Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, February 22, 1855, Image 4

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A Washington correspondent of the N. T.
'tribune, speaking . of Mormons and polyga-
My, says Aproposio this subject I sub
join a curious, and striking, extract 'of a pri
rate letter from a lady, which has fidlen into -
my birds, that touches upon a point
,in the
social relations of the M< ions, of exceeding
interest, which, in the hands of a capable wri
ter. mightAe• expanded into a tale of surpas
sing powe,r. A pursual of the graphic and
removing extract referred to, will show' , , that
I allude to the internal struggles of the early
and devoted Mormon' wife, with the fell in
lluences of-the religoosSuPerstition that holds
her in its fatal graip.)
It requires no great night to-perceive that
it is the leaven of the womanhood of modern
Civilization among the Mormons, carried thith
er by them, - which preserves' that body from
the feculence of
, utter corruption: It is an in
fluence which is hourly - growing weaker, as a
matter of course, and must ultimately be
overshadowed and' destroyed by the growth
of a system of gross debauchery. I extract
from the letter as follows - : -
* * You ask me to give a little
(more in detail. tie incident in the -cars, that
!Occurred as we were crossing the Alleglia-
Lnies, of which I briefly" spoke when we,' met.
I could not half tell you the story now,; after
the vividness with which-it impressed me has
so nearly 'passed array, and if I cool ,it would
I not produce the effixt it' did up me. I
heard it after weeks of anxiety h. weakevd
my system, when my long an Carisoline
journey had left me but, the strength of a
-child; and my resitless and excited . mind
seized upon it in all, its , reality ivithout the
'''elioration always lent to a subject by our
own indifference to, and personal disconnec
ticin with it. A wrong done to another be
comes an outrage when - practiced upon - our
selves. 1 had through watching and ir fisting.
become so etherealized as to lose sight of
this selfish differenee and to see my ,neigh
bor as myself. I felt..that all womankind
had been iusuited and* sacrificed in the per
son of Margaret.' It was my duty not less
than hers to avenge it. I could have sent
the ag,gressor tumbling into the gorge ,of one
of those mountain torrents, and c,onsidred it
but retributive- justice.
'The Mormon elder came into' our ear,near
the foot , of the mountain, ,and sat near vs.—
He would have been gbl looking if .!he had
looked good. He had .a peculiar manner--
it indieated such perfect satisfaction with him-,
self and the world.. I heard him say he had
gone to the Salt Lake City before the first
furrow had been turned in the ground. l lis-
tened,.for who is not curious concerning that
wonderful exodus ? I heard him tell of their
great temple and how it wont :on, stone by
stone, and With each the power of the devil
grew less and - less. How new prPselytes
came in to swell the host that was waiting to
',receive the Christ when he should- come to
reign a thousand years upon the earth.' He
was a man of no reading. • His knowledge
was like Mr: Gradgeind's, ,confined to 'facts,'
but he had a natural gift for conversation,and
gave a rapid and skillful outline of his 'sub
ject in a way that interested" you at once.—
When the night gr6w dark he came and sat
behind - us. He had, fallen into the hands of
a gentleman whose, dexterity in questioning
ledhim, on to speak freely ,of himself, and so i
gradually the • came to the, peculiar institu
flop: .He said the women seldom eared 'to
marry men of their own age, that . their affec
tions inclined toward the priests and, elders.
This convineedme that if the men are all hyp
oerites the women are not 'wholli so, but
that 'they do this for the exaltation lof their
souls. My lawyer, (for so I shall call the
questioner,) asked wt ether the women were'
not jealous aeach other, especially-the youn
ger ones. :The Saint' answered, Nci. Some
few,' he continued, were a little difficult,but
it was mostly confined' to the young. To be
sure my,irife felt it when I' married:a second
time.,; thorest had never eared? °
Did she care so very much ?' Continued
`the lawyer.
. Oh., yes '• I thought at first it wou l d have
killed her . You see when I became a con
vert I did not understand that part; of it; be
-, cause my wife and I had . been so happy. to
gether. We, married eaily, and bad scarcely
been a day-, apart. When I wanted to go to
Salt Lake she, did not incline to go, because
. she did not see so elearly as I the truths of
our great teligion—Lbut the idea of my mar
, rying again was no hindrance. It did not oc
cur to her ' as possible; and it was not for. a
long time after I got there that I thought of
it'myself! „,
Marearet.,did not mix with the` ; people.-=
She retainedher old, Eastern ways and was
- always at home. I had never let her do
much work, her bands were too 'small for
that. She wa.s c `stately in form, and she had
a queer way oftwisting her long hair round
•- her head, sp it looked like a crown. The
• folks said she was proud; and one or two
who had danghters,a.sked me why I did note
take a wife...arid if I were not afraid i• So it
came upon me gradually, while upon her,
you see, it kit like a stroke.' • _
You must have found it difficult to break
such a thing to her.' •
Yes, it was hard to do. - But ,at last
said I will do it on Thursday, and on Thurs
day evenint , N
when I came borne , She was
standing in the garden, and 'I Went and put
my arms around her waist, and told her how
it had been revealed to me that I must mar
ry another wife.'
''What did she say
Nothing; not one word. She just gave
one scream. I declare I shall never get that
' scream out of ' my-ears. I believe I should
hear it if I were on the Andes. I thought I
heard it a minute ago.'
'The sleet rat tipd against the windows of
our car and the fiTack. midnight Wind swept
- • down the mountains, and I thought I heard it
- too.
`The Mormon proceeded- 4 And then she
fell like one I thought. she was dead,
but she came to after a while, and, would you
believe itAe-never mentioned the subject
to me. I could not find it in my heart to say
a thing - about it again for more than five
months. Meantime she had taken a cold,and
did not get , ,strong again. I saw she was
wearing a thought around her like a
mourning weed, and so, when she seenrd a
little better, I talked to. her about the great
prineiPles of our Faith , and how those to
whom the spirit revealed= itself must follow
its dictates, or "be forever east into hell. I
told her she' need not fear my affection for
her would be divided, for 'I had had a vision,
in which it was told me that I should love
her forever; and that we should never diebut
live together and see the thousand years of
Christ's reign upon the earth, and be by him
rewarded for our obedience and willingness
• now to cast aside our selfish huMan Will- and
sacrifice it to him' • f
44 'Margaret was always a true believer.
But I bad always been wandering in seerch . of
a rock of Faith until I anchored here. Ishad
heard from pulpit to pulpit, such condicting
doctrine, I 'Could lay my hand on nothing that
seemed secure, and I think she. was unwilling
to set me adrift again, and, so she consented.
