Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, March 01, 1855, Image 2

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    ~:r• '
•, , .
• \
Thursday, March 1, 1855•
ve Von Heard from 'Boob.?
•;, We think it Cannot,be denied that the De
mocracy have triumphed in 11uSh. -
• : Toppet.;'Charles B. : Perrigo,. and the other
=successful candidatoc we believe; are pretty
• good Democrats. The defeated candidates,
, however, Will'doubtless be surprised to learn
'..- : *:they were on,. the Wrong side,.--on the anti
. .pemocraticticket,infact, , and will therefore
7- • set themselves .right-by doing over to the
other side, as soon us possible. N. D. Say
der, fur instance ; who thought he was the
regular DemOcratie' . candidate for Assessor,
must - have. had . his eyei.ope.ned when he re. :
eeiVed but 16 votes. Or, if he still thought
• the Democracy was beaten in his person, he
learned better 'When he came to read the
_ news. And the Irishman Who was so highly .
incensed at the;result of the eleetiun, as to,bara the houseS of some of his.
neighbors, %dm he thought had .cootributed
to the - *exult,
.701 no off,..wh4 he
learnsthat the (::.Dimmeicrats' have triumph-.
ed, after all: W hope the people of
journe!illi feirl - , -e-etair" , 4ed to
perseVere in well
phild-Air- •
(IS al parties approve their conduct.
• •
The New Tanfr
. .
The lionsei - i 'of Representatives; on. Satur
day last, adoptpd'.an amendment to - the Gen
eral appropriation bill, reducing the tariff on
brandies and affil other distilled liquors from
100 per cent. to S 0 per cent. ad:valorem ; on
tobaCco; cat.-., glass,. tnahoiany, and ,
-ether fancy .Wood, from , 4o',per cent. to 33
per cent.-ad valorem on iron in
.all shapes,
cotton fabrics,' woolen do., (with exoeptionS,),
carpets, arms; ale and beer, clothing, coal,
cutlery; furniture, hats, hemp, jewelry, linen
manufactures, 'silk manufactutrs, ' wares-, of
brass, copper, iron, tin, &c., from 30 per cent,
to 24 per cent;; ait, dyestuff, seeds, ice, and
- animals of all kinds, to be henceforth Five ;
and most Other articles to, pay 20 per cent..
_leis than they ha-ve hitherto done. •
Weheliee this tariff is in some respects an"
improvement on that. of 1846, but. while it
?Oil benefit a portion of the ,States; it muit,
prove most injurious to Pennsylvania.
sta4 with its Forty Millions of debt., can ill
droll to have a chief source of its 'wealth,
the iron interest, destroyed, - as - it is feared it
'will be bY•thiS reduction of the tariff on iron:
liembers.of both houses, from this 'Silte, : of
all parties, are •opposed to. the measure.—
,Senators Cooper , and Brodhead opposed it
strongly,' and, the latter a ft 4 days ago
rriade an ahle,( the Senate agaitiSt it.
TW:vote, in. the House, on• adopting the
Atneildinent, was as follows :. • - : .
YEAs—Messrs. Abercrombie, Aiken, Jas.
C. Allen. (111.,). Willis Allen, Appleton,
Ashbe, Bailey. Banks, Barksdale, . Barry,
Belk Benton, ss, Bocot.. Boyce, .B rencken-
Bridges„Brooks_caskie. Chamberlain,
Chastain;Chrisman,-Churehu:eil, Clark, Cling;
man, Cobb. 'endue, • Cutting. Davis, - (lnd.)
Davis, (R. L. Dewitt, Dickenson. Disney.
Do‘ydell, Dunbar, Dunham, Etv..ttrian,\ Eddy,
• Edgerton, Edniands, Ednitindson, Elliot,
(Mass.) Ellison, English, Etheridge, Fulkner;
Florence . , F . oller, Goode, Goodrich, Green,
;Grenwood,- Grey, Hamilton, -Harlan, (Ind„)
Harris, (Ala.,) Hastings, Hendricks, Henn,
Hibbard, Houston, • Jones,.. (N. v.,) Jones,
• (Tenti„) • Jones. (Pa.,) Jones, . (La.) Keitt,
Kidwell, Lamb, Lane; Lathan). Letcher,
Lewin, Lilly, Lindsley, .(Ohio.) WMullen,
• McNair, - McQiieen, Afecy, , AfaxWell,. - May,
(lad.,) MillsOn, Morrison,. Murray,
Noble, Olds, Oliver; (N. Y:) Orr,
Peek, Peckham; Perkins ; (La:). Phelps, Phil:
'• lips, POwell,L Richardson, (Ohio.)
Ruffin, Seward, Shannbri; 'Sham', Shower,.
Skelton, Smith, (Temi„) Smith, (la.,)Stnith,
(Ala„) Smythe, (Texas.) - Stanton, (Tenn.,)
. .Statiton (Ky.;) Steven; (Mich.,) Straub, Stu
art, (Ohio,), o;) . Stuart, (Mich.) Thurston, Upham,
Walbridge, Walley, Walsh, Warren,- Wells,
. Wentworth, (Ill„) Westbrook, Wheeler; Wit
te, Wright; (Miss.) Wright. (Pa.) .
,NArs-;---.MesSrs, Ball, Belehey, Bennet, Ben
son, Btig,g, Campbell, Carpenter, Caruthers,
. Chase, Cook, .COrwin, Cox, Crockr...Cullum,
Curtis, ;Dawson, Dick, Dunn,. - Everhart, Far
- lev,. ream, Flagler, Gamble, Giddings;
• G'Oodwin; Harlan ' (Ohio,) Hirrison, Haven
Hiesr o HoWe, ..Hughes, Hunt, telngersoll,
Knox, Butz, Lindley,(Alo..)Lypti r Me&lloCh,
Med - maid, Matteson ; Mauriee,
Meacham, Middleswarth.. Morgan, Norton,
Oliver, (M 0.,) Packer, P.arker, Pennington,
Pratt, Preston, Puryear, Reedy,. Riddle,
Ritchie, (Pa„) Robbins, Rowe l Russd,Sabins,
Sage, Sapp, Seymour, Simmons . , Sollers,
Stratton, Taylor,: (N. Y„) Taylor,' (Ohio,)
Taylor, (Tetin„)Teller, Trout; Tweed, Van
Sant, Wade,' . Walker, . Washburn; (I 11„)
Washburn,(Me„) Wentworth,(Mais.;) lates,
nr It will be - seen by,. the telegraphic
despatch hi another columnohat.there was a
falling off •in the vote for Cameron and
Buckalew, the three ballotings. for U. S.
Senator, on Tuesey . last.. We have not .
learned the vote for the other. candidates. It - .
appears that: Buckalew had only 23 votes.
'whereas two' Weeks befOre heliad 28
_on the
first ballot. ', We are curious to letirnwhetly.
er the others, of the five followed the exam
ple of Mr. SUllade,,anil went over from Buck-.
slew to Cameron, 'and it they did so, we sho'd
like to knOvi how such a course of action will
be accounted for. •
ray-Putnarres _Monthly, for March, is one
of the best numbers that have yet appeared.
The series of
. able articles on the 'leading
questions of the day, add greatly to the val.,
ue of Puttnun r The paperonMormonism,.
nd the relation, of religion to .politics,
tract from which will be found on our first
page, Will be read with interest.
