El , - e 11 igiseeliftlyott:s. 4.112134 PAN HUMOR. titom J./ R. LOWELL t S LECTCES ON-11L`DIBLittS.- ) Coleriflge, with adrairithl.l zientenesii, hits said that 'there I , s' such a thing fig' scientific writ.' Therefore pure wit sometimes:gives, `°an intellecti.6.l .Measure without •making us .la,uf;h. The wit that triala M;:laugh most Wy,,is that which. instantly accepts anoth er man's premiSes - -; anl . draws' a conclusion : . from"thetn "in its oc1; : it favor;' A country gentleman was, once 13howing .Ihi , s improve ments to the Prince Do Lionli and amt ncv - other things pointed . out to him a• muddy spot whichhe called his lake. 'lt is rather s h a ll ow , is it not'? ' said- the Prince. ,1 11,..5 -'sum 'sum you. Prince, that .- a man drowned hiM - se lf in ' he. must have - been a•nat: terer then,' answered 'De Line ' • Of the same!'kind is the story told of on; Of our old Massaehusntts' eleittymen, Dr. ), Morse. At_ an association dinner, a debate arose as to the `benefit of whipping. in brinfr ing-T11.3 doctor took the ;gr .• t 'native, and . hiS chief opponent was a young whose reputation for veracity' was 1 • not very-high, Ile affirmed, . *that parents I often did :Unit - to their ' , children by.unjua I - punishment from not•knowir the Picts of the , case. said' he if, only titne,tny I -father ever whiPped me wiyi. for telling I truth.' retorted the doctor 'it cured 1 you of it, didn't it'?' la wit of this sort there is always a latent. Then there is the wit. which +Llects - an un- intentional bit .9f sibtini in word.a.doollie meaning; as, where Sir :I.le . iir'y Wotton takes advantage of phrase eoinrnonly used in his day to ,imply merelyresidence, and rinds an undernicaning in it—saying Arnbassadors.., ere'personi sent to /iCnliroad for the service of their • . .0n the other hand, I think unconeious gess and / want ofliatteLt:on,„or at least the • pretencit of it, i 4 more or less essential to the ludicrous. For this reason What may he called the wit. kifievents alWays ludicrous. •• :Nothing can 1.) . ftiore so, fir exatniile; than the Pope's - isetidit\g a Cardinals It,-;.John Fisher, saop ,• of 'Rochester, ; ;; -- telt arrived in England after I fehry the -- had taken p, ff that prelate's head.. 'So when,_Dr. John_ son said very. gravely, one dat, that he - lid often thOtOtt that if.he had-all:ire:a he Votild, dress all the Indies in •white• un intentional congruity of the speech whir. the . character of 'the 4:;'rent tu:Ualist threW ;Bus , well into an eeStacy of langht(ir. Like this is'the ludicrousness of Pope Paul 111, Writing ID the Connell - -Of "fhat . they trhould begin with original sin, observing; yet a due. respect to the Emperor.' • . 'Captain Bitsil *Hall, 'when he traveled in 'this, country, found the Yankees t. - - people en tirely destitute of n-it and humor. Perhaps .our gravity, which ought to hate put him on the right - scent, dctecived; him. hde not 15now of a more p...Nl'vt example of wit than some. : .thing which, as 1 hav,l heard, Was sail to the ,captain himself. Stopphig at ;a village.inq . -there came up.alhundc--storni, ;tied Captain . Hall, surprised that a new country should, •have reached sec -h a perfectionJn those ma -- .4teorologie tnan u filt ares.-said to a by e'-stander, ' Whys, -you .have Very heat's- . thunder here.' Well, yes.' replied the man. '.we du; con . siderin' the liontlier Of iiitabitants.' Here is ..another story which, a stagt , thiver told me -once: - 4 Wag on the oat-side o v f the ,joach,' • called . td" a ntanb'Y the roadsidit. who was fen - eing some very poor land—' I sw. Mister, --what are you .fencing that pasliire furl? •It take 0 - .l s t a middle :sized cow:- and/I'm a fenciu' of it to ',keep our kattle coat f Now in the 'forty acres' part-of this story., -we have an in-4ance of what, is e:dled Can -exaq.geratloii, and Mild; l take to be the 'symptom of • most promise in Yankee, fun: ,For it markS .tb;it._desire.. : for intensity of -expression . tiihiei is onephase of imagina tion. baleed. Mfaly otf These savito.s . art, purely imaginal iVe—as where:a man said (4 painter he.know, that he pfinted a shinglel so exactly like m'arl4, ; that NVIIOII it lell the river it sunk. 4. A 'man told me once. that 1 . . the people id a certain country .town were sr; roniversally(3i,honest, `that they had to take in their step-stme at night' 14 1111 - 1 e or the ,, e'. stories, imagination appears yet more strong lyand in that eonfradictory union with the un clprstanding which tic§ at the ,root. of the high est-burhor. For example . , a coachthan driving - up some mountains in Vermont, was.asked if, they were as steep Qll the other side; also ? ` Steep ! chain-lightnin' 'Couldn't go-fri>wn 'ern 'without the hre,clehin'' on !' 1 .bel,;(eve that, 'here is more'lat&i.; humor among the Ameri can people than . in.any other, arid 'that : it. Will .one day develop. itself and find . expresbiOn . through aft. • - . . Corn _fodder for Cows and Subsoiline Our.trrend George Walker, of Susquehan na-county, one c 4 the best farinets of ]north ern Pennsylvania, writes trs, as follOws re 'spec:ling the advantages of feeditth e i l r Corn fodderzto his cows. • It agrees With other experiments tri..4 else -Nsilere, and where .the profitable results are so Obviou,4, and Within the reach' of all, it is only surprising that 'Many farmers ,shOuld continue in the Wasteful habit of f6eding their T. fodder in sheave:4,i and in the open yard,where not less than one. half is actually lOst. ' 1 B.tock will not rnasti&ite.much but the leaves and tops, unless it. is , eta, and crulted; that the stalks contain valuable nutriment ha's been . - fully settled, and 'the practice of letting them be trodden than foot, for mannre, is nOniore rational than to throw out-hay for. Manure, Cvkithout fir s t yielding its.rintriment in passing - through the bodyot the anirtal; The letter ;say S -- ! • 4 Last winter lj kept;our cows and fxen . on • corn fodder, which we cut with a corn stalk". cutter I pro.cured.of Whecicr, 2401:6 '6,.; Co., Albany-,.whereby .wherebY we r,.aved at feast _twentyl . tons o'flay, in: consequence of which we are enabled to keep this'winterlifty‘six' head of horned cattle and five horse , , being twice the .number we were able to kcelyunder the. old ': and wasteful mode_ of - feeding cornstalks without first being cut with a good machine: The sub Soil plow I purchased of. - f'. Aior-. cis 6; Co., in • Philadelphia. last -. spring, Byers abetter purpose than I had anticipated. The use of it hi our land I .think will ; . prove • invaluable, draining off the surplus water in a wet season; and in a dry n on e , enabling the roots au . opportunity .to penetrate into . the moist pulverized earth. On two acres sub ,. soiled and sewed - with corn broadcast,; at the rate of three buAiels to the acre we raised five tons to the acre of very superior fodder, ,1- although last season was the dryest ever known in this section of country: Judging .1 by cOmparison, without the subsoil plow, we would not have',r . aiscd more than thre4 tons to the acre, if so inucli.'—FarrliJo . urnal. . . . . —ln the- . Petinsv ivania Senate, on Wed nesday of last we ;k. Mr. Frazer, .1-Ong a lead er of, - the Derno'eraCv . his section,: intro- Awed a bill to!. authorize the banks Of - the onwealth to issue. notes of it less de . • , ation • than five dollars.. The! . Phil a-I'a North American very prop:My con. detthlS the measure. • RP .If you are afflicted with any e,Ottlplaitit Which requires l'argative: Medicine —try AY,lteg, iVele Piil they late' worth trying. , - .Cencoid Jiterci4 N. C. Republican:Meet:44 Sumpiehaw I 'Depot . Pursuant to notice; 4 large and res p ectable . • r .