My pasting' from her was a dreadful one, for
she moaned and wept in despaii,and
—4 was fool enough to cry too.' -
' I don't wonder,' said his interlocutor.--
. . .
his bar d-*hotly to!subdue nat ure, tven•at
the call of duty, .andl he !gave 4 lbw', lane',
Wheh I came ba4k, continn'ed'the nor
• )
it.had.been• just so allthQ t i me. She
had never eaten and never 'sl4t;', bat only
walked 'up and dci4n, always; hour after
• ?.
hour.'• E I • I •
Well, - how did she get used to
She retairied the! house I h 4 .3 first built,
of course: it was large, and w 4 had no chil
dren, and waS•very louely, for liwas.neLvssa
rily much away from-her. I *etit' as often .
as I could, but I married in -qu4Succession
two others, and so-we were mup.h,separated,
and she fretted in niy absence; . At last it
Was this, or she saw ;the folly ; of resisting her
fate; she got quiet in her mind—used to it
in fact, 'People doiet used to;anything,you
knOw. When the iron force of circumstan
ces pre4ses them. on every` side, and they do
not know Whera.or.,hoW to .r4sist, they at
least grow quiet: . She took in her head, after
a while, that she Would . not live. very long
and she said it was' not worth while to be
E • .
separated so •Inueli'thn- little time she was
here, and if I pleasedolie farailies Might all
come and live together.' I told her: she was
' sensible,: and getting Used, tot things. Bbt
she only ; said some,tbint - to herfselt about the
colapsing.sides of an iion shroud, pre.ssing
outE her life.- It Soinaded -like ',poetry. She
alwayS had a way of :Picking up such odd
things ;out of biaoks',.. I
Did she gct ?'
' Acs, ii.)' , • •
not yet—lndeed her cough is rather
work ., and : she - is More 'feeble, but she seems
happy . .enough, 'She is !very '‘hind to every
one, especially the' Awn little: children, and
she will get: better When the stiring . mes.i---
`I know she will,.`beeau4 it hasibeen revealed
to me; that she is ,t,t . liVe and dwell with•tne
a thettsoad years 'When Christ kihall
. eign and
judge !the world.' . : : . ' ' I , I
It is a faverite 'boaSt of Americans that
Their Government is alinost the . only . one in
the Civilized 'world which. is not..ileeply pluivgL
ed . in debt. ISo far as it related to the United .
States, - in its Fedcri'd capacity; it is well
founded. fail as it.relates to the one
and thirty Oommon4ealths of; which the na
tion is compbsed, it:l4 an absolute absurdity,
since the majority 'Of ;these latter arc deeply,
if not inextriCablY;' in debt.: We hear this
bit of " braggadocia so !frequehtly.- that . it is
worth :while to dev4te -a, feW moments to
showing its folly. ' . - `
In iilngland, France, "Austrit‘ . and all other
consolidated' nations, there ' iii but.. one ex,-
cheipier to Meet every want of Government;
There is, consequently, : but one, national-debt;,
When we
.say that Great Britain owes near
ly eight hundred millions of pounds, or lour
thousand millions of dollars, the whole story
is told. - But if We sbould‘syt that the en
tire debt bt ;the. United States . waii less than'
sixty Millions,- we ':inould be .'apt Ito mislead
the ,reader.: - Forj the Federal"; - Government,
which . is what isteehniNly 'meant by the
terni United States, having of 4y circumscrib
.powers,,is not, and tieverr can be, made
liable fur the principal share of the expenses
of maintaining . Order and - dispensing. law
'among the lie pleat large, moist of this. bur
den falling b _ the separate Members of the
e,onf.ederacy i .1 To give a correct idea of the
real indebteduessjof the nation, therefore, Ave
must include the 'debts of the States: - -
Now; the itoaindebtednes.4 of the Various
Coininonweidtlis is about'. $22 . 1,000,000, de
vided,amonk twenty-seven States,. four being
so fortunate as to owe nothing, Viz: New
Hainpshire, Vertnont,lDelaware, and Florida,
Of these tutentY-seven, the -debts of seven
are under 4,l,ooo.ooonpieee. Maryland,
Texas, Illinois,- Ohio; .Virginia, : Sew York,
and! lennsrlvania tri.t the States frost deep
ly in debt..• The largest absofut: i iebt is that
of Our owd State, which is over ,000,000 , 00 0, 0 00 ;
the lowest is! thatof New Jersey, which is but
€417,000. 1 • ! •
The heaiiest debt, in - propOrtion to that of
the -populaiion .is ' the debt 'of -Maryland,
which exceds *15,000,0.00; in a population
of ',fivehundred and cighty4wO - -thousand,
bond and free. :, The debt of Virginia, though
but.' little! greaten numerically than that of
New York—=the ;Oriel being 06,000,000,
and . the Other ; *14000,0(04-is more .than
twice as heaxty , relitive, the I . .4pulation being
less than half, while the genetal resources of
the State . arje ; greatly inferior. The entire
debt of thel nation, estlinating the Federal
debt . as Wel as that. of . the States, exceeds
$275,000, .''.- !.- '• • ' f -
But this sitl fails to.give an accurate idea
of, the total in ebtedness of our country. In
Europe, if 1W except 'Erighind,most public
works are co structeci by the Government,
.so that the na ions! debtincluda'the cost of'
.the principal ' !inroads, canalls'arid turnpikes.
'l3ut in the 1.1 ited States, with the exception
of the' Pciins) vania State works, and those
of a few othe ,' C 9 nimon-teatxhs, all such im-:
provernents ate owned by priYate corpora
tions. •New,ihe ag,gregate cost of the . prin
cipal of these W i orks is computed to be $1,00b,-
000,000; of Which [ 5600,000,000 alone are in- .
vested • in, 'railroads. . Cons . 'equently, if. we
would 'arrive=} 'at
.: the 'trim indebtedness of ,
these United States, we-musts add the: amount
'of this description. of, ecurities to thel amount
of the StatO.and Federal ',ones. I Twelve
hinifires . l inilllens b r ~there fo rc , abOut what,
We owe—a very respectable - sum, it must
be acknowledged ;, especially for a nation but
eighty years )
Id. ',••• -.,, ' H •-, 1 •. "
• To give au 4tirelY just idea of the subject,
however, we, rnust remind the read'er that a
chief part ofd this debt is attributed to the fact
that we are, knew 'country i threefburths of
'those millio?ti 'haying been spent in develop
ing our resOure:s. ' - 1 j - . I .
• COnsideriiig the vast mineral, and agricul
tural wealth of America; considering, alsO,
the. indomitable epergy;Of Our - people; con
sidering thltavoiahle pOsition We oceupy for
conducting the commerce of the. world, this
debt, enorrnous 4 it seemadis Comparatively,
little 'or + Would be, if we ;were always as
prudent and thrifty as -we !are - enterprising.