IlarMr: James-Watson of Franklin, says
the statement that'threats.of prosecution for
perjury, - &c., were made to him, to prevent
his voting igaiusi the KnOw-Nothings, is ut
terly false, and no such statement was ever
made by him to anyspersian.--,
W*Sevtild 'communications and othei
aitieles, that should_ have appeared in this
week's Republican, are unavoidably deferr
arWe are under obligations to Hon:
Groli for several - 'valuable Congress
ionattloeunients. • .
w .
• Since_ passage ,qr ,the - .llebraskit
elections bare been held 14 inoilt Of the Free
States. 7.Tbe , generalresultof those elections
is thnbest eviience of the present-stitte of.l
feeling at the North, on the Slavery question.
Every . .qoverni t ai that 'has!; been elected, isitur
avowed •nnti-Nebraska - .A very great
.majority of, this Representatives elected' to
the next Congress, are alS'O Free-Soil men; so
that we: are Sure_ of a iVtee-Soil Hous(i of
Representatives, during- the session succeeo
ing \me One that.passed .the 'Nebraska I
Within the last •year, . the Legislatures of
eight-Statei have elected "United States Sena
• titr.4., follows: Maine; W. P., Fessemlen, I
to fill arvacaney ; Verniont, - Latirence 1
and ; liassachtisetts, Henry 'Wilson, .in place
9f Edw'ard rett Cottneetidat, L. S. 'Fos.
.tcr ; NeW 'York, Seward ; WiSCon:
sin, \Charles purkee, it place of Isaac P.
Walker ; lowa,..James , Oarbin, in place of
A. C. bodge ;; Illinois, I.'..Yritan Trumbull;. in
place of ..TimS Shields. I:'.•tre.rY one oflthe
new Senators is anti-Nebraska. Pennsylva
nia came - hear I.l.leingi swindled into . sending
an old pro-Slavery de4glifaCe, (secretly
pledged • for Free to the Senate,; but
this disgrace ;t o the State has_ been happily
averted (brittle, present; and we trust forever.
In these resuhs . we isee 'Much to inspire
the friend of freedom I- with hope that the
• 1-
reign of the . Slave Power in' our National
.Gorernmet t is-.near its. end..: I
.;',:,:::,11n anOther.eolunin of this Paper !Will
be .found 4 'letter fromli.tu b AV
doe ILator, e.v:
- • . . • - : - i
dosing to le 'just indignation ofr'the people
one of thO'rekrious plota of Simon Cameron
ad his hir4.ling - satellite?,i; to build up, by the
basest•trea .wry' . and falsehood, the ' 'fortunes
of the . Mid : letown BanktPresident, Cameron.
ii .l
Free-SoilT I. of- Sus4uchanna l - read; and.
.refieet. - I/ \ • i - . .
• I .
To Prevent . .the Sal e of Inteizieating Liq uors on the
.first day'&' the week,. coin'tiionly called Bundzp.
. Sec. L !Be it enacted; &c . ..; That troth and
after . the.tifst day of. APO next., it shall not
-be lawful tot any, persOp or persons to sell,
trade or barter in any spirituous or Malt liq
uors; ivinelor; cider on ;the. :first day, of the
week, conundnlY called iSunday, or. for . the
keeper or keepers of:4Fly . hotel, inn, tavern,
ale-house, Jeer-house, or,
.other .uublic-house
'or, place:, knowingly to tillow or pertnit: any
spirituous I oa malt.l i quors, wine or eider, to
be'.drank on or within - the premisesier house
occupied (*)r kept by stiql keeper otilceepers,
his; her, of their agents or servants on the
said first davjof the week. - i: ..
Sec i .2 *That any per4en or persoas 'N'iolat,-
ing the previsions of the foregoing: section,
shall for each and-eveky. offence forfeit and
, •
pay the sum lif fifty doll i ars, one lialftof Which
shall be Nid to the
s pro andecutor the other
half to .theignardians of ;;the poor of ',the city
and county inswhich snit is brought, or. in
counties having no guardians of the poor, then
to the..overse'erslOf the poor of the township,
ward, o r vor i ough. in • ‘ llicii . • the offence was
committed, tp be:recovered as debts of like
amount fire . now by IOW- recoverable- in any
action of ;lebt brought! in the' name of the
Commonyenhh of Penitsylvania, as well for.
the use o the guardians of 'thenipoOr (Or for
i i
the 'aversyers of tile poor of the township,
*Ward prlo r rOugi i i, as the ease may be) as for
the 'person '‘eing. „PrOrided, That when any
i prosecutOr is himself' 0 witness !on any' trial
under the_lmPvisiens 'ot:this section, then the
i s whole pena'tyor forfeiture s shall be paid to .
the,guardians or:ovzrseers as aforesai4.
1 Sec. 3. That siaAddition to the eivil penal- s .
!ties imposed b l / 4 - ;the last preceding sectiOn for
Ia violatiOn Of.
.the.ProVisions.of the 4 ....N.t. sec
tion Of this act, .every ;person who shall view
late the provisions.of Init. section - shall be
taken acid (leaned to
s hhve committed 0 .mis
demeanor, and sindl onleonviction thereof in
,any erjminal curt in this Commonwealth be
fined in any sum abf lts thew ten, dollars or
More than one hundred dollars/ and. be im
,irftlie cianntY' jail. for :iperiOd not
less than tea days.uor more than sixty days,
at the discretiOn ofithe,Court, and upon being
. tWiee convicted as aforesaid; he sh:dliforfeit
any lieenSe he iniy! haste for selAg,lthe afore
said liquors 4 :' i !; - . ,
I ' The. above act has pa.'ssed bothranches -
the Pennsylvat ia Lenislature and will tin-.
1 ~, - , ,
doubtedly receive the Signature of the' Gov
. Senator iyrlni H. Sewnird.
r• - P. . , .
The Kennebeek (.Mtne) Journ4l, Ali a bl y b
conducted Free SOH - paper,- comtnenting up
on Mr. SeWard's ',re-election to he United
Statei Senate., trusts that his friends.-will nut .
misunderstand the ;=tiSe, and the jneaning of I
his triumph. `lsis eleetion (argue-#s the Jour-
nal) is not the success il or the defeat of either
of the old political : OrganizatienSi. .1 Ills bit
terest and ablest foes t are . amongi those who
claim to belong to-1.4 party 'With which he
labored from its formation to the: hour ;of its,
final overthrow. - Many of his .1 ableSt and
`most devoted friends!: and Suppprters have
ibelonged to the IDentOcratie part*: In reali
ty his election haS Isejn secured liy that par
, ty . which ilta:s . , been. gaining . numbers and
I strength from .all fortrier organizationSi which
i has arien a, young giant, soon to be the Her
1-cules to drive the monster from the - national
[ capitol, and trample[under its feet the ser- 1
1 pents andl vipers which . have alarmed and
I bitten the Sons of Liberty; and . poiioned and
'checked tlhgrowth !of thebest plants f i
1 American civilizationi . Not as the ehamp
' ion of an tiffete, or A rapidly dissolvin party,
but as a great statesman and sworn defender
of Freedorn and thelinion t he finds 'congenial
fellowship: with Cha4C, Sumner, Wadi!, Fes
senden, Hamlin, King, 'Johnston, - Wilson,
Hale, Durkee, and i.that whole school . of
strong and determined men of common•blood
and -aim, whore by the will of God and the
people to make it a historical fact ere 1860 ,• that slavery is? sectional . and temporary, that
freedom i national ' and universal, and that
• A
tnerican principles;, shall rule to.the exclu
sion -of. 4 easand elements which hail
birth ami the- feudal [institutions and the des
potism. of the bid world. ! _
The Sexqttoila: Election.—Adjournment
- -
• Ihrtaxsunaa, Tuesday, s Feb. 27
The,t i ) 1-:louses Met in joint
ry Convention
this morning, and resumed balloting for. U.