„ portion of the citizens o f zusquelunalDepOt, and .vicinity, assembled at the Hotel 0 , Hari+. :ben Benson, in , ;said 114ough. MIT Friday %web ing:last... George W. Ctkos Esq. WaSlehosen. ,Pres't., Simeon -Woodrufr, Enos Bryant. H. .• A. Whitney 'and J. B. Scoville, N - t ..,.• , e .', -Pret)i -d eats- and: Wm . W. r - Skinner and Abraknti (Awn., Secretaries. ::: • . , • ; l, On motient.L. -P. illinds; 'a comMittee of three were ap pointed by. the President to tie. port resoltitions;. expressive of the sense of tite meeting.. The president appOinted the' ql- Jowing persons (M the afuresaid - Committee: L. P. lliod , ,:tuds(M Qiuk and Simeon W 00 4 .- , , ',: .. ; - ruo, In 'toe tiosence.or the Cornmittee, tv tn. Stuart, Esq. of Binghamton, N. Y. was Intr . • i duced to the Meeting and propeolled to,:uldrep . the people •,:.n it-clear, ticrinetl and eloquent Speechiin whi(111 ajOst 'tribute Of respect was . • paid 'to the integrity;iworth and — moral Iterp-' ism of Win. 11. Seward and Pavid, NV - dn. - nit. ~ . -The committee, ithrough their Chairman now presented the followink, Resolutions. 1' • 1 . , 1 •Ineieas: A great and r , plemn cri sis is approaching I it. the affairs of this natiOni!when a mighty oligurebylif I nespots assuming, the mines. of Derriocrats.of Whigs, I of Ilunlcers, of Silver Greys, - of IlindOos,!-of States.- Rights-lfen; ;Of SeceisionifaLs, of Filibusters! :U., have handed o:mst-hies together under the different nantCs in different localitis for the purposes, by force if' fe finked, of extending Slavery : over every foot of land in theTnion, oftidding to this nation the Slave Island of CalL, and of liinportin,4 rich foreigners as John Mitchel, who sigh for an Alabama Plantation of SlavO, in a word of building hp a:, largernitional Slaveaiercy ' beneath whose dark -shadow all intellect languishes and all virtue-dies. 'And' : i - : 1 117,:r4 os, The Free laboring masses under t he' hanner of It.fnidieitnism,' are to mint this tremenV fins ehginery of slei-ei power boffin' . ogether by 'a 0- 9 uniary interest of siv tll4m4and mill i o ns of della N.; and saippOrted by ad the Milrliorers of L'ibertv and despls .ers of labor in our own 'land, ris well as those who are ciongregating he i r . , e front' other counfrivs. And ‘ 1176-re-(ks, There is no escape; the struggle is upon us ; in the land of Washington we are to settle anew the question; vitethert we are indeed all freemen 'or all; slave; to 'fight atie* the great battle of Repub lican Liberty— Therefore H ' - 1 , Rei4o/red, That we-will 'support earnestly . evcr the priiielides of the Ilvpublican party, as taught by-Jeff: -erson and. Washington, and the fathers of the Repub lic.; and until the GOverninept is brcinglit front under the control of the Slave 'Power to its ancientpurity and glory, will continue to: battle foti the tight. - Resoierd.' That 116 M Divid.Wilniot, by his con* in Congress, his!able andifearless adirocacy of Repu lican DemocraOY, his .folldwing eveVin'the footstePs of the illustriofiS4Lifferson and Washington, is entitled to the post of honor andalangerin this crisis; and that he is our elinicefor the - Presidency in 1856. • Resole,-4/,.-That Wni - ..Piatt, State senator from this District, and 114: Stiirdevant, Ilkpri4entative front the same, in suppOrting for 1.7 ! . , S. Seminir, Buckalew Mid and Cameron, narit our hearty.comempt—well know ing, as they do, the voice Of this'llikrict on the slib ject of Liberty. : We call *iron. tbetn a• the represent ativeslof the people and not their nia.ters, to vote for whom they knoir to' be deli contkituents' choice for U. S. - Senator,:lot; resign. :their trus . into the hands of the people, from whom they. red ved if. Resolved, That the vote cast by (..J. Lat h rop, both in t h e Cancits and in the , Legislattre, for David Wit- mot - for 1.1 - , S. Se . nator,nititits our he;irtv approval ; and we can assure 141111 our confidence i him as an Amer ican', and as a Yrk , e Dcrisocrat, iSI nrin- stronger than when we supported him mi - such at , the ballot-box. ,• l:raolrrd, that Simon Cameron is not a proper representative 61 . the RePuldican p•ineiples we cher ish, hating-lnti two ittsuliicint gut lineations for the office of U. S. ;Senator, twit t the Jfidcfletoirn Bank and a tad eltariTrtl'r ; therefore we never endorse. any course eaienlated to sieure.bis . eleetion. Resolved, That lit the election of it. S. Senator we hold the Rcpublieen prinaple.4 paramount to all oth ers, and,therefOrt4etwist; and urge mir Representa tives to vote cOnstantly ,Por David Wilmot,- and to abandon him ht instance except or the purpose'of defeating.it candidate who is opPOlet.l to 'the princi ples which-he advocates. i Roao/trit, That those political sa') and other counties„ . who have beeinl risburg by the caress of Money, wilt unmiated and much abmittil the d IVil mot;and atipporicql p.6.-Slawdry,. alc.r and carn6ron 'or 1.".: S.' Senat iiiti t; ations 9f,the rherit , to Oa old Demeratic 'aro •tions: . = riortcf the Fle!,7oltiti . oft - s, oti.th4 /mai/ intin!.///' ad of), repo: - . mittee. Ransom Ilalcorn, of Binghamton, Y., being called Upeti. responded - in a logical. and impressiv.i-spe4. • Its- vcry humorous description.of the defith of OIL old Whig and Demoeratkiparties. 4vas a decided hit. L P. Hinds, of Stisq.!DciA)t, beinfr•called upon,' addressed the meeting.i his . usual e,arn estand happy manner. The fact! that to -be conie a Pest AlAster,la Man hadhoW to be come that atialuoloil being, a Dalmoerat and Slave was sarcastically alluded 'to. After a vote 6f thanks to tbe - speake4, on motion, . • Resdreci; That th&proeeedifigs cif this meet: ing be published in !I lip Morning Heilald,Bing hamton _Daily 'Reiirifilican, and independent, Repiiblicaa; and a - dopy be sent id our Repre sentatives at ilarrißiurg. AAjotirned. • (1; EO. • WI! Pres'd t. ! •ENOS BRYANT, : 1- ! • !. • ! ice Presidents. 11. A. WITIITNES, • .101 p B. Scoyti.:Lt, ' • ! Skin IT ..-Ibra4 ain 0.)6n. I „ ' L 1 Sec'.'vs, .' • REittnV roa. Scmibs ~.t.NO Ik - rms.—ln the A'incriezin 3fedical ..i'azete for March, Dr.' Reese thus., earneiitiy . reiteraos his, advice to -- , apply flour:to se-ails:4nd .I:ikt' ri- S : vl '• . still ~.,...e r see refierted t i boost daily, an appalling number' ql deaths by burns and scalds, not one of Wilich, W , Lille upon our selves to 'say, need 'prove. filth); or would do. sO,lifa few potwd :Of Whet4lfou - r - could -lie promptly applied i oil he iWoirnds made by fire and repeated until the ,inilaninatory • stage had passed. - We leiveue . Ye known a fatal case . of sealding or binning iwhich thk•prac i • tice has heen-purstied, du ejlT.., more than thirs ty years' experience and 4aTing treated hun dreds in both public acid private praetice.