Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, March 15, 1855, Image 3

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oi l do. lewd Senator be - Instimbre:
twit ecitobez
Therelis a . claim of the present law, frotti
some of gr. of _
friends are
ar i s ing a hope fatthey will yethave anoth. I
er vortuaity this session to elevate their;
favo rite to a place he is not fit to fill ; but very' '
Itiis in•words;
‘.‘ Whenever 4 vacancy, by resignation or
otherwise, shall happen in the representation'
of this State in the Senate of the United State4,'
the . I,egislature.,[ . if in Session, shall, within
eight days'afteribeing informd of the sata
by the Governor, proceed to supply such vii.!
• eaney hum election, conducted in the mat
aer te,rembefore prescribed."
This section eennot be construed to apply ,
to !eats becoming vacant by l e gidative Inches
or no informatiOn from the g overnors would
be reqUired. A vacancy by expiration of
term is-not retired to be made known_ by'
the GoVernor t the Legislature', which body
• presumed to be Ac quainted with the term
of service of its i nffieers. . The notice spoke*
of-in the section to be given by thegovernor, l
proves the limitktion of the prevision to'such
cases Of vacaneYlas are always made known'
-to the Liiislat+ through that functiimary‘l
Tie words "&r oiherteisen after " resignation,l
can thereforeiliee,onridered enly as a general;
ity, to cover any pi:risible vacancy of that de;
seription; and net to include a
.vneancy of an
e ntirely different description. In addition the;
previoni section of the law are devoted to
the directions fOr the meeting of the two .
Houses in Convention - on, the second Tuesday'
of Febrtiary, and thereafter,' at such times as
they may acijotien to, for the election of a
Senator to fill that place after " the expira
tion of the constitutional term ;" that is, res . -
*nation lor otherwise, by a Senator duriag
10s constitutional term.' NO &nal case et
iota now!; and there can be no .„ 1, -Invening"
of the Conveniion to elet a sat r to Mr.
Cooper lefore the first Tuesday of October.
An examination of the law will. tisfy any
one that; the construction given a ye is icor
rt!ict.--N. Americo's. ' '
....perteottci Postmasters' and to the Public.
We are requested to (1111,0 pm-in! attention
to the law justrpa.csed by. Congrcns, modi,
tying the- rites of postage,4:.c., partiularly ,
to thoselprovisions requiring that ill letters
petween places fin the United Staten shall be
prepayq from nnd after thefirst of April,lBss
by stamps or otherwise, and - that i irom and
after thel first day of January next postmai
ters taunt plscc.postage stumps upOn all pre
paid letters upon which such stamps may not
bace been placed by the writers,Hor which
at ay not be inclosed-in stamped envelopes!,
From' and after the Ist of 'April,llBss, the
pixtage to be charged - on each single letter
for any distanca-in the United States not ex;
coding 3,0(x) miles; is three cents; and ov-er
3,000 miles 10 cents.
The law i:loesnit change the existing rates
or regulations in regard' to, letters to 'and
fr o m Canadaori other foreign countries, nor
does it affect the frankitg privilege,
The provisions in regard-to the registration
of 'Fah/able letql--1 will be carried into eff'ect,
and special inArietionsiisued to P(itmaster's
On the subject an soon as necessary blanks can
be prepared and - distributed:— lOashingtoit
. .
Wit° ARE NAirOiut. Mis l• -There are tWO
classes of men Who claim to be IN'ttionoti.-,,
The difrerence*this,,one clasp 'would - maliii
Slavery ;. nation I,.and the wn her w•tild make
Liberty 'Oationa , A bill has just
„passed th4
Senate ! :ill ustraiing this fact. , .It provid fa!
paying out (if ti!'f national treasury, to certain
Iniliansfuli etnni)ensation fin the, loss of :4
number:of Aave,s---thus nationalizing the doel.
trine. of properly in hunian flesh. ... i - ' 1
The senators !rho voted against this:bill were
1 4 4vssrs: Brainao, Fonte,llandin,Fessenden l
. BeWard, Sumner, NS' ilsOn, Oil tette, Chase atii i
Wade. -Maine, Verinont, Massachusetts, N,
Tprk and .ohiot gave'no votes for it. Penni.
sylvapia gave .no voles against, it, both. het
Senatora, Brndhead and Cooper; being pm*
84 and wiling A.vel.--Leekport Journal.. f
-- ',.---
.. 1..
Carson League. .1
An adjourned ineiting of the . Carson League will
be held, in the . C s urt Room
_on Tuesday evening next,
at 7 o'clock. -
In Rash, by Eid. if. H. s Gmy, Mr. Eit
wiar.o oa - Ess-to Miss Eur.Aarrn+l.
Pr . Ask.eiiiseiligOirk: -:1
plover and Timothy Seed for -sate bJ
1 1 3'elir
RS' R!GH rs.
TO all wham It may C.acera.
By a recent det of Congress the Bounty_ Land
basheen extended to embrace alinost every awe of
of military serVice. "
All persons who have been .engaged in Milinuy
Service oldie United States; for , a period of fourteen
daYs 'or upwards , are entitled to on hundred and
sixty acres fif Land, if they have not received it, and
its they have received less amegnt they are entitled
so sufficient to make up 160 acres. •
Reirolationary soldiers,' and soldiers of 'any 6d all
ware in which the United States have been engaged
eineie, and if deceased, their widows or minor chil
dren, are entitled. • • .
Officers, Seamen, Marines, Clerks and landsmen in
the 'navy, their widows and minor children, are Are
Wagon masters ,end teamsters, employed for the
transportation of military stores, are also entitled,
like .:manner.
I sup still engaged in obtaining Bounty Land War
rant?, and am willing to,•do the busineisa upon the
most liberal terms; and althoughl motive so
sperid my time and leak without charge yet I will
do the business at the liewest price that I can do ' it
Aaneatig and lice. I • '
Those having claims believe will find it materially
to their advantage to call upon me before going else
After the warrants are obtained, if any of the war
vendee, deshe to sell them; I sun prepared to pay the
high* cash market price. .
lam alsO engaged in She prosecution of other
clahris•a r lainit • the Government of the United Stitt*
such as for Pensions. Back Per, Bum Pay, kc. ke..
Bantrose; 'lay 14, 1855 w 6
' ' Regliter% ltotiegs.
DrllLlC.notice Is hereby given to All persons con
"- eerrigd in the following Estates, to
Estate bf Jabez Gardner; deceased, late of Gibson
township; Elects Gardner and Enos Gardner ; Ezee
;Aiwa— • -
EState of Stephen Breed, deceased, late of Brook
tyn township; A. W; Breed and R. F.. Breed; Exec
Estate - oftlarollne O. Stiles, dee'd., late of Barran! .
townslifp ; Dattiel .oakley, Eer.— • I -
Estate of Sohn N'llraine, dec'd., late of Chipeonnt
township ; Jacob Kimble, Adner.—,
Estate of john Chamberlin, dec'd., late of New NH
ford township; liVnt. J. Tyrrell and D. D. Warner,
• That the aceountanta has
,fettled their aecounts in
the:Reg,kter's attire in and foribe county of Suaque- 1
henna, and that the same will tbe presented .to the
Judges of the %Onus' Couit of said county, ,on
Wednesday the 18th day of April nest, for confirma
tion and allowance. 'J. %r. CHAPMAN, Reg'r.
Register's office, Montrose, March 14, 1885.
i TProseleassali . -.2 ---
- Stiseprriarrita Mindy is.
TLIONIAB MeIiERELD ,' In the Court of -Com.
• „, - loon Zeus of said county
AEm s. Monr.nza” Nor. Term,; 854,N0. 55.
To llannah Elii.i .ilarehead: 'Whereas i subpama
in dirorce was ionied to Norember TermlBs4, which
was duly returned noseest &tyrants, and thereupon
an etiassubprelut was Issued in said cause, returnable
to January Term, 1855, upon the return of whielt.
-print wag made to the said• Court, that the said Min
nett Eliza Morehead -could net be fat:alibi -tin' bitli•
'nick. • - '
This notice is therefore to require you to appear
before the Judges of said Cohn, on the third Idenda!
of April nest, to answer said complaint, Re. ' II
. F. P. HOLLISTXR, Sherri
Merin 0151 t.. INteitrpts, Ward 13, 1985-: ' 11
frillt puilmedber hie trmty-live pairs of . Oxen for
IL : 'oats , to which tri w ish es in invite the attention
of purchasers:- - - 1 ,'s
One pair at O. IL - Oooley's, in Auburn. it $lOO 1
One .pair at R. W. engswers hi do a ISO.
One pale Pt Jesse Hines' . . do -- at " ' 111 .
