II ri it= • ltnited St** iiisi:tnenibers of the Senate and linitse of Repro.enatit!es assembled in joint convention on T L i e jay, , ,FebruarY 27th, pursuant to ad journipot, for hethe pn r - 7 -- pose of electing aU. S. • s ena tiir ip place . O f, Hon. James Cooper, term ,expired on the 4th ,- - .of Mareh Long, before the hour for the meeting jhe Invention, the Ilall of the House' ills crowdiid to its utmost capacity; and the most intense interiest was manifested. • At. twelve U'eloekl the Se nators were escorted into f 0 1 6 Repreeittatives' Chamber, and the convention was called - ' order by the • Speaker of the Senate; Who!presidt.d. • (It will be remem bered that at the first Meeting Of the conven tion t*oTballots were had,-on the second 'Of which ¶en: Punerott had fifty-nine-VIAL'S , Art Buckale* twenty-Seven, and ! b e balanceicat tering) The convention .proceed , 4 to a third • ballot,' with the IlMowing. result: • Mean's.. Crabb,. Ciessweli; Frazer,. Fry; I-laldenum, Hendricks, age.: Kiltinger, Piutt, Quig e n, s e „th,is,' Shu tnnu,.Barry, Boal, add wel), Culi.lc, CloVer, CraWf..rtl Criswell, C u mmings,. (Phila. County.) Cum mins4 (Som.. ersc o Donaldson, Eyster, Fletcher, Franey, I Free, Gross; Guy, . Raines , 'llubbs, ',King, Kirkpatriek, lirepps, Lane, McConkey Mc- Cbnnell q itlOrrison, Muse, :North, Pa inter,',.: Ike , ItittenhOuse, Rioter, Sallade. , Shegr, Sinai), (Allegheny;) - Smith; (Blair.) StehliN, Stockdaie, rSturdevant,;,: Weddell, Woo - d, l'orkes,i; 'Ziegler,. and Strong, Sj/eaki.ss voted f or Simon Messrs. Browne, .Goodwiri, MiClintoek, Sager, 'Walton; Wherry, D - eaer'..(Speaker,) Baker,' Mob, ChriA, paligherty,:bunning; ....Ej I ingeir, Fry, •Johnson o ..Meclean, 'Maxwell, Orr, Thompsn, and Wright—. 23, voted for Charles Bucks. lea-. . 1 ••. . • - 3fessrs. Brill, Clapp, Ffmter„ AfeCcnialks AiaTill, ;and#tewurt —6, voted for Joseph Buffington. Messrs. Darsie, }rick, Price, Skinner, -Chamberlain, and Witmer-6, voted for •Thonias' Messrs. Fergusim, - Franklin; Herr, ALI- . Cullougfy and Page-5 voted- fur James Veceb.. . . 3fessrs. Jr,rdati , Av•ry, Fearon;'Leas, and Lowe-`5, voted , lim i t). W. Maynard. Baldwin. !Lamm!), Laport e , Me. Calmont,% and Wiek6-61iam 7 - 7 .5,-voted for D. • -.• lies . srs. Lewis; liodggoE„ . l.laddfick, mid iPennypaeker4,• voted for W. . Messrsjaggart, Harrison, Linderman, and Mengiti, voted for J. P. Jones. Itlessrs. G-.vinner, Smith, (Phila. City,) Steel, and Thorn-4, voted fur I.t. T. Co tad.n , . Messrs. Pratt, .Waterhouse-2,, voted for E. Jai; : Mellinger, and • voted for Thad: Stevens. • . Isiessm . B4 . 3winali, and Simpson--2, voted •for J. S. Little. Afessm Lid, and, Powell-2, voted fur -John Howe. - 36:-Baekaleiv-1, voted - for J. S. Black. : Mr. Flemiiken--1, voted fur John S. Brady. ~ t 'Mr. 'BergstrVwt-1, Voted for John C. ..K.lnikel.. : • , Mr. Foust-1, voted fill. James Todd. '' Mr. MOrri•--1, voted- for Henry M. },:ul- filer. The Speaker then announced. that no can- . .didate4taVing received . a majority of ill the -votes cast.,'; titere-was nu election. Thin eau. nonne,ement ercated a ,iensation throughout the Hall, having-been rumored "fair at day or two previous that a sullieient number o f old line! Democrats would go Over to Gen. Cameron .:to secure his election. The con vention.- then proertnied4o • antipurth ballot, - which resulted ire sly .the .mine .as the first, CaMeron losing one vote. Variat's ;elfitrts were then made to po..t.pa die the el: etient, but -without .Sllet`e , zg, and a drab ballot was gone intO. which resulted in 55 .for Cameron, 23 for BuckaleW, -mid the balance astilittering. - There being no choice a motion was made to adjourn - the convention until 't he . first Tue:sday in lictober .next. This was opposed by the friends Of,Canter.on, but the previous cities. tion was wiled and sustained, and the" motion was. agreCd. to' by majority of one vote as follows , • • -• Ytia-,..Messirs. Browne, Buekalew, Dar- sie, \ Ferguson, I.Flennikett, Frick, Gotadtivin, tlatmi., on,. Jordan,. Avery, Baker, 'Baldwin. Ball, Bergstrar, Bowman, Chain. .berlin, 061.14, Clapp, Ecli*r,.Fearrori. ter, Foust, Franklin; Fry, .Gtititater, -son, .Ilerr, nigsam, Barton h, trubbs, La-. poste, Lewis, - .Mellinger, Pratt, Price, Sellers, Skinner, Taggart, Walton, Wherry, .Leas, Linderman, Leott, Lowe,, McCaltunot, - Mc- Clean, McCombs, McCullough, Men gle, Morris, Orr, Page, Petznypacker, Po. well,- Simpson,i Smith, .