S. S.enator, ; with tac, rollowing result Simon
Cameron, 55; Buckalew 23; scattering, 52:
No choice.: The abOve shows a slight, falling'
offamong Cameron 4 s'friends, he having 'had
59 votes at: the previous trial.
Second i ;ballot,: Cameron,' 54; Buckalew,
23; balatc'e scattering.. Third ballot:'Cam
eron, 55;, Buckalew ;23. . A motion to ad
journ till 11 o'clock, lost-63 to 66. A
motion. tn ;adjourn. tnthe first Tuesday in Oc
tober next,7was agreCd to. ;Yeas :66; Nays
The - action of the onvention virtually
art ihdefin4 postponement, and gives Gov.
Pollock de fewer of appointing a; Senator to
act until an election toy the neat Legislature.
1 -i. sacog . szssiog. I -
The. bill to Prote t officers'add oilier per.
sons acting - und3r th authority.4f the United
States was taken up ,February 23d. ' 4
-.. The bill ' : prtivid : that if a suit. benni
inenced in any Stet 'Court, againit any OE6:-
ei of .the-United St tea, or other - person, for
any act_ done under i law, or color of..hti' of
the,United States, t • defendant' may remove
_such Suit te,,. the United States Court, sitting
in that circuit, and it there is no circuit in the*
district, in the" ; Co rt clothed with circuit
powers.; . :..
Mr. Wade consid
-to -again introttnee 1
'into Congress.
Mr. Douglas--
1 grets that the sessi
I out..agitatioir. Ile
tin that till having al
I five Slave act,
red thus bill as designed
be agitation of slavery
jc Senator from ,Ohio re
«ti couldn't pass by -with
eis not a word or line
ity reference to the Fugi-
, - there is. The word
" under color of law"
'neiple of the 'bill has
rtv years, and was never,
Mr. Wade has recently
nof State Rights. ,
reeentlY, but eternally.
e OhhiSenator's passion
' ill, but against the Con
try. Igo for the law .be
, re' Ohio does not ,-,-; for
lion and preventing ' an-
Mr. Badger , --Y
color iri the phras ,
[laughter.] The p
been applied. for fo
objected to before..
become the chainpi ,
Mr. Wade--.;-No
Mr. Doaglas-1,
is not . against - this I
stitution of his:coui l
cause the Senator
putting down relic
a o n u :\ d t V i o tt;al
- •
vided. a Supreme
nois believe that tl
it the FederalCou
Slave LaNV:constit
le - fonstitution has pro
, urt to settle questions of
les• the B&tator from 11li
e States have, any rights
is prOuounee the F,ugitive
kiunal '
.Mr Douglas.
Stztes and, Unite
clearly, marked ;
under the control
lav,Ls of the - 'Unit,
States jurisdiction, , are
'he delegated powers are
of the constitution' and
ed States. The reserved
legislate upon, and upon
rmer they have relinquish
come here to forswear
tn . intention to violate the
'lather star at home.: I
I ,rade myself by coining
1,--What were your Anti-
Were they not Maine Lig.
tow-Nothings, meeting in
d bound under illegal paths
fight, smiling at those they
ring to stab them ?
as not your Kansas Ne
ed by a secret
1 , e,- .
powers tates.:mit
those only; the c io
ell - When - 1, ha •
mYself, mid With ..
Constitution, I -WU,'
will not then rdci
here. :(To Wade)
Nebraskatrien ? ,
Or ILaw men'? Kr
seeret . conclaVe, tul
concoeted at midi
meet, while prepal
, .1111- Wiale—W
brasica bill ConeOci
the dark ? ' t .
• Mr.''Douglits—'
oWn house; but,
' i l
i 1.
biped of the Whi,
litioW : Nothirigs, N‘
men on account
South, by...and , by,
ism, Will .yon call
ism ? You took
were. -entrapped, j
they come.tri, thei
,send •her n
her Anti-Nebraslc
'Mr.- Wilson—l
from Illirroirr ..
place'me whOre I
have a place here;
(Tess' who i:.! not
e -
a unanimity 4, s
ol ) that subject, a
. Mr. Fesseaden
strong that we car
the Senator froM
latron froth the c
laiit year,', and., in
nectieut i lilKide I,
welcome to 4: 1
dirce all this?. '
'Mr. Diinglas
sas.NAraskii bill
No, by.myself, alone in my I
ottr , friends are the coin-
party and all the isms-1
filo - proscribe their fellOw-'
- 6f •their religion. If the
comes into Know-Nothitig-
I that also Anti-Nebraska
eoine Demoerats, : but they.
. will . .leave you .when.
it senses. Did nissachu
, W
.delegation, because of
lisin 1
sill answer the Senator
nti-N'ebraskiiistn did not
.am to-day, but no man can
titer, on either floor of Con-
Anti-Nebraska. There is
ntinient in Ma.4.sachnsetts,
I 'd I neeOrd with it.
The• Lil comes here so
do nothing against it. If
yinoia can draw any conso-.
ection in New Hampshire ;
the late eivetions: in Con
:land, and New York;he is
id. Know-Nothingisth pro-
If did nut aglee to , thi: Kan :
on the principles, imputed.
to me. i-
i Mr. 'l'.gi,send,,i)i—Jf you didn't, others did.
All the :Free StaesWelter— went one way.
,' Mr. eilr— 'alitlirnia went for the Ne-
braska bill. Six. candidates, of all parties,
Were Neliniska. •
Mr: Fessender —I forgot about ; the State
west of 'the - Rocky Mountains. Illinois was
Anti-Nebraska.. •, • • - *
'... , Mr. Douglaslllitiois was not I Anti-Ne
braska. JOhn NEorire was a candidate agains
Whoin.the Anti-Nebraska men poured out al
their sPite; :- -becinase be refused the Stat
House -to the lecturers. They denounce -
him in theYtuost- violent language, through
their ne*spapersL .:lle had' every ism oppos!
ed to him, and yet, -got• a majority of : 3,906
, -
votes: , -,- i . . - -
Mr - . .Feseendeii-Fer contra, look •at the
Illinois Legislature giving leave to Mr. Doug
las g s colleague to ..stay at hone.
.'But - to re.
turn to the: bill. I' i The Senator from IllitioiS
asked - xliether We would go-against the Conl-
Istitution by refuSing to pass this bill to car
ryr ,
its :provisions .out. I answer,! there are
'measures which inlay be- constitutional, - and
Yet perfectly odious to a free constituency.
- When OdiOns nieasures are proposed to carry
out constitutional provisions, we are
, . ,
boundto iii.:.-ent;to such measures;, ! ' I
After further:. remarks .by Messrs. Chase,
,Toucey, Walker, Benjamin, Stuart, ;Cooper
and Bayard-- . . i
. •
Mr. But l er said this bill came to the. Coi
n• , manner , ted by
rnittee in .11 regular e • suppor
I •
Ipetitioni from. District Attorneys, Marshals
,aad Judges of the Federal Courts: The Sen..
I iator from tonnecticet drew the bill by order
i 'of the torninittee... l'said,' when it comes to
this; that a lair! of : the United States cannot
ilhe executed without' danger to:the persons of
i the officers; to whose execution it, is cominit
-I;ted, somethidg must lie done. .•
il Ma. Toncey aaid- r --I did ,not like to pro
pose a laW so touch. against public opinion,
but I dreW this bill in hopes of riiitbServing
the Constitittion - .2 •
• . i
Mr. Butler—'.The papers were handed to
• Mr. ToOmbs to draW up the bill; but in his.
absenceltr. Toucey, took the* initiative.
