portutgly of disbelieving. me twice, if tan p;revent . . , t . . So.I eras departing in • lirtste:and biter anger and disapix.)intment, anger at: twit*. So . unworthily suyeeted, atlle . death !etwild bagoicS WINN unjilstitied;indi truly, almost: . , But she, saw then, her. leMinine instinct atd= monisbed her' that 1-spoke; in • most entire truthfulness.' And she . recalled me; saving `Don't go. I believe , yon, no*, o , :st I did not.understand you before, or I should hive believed yon And when, in my overpoOring dent : • wrath, I strode'unlisteniwiinto the :hSII, ltd .Was eparthig irtieland kitid : friend, she. stopped .Me. ,for ,sl l 4l stepped. promptly- between inc and ttie dei)4 - atid as - 1 lifted :myangry - eyes: ,imoirher,hardly -seeing - any thing, indeed, through the turbid tumults of unendurable passion that iinged within me, site laid her fair hand upon my arm, and 'de tailed me With gentleCmce, And:she lifted her etear..eyes to mine; and looked upon me with such grieved and'deeo Surp: I was itLashed..auti ashamed to appear bat we one so pure in such unlovely - fury., `You must nut go away so angry. Come .back . .: I will tell you 'a good reasint for my suspicion.: You positively nOt go Away so unjustly angry at me.'. .Aliss Chester; I replied; in slunne as sud den as my wrath.'had been,- step, if you Will prOmise to forgive my. tholish pas sien.7 -:.`Nes; certainly.' • Then; secingithatl was disposed ,to ed cafe ogieyshe c outin= ued Pon't, say auv 00,:1114t it.. IWe either of us; quite understand the other e 'yet. But when -1 have told ;you What ,you 'may depa;rt, if :you w in; ei t her to return or. not. I do: not.' expect Ito retain ~friends long.' ; - She spoke sadly.. Nor' sra.s her sadness needed to induce me to remain, for my own: displeasure Was horn -]of sorrow. iSu we sl down again,' ' The reason Of witiO said, 'is simply this. I have lieforei this One, narrow ly es ca pedfrom one-Who soughl to exercise over me..the power • whiclt -I supposed 'you were seeking tri tise„.! I am sure I need, not justify myself further?' . . . . . ',No,lndeed,'• I an4cred. ' Bait why did you speak of not refainin„ friends fur any --iong 'lithe '?' :. • ] 1 • __ t 4 B Ito. I:never s*Ought Ito. - I . =not ex ./. pect iuller measure tip liking than' such as I . , have' meted out to others.' 1 . . lituld not deny tite justice of the retribu tion. •1- made -no answer, land tbre icas a ..-., short pause. Then, retiollecting a Harmer part ' of our conversation, I' askea, again - .for an 'Le-, count of her own sen.S. i ktlonS at the time when 1 . she- s•uppoSed me attempting to bring her titi - der .a.magnetie subjeCtion t 3 my will: • ' : ' I doubt very nineh.' said s . he, '‘ Whether :the words 'exist for de4er'eAng it. For several . ' •years I have read .find• tailed much .on this new philosophy of the soul ; but all the terms are-vague, transti•rred' from former uses into the present one; unsuitable, they tit like an. • empty crab: hell to anloyster. '- , SO lean-hard ly tell TM! what it is.. It rbeghis,i-however; with a sensation which, can hardly; describe, • .as I said, as to it preCise niittire— a general . •consciouSrips of relations orsy mliat hies offer- _ -ed or obtruded from en:Aside of :me's own'be ing ; and this eonscioUsnessHil mere relation . proceeds' and intensifies and .iridiVidualizes t until the threads or Web Of I hit. Medium; of connection weave thicker Land thicker,. and,' -gather up . into a cord'lpassitig di reetly pro tYe . peri:oil aeting'; and tht;iti'that person b.:e.onie recognised as so aetig. II don't - inean that there is any actual eo M d; or aterialoar t race ti. able road mi-way opened hetWeen the parties: lose the expression. Ifis the hest-practicable mode of repre.zuntitg Abe train of se - ti.:ati9ll. One thing more will tinish MI I Can tell. You reinember that story of nehirieh Zsehok , le, in which the sotimanibulia..ladyrreerigniies So diSgustfidly the griiSs:anitualized character •, of the Italian prip2e.: her wooer?' • ' . . l'• ; i— " 'Yes:" 1 I h :-"/ ' ' - 4 Tii6 story is •trutlifnl !h e re. There has .aiways been, when l . fnive felt•the sensations I .describe_ 'an almost' nratidiat - e - revela I ion. of that hind:, 'lt has Ss emed.. to inc.; though:l • must use words hill] k „saw vagnerepresentz :dive Sense again, iliaAlit Ise wh , i'llpproaeb . ed 1 • me in thatway were didiumaniz4into beasts: , Their personality :;e4rned ;to change and de grade. • Their souls:departed. The farce -of, their .lifers a ini`iie.litiluk; first impereepti, . •• bIY allOying the• i ,i4l4am Of influence winch they rayed forth,'.but rapidly predominating; 'until I was inexpressidy shockecfliy the eon, - . seiousness of the innate b! . ut.ll4y of such ' minds. I don't think l ean state he experi • .enees more intelligibiy; thOugh I have spent : much time meditating, on! Ahem', - I almost _ . _ INN doubt whether, in theiprescint stateof seientif is nomenclature and research, the for the claSsificutionl Of this department of knowledge exist.' 1 Miss Chester ceased.: rite,' 'said • after. a little thought, TO ask Vint', a supple._! mentary geustion or ! fwo. not the bestial grossness of tl#:poWers which you felt which artn;ed in you the resisting horror of ') spasmodic. volition, Which freeityon „ at once from . the, vile influen t : - .Y&,• - Y&,,' she . replied feel sure that it was.' Then I,a - sl;eil, once mare, With Many doubts, and a Painful sinking rOf the heart, - like: that which wails a rash limper, who AoulitS - for" an instant, in mid,. air, 'whether.he shall reach. the . other side of dui chasm, r• for I staked an -.tin etiSu ralde tOpe orri tw upiai the chance: of tlie single qui. , ...tiori÷altno,t desperately asked.. al though was certain that . 1 had . look. ed and longed in pure freedom - from any low • desire: 4 Are y•on 'sure that it WAS that slime disagreeable Surprisei and di•zr., , ust which cans-, 'ed vonoto reealeitrate sc, violontly against the inil - nenees'which seems to have gene - from Me „ . • , to von . , • , I cannot he.:4nite .slit,';' returned. Miss CheSter. repel„errry aPproach of the kind as - soon as I can distinguish,he person making it. \And 1 now undOgo So. painful an agita. • tion 'When I'bceome aWarti that I am within suet a. - Spliere•- . -4suchja keen appreltensioa,ef .dangerous . neightiorhoe4, and so quick an. -;gret, that I no longer istop te'analyo the.ele merits of whose operation I am conseious. But,' the added, looking to the'llirther ride of the 'tient,. ! I 41.tiinost fully believe-the thing happened without ill j intention on - your part. Is not that enough *PI 'Perhaps so. if it' is all you vux say.' -.., Then a thenghtoecuri,ed to. me; that I-would atutrive tOhave this Don ; for I *steed • for no risk.' Wiatild knoW, if I were 'Main .: seiously impnre, that it, was. so.; and purify Myself. 