ITEMS. : - • 4 • • :--FATIIER G „‘” A 721, now in LondOni'ext to return to this . country before many Pec • months. •- " - whole Amer''can e was elected in ISiaiielt Chunk by handsome majorities-- Ditto in Seralltoh." • \ • __,4t the late Borough election in Youngs - vine. N., the Know-Nothings made a clean sicee n, electing 'every oftieer by large •Major itit • :• The result ,'of the election in 13altimori3, Md., is indienti‘'e of the :luny - of Know-Noth ingim in'the MotiutneOnl 'MUTER. in the New YOrk Herald "Oates that BishOp Hughes holds property in his'hands belonging to'i,the Catholic Chutch of:New. York, amounting to $25,000 00 - electiOn in 'Clirbortdale was held on Friday- last, and resulted in the . election •of anti-know Nothing o fficcrg, Mayor, Common Coiincelmen &e. by 20 :r na i °rit Y • Pa., Bairt.t, the Anierican candidate Ko• Mayor, was'efrcted by: a Vote of 1,544, to 840 tbr Young ; Democrat. The whole American ticket Waselected by:about the same majority.- . _ j--Some Irishmen Wound up St. Patrick's dm', March 17, it stiSoston, by a . fight( in which Dennis Cronatt killed Michael Murphy w i t h a knife. The murderer was arrested. —Wyoining Seininal-Y at gingston, i s i n a flourishing condition. The number itt attendanee during the Oast year, were, males 474, teinales.347, making a .total of Rev: R. Nels„on, is the principal. • In Fall 1ii•0r,.. - Mass., the American-ean;, didates were ,- eleetedideyery ward but. one Which was carried by the adopted, not native citizens. •There was no opposition from any organized party; the Whig, DeiTtoeratie, and Free-Soil organizations, being for the present . politically-defunet., —South Carolina bin; a private tariff o(her own, which sliejeeies.O . ,n certain products of ether states. Its collection has recently , been resisted in several, caseS, and the question of the constitutionidity or the law is to be taken to the Supreme' Court of the U. Si tiir,deeis • ion. I • • —The;Cmwegalio4ali . st sap; of Getiej'ai Wilson, the new Senator froin Massachusetts,' "Ile is orthodox in sentiment, a: regular and, devout attendant upron the - ministratiots of the sanctuary',. andift fOeudl . ), supporter of the institutions 01 'refigioaiin the village of his residence.7' —More than one -hundred o f the pitWin journals of this Siate, have spoken out in ctin- Aehination of Gen.. (2arneron's nomination, while not a baker's dozru. have yet ' ventured ,to take ground in -favor 3,1 his election. This sufficiently indicates the state of the public sentiment. • . . .--:The Lancaster' cutcrespUndent of the Dai ly New;, say:s that.' aiming the . hnembers Af Asseniki voted for t h e b i ll to „b„u sh tavern .. Jit.cl3 , e . are suine hail a dozen . "who will drink froM"the very cup they profess to despise,'" and:he• designates them hers who VotePne way - and drink' another." "Qaite graphic l -. 1 1 Freedom' ofthe town of Turner. Me:, have presented tfTov. Morr_ll a maniniuth of cake, a wonder of pastry! coolo•.1 art. 'it has i tivramid or tower 41 ' 1-2;11A high, with base near 1 • feet Square. Each story Of six' or eight inches - became less :IS the fir aSeended, 'termina tina in a' eup(ra upoc;ipillars, "and•tipon .thiS 'stood Liberty i , with. her cap, holding in her hand the even scale p ., )f justice. . , .. , ,:, , , ~., - 101 , V1.A11. ! oCIVEIIEIGNTY " 1.1 , ; KANSAS.- A man named Cantril, who lives in Indepelid epee, Kl'insas,i actually' • supposed that he had ii tight in this free cOuntry to, paint his own wagon. to ple.ase his iown fancy. - So• ; he had 'the-words " }tansits - rree State" painted on hi 4 wagon in hig letters., This excited the in dignation of il'Opulail, Sovereign Otho Hall, Who ...ramped Up in the forward end of the wal i . kon'and attacked Cantril with a knife. •He was, howevc - r!, preve4ted from doing much iii-, jury- to the elan; so 4 contented hine.elf with cutting the Cdwetill7 ;;of the,wagom to pieces. had Hall arreted, and_ upoti - the trial - it,' was fuily Proved that Hall had threatened to kill Cantril: ThelJtistiee, however, exam ined Cautrit as to hiS political, opinions, and finding him in favor Of keeping / slavery out of kansas, lined him thirteen dollars and let 11n 41 11 go free, , !;• 1 • - --:_...c.. \ --7;------- - 7- NOTICES. I~ tice. hi pureuance of the rccent act of Congress, no let. Zre can be mailed after:the Ist of April next, without pre:paytnent orpostage;l • z .• . . --- .. - • iiriotice. A meeting of the - -StiNuebanna County A.gricultml Pal tiociety will, be held itt the Court house in Mont--; rose; ou-Tuesday evenirig, April 17th, 1855. 'March 12, 1855. • - '8...T. CARMALT, Rec. Sec. 1 •- ' • . . learsoii League. , • • A meeting will be bqd at the Court house on Sfouj,- clay evening, April 2, 1?65, to elect officers for, thei, 'ensuing year, by the Montrose & Bridgewater Carson League.. All that are at allinterested hi the Weal oi vie of their neighbors, are invited to attend. , 1 1 1., * B. CHANDLER, See'y. .1 . , do do • do Rush, do do Susq'a Depot, - • do \ do- . • do do 'do. do do do ' do do • I do Clover sield Timothy geed for sale by , .do- H. BURRITT. do do • ----- 1 Silver Lake, ° TA. lit . No TICE.... Many of theifire coatS belonging to members of the Rough and Ready Fire t . ."Onipany, are misting; this is therefore to give notine to all persons having, any of i/Je iu pOssession ichat the owners desire to have them rewnietl' inanediftelv. • - • ' DITRE TimOthy:ai/d IClover Seed, nt F. B. CHANDLER'S New Milford, Marciil,B, 1855 Dean & White, 13 • H. S. Lewis,. 14',: . - Scott, Johnson & Co., 12 - McMillen & Park, • l2 . 4 -. ' ;tar OP onoernm, BEEMIOLSES, 4 - C. - . , , A i 1 krlCilicop,. Harry Barney, - 8 , ~ . . Administratlemi Nonce. , • - , .1 . . do , • Wm. Butrom, i 8 liquor. , , - XTOTICE bi heryby given that letters of adminiatra,' inindsff; ' . Enoch Chamberit,' 8 ..-,` - 11 tion upon the estate of JOHN HAND, J.S.ppollacon township, dec'd, have been granted to the tats °f , .Friendsvllici Edwin Bliss, • , 8 - Great Bend, Lucian Scott, I 7 .. ,undersigned,: and all persons indebted to .? do • •H. Crane & Co., _ 8 w ill please make immediate payment, and those hay: do '-, : AddiQon Dimock, 8 him claims will present the same duly attested for do • John`Costock, 8 settleni&t. I - r . WILLIAM HAND. ' Harr 34. 1 •r- -J. N. Skinner, • . 8, . A.ppollaeon, March'27, 1855. • . • 120 • - B. AyUworth, -8,• . . • do :. ,_ ' .. A * Merriman ' g . ; rriikE %print - Goods , now !tiottrosr, . A. , , - L N Bullard, 8 liquor, A ffeivd A 1.,4,. POST sk•OO's. are desirable in' •. 40 ! - • 47 , .- ' • mtrality, style and price. ' , : .db i .F. H. Forditant, , 5r,, ) ,1.. /)).!, c„,,,„1„ ' c o n a „ , si„,.,: a, 1 New .Milford,. J. Miller. : `' 8 ! • ..hresx N,..ffic, - . Edginog, ', •do ; Z. Cobh, i 7 1 • Cloths' tn,tl CastimerrP, :' Botett;ts, ; Sustett Depet,. James I,3utwater. s.. Whde - Gooda, and Parasol*. 1 - (1 °! '' i „W ',41.5r. Clark,so 8 ,\ 7 eLOTELI.Nt;—a fine stock. Groceries of all rari). do 1 - - e—ne - ' 11 ' eties : 'Hardware, C .4.o ekerY, Look ins -Glasses, and in : do ' F. B. Case. 8 every department their assortment is good, and at; do : N. C. ir. D. W. Nortßos 7 . . prices to shit. i - ~ ' ', • do ... Wm. Skinner, , - 8 . -. Montrose, March' 20, 1.8:.5i5. ' , do ! '. F. R. Drake, 8 D - • - - ....,---*-.--..- it i 4l ; lll ,-- iii37 -.. i.. . .......iiiz.._ _,_________ .., do,: -S. Smith, • L - 8 do : - . Jaseph Whittiker, 8 ( - lONGRESS has 'recently passed a Pension la w , • do: . W. Wigmore, , . 