Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, March 08, 1855, Image 4

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and tr.:S. Gazette.
Cllr. • •
Ecilteir article appeared in :lime
'of OlirjnornaK nsli‘trt tinte-sinecc tak from
ton l,
lowa nt,wll4o%*l'l"ll-':tml"'"e'cd ('n the 1
‘idl4ed. authority Of Senator DOughis,-11;ieni-.
tonitdinifiet that theworld had, for Morahan:
.-for.ty . years, 'alet labefinintider a, delusion
as saapposing that 34Ose-mi had - been burned
in 18121,..and,thatNiipoleen„hipaSlt,,who. in
e language of the artielereferred poi" was
compelled. to march his -army through . the ,
fire,' 'WA equally- Mistaken in, regard 'to that
Having . sirrive4. - there Myself in Anguat.
-:1814, wttere.l .1-entailed till
~ ,the .folloWi4g
;May,' profess tri..knew the condition of Aos
'eow- at that tiine,nrid annex a few facts in re
4ard to it : not,' hoWever, beeause 1 - sopposel
the absurd story attributed
. to &newt; Doug.
‘ 'las needs any. refutation 'with - - Well-mloranea
pers'ons, but with thebelief.that they may af
'iltkaWine. /0..Y9k11.7
The Trench' arn-iistateri.4l4oseoir on the
second day of September, O.F. 1812,:Kutu
-7off hiving evacuated it a day : or two:pearl-
The inhabitatusteliered that he would
'. - have risked a battle iff its strce*and. were
_entirely :ignorant • lif the
Restopcbin, the' military •GovernOr,• to' dm
trop their venerable. city! . on Its ‹xxupation by
3he enemy. 1
OnSunday, ithotit noon, Napoleon estab
. - iished'his head quarters in the Kreinlin ;and
- - on Monday bight the , city was discovered to
be-fin;le places. This ter
rible etinfla - gratiOn lasted eight day's, during
six..of-whcib' it:raged With equal fury.
•About seven-eigfithS of the City, spaep,
and nearly all of the Most magnificent estab...
lishinenbi of , the nobility, with their - costly .li
•.braries, galleries of the.: tine arts - . &e.,. were
d'troVed., At the, date of my arrival; near
' ly two years- after • the ponflagration, the great
street, called Tverslioi - ,:which in extent, and
the splendor of ifs editiceS Would have-once'
vied With that of any_ 'capital in Europe,,was
-still almost entire) ruins, a solitary man-
Sion" here and there', in process, of re-constue
tion,.. being the only,: marks of returning vitalr
ity. Kitay 6orisi,lor Chinese tow-u, :the
:business part of Moscow, ! .lying 'under the
Kremlin, and-walled which . contained ha•
mense depot_s - of flour, 'grain, &e., all the. ware
houses. and shops, and Most of the restaurants,
-and coffee houses,.not i a single building leas
eai col.
. • •
. •
• •It is beyond theSe walls thatnre found the
13ofilevarcls, the spite - alas streets, the immense
structures . 'owned,- and in part o e etipied,-14
the nobility, and the re s idences of thepffisials
-and best el - asses ;gistierally. - Af , .ny
. of these
buildings are surrounded by extensive grounds,
often walled in..and.are at considerahle,.dis
. -lances asunder, to Whkh, mainly, and -the
fact that '4 portion ; Pfl the French army - -was
:..quartered there, may ibe attributed.the pres
;creation of about one-eighth of-the city in area,
-Whieti.was saved by almost superhurnan
:-..efforts of the - French 4oldiers.- . •
The Kremlin in manner
• 'the French, and protected by .- brick walls of
"'from twenty to. thirty feet
. in height," (not.
1 sixty, as Senator notiles is retorted to have
said,) was also prefetived... - Nor did any
- , magazine blow. up- and crackthe Church of
Ivan Veleek' . y,' as : .stated. The rent in the'
• 'walls of thatrathedral, and the prostration of
several of the. tower : sand bastions - , (now prob.
ably replaced) of the old Tartar fortress,* re
-.caused by the expansion-Of Mines:plat:4 un
...der them by ,Ntipoliion. when 'he • evacuates]
?Moscow-, and which,: but for. - the -failure of
sotne , of them to. Would havii left the'
whole Kremlin,,With thirteen Chinthes,
two imperial palaecs, arsenal, barracks; &e.,
stearnplete mass Of Otitis.
• : How far .11e , ePw May 'claim to have been
.burrit miy partly be inferred. from a
'statistiCaltahle now : before me, published by
- the Russian gnv. , iunent -after tbnevaeinition.
:When the French entered NtoscOW: - it vein
; 2.5G7 brick;houses of whiebilOil were
burnt! • Put the;' reader must not- - suppiPie I
mean th&se male : structures so called', in our
.cities, or even the. bOasted edifices with their
four rooms on
,a floor,oceasionally, seen here,
- which are the pride' and envy of many
good citizens. ,Most of the brick - houses re
. ferred to, and so. termed , by the 'Muscovite
' enurnerater,. would, from their' nreat exten.
and capacity, be called 'in Italy, palaces, east:
- - in the shade in aliese respects, the most fa-;
mobs6o;arr. public hotels, each furnishing
. space r for the acciOnnuxlation of- Many fami-
• ties, and roost Of. them so occuPlehe
vastness of these'edifieeii can hardly be ap- .
eciated by persOns who:havenOt seen them.
instance, 'the house of Count Arpaxiti
- small part only. of which, v:ith its 'palatial
ball-rooms, draWing-rootns,:pri:Vate - theatte,
• "
.Sze.; sufficed for: his prince lt eStaliliAtinent,
.the rest being rented. out :0-tenants, and
Which he had •al6..ady -rebuilt in 1814—wai . a
'huge ( quadrangular building- reputed 31.
to' be
verst i . or two-tliirds'ofan English 'mile in (Ar
t- cumferenee • 'H
- Of wooden hotise's there were 6591,
Which 4491 were burnt, leaving on the de-.
"partto e the .Fretich. but ' 2100, chiefly ai
..the extremities. of the city. •
Even at the Clo Se. of 1814 there .were'6ooo,
fewer street' lapips tlian, prior to the arrival
of: the French. Thei . churches having been massively built And arched; - and . having lioorg.
of brick. or stone, -with
bustible. in their interior, and: being, tnorpo.i .1
ifer generally -detached'frorn 'tither buifilings;l
suffered niuncrically less - thaw:it) wiadeiale
,destruction of a e i ity. might - _lend one
Tose., Theuiunber standing when the French
arrived was 329,' and in August; 1814; 213 .
were ill-a cvndition, fit for use.:-... ;
34u - inn - re detalls - Ctipld-be : .#h'en,... but
isuppioie : the aboVe will, suMee 'to clispoge:7Of
• ;Abe gikantie itnag,inarypood *beds ofSeastor
on..the-buruing of which be would greatest of our modern
"poets wasted his magaifieent apostrophe:.
..Sublim est of volcanos! Etna 'a game •.
Pales before thine, and queueblesa Ileele's tame,
Vesuvius, _shows his blaze, au Usual- sight,
For gaping touiiita, from ,her hackneyed height.
Thou stantrst alone, uurrrillled till the fire
:To come, :wherein all empires: shall expel
strarzei . dismounted at the door of the
Rote 1 ga%.e his horse to the officious
*atter. • Ti#e btu-keeper opena, the regsiter
to take kits name. s- '•• -
- *Yon are,` right,' sikid he, a . single Tooth I
.-- viould be More agreeable,! and he .walkA
,to :the super" room to which the crowd of
Warders wire 'passing. bar•keeper, ran
after him; a(id sereamirighi•lis ear--
- • Wtat lathe did yOu st 4 :
raid he;' "I can find the Wen
don t put younself wor . tr ot ibie -
Oa his 1 , return to the,`a waiter
took up lasand told the deaf
he w‘ uld . shun him Ole thatither,
My 'friend, who - will'aperal the-.ea;enin,z
,Iwith - me„.prtfers palcrherry,, said he You
.:rosy send,up a . bottl and a few cigars:.
. .si .die Dot,' raid the bar-teeper, ` 'exactly
ilndenstava your name.' - I
think's. littlelee would. improve. the
1,41144 1, 4401 f its .answer. • 'And now 4 ilia:d
i*. Y0)1 may ()tit the bottiejnn Wine ,enelee
lit* friend now joine4 thei walked
4,4lx4eimiougether; The deaf lodger Patt
th t ptoii i ti4 atiothtr
bottle „tie_ 9pf. Trio . waiter who
brim tght. it up, 'yet* red
,once•• More to, en4uire
:" c `.N - ' ol . l 4lgitity. 4i 4n l(l
Old jnint; . a - i little 1 bre:al - 40
Chee-e„, arterl toil:0:14st
_when the str.inger'ls ,horse 4 was atl tha door,
.lioiasked for Ile 'l!was •told it was'
sit, dollars and three -quarter's:. ,rIYOu are
very Turd;. 1, ba4 4PC6O=d to PAY
you, but if thil'i4,y,our,etistorni - to Charge
nothing for - the• fit shall npt lose,
by it-:—all my friends in Siongeville will cer
tainly give you at, east ane when they
come into the cityi—good morning.'
would thank ylon to p4Y - you,r billhefore
you go,' screanied Abe bar-keepee., ;•
I am obliged toyou,' said thedeaf gentle
man. *I can -put )hem, on; and he took up
his ladle bags and departed:. As he mount
cd, the by-stander 4 began (o laugh immoder
ately at the ; ftwlti4ard entbarrasment: which
afflided the bar-keeper, who was he d 4 spair,
'while he bawled t)after thhf delinquent who
continued bowing and , repeated • hisi assur
micas that he would certainly,remember the
accOnunodations, eivility,akd liberality of the
house, and recominend it to' all his friends
who might pass through the city. The gen
tleman .whit sq affected ;'deafness, won
the scope he _had *liked oh the stmesh of his
scheme, ntid paid)his bill the nest' time he
visited the city. ; '
• -
A - ,Lady'opinton of 1 nny Fern-
And SO yonlvis t h!nie- toltell you 01 about
Fanny Fern, and iActher aitith Hail
.14 really
her Auto bio„ar.iphy, do yon ? Well, ;1 wish
Fiuiny would let nee tell the whole story,'
' the . 4 Oki DOetori , (see Itytil - Hall) Says it
would do her creditk ' .
