CHARLES. F. READ &I H. H. FRAZIER, EDITORS. eieet ?oelQ. from the London. Daily News PEACE AND WAR. th e sillage bells were ringing Br the border of the sea; • Tho robin blithOy singing, . Chanted in the holly tree; From the elinsabout the hall-- - Front the. mill beside the weir.-- Underneath the elturehardtlall- Came the gathering group % to player. Then they softly closed the door, And the people all-arose, . • 'Mid the knights upon the floor, . - Who had Saracens for foes; /tAdithe simple psalm was sung, And thechildren turned Wla'cre the baron!s hat - climent And the grips .Crusader lay.- • • • In th \ varved chancel knits, • litielt,a maiden in the .tun, And the Marble on the walls Told of fields her father won. She was pleading in her loV'e, Thai - her lover iniEbt not, die; Ahd the angels wept above— For they heard his dying cry. The iweet chimes from the steeple Reached the 'sailor on the waves, The voices of the people ' • , Whispered low among the graves; Through the meadows and the lane— To the lighthouse on the hill— . To their homes they went again, And the village green was stilL On on.itheheight . ' Where in piing the •riolets.blOw—: Famous anning famous tights— Raged the Wittle with the foe; • • , Through the dark - the rides flash ed; Sword and plume were wet with rain— Through the hush battallions dashed,: . Charged, uud cheered, and charged again Man to man, and steel twsteel— When the muskets cease: to fire— TiU the 'swerving columns. reel, • Till the stiartning sex& retire; GFaiiii; and Chai.setirs side 'by side, Ear'ned themselves a g orious name, TirtivelN;fought and nollv died • In the Brotherhood of fano. Underneatil . the pollard oaks ClusterL:d oa a grassy -knoll, • Where the woodmatis ringing strokes - Never slash the :,lender hole; Meeting death among his men, Grasping still his lather's sword Never more to change again ; Lay the loved, one on the sward. Bc the ruined mill he sleeps In the grtWe,his comrades share, Auct the maiden's gift he keeps— One soft tress of shining Lair.; She will often pass in cireain . s . • .To that grave beside the Mill, When the Winter moonlight streams, And the snow lies on the hill .• 141ets 40, 6iieiziNts. THE JEW. • A - TALE FROM THE• RUSSIAN. I was at Vienna a few' years ago. After trying several tables . .. Deaf!, I established my sent a hotel in the Juderistrasse,- frequent ed by'a select society. • Mr..,Muller, - master of thisestablishment, did its honors with tlioi-- ough • Germiin gravity. Perfect order, -ex &cute and i.onseientigus eleanlineSs, reigned throughout the house. One might 'pass thro' the .servants* room, - and even through the kitchens, w,thout meeting -With . anythino by which the sight mas in" the least! titifendcd.— The . cellar was as well .arranged, as a book case, and The regulations of the house, re garded both the service and the hour of - meals. were, as. punctitally observed as they could have. been in a seminary. If a guest came in late, though it were but ten' minines, lie was j served apart iu an• adjoining room, that the comfort all might not be sacrificd to_ the convenience of one.. ' • In 'the conversatEiUt :it. this table:dhote there prevailed a tone of good society,.which exchided neither ease nor pleasantry,but. a caustic or indelicate -expression woud have jarred on the carlike a false note iu a 'well executed concert.. The countenance of Mrs. -Muller, in which dignity was blended with benevolence, was the barometerby whiehthe -young men regulated: thiniselves When the influence of or Se r itin Beer might lead_ them a little too 'far. Then Mrs. Muller assumed an - air of reserve . ; by a few words she adroitly broke offthe conversation, and -turned •it into another Channel :; and she Wane-. ed gravely at her daughter,'Who, without al feetation or pouting, kept her eyes. fixed on her Plate until the end - of the Meal. • • Ellen Muller was the type. of those beanti ful German file-es which the French Call because they .know not how to read HIT) ; sibe was a happy mixture. of the Saxon and Hanoverian characters. A pure . and . open brow. eyeS of inexpressible softness, lips ha .' bitually closed with maidenlyreServe, a trans parent ilomplexion, whose- charming blushes , each moment protested - against the . immobili ty of her bearing, .aubtirn hair whose rich and :-filken curls aomirably: harmonized with the .serenity of her;feature.s, a graceful and flexi ble form just expanding into .womanhood such was Ellen Muller. A councillor of the. Court. Hofrath Baron von Noth, who had resigned his fuactions in eousequence of an injustice that had been .done hint, several students. Whose parents had fee ,ommended' them to the .vigilaripe of Mr: a few -merchants; composed the , ma jority- of the, habitual gupsts. The party - was frequently increased Thy travellers,,literary men, and artists. After -dinUer,, philosophy, politicEs, or film:mire. were the usual topics. of conversation, ib which• Mr. Muller, a man brextensii;e acquirements- and .great ,sense, took part, with a choice of expression and an elevation:of views , . that would hare 'astonish -ome in man of his station' in . any country hut Germany. • Sumetinies,Ellen would sit'do - Wn to the piano, and' sing b0111Q: Of those siMple -and beautiful Mehidies in which=--thef l teralernes s , the gravity, and the piety, of the German na tional character seem to iningle.. Then cow. versation Teas 7 ed ; every countenance express. ed. the rust prOtbusid attention ; : And each listener, as if he were assisting at al, religious I•erveie, translated the accents of that Waiver= sal laiqpiage according. toll is : sympathies, his associations, and the habitual direction. of his ideas. • • • • I was not long in perceiving that Baron von N 61.11 and young student - nanied War ', were particularly sensible 'to: Ellen's cranes and. merit". In the Baron, middle tigE: man, there was a mixture of dignity - and PlET:less which betrayed an almoit. constant . • ~ ' • . i , . , . . -,- ...,,,, ..........--, • : . ..,.....s.' ...: -rt; - . ...;: ; ~..; i :; - , '; - :.1 . .it.r,-' - '.... ,- .. 