Phila... Ledgcr. .'
i .:
THAT . S . SO.-A Nei, York journal is of the
opinion that' there are other fools besides
those who live on the fifth: avenue. Listen
to it: • ' I
'Think not, labOrer; extravagance_ is eon
fined to the; lace 4 silks, and satins, of the rich
alone. , When a;t et conipany of fifteen or
twenty working Bien waste' their money on a
band of music twenty or thirty strong, to pa
rade the streets, that is extravagance. When
one day , in the Weekis footed away; and 'only
five are made work days, thin isextmvagance.
It was the very height•of eXtrivagance for a
poor man; in prusperous tunes, to be spend
ing all his meatus;—those means which, if pos
,sible, shuuld hake beep sailed for such a day
as this. Thus, i is not the fault alone of the
rich, but of the poor; too, that we are now as
we are. There is a wx:o4deal of truth iu
these rednirks. rtiey. may be unpalatable,
but they. are 'founded on Aids,"
IRrin ;the I.Juited States there is one child
attending .chool, .to every five persons. In
--lle.ntnark: there, is one to every four. hi
Sweden. One toifive.i In:Prussia 'one to six.
In NorwaY one' to seven.? In BelgiUm and
Great Britain once tri; . eight. In France one
to ten. In Auatria one ultthirtHeen. In Hol
land and lielan4 ;
Xine foirteen. In Greece
me to eigliteeul In ißussia'one4o My. In
"Portugal one to eighty. •
• t* • .
A. it E. Baldwin, -
.LY L Tnanka,Whirri, •ke., in the Basement of Searles
Hotel, Montrose, INC .
I . •
C1.4/1. Simmons, -
1 . 400 T - AND SIOE MAKER. Shop first door east
13 of Odd Felloiris Hall, Turnpike at., Montrose?
170 T. Singleton
AN now be found at his new stand on Owego st.
V two doors wst of Searle's Hotel, where ho of
fectually repairs with dispatch, Watches,Chicks,
Jewelry, Guns, and, every description of M achinery.
Wheel cutting; Gun and Watch materials Supplied
to the trade.
'r. E. Smith,
SUIIGEON DEFTEST, MoUtrose, Pa.,at Searle's
Hotel, Mondaii and Tuesdays of ea ch week.
Henry S. Knapp,
fONTROSE, Woodryi: a Car:
JUL ter, Wholesale Grocers tuul Commis:mon Mer.
chants; so. 173 Washlngt, on street, between Court.
andt and Deystrects, 'New Yark.
Caleb Weeks.
ria"ge Trimnier,; ; Shop_his dwelling house,
earlyopposit e Henry Drinkers. •
=ler & Fowler ,
XIV and Sollchois In Chancery. Office No. 44 Clarke
street, Chkago, 111. •
Patiifht Hotel,'
Broadway,) w
k)I "nrk. Salisbury k CO., Piviprietors. In the
vicinity of the principal steamboat landings.
Thquilis Ingstrani,
IFEALER IN DRS" GOODS, Groceries,. Clothing,
Crockery, B o ots land Shoo, &c., Susquehanna
Depot, Pa. - - - •
• - Bentley & Fitch,
A TTORNEYS AT LAW, Montrose, Pa,
_EI. .11. S. 11fiNTLEIr.
- John Groves. ,
vASMONABLt DAILOR. Shop under Searles
1 Hotel, Maine Street, ifontrose,
D. D. Hinds, •
I in the rear otWilson'g Store; Montrose, Pa.
Ji Colsten,
.Copper, and Sheet
Iron Ware, I f akritrill , , near Great Bend Depot.
• December 4. - •
NTERESTED witN I. L. HUNT, Importer of and
Deader in Hardware and Cutlery, Carriage Springs,
&c. No. 215 Pearl 14 t et , New York, where his liter
canine friends, in this! and other counties, are kindly
invited, and earnestly 'solicited to call tutd purchase.
T_ Hinds,
,j TTORNEY AT LAW, Susquehanna . Pa. 001 , -c
_LA- on Maine street;; one door east of L;dicines.
Frazier & Case,
L 1 Office on Turnpike street,. one door East o
Post's Store, ifoatralr, Pa. • _
Albeij Chamberlin,, I
A TTORN.EY AT LAW and Justice of the Peace;
.t 1 over I. L. Post 4z. Co's Store, ifotalrose.
DEtav, for-the State of New York, will attend
to all bitsinets entrusted to him with:promptnes.4 and
fidelity. Office on Public Square, occupied by Hoe.
Wm.-Jmtup. '5:
T Abel Terrell,:
Paints, Oils, Thie-stuffs, Gro4eries, Dry Goods,
Hardware, Stonewart,
.Glassware, Clocks,. Watches,
Jewelry, Silver.. Spoons, Spectacles, Musical Instru
ments, Trusses, Sur*ical Ipstruinents, Liquors, Per
ftimery, Mirrors, Stationery, Brushes, Shoes, Yankee
Notions, Sic: • .
• co.,
4Dry Goods, Groccries;,Salt, Flour, and Hard
ware, Lanisboro. . .
F. B. Chandler,
TIEALER IN DRT GOODS, Ready Made Clothing,
lJ Grocerici, Books and Stationery, etc., Public
Avenue i Montrosr; Pa.
• - -
• Pitrick &Dim'ock,
ililTsiclANs: AND SURGEONS. Office No. 4
Owego street, Jlo ntroir, Pa-
:X. t. Post & C 0.,.
lIEALERS IS", DRY GOODS, 'Groceries, Crockery,
1' Dardware, Lelther , Flour , etc., corner of Turn
pike Ftreet and Public Avenue, Moryrose, Pa.
DEALERS IN DRY GOODS,;Grocerieg,lware,
Crockery, Tinware, Groceries, Books, etc.; also,
carry on the hook Rindi” g business—Public Avenue,
Non/raise, Fe.
DEALERS IN RY GOOIi . S , Drugs, Medicines,
Paints, Oils, jisCoeeries, Hardware, Crockery':
Iron, Clocks, , Watetes, JewelA., Silver - Spoons, Per
+=cry, &e.- 7 Foot of Public Akenue, Montrose.
Sayre, Bentley do Perkins, •
iT_L kinds of Castings, Stoves, Agricultural Imple
ments, etc. Officel.!at Savre's Store, Public Avenue;
Manufactory at •thEagle Foundry, Foot of- Cherry
street, Motarose,„ P , a. -
• William ite William H. Jessup,
A TTORNEII3, AT. LAW, jfinttrose. Pa. Trac
i-I_ tine in: Suspiehauna, Bradford, Wayne, Wyo•
thing and Luierne comities. i •
Winistsl .l W. Smlth & CO.,
CABINET, MAKERS: Th . keep constantly, on
harda goo 4 assortment of all kinds of Cabinet
Furniture. Shop and Ware Rooms at the foot of
Maine street; ifonitose, Pa.