— We havc .known thepoOste3t.euive burns by Billing into gatildren!r, of bifll i ng l oil, and even niolten,cOpper, and yet thi• patients were res cued by this simple quid elieti]p remedy, which from its Infallible •Succeq, ihould• supplant . all the fashionable nOstruMA,lwhetber oil, cot .ton,- -lead water, ice, - ,turpentine, or pain-ex. tractors, every one Of whi`phlhasbeen tried a thousand times - wiilkfatal ire Stilt, and the vie tins haste' died 'in e*Ceuciating agony, when a few ha:l4l.es of'flouloulil have calmed tlicqn to slerp, and rescued !Celli, fronv.pain and d'eath. Humanity 'SbOuld;7 . prompt 'the -pro fession to publish and['repiublisli the facts tin . this subject, which ":,tire stablishcd by the authority of sta:l4mbiledieal works on both . sides of the Atlantic; i FRiur is The remedy and the only one, imSevefe cases of . scalding and -burning,. glspalilies I.i.hiCh else so often destroy life. • Let nislcecti it before the peo ple, While theexplosiOns . Steam boilers and burping fluid lamps ;:tire 4 rife' all' over our country., , L. • 1 --The Auditor .General - and the State TreasurerTof Peunsilvania - k ve recently; in obedience to a request, fr4m the Legislature, ( -, miipiled :a -statement lowing the debt of the State oh the first i:.dak of January, 1855, and .1851, respecti%iely ; :',.!u34.1 from this mn ((li lation it appears that the debt is now larger t... nit was four . yeari, agii. - , . —The Erie, Pa., 0. azec,te says a good joke has been . perpetrated ori Col. :McClure. the gallant editor of, t Chainben,lnltg, 'Whig. lie went .to Ifarriabu ,riri.; . to here for the :a,). Ointment of! a, frielid as Superintendent . of Public Printing, and iwhile working hard to _this end, was appointedl4 . mSelf. ....1 Cbart.y , is an•ktetnal debt, and wih out Inuits. y ;, MO • A. Qc E. Bildwiq, fANETACTITRERS OF SADDLES, HARNESS, Trunks, the 4astenient of Searles hotel, Montrok, I • • • ! . . C.. 1. SHIM:IOi* IDOOT AND sum: MAKER. Shop first door east 1.1 of Odd Fellowg Hall, !turnpike ett., Mendrose. . , . . . • W. Singleton • . , , now be found at hIS new stand oat/logo ite. two doors nest of Seitile's Hotel, where ho .rl - repairs, with diisj)atch, Watches,• Cloeki„r Jewelry, Guns, and every ilescription . of Machinery. Wheel cutting; Gun And. Watch- materials supplied to the traAle. _ . - • ' - • • • mitt, I.TRGEON PENT i NT, kontrose, Pa., at Searle's 0 'tote!, Mondayslarid Voi!stla.o of each week. I • Henry- S Knapp, . . • t ITONTROSE, !with! Row, Woodrn . fr &-Cltr!r ler, Wholesale arnceni. and -Commission Iter ehants,.No. 173 W:ishington street, between Court. andt and Der street:, Yet : )-nrk. ' - 'Caleb* Weeks. - r Q ADDLE, HARNESS, TIU NK MAKER and Car'. tinge Trimmer: Moll: at hig dwelling honfte', early omiosite IfenrY DtinkOr'o....lfontroar, Pa.. • Miller & Powler, - TTORNEYS AND CdVNSELLORS AT LA*, It and Solicitors in Chanitery. Office No. It Clarke street,• Chicago , /7:14 • REENWICIT IiTREET; (near Ilroatlway,) .:Voc T }irk.• ,S:l6l)ltir k !Co., l'ropiietors. In the vicinity of the princiP steitinhont pBALER DRY OOPS, Grocerieß, el9thing; Cmckesy, Boils and i:ilioeti,•&c., Siusquitha ti n 4 Dei)ot, l'a. - i• . , . . . - - Bentley Ok Fitch, i TTORNEYS AT LAW, - AND BOrNTY LAND 11. AGENTS, ifoiotrose, Pa. 13.'S...11ENTLEY. - • - i,, I; 4 ASEHOYABLE, TAILOR. Shop unfler L Hotel, Maine street, .116ritrov, Pa: ' D. Hinds, IVERY AND EXCIIAGE STABLE. Office in 1-1 in the rear of Wihtetllctitore, Montrose, , --, J.."Colti.ten,- rtEALER IN - STOVES; 'lTin,. Copper. and Slig'et 1../. - Iron Ware, 41rin ! ilk, near Great Bend Depot: Deeenther 41' .- i : C.: - : " - . I STERESTED with I. L 11rNT, Imports' t of and - Dealer in 11artIW,are anti Cutlery, CarrhigeSprim; Sc., No. 215 rein] iztreet, fVe,r York, where his 31er, cantile friends, in this :and iother counties, are kindly' invited, and earnestly 'solicited to caliond purchase. P. 'Rinds, • TTORNEY AT;-LAW' a .. 4 41m7nrhtinna, Pa. Office on Maine trees,une east of Leuhcipi's. . . . , . Fiazier i. & Case, • - ' , A TTORNEYS 'AM) Cf 1 .11, - NSELLORS AT LAW, /A. Office on Turnpike; street, one door East ti Post's Store, .iirontioge, I'4. ' : ' .•' , .1_ , ' '': ' Albert Chamberlin, - : TTORNEY AT LATOand Justice of, the Peace: IV over I. L. Po :if & Co's store, Montrose. r Wm. Hi Jessup, -,t. TTORNEY AT LAINIAND COMMISSIONER of DEros, for die State, of New York,-will attend to all ty : doe:3s fritritsted tti him witlf.promptness and fidelity. ' Office. oO Publici,Smiare, occuplifd by Icon. m W. Jessop.. , DEALE,II IN IiIII7(ISOIEDICINES, Chemicals, l'aints, Oyc,-stars, Groceries,'Dry Gook, Iltirdwar6;. Stonewtire, (nits's . ware, Clocks, Watclie, .lewelry, Silver SpCctaelcs, Musical . Instrti- merits, Trusset. - , Surgical insu uments, Liquors, Per nitucry, Mirrors, POtioncit3 - ; IltArshos, Shoes, 'ranker Notions, &c.: • angers from ( attracted - to Hai.- have vilified, ca l acier of Judge - ebrashaite, Buck al ale but livilig teir thoF•e who Whig .organiia- --- B.R. Lyons do C0.,----- "ViTHOLESALE', AND RETAIL DE.ILEIIS IN 7 I Dry •GcoAs,'• Grocelies,•Sah, ware, Lines!Avo, 1•; ) ( 7. . • an arks iti Ftip 7 Ition, they were ..0c11.13: the cum- F. B. Ciandler, - . ,• ,EALETt D)Vir GOODA, Ready %tile Clothing, 1) - lim ''''''' Book and SiatiOneril,-ell 2'. Public- -, Avenue, iffatfrovt Pa. 'i-,. ; ' - • ." " . Patrick &_Dimock, 1 j lITSICIANS LAND ziCRGEONS.. Office No. 4 i On-e=.p si met; Jfiaaiogc," Pa. • , .I~EALERi 4 IN PRY (RIOD.,- Gcoccries, Crocker?, liartiwnr( , , I:;entiler,j.lour, etc., t °Cite: ofTurn pike stroet and Piß)lie AvCitue, - .lt,pfro,tr, Pa. EALERS IN Intl" Gt,I9DS, Gioceries, Hardware, 1 Crockery, Tinware: th.oecrie?; nooks, etc.; also, carry on the Avenue, Montro,r , , : , • Bentley & Read, . -DEALERS TX DRY ODODS,. Drugs:, MedicineS, Paints, Grocnries, Hartbrnre, Crocker', Iron, Clocks, Walches, Spoons, Per cry, kc.—Focit of PO'?!le. Avenue, Mon tro:ir. . . Sayre; Bentley &Perkins, - FANITFACTV,RERS_ )X.' AND . DEALER. TN' all kinds of C!astings,Ftove4, Agrisultural Tropic inent!=, etc: Offide . at Sayre's Store, Public Acenue:.; 3lattufaoory•at the Eagle 'Foundry, Foot of Cherry treet,..lAntrogr,?Pa. , • _ ' • ' William. & William IL Jessup, : A TiORNEYs!;AT -LAV, -Ifontroxe, Pa. Brae flee intii . p.n.dianii,a; Bradford, 'Wayne, Wyo ming and Luzern§ countW. - • • William Wi Smith & Co., ABLNET .NfAKERS. They keep constantly op C hand a good assortment of kinds' of Cabinet Furniture. Shop and , Ware Rooms nt the foot of *nine street., Pa. • I ,; Rockwell,! Winton & Co., TANCFACTFRERS and DEALERS* in .S.trMe "'" 7 . 17 ''' . •• 1 /04 Gi r, ` ; Far; Umbrella; l'ara- Rol; Ribbon; d-c„ NIM 20 Courtlandt street, ;rip York, (up Ptairs.) ItoCKWELL.!: J rtov.a.nr). . WlN"fol.4i. t TTORNEY AND ; q(ICNSELLOR AT LAW, 1 .3fortfrosr, p,a., will attend faithfully to all busi metos entrusted to him in the 'county of Susquehanna. _Conveyancing and writing of all kinds will be done neatly, and charges modOrtite. .lle will also attend_to the prosecution Of claims . ..of Soldiers, their widows mid . 4ierrs, against (he. llnitcd States Government, for MountY Land, ensiMlN .May be found at all hours at the office forrndrlY Occupied by J. T. Eich ,ards, Esq., north of the Court House; I DAIRYMEN, 'TAKE NOTICE! TUE subscribers having secured the sole right-to . ;. li,cl-17S' DIUSAABLE CHURN ANY) B LITTER- WOVE' KR, fur Susquehanna and several adjoining counties, respectfully invite all-Butter mak ers to examine And TESI the merits of this new arid i valuable invention._ We propose to furnish each arid alkof you with 'a. Crtuatii that will produce as much butter in .as flii,rt a - 670' as any other churn=-ode that, will eompletely.expel the buttermilk. rads mid „ work. in the siilt s eliffuqng it.perfretly through the butler and fit ;erg -TT; without removing it from the chgn. This . Oley! is pciniple in its construction, sci entific in its opdmtiOn, and easily cleaned and kept in ordi'T. and can? he easily 'attached to any propelling poWer. i . Igor further riailiculai.apply personally or by hit ; ter ; to JAS. Ci BUSIINELL and J. N. BBONSON, Ararat, Sutamettimna cohniy; Pa. ;1 . . PUMPS :: Pumps 2 The Oreatest ImproiyOnent, of the Age!