1.r.,,...,z.f.13. ; :,..' r,r, - ,:t1,•:; - . ; ..,!?!........ - .. _-., ,- •: ;: t .; . - ; -,n11 , . 7,1.. ' 4,1 :' , • ,. 04..1......:41e... , -.*• 44.• 1.4. ; ~...., : : : „.,,, • ,1,...,- ..,,,,„, .„.L . ,..„ . .. ,_, ~...„.4,,,,.,...,11,1,;,,1i,. 1 . . ... .:......:.. ~ ~ , • . 2 . ;.,,,, ~ ~ _ .....; . . 1 . .. . . . , ..—..-_ .•; . . . : . - . '.I t f t-'; . .. • - . . __ - . . . • i'' " - I . l' - t . . . • • , .... • . I:. . - - •" - , •—'- • ' ' - r •- ',, - • i I. ' , •' : ' " 1, . , ,i , , . t. ' , . : ..: . • \ .. ~ . : .. ' I l4 '. • •...' •1' •• .." I -, .. -.- -,. _, ..„ 7' . ~ ...;- ii • ~-..-, ‘ .... ~, .- fl i , ....... •. • ....t • . „,. . . .. .... .... . , ... ~ ~. .1- ..,.. .. . , , .. ,•. .. • . . .. . ~. .: „.: ~, :, •. : .. • , i . . • •.: , .. ~., I • i i . .: - • . ' 1 1 , • . . , • i . 1 • • .., . ~. : I : l'' ... ~ ~,,.,,, :!.:,.- 1, , I . ' , , ,i , .... ~.,...:,,.. . ::,... . , - -. i ! -. . • : .. -- ~ .. , • i , . . L - I J -', . i r . . 1 t' • ' r • -'. 4 . . ..1.. .. . , t, • '• llin' l l''''':' '', ~ . ,;- . .. ... , . . . . . . . , • . i „ i ' ' ,-1 .- , -. .„, , . . . f • ii • - - I . I. - i . . . • ... - --- . ... iii. ,..._ . .. - ..... - I • _ F. - . t :-.: '•• . . ' f • ,-- . --- -.:-• -!ta - k. - .i. - ‘ -. T : .I .:. ', • • . - . 'e ' • • . - straggly between. :pride andsthe Oergy of a bt6ong pAssion. . Ii is between, the ages of thirty and forty tlutt the passions have most etopire over us. At that period of the ch/tracteil is cOrnpletely formed ; -and aS, we Welk know .what,Ave . desire, so do we strive to attain our end .w& all the energy of a perfect organization. • ; SUNRAY, Nov. sth. !Werter .was little more than nineteen years old. He was:tali, ill*, and melancholy. atuipersnaded thatilove had revealed Itself to the young student by the intermediation of the musical sense. • I had more than once .watched him When'Ellea.sang. • A sort of le. veragitated him ; he isitlatO himselfin a eon.- nerl of the roOM, and there iin a mute testacy; the ipoor boy, inhaled the pitison of love. • The pretensions ofEllen's two admirers manifestkkl themselVes by tittentions' of Very different kinds, and in which -were displayed their different natiires. The . Baron 'brought Mrs.. Muller ,ticketlilfor concerts-and theatres; Often-at the - dessert] he would sends for deli cioni Htingarian_witfe, in which he drank the health ()lithe ladies; 'slightly inclining his head to 41Ien if he 4uld hai e said;--I ',la*. to you Wetter would Stealtliili place upon piano a ne'w bailad or a voltiMe of poetry.; and when the young girl Wok_ it up, his face Einshed and -heightened as if the blood were abOut Cojburstlfront it. Ellen • smiled Modestly at the burin) ; or graceffilly thanked the'Student ; liut sh seemed- not to sitspect thatiwhieh neither them dared to tell An attentive olt4iirver of all that- pasod, 1 did pry Utmost tea read Ellen's:heart,: and to, decide as to the ehances of the•baron's 0- the studinit's loves. Elie was passionately fend of parridives,ofadreatnre, and, thanks to the Wandering life I lad led, I Was able to pati .fy this taste. 1. noticed that traits of gener osity and noble deVition produced an extra ordinary effect idiot; her. eyes sparkled ittliough she- would thin have distinguished, thr.inig,h the titne:and space,the hero of a no ble Action ; then ke,.irs-inoisteiled her beauti- fui lashes, as reNction recalled her to the re alities Of life. l'iniderstood that neither the baron nor Wertei 'was the man to win her, heart ; t h ey werii neither of them equal to her. 1.1a(L1 been ten years:younger, 1 think I should have', been vain eratu L di to enter the: lists.— But another persori„. fr whoM none would at first have taken for a man capable of feeling and inspiring ii,stong Tas'sion, was destined •to carry Of the •;size: : One c: were assembled - in the drONVingrooin,lea the habitual visitors to the house presentei to us a Jew, who had just. arriVcd . 'frontlet/11;0g, and Whom business was - to . detahr for some month s at Vienna.-- . Ina!fewl words, Mr. Muller made the strait: ger4cgtiainted with the rules and customs of the house, The J replied by, monoSy II a. bles as )f he disdalned to expend more words and hltedli t genee'upon details soentirely ma :ter/al: hosed] politely. toi the ladies, glancedimilhigly d the furniture Of the room, rouhel which he tWiee walked,,as it' in token of taking possessiOn, and then installed him selfm a / This pantomime might havci been: transhjted thus Here . 1 ain ; look, at me once fari all, and then heed me no MalOtx—tld was. the Jew's name-,-had .a decided litupi in his /mit • he a man of the Ihuddle heialit, and of a de cent-bearing; his - Voir was negleeted; but'a phrenokfgist ANouid have read a world of things in the 4griiticent development of his fol'eheadi I. ==l - - , 1 i I • ' - :The outivers l ittidn- became general, Mr. aithussppke?lititW, but aS soon as be oreti e • his' riio : uth everybody . was si, i lids apparenti.:-del'etN' nei!.• proceeded perhaps as Much from a di . .tre •to discover, bii3 iweak points as front', politeness :towards the; new 1 comer.- . ! . . .i' . . The Jew on;e! of those penetrating and, ~sonO:ous voices whOse tones seem to reach the very soul• ' anc;Which'impart, to words in flexions not less . !yaried than . the ftirins of thought. He iunix led trp the discussion log iCally and lucidly 4 ! bu.t. it 'was . easy Ito see that, out of consideration tar his interlO'cutors, he abstain•ed froth i putting forth strength, • . • -. The ean4rsa . taint was intentionally :I led. to religious prejudics at..the - first words . spo- • ken on thik subjdet, 'the ew's countenance assumed asu hi itn:e !expre.ssion. .lle rose .at once to ilid mast' idevated considerations; it was easy to see that his imagination found itself in 'a i faritilliir sphere.- He I wound up With so pathetic and - powerful:. a peroration, that Etlen, yielding to sympathetic impulse. Inade an abrupt tow aids him.— Their two souls had Met, and we:re destined mutually to compldte 'each other:. . . 