• Rockwell; Winton & Co.,
r..k..751 1 111.111,ERS and I DEALERS in . Strain
.1..t1 Goods., 11a(+ Caps, ,F r*, Unibrdtas, Para
.sols 11461x,n5, &r. ike., o. 2O Courtlandt street, New
Yor ' k, (up stairs.) : j• .
R. B. RdC'EWF.IL. nowAsn. W. R. winos.
Pituilain Fraser.
imp., Pa., will attend faithfully to all busi-
A l Vfon rk
nem entrusted to film - in the Connty of Stisquehanna.
Conve36ncing and; writingof all kiwis will be done
neatly, and chargeS in6derater He will also attend to
the prosecution of ;elainig of sdldiers, their widows and
heirs, igainst the United States- Government, for
Bounty Land, Pensions, de. May be found at all
hour* at the office formerly Ocmipied by J. T. Rich
ards, tool, north.of the Couri House. 1489.
9 1 118 subscriber's; hiving Mecum(' the sole right to
BETTY:ER-WORKER, for,Susquehanni ansfseveral
adjoinikig counties; respectfully invite all Butter mak
ers to examine rani rmr th 4 merits of -this new :.ud
valuable invention. _ Ire prOPose to-furnish-cach
all of jou with it Clii'lt7C th'at will produce as much
butterl in as Short a time- its any other churn—one
that will completely erpel the trutterinilk, rash and
work iir jhe rat,i4lijfusingi t it perfectly through. the
"butter ;old -fit it for use, without removing it from the
churn.: This quint is in its construction, sci
entificin its operation, and 'easily cleaned and kept in
order, :and can be easily attached to any propelling
Fot ;further patticulat4t. apply personally or by let
ter to JAS. p..BUSIINEI I L and J. N. BRONSON,
Ararat, Susquebarma count*, Pa. •
,The igveatest Improvaitent of the Age!--:C.
H. Williains' :Double-Acting Ball Valve
Fora and Lip Pumps—
A.l4improvement above all other pumps or ma
shines for lifting, throwing, and carrying water,
combining both 'a Pump and a Pire Engine. This
Pump patetited in February, .18+54,-is the whole of it
metallic. NO bolts or screws about it to rust, conse
quently it will last a raiuis! life time.. It can be used
in every sarietlef forta+tan draw water from any
situat.On, and catty it to iity part of a building. It
tois superiorsltother Pumps for Distilleries, Paper
Mills,lTanneries, 'Erick Yards, Iron Works and Man
ufacturing.estabhShments ef all kinds.
All orders must be adddessed to Annisow Dames,
Loderemlle, Pa ~who has .ithe l sole right for Susque
hanni county-
Those pentoneindehtekto the subscriber for feat
tus Register, Reenrder and:Clerk pftbeOrphan'a court
would - confer a Airor by *Ong the ante soon. • '
Ncentwie, Dada 6 19W .. J.T. LANGDOK
C. Tyler,
H. Jessup,
3e#tley &-Aead,
NO*ICE - .
- i - FELIO* tITIZENS, *- •
YOU have Juskaddevted a Spud triumph. On the
bloodless fiekli ; of "Peace, with Freedom for
your watchword andlthe " terror of Kings" for your
battle-axe, you luivelvionghe a revolution Which , in
the Ohl World -weihki: Lira ihidcen off the crown, if
not the', head of -evert 3:levet, and buried him beneath
the shattered ruins' Of his - own throne. And now
amid your high iejoicingi and the jubilant shouts of
victory on every heati.l 'beseech you forget not those
humble companiosis who Clung to your standards in
the days of your adversity and defeat, and who are
with you now idinoeperity and success; especialli
your old patricide friend Tual, Dstrrisr, .• 1
Who on the sunny height of 4ir ranted Montavne, , 1
Has met your deadliest enemy and won the victory too{
Entrenched within:his gates of pearl upon - his ebou
hrones, N-:' i ' 1 1
i i
He wears a crown of 'aching nerves, and speaks n hr}
man Trelth?,- •
Hdlows beaut beauty ' s , round cheek, clouds the sweet
maiden's qui' ile,'• ,' 1 ' ' 1
Fills his empire With to r tures no poWer can beguile,
From the bnglit.brow of childhood. steals the rose,
ate .bloor,f , i ,
~ 1 1
Andll sltrouds ;he of manhood with sepal
hml glOoto. '1 ~ iI. 1
This fo i e to rest, and health; end-bloom, -bloom, the worst in -
all creation - , ! ; i - • 1 1 .
izp, thougharmed:to the teeth, and rout by ex.
e'aration.;, . 1 : 1 ,
Iw like Vika and Democrats, an the Know.
Nothing tale, I! ; ','.. i
e have got the reins of power, we'll show what
we can dig i I.
urge thest "Angtian ritables" of the op position
iclan, '6. ,1 . `.. _
en with pure nuiterial will fill them tip again,
hough herstile 0011 d fans differ widely in their
views, -.-. , t• . i
contra seta of measures that each in turn may
choose, • 1 j 'E ' ' 1.. I -
reference: to our 'poliey we sure shall not be
told ; -
aus - eous ath . aini rottenness should be! prefered
Ito rgd,
Nor th
And n
And t
And ti
Of the
eat when :any prstem has grown rotten in the
hone ; •
,wers thai did the:imisehief should not be over
khrown. 1 4 . • .
hen is what wi do in the empire of the jaw*,
b'ny tyrants we: eipel, and abrogate their laws.
Oat valuahle repiains, that our, preserriny pur
'eanse an&saveiti al the rest we pull out by
the rootel; k ; -•
in the ruiiiia,by,our art, we quickly rear again
h of burnlOg Gold; with colonnades of Porcelain.
mw our figitre to complete, we only have to say,
wondrouStranizfortnations all are done for pay.
. C, D. :VIRGIL, Surgeon. Dentist.
Marne, NOvrinherl 6, 1854.
• -
This t;
The e
If au
We d
An argil
And ng
• -
and aft4r"Thanzday, Nov. 23, 185.1,. the Mail
asse.nger 'Train *ill depart from Scranton a
Du. at Greai.ilendrit 2;30 P. Y. -
. ,
Co necting 'With ttie DailiExpress Trains both east
and'' • est on the N.IY. 4 tM. R., which arrive at
New York at 9.0 and At Dunkirk at 11.
Return , will jettve Gee , at Rend on the unit:ld of the
Buffs) Expel:sir bound We5i,13.20 P. -- M.,) which de
plutti rom New iltorkitl , Ai:M., and arrives at &nut
at 5.50 P.M. . ; ':, ' ' .
The Freight Accottruicniatton Train with Passenger
Car A tached w)11-leAve Scranton at 1.50 P, It.. arriv
ing at Great Rept at 9 ..:It.,' connecting with the
Mail Tntin • botuut West, rtlid: the Night Expriss Trains
hound both East sod Wes t •
Returriing, 411 leAVe:•Great Bend at 9.30 A. lt. and
arrivel at Scrunttltr: 11 e t. xi' - • - .