—C. if Willtaini'Doithle-Aeting Ball Valve ] . ' • Foi•c'e and Ail? P u mp s- N' • - 1.. improvement 'above all other pumps' or ma .t1,... chines fin? lifting, Orowing, and - carry -mg water, combining both '!a Pump ind a Fire Engine. This . Pump, patented In February, 1854, is the whole of it metallic. No bolts. or ricriTs . abont it to rust, cou.4e quently it will last a mated life,time. It can be us e d in every varieti!of; forin-=-ean draw water from any situation, amPtiarry ;it .tti any part of a building. It i 9. superior to all ether PtimpEr for Distilleries, Paper Mills, Tannerieii,Etick yards, Iron Works and Man ? Cwt. timing establiShments of all kinds. All orders mint Ike addressed y AI)D111):: Diustieg, 1 o4er B ville, Palot'llo kits the sole rizht for SuSque• !Alias-comity. i , • NOTICE. ...._____,-- j - To.ze pemoitsindebicil to the 'subscriber for feel; t as Register, Rcorder aiul Clerk of the OrpluCes Ourt iwould confer stfaror by, settling the male soon. Vlnsrsio, Die: II IW. • J. 7. LAWODON. MOI ME BUSIN:SI - 'CARDS. Pacific Hotel, Thomas I,rigstrunL Joh'n tlioves. C. Tyler, J Dials tk Son., Fraser, =1 . .. Lim . ii, t.,it2oveo tirrlzENN; : . O.U.lll4just itchievedwaignal triumph. On the, , . bloodßE+ fici.d -of Peace, with Freedom for ,To' r watchliord 'and the ", terror of Kings" for !tour. l i atle.aae; sou luere, wrought a revolution which in tit Old liVtiild wOld. have 'shaken off the crown, if 1 no the Acall Of every despokand buried him beneath thej.shatte,r4l ittins of Wit own throne.' And noteamid gout WO 'rejoicings and the jubilant shouts, of, Victory Cxel-eryjnintl,l beseeeh . you forget not those humble ccinipaniortS who clung to your standards in' thy days ofil•euri,ailversity and defeat, and who 'are wi lk you ?non'''. in 'prosperity and .success,-especially yo•r old Patriotic:friend Tlik DENTIST, . W 10 on thestintiv' : .ltrights of far famed slontavue,. IL ,tnet vet* tieniiiirst enemy and won the victory too.. En renclitslqwithirihis - gateit of pearl upon his hbon, thrblieli, - --,. 11 ',wears . ttet - OwlifiOf aching nerves, and speaks,inhu ' tuattitgroatt- ' j . followt4Jbeautves found chetic, clouds the sweet, m114020$ tale ills•hi.4,. empire With tortures no power can beguile, j 'rom thtfibright brow ofehiltlftood steals the rose-] ate •1 , bioom,•- . . . - 'mi . slitOutis,itfte, visage of. manhood • with sepul . eltrat gi.f.xmr, , ' : •• . . 11 9 foe to rest, aturhcaith, and bloom, the worst in • . all creation;: - -••• . W •. seize;l.thonglinrnuStrto the teeth, and rout by c.r-i' , catialion/ :-: ~. ! • ' I A d now like Whigs and Democrats, and the knowl Nothing tob, -. 1 " I git cc we have•-gb(the reins of power, we'll show whatll , `. I .• . we, can tio. l • j , . W ',ll purt,ti these - ,"Augean stables!' of the oppositional ..clanyil : - 1 , ~ I i I • 11 And then withipure mat .4.1.71 will - fit/ there up stgaindl And though - 116:4d e paiticians direr widely in their t views, ; -' 1 1,, , .. Of the contra- iets.:ormeasures that each in turn May!j / jj - • eliot*e, .' • . 1 -- • i ••I 1 , Yet in reference to our policy we sure shall not be, I told.- ' J . -• ; [ . • i ~ ; • i 1 1 . Th It itansetius'ifilth anti rettenness should be prefered .1 to ;pi/4; - No that When .any syitem. has grown rotten in tlni toiFjf; . , • . . Th pOwer:4tliitt did the mischief' should not he over,. 7 Th t, then: ii A,Otat j ..we do in - the empire-of t..hejaira, j l .‘ j Th • eb'oyi ti-rants*e c:xpel, and abrogate their laws. I , If' ught y:Jilutiblefeentaing, that our - preserring pun . pose;suityl„',, • - W cleamtef add sae; it, all the rest we pull mil il, • • :. Hui goot.q: --, Th at on tli- ruin?; by'our art, we gnicklS- rear again A arch ofljuroin Gold, with colonnades of Pereelain An 1 now mir fi gure t.) complete, we only have to sayi. Tit •se wondrous transforMations all are dmirfor 1.171,1. . t 1" 1 1- L:rl i :: : t : .: C. .. ' il! . . D. VIRGIL, Surgeon Dentist, J. )rnnt'lvtll• i"Orlglllter . 6, IS:,-I. . • • ' • --,-4 . . ~..,.....-_ • ..-.., " . l' !Time Cllinil"'ed • : .. , . • . ~. LAWAUF.; . LACKAW.k.NNA. AND WESTI:I4 '- • 1 :•-ltAlfl:sl.'DAD. ' • ,• i / • * - Ls.;T.Fit Aitit.ttiGENlENT 1 .. N anilWier Thtirsday,. Nov. '2:3, ViZ4, the 31a1 Pas:milger Train will depart from Scranton ; 3t.. ' • i.. 523. • . , . . , plie at Great Ill.nd al 2.ni) P. i. .. I._ ol ineclii i g With the P.aily Ex - lire:7,z Tra I tlB - both ea.. ; :( ...‘ l v . c o s r t ii . ( i il t i ii i ;3 11 I C: : : t.:::;.;.1.-. nod at l l t ju l n l cir l k rb a i;li n a . rrii-e- at' morn:Nr . 4ll leln'.e Great Bend on the *arrival ofth I 15 1 8 1 1. 1 1 :: : 11 ::: ) .1. 1 i l e . r Pi: y r;c 1 : . i l Yl:l 4 i l l ti l e: l ; t l4 l ; i . i , l: ., l l. •:: : t .it r9 ; l l , l: ' l :. ta t t. l ! e t t l l .4 .N : lsc . ll: 2 :l .. L a t t I n : : ( I . l o : 3. l T ; lco 2a r 4 a l i l lt l i l t r i t a i l . : s . c i r : t i l l t:l . l . : l2 : ::P u m a N :l , l-it : S i. i S t e lii (l i t .i r r : r g i tl i l i e nel- :: ' it Train :liono,l'AVl , t, and. the Night Eipt ess Trawl Ind hotll4:4t an Vert: leturnit4, will . le,ave Great Rend at 6.31) a. M. an ] Ave at Sciantini, 11 a. v. - ta_es will fieitt rafting on the arrival of paeti • train , at Sri-ninon, to convey pa:;. , en,„ ,, ers io Ca.i nlale, Pittston;: Williesharre, Philadelphia via.' th[e •11.1ing IlailrOaft;l7 l a ,- ton end all ether interntedlatt ces - ]).•H. DOTTEItEIt, Superintendent. I. 'operintiinoo' . s ofllee, Scranton, Nov. 2:1, -1•• 1815' . __. • NEWi STORE I'. NEW GOODS! , .• ',t 1 0: :4w Im.roitp. ---' -- r HE suhscriber having leased the' Store of the', Itessri.. Pratts, formerly occupied by I. S. Lit-, He:intend:oo !11,,,0ti.‘ pertnanently.in New SElford. 1 .: And he,':Wohlil tahe this method of informing' the, , inhahitani,f,of ~N. ' ew Milford, and adjacent towns, tl6ari , Meir he has just•retinited from New York with a larg e aiaji :Mai sp endid i‘fockof;fresh and ,intirely new Goods, crit:-.1; ('oh si-ting of MY .G.00.11S of almost 6-cry conceiea s irs,is th I,lj varietY,iGHO w ,CEHIES as low as the to vest, //a4d-jriain , ,r, re, Cro4eqy, ; ;,:110,,tv tool :5140c5,, a !Cris yol'OrP,, 1I t omrlit (d 'l:•v•c.ry - soe, &c. &e., which he-uffers - i . :41 e on - theiMestreasonahle terms, for cash, count produce, Orireliahle - credit. lie would alsO say- in t I conne.ctiod,i that he has added to the establishme the ' manuilicturtg of Tin, St,,,i-irou and Coil 1r4r,1 in all 11,4 •r.,aletic,.., in which be I.+ prepared e.ltecute allikinds.ofjobs; by the-very best ,workin , , a: u omthe •Inist.'reasbnable terms. Dealers.simplivl at the lowest prices. Partied in, rekttion!tlo sti.ri•es ,cze , nt some future time. • 1 . . . ,t; DII.`'.KEHMAN, jr, 'New 311Ithrd,,May is; IS 4. 1 1 1— ' :- 4----1 —, • . ------ MIDI ASSORTMENT of Tin. Sheet - 1 I J and Wiper, Ware. of any own manufactuiv a Made-of lie;avy, plate, for sale - hy t• J •. : 1 ;; • . .. DICK ERMAN, jr -! . . .! . •1N ew Mdrpra,•lldv 13..12353. . •' , . A. 1111 assiortm,•at of Hardware', Carpenter . :j 111 Joitii - ;VTfiols, Pump Chain, and fixtlires at I New Milford,..ifily, IRS 4.1 DICKERNIA Q ASH .....1s"1/ . 1!.f..1,NDS of the best "quality . . f - (;r .4Tei k i -- 7 cheap t t i •.. • DirKFP'4llVr4l. i 1 iik.II:OI..II7.6OSALT by the barrel or titii.; erwiki, at tia; lowest prices at DICKERMAN'tz,;. . • t • . . - i t, :i - • I .