8 m t../ making , an extensive addition to the Pension 1 do' •-• D. A.ll34miort„ dews before in force.' •No one should despair of recei v . , ~do. , Miles Creegan, ' . ins a Land Warrant; who haw,done service for the; 'ThoOlPtiorl' \., H. E:H .Mend, . United States of any kind, either in the Reyolutionary ' FriendsYde. James.Mend,.Mend,• ' " : gum :war or since. The net alio .:extends' to the widows . I And' the Judges of the pourt dem:urn Pleacof and minors of those, who Performed the sereic.e, - who i• sahleounty, will hold a Ctiurt of Appeal at the Court if now living would be entitled to the benefitsthem, i Montrose, in and for said Count; on Thum of The / undersigned has the - lawand all legal for ') day the 10th day of May oext, at tkne o'clock .P. M., - loot sun under the said act, and will prompt- lat which - time and place any of the-merchants dellistA lyrobtain Land Warrants fur applicants who may be 1 deseribed'and assessed asiiforeaaid, or their agent Or :88 liquor Ntior entitled thereto; for ireasonable compensation. Your `. attorney Way appear and appeal from said assessment M'arrants, when - obtained can be sold fOr money 'at lif they ;think propor. . i ayy time, if you do pot choose to locate the lands. 0 -_,' ' : W. - X TINGLEY Ilia. Aplo.r• Montrose, March 21; 'lib.'.'' pi. N .YEWTI). . :t l , o PTlottorn, *rel. e, 1- 'etlfl: , . . GARDEN 'SEEDS. • Springville, FRESH lotof Shakers', Rochester, and Connect do do ..zll.,„tif-ot Garden Seeds just opened and for "sale by . 9 . • - do March • • • J. LYOXft? ; - • .• ' - .ALLIIIIIGHT. A Fine rosortmetat, of inew goods just received at the Partner's Store: Cal and see GA* yourselves.— Cost you nothing to look and but little to buy. • ' ' • ' - R. THATRE & co.. Slontrose, March 10, 1 55. , 1' ' .: Sheriirs Sates.'; Y virtue of a.4rit end. As. issued out or the Court of Corbel= leas of Susquehanna county f e an d to me di recte d , i . tai 8 expose to public sale at the Court House in Hontros4, on Saturday; the fourteenth d a y of A pr il nex t, At op • o'clock'in the, afternoon -All that certain piece or 1 of land situate and be ing in the township of A iburn, Susquehanna COunty, b oun d e d and desexibed }ass follows,to wit; On the north by lands of Daniel ISivacklaanmer, on s'le east bylandt•ol"JainerHotdraitd by the public highway, of thesouth by lands ofj James Bittenbury, and, on t he west by lands ;now opcupied by E. N. Seeley, .:, , taming ioe acres,:more or:less, together With:the ap- ; purtenanees, one framed house, one corn house, one log Stable, and about_ Bcliaires iinproved,- late' the es tate of. Fhilip Swackharunier: Taken in execution at the 'Suit of Azor Lathrop vs.' Philip Swackhaminer. :I i • - ALSO:-By wine of a writ of Meri Facia; issued and directed as above, 11 viill expose to public Side at , the same time anal plied, Zill that certain piece or par-1 eel of land situate in thitOwnship of liarford, in said county, bouuded and df ~ Mired as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Collins Peck, on the east by lands of E. C. & J. C. Harding, on the south by --:- Alien and A. M. ilardinziand west by Elias Harding, containing 80 acres -more or less, with the appurte nances and imprO : vement.4, 1 frameil house and barn and about 110 acres irpi+&ted. f Taken in i execution at 'the suit of Zerah Verrr vs. Wheaton Ci, Barney. 1 F. P. HOLLIS'TER„ Slit, Sheriff's 'ffice, Siontrose March 21, 1855. . ) • A - I trinild \ take. this method to expresa my sense: of pride ;And Sincere grat4riiie to the large majority of, Merchants and dealers in..ocid old Susq. Co. who hare kindly patrtimised Me in New York, as Well as to the many othem, in l the .different. sections of the country, and would most, respec fully ask a continuance of their favOrs, as well ai those who hare-not as yet found it convenient to 'call and hecome customers at 215 Pearl St.. (See husine•s. card.) Very Respectful) . M. TYLER. • I ' • N 0 171. CE - • TO THE ATIOLMALE DAI.ERS AND DNALERE HER- I CHANDISE 'WORM' T lE corny Or ST:SQUEHANNA. ' In pursuance Of the AI cts of Asseinbly of this Com ; I • monwealth, !the Alit of the 4th day of May, 1841, ,!entitled '"an 'Act to provide revenue to meet:the de '%,ttiands upon the Trrarlury, and for 'other purposes," an Act of the tlsth ofl April, 1845 entitled "an Act l ito increase .thO revenne and • diminish the Legislative, ::::expenses of the Comntonwealth," an •AetTasseti the '2.1.d day of•Aptil 184 `.entitled "an Act to provide .for the reda,ction of iht, State debt," and an Act pass- Ci . ,ed the 1011X•day. 1849, entitled; "an Act to . create a, sinking:fund, and to provide for the 'gradual ;land certain eitinguishinent of the debt of the Com monwealth." The ),Indersigned; Apt - maker of Mercan tile Taxes of Suaqueltanna •- County has prppared a list of all Merchantsltraditt within said County, and plac ,;ed each of said Merch ins in that Clais Which to him seems -right ;and just laecording in the provisions of said Act of AssOmbly,lai follows, viz:. ?, • ; , . Residence. . J'eppriel or. - • • o rs i. Auburn, • John P. Lambert, .14 pat. Med: 4 do • Waterman & Swisher, 14 • ' Brooklyn, Nelson( Tiffany, l 4 .; • • do ' • F. W. Allen, • do j. C. Loe, • 14 do Wm. McMillin, 14 do • R. T. Ashley, . 14 • • do smith k llempstead, 12 . •• do - • E.. S. Kent & Co., 44 • , Clifford, - D. C. Bimniage,. 14 6 do ' I. & N Halstead, 14 • . 'Cho,conut, ; -Francia Quin, - 14 me Dundaff, -, Church VPhinney, 13 pat med. 4 . do E. Phihney, •14 do ' ' Thontis Arnold, 13 Ditnock, L. H. Woodauff, • • 14 • . • do' ; E. N. Ba,con, ' . 14 , • Friendsvillc, Wickham & liosford, 13. • E.' do Benjathin Glidden,. . 14 Forest Lake,.: • David ;L. Meeker, 14 liquor. • Franklin, ,J. L. Me . , man, 14 - • • Gibson, & \Walker, 14 liqtior. , • ' 'John Smile!, 13 • ! do N. E. Kennedy, 14 do • ' C. Burrows &' Co., 12 pat. mcd. 4 _Great 'Bend, 1. - S.Lenlnim, • 12 liquor. Thomas & Whiting, • \ l2 .do John McKinney; . 13 do- ' IlenrylicKinney, 14 • ;-- do • M. 11° 1C. Vail; 14 lq. pt. incl. 4 do • 'Ebensi Griggs, • 14 do • & June, 14 do J. k Dubois, 14, do IWm. Dayton. 11 - • • do , IJatnekCiark, •• 14 . Herrick,' IJohn l4 Ilarford, - 'S. Sejimour, ' . 14 - do , 'Johnston & Very, 13 •' • do ICartieliter & Sibley, 14 • do B. F. k R. IL Eaton, .12 ~ Llinnony, •:ts':. A. Lyons, 14 • do" 'M.M. Lyons , 12" ' do ;Brant ,& Clager ' 14 ;• 'do D. A. 'Lyons, &Broth. 14 Jackson,J.J. Turner, 14 Jessup, '•Depue .A: Cooper, 14 • - Lathrop, . Merrib& C 9.- 14 do ;1; A. Newton, 14 do • !Bell & Tingley, .-14 . . Lenox, . ShOhz, Eaton & co., 14 • do E.;R. Grow & .Broth. 13 Liberty, • . ' f, A. A. Beeman, I 14 ; do ' Z. Blakeslee, • 1 14 , • Montrose, i'llaWle-! k Mott, ! 12 _ • do, S. Wilson, 1, 13 •; .do J. &S. 11. Millford,l2 do • ' J. Lyons & Son, ` 1 13 • • do F.B. Chandler, : 13 . • do 11.1 J. Webb, 13 do • . ;, A.iLathrop d.-Col, . 13 • :do . 'Bentley & Read,l 11 lq, pt. md. 3 •• do !J. Xtbridge.• ! 14 /q4pt.,md. 4 do . ' R° Thayer & Co.,' 14 pat. tned. 4 do A.!Torrill; ' 14 It]: pt. md. do I. L. Post & C0.,-° 10 •do - I-S. &D. Sayre, • 14 •. • do L. 'Rosenbaum, !! • 14 Middletown, C. C. Wright, 14 do Charles* Campbell,.. 14 • New Milford, Hayden 'Brothers, 14 ' do • J. til. Sutphin, 1 . 12 Win. C. Want, J. Pickv.rman, ...LI., 13 11,13urrett, . 13 liquor. J. Moss &Brothers, 14 IL J. Champion; 14 , Ki Granger, 14 I James Tupper, 14 A 4 J. Whitaey, j • 14 Dimond Stack, ~13 liquor. A.; J. &S. SeyniOur, 14 ; • Gtlylord Curt:; It i. - Thomas Itp•stru m , 14 I . J. 'Asher k a 'Co., • 13 Jaines Bell, l3 ' D.!L. Kimber,- 13 . 11quor. E. 13 S. B. West, 14 lq. pt. md. 4 ' . 