1 said to myself, that Jew will !be Ellen's hustianfL • . - 1 - !.: Then l'aPplied inyself to observe him more, attentively. . W.!lieri Mr. Malthns was not strongly moved Lind animated. he was but an ordinary man; ii4vertheless, by the expres sion of his eyes; Which: seethed to look within hiitis.O,f, lone could discern that, he Was pre-oc cupied with stilile,o those lofty thOughts iden : tified with superidr minds. Some celebrated au - tholes Were spOken of; he remained silent. Baron van Nutli 101' it :over towards .me and said, in a low voice. It • seems that our nrew. • acquaintance: is unit literary.' should be surprised at that,' I replied, rand -what is more; I would lay.a wager that he inns - leaf.' baron drew back, with a movement of. vexation, a nd, - as if to test my sagacity, he asked Ellen - to sing something. The amiable girl begged him to excuse • her, but without putting fi.orward - any of those small preteits which most young ladies would have invented on the instant. Her mother's authority. was 'needed tusanquish her instinct lye. resistance. testified to some utiwontt agitation ; its first notes roused the Jew fret. his reVerie;- soon' she recovered herself, and' her visible emotion did but add a fresh charm to the habitual expression of her , ]. • Suddenly- ihe stepped snort, declaring that her ineindry, failed her. . . Then,] to our : great astonishment, a .rich and hariuOniOUS %mice N# as heard,, and Ellen continued . , acconatanitli,by the finest tenor I ever heard in myAile.* . • . 'fire biiron bit his lips; Werter,. was pale with surprise. The warmest applause fallow ed the ' r eotieltisinnitif the beautiful duett. Malthushad risen from his chair, and seem ' ed entirely undeiith e spoil ofharmony. - He - gave some ad.viee: . to Ellen, Who listened- to iiirn with avidity ; be eVeh made her 'repeat a Rassage, which She afterwards sang with ad -. ira expression., ..II took her -1w id, most, Kith enittlisiasni and exclaimed;. 4 1 thank yoU - • - Ell * . -- a[D___ . •pat.o , .*ltAg.L .. i . '- - 0 QE2[Del MoNTlio'ffij*RST4l[ 4 l • I indeed,' said the baron. P i oo l r tbirg, but went and sat hini pensive, at the further end of m. VeiT odd Wertei said self down, Ye the dr4wing r l , - su6cosi. As radiant at. her daughter's , EUen, she merely said ul a I low vale: If kid in able tai make ruction, I . should perhapi be inething f music...' i• , - . I. l t:o u. t y her's permission,' rejoined have pleasure in sometimesb oi `With you MtilthUs, '1 sl swore panyin Mrs, Mull: the Sew, whe.,- sumo & its 'hal that .eould ex that such a in r cast a scrutinizing glance at :4 countenance, 'which had re itual calmness, showed nothing ite her suspicions. Shejudged n i t was not At all dangerous; land fer. Malthus bowed with cold tless - appreciating - the motive hie - -and Ellen struck a fete ti attention front her embarrass , - I• 4ho sought' a vent for his! .'ithe young girl, pointing 6, the Would halt in the accompani . +hat Will restore the tneastbv.' ;c:ast a look at the haron,.which meets people like you ev9ry !ll the room. Militias took up mid. read : until we separated fur ae4.‘.elitd his of this' c9nfid notes, YO d i tneiit, • The baroil, humor; said t Jew's stick : If 4ny thin molt; There Ellen rose, mea`nt,. One where,' and lad anew:+aper, the eight. i . . i l'ile4ew I d .1 - ie ro b fular lit h of a man Who knows the va ue of time. - He worked Mitil ( .1 noon,,Oaid or rtteived a few . visits, went up on 'Change a )out two o'clock, then shut him self uP: in his 'apartment and was visible to nobody . , and t precisely four' o'clock .entred -- AfrZ.M.iiller's robin, where EliCn awaited liiin , at the piano. • h was easy to see that he daily . •. .., assunnid a gYater ascendency over the niiiid Of hisi3upil. %-he progress was rapid.. :When _Ma th\is siniled, Ellen's charming r• I countenance : ssUmed an indescribable &mires. ,sion of satisti etiim - ; but as soon as be. felitps ed into his habitual thoughtful mood, the poor !4)ui appeared •suspendvd• sytapathetie- n4d - int - O; she saw nothingl an swere4 nob - y i,--in A word, she instinctive ly assiMilatet liin.selti to the mvsteriOus" be it ilia m hose ii fidence governed. her. When • Midthits - lean .41 ion his cane in Walking, Ellen seemed to say;i My arm . would support him : so well l'" r, ! 1 . !. • Tla. ! !Jew, however; did not limp disiv r *reea. My; his leftlleg. was well form {d, and his . s_ynimetriciihFrigure showed the di. turbanee. in its harinony to .have teen the resi It of acci dent..-Jle liAd - ihe appearance. of ` l awing long heeoniis reco4eilk.d to-his infirmit% , like a!s0!- dier Who coiris ers. his wounds- a glorious evidence of ins devotion tip lii: et nary, . I 114 _more.' thnn once' felt tem ted: to ask Maltinis thefistory of his lumen mss; but he eluded with .0 huich 'care every i! pproaeh to the !sub at &m ject, t !tedniysei.owigeid to. t ! respect his s.coe , TW,i montliSip.issed. thus. and II had o I gor' tunity Of apreteiating all the rightmin led . - ness, !,genert sits;and enlightenment'that dwelt In the i"..*sible part-of that extraor dinary; soul.: ! In' . presence of this dangek ous rival, w t ho tr innphed without a struggle; the . baron beram i e almost tender. Ills - selflove cruelly ,"stiffe!eili to see preferred to hint a lame Torch:vit.; with a fine voice. He s4,une tinies.attemLlO to quiz him ; but Mslthus confounded liiin . so completely 1...)y the aptness Of his . retortsohat the laughters were never I . • f on the:side of the baron. ! . • , • . ! Qrte'night l; l!that the family party was as .9enibled. !W l etter approached" .Mr. Muller with a ,fsuppltant air; and delivered to hitn a . ! - a letter fronii his father. The poor yOung. man's agitatiion! made me suspect that. the . leiter conti&le& a prOpoSal. Mr: Muller read it : ', 'A' ii li "attention and -handed it tO his . wife, Who "rapidly glanced over it. and cast a scrutinizing,; lance at her-daughter, to Make sure whether" orluo she Was forewarned cif this - step. - A totither's pride is always flattered under Such' ifirehmstanees, and the fir.4!!im pul.Sej'a Om rally favorab,le to the . maii . ‘-ho has:singly iut the object of her deare.i.t-af feoot*; ' u the second . thought