Stab - es will in.ittiting on the. arrival of passen
ger. bC . • ,
trams at Sdritntoo, to - cOnvey. passengers to Car
'Kodak, Pirtstrid, WilkCsbart.e, Philadelphia. via. the
Readifig Railmid, EaStOp and all other intermediate
places. • , AIM: DQTTRMER, Superintendent. •
Supierintenddirt's titEee, Scranton,' Nov. 23,1 ;185
- .
• ..
i 41•1 ?Itsvv . ht t.Fottu. 5
' .
Tllf. subscriber fitt , i . ing . l as re ed the ,Scorn of • the
lles:'4r.s. l'rktts, fOrtnerl, occupied by I. S. Lit
tle, intends to hicat4 pOrmattently in New Hilford.
An I he would take :.this,Method of informing the
inhab tants of Neiv-Milforttand adjacent towns, that
he has just refi+tetUrOm New York with a large and
splen id stock 'Ad' fre-iih.,anti,mitirely new .Goods, con
sistin of DR r G 0:01:YS of almost every conceivtt-,
ble v riety, GROCERIES as low as the lowest - , Hard
. trari:,lC'roekerit, Boot and Shoes, Hats and Caps,
Bcaiiiirts of tltery styleolke,.,.&c., -which he offers for
sale on the most ree.gotmettlerms, for cash, ',country
prod l ee, or relhible credit.',; He would also say In this
conn 'ction, that h6htis added to the establishment,.
the anufacturing !' of- 2Vte, Shrd-iron, and , Copper
ware in all itit 'varieties, itt which he 6 prepared_ to
t ill
execute all kiln of jobs, by the very best workmen
and 4n the trltid retOottable• terms. - -
Dehlers supPßed stt!the lowest priceS. Particulars
in-re ation to'titOv . e4 &C., 11:some future time.
'i. :: ;t .-. J. DICKERMAN,.jr.
' Nek - Milfot*May 16,18 M. .-• . - ' ' lit
• I ' ' k. -.1..-::------4- ,
• it 11. uu;•ASSORTMENT of Tin, Sheet Iran
and. 4.. Copper Ware own manufacture and
MAI of heavy:l)4(e, for sale liy •
.-' . :
I • ,• !.. '..,' -; • J. DICKERMAN, jr. :
Niitr Milfe4 Jul}- 1 0 185 n. •—, , ' *
A TULL . a.4 . i ! tortrnerit df .'llarilwarei Carpenter and
-LA. Joiners'. Toobi, Puinii Chain and "filtures at
. NL• Milfordt Juls% 1854.1 'DICKERMAN'S..
ASea ASISi 1 11111111 l of - the heat quality. for sale
bheap at P. - '1 DICKER3IAN'S.
,RK, FLOUR AND SALT by the barrel or oth
. erwlse, 4,thelciviest prices at DICKERMAN'S.
. .
1 •:;, 'FARMERS'
sai l)
- - CAPITAL,: $200,000.
red by Band and Mortgage on the Real Estate
Ofilli t e Staekholders. -..-
Insures anainst lOits: by Fire, of Houses, Stores, and
other buildin4, Gdod', Water, and Merchandise, on
as favorable terms itis any similar Institution. Losses
promptly aditykted and pail ' . .
DraEcroas.4-llon; IloraCe Williston, Athens ; Fran
cis Tyler, do. •Geotte - .A. Perkins doh; J. T. D. Meyer,
do. ; C. N. Shipnutrt, do. • t. F. Welles, Jr. do.; J. E.
Canfield do. ;.;Pon ;Pon: John Laporte, Towanda; Gen. B.
Wakeman, Lieyviile;lGeo. M. Hollenback, Wilkes
barric ; Michael Meylert, Laporte, Pa, -
. Orriczas.—:- - Ilort.illomce Williston, 'President; C.
-F. Wells; jr.,l T. Pre'. and. Treas:; J. E. Canfield,
Secretary. ' I ' , - '.4.
Agent.,*o..Sl, Bstni, Montrose, Pa. 0532M3
, ~ • ,
)TANTED: innnediately, a good active Clerk--one
who alas had experience, writes a fair hand,
arid l is compe(ent fp take Charge of a set of Books.—
must be (rmArale and willing to devote his time and
attqltion to the inteiwt Of his employers. To one
that 4 can answer to the above a liberal Rdary will be
Ovn. Nowt others'need apply Good recommend
ed°ls required. i ; • IB.F. L B. 11. EATQN.
. 1
1 =font, May, I'B4. : •
HBUR ITT wimld :invite the attention of his
• friends and the Public . to'bis•new rind spiel) ,
didistock - of Broclte i i wool, and Casmere - Long and.
&more- Shawls, ;from $2 to sl6—Ladies' Dress
•G l ot . including Vain and fanct. Delanes, De-Bages,
Pa ems,' Prenhb •Meritioes, Silks,
haMs, &c. 4., :rid' Ribbons and Bonnets of new
stvies,whiehln egtatetion with a large assortment of
.stitle -and fanc3t hey Gbods, Groceries, Crockery,
Ha rare Iron,; Stores ; Buffalo .Robes, Carpeting,
B s and Skoes,-,Mits and Caps, Painted , Window
ale des, Walf Paper, Oils and Paints, tfe., will be
0 ) .1
sold on the most farorable terms and reduced prices
for cash. proituee' t or applored credit. •
N. B. Salt by the hiirret or load.
iriew Milfofrd, Reptember 22; -185-t. '
POST BR.OTTIERS having purchased the above
establishnent, will keep constantly on haed Sn
peifine a id tiny./r/our,Vorn Meal of superior qual.
41!),-alro• Ch4p grid iiran at the lowest dash prices.—
Castom work . will lie done with despatch, ntd in all
awes tearraatetk '; 1381tf
Montrose.lJulir. 1853.:T ' t •
!--- . _,
Pitovem! Stoves!
BUMEITI % is now receiving a new assortment
' • of stoyea, Inchiding the most popular and
imProved kinds , of premium, Air-Tight, and Elevated
Oven Cooking Stoves, with Parlor, Office, and Shop
Stoves, for Wood bran!, in superior variety and style.
which be will sall at the most reduced prices. Ele
vated Oven istoVes' of new and approved patterns will
be' sold at . 20 ti, $2.5, and. other kinds in proportion.
Also; stove pipe.; alric, and sheet iron, stove tubes itc.
New Milford, Sept. 21, 's4:f IL BEFERITT.
.1 •
I Window Sash.