14 • W. IL &J. F. Babbstrd,l3 ! • Strath.& Shuns,' 14 liquor. Lewis Conmd, ' \ It II: Cohen, ' .14 . B. Chicheiter & Co., 13 - IVOTICk. The Books, Notes, Leases, Cont. Subscriber, will he left for the'prcsent don Esq.:to whom Al payments thereon during his absence :unless a "Greeting', foie payment is offered. hiontrOse Nhu.. 4; 1855. . , •:- , ; Skierlint Sales.: 1 . BY virtue of a *Tit of -Merl Facia& issued out the Court .or . Common Pleas \of Susquehanna county and to me'directed, I will - expose to public; sale at the Cinirt Reese in - Montrose; on Saturday the; 81st day of March last., at one o'clock in 'the 'aller--! noon , --All that certain three story fruited{ building! situate On the south side of the street opposite the! Depot; in the Boreingh of Susquehanna, in itbe corm.; ty aforesaid,lebritainitig a front on 'Paid Depot street; 80 feet,",andiin deapth about 94 feet, and the lot or piece of ground dud curtilage apurtenanit to said;' 'paining,. said . O'Laughlin, south y ot tieing bounded n rth by the street,t 1 1 , .east by lot of ' lot of 11. Nichol.'' and weft by; lot or— Stone, an is the Pt part 01l I lot - No: 2.3 of the R. R. Co. land in said - bo ugh. II . ' Taken in execution at the suit of Mo • S. Sher- 1. , ' man vs. Beqjamin,Palnier. • id - .ALSO—BY virtue of other writs issued from- tlitY, said cottrt,'one other certain piece or pare 1 of land situate acid being . in the township of Oakla d in said cotinty, bounded and described as follows, wit : O th N tt t i the north bye New York k Erie Railroa , east by!, bias of Dark Prentice, south by the Su. uehannsi' RiVer, and- west hy lands of John 0. Laughlin,.con.4, raining about three acres of land, more or less, midi: the appurtenincee, I framed house and all improve 4: 'Taken in execution at the suit of C. S. Bennet v&, I. B. Vang,orden.' —. ' I . ,' ALSO—One other piece or parcel of Laid sltuatri in Oakland 1 Township bounded and rdeseribed as follows, -to' wit . On the north-east _ by lands of 2,4. Slater, tioutlii.e.asi iby land of Thomas 1 I . south-west by lands , of C. L. Ward, and no h-west by. T----. -m the warrantee line, containing about 62{ a fes, ore or leap; and about 16 acres improved , bein the north half or lot N0.:75i of John . Boyles serve vi of F. It, .Wharten's tract , dud lace to estate of \. 'Loomis. I Wien in execution at the suit of C. S. Bennet vs; Rathin Loomis/arid Milton Middough. .Of • i Al;S't:).-:. - -all that certain piece or parcel land sii r : nate in the township of Great Bend, in Id coiintyl!, ! bounded and described as follows, to wi : Nortlf-1 westerly by a wooed road of Truman Bald in, north; 1 easterly by lands of said Truman Baldwin, southeast erly by land .of Laurie Green, and smith esterly by ;l land heretofiire contracted by said Trim n Ilaldwib ;I to Alrith Bolden, and being 4 rods in widt .and,coti-: Wiling one-half an' acre; with the appurten ricer, ooei ~ framed dwelling house and all improved. .' -, .. ' Taken in execution - at the suit of Stowe s ikThoixt-: as vs.iAlvith Holden • ; F. P. HOT LISTER She Ors office; Montrose, March 5, 185 FIRE, FIRE, FIRE. rINIE sub.‘criber has been recently ap i r • agent (critic FARIiER'S IMO Athens, Pa.;' atilt is prepared to insure Hoc and other buildiuge, Goods, Wares and 10 on favorable terms. Applications wad© eft' ally or by letter, promptly attended to. " ,` • Greitt Bend, Ph., I[arch sdi 1855 DOpT. Ri THAYER, takes this methot to 'his friend., and castotriers,- that h resumed the prietice of medicine, at his lontripse, where' he - may be found at all t' professionally employed. He wciuld say J debted to him, that he will deduct twe cent on all accounts paid before the first o (or if nny p4or llkc myst4l.l will.deduct ilotarose Feb' 20, 1855. - • 1: 1! HALLOO,. ',IIIALLOO, Tllllll THE sutateliber would inform the eitizt rosomid tit, public generally that he the Grocery; formerly kept by F, 11. For in Lying and Chandler's huilOing on Che: - in the bOrotigh,cd Montrose, Where he ha: 'sortnietif neiGroec-ies and will keep co hatiti,,Flonti Oysters, Cheese, Sugars, Syru suts)Candies, Toys, Oranges ,Prututs„ S4idines, Soaps, Vinegar, Peaches and Plums, llerrin'g, sack Salt, Beer; Yankee Notion?, and other things +OIIA tq mention, which will he sold chea most kinds - of Country. produce. -Call a Shari . .. of pithlic. Patronage is solicited. S. lidtitiose March 7,.1.5.t.3,5 ANTtD, Sutter, Cheese, Eggx, . • Potatoes, ' ] • .P.ROCLAMATION. Susluehanna: County ss. I ELIJAH Dc et..;) In the Court of Coinn Ts. .! \-, said county, November 1 . ESTIlk:11, DEr EL, i ) No. I - To E4ther-:Nutt : • l't ' rem a subrice4 was i..uecl‘to NOvember erm 1854, whv 4 returned won e,;( inersitus, andthereon !I pram was Issued in said case returnable ' Terni 1855; upon the return of which, p ,thit the said . Esther Deucl could not be bailiwick. - I • This notice Li therefore to require yp l befiire the ;Navies of the_said Court on t day of April nest to answer said eomplai! • - - _,,1 F. P. UOLLISTE' • Sheriff's X:ll*e, Montrose, March 5, 1 d BOUNTY LAND MEN AT CIONGRFSS has passed a m law givint , y Vian d s. ..I Those who have already rants are entitled to more. Danville m riow , and I .trill get your warrants. Wi. nor :of deceased soldiers are entitled to t husbands and Others would be if living la* fresh from ,WaShington, and the Ile.' ariylication. Spectilators fitzsti a distal trying to it those largely interested to warn of such, and don't sell for •, husibesi accurately; and promptly:a full .*alue hf your warrants when oh .1 three years? successful experience I kno buSinerts right,,; and I proffer you my se: sortable rates and quick returns. L. Montrose, March G. 1855. '• . ' DOCTOR H.AIIR • , ' ra :. -. ..iion EOPAT II IS . r'. i ill RADIATE and member of the a lit ersity °Weir VI Torn, will be in Montrose on the 6th, 7th Bth of each month, and may be consult( d at liatch's Hotel, for three days, upon all diseases incidental to thehuman system, viz:. CONSUMP, lON. FlrOn= chitis Intlaination of the linngs, Throat, , wer, Pleuia, Kidneys and : pleen, Dyipepsia, (fluky pleen, ion,)l 4 lcpr, COthplailltii RIIE . C3IATISNI, Scrofula, Erni tions, Sidpal Complaints, Diseases of the eye and r, Ner vous Weakness; ((e.. &-c. Particular attent on given to the diseases of Females and Children. , The various aff(iTtions pf the Uterus radically cure Dr. _tarns is well acquainted with bo I( .Hotneopa; thy and Allopathy, having been in cons ant study and• practice fOr the last twelve years, and h ring first in troduced _Homeopathy into Binghamton, N. Y.;, in 1847. His plan of treatment is mild, safe and rffea data, and; different from that of any (Aber physiclim, and cares nearly all cages in all Magna fr the dime. Or Dr Harris has testimonials of ci meter, ;abil ity and skill, from a number Of the most eminent medical men in the city of New York among Haan the celebrated Dr. Valentine Mott. I. i t .) t , Persorutirishing prompt relief or permanent etTes ares will do well to'call without delay. Ch naptUiri4e. Colisnitition frtfel. Patients visited at t 'r residdnees if desired.i Office hours from 7 in the morning l iuntil 9in the evening. • ' 2 " 1- - BM • Advantages. The adtatitage.q of the Ilonicemthi. diseases are : .: - Ist. ThSt patients treated Homeopathically, UMW- Iy are cur.ed'lnuch sooner than by any ther praWce. td. That many patients can be ea by Ficinieu pathic retiaedies,' who cannot. be cured by an'y 'other. treatment, I , / ; I:rd.' Thnt patients treated limn pathically.l do not have to tabor under the- bad effects of the medi cine they lave taken to cure the .disease. '1 f. - •. 