(Phila.'city,) Steel; . Stewart, Thorne, .I , Waterhouse; Wickersham, Whiner, . NAYS--4.lessr:. Crabb, Ewer; - Fn; Haldem an, Barry, Boni; Binh, Carlisle, Clover, Craig,Cra*ford,j., Cr'essivel , Cumming-,(Phila. einnity.) (So nterset) - Daugherty; Donaldson,' 'Downing, Dunning, ..Eyster, Fletcher, Frail y, Free, Grons,. Guy, Jleines, Johnson, King,l. Kirkpatrick, KrePps, Lane, Killinger, 2tifcCfintuek, Plait,. Quiggle Sager,. Shuman, Piester; - (Spraluer;). McConnell. 2tilaxwel I, Morrison, Muse. North, Painter, Bees.e, RittenbOuse, Rutter, &Made, „Sherer; SMith,- (Allegheny.) .§mith, (Blair,) .Stehley, Stockdale, Sturdetiaant, Thompson, Wcddel, %VOW; YOrkes, Zeigler; and Strong, (Speaker--;65, l' • The- convention • then. adjourned, and the .luestion -gttie..c hack -to,the people, to . be tie .ttled by them lat.the next election. •. • tkolgras Has Adj,• res, the, joynil evt..4itiook plum Yesterday. 'at noon. We hazard-nothing .in saying that .secJogresia'so - exiriapt and profligate- a Con -gress so pfyidigill :and .4mtitithfinever lure 'as.sen;bled in this !xitivitry..... will be unenriably knoWn posterit y *s that by :which the Nebraska. bill was passed, while by ."i.e present, generation it will be more 'wide ly eiiitinguished - as- the. Congress . fa vored bawl: ;job if it were only niffieiefitly. korrupt,,und reftised no bribe g unless'on the Assumption, that it wa , 4 We have not The proceedings yeti //acidly befOre-. us, fiat .we btfilere that„ in addition to' the Nebri.4is :anti Land Irnd.tia tion bills of the, laSt Session., the col ow ing scthemes of, nal.ettief or plunder, 4or both, have been sanctioned '.at this Stsor,imi t ':1. - The sfilitary Boutoy-tad bill—giving away some Ttro Mildred MiAliiins of acres to men who hare .at at y time. hekii nomered into . the 31ilitary Service of the 'United States. •; • • -2. The Nary tetirecl,LlA bill, - - $. The On ibereaging the salaries of the Justim4 :the states. Supreme Cowl, • •. • I. •' 4. Ditto that the Vultml States District Judges. I O. Ditto 'that of the Lind - OlEcillftelvers - 6. The bill &Mhz four fogunents •to the 7. The Taal CreditorsTayment bill. The 01 alhAving Members or Giagress • "' %vivo • pay, front the Treasurer frpm the' LE"'..lng of _eat:blies:don ; even ..though they 1 " a,111 si attending to theirphrate bliainess, 6N k. :. ,'d previmt the formation of a quo- td thu ruin. • . 'There - ire donbtletis several more that have t through,': opt we ri - st.l: ThO atalielltiutts 01 - 11itiaJtilt waS defeatedy the 'President's : .Vetti; the Colt! Patent Ex te nsion 'the inistiuMat,Yemehtofthepatenteetsnci his agents; The Reolganitiation of the Diplematie anti - Cotutular service . will probably add -to the annual. charges. on the Tr asstry; hut it some gi Of features, ati, We w ill :et 'it fatsi uncensored - %a Tariff Reduction ;.-liruke down, in pert:fer want of time,, , ittempt a, increase the-pay of Members of Congress .(the 'direct - -trot the. ineidental) bk cauSt the COnstittitioni fiirbids any :Congreis increasing its - own.pay, and too few of the Members are, or will be re-elected: to make an increase,t9 - a-fature Congreas an - ohject.* 'At the _last] Sertaien, if we mistake not, Congress solemnly r&solved that no further Zvotes-of extraillowaoceit or other gratuitieti to' !the ; messengers, pages; ase., .of either "tense should :ever he made; but sti savage. an act of-virtue could not 'withstand the soft seduction - tif 16 pleasant - bevenige proVided in great . attunkinee. by these shrewd servi tors on' the last. night of each Eshiftin (costing a kin six dollars per .head end hiinging them in $250.) : Ste; ' - the 1 initial 'extra. allowance' is voted apittond will of- course -go on in definitely. • 1 . —But we weary of these !sieketiing details. The Tariff. Reduction having failed, and. the. -- frenth Spoliation bill :having been vetoed; thes will , protathly, be entai* triOney itt the Treasury to covet the , bOttenn; fairly, with a dance isr the suin to inertia-e, unless 'the 'next Congcass: _sits told ,prove corrupt and ..extravagant no the la-A—which is' not within. the boards of .probability. ' At all events, let us rejoice that the. places that knew :t shall know it no more corever.