Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, March 29, 1855, Image 2

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Ttrarsday Mari*. 29, 115155.''
• Not . a .Know-Nothing, 'Whig, and Tree-Soil.
Fusion' but. a real old Dun
ker "one. It is said "-misery makes strange.
bedfellows;" sci do pUlitics• sometimes. Our
Pierce and Douglas. frieuds;.whO have be.n
deploring their ill tuck, and venting. ail kihde
..of denunciations upon their : enemies . ,
- speared banded together„for_their.•,utter. over: 7 ,
throw, have suddenly - recovered §omewiLlt, of
their4piritk with the "idea that they can ;turn
S their enemies' weapons upon their Own heads;
and instead of being - biartled.-fromlheir mid--
I n i ght dreams at :the
thought of fusion:, they
are now . ready to fuse.and•coaleic' a' With any .
and every that holds;Out the fitinteSt
1 .. prospect of enabling them, to- avenge ihem
selves.on.their Mortal enemies. the y Know'.
4ll l NOthings. An amalgamation with the Pg...
Tends"of all parties, is eagerly sought, that they
may, by any. means obtain a victory—not a
Deniocratic.victory, but a Whig victory,'a .
i.rusioa victory, or any other kind of a vict6.
ty; so that' i• •Sanii:May be defeated. •• •
. .
r- _ In some parts of Pennsylvania such •. -a fu
;l i wass in
: -
,1 mon some,degree effected at the late
..Imuncipal - eleeti.:M=. In Reading, llarrisburg,
Ifarlisle;-Carbondale, Easton, Mauch Chunk,
• Atc-:, the old line Democrats have thrown
- .:,.10Wn their arms in disgust, and -Sought the
hance of:every thing that might :save them
. rem the power of their. dreaded 'conqueror,
' ... iheluvincible `Sain.' - It_ is needless to;say .
•-• 'Oat, the effort- Was generally unsuccessful.:
. °Northern freemen ..cannot so , readily be
' ..
itro u ght to ` . ftise' Where there is danger. that
heir,, votes may help bolster. up the dough
; fitce-administration of President Pierce, And
t e sulking fortunes of the only pro-Slavery
• lytrty in the country, the "'national Demoe...
, ~, -
racy . -
/ 1 But we learn from - the papers that . in
. .*ilkesbarre - theDhznocrats have lately : Or
' gtMized a political association, under the name
~,,o4 the " Republican ' 4k.sociation,", thus throw
inoi off their old name in the day of its . ,de-S .
z i'
..gereracy and Ilefeat, This casting' about.for
-alh c' es, on the tiart,o(the. old liners, is some-
' thing new-in the history ;cif the politics otthe
• ;conntry. . They ::have hitherto, considered 1
- . nth triselves invincible, and looked with con
ic, :12.t upon all proffered aid, not strictly - up
Ito itheir 'standard.
are a little curious to know who are
'the' Dornocrats' that are engaged 'in the new
roolvernent at WilkeSbarre—whether ex-Con
.grssman Wright, of Nebraska fame, and .
. men of that stripe 'are included in it---:and .
- alsO. what .are the principles -that they. .new
profess. If they, adgpt true Republican Prin.
cipl , and will carry them nut, without ref
erenee to old pirty : ties, we- wish them . all .
- Success, in feet we are with them ; but we
Orniest against the 'Mime of Republicanism
being used, as that of : Democracy haS . 1 : ; q7 -
4s ii cluak tindt:r 3rhichlo hide undemocratic
ardianti-Rep . ntllfean principles. The name
`-of the Republican party,- now becoming . so
~iopgla e , tn,aat not bostoleti and . dt.graeed in
thaV war.
-• ' [ Gov. - Pollock's
Bank Veto.
, .
, la another column:.will he found Gov. Pol
." lockis veto of the bill'tO incorflorate the Bank
of Pottstown. The niessage is well written,
and iellects great credit. Upon the wisdom,
firmness, and honesty:OfPurpos e of the Exec
ntiv4: We hope it will have some effect in
s allay7tigAbe Bank: mania that, see . tr,ts now to
pery de. the Legislature: Tateinajority
I f
that bath, hyvhc-rnl • 4s creating , new banks 1
in numbers unwarranted by the wants of I
comMunity are, passeinvith most unwise fa . - I
cilityi May hereaftertitd gOod cause to re
- pent netheir rashness. 'olt is true. that the
old line Democrats 'are: found both voting
and speaking in, favor 9ithese bills; but the
,psrtii;ill-be none'thezies - stTeady on that ac
'conk! to' Point k to iKkr s 4'ci.iOn ' of the present
Legislature, ' infriarrel,- in - ereasing banking
,15 l'"
, .
. capitakas an evideneAl the dangerous con
-sequences of placing the treins Of goyernm c sfit in
other hands than iheir'lVwn. And, s•tell an
a ,
‘, e .rmu .
Ment would .h 1
ave itineh Lrce 'with the
peoplk., a laige proportion of wilOnt are in
.e.linedl to look with susnicion on all banks,
and are certainly sirongly opposed to streh an
increase of these financialcorporations as the
.Legislature seems tohave determined on.---
We hipe the Governor. will carry out with
.firmness and:impartiality ,the doctrines ennn
dated in his inaugural iddre, and we dotilit i
.not doin, will be fully sus- I
tlain6d by the people,
An act has been rece CO .
iy passed by the
Legislature:changing the time of hcildipg the
Courts' of Susquehanna 'county, from the third
Monda., to thefirst Monday of April, theact to
take •effect immediately. But jurors have
been summoned and prose sea made returna
ble for; the present year, on the third Monday
as heretofore. Consequently but Pule busi
ness n - ill'probably be done at the approach..
ing Term, and the cases ott the trial, list
will - geaerally go over to August Term, un
less the 'powers that' be'' make some fither
4iangelin the programm e . It *as proppSed
to get the act amended so as not to take ef
fect till:next year, - but we have not learned
that it has, been done. •
Einakaa Lowc.—The mat of reasoning in
vogue among the Old, ) Huukers ofthis region,
is very
somethingmusing, ifnot: very logie4l. It reads
something in this way: The Republican par
ty.) simply the 'Whig party in disguise; but
the RePublican party and the :Know Noth
ings are also identical, and the fatter are a
dangerous set offellow; theit:fore the 'Whig's
should Unite with the Uld Hunkers to 'crush
outl.the Republicans.. • ,
This seems pretty much like politely' re..
snetitin,g a man-to hite his own nose of.
TrOUL En„ lime:editor of the
' Su/qrak County. Dim-omit, has been.-APPoint
, (4
with the
=.nakiOf jjeut,
:deg nn
The 11ie1F,41 . 1k:04 - ed, not killed:"
iii ---- 4
From variousfindiOn ns w re led t
lieve that; Came . n ii s secretly; iarshaliniiiis
lortelor , ,,§; t , .re date (
=his eh tic to • seire hefoA tho4djOrn•
- mentifthitUg 4 '':
to is gl #n dig at liar
be . noi end J`;candidal'E end there:
'fore Ibe; s itiemh°B are sal to be more' favor.
ably inclii,ed to o reconsideration of their ae
thin in adjournink th 4 election till next Octo
ber, and they will perhaps hold another Con
' vention for the election , of a Senator before
adjourning. .Shuld rui• a thing occur, we
predict that CaM roWyrill be on hand %rain,
' with a large ine4ase ef Hunter Democratic
supporters. , ---1 ,
*Ake way, w i o see that the. Lehigh .- -Val=:
i , •
ley pmes, which was di screetly ; silent pend
ing the' late Senatioriat stzuggle, for fear, as
the editor says, that im
14 might have been sus:
' peeted of being btihedi now coes - out bold
ly in favor Of Ctperotj, and thinks it was a'
Mean trick for Ebel ',Whig Americans' : to bolt
becauSe 'a 'Perokratio, American' got the
nocninatien; -"When we' remember that of
, i 1 •
our:two pepresettivqs, Lathrop, always - a
Democrat, bolted and Sturdevant, a Whig,
`,went it blind' fort Canieron,we can't possi
bly see the mattee r in th&same light as the
Times man. Noe, in , view of the fact that
Cameron oweil his nomination tel the aid of
old line Democrat?, fraudulently t introduced
into the,caueus, one of Whom afterwards ac
tually voted unifomly for Buckaievr, can we
subscribe ito,the T imes'; opinion, that 'all who
enteredAlle 'Amer ican caucus are morally
bound to; vote. for Caineron.' IWe rather
think Viev are ' Morally bound' to vote
against birn--however some-of them may be
`pecuniarily bound.'