1 : • ! PUBLIC VENDIit-:.' .t• ' -, Will he sold at Public Vendue, oniSatunlay' i ',the 17th: day of March, at 12 o'el lc A. M;1 ; the Farm now occupied by Benj. B. Fox, i Forestaoitke cOntaining4l acres, and well watered and prOVed, with a new dwelling house, barn an Corn house, and other buildings, and a_ young MF.hard mbstly'gi,afted fruit. . .- • ',TEttn*--made known on day:' of sale.. " .: ,Marchilst. '1855. , MARYANN FOX. ' . . 4_,......_ , < ---!----- ---i---- • ; ! PROCLANATIOIi: i;! • l • - Stsarchetnna County, as. 1 ;I_,i , Niary Anil ;Davis, by her next In tint court of Coin : friCnd,John W. Brackney, monpless of saidLeaun- ' t • , • vs. ty, - Notembcr Tinn, 'Edgar G. Daiis. .1854, N'. 27. )it .6 • -.., To Edgar G. .Daria: Whereas a subpoena in divorce. wittlissbed,to November Term, 1854, I*ltich w*S'du-. /y returned nen eg invelans, and thereupon ati alias stibpseni f was issued in said cause, returnable to j'atery TOM, 1855, upon the return of which, procir:Was the said Court, that the saltiXdgar G. ilivii, qiukt Mit be found in my bailiwick. !Li j ,‘ I • - `, This notice is, therefore, to requirel you to SPpear bifore. the Judges of said Court, on the third Mosiday of April Deity to answer said comp laint , ire ' f!, - --- _.— F. P. 110LIASOR, 1344'. BberirS Office, Montrose, 1 - INIEO e r t / 8611 * • 5- --, eta te., of the Ith•J:~T. Lang; itty, be made sent be- BNB Ji 1 Sheriff: 1;11, - 4 !!:1 Olil sin, SCE C4' ises, Store i,l er persop . ; I S. 13 NOTICE. ' .F; of E.appg has al, i(1 di stand , ; fit ea unlAii • those in ty-five pet' April next, tY-) ! • • WAY& I' Ins of Mohil. has bottOti• ;ham 4_O4; N • tnUt street, alre - fresh f itttanfivloh '), Mol.asat*, nti Lemnnti, loffee, (Wet! Cafes, too nunter for cas4 44,r see: A .kCd Mitts, I S. S. on rtes (!f ertn, A in DlroVe Ach WAS duty 1 1. • alias MA>. to JamMiy of was made mud, my to appear e third *on t /cc. • ' *END..., ,u additional ,ceived.*ar n, come. On dowa and rat e Raffle thkir I hare the essaiy ?Tins et , are aho:ut ' f irs of. :- n! do r I sunt foi4 the tneji. Fidm I can do the iccA af;rea-* FITCrI:; MI treatmet of _ ............. ...,...... ..-... . r ' I • l ' '' t. ''• I . SOLDIERS' RISK CS . 'T , 1 ' Take Notice. " , LL petsonslindebted to A. & E. BALD'S ta;.by 1 1 • Ira all whom it may Co !a. note or book l Aceounts are respectfully r mind- By a recent act of Congress, the Bonn i,Land tail ed that it will be !sr* acceptable to us to hal.e `the has been extended to embrace almost es. Ir 7 case o same paid soon. ': .1 A. &E. BALDWIN, - Of militari service. • .., Montrose, November 20. 1864. ' i . l i AU persons who engaged who hare I, n Mill • • ' :- ' 4' - Service of the United States, for a period o t fourtee 'STOVES ! STOVES ! 1 . • days ,or' upwards, are entitled to one Atehdred an subscribe r sleaveto informthe tarns riirit - subocrß,e - beg.Cie 4, oirty acri!* opiand, if they have not rev iced it, to lof Brooklyn and: vicinity that they havelust re- If they here received less amount ,they *to entitled_ i mired a lot of , M on i s, whi c h 'they offer foi,"sala as sufficient to make up 164) acres: I i ~.. low as they can he i purchased elsewhere in the leountv. ~ : ocolutionary soldiers, and soldiers °filmy and ll a i ALSO-:•A lo of. STOVE PIPE and Elbows of die ;oars to *ilia the united Stites have been engag,44 different sites, 1 at loaliiijacturers priers. ..., 1 I since, .4 ii deceased, their widows or I . :minor cha-` IVANT.ED 7 OId Iron, Comer, and B ' in:exi : I a Arc), are,' titled. • , • , s • change for Stoves; or other goods. - • Officers, asnen, Martneit, Clerks and landsmen if --- - --- , --=-1--- ---- --.. • ' ;the Earyi th r widows and minor thildreo, are al4o A -NEW stock of Winter Shawls just received and 'entitled.:: • , , . .4, ;;; , Ili. for side kw by ". SMITS & HEMPSTEit's _ • Wagon` and teamsters, ampkted for th 'transportation of • lary stores, are alsq intitkd, in 'like 'manner. • 1 4 • • tan 4. ' I ant stall engaged in btatning Bounty d W rants, and am willing to do the busing upon the mast li beral terms, and al h I havn motive 'to \ ,.tv spend Mv . time and labor ws cat char,; vet r 14in •do the business at the lowest *ce that l•fean do it honislly and live. • i - i Those laving claims I - believe " finil!if mated:4 / 11y to their , advantage to call upon me be\.e going elez . : wiser. , ; • " . l After ihe warrants are obtained, iranj4:" f the Ir v:mires desire to sellthern, i arn P i nar:Lf . ay be highest cash market price., ~i It \ -I 'am also engaged Inthe preseentiit of er claims against di* Government of the United Sta . a such as . forMensiont, Back Pay, Extra ' Pa y ; & . '• • : ) FRANKLIS"-FRASER, *, at Lair Montrose, May. 14, 1855 • ; 1 i Regifster's Notices.; 1130 C notice is hereby given to all licriOna-ci P, . _ .cerned In the following Estati!f!, to fit: - n , - • of Jabez Gardner, decealled, lath of Gib.t n townshiii; Electa Gardner p.nd Enos Gardner, Elea utors-.;..1 . .- . Estato of Stephen Bree4,-,deeca.4ed, later of Brook lyn township ; 8. W. Breed and B. F. Breed, E.4ee- I utors,,-' , - F • . . 2 - Estab.i of Caroline G. Stlle4, ticc 4 d., latie l of lia4rd tovinshit);. Danit. 4 Oakley,,Eer..— . I . Estate or John Millvaine;' deed., late' 41 . Choco . ui township ; Jacob Kiinble, Adtter.---. :, .1 2 Estati . 4 of John Cl l 4unberlin, deed., fatelof Now fil ford township ; «m.. J. Terrell and Ili. 4). Warner - 1 ' Adiretl4.. 1: .1 . € That klie accountants have t!ettieo ciaccouner tlot Register's office ;in and for the county of So.,3tith haUoii,' Mut that thej same will. bu presiited to the JuagesOf the Oriihans' Court of saidtsounty, of Wedlie4day the 18th day of Aprifnext,lfOr confirm - a ti o h ' nni l allowance. J. w.CIIAPMAN,.Iieg'[. Regiter's Office, Montrmie, Match lt t 4855. • " . '- 5 - Proclamation. I Sosvirlimoda County' as. _I I . .TtiormAs Monsntin - In the 'court of • l i on ,- xs. won Pleas braid co nt ELIzA Montaft:An Nov. Tenn] 854,N0l GI ' '2 4 0 gan path Eliza iloreArad:> lc:la - Teas a subita9l in dicOice was issued toNovenlhei-TertnllBs4, w tic wag duly returned non est :inretlni, and, there tplc an 'nfia;,stilnwena was issued . in tutla eatt..4e; tutuab r i i to . .:Jantiary 'Term,return 1855, upon the of w del , PrOorWas made to the said Court, that :the Said ' an nab -Eliza Morehead could not befounil in my tbali whit. j! - - • • . i Tliis l notice is therefore to require to Repeat' before itte dodges of said Conti, on the Third Monday of '.April next, to answer said entupinint,t ace. t , F,P. 1114I.ISTER, Sheriff ' Sheriff's' Office, Montrose, Mardi 12' 1 !.1855 l -. '. ' F i. Glad Tidings ' 4 l TO .OLD 'SOLDIES! • , late law of Congress. all Soldier:4 - , Tea tea and their widows, or minor ehildthii ' are e tittit[, tol.6oacetis Bounty Land. Those whohave'r cei Warrauts for lem than 160 aeres,'liire entit ed have an - additional $0 or 120 acres 11/4rant. 'those Aim hive heedsimplytuusterisl intoS l 4Vice and paid,. get 180,acresiand. . :I urn still enpiged in the Bounty La 'el and Pcnsion Agencv, at Montrose, and will obtainliew Wa•rants for iil(.Danville claimants, FREk 'OP t'OSr C'II.4RGE. OF ...-1.X1" - KIND. All other teases m` rely for fees. And I will pay the, highest market price,:in cash, for all _warrants. • mil at Seaile . .s\ lintel, and in ease Itif niy al :Qncc at, any., time, D. R. Lathrip, Esq.,.Codnty Treakurer, wilLattend to•my business.. . , I • t JOHN. IL DIMOcK. 1 11ontrose, March 8, 1855. ; I , ; • . • i •!'