Fanny is flit( igether a reinarkable. creature.
We wer&sebOol - girls togOthe'r, as you know,
and very timid 'friends., - ; a eon
scientiouS sehol.iir; and always had he;
She was
_delicate',lOOkini, hut aS. nniseular
and active. as ,a - doe; waS tbnd - of rainhling, in
the wtxxis*to.g,athei. floWersomd. e4tild oat
walk alt her school-fa:AO. ' • She W 4 some
times,, little too ohl-tnaidisl to suit: `me and
many Other--nii.)re espeilalli the heaux who
wished ttlingratiatethemselves intolhei Favor;
she always .seat thetrt to t he ' right :ahout
double4quiek time; pitehed- their boquets
out of the . •.
• Fannydres.,.:ed the mcis!. tastefully . 'Of us all.
She could tie • a ribbon, putothn lbOws,..and
flowers, aio featheri on tti borinut, eut and
fit a dr.-s,4irrange!n.ecdlar, c ur, clatm•A
ing better,and make left* ornament s
, - AO a
slim. wardrobe go furthee,thatratiy,:;.bOdy else
I ever saw. Whenever any -, aLns ;girls at
school or at home waked to drOs.,partieu
larly nice, we -would .'pu; Fanny taste and
handiwork into requisition and 41though
she seldom attended part eo herself, iihe Used
to• take - .mueh . pleasure: in fixiir* up' , !her
friends for such inomentOus. occasions. She
was very fund cif thildrkn; with ;whom ;She
was a great favorite.; and she Still. She
seems to know them - thri'me.hlv. l and they
. .
s‘,..era,tiariow ber. Shp NfOuld quit thp
to dre4ii dot,/ or
it Lail for -,q to. have
play 'With the 4itle 64s generhil,y,
A ite rwe acre ri( /,, d kr was mftrried first)
we did tiiit see eaell oihrt so ofto. ;
. ,
proved An txeellent hoUsekeeper,' contrary
to the predictions of some of ItO• acquaint
atitec_... I'l'er husband wits a...splendid • man,
and I used ttollink I nev4ir'SZlNV so in a coup
.le as they, when they cdtne intol church •on
Sunday. They had three ehildren,the oldest
of whom died , when about six-yearsoid. roe:
,• Fanny !the death of her little darling almost
broke her heart. She 14 dinostlitffeetionate.
1 mother, and it took lieralong, time to recover
ffromth'e shock.... Our' .lestie died not long
I after, amid va buried near dearFatiny.'s little
i . o ne ;- and we used to 'yr:ft- their ;graves and
1 .
i Weep there together... I illitve never become
I acquainted mit h. another ,such .. a ildigi.,tig mt.
1 titre as 'her..: She is ortlio&x, through and
I.through, and .nothing can; it:hake him- 'faith.—
.Iteligion is nut a matte of beli4l N‘ith her;
[she knoWs it. Had itntt. been fdr this strong
religious tatture,, I think :she never cOuld have
hurtle tip under her trial 4; for .trial. 4 she. has
Iliad, many and severe. !: . - I,
, I.The . deatkof her husband was, 4 terrible
'blow td Fanny... They loved.-each Other de
-1 "iotedly. Ist.
. ur sonic weeks- I Wiii : - . 4ff aid she
1 ,woutd o crazy,-but her trust it,
isustained ter., Then cattle yearn of poverty,
and suffering worse than. poverty ; - but of this
, ,ough -I b
en, las :been ' said' f ib y , others. I - Even. in
those dark days. Fanny taste and: judgment,
her..deaterity . with the needle, audit : ler *ill- .
ii . fort4king a, littleoagreat . ..Wat.enabled -
her alWays • toniiilte-a1 good - riipearatiee at
.hpine, And iiiz•iy. I have . often Iseeti her
lookin , , , quite queenly; a,t;hen
_heel . whole•ward
robe teuld not have coat as much is the fain,
or, the collar, or the b4nnet, tit the pocket •
handkerchief of some 'line lady'. (who wa.,
perhaps, envying ber44ipearanoe. 1 Her . fine i
form and gramtitl earringe, oftvuree, helped 1
her A great deal, for sht has one °tithe. finest ;
forms 1- ever , saw. Her tace is not handsome,
, but she is so geoa-hearted, so frank and siin-i,
. - ,ple in =her inanners, .o)';intelligent triii i witty.: l
' that,-ittcoaver.-.;atioa with her; you - Wou d nev-,
er'think i aeiillina her hognelv. , l 7-1 ' ''•
• i, - ;, w
' That_ phrenological i'examinatil .in the
seventy-sixth cliupter. ef Ruth 114.11 would
apply to :her: pretty .e> peciai3y what
is said 'about • 'Bull's? .religions nature, her,
trust in Provhlefte,' her ounisitivens, het
' , taste, and eliolm of friends. • think Fanny
_never had - trimly intimate frietid.4;l she. is tog
exacting. If ; a man ;should Swear in her
presence, Or speak lightly of religibu or any
body she loved, she would not b . apt ever
tij'adniit hint , to her i•oriidenee. But what,
I _personal frilTdli :Sililisis'are always devotO
friends, and _respect ltc%E . very highly.
-dear : ripe,:hint I ana'setting on!
must stop stn -matter all up in a
I brief , spave,,fanny 'Fern ins ohe Of the molt
reruarkabk . * well itistOne of the best of wo•
I men.' for itamess, 4pd her phtiti speaking,
bave doubtiess,-madeiritemies ;z who will try
,to it her ; Lut I 4.4 u assure you that yO s u
may rely • ilpoa heir Ininesty and
gt , odneSS, whatever. ! Y . 1)11 Mil • hear or dead
to the contrary. , 4
.1 I
A s sung6ter 4 skating the. other daY
an I.lolyotte, brolitt,;irottgb into the
water. , Sump one lila:him, aod rat* -for belt).
In thi:,:neantime the yOungstei extrieated
peif ran bone, fearing a flogging, erept slyly
to led: The mpte . ied,, awl aeart.fio .11,r
fait 'hi th e . anal ytng itaigictid prayeie a tn
some- of titp ietigio*Aneetings of, the evepipg
Were offered' fur the bereave('
Wi l be ezieeed acrahlic sale e n the farm -Of 6e
subicrii)er la tiarford ,(nitar Tra i Crp!nter's)ou Tees
day the '2OOl day of FebrOary . nest, the 'following
ortY w wit;,. • I •
One pairafteactpzen,i Cassi, Aria
fifteen Sheep; onewrered Carriage, he. Am.;
Fele to commence at )0 Odor* A. K. + 0
• Tenus..7 Eight womb,'l a
eredit be twat' a
:iota with intererailuid-epprtrred remit!.
gotice. ;r
liberebnAieri. thofietteri tetitatitei
"tiPoO**ltotni*of,AnnosrJaat, decesse9, of
Ittekoceivitilibip;bseetteen goonted,to the subottito
tbersositidebt#l to said 4:itateori . roqueeted
to =nitrate iktylikent, and those - hart% cliAltoo
%ton mid
, 4040,toprestut them.duhr tift•M trot i set.
dement: MART vtisr Aloi r
liadeet fli" "4'4i
':.&; . ifre E. ER. l4 4lill'i •
TAN'ttcrr4tlts O sAbpr,E.§, ILIA E ;
iv 1 the' Ba.scruCnt ofSearle's
licitit;:llcntrosce, N. - .• •
fill. Sit='' . '
• . . • . —,1313,
IIIIICA)T AND SifDt ritElt.. i
! Shop qrstdoor east
B. of Oda Felicoviie 1.1.11 !Turbke at., Malan:ie.
' -
• .:, ' Nhr. Sintleion
CAN now be foiihd at los new (stand on Owego st.
two doorsw4st of Stitrle's loiel,I oiel, where. be ef
fectually repairs . s.*ith Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry, Guns,:init everyidescOlption of Machinery.
Wheel cutting; Gun and [Wateli materials supplied
to the trade. .
, Dr. IL .
titagoN DENTlST, lilonticke, Pa., at - Searle's
Hotel,,Mond4s and Tpesd4s of each week.
• *ivy & Sna p pp, . • •
i,rONTROSE, PA., with RS, Hroodreiit ik 'Cor
' ter, Wholesitle Grocers ttitO Cominismon iter
ebanta, No. 173 Washing on' itirecbetween Court•
andt 'and Dey streets, .Net, York • '
:Caleb We4l4 . "•••
Trimtnetr.., Shop
. 14 his dwelling howl*,
early oil e Itenry Drigkerls
lit Mer di Fa
1. - 1 and Solicitnfii in Chancery.
street; Chicago, JP:
. • I'acfiq IEO4
4Ersvicru:STßEl3T, (h4ar Broadway,) Herr
York. Sallibury Proprietors. in the
vicinity of the pripeipa landings.
.• - Tlioutaslng,Tun. • -
DEALER IN.!DRY GOOD:tl,lGroceric.4„ Clothing,
Crockery, iltrots'aild Susquehanna
Depot, Pa• . 1 • - •
Bentley & }ltch, •
TTORNETS LAW, .Jfo,arose, Pa.