—Tribsne; sth- most, • . 'TENS. --Crovertior..fottocx haM signed • the Sun -day liquor law; It will go iitto -effect on the first day: of April next: =Thtf Albany • Reginter i awes that the Americans have carried twenty-441e of twen ty-fiVe. towns iii'Chautatique'aninty, and nine of finirteo towns hi courtland exattity. • • -;-Grant 'l7hohurn has tultled hinp4elfaPpa rently I& his• life in. the town - W 'listed, Liteh• field county, Cti., and antuses . hintself by Writ; lug letters to, the .Mountain County. Herald ; publfsh'eti in that .town. ~ . , —.Judge OakJy, has n:ictently :decided, that an editor ? is trot ilubject to indictment- for li bel, when he merely states that "a report 'l4 in eireultition thi i 4 Air.. John ,Davis, had com• mitted.Tiirgery and absconded,":provid e d the report was artu4lly in circulation, though it be without foundation. • • - - .. UnitettState-4 Agricultural SocietY is now in sessioit in Washington. Twenty- States are represented by State and Coun ty Agricultural iSocieties,.and Ahem is like- wise a. Jorge atiOdutiee! of individual meni bers. . --Horace Grely detivered a lecture on The subject, of 41.ludition at Susifa Depot, be k is spoken of by tlact e Who . beard It as. being one of his most able and masterity prtidttetions. party -ofi 3 O or 30 person, 'mostly met., foint this and- WOyne CO., started (rim, Su , - I quehanna Dept.allast Ilittnday,for Fort Riley, iu Kansas terattiy: They - are all true free 'a di men and count Su - many noble hearts against sawry.4 • - • i —Hon. Lyniin Trutubull, the Anti. Ne. brtudsit G. 8, Se4ator flint 111., is ucotatect: 1 icutiman, and fObiterly resided in Colehester. lie is a grandro4-ut Trembulli the histoiiiet, andialtrorthvdt4e4itdant of thar g ...Ettnily., •So says,' the N. •Sitrrt'it ll:manna to the lith have reached Smran nth. Thepapers are fill. qd with , movements. : .The Spanish , and , negro troo s i are ex-teiSed every dtiy. and 'the whit 4 acrd black fire,kompunie s , had haat Organized otal armed Os :itgalar troop. : I.! the -s of the Railroad and is-th ' • • • borer fitr the ntodification of the .Tariffity the late .C4ingri..-.+, for the supposed benefit of Railroad-tankers, or others, were defeated, :is they .should have been.. The Pennsylva nia members :who voted lin- favor of reducing. the. Tariff on irob. 20 pet emit:, ar e M e s.-mr s .. .Bridgesi..Jones, ''Ale,Nuir, Witte, Florence, Strdtib,lind Wright. " : • --p4 g re,E4F#A passed an act establishing a board.'of Claiths,;cOnSiSting Of three Coot missiuters, tei itt i vtxtipite and, report to Con. grevt Upon every -elairkwhiil may be-Pre ferred against the GoVernmetitilli‘twing why it should be at. 4o..vledged'utt rejected. The CoMmitioners, itte ltesitm Blackford of: In= diana., Lumpkinllif„Georgia. and Gilchrist of New- ILitnpshire.: . GEN. Scow His Ibis Qpnitinsrox.—The lairelng 4 kffieial mintsinCem'ent 4pears At , - Washington Uniint or Feb. *3th.. • ' orirtont. Appointment 'reitidei4t; i t y and trit't the Advice an,ii . C' sent of the Senate. „ General Winfield 4+144 of the Army of the. United - States, to; be Lieutenant-General by brevet ; in themme„ inr eminent services in the late war with Merion, to take rank am such from March 2D, )8417, the day +on which the .Vnited Stat 4 fume:son/der his commend captuieil. N i 'era Pim and the r.nstle of Sun Ju an de Ulloa. The!Naticinaltntellirneer lays: Wel understa nd that the . President sent in the noininatiina the tionty-second if Feb. rsta4. but the Senate has held uo Execu' bee S tntill - yr ete r4iav„when . the nomination . was immediate - liana unanimously cunfiim. ed. SENATOR„) . VI ittol4 POSTfios.-The new senat o r froM IldassarhuSetts is determined that the ps-ople %lan know me what phstfiain be stands.