~- lifr. , l 7 Vade-1 thought the bill' had ineep-'
titan in a Southern latitude.
• - Mr. Butler(Notwithstanding being call
ed to order)—l now say that it is not so. ,
Mr. Wade—t Then What I said at first was
true; that it came from Northern men. . f
, Mr. Douglas—l ant at a little loss tO Un-
IderStand the mOtives of the Senator from Ohio.
iHis - poinOs to make out that this is the most
I.rhonstrouS measure ever brought forward.
'lf the bill.. be monstrous,- how can Northern
Ilmen exense Southern men fur an infamous
act? .. He;,doeS not choose to arraign a Solith
ern man. : ,- He:says, you may gb to extremes
if you'lliet me demagogue, iiilsify," history,
and cater4o.the prejudices of my people at
home. Iliad trusted- that among gentlerrien
- there would nOt be charges for political pur
poses Under the naive of philanthropy, which
the authots knew were false when they : made
them. Why, then, this onslaught upon the
Senator front Connecticut and myselfott this
time? ; VrejOice that'as a Northern ntan,
born at the
.NOrth, -with no sympathies;' no
interests,!save!what Northern men haVe in
the.wholci'country, that 1 did introduce the
Nebraska,: Kansas. bill. -Washington Terri
tory WELS : admitteA in 1853, leaving her at her
pleasure as to Shivery. One year afterward
I. brought in the Nebraska bill, . the very
same. , W . hy, then, this denunciation? The
first was 'a Whig doctrine which that pirty
State Aisbefieves in the
the -Fugitive Slave Law,,
Tht - ;"difference between
'ernbridied iisitlie . Witshingteii - TerritorV " un
der, the platform a nd banner of Gen. Scott.
You turn against the Nebraika' bill, be ause
the i reby yoaieritt get men into power, who
otherwise would never be elevated.; to
It is hypcieliti4l,'arid you know it to be so.
I haVe thkWalt into your . ..teeth 'A . thousand
times.T4l, liatue into
dissolve the . , Union,
There is nett; an - abkOlitionist in the country
who is notihlisunixinist. - And why? The
Cr.tstitutloVrecognlzes Slavery. if you ,do
not accept (thia; elenitsat, it is your duty' to go
Toc the disiOltition ilf the, Union:, It is the
bottom ef' i ttipieheMe . you have ; iti
Nebraska ribt care for. There is not ,
a principle hi the Nebraska bill that was not
tin; Wiishirigtoni:bill.'. This Union cannot II
be preserio excepit2by fidelity to the Con
stitution 4 Shall we be true and loyal to they{
COnstitutionr. If*, we shall support all
laws whi:eir,enianati under the Constitution,i.
wilf;aidMit new States to have sueh,
as they pa*.i, so fong as they do not violate,.
the Constituti on. i While Virginia or any!!
other State 'has Slit - yes, the new States should;;
have ther4iina libefty. 1 deny .t he right 'of:
!len who *c :kicked out of thet,Whig party'
and reje'Ciedl)y the Democratic' or not bei.
iOg suffi c iently honest, and who finally by fu4
siengoein i to: powet, to speak for
,the North
donbtrieny your representatives came,
here by lin Nothing vot e s. [to Mr. Fest
sgtie: - !. ?iDo . yoi kno - iv a representative
from l ttjiie who .tame here with a Knowi
Mr. re,;genden4-The question was Nebrasf,
or MitiNebrasia.
• • .
• Mr. )3hig;laS—A Know Nothing cannot be
swearing al.Knowl Nothing Without to tell
a, • • F,
lie. i t
ge4etideni----Da you apply this to
me?. •
. .
Mr. DOtiglits—Show the a - Nebraska 'maO;
Who witkeiceted By a Know NOthing vote. i,
Mr.•seWard- - -Mr. Morgan from ! my
. dis 7
Wet. '1 i .. ' ''. ' 11 'i i'.
•., .r.Y
' t Mr. , Diaiglas—There was a Bogus lodge in
that district,. . .: •
I Mr. SeWard—lf there was, I did not kno*
~ 1 , , •,• !. ~ 1 ••
it. I do',,not:belleve. it, and know nothing
• .
aboutiti i i ;., .e• . . ..
. Mr: I..)onglits-7-it is well known the peoplei
f ChiCatici-.' would not hear me. A lot . riff
now .No,thiligs, two by two, with pistols anal
owie liniVeS went into the crowd and broltei i
1 ~ 1 - • -,
tip the Meeting. iMy colleague voted tor thet
NCbraskii: bill under histructiOns from 'the
enislainie: i Nov they say he was beateni
ecausil he olieyed his instructions. 1k was
ut doWn bye the Know Nothings, because be
'as guifty-!Of being borieabroad, and had ialt
.b4d:cii,ough to rectify the - mistake.
11 thislpretenec :is for political purposes.
.11 - ,
'an forgiVC:the Senator from Ohio for his,
iferatiOh--:.-his indignation. I His. 'term - is
bout ti.i'clO.46, said he-does thik to combine,l
11 the 'i ;i0 htid ride into power again, Init.l,
the ractis'olmostruri. They Call us traitorS.l r i
'o'whil,T.4--to the Constitution;'? No. to tie]l
North:! 1.4 Mint that 'caters to a section will
.sail byievery current; betray{ every
Sir, (td :Mr. Made) I am ready to meet vgn,
as a Northern man, on Northern soil, todi`sl I
. 1:
. 1- • . :.
cuss thi.4 rpiestion., . . ,
• ;
Mr. ;Oillette--.1 regret to trespass, but it i iii
asmuch l'iSi iny colleague has figured in - thi.
debate{ I feililt due . to present 7 the true sob i
timents itConnecticut upon' he subject whiff :
has becri precipitated upon IN.! It would b
More d,O i ngenial tO me to sit - in silence, bit •
when ii •propositit:in which I cannot apprott .
of, andtueasures'i injurious to r humanity are, j
pr0p054,..1 eannOt help' speaking. .The Sent j
ator frbin Leuisinna has model aggression the
burden. Oflifs 'speech. I shalt speak within
the reCord. I coll the attention of the Smith;
to this! i Cry.:District,- ft ir -which all the .Statili'
arc . riisplinsiblel ; . [Here -Mr4 Gillette read;
frOm th'-liii's . ariVeniiiii* the District of gel.•;,
.. . 1 .
lumbial .: . .. i• • f - ' !iH
Mr. aiWsoli4These laws are as obsole e
. .„
as the Blito sllaw of Connecticht. Never el -, I
torced;here....' 1 don't want tieli a 'false. inl;
• pression to go out.' -1 amthe Chairman t . .(1
the Diitrictof Columbia. ' 1 t
Lt I
I Mr.? IGillette ()tiered the "Black Code of thei
1 Disi s ri'et of Columbia." -- . .. I
Mr, Oo.tiei—That book is a slander upb
i the_ i . • , -
~ • ,
tiiitri and 'upon the country. d I
Mrl Grillette- ; f:a ,thing on rhbrFeback - vast'
. clrawol along oil the Monday ; beforelast-Hai
wonitut s tied .with a rope under the very
shadoki• of the Capitol ! . ./
- In.anSWer to Mr. Rusk-1 did not see . htt,
.but SOtrieladies;ht the house where \ I reside]
told ine Of it. • .1 . -. ' - I
- Mr;;• ;11,1tsk-4Where is
that .book, the
.`;Bliielide ofthe Columbia.'!District : Oli - i
• -; ' , i.
