, ' -, 1546174 QM FARM OR SALE, AT GIEAT BARGAINS. THE a bscribers offer, for sa ei-on; the most liberal and easy t rms,one of the best located fa; ins fir making.,, money ; inNorthern Pennsylvania. The said farni is siinatedthe Newburg and ; ()Wego Turnpike, two miles east of Mount Pleasant village, and twelve from: the N. Y. .- E. R. R., also .tery convenientlYsitµated 42. to Churcs ' Schools, Orist-ndlls, Saw-mi ll s, Black smith sho s &c. It contains, one hundred and sixty one acre I, one hundred of it;under a_good state of cultivation well watered and gOod building:a, consist- lug of a g 'framed house, well finispcd off'and very conveniently'arrAnged. 'Alsci.tiwo good barns and a good barn shed will.ealculatedler convenience, two large orchards yielding from 500 to 1000 bushels an nually, in tly grafted fruit of the best quality: The firm is We adapted to ginzing.sulficient to keep ;a: large stoc For price and grins apply to .B. F.. jEATON, o to ALFRED LAKE, on the premises. lbrford, Dec. 13, 1854. j i ' • I The sub i ; building on I above Sear l ;and well se NEW GOODS. tribers have taken and fitted up the' new the west side of PubW Avenue, two doors e's Hotel, and are . nioW receiving a largo ected assortment of ; `- A , i and Winter l i Groods; ' * is almost entirely IVEIV, having,saved 'ew goods from the laM destructive' fire, es their usual - varietY Of .D.FY GOODS, Crockery, Hardware, Drugs, Medicines; Dyestuffs, Boots, Shoes, Leathers, Glass, etches, Slyer Spoons. Clocks, Yankee kc. - • We see thae.krul for the patronage ;towed upon us, andtrust- that our ens the public generally:twill not fail to give cur rune location, cclnfident that we can with goods on as favorable terms aihere ), BENTLEY & READ November 30,, 1 85C, . • ": Their st but st very and eompri•i Oroceries, Paints, jewelry; tiotions, &c hitherto bes Comers, and its a call , in Supply them' tofore. HO EN I . stdrn lead Il d nea to t- . Montrose, , q no and More New GOOdS. ' ty Ell Bin is noirreeeiving inew and full .1,1. • sup lies of Goods. O Trade, r th l e Winter in cluding ane and" elegant assortment of FressehAfe. rinoes, Henna and Caslanilie P i laida; Plaid, Fan -4 and Plain De Lanes, Paralnettas, Droche, Square :Died Long Mattis, all of new andlhest'styles, and will: b 4 sold at 25 per. cent. less than i sst year's prices:— Atso a new assortment of Rich R lidapur and Bonnets, - Tridi Bilk 'Vslvets for Clo4ks aid Mantillas, Rich. Silk and Vc:ret 'Dress Tqnenzihga, Mohair Head Dieises, Rig lets &c. Vic., with a,general assortment or, other 13tAptis and Fs.NcYj Gooes, as usual, which h4ring bongliVuudee. the pretient ressnre of the caiti mirkei, will be sold .at 'cor-espoiiding and reduced prices. 1 - . L , • New Mille , November 21, 1704. AND CH ,- 1 . t . ,1 Res qur hale tion. sod .*en. tr. • NEW I)OUGIIT -LIP cordiiigl Oibsoo, Oct) A ND COMAE' ,GOODS, t the IcOest ptlceii, and will he cold - ac- J. BURROWS & CO, , ber, 11, 1854 A lar g e assort i erer been enal bibson As:dines* nent and.at prl Ole(' to offer thi 11, 1854. Dress GA and bewail - ill be desired. t A *oat varlet cbesp as could ' gibson; Oct i bee 12, 1854 Black $4, for dresses at' 854. A OW quality ilYgtobur 12, Lon# and sqns some styles an October Is.ll Shaiit , wool, broch .at extremely ; S - or bCfore kn'o of 844 Brocho ICr 11, 1854. - Cbetiper'than 'le ' and fine quality nfitelnie, at $7. ,Gibson; Octo. ' y State S The iit.AnnEss s se; irixEst ot: .11:111rS, *7,50 en li. • ' U. Gibson, October 11, 1854. ' • thrpets, A. good assortment and bands. trices. II. Gibson; October 12, 1854. uttals) dsome Robe*, d very super!. ,54'. U._ large lot of h lodise dressed a . oc4)ber 12.1: , Poßtithr IPttent Died i i l t DEL TURK LL has just re it IL 4 all the pWpulitr PATENT llicludlng Dr. 