'I did not. fera trunilent dOti the real ity of thiS strange in.sight; And - I,yant leave • to read yot-one passage. faVorite'au-1 thor ,shine; . which stire'Y'Ois . will like' in;Feturn, • r - stual 'ask you" for some . • • ' But have not told you 'that could..Pliy: : - . Y9ulcovfoupd it Otitliy some ni E tb; od, I ini f Stre. What Was itr.. . st.have ob4rved, as ! you played upon the • .table„ - that - you: 'played triplets and thirds With ; your .left hand j;.and • t?rily - a pianist or organist would do that.! , , • It is right ,' s aid , :ahe, Will: furnish such . . . . I. was so bold` as toi uskhertosettitinfe for - inV .neat eb did was.abent . ttaw i rts4ured her that. my hifer4st in that gam d tra - d 5' t4Tether d'sappe u eq. when I ; lid discoicted the k tive-move rnate";- hot Vresigno the, gaine, And' challenged 'hitt f l i_ -en6ther7 at the first i. convenient oppoitun ty I And sol depart ed.' :' _ -.- : ! I -\ ; I . - t • . .', .. ic*iiett,... pest " N ALI ... - . . IDEPER . DENT - . REPQB.Wn . I: A . PILARLES F.'READ ARCM H. H. FRAiIER, : EDITORS -. • , MONTJQSE;,PA. Thursday,•priarch 8 1855. , .. . °miter= and.theVlctlaine-Demoirrity.l • The old tlunkers are trying to tna4eSonie eaPitat for ithemselvel out •of the Eta, that 'such a manlas . Cameron wrgs supported tly a • portion of, kheir oppO eats. If CaMeron is undeserying of . C4laldenee and S,upporti,as examine the faciN and see. jf th'e regular DeMoeraey ' are "not involved in the infamy of the'attempt toeleedhim. l' :111fr.' Maxwell, we:SUprit' ise, i s to Les class . i....l' 4 • 1 asi a regular Dettaierat, as he. cored iin Con , yention uniformly Mr Bue - kaletiv; the regular pierce -Nebraska Denitieratic eindidtite, and iy4 cthis same Mr:i 'Maxwell I 'was in. the„ ~ • fi • i I ' Ameriean' - -cauensJ and. voted with the sill • friends if Cimeron or the secret ballot, and undoubtedly turned itlic, scale kiy hip; vote in Ifavor of Cameron (sie.ii. Curtin..si - Aftler doing I his' appointed wort lin • thie :-' ki tidniiht -- eon-'' -i - .. • • , • ! clave. =where. it._ appears. he kaitie ladmit • 1 tanee ,by fraud—he - did not afti•rward's make I even a !:.how of surlier -ling the num hle helped tO nominate, but voted thrOtwhilut (Or Bucka 's ~ I I(:;ws. He Wanted -Cameron itl,4led, bat. Was afraid to vote for. hint openly ill the C,onven. = i tiiiii.. * ' . ! . , I s . . . , . . i.On the - other hand Mr. i Salk de„ another •old line ,DeinOerat, after • Votlng- for Mr. Buckalem . • hicolli'etiti . ontut the first balltit.,Ni'nt i• 4Ver to CamerOn on the set*nd,ballot,.-wh i ch raised the vote Of the:latter tt.) 51), wanting but i I sis of an eleetNin. Then the Oonvention ltd= I journed two wiyeks; and' on the first ballot i • after it re.aSsi.inbled; 'Pair mime of these worthy and pure anti.Know-NOthing Deino. , erats, left, Buckidew and I I voted 4or Conic:l4m; These men .w.i.re Plait, Sent for from this 15iftriet, (Niggle, Hogej and stoc . l(dale. i If a ll who at first supported Cairlefon, had Vo- tedi for •hith on the third iballot,i this recruit; of five from the Democratic ran*, Would have i . i raised his Vote to 03—almost oi quite - enough ... to have elected. him; as several of his opPo nents were absent. But fortunately 8' of his former suppokers . had . clel4.' .rted him,, so that his whole tote,--antilinoW , Mothing Lem (eras included ; =was Only Ofi. on the I hard ballot. Thu's the . Matter:, stood, Cameron's. former supportlrs dropping tepid the ' regu... Tar Democrats' coming .in_ to his j support, II when the Convention decided, -cloy a' majoty , of eue,•td adjourn till - next ()ember. Ihe trrent battle of the'dav waS 6ti this ' propOsi , ei. . st • : . • i k . , uon. to adjoern, fiir allpartiestwere eon:sine,- : Val that' if the ballotings were eOptinuedemite \ron _ must be elected, iirid cOnseqttently an: s adjournment was pressed earinez4l: - . by pis (ippofieute, and as earnestly resisted :by his friends.l‘ .I‘llo were lis,frieudi4, and who his ! opponents, will appe.al4y an (ixitiniationl of t this vote. Of the'siitv-six ii‘ 4( S oa, adjo u rn, 1 - . . merit, !iris/ jive' :were . Amer. fotirtixic . learts t • 1 old line • DemOciats, and seven old line Whigs. l Of. the') nays On' adjournment, Lterty.si2;•we're i AmeriCans, and ninefeen-i)M Idle, Dernocraits. , • . '.. It iq therefore plainly enough to be seen ."that, but for the. titit.d . ,,,,- adj4i-iment, a s'uf ficient number '-of the Old line Demott'ats _would have gone Oyer to.Carrieron to sechre his election. , That-iii the kind[df, opposition ith lnoeracY offered to thii; '. Know-Ni;?th • . i.ing candidate: 4 I 1 ow this 'favorable state of ftMini , , toward i • 1: Cntheron Was hrofight about, !Whether by I or dnrs front the 'Slave Power, bid . t . y tree. puree l on - Cameron's ; part, or by the i n nfluenee of his !• paid ‘. borers,' i (see .I..aporte's r i letter in this '! . paper,) Ice are unable tosay. . gut the -filet - is manifest, and confirm us in ! our belief hat . '., President Piellee'S pro-slaverY;administraion khas not much Choice •between; Buekalew tta Canteron,;who, alike:labored faithfully .in fa ! vor of the Nebraska bill, and' would he the • t pliant' tools of .slavery. .C.-toteron'S' let er, i pledging himself to Free-Soil) prinelples,lWe A.s nsider as onlyla part of the 'game,: and w i rit. j 1 i to merely to cli!cei've Free-St:lil.tien into'llis sup ort. - If Bigler and a Thinker Legisla ; tur had. - been elected, who. can doubt that ICam roil Would . have been just as ready to ~- • pliAg :biuiself the other, Nvay, ottiting to I his lat . u-s in- behalf,of the.Nebra..ska bill, and I - • , i . the:action of the Dauphin County Democratic Cx,ilv - entiOn last Fail, as evidences:of bisipo . 1 s i tion 1-. . .._ : ~. . ..... - i I. -lii common !.with the gruit body of [ the I. people of , Pennsylvania, ,we irejoic. that the swindle-has nut yet 1 byen peilietrated, J d I we hope and believe that, the ' .)Ple:will ake ul measures to send : sitch_nten t 'the", neit, Leg islattire,' (on which . ,the,- electi a ti Of - Senator er i will no. &ink de . devolve;) as lain render the , election of Simon Catnerch' or unvlOther I - 1 man - •.Tlike charaiter for•polP.i&al corrupt'. • -, • _ , .. I.l..mposs'iblt.