Mi,iJimes' (examininglbe •beok) .7 --By i 34: ,
. Allti-Sttri SoCiety,lloin the press - of Ji
B. Sn . 4"o, Join 't. New York... . 1' •
Mr. Ririik--4 stippcsed so. ..• • 1 ..
MtLiGillette continued for more thane ari
hour Clting-extr4cts from foreign and doilies,
tie anthors, derogation of Slavery, when .1
".3.10,.d0ne5, of Tennessee, said •the •Senatoti
from !C{iiiiicetient (Gillett) Observed T 'at it.. 14
comin'etteeinenOof his speech. that the tneast,
tire Wasprecipithted upon them, and he*
read liver fifty pages which Must have taki...n
a week to prepare, and speaks of the Ternarkt
of MV. Wade, which shows hp,knew. whatr,
Wadii WilS,going to Say. (To the.l.'ree-04,1
ers)4N.6w. own up,.gentlenien, you kneeiil
abouthis bill and what each -other wi!re 1 io r
i ing i tP say on iti Ido not say it . in my;1 1 .
1 atonal - Opticity,_but personally. I verilyb -.
lieve yfiu,tire aband of traitors. ' 111
girl Clia,e moved the. Senate
lAiSt4-I..siiiis 30, Yeas 7. i - .. ' ! .
- I'4 rettit ridiculed the idea of Stater irq
ereigiity, and gave a dissertation on. .toß.o
,-:Scandinavians, Normans, - Sak,O $,
Putt.k,lVatidals; the. Gracchi, 6 &e.' - I
Mil;!Wilson : was ready to'', carry out eitirl
proVitiiOn of the Constitution, but. was po
ed •thithe existence of Slavery in the Distri t
of dofittibia tit yin the Territories of the llqi
ted 'f,.l„tes . i. andlie and those, who acted :;m/gli
birri?ittre..tieteiinitted to abOlish it, there{
•They;Witived they shared the responsihility
'of itslexiStencewherever it . was - under!: tie
contiorof:Congress and they desired tii, j_r
lieve ItheinselVes oethat responsibility.' f„. He
eartiOtly. desired the perpetuity .of the. t i t -
"i . on,'aiid thought that if the;• Fugitive Slate
Law Opuld bel i repealed that the provi:iiPps
of thtlVAaistitution would lie. carried out thy
the pt t: tes„theryiSel yes. •.1 ; u
. M 5. INN . `C)Ier attid.if Mr. Wilson 'was di'sras
ed temirry Dt4 the provisiOns of the Ohisti
tutibil,',hiti W iould .go hand in hand with liiii,-
He 1144 heard bin charged •Iwith - being a dls
uninuiSt. -He Was glad that such was mitt
u , z . I
• Mii:SeWardi--At 10 minutes past Itiliis
'willing; tsinmitaneously with the callitil up
ofll4'hill. by Mr. Toueev I rose to prLsent
• t 4 ' - 4.
a proposition tor a -bronie'statue; fifty re,et
high, it) thismemory of Jellerson,to beet tiit
in •Whshingtorii one side to comniemorate
Sl„ltieis -of theDeelarationfof Independe e.,
Nowo haVe whited nearlyll4 hours hit i'l
'no 'Aitspo...4tion!.'to enter the-lists among ,t 1
early! dispiitanti. The - Nebraska - bill -,
in thel . light, was announced by cannon' ii
for langht•l know cannon are ready tit 1 '
tiouitO. the paiiiage of this bill. Everyt i
hasi been brotight into this discussion
hardly-a.phase, of Slavery] exists which R
notMeen AilludO to. The bill before us I
recetyed none too large a share of our itte_
tion•ql-The Fugitive
, Shrte Law has
..been i
trcolliked. I have no concealment or re4ert,
tionsf upon that subject. .1 Shall 'give -
vielrti !pin on that subject; when we coil"
1J J
,- . I; .a. I: rOphesied,
,• . 1..; 4 iiiitioii f - Nebras ._ p
t I tho usurpati t enof the I', gitiy'p Slave Law
:.-oithl )lead to , finther 'lnsti' ationa, and; here
theyi are in this bill. liundhrstatid the Know
liothiiti'sa to be . cret shcietiea of or three
Own tier,
i i
to 'eletti persons of their
Own i ' nler, soth what Shrill toNative'Amer
16in ' - I hope niy protest i -thisi bill Will not
1 ' 1 - ,
.he i entified Qlth this .r.A. ' ifttioii; • I. belong
1 1
1 to b t hiae voiuntary shciet l y; and that is the
. ..'lirtitilin ,church. '1 b'eloti to bet, one polit
:.'calihaitt,y, and . putt he.4'oi , n 'societies, meet
nib* hroad daylight.. f
,Be ore I would bend
the Itnoe;or jein; secret Oast: linking, and swear!
to 8' Unlit. my judgment tw at 01 , other ' : men,
lit 4 • ! .
wc I suffer My hand to paralysed: Pro
;enl. wit man b4cause he W snot born in the
; ? I.
tow'i,ounty, tate orieountry ! . I seriously'
'vivre the peo pl e i hereafter to be born in the
' krill etlfStatetk, to be etinye led 'to the riotestd
ritiChnrch, and to be bo . white if they can ;!
&Jot' they cotnninto the wo d,netwithatand inn.
. .1
Fnyl advice, with black : Iht , and twisted hair '
I s h all add :it feather tt. the disibilities un4
eti;: which they naturally stifftfr thereby. - i
Ifin!,•iii Pifer of v ole abolitiol of Slavery in thd
i Lliatrlet of 61biebia. 1 - A4,to Slavery id the .
I Stittes.; I' don't: know .Of ail individual who i 4
in lilivbr. of !abblishingl SitverY in th'e Statei' ,
wl .r . elit exists; by extan, 1 interference; but
, . 1
it suit in 4 Slave StateAshonH use all legal'
l in. an to procure its alrohtion - there; arid. 0
tailit end I Would : try to ~e such aid from the,
[T i lastilry of the' Unita tittes as.circunsta '-
'c l would afftird. AV t the Territories,
,s., all not .ohini ns. What is pr -,
1p ,iSediliece
,is An innoVatb' w—a new measur i ;
that the Courts. of the :.1 ates' may be oust. ,-
ed lin 1. - elvi s h causes in !act, t .cins complained Of
nniler a laW or color Of al law ef the United
States. - Thirty-one equal and q ualified so
re"i•glities Compose the Minted States. Thk
hjeet of boll' are ali i kelti , protect their cit :,
..,1.5., Thd . .olie is the; E .ileral . Oovernment
e o f
other the state Gilive nment. The latter
As o .ganizedlte prt4et! he citizen. .Where
iy.' I, the 'k'ederalle4rts are appealed ti,4,.
Me Bayard—Soine'States have recent l 4,
I f thfirlegislation, end ' vored to render the'
lasys of the Uniti4l State,. nugatory, hence thi.,'.
iidcesS °itv f such a bill : . s .this. One - State
F' 7 t .
iimpribons saga
. a felon hi n vho asserts his right,
;to; priperty and wails Ito, rave his title. Seib
Statellegislatien render the present bill in ....
iperative. i-, No ofliceioi,herwise can fulfill Oa
Itlnty in refei4nce to it'll lawa,of the Unit
State`. Irtiti!se States ein carry their . poin 4
, .
i lag l :tit the ioited Stet+, there must be a
Idisso . ution. They have already done som, , .