One lalejtt 3. Ritenbury's do , ^ .......: ..... 110
One pair at Julius Brown's do 110
o ne p n ie] nt , ,r,„ ku..WOccre. A) 140
One pairat Stephen.W.lrg's do, -.. : 110
[ ope psieNst J. Y. ConffmJ's doJ . 140
One pale* Win ' r'inle* do 106
oue paitint Hancock I Goodwin's, iu Ibuill, pit.. 115
o ne pail at IL Horton's Ido L it°
, o ne ;atr i al A. Alpfut's do ' 1)5,
one titt!ri'et Wm. D. Dunmorei do . 150'
oiie par,at A. A Lathrop's, hi Jessup, ' at 8115
,Oile Patel at . 1 " 1 . Coke" do .. ;.- . .... .... .116
One pair,at B. Otis' do:..' ..'... 120
One pairlat B. Hussein' 'do f 125
One patir l itt E. Kelly's, in Middletown, at 110
One pairiat Ada Fitsendin's, hi, Bridgewater, at . . 140.
One *rat S. Horton's - do.._;'. 120.
!One pstiritt Truman Stone's do 110
'One pair at J. F. Green's do ',. , 110
One pair at Wm. • Hollinxic's ilo ' 115
One pairat Sterling's, * Brooklyn,. at . —llO
One pair It J. W. Howard's, hi-Ha:snarly, at.... 125
P wishing to purchase,can look at the said
;oxen, and if suited can call on me at toy residence in
Montrose., and take the oontmcis which are due ihr
',said oxen n theist of April next , or newly all 4
them. prefer' giving now. Terms.
Six Mon 'credit with interest' And approved secuil.
ty. i If a' part of said oxen rempan unsold till the first
of April,"theY'are expected to be delivered at Mont.
tom, and-will be for at rertionable prices.
.1 • ' 1 1 Jolui F/ DUNMORE..
_ Montrose, March 1..18b5. ' . -
j I
liwouid take this m e thod ie.!. express my sense of
pride and 'sincere gratitUde to the large imiority of
Wert' bards and dftlees-in good old Snag.; Co., who have
kindly patronized me iniNew York, as well a 8 to t h e
mar y others, - In the different sections of the country,
and j would emit respectfnUy &sk* continuance of their
firms, as ',well as =those! who have not u yet found it
convenient to . call and becoMe customers at 215
Pearl St., (See business card. j:
Respectfully,' • Y. C. TYLER.
TO Tug ;yrnou:sat.i. akA, LIM AND 'MLLES tft mai-
cuirpota wiram silt mom or ousqcinwora
In pni unance of the-lets bf Assembly erf this Com
monwealth, viz. the Acr of the 4th day of Bay, 1841,
entidedi. t'ati Act to provide revenue to meet the de
mands upon 'the Treashry, and for other purposel,"
an Act. Of the 18th of Apra, 1845 entitled "an Act
-to increase the revenue and diminish the Legislative
expeneer of the Commonwealth," an Act passed the
2•14 day: of April 1848 'entitled "an Act to provide
for the reduction of thiletato debt," and an Act prem
ed the 1 0th day of April, 1849, entitled "an Act to
create 4 sinking fund, • and to provide for.the gradual
and Certaioortanguishreent. of the debt of the Com
monivalth." The undersigned, Appraiser of Mercan
tile Taxes of Susquehamm County has - prepared a list
of all Merchants trading within said County, and plac ,
ed eaehof Said Merchits in that Chet which to. hire
seems right and just, *minding to the provisions of
said Act' of Asierably, Os follows, viz;
Residence. • Pretprietor. • (Noes,.
Anburii John P.!. Lambert, 14 pat. med: 4
Waterman k Swisher, 14
Brooklyn, Nelson Tiffany, 14
do. F. W. Allen, _l4
• do. ,
•J. C. Le i, . 14
• do Wm. MoMilliri, 14'
- do. R. T. Ashley, - 14
. do.: •• Smith, k Hempstead, 12 -
do • ' E. S.; Kent & to., 14
Clifford, '- D. C. Brundage, • 14 -•
dOl • / I. k: N. Halstead, ; 'l4
Chocornit, 1 . Fisimis9uin; , 14-
Dundaff„ . -- Chuich & Phinney, 13 pat. med. 4
_E. ninney, • • 14
-do,':' Thoriasi, Arnold, 13 •
Dimocit„ - . L. 11. Woodruff, 14 • .•
dT .. - . )E. Ni bacon, 14
Friendsville, Wickham & llosford, Is, .
dri BenjMnin Glidden, 14 •
Forest Lake, David L. Meeker, 14 liquor.
Franklin,- , J. LI :Merriman, .14 •
"Gibsortl Tavfor 4 Walker, 14 liquor.
del ` Jciian - Stulle3, • • It
do . N. E. Kennedy, 14 ,
dd . U. Burrows & Co., 12 pat. med. 4
Great fiend, L. S',. Lirilheim, - 12 liquor.
. dci - Thou' to & Whiting, 12
dii :'.... . John McKinney, It
411 T Henry McKinney, 14
d 4 " IL H. C. Valle, 14 lg. pt.' md. 4,
do " Ebens nags, 14 -
d 4 .Taylor • June, 14 . - •
. do J. 4V N. Dubois, .14 • - . .
I .
dO WM. ytori.
.11 •
do . Jamesadr, ' 'l4
1, 4 „.
.11erriefr, John iller, ,14
Raeford, S. Set' , 'l4 ~• •
* JolirjuOn & Very,, .13
'dii• Carpenter & Sibley, :14
do B. F. i R. 11. Elton, 42
Harmony, -. 2. A. Lyons, . .14
do B. R.ons, ' 12
do'% BiantClager, 14
•" do V. A. Lyons, 4k 8r0th..14 •
Jackson,:. J. J. Turner, 14
JeseuP, :Depue & Cooper, 14 '.
Lathrop; A: G. Merril & Co., 14
(16 1 1. A. Newton, - 'l4 :.
do I • • Bell k tingley, 'l4
Lenot4 - Shultz,l Eaton it Co., 'l4 , I
do , E. R. (f row k Broth. 'l3
Liberty 4 • A. A. Beeman, 14 '
. -
do , Z. Blakeslee, • 'l4 •`
Monti*, . Hawle k Mott, 42 .
dti ! . 11. S. Wilson, 13 : - ' W. J. &S. 11. Mullord,l2
rid• J. Lyons k Son, 13
. - 46' F.. B. Chaodler, • 'l3 I .
do* - IL J. 'Webb, • 'l3 . ' ,
'do - A. Lathrop k Co., 13
do' „ BentleY & Read, . ,11 ig. Pt. md. g
do . J..Ethri, dge. 'l4lg. pt. md. 4
do ;- ' -. R.,lhafrer & Co., - 14 pat: med. 4
I, AO, .A. Turrill, • 'l4lq. pt. aid. 2
doi . 1. L. Fost k Co., ~,, 10 •
do! - •14. H. &D. FoYre, 14
do I R. Rosenb out, . 14
Middle s town, C. C. 'Wright, :14
• dO Chides Campbell, 14 •,.
Neri,llßford, Hayden &. Brothers, - 14 •,;i,
"' idO J. H. sutrihin, 12
'do ' Wm.. q. Ward, 'l3 ~
- kli ' J.. Dickernian, Jr., - 13
,-: 'do IL BMlrett, 13 liquor.
;di) , '
J. Nino k Brothers, -14
Rada, 13..4mpi0n, 14 - '!
dp , N. la- 7 sr, 14
dO : Jam4s ;Tupper, • ' 14
Snag's :Depot, A. 31 Trhitney, - 14 ' ~.
Edmond Stack, 13 liquor. - 1
der • .. A. J. &S. Seymour, •14 . .!
do , GaylOrd Curtis, 14
do , Thor Ingstruni, 14
do. j". Aih6r At Co., . 13 •
da - • .Jamslßell. 13
do : D. L'i. Nimbey, , "- •13 liquor.
'do :• E. Crftsle„ , 13 ,
Flit. 'S. B.tWcet • 141 q. pt, gado ('
do i M. Ituichfeld, •
dO ; W. H. '/Ik J. F. Flubbard,l3
* l , &MO & SLutts, 14 liquor.
_ .
dO 1 Lewis Conrad, - , 14
di) 1 ~ 1 1; Wien, 14
Meer 14a4ce, 11. Cki6heater it Co., 13
Springyille, Dec 4 White, 13
do i H.' S. trig, 14
do ' Scott, °boson St Co., 12
•' • dp MeMi en k Park, 12
! • ~'.! L .
. . ', On 0r ..,
Apdlain; Harry arney, - 8
dO - • Win. Huffurn, 8 liquor.
Dtuulag . Enoch ICinunbers, - 8
Friend/mine, Edwin Bliss, : s i•
Great Hold, Tip ' Scott. ' I
dO Hi e k CO., 8 .
• : do "
Ati . di
... n Dimoek, 8 •
'< dO / - John c.f)ll3Moeir., 8
Harmaby, .V .li. Skinner, . ` 8
'do • X tirtk, ' - 8
Montione, .. «. 'man, 7
40 - LiN. ilulhud, • 8 liquor.
cc j er
di} F.:,11. ordham, 7
New Milford , J.', Mil , 8 -
do • Z... b, • , . 8
Susq*Depot, /Ones Outwater, 7 .
do lir. r as* ' a
d 0 -PniTinP k lion, ' 7
• do • XB. 8
Ai) lir. C. D. W. Nort=l,7
' - wms - , 8
, de I e, ' 8
4.- th. 8
dp Joisep Whittiker, 8
do 8
t em s
71 m 3 P". • H I P
.. Maim *7l 8 Squor
flien&siTte. Weed, 8 ,
And the Juda of the Court afeemenen Pk*" t ot
said Counts. *II old a Copt of Appeal at the Coln
House in ion ' in and for odd COtatty,on?hara ,
day the loth day,Of May next, at one o'cloxk
at /Ala time and pliceanyoftbe tnereduinte defilmid,
desetibed and ***sedan *tannish& Cr their mentor
*Mollie! mB7 &Om* and appall from said aseemenent
if they think owner., -
i = W. L
Wspteort* Mare* 8,18 W .