-. . 1 - t, , .. i % M7The !Peliocratie in making its Moam.over thU.non-eleviion of Cameron, complitingi bitierlyl. that the - Ather ean di I tot 'elect a Democrat'; and 'yeti before any caucus - , had been! held, this d:igin terested counselor warned die members that if they nominated WilmOt,.' the Whole Know . Nothibg organization wOuld go to the deVil,' and the corrupt combiqation to which! the Union man "belongs 4oried tokhe:t n asest acts, even to, the tetra] pm ate conft ' het tk • • - dunce, to raisreprecentafiuniintwl forgeryou preVent: Wilmot's ehAiti• n`; Remarkable manifestation of a desirel for the election of a Demuarat i ' _ .Itfthittssw.---TheLoviSlstare previous its • , adjOarninent, , passed Asti-FugiOve lave Law. = it - provides, fir (he,. trial - by Jti §. to rink slawelaitned—ptAiibitit the toe of pails to facritives; - and . - requires that the proSetattitig attoiney::of each roanty, - tipott'4o counsel tOtify such ktigitivi3 Slat* ~,11he jOry clause 4 the iaw is. . ' 6'4 SitPrente Cott4 said_l46 rmitiVe Slave aef,.o. - tru,tnifestlir .ai Sr •,- . •.: i , . „..-,.i, ftir .,.. 11 ,,,,„„, ii ,, r ,:,_ , 3 - L , •. - ----!•It- - -.ctv0n , tost* , : , ---z--- - . . - -. - -- ,, 1, - --fit, - ,,-;- tirsl , 4- , .1.,:. Jim , Cluan, in' . NV would call aittentiOniti'it'nOtiee'llittn- cidenta . protects n, she. woitid+e __. . L i , .. ,.. other - par our PnPtYr ' of t.iti s we ek f o r .a . filse tai, r be . stintertrts,a.nd contiptieitu eh , ti Mecum , to be held akthe-CoUrt, House - neit-1 here-tO til'e'Prin6P*lrnil•forOtealorii,n4 laid Tuesday earning 11 4'iOle 4 purpose_ l Or fornting I down li, the NatiOattlipntY; in the RithirOgry - 47. Caron .:!:.e.aglie.l -!W,e 10 4,, 4 1erstatid" a suh- I Platfur . , TO 4CAtieitier;Ositi:hii tiptinjjt! ... o scription for etpital:,i;thCk s ftbieet, to :taxation 1 I ,„,t tet „ t u D4 ra i le i t t' ii,polty of Salliquelithitia to "defray' .the' -- ne'etra r} , ' 1 rxpFnses of the Conntyl . •allid it 6inVelytioncitrly in the SessiOn Ungite, has beet' timperouslysigned by many tif Congress, for the - u4iettsible purpose Ofmak - - of the leading eitiars ,of the BiiroUgh and ing a . sbnin , ,aditition:4f the_Principles . :Whieli . -Township:who are tipeciet):to'bii present to tiii. ,: rfeptiblicani . Patil: ink expresse d' -three co' nfribute;their aid;tind inflitence in the for. ninitt h: A i ,I ' ' • • . I Pr ) !I '' I ' '. ' ' 3 . , . [ motion of the Order: '; OtherS who have -nut eV u'1'." .. l it the real object ttf the ConVeatiOn'wS4 to Make 'Smelt - an expre s sion i!p i t , yet done so . will thelhave nttopportunity to 'upOn - the - questittit t itbOut to - .come, .Ibefore subseribo to the stoe and ,bi. , conte meinbers - . 0,-,p e g r ei is , A A - ' i ' w . ,,, et hj enable the politiCians, An order of this kind 11114 l un 11, 1 - sum s whO' were moving In the 'Matter, to judge the -,, e months . in operation - _ht Great Bend, and - - its Itusiquitortlie.pa ft2tirrOly. . For the per.. influent's has wide l y.been - telt and in the high- - - pose ilfiquit;tinithe a c i prehensionsuf the mass ! -- ti : • est degree, salutary, as - is OVidetteed by the . ! es','restiliitilitr:.; fi rst : p,as by. the-Con .fitet that at the. last fall electjtin. up o n the Iwo- 1 ..,,, •. 1 t , ventiori endOri s ing ;inn] lidtipting . the send. hibitory liquor law-*ly thii , e roes were cast' meths , ,f the niinildiban party, then a iresolo . -.. , , against it in that -Townshipi i There A l so the thus wi r s introditeckl4lind ,•paSsed which indi rum holes'have.be4i-closed4 , and those tav- eated•the true Outr4eter iif the - Dethoeratic , 'cm keepers who under Mir - license laws,nre 1 party. That re l sobition 'Wits very •carefully still perinitted to, ret , itil, 41i., , , Very careful to I- wt . trdeol so as fallit'ti, meet the dentainiS of h • iiiiii 'lth y vi ,, tate Iti i I t ti H ••":1 1. • : . lt, W• • sit? • whom . they adl, as tey . .w i e- i • :a par ieu a +feu !.14 !1). I, as de ,ned fur • , :.-. ~. the law, 'it, is a their pericifiir watchtill eyes t the eyt l ts of pilitiel4 s at "Wa-hingttin, and I ,t,.: .: „1 , are upon them, :ma tin ele %intent a b out know, i not furl the celisitWrittien of the pe4ple' at 1 and will nUt-fear to,' ilh . their duty. .I Ea line. I eti The IA riot in favor of .a.' tar , • . _ • The League has .bo e n fai pid . very efficient 1 itT leer iril.ti±vti(4l, 10).• a hiiitifor revenue with also in many piirtS4theSiitte of New York, I ineideatiel ',ruble titi4 but:, it resolved .that. it ', where it has almos t broken tip the - was 'in favor tif a :./7 riFjor Ri , rentet, max.' illegal tritic in intiAleating;litputrs not only ti Th e ; we,rd i oars '. wal added ft tr the eipress in the publie housel . :but inthose mor e s ec r e t putposf!. of ~itiiii., l 4r. :t.ti ta,...., sit incidental , .. •r , t ;! , plaices whieli. are the nurseries', and fruitful priitevtion, and of littlicating.to the. politiCians .1 . •1 - - ;,' - . hot.beds otisu nunNerime- mid iiitemperanee. at Witiltington; that e , emocratieparty Of , i ' Other ToWnships ;;fttur (,:i;titity are tretVing' susquk;hanna eiitinti, is'Oitposed . to any pro ., -. 1 - - - • • : 1 the same Way and taking thL, initiatory steps teetioni being e;ciendtid liy Means of. a - tariff, to furn'Tt 'mush'p •'f , te tt. ..• They .arc' just. to . the. i atltelitiT'. fl a il Road Iran. By the, things that ire necessary to enforce the the Jude wordl‘,o,l t.vl the party of this,eouti --1 observance of the present hiWs - regulating the ty FillVt i l. to the *iational body, ' We - stand per liquor male. and the prub4bility now is, that pend len lar upott the B:iltimore Platform; and our present . Logislat . iire will :either . give us •, no actiOns of ybitrit4t drive tts tiff. -. We. are the Maine Law or iiiiittillert statute still inure influenced bi.tids(Xiii4iderations of the ' high , . I, • ,' • 1- I II I • - stringent and periltaislo the retailers . than . er law . for sq . :stock! by yonwhen you out the. present one : o. t us anticipate the - day, , raged -liatintnitY: sittil stained our country's and be prep red When sAiall ome to e n 1- honor. 