A ,tit ! tbrOO!t:mobs and murder
Ithing,itowarci this . • _ 11'
4• I t •,a • •
r , Vi , icy rclattempiin' further to resist dr
. .
laws "if Qmgress by leg; Litton. ,
M ....Sunnier—it i 4 tirt i w near midtright.--fr-'
incu r ll O'cic;ck thislin'orning we have, been
inr mix seats. This is lie:day. usually set a
-1 i • . t r
Ipart for private, clainis.J -There are seven -
;Aye private_ hills uttliOr '1 ; sacrificed. to Sla-.
Ivery iln one. of itsltraistic diouslrinS_ -There,
is te*eming.pology 'tor . lavery at home, bit
tii ll
at i lapolog:,y, falls tviten you bunt a man.
.w io.lnis the rutelligence and .skill to secure
111r.,Ritsk+-Point pui. a word in that 1111
Which speaks! of glaverY.
I, Mt.. Saintlier—lle:4 t :
l it - ill - 4 heen ably disciissi
il or.), ,, and Others. By -i
II w iolit &bat it, is a bill
1 oiti4 Slave ct.. '
o : . " i
1 • I lily, husk'---lf- t 4, al
1 -States are nit to lid 'pr
1 h il‘V. , ' 1
-e- . ' I.
A. ".',W. gum ter-=-SolSri; I.::: " lielieal yoiir
law. There is nelthLr the ..word "Slave"
tiOr t Slaver -," in the C,4l4itntion, Theiiill •agenatO • from the North ~ to
',twit anew the • chains of the SlaVe.• gottie
gilizitorS re,(4ard the, F igitiYe Slave Law as .
e(nstitution:ll, other's: e:inally conscientious,
!hve it tojhe utterly uneonstitutional.-
IThere ii u .other IL- a t it i se, , •ak, by side- with
I, the t held't labor'' l ell, se, guarantech* . the
( - i ,
J saint privil ges and. l =unities in . 411 . the
li m
t le free St m
St a tes,and t the citir i et s , of each State, Clit
-4 izeus frog s, in ore than: one
l: State, have 'been put it pr6on and in smite
itistanct..s sold
ii ~ : . '
?4r. Butlttr•—Do )•(,) embrace South. 'r.
o°lint in you statemen ?
II IA. r. Suniker-1 do; South Carolina . h s,
II- by her Legislature, clai, ed the righti to du
.,l terfret ;thatlelatise , andlCongress has no p . w
,l e{•t legislate under that clause, .' I say of
: ;Ma achuseltioluit.iiir the persons "held to.
Hlab9r 7 - )
~ claoe, she. haS 4 similar right -to ti..
• I terpret ' arid to.disclait'r the 'right of COngr . s '
to 10;14itel upon this list named cladse. .: '
I Thijs Iligitive Slave ac is unjust, as it is i i in
l ebri4itntionhl. You ina.•.. fancy you may prop,
it up by dal decisionSl f courts, but stichlan
act'l 'so defiaht to the la"- of God, would drag
1 ' . - '
any ! . court I down to; oblivion. Seitato i 'rs
have arraigned , ivholel . tates te•day; becanse
ibt+ have 4ndeavork.4.,to throw the . sitieltli:of
i , -lialii:ias!corpus and trial by: jury around the
: . 11 ~
i.viertros of his atrottietis enactment. iAn n 7
lightened('iristian ptililie opinion is forming
'I in-,the Nort~i which Will render - your actSlbn ,
I I.his flOor,: ttugatory 4 they are unconstitu- -
I initial and irrational:
: 1 You . from the South l . b.RMglit : Shivery info Congress - when • )'ou
'pa -, , ,ed k! ' the flaws that is , rriiese the District ~ of,
' i dolumbia, and which' ;friend from 'Ciin i
tut, 'Mr. Gillett, his;
. o very ably expoed
ilti-day.• 4t us albite, say Senators from he
outh;o, let its alone, - y We of the Nimil-•
letrie'glavery where i,M
was underWashingt ,
'clWhe n ou r Natioriall tI g didn't float, over]; r
iglive.! I inoYe., to strike out the enact al
Ilela Ise; and] insert au I amendment, provid'N
, ...
Iforii therepeal of the .Fugitive Slave! Act o
i! 4 4 , and!
50 and!at , . , k for the leas. and Nays upoi
:: ....
amendirient. • I I
in answer. to Mr, pi
: 1(.11te me to aid in' ,0
altrYe -
~ . : . : I
.111 r. Butler—The" *,
to i a seat here, disOW
dip Constitution: : i
Ir. SuMner—l do
tbkhat'instrumenL ?1
I' ,*r. Sur iner'i airier.
Nays' 20 ; (Yeas 9 . .. ', I
An antelhrien4 all
;lems takr under t
United St tes Oak . '
-'lll was passed to la 1 1
iilYeris, 20 ; ilays pi I
dock, inidnight, 1 till
, 1 .
NNE SAD 8E1..1.7 ' o t Y l
IGNORANCE.--itho De.
trait :Advertiser rel4tes an ' iastauce of [an
4, being- killed arid iii sled broken to pie .eS
i by 1/ railroad ear, and becabse the Ox colald
thWundertand Frenhb., The team,; conlist
nib' of one English and one French ox, draw
F. ,
i ing a: heavy load .pf l i wood, and drkien b'
, i Fleuch Over„was:*rossing the track wen
I I the express train l a elirsmade its apt: ra
I ce.
a Tic driver, in gr,e44!eitement, imn ediately
... siOered his oxen to : chuck' (the F,. ncli,for
Lrl liaW;') The French ox understood him and
ie 1 !tirilipg; 4:the track saved himselfifroi9iin
d i it4ry .;. but the English • ox ; having: never
td' Studit.d the language premed further oll t nd•
n • was mstatitly killed: Thia-ea....ze shoUld e. a
pg. warning to farmers to have their oxn p p
' d erly educated. 1 i'.l • - . , .
as 1 ' ' . : 1;, II •
. . , .1 ~
X 'ociety: 4ats been formed in Wil
limit:port-, which 7pt 4 edgea its memibers • 4 16 t
purchaSe'for luaelaily foreign gods when
pme,stic Can be rii.cured in their 'stead '—
qbarles Salbfuslis,P",resident, and J. A. M ; nt
lOrpery, Secretary. i", .
—LSla:ery has been_'abolished in Peiu .by
the, newiTresident. -
-Tha California Legislature has adjoUrn
ed A i n ,. / 14,•4 1 4s detesting the election :of ,a
Senator; i - - ,-• • , „.
—The Huse bill to modify - ,the rate of
Posta,g‘i will'i taken , up;in the Senate;Feb.27.
One pro'visiOn - requires prepayment ofletters,
always by stamps, aver the first of Janu'ary,
.1856/ 'I Another piovides for. the registration
of letters. Alter some considerationthe bill
was pa.6ed. , . . . .
--Inj the State Legislature, on Saturday,
'resolutions passed both houses, requesting our
Congr‘smen to resist the passage of the bill
allowilg a Credit of three years fur duties on
railroad iron.
----Aecording to the Utica Herald, Major
'Hall,:' f Brookl n, declares tkati of the eight
hundr persons licensed to sell liquOr in
Brook yn ilast year, only thirty-fire were
Amer tan born eitfzens! i •
1 .--- he Law to prohibit the wile of liquor
en tht Sabbath, passed the Senate of Penn,
sy I va4ia, with only two. votes in the negative
,Mri Hei,ster, of Becks, and . Mr. Walton;
of Muriree. In the -House; .there • were six
votislin the negative. - - '.