1i s i PI(YrItE.
The !Ol t ?, Notes, !AMONl i t St '
ace. of !the
lijubeeritpr. lathe kali* the'preeent * J. T. , h
aft ItOg whoZments the uss.y be
&yn g itiotente eta • 4 Cheetin is sent he
ibis payh)etit 6
• Yonta?re'ller. 16; 18561 Y. . .11LER.1
--- .. .
„ _
i •
...;.;,. Slieriff's "idles.
DT thtue of a writ of Loseri , .fteissi turned 04.4
-1..., tlttc Court of Common }Pleas or Isusqueh*iim
:tiounty Old Ito me directed, I will ex eto Pablic
;ale at Hie court House ,I Mentrose, o SatArdaY the ,
Ist daY l of ;March Inst., at tine o'cloe in the after.
ikton—,4)l that certain threa story ed buildfag .
iltuate tm tie south side of the street) opposite), the
11?epot; the Boron& of tkitquehanna, in the cMtn
ey st:woOd; containing a front on said Depot street
:80 feet, initl In deapth about 44 feet, and the latior
piece of;, onutd" and curtnage appurtenant to send'
fiuildingotao lot being boon ,north lby the'stitist; ,
tart by lot Of O'Laughlin, south by loa, of B. Nichol, -
and wog, by lot - of --- Stone , and is the cast partof
lit No. As . Of the R. R.:Co. land in 4'lo borough.r- ':'
, craket mi execution ,at the suit of Morrie S. Ilter,-.,
rein va.tHenjamin Palmer.
i , ALSO—By virtue of otbei write iss ed from' tie'
'Said cottit, Otte other certain piece or of :land
• sittutte and being in the township of Inlaid
county,r : bouluded and described as folio a, to wit t On
the notilt by the New York & Erieroad, cast- by. lands of; David Prentice, south by the SUaqUellitkia
Ri a
Ices,River, and lweit by lands of John 0. ughlin,;cen-,
Ivining:about three acres of land,mo or i with,. '
the_vpitrutmeot, 1 framed house an all impraidd.,•
ii Takti u 1 execution at the suit of C. 8.
"Bennet sat.
I. D. Vaingorden. :.'' • -
4 AM.-One other piece or parcel of nd alonitsi--
4 1 . bounded - id •described
iis ti.gloiis, to iris: On the nortlresst by lands (O.: -
Sister, loutb- cast by land of Thomas 1 ,:" .
tau west by lands of C. L. Ward, and!north-we'pt by ;
theiwriu4ee line, containing - about Bt acres, more.
or Use, and about 15 acre's improved, be ing the north'
1. half of dot No. 75 of John Boyles su vey of P.)1.:
I Thartsit's tract, and late theca:ate of . Locinds.: ' -
Taken inletecutkon at the suit of C. Bennet:;
, i'athan`l.ootuis', and Milton Middouelt.
: , ALSO-41.11 that certain piece or el of istal iit , ,
Mae itt'the towuship of Great Bend, • said conati,
follows,pnunded and described ast wit : Noit 1
Westerly by a wood road of Truman dwirt, riot ~
easterly by lands of said Trumanßald in,' southeast
CO, by, lainl of - Lourie Green, and so thweateily,l4
. 4nd heretofore contracted by said T man Baldwiri
ti , ,, Alvah Bolden, rind being - 4 rods in kith and con ;
taining;one:haltan acre, with the app naneei, One
frantedliweilling house and all iraprov ' r. • ;
Taken' in executkm at theauit of wets A -T,h4ra•
As vs. Alvall Holden.
1 F. P. 11OLLLS1
' I .I
Sheriff's Ulfice, Montrose, Reich 5,
' •'• FIRE, FIRE, VI
sulrcriber . has been recent!
agent ;for the. Fallacies Moos I
;Athen Pa,, and is prepared to insure
land - other buildings, Goods, Wareian
,on faroinble terms. Applications mad
ally or by letter promptly attended to.
1; I S.
Greet; d, Pa., March Sth 1855.
„ •
THAYER, takes this method of laiing:
tO:his friends and customers, that be- hattatptitt
resumes the practice of medicine, at his old stand At
Montottie , Where he may be found at a I limes Until* i
professiOnailY employed. Be would sty to those
debted to him, that he will deduct lwenti-tlie perl
cent on;a11 'accounts paid before the first of April next, f'
(or if sute poor Rite myself I will deduct fifty.)
Montrose, Feb, 20, 18.5.5.
. I‘ c i . 1,
riMlLE:sul.iecriber would inforth the ci 'zens 0f310nt. , - . 1
1 retie and the public'generally that be luur liought; ; ;
the Grocery formerly kept by F. 11. I rdham d Co. ; ;
4n Lyons mid Chandler's building on estnut street, i
in the liorOugh of Montrose, where he as a fresh as-;
'sortment of Groceries ; and will keep I constantly' Onil
C! ,
hand, Flour, Oysters, Cheese, Sugars, Syrup, Molaiiies, - 1
Mackerel. Nuts, Candies, Toys, Orangi-s and lAnnuts,:l
Fig*,...Prunes, Satdines, Soaps, Vinegar, ColTee i dried.
PmcheS and Plums,' Herring, sack Salt, rieii; Cakes,' 1
Baer, Xankee Notions, and other- things too nurtier-:i
otut to mention, which will be sold cheap for casit or , i
most kinds. of country protium. Call and stie4 .A.•;:
share Of pablic patronage is solicited. S. S. MOTT. ~ I
Montrose, blanch ,
arch 7, 1855. .- , , 1
I •i
NV:A. ' t N p T p f i l e l f t : 13 .o u t t a te to r, e,, Chese t , s, Ej5s, Sru •
tt1.1 . .
l ink_
~,, • !...
. 4
Susgile:ha4na - County_ as. : ..,. •
Er.srair i D#Et. In the Court of COmtno - ri Pion - of
vs. I Said county, November Term; 1it64i,1
Ennis Dwrt., No. 19. -
To .Estlilr Ruud; . Whereas a sub ' na in Divorce:
.was iskiretlio November Term, 185-t, hieh . was iluki .
returned won eat ineetito, and thereo; an alio tiu4:-1
mita wareissued in said case returnable to Jianiarly,
Term 1855 4 upon the return of which, 'nod wait Made
that the said Esther Deuel could not b• found iirttnY
bailiwick. ' . ' -I - 1 ' ' .
This !notice is therefore to require you to appear,
before the Judges of the saidtourt or the titinl gon.i.
day of April next to rinstrer said complaint di, •
. She tire Office ; Montrose, March 5, 1855. ' iliz.,
•' • -
CatrRESS bas paned a lati givingiou additiOnal
lailds. Those who have already receivt.!d Wart
rants are entitled to more. Danville lnien, comi on
now snit I . will get your warrants. Widows and)nii,
nor* Ofideceased soldiers are entitled to the saute thei r
husbiatilit and fathers would be if living. I haive:!the
law frith from Washington, and the iecossary farina
of application. Speculators from a distance are shout
trying to get those largely interested to riga of. De?
wart Of such, and don't sell for, a song.. I'll a.
busineis- accurately ; and promptly account fon:the
full value of your warrants when obtained. i .11 , 10 m
, three !Years' successful experience I knOw I dart deli the
I businen right,' and I proffer you my irerviecolaCrea;
1 Sortable: rates and quick returns.. L. F FITCH: :
Mithircate, March 6, 1855. i ..
'' t =',..'
14Dt3TE andinember of the UnirersitytorNesi
'York, will be in Montrose on the qtli, ith and
Sth *reach month, and may be consulted at Hatch'il
.Hote?„ for three days, upon all diseases ineitlivitil • tti
the butt= system, viz: CONSUMPTION; Ilion;
chitty, linflatnition of the Lungs, Throat, Liver, Pima*
Kidneys and Spleen, Dyspepsia;yruii'gestion,) Liven
Complaint, Hastusrisit, Seiofula;
.Eroptions,i Spinal
Cotoriliiints;Diseasei of the eve and, ear, Nervoui
Weakness, Ac.,Partieulir attention giVen:',
the diseases of Females and Children. The Various
affeeticins of the Uterus radically cora 1.1 •
Harris is well acquainted with both - Hotnijorksi
thy and Allopathv, haring been in constant studinud
practice for the list twelve years, and having *Atilt in;
trodneed Homeopathy into Binghamton, - N. Yi in
1847: i His plan of treatment is toild,ztafe avid cW
(iota; itrid different from that *fan' , other phisOsit;
and quiet+ nearly all'ornis% in all stages - of the disease:
Hairis has testimonials of character, *bib
ity atid,skill, from a number of the ] most emineiit
medieal men in the city of New York, among .{heat
the . colebrated Dr. Valentine Mott. • I •
, PdrStins wishing prompt rolief orrmanent cures
will dolyetito' call without delay. • C rges mq to.