• • ~
The Catholics and Cox:tura .:chools.
L . t . R. . . ,l ,
Some - idea o f 't h e manner m wmcti the uo•
;• • ;
man Catholics would control Ont. Common
Sehooli, it; they wad - tha .,, power;.truty•be ob
.tained,.. troin the folloving extract .front the
report, of the County Superintendent of Elk
county to i the State S. terintendent. It is
the duty of the Superint ndent to inspect the
C • • : .
teachers and to visit thescheOli; but in this
ease the Catholic School Pireetor's would not
- ,
permit Airj.Gillis to. do•ither; bn! liis place
• .•. =
Was. supplied, in violationlof the. last, 45:9' a Ro-
t t
maxi Cat4o,ic priest . ! lo gross ;an 'abuse
should be corrected at co' ce, and the. public
money be n`Olerigcr inisaPplied. We annex
the paF.sage - froni Mr. Gillis' rePort!:
• , ,
A ditiicultf of:three yearee'Atanding,l4tween the
directors of Benzinger and sturdry 'citizens .of that
township, whd demanded a seliml, whidir:was denied
them, has been ' adjusted. -, was petitioned, and
though I had no authority trittei-er in 'the matter,
called the belligerents trigetheti. and after; reisoning
the case the entire afternoon, btreceeded in bringing
about a reconciliation.. A. neW,t , chool hptise is to be
built, and a teacher, supplied fcirthwiih. I I ' -
Of the two school s 1 reported I liy thrit district, (Ben
zinger) one is taught by nuns, et ' sisteri,''its they are
called, and •is ' uteder the: dire 4 Itu re rrisfon 4:!, f the
priest. It birmbeN about serenty-five feniale pupils,
and the teacheis,;:tre ! oid n7 ( t
. 4: 10 I,iit.ti e moneys.
- The entire communityare Gerniimentholies, anti this
school is nothing:lmi than a nunnery. The directors
will not allow are to !aspect thoSe tencherS, or to set
.coot inside the builag on, itny i consideinkion. Still
they - expect aid, its 11 retofore, Nun the State appro
priation.. Are bier titled to it.° '.Dpei our system
I )
recogniie such sOzoo - .
st i
' 1
Mr The .Atfiti,nal Era .hays, very truly,
I that the main issue in
.the late election in N . .
Hampshire, When . ..Nreteall, the litak i Notitirta
and ti-N.tbrai,i,s. Grfw.-
errior, was the Nebrakal qUestion, The
lino* . Nothing nrn in ated al. Prep I
Detnocrat, ' id Free Boller,l 41311 Cra
in,a Free Soil Wtg, for; aitrg,ress, and they
were . .4 - etc& by jrnajoriti4s ranging front
2,000,, to 5,000' 1. , knitw -Nokhing candidateg
_lfortlie . 'Swte Seriate are elic4n in alinOst
ery DiAriet: The house is
Lion-by about 3 to. i - Hale and hell,- the
Whig candidate - tOr 4overnor, will probably -
,lie - lected U. S.. Senators.
f .
PENN• srtra;ltA..— ' 4arr4burg,,jll 3 anch chunk, Law
renceville, and orb r beivugh efectiom, pave been
carried by the Arne 'can iand Indipender4 parties—
orvaikkrzariorcs 11 - HI H 3/C$T :NOT EE( CONFOL:NDED WITH
THE HINIX)9 Or . see-Tribnc,
-March 26. I i •
I t •
Very true. TbeSeVert bloorlthitt Amer
icaniSm has evcr recei.yed, luts been inflicted
by the, Dou . ghlace lea4ers - of; - .1 the Nevv-York :
nindoos. Their'pr(lavery leanings base
driven. thousands of the, frielOs 'of ;freedom
from their:organizationt Party whb such
leaders deserves to fail; and nfust•Etil; fort+
party: organzzation, can rorce the tnass -of
Northern freemen. to flvor slayery-e_Ctension.
Let - other States take aro ing ;by Ne.*:Y, irk,
and never attempt to seduce the people into
a desertion (if. their, principles. '[!
The Ancient City, published at St..Augus-
tine, -Florida, in its issue of the 17th inst.,
boa'sts of a Present, of a fillet ba t sket- of vege
tables from the garden of 11. . 1 / 4 :an Wagoner
Esq.. in , that Gt-, eonsistin r & of new pp/a/Deft,
(Irish) grceit pew', and rutaibaj'as,.ahc;' adds ;
'we have had (=keen peas 4 winter, the frost
.not4ving been nipping en'ough to kill the
'vines, and we om brag ofth6 first 'potatoes of
the season.' 'Only—
winter:and newlitatoe.s in March ! I
I 1
'.f4sms."-- . pa.rty es, temsel r res the
- 'llig'' ' 11' 4 . j
NaliOnat D.:lnoern4, profe - ti have A igreat
horior fOr.what they de s ignate Its the isnis' .
Of their opponents.'ipui' .. .are their oppOilents,.
isms'.any-worge than -their own 7 Isl Free-
Soilisni - worse .• tiisfl ' pro4l4v,eryipn or
.BfaineLaWism than Bad Runiisni I:O Re
1. ..
üblicznism . -than ifonit' -- 'ehism'? or 11 her
I Law ism than thepartright-rr-wro4sm?
or Americanism than VOrelfrniinnt Ind . ge,
! - ;
. Ye.: . . . '' '• ' - •.. ,1- - .'
• . . -,
1 fr• The New Jersey Legislature hat T ate
ly passed a supplement to the Warren, 'I
Road bill, authOrizing.a temporary road and
a, liu
hange of route. The Warren, Rail I and
is designed to form a connecting link het
4 leen
the New Jersey Central and, the.Laekallima
& Western Rail Rond,of Permsbrania Thus
making a• continuous route betweeu 14 - ew
York tind the coal fields of Pennsi:lcani4anil
the Great West. -= -
.. :.- Timbedependertr i Detnoc ra t says ofilthe
New-JJamp%hire eleetion :. "The victl is
not,the American organization aldne; hu . alt ,
the friendi of Freedom, Temperauce,tp . nd I
It RM, acting shoulder to shat ]der A)). a
coknmon - ohjeet--the 'overthrow bfl iheifild- i.
inihkrati;:m Slavery power in tha State,lDnA 1
the 'ei4tot.iliqun eli t of a t ill'
d reran
'pnwor i
a 'fres stia4,".
. ,
Intercepted Correspondence.
(Caine into, 'our jlOssp4slob "acidentally 7 -and bon
`orably,:.too.r) ,
- - For tfte -Vont totte peptci+at.