'We are inflientied by no s e ctional • • r - i force it. to, the ti ery, - , let tier, ? iNN e bespeak or 7 re ; for:We sustained. you vvhe.n ' you the me ctitig a full atiendaile well the friends led sm oar , tiOrihern rights and did vio. Temperance.of I ..ti our nott4erp . emjseienee. We are - - ; Iced by, tno i•yr proptipa: tit, 4.- the '. S t ate! -, of i , shut up. Our Al ausand 44,i:rant we are-I with y(iii, - heal , I and strength. :Isi;•;. l and pt asperityitt;ohl considi , ratitillsitiftitir; SideratiOns'4 Mr On .c'riday last, the Accommodation train on the LactiatVanua liaiiroad,on its trip . .; don from Great ,iflend !to Scranton, was the , ‘vn off the track hy a 'lip ;ken • rail; when' ribeiit a Mile above the 3.ll!'mt rose Depot, and the ; conductor, PliterliatO, Mr. „Henry Day, of Susq. Dep4, and .ikeyehd other pass-. engers were slightlY;iiijured. On the afterno4alit the:sanic day a loco. motive ran - ;ir th:,trae - k, 0,04 - half a mite aboVe. the, Mialtros'e!Depoi.i •NoliOdy hurt. CORRESPON DENCE. Fir. lhr reeputtien pe. "Tariff forTteverine Only." • • At this particular tilite.,,ivhen' Judge • • niot's speeches. u} op Ihe tiii lir zfre ufitlt i r dis cussion, and H lienpin g re4 has been onitern plating tne . repeal 1!.1t . all : : ilitties *on eertaiti „. classes of minnifitentreu Iron, (n project 'ru inous to the Iron Miisters 'nf Pennsylvania) it will nut lie itwipi4'ojirtatit to inquire what ac tion the Dettioi:i4::par4, of ,Sti , qtteliannit County ha, taken upon Ili:it subject. Now ; when the p . arty'i;: trying tci make capital by aren.outery rais44 tliceotirse which tua,-, or may not,'hve pursued by. a single individual, itr,..reforetice tc the Iron . iu terests of the Statejt mavihe well:y:101Th to inquire what.lthe phity itaaf haj been doing' in reference to the same!.'rulgject. If it is right for the - party:4: denntinee'a matt - foi a eourAe taken ycarigu, &4pecially alter it has c:ndoreed.that.txtur4 over again, it ecritiinkti - be i vy Pr4lierto inquire into the party's own actions, att"4 10 - see if it ob stinately maintains the grt.itt principle' ipf pro tection .to;Aiiit.,iictiit,lnanitfactures. Protection to A4tnerieiti tuattufactaireq, it is well retnernberci3, Whig principle. That principle i. si:liattett th . e . Democratic party, Leoause of its grC4 injustice to the a tgricu'.tit . rnl. interest s a the,' el atilt ry. .In the language of the ininnleolat4; Baltimore Plat forth, '3,ustice ando-soutal poliey f.•rhid the Federal Government to to,iter One,bratich - tf industry to the deOimenti irf-another,'-' The idea ofproteethrg Amerieila trutnittaetut!es by jud;ciouS tariff is*epudiitied h the Demo. ai.n i tie party: It diriff iieue, tect,i9n, but a tarieor retie!une theretiire, Pennsylvania eatinin, expei6t the manufacture of lion to be ift(pteSiett - by iu,y principle held by the DemiKT:it:l4 p:trty; bf tht; Th4e, 4:llieti; if adopted, would be favorable to 140 Iron ;interests gif our State—and Yetj AhOlty- inconsis'tent . with the principle ineorporateu Into the a t ia. • ; lllore, Pla form,' tbkit is, a tariff ,filr Re ve•nue with incidental pr3tt.. , ctit'af:'; Under this ciplo r a.tarifT coubthe s.olraid ant to prro hibit the introdktion 4-tiwelgt ! Iron, but would enable Pentisylvatiia to enter the iron market in fur cottirtition; with England.— By such a tarifr,judiciousVlaid, all.thepi,reat resources of.me State Would b 4 bniught into immediate requisition. • ! Itt:r pUldieltnprove tuents'wOuld do - 4 immpi a earryi l luz trtde • e in every direction, 'and afford 4 constant source. to her exii4u4effirea , nry,_ Private property would t*eillratj4ed idvalue, and the public debt dimittimh..: Even ander 'the ft:..ehle afflwilect by Oa; present tariff PethisylvaUld w4.Sprwperous, is content to 4,sk.fori4o elz!tuge:,• . ` . „ ICE , But an attempt:, bas 1)4 made, by virttie • • • of the' printipZipioted front the Baltimore. .Platfurin; to repeal, the . (314 . . 4hir ILii .11( 10 Iron, _ How great a detriittentjtie agricultur al' interest of . the - State igostaina front . the slight protection hod- exttitie(i to the mane-' factu,re of Iron. iti r ay be hest jtidged by re-Col ic/Ail* the vast alijount (if agricultural .priO: duets of andiadjoining Counties whielt has 'been flii; yearst . con-4unried by the „ . I • operatives in tue.Ai:orks,Of Sliteuin •flotllow and Eicrahton. Lai i &H and vviater, preyions to the meeting Of,COngrei4,.it became fully ap parent, that any attempt Otittd 'be made to. re peal tile duty on rail idad . i.tefitre the cluse of the .se4t4n.. Democratic papers, and politicians Pr4ininciit in , the par. ty, declared thetaselves ill. fitrtir of the Meas.-- tire:. Great imeted wualeverywhere 3ested,'ta knoW.. iribethee.l,!tinq Ivan* would prejltd, train - 61 knee t I influenl late : interest ; for . when .nkralyze the . 'greut iron I rr stop : the blasts . in, ,our. 4 ollittit mills and 7 thri)w of employ; .still nitd soul, might,,mtinii l eOlizqueratioliS honor eiinitnon country, no . . 'thertt rights and _feelings, btate interest .An swerve re to the great iDcmur Item;tires, right or !.wrong, I'd We will sustain' you - • • • i n o 4 the ,Demi)eratie par- January, and such are !to sustain. i. ' iu Pepperj' Li garden is Iven.:pu nt, 1- • • Deslu tut is ► I • CAYENN . ynu n 4 Li= f irges, ten tb(‘ MEM tntr:tliegintti tit eaS 11 ; L 't Is is the ie artichi The -I)il,ti : f . ,* l l. t us I'm CM critic i are Ulli carry 11i Suet t) i the pri ' Mv i geitaiiii spicy. dull, b Fur ill; Rep . üblican. ;sus. Ertriti tM --j have fur sonic thne ci•ltutins fur 'itrtietes Prottibit t iVqittir Ltw, but. thus (air iseoverod; titqlking that indietits deep t in the,sulon. , it 'l 4 nut a' r bjectiti putil tet!tbrs, but it Ow pre sents d new the neceiisity • ME pazA b on the ha% EOM new s .... . prottiPt and itnindiate fiction by eVery one who w l Ltild . :.l CU' Op.' reform of the drankard, and tlik sin' li :r6sfoil)t if every si eeies *ld'. vice. ; - : ...i. - • The. siihji.tet ti 4 saibinated. to the people last fall, wits not fully:-Inldei:t.tood by the .friends of prallibit kaki -: Stithe regarded it lis n mere dodge I pfthe Legbdal l ure, and many, i i ring t() . - trust tifeitiipqrtant Work of frainin.Tl a , - e , , pro • 1 hibitory law, •tol'lln l e who showed . So ,little friendship fOrithe:roa4tire, deemed it inexpe. client fo tt,t ff6tii,yl t.gislation uponlit until we eotild be sike olla law • that would „ineet th . exligeneiei •i di • filell4l7ase. We were . nut - : .: - ,-I - ~, , asked wnetner we sruiti m 114: the *lilt: 111 W 1 or the Connevtieuf, lltw; ; Iit niereli - ; V ill you hareProtilgitor . l.' Liipulr Law 1 , NN e , have a law now pr;Ooiltnliti,„l - gide in certain qUani•i- I. .: ,r. -• .: t i es, and- mikliirl:rertiti fire inns! a n eeS.' • 'Such an:indiAitiite'l . 