• fle hawagaits, tit the third time, `defined liis ipositione on the alai vy ques tion. The 01 loWing is giveli!as - a! brief pro gramme of his pTinciples and intentions, as avowed during the late excitilvdebate in the Senele, on FstidaY night last. Ilo'wishes the fugitive iihiVe net repealed ;' - iglisiery in the District Of Oilunkhia abOlished; she Wilmot proviso eistitblishad ; all new Slave bttittes ex cluded:; all *mecum' i hetweCn the 6eneral Government, ind**Sery &berthed; and -:agi tation'of*lavSry;tioistinutxl IMP these °Netts are accomplistl4 , liie 4eristands these viesys to eurrnd with those of -,the Know s Nothingti as alparty, so far_ci they have ta ken anyjsoitition int be qtsewt on. ' 4 ... The DiplOrliat le sbd Osisular Refiirtn bill, which has lustaied the ¬e and, the !louse and now swells the 'crater's of the 'President to liecilne a law s , without increas. in ti 41e r.xi etift Of the Sig places our Si i.te , s and Cassels; in,11,41 ch inure e.ial poSitiOu in the countries whuit they ' alr sent, by giving tberopn r 'salaries and • Pt ing the sainnstriall 'ut first grade, all 1,1 erior lases being akelished.Our Consuls , n t to bane salaries, an not be lett to nd upoees.; At *II 1 principal for.lam' b i ei I dessitstsfour y are prohib its frowerigaging in any bitsitiespuid in all eases none but . ” citizen f `the United 3 tes tire' to receive appoint - trouts, None of ot ie offmetv - are to, receive mutopetuation un it they thal htr4 reed their ; nnipeietive " aUd ffinankhril *Or filcif dot*. F, I 1 ,: ~:; . , . ... . , . . ik .. am* cliAlinCa Asp lA&DoSiRS--The following act, ii)r the iprotection of Mechanics . andia bOktpl-14,Ss, Passed by the legislatUre.lor-thia SUite, in•Apo lPst and though of gre n- _poi*co.. tai that class cif..:pur citizt.n4 for which it Is'intended, is now; _fur the first, be ,-: - i • - ing . piiblishe4 byl the new paper press. gaa. 1. -, -ik i enacted:lc., That in nil as sigiunt-nts Of property,wh, tier rail orlperson al..*ttief• shall 114retifter be made.by any per son or perst',;:is, tti chartered . - companies, to tru4o64 ..orr4signs, on account of inability - , at • the 4 tinie of !the.; assignment, to . pay ,his Itr ' their:debts; the tivagri of. minors,. nit l ehanks •amli- laborers i eniph iyed •by such ..pe... ott . Or perioins, on chartred company, shall .be the fit st preferieli and paid by _seek tru- ees or assignees, before'nny Other credttor Or cred t, itOrs itt' the! ai-iign or i " .-- -, thus firOvitie 4, That any one claim prefer , red shall - itkes 'ceed one hundred doll,im. -. . Teacher's Associa4tou. •./ - Susquehanna County Teachers' Aa4ociation soli meet iniS'iningrille, on . Saturday, March' 17tb, 1855, Att 10 o'clock, A, 3L Per order Ca . raw's Lep.gue. 1 . A Meeting, - o f stock subscribers of the Montrose and Bridgewater Carson League, for the purpose of organizing and adopting a Constitution, wilt, be held at thesCourt House on Tuesday et-ening .neat, at - 7 o'clock.A full:anemic:lee of all intete ;in Tern pertinee refotn is desired, The object and okrations of the League b&thcre stated and explained. • March 6th r 1855.; I ,i • ;NOTICB. l . FIAHE School Directors of Bridgewater Disitict, will a meet at the-Court 'Rouse in Montres4, on Ftiday, MitrtlCl6, at O nti o'clock Y. M., be order of the Beard. •.! ; C. J. CI:TRTIS; Secretary. Bridzewat4r, Marsh 6th; 1855. WARRIPII, 1 . J i 'ln MridgerOater i ra., on ' th e bit Instant, by:Eld. ..A. L. Poet, Mr. Gennoi. L. SroNK a Moairose, and Miss s•B4.!i: J. iiipMlol, (If the funnerplaec. [ . I. # ab eh tiservgts, poly. Titrioth . v nn4 Cloier Seed, at . F. B. 1:11AND , ''' '''. 'FIRE ,; FIRE, FIRE. ' 7 , 1111 sub-4041) 1 i'; has been recently appointed an • L' agent fdr tbe Panama's UNION ItSeRANeE CO., Athino l l„ Pa., iiiali is .prepated to hISUre tIOUStiA, &MT'S and - iith'er buildiogs,?Goods, Ware:, and Merchandise, ' on favorable tCrnsk !- Applications made eitheY perion 'l ally or:lay letter rironsptiv attended to: •'I . 1 '• 1 ' ' • tg. I.I..CIIASE. • • Great Bend,- Pa., March sth 1855. , I —...----•_._•.: . s. - ; -: 1. NOTICE. •• • : 1 • rOCT. IL THAYER, takes this methild of saying 1 . 