14EIVTON AND Lirli.E.l haVe write
. sing , ~„,,_ •
to you ever n the Township Electioit was
• ~ •, I
held, but some how it i' i haiht . come • right till
now.. I don't-Want yod to itublish it, or say
a word about it,' , C4ept anteing yourselves,.as,
in 'my opihion, You . .hae said teo much al
ready fur our:goed. We - .are : coming on
swimmingly here, Or was-before this election
fuss got a gein', 'and where the tiling will end
we can't tell, but I . guesi it will come out.
right•enoug,ii. -There will be some swearing
Ito be done, f course ! but then we know, how
that's" done, and; eur ; attorney (Esq. M-
I dibrits).he understands :the:pita:3 extictlY.-
1 He says it doht make arty: i •diirerence-how
many votes was,thfowtt under the. table as
lung as there was :enough left to elecrrac and
the rest of the tiOket. arid I think he's right.
Some of the KnOW T Nothings are -making a
good deal Of noiseaboutiour man Who-watch-
ed the voters and, kept'the tally, and the col- -
or of their votesi But C don't think this is
any harm at hll,.tiitdth4 can't hurt his char._
acter any, as his grandriither has been dead
these five years Or rhorei
,- -
I _urn a little afrah ynti harked too soon, in
.Watson"mitto,,but I cant exactly tell,
may he it will come fight + . •
There is one ieght i l tiestior. I . want "to ask
and then. t 4. whether a 'natl.
wh*'lr Jdis awl-deter ,IN'attaCkt4,"Can send down
to New -1 dirk an& have ilk() or three children
sent up, adopt thenitvhen he has none of his
own, and his Either kill living,yand so save his
ammeter; or •Iteilt'er they must .be his own.
Jrt some of your articles please. explain" this,
and let us know In*it, is
71ptirs i truN '76 by 67.
kranklin i March 18M. -
-,For tife„Rrpuidiron..
Teacheis' ilssoiafiCin•
The 5t1.41. Co. Teacher,.., Askociation met
in Springville on Saturday, XLarch 17th.
- The President being abent, 'the meeting
was called to'order by the;Sec.,' and Oliver
Lathrop was chosen Pres. pro. tem.
Prof. W. Riehaid r son opened' the exercises
with prayer. The,Sec. read the proceedings
of the meeting held At Ilarforo University on
the 24th. - -
The , amendments to the Constitution, Said
over from last meeting, were read, and on no
tiun, declared to be'.adopted. :The folloWing
resolution was then 'proposed fur discussion
Resolved, That we, believe females, to be
as well adapted to govern' our! schools as
- •
It was discussed prO and eon by Professor
Richanison,• Wm. Reicheri Geo. Lathrop,
Abel Cassedy, Jno. - :OomPtOn,A.'. Beardsley.
E 1 .., D. T. Ilandriek, Q. liathrOp r and oth
ers, with a considerable degree of interest.
It was generallyConeededj. that, in primary
,!schools, female tetitcherS Were_ preferable,
in those moreadvanced, it was thought
males might be more edicielit, - .. •
The following res4lation was then offered,
and supported by Prof . Richardson, George
Lathrop and A. J. GerritSon,:and opposed by
Win. Ileleher,and.others..:
Resoir . ed, That scholars shquld neither read
ruir. learti anything Whieh th 4 .can :Uot under
• The Sec. read a letter front S. W. Tewks
bury,' stating that ill-health, prevented him
from attending the Assi ielati4 but that they
had his best wishes riir':the • sdece ss '9f the ob.
ject_ in view.
Adjourned till 7 &chick.
EVENING SEssic4:.—, Win. ileleber offered
thefollouing resolution,' for dificussiun :
Resolved, That the_ la'w creating the office
of County Superintendent is, impolitic., and
should be repealed.
The resolution was. suppoited by W m . '
Belcher, Abel Cassedy. and Oliver Lathrop,
and was opposed by Prof Richardson, C. IL
Davis, James Marshail,;Groarge Lathrop, Dr.
Pride and A. J. GerritsOn, until a very late
hour. Space will not:admit of giving any
thing like an outline of the artinient.
The following resolution.scat then propos
ed, but owing,to the lateness the hour, was
laid over.
.Retolred, That the County Superintendent
has discharged the duvet . of hii; office
, .
A vote of .thanke given to the citizens
for their kind attention and hospitality to the
int.:ll4m of :he Ais.odiat ion.
_ Tka A oeitttiott they 8 4 0 u:tied t 9 Meet 41
- : I Fri/ie - Ripsukaa. 1
Yr. Raiwes - ;on the "Horrid-tuft/Moil."
To —4 —,ESQ., or Fatkpastints.:;--sir, I
1,*1461 imilopptylitnity olsecingyOtir.eoln•
*anieetioti lb the pknophtt,)ast week, where
you tiense the ofstriking my hired girl, Miss
fill:daiti,; on ,klie head with an axe, a tha night
of the 15th cif MiA. I think it necessary
that such alicandulous fidsebood should be
contradicted 4 I 'Care nothing about such
• 're
at ho e, Ahere tie`. raisi
but abroad they - might be believed. Miss
Birdsall was 'pot at my house at all on the '
night or the,lsth of. March, nor at any tithe
since the 13th, When she went to reside with
Mr. Johnson;',StonS. :While at my him'
e was neveistrnek with an axe . or oth r
deadly - we/11)4z by me or any body else th t
lam aware o,(. She could not have be n
very :'seriously hurt, on the 15th, as she, w . , ft .
at a Bitiging s'rhool at the Baptist Church in
Middletown, en the evenings of the 16th and
17th, and took an active; part in the singing.
' Wonder What the nett performance will
be" After *hat we hive witnessed in title
past, a Magisttate cmsini.and swearing b
muse defeated:for a petty office, laying out
money at low':,lrish gromeries to seeve ii
nomination in the County caucus, encourap,.
ing one class of men to butcher another be ! i
Cause they differ in political sentiment , i
preaching the Catholic faith for, the sake of
N;otes, hut inwardly lispising all religion l
and . finally InantifaCturing and publishin
fhlsehoods against an nnoffending citizen, ' for
the special, h4iefit of our Knott Nothini
friends'—it is difficult to tell what the nex
performance will he.
Birchardvilla,,Nrarch 26, 1855.
New Aiilford•on Saturday
o'cloki A. AL •
tut BILL 'TO tEcoHiohATE THE HAIL (mi l '
1 Potisi•oW24. - ~.t-7- f .
2 .E.Frigit* , chcnOcr, :: ,
.:`,.:-..:-Wartfithust 34eNiti2.10850;
T 4 helitiitse fir ItiOr*litsitivo4! ,
_ = 2loeiltle:iiien-,4 'hiNitith I '..retutit, • tot thd
irstUseof.R_eprkientatiii, e 4 iti-Whieb it...-1 2 , r ;*
flitted, .bill No.l2:riCk'entitled " An Att bathos
rizing the incoporationJ abbe Bank of Potts-.
town," with - My objeetions to the same.'—
.Shohld the nuntber,of hoicks;- and the amount
of ' nking capital in ,the 'Slate he ifiereased 1
find if so, to. what .exterif;:and in what !midi!
V' ties I are questions thilt rve, and should
r rive tea careful and aindid consideration.--,
E. If-)e' 11 : and personal interests are permitted
r to 0 ermine these.que4tiOnS, thoaisswer will
i be fUnd in - the unusual: and extraordinary,
! number,' of appliottiims ter batik charters now
! pending', bet; ire the Legiidature.. 'But the
G number of ,applications is' i no jest eriterioir by
!. whit , to 'determine . either 'ttie wishes or,the
want i s of the;cothinunity! . .,in this .re and
Their number, and the e kltAinaci,ti with which
therare pres. , ed, have startled and alarmed
the Oddly. mind ; nor hasithe • favorable : he :
tion - , Of tle:Legislature kir : granting these de
mantis served to allaY.thelapprebesssions and
fearkthus excited.. - the :ipplicy.of the . , past
few years may hare. been too severely and
unneOessarily restrietiVe ; i yet this - policy
should be preserved, rather than abandon the
Stateand the interests Of,'lhor people to the
destructive infludnees'Of a Wild.,..iind reckiesi
systern of banks - and banking. .