• 1 - .AUCTION SALE; -. j The subscriber having leased his Ftitni situated - in. Forest Like, 14 mile from the. PostlPtce kfp't by Mr. Elisha Griffis, will Sell at public iCtiiin onlfhurs dtty' the 29th day of March neat, .sia eto commence stok oi at ti.c4look A. IL, tha followingt . ataatlhed Nike, 1 Span splendid 8 year old Marc. j ;I very . ,7 year old Mare, 1 very good 2 year! old grey - olt, 2, S ; year old Steers, 2, 2 year oldS.teeri, 1, I ye 1.1 old Heifer, 5 yearling Heifers., -2 yearlin4 fstee&, Ilug gy. Wagon, 1, 2 horse Slegh, 1 single Dutch arnesa I . Pld l ogli,-1 Stove and Pipe; , F . I - TEttits or SALE.-All Sums. under' s4 ; f: cash; a I :Mins over 45 and under $5O, 9 months, iintrill sum over $0), 12 months credit with interest aid approved se curity. • BENJAMIN.COCK.kI NE. .i Match Ist. 1855. ' , : ..- 4w4. Sherift U 2! ;- - AD:(IIINISTRATOR'S 1 .. ()TS I E T E. otters of of Administration.of the Ettate of lat • .4 Polies, late of Jessup to4p l ship decea. sed, • ith the Will konexed; have been. granted to I the subscriber. All persons indebted to the said estate are zetiuted to make payment, and those !mint claims of de mantis against the estate of said deco nnt; Will 'Maki 'moan the same without delay, to I I. r . : CHARLES AVERY, tiltuinistmt4r. Ma ntrose Feb. 28. 1855. , I • i w 6.• GOODS AT COST FO , CASH; A large quantitylof Delains—a largelquantity4of Pax itnetta—Silk, Wool and Cotton PlaiMu.slin ;and Cambric Embroiders -- Dress Trim intoneuni gs and intone r . --a large stock of Ready Made Cl thing large Stock of Fancy articles—and a few.,BoOka w . belsold at Cost till the Ist of April next by the auscriber. February 14 1855. FAIL -011 AND ER.. __Z________ . 1 ; • I 1? ., THE LATEST NEWS BY TEE . ARE,E STE4.2d . ' • ' • . i ' • 1 • . ' i , . . frrIAT the Spaill Court has (loch" eil not t 4 sell the I. Island of Cuba, but Joseph Wittertherg, & 33ra:titer have recently decided to open a neW:stere,) in! the building of L. Searle, a few doors east of Pest's store, oppOsite Wilson's dwelling house, corner ot I eStnut , andOwego streets, where they , will keep on hand a splendid assortment of Read!. Made Polhill .: 4 40 -in g ?'h additition to this, a good assortment of Broad- Cloth, ' Cassimere, Kentuckey Jeans, &c.; ntShort, a general assortment of Gentlemen's fundshing,Goods. I Also, a Splendid assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods, lililks,l Me rit*, Delaines, Alpaccas, Embroideries, Shawls, Lae ,es, press Trimmings, &c. &c., all of which they are de ter Mined to offer to the public at very !Ow Prices.,-:—. 5111 i Goods warranted to give satisfation, as' -well •.. i - •tmality as in price. •I , , - I . - Please give us a trial hefore'purchising elsewhere, . I y ' J. WITTENBERG "k BROTHER. -•,, Montrose, Jan. 26, 1854. , Sherifro Sale!4 ALSO—At the same time and place, all / tbat cer tain, three story wood building.with brick fiont base meta, situate , in Loders. villp, Greftti ,Ilend township, In Said County, and the Lot and peen of ground, nod Cuitilage appurtenant thereto, ancl` on which said building is constructed, bounded ont i the north-east by t. 6 Newburgh turnpike road, on.thq east and south- Calit by lands formerly owned by C. Bari, on the Smith by grounds owned and occupit i ed by j the New -' Itirk 6: Erie Rail-Road Co., and on the . west and north west bv lands of Lowrie Green, paid, huildink occupy ing and covering all the-lot, being dome- fitly feet in front on said Rail-Road grounds, and sonic ,200 or More feet rear to said Turnpike road. Taken in execution at the suit of }Elmer 11V. Brig- Atain vs. Addison Bryant, - ri"The above sale isadjourtted to the nist, March. . F. P. HOLAISTEII,. • Sheriirs o ffi ce, Mmitrose. MatchlBssl . • , 'AT I ; A S we are anxious to close out 1 r /A. lug to make room for our Spilling an plirchase we are selling it at grcatlil.educ ' ,Cidl, as now is the time to buy ehe,ah. -,, Over coats from (43,00 to RlB,oo..Dress, Sack etiatit, good patterns and new s ides. 114,50 to 8:8,00. Vests of every Ski& nlshing Goods of every kind. -I' ALL WOOL:Li:NIG EirfAlA 15 per cent, cheaper than ever offtitiod in DE LAINES sI Good quality and neat patterns •,iallin, cash. 1 . February 1. 1855. ' ' 10,000 Firkin Stiav' . WANTED by the webecribets hiintediately. Also Heading thnber and Hoopiwdeti---fin" whiph we will pay the highest market price. flesone&stares pre. Erred. -- 8311TII / I, We 7 lfr4 Fe!!: WINTER CLOTHING WANTED, 5,000 bushels of Hats, 1,000 bush. Dried .Apples, 2,000 bushels of Corti, 1,000 bush. Buckwheat,. I,ooo"bnshets of Rye, 500 . " Bean, and any quantity of Partridges, at the highest roarket - prices, in exchange for goods, by I, Brooklyn, Nor., 1 54. SMITH & IIE3IPSTE4D. - lIIIVSIC MUSIC 11, 1 DRINCEI3IOIPREITED MELODEONS, nioreijust received t I J i .J: LYONS ,SO!" QUEET MUSlg—i new lot (or the_ Voice., tau° or 0. Melodeon and Guitar—some Very beautiful i)iee es just publishd.d-kiild by J. LYONS k SON.. . I . 'Shawls. I ' fewAmom left diat:*lll be sold ve-y cheap, - 1 Pararnettes, 4.l4ishEhereit & Pollslnes at great baini • t . . . LYONS & SON'S. iiii , ___..„ testi supply or Geoeeries just opened by 1' ( • YO it 'SON. 1 . • I • - ' -.Nq " ~ ~ ~I Mot= . :,at 3 a 14 , 11ingt per gallon. AS'yrupsiat. 4, 5 it . 6 shillings, by l i; , • ' . LIONS *SON. . . \ . . , GOODS. j' A RRIN" A at A. LATIIII0113;Co's it_ Jaw I*, . , . ;• lc i' ______. Wit 'l4 land DcLitiie4,. QELLII bargains. Call on l: ' • Q Jay to A. LATHROP*•.-CO's-. • 5000,V0 •en Seek*, t IaTAXTED:ae " •A. LATIIR0114:-CO's Jaimarx r, G I . * • 0 Fall, kinder, ipitat.„ the highest;„ January ••. . A. 1. . lig' rail? ,; prices bought by' CO's.: - "URKS Atlt I•AT ( 1 ?& CO's ; . Ifemtrose,, January I, 18.55.• N,, , •,: : 'COMEIAND SEE US. 1. '• I, ! The T emperance Saloon is stillamong you, and, contends that total abstinence &OM all that intoxicates is the. surest, safest gnarl' for the Peofile; • Although the primiietors of the. above Saloon were among the stiffiiers of the late fire, and\ lest a good n . portion Of. their I goods; they Made out tO save one tv thing--;-that is, Principle, which, they count worth 4 4. , pile.. They, , - now have a small stuck 'of;;Gro'ceriesi, lift Toys, emifectieharies, Yankee Notions, Peiltimery;: .1 1 'fie., which the Offer to the public cheap for east.—i• n. Oysters got up in all ways to suit citstotne i s. 014 fond e :This saloon be fot! -in the rear t ' .Lyons d. -, Chandler'A .longlbuilding, Facing on phell nut !street. Come one and all; sed the place wliCro we!are. F. Il...1:O11D11ASL &I- Ctl. MontroSd, December 12, 18.:4. .. ...' ' I . 1H....4..____4. Stearn* and , Illarvin** Fire-[' ` roof , ! , i. : . Satel:t. . ,I, 1 I. 1 4 11 E! sithserlieeSs have made arrangem uts Ito f 4:. .11. -- . niSh :to persoha who may be in want Of thSan, thb . above mulled invaluable Safes, nt the simile prices for - which, they can be obtained at the's."-1- ' Having OxPerieneitd the benefit of such an article de . ring the late 'rblitlagration ourselves, we IWould earn rs, estly recommehil . to others having valuable bokk.s and fpapers; ; the preserring of which would bei L ofilinuenae, importitace to theM, not to do without one. ij ' ' to Prices ratige'fram f!..50 to E:500,-and wel can rxplain to any, one wishing to purchase, the difference in style, size,•priee, 4:c., and furnish then . ' l Ori short no: lice, with the Intel-nal arrangement to shit the pur cliaser.! : f' .: - BENTLEY lk. RI;AD. Montrose, Lieceinber 1 - 9, 185-1. I • ' I . . . . *Ew GOODS. - • ; WE are receiting : this week a lot of .ICorGomls, jut purchaieik in the ,City, which renders our assairtmetit complete, und-•...ideTi we offer on the, ind;t fworablr ternis, at the iew:building, one door abtive Ole Post Office. j , t • BENTLEY*. READ. • PebrUary 8; 1855: • 16,101:E Deatlier, l Upper do., Calf Skins; an Patna, k l 9 ilePt supply, just receirekatll;foi sale by • • j• lIENTLEYI f k. RE AD. , s)n.All.ral f & A., I • A freA snpplF of Silver f4poons, 'Watches, Jewelry, .lc. Atc.,ju-st ri!e , Aved. BENTLEYbk READ., COFFINS - -;! COFFERS ! COFFINS!. rrheiSubseriber, has'on hand ready.triad . 