13. 8. BENTLiT. . F.
_ Jobn Groyes.
-IPASIIIONB.fT. TAILOR; Shop uit4er Searles
Hotel, )[aisle, sti'eet,:ll/initrose, Pa.
D. D. Hinds, .
I-4. in the iear'ef ifonfrose, Pa.
= • J. Colsten, ' -
TVALER Copper, and Sheet
I T 'lron Ware;:! l ioderati/K , hear Great Bend Depot.
December 4. -
1 M. C.. —Tyler,
IN'TERESTED';:witIi LL. DUN?, Importer of and
• Denier in Hardware Mid Clattery, Carriage Springs,
&C., No. 215 Portil :itreet, inn York, where his Mer-
Cantile friends, iii this and other counties are .kindly
incited; and earnestly solicited, to adl and purchase.
' • L: P. Hihds,
170F6rET:AT LAW, Sjisqaeltatitta Pa. Office
tilt . , ILiine s t reet, onp dodr :ist of Lenheias.
rrazie .'.Case,
Officci - On . Turnpilep 'nfeet, one door .East o
Post's Store, .21T4trose, ~('a. I<
Albert ehaieterlin,
TTORXEN ; AT LA*. argil Justice of the Peace;
over 1. L.' Post k, Ou'zx c.tore, Montrose.
Wm. H. - Jessup,- ,
Damis, Cori the Stale opliew;Yorko;rill attend ; 1
to all busines2s eatruAted :to bim with prompinm and s
fiffiee:Ou.Publie Square, occupied by Hum;
E Abel ?Tarrell,
, Paints, Oils, !dye-4%1(N Groceries, Dr+ Goods,:
Mardware,iStotieware, Glasswtire, Clocks ' Watches,'
Jewelry, .silverlSitoons SpOtteles,Musical. bustru-:
Utcnts, Truisse: , Surgical Insluitments, Liquors, Per.i
rumery, Mirrorty Station4ry,l finedies, Shoes, Yankee
,be. • • I _
B. B. 4011:3 & Co. ,'
!V Drj• GoollGroteries,..Salt, Flour, and Hard
ware, Lanrsbo?», Pa; -
i • .P. B. Ch
TAEALftR 1;$ 1 . DRY o'lo
Groft;eriellooks and
venue, Pa.'
Patrick & , Dimock, •
Ipiasi,ci.t - Ns - AND. stlitGEoNs. Office No. 4
Owekril:treet, Moittrof..-;
I. L. Pod.* Co.,
;UVEAL4RS PRY GOODS,.Gruc;...ric. Crockery
1 1.1! comer of Turu' r
pike street and'!Public A.ventii, Montrose, Pa. 1 .
- Lyons & Son., •
": - FIEATtIIS:,'IN DRY jr.;(4)lp'S, Groceries,Hardsrare,
.1.1 Croikeri:t4 Tinware', Gi.occries, Boolis, etc.; also,
carry on the kkok: Bi7t4ing,l,nsinss—Public Avenue,
3fontroxr; Pii.• •
• ; Bentley &Read, •
DEALERS IN DRY GODS, Drag, Medicine..
Paint y'' 614, Grokeries, IlArdware, Cloclzery,
Iron, Clocks,.:Wateb . esi:Jewalry, SEI er Spoons, Per
tintery, &a--;Foot o'PuW c A.renue,rifolt.troite.
•• - : Sa#e, Bentley ;& Perking, 1
..-A fAN tT.-‘l4'T CRERS OF AND DEALERS Th. all
it I khrli of Castings, StoVes, Agricultural Imp
etc. .01lice at tiarre's' StOre; Public Avenue;
Manufactory it the Eagle: FOundry, Foot of Cherry
street, ifontror, Pa. ' • . j . .
_ ,'• •: .. - i : - . .
:Willie= & William H. Jessup, - ,
4 TTORNETS :TIT LAW,i Montrose. Pa_ Rene-
ZS_ tice in SuNuelninnii, Bradford, Wayne, Wyo
ming and Luzerue countie i ' i
. .. ! .• .1 ,
, --“-- '
__' . IMAM W Stith &CO.,
("UDEET MAKERS..I They keep -constantly on
Imutd a:gked assortment' of all kinds of Cabin t
Furniture. :Shop and Ware Rooms at the foot f
Maine str: eet:, 41lontrixi,:lici.; . • ' -
.BOckwell,"Wiixton & Co.,
CT REt'S and DEALERS in ,Seralt,
11 4 A t
oor4N, Hat . R. ( d 'api, Pars, Umbrellas, .Par'a
sots, Albboris, &c. No. n Courtlan& street, N;ric
Fork, (hp oaks.)
E. A. 1241 . CWWELL. .f. noninn." W. Ie:WINTON.
Prwild* Fraser, • .
ifontrote, Pa., will attend faithfully to all busi
ness entrusted to him in ;the; county of Susquelumna.
ConveYanc4 l g and .writing of all kinds will be thine
neatly, tutdieharges 'niodeirate. He "will also atteudi to
the proSeeution of claims of libldiers, their widows end
heirs, apdost the fluited states Government," fur.
Bounty! ,Land, Pensitins, • May b e f oun d at ; a ll
hours at the office formerly Occupied by J: T. Rich-
ESQ.„.niwth - of the co - ur . louse. . 14139:
ii,uliegiriberi baying Se-cared the sole right to
BU'ITER,WORk4R,for - Pomp:Leh:ulna said several
adjoining ironnties.;respectfolly invite an Rutter mak
ers to °asinine and• the merits of this new and
valuable invention.` propOse to furnish each And
all of - you' with a Cni.-nsi thit will produce as mach
butter in ;as short' i time as any other churn—one
that will 01414.00 krprl the buttermilk, rash turd
work in Me suit. Wirnong PerfecaY through the
butter and fit it for rise, Without removing it from the
churn. •.Thiii Cburi is simPle in its construction, sci
entific in its Operation, and easily cleaned and kept in .
order, and .can •ber ; easily attached to ray ptopelling
power.- r
For fukher Particeltus. aply personally 'or by.let-
ter to 7:A.54; BPITNELV and .1. N. BRONSON,
Ararat; 11 !Is l itlehwina Viuntii Pa.
The Giiatest lin'prevenient of the Age! - C'.
",A "Williams' . Pcit big' -Act itig Ball. Val*.
1 0 - aree Pumps— • ;
AN iingtovernent above all other pumps or ,nut
chines for liftliag;thrOwing, and carrying water,
'comhining both it PuMp and a Fire Engine. This
lactase,: No bolts:for screws about it to rust, aquae
quently of will last i man's I life time. It can be used
in every, variety of form-4can draw water from! any
141114014 tutd carryilt,,to any part of a build's:t
is superior to all other. Pumps for Distilleries Pape r
Mills, Minniries, Brick Teti* Iron Works sod -
uraeturi* cAablislimeits of all kinds.
All order? must Addrissed to Amuses Diutitcs,
lodersvale,lPa.; o has the sole right. for Sow
,hanim eisuitY. '•
Thftl 4 , Persom bidebted;to the subscriber for t fees
as. Water, Itecortior 'sad qv*. oft } t e Orphan'a taott
would Wirer tins' irsttipg gukstaue soon.
kolirei Doe ; if: rAvgorixr.
Office No. 44 Clarke
1 --
• ; filer,
[ •. Ready-made Clothing]
Stationery, etc., Public
I i - 4 i. :r i' 1 2 ' ' i•I• 4 ' •:' '.• ' • 1 ''
• 1••:-%tiqtrallittOW)ertittMitt "i"
TOIL havejjustiehieviga signal •triumph. (lathe •
4. 1-140-41,0 water ,Pruc qr , with Freedcktn; far , •
1 . y or - watchword and : the." terror of Kingi,s7 for. your
e-aie, you 'bar e!wmalght arevolution wfileb in
IA e Old Welig *eubk Lake shaken. or the crown, Ir t ;
{.l,t,the head
luf.e'sery deSpot., and buried him beneath
i". the shattered rulas!Mf. his own- throne. And now I
atnitl. your h 4 hi reAcings and the jubilant - houts of
victory on erpry hand,' beseech you forgetnetthos.:
humble comiltinitins,Mll6,clung to your atatidaids - in
the days of yintr : htha.l.l44 -4 ,, and-tiefeac and. Who,: are "•
with von stoitr jet prialperity and success, esietilelly
Year old Pstrichie frleAlus Dl:ssiss; • ~
Who on the Sillily Weights of far famed Montivne,
laas met yotti;deasllietst ettemy and won the victOrY, too.
kntrenched Within his gates of pearl upon' his ebon :
6 1 • thr°n_t___ss:: :,- 1-. ..A...•.,-- . .-.. .. ,
He wears a alt oh aciiing nerro,', and speaks m hu
1 . . Mari tl*U. i• so • - •
• • • '
rißolloWs Ileanty's round cheek, clouds the sir eet
!L- maidim'a Onile, ~', , •
.1 Fills his empire with to tunes no power can beguile,
. From the brtglalirowiof childhood steals the rose
-1 m ..
ate bino, . , ~ -
j And shroluis i the: : visage of, tnanhOod witli squil
-1 chraVglOOm. s ~'I . •. .. ,
This foe to resf,iand health, and bloom, the worst in
!. - all creation, 1 .. .. .
.. ' - . •• .
We seize, though aimcii to the teeth, and rout by er•
1. - earati,ou., - ', -, : - •
And now like ;Whigs DO Democrats, and the know .
Nothing too,;, '
. .
Since We had pit the rehmof power, we'll show what
we cad Ito. :- • .: .
We'll,purgeitheSe "Augean stables . ' of the opposition
\ cano.