Relative to ilavery and ite 'exteasicm oter ier
ri4,ry ;4):o free, s • , •
Th'e follbwing is a copy of the resolutions
, •
introduced into the. Pennsylvania Legislature
by 111 i. Lgtt. •
• Reitaii,ed Zydzc., That our Senators be in ,
strutted and our, Representatives earnestly
requ4sted to oppose the admission of any new
Statl as a member of the NatiOnal Union mil
less slavery orineoluntary servitude. except
for. crime be prohibited therein and to urge-
Lyon] the National Congress the adoption of
guehlinew:lires as' will effectually- prevent' the
• holding ofhuman , beings in bondage and as
ehattiles 'the territories .of the: United
The Capital of Maine.
ilider the influence of a Temperance Gov
ernifr' and; a Tempi ranee Legislature, Athiits:a
promises to beeorne as'distingnished for order
andisobriky'as it has preciously been for in
:l . ;
temperanqe and its kindred vices. The Leg.
islat„ a is now in session ; and a • gentlem:n
• Mg fri.W Portland thus speaks of his visit
to t • t plitee: .
' 4 ,`A i wasidelighted with my visit to Augusta.
.TheielLtiOe 'there is very great. • Formerly
At NtS alliru m andj profanity, from Governor
down to door-keeper.: Now it, is-all 'Temper
anut. and Te4totulism, from the highest . to the
lowest. GaernOr, 'Council, Senate,:all Tee
totalers, and . warm Maine Law men, every
.onel: Pe Ilinise—not. a drinking man there
si) t}tr as could learn ; and the'red-faced out
sidtH anil lObby-members :were all gone, nit
Gael left 4) 'remind us of the' generation.
: 1 1.. * I* I When [.began to, visit Augusta
.lift I qen yearsiago, .in relati•in to a hiquor • law
'all : ffas fluta, runt ; every Where.; and no Tem
perance tier could have any i,)ffiee. ()h,' the
cluinge is wt)nderful,glOrious. If)u will see the
• same ti, Albany and atWashington,--.perhaps
CopgresS will be.purged of rum." ~- .
flow happens it, if more liquor is' drank, in
Maine now than ever (as is alleged' by the
°plainer:Ss of the Maine law )..that the State.
Gkernment, coming fresh 114,)m the people;
shinild, in all-its departnients . be stl;thOrotigh-
I v Icom ni it t ed . to Temperance:and the Maine
.14w, ? There is a meaning in this fact : and
tol Mir Mind it detnonstrateslibat the law is
;lc •oinplishin,,47 its beneficent W'Ork..—Proliiiti
ta no
: .
6 , -
I' - . • . . ,
. . , • , ,
e caption of the 11.
F d by my friend fro . 1
e ndmissiiiti of "t
`o bolster up-the
cers of the - Uniffd
tect,ed, repeal your
inducement wry
e return Of :tfugit v
ntleinan. has 'no ri,h
ing_ all obligations t
not disavuW otligat o
dment was rejected b
' r
i .
9 wing the use of de.
Lis hill to be used in h
! was passed, when 11
bird reading, 11y a v t
l and at 12 and '» fon t
. Senate adjourned.'
•, That the Governor of the Coro;
mor4Vealth be requested to forward a copy
of thiese resolutions to the Setnitors and Rep
resentntlv sof the COMmonw6alth and peo
ple df Pennsylvania in 'the present Congress.
of 110, United States. •
. , . .
Tlielnvestigiting Coriunittee.
1 L
„,; I
J ...ue C ommittee appointed -by thi Legisla
hire toj enquire .into the alleged corrupt
means employed etó secure the' election of a
SOator,! - are prosecuting their labors. , One'
of the witnesses, a, young - lawyer of Harris.
him, was particularly examined as to What
h kneW of a certain letter Of-which' the fol
lowing is i a cop .. y : .
... , -• .
-I ' 1 , mommo.
4 'TACO 11---:.Esti :—Last night Mr. Herr
paced n -your hands $9OO, for which you
pledgedj yourself to certain: things. How
those things were done for -Dr. Jinn it is un
necessary to Say ; but sir; you will remern
heryoitmade the proposition:, Now sir, Dr.
Jane r pudiates and, condemns 'this: trans:.
a l et i on. , , I ,do not 'resort - to!. threats ; lint I
esire you- to return -$4OO to Mr.. Herr be.
, ore 12 i'clock to.daythe
.$5OO you can re
'thin. There. may not be 'any- resort to law
if yOu dO this ; but another and' mare effeetual
tiimns of redress. I triftka no comment on
Yinir conduct under the circumstances; but
Shall wait in patience to hear-from `au 'or
jierr. I ReSpectfully, ,D. R. PAXTER.'
! •
Somem curious developments were Made;'
'whether anything will gi•uiv nut of the letter
.1- . i
Ire connot say. Another witness John Weld
. Man, at laWyer.Of , Lebanon ; ,was examined,
ncl accordiiig to his testimony it wouldseem
at Mr. Cameron, if elected, is expected to
, eetire the pas Sage of Madison 'county., He
a • itated
.that Mr. Rittehhouse, a member froth
g MontgOniery county, residing, in Pottstown,
g had. an interview with him :at the opening - Of,
4' ihe i sesiitin ; that. she was bitterly opposed-to
In buncriin ; : that he subsequently changed his
4 ii*VS ji became a friend of Caineron, thit t i the
: bbange was brought- about by the proti*e . of
d tioneron's friends to siippOrt,the new snooty
'e 1:)f _Madison. _. . . .
• We )(now nothing of the troth of the.wit
t-i pets' story ; but one thing is 'certain that a
),:tote is!none the less bought. :thou the con..
• n • i., .
I, l side ration may not be paid, in money ; and
' f Mr. Cameron can be : identified- with such
forrupt legislation, his name 'would be justly
)ufamons.— Village Record.' / . • • ' •
i • _ _.....:._....—,
UNITED STATES SENATOR.--#lt is worthy of
ote that Mr. W ickershani, :of ,this •cciunty,
ivoted •David Wilmot fur Senator. In
case he has earned' out:the wishes of
' inine-tenths of his constituentN and will be'
sustained. We have not the least doubt
L that a larger number of the people of Mont.
igotnery county are itr favor.of Wilmot than
lan , other:tine man in- the State. We . trust
Wickersham will sick to him . when the 1
'twit trial comes on,•
4slothing Short of "a} known 'and consistelA
itnti•Slitvery man will satisfy -the, -people of
• phis county., A lietnitcrat ought to be elected,
lin ;Justice to the independent men - of that
i party Who sustained : the present organization,
and there. is no man ill the State to answer
the . purpose as. well as Daiiid Wilmot. Lei
all; the opponcnt&of Cameron 'unite on
'and stiek to him. ItiOnitcly better to make,
DO election thair-thtiose':Simon. Pamettin or'
any. other tool ofStayery.—Norristown town dlia4
Brandi', (Free. Soil.) _ .
Or The Iron Masters of Pennsylvania are
to hold a meeting iu Philadetphia, on the 6th
oe March, to adopt such u asure as may
seem - necessary to " prevent: a recurrence of
those periodical disasters, noir imminent, to
which this great interest 'las " unfortunately
tie Come liable, as the inevitable result of the
present revenue policy of Op General Gov
--- '''.-AIIECDOTE OP 1113::7A1 , - , ;
Mr: Jay had become aware of a growing
evil &thong his brethren,. arising fium a cause
with which he being familiar, determined up.
on rebuking and denouneingit; hen in the
Midst of his discourse' he said.:
. 4- 4 y young brother. it •• is., to be' regretted .
thakOallr enter the mioistry after, they, have
beedediteated, to••whose services the .church
hasa'elaim, they look round And selects lady
for their wife, but they.*re. careful she • _
•se*ses'a fortune. Aftera time they.b* to ,
get weary in well doing. They, take col -, li.'
results in "a cough; they are so weak hey
cannot attend to the duties of their offs
They resign, and live upon their wires' for.
tune. .1 know five cases of this kind, may it -.
never be yourlot.". , ~ -
, I.