is one of ,) 1 prudence • separation, the many- risks -Of the' futnr son check the instinctive- Fatis linjtion' of i h niaternal heart, and a thou Sand motives .lco cur to arrest the desired"con ch‘it were NVC H II,' she: said, 'first to . knOw 1 what - Ellen thinks.' ' • ThelwordS were like a ray of light tai the pogr glrl,lw4ose,eountenance expressed the utmost sUrprise. , • • ' BeSide, lie isvery young,' added Mrs. Muller; .164dIenough for the baron to hear. . Werter s . i poSition was - painful ; • he stam mered.'a few" wards, became embarassed, and abruptly left the room. '; A Merd {:hild,' quoth the baron, be Sent back tO his books.' !! ' Malthus, Who had observed all that passed I • - rested his. tmlo hands on his stick, like errian disposal to !argue the point, and warmly de fended the student. . • -' . , ' It' ez' innot be denied," he said, in .conclu sion„ that ,t young man's choice pleads in 1 - fis,favUr, a d : his embarrassment, which at o that age is hot Unbecoming, - pryei, in. my , : opinio ~ that Nriiilst aspiring to so great a happiness, he has sufficiently to admit him • 1 self u4.-ortli s y - of it.' . . `.lf ii,deel. ration were a sufficient proof of'. merit;';: intdrrup.ed the councillor, ' 14now ' one.nian Wh i O would not hesitate'—, -. `Anil who is that ?' . inquired Mrs. MUller,:- . , with illi.coucealed curiosity. • '3ikseif ~.'ntidam, replied' •the councillor— , ` Baron ; Von MAIL', • • . .. . By 'the ivy in which this was spoken, the dissyllable 'itnyself appeared lengthened by .. t all the4mportance of the persornsge. rat my age men do not change,' contin-, ued the barn ; the present is a guarantee fur the i future.' gllen was, really . to be pitied. When .Malthaisto* Werter's part, I saw that she waS.ori the point .. of fainting. Her csaunte nanee, :naturally so gentle, was overshadowed by an oxprdssion of vexation and displeasure. SlieJuid taken the Jew's benevolent defence of the student for a mark of iudifferenee..;- 'Whilst still; under the influence of this . l pain-. fuliiripri3ssion, the baron's declaration came to bar agitation; she cast a reproach ful a lantx a Malthus, sank back in her chair, and; swooned away. They Jew sprauig took her in his antis, laid her on a sofa and:knelt down beside her. • Yon tai.e not understood me, then 1' he exknimed. 141.hin ed her eyes, and • beheld at her whom her heart had selected ; in her passion, unconscious of feet; the in andf absor ) .the. presence of those who- stood amid' nitrmured, : in a feeble voice— yodrsi said. Malthus to llir. Mullol p;ropoS,aleonles rather late ; but I hOpt. Will 4so good as to take it into cousi - tiOn: , .1 in the Jeiv's manner there was the' L dli of Min in'a position to dictate cOndit Ellen: had recovered herself. As to theke had not been time for . hi phlegrn ; to become disturbed Ntife . could not restrain a smile at thi mat ic . comlilication. whose denoyncemei, maindd in suspense. • ( !‘llllr. Y., i ' T said she to'me, soinewhat not feel!the- effect of t • - , 'l . Perhapi: . I 'might have.iteen nnable si ' replied , Mr. clarediltimself bofore me.' 1 '4 t..l:(!n blushed, and the Jew' - preys id ppmy Just then Wcrter re.enteredtheiroOin pale :ind deWncast, 1ik.51 . 2an who cbtlesl . .to hear %Sentence passed up n Thirtt Was profound silence whieh - \ lasted seveiA in cites, tir atleast it do sp. l.'.Mast MI: . Mullerlbroke it. I ' - --- i . 4 • MI:. 1 tGi:mtlenien,' he said, ' I ittnmuelt 114te ed by 'lll4 hotipryou have tdone, rne'---• , il • Al'el.iaus(ld, and, seemed tp be iek.albpg Ph4t eyent4fto his mind, During; this Short i . ssilence,Wcirter gazed ;it us in turn ,',,Nv ittil an. , airofiastonishivent, and I doubt not that hit, included me 'intthe nuniber of his ri‘,ll4: 1 9 have .4n4thing to, tell you,' cupiinuat 11 . 1, .litullei; ' which wilt'perliaps Motile, y i lOur r4seilt, intentions. About ten Ye:161;40 I had 0 Yisi(Berlin, where thy fatherfl4d just ctied.:l , The , winiling up of his.utlairs i Iroki,ed (. iiiiPtiCated and -.troublesome, mrt4 •• iiyak obitgeldjo place my interests in the lunda o r 4 It'twyer wlio had been reeunimendl to knit PS 'extremely skillful; The busines..4*a bast 4eftled, I found myself entitled\ to abOot - toe . t t I,ty ithOusand tlPrins, which I propoSed . i.o tii- I 40,k y in trade.! - I was happily . matt - Kid, and' I Ilea - was 4ev i en•pmrs old: \ Our 14t.!, • foi, l tulle - it'tioit ' had arc:lily impaired by ii suce s,. of losses; fur Whielr'this inheritance woiilll . cPrel- p,etiNi.e. '' ' I ' i! One day.l went, to .s's my-lawyers to: -Pi- . 1 . iie4 - e;tliu money. He had diSaplx*ed, :I ta, lyinglyingit with him. ' Despair took piiies.4i'ot • i 1 a 11/45,.; 1 dared not impart the fatal:-;110VS t•• . 1y , .• , .1 • ply W,lle,.and,--1 colifess it 'with shame, t i de, terniined on suicide. All that dii3, ''ra't4 1,441 Abutit:the country; and :it nighttitlil Lap-, .prc.'iaelied tbe- banks of`the...Spree, - ,Crlikubin ' tipt:as :the parapet of a high bridge:, 11-glze ' Witl4;loorny delight into -the dark . waters. ; dolt roiled lbeneath. '. On: my knecg-pppn thb iittint'•,i I oared up a short but fervent ,rave to!! lint wlirpwiainti.4 and heals;- Lelnpinilid: 1-t , d4nY. wife and daughter to his tuer4, atia. i ~,-\ 1 t ifirecipitatet) myself from the bridge. a ,ixa.i strk , i'rling 'tinstinctiyely against- deatlf:, 4 - hen II :felt thyself-seized by a'v goroua 4rilid 4 pninlP' watri' near me, and 'dreW rneltuwardts . the 41iOre, which we both reached. 1 ; ilt : -4.1.s - 'o darkthat I'could not distniguisb ,thd.fCtatnrs of my preserver. 'But thiltdn4 Ilif tfiii voije made an imyression tipi.xn int 'whicli' has -not Yet been' effaced and' i hly4 It ' ''• , - t . - -'' • 1` I iiiitit but tale mitn- whose voice has' . tieitirinded ; _ Irio' o,( . that,:ot, ,the generous - unkuoivr .1 _ 114 ~o rupelle.di''rne to go home with hipi' lg . e - tiuned ine : a.s . to my motives tbr sq il e sber• 0..614il get.. old, to my extreme astOlis 1. len had - dird fritil a portfolio eolitaininn. forty , . t lot - - L ' if ! , 81-0:11 rrinS on the;express . con dition l tat 11 sliquld.taki no steps to find hitn_odtl II cif-• r. treated him to accept my , marriagetinki , . 