.And then with: imref material will di/ them up again,
And though hbitilel'polltichuis differ widely in, their
'' ..
. eiewK 1 . ; .4 1 : . . , ,
tofthe-contra sets Ifc measures that • each in turn may
• chooW .. - ',.
Yet in refetence t 4 out. policy we sure shall not be
told •11 ..Y.- - ' 1 • ' !
That nausetimi *lth Ituni3rottennes should tie prefered
to gait, .• . 1 .- .1 - . • -
Nur that whettlwni syStent has grown rotten in the
bong : ll'. ; ',i • !
The . powersi llitit, did the mischief should not be over
, . ttl)Esli- '' . 1 'i - 1
This, then IsEwlutt We do In the empire of the jars; ,
, The ci;ny iyinnts. we tipel, and abrogate their laws.
I If aught valuable ienittinS, that our jorcserring pur
-1 posq snits, I .
' -
I . We cleanse -. And-save it, all the rest we pull out by
- the roots.. ;• F . •
Then on theirnins,lby our art, ire quickly rear again
An arch of biiriling Gehl, with colonnadesof Porcelain.
And now Obtlfignre to complete, we only have to say,
These wonditytistransfOrmations all are done for pity.
; 1 .' .Q. D. VIRGIL, Surgeon Dentist.'
Montavtie; Novonber 6, 1854.
• :Inino Changed.
• • r liAtERO.AD. • •
ON and !Oiler Thursday, Nov. '23, 1854,- the: Mail
Pas - 4nktit Trairt:will"deptul from Scranton a t
12 M.. i s . 7 = 1
Due at Gre?it-fhind 'at 2.30 e., x.
Connecting 'with theiDaily Express Trains both coati
and wen int E IL IL, which arrive ILO
New Yorlqai9•.3o P. IfiAlnd at Dunkirk at 11. i •
Return Trill leavi3 Brent Bend on the snivel oftheg
Buffalo Exprl-eyil.btintullYest, P, M.,) which de
parts from NO' York at.. 7 A. 11:, and arrives at Scmn- -
at 5.50 -
The fre,ight ,itOcanitiodation Train with PaSsenge
- tiar attached Will leavi: Scranton at 1.60 P. arrivi i
ing at Graf Bend 'ati 6 P. M.,' connecting with thol
Mail Traitiliound West, and the Night Expres,A Trail
boand both t:ast and \Test..
Returniitc„ . learn Great Bend at 6.30 a. N. and;
arrive at; .iLq-ailten; Il A. NI. . •
Stagesiiill).K, in wiiiting on the arrival of p.1.5..5e . n4
ger trains!ai S..eranton.:, to convey pa.engera to Car4f
bondale,.l it!tsbamiWillit4arre; Philadelphia via. did,
Reading laili;oad;.Etiton and alt other intermediate
' places.. D. a., DOTTERER, Superintendent.
Superis-4eplientiso!hee, Serlynon, -Nov. 23, -17 18t
~ •
. i 1. ;-.' IF NEW MILFORD. . .
rtillE sitbseAbet - living leased the Store of thi
Mestirs. ;Pfintis, formerly occupied by I. S. Llti
tie; intentl.sto t cat e'fiermanently in New lifilford.
Anti hit it..6itiii!taka. this method of informing W
it th _
aiinhabitants OfiNefil6wd, and adjacent town's, th '
he has kih. ;r4urned Pont New York with a large and
splendid. tek• - of Trt;iii anti entirely new Goods, con!.
sisting or, DE rOOODs of almost every coneeivi
bin varietfrOltOtiEltlES as low as the lowest: Hart -
+liars, Creeekeo,. ißoi)ts and 'Shoes, Eats and Capt,
Bonnets 4 1 ,of:;•iocerkfaije, &c. &c., which he offers flit
sale on tfielliost fraSonahle temp, for - cash, counti
produce, hr reliable cit..edit. die would ol.u, gay in this
'cooneetiOn; tlitit be has added to the establishment:,
the maniditettiritig of Tin, Skeet.iron,.and Copp44-
etaiv in ;all Its vftritties, in which he is. pmpared tn
execute ill kindzOafijobs, by the very best workmen
In! on tlie;Atist i'ea.fonable terms. P
Dealer* suptilit;d at thelowest prices. Particular;
in relatiailtd'stotes &c., at sonic future time;. •
1 . , k I I !; J. DICKERMAN, jr.
New 3filford, ltav 16, JB3l. ' l7l
i g
ru.. AssovaltrENT of - Tin , Sheet Iron
2.k. and Copper 'Ware of ray own manufacture arid
made of .heavy iiiate; , for sale by
!•: • : Y I ; i,'; ; •J. PICKERNIA.N, jr.l
• New Itlillord. tlui 12, 1653. tj
- • :.
---ti—r tet 7l 4 ---:.-7
iYU . io .mynt of Hardware, Carpenter atft.l
2,:yunap Chain, anti fixtures at
New 441 . 00; 41..1131 1854.) nicEßll.t.N".r it
4, -- litkiiJiiiii l3l . l l§DS of the best quality ; for sale
- t • • i : :.
L.. 7 cheap at ;1 ; '• ' Dlc. gE.OIAN'S;;;-
DORK,Alitill AND SALT by the barrel or otb
ervi - iiC bixest prices at DICKERMAN"k
CAPITAL, $200,000 • , F
Secured by lioniC and Mortgage on th R
e ed Rattlie
lot" ate Stockholder*.
Insuris against-loss by like, of Houses, Stores, Mid'
other Inpldings, ,tkoOtis, WarL.4, and Merchandise, pn
as favoraltle•ienna 4au similar Institution. Los.tes
promptkv ,adjusted and paid. , 11;
DingerOati.--tion., Horace NVilliston, Athens ; Fr - '
cis Tylef,do,'; George A. Perkins do.; J. D. Meyer,
•do. •C. X; Shipman,' do. ; C-F. Welles, Jr, do. • .1 - . I E.
Canfield do :•;: .Hbn. 4ohn . Laporte, Towanda; den.lit.
Wakemgot, taceviiile; Geo. M.. Uollenback;
: Michael Meilert, Laporte, P4l.- • 4 1
OrYstin4...—Tioniillorace Williston, : President :]!C.
F. Wells, jr., If.Tt•es. and Treas.; ,g., Canfi4kl, :
lA* .• t . •
9t, Dtgar, Montrose, Pa. [l5
1 ..,.. GLi L
viIED. - i ~
,: clpernette7, 9 lirrtads
and is tonipeteilit tO take charge of a set of 800 ',lni---
must befeinperute and willing to devote his time itttd
attentiint io the itkierest of his employers; To One
that calYsitimet to,lhe above a liberal salary wilt be
given. l I Votie Otheis need apply Good recomm4nd
ations :required; ' B. F. Sr. R. II: EATON! .
— "H
Ilarford, Mn, i 185 t. - i , '
I .' 2
'.. 1 - .1
, :,
' :--. Ivip.w. FALL GOODS. .ii
.111 IlrltßlMwould invite' the attention of this
si friendA !and the public to his new and splen
did snick of /214c0; Wool, and Cishotere Long 'end ,
Bytom- i Shorria, rota 42 to (410—Ladies' Arm
Gooch; itacluditig„Plain and fancy PelaneNlDe-RigeS,
Psinuneitipt, , FCench iferinoes, bias, Poplins, Ong
harns,':&c.: ke.; OA:Ribbons mid Bonnets of ,:'oew
stYlesj lll o l ini cohnection with a large assorime't of
staplei and' foci , ;Dry Goods, Groceries, :Croc rm.
I. HoribirOxr;- .I . eo;•.Stoves, Bufalo' Robe; Carpe tog,
Bootgion4 Slept; flats end Caps, Painted Windom.
shad, . 1 3;a11 :iPaki, Oils" and paints cfTe. will be
' sold 'On the most favorable terms and. ;educed met ,
for mah.iprod'nce,'or approved credit. : _
X. A!' Ralf bf the barrel or triad.
Neil , Milford, i4iiptember . '22, 1854.
• „ ,
130311 BROTHERS having pitribased . the ire
eitablisliinent. will keep constantly on hae4l Sn
rerfi4i &id-rued ',Flour, Cori Meal Of ywperior Oua/ r •
t4lifichoil a, c lßran at the lowest cash priels.--•
Castenaiwork kilt be Aone with 'despatch, 'and An all
easeWsiwrrontedi ' • 1481tf
kkintratt„ Julifi 1853. -
L i . !gloves: Stoves! - °
BURIIIII' is now receiving a new lizu ngnt
it Pf Stoves, including thtt melt and
intintrv,o4l kinds of Premium, .&irrTight, Ehittited
Ove4 cooking StOvcs, with Parlor, Ott* and i,,§hop
Stovi*Airwv)pd;or coal, in superior variety and;style.
whigit he' will e 4 at the most rediced prices. ;1
irate slov,lis of new and aPproVed•pattericr,s4kill
bo sOldott $2O te: p 25, and other kinds in, propoition.
pipe.zine, and sheet i ron, stove tubtw, 4tc.
NeW4lilfoiAl, d ept. :IL BURS .