°. /./ ;-- I . ;•: , FAlimEtts' HENION IVSUR.,S,NCE COMPA . Nt;. j• oFFION, ArliEss. BRADFORD COUNTY, P.A. . ! i ;.CAPITAL, $200,000. Sreared Itilienul , and .11.9rt.gauk- ou the Po-al Estati 1 ',. ; ;, • rof tAe StocklwltlerB. • - t t l 1 Insures' t tiplnst loss by Fire, - of Irouse:3, Stores, nd other- buililinKi; Geuds,'tVares, and Merchandise,} cal a$ favoniblii tcrius as afiy.sbuilar Institution. LoAse4 promptly,i.,tijusb.;tl and paid. - , , j ; Dinrcyo' . 4s.4.-.Hon. Horace Willistait, Athens; Fon; cis Trier ; q'ii. ;George A. I'erkins do.; J. T. D. Ntei - er; Ito.; C. 14:. 4.ipuann,.tlo..; C. F. Welles, jr.-do. • X Et• Canfield A(); Hon. John Laporte, Towanda ; deni. 11.. Walcemari„laCefviile:' Cleo. M. 11(ilknback, Wil •,:e.4- barre ; Micliftel 'Nteylert,'Laporte, Pa. . I .: t Orrici:aa.—lion. Ifol ace Willitoon, President ;••.C. P. Wells,: hr., 17: PrCs. and Tress. - ; J. E. Canfield, Secretary-S p ': '•'... • . - I ;'., Agent, D. S. B•Er.nE, Montrose, •Pa. • - [ls:l9mii Ageni ri I ' CtERIE WANTED. -[ , AATANT I Ff? initnediately, a good active Clerk one 1 who has had _experience, writes .a fair and is cOmPetent to take charge of a set of BoOlis•-4-, must be ittprratr and willing to deiote laic time - anti attention, to the Interest of his cniplovers. To one th a t can answer to the above a liberal' sitlary, will he giver. • Xthu others needrpply • Good 'reconinicntl ations - dd. F. lc R. ILEATO.), Haikir4l;i3iv, c 15154„ • . • • ;VIEW FALL GOODS. TT IIi',I:jZITT w . ould invite the attention of his • friiinds and the public to his . nedr' and slileti= did stock of 7ir+:4o- Wi,o/, and Cax.hovir f m ag Sr/pare, re , from .$2 -to $l6--Lefelisie 7 re:4 Onods,iticinditigiplain and fancy Dehnies I'arainettri, french 3ferinoes, Silks, Poplins, Oing, Ribbon* and Bonnelx of-re* I styles, *tact!' ir!cOnneetion With a large assortment Of I Staple and' fancy 71rp Good*, Gr?crrie:ft,. Crror4erY, ! Hardwarelran i . 13filrea, Buffalo Rnhfs,lCarinlinj7, Boot.ei4 . 4 4 iTorai Hats and Cops, I'c:inlet-I r iraff Paper, Oils and Painitt, da, will be ort - the inOt.favorable terms anitreduce4l p-ices for cash.iproihico. or approved credit. : . t qatt }ir the barrel or Toad. ' • i e 'Milford IS r eptember , 1854. AND SAW MILL: 1.30 n! RII,9PIERS 'having purchased the al o niie Will keep constantly on haed rei:fne Old fi,"in*, P7our, Corn Meal of Inferior mil- Br‘to.at the [barest -cash 'prictA.4— Custom Work *ill be none with 'despatch, and hi till Ira eases rOW& .• " I?i;Skif . . • Moves: Stowell: - , BURR' T,T is now receiving a new &v.-orb - Rent 1.4.• 'orStottia, including the. most Popula ,atid improvetlkindi of"PrciniuM, Air:Tight, and,Ele aril Oven Ci4ings.itives,->with Parlor, Office, and ht p Stoves; for wood or coal, in superior yariety and style. which at the most reduced prices. I Ele-, - ,gated Oien stores' f new and approved pattern will be old tit3o to 3a , find other kinds in, proportion. Also, stove pip[, zinc, and sheet iron, Move tub& tie. Now ..Nilford,',.'Sept. 'MA - . • IL BITRRI . , • Window,Sash.. • Q, D.iSkYRE having been, appointedmagent -0...7• for on extensive sash blind and door manufac-. tory are Preppie! tq funibKenv articles In this Ilne?tt less ratea Than:they have usually been sold 1. • • July I‘.. :1 . , S. 11. A; D. 10.1 ShAving Cream. t N !Hitch') *Bich every man Antall !try for eiile by 3 11 - S. - liAM . I .--A new lot of SuThmer Hats and ot,tni for,*amider wear just received and for sm,le heap . • p. R. L. k, .• ! , . . . . . , - . -,: '1 , , . -,:...:- . ...:2.,:,-;.--.. , ..;-:::.........-..,.; ..... :.4--.....: , .:-..t.--- ' ' i ..,-- i i; Zitontii)se, July, 1f451 " t .7" - • - f, , • • - • - , .• - 11 - ' CI • • FOR ALL THE _Pliltpoo.l3. OF A. Mil 1 1 „' FA'.►II L Y T liptg has long existei . l a pubitt dntand,for an of f/Ictive purgative pill t which criuld bd relied on as 1 1 ittire 4nd - perfect in it, : operation; :This hits .been . L..Preparod to meet the dOtadd, 'mutat dxtensiie 'tree' ii W - ofi . Virtues haS conclusively 4in wirh 'n•baesuc iif li otta I accomplishes thC pinixisesalcsi2ned. ! It is ea .k:ir .tot ake a peysical pill, hut not easy to Make the , ;lies!',, f allpi/hr—sane woicoAoulet have none of the i ',o_lij . ee ions,-but -but all of the adianiages of everY, other., 11 . its. ass been ttertipted lie:rM and with what success [ ‘-e w old reSpectfully,sUbmit to - the public . ; decision. t „It, ha. Wen yofortunate forth patient 'hitherto that 0 ituo n --3,eyery purgative medicine is .acirnonions • and rrita 'rig to the bowels,. ThitOs net. Many of them i t !trod) ce so ritual griping pain, and . revulsion in . the iAyste, as - to more that - recount:et:balance the good to be 4erir d from them. - These;pais produce no irritation - l i Or pain, unless it arise from alwevmusly existing ob . I, , strulop or derangement in. thelniwels. Deini pure , Oy ye etable, no harm can arise frOm their use m anh :roan 'tv ;,,but it is better that ani-, medicine should !be to -en judiciously. . fNlinute.directions for their use Iby th several discasesjto which they, are applicable 1 1 here g vett on the box. Anioitg the coMplaints which O•titve seen speedily cured by thein,-we may mention ;iLive Complaint, in its vari:ons-foems of Jamidice, In zilio•es ion, Languor and Loss of A Oct ite, Listlesness, . I ' ' s rr Bilious' tflrrita n ity, Headache, Thlious FeCer, Fever !:and : gut , , Pain in the aril Loins ; for,: in truth, - I lan th se nre but the itonsequelMitit of diseased action tin th liver. As an apetienl, they afford prompt - and i?sure elief in Co:hive:test!, iriles,:Chrilic, )dysentery,i t Olean tom, , 4 .erofula and !••••itury,y; Cols with rareness of !,the ittly, Ulcers inipurit6,l e blond; in short, • •s •A t . ,flany a id cvery case.where a„: purgative IS required. r Thi; haye produced some singidarly successful cures; in Rheumatism, (liout; Dropsy, Gravel, Err:Ape -oas; Palpitation of the Henri, Paiii in the Back ; -Stom itttli aid side. They !Arndt' be freely takep in the It - , s - trin Hof the, year, ft) ; purify. the ,blood and, prepare- i the s'tstem for the change Of seasons. An Occasional li dose -tiniiilates the sonnach and 10owels into healthy actin t, and restores - tilt. appetite and rigor. : . They pu rify t ie blood, and by -their stimulant action, on- the :-diren atory system, rcnovati the Strength of the body, • and-" estit - re the wasted„or - ,"ldiseatitid energies of the wlio organisin. ..Ifetlice ahoccaSional dose is advan: 'Mgcdus, 'even' though ito sttrious derangement exists; but in l 'necessary dosing • s slniuld 'Mtver be carried too t far a 4 every joirgativei medicine iit?duces the strength wiled:taken to excess. Tliti„thointarld cases in which :a plijLic is required cannotibe-endinerated . here, but theymggest thenvels'es to: the reason of every body, E anti i id' confidently ItelieVerl thls pill will answer a I miter purpose than anything !Welt has hitherto been available to mankind. t When - their virtue!! are once kilo+. ilie„pultlie will no liniger doubt what remedy to enwlrty when hi need of et cathitrtic medicine. De igar-wmpped thtiy are;pleasant to take. and be- - urely A'eg.±tattle,r no harm' t:Ain arise from their I,aringn a nti ty. ! - - minute* direetions see! wraPper on the•BoV. . opared by JAMES C. !A . YIIII, Practical and. An al:Chemist, Loivel. 3DiSs. Price 25 Cents -intr. Box. L i - Ayer's Cherry •Ppeloral. /I , :ropirlf:vtlre i , ±l . IC4iighlt .; et,hbt, _hroq /Ron ricg, r r ;‘,,di it is, 117; rr . fri?;n:/- co *///;,! Cro tip, ,itri/r am. mu/ Its'Onidif,ta ; ; . . its remedy has wen for itself such notoriety from . are , of every . N'aT.