That:some increase of banking capital is
necesary in certain localities: within this com
mon Wealth, will pot be denied ; • that a larg e
inerethe is not demanded,' either by public
aentincut or the public, Weal, is . - a ' truth
equal) , undeniable. In the 'Creation of banks,
soundland honest'discritnination, as.'.tti num :
ber„ ideality and the ilea of trade,should
be exercised. ; Their nuttiber - sly - Mid be de
termined more by the actual wants Of •Jegiti
matc:tade than, by the wshl.faneicS of stock
jobbers and' rash specalatOS. The.: sudden
and•tinnecessary 'expatisien , of • the currency
ShoUld be avoided ; and .Whatever 'tends to
produce such a result, ought,to . be discutinte
:rianced and, if possible, prevented : .
The j.history of' banking; ip Our own and
.. - ither states, is full oflisetitl !lessons on this
. . •.,, i
sulot.cti Experience shOidit: teach' us Wis . -
dour; stud our present andl future action,. in
relatiOsi to batiks and bank ing, shoit Id be rig
:Plated :Ind tentrolled by-i jher teachings. , --
The' advantages tube derived from,lin in
creased number o f banks late snore [fitn6ied.
than re: I. It, is an error col suppose. that an of banking capital adds to the actii- .
al capit• I oft the State or 'Nation. Banking.
Capital.' . but the • '-t . i' ggregatial)h of individuil
capital, reviou.aly , existing
, • rendered - xnore
.perhaps, ;but not. ,more . -useful by
Such r*l,, egation, and the I,o,lcial privileges
eoliferre by the stet
.of ino,orpiiration, Cir!
eulatiOn . s lint capital, nor dies it increase or
4 - pr.esencapital. ' As the 'representative of
credit;,b sed upon the abilitytarthe bank .to,
redeem its prom iseS, it ,b,,eilies,' :when .prop
erly limited ; ii esetli I atikWrity- to. trade anti
ciannieree .'-- .AVheit. unlimited: mid excessive,
it not only ceases to be tiseililibut becomes
d'angerini& and destructive to the financial and
industrial interests of the people. Without
an inereake of banka :Cud the! fiscilities they
atford,, - th. commerical .sand hid list rial inter
eias of, th . country i would stiffer no serious
E .
.reverse., Inctinv,.. , iiismee. might be experien
ced, and ihe snore rapid, anti Tar that reason
the more dangerous
..progresS,' Of InisitieSs
arrested. But all this is. prcferahle to .. the
ellincohlit• sit evils of ail inif4kid ~eurrencyo—
i•er-trad lig, rash specelailiia
i ;;and a depreci
ated . car ency alWays terminating in isank
raptcy scud ruin. That: Such' would be the
re;sutt: . 11' t i th , t'-ourneronsi omit S[nOw befori: th e
bitislatfirt should be charter ed, • cannot. be
••, et*ioitsiy 'doubted. Per.siinatatel private in 7
. 1 ilei - est:slinky magoity the insprtisisee and lie
-:+itly off ha in I ors:t:1 g Lacs 1 isils, but no
- J b-iat oils . of ' public policy or interest
The New Hampshire Election; , . i 4:i4.11d: jit,f fy the,ir (Iva ion. 1 Such fintotei:d
Ii 4. ~,t„ -, . . , ,-, . .
The ; New fork . Ereaiiig- l'ast.-whieh7 hats; ! Pthie) 4 " 01 q"P ii"thmg 4•-s: dial! lulanezal
Ong been onet of the nio.t influential 'and
piadtiess al4 fitly ;
ibly conducted peinoemitie 'papers in • th e l . r, )11pop4ition. wealth. trade and-emnineree
samtry, speaking of this I:!leeliun says:
~ '.iierprie,tri- s during ',the pa.std ten years - lilts
• , .
1 lieol rapid and . titiprecedented. - Our ruining
• 1" The result Of TneadaOs election . in New
1 Main/Cul - II ng and tiniest: iiiterets have
Fiat 1,
Hampshire should notiba ii
lti i i . l4 ,i
-,cdlittnt,pn:ivss.Ntiathb.. i itetn_laredv and pet 'patiently.. developed,and
'nit remark. • The nevia
are now in fprogress of more aMple, devi,lop
ings have carried the 'titute against berth the l i
inept . ; andi'yet during - this period, the stchli7 .
friends of the'administ'ratisin. and the iwhie..
i 'thins to otni i banking capital hadi'been almost
Indeed, thq only seriOn - s resistance whiCh they
isasniinal-`,- , -1 taring HO sippreciable propo r tion
min. was from ',the detimer: 'tie organization,
. ,
taring deserter]
to 1 tili !k i t; coas t use of thtgreat intere.ts
large nurnhera &ilk' Wh . l-
% cnitnierated•i Thesertacts ileirien
the i h itOtiftig3 and the .Freesoilers hay- I a ~,r -' 2 , 1 -'' d e i , I ~. I i
iLihis. i. t ie truth, irliat, altiiieigh_
ing been almost
.entitely absorbed into the I i'; 'l" ° . '"..' i :
anking aci itics _may and do , aid the busi-
Majority by Which y the • elections hare been'
. isisa alit emintry,\,their increase is not indis=
cat ried, . i -. : • • :
.h, 'necessary
to . its progress and rapid
The disappeara nc e of the • Freesoilers as n.l i i ) C ti"-- Y
i uevelopmem. . But [treater facilities tineht
party in this, eleetion.ia a proof that the sue- 1 Ore ~ g rad t er resuits,iand ther . ' fbre it iSfr l 'ec , - .
cessful candidates were regarded by them. as i i
i y adinitte }hat, although suctil facilities are
perfectly orthoilfix on the slavery queation.-
i nuitabsolutely necmssary, yet they are impor-
Of the dentherafic candidates for Corigr ,
t;„ and• es . aida to. legitireatell business, un
it two-had. voted againat the Netraske bill; but ! d endisposedproper_li nitatioits and restrictions tions,should
it Was.underistood that . they 'were
or, f.l
setfuieseein'that 'measure, and wereprepared, I ' ... , ~
if re-elected, to i.esitit its re 1. Th is , was 1 A mOdera i e ;and reasonable 'increase of
udiciously distributed, might
enongh to make titer* unpopular in 'New 1- b+Ling capital,
Isernsefel to thelncreased and increasing trsale.
Hampshire ) ! and.the Fresoilers accordingly
:, nt and im
voted againit ',them. ' There were bur ~ two
anmnier.e f the State, but under no
- ;
tickets before ' i dle. people in
.the choice of '' ci +Orn'tah nan extrav' F tga
i iner se be , justifietU or. defended.
members Of C4ngresS, that of the demoerats, I 111 --sar' - .Y
to which the triend4 of the,. administration 1 1-4 al and Perso al consideratiOns May -secure
tumerous acts incorporating*
gave,their sup Port, and'.' whic was unpeptitirrthd,'Vssage of
fur that eery reason and that of the Know I bill", not; iltipa, ded
r bY the . .'ellating wants
Nothings, for-which the!lfneeseilers and ' ,hi gs iof
! cite contmonity,' but :sued legislation cast
voted. Both branches of the legislatur are I not i fies:meth tied. by public ppliey, or stss.;.
in the hands "pf the KnoW Nothings, wh , w ill 1 tair'Ud by pul lie sentiment.' , i i . ~ ..