4°l)4.l it icfn might well excite piston.stlS :-: • .. k• i : i• - . ;., • i" 1 2... Thi t a kenr into * portatit - political i,ri . ~ the- people at Ilfe : •l.'aint ; time, , may account, toe tm i I t tllv ' } h ilt th l fet 4de (B o . rt of temper duce Men to 4ocurtil,t tall vote. .-Bit the vote • -, • given ttntler tbesc tintio:orable circumstances, (to sa . i,7 nothhii - the - fraud and deception 1 prauti •( . .d upon'tbu' , ()nest and simple-hearted friendl; of PrtiltibA n,Y, is a sunny,. evidence that Penasibiaaia ' culd gladly act mlconeert 1,-.. :!_ . with her oistef stiit s 4 . 1 suppressing and ei pelling ittk•glittlt 4 1 front oar .mach ihived country. * Th!e) . .ig4 of petition. is oat*. arid now is: the tit is ti.t''t xerOse that right. L 4 1... ti -I,t. • • petite nab putiretil t int° the Legislature-dur 4, -•::. : ing fh pre . e.tit;sesltar until ,(if not f i roM re spect It t: It iii.'fii:iilit;nor from pul*.r and big! l te 1 I niOtivles,!); 4 1 4.y4, wit, like the.,attjuiit, Judge l , ' avenge,: Os', of our advert:Uri:, fi,tr fear Of being ! wort -, y our cOntimall, coal. .' .1 - d i - _ ~ ing. f , = , i, —. ' i[ 1 Th . , troll' is _already commenced, and Lain anxiOns that ;:yOitr ! ! 260 stibseribei should '.. -? :-. feel the infliclace . otl •our weekly and welcomee v i,,i ts i n u4ng ;di , v il !to action, and 'exciting a deeper inteirest in this subject. 1 , ' • As II chanced':ti c be" in the i'.quiet town - p t Jack. m on tte.gis,,t in:tt.,l hetrd there was to be a tetnitratuai meeting that evening, and tietet bled Ilt (410 titlenjity, the ' rari i ty; , On jnqUiry. I tiotud thitt said me'etitig was at Ar arat.' TI is, only' 'ttierC.tsed . my antiCipations, being, certaiittltat ni vt,,it to the ',gilding plate E: d -, o f dui first slit Ili , eVir.launclied must he so' me; thingl'rit-h. 1 refeil ti the ship that;' sailed from the Plahis iq A,',i.i _under old;,Ctiptain Notth, with 'Put! od frilite and a crelv of six, ladenlwilh 'the elsil.est variety of an nials e er colleeted ißituft ea Menagerie mit excePt ed). I . Ili k jug acril ndi ft or guide and ri iondln g 1,,,,. maned j', I gdye:itldl. to;` the fiats, and Mien the 1 ,11 , church who.t; the 't eating was t&he., l 4hove in sight: ' Said,, it::' ht 4 n little wags:,' ky frien quiettl '4lf, ieii,i riied; fite . Were tiotfe ( LI yet,' td 54? it - titt l A:pd';` -We were •n Ow rutsa: fug, 4wn sl.stetfiltll in to one of those' deep ,114ideration whieh were heft ,t•i! a , • - - tiniilfel 4 . ifs H ll- nie -4 , .st, &at (1';67...en made! 1 •by• he retreating 4.meriiatient the-time .1 • that iiii:oitiiiiinatred his.l!oatinit, Mena.iarie.. , Ottr 6 ithini' steid •tiiiiv iloWer i ett444 tititl an kiseiftiiiiiheact,httaiini'-'hisOiraisid trot fur those4ittio i,tridi -. that: alwiii)! indleatelm up; _. -- ,r i..• oaded ..011 wilitenti - uP; . niqiu.p v,mko‘. wet* not there vet . : ~,..I%IY . friend siiii these are th e . evertala ing Nils," . As I. was itutt - prepared to illiek the stateLaeni. I titaltt 'an as . ..ent xiii 6 end myself - kohl, i titan.% on the hie It istakeS ofhh,Ltoritinsi in inference. :11.tiet , .. • It seemed so: tinpri . ihable. 'that (ari' i n a t, aneient - or tnit4' trti; should ever iifti tinianehor in sat t,., • a harixtr. etillit-by-a - -• tongipull and a Strong pull' . ; lit itit' Wini gal neiti - `wife n i 4 iklJTip 't tinted It . eArneratid ca4uptedt i aier.otithe tnighti:. /*1 . ,3 fts . 1 - eVer saw, and ' here surely :the I.e, ... athit ' -11' , •i i re' •l' ... pr( s I Ipl ; e ; fret fr,. it) . ezt. ti,,r t,SI, nil once greettil a*. l !l ;. . rii4 tirte:t) tiPtni j the Ltillinlit teeing. a • , hrthLiie*ter, and 1 wits*tie willing', t .. i i i l lge l lly seat in the' t..de!sh for. a seat by 'il ate hare' ( ..4 - iid fltAioned,fires which ern i... ua . alinitst; entirely - M dri od een iety.: -, And .as. I ,giiiect into that II fait ~ - and - u:itchtd .Ilie i griddle as. , , : . • z I, and fro' intim' the erany, hna saw • 1 i • • .. of the happy Enitily;roll out - the ;lea ;from tinder the . forestielc,- 1. hilik Of . happier • day* ~:• -when .mi !... mit rshalled hi* little tiork arOund . , , ; - hearth, and Iliv tlii. light :of the fire from the Ilsiok °fit inkso ille news- = Awl ng pt to bait I 4ir Hily. 'l4,tid 1 aru • mita . hits I :all. the hi!4oiyi that ',his limited • lid. allow . hini.- put tti.e firely,f that [long . ben ettirignished,' and :the ,I L , lief fiat fitjulty . are s6ittcred: to the i Mte; the periect dtitholitiUu or tile of buck Wheal. ciik.s„ 'I,. set offs lough the snit*, loulititig as much Liuly i sun w4uld ver . 'cletnelish the las I . did tho corivetne*s ; tif History Irs lin - ding pbtee.f, Ararat must be . , ihtful in stmt . :uteri itnt I kl i iinot envy ants" . their Win le l I.4n:triers. But . at iti . h sinig-littte chttrCh,: with a ••;trattge and pretty fai:e4 . befure . mc, !revery. ! - .t : ,i . .: . (ring being Orgattized and• the Di; ing duly - ittiekelk the choir gnve . . .., _ i t u I.sti rring • musip., 4u. . 'instate! I, I c..cs t'. the. law offif in vont BerUttuh, , Issed the jutting: fie ctutunettc ing that .theinliji!et. nit temikeram* 1.-sul . ject, that the greati;st orators hst brilliant talent of the age, -had 1. led . tit the ailvetrey of its 'wink ! he ,stnuld 'nit sPeakl 4 the subject 1 but eettfine' l hitqself it; the subject subject tint]; that th'e ti Metad !passed *hen ien (unaided Itylav-); caul , ' check is py-intet4eriUtee; l and that the illieronte traqi - -it.uSt. H rest. illit.ll - jU , 1 i,latiiiii, restrict ing the . rum trade • • ; I . er• lititits.' .4 le I ~ `reset tied 'statistics te.. 1,,-t of th trafiie, !laid previngto alien that the pri ultnimittal s I lie ,rly r . . 0 ., Mortgaged ii.r tht; support of ie,t, • The W,le,l,l4ldt'ess was o'er:. J .. ~ • i .- Instruetlye. i 1 i - ! I hetp(.tut'ion i i iir 7.1! Prehibitoo- Law h; uid, 4 -Was tril.fplt: ' t ' lll,lt thr ,ntk• pape meah boa rl . - surykonts fourhiidds it -taqiuu r on tlioihr wh'et,ltetla at k truli the •hdlithit takitil , .!7 „ vartty t in hitihd 11 4 y tite UM s4,t - ol All theni ed was 414 jhe beer; h(; 11 gF. 111 p ME MI al ieir ME MEI A dt.;l El hiteP (retie. 1 Waw, e r lift retlis I .- 1 , ,.. ; .., i .. 