4 I:ight;,uf which l'pronsise4 to repay Oil 1 1.0 a •,,• fv.;' - 001 asot should be - possible for M .6'd so -- .; Ile - t4s,k• the ring and I left liii 1- stn - lie4rebrildful of ,rratitude.' .:. •111 • I ; 2 , • i 1 1 i • f:will : not attempt to-describe tist . op: thin )oy,' With Nhich I' onee More . embric (111 my :wife and ilau;ghteri• God alone can., r par niyi benafitetor all -the good he did u t .' 1 1 , Fl Y rrCi' teed My afrairs, and wo set out , ; r._ v;. ilniaovhefe I formed . this establishm nt, 4f .'whieli I cannot consider my.elf as niptie: thah Oct tempPrary :possessor. I Youpdre+iv,i ' 'eattetneri; that' Ellen hni, no do wr: t t i .. 0 .v 0 4, liccit i :and Ili:It:we may at any nortn:mt! bi . , • .l -!re.dUCed 14 a very preaarious posioop. ,, '. ' Ellen's;Face, was • hidden by he.! hand! !IV.litie.lsir:i Muller ceased speaking, i-we Iti ii:st!tn;.d.--4resetitly the Jew.' hroielk lt::ni.ti- }, 1 HI ' ' f l II) 113 A t!havelittle,' he said `to add to j.ciusfai !ratron : the man who was 5:.-o forturiatle .4 • "rerill,o! y h ii a service, remained a cripple'ti 'Xhelirest orhis days. When he - pluugtd ihel:Spree.lhe•strucl: against a stone, ankl sin , lift. asyou perceive' • -1 j e . all, motionless' with st.trpri_ rri4ti',„.lll.altinis drew a ring irom his fingeti it-to Mr. Muller.'' The mint lattr, generally so cold in kit sion,!-was Suddenly extraordinarily ;ye* started to his eyeS, and heythtieN\ preservees-artils. • .` i i4ll thlit 1 pos s ess bclois to p an,' ;cd,j‘nd I :have the happiu*ss to infor thak,youreapital has doabl6d.'• , Gfall ; that you possess,' replied. h 1 it a& but . tine to whit:h 1 have be I „ "The worthy German: took the haFur . , • .1 AM:Witter, Who trembled.; with . happttn • . .surprise, and, placing it in that of the • "`Sir,' he said, -addressing himself 1 • ;lyci,e(whc,iliave seen theworld,..land4v !disinterested in this question, do yi)i tlut :could do better?", I y•• should .i 1 1 [;. , I I k& 1 . . HEAP TUMP- LA,LEIL.— Cin _ !Vet ; ifilnliii(i. contrivance fur pulling- Sturnfil, iw.hietiMii' Edgarton says works vev livell . ACed I i . so• I t o ~_ ... .t, t, simp.e in its strucuse, that 1: I' . we::coniniend it to those wishing an,pt ing (V ithe . hind.- I It consists of a log of strongitini-! lier",l'ronn ten to twelve inches in diii4ettirilt ',the:large end, and eight or ten at ths smidler ilind!ribupt: sixteen or twenty feet -lOng.ll . To tl4 - 4rger:end is attached a very tie Ti Oain .11r . r.Wt...three feet long, with a very arigel ark . l striing hook at:the free end, while n't. th . oth. er there is a ring sufficiently laro to slip - - - •• ' lover ttre ;larger end ofl the lever. 1. To o the sinoll end, of the lever a rrke of cattle's litcb !edl...; , Thel'Fianner of using it is as•sirliple rit the, ;Machine, and acts! on the saMpiiiniii ..ple:;!: - .1 . f some tooth-1160k of ' the dentin .. li -, ri i large : caught hold of some . of t e l f r - romp, and the cattle are then drien r•• u ~ thripttirrp so as-to wind up the Apr, heasi chalir,.nnd then continue on in the even ihni, sftheir Way, till the stunk . gives 17it.,irflar surrenders its prsition.. Thus the;ylarof nulVOd•esSijy and rapid ly--Exchast,4r IC. OrMe open the hearts of others we,!open Our , own. !1 ' V ~ tJ~I -RCIT t 1 , ;,. Front pe t . i Min) .i\ Theses is a j9ri 'lie li.Was F Ills "merriment s Tbat:'Nninkle I e rapt bitimelf Anct shako a .! An the broad- . i, ,shorC, , - _ /In t Mirth' 1 •,, i„ 1 Butth w` kl is.' l. .zad and restless, • - - Aipd curs d with . an inward pain;, . You In y bar ali you will, by Tail But Ivot he: , hn still complain. Ite :trails on. did, rmn mountains, I . Atut shiicks tin e wintry sea; I H e Fobs ii the Cedar id moans in; And shinlderi all otzr the aspen] 1.1 . \ Welcome...tire uoth .their voices, And I know i'iof wbich iiest--; -The'lattgliter,tit slips from the Oc Or the emelt) deem winds unit. There's a pang n all mjoicing, — . lii A joy in the lieart ;of pain, • And the Wind hat saddens, the;se ,1 dens, ! • Are singing he self-same strain! . ; * • " i,•!, '; ?oliiie4l. 1, ; - , : i- -_ !t my e • I y 11-069. Mr. 613- qra• I fire- • xam- toire s 'de- SHALL UTAH BA ADMITTED MOO ,THE 4 - UNION 1 __ . The r . nenal*kr COngrez.s who Ifrus I t vote on . the : fulmissiot( of a State; rriustrask - him,l self,. if it becotnes weessitry, Has t 4. apply ing Stat4a republi -in form of govtrnment And thuk: weask i do the Mormon form 4, republiet? „This 1 ads to anotht - Lr 41T.stion What i's! a i-epu die? 'Dietioriari4s, which hardly . r ver iglye definitions, liol merely strive to', indate he sense - Of the Word, are of no use to us rn his case, and in ab inquiry which, in suceesSf 1, would furnish lauthorltY l for 'the lexieogra her, but. cannotkake - 14 lexical e4lariatiol s as a_ standurdli AbOvO all;' we are -b4uud. o take the . word - RepubliC in the Sci),ie it) wh eh it was usually thken at the tin of the framino• of our Anistitia ' • .- tion,:and in ish c we • know. or Inve good; reason to believe, the framers to h.tve takers; it. ' i A State' isnot. its, chief is noel-hereis, =if not ; elective) hereditary ; but 4 . sitl - ered a repnblic character of the•, t State with rePubli , called the Stattj's because. the 1 - Fope _the Conclave.l Nu cause the chief• as the stadthOldq time: Napoleon .his lirst live-frane verSe, with the W rof the French, 'on French ,4epti,blie., called in future, 1. .1 - loWever difiiet fect'clefinitioll oIL because it fr 4 b .nfeiiiiii, L i.s,: - . w'ef - It' • that our', itisti l ltitOr w .. . a gown - pent pt ,{1 'leg,islat'ure forma public .opinion_ SI that is, law ; ond Li • is fin-itefd, .1)40 •ii fice,i,wloll iOille the n 'ehuite pe the Re[4l4-, a Ippli , principle that th point ut ptArtir is:: as eblonlsts, ''.,had been tintured - wi for theyi l were lie , It i s t • , • -eri • rue. there lies lies wltett - out- ins liendtmco. • Ther eyes 'the!'Netlierla decided an italtiet naming bf otir fed Venice, which w mired by politica 1 - 1 and great' power St Ite. ',Our l!Co.1 with pei-fect plaio erfirnent, no aristl eluded Aiithitt Alt : that insiruti4nt, , ' that' nu i titles Of n the 11. - Asited tit might not b' co front tho lan , tit' i .. 