Comstdtation free! Patients risked at their reiddininiS
if dedir d. Office future from 7in the mottling Ontil
9to the evening. ' •
hilvantages of the Ucnnerpathic
That patientitreated Homeopathically, timid
ly are cured much sooner than by any other practice. ,
2d. That windy patient* can be cured by gorneor
,path'ic remedies, who cannot be cured by any tither
Zrd. Th a t patients treated gomeopathicillY, do
a im have to labor wider the bad effects of the otodl.
eine they have taken to care the diae.ase.
lAt!:l 6 , l4 „aft' IliubitTarldl:VeL B atunia
k A. ;Ili thS .
rani tiow occupied by Benj. B. Fos. in Forest take
containing 41 acres, and well watered and mdstly itti•
protidi with a nets dwelling house, barn and , ,Coria
house; =and other buildings; and a young
Mostly grafted fruit. - • i• ;
Titto4-;-inade known on day of sal4.
lir& Ist; 1555. . - MARY ANY FON
•. • •
Aiire are an=ions to eh
w ingto make room for
11 PROCLA11IAT:101/• .! • ; ,• I Purchase we are Kan' is
• 'I Call, as now Is the time-to
IS",tainter Curdy, se Over copes from 11,1 - 00 '
Mari, Ann Davi& by her neat In the Courfof Qom; 4aek coats, good patterns ;
friend, John W. Brackney, Rumples. amid «owl. 1 $1,50 to "8,00. Vests of
vs. ty, November Tali, ni,shingßoOdsof every kin(
.' Vim G, Davis. 1854, No. 27. , 1 ; i
it Edgar G. Davis: Whereas a subpqms , loiiitirte r 15 per cent. cheaper than
was island to November Term, 1854, tritlek Was :dn• - DE 1.,,
17 returned sum eat invents; and thereupon an itfins - -
and mat
itutonisi bra issued i n m id =um, retwm ai e t o g r o o t quality
Term, 1855, upon the return of which, proof wail owill . • ;
made to the said Court, that the said Edgir fq. Divii; February ii 1,.
could not be found in my bailiwick. -, , i 1 . ... . . .
This'notke is , therefore , to require you to *mix , 10,000 WWI
behine gori l las:lm oteaSd Court, on the third Itctralay r wi,NTED- by th e a u bi er i k
of Apr 11 next, to answer said complaint. kc ; !leading timber and Hoop-po,
_ F. P. 11041ff/131, :aerie: '.: pay the highest Market prim.
Sh ' etiglfiOniee, illaaireah i -i I -: .... r', fared. . ' ,r‘IT
' Vora 0, UM. I • - Iliii%•'';, 't Vrartitlye. rib. it. *
, —= 7
1 r. •
- Glad I ,t, • I
TO OLD SOLD intsit .
ny aisle liw of Congiess:Sll Wen t timusters,
sad their widows, or children;ifte entitled
0160 acres Bounty Lind PON *h9 bitte receiv
ed Warrants lees than 100 acre! . arefeutided to
linve an additional 80 or 120 'acre. *rairsist. Those
*bo have beensimply mastered intoaert a nd paid;
get 160 acrerrland.
lam still engaged in the - Bounty Land, Pension
Agency, at Montrose, and w 1 obtain new Warrants
tbr ap Danville chdmants, PREVOF COST OR
OHARGII 151? ANY , KIND,- All other cases
tberely, for fees. .:And Orin pay the oi g iM e t mar k et
pricei In earls, for all warrants.
lam at-Capie's 'Hotel, and pair of or ab e a me
at any time, k. Lathrop, Esq 4 County Treasurer,
will attend to my business. •
i e 4
Montrone, March 0, 11185. ./
"The suttscriberliavinlf lessk bAs k'at t mroaleA in.
Forest Lake, 14 mile from the 'Post e kept by
Mr.. Elmo Griffis, will nil at Public.inek on Thurs
day the.29th day of March nest,l sale toltoniumnee
St 9 o'clock A. k., the follorting deacribnd stock ite,
'! 1 Span splendid 8 year old i Noel, 1
0 7 .6 4 good 7
ear old Mare, 1 very good year. old y Colt, 2,
year old Steers, 2, 2 year old Stee)l, 14.11 year old
Heifer, 5 yearling Heifers, 2, youi,Mg smog, l Hug
o Wagon, I, 2 Horse Slegh t l. sinee Dutch Harness
it Plough, 1 Stove and Pipe, ' I
!" Trans 9r Sara. -411Sums;undir $5, cash; all sums
9rer $5 and under $5O, 9 mOu t t a lgid al}{ over
$50,12 months credit with t a proved se
curity. FIEN4AMIX 900 k AY\ E. -•
March 'lst:lBss.
1 - e tteri of Administration!of the Estatii of Hannah
r.ILJ HoHeti, late of Jessup to*ruihip d ' , with the
Mlll annexed, hare been grimted to the subscriber.
1411 persons indebted to the said estat: . C requested
0 make , payment, and those having is or de-
Mends against the estate of Said detden will make
*clown the same withelit delay 46 <
.! 4 - CHARLES AliEßY;tAdministrator. -
'Montrose Feb. 21K 185 5 . : 1 I owe.
•-, , ,
1 Goons AT COST Slit ..ASH.
.11 large quantify of Delains+a !eV quantity of Par
:it metta—Silk, Wool 'and Cotton Plaids-JMuslitt and
~-, :
:Cambric Emliroiders-; Mee, Tritnntingw l iind Buttoni
1-4 large stock of Ready - Made Cloth!, g..-.a large
. i latock - of Fancy articles—and a felyr - Book will be sold
lila 'Cost till the Ist of April - nest by th Subscriber.
February 14 1855. ' : . FAB,I CH Ii'DLEIL
; ERB. ARE, 1 . -1' - . .:
rr HAT the Spanish Court has denided not to sell the
I 1 Island of Cuba but Joseph‘Titteuberg &Brother
have recently decided to open'si - rash store, in the
building of L. Searle, a few 'doorls east or Post's store, •
'opposite Wilson's dwelling 614, Cerne iof Chestnut
and Owego streets, where theyill kee p - on, hand a
splendid assortment of Ready M ade Clothing; also in
edditition to this, a goOd intirttnetit of ;Broad Cloth,
Passimere, Rentuckey Jeans, ke.; , sl+t, a general
assortment of Gentlemen ' s furn6bing Citiods. . Also;'a
Fpleadid assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods, Silks, Me
-Tines, Delaine:s, Alpaccas, Einbroideries,awls, Lac
es, Dress Trimmings, tke. ke. t altqf which they are
(ermined to offer to the public at eery
, tiy prices.
All Goods warrinitedAo give satistactiOti, as• well in
quality as in price. ;- .!
,1 !' .. - .1 ' •
Please give us a trial before purchasi
,g elsewhere.
- Montrose, Jan. 26, 1854.: ~• 1 ' .I • -
—-- ---- --- - ,- , - f
Sh r--1-----
eiirm S ti les. .I .
' , , 1 , : •
11l virtue of sundry writs, issued miu of the Court
LP of Common Pleas of Su.squehaima 4ounty and to
t me directed, I will etpose to publk sale`:at the Court
house B,ou in Montrose, on Saturday the sc nteenth day
, March neit'at! one o'clock. in the ernoon—All
1 that certain piece or parcel- of Lin 4
d sitUate,' lying and
being in the township of Lathrop, in 'fitid- county,
!sodded and deseribeil akfollow?1,, to nit I" Beginning
at the end of a-wall on the east Side of the Lackawan
na & Western Railroad . end in th* north batik of the
boxik, that crosses near the Ilophottom D epot o ; thence
north 4'4 degrees east, 9 6-10th perches upthe brook
to a ,post,. on the South side :- them* souh 5+ degrees
east,i.l2 3. - loth perehei to a post elist si t e of this turn.
pike; thence north 5 4 ). degrees l's+l , .5 1-1601-.Pera
es to a point opposite the brid'gej, north 83 degrees
west 3 perches to a stake east Title of 'Railroad and
. turnpike cibssing, in range with
,nortli , -hie of turn
pike,l,, from ' Depot across the' flat i i then e north Ili
degrees west 5 3-10th' pc,seltes to the be!inning ; .con
tatting 61 perclacs more
sorer less. viltli th appurtenan
ces4p, ore dwelling house, '
tiro ho .4tts' or shops,
I ;
IER, Sheriff;
appointO. ari
F. owes, §tFore!
either person.
. the app
_le house, i... ... J houses or 1.-.
and all improved.
Taken in execution at the suit or F. P. Catlin, Ex
ecutor Sc. of Putnam . Catlin, drecased, vs. Amos B.