••3 • • • •
•I' .-• , i Wmdow Sash: •.1 •
S fitj. *.D.• WM% having been appointedm! Agent
'`-',ilof. an extensive lash blind and door toanufic.
toryi are prepare - 4 to furnish any 'articles in thisline at
ices rat,ef thin they have usually been sold
' 3 01r24. , -I ' . - : r B. ELLP , LI
It' T. i - 1 '74lll7vislg Cream. i ' ;, i , • •
A le, article *bitch every man ishould try fir sale'
l e
nt.'?.'. r !1: _ :r s. D
11.. k D. S.' ,
. 400.-P-ikittyr lot of Summer Hata - and. tlot4
.I ciantliala! * **JaatreCeived sad fog sa4thisp;
' 4 D. 111. L'. 4 6":"
. ,
• ,
4. , i r 1 . : !....7:- .., 4 7 .1,- , ,..,..i ...4 • '' .' 'it . it
'f ., I ' 41 - :' , •-„... 4 - e• ,L, —'• --... ~
.1 - ' / * *4 4 .'1 - ''•.'-'i• - •' - •11`''.4 "...-'..4.ig4:214'....4 ' ': .'
i" . ' ' s ' ~.4 , 4 3 . 41' ,-,...
~,, 3 0 -.`,:•t i .f...:•,‘ '1.3, ... kr ikti,,,a% ‘,.
' ! I,- -.--: - :-..1 ~.•° --`•••.:'-':',?4,.,:„!• 7 ,-,.: ti .....; '
...' - ;1.- - iff ., ..!. --, ...15 , f . :14 ','..'''''el...f‘i. - .`f.'•__,„ . .' `:
T_ \ - : 41.i,--14: , ,' , ' - ' d .1.
~, ...,..-....„- .. j`
..,,... ~... 7"Y-:-... - ..0...
k• 1 , . I . .. - 1
, ,g , I 1,• i - r-•
.-.,, Irott,ALL•Tytt puneoi.s ok i
'- 't ;: FAMILY Vint' ' "sic.
"uint:ma long existed , a p 0 denund for an of
1,. fectiire purgative', pill which bed' bd ;relied outs
Mire and .perfect in its- operation;.' This has hein
epared;to meet the;damant‘ and an diterisive , tri
al elks*irtues has conclusively shown with whafauc
*is it aOmnplishess the purpottesdesned. his ea
ay to mike a peysical pill, buttiot easy to make - the
best of all iitte—one;woico shoat& have pet4of the
'objectioro, but all of the ativantagns of every other.—
This luntibeeti atteurated here, and with fliiistsuceekr
we WOUI respectfulli submit to thelral.die decision.
It has n cofortunate for the patient hitherto that
almost every purgative methane is acrimonious and
irritating to the, bowels. This is not.: Many 'of them i
produce* Mitch piping pain 41td t*yd:ion in the
acetem Jig to more than counterbalance - the good to be
erivedfrom them. IThtseii,Hht Prairie/Poo irritation
~iar pain , lunless it,ariailiont 4 previously existing-ob.
iaructio ' ll or derangement in the bOwett. hßeingpure
ly vegetable, no harm an raise% friira their use in ash
. *antity,'; but it is batter that , any • medicine should
dm taken judicionsly. l Minute directions' for their use
lin the s4veral diseases to which they are. applicable
;are given on the bo". Among the complaints, which
;have ben en speedily 4 ured by thetn, we may mention
itiver. Cotnplaint, inis variouiltirms of,Jauudice, In
digestioh; Languor and Loss of Appetite, LLitletmMls,
I'lrritab4lty, Bilious _ IleadaelM,l Bitten . Fever, Fever
{and A e ,' e, Pain in the Side and Loins ;Sot, in' truth,
tall these are but thcronstsquence of diseased' action
in the liyer. As awapmient, they afford prompt and
i. f _ -3 . ,
osure relief in Cositiviracss, Piles., Chohe, Dysentary,
rflumoriti Scrofula and bourvyi Colds with tor?ness• of
the body, Ulcers and impurity of the blood ; in short,
rosy antlie very case where apt:native is require.- .
They I have produced some singularly successful
cures in Ithetnuatistn, Gaut, Propsy, Gravel, Erysipe
las, Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in the Back, Stom
ach and I Side. They should be freely taken in, the
spring Of , the year, to purify the blood and prepare
the system for the change of seasons. An °cal:doing!
dose tainralates the stomach and;hostels into healthy
action, and restores the appetite and vigor., They pu
rify thO Wood, and, by their Stiniulant action, or; the
dirculatcirysystem, renovate the strength of the body,
and restore the wasted or diseased energies of the
whole orj.,mnism. Hence an occasional dose is advan
ta,geous, even though no seriOnsderangetnent exists ;
j e
but min essary dosings should never be carried too
far as- e ,ery purgatik* medicind reduces the strength
when taken to ClCetta. The di - oils:lnd casesin which
a physicla requiredcannot be enumerated here, but
' they suggest. themselves to the reason of every body,
and it i • confidently believed this Alin win answer a
better purpose than anythingwtheit has hitherto been
available to mankind. When ; their virtues are once
known, the public Will nolonger doubt what remedy
to etuply when in need of aeatluirtic medicine. Be
ing sugar-wrapped they are 'pleasant to take, and be
ing purely vegetable, no hartmeatl arise from their
use in alit' quantity. :
For Minute dire wrappe r see rapper on the 'Box.
Prep: red by JAMES C. ATER, Practical and' An
alytical Chemist, L(wel, Ma. 44.
Pike :15 Cents per Boit.
• Aye's Cherrt'Pe - etorni.
ForAr ropid Cute °ler:at . .o4; Colds, lharseuraß,
Bras ellitii, dr/e(sTing-Carnii, Croup,..lo7(itia,and
This!remedy,haS won ftw itself such notoriety from
its curd of every variety or IpUlnionary disease, that
it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evidence of
its virtneS in any eommunitS? Where it has been em
ployeill • So wide is its . field of, usefulness, and so nu
_nit:mini the vases Of its cures, that almost every sec
tion , f pie country4limmds in persons publicly known
who have been rettored from aktrming,and - even des
peratetdiseaseS of ;the lung* bkdts use. When once
tried its superiority over every Other medicine of. its
kind ii too apparent to escape,observatinn, and where
its vittittes are kuown the public 'no longer hesitate
whatantitlote to - employ - for,ithe diStressing and datt
gerowi affections (if the pulmodary organs - which are'
• incideat to our clituate. And hot only in.formidable
attack upon the hangs, but l for;the milder varieties of
Co/(4,1Cot(08, i/Ors,pralt. 4. 1 .q.: and for Chittiirri if
is the ,Pleasantest 4nd safest.tOliceme that can , be ob
' tainedl ; • 1;; * • • ' - .- •,.-
As it has lon g been in constant use thrtinghout this
• s'ectind; we nee) not do more than assure the people
its quality is Iteptlup to the be 4 that it ever has been,
and - that the gennine - artiere i ; : sold by—Attrr. Thlt-
REM.; Montrose; B. F. (i: :11. 11. EATON, Raiford;
; Cnri&n & Pit6;skv, Duntla* and by all dealer in
. •
tuediclie evert , :where.• : L:1
I •
.4a COTT, JOIISSTON & are now receiving
oPipit New YOrk a geuerali assortment of Spring
and Slimmer goods, and tveconlially invite all that
goodsielteap tO give us alcalli as.our stock
is largd,and vre.are willing to sell for small pmfits-.
Yodctin.tind here. almost every article wanted, and
we nrelwilliug to compare goods and prices with any
store in the county—we have takentspecial -pains to
.firul goods to please th such as Black,
Fignrett and FanCV Sliks, Silk Tissues, Berages and
Bengt DelatteS; Plain and Fancy Lawns, Silk, French
andlDomeStic Giagluims, Figured and Plain Mullins,
Endirroidered Curtains and Paper do., Ladies Collars,
Undertandkerchii.fs and Slifeyes, Mantillas, Parasols
and] Gloves, Stniw and Fancy. Bonnets, also tfitn
mings to nuiteb..l - A large' i‘!trick of Goods for Men
also 1!(;r, Steel ; ;Frills, Shoes, and
floeitqi'airs, Ploughs, Salti'l I'i-h, Crockery, Grind -
stokes, turd Stoneware,. Stote Y,ipe, Tin; Glass, Sash
Leather, Boots, ':Shoes' ScF, jfic. Plc:we give us a
ehatitt of showiti72you one{; stock liefore yon
Yours truly,- SCOTT, JOBS:RON & CO,
t 13 n flat a! 1t01K44.
HOICE loi just receiired, and offered low by
.1 - 11.:1 i SCOTT, JOHNSTON & CO.
' Sliaw - 14; .Ightily IN I .
ciI9ICE lot of EVirnoVang‘ Slrxl:4 Tem . chea t
filo. by__ i ' SCOTT, JOHNSTON & CO.
filuingrille, December 'S.:, 1 . . •
L 1 .
1 NEW 000E3. -
ft PARK PARK return their grateful:
_LT/ acknowledgemenbt to the public, and invite'itt-
_to the iffiy large quo& of Spring and Sum
mei c,oods they are now receiving -and offer for sale
at et-Ty low prieivv. In addition to: their usual imam:.
mentnf staple Diy Goons, Oreceries, Hardware, Crock
eryL ('tints and , Oils, &e: kg., they are prepared .to
ethiOit a. large aimortment of? Ladies' Dress Goods
of e very description—Figtired, .Plaid and 'Plain Silks,
Bolniets, Shawht, Ribhonti l Glov.eS, Hosiery---Ladie s
and Hisses. Shoes of all kinds--altiO_ a large stock eft
RP4II.Y.MADE CLOPHlXG,Clotbs,taspirocres,l
Tw:e.tds; Jeans, Summer Vwtings, Hats, Caps,
'Bonts and Shoes; 3c. II i .
rr,ov respectfidly solicit lan early call from those
. who Wish to purchase goorkkoothe at Met pries*.
•3, '54. ' ; !litcltllLLEN PAHK.