IL k D fLkYRE having beenappointedin agent
• for an extenidve sash blind and door_ ina.nufac
-00 are pre'partill to furnish any articles in thisline at
less rates tlian they hate usually been sold
!July tit. ; ; ' 8.
,H. & D. 8.
! i!, Aving Cream. . , 4„ 1 , . ~ _
elod ---r-r-- ..
A N article "Webm
..rery man should try ktr sale ib 1 meons
.411,. by ; [! .
~a IL it. D. 8. P IS TA NTL Y Ci l l HAN D i°l. furnished S°
on abort notice,' - I.[ -; ‘T. LYONS & SON.
TirAts..- , -4. nes lot of Summer Data and' Cloths 'll
II foratuitintir wear justreteived imd for Bale cheep IlLli
bi i ~' , •,. D. R. L. & CO. , 111!
• 1 I ...t 7
.t . t i
R'S !
-: .. i•
rrifiOnk has l o n g exiited a public denumd for anet
. 1. titiVe purgative pill which could bd relied imis
sure an . perfectf in• its ope r ati o n, ii This but been
pre 0 .
4 4
' to meet the damand , and • eta dxtentdie-. tri
al of i . lanes has conclusively shoWn with whatkue
cess t arcompliShes the purposes deSiSned. It, is ea
sy to • b a peysical pill, but not 4asYto make -the
beSt b alliiiitsone woico Shouldlave none of the'
objeattetis, but a 1 of the advantages',of every other.—
Thisli ris,been a tempted. here, antt With' whatsuceess
we .Would respe tfully submit to thelpublic decision.
It l bten vollartunate for the Patint hitherto that
almcs; Very purgative medicine Ls ticrrnonious. and
irrita • i
i to the bowels. This is not! 'Many of them
- produce somuch griping pain - and 1 ',revulsion in the
system 141 to' mare than counterbalancethe good tolbe
derived from thro. - Theseifills produce no irritation
or pal, 'unless t. arise from :a previAisfY existing lob
strict o t / or de gement ih the boWelS. Being pure
ly ye ble, n harm can - arise fronr their use in anh
quatitly ; but i is bet - r that any! it . liedicine should
s r
bo takelijudici !nip.. Minute direecions for their use
in thelseveral isease to which tliey are 'applicable
ttrelit'en - On 1 e box.* Antong the lc.ouiplaints winch
have heim spe dily cured tiy theinqwe may mention
Liver •COmplai t, in. its various fortbs of Jaundice In
digesti. n, Lan or and Lots of APPetite, Listlesncits,
Irritabihty,l3il ous Headache, Bill Otis: Fever, Fever
and;;Ague, Pai in the Sid' and Loins; for,
in truth,
all those are b (the consequence leftliscaseil action
in th - liver. san aperient, they afford prompt and
sure re i lef in Cositiyeness, 'Piles, Cholic, Dysentery,
lining.l „ Scrofula and Scurvy, Cold with - soreness of
the body, Ulcers and impurity 'V the blood ; in.short„,
anylatid every case where a purgative.; is required..
- . Ttiyl , , have] produced 'some singularly successful,
cures** RhemnatiSm, Gout; DyclpflY, Gravel, Erysipe
las, • - P,alfiitatiori of the Heart, Palitiihr the Back, Stem
aelitalid Side.} They shotildbe freely taken in the
spring Of the . ear, to purify the blood and prepare'
i ,
- the; system fo the changenf seasons. ~ An occasional
dose Stiniulate the stomach and bOwels into, healthy
action, end re cores the appetite and They-pu
rify, thel blood , and, by their stimulant action,: on the
direidatnry system, renovate the strength of the body,
and +tore the wasted or diseased -energies of the
whOl firganishi.• Hence an occasional dose is advan
tagefaci, even +t hough no serious derangement exists ;
I.tu dttnecessa y. doSings should never be carried too
far n.i dvery p rgatire. medicine reddees . the strength
whent taken t excess. • The tholiSand cases in which
a physic iS . rer fared cannot be endinerated here, but
they suggest' heinselves to the rea4on of every ody,
and it is con dently believed thisipill will answer. a
betidr Purpo. . than anything whilli has hitherto been
availlible to n ankind: When their virtues are once
I knOWlnl the piddle will noilonger !doubt what remedy
to en ploy when in .need of a cathartic medicine. Be
ingliner-wrapped they are pleaSant to take, and be
ing p urely vegetable, no harm ean arise from their
use in any tniantity. .
I . • 1 ,. • .
- For ntinut directions see- wrapper on the Box.
Prcparedy JAMES C AYEE l ll'racticaf and Att
.. . .
alytifal - Chen ist, Lowel; Mass. • 1 • , '.
Price - it Cents per Bei. VI -elloxes for Att. ;
l e
•I L P ' . ~. . —..---._ ' 1
; "I
. Ay V% theiry Pe Coral. --
e l
Ifi r rhe rap d Care of coughs;'
, hi,
~; ! , C:9 , lels, , llaarsen eist,
. Bronehili , li'lio9ping=congh,?croup Aslhnia,and
:Nn.fininpt 'on, , . ' '. 1 '
This rein y has won eor itselfsitch.notoriety,from
its cures of 'very variety of .pulatnnary disease, that
it is tlitirel) minecessaryl to recount the evidences of
its i tirtues 'i any community where it ha% been - em
plOYCii. S wide is its \ field of uiieThlness, and so nu
merfus the ruses of its clops; thati : almost every sec- ll
tiOn.if the e untry pefsons publicly known 1
who have I)6.Ctk restored from alaitning and even des- I
perktb dist medicine
of the lungs bylits use. .When once 1
triedlits-su ,eriority oierievery other of its '
kind l. i.s too appare.nt to escape observation, and where
. its, v,irtues are knoWn the publid no longer hesitate.
what antidote to employ.lfor the'diStressing and dan
..getOiis affetions- of
,the-p,ulmonait organs which are
incident to i ur elidiate. 1 And not only in formidable
rit tutiks upon the tangs, - but for milder varieties of
- (Na i r, Colt§hs, Hoar.sen:yrs, thc. i and for Children if
is the. pleasante s t and safest medieene that can be oh
it hasllong been in constant tiie throughout this
section, wel need not do more than aSsure the people
its finality iS kept up to'the best that it ever has been,
and - ,that the genuine article is Feld by—ADEL Tra
msti„ Mon rose ; B. F. ..t. • R. II; .E.tyo..s, Hayford;
Curitica .5:. PIIINNEY,- Dtindaff, - rind 'by all dealers in
medicine 1 '' e i -ers where. - 1
- •
,-, - THE IEIIRM3Kik 1311. L It SETTLED. •
Ci. OTT, I JOHNSTON I & C0., 1 , are now • receiving
I , il':'-from New Tork . a general astiortment of Spring
iubliSumrrier goOds, andi we coriWly, invite all- that
likO to buy goods cheap•to give u a call, as our stock
ishlrge, and u-e,are willing to selffor small profits.—
1' 4 can find herC,almmit every : article wanted, and
• = .