1 1 to his ftliestils and customers, that heas again ; resumed the Om:ties:l of medicine, at his old s tand at IL i Montaoe, wherefieanay be found. t alt tim unless profee•Sionally eMployetl. Be would'say to those in debtetl to hith, that, he will deduct tweutfrtive per cent on all accoUitts paid before the tint of April next, (or it - any plata- like Myself I will deduct fifty. , 1 Miatitrose,, Pelai 20; 1855. - -- LLOO, Al' A LLOO, Tills .rl l ll4 sutiseriber Would inform the citizens • rtise and the pubic generidly that he ha the'Grticeiy futnierlp kept by F, 11. Pordhai in LOils and,Chitudlees building on Cliestin in the hotough o Montrose, where has a - sortmeht:ot 6n ocm and will keep cont hand;.Fidur,t4y3ters, Cheese, Sugars,Syrup, 3 Mackerel; Nuts; .Cannies, Toys, o,..mges and Figs, Prunes Saidilies, • Stiaps, Vinegar, Coin Fetiches ' and Plain +,; lien-lug, sack Salt, Beer, Yankee Nntions, and other things tot bus'to'neentiom which will be sold cheap foi moat Limb of cimniry produce. Call and share of Public pip:soilage issolicited. S. S. Montrose, March I', 1t55. "VIT 4 .A . I.s`TEI), Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Smoke AppleA, Potatoes, Beans, S. -4 - - - - • - - P11P10 .. L..4111AT/ON: Stixqiieliatriva !,(!eijrnty sm. , - .Ecsiewsi • Dsmr.t. Coart of Crirnmen County, NOVealliPCr Tier M:317141 lJscia. , !Nd r ID. 14 4sther fietivl :1 Whereas a subpmna isi - was foiled to tciiiergber Tern), 1554, Which rcturtiiid win:est;'inrodus, and thereon an a putzui, - 2yras in said ease returnalde to I Terti 11353, .upoii the return of which, proof -iblietheitnid Esther beuel could not be fonnL baia; : • . TI otict is - therefore to require-'you to appear .befom a ItulgeS ()tithe 'said Court on the tliircl Mon day OULtpril next to 'answer said complaint Se: • • : . :1 F. P. lIOLLISTER, heriff. Sherifrs O ffi ce, 31 1 utrose, March 5, 4855. w 6. lIOVNTY FAALNI) MEN ATT ND. 6RESS has pasAed a law gi riamyouadditional Tho4e Who have already received war tantatie entitieddo More. Danville inen, icoine on now!attil I will g•ti Your warrants. -Widow# and mi.:- nog orftleceased tddiers are entitled tai thesame their hus)amtls and Either* Would be if living.: I have the, lawfteeh told Washington, and the necessary f;irms app,HeatioM: STegulators faun wdistance hire about Ao..get thews. largely interested to sign . ] of Be ware Of suchOand.dtilit sell for a song. n 1 do your busitts- accurately and promptly account f4r the full re of ',your warrants I wheti,obtaineq. From three years' Fuerf4”l expel I' nc I know I can. do the husiimtis right, and I proffer you my se-vices at reit., spuabld rates and quilek returns. •'L. F }ITCH. MOntrose March {1 1855. - i 4DocLrbß HARRIS, , 1 111001;160PAT II IsT. . f . i GRADUATE Mid member of the University of New llork. will be in Monnwe on the tttli, 7th awe Bth,Ornach mouth, rind may be epusulted atl Hutch's Motel, lorthree dos, upon all diieases incidental to the &Mum shtt e rn, :viz: CONSUMPTION, Bron chitia Villain:Won ,Of the Lungs, - Thinat, Liverl, Pleura, Kidneyi and Spleen; Dyspepsia, (Jodigestiori,) Liver, Complaint, Riztitartat, Scrofula, Eruptionit, Spinal' 1 Complaints, 1./iseintee of the - eye and ear, Nervous 1 Weakness, *Le, to-1 Paiticular attention given to die &leases ef Fent:ilea and 'Children.' Th various affections of the rtei - us.radieally - eured. i Dil'lllirris fat wellacquainted with both orneopn i thy aid Allopitthn having been in constant situ lyand I practice for the Luit twelve years, and harin-flrat in I tnxhic.eil' Roth 'maniac into Binghamton, 51 Y., in •' , • 1 1847.LIfis plan of, treatment is wild, safe aiird efea doss; and different from that of any tither physician, i and cures nearly aLcases in all stages of thel disease. Irept , Minis testimonials of chancier, abil . ity andakill, 6oni la number of. the mist 'eminent ImediCal. men in the - lcity "of New York, among them the celebrated Dr.Nalentine Mutt. ' • 1 • • ••PetiOns-wishiegi fircuript relief or , Permiment cures will &lira tnlcall without defer.. Charger moderate. Vonnidtiatirin Oee! 1 Patients visited at their residences Vaal:nil. .otfice hems frotif7 In the morning . nittO Slit thrievenitig, I 1 1 , :.= 1 i i 4 1 1 • .-_ Vallittageri. J • I 'The advanMges of the Roimepathic treatment of , diseaset are :f . i ' Ist. ,That Patient's treated ffomeopathleal , usual- ly ar e Mired touch Soarer than by. any other "ractice. 