Merrill. I , ,
ALSO All that certain piece or pa el ofland sit
uate, lying and being•rin the toatishipi Auburn, in
Susquehanna county. bounded and deseribed as fol
lows, to wit: On the north, by ds of,William Clink,
it. 3
on the east by lands of Daniel Carter, on the south
by lands ofJohn Bensamter, on thelwest by lands
of WilliMn Jackson, containinglout Mt acres more
or legs, with the appurtenance 4 one big house mid
barn, and about 45 acres imprqed
Taken in execution at the sun ofJohn Tewksbury,
use of L, R. Peck, vs. S. C. Siirer. ,i I
ALSO—By an order of Court, " , one Other certain
piece or parcel of land lying and'being iituated in the
townships of Lathrop and Lenz boded and de
scribed as follows to wit: • On the no by lands of
Lewis Baker, on the east by landi of 0 . n Case and
Isaac Net, on the south by lands Of Da id Mills and
i e
Geo. Tiffany, and on the west 1A• lauds of John Wood,
containing 331Pacres be the sage morel& less, with
the appiirtenances. ' i i
ALSO—by virtue of a writ °f it. fa. 'issued out of
said court two other certain pie4l or parcels of Land
situated; lying and being partly -in th ' borough of
Friendsville and partly in the toWnshi of. Apidacon
in Said County, and bounded its ;folio s, to wit ::-.-
The jirs't &Titling at the corner cif Dad Robb's land
on the Milford and Owego turnpike d, ilience
ti toa
along said turnpike mirth thirtY seven egrees west,
S 3 perches to a post—thence tooth 37 (degrees west,
109 perches to a beech ; thence-Southir deg, cast.
79 perches and _7-10 to a peat in the sal Robbie land;
thence north 87 degrees eon, *ll7 the place
of Beginning ; containing; 48 acres an 181 pk.reiles
il a
with thq appurtenance s 1 dwelling het . ' , 1 Bain and
1 corn house, aid. nearly an imPinved, to the 'Estate
of Lucinda Dayton. The Se‘ad Bosieded On the
south by the line of Middletown towns. tip, on
. j South
east by lands of David RObbe,,ion the rorth wqst by
lands of William Welch and Edward Cramsie, told on
the north east by the lasi desieribe d 1 containing
eighty six acres and seven tenths nio or less, with
the appirtenances and partly lin*, -
e ft,
Taken in eat:cut/must the snit of Cal b-Citnmdt vs.
Lucinda Dayton. ' I
• , • , F. l',l notn. • SICE.
Sheriff's office,"Montroae, Fqb.l9; 1:55.
ALSO—At the tame time and-place all that' cer
tain three story wood buildine,with a . • ick front base
ment, situate in Lodensville, Great .. nd township,
in said County, and the Lot and piece .f ground and 1
cartilage appurtenant thereto, "and'. which said
building is constructed, brocaded on , north-east by
the Ncwburgh'turnpike road, 4* the L and south-.
cast by lands: formerly owned fry F. J. Hart, on the
south by grounds'owned and **mull . by the New ; i
York k Erie Rail-Road Co, and on the est and north- ..,
west by lands of Lowrie Green, said b ding occupy-ii
lug and covering alt the lot, being . fifty feet in -,
front, on said Rail-Rwri grotnieN'andwine 200 aril
more feet rear to said Tamp::
-El sisiut
Taken in exeeution'at the. - . .t'of ter W. Brig. ' 1
ham vs: Addison Bryant, i
tote '
rf - The above sale is adjourned to 3lst Mareli..!
Sheriff's office, Montrose, /sailit 5;
XTOTICE is hereby girpn tha l
tion upon the estate of Dr
Renick township deceased,
midersigned, and all percony'
will please make inamedint
ing claims will present
settlement. • •
Derrick Jan. 2.7. 1855.
i. i
_ 865
vid NM Lewitl late or
' the!
- ;•T'ske- Notice
LL iPorimit6 lintehted to A. &It B.ttotris. by
1 - 11. /IWe or book account* arerespelly rimind•
ed that 410 be terfaceePtahle tki unt o have the
sante paid sock*. . A. kI.IIALDWIN. - ;
Montiose, November 20, IBS*. -
wroviEs; sr°4ics:
THE bog leave to fildhrtu. the citizens
of Brooklm and ileinits that they have just re.
ceiied -a lot of Stoits . whit% they Peer for sale as
low; as they canbe purchased elsewhere in the county.
A LSQ—A lot of STOVE PlPEtrd Elbows of the
different &etc at utitnesfacturers!pr
Wi1E77114,011 Iron, Copper, and Beals, In . ash
cluttap for'Stotes or other goals. 4
AW a . *: howls ill :47 CCI - 44 1- 1437/
for sale , SNITfi !lEMPSTEAD.
i -: • - L. WANTED, I - "
5,000 bushels Of Oats, I,ooo l busli. Dried Apples,
2,ooo,b4shels of Coro, i,ooo;toish: Buckwheat,
.I,obo Wthels of Rye, 500 Its Beans, - .
and anyi quantity of Partridges, at the highest market
prleo, In exchange for coati, bi I 'I
Broolclyet, Noe., '54. SMITM kinEIIPSTEAD,
____i____l . ___ •
i• 1 itiwilw : ignite s 1 ..
reeeived'hy i • J. LYONS k SON.
ffEET mrsle- - - - iie • ii - foTriCeriti';Voiee:PtiiiiOOr'
liciodeon and Guitar—son:lei eery beautiful pieo.
es just published—sold`by J. LYONS it SON, - .'''
sold verY 'he ns
fi. . will -4
I..i ne; at great
A few ITRII'" lethat
Cashmeres & L'e7
at '
A rresb; supWit.Groceries ju'st 'Oened,l;i;
, .
Moles*. at 3 shillings per gallon. .S.wraps at 4, 5 &
6 Shillioga i by . ; tyoss & SON. •
NEW G0011)111.. •
4 rergv,lNG every Week at A. I...kTkITOP & Co's
January Ist -
- 7 - 11*isater.Sbavvls 'and DeLunes,
SELLING off at great bat gains. Call on
January A. _JATIIR9I% CO'a.
i I[4oo Dozen Sockw
Janilary Ist : I
Grain I Grainf Grain.'
(AFIII hindi , and /4 the ;highest; pries bought by
‘4lJi t nuary Ist • ' A. LATLIROr & CO's.
eiltitiCS:l;iand Salt at , LITHROIc& CO's
lL P-ontrose, Januar); 1, 1855..
The; Temperance sainen-is still among
you, and contends that total abstinenbe. from all.that
Intoxiqates Is the surest, safest guard for the. people.
Although the: proprietors 'of the above Saloon were
among the" stiffbrers of tbe late fine, and hit t a good 1)ROCIIE-and Se r °tett Plaid Shawls, French Meri
pertion of their goods, they made out to" to one .1.- , nos, Paramettas, DeLains, Le., at. ,
thing÷that IS, Principle, which dilly coun( worth a ' "Lanesbote,January 1' 1855 ] 8.1. LYONS.
. r •
pile. They: -now have a small stock. of Groceries, .-
....._.. -.c
Toys,' ;Confectionaries, .Yankee Notions, Perfumery, . •n. N. wAir sos. a SON
he.; which they offer •tO the public cheap fiir cash.— - Nr *AY be found in :i. EL Mulford'rold-ittinv, East
,side of Public .AAitnne.. '. .. •
Oysters got tip in,all ways to suiteustomervi, -
1 Thiir Saloon' may be found in the rear oh' Lyons & ' Montrose; November. 15, 1854. • :, • •
I---------- -----
Chandler's long building. facing \en ClieStnitt street. ' FACTS . FOB TILE PEOPLE.
Come ;one and all and:seethe place -whet: • e . are. • 7. 11 E sub • tiller is c.iirving on the CHAIR. NA li
- 1
t ' - '. I 11. FORDIRM & CO. T - ' e- '--- -
I-% G BL SI A LSS in all its various betnehes at
3 . l_ort_ro___se, ~Dec. ..
_ etn_he_r2l2l,
_1 . 81 .. 4._
..._.. 1 i .
• ; the Chair add Wait! Shop in Harford, where may be
*teams and Maivin's Fire'. 'r oo f fOund 'a greater ivarietY of Witnh.tor l and Backing
' i i i I Bare's. . ; ,
Chairs than at any other establishment in the county ;
also . atne"Se , Bureau,uts Bedsteads; Loung
•": EIDE subzieribent hive Made arrangeme Flag and .0
' .to fur- es, Settees, Table, Stands, &c. 41:c., all of which will
1 tilsh to persons who may be in want of Them, the
iwires for I ) be sold at the loWest rerices at retail, (or wholesale,
abovelnamed invaluable Safes, at the same
i with short notiet t %) All work Warranted 'well made
Which they can belobtained at the manufacturer's.—
and. of good matevial. - Shott.credits and small profits
naving expeiieneit i l the benefit of :mph an .irtiele du- i will be my niotto - .1 For demonstration •of the above
Fin;, the late: eohtl gnition ourselVes, 'we wduid earn- I
and !facts, please call It my Chop in Burford village.
astry tecomnientl t`o others having valuable
• 1
October 12 ,
ilapett, the Preserving of which Would be of i limmense I .:Ilarforil, A. W GREENWOoD.