. During - the delivery of °this keen .relink;
tiiere was a young minister;. or rather aft ex
minister, who did not seem very comfortal4 . '
.After the service was clostsi, thernerita of the
discourse were canvassed; and the general
opinion . was that it was only • such a- one as.
could be - delivered by Mr. `.1 . 6,y. ' Said one. '
to, the expastor:— -. . •• • -.: -
` How did you like Mr. • Jay, ;it was fin;
quite a: treat;wtealit it?' .
, .
'Well, I liked - him very well, but I think
` ` Well,
rather personal. .. -.-. • -, .. --
- 4 ' PersOnal, eh, hoiv so l' - ..' -- -
' Why • you must have noticed his reference
-to ministers out othealth, - resighing." - .
'Yes, yes, he 'was a little .:•elose there, I.
must admit'. .• : ' '•,- - - ;• .
_ ,
'1 shall speakto hiM•aboutit,!*id the fas
tidious ex-minister. ' - . . v., ..' .'
,He - sought the vestry, air fond MT. - Jiy.. 7 .•
there. He congratulated hin OW - his . health, -
and discourse, but-hinted. that hOvas person
al in his remarki; and: would like - to know if °
he referred to hini.. - .- ' , ~ • ' • ,
"•Personal,' said th patriarch; ' personal, .eh
in what part. of the discourse!' .‘ . _ .
' When you were , speakinglibout ministers
reSigming., _ .
. , .
Oh,' said Mr.' Jan ' I se; yes, have you
resicened ?' - . .
`l'es, sir.' '. •. , ... ' ,
' Did )you marry .a . riCh• wileT . ''.. -
7 1 ' Ye.::, sir.'. - - , . .
' Ah! my friend, yours is' the sixth case,.
filet; !' -- N -. . : ' ". ' • '
This.young man reaped" the reward of his .
folly, and retired confused, and 4baslie4-from
the . Presence of Mr. jay.— The Wesle-yan., - -
• TfiE MAINE Gi4sirgis.,-fer . nameisSilia
Hardy, She is a native of Franklin county;
is 'Seven feet six inches in height, is rather
lean than fleshy, yet weighs -three hundred
'and thirty pounds, isnearly thirty Years
age, 'and iS still growing. She has heretofore
'maititaitied . herself chiefly. by service In the,
capacity of - a nurse, having the. reputation of
being a. most excellent one ;. but, for a few
°-months past. her - health has - not been..geod
enough tor her to , practice this votriort ---
Her mother is said to
. have. been below-the
medium size, and her E ither not aboie it. She
was a twin ;and at birth .weighed but: three':
and a half pOunds. Her mate did' not live.-
She has alWays beenan unusually small eater ,
and aceustotned io r labor. .-Her:figitre:is„not
erect.. ' Her complexion iSfair,lter, .eyes blue,
and the very' modest and .mild: expressißn:of
her countenance is said to be a: trueindex of •
her charaeter.i . She has alwaks shrunk. from
the presence Of strangers , and , it:. is .believed
could not noW, be ind7a..e ., to appear in public,
but for the plverty that,compels her to mer
come her-extreme sensitive.nes.s), We are as,
sured that she never, as nurse, takes an infant
in her arms ' but alWays holds: it iti.her hand.
Placing tile, head juptin the ends of her fingers,
its feet 'extended toward' the wri4, and with ,
the thumb and little finger elevated, she fortns
an admirable cradle ; the let:gth of her hand
being equal to the while length of an, infant.'
She 'is- unable, to pais ordinary doors without
stooping a goOd deal; and . it - is said that fur
convenience she usually puts her thimble and
'other little articles .upon the
. .easing,over the
door, instead, of upon any lower object; as x.
table or desk.
,Whileihe,"as passing through.
the kitchen of a- farm house one 'day with. a
large pan of in each hand, •lierlrair caught
upon. a hook that projected two or three inch.
es and held her fist. She could neither stoop.
to set the,pans down' nor • raise. her hands to
disengage her hair,and was compelled this to
remain until her !cries brought- others to her
assistance. 7 —Portland Argu-s. ."-•
The Senatorial Question.
HARRISBURG; Monday, Feb. 26, 1855.
In the Holise . thistlifternoon„qhe majority •
of the Committee investigate-the charge of
. bribery - „in relatio#to the Senatorial electiOn,
made a partial report, after being called upon
to do so by the'idution of the House. The
report stated that twenty witnesses had - been
examined . ; that four
__or five could. n0t . .4
found, and that many'-yet rimain to tieexam
ined ; that.tlie testimony is imperfect arid urt•
satistitetory, and in its present shape - should -
not be pnblished.: . It also stated- that no tes• I -
timony, thus far, had. been developed, - calcu-I
lated to fix on 'either. Ondidate for .Senatorts
befikre the Joint' Convention, 'any attempt. to. •
obtain the nomination' and ;election, by 'cotr-t
rupt or: improper influences. y Mr. t. Jordan;
the Chairman of the. Conaniittee,- and Mr; -
BroWne refused to sign- the, -report, because:.
.they placed a different estimate- on the evi-_-
dence adduced.: - • • • '
act has been passed by CongresS and ap . prov:
ed by the. President,to-secure the . :right •of
citizenchip to children of citizens. of the a S.
born out of thelimits thereof. The law pro.
vides that persons heretofore born, or hereaf
ter to be born, out of the limits and jurisdic
tion of the United. States,:whose thihers were,
or shall be - at the time of their birth,.citizena
Of this country shall . be . considered citizens
of the United States.; provided, however, that
the Tights i'vf citizanship shall. not descend to
persons ,Whose tathcrs never resided 'here.-
It further. provides: that any woman who .
might lawfully be naturalizi.4.Under existing
laws, married, or who shall be married, to k
citizen ofthe United States, - shall -be deemed
a citizen. - -
QW* We think a little - .investigation will - 1
snow that there has been.4n6 little log-rolling
between the new county- men and Gammas
particular friends ;. audit will. be_ found, iu
the end, that:voteshave been,tgot for Omer,
on bY promising votes-in- return for new
county bills., , Cameron has - some twenty de
-voted partizansln the 'Legislature, Wholisve.
had it in..their power, by promising their
ted aid to every. new - county; to get mune- - •
ous. votes for. their candidate ; and lt
looks, as if they• had been . making . good use.
Of this power:Pettsburg Post.
Italph- - .Meteatl4 - the• candidate of Ito
Know-Nothings k tor Governor of. New Haim).
shire, has written . a lettOrl to the Cotainktle 3
of the Convection which nominated' him, `•
ceptitig the rioinhiatioa pon • t}s' hfoidest
priuCiples &the Atitericae and'Auti•NebriY
ka platfornim. He also - 4tateti that: -he is in
favor of uny taw, ` l / 4 .tonstithtioniii, of eourse
for the suppression unlicensed sale of
spirituous Minors,
PROlifo TV "
• B T RY "'A
, MT4TES.. , --110115 ; IA,
ilia is a list - of States thati litivv.opacted laws
entirely prohibiting the +tie orint4eatibt
thinks fur .a beverage :—j-Maine i .l i datiOcha'
soak, Rhixly Island, Verniont,Michigan t Wi*
onsill,.,Conpeotileut, •