`ty of pulmonary disease, that' mtirely minecesiary to' reconnt the evidences of irtues in any continunity. where it has - been - cm l ' So wide is its fiehl of uSefelness tr , and . 50 nu us us the cz.es of*: cures,* that, almost evcry sec kf\the emintry abbnialS in pens publiclyknown have been rest Med from al:timing and'even dos e disense.s - of the-lungs, by its use. When once. its superiority fiver e6 l 4 ry Other Medici-De / of its is ,tr-rr upliarent.to escape observatiOn, and where rtues are known theipublM - no longer- hesitate. antidote to emilloy for the' il6tressing and dan • A atriTtions of the ljithnon a iry organs which are eat to oar climate. ::411t1 not only in formidable. ks upon the lungs, lint for the innier varieties of. -a, cots . its, ./16 . atittete-tttl, if:e. i and for (lah/rea if e-Plftasantest 'anti safe S t inedieene that Can be ob- Al. s• ~ i I : • f:, * - 4 ittlias long been in r)?r , :opi use throughout this an, we need nocdo pi - nre thin assure the people utility is kept uplto thi: ! best that it ever has been, that the pennine ardCle', is fold l!yHint-1. TIM -, Montrose .:. B.! F. i 4 R. ft. Ilyros,4 Harford:- RAM & I i 'IIINNEY, Dundalr,. and by all !dealers in !fettle evert awfier. ! t,j „ i . mg :, ing 1 tt=e i ME Th its IN v 1 1/10) MVIT tioll 1604 pera trim kind its v it - lib' ;_er A BTit RFI. 011 met OMNI • LATEST : EUIIIIE32EIIT.: TnE NEB]: I. 7 N:F7.TTLED. 'OTT, SOHNSTON !St. !Co.,!:are now !receiving limn New _Yorkla getteral .a . sOrtment of Spring. Suunner goods, _lna! ityr! !(!trtlially -invite all that to buy ZOO& ChPflp ld give its a call, a' our .stock rge, and we are Wiling, to ;.ell for profits.— can. find here almost pvery !.artiele wanted, and re Willitt! , to cniipatilgotrlsiand - pricey with any I , - . in the county-4--we have taken special! pains to goods to I*a/re due Ladies, -such! as Black, • red and Fancy sliks, Silkrt issues, - Bernges and qte. -Delany's, Plain and Fancy Lawns, Silk,'French DomeStic Gin'gb E rtnui, • Fignrcil and Plain -Muslins„ midered Curtaiiis and rapt do., Ladies Collars, vihandkerrhiels!and sleeyeS; Mantillas Parasols Gloves,, Straw land Fatter!: Bonnets, - also trim 's• match. larg 'Stockt of Goods for Men Buys, also Iron' Steel, Nail; Horse Shoes, and . Plpuglls, Silt, Fi4h, Crockery, Grind es, and Stoneware; Stove pipe, Tin, (lass, SaSh ter,. Borits, Shoes 4c., Please give its a ice of :lowing ;sou stock before you buy. Yount trtdy,j Si3OTT, JOHNSON St . CO, . Apiik - • Insl{ffal4 Ittilbe44. • • mill like I stt) finti and andl I lot stoi I Lea chat CHOICE lot jtiFt. received, ILO offered low hr • SCOTT, JOHNSTON & CO. Slifttua.4 Sht*Wils: CHOICE lot Of Wool Long FillawlA 'Yery- chea t 'hY i SCOTT.; JOHNSTON & CO. ringville, Dee*ber 3. . • . - NEW: GOODS. - , • . C 3111,LEN & PARK return their grateful acknowhidgeMentsto thei public., and invite at 'on to _the Term large stock r':of Sprin . a and .Stair Goods they. are now Ireeeiving .and oiriir - for sale era low priers. f In addition!, to their nsual assort tit of staple Dry Goods, !Grocerie, Ilardnare,:Crock p, Paints and Oils, Ac e.,, they are prepared . to 'Din a large in:Alamein of Lithos' Dress Goods every descriptinii—Figurml, Plaid and plain Silks, 'Met+, Shawls, IMAM* Doshiry—Ladies Misses Shoes hf all kinds4.also a lage'stock of 'AI) 7:..1b1./i/li (...L 01711X6 1 , Cloths, Cassimeres, _eds, Jeans, Sinntner Cloths,!:l'estings:,!,ilats, Caps, , Ks and Shoes, e.- - ; . . 1 hey respectfully solicit an early call firont those wish - to purelihsepooqgo4l at low pica. )ringrille, May 310 ILLEN 4 PARK. -•• New Line of - 2flail Stages, . . - Eltoat' ! . K IRK Woop Ti)iiIONTROSE. ", TAGES will letiVe IC irkwootfi passing_ throlighCor kl. .hettsville, Liberty, /Lt.,' eVt:ry Morning after the arrival id' the 3tailTrains pteurA, bath EasV,and West, rea t ching 31matrose at I :e. mt lichtr*ttg, leave M( ntrose tlailv - (StMdays iexceided) at 2 i"; m., reach- . in Rirkwood in time to,(ake the Mail tmtins of cars, ho ftEast and West, beitig thOtearest and most fea-. sib e route to reach the view York and Erie Railroad. his line interstlcts a .- 1 1 iVtrtekly line ,fer Dinteck, Sp iugville, Tunkhatmmik, Wyoming,' and Wilkes ba e, which leavtlit Monp.ose'a V- A. St.' !;very Mon da :, Wednestfity Mel Friday.' ' ;Also, a line to Friend s - 7 . \ - il e, Leraysviile, 'Ac. ' I ' ood leant? onl con , fiii . 4 abbk- en ri• i ages are - provi de. , and the proptietors gill spare no pitins to ac co nuodate the public. ; W. K. HATCH, ' .. k mil fi, 1,354. I I i ,MORGAN .t. WEST. - IL . nesboro l Sastaligilitd, ' and Door . 1.1 -•- • • - I Itaetory. - • I . HE snbscribef will ftirnish'At the Shop of Newell • tk Brotlieti, ,Doors, O ish.• And .Blinds... Turning on and and furnished. tai Miler. .Lumber kiln-dried, an workmen- tumorpasseil by i: any in the country.— O . ;era addressed Ito me Will receife.prinnpt'attention. 11( Pine Lumbcr and entintiy Produce taken in e-: ch Vge for the (thieve. : tertmq ready pay- neshoro; Feli, 6. ' ~ S A..T.YONS; . : ?MONTROSE DEPOT. .. it - 4,1, rri .IfMcifILLA Ni , I ACING purphasecl the eatablishment of.baac L. Pfuit & Co.! at thelMontrose Depot, would re ipectfully inforni his friendi that he will keep con- Indy on band, pt the lOWese ; prices,.a Well selected kof goods ; 1 . .1 - :' i . - - Arne; Salt, and' Plaatek : . eart: be had cheap, nut . well Groceries, Orli Goods; Hardware, Crockery, Room,. 's, Nails, &e.:' in exchinge,for Grain and ull kind!: produce, at the heat iiricei. '. 1000 'cOrtls. Hard 4' wanted: ' , \ - l - : • ' 1 . • i ontrose Depdt, Feb.l3, 1054. •I .. • i 1 Melodeovis,. :-.• . AONSTANTLY ON lIIND 'or furnihed' to _order on short no 'co.. •I'.-. ? J. LYONS & SON. OR SAIL*, a c alma RITGGY IVACOS plostrert, Sri4.l" . BAIpDWIN. • = I t ive.BozeA for Fsl.!` , . ' • ;: 1 , • = • A sxtEcrr-sTocs , 0 1 : .. r k. iSUMIER 00911)1 - : 41T ~., Z_ i i 1. -L. POST:ez Cot) .-. -1. • , . A ATE ~'.'now - offer to. the public the most choice and , , ttio LATEST STYLES Of. GOIAS to' , be had any Where in the country, and f or the very lowest price' • withotitTanation. - -.-• ' - 1 112/..fA D Y Ira DE CLOTHING., - 17SIIIIMBIl. STYLFS. \I.,L Post. dr;CO. have jest ' maoe a large addition tcetbelr-stock of elotbl ogi 'consisting now of everything desirable . fir the buyer `at such !prices AS are sure to stilt. ' The . . goods are I made firilt. rate,- and we *arrant the werldia be equal ' if not stiperiorio any ever before offered in this mar ket. Ofin stoat comprises Coats, the black 'French . . ..Sacks Frocks and Business; Tweed, Cassititere and Jean Saklis and Frocks, also brain] and white Sum mer plaini and twilled. .Vr.wrs—Wilite and • colored MarsailicS; Valentia, Lasting, figured! liarathea, figar. ' ed silk arid Satin, and every vaiiety, 'good and cheap. P.tsys4Fine 'black Casaimere, doe:skin, col. tweed, Sinurnet Istuft, linen drill, cottonade,' stripe, plain; check and plaids, SO cheap as to !n ure .of - sale- to all wholesire to buy. - • _I ) ,• - -------;1_ , tl .. ( - 1 .49-PAW - AND HOSlRRY—liau, L es and Gents N. 1.11 _White and colored Kid Gloves of the best qturli- . Cy warranted. A large assortment of all kinds ofblue, brown nrirl slate hose, and i r hose gents and bulks, cotton , ;tisle thread, . Berlin and ; silltrIllovr ; - Black and co lons; a large rssortment of biapk silk and lace Mit.ts, Jiang and short. POST 4 co'!..g. . TIM MS_ AND SHOES--,New • fingi Boots _Con* BON, Ladies fine - GXiterif, Bootees. andlluskins, a full nitsiortment of Cheap Shoes,,Childreini and Miss e3 Stioag and Bootees, Ladies fine silk-linen Slippers, ,a t. :I I ~ P.;& Co's. ' ITE GOODS—AII styles and qualities, bleach ! I s i f t ! I , liirtings, Pillow Cotton, ? Jac. and Cambric! Swiss and Book ',Mnslims, f Barred Muslims, Bishop and Victoria Lawns,.