1 21 That many; patients can be cured b ) Hoineo ) , pathie remedies, srlito cannot be cured by any other I treatment, 11 I . , - tiff. :`That patients *treated Homeopathically, do I not have'to labor tinder the bad effects of the medi -1 eine they have taken to cure - the disease.' .1 , Pull! VENDII i•:. NV*l° cold at Public Vendue, on 17th-day of .11(arch,sit 12 o'clock A., Firm now occupied 1.1 Benj. 11. Fox, in Fo Containing 41 iterett, and well watered and tot profed. -with neir how; bare house; an 4 other ,ibuildinp, and a young moody graftedlruit t .l I Tatuta—made kitqwn on day of age. March 10. - 11355. 1 MARY ANN PB4I,4PLANIATION. Sisrokaarta rotorti as. : . • ,i. ' OUR STOCK OP STOVES t c .!. SNOW COMPLETE--and P LET E-4nd we woul ;t ake this *iv Atm Davis, bY her nett In the Court of Coen. 0 1 pwrittify to say that we can phew. the Merit friend, John W. Ilrackne7, monpleas of said coati- , bimittifill and splendid patterns of Parkm gni' Cookifig vl. i , ty, November ' Term, Staves t 4 be found in the cieunty.• 'Among i them can Edgar G. Datia. . 1854. No. 21.1 • be Been Itbli Revolving Front and Gothic tailor, tor . - To Edgar . G. baida: When= a . subpcens iiii divorce - Wood or coal, entirely new and decklediv pretty sto* was Maned to November Term, 1854. whichi:s du- g liiii froin stive to ton dollars . - pf Cookies Stoves ly retiiirtted no" est i ificestus e - and thereupon an -i alias I Wes thinklit heedless to say much, oily to retaark,'tliat s ibp*hai fru itaueilln said mote, returnable le Jan'ry We are settee theta at oar former, prices, and judgitig Tenn,llBs6. ttpob 1 the return of which, proof was froiti the rapidity of our.sale& we believe il l e public made r ei the said COrt, that the said Edge, Davis, sfe entiretylsatisfied with oar ptleeti and t :e i quality. could fiat be found l in my bailwick, . of our wares. ' We have." a few more left" of, the Tide; irotice is, the!reCore, to require you to .appear I "IClititott.All•-tight Elevated Ore, Stove, 'i l iteknottil. before The Judges of laid Court, on the third:Monday i *heti. to:be the best cooking strive,now in use. Rul e( Aprßl'nezt, to unitive' mdd l cattifilaint, kc ' - . 1 eta and; English Stove Pipe at old prices, AO Whit . ; 1, •• , 11 F. P. 110 LISTER, BlSs•rift, Ming*, Sad Tt o r ware of all deactiptions akl the rep Sp Sheriers OtIko; No wcwie, / _ _ I . giVeitzlvakes.l 3 . MiligiPlasin ' iiitso 11144. 1 f , • 1 11 Ow. 1 iloor Mallbed; Osiobir ti, ust. • ' 1 -.. . :., ~ . . . ~ . . MEM . -.. 1 • -.. ,: - ii . AUCTION SALE. f - I - I rib übseriber haring leurd his FarnHatuateti in , 4 1"dresit. , e,' 14 nAle from the Post HMO kept by j •Nre.. Elishi Griffis, will sell at public anctioP on Thirs. Oily thl 29th day of March, nest, i sale tOtoin*tisto 3 41 [At ti o'slo# A. M., the following describe 4 stock c. ; 1 • grim .iipiendid A year' old lfarog, 1 v#l7 ' " 1 tycat phi Mare, 1 Serf goad 2 y dice old tttpy lt, 2, 1 e l .*; }year ,' diSteers, 2, 2 year old Steers, - li i . yetir A)ld !Mire's., 5 )•carling Heifer :4,1 2 yearling s li Bhp O,lVa MI, I,'Z Horse Sleet; single. Des .. ' liras I .. Plciu I r.l I. 4 .tuve and Pipe, • • ' ' 1 Thitil - oP SALL-All Suing under f 5, ilifig an kiwi imer; acid under $5O, 9 humphs,iand all Punts! Oyer .t.50 - i j . pipntbs credit with inti Test and aPprorC4llse• ruilti. , i BENJAMIN COCKAYNE. i . 114r1h st. 1555. . 1 - .. li , -'' 110 NO 7 ..44:63111111STRAVII'OitS I NO'IeICE.I. rirtitterti . :of Admittietratien of the Esti:telt& flantuth iLil3ollei, late of Jessup township dect..vst ed , with the tWill l tumeXed, have been granted to the eubselriher. Ali tierpocis indebted to the.said estate are r i'yecpiested to maid: 'ltayment, 'and those having claims- - Or des ~inaMis ;against the estate a said - deeedent,lwill !talk° .itniistittilui same without delay to l • -..- -',_ : ;1 • CHARLES AVERY, Adruhistrattirl i • Mtintrotie Feb. 28..1855 . , : • • lnw6. .....,-, , l . • 1 OP OODS AT COST: OR citsn. - A Imo qUantity of Delainit---alatge quantity of PM , itriteita4-4ilk, - Wool and C • otton Plaids—Masliti ' +id Oatidirih tinbrniders— Dress:T:iminings Mid Blittcnts . i-'--it large i'. stock of Ready Made Clothing-a. ilsege, tocli, of Palley articles—and a few Books will sold tit Costltilk the lilt of April next by the attic icier, rt:lnluitY. 