- t
semi to the United - States Senate two ! anti. 1 'The financial and - etUnnierieal''ernbarra4s
administratiOn.:'rnenthe'ra; .- - 1 • !,- "-. meet fnsw(iich the country is .no w slowly
. . .
If there was any doubt before, of the Pres'. rear, • recO, ! requires cautiouS nd prudeht
eat state of public feeling in New Hemp:dare, legisiatien,jand demands - that th• .actual said
there can bel mono since: this lielection, j The reat'rinta of Inssino,:s • should be i '
state has pronouneed itself against 3.1 r:. Pie'rce's , and t,.rite in ter.,sts of the.', people .Consulted.-:-
administratiOn with an emphasis which leaves Aa l dden and excessive inflatheil Of the . eur-;
more fl
no room for cavilf! Nothing* could have been. ren9y, by the creation 'of tuntierolis banks,'
attering i tO a candid/di than the vote might mitigat; and`temporarily remove the
which New Hempshire gave Mr. Pierce at l eyil4'we now Atffer, but in thereridwould Kr . -
the time of his eleotion, and scarce any eirenm-- prodnee, and a graven., them. 1 • I.: -
; - .
stance, we think,, could mortify him .more;; — inernedyis more ,to be ;dreaded than
than such a reYersal•or' t , its • 'fitvomble.judg. th e I . disea s e, nit; its, bonsequel)&i s , ' Often
meat-such a deeistratien,. made by his old timelli are
.nior fatal and destruci.e.e.” . Bank
neighbors of thete:ntter.less of confidence in aceoninsixiatioi s are, and eVer, rinist be, ati
him. , - In two!years : he has. gambled away insecktre and nreliable i basis Of ',I legitimate
the princely inheritance; : . of pOpularity With business. When every thin is Ipi - osperous
which he entereiturp o k . hit! official life; ruined and 'fiionev abittsdant, accominodittioos are
and broken up liiiqattty.;,and Caused, a C111)91- freel!Aproffered, and loans easily i ,secured..
plete revidutionj:iq..the pOlitlearcharaeter of 'ln a iiissietary crisis, and the hiatriiifgreatt
the states which Oaye hint theimost eff , etual . need,.ihe borro,Wer finds his acComtnodailin4
support. Therei was netier a man elected to with!' til his \piper rejected and Nisi creditor;
the Presidency whose public coarse was, more the sink, dentanding paYinent :Of I', his.liabilL
plainly defined eY i thb circumstances of the' ties , ',The ban s, in self defence, in , sestSonS
time, and.more free front enibarrassing per- of 14 tisure, .are compelled thus:to `set,.
plexitiea than 'tiat.:Oflefr Picnic., two. _years vent ltsPensio and their' own rain. In this
inee;, and thete Fnever. %til l ofiti' among - tkem atm !e, for, life thc; debtor accosts ;first fall,
who missed hiii way so deplorablY." publi 4arid private - interests suffer,,and a gen- ,
eral tirancrenjek of business and the'eurren
., is .
cy . imuliediately - follow.. , • 1 1 ; •
Asia remedy for ``hard.tirnes i i" and . its • reg
idatiali'of the tufrivitey,bankt t havii - signally
failed.' i A well-regulated aystentOf 1 revenue
by th/l, national government, pristeeting in- .
dustry , 'And .encon raging - the enterprise of the,
Atne9inn people, rstraining the letiormous'
and noitt ; ominously' large importations of'
for‘ \ eign'.lProductsi and 4nerchandizeeeuring,
theetnititryag,attist •1 he exhaust is* :drain of
the preciona - mends—g o ld end sliver+-to pay
for p.rOiits du nianufactured, abroail!!Whieh we,
should iiiid could make better and s .}reaper at
atone, ' eh a system is a better re b 4nlatiou Of
the cu ' nay and a glory <rain' ieiziedytor
- --.
• f'• , * - 1
Vtiachqrs and friends of ducation c iet4ril :
ly $F .0 in'tited ? : o ittepd..L 81;trie
one in iiii vicinity *lll filesiee providni 4
Tent i)l4i. !for '4lie iiieeting:j; 1 :!-. 1
A' J. - Gaii ox Seer 1 :
, RITLI . . .
,I . e ' '' l - • . 1
. .
• i -•'• A. Card: i . • t ••
, r , • ; - -- . , j
•,:•,, !
•• 24fEsqRs;, EaArt•& .1: li AMER :;--Under the
-head 'of -4 imix.;iissit -diseloseres' I the . De 4.
. erat Of last Week 'contains ah artiele-in whir'
the eitlitM•s, elaitn to have the , proof that Jug
Wiliviot: Was initiated into the secret, otidel
called Kniiiv Ninhings last till when att end
ing Cmirt l'in, this piece; ' in t a certain lupiici
;vont ?r*lrlii's Hotel . in th i s Village.'. : 1
The -iiire itatenent . is a !base !fatricatibn ‘
having no tiniqation in truth, .. :, 1
I have placed tiny -dollarslin,the hands loi
C. Avery ,Esq.,,to be
.paid liy hiM to E. II
quise !whet' he Proves by' ' he most respecia
bit' acid.'; I ;he. Most reliable 1 witnesses 't
JudgesWilinot- or any other ( I man was init it.
— ,
ted into the Knew Nothing Order, in any p rt
of Searl4'llotel last. till Or at any otl ci
time. 1 I - SEARLL 1
• MOlitrOS(;)
P4l4ige 01 : uip to Bill.
The'hill 'to repeal the Tav4rn License law
‘ ! , •
of this COmtnotiwealth,' passed the House,
March I tith, by a' Vote of 47 yeas to 30 nay i s l ,
.. • .. ,'
both , of Oazi members voting in '-the aflirma
tive. The bill' nOw goes to the Senate, i4l
its fate in that body is uncertain. The hip
is a stringent one, does away with t e
. ,
whole licenSO system. 'The following syno -,
sis of itiv . PrOvisiens we take from' the Tiarri&-
burg Herald : - • i
;• .' - - l, . .
! - , . ~ . .
` 0 Thy bill priivides for. the repeal of all
lawS re)a(ing to !inns, taverns, and retailer's
of vinous 'on spirituous liquors, and inakesAt'
unlawfUl to keep Or maintain any House, rourii
or- place oliere,..stinuus, spirituous, Malt,. o .
brewed ',Niters...or any.admixture there°
are sold' Or drank, Any person or person* .
who shall tor:'sale, or sell in 'conneetiiin
with ani Other ,linsitiress, vinous, ',Spirittiousi
malt or brewed . liguori, by . .any measure; or
yoluntarilY iittord.a place' ,or :-ny-. Other con]
yenience tir inducement by which: the same
may be 'used asia heverage, they or any orai
aiding, abtOitig . Or.assisting therein, shall be
subject . 'tofitliettnent, and upon conviction[
shall be. iefi tilCtd to undergo iMprisonnient i
in the cOuntii, jailfor the first °trent* for al'
Itenu of froWthree: to six mouths, and, for theli
second . offOtee for a term of from i six - toi-i
twelvelnoutlis and in either case to pay al!
fine no(evieding.orie . hUndred dollars. - If
It'is farthe . r proVided that if' any two orb;
mote pefsOn4..euriSpire '.. or act together. by
which One May sell. and the other affordthe .
place. for drinking,*ithintent.' to eVade'. -the
provisions if 'this' net, tkey or either of them .
nay - be -indicted together or separately; and.
pun coulviiitiOn . f. ball b& sentenced to
,impris . -
;0111ment rrotnifuur to eight ttitOnths, and.. be
fined one - hundred:: anditifty- dollars. It is
Made theidifty of Cfmstables, At every term
( 1 , 1 the wart 'pf qaarter sessions,. to Make re- 1 1
turn .on oiitli Of all violations:of this i'tet ; and
it is made the ',especial duty ot. the President ii
4udges 'of all -eoUrts: to see. that this return . is j
faithtittly iiiiitle-aritl if any respon:ible eiti- . ij
ei) of any founts shall '4 - make knoWn to the li
constable tili;! flame air. natties of persons who I
have violated this - aei• with theilameS of wit- l•
nesses who Can prove thofact, it. shall be the I.
ditti.of said fpuistable to make return . there- i
of to the c..itiri—ettod: t4pD'ilie failure to do
~h,./...6i1i l*ii4bl6; tai indictment ana
prisonnielit in . ';the' . coUtityl jail tor a a terin 'of
from one ;to tbreii monthsi,_ and pay A tine of 1
tiny dollars.'' i .' .' . 1..