'Jii.rne's celebrat - li c Mognctic Ointme t, Tanner's 0 ere - Dorset Roc 'Rose, Forest of :alraotts, all d . 't from the 4ttrniiag ?NU, 'ampliene, -.e„ e 1; . - • 4kaftrose, Dec her 808 .. I f ,i. 1 .4. Chititie to 111/ IP' Jont4n.fx- A ArD ( 1 - IPLOY4I ..17 77114, sulmcriber IS deslrot .of ,11 each county and town of th of front 115 to $l9 only will be • likS an leffickmt, eiergctic man tti five dollars per day:—indoed. ntia. enipleyed, are realizing twl inTftlimidlonvoll WI _elven by ad - • t \ • 1 WM. A: 'R ' - _. ....... ....' i , i l i ; - . - iliki 401, Philadetplil • Axe" - Csinikr oer • ore. ' PM"' =E=MI itw pods .jist received' at and .. see for yonesetves.-"-- . d but little to buy. - [ 1 : R. TIELAYREACO, it Csll l li l i r t rllll it re d, I .n Pi will r one or I fAu r ed oul dei,3 tele t, of .1 r" 0, 1 I= and Vesting.% Ces 'Diver then we hare heretofore. oth. - istvlks And almost its .'BURRO WS & CO. eents pPr yard. $L' ROWS & CO. aiid'sil!c, very band= cv pracei. IBLIIIRORrS k C-1. n; beautiful patterns' $ll/31111: Lupeu'il man- BURROWS eGO. awl%, MTV', an 4 xr.w. PAT ,BURROWS d. CO. me patterns, at. very I % URROWS & CO. be*, Ipart. oithent whole, .r color and quality. IURRO IFS k vine Agency. •• eyed new.sOpply Sincisrs of the day," 1 Diedieineic : Trok's nom dc, Pins Oroplietors, Also, chow. A;II.3.I2IfELL. 'e Money. ;7011.A81,E having an agent itt. :ruler,. A capi4ll ired, anil anything. virwake from three ioma•of t h e agents ,:ghat sum Every ;lug (poatpald,) Post °Mee: 1(0103 k BOA?_. Min=i= - • .1 BARDEN' SEtnt"-. FREER ko, of Shakers', ,lictetH ester, and Conncc tleut Gallop Seeda just opened and for sale by, lfareb - 20. •- - -41 • ' LYON* - DUBE Tuno .7 and tioveiSoect • '' • • .WArCHfO I I ,IEWELRY, SILVER'APOONS • • tiOLD 'arid 'Myer PaXent 144er, li.ncbor and Pt ! ' k. - pipe Watcbes,just receivid and for sale by ' is B • "I'LL'Y &READ. • 4tiewelryi 'es l l4.-= ' GOOVitssortnignt of 40welit consoling of raf 111. Ring; Ear Drops, BreasCpm_r t /itei a . a te . fastreciived at BM LEY • Silver Spoons. • . Tek•oTabl!, Dess4rt, Sugar ; Sal t acc.,,witirsinteif fair sale by .1 - Bt TLEY 1- • cts and Shais. An -nnusuaßy smond assortment of the, best mak e,; frah and perfect for sale BEFII,EY & READ. 'Drums . and liedleines. Alreab stack genu ine Drop- and Medieine.cPatitri, • Medicines,; taints,,oo9, Dye.andre, &e, for tulle by. , Dec. 18.] " • R i tillEir-ik BEAU'. Charleblfillatai4 Ilarlber. irjrAS remoreill his shop hem Ito former location bit _ 1.1 the basement of Searie's Retel, to t! e room its the same the rear °flit° bar-roomothert his customers will !be waited upin by:thit exquE;lts. artist,. Professor Charles 'Minis, or by himself, at al . reasonable hours. 1 ' - Please bear In.nalnd that this; Is the only shut*: -` shop in town where the thing is clone acientlfically. 11fontrole. Dieenther 19. ' • To - Rho People , .of N,aiiigit, i . 1 .• , ' Coonty.