.t• , . •
imporianet to theM, not to do without 0ne..1
Prieevange froM .5 . :50" to 4'500, and we can explain ,
to am one. •Wishitg to purchase, the diffikence in
,i‘ize, price, ale„ and. furnisit them onshort no
tice, with the internal ,arrangement to -suitlthe pur
chaser., - . * . BENTLEY 3; 11F kD '
Montrose,lDecl,mber 19,1854.
' •
= • i ' . :NEW GOODS., 4
~ I
WE Me.receiving this week a lot of New (Nods, just
! purchase& in the; city, 'which rimders our ai.:*....sortment
I..completc, and which we Offer on the most''farorabie
: iterutai at:the new building, one door aboveithe Post
Offieel. '' [ [ • • BENTLEY & BEAD.
. ,
I Ll3lontrcse 4 ',February 8, 1855. .-.'
blO llociaber+, Upper do., calf Sking, and Patna,
:C u * kip.:nor supply,just reCeired and for sale
OF ;, : BENTLEY A: E.D.tL •
---- -
,1 freili supidy or 'Silt - tn. Spoons, Watchets :',-fJetrelry,
.!...e. kO,, jdsti received. ; BENTLEY a:READ.
COPrtfiS ! COFFINS 1 C 01712113.! .
To SubsOlibei. 1.1n9 On - hand ready trtalle coffin! ,
1 which 1 trin t . - bh had nt !remonahle prices.
i • • • - ,
Akio n hand a lot of Superior window Sash.
lENR'i" WAttNER.
, . ,
Grt.a Rend Jan. 15th t i.)
,st.,i ! , 1:-
t , ,
1 - .I[ ALL READY.
NVI I - opprICFP&ELDRED have constantly on hand
a. large . Mid well selected abiortmerit of tin
ware,l Reels and , Chain for wells, pump;, cistern
hydraulic Rams, Japanned , . wares, lead
pipes of all sizes .ke., ke. Job 'work done *ith neat
ness ina,desi_mtch ; all orders promptly attended to.
kept-constantly on hand, a liirge assortment:lof stoves
of the ht(e4.linproved and approved ihitteens.' Our
.espet4ence in the businem:ennbles.ns to select those
;that ive Coif- safely warrant to give entire satisfaction,
Amongst Our numerons4tock can he found the
iv ore and More New. Goods.
Hrjr, BURRITT is • now receiving new antFfull
• supplies of Nadi for (lie' "railer Trade, in-_
chiding a new and elegant assortment of French ..!Ifc.
,'„rinries, .11eTina and Owhniere Plaids; Plaid, ..?ihn
cy and Plain Del:milk Pararnettax, Brock., Square
end /Any Nitta*, all of new and best styles, and will
be sold at .25 per cent! less than last year's prices.--;
Also a new assortment of Rich RAW.* and Bonnets,
117,14 Silk I'derte 04 - Cloaks ' and Mantilla.;
. Rich
1 1 , NEW GrOODS„ •1
I ' Silk and •irelvet herr* .7'rioranings, -Mohair Head
A il'iesh. ;Arrival If i N . elo fi 0945, Wi n ch vie { -Dreisews, Rig - idels .tc:Lo., with it general assortment
:1„. it! : will sell ivry cheap. x II of other STAPLE. and FANcv Goons, as usual, which
Ia"A"E have a large_stoel: of Staple mid Pancy Div I having bought under the present pressure Of thecash
Y l' . I 9000, which. we will sell cheap. 14 Call ar:d i - nuirkei, will be sold .at corresponding and reduced
examlne. ,__• , I . , 1
1-? . lP ri ces7 i - .. ....
- 1 I lteadt•lllade Clothing/ , !, i Nev! Milford, November 27, 1754.
We are now prepared to clothe altaccording to the i'
latest'. style; WE HAVE A LARGE MICR, *ITICII *6
wlttlsitx . *Env tow. Call and exituine &fore pats,
chasing, Also, a large stock of Cloths, eassimeres;
Jeans,.l,ia 'netts, Tweeds, &c. d:c.—in facOmr -stock
in this I' - is complete. We invite the attention of
. 61t6liAMESS to our stock. All kinds of produce
taken qt exchange for goods at cash prices:. • 1
Montro,se, Nov. 22, .51. , IIAWLEY .I 4 MOTT. ,
i Paragon , sir tight
New World;
i Atlas;
Three Mutes,
; 41
S. A.. WOOlißtf7
Ille'n•uts'of7l! — ; , 'Morico%k i .alu g n a w 6:
rate fariet2) of Davos, MOtctsEs, CIIELI4LLS, 014 . S
Fasc'y Goons, which will be sold extremely low for
eitsh.l Giving recently sustained a loss bffire of ht
least five thbutaind dolhws, above insurance goods
saved, I 4nicy I have strong claims for thtirtronage
of tn"; friends and the public generally. I ask no man
to giye!to me, neither do 'I ask or expect catlditional
prontai do camiequence of said loss. I wilLsoll goods
as loicy not lower than can be bought elies - here i n
this 'town or county. All I ask , la that ..patronage
font The public Which will enable me with industry to
slowly but gradually replace the loss sustained—sub!'
loss 4eing the hard earnings of a life of anxious toil
St4re at the lower ead of the biwned district, on
MainAtreoti a few doors below thd corrieriti
licint,r,d, December 14, 1854. •
•i -1 I I All Right Again. -
i; il
', 1 1 - • -TO ORDER. 1 * .
. ...
T", subscriber would respectfully ahnoitnee Mills
:customers and the public in general •• that lie is I
again; prepared for the 'loot and Shoe business.—'
Having just received from New York a"cqoire lot of
Sole add Upper Leather, Calf Skins, Rip Skins, kc.,
all oakitinoed. Also, an assortment of Ready-made
worki ;consisting in part of. Men's Thick', and Calf
Boots, Boys Boots;Children's Strap Roots; Women's
EtumiOed • ! Union , Boots, Polkss, Kid Buskins, Silk ,'
Lestiilk,Fot Gaiters; Goat Lace Boots, Enameled Peg- 1
Red Etiots,; !brace Kid Lace Boots, Milton's 'Roan '
BOOt4, kc.,k6....-which will be sold for cash ekraper
than tcfn be bought elsewhere in this market. ..4e
pairiug dens neatly. . i
Marie call and examine. Store first door east of
the Odd Follows 11411: :
' Bthitnesi keeire from 4 ! the time .to worh" until - thO
time kir "rest" atul "refreshment." Gmtqul for past
favorii lie jtopea- by strict attention' to business', to
merit A continuance of the same. , i i :
N.lB. Aleing somewhat in want of the rone n
needfitt," (Money.) be 'Would suggest, in the mildest
tawnier pOsible, the pr9priety of those% ebtesl call.
log and settling the some immediate. , - of cad.
*Oros*. Dec. 4i pit:4. •O.M. SI MONS.
. , •
St l Ole7 Turrelis celebnited Timothy So d; warrant;
eit pure. For vale dy • Asp,.
ylelitri* VOA* lit, ithat •
Star of the West - ,0.. Elevated
Clinton, - - [Oven.
Cultivator, 1 "
Fire Fly,
Western Queen, • "
• I
• O. 12.4.11 MED,
Or ToPerions out of .1: i t,ifirneni. .1&.1 1 - . .Vi't AT t; 1 , c. -. :. ty , ....- t. ;. • v ";-_,,. ,r : , ". -, ' ,, "7' ,. ..'t. ,
I- i r_i_.) s.. .e .....i , „,i,i,k , „-:..v........ ,
. ,
.- • AGENTS- WANTED •. . 1 - _ atee'allicip dee.' -, ''' • --.--- ' '
, G OLD and Sitter Patent Lever, Anchor and-Ist t ;
Dt !Mani' sitcnow - Or TDB tuktiggto isTATEsi. :
. • •
pine W a t c h es, just received and, for
TherstostEtegent'inuf fisla/ roligiss et Me. Yew; • P ' ~ ;. ode br
: . -
SEARS' (MEAT WORK-lON Rtilitti '• " *'. , jewelry„ Jewelry
• TVS? pnblfithett, an IPttstratediDescriptltiitif the, i GOOD asseriesent ot Jewelry, consisting agar.
Irl REBSIAN EMPIRE. Being a Physical and,Poel
,/ - 1, Rings;. Ear tirops„ iltreast, Pins,' ;Ing e ; Ri n i g i..