The Sunday Lignos Law
The law prohil iting . the salei of liquor toil
the Sabliatli'day,ig into effeet on the - first
of April. Underi this lawany 'tavern, keep
keeper,'' er, beer _house keer,i - tipplingl shop 'keeper
or keeper of any ezting hoiise, rho sells, !or
knowintrly permits any Spirituous or malt
liquor, wine or eider,' -to;; •be drank on his
premises, an 14 fined fifty: dollais---one half
to the informer 'and the f!itlier! half to , the
overseers . of the F.pcioi, the violator may
also addition. to'fbe aboe . peQty, be pre
sented for a tnisderneaeer,', and !be fined not
less than $lO nor more *an $lOO, and be
imprisoned from t O n tof sitiv digs;
Apra 7th, a 10
FR i
. : -- - - ii ....
= - . T40.,14, cent •Riptibli4rt afeetie,g at h a ' .
;: - .i , ....--- . • : * . - •,, . i
4 ,
....,„ . • :.qttehanitit•Deliof..
1 i.,40e,r Is that, the facti . of Mr. Baleoltn;,-,1
°PrOltliE4-recently attending . and speaki t ; - `"
a: ,4Pailifoui meeting -at Suspiehant'l3:t
I+;* . t... 1.0 request and: fr vit Won' cif"
fleß 4". Funds I;.isqici,.,_.,,ah-I,optirnogdauteeidaiitinteilak,.l.„
1 !./.. i y,
gentiONTer at that
'lir:steer a sensation than •‘ye had flu - Mb]; at
tieipated. • ' . • - - :
• The last •: two. numbers . of the. ltonti ros e
Democrat have contained articles, purriOrtilp,
to emanate from Susquehanna Depot. ."
‘t - hielt - Mr. Hinds, is . .attneked as an ambiti o :,
l'ettifogger. Ake., and tlie size and import 44
of the meeting sadly berated.- , With ati i n .
consistency and want • of- concert, generally
caraeterizins o
: ouch political,..and person:liar;
ticleS the - firstwriter_kver the m - odesta . i l d
fbritifilitble - "'sranit ii re .. - ' 4 4iiii:tr - s','"). itiagnitul:.
mously admit, that Ihere-,wete eighteen tx.
Solis at. the titeetiiip, all told; - while the last:
Writer . will" not allow . but "ten,. speakers and
all."' lAs tlteronin._iti,whieh-tlkotneeting2Wai.
held was ecitineded'with'"itridtapehm 'into:the.
Bar-Ilooth,:whiellwini also.:full' of people ; it
may hc -- -thatithe litst - Writer, may eliargethe
first writer 'With.±seeing double I' 'The mint.
ber)presentdoeS not particularly concerti u s.
The rooms, though,inot large,'.were full.. Th o
larger room .or hall of i the LancllOrd Imola .
not be Used,.beeause there'lvas . ne stov e i n - 1 -
and the night. Was severely, cold: Had .th e ::
accommodations E been; better, the ' number •
might. Eiiivebeen larger. We responded 't.ti
the call made upon us and - sPoke.our polite
cal sentiMents, with the intention of - givia , r
Offence - to. no onedfriefid. or foe. W e l it z.
formed ouriprothise,- if not our duty, and
there -were_ willing to leave the MatterZ . •'.
I t may . h e that a resAence. in-the St:ite, es.
peeially at Susquehanna:De.pot; ..lin 'neces- I-•
-.- renders a person better qiitalitied to learn a'o
- ;
1.. .
Calling for the Proof , judge of the political afrairs of that State than
, ,
i .Thil Roman Catholic Bishop of,..: . Loitisville, one living Over the `'li e" without regartlt o .
•,a.patriphlet.oppertunities or means es.nftirmatio... '
genturk -eeently: - pulflished
1 telling thenitle of "the Intoleran spirit . .of We will.- - assume that -it do But %e-can• •
t , e Tibies "in Whiehlie attemptS. to distort i not allow.the question of higniirande" to -be
and - fit, si.; the oft. qUeted remark )f Leny.- pso S•ninniarily disposed Of. W e - 'till .filip:
1 ''.
principles.tit ! Wilmot and Cameron .
ette, t atr"if eviir the • liberties of this .eoun- ,Ipo se th e
try are' 'd. ii.Stroyed, it. will .be " L - Rornish . - to be ''antagonistic'' on the great. question
riestr hi . t sew of : . tlik highd -inded at- l i Which divide s the Demperatie.partv and the mpt Lto jfalsify- the_wcirilskof a disfiamisited ;wart ies of : tluit 'is. the Slarery q4: s .
1 1
Antdritini citizen and - philosoplierPgriesSor lition, if the an t e
. redeat,s• o f' ' tpolitician. haVe
Morsel--three PrOtestant clergynt9 of Lou- •anything ta do with determining his politiml .
isvide thiti•e publi s hed a ear(' in Whhli. they. :Principles and character, ': site, earrieron,lias
dental lof the' nothiA, Bishop, Splandiag, I ibeen an avowed hunker and pro-Slaveryite;
either oittathentieate•and confirm 11;s state ;' : ;fi . i., is so On the record, as . any'reacier of the.
mew,' r k.etract it as a' fvgery. . The prciky- i riblic jolirmtl:3 :of the day , knows.l : His ante-
terian tiferald also denounces- this darina 'for: , l `cedents•shouid der/nil:ie.:his real - positi on
i• i . • .- --• • . , • 'F' •' I i . , L
ge y . ii proper terms, and give s the following ! rather than any prom? se he may now make
extriie4 fl' )tit n• letter from Prot: .-:ll . (ir,e, in l to secure" his election. •B. Lapoi.te, Esil.;, ft
in ri•frittd ;to the, saying of Lat:lyettei:- 7 '.- A i - pri.; , ...entaiive in , the, PentkylviMia Legislii-
I'. It hely nnt be amiss- to - stiite thitt the dee- 1 ture„effectuallti disputes_ of 'the elair(re,that
larafitol efLafiyette, in.the motto in uestion,•• Mr. Wilmot his expres - sed his preference" for
witM• •' •
's repeated hy -him to more thansite Amyr- f
r. Cameron .flyer ad othe'r candidates.: :Ind
kp.. rpif r6r . y list inte w W
rvie hi Ii I laid l the fraud of the cAlontroseDeripecrat in gar.
with I.tfir l yette,- on the . morning of 'our de. I,l4ing his fetter to;Mr. Cameron on th e .i.4. 1 h. -
.piiilitre;frimi Paris,' lull of his ual concern Liect is also expdsed. • y ,
fur A ii4e mad the w
riqa, lie. same arning; 4ind i- ' - 1N r 4. j '
e cannot set" why our friend Hinds.hlis
iii i letter !whidi I reeeived from hin a few.l not
~ n Perfect tight to get tip.a meeting ! Mid .
da s.idier6t Havre, he:alluded .t.. till -• whole I procure speakeg,:rren,•in stipport of hiSPp
- ri. , i N , -1 , : „
sitejeei,ovim the "thatnope : Xprelsse s C l . i, W011i(1 litiCal principles and of thelpriiieiples of the .
inzike kOoWii the real state , Of. -things' in Eii-I,growin, par lit party to 'whichhelongs,.v.ithont
rope to city. countrymen , :it the sam e truce i having ''his character -assailed 'or his Motives
charging iti upon me as a sacred, (Inv, as an Limpeachech -If tie has. continitted • any critna.