- ' , ... , . itHEING one of greatest sufferers- by the r•eltint 4,e lil d i truetKo re in . Montroie,' having lost itiy ,, store-house and. nearly all of my goods, I have' not however given oVer to despair,t, but have taken a • atire,roont in tit telt lower part of he town, first door north of Keeler's otel, into wli I have pliteed the' tf t tuna Atock saved rom the fire, find will in the court* • , of; a very short tine fill . up the store with an entire - new stock•Clf g 00144. In- my- pres,ent newlocation, I ' will, be happy to. aeeand wait otr - my old customers and the public generally Who will _favor me with, e,. • call, I have,resofved to "nevi. gifts up the fhip."— - I arse - determined io keep a DRVG STORE, and to keep a good atmort l inent of * Drngs,Lifitlicinos,' Paints, ' Oita, Dye-xtuffs, Oroceriei, Glaairrare, jewetrq, Per- •: finfaerlA Yankee .Faaane. and all torts of Fancy , --, atiods,Ake. &c., such us I kept before the fire,•whialts , de+oured the earnings au life time in'an hour. ontrose, li'ov. 23, ISSA. ABEL TURRELL. ' . . • win .• man ,- 10,t'd to me, pleasa4v N • 8.. - - rem ---- 'eMY,rneinitniiis me time o ' fnead, , f;• 7 by sending to me t e amount duejmme.diately. I l coTember 23, 1 54: .. .• : -ABEL TERRELL : T 1 - ' .• v liE3lll l VAii: - - iELER & STODDARD, since the Late fire; Inst . : be found in the BASEMENT OF SEARLE'i• H TEL. ' Notivithstanding the unprecedented - ra pid ty with which lour stock _of Boots, Shoes, tc - ., vr nt off" on the 'xnorning of the fire, ve" still have so eon liand,andihall soon, be well supplied itgalp.: I - •KEELERAt STODDARD- .. • ontrose; N'ocernber IS. 1854 •: : - • . . .., 'Ni:TICE.I; - - ITE subscribebeing invere*Terers from dm Ante disastrou Fire, IMve removed with whia - t i 3 little'remains of thiir stock,l to th e.new bu il ding oaf, thellivenue, opposite W. J.l,k. S. H. Mulford's storey • Where they will be :happy lo' I spe•all. th eir Mends and' customers, and hops in the eourse'of some ten days to be able to ,greeli them •lcith au entirely :YEW STocli 0? 0 0 0113. I '. - : _ " • We tru4t that shme of our catemera who halt. been long in debt, *ill remetnbet that this is a timir of ikamit. FEED Will LS, and do as they would btiv dond by. • I t BENTLEY it ; READ. Montrsi, Novem.) er 14. '1854. ' - - • 1..... .., ', i. fri l iE copartnershi IL Inaine and firm i Ellinaild Doorimsi 1°1 • n 1 eb d s a o g r:, el . l .l l uly l agreement L i T 4 subscriber •woi of those :who wish to busi4s9 ' such as ash, Donrs,-S albinet Wo.re i Bureaus, 'table' - . 13((steads,. & A li Alsb, -I Ready-made 1 if reqidred. 'Country exchanze. !Arms, 1.1 Lanesboro, July 3.5, SOLUTION. - )p -heretofore knoem under the Newells Brother's; in the Saab,. I,iless, is this day by, virtual eon& dissolved. . • • HE " KiTOW NOT r ieIINGS 99 ' HATE KICKED A TERRIBLE MU5E.11,.., . But, very fort' natelr, the earth is'not thrown' foul it orbit, and the sun shines. on as before • ens.. 'bling the "Picture Meii " to work at - his trade before; and Oradell], his aqua satisfactory . manner. - Ilis I Near Stock, just purchased, comprises every thing neat and' desiratae in ere Daguerreotype lino,' and be ' asks that you'*ill not forget to call. lie has allo some recently published Bcooks,.whielt• will belaure to.piease those' wlio.wish good reading. , I - W. I I,‘..,DEANS. Odd fFell9rs7 Nall, Montrose Pa. - 4 W. B. D. does inot take pictures for 25 of 10 . Those who teis4 such trash onakd go elsewhere. Ps l .* John . Grov+ Ad vertli f einent. AS natnre, who fUrnisbes the birds and beasts :vritlt it sui extra coat for wint'er, has not matki a iiritilar vision for man, rliavelconeluded to take it upon nay , self to attend to ttuit department; and there Tore think p-oper to annonime that all itiv7e - ling pods, that need new apparel; - glorious.! or, inglorious, fashion 'hie or - unfashionable can have their wants suppli and their tastes suitCd by calling on me, it my abo in Ifoutrose.l. • - • Min Ea ,_ JC.LEE, AT .110$TROSE DEPOT, has re • cclved a new 'simply of Spring andlurruner . 