'n coffips mar b 4 had at reasonable priec:s, AlsO on hand - a lot of superior n-indo* 1 -, lIENRY WARST,R.i Great Band Jan. 15th 1, t -ALL READY.. - • STOVES, ikND TIN WARE FOR TIIE PEOPLE.. ,t• . .TITOODREIt i & ELDRED have constantlyi;on hind I Via Large and weßselecteii astortment "of tin- I ware; Reels .and Chaiti , for wells, pinup:44 Cistern pumpit, &c., Hydiaulic Japanned' wares, Wad; pipes 40 all sites s.c.; &c. Job work dine With neat 'less and ; all orders promptlvi:attelled to.] iSTOV.EB & PIPE:.• • 1 , kept constantiy.on hand,. a large assortment hf stores . of thelatest imprpred . and approved patterns. Our experience iMthel business enables us to' sel4ct those that we can safely warrant to give erftVe satisfaction, Amongst, outinurnerons stock can be Mud the Paragon : air tight • Star of the West, Elevated New World, :!.` • • - Clinton, r[Oven. 1 Attut,' , • Cultivator,. ".f . Phoenix, • . Fir°. Fly, " Three Stites,: i" Western Qne ri; 14 ' Globe,, 1" ' • Premium. 1 1 _ • Is. a. wpcmizrrr. • 44 D. ennEr4. NEW GOODS. ir . A Fresh '4rriral of New Goocls,.w4ich :we will sell very cheap.l jE hart .a large stock of Staple od Fancy Dry I Goodii, which wo will sell. chdap. and examine. • • .ROwly-Made Clothing.! • Wt' are. anw - prepared .to clothe all aecording to:the latest style. WE. HAVE A LARGE NTOVE, VP~ICII wt WILL!SELL VERT tow% Call and examine btifore pur chasing. 1 4lse, a large stock, of ClothS, C4sitneres, icanS, Satinetts,fTweeds, &c.&c.—in tact, lur stock in this line i;4 conmlete: We invite .ote attention of CASH Pr RCHASERR to our stock. All kinds - of prO4uce taken in exchange for goods at cash•priceS.r. Miintrose 22 '54. RAWI.EY & )1011`.' - ABEL TIIREE.LLI ft- I - t - tr,SlePlits.C.Mllell from New e l( 04 rW a n f V l a n4 gm rt t . rate Yariety4)f Burns, Mr.ntetxts, Cit •mical.s ()Its, DTI:4II7FM GL4FS-{WARP., FAMILY GROCERIk;,' VATE MLR FOR LIGIiTS, MFRICAL INsYnrargt's.l YAR . RER NorioNs, JiwrOty,, wit+ At t: OF Taxer Godpsywhich will be sold extremely IoW for cashi flaying recently sustained a ldss by fire of at least:foke thousand dollars, above insurance and Oods Flayed, I fatter, f &aye strong claims for the Patronage of m 24 friends and - the public generally.; I ask no 'man to give tome; neither do - I ask or expect additional profits in consequence of said losi. I will eell goods as low, if not !Direr than can be bought elsewhere in this itown4or i cOunty.. All I ask Isithat patronage i t from, the pablic Which will enable me ith hidustry to slowly but 'gradually replace the loss sustaitied-t-said ltia,sl;eleg the hard earnings of a life. f anxleus toll. Store at the lower end of the bit i ed *tries, on Maiti street, a fliw doors below the earner. t j• : ; • - ABEL, TURRELL. Ilbratose December 14, 1854. • I -II - T - Rigid. Article . BOOTS SHOES, READY MADE AND MADE TO ORDER. I - T" sUbseriber would respectfully, announce :to his custerners f and the public_ in general !hat' ? he is agaift pr!pared for the Boot and Shoe business.— just received from New York a choice , lot of Sole and Upper Leather, Calf Skins; Kip be., all citkotaimed.:, 'Also, an assortment of Reltay,`•made work, cobsistufg in part of Men's Thick 111114 Calf Boobs, Briirs Boots, Children's Strip!Boots,tlYornen's I Enameled 'Maim Bootk Polkas, Kid - Silk Laslitig,pOiGalters, Goat Lace Bootle, Enameled Peg ged:BootS, Mii4es Kid Lace Boots, IChildren'si Bolan Boots, ite.-4-which will be, cArfrpor than sans tie bqught elsewhere in this markeg Ito pair'ing done neatly. • ' Pleaselcall B,nd examine. Store first door Cant or I ttieOdd Fellow:a Hall. 1 • - /putitiistr.hodrs from "the time to work •u ,til the 1 time for tqest"; and "refreshment." 1 Grateful for past favors he hopes by strict , attention to hipiness toH merit a +:kndtutanee of the same. , t '1 N. B. Being somewhat in want ;of the , lone thing . ' needful,';' (money,) ho - would - suggest, in the mildest raahnerpossibleythe propriety of those indebted call leg and Settling the some Immediately.• Montrime, Dee, 4,18 M. - C; M. MI - 1 \\ L' . • of cloth it Summer 2112 !Prot* and IPantsfrom ents. Fin Is 1 ontrose at cost for P CO. 'a_ Timothy tan Cy Turteks celebrated Timatliy Seed, warrant, ed pure. For sale pittdit itrb 'fir ; I • L • , , tar To Persons out oryEmyloymant. „Eel - AGENTS WANTED - , . . 1 et Evrar sEcnos OFITITE• eNITRD-STATZS.. The most Elegant and liaeful Volume of the Yiar. SEARS' GREAT 'WORN ON RUSSIA. Inn published; art lons rated Description of the II HUMAN EMPIRE. Being a physical and Po. litical History of its GOvernittentAand Provinces, Pro ductions, Resources, Imperial, Government, Com. tierce; Literature, Educational Means, Religion, Pet,- Pie, ;Manners, Custoins,, Antlquities, etc. etc., ton a the latest and moat 'authentic sources. Embellished With about 200 Engravingd, and Maps of EurOpeanl -- .. •' ' ' Beet* and Shoes,: 4 16 . find Asiatic Russia. II The Whole complete in one large An unusually good atisortniht Of the best make ; •. Octavo volume of attoutloo pages, elegantly and sub- freal and 'perfect for'salc by BEFTLEY & READ. istantially bound. Retail Sic*, $3:. - - Druip rind ?aedlelbees.- ... - • I This work has been several years in' preparatien, - A - fresh stock genuine Drugs and Meteines, Patent land will, it is believed, meet,. in the fullest accepts- 'Medicines, Paints,'o4_llye-sisdfs: - Atc-, fey silo II- loon of the word, the want l eo universally felt for reli'.' . Dec. 13 .] . . .-I • -BENTLEY & PLEAD.: . able inforMation on 'the ht4tory , and internal r e sources -- ---..--:- - ' : I '-'. ' of a country occupying so:large a portion of the East. - ' Charles Tilbrasfis, Bomber. ern Hemisphere, and bolding so formidable a position • r. - 1 - 4S• removed his simp from its rofmer location in jet the present time to the Irest of Europe and Asia ; 11 the basement of Searle'SlT4o to tl e room in i but of which fariess is known than of any other Eu. "the same building; in the rear of titot,-whers Tropean nation. ; ; I N ' . , his customers will be waited upon y that exqUisite [ • . I ' . - - • ' artist, Professor Charlei Morris, or by himself, at alt W . :" Also,. a deeply interesting volume, entitled . reasonable hours.! . - ... "THE REMARKABLE ADVENTURES OP CELE. ' - Please bear in 'mind that this is, I BRATEI) PERSONS," entbracing the Romantic loci- . chop in town where the thing is dot dents and. Adventures in -lhe lives of Sovereigns, . XontroSe. December 19, 1854. ;Statesmen, Generals, Princes, Warriors, Travellers, Adventurers; Vnyagers, ie., eminent in the History of Europe and America, including Sketches of over fifty celebrated heroic characters. • Beautifully illus trated with numerous engravings. One volume 400 pages, 1 , 411 12Mo, elpth,ilt., Price, $1,25.