Araeric4ii, ioaequitint them with the fears lin the procedure,' we are certainly accessbries
who' •h viferc'entertained by. the fi•iends of re- . i to it, and- must abide, as ble,st- We may . ,ihe
pulilical .lierty in regard to our country:— I indigna ilea- of eur'ollicial inia officious friends
11l Ihave"ilthered with iuy success to art-arse! at Sitsqueliantia Dept, and l elsor.h'iTel. i!' !.
the attctitiim of in r conntryrn`ell,to, ihe dan- I We hope that Mr..HindS:and all thdgdod
ger•lier eee n by Ltiyiyette, I owe it liti a grt•at :, people at the. Depot, titnong whom we mi l k;
degree.tb having act in "conformity to•• his ! many personal friends. W-ilib e abl e , t o st i l l
, ..
often rePeaterl injunctions, . ''.l viVe it-- , zr . e;,:shall try 't.6 1 ;---Biag'hani ton :gel
c l. , ~
vil...meEL F. B. mi[ni...E., i, puhlicnii . .- ---
'. • --- ' -. • 1
-lew t oi •11,5erity, Oct. 1830.1
ii U ' -' ''
.. ...
, i
.. • . ,
,Withlan intellig&t, :Christian, Aittericiiii I THE . BAN.EING. Alls'l- 4, Is PENN4rivA-.-v1•1•••••-•.
ptil) ie..qie. it„,,' ~.ti:,.. 44i.,..,i. ~,„,4: , , lArt,f. I - Th. '.-- 40 -'-• I.**; 4 r.'q/fpur 4 1 aaticr in whitlh
MO' se will certainly he believid in pr o ffer- I
t he Penrisy I vaiiia Legislatil rki is incorporating.-
to be located in
. alinOst :- very little
encc• ! to le iinauthenticated declarations' of a ! 1 -)laa-s7
t i ou bi e _a t , e 4 . fi, i . eig „ je„e tt, „hoeet,, upon th e village in the :State, is justly exciting alarM
every friend of good .etirretif!) - , The
principiti that " the end justifies titeineaus.." . i zilot , lig
1 - -ii .!. - i ~ Ji• ~ I North .Ai . neriemi , - the , leading poinmereial
.. ~ . .
joint al .of Philadelphiii,. warmly condeinnS ..•
,Te ILIsiEN 'WE •EiTi i i.s.:CTlO?..7 1
i the aetion of the..Legislattire,iand confidentis .
or- SiiviliY.—A meeting was held li;ii Tues.-.
day, ithe ;13th instant. at t hree o'elOck , r .,m.,!..di.-up"trciovernor PUllocl,t(i interpose t 4 '
allied ; veto power. That piper relf,::trks: :: -),... :
iii 1111[1 lut;'seilielit. of the. ,Asst,ciate,
We kiiiiw that in the .. conlinorcial circle*,
Preshvt4riali Clint•eh, to consult" on 'the pro ; 1 •
1 here th , e , :mgiety :to Learn what Governor Pok •
prietv oncallitig a Convention. of - Christians ,
~1 1 .
Joel: we i uo at a ci•isis and in a.matter so poi
of a 11l evalige lea' denominations, to be held I
~ - . ) fi .tentiOus. o f disaster and di shoilor to theStateii
in this 60; in .11fay next,. flit. the I:urpOse
eimsidernfg Wh „ t . measures_im g ht t, he . inh,pt. is deep and univers:d * S '"'"P : a PP r Y l ' nsi° 4''
is felt that he will not, lie ;Isrfgorous- f und de,/,' :
cd to.ilia4on :the extiactio n n'of slavery in the
eisiv C as: theoccasien requires, him tobe; but
United State.. The attendance, says the Cen
unless we greatly err in our estimate• of hi 4;
tral Chris)iaii Herald. was pod,
.ftearly • all .
integrity and sense, lie will hilly. red-eta evt
the evangelical chur . ehes, being - represented,
ery ju s t. expectat hal --of 'the connininity.--=.ll
and a Marge number of the ni:inisters• being-
Whether . his negative. upon- rise theasures.oft
present. Mier prayer by Rev.' Di;. .A*de- .
the Legislature will be eflectual• to - defeat! .
lone, her Was 'palled •to the chair. .. After-afull • • - •:.
• i,
... - them. finally, is a: question-- tiihkh we .c.annoti , .
diseitioiil i it. 'was reselved. :
,t- ,
Undertake to answer. It. is possible. that inil
I. Thant its expedient to call a t'onVen
thejease-of many, if not' all, of the bank hillar
tion, as above'surre•ested, on the first Wedne.-: ,
4 - Pnr,
qayi in IMay next. . - ;P , i': no • passed, or to he Ptssed,: . !here may - be:
oh ined a constitutional Majority coinpetent'4;
! 2.. That'; : theChairman appoint a conun lice
.I,Jt 't them''' . ' . '' • '
defrance of Executive objec.;
of seven, fr,m. 'different. de.nmnination i "of tutu,l nel a and,e - thatin"i.event,.the''' peopled'''.
must, I Cliristiiin4 to prepareand publish 'a .ealll 'for don -_ - .
said conventiOn.
.: . . 1 •
,_ t!ess, will, take"care .to -hold that majort- l •
. • tv. r -soonsible for abuse of .power. B.ut Jas.4:
- The fol living gentlemen were appoint" :-- • . •
„ Pollock will, neverthelesS, have Manfully aniti
Rev.l Ifroftisscir Da •• -P • • Dr. WI
3, ' '`..`" r • ' ''' I faithfullY discharg e d his duty in.ihe preroises,il
ReV. a B 1 toYiiton, Rev. WM. G.'W.- ew
-1 and.agrateful 'constituency will honor binli
isi Levi oitfini Rev.. J•.• :French and 3.1 i. olif
fe. • V ! ' • and sustain him,- as .he will then deserve for
•- - '
i s •, - - 1
The Mantes .r.if Hon. Bellamy Storer land be. honored and. uStained.'
R ev ;---
N. West, Jr.,' were added by .the CAm- I '- ' . '
vention.--jl Cin. Chi- . t• Ade:
. i 8 ma
, . ii —.:___
Mai mow, -
11.AbE /20Eli TUE ' UNITED Sr TES.-
Ih the Courn: Of a. speech recentl . f relade .\
.COngress 4 Senator Brodhead Of.P.einislva;
• ilia, he gar-, sonae
. int cresting infOrnnteioti-in•
• relation, to tthe from Tradei 'ln 18;14,1 about
160 ; 000i -tons of t railroad 'iron were nizitlqac-.
turgid in thii c..)untry. In that laisinesl, there
iWw= a capit4.l.i ii - ested Of $.10,000.00.! 1 They
eonsutnep ipter two hundred thoie;and tons'
of pig . tr i nt.l ei,,, , tht hunclred:thousand ;thus i)I .
coal, am lo . ver two . hundred thousand tons'of: .
limeston .., •.'O - , llti also stated that in, t 652, :it
t WAS . EDiii that l all the available - spotS or
s e
• making rots in Great Britain had boon '•oc u-
pied i butlin4hat year a new discovery f ore
was made tik the east coast of England; 01i re
heretotor6 tip. hint industry had existet. In -
the - coalitic flrmation Of the Cleveland hi ds, 1 n
imensel dlposite of ikon ;stone was: found. .