we ~=l,re will iug to compare goods and prices with any
sthFe in tle county—we; have , taken - special pains to
fine nice ,cods to pleasd the - Lailies,.. such as Black,
Figiired and Faney Sliki, Silk TiSsues, Berages "and
Bege DrianeA ' Plain and Fund, Lawns, Silk, French
at aa( Donisstic Gingharrii , ,..FigUrird;iind 'Plain Muslins,
En rroidei•ed Curtains - and Paper do.; Ladies Collars,
Ir. ' erhatilkerehiefil and Sleeiel, Mamillas, Parasols
aii Gloves, Sti,aw and Fancy Bonnets, also- trim
nii 'gs to Match., A large
_stock la Goods for Men
an Bovsj also Iron, Sidel, Nii)l2., : IDlrse Shoes,. and
lliiise Nails, PlOughs, Salt, ill's's, Crockery, Grind
scopes, arid Stoneware,. Stove' pipe,: Tin, Glass,,Sash
I.4.ther, Boots,' Shoeslke., r &c.I. " - Please givo us a
clance of showing you;our stock' before you buy.
,= 1 Yours truly, : SCOTT ; ;01INSON Z... CO,
;Sprin 'illi!, April, -18', 18;54. 1 'i. '
ICE ti ---77
ltolb . _
- CII lot just rceiveil,!an offered low by.
'./1. ' SCOTT, '4OIINSTON & .CO.
!I l'.. Shawls: Shia* -1.0
IivCII ICE lot'of Wool howl Shawls very chea t
' ' 'li Be V' 3 '
I pnngr e, cern cr ... i , , 1
1 , 1
iiil , NEW iiiiits. . 1 • -
1". C MILLEN s ri RABIC return their grateful
d l A_ • acknowledgements to the public, and invite at
tention- tb the very large stock of
. Spring and Swa
in' lir Gooils they are now receiving and offer for lode
at irrry /or priers In! addiction to their usual a.utort
tiGut of staple Dry Goods, Gnetiries, Hardware, Crock—
etf, Paitits and Oils, Lc: &C., they are prepared to •
eithibit akrg,e assortment oqadfes' Dress Goods
el every description—Figured,; Plaid and Plain Silks,
ofDonnas, Shawl's, RibbOUs, GleVes, Bostory—Ladies'
it Miss Shoes of •all kinds—also a large stock - of.
.P I t EA 1? r.... 7 1Li D E C'LPTHIA7O; Cloths, Cassimeres,
Tieeds,reans, Summer Cloths; Vestings, Hats, Caps,
Et i rts at d Shoes, fie, .- • I : - •
ii They respectfully solicit in 'rly call -from those
,r,w,, to purchase goadcat loin prices. '
a good, . ,
1, prinville, May 3,'04. . •;, 3fcMILLEN & PARK.
1 ., .
i i , it ew Line!of Ail! Stages, •
il ' 1 . 1 mom ' • -
TAGES will flare Kirkwood, passing through Cor
ti-. betfsville, LibCrtyi .t.c.,1 eVert; • morning after the
.i*ival of the Mail Trains of 'earls, both East and West,
+bchin g Montrisc a 1 rll.. Retyrning, leave
alontroSe daily: (Stutd4s ezeePted) at.,2 p: st:, reach--
ii:.,' Kirkwood in time to take the Mail trains of cars,
beth E4st acid West, being the, nearest and most fea
/Ude route tet reach the New Xork and Erie• Railroad.
~. 'iThis line intersects la - tti.:,Weeldy line for Dimock,
Sringl4,We, - Tunkhanitock,L 'Wyolnitig, and Wilkes
barn!, *hich leaves Montrose ht 7 A. ii. every Mon
d4}';. Wednesday and Friday. 1 . A150,, a line to Friends
ville-, raysville, Ex. ?, - J - . .
''= a teams and coptfori t abi l e carriages are provi
'emed, a" d•the proprietors will spare no. pains to ac
e the public:. 1:W, IC HATCH,
fSI A pri 6, 1854. 4: MOE:CAN . & WEST.
'ill__ __,______. i ! i , _________. __—
Lan Moro. Sao6, Bland, and Door
!Ic. 1. - - raotory. '- .
iTsubscriber will furhishat the Shop of Newell
& 'Brothers, Doers, Sash; and Blinds. Turning
liii Ilan and furnished to Order.. , Lumber kiln-dried,
ltd yr rkuien unsurpfs..sed I by any in the country.--
Oniersi addressed to Me will receive prompt attention.
Facka • eiLizmber and Ceirmiry Produce taken in ex
qbang fue the aboye T ! Tutus*, re \ ady _pay. -
Lan bicUo, Feb. 84 I 1 S. A. LYONS.,
.. ,. 1 ;
, TVIL L 31" JrckittiL.A 4ir "
I[ - TAVING Purelmied the estabrudiment of Isaac L.
ILI Post ACCo. at :the lloatroso Depot ; would re
lispecifulb• inform his friths:L.; that • he will keep eon
sZ3tl47 hand, at, the loWeeit prices , a well selected
',e9ds• i • 1
Lime, bait, and Plaster can be had cheap, as well
its Orciceries, DrY Oc!ods; ilaidware, Crockery, Boots,
UsehanKo for Grain and all kinds
f r p • uce, at the best prices.' 1000 cords Hard
wanted. i •
Moptrose Depot, Feb. 2, i$ 4.
It SALE, !it comnicot4 BUGGY WAGON
°straw, Sept: le, ; BALDWAT:
I 4 .`',.. 1 ;z 71
8 / 4 • I CT STOP* OF •'i '
I. L.IPO ST At -C 0 . -
WE nu* offer t 4 the public the Most Choice and
theltAlFav Virus of %ode - to b 0 had arty
where in the country' and for, the very . lowest prices,
without v*iation. . ' ' '
•. i
___'4 , ''
QPIIISTYLItk I. L. Poet CO.' have kidl...? mad e
made a large addition to their,Otook of clothifig,.
consisting wof everything_desirabbc.,for the buyer
at such p ems as are surek to tuft. -1 The goods are
made firstFte, - and ‘1 . 41 warrant the Work to be equal
if not supe for to any, ever before Offered in this mar
ket. - Our otock comprises Coats' fine Mach French
Sacks, Frocks and Business ;' Tweed ,. CassiMere and
Jean Sacks and Frocks, also; brown and white Sum.
mer plain and twined. VsErre---yilite and colored
Marsaillesq Valentia,l Lasting, flertd.Baratheir, figur
edsilk arit Satin ,: and every variety ; good and cheap.