'no State shill gi,-, . .1 ., " hoover ,Vill: debates,! ; the time. framed, the politi the histtiry of th' Republib its4ll,. our fundarn4nal! institutiO al polit 1. .. ernment 7 in Whiel • ' : t jOUS ' mi.- elearlyL ed, and in Which, tiutt is, heredl iary pie or rO . githi ,bey State itself. l i -. !-, - , Ace4,ditgtoll i icy is no]rpli t blic': call,:it - a theoctaii v, ME! eX 1,t3 e , Viii fl ri%}h Isla lJti v racy is !not a r, mops may c i hooS occasionally; :the ~theo-deinoeilicy,; tinet an ;idea; us t we thenti oncl. 'still less a rq,Puhl l ies havei,been, be; volting his 'subjitcts, - to b, by dired intbsio:i have - belp - i told t when sP, mense power, in to i,ointi to the greater considers li4pseltl •qua ; iter, Uul they that he yia COI.; self. cpippatted • divlne,Ocerer,..% in Railway's Read ' papers.l The in claimeif thoriVieverl in li . ed by any of hi' With this rannin, a - thorOughly which lie rules b.' Where is the At,, call ;such a state ;I are' their two "which; it has • h dititry, 'o nut, It rar6 1 295,Nia.99 • kKE) 55. flain'Ar ifonaly. AFD• SEA. comrade, ..rever he. goes: lin the. dimplin: : Ihis hale repose; town at the feet of . over with glee, • tacked billows hill ', f the mighty Seal republic, simpli because, ,ditary. The Dalai-I.:anal eitainly selecti4and nen-1 libel, has never4ectfeen-11 - Nor dues that. elcctivel 1 I lief magistrate, stathp .the i , 1111iSM. - No tria4 , ,has evert lof the Church arepublic,l ,rf.:xweds, by elecition from is a State a monarchy be. i migistrate \! is h'4editary, of Holland wR..e fir ai - cot even ( so far as to bavet ,ioes inscribed, n the'ob- 1 !i-ds: Napoleon, Emperor . he reverse," with those of i 1 'N'e suppose thy will wet linsitien Fives. I • I ,It - lt mai be. to•,*e a per lite I tern) • Republi t c, simply' ea used in many; differentl i ow this Much fOr certain, l( - -understood by Republic,' 1. • pop,dar cast, in which the/ n organism through whichl 'all 1 1 pass into public, will, which the chief+agistrate 1 power, and ,ditration of of- 1 directly( d, indirectly; byi I people. _''hey r :want, by y founded upon the broadi • first source - arid sturtingi i the people. N , ver, everri their political c `nivietionsl h the, thbleel as Divinuni ;t lisp by descent. ' ' - r!' existed a variet . ).' of repub .: 4 . itutors—resolved' on itide were especially before t their,l ids :Republic, winch had so ce. upon the framing and ' .racy ; and' the republic Oft t‘tirmer Itimesl;often ad.i .obServers, for ti c wisdom so 'narrow-l \ wielded . by . a ,• 1 stitution, !lowa% l er, shoWst . 'ess; that no Venetian gOv-1 , cracy was meantl i to - be in- l term Republic, is used in 1 1 ,r it) contains the 'injunction bility shall be gianted b'y'', l and, fur fearl that thiS , ~ . sidered to banish' nobility . i - Constitution prqvides that I lit any title of nobility.' I- 1, .Ludy the tonStitution, the when tit Constitution was' , tetilture of the': framers, ! I -colonies, and of :the A tin I ill -find -that - by Repu , c . , act means a ppular an ~ .'w itn a representative goy itsJgreat powers or func-1 ivi i ed 'and distinctly limit- - o power, bffiee,l,or distinct' or derived from any princi-; nd br' without the popularl s standard the \l irmon - pol.l The, Mormons tihemselvesl •governmenti ' and a thetie-j iptblie, whateveri ; the Mor.-1 ito umble toget , her, when,; eal . their government al hielfeonveys abut as dis-j 0, irliperial live-frune pieces; he Mormon govOrnment is, e 'than many other hierarehi 1 .ause the chief of that re l 'l aimS. and . s:coti4idered by • daily and hourl • inspiredi; of the Divine Si irit.' We t. the present - Emperor . of ne person extolled his im4, is presence, cot 'descended, vent', saying : 4 t tere-iS onel e Czar, we shqiild think;---. pretty near to the heavenly he allows, and inSists upott ittd ghat isbis belief in him. O Brighatn, who pnblishe4 the • A Day and S'asons,' ai. Belief is- published, in out ust absolute chalif has never Oar autherity ; n 4 such atil fohatnined was aektniwledg i folyiwers. - Yet I,th4 - men; g inspiration, is floe head of . rfrainZed 'governt , eat,: • over 1 c, , - 1 p , Ol4 pretended inspirationi neriein that would - dire tti .f things a republiel. !Wb.4 lers - Of - priests,. the- highest cif en hinted, Will]. be : mad' preserve the bi' 4 of whi .- 4 . , ti 'FRAZIER• & SMITH, PUBLISHERS-VOL.. - t- NO. _ . . puee, it • is, proclaimed. that .soon it will. be made lawful W I harry sister); and brothers of tlie!same.fiither,; though of different mothers - What are these orders but a l nobility ? Let us not hear the.'objection th4t all this:is re ligieus,' with which, therefort,. we .have noth ing- to -do. We . shall presently show that we !have a goodi deal; to do With their'relig ion;' but in this pi4e- we 40 not speak of their so-called religion . ... What we maintain is, that the: forM of ;government-of the Mor mons is a pretended . theocratic government, - and that, therefore, !it _can . no More be ad - mitted into the Unioti. thin. the Grand Duke of.Mecklenburg. and !his peOPle, or the Pope, with his dominion,, "The:king Of the Sandwich Islands Would, nc4‘doubt, be' very wilting to be received a.s .aiimember of the Union, could retnain• the throne—a sort of Attains -to us- - and i there . would not he 'half the objection •iinaitiSt his reception , thdt exists against the ailinision of the 111or' Nor could wipe ot lany . avail sere the Mor mons to establish a irotorinalpolitical govern- mem, and were to insist upon , it, that" the or ganization of the Litter DO - Saints is an af: fail. of the church, ,with which/our govern ment has no business. The laWdoes not allow subterfuges, nOr 'do •we mean to, allow our great political relatiMis to .rest on falsehood. It would. resemble ]too „inuCh the dozen of soda.. bottles,'Pretending lailyful traffic, in a little entry. 7 which leads to 4'brothel in the / rear. . I=lll OM I Sun, nt on t or, hill, he pine, tree. an's lips, r . 