The anntial, ( 4 pruct ion
.in -Great. '. .
L Briti in. is
about twO btiO
ueti thousand tops. . aril*:
the last yeat, nitre than . seventy . new small:
Qs' have beo put up . there,i Which, will drord
an 'addition;,,,.'of Ozer. five hundred ' thc mad .
tons. • So il Ntt the product in England s .I.
most:equal ii•to .Ithe -entire demand to , t e
Whole- woOdi .;" -I
. .
P L .i „ ~,,,,; :; • 1
04.F.'(.4' inEN IN DMEN AND , I.
roass...;-:::T 'wi l e Was quite an am - aura-4 . 1
erty.s . old ere yebt- - Tday... 1.
~ • ; ,
' Mr. .A.. 1 1q. Phillips sold' a- number o
groes, aniOn#, wliont We notice - the folio
•as indicative'iOf the prices, : i • • •': .- ,
• A..boy, af,,:s..e4rs of age, mechanic;. $1
Vornan andthriie. children, olde , i - 4
age, each 295. , ;Woman and . two.. (. 7 141
l4dest 2 year 4:, each 3SO.- :Woman; 32
'fr age, $5204i Boy, 22 Years ()rage, Mee
1 , !
ic, $895. ' - .1 - . ‘ i ; .
Mossys, 111`are1i & Sharp sold, one
hot 13 ye,ardivold l , $460.. - One negro.,wo
. Onel, negro woman,- $B2O.
Mules, horseq and carriages, at fair and
prices. , t- 1 • . :..-- !•:'.. • . :.
Mr. L. S. LeviO sold- tlie . following ; ---
:One 114, 1,;.5 44ar9'01d,:f5635,. -' - One
12 yetirs . oo,l6soo. - 'One girl, 17 'Years
$BOO, . • One girl, 19 years old, and in •
'months 441 di . .. 8. 10.--.50104 aerOliniant
' •
fitiatleial list and financial,feiik. th n 1
the.banlte n i. or other Stites, :th r
nowNr *tilt . established by, •1 , i4lati ' on.
4 414.0bt' - 41Thme principles ire, tt.t), - li•
'o • 10n.,41* truth is ge,t4 -.'-.. y in ' .
i if!afiflt*itint to particular ses' r ' tis
a - , eptipti i citAanre'di ffi ctilt de t . ,._ nil tit
Li ' imittattns 'May be c;dio . ,. 1,1,11 f -
- ril,
oNheinetion of the Legislatu
, :t'e''' n ifteimbl.
jeet,V tlin , liaeorporation* of n.,, L batiks, 11191
been np. important and neceisaryi.. et litittedis t
I char of my official. duties in It ; premises;
I 1113 ''e rr in • judgment,: but will shrink front
net t'spcitsibility. • ' 1 •
fic Hinting, in the day tif my indiition into of i l - 1
e, r!leelared , .that “i would nat refuse toil
sanct , uin the ineorporat ion ofnew, isitiks' whenl
indispensai4y,,tieeeslary, and ele,' rly ; &mini- I I
ded tiyi the actual Lusmess • Wan,, ' and' interl,
etsts' . ere- they. mkt' be - hieAtel 11 2 . ! the - iitie I
.ti9p, iOlv, presents_
,itself—ls th ', bank, prol
pos to, be eitabtished_by,thislu'• I neeessaryil
e r
1 ain-A*,4learly deniaudeel,,by the aciltal busing:sal
I wants; and
.interests .of that eitkintinit:y.?.. ' to).
detetlinining , , this question„the=tueality 4.90(11
—lyiriisting biinking fiteilitiestiis proxi.mi-d'
Lity,,twotlier banks; and to, the great marts ofdl
trad+-, tbe oceans. of jeonimutitation7tho;
mnotint, value- and ehat*ter. of ii - trade andll
bp:4W !qr,..aild ; other attendant, dren trot4i - p ees,
1 ,, oul he ,eonsidered, . From. ti careful .exl
amin tiOn of all these,' and with •P roper refer l
Pence oiprivate and..ptiblie;intereSts,=nail
Idiseo :et• the neeessity that .requires, orithel
Wanti 'or interests of the
,comrhenity: that t
i. . ,
Clearly demand the loattion of this 'btank. 77 J
Feeli' g‘ of regard • SOr thOse -vet( ' desire the.
4assa c lof this bill; Would Prompt its approv,
i - ,
al ; : MiiderationS*.Of publie inter' st,, and the 4l '' i
tern i detnand of official duty, retl ire Jne tali
ilthl;pld . my signature.
1 ;
:- .
_:_____ -• •
\ •
iS settled beyond a doubt tliat reerniting
ers are no* actuallyopen in ' i Philadelphia,
New York, and other American cities, to pro-
II cure soldiers 11,r . the British 'foreign lOgion,' to
serve in the pending war againA IttisSia. 'Tha.
[i agtitt in ; New York has shipped "Weighty per-,
sons already to ftalifitx,. where they are sworn
and regularly. mustered into' seii, - ice and. he
says he, could procure' (Mt lilindred ' men, in
New Yfirk in a week, it he had the means of
shipping their. Fully that nui . Oher haire - atl .:
ready applied, .thongh the 4gen4y had been;
1 op e n but a few days, : Thi•se ageutS are reg..
' ulariy eiinmiissioned-by . the Gityetio - 1..0f No..
.Va - Scotia, -and have issued advertisement;
6111...ringa bounty to recruits."' Theo,lNO • irt,
Philadelphia has done ais large ttbtiSin.ess aa:t
the-New YOrk 'office, treat' of. the apPlicantg
in both cities being Permans:. - The agents doh:
not profes to . recruit, but only *to take:644s
of the Inca off ering, and fOrnisii them With a;
passage to where they may
,be" ref.
ern ited. • .
• •
Arc AtuEEx or 'isni.ts.A.."---The• *Terra
Ilsute Express understands that ,Governor
Wright,•Of , Indiana, had prepared' a 'veto or
t he, Prohibitory Liquor hill, lately" . passed by
the Legitqature,
.but that his. oung IKelittiek.
y wife, tufri•ring at . home just -in the *nick - or
time . frord a iisit abroal, asicertainedthe state
of the eas`p, and 'by her influence arrested the
intended . veto, and induced..the GOvernor -to.
sign tbe The Eicpress' is jubOant, and -
eulogh:tiei upon . * the _Oct.isiott,• and- ikateludes
its article.' thu 4 • •
The . ?ritiSh -glory •• in their Queen ; -but ,
W hat. has yieforia to.conipa re With this?'.
What Governoi..has .such 'a
GovoAaess as;.
Jospph A, Wright,:.or needs
,one )norii, 'to -
steady. his hand upon State. papers?. - Lent
life, say :.%10, to the good Queen
- _ -
I ren '
imr , 4
, • ,
711 ti Wisconsin' Assetubl i y kissed the "'Ali-event .the use of jails 00 prisons of.
that . State persoal undi - 4rt4O fit..
gitive shwa hi* of .1850," by . a.vOtel of yeas,
44i . nay5 . 25 : .
tainilig 165
whOm two
prititin o;
; .y,
I ,
Britain" 11113 sixty-`colonies eon,
000,000 01 people, 5,060;000 of ;
diiwt coloniits fruin . final
extraction, - ; _