Weal History of Its Oovernmentsand Provinces, Rm. i ac. ac.,,,jastr,etelited at • BENTLEY .t. RELD's. !
duet/ens, licsourcei. Imperial Otrirernment, *Calm; 1-- oli ve m oolous .„ ..-
fierce. Literature, Educational Memos Iteligion,,Peol er,.. T i„ j.,!,„. Dess ert , s u r sal lac : --• - - ti o :.. - ,
gar t, -warm pure • ;
.ple, Manners, CUstoins, Antiquities, etc. etc., from . .\: — '„,.;; l ,:' _ • ' BENTLEY . - '
the latest and most authentic sources. Embellished i -1.'.....F -:. & tram -
with about 200 Engravings and Maps of European 1. \ : _IiIOOIOI OMNI "ghee% ..• - , ~
and Asiatie'Russia, ! The Whole complete in one large iAn unuatuilly good astantmeut of the >best triske;-al -
Octavo volume of about 700 pages, elegantly aid sub. I firih gleti, perfect for sale , by. BENTLEY L'READ. •
stantittlly bOund: Retail price, $3. !, , I i \Drugs sand hedictom •_ , •
This work hes been sev,sritl years In' preparation, A fresh stack,genuine Drugs and Medicines, PAWS
and will, it is believed, Meet, in the fullest accepta- ,P.Medielnes; Pants, Oils, ..Die-stnfltr. r ke., lbr Wale by.
don of the 'word, the want so universally felt-for reit- ; Den. 134 \ • - BENTLEY ttitE/11). •
able iuformation on the history and internal resources —•-,;-,.----- \ '' ;‘,- —,. '• • - .-4--.!'t
of * country ocCupying so large a portion of the East- ' Charlet ( Irittleata - $ Iherlier: -
ern Hemisphere; and - holding so formidable a position la As removed td, l 4, 4 ' : ,p'fi t , n , Its R umor 4 4:5 6 04 4
at the present time to the rest.tif Europe and Asia; 111 the baseinent Of . s earie's Motel; to 1 , t , 0 spot it
but of which fir less is knowu than of any other lii- i the same building, in the rear of, wikei ..
ropean nation. : ' ,
; i,his customers trill be waited upon by , that'exquisite 11. - • artist, Professor Chance Murrill,- or by himself , ar=il '
Also,- a deeply interesting iohmie, entitled ' reasonable hours. -!, ' \ \ • ! :., ~.. ,•:,
THE REMARKABLE' ADVF 4 TERES OP - CELE-. Please bear In ,nrind that *this is the OultrihObs_
BELATED PEMINS," embracing.the Romantitklnci- shop in town Where the thing iSsdoneweienafti• . tY.';-
dents and Adventures in this lives, of Sovereigns, ; Montrose‘DedefribCr lb;' lBs4:\ ,
Stittesinee, Generals, Princes, Warriors, Travellers, 1 -. ----••------%!--------------=!----•------- -
Adventtirttrs, Voyagers, Ac., eminent in the History ; .To the People -ielt 44,11stpiteletninat
of twill* and America, including Sketehes of over I ' ColgilitY. \ ~ :,. - -
fifty celebrated heroit eharaeters. Beautifully Miler I TIglX6 one of the Ereatestftefferees 11 ths recent, •
bated with numerous engravings. One volume. 400 1 \ LI destructive fi r m- le Meetfeee, ‘herYlE lest, joy • -
, pages, royal 12mo, cloth, gilt. Price, 81;25, - 1 store.honse and nearly all 'of to goods - I 'hare. not: .._
. The subscriber publishes a number of most value. however given over to despair, blit_,li i ateiiaken. a ... - !
ble Pictorial Books, very popular, and of such a mor. I store* room in the lower part ofthe townr: first dohr - s.'
al and religious influence that while goo d m on „m a y ; north orEeeler's Hotekhito which Ihave placed the
safely engage in their circulation, they will confer a , small stock Saved from-the fire; and will in the,cou ir ~
public benefit, end ! receive a fair compensation for 1 of a very isliort time fill up the store with an entires '
their labor. - ! , ;- i 1 new stock - Of goods. In my present newlocatiOn, V
1 ,
and ,
,-Or To men of enterprise tact, this business.( will _be h* see ant wait on 'my old maggot**. „
an opportunity for Profitable employment seldom to- 1 and the public generally (rho. will, &Yoe;me,e with , a \
Ibe met with; • ' ! - 1 ; call: I have.resolved to "nriii•stre,ji . cyhe ship..".4\ , - ,
rfr Persons wishing engage in their sale; will II am determined-Jo - I;4p a DRUGS
and_ 'ti
ro '
receive promptly by a tniul, a Circular containing full i keep good assomnentiof Drugs; Jfifn Ives, Paints, , . 2
particulars, with " Directions to persons
,dl;mescd to ; Oils, Pyr-slnes, Groceries, Wase-wares,-Per;
act as Agents," together '
with terms on whieh they 1 foinery, Yettave Notions, and all aorta af F ang
will be furnished, by addressing the. subscriber, post I Goods, &c &e.; such as I kept.before the fire, which ,
paid. . ' RQItFRT SEARS, Pentisuirt, ; ' devourvd the earnings an life time in ant hour.
, ' loi will = St, N. y. kontrrieLe, Nov., 28, 104. ABELTURRELL ! •-
WIIEREAS I have just received .a near stock of
Winter Goods which have been bought at the
lowest prices, and Whereas I am in greatwant of Cash,
Woolen Yarn; Corn, Oat
..,o, Butter, Eggs, Wood,(four
feet lotig,) or anything ease to-keep a poor to from
starving, I- ant bennul-tO sell goods at. a' very • low
figure for any of theatiory articles: Just call and
take a book, that's 6111 -- . A. LYONS.
Lanesboro, Sanitary 1; 1135. .
• ,
THE subs.crilxis on the most liberal
! and easy terms„onkor the best located Evans for making
money in Northein Pennsylvania. The said farm is
situated on the Sidwburg \and Owego Turnpike, two
Miles east of Mount Pleasant villa;p4, and twelve from
the .N.T. k. E. R. 1,11., also Aery conveniently situated
to Church,es, Schools, Saw-miliSrDlack.
smith shops Ac. li-coinains one hundred and sixty
one acres, one
,litindied . -lof it under a good state of
!'cultivation, ' well WrgtereHand good buildings. consist
! ing of a good framed well finisned off, and very
ieenvementiv arrangcd.i Also two good barns and a
l'tood barn shed well calculated for.convenience„ two
rlarge orchards poldinlfrom 500 to 1000 buzliels an
nually, mosflr
fruit of the best quality. The
;:;farm is well adapted to; grazing sufficient 'to keep a
!large stock. Fol.; pricie and term apply to -13: F.
lEATO.M, or to ALFRED LAKE, on the preinises.
IlarfoTd, Dee. y , 3 , - 104. .
I The subscribed have taken and fitted. up the near
building on the West side of Public Avenue, two doors -
Illabove Searle'sl - Intel, and are now receiving a large
4 and well selected of . ••• •
Fall and Winter
-Their stork is almost entirely 11 - EU; having saved
Ilbut a very.fevr. goods from the late destructive
ies ~and compris their ninnl variety of DR r GOODS,
I.Groceries,.c,rockery, !Hardware, Drugs, Itedicines;
1: Paints, .oils, Dyestuffs , Boots, Shoe., Leathers, Glass,
Jewelry, Watches, -Silver Spoons, CloCks, Yankee
Notions, dc. - &e. Weiare thiutkful for the patronage"
hitherto bestowed. upein 'and trust that our ens
! tomers, and the publics genera ll y, will not fidl to give
! us a call in our new location, 'confident that we-can
supply them with 'good.: on us favorable terms as bere
t tofore. °, • - • ' BENTLEY ik READ
Ifontr, Ntwember• 20, 1854'.
. .
11DOOUGIIT at the loxy"tt prim, and niithe sold ae..
cordingly. E U: BURROWS it. CO.
Gibson Octobei• 11 1854.
Cloth;‘, Cassisitere% and. Vegivaiiii:
A large assortment and atprices lower than we have
ever been enabled to offer them heretofore. -
Gibson, Oct. 11,.1854. -
Dress Goods.
A great variety and beautiful styles, and almost a!
cheap as could be desired.. U. BURRO R'S k CO.
Gibson, October 12; 164. • •
. .
'lElkick Silk. • -
A.good quAlßy fur - dresses pt Sl eentA pei pm!.
Octoberil2, 1553. U. BURROWS & CO
Long.tmd square, wool, broche, and silk, very band;
some styles and at extremely low prices.
October 12, 1854. ' .11L'11R0 WS & 01.
Cliedrier than ever before known ; beautiftil patterns
and fine sptality of. 84 Broche Shawls, Lupen s man,
ufiteture; at V. U. BURROWS & CO.
Gibson, October 11, . 185.1:
H - Bay State.Shavali,"'
The LEREENT's!ze r roEsi QUALITY, anti NEw.TATt.
TEENS, $7,50 each. r U. BURROWS &
Gibson, OrtobCr 11 18.54.
• Csirpets, • ,
A good assortment end handsome patterns, it Teri;
low prices. t 7; BURttOWS & CO:
Gibson, October 1% 1854: .
Buffalo tiptoes; ' • •
A large lot of handsome Robets, apart of thein
Indian dried and very superior color and qualitt.'