14 1855. ,i - : : -F. B. CIIA 'PLERt i - _ ' i -1, • t .. . • •14 . l' , i i -'; ~'.1•: Skeritrs Sales. I , : 1 1 . , , THE LATEST NEWS BY THE "STEAM . 1 - •' 1 t , • ERS : ARE, :' • t V ', " T7itivr the Spanish Court 1111 A decided unite sell the i 7slandlof (Juba, hut Joseph %Wittenberg Brather lutiti repdttly decided to open a new store, in the building of 1.. Searle, a few doors cost of First'stile, IlPecliit WiLson'a dwelling; house, corner cd':, Chest ut anal ow TO streets, where they .will keepicht -handa ipleittlii tiSsoytment of Ready Made Clothitig; aliso` } in addititi n i4)-this, a good assortment of 111 1 Oad Cloth, Clisinnire,•Kentockey Jeans, &e.; ; in short; a genital . . 1 a_ssoitmeni of Gentlemen's furnishing Good 4 : Altai, a Splendid as..sortment of Ladies' Dress Goothi,'Silksi Me tiitoq, Dettines, Alp:teem:, Embroideries, 4ilw6,lLbe. 0,. Ore4, - ; l ' i hunting's, 4.r. ,d;).:., , all of which th e y li n e it e . tetvidaed to offer to the public at very lodi prices.— ''All GoOds' t warratitted to gie satisfaction,, las adll l in iitiulity its In price. - • : ,- ' 111- i i pl eat 4 e kiee'us a trial before purelutsinqilsewbel'e. i:' . 1 , 'J. WITTENBERG & -'- iE44 Mont r ose,i Jan. 20, 1854'. . , . . • • ',' , . I -•-- t --: ,i• , ' ''- 1 ' Sheriff% Sales. i • 1' • . 1),17 virtue of sundry writs, issued ll....VOtiCittnnton Pleas of Stetquehant ~to 'llM.ifilreeted, - 1 will expose to public sal _.. Court itttise in Montrose, on Saturday the seyetiteentli day tX:iiimihitext it one o'ckick in the tifternoon4-411 that' certaht piece or narcel of lantisitnate ; llying and big in the township or . :Lithrop ; in said cottav, bounded itid described as follows, to wit: l'teginnitig at 'the entEof a wall on the ' l east 'side of theiLatkaWate ini 7 ok :Wlt.stent Railroad and in the north bank of the ,two) . .tk Iliatlclosses near thetopbottotn Depot ; thmice north' nt d'egrees east, 9 6-loth'piimileA tipt the 144 k to Ai pos, 'on the south sitbi;:thenee southlt t, d , i Otilt,l-213itoth perches to a,post east side liif the atm; tdlie i,• thehce.north 50 degrees, west 5,1-littli), - reit imite at point opposite the.bridge; 'north ft* de ees eer *est ~3 perches to g a stake :cast sidk • of Radroad ind turnpike crossing, in range with north side of taint pike ifriutt . Depot across the fiat ; thence Borth-• 2;4 i del.:tees .west :i :i-itch - perches to.the begittiting; ti ,k taittingei'perches more or less, with the etipurte. m• 'eet)', one dwelling house, two store house or stioirs, bind - all 'improved. , i :.- . 1 Taken iit execution at the suit of F - . p. l 4'atlin, Ex- • kcittor • ilict'of Putnam Catlin, deceased, vs Am s IR. :Mt.frill. i.l - ' ' • i ALSO-4All that certain piece: or parcel f bf part tfit italte."lyibit, and being. in the township of jAnGurn,l in, iiti),lpliat teeut county, bounded and desctihed asl fhl loWs, to!wlt: On the nortlhy lands of William Clink,. . blithe co.St by lands . of Daniel Carter; onlithe switth tt.Y l .lsttidsi - of John Benscoutdr, linden the uNist by lands brWilliani, Jackson, contaioing abOut 88 isms *re itrless, -With the appurtenances, one'. tog !house land itril and - about-45 acres innproved i . s . ILI l -1 1 . 1 4 . keti 'hi execution at the suit ofJohn TewksbUty,. use of IL) It. Peck,. vs. S. O, Sherer. • li' •••1-i t A L.‘"4/-: It the same tine and place, alt. that ter- bin! thretejtory wood building with ale ieg'front 14,4 se- . Mem', sittiate . in Lode' sville, G eat Beni; township, in ',kaki Coduty, and the Lot and piece of ground 'and 01111ilegtt• - .appurienant thereto,' and on. *hich ..saul buildingliS,constrticted, bounded au the mkth-case by tbitt:NeWbandruertmike ni4 on the east istul Ailiiiil. t. 1154 by hiOds ftelnerly owned by C. J. 1110, on . ltbe smith hit ginients owned aid, 'occupied tits the !4w riitit)k . Erie Rail-Road Co., and on the tvestOnd nor t h-' *Mat by •linds of I,ewrie Green, said building ocvnpy in.4•Miti )!.4t't hug all the lot, being some filly feeiin tront'otilsai'd Rail4aul pounds, and sotae 200 ;or mitre fedt 'tear to said Titnpike-roatl. -li c 1. . , ! • .1 'Taken in execution at the suit of Elmertl - W. Brig. bath' Vs. ;Addison iltkint, . ' • • - ft . l , - :, , i ALSQ-.1 - 1y an - order of court, 'one other certain tliei t i Or:lain:el