1 /that gladj• , , This 2bilsideratio'p would' be. sufficient to prevent any citizen; loyally i'adhering, to the ecinstittition, from- f ; Sanctioning, the admission of; the Mormons into our circle of States; but there are other, and equally-weighty'rea ?lt has been shown on what. Iwo' occasions, the subject 'of .religion is mentioned in our 'Constitution. .It enjoi,ns- poii the,. United_ States neqr to make any lalv-respecting an establishment 'of religion, or:, prohibiting the free exercise theicot; and or4ains that no' re-, ligiouslest be ever . required as a qualification for any public . office. At th i n same time, it prescribes 'certain oaths• to; be taken, for which, howevep, solemn- affirination may be , substituted-40 substitute which had been adOpted England, with reference to Qua kers. prior to ',he framing. of!Our pact shall not inquire .whether the prohi-.I bitiun of establishing' a chin* which means I acknowledging and: supporting, it. as a part. and parcel of the State, and (he command of allowing 'free exeniise of religion,' as well as the religious tests; Whether thp,.se arc sufficient to; - bind us in all cases of admitting a'State, wholly to dismiss the question of religion —4whether, in tio . caSe wliateVer, we ought to ask ourselves, Can people, - jitli . s.'uch or4aichi a religious system, possibly form a wholes4tane part of oar system;! can tlnticonsideration.of thit .commonest decorum be., -admitting on ingredient- with a rcvoltin re .`f • lig,ion `into the great' organist - 4 • _ . ;Some vekingt cases play be readily irnag ini:d. We must not forget; that the Union, - frOth being . a neighboring State to Eur Ope, has 'become a, contiguous Country to.Asia i and our new and incipient ti:lations to Asia 'micrht.prodUce a large influx of Asiatic pagan ism, coupled with a distinct raw, which, with (Mt any great stretch,of- our imagination,' might be supposed to 'reuch.the point, of ap plication for admission, and it 'might, then, bCcome necessary to ask the. question; What , did our'forefathcrs exactly unean , wliCn they Ried the word' religion:in the Constitution'? Where are the limits of. the,word,l'or are there. none? Have we to understand it ae olrding to the U811:1. lo4men4 The meaning it. hid. at the time, among these men who used its and the sphere .of action'aulthought in which they used 'it? 're tigui! ;ioquendi is onc of the elements° all safe , intierpretkion. Or ought we to take the term 'religion - hilts widestsense, in which the philos,ooical writer. rues it, fur the ao•greirate Of all relations which subsist, or which men imagine to sub- . silt, between them and' all,! ,that surrounds them on the one Lind, and a :superior, or ninny superior beings of influencing power on the other hand ?. t ' ! • . We waive this whole consideration. We grant. that the member of congress may dis- Miss the questieu of religion when a State calls upon .liim for 'admission. !that is, we grunt that he need riot occupy himself With religion as religion., lie takd not trouble himself iu the case-we contemplate, : with the eiact relation in which the Mormon; in his oWn conscience, belieVes - hirtiself to stand to his' bodily, perfeetible; - marrnid. 'Buddah god.! SO.far as this goes, he miry : leave the Mor- Mons, to uSe - a- fii,Voritc!expression of their_ .OWn, 'severely : 'alone.' ' But the question clues not end here.. as considered it so far; i 4 a purely mental or: psychological matter. lt is like; the moral theory of ethical philoso phers, who diner asto•the moral sense. It is very different! matter .when we come to morality and mend act.ei themselves, when AVe have. to remember that all States and- O'ery coinpotind.of States are jural societies; Old that the very idea of rights awl justice Is. founded - on the antCcedent idea that man is an ethical being., • Neither trecs)ior aribßals have rights, whatev \ e'r .obligations may be imposed-upon ns, 'towards them as being the creatures of our;, own, d kiil, in this case, for 'the Moral .character of man",. We do not. go.' ‘ behind the record,' on . the . contrary, we take politiCal 'mart in his con stituent parts as We Must takehirn, and as we Must take all eble if . we wissh to handle' the given material W l iselY,lightly, and righteourighteous. l T,he,first ConsOlgratioti that presents, itself here that although we may have sound reasons for dismissing the subject of religion 'in Certain spheres of - ireflection,-this does by rio means imply-that; !because a Man chooses to call att act of his roligouk. therefore he can de , it.Witit imptinity,nr that itlwevents us `from taking cognizance of it. We enjoy re, ligous liberty; mid mean to -perpetrate it for Our children ; ,but thiS liberty has never been understood to mean II license= Of doing any thing provided it is called religious.. - Re ligiousliberty means; that no one shall be troubled about hiS faith-his inner main; but acts remain for ever subject to the law. There is nova crime or vice; hOWever mean . .or frightful, in the long catalogue of sin and liatne,=that has not nt • some tune or: Other formed-an avowed•elCnent of. religions sys. terns. CI eating; theft, murder, arid-refined cruelty_ have teen ,parts of religions. Prost talon and drunkenness haa.their - pro. claimed Shrre in - Worship; = Children have been fattened like cnlVes to .be-eaten, spicily ' EMME BE dreased by elaborate cookery; in lienor, Of - 4ho'geds. Hosts Of men: have" been:slangy tered !by'priests and temple' servants,;: re- ligiously to honor the Corpse of a king, and to magnify the glory of a departed despot—r; Hundreds of women have been throw -over procipiees, beCause the gods demaaded., thiis to honor the preseice of an . This has been; this Is 'still,' and this will be."• again. Grieve as may,,it is but too true, not only that . 