&e., !figured • and dott. Swiss Mitslins at Co's.' , • • F • QIII)..tGLES A 313 qitINDSTONES at • j.!! • I. L. POST & CO'S. '• . • • -1 ROCERIES—of the hest a cheapest kimal. 'A T of Sugars sUrprisingly cheap, At, I: L. POST & Cc FI . • , most desirabl6 stick in the.cotin, ti at very low prices. • IL L.-P. & CO. GOODS-L.-Silks, liluslins,— I ~ D eLanes; 'Della, • 1 Gin , hatn. Lawns &c., oT I every desirable yle. .'• . I. L.TOST & Co's. a _ LARGE and splendid stock of SpringA V.• LL. P. /CO). - . Q TAPLE Goods at the lowest pride:. • • ' f 7, • POST & Co. - Le HS, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Il l lentuckY Jeans •i s at d Satinetts, very cheap at LIL. P. & Ca's. • I !•• ?OA/I 7 ! E—ratertts, Cellar Pails n,,shTllCooa.cu r pputtcr Ladles;.! ! Prints, Willow Baskets, R i nk 'falters, Bed Cords I,Manilla Ropes, Brooms, a good lot at the.store of '1! ! I. LI POST & • • . - - - • C 04).-FISII 'AND iIIACKERA7L of the . best 'rltality at the lowest possible rates. Aprili 5, ISM. • L ft !. POST & Co. 4 0' LEATHER, very cheap„ ; - ► )ios.T • - I n (*. IC ER YAND GLASS Choke 10 at low T & CO . prices; I•/ • 'tN . ! I • - 1 / Carpet, Room paper and Window Sh a des. Ili. y POST & CO. . - • . V l ,' I 1 . ..14 IliiTS, spring style—belt qui 3 itcs 'Cheap.. - 1 . POST & C 0.,, - and a llonn i e l t I R t if 7e l,b r ot , i l S o t ! f i all ic k . i:ids, Par s. ' - • . I POST & CO. • • I S---every _IL/ and very . cheap. t. * R4l B.IGS—of the besequa ' !! A.lff, Lime and Plaster at 411 ! -•i I 0-Esi' •-• COLLARS—A. very c .4 West styles; Book Eintirohiere MecliMMtiti lipniton imitations. I ' • 17 44 1 •MDEOIDF,ItED and Lace C•fidel, styles ; also, worked at I d and liiSertings and Flouncing. • " I y ACE Edgings and Inserting,.; I .1 almost as good as Omni!! ;AO pilre linen-wrought Lace. • NiI4AINED and Hemp Carpet 1: • L L. lIATS--Panama, fine t• tiled and fititay bound, .Pedal boys ;Ind men, sold very cheap. • • ".• i! lADIES' and Children's Flats, a ./ gi) a new lot of the latest styles I stun.. iif \ 1 - 11 DICE and fancy articles of 4,3, some of the finest Perhir { cif. .411) and TALLOW ; al o .Fart oral at . I. L./ WANTEDI 1 ILI /.V. of ;ill kinds—Beans,, limy; Butter, BeeswaX, all vrohli for which we.will exchange good • REMOVAL STOVES! STOVES;! TOVES subscriber wishett to call th . attention of 'his 11 glends . and the public to hiS fiery. lirge assort- Inent/ibf STOVES at his new Store Room in Letkrs cille, itext to-L. S. Lenbeim'istiter,.and near the Gt. B endiftcpot. lie has, in addition to his former large s vitrietY of Cooking and Parlor Stett+s, many new pat ternx,lsome of which are— -1 • .Si.. : 'itVieholax,- I Peach- BrancA,l • itodera Trim Mame.* Oriltai . I Bind: Warrior; Whicp, together With his former st be theinost extensive and varied a selectisl stoves in the county. ! !I. - Ch i antu Stor,!s, well furnished, a law prices. • 1.34 - All articles in• his line kept on viand, andmade to taller as ttsual, tind,orders received at his old stand in Grist Bend. .; - !! • JOHN, COLSTEN. 14leeiteille and Great Bend, 57,6i....1854.• t. Notice to litt. 1" . .,6" TUNING just returned froth Nl -1.1.1ca1l the attention of my old the phblie in general, to my 1 I i :1- •4 NEW STOCK OF GO whirl} being bought with cash . 01 ,1 and wishing to sell principally forlt . fen"tlieur at greatly reduced price . . _ CoOteco Prints, warranted !Us colors, for .only 8 centsa yard. Good Brown Sugar; 18 pounds for one 0114 . Boonton Nails, acknowled ed by all to be the ltis l st Nail in use, $5,50-per ke,.... Hat.S.andaps, Booti and shoes, Buffalo Robes ofiall prices,•all wool De I.4iides, Cashmeres, Faramettas Dress Silk, Silk Velvtit ; i&c. Mouslin De Laines, shillingl per yard, Satithl Bonnets and Moleskin 1114 Brodie .Shavas, Double Long shawls, Thibet do., sing at inconceiv ably low prices. I can iafely writ • . tut Perfect. satis faction to All who will giVe.me a Call:. Laie.shoro, Apr. 5, 1854.- :1.1 S. A. LYONS. CHOCKS—good time keepers, lady one dollar. 1 ' I' S. A. LYONS. . . . ._.LaheAboro,'Apr. 5 t ANtEII--lo(10 Ilitlt.::, for IV , price will be paid. - 1 I.4 , pcsboro, Apr. 5. ( stOUNTRY - PRODUCEittiti %., I !hood., at my store Liteshoro, April 5. -- ' • ' riEW Anil All'r t4 ---- i . 11 --- i Hp - Ds rf; Melf/LL'EII7 I B Ral 4 . Lin.- hetnyen- Montrinie l l • } . - 4 • New ) urk lerrry da!,/ daga I exceptiti. . 1 - _ - ox Ps &Stelll !LEN. hatink ti.ale arrangements 1. 11 for forwartlinn , freight toS•ew-York in the care of Cita.. 11. It. CAI :LL, of (1 range County, *ill be iti attendance at the W, ontrwt, i)ei.o' .:Ne - ....r day Of the t rek, to take ritarg of suchifreight aim produce as 'nay he entrusted to t tent. fi.etrtrus for the same iiill be paid at the Store of William McMillen. ..- 116)ceries in general, Flour,l'44 Fish; Salt, &e.,., kc., - tonAtatftly on idl, for vale at- the lowest Cash PricilA,:tOr in excliange,fhr country produce.' .I::411. 1118ns. .'1 , Wit, u. tast - Mclftt:B . APril. 18 '1854 ---1 WANTED, . . - 4 11/1 .- CIInDS groats- ct maple wnod;in exchange LI f i ll for woolen go, 4. .. LYONS k SON. . 310niro . se; octoher-186 . 1 . I . • :Fat Ben..• -- ..., TilF. Jsub9criberoffera for sa l e his House int] Lot i l ..''situuto in tW , 'pero H ugh, of iMonnose,-a feir rodai Ea.s.; . of th4i Court Rose.. Te.}lin—one. half down: and he remainders in' re yearly payrnero,,with . in. iere4,-- . . . •' ii • - I " :P. LlNl`.B. l . 1 119ntroae, Janu4ry 9,1 1854. . 1•-• .' - .• : . L , Fir GUIS. -Sintiretl Shb 1.:3, October. 24.1" • :1' • 'll' W Q.I,4 I ).ENDID 1 1 1,itits,tuu jot tipeyl6 • ■ \ ityle desirable . POST & Co.. POST 1: CO. POST k. Co's. • oioe lot of the. 1. LI-merle, Lace, . dr: CO. .leevog, all de:.l - Edgings itationA of every and very cheap; L L. P. & CO, =ale at, POST tiz ntl coarse tiim nd Palmleaf. for 14 . L. P. & CO. mood variety, /al k7f, Baeants at the ILL. P. . p acrd Hair Oil new at the store . POST& CO. . wt.:4 toot: In gen- POS'T ed - .Apples, Tal i 1 socks, Aciss, &e., t cash : prices.- POST • S Co Jrie Clipper, Oak, Stone. ,ck, will perhaps sortment bile. * York I wish.. to *mowers-, and of ODS, h i e lowest prices e same, r Web the ItheTst S. A. LYONS. in exchange: for S. A - . LYONS. r'-!,NT 1854; ' Road Frei pt . ,cpo aced , Son; glee wan tea by • J. LTOSF, 4, SON togos. llreadeloth,'Delanes, 'rind fuji sale by • 'a: 'LYONS &lON.. *lO,OOO OVi-.1111/M -GOOllO5.- • • - . GREAT . 4,MACTION - Great Rrish-fOr. th:e New Goode at:Rowe" ONE PRICE STOREI. . . - • . Ti-IR largest and•cheapeet stock of Fittrcy; Dom ~_ ! tic and Staple - Goods. ever brought - into Smoot. hanna county: One hundred cases Dry OonOs, corn=, prising ip part as follows: •• • .7 - Rich. Changeablell4, Fashionable Silk AM' Eat Stripe' . .[Etnnietf; " Plaid .• 44 k.. French Plumes, Black - " ' ' 400. pieces Bonnet - 11113 Glassa Bomiet "•. . (bons, Bonnet Satire% 100 pcs. Fancy Dress 4o: AU wool OeLuines, .Velvet Drcss.Cettints, Parisian Fig'rd. & coled. Plaid de • ' Fitly Bay State . Ehawls, - • Clouded de Berge, Cashmere. do English Merinoes,• • , B ro eb a ,' . do Parametto's ';;tilk • do '• Lyonoe' Cloths, • ' Gloves, Hosiery; etc, Coburys :'• -' .