1 ...14 ie :ye. in kiei t rit : Nut, (4,., unit I obgerve.d, it tign; atal: a I.e,rit•clahle list - of r i i t . ttaile -up in a eeiv-titimites; and I 14iti• L tioonti felt! that he hadscptatc• I in attendiM , the tet;titre,lnt' that ,i i •:. • ~ • . ; iftNret was felt h i y till , i n this great y littlatit. • Now it tiiittikes me that . ..i f i the Way to; do lit. i-I.et 'energetic , ittilecttirers :visitleytti-y COmniunity • , • ' . figh t, , b e , :uttjec' in its true snow lit ` !' -:'. 1 • , very-tax tuber',; personal interest 1 i ; 1 ii- Itringent Pt-1,44)47y r 'Law, and hi ise ' di reedy: tr indireet ly • ei 'gaged f rittuVittsineuf,Makittg drunkards, ttld their Wadies;'. 1 . ; ' • , tattee' cited. N Mit A j liAit a tly one ; q . her tneetingik litte het.l held with . • i s it the eastern part!tif the county, The ilr it i, nut : gener . 411 enn . Ugh . tO I f . desired rejult. ! !! 1 1121111y3 appi•Shi tiers A t a (16/pe i11t1.4 . 1 (PL cm , / ] ad; On andike g reqti tr ntfile! lit is th4.ll' EN sevc-ral Inn( fe Mil • ,ONE or THREE. , 1 - 855. : 1 . . , to, 1-,--1 For The , • • [ Repehliene. ! ;' ; Teachers' 'AssoCiaticin." - 'qua:ulna 4uuiiCv Ttlacher's ASSO, da to tit) iiarra` I Uni'verAity ay, Fdira4y The mecltitig I Pi order lby th. PriAdetit, S. T. . • Itti wait ra S(411 t • .Ne / s l t I . )orti I if 10tI in e.l.opened4ith .0711,)';'e'r by I,.')i(;i. W. isqn. - .. .• '1 ,• i ':_rrewkslirylgave att exterapore ee.. the.. m e,t ing lie Id •in Jaett. soil, 'on th e ' t.l .'On inutiim a i(4nit 'nit tee consist- Al B. Kent, 4. Jl64.4r:iison.- and S. 1 ' 1 i• ' • vlishury, wer e • appointed, to report ilints to thei'COustittit'ion.' B. F. '. 1, , . , • . 1 lair). 'moved that the (I n ty, of notninatt 1 L i .e1.4 1 for tile elisuin: , )' 'eat% be . a' dd eci to e f the euintai 4 ttee. Agtde,to -' • - 1 14 . the • abstinee !of bhp -.• eorntuitteei., 11V.1 itiehardson cakednii the '4ltte..,tiott 44intim el la*.-. pit' i t he hettcr. it l i s4 how—spolce :it., .ietigth on'the, 4.)1), tt.T44:sted that 'A'effii.lient . . 'pen night . he -to fulfill the!seVeial ditties Of " Poor: ' itkt pervis4ur and `Siiia API pi reet 4 IN,' it _ttight.tenditnor4 ilo l itd),ttnee tfidin-• i l pf our sehls.44, than : the ipresent,o4Ode tip six direet4 ra,_who 'f"eeeive no - pay, stiqueti'tly fai t o d 4 their duty: Give 1 Lto si•hlit', an education a peNon givi...-Ltirf,c4ll.ite . iintioort . an'ee 4,f g •iit(led to inintt;andl Obstirve instead ling 'everyth i ing . tiy ririp---reiated in. gi incidents of 11. 4.itee GreeleY'S 'spite. . I • s ri!tioti—itid.h4 tia -- u i pltt . if 'the 'dor.. al n, of the Tate iv as ibeOught. otiftiy ' . edttention t :lt i wouhl ei,•eitte II: : tiltdcing. 14)eh ‘C!)tild rpet4ly - 4 0;linee ; the-$4O, 0 'rot' Puhlie:debt: iS."4".St.:ott,graye his 4e in r . 4.garl to ttailiteettiltittee.of'Pu-_ st4e44 41-;."-saitil he -thisagittl iine . great e.;•it-. 14, leek of i4aproventeitt i ,' was their ie . . i• • • i il - 4tteridatiee'.r . Spik e Oth f. e. eitm .etton - it • .. • . ay..-441 . the' ; pratiii:t ion; 4 it.— i'egretted . head' of 'o644o4tig, sr ii 1- i Tifily - .WthhiNi tit ttititCi i ' ,llllt •61 been • oritjati puhliii goodi •• Is: L • .11"-ht rd 4, an )•matt a t .) h 4quarters ohe for t_rt 1 ,b4ity--f;upportecti'' 111 2 . k fr, any>, QM OIL I ed je.vtl— t •elecied mqster —timt ' tertrt t i td Anvil andleui his tidt •IThid ehlld I if , Lear erS',4ll i 4 01 niliut I, prqer (" F ri pit. at botil of I nr i tia me )4)1 A* in ' . l l `Uoft""rteoilng - t ,-- 'a itiolit . incid4nabke7 '-. ''' ' 11 - - I • . 'll .' •- beittlAtialr, yderiiettfrom it. . ',.1-;;;, ..:i,*,:i,- , `' "The following-, letter of Gen, •.' Cameron ' * 61T.4Fici t.imade :same ;further reniarks, Wiitieii . tie ,otte`of the Free• Soi l - nien .. 4iers-. or . . -- aft: ~.whiehl,get..t. R ichardeon'' liiiii4', : ; 'ad- -41W:111)1147:Of liepresentatives,:previons to the d - litte7aiteilipt to-elect aU. S. Se nator , - it wilt; to it t l e .t.,.., .. . If. - Ay. inietuirdoir sPolte' - ..0r - tfislting. „irltiehil hiic :infect dente -did - not . fisrbid the .., ~ . ....,, • I Is,-,relitted . "Sonie :interesting / incidents i idea 4.f tritsting . hin4 ',liiight ;afford Sotne.exl•4: lad:fitllen'under his•niitiee. , '‘,...,:---• 1 ruse for ithose whoyitdded hint- their siiPporti e comitittee appointed to repOrt'amend. 4 but that it was well miderStoOd, that thesesecre4 . ts to the Constitution reported- r aincial• pledges' weregiven merely t.. Win Free-Seit,. - menta.'uCcipted and laid - over to .the next yotos,. and any, intention that 14' not with itter,ing. Committee then reported Manion. pledges - should he kept, is _evident , enough . for .4ce .r4report aCeePted'and corn front the fliet that . the prii.slaery De:manta,. 'e. di. ,rg•A--, - the election deferted z un...hoth .by„ :: .tfieir id . int...t i y.otes inly,t,beortuivetit ii•hitig . 4i on , : , -., and b4tle . ,,titostlitrentrou s effeal ., , t 4,4 o. 4o o l l : , r•Of. : ..W- lii7;liatiisOns'pOlieat fehirhWal,iie . ''.i.Tnietiibe ra: • labored , 10, f free . t Catnerou!s tner.-of a ik-oing the atteation of pupils, election. •:,- i . ',.-. , '''.' •-,- ',' 1J; ',-:•!.. - , i: - : -• , -: - I!.- -- -. , .- . linstrup mg them in leir various studies: liatuustitto, Frida Y 'Felt 0 . 1855.,::.•" ..*) • * .. TywksbilrYi,..t!n!k ' urlftle 9"--e 4 ti(* Of 4 ---ht? ~• DEAa Sta':, i have, at .12 , O t elock received.` Molt s& bong law ; awl , spoke at considers. y our. leiter of:Ahlitatitirnittg4sta reply to it 1 - length in litS usual eloquent, and min- ~1 1! 1 , ,in,vd.iatelYa - -- ' ' ~- '''''l-- • '''-'' .: . * 1 ..1....1/...iir iirs . t . .i,nterrogatitry t- .. T- -- , :.., ~.., itative;lfty le. •"= SpOke ;if the innuensead. Have you ever;. at any tube net% or are -, tigt•S thiriVed iroin_it, anti, of the. neOese' i-... you 110i:,,' or will visit ever . .b l e,, in 'favor of the' r • 1 rif still imprtiying it: Spoke of the oppo 50 ... called Katit4s:Netiraskaili in' pais:ted 'lb .- tt—sat i he thtinght that ninny of those '.Ctinireti},...,tli.• lasts,e4 . Lst!tt,?... -. ; mime opposed- to it, 1r:10141%11i-6g:1in:4' A osecr :l .4. o!Bi !no day , it Was:introduced 1 . ... in ihe Setiato,.. to__ flits time, :1 lave been (Iv nom the begitming.---thati .66 , Lid ilia. , : d , Ai' bit' lii r 1 j .. „ _ i .-..-. , .- •, • • 1.... t•,..1 1 0p.r..., la t ‘er a‘or it. - - lined flit pIIiNCIPLE ; ti.l_itittling -..het ,it i 2,l,.Lti , VO il lit you„if e l e ere , tO-thelgvhate ii a khaki& robbery, .0. tafilllatple Matt 'Or II if th e United Slates'. Use 1111hisiciraide 'ea ! . ibenefit cof atis:ther's children:- i. • ) .. 