October 12.- 1:54. U. BUILIIO WS d: COL
Popular • tent- - Medicine Allen by -,
A MEL TUBE tatajustretleived a.nea supply
E 1 for all the- 'puha. P/CriNt MEDICINES of tlio day,
including Dr. J. vne•ii .celebrated :Medicines, Trteilt's
Vagactietiimmtint, Tanner's 'dermal . ' . ointitieot; My=
ers' 4stmet Rock Roie,. Forest &c.
of all sorts, all direct from Alte:pmfirietors.: AlsO„
Burning Flidd,"Cantikent, chant as the cheap.
est. ; A. Ttuutat-
3lontroE., Deetnbir 6, 1951
A Chaitee i to 'Make 1
THE subsc.ritieria!desitoua of 'miring-in ageht in
each clink:* and town of the Ijoion.
frOni $5 to $lO only trill be required. anything
like in elllcienyenergetie man 'can make from three
to Ave dollars r day z—huleed, some of tikeigenti
now einployed ire reniking twice that auni: - tiery
i n f ormat i op w ill b e etreinow eadresgiort(piistiald,) •
- , .134# GO), • Pc; "Vost (gem
T 014164 901 1 :
assir at tout
f:;l.=moritat ipollsret ► 7trf
• t- 1.310
NWlll,ev.el;‘,. man indebted to me. iiless•
• I li .reuiember me in this my time of need..
by sending to me , the amount due immediately: '
Noveniber 23, 1854. • ' ABEL TURRELL. I- ''-
I(BELER & STODDARD, qincq the late Lre,
be found in the PASE:IMOOFBRAILLVi.
HOTEL, KotWithstandiug the tinpreeedented
l'pidity with which our 'stock of . Boots; Shoes,
"went morning
,of on the morninof the'fire, 'stßi hart
Lowe hand ,. and shall soon be well supplied sgodai
I. Montrose, Xocember'l3.'lBS4 •••
•• Iit!TICE! -
r sttbScriberi being i;er,ere..aufferers from tho
I. late disastrous Fire, have reiiitoved with what •
little remains of . - their stock, to the ngsa_huildinit
the Arenue i . opposite W. J. it-13". 11.1fulfiniro glom
where they will be happy to . see all theirfriends and
etistomers, andliOpe in the etatise of some ten dirt
to be able -to greet. them with an entirely 3.8 IF
SI'OCK.O.F 000.149. • ' . - " I
. , ..
. . ...
We` trust that some. of .. Qui : etistnniers . ido - t
been lung in debt, will remeniber-that:thbils 'a '
of .':ieretat. - NEED will' rtcanti do u they woold ti"
done by.. .- - ' 'IIE.NT.LEY & READ, - ..'.. - '
Montitse,s'ovember 14. 1854. .- -'. - ',-
A u
stondinF Disclosure! -• .
1) LINES Is aoin al the Taming, banes:— i
_a: • Tillie, tbereftire, Whii hire enough'. Of - the
right principle to encourage home ins/mitre and desire
his serviml. will please take notiee. His. object win I
be to please those who employ bim, undyeeeiYeere•
lard for his labor. Shop over trawler& Mott's Aar*.
Montrose, November 20, 1134.
' DISSOLUTION. • •• - • t
rr" copartnership bereft:Wore known under the
name and firtn of New - ells Brothers,. in the /kik
Blind and Door busdness, is this day by tur.tnal into •
sent and-agrecinent 'in:solved. .l
LaneShoro, Jul;i 11, '54. IC.NEWELL.; -
The subscriber- would respectfully call the attention - I
of those who wish-to purchase'anything in'his lino
business such such ai
Sash, Doors, Shutters Bihttl,s c
C:thinet Wire of l'arioUsitinds,,.
. Bureimie t 'lables, gwretarics,
Stands, atiiis and Settles..
Also, Iteady-tnade• Coffins. I - e. Palatin and - Glaeinfr,
if required. Country Produc'4 and Lumber -TAT taken sp.
exchange: Terms, ready pity: • - • , --
Lanebboro. July 1s; Iss4. ,CABElit NEtFELL
c. .. . ~ . .
, Till; " KNOW 7.4l)TililiGill*- ' ..,'
I ll
. But , fo r f
Tit t vl
A fitun its orbit, mid the sun shines on as before; -..
bling the "Picture Man "to at his trade ofight
and sluide in his usual .satisractory manner. -'..,
1 His esr Stock, just purchased,. comprises e*ef:.
1 'thing nest and desirable in tt; He
_baguirreetyPe line,
; and lie'asits that you will forget to calL . ' . • ,
Ilie has also some recently published Ikpelta,srbielt
will belsure to please ;lose. who Irish - good reading:
- i •- ' ,W; B. DEANS:
. , .. , , .
. Odd.Fellowelfall, Montrose, Pa. • -, , -
or W. B. DI does not trifri.iieturva for 23 arie/
crnts. i, nose wholtrisk sueh frog "nun so 'UMW's.
John Grovrie AdVertistingst
&S nature, 'who furnishes the birds And . , he,sti wits
an extra cart for -winter; has not - made made ein:au! pro
vision for man, I hare concluded to take it•ution may to t attend to that department; and therefore I.
think proper to announce that all abireting male I&
peds, that need now apparel; glorious or inglorious,
fashionable or unfashionable, can have their yams
supplied and their tastes suited by calling on toe, at
my shop in Montrose!.
- NEW Gi0011114: • :
T ?C. LEE,..AT NONtilOgE DEPtit, has joet rr:,
eeired a .net, supply Spijng and Staimee-
Goods, l which-will be sold very low Ihr cash or &his
prctduee. . . .
I'atINDS good New Oileans Su
1; liar at - ;J. C. LEE'S
, ,
rrEA, Coffee, 3folasses, Futh, Rice nd Oroc!nits
JL of 411 kinds, Tery'theap at , '4. C. LEES..
-L ...
-' - ' Wanted,: . -..- :• .
-- . _ •.
.. •
A ICY ;plantar of. Eggs at : l2 tents dozen, in
it.IL cxchange . for goods at 'J. CI. ili Store;.`.:.
ANT quantity of liatterrak 16 centi per jxrilin4,*
excharge tor GoodB'at, J, C. LEE'S New Stmt.-,
rrHOSE wishing to purclutse for casb, or in_et
-1 change for 'barter, will finti is .to their interest
call and examine my stoek . OrGOOds and,:tirities
themselves: For barter.of all'idtiaithe highest plc
es may 'stalltimes be relied on at J LErfli Stets,
3fontrosehDepot. • ' - -
, Dot' tit iiimiantazt . - -: '
' Thib'Farnieesi'Stoire: Itesbislit.. •
17(7E wit4h to Pay to, our trlenda and custentera 111:4t
1 V we hare withstood the devouring cletrient tl%t
consumed our Sto^e with meat 001
of our G,
.n . 'd
erected a convenient shanty;where we shag be ha;-'
customerpy to-sec i our old customer as well . at neir:. 'We aro
'going to sell goods lower thamerer, And ire think tea ,
per cent. less than yOu qin'buy elattelierelisusqmv:
hinna co: Cali and re:: 'WARREN &TfLayTER. • =
BY. 'virtue of ii-wrst of Vend: Er. issuedout ot•thf
13 court of ComMott:Pleas of Estufueluuma tour.
to and to nie directeo, I will expose to Public ale . i ' e
the Court: Ifousclitt - Montrose, on SitunlairAte 17t4
clay bfWebruarrnext. at . 1 O'clock r., at., lit dial cars
tain piece or parcel Or land lying and beinialtiiitad
in the Township of !ferment , in Smiqueltiondatounty,
bowided and.dcseribed as * fakes. to wit : . bit,
north by land of Arabs and Skate Barnes. east
.by er,,";
Belmont - & °Mingo luenpike, and On the *nth and I
west by land of tiinen and Ames llatttekeentainingli i
one acre of land more qr lessi witlitheappudennieee l
one• framed house An)d barn - and all linPrOW. - 1.
Taken. at the • suit 'of D. A. Leon* &: ii.: Ni.
Ira Wifflanny • ..- 1 ' r. .r... HOLLtsysik .r. . I
sheriff's idliee.3 l oOtroo ii; *IWO - IW . , -c -, 1
El k
„ ~ . ~ -4, „ • .
- . "'Aims VOR SALE. - •':: - 1
iig sukeriber mil sea as . agent ibrlxt,tinitand Si'll- '‘
1 .1. Jug Real Eatat4u-rintat, nooses. Ind 10w.14. I
rated in 9ilmittelituvrii totilitj,, pa. All whii-irlah . te. I
afro; their property :t a. can give inntrintardexl4. 1
doll' of their Fame 'Or Lots as roam": .- ,s)ukkbel , .<4
vim* .
lere N 4ei" : maiOn'iirPied• anAlgar-,_ lial
liso,-brinards, Id, or comriott front;
tites; find the n t point to •the I), tt, it, .T'll R, '
nil N. Y..k..t. IL . ---- - , .- -' ~ i. : - 1
62 &rine on the Hat, 43 =Wit-- At istaie% It*
bkribr tt minute deseliPtion;price- atuktery.a,sik
I- °Mee on titrupiki rt.:fiber; mdttor'illifit 11...''''
siontroae, - kutplatils,lBs4, \ ,- ~ . .i. 11/11,10 1 WW-, , :=
1 - Clover'sir 'ilia why, Seed % -...•
Volt Polii at %T v q." g !stem
A. • . . ..:," .. ltvavoiltromor-- , ''' -
- fof:one doh:
itt's':Bates.. ~~