- - The sttbseriber publish es-a number of 4 most valua ble Pictorial Books, verylpopnlar, and cinch amor al and religious influeneeithat while gocid men may safely engage in their cireulation, they will confer a public benefit, and receWe a .fir iompanaation for their labor. - I - -c - ,r To men of enterprise and tact,-this business 1 an opportunity for profitable employment seldom. to be met with • • L ir Persona wishing to engage in their sale, receive .promptly by wail; a,eircular containin g full particulars, with " liirections to pebons dispOseit to, act as Agents;' together; with, •terrns. irbich they will be furni-hed, by addressing the subscriber, post paid. '• ROBFitT SEARS, Penitso Eft, • 181 SL,.N. Y. . • • •PIitOCL'AMATION: I _ATTtEREAS fiaa'rejust received . a new stock of N V Winter Goods Which have been bought at ihe lowest Prices, and whertias I am .in great want of Cash, Woolen Yarn, Corn, Oahe, Butter. .Eggs, WoOd,(sotir feet lofig,.) or.anything else to keep a potir man from. starving, 1 an • bound to . sell good s• at a very . low figure for any of the above articleS. Just call. and take a look; that's all! - S. A. LYONS. 1 • Laoesboro,,eTanuary . ,l,lBss. • . . • B , BOCIIE and Scotch Plaid Shawls, French Merl , nos Paratnettas, DeLains, &C.., at. . ; : Lancsloro, January .1, 185 . 5.] S. A. LIONS. 111,, S. WILSON & SON; • ATAt be foand in S. S, Mulford's old store, East 1,1 :side of Public AVeune: : • - Montrose, .Xoyenalter. 15, 1854. FACTS FOR TIIE PEOPLE. TILE subz , crilitir colirying tin' the CHAIR !NG 131 1 . 1 in all its various hrtinehes at the *Chairand Nun; Shop . in Burford, tvhere •;natv lie, found a greater variety of Windsor and Locking Chairs than at any other establishment in'the county ;. also Flag and Cane Seats, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Loung es,:.Settees, Tables, Stands, kc. &c., all of which will be sold. at the loweitt Prices at retail, (or wholesale, with; short notice.)': All work warranted well made and of good material. Short:credits and Anall profits will be my.motto. For, demonstration of the above_ facts please. call at.4i Barford • I a. W GREENWOOD.. Harford, October . . 1854. : 15-km4 FARM :FOR SALE, AT GREAT BARGAINS: • TILE Subscriber's OtTer fcir sale on the most'. liberal and easy terms,one of the best lifeated ms £m' making money in Northern NonsylVattia: ' The said farm is situated : on the NewlMir, and Owego Turnpike, two miles east of Ifotuit Pleasant . village, and twelve from the N. - T.• &E. IL R., kITSO Act - • conveniently situated to Chnrebes ' School:4,i Saw-mills, Black smith shops &c. It cbutains one.hundred and Slily-, one acres, oneiniydred of it under a good state of, cultivation ; well waterled mut good . tl buildings, eausist- . ing of a goof framed house , finisnedoff,'anvery conveniently rtrranr.,o. Also two good barns and a good barn. shed well ! calculated for convenience, •tivo large orchards - yieldinA. from 500 to 1001) bushels an nually, mostly graftedifruit of the best quality. The fittait is well adapted tO grazing. sufficient •to keep a large stock. For price and terms apply to' B. F. EATON, or to ALFRED LAKE, on the prekses. • ILtrford, 'NEW' GOODS.. . _ The subset-Diet-4 hare taken anti fitted up the new building on' the. wwest s idede of-Public Avenue, two doore above Searle' Ildtel, ] and are now receiving a large and well selected 'a. , is .runetit of Fat I I • mid wi nter Gcffids. Their stock is ahnoSt entirely :YEW, having saved but a very few goods' from the late destructive fire , and comprises their' u sual variety of DR 1" GOODS: Groceries,. Crockery! Hardware,- Drugs, Medicines, Paints; Oils, Dyest,utiti, Boots, Sloes; Leathers, Glass, JeWelry, Watehei, l SilVer Spoons, Clocks, Yankee Notions,- ice. Ye are thankful for the patilinage hitherto bestowed upon its, and trust that our. ens,. totuera„ and the public generAly; will not tail to give us a call in our •nho location, confident that we can supply them with gods On asi favorable terms as bere toft-ire. . • -BENTLEY tk READ Montrose, November SO, 1354.. • . • . . - More acid Vlore Nen - GOOds. " LT • BURRITT is now receiving new and lull 1. I. • supplies of Goods for the Winfer Trade,-in eluding a new and elegant elegant assortment of French Ate rinoes, Merino and Cdshinere'Plaids; Plaid, Fan= ey and Plain De ranee, Parantettas,Broehe o Sguare ..and Lony Shaselsj all-of new and best styles, and will t i be sold at 25 per- , - ent. less than last year's prices.., Also a new assorts ent of Rid& .Ribhans and Bonnets, 'Wide Silk Velvet!: for_ Cloaks and Stantillgs, Rich Silk and rele(4lPresi- 2'rionninys; Mohair _lleac(' Dresses, - laffolets ,lc. $-c.; with a general assortment of other STAPLE and rANCT POOPS, as usual, which haying bought under the present pressure of the cash. markei, will be ..szilid at corresponding and reduced prices. - - New Milford, li% Lember 47 , 1764. . NEW it. 114TFircEAP G9ODS, 01.7G117 at tL lowest prices, and will he sold ac• B eotilingly. • • 'U. BURROWS & CO. Octobe ll, Mrpl. Caltsimeres,:tnd Ye!dings A large assortment and at prices lower than we hire ever. been enablec lto . offer them heretofore. Gibson, , Oct. 10 1(434.. 1 , rev Goods. _ rebeautiful stile ?, and r.linoat as Ared. U. BURRO WS S CO. 1') Vl4 " • - great variety a cheap as could be \Gibion,'Oetobe • lack Silk.. ciresses at 81 cents Ter 4. El. BURROW At CO. A goUd quality fo October 12, 18' broche, and silk, ,very hand extreine,y low prices.. U. BURRO W§ & CO. • Long and square,] some styles and a ' October 12, 18 -, Cheaper than eye and fine quality - a nfaeture, at .oche Shawls . bcfor'e known ; 'beautiful patterns 8-4 Brochc Shairls Lapeie s Buitiolvs .sr co. Gibson, October 11, 1851. State Slhaw•ls,• . FINEST QUALITY, anti NEW PAT• • • U. BPRROWS S. CO. .• • a• The LA nos:sT 'IMO, $7,60 elle . Gibson, Getobe 11, 1854 Carpets, t aryl handsome patterns,. at'very U. BURROWS & CO. A good gssortme low priceA. ' . - Octobe i 2,1854. Maio Robes , • Marge lot of lutrOsOnte Rbhes, a part of theni whole, Indian dressed and•very superior color and quality. 9ctober 12..1854. U. BURRO WS & CO.. .. Popular Patent Medicine Agency. I 1 1 1 A BEI. TURR LL has.jut received a new suppl 7, ix of all the p ' ular PATENT N1E1)1(1: 4 :1:3 of the - day;-1 ineluding, - Dr. .la ne's celebrates Medicines, Trask's 'Magnetic ()haute t, Tanner's German Oiutntent,. My er - Forest Wine; &c. &c.; . Pills. of all sorts, all rect from the proprietors.. Also, Durnitv igitid,* . E'algtplaelle, Ate:, cheap as the cheap est, • . - IA. TPRRELL. ' . . .. Montrose, December o; 1854. • A Chanice to :Wake Money. 44 PROFITABLE' ANA HONORABLE EN- - • ' PLOY..VENT.. TUE Subscriber is - rieSirous of Iniiing an agent-in each county and town of the anion. -A capital of from $3 to *lts only will lie required, and anything_ like an efficient; energetic man can I,mtlie froth throe to five dollars, peer day;—indeed, some of the agents now employed ate realizing twice , that sum. • Every infentation will be gken by addressing (post • I WTI. A. KIIISLEIk • Doff fOl , Philadelphia;; Pa., Pont Office. •• . . • . 1 Axvis . - (\ITU:AP at aut Stom ' •J. LOWS & ON. V.)Pirotitedie, rebriiiii 't; rat( i, . . .., t . -WATCHES; iJEWELRY - SILVEWSPOONS ave. ace: - ik.c. rIOLD and ROver Patent Lever, Anclxir mid La. k_N pine Wattles., just received and for sale by BENTLEY & READ. • Jewelry, Jewelry. 4GOOD assortment ot. Jeiteir*, consisting tiros . Rings, Ear Drops,, , Breast Pins, ringer Rings, Ate. &e., lustreceived: at BENTLEY lc REAVN. Silver sippons. _ Tea, Table, Dessert, Stigar, Nan. warranted pwrei fbr sale BENTLEY . 