of land lying - and being Sit4ted in the to*Mdtitts;'nf Latin op and Lenox, .boutidell and Ides. •Sciilfrell ;is IvUgws to wit : On the north ,b l •l:inds' i ;of nitti4: Ratter, on she cast by lands of-0:-Snii Case and I,4 3 i t ell u vti - o n the south by . hinds of Davis ;Mills land' GeO.,titteity; and on the west by lands of J ()lin WOO, itontainit)4 4 l33l; acres be the same more-or less, With the appurtenances. • - I , ' 1 1 4 1 .t 4 ° H 11 1 ). Vi . l‘te of a writ of.ti.A.. iss tell outof' ~aitteeurtdwo other certain pieces or parcels of Laid Sititated living sand I},..ing pattly in the hbraughl bc r riptufAt A i and partly in the township (All' Apalacen 1,, tail Oditnty, and - hounded as follows, lio - wit.if ,r/Ot 6.4 liegiCing , at the corn/ rof David ft,:pbb's hind iak 014 .1141 - tod and, Owego turnpike Ro,i'd, theitee alotigtoid.lturnpike north thirty. SeYen ,defkeees welt,, 88-Perchet4 to a post—theme Scintit 37 de s west, I Ost pitrytes to a beech ; thence Slwith 53 deg. east. tree ,79'petdreii, and I.lt - t to a post in die said R th's !Old; timbre n'otah 37.11mees east, 87 perches t4, the place ef,fleginitiOg ; containing 48 acres and 1 I , terchks isith thelappurtenances I dwelling ; ouse, Barn ond r , ebrq hituse, antl,nearly all improyed,lata the Estate . 41•17meit dri Dayton. The 5,, , ,,,•4 now.hiii on rho 1 tintith.-bsithe line of Middletown township, o n s o oh 1 .61.4 lifylatids of David Robin', Ott the nort I west ,Y 1 1,i , lima. e,fliVilliam Welch and Edward Crantsie, and qn the - ttdith itait 14 / the last described lot', leontainiag eighty; si . :Items and seven tenths, ignore orf less, with the"ap'ptni . enanee and partly improved. .1, ~1 takemiti execution at the suit of Caleb Fartnalt %'s. .i e nCini)a ;Noon. , . .. - ; R I' .€_n • . F.: P. LIOLLTSTEII . BIM 1 ..; -ShetiTn;office, Fontrose, Fe0..1 . 9, 1855. P. t,i , I . - ------. —-- .--4—....,.... + ___ 1:. lAdialitistration Malice:. ,- .1 ‘TO i r E is hereby given- that letters of iidministi 4 l; I:I:lion Upon' the estate of David N. Li *is late, of .I,le_tricit township dEcosed, have been ranted the titidersigited, and t all per oos indebted to said estate 4ill:please make immediate payment, and 4Mse ha -t• ifigr.,claith4, will present -the same duly . a4tsted for sktdeMent.t -r - - 7 . TIAN:CAR 110EWM i 1 . fferrieklan. 27. 1855. ' - I - ' [ ll- • 5146 1:.....:4___i_! 'L________.,y.,—.___:_ • ' ' - L WINTER . CLOTHING . ll • 11 - . I. :-..•, ;,.. . • -. Ai. t:II ~, • • P * ..f ,;`'' i rl/ \ 7 D.aj r-g 2PL: l ct\ .iD.I ' : • lki • 8 i,F ire ! anxious to clue mu our stock of clot..ti..- irig i to make.room for our 'Fining antr„ Sumni r yinwithaint tee are letting it at grilioy redu4d . prices. [„dl, tut Ito* ii the titne to btry cheap. it, q I Over Coati front Vl,OO to $18,0i): Dres, tPrceic atpf k coaig, l gnall patterns and new siyies. Pants ftqtn 1,40 01;00. rests of every Style. Gi*ita. Fizt. Wishing c4oodtt of every kind. k- • 1;.. 11 1 : ..AILL WOOL LONG SIIAINLS , F . ,- , , ,i. I'4 per cent ; - cheaper than ever of in Motitrosee, lEEE }WAY. lof.Mont it; boug,iit in fi Co., tit -tree', ebb AS- Otiitly on emous, tet, dried I , Cakes, ;runlet oath or EMI !d liam-, S. M. Pl of o, 185-4. 4 Divorce as duly lag sOr January a 9 made in nil , - ;. • I ].; DE LAINES 7 , 6004 4t L ; ility and neat patterns . selling ,'t cost ciash. , , ~- i :. . . • A. LATHROP 4 CO FOinual . 1, 1855. . I .‘ i 10,000 Firkin filtaves.ll IPAYr4D . by the subscribers immediati4v. I.,lfeadirrithuber audGflooppoles.-4or whicii . we i4ll pity the highest market price. Seistmeri saves pre , krred. • SMITH 41t HEMPOTEAD4 Brookly-n Feb. 13, '54 4; 11 FORSALF-A first rate 5 years ad 114311.,irigly etc war.: toquire at the Store of '• ' ITiotikifdj Feb. 13.] SMITH' & FIEMPfitEAp• • id •i • y, the Si. • the t Lake ostly ha and corn orchard FOX. El MEE ke Notice. A Li. !smith" iitlebeed,. to A. & E: rt: now or book itecounte are rtmpeetful!li remind. ed thtit it. will itra Mary acceptable to Its 0, etOto bare4lte some paid soon. & BALOWL. itoOtritte, liot-er 42n, 1354. • i ; • } • STOVES ES , • rrIRE anl , -Arilxirii. beg !care t infonn 11 i)fBrookIvl viCinity tba 'they l{are jasere• ceirOd a lot of Sf .4ra; *Weil they