1- ' • .fair utoans• to, cifeet tho restmitt it an 4lf it!er . No.l :* il,ers . • .1:. williieletrdson Mr itt_Ld all ,not other: culled Nir ''. ft i,7, l I :". i ,',' ll ."l."!''l'''. " htiil :"- l i m . litr , .- - , , • ally and virtually:abrogated - by th e passage, PP.)vik'd,l4. to g" ti l l . n is " 114. "!''' of ifs Ki1 . 11;;;1•4 7 Ngili ) ,;-4,1cr.. bill teiL of refreshnictits. I. , - , "'• '.--: lit'aigwerl a .. ..atlit . ... .r.. '-. -. .-...- :'- '• . 1. . ) • lii motiion, adjOurned.till evening..., 341 Would. yon, if ;elected to th e-Senateot i• ,r,ireNING sEssioN; ; ,•:, ; the United : Suites ; use all - .liontsrable and fair ) ~ .t. ' .Suites ; : use ,t). t - - • e L . A MOMS in vour-_ps over, to Ore 111.41,1-ete4 _9f pportiuuty WAS given tor those present, • ~... : ,•sr , ! i • - - ' what is commonly known :'ns...the "..t ugitive: 'tnenibers of the Association, to join, when . &aye Law vs, -• • ~! - .. ~, ..-- , ..... - teacher; and Others': give their names as . A itsiver—The passage tit the'CtieriprtimiEe' 1 i ibers.l On i motion, proceeded to elect Mea-tires .was Atiptiesced in: by the North,-. ~' kers !brittle ensuing year. The fflawing i n g lit ai d „h o p e d tle q uestions.grolving Miro( f ,• 4. ,.. c h tt ,‘ : p •id okt :43 . rp . 5 c ,,,4 t . ; ••17;,i, x , 'it had been :settled, but :is the South has been 4 W . 'W „ 7,- . - , 1 - the fir-t to viniatelit, I hold the - bill • subject ' o4 identsi • - • tiCYw(" l , un4 J • I '7 to ievision. , alid i%; ...4 1 4.1e1 with the North.tilkft .. I . , ' gill ; * Secretary; A. J. Gerritson ; , Clerks, this 'and. all. ques4us.conneetsett with the sub-- - . . Ret•ic,Atia.d W. Faurot ; Treasurer, A. jecti.tsfStavA ; ryt, itanswer•i-.1 will. - , - :.- e ,-,,,• . . . 1 ~- •_ '• .'--. 4t11. -- -11 . .; you rs t iosgnize _Oitirtiglitr•af Con-. iKent, 1 , : ' '• • i tr.ti. , s. and if so. 'Would yOu - net upon such On Motion the manner of tea bldg gram"- , a r wits token t 4) and 4i,,„,,..ed fin.fi l iii it„! , ig , i. r ight, and use your tote, and influence to leg- - islaie for all territOries tinW belonging,. or ,- y Prof. W. RiehitrtJA, A. .1: - (..I•l•ritssai, . Which. may hereater be acqiiired by the Unit e, V. .IVwksby'ry, and B.' F. TeWksitury, • eel States, to thOutter and entire.exelusion of vi h imicli . interest. , 1 Shwery 4 st,in voluntary see etude hi said Ter: i • I ,+ ,The et striiiiittee 'on says.' • 1 t '-. it-"rle-mr' '-; •I . , . 1' -.",'',- , . ~ gin " ' II 11.11 ,1 ellil• N I iiii , a i. ( 4l- i s th a t • I recognize the . right ' listing; IlfS. T. Scott, W.. W. Ileyiy.sod, and - 1 alio ‘ y y.uld sin le I - gis ate. . I. A. B. - Kebt,wits continued . to next Meeting. -. s:h. Would- voii oppose;:hy . all end:ev4 .' Miss KB, Bart was appointed,ki prepare . ery honorable and Our meatis in your issweti - , and read fin essay., at the next in litig,.' on the - extension of Slavery land inyitluntart., i • I servitude over territory now free, or' ant • - Inc importance, and Inc best titside, l of lute , . . . - • I ,_ , . - where Jr .atiy. time , now or i nereatter,'Whiltg• re4ino . pit'hils-iti their ,st tidies. • 1... I e ' '- .• 1 \„. .. ever or whenever it may be, . etalea.vot.ed;:hi- i A votelot thanks wats tendered to 15. l: its friends ; to intmlnee it•r i ! . - .- •. - I ' Tewksbury fir the able manner in Whieh he . For an answer to this, lissuld re-tidily refer- : had discharges'. the duties sif SecretarY during to my Senatorial eourse,isps•ially iny.vot4- i • i i. • • • r -... on the Wilmot Proviso; hie that there may the pa , t ypir.•••. J • • --• 1 •.: he no tnisuntlerstainfing,•l cmpluttically-.att.- - •• On motion of A. J. Gerritssit . the . 4.,.. ! - swer in thS• idfirmative. .. .-- -.-' elation tdjouried; to meet iii Springville; ten - 6th.' •!. WoitttLyou at all time• , :and upon all Ssiliirdiiv i iMars.ll 17t 11, - at 10 o'd 4 Wis,, - A.•' M. t *omits is ars, pristet.-it:andf4ce:...lcel.,iit'llsis re..peet; ' -i • I - ! SO rT. SCOW, Pre,t„- untionnties, ....,.. L .l :ii iii - all where, tle: rights) ] " • ''''.."- - '\ I priv lieges (In he .Mirth, as guaranteed to them, A. J. ditutirsON, See'ry, ' :I A • .' 1 -.- !by our. Con-tittition and Iliws, agtionst !any • .4, that' EMU thin. mitt, tit ..1 ma and con File mt. 1= f y ( 1 %it i.' tio‘l i it fl del w a Ihel El FM wed Pr C I k. 21, . , fropi Me flarriablirg Daily Herald.- • ' • The `833'f0a4 . --Letter from the lion. It Laporte. , . 119CSE OFitETRIE . SENTATIVE , , Fi.1).24; 1855. MK. • StiPnEt.: Mtu.Ett;--Dear day ltratf,ts us the IlitttltiThe D . :4!tratentt.. eonductedl by us Speaker Chase, containing what puritorts tit ben letter written eiv Judge Wilmot tai Sintt a Cameron. A senletio• in stnring.. eltpita s is. mole to .!tinvaitiee Wilmot's ipreferenee tr Si rn‘ Cattniron over his rivals. !When Mr. Cfrie Was here mtirt. tWiilWeek4 slime, .1 learned that. It o tilts , eustoilian (4' a private letteti Jintge. .Wilttica's kr exhibited it• to itae' at 'least ()Ciotti- Ntirtherti Oelegatiort e in 4 rder to in. dire us )to vtite f,r Sinnott Cntt rein. :Yet Mr. CletsPielainis tea be an anti-Cm ,turn netn That letter was, afterwards handed nbinit the (linea l !, antliMajor Sturdevant wits afford ! itn ppptirintnty .to copy it. I have just scon thatleopy; it Correllonllll,4 With my re eollmtion;lof the contents of the original; and proves t .copy publishedity Chas% to he' a o4itil it ted!toie. 1 Ilere is the sent. ncit, just:as it appear4l in . the- Denincrat, tip tars, italics, brackets and all :- • - • !' In r'eßikt! to yourself I kerre e w i ar d fidireopiro§ernent or Onkin THE CC NTRARY...I HAVE. EI)LY EXPIW.S.SED A PRE FOR' YOU OYER -ALL YOU IVIIEN iT W ikti SIT PPOSED TY ' WOULD HAVE TILE TED POW ER. TO.. MAKE. Below i< the' true li)py:taken, SoirdeVatit: ' • _ •ht -re peet I to yourself I have expresseiA no word i•f'-di -itiaragsirtent ' or nrekiticlne~a;=-, 0r) theisintriiry r 1;3 .e frequentlyexpresSed . preference . Cu. pin over all - your rivals o f the old .;14te • ditnOeriley; . - Fi,ro6r, flir 4. Daiwtion';; - &4e. 4.e.; and 'this - *hen it Was spposed ihe `party' would' have the- undis puted ,poWer tq - inahe fln eleetion:' is 2,- -1-• • It will )ie Nuttilynoticed* that the- sit prires. 