- Cloths,. Cassitogres; • French ehan'ble de .Reive., „Vestings, - Embroidered Robes, • Flannels, •• '• Ghighams.iind Prints; • ' , .Nool Blanket!, • • Scotch -- - White Goods,- Ticking's, Wrought Chimizettes, . Thunask Speaks, - " . Liten do do Muslin Edgings, - !deb Linens, do Cannbrick do . • Black Muslim; do Linen - do' • . 'Etc. etc. Flarfoid, Oct. 6. EATON tir. CO. • New York. City • - • IiNSURA:NCE:.IPO*PANIi.. OFTICE . 9 riAl.f. STREET. •-• CAPITAL; IN CASH AND -APPROVED SFICURI % - TIES; *)00,000. Insures agaiust Loss. or panzuge•4 Fire:, DIRECTORS; A. Q. Stebbins,' 113 Broad street; Peter-C. Baer, 1 Spruce. Street; . :Girard litancker, 118 Broadway; Thomas • Andrews, 136. - Cedar street; Samuel 6. Southmayd, 377 West street; "Albert L. Conklin-810. Greenwich steet ; James A. Crosby, lia Broadatar; Cha's. Lent, •Kingsbritlge; -N.:\ Y.; Lambert; C. Brat. Chicago, Ill.; I Smith Hobble, Rochester, William W. Leland New York ; Peter R.' Roach, 1:18 Bank street; Stnates S. Bell,' corner West and Laicti; streets ;- John - L. Deem 78 Water - s_treet4D, Van Wart, 118 IlroadWay; Horatio N corner West and 11:irrow 'streets; 'Peter. Foster, 'corne r flansevoort and - West; Reuben Ross Jr., 48 .Eighth Avenue; Stephen Cromvrell, Camden, N.- Albin ;HD Wadleigh, Philadelphia extar B. frittaill, 49 Wa ter street ; Samuel Sinclair, Tribune Buildings; Sam uel 8.. Shaw, Cleveland, 0hi0... ' • " ROYAL CHAMBERLIN', PiRSIHRIH. CHARLES' C. CLinai:, Secretary. • CHARLES L. BROWN, Agent, Montrose, EAGLE FOUNDRY. AYRE, BENTLEY tVP:FRKIN - § barb purehat• ed of Wilson & co.- the Eagle Foundry, are now. prepared to-611 orders from:the wide, and (io work in their line with skill and de . s.pittql. They Will ketp, constantly on band.: Plows . , (best kitids,) Stoves, kinds,) Cultivators, qtraw C'uttirs, corn. &dim, (Fr. the. • , • • . We invite particular attention to the Plows which we manufacture. We manufacture and keep for sale The Celel.ratrdfry Plow.: • ' We hare purchased the •cclbsivc right to nianufee. ture and sell in this county, Warne; Wroniingard Mradford, ariviieh's•Pdie;nt froze Zleam. ;Plow. The Plow is made entirely of iron, excepting the handles: It is celebrated for its easy dranght,• being one-third easier than any now in use ; r whileits- strength and dte rability are greater. - - CII IN E Ry of all kinds manufactured „and repaired, brexperienc $ . IStecine Eng i nes, Gearing for .3.1i,111!,.: Shingle Ma 1 - Aniong the Stoves Which we manufacture, Are the Keystone Cooking ,Store, Rough and Iteaily do., For est "Quern do.;\PrPiniuto do., and other kinds, all ar-'• ranged for burning wood Or coal. Also, Sell-Rep. total., Parlor Stove, Cottoiye Parlor do.,..Stanlep, two sizes, do., sanlj a variety of other Parlor . Stoves; both wood and coal burnecs. We'keep ahin.on hind GrindstOne trimming', .Dog Churn, trimmings i . brelhi and' Shovel and.tnngs Stand.l,4te. &e. - Work done to order on short notice and atrthe lowest raw. 'Orders for Stoves, Agrieulthral Implement!, &e., are solicited from ihosein the trade, and will be filled at reasonable wholesale prices. Moritrote,. March 4; HAirtstru . lin, , . • Or any Place on (lee .Globe c iannot present - . ! !greizter.bittecnqsitst 1111. an .... • ! I - • -! • KEELER & STODDARD'S -' - ' ; i MOOT AND. SHOE STORE. 1 • 111:1isnowj1ledwith anw.antl.estelireW B,ortnent,rileiesintleirl4wenbra : iig a &nen°. 'variety of new-and clegat4 styles of ladies and gentlemen's wear, •.amon,„". Which are - Ladies French, 'Silk Lasting and . Prenille Gaiters, Kid- end• Enameled; Polkas, • Kid, Patent Leat ier and Bronzed; Jenny lAnds, Buskins and TiAs ',. G ntlemen's Frenel' and Philadelphia, oak tanned calfskin and kip Boots,: 31orocco, Calf and - Cowhitle. ; llrogiti &c- Boys kip, calf a_nd cowhide Boots and BrOgans; all kinds ef Misses and Chndren's - wear. Also, tit general tassort• ment of ; Findings which consist in part of lasts, pegs, spurablek littitpriati nails, -tacks; thread, was, Itris lies,Shoc hiridiri awls, rasps, sandstones, shoe knives, .e. Also oak And hemlock; tinned . calf upper end soleleatl6r,' Morocco - skins and linings. '... - .. Work made to order and repairing neatly done. . • —' KEELER & STODDARD., Montrose, April ; 6, 1854. : - -°';, VALUABLE'REAL *STATE FOR .SALE._ ;6)OVILLAGE LOTS, situated in the pleasantest part of the village of Sitiquehanna,; also;thres Houses and lots in the most business part of the afore sad village. Also, a farm _containing 133 rims, with - as anziall inaprarninotiL. thoit eiEn9intler 6441 .timbered, situate:two miles from said village. Sustpielizuma is the great Central Depot-of the N. Y. & E. Railroad, situate aethefont . of the heaviest grade on the road, near the great works of Stamm, Conewacta, and the Cascade, and possessing by ns ture,fhe best watering place on the route with the lo cality of 'extensive Machine Shops, Foundry Etc., Sus- Susquehanna, although, numbeiing. bet 2060 inhabit antis, and but ibur years 'of age„is destined soon to range alongside of the.MoSt flourishing, and populous towns on the line , of this givat ttiorinighfare. - L. P..HENDS, Agent. - Office one door east of Lenheinis. 1' Susquehanna Depot, Nov. 16. Valivable Lauds For Sale. FOIL SALE IN ONE BODY, - about, 5500- semi of Land on the waters Of Spring Drool:i s a branch of the LackaiVanna,river,itt Luzcrne Counts Penn'a,:;_ about midway between- the thriving towns of Scrim tort and-Pittston. These lands are covered .with Val nable timber, and' being situate in the most extensive mineral region in Pentniylvania-L,ltn'Own to contain ircitfore--and believed teittheitud in coal, and being - Ago in the, immediate - icinity l ,cif several railroads made and nuil in progres.4—iifferl. to' the . capitalist an ePporttinity for the investment Of-money that seldom occurs. For further information . -,apply to sack, Esq., No. 11, Wall'itreet New Tork, or to the subscriber, at Montroie, Susquehanna county,Pa.; the attornevln tact of the owners. •-• .. • April 6,,185.4. , ITENIIY DRINKER. PLOW SHOP. ,NEW- ESTABLISHMENT. AT AND E. 31( . iTT •tvotild respectfully inform tit. 11.1.4...pub1ic that rhev are manufacturing Blotchley's Celebrated P10w5..,: 4,1/ey alpo—keep, constantly on hand, 2i'iore. Hill, rapie and Mtn /Mom OtittireforS,_Do9r Churns,,,S6igl! and eurter Shoes, Plait Pqiitli of carious :patterns, too 'numerous to. mention. We hope, la'y striet - attention ' .business, to receive our share ortniblic patronage. Manufac tory, D. ri,..4•8 old stand. ; Voundry, - M. Mott,' near Searle's . . , ; . . . . tir 'Repairing done on short notice.- _ • • MERRIT MOTT. , Feb.. 6. • - • ~ • . "ELIJAH MOTT. '• - - WIRE INl.OtitAiliCE. - - rir ILE subscriber isagent forlhe followie Insursue• 1. Coutpanies, - doing -busiit*.ot the lowest safe rates. - - ' - • • .: i . State Alitittal at I.farriAttio: •. . Cash; ' l ettpital $350;000. ..! - • rt:tied-at flitrrit:bur. ' I_, • . . :Capital .k... 930,000. . Mine InsurOtite, „Veit, rork ON. . : . Vapjta.l $500,000. , , .. .. ~ Moutrose'April a, 'St " i F. D. CHANDLER. - LIME. AND : PLASTER. riIHE r tiers , arc no* bitiniug and will, keep constantly on hand, Limo of a very superior quality it . Montrose- Depot, and will sell 'it 'lO any quantities •at a fair price. Persons wishing alarge quantity can he Supplied vlon a reasonable "notice ! Suporifir ground , Plasterilill-be trept eoustantlroF hand hereafter: , :1,4 MST; 3to:itrcNii_Depot,• April 3 A 1Tow• Clatter and a two hor - o Ileums COP 111:7elage for sale ehenp by . A. lIIRRfIPt C 'SAL SAYRE, 11. i S. BENTLEY S.IYERKINS.. • H.;DRINKER. .W.'JESSUP. L. S.,EARLE.,