PANTS— ite black Passim*, doeskin, col. tweed,
Summer stuff, lineti drill, Cottonade, 'striPe, plain,
check an' plaids, so cheap as to be Mare-of Sale to
all Who . -- re to buy.' ',. '
(ILO TIM AND .00814 R 17.--Ladies. and (lentil
A...A whi and colcired Kid Gloves of the; best quali
ty warran ed. A - large amoitment of all kinds ofblue;
brown an slate hose, and f hose gents and ladies,
cotton, Lisle thread Berlin _and silk Gloves, Black
and colo ; a largelrssortment of black silks and lice .
Mitts, lon and short. : • ~ POST St CO'&
B 4 , n s i 7 n we wnn
t a a
,:Liiiesiie Gaiters , Boot anllins,
a full ass ortment
of ;Cheap . .Shoes, Children and Miss
es Shoesluul Bootees, Lad ies fine silltrlinen Slippers,
at jj ', ! . . I. 1.. P. k Co's.
11 7-14 ,; r . 9
-22 1 -illo i ti st j l o e t 6 t i oZ d J 4 ean itl irC b atn l 3 l
and Book Muslim, Ba rred .
Victort'a Lawns, kc., figured and deft.
it . I P.. k Co's. _
.:S-,-4Sf the best and cheapeit,kind. A
!gars Surprisingly cheap • at . I. L. POST
•the Oast - desirable stock irkihe court
,ry lOw prices. • - I. L.' P. & CO.
hrt GOODS T -- Silkft,3las:llaS, -- IDeLanes,ET elia=
g 1 Glnghants, Lawns &c.,, of every desirable
le • I . I. L. POST Sc Co's:
L GE and Splendid stock of Spring Prints. •
.t . l- 4 4 , t v • •I.L.P. &. Co.
S T .. 1. , : E Goods at the lowest price.
C L 'OT 1
- 1 ; "I. L. POST & Co.
. .
Cassitneres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans'
SO Satinetts,! very cluiap at I. L. P. & Co's. '
WGtDEN WA R E—:Patent Pails, - Ceditr-Pafis
a d Wash :Tuba; Cocoa. Nut Dippers, Butter
Ladies, prints, Willow Baskets; Rope Halters, Bed :
Cords, Manilla Roes, Jrooms, a•good lot at the store
o f 11 . • j • .L. POST & CO.
6 - ob),:iiiiii..76rD MACKEREL of the best%
quality at the lowest possible rates.' • ,
April l s, 1854. - i ' .I. L. POST &.Co.
SO fi LEATRER, very. cheap, at
! :- . POST & Co's.
ni:ol^ls. - ERY BIND GLASS WARE—a choice
'J li r ttlat low prices:_Window
0/ .4 Carpet, Room
paper and Shades.
1 - ----
. I - •,I • . POST d:CO. I'
, . _
4,„:llthrilATS:i spring . style--best quality very
kJ cheap. ' . " POST & CO.
OVETS' and Bonnet• Ribbons of all kinds, Par
asqls, large aittl.small at yety low prices.
1 i 1" I - " ',', POST & CO.
DOSS. TRI4IMINGS--every style desirable
. 411#1 very chlap. ' , POST & Co..
( . 1 f ,fI..V BA GS.—of the be.'st quality.
ior ' - - POST k CO.
. -
S ~ L . r , Lime and . Plaiter at ' . . , ,
. . - POST & Co's.
j ARIES' COLLARS--A - very choice, lot of the
1... i :Nest styles i BoOli Embroidered Lymerie, LaCp,
Meelil -kil Honitbn imitations: ' I. L. P. & CO.:
BRED and Lace Undersleect‘s, all .desi
lesi; also; worked and-embr'd. - Edgings
and Flouncing. -
ing,i and Insertings ; imitations of every
nost4ts good as genuine' and very cheap,
also ~. :wt' ! ou g ht Lace. 1... L. P.:&
TNG AINED aid Hemp Carpet.for sale at • ,
JL ; I. L. POST a;
IMMER HATS--Manama, fine and . ioarse trim-
L. imid and fitnay bound, Pedal and Pahnleaf, for
boyl men ,: sold rery.eheap. I. L. P. '&, CO.-
T 11AD/lES' arid Children's Flats, a good . variety,i al:
sd lot :of the latest styles of Boennts,at4the
gto t . I. L. P. 4. CO.
• ;
HdICF, and fancy articles of Soap and Hair Oil
p,"some cif the finest . Peifuntery. at : the store
I. L. POST. 4it CO.
and TALLOW ; also, Farmer tools in ggn
at t j I. L. POST &CO's.
4.L.V of all kinds--Beans i Dried Apples, Tal- I
_.... 14w, Butter l Beeswax, all wool socks, Eggs l okc.,
foriprhich we *ill exchange goods at cash prices. ~
'pr p, 5.. ~ ) )
1 1. L POST '.1.7 Co.
, .
. , 1 -. ; 1 REMOVAL ' *'.' •
Tut: subscriber wishes to call the attention of his,
r fitiend's, and. the. public to his very large *loft- .
lt STOVES at his new Store Room in Lfnlers
vibe, next to L. S. Lenheim's store, and near the Gt.
Bead Depot, 1 Ile has, in addition to his fortnerlarge
vardety ,.t of Co i akiiig-and Parlor Stoves, many nett, pat
!Critic ome o which are— ,
P. ..hricholda, ! Peach Branch, Fire Clipper, -
t ilociern Troy, ,
Mahan*, ~ Medallian .
Oriint, • ! Black Warrior,
: Oak, Egg;S•ttme.
Wtil, ttar,etheti with his former stock, will perhaps
belth most extensive and- varied assortment of well
se!ectcd stoves in the county.
- Oiptfm Store'e, well furnished, at low prices; .• .
dyes in his line kept on hand and made'
tal, and orders received at his old. stand
a d Great Pend., Nov., 1854. P
Mee to the Public. d '
jut returned from New York .I wish to'
attention of my old . customers, 'rind G
general, to my - I ' 1 , i ,
ilglat with cash at the lowesePriml,
..- sell principally for the same, 14Will of.
feil thematgreatly reduced prices. ' ' !:
ICoglieco Prints ' warranted fast colors; "for ',Only 8.
l'conts:a yard. "Good Brown Sugar, ;18 pounds:for one
dollati i Boontob Nails, acknowledged 'by ally be
the list Nail in! use, ss,sti per keg. Hats and;Caps,
B°°t- rut shoed,: Buffido Robes of all prices, all wool
D i c I nes, Cashmeres, Paramettas, , Dress Silk, 'Silk
t ir
Vlelv . &c. MOuslin Dc Laines, 1 shilling per. yard,
Satin! onnets Rnd Moleskin Hats, Broche, Shawls,
Doubl( Long shawls, Thibet do., selling at inetinceiv
abry tnitv prices:! I