'ion of the qualifying phrase', `of the 'odd r deuwritey, changes the meaning Pr : the sen - 7 . team, at al makes it all i•Xl:iresNi9rt•f *- a re4o, lute.prefe:renee for . Cu.Vr(rn river-':,:everyta dy ehe,'lnstead of a mere' preference fir hint .over the Old liners, ewer have dritiei::sti much sentiment' in:this'State On rthe -- -qii6etiOn - tlf slavery otfension , .i i i i ii . dOthitiatidtt.. - So 'flit.- us the conditet if 11c; Clutse i in this tit:titer, is-tsaneekat4, ciiniiiiitif is ututecefs . arYi.,..! % lfaiw - 1411 the vi+~lntiotr f . Nit4l.lenee :ito id its the' nc 4;filltieitog a private - fetter: hi • the ban& of "•i bitter' and 'ttnA!crufialonit'enetai of its:auth o r to he used he lifight Kee fit! , `Cull you this l lharhing yoo frietlst-': - I have no. anil)itliin to appear '-•lo' . .tkii.t paperiti:' ijiJt alh,y • exPlatatritat >weals 'Ora. to Jailie Wilmot and the public. ... • • - rg/i.)1! •learri; set out. Of Itri hiime.ts) -. return . bUrg;:on i trneAday last." 01;rious •has tietaitwd 31r. isithrop &inn his sent" in :ihti Legislatiiro for:several d a ys:, ii.tidi;iitig• •-•- . - rrssible-tor- bins to take part ..in the; iitin :far . tihn,efreticiti Siates.f3ens: ►Or,' nn t n 27Lult. - When at: Rarristsirg_ wuq finiqdfaithroi ,. the prineirtres of lii . enns aioni)t toil.'hn• 'con: thine 440. I:11111111i SPY as:.ttottli., for- This rollyngun „ , kr; of the latter Ke shall spt;iik liereattnr. . _ SAHDI7A'AIIip THE Pcifix.--fly the hiteltii, eigtini•uowekyrethittilltiw i aringhoeit acted Lrdhiht fur theJeltie estate efinvente , :nnd ,eherehett, helm orrintgewrthitt, the hotel, supperted Isy the Storefthe int Lire— Pope hal otthilAmi hethre the Centimilo; 'when thr deieittnek the Saftlitilnif - Gii And 'dealt, oil enaciawavto bo - ur no aloe IpitK .ise fluor, ti ‘ f an hi!ur -with Orineifilis of the, M M Mtl! M . ta lftl. i,..,. -- and all en . ero ' haients 'of ,our si4eri mates,. w ialikkiug .it,4"tititposaig- the 'Stitithejrn part of.our Nainalati Confederitql". " ' I - L. . -- '•:.. - Annaaer—iv. Northern mini . who wiadd-nnt protect andore:erve•the.rightt; of t he - NOrth is unworthy -of the..re:lwo -Jif any hi iiirable man ; - and fir rho:Li-right-411 w; \ ;u id !tattle to .the last; either in 'h.. publi - Air i priviite :sta.-- doh. 1 : -, .-.- / .7th. " Arevon - in favor 4)1, and rwnhid!you .. vote, act and 'u -e. your influt , nee -ill - ftviir of ' sueli a systetwOf, public rates • and defies tes, wou.d niiist clreetlially, :aid licyinalatill_dOubt - guard our home: 1114u:try . iod iitatitifeetuies againA -fOreign cianpetit ion -atid'S pit t liper la- Ibur f" . . I •- Anstret• :My FrincipleN nte , i lvive always been - in- favor of the • ArieatrSystemit'l have n e v e r doubl e d as to' what was the trtie-piillejr i of the : vomit rV, nil (. answer your hiterrogw- i turn in the ailuitattive. . 1 - - e ' 1 ' - ' Bth.. "Do .you still, in this respe' 4 adhere to' and uhich , by sentiiiiint..land iloctritmi eon= taittedinihe)peceli deliver i ed by 'yoilln: the t Senate of the United Scuts on the 19th day 1 0fi1u1y,..18.16 1" : -. i• . • • , i , .. 1 . Answei--11-Inoteerfaitily ;do. '• - ' I 1 ' • I ~ 9th.• "Do you recognizit the right-00fiti, t greys to , legislate and- mike - appro - rilitititis i I fir the ittip a roVentent tan , . rivifrs id hue s ha. ;• hors-1" : r ': - - - .1 - . ' If. 1 1... - :1 do:- recognize the . righl. - -grent'y I deplore . i rale Executive. vetoes On . .-I1 is Suit:leer * laud-will I use :every manage in -my I.l)wer fir...the- 'pas. 1 .' = sage of hills fir the. toprovritient•Of'lliveri and ll:arbors. ' -- :-- .:;• 1 . ,.-: . :•" , ' : "; -.: •', .:.. . 1 10t h. , :‘••Are. von in la( vor of suchn ehatige hi . our National .tawk:iiertaining' to , the.. i iinturet; I - • . ization, i if foreign eifiztins; as: alfalfa." untie! elk L " h ' • - '' I - : - ; ' ' y - ft `-th ' - lot I ent-,.arrrt mg 1.1 this /*pillar ; # yr . a, .:. • . ... .. , ... r p s age 'ifs-itch ai) . 84.7t,t0 retrial, in t thseillunir - i ' .. ! ill lettit 41 yt.itr,4 hAire being inatie 4 , l-6 -- - "1h.... rights ~ I Af. 2 , ilfiiiige; - hs . 1 hey I now' pate'. thertr, 1 and -will-you - use yOur . %lite and- influence to neviindish:slieltu change l't• ‘,- :•:, '''; l' . .• This ',our last_'intern g-itory;'l - ansWer in _ theafririntstive.', '.. • • . -1. • • - ••••'• -'-- -. .. . :'-'' ' • . ' It 'was noon- AyliehLreecived pluiletter:- .Visitiii z i and fritinds- have ;crOwded hiy4oOrti. since 1 coinnieneed Wrilini. l .•Oi• l l, 7 l,lliiiild hev.it) written toOra . itr d etail.-.• our intirtirieS:Were di t.:•et —t he - answes area'} dire el .and.'"6i ',1,4‘", . point 'Still' 1' ninst '• regilet,' that =l4' lied .1144- minli., fr - elafitirlifi. tneiti' niiire fully.: •-• `..'• y. erir,v4l.,(lftiliy y. - 10, r-is6o-%:• ' . '. . : • • ' • -..-.. ',:- •:.'' ' ...' , 'SINV.N.OAMERO/4`.. ..L. M;EitiXtikiltiCii;."gs_qk : n u * i t. t,ll° P . . ' ptased no ness. ON REPE ERENCE. 10yAl'; •PA:R; SiDISPI.I INI-ELEG icy;Majin: CONNEciletil lAtautt.Srkvs.Corivatmen.-1 This Whig,State' Clllllll`lllioll . / r Coniitticut ntet Fe11, , 28114, mai natiiiinated -the - - preset* State.officer: .f,r . re-elvet ion hy- acelantatitat. Tito Convention also adopted rettolutiona vilr don.ink;lll..Amerietarprit+iplr, meludiugpro lerliiin to Anterienn Industry.; declaring that ilia repeal ttt . the Misiontl ettrariremji l e lugs OIL an. end- to All -etnprt anis* on the's'.ltitvery tl4stion, and esnre*sing.*: deteitnittation Act resist, hy alle.tustitutittin metasetheadinia. Jiiiin of Ifily : njore slave State s hit* theUnicar.- , ,• Ihe rostauti9ar4 farther denounce the titan* i 4 Mr. Tour', In the - U, t._ fiwitatts . condenin t he, ,vett : ;of\ - the,- Riecr an Harts tr.nnd "the, Freuelt Spplitttitat bilk; .a prove the Connote,. lola prOlibitclry bkw.. and- dsetariv that Gen.. , i Pierm's ad t ninistratin- is i entitled An ' but lit : ,.. tle respect. -1- , .:- .. , - J ' ; -.- ' - ,-1 , • PiPACT AND' RIUMBOPtN/S/C — IEVe7 Jai We have.nnire eimvineieg reasung the.' •antak4migm 4'ttie 111. y -unlit Ctififiit' to Ame'rmuk Thn: .1114Attruirt. (KO states that 'a itminm - OttholLts, Priest, Hiring in that rounti; prealefied - n gen. tnrei near Wilburn a ft it daysiginee,itiwitiOt 116- - attempted tea .pritiejtintt-a: Onyentotent wag arrfingar prineipte, Irk itacos tier and'in nit ;' - thati it vat- 4 f t/ n!, 1 1 1 t1 t° this laws 00 fi nd Ha , M1V,,1144411 . 74 - Ito the 1111Prest*'' thi, titiffi ' BOHM etitholie4 imit that ati‘wiPt were Isienterof that i %neck-AMA - do! fAierythittg ,. lhair lamer to !Irak destrny govemineug - 4 - • • , , E