New Line oi Mail Stigges,
'- ' - FRpli • ' •
14,11tlilit9OD T 4? MONTROSE. ,
j, TALES willtmve Kirkwood, istathtg through Cor-j
L) I:rettsville, Liberty, ke4i every morning after the
erricof the Mail Trains Of, cars, both East and West, ,
reac ling' Montrose at 11! t.,.! st. Retteirishi#, leave i
MOn rake daily (Sundays Oxlcepted) at 2 •r. Y., reach-I L ,
'irkwooti in time to Mite the Mail trains of .ears,i
both East and West, being the nearest and moat fe.a-l;
miblet route to rt..ach the . I.'ew York.and Eriellailioad4`
'Tills line intersects a hi-weekly . line for Dimock,,
Siisitigtille,. Timkhannoelei' Wyoming, and! Wilkes-I
taint, which le)tves Motroste at f A. 31: everyMon.i
dity,iWednday and FO4, Also, a linetoFtiends-;
'rift ‘ 1 4 eraYsville, &c: 1 , : - . , . • .
1 0 t , dima ' f ool roinkrroble elrridges or - .provi-i
l od
'tied, and the Proprietorsi will. spaie no 'pains to ac
corn io date th 4 public. Is ; V.' If.. M ATCH, ' • '
IA ril 0; 1854. • ' iILORGAN It WEST.-
A 1
I,i,,,osborio liagili; Blind , and; 1)001q
• -Fiet•Ort• • ''-. - f 1
TE mibealber will . Prtiish at the Shop of - Newell ii
k• Broth6M., Doom', 8i0 , 12.. and Blinds. Taming!
oh hand and fUrnLthed Ott, Wei.. -Lumber kilnAtied,l
and. workmen unsurpasiied ibj any in, thC country.- 7 1
griliers addresied to me will receive prompt atiention.i
COO Piot . . LuMbcr . and boMitii; Prodime-taken In exl
change for the-above. 1 Tetpis, ready. pay. •' i
lianesboro, Feb. 6. !, : --!. S. A.AYONS. 1
• -
. . ..
AVING inuiluisidtthlestablialnint °timid L.
Pak & fo. at OS - Mantel:ate Depot, would rei
respectfully irferm b ' Mends that he will keep cony
Stauttly on land; it eloWest pri4ters, 4.'welfiteleeted
Otekk of good}. _ ' 1' 4 - ' t ' ii`t
**lle, Salt, and ter A can 6,e tilufeheapoui iw e l
tellies, Dits , Goadk ilaldware, Crixkery,llloOtai
J. Ails, ke.; hi ehingelbr 'Grain arra all ickuls
IProll4tee, at the et,lii , iees. t ' tooo « oemira
led hunted. - t, It ' • ' - • ' . .- il
tontrase Depot., i eb. - * 1884: ' ' t, ~ .: 'll
it ..: I
of pit
-,10148411e0us _
100STA.14..111" ON "HAND or furnished' to ,ordir
3 on 1:*? - d. LYONS* gOX.
vt OR SALE, cpiiimoa _
, [Manta% %pit 11 1 .;',1!6•1 A.
41 1 , ' 1 4 1 1 " :t 'l: l WiElEa 4 ll l 7 l 4 l (Fil ' 'l ' ' ''
(' s‘litinzir: it.ppnil A*
V I.)
!..- ,t!ttow, t ),_ticer frti lYo:.„0/1)11c'qstte oiev,ai l vi
tile txr.ktrr sTyLf t s ot 4:21 “ . 1 ' ilaid:any
tifieriln •t' ribitiltry l i andiii,Vlhe eery lowe6i priees,
1-wittaat mia ~
. a t i, , ..,;;; ~,.- ~,,, ~.. , ,
_ 1;1
!2; It / 7 .1 a) r iLiDEVLOTHL*G '- i '
aFm#ER finpils: till. Poirt.CO:i liaaeOutsi
Ha , - 71 ..1a41a a-hirke,o4l4loßAo 41iir stock *f *l9oolpg,
lco '
s a g n'aig pf eyeiyttlipg de - iiakie , f.f,n. he baler
at . ch!!prieekas ire' Baia, to: iaiii: The " are.
nut el Brat yite,:alld , 44 iiarraitethe work
. t -1 1,‘;44final 4
it tiperlor to any ilfir btfrolligreted in thlslnar! ~I
r ke . oek eeeek eempdsel` il Foots * fine b*k !French Ail,
~. lia L .Vnitykr and AttsinesaF ; Timed* Ctiere, atnd hi
rJe ' • tieki abd Froaa„ also- brown and aildle Sum- 'Vial
go t
to Ppliiitt and twined: ' Viaraftilte Ind 63140 tiny
remilles, Valentia;•Ltsthltt dearvd Ilarathea;' fignr.' yak
ed nilloand fladn iand eatry:atuiety, grad and cheap. : R.
P Floe 1401 , Crussinteiv.odpetilOrt,.avireed s . - p
S'a ! iinilr• siOff,l linen drilk coyntonle. attf•pe t iaain, 't
ch ek)uid Odds; ao'cbean at to l)d"aurie of sato to ' , I
all *tilt disire'Ao buy. - , i,..' -r -,' A '' -'
'':..' i .
I •,....;••••
1 (10 VES:ANV 1/OgMll,--Laid , Hes tit
,illerit . s
1 _ . 'alike and'eolored Rid Glorea of thdlbe owdt-, .
ty trikanted.- ) A large aailottinent ot idtkiOdt orblne,
brew and alate'hoee, and -I , ..IxPle len& - ?tad lidlea, 1
.co non *l Llde. tbread; B,erlin, and
_fillctillovek ,Black'
aril eqlota (a large rasorunent of;black .a k itql lace
- Mitts ,:long and aboit ' ,-- '•'MS & CO lace 4,
....,5..„7..„.„,...,. due' Ls, . Pause
. ~ c, , fa, Ladies finepaiters', BOCIteCSI B*kins, •
a ull eisartindni of Cheap Shoes, eitildri . . and Miss= \
S.l4et and Ileoteet, adlbi L fi ne silk.lin rt . &Op*, ' f
a. . t ! -,
, • I. L. It, & Oda.,
"AOODS=LAtfaiyiei' l ii4 aleath•
toied Pilltio'Nuon, daa i d Cambric
. 4, *Kiwi , land BOok
I"lwPooke 4, figure And dott. ,
. "0 111 4 11 1 18 sti la Co's..
• gOCERIF..4—of t h e - h eil i, n d rhea.
t of tiuktlas ti‘pprisinOy,chettto \ at
iRESS GOODS--Sillia,Ains, • DeLa
GingharokEinin., of ere
~.... ,
tIAILOB ahtl'aplendid stock of . S.pring Prints:
"I.:L', . • ' ..,; I. L P.- k. Co::
Ai n iAPLE G oods lit the lowest prieel .' ' .
t...'? i ' : ' - •, • I: L. Ira:Co..
Gl.OTHS;lViminteres,. Tweeds :, 1 Kett elty...l?atis
1 and-Saunet ts, ivery.eheap at iJ. 1,..
P i . heo
B -
e ,
"°ft'LVAltrste;tPg .PeW a,LT u. OOa It et:
t `. Bu
tadips, r iota; 'yrilli;Bas . *A;lope rs,
Cfrds,Stinfia . Top.s, Brooni(a - goOd lot at t he store
d e
o ;.' '. r -I. L.' PO T&r
fifOO- FISH 321,1) ~lt A C'IC El? FT. . f 41r i ,-, best
k..); quality c at the, lowest possible tate:S.-1 '' ' .•
1 Sprit 5, I 34..' • • • L. L. POW & Co.
CI OLE I.4'ATHEll,,ver.:hotrii , t
10i .- •• •'n•' - • ' • ' - POSFA Ces. --
VARO filtlii! r 4 N/Y GL.A.4 . 4 71kA - Rr... 2 .h choice
lot at low prices: • - ' 1•• '• , POpT & CO::
• . +.
0/4 Carpet, Room paper mid Whiclow•Sliades.. •
. • ; • ..: .ro,§T k.CO.
.L , ILA' 1147 N,
.sprit . 1g stle--hest quality -very
10 tcheap. : . • -. . .-., -,, PO,S,Tic..C4.
.Five . -Boxes. for $1
14 - (O NETS and Bonnet '•
1-) asokl.; lard and at
and very deep.,
RA/$,/;11 GS- 7 :of the
t O.rAIT, Lime andPTastertf, .
0. '; -.... ' ' \ : tri•'T'& - Co's.
_ ..
ifti ALltS est : t t r COLLARS- lE •A rain. v: i tl ere ch d ,o L ii,. me l, te, of the e
tirlin mull Lloniton imitations. :.\I. '. P. & CO.
. . ;
MBROIDXRED and LaCe Uddersl eves, alidesi
mlile ;kyles ; also, worked rind em r'd. Edgings
itnil losertings and Flouncing. - ~.. '•I , ,
I.CE Folgingsand Iniertings; imitalonaof-every
i l ,
1.. i hind; almos - as goo+l AA gentAlue an I Ver
alsb pure Tines-it
reught Lace. • -...- 1. .P. & CO.
• , 'GRAINED and Hemp Carpet for sale at \ - ,
, ,
!. c , .. , ' . .
I. L. POST ,& CO's. •
, UNIMER" HATS—Panama, 'fine .and coarse\ triM
q med' and fancy boltud,-1 Pedal and Palmleal; for
bOva and Men, sold
.very Cheap.. I. ; 1. .. P. & CO,
tBIES'' and Children's. Flats, .a. ghost variety', t,d
, so a new lot of the latest, styles pf lloennts at the -•
toe of ~ . ' . I, L. P. S. CO.
- 1
T IIOIC,E and fancy articles of. Soap and` Hair Oil .
-.': , a lso; some of the finest: Perfumer at the store
t ' : • • ; - 'i.L.l' ST s: co.