41t READ. • To the People. of tivisqlsebanna County. ~ - - REIN'a one of the Kreateet sufferes by tea recent :- . . destructive ,fire in Montrose, baying lost my storehouse and nearly all of my. goods, I hate net ~ tr however given -arts . to despair, but have take store• room -in the lower part of the town, first doo north of Recler'a Rotel, into which r \hive placed t he small stock saved from the-fire and will in the course • of a very short time fill up the store . with' an entire " new stock of goods. In my present new location,/ will be happy to see and wait on my oldctudeu and the public generally who will favor me with call I have resolved to -"never give up the ship.'Ll- -- I am determiliel.,to keep a DRUG STORE, and to keep.a good assortment of Drie f ir, lltedieines,Paiht, Oils, Ilyc:driVi,i9roceries, Glares-scare, Jewelry; Per. . futnery, rotate Notion*, 'and all' - aorta of Ftincy .17onfla, &e:,- &c., such as I kept before the firs, whisk ,devotircd the earnings of a life tithe in an hour. Montrose, Nov. 23 . ; 1854. - 'AI3Et TD.RItht.L. . . . N B Will every man indebted to rue, pleas" remember me in this my time of need,: hi sending to me the amount due immediately: "..toiember 23, ABEL TEARELL. RE.3IOVAL. Tr EELER S STQDPARD, since' the late fire, may bell fOund in the RASEMEXT OF BE.,tBL'E's I.IjOTEL." Notwithstanding the- impreCeilenteff ra, pnlity:ivith Which our stook of Roots, Slioe,.kc., "'Went off" On the morning of the fire, we still have sable, on hand; and shall soon be well sunpißd [ KEELER & STODDARD. Montrose; Novemb e r 13. Itls-1t .-.- - . . . '•' - n - Ni.tTICE.e. '. - . , THE subscribers I ing severe sufferers froth the. late 'disastrous lre, have - ;removed, with what little remains. of their stock, to the new building on. the Avenue, opposite! W.-J. tc - 14. 11. Mulford's store,_ where they Will be happy to seel all their Mishits and ctistomers. and. hope in the cootie of sinne.ten days • to be. able tis greet them with' an entirely NEW • SI'OCK Or - GDOPS. . - . We truA that some of oir. si:lstamers who hav e - been long in debt, Will remember th.t.i.bli tii- i time of seams'. SEED, WITII vs, and do as , they would•be . done by.' '• .:' -. . BENTLEY k READ: ... Montrose, NoveMber 14: 1854:: ~- • :. : ' . . . A%toundling Ditictosiltet. P -LINES again in the 'Fa/Wring . hnsiness. —:: • therefore,- whO have enough 6r the. right principle to eneouragehogre industry and desire' his services, will please take notice. ilis object wilt , be to please those who employ him, and receiye-aTie: Ward. for his labor.' Shop over Hawley' . o !z r *des store. Montrose, November'2o, 1854. . - • . DXSSOLUTION. _ PHE Copartnership 'heretofore known under tho A. name and firm of Newas Brotheill,'in the gash, Blind and Door business, is thiS day T.,y - mutualcou. bent and agreement , '. • GILBERT NEWELL, • Eanesboro,:July.ll, B. K. NEWELL; • The subscriber would respectfalV calf the attention bf those Who wish to ptirehase lino it business, such as . " ' • •"- ; --Sash; Doors, Shutters and - Blinds, • Cabinet AVAre various •- • .Bureau.s Tables, and..Seeretaries, Bedsteadii;'Standr, Chairs and Settees. • Also, .Renay 7 made -Coffins.. Painting and Glar.Mc. if required. Country Produce and Lumber. Mk/ m •exchanze. - Terrns, ready pay.- • . • • _Lonesboro. July 15. 1854. GILBERT NEWELL.- . , • '" KNOW NOTHINGS" H A VE EKED BP A TERRIBLE mrst But, 'very fortunately . , the earth is not t rewn from its orbit, and : the Sun shines on as before: ena bling,.the "Picture ]lan" to work at his trade of:light and shade in his usual] satisfactory manner. ' - His New Stock, just purchased;CoMprises" every. thing neat desirable in Tie Dagderreotyte lip., and he asks that you Will not forget to calf.. lie has also'sofne recently published Books, which will be sure to please those who wishgood reading. • • • . W. D. DEANS. Odd Peltoifes 4 Ran; Stontrose P. • ' . t W.B. D. does a.ot • take i.;icturcs for 2S of 50 cents.. / Them who tial eyeh . 6aeh must ,go elsewhere; . John Groves' Adrertisement.., AS nature,- who furnishes the 'birds and beasts with an extra coat for win4.r, has not made a similar pro vision for man, .I have concluded to take it upon my self to attend to Abet department; and, therefore I think proper to aunouhce that' all shivering male bi peds, that heed new apparel, glOrious or inglorious, fasbionahle or unfashionable ban have theif wants supplied and their tastes suited by calling on me, at my shop inlfontrose.; • • NEW GOODS. C. 14EL AT MOVTROSE DEPOT, has just r•- • cerreOl• a Ocw aupPly of Spring and Summer Goods, vhich wM be Vid. very low for cash or firm' produce. I . . _ N'retr.Orleans Sugar for one dol -1 8 POgood i 3. C. LIM'S New Store. • • rrEA, Coffee, • Molases t Rice, and Qroceriea 11 of all kinds, vetr,Cheap , aJ. Q. LEE'S.. • , INputed, - • cjuintity of Llggs at 12 cents per dozen, to Xi exchange fur goods at - • J. C. _LEES Store... • - • . Also, • . • • • • A n quantity of Rutter at 14 ceutipc'r pOuntL escharge for GoOdsat J. C. LEE'S Now Store. rrIIOSE wishing to: pnrcbasO for 'cash, or ,in e 1... _lf change for barter,'will find it to their interest to. call and examine Tufstock of Gooda*and prices for themselve.4: For - barter nf.all kinds the highest prie-- es may tkt-all,titneskbe , relied on at J.C. LgE . S. Store, Ifontrose ; • •:.• . DOWT• BE - FRIGHTENED.' • The rarmeirls• Slttire. Re-built« -- AVE wish to sartO.onrjriends ainteustomers that I we have withstixid,the'devouring element that consumed our. witli:qnoSt Of• , ottr Goadi;. and erected a convenient shanty, wh - Ore we shill he hap py to, sec our old imstotierS 4s well ai a new. - We are going to Sell goods levier Than ever, and ire think ton 'Pet' cent. lesS than y.pu can buy.elsenherejn. Susque hanna co:, Cell and §o,e. WARREN 'MATER, .• . OUR STOCK OT.STOVES Is' COMPLETgintINF would tel.:et/di opportunity to say. that. we can show the . . most beautiful and splendid patterns Of Parlbr cud Cooking Stoves to be found 'in the. &nutty,: -Among them Caff be seen the . Revolving rront , iind : Gothic Parlor,. for Wood or coal,-entirety new and dicidedly pretty stoves Prices from fiie to ten dollars. - . O - Cooking . Spare:, we think it needliss to say !flitch; only to remark, tha we are selling ther,n at-our for Mer trices,And judgiug from - the rapidity of our sales;2we believe the public are entirely satisfied with. our.priees and the quaßty of our wares. Are have few more left"- of the "Clinton Air-tight Elevated Oven' Stow,"seknoWl edged to be the best conking stove now i use.: and -, English Stove Pipe. at olt) , PrieeS, an4 - Trlm• thinp and Tin ware Of d6teriptiotis at the tiry lowest rates. • • • • DICKETIMAN Nivr Milford, October 2S, 1854: , ..- ' I : r ARMS...Fon S ALE . - - - rpliE subscriber will act as - agent far buying and self= :.I. ing Real Router—Yarns:s - Houses, and Lot o , . gated iu-Susquehantia ectunty,-ra. All who,trish cl . offs choir property tbr sale tiartgive a - minute - 3:recap troll ur their Farms. or. Lott . .aa follows ;. Number of aCres,, , , how many improrell,"Mid how 'watered; build iiiezy Orchards, grafted or •etnitmou fruit; : *other fruit, trees ; cuss the'nearesrpolnt to the D. L. & lir .R. and N . ..Y,:41 E. R. R.. . -- -- - . - • .2 -- •-. _ . farma,onthe 115t,..48 Arnold. ;By ea ft subscriber a minute deseriptiOn,.:price au sins i t it ,he given... . - , • ''' ..,-. .... - . - -:-. • 'Office o n Turnpike st. 4-cloore week of-italit it. - •Iroutrose; August 160164.. '--A:,BAI f . DWIN. -.- -- • Clovl!ir tindirienOtliii. Seed. - F OR sale at 4, a, T,,,,Egio &cite - - - i. . •' - - . the °eV idiatin4 sdentifie.idly.