1 Goods., hich will be ittla• very lovcrfor 'cash" or &n il 1 produce . - . 1. t s 1- ••"I - 1 P 'usps good :New Orlians 'Sugar for one dol- I118:at .• " 1•J. G. LEE'S Nes; Store. • ri•EA, ; 4loirte, Mola.s..s, Fish, Rice, and Grocenaa 1: Of 1 kinds, very cheap at .L C. LEE'S.. . - - . liTirr: u ted,, _. I"• . , I A NT lquantity of Egg's at . 2 cents . Per dozen,l4 , elchaPl:e for goods at . J. C. LEE'S Stoie. 1 • St quantity of Butter at la ceivt.i'per jioitnd, ti esetarge for Gixas at J. C: LEE'S New Store. • Tn". wi„.hi.,...„ tfi rimelfa.se. for crib, -Or in chanoe for barter, spill find it to their interest to earl and examine my stOek of Goods- and prices for themselvek For'barter,of all ki , ..ds:tb ti lizhest prie. es may at all times be rued on at .T. C. LEE'S Store ) , Montrose fot. ep 1 ~[:=- , DONT BE tltioirrENED.- ' ' . . 1 - The i Farmer! . rr ol d .e, l e.puiit. h , 11 7 E w ' rb il ar t e o :lib ' . t c o tZ: r ti r : -I d i e:o a u n i i vcouelmmeei t h at ,onsinnoil our ,5t0 ., :0 witil mon. of. our Goods,, And crecteil a convenient Shanty, *here we shall be hap py-to See Apr Ohl - customers as well as new. -We are going-to seil : gocals hiwer, '!ban.ever, and We think ten per cent. lies than you . on Into elsewhereiin Susqu hanna co.-. CO And see. , . WARREN & THAYER,. .. , I)UR STOOK OP STOVES • SNO COMPLETE-Alnd ire would take that I opportunity to say that wo can show : , the mows beautiful tuid spiendilllpatterns of Parlor and Cooking Stoves. to be found in tbe.counts. Srnoog them can be spest:';the Revolving Vont and Gothic Parlor, for wood or coal, entirely hew and decidedly pretty stover. Nees frouti-frre -tis ten dollars. Of cooking Stoves we think it ocedtesa to say{ notch, only to remark, dam wearo sellieg them at ourlforiner prices,. atO judging, tom the sapidity of our sttles s .we believe the public aro,erittrOv satisfied with our prFces and the quality of. Our wai4s. - We' hare,"a few more left" of the "Clinton Alr.tight Elevated Oven Stove;" , ackuotriv edged to bottle best cookiOg stove now iu use. .Rui. stn and English Stove ripe at o prices; and Trim mings and Tin ware of all deg {Mons at the very lowest rates , ' J. 11 OKEEX&N, Jr. New klilferd. October 23.1854 . . FARRIS' roR S ALE. TLE subscritier.will net ell spat for bnyinit - and sell-- ins Rei i rEstate--Fartna, Holmes, and Lots.— . .ln. rated in snaqueluta County. Pa, -.All who wish tn offer, their tw-operty for sale 'can glieti Mißttrt! de scrip. dolt oftheir !aims 'al. tots its (allows tiutuber of neres.4l6'w niftty hilprared,! Ind how watered, buitti.: oreliswit - 4, grafted or common= frtit. othtw fruit trees ; rand the nearest paint to the'''. -Lk AL.R. and E. R. R,. 4'3 tams on the list, 43 unsold.. ow s h * subseaer t minute deseriitko, price aud terms CAA Office 130 - Turnpike at 4 doors - west of lkin it. 3kntiore f dug .t. 16, IS4 • • • Clover and Tiinothy Seed. • ' VOR eige - m J. C. Btore- • - 1 • ittIRTTROOE 1)11„.. OILBERT XEWELL, '54. H. NEWELL. Id respectfully net the attention purchase anything in his line Si' • totters. and glitids, 3f various kipkis, • and:SecrearrO, ids. chairs and Setteesi foffins. Painting and Glazing;, Produee,and L i mber taken is ndc 1)IY. 0854. cf/LBERT NEWELL.. 70" GOODS A. BALDVirIN. II El