- aßbgiidTii:Low, also,Ftime - ' it ' -
Lk? -era! at -
.0 • . WAIITED. •
l i r LIRALV of all itinds-,-.Bearts,.Drit,. ,
.I4A low , Butter. Beeswax, all wool.socks,,E . Ars, &c.,
for which we'will exchange: goods at.c.a..jh prices. -
I :!Aptil, 5 1 , , _ .'.; I. L. prsT & co. •
i •
1 ' IZEMQVAL:: • j '-- :' •-•
INIE stihseriber wishes tit call ihe'etention of .his
' .I. ',- friends and'ihe puhlicl to'his very; large: - assort
inient of STOVES at his new Store Ropm in...La/ors
rifle. next to L S. lettheims st4re, anti near the• Gt.
illend Depot. Ue hasdn addition to liiii forteerlarge
variety Of, Cookirg and Parlor Stores; Olian3rnew-Pat*
tv-lia,schite of which aare - , -
1 ISt. Schotor, • PirrCh' Branch,' Fire C lipp e r,
jModirn; Troy, Mohawk,' - - Mhiallion;
I Orie)4l, Black Warrior, 04k, Hog. Stone-
111eb, together with his farmer stock, will perhaps
fie the 1110.4 t extensive and•Vatied assortment' f swell
selected stoves in the county. . ..
1 1 , 1 Clinton Shnws,'well furni shed; at loin prices.
' ".•
DrAll artieles_in hisline kept oh itend and:mhile
to n
order as usual, and orders, ceteived his old stand
in Great Bend. - ' ' JQIIN COLSTKL
i Loderseilk and arca,' Prod t sNOv., 85.4: . '•
L er otokoh
14V.TS4-t4e Most .desirable stock' iI
[try, -at very low prices. I. L.
..' Notice to the Pllit, ic; .., •
"'WAVING Just returned - fl-ottr New - 'Orli 1 wiA. to
...1.1- call the attendon of lay old-erii amens, Mid: , o
-the publVe in g eneral ,-tctmy:l , .s. ',-,, !.
i -- -• : ' .NEW STOCK. pw.poo -, ;., . , i::- 1
r hih'bei ng 'bou g ht with,einh at; the l o w es t prices.
'and 'wishing lO sell principally foil:tie_ e; will of-
ter them At greatly redgeed-p;ice.S",‘ - ' I,' '', 1 •
r Cocheto Prints,
_warranted fast .col'ors,fot,..:-ooly . B
eents - a yard. Good Brown Sugar ; 181pciitralilcirope
• dollar.. Boonton Nails, iielcnßuieclgol4bye:alllto e
the best Nail in use - , $3,51 - iier,lreg. nti an s,
toots and shoes, Belli& !lobes alte ' rie..„ alt - wool
!be Lidnec Cashmeres, Parameetas;= . ..i isok, Silk
!Velvet, ke.• Mbaslin.Del Lainettra ling perytutl,
igatiii , 'Bonnets and .Ikitilmiltin.llata. - - TOchet- Atitwls,
:Double Long shawk4, :Witt do.,,,sellit g atineonceiv..
'ably, low, prices: I can Safely -
_warrant pe rfect ilitis
, -
TectiOn to All who Gill give me a call. • _
( i f . • Lineslio - ro,Apr:-Z,1.5154. .S. A. LYONS.
pLOGKS-. - -toed time keepers; kaily'-'otie'dollar.
IN- 1 ' :, ' - ' -, - -A. LYONS:n
oro, Apr., , Ti. • - - .
~ . i .
' •
- •
I :1AT f or-whi
7,7 itripe • will .I*. p*.L • " , •
LanubOro Apr. 5. ;
CIOI.TN , TRY, PRODUPE.. tohen oi , exclumge.for
k) Cools; it ter - itore.' : s - SI A. LAVIS.. - '
i .
.Elli .
i . NW.. A iiiisaimeiitit Ir, 16*-11... 1
ITLNPg i ii• MeifILLEIVS : Pail oad ...PreiO t z .
' Eau between' - ,lt'Otitiase.i . and
..--: Alai l'orii;;eiiiday,' "'
r_. • . i -,,', • -.; dans cepte.:, , . L:z :"..:.• 'l. •
.ItTAP k, NeMILL.Vi havinf tt.i; le ateaegelemits.
AA. ferterattuding-frei tin NeS.C-ItOOV t ill thin Pare
of Capt., If: X . ,' - CiriVir t. or °Mks !MMO, :will
be"fn attelidatiiiititthe! nt - 04'tego' dityet
'the .4ireeit; tellike•chiege agattrfrei g lit aria. p . 4xlitte
:as may:be.eutrusted to theme - Retunerfor thei seine
will be, paid at Om Store. 4. WillhaatileWilien,. 1
t wi
Greet-ties :irt genetal, fl our, Por _nth, SO; he.,
he : s epl,nstautly .9% bapd.f9F,44llo at. la,rest 1-Cash
1 Price or oi le exchruage for etetittri.p ace... I. ' ..-
- tj ti,... film. • wail molti4tx.. -
. ' '.klitni . 1 18 'HU. '' , ,'' : '' ) -- 1 • '+'-‘ ;
. ,
CORDS . '-7T'Efil.:l;„
100 Toisrg °l"l% . Inap J e .'7;yoilp t;m4. 4 °
monyine, Odtaber.lB:,
TOR • •
DL iuborribir offers' for - sale Lot
I situotolitt thei %roue' of • • .; f r'romts
&ail of 'llrCourt Bono& T. balil,down
andlhe iVuldn4erillievef7earl7 in.
tercet:, • •
llod uoift6finuo _ - '
Qa2111014113,-r-Slutwed OWN waa
jOetober „2:9 YONS kaPa
r _
Al Shin_ -
-, I I IEIPr 4100
naianDrrintalkikaladlee ,l 3
Nff- .44t , k-. 4 4,44 ,1 4414 490 OK-
•. i ;
41.10toirestistitio ,
. 4; - . 14 . 4)
0 ,- s - j,
, .0 ,, : ,, t ,,4 1 --A , 1:1 . 1A (71 , 7:4: -r•T I_
i '
iiikAr''/Tre'll'ifo '6rOilit*l'Esitoi:
- - I * -,' 1 7,f 4 4 , .!
, r I' 'GP ST J . 4zt ;•,..,,,,, : y
I :4lkt fgest a 'r.o. ei c. c f .l•*e • 9 91t . t0cy,,,D0*.
,oi i 'it sty - ple. i o s' eiet 114 int! Ate.
Iniititi co, tt)i. ', oneluttd N A ' kloodk Mu
..,o'ningi Otrt Wifollowil,.• -• . - i.l •
~..,,-; -
W 10.: geableiSiikts; t Vat nab Silk 011131 d.
4 : S Pe, I- ..,P 't -; • •'• * , L 1 :!° 3 4 1 9! 8 ,
' Pt
i ". Fri Ci tiune o . • -
, ti ck : , rit' ' • ' • 260 pi*ts *.noidalielltb
libmit , - .1 ,14 ,ja' + 1: A-. 3 : ` + ; Nee;
'lame : tinai f'i :, - • , • -1-0 1 YPiet,_'FaricY Dl* ll °.
woo P 5.1446,,.• „ i YeWet- Megfl,eart ,
-1.4a0 - • do; - ;, ' - 'iw'sid,. & coled:'- civets,
tit de cie* - I _ l7 '' ' rill 4 )34` SticteiShOda,
oiled 4413erge-, '' . - •••.. . • ttii* ere . .-:.• , 3=do. ,
gash eritiocs, - - -,. , eltroo.",‘„ t•. ..,-; d a l-
tralute VA! t. - d. -. ; . .-&.114 -• f .., ; ' :4 4 ,
yon . i tap*. 1, : ,
~ , : edo 0. llOsifrj't 41 , 10 •"
Alni : '' * 1, 1 • e el° - 4 -3 ).
French imnfile. do Recap.V 6110; act,. - ''' '
Embroi, red It4bes, .- . -11 ileig,T' - , • . ; , 1
Oh , a a routs ;:. . .Wk"kiketk ''''
rmyseca- • 'alibi,. / 1 -i• - l'iltiz l gAi c:
,WiiSte : tiodf, ~
~_ ,' . tiitkititgf,
Vito , t Vhilittiett6 s , Ittittutek Spii34 .
ifr • 4 4 CA la Ad :7 . - ' - - lAnow: 1,&( '
.a o -ar ii , •. 7 Ed g initki :-..- q• : 411.6 , Ltruptio„-1,
do , .t.,10014,1' ~., ,, 1 -;-attitekliwrias,
dg Lail ,ELI, OP ~ - , Etc. etc,
' r .E4V-Tte.ilt CO;
4,7 9r .lianulgc
• . 1 - '
1 n 4
~,..m6..: ..
. ..._
A. .. Stebbin', s, 113 Broad eet; Peter C. 110,,,,
S eiltreet ; ''Gi , :aril Pari n rer; =llB Broad* }ti.,
to '-:, Andreis; —l3B -- Ce d street; Sarn4.l 'G.
, ctilk, ayd,-877, West street; Albert L -Conklin 810
•een fch titel; James „Pi: Crosby, 113 Broadwa; .
la's. Lent, King Abridge, N . ..'ir.; - Lambert C,',llliB,
lien ~111.; r.Smitb Robin*, Rochester, X. ,T. 4
/Min W. Leland - N ei - YOrk' i . Peter R . Itach, -138
dank treet; Staates S. Bell, corner West -and Idiot
.streets; Jam I, Peen, 78 Water ', street; D. ran.