6 everything happens,'_ but also' that everything happens over again. And' - . all this-crime politely to be suffered beeauSe th-e- perpetrator cloaks his iniadeeda with the ragged mantle of his fiendish 'religion? , Tan tastic-squearaislmess: is .no element, of state . a.: • tranship. There is.nothing•more calamitous in rulers thanpolitical.conerfitsi if. the Vroi- c f ; ship'ot Astarte, with all its nakedjairinaicir4- were revived; should wneciantenance not charge ;us With • unnecessarily travelling beyoiid the: pales of actuality.' .There is, un 7 • fortunately, dire*tness'enoughin all' we' say, for the nearest ipurpose which -we haVe: itr I view. Suppose: the .blessed time of burning heretics should return, and one of,your coin munities. 'should make it laWful, would you take such a "community as a sister-state-to your boso m', Let speak out like - and haVe the truth in a bulk at:Once.' .The cunning; king's I Malicious simulare nescit regnare,must be reversed-in tcithe republican Who cannot . face the truth cannot rule: °. ,• - - .. ° To speak of all the iminoralities and 4- nenitieg• sanctioned !by the Mormon :Law, would „beinipossible - It—would be a.. loathsoine task, and besidesit Would be cesseryl to quote their chapter and verse for eaCh statement of ours, .'because without it, happily!, many readers- would: not helieTe, as. This, however, would obviously - lead, us .be ,yond reasonable linilts. We 'shall their re- . strict ourselves to their acknowedged polyga my.- They crow it boast - of it ;Ithey . challenge the world .on . this ground...; they. do not only sanction - it by their law,' bat they .proclaim Ras an essential part oftheirwhole 'polity and- religious :System ; they carry it to their celestial sphere; they .revel in it; and not only-has it alreay borne the poisonous fruits which it •al ways produces, but that pc,: culler eleinea of vulgarity and - knavery which hes passed from the characteristiefoul fiess and cheating jugglery of the founder ::in to ail Mormonism, has also shownitself, even' at this early-period, in the 'divine institution,' as the _Mormons actually call their polygamy, to such ' . an extent that Eastern" ?polygamy: appears .like, a state of refinement compered to this bgutality.. - • . yet, Mormon polygamy is a 'religious in stitutions. 4 . Be it to: Let us not touch their religiik It - defiles. Pcilyglim'y may be their religion, and's°. far we have as little to do' with. it as 'the. laW , A) . aid 'have. to do . with a man, who like . Madan, Should- write. a book in defence of a plurality of wives. . But - the polygamy of the - Mormons - is no 'book speculation ;• it is. an act, a fact, and the leg= _ islator has do anddeal With acts'and fleets: . &STAGE ROUTE TO CAiIFORNIA. Gentlemen Of Lotiis and elsew . here aro endeavoring to establigh a' daily or weekly' line of stages between 'Aliasouri and Califor nia.- 'They. wish to organize a company, with. capital tti sustain the line a yeit. The means being, made sure° of, the Company, would ob tain a .forei-of .inen,•stages, and horses, adopt a line 'across the pliiinaand.thrOugh the inotin.=- tains, and : locate stations fifteen, .twenty; Or thirty. miles apart„ds the character of the country might admit,' and improves- the sark . by permanent tonamentS, stable 4, and ilia°. sures, with men at each.statioa_to guard the property and take care cf . tho stoc . and sufri,. cicnt 'horses or mules for-ehangea and - relays, Ten;throug . h. passengers daily, at: $lOO each, would prOduce $1:20,000. The . way-business waald add-. to this,•acebrding, to to the :state= ment of 111 r. Mitchel f rind an immense amount of gold would pass . . ov4i .the line at heavy freight.. The mails, they say, could be carried in twelve days from. Kansas to Sacramento, and Of course the line ;would be emplu - yed to carry, the mails.- These views . W,efe detailed with minuteness: F . ,lp. Blair folloWed in a .clear and convincing i*view 'of the - great mer its of the enterprise. • 'Col: Atitchel,an.eiperl-. enced "-mountain atiproved of the pro- -jecti and said that his experience satisfied him. that the stage' in the mountains . would not be , More Materially obitructed snowain winter than the stage lines itQleW• York and Mass, Schusetts. Col Cainpbell confirmed the state,- meat. He had .spent three . winters near the mouth of the YellOW Stone, and` there was no snow-to hinder innv kind ortravel. Campbell said- that the griiss of the mountains did not rot jfi the fall, but dried and . became ; and could b€ used by stock/ K:ll.l.'Keu-' zie, anether "inotintain Man,r confirmed these staterii6nts.. • . . Mr. liolidaY ir . ok: California, who had driven; stock. over, the. route, believed:in the' entire' practieability,of Pie project, - and said :the "Californians would meet Missouri halfway.' Finally,resolittions were adopted for - making application to thO:Legislature :for n charter .tbr ,this great project ; and we tire encouraged to believe, says the lllinois-.Weekly Journal, which gives ,this !ticeontit, that-those persons havn.taken hold Of the measure .who will be likely to cariy .it through: • • • . • • e editresabf the Larieesl, ter Literary Gazette say s she would as soon nestle her nose in a rats -nest of swingleiow, as to allow Irian with whiskers to - kiss her. Cincinnati Vol . uobian.. • -. 'We don't believe a word. of it. The. •oli . jections whiCh spine ladies pretend to . have to : Whiskers all.'arises fronn envy;; , They eater, have any.. They Would if they eould,,but - the fact is the continual motion. of the - lower jai!' -is fatal to their gr_owth. - The ladieS - NrOdblees them !,adept Our fashions as far as they can. Lpek 'at the depredations.. the deitr - ereaturea have committed on iflur.WardrObe during-the last two or three. years. They. have. appro-., printed our Shirt bosoms, - gold studs They have encircled their 'Sat', bewitching . pects .in our standing,eollors. and - cravats-- °driving us Men to fl atties and turn-downs: .Their innocent little.hearts have been pal, - panting in- the inside Of ,our Waist-Oath, in; stead of thumping -against the outside, as ns - ture intended it.. . . They have tbrus"t*.their pretty/ feet : and ankles through our unmentionablesH—untrhis• perables, untinnkatioutablei,in short,es:Mie awber Would, soy . breeches.-.. 4E4'l' they ere skipping along the streets in our highlteeled boots, po - you hear gentlemen - 1 7.-We Western Parer,. - .-;4. !', .a'-141 `'.2