Wart, 11$ "Broadway ; Iforat o, ,N: Gallup, caner
West and Barrow street!;: Peer .B. Foster, corner
Gansevoort and. Went ; Reube 'Roii,li.', - -48' peith
Aienue;lStenhen.Cromwell; . , ' dmi; N. .r.i.z.dtbie
Wudiciglit Philedelphht.; Dezt r B. Brittain,•44 Wa
ter street; Samuel Sinclair, Tri am Buildings; 'Sup.
uel B. parr, Cleveland Ohio. - , . .
- -", ' - '' : latiil - r. Crt niatiB, - President,
tnsaiia C. Ctaiagrecretsreir -
`" , ..
1 ~.... , C11:44W L. BRQAVN, ASeuSi'llontmge, Pa.'
& CO'S.
tkind. - • •A
the coin
k CO;
les, Deßa
. deArable
i. bbons of ay kinds, Par
very low pilit.vs.. •
Pon, & co.
ri ft.
eery sty ' ,desirable
. c e.
P ST 6; •
~ ' - E st quality sT & do.
the.: Wl'
;A. :LYONS.,
'lt 1' • " ••••
* thilit i
i** l korki ClItY
'irititraitllCE',F+MPAlllll. •
tii 7 : 1 : 1,0 9
, Iv:" BE ET.
AL Dr ciSTI AND A , . ritctyr.l) sEctle,
" 1
- TIES; $3009 1 • '
-- -
' ' • • EAtiliLE I riCIVIVIDRY. :: : s
QAYRE, BENTLEY *PE INS haring - pnielia,
1..7 ed of Wilson ik Co:: the
. gle Foundry, the tor
prepared . tO:lll,(64lers 6 4 Orn tit Ainde, and do *ark in
th e ir-11We with - Skill and des te.h. .- They will keep
7 ,
constantly ou — r t l',tioe,.s. . 1 . 10d 8 4 St° l ",-( 1111
kinds,) Cit/firatori, s,trate clgterit. Corn S7tencri r
dm:. 4L.C. &e. '. . ' ' - ..f-' . •'- - • ' .- • : -•
i v
, We invite paitieular atienti ri , to the Plois, which._
we manufiecture.'. We tnanuf4ettire and keep for slit
• . Tire 4el,4ratedliOteAley:.thAe. f. '.... .
We haie purchased the -exclusive tight to rannufae,
tore and sell in this.county,l-Wnite,-Viotnifig nil
-.Bradford, VerßirP4 .Pafent ,frotifiejant Pline.• The.
Plow is made entirely y f iron( excepting the handler.
It is.:celehkated for its ,easy dtanglit,•_ .being- one-third
easier than.any towin use, Whileitnstiengde, fi und da !
1.01E4 are greater. i:: -- , . , , •
. --- 11ACIIIN - ,iIY-T - -
1 --
. ---- - -
of all kindS manufactured and s repairett-by' exerierte.
• • ~
ed machirtests.- ! • ' -: - , -- ff
Steams Engines,' G'earin# for Mills;-sSisio9li la.
- . - chinel, IV. &c. - A. , I
Among , the StoveS which, We'Manufactpre,! are the
Keystone Cookies'' Stefrt v :Roi gh and Ready do., For.
est,.(hfeen do., Premiarn do., and other kind*, altar
ranged for burniag_Woisd 'or to.l.- Alto, -Selfßep.
/otot,.,Parikr Store,-Vottage - Par/Or -do, Stanity' . B,
two siz,.do., _ill - 1(1 7 a- variety of other rarlor 2 ,* Stoves,
both wood_ and coal burvers. We kccp - also,on hand
Grindstone triiiiininge, Dog jetturn' ttirrmings, far
brerks and Shovel and Ton 4 Stands, Ike. At!. -Work
done iti Order on short-nod .and at thelowcAst mei
' Er Ordcrs for Stoves, Algricuittiral rinpUnnents,
kc., are solicited from those 111 the tratie,.and will be
.fillekatreasonable, wholesale prices. -,• ' . j '..
' • , ' -- • • • .5: : H. SATRE,
- . • • • BA. BENTLEY.
- -
- A ustialia, ' lefiliti)rnia, - I ,
Or_ day place on the Globe .ean not irestal.
'-. urea fez- induce, eats titan_ .t' •'
. .
I -
---- .- Kdi EELKR , ST DLIARD'S • - ."!
A ; 717. RICH is nowlilled -wi h: anew end extensive
:-•awrtruent of articles in their Une; online*
W general variety of, new and elegant styles a ladies
.and , gentlemen's ....wear ' a ong :1%110 are Ladies
Fieneh, Silk Linstirg and Pr rills Gaiters, Kid and
"Enameled POlkne, Kid, Pater t Leather arid ;Bronzed
Jenny Linde, ihisliin.s and Et : Gentlemen'ts Preach
and. P,hilatielphia, Old:Attuned calf skin and r kitt Ikon,
Morocco, Calf and Towhiderogans ikc. Boys sup, .
calf and cowhide Boots an - 13roganil-01l kind; d •
Misses and, Children's wear. Also, a.
_general fawn.
nseirt, of Findings which vim_ st in parcof ItiStsipeg;
.sparableg,Abingarian nails, els, thread, wax, Brie . ;
iles,,s,hoe binding,.awls t rasps sandstones, Amebas', ,
&c..l,Aliti osk and hemlock, tanned _calf striper sti
soleleather, lloslkitco skins' and linings. _ - l'
`:-'Work to order . and repabing _neatly, done. -
-. • • ',., -. - ~, -, - . EFTLER-&-STODIiARD: '..J
~M Ontrosei, Apri1.6.11354- . ~. -. i ; .
Montrose, March. 4,
- _
• • ,
, • \ FoR.- S t i LE. . - I .
situated in the .pleasiatta
at/ part of the village eiqusqueltarinst; also, date
'louses jind, lots in the most business' part of Ili
aforesad village. Also. 4 rairnt.eotitainirig 133 sem.
with a small improvementt the remainder bark
timbemil, situatetwo miles rom mid - village, - v
Susquehanna is the glen , Central Diipot of. they.
Y.& E. Railroad, situate at! the foot tif_ the beaviei i.
grade inc the road, near Alm great workdof Stamm,
Conewacta, and' the' Casat t le,\and„Tiossessing by ta
tare the -hest wataingpla e' "on\the route with dirk.
=WY of.extengve Machine l Evuiri Atc.,£a•
,Srisqueluinna, although nun . wig het 2000 inhibit
nuns, and but fou r years • c age, is . destinod ' moan ,
lenge...alongside of the mos :flo urishing . and popukat
.gl c
Towns on the line•of this '' t ttiorcingtfare.
• > . _. • - • L: _To. RINDS; *gent,
. Office one door ettatiot Lenheim'a
-:Sustli4anna Depot,, Viv• 10 - y ;'' ;-1 -,
' --` Valuable Ifists l S - da F oe Sole.
\IL - MIR-SALE 11*r ONE Eol2tY;' , abovlt. , /%599 acres d
~ L' 'Land ori the watercotSpring ! ))tv`,tdr,.tt braid
'cif ihe Lackawanna river, in Luzerne County, Peon's,
about - midway between the tlniving Maim - 6(S:fis
t:in and Pittston.- These. hinds are coveted with 'nl.
rtable timber; and being situate in themost'extersift
mineral region in Pennsylvania—known to'' , mina
Iron ore-...and ab ound _ in _ and, and big
also in the immediate' vi ''nity of several , n''kdro
made and now in pro _ firer to the -capitafetn
we i r
opportunity for the invest, nt of money that selka
occurs. Fur further tufo . tion'applplo IN. F. Ha
sack, Esq.,"'` Will a 'et ;.trioXorir. ms. zio
subscriber, 401m:trek, - natartna caiwity,Pa,do
attorney in fait of the aw .am ~ ;!
.i.-APTI I . O . /! , 04.• =,.- - .,llEiltY DirdSKl:l,
.Ikr • AND MOTT ! 'itinltUreipeittfutli ; inform the
A.T.I, • ,publieltitattlmil uumnfileturihgElatdo
-Veletiatedlntivei, Mk t k ee p
‘o , Te dnedi
Onnity, arid 'Arm - PA
ISleigh • and Cutter SW;
More PON& of. yationa
_patients, : too, ouraexao
„WO liope,,try strict attentioil to ballot
to receiv e our *bare of P u bli c patroriage, I M a eaftt.
.t °r Y , Dl l tt"t l stantM Foundry, 11. Ill 4 A,
Rep,iring done on abort. 7
• '3IE.RKIT.Movi ,
Feb-; 6, - • I Etavill
th; „ B"bseinKr-Uilgelt:for*efollowint hare
40 1 1; Vuitton at :tbe lowers _
. • -
2;slcite2A(4 . l4t : it '
Capitliloso,oo o,
at ifartiisNurg... '
Capital-. "40,x.
, 9 • • i
Mane Insurance, aVeip Yiirk ir t‘o.;$500. 0 M
F. B. tilwoiss.
; Ifoiise Atimil 6; '54.
!FM aubscribita ate 'wow berning" and will kl?
1.: cedistalgiy,,en battil,l Doi of a -3•4l7'su
gunfire - pat Montrose Depiot, - and will fleli it.
iptantitica atoi fair price. . Persone(wlshinua
quantity can be =polled I:.*.(ort areasonable make.
Kuper-kir ground:Plaster will be kept congest' ?
licrektter. ' PCS%
11.,DRENICS 1-
,' -- 4:. !:. :•' -.
, ;. - --_l-: . .4',..4..
.-., '." ;. -,4 •'-`: - - - I:: -,' f'.,
....iiittfitiAi. tiii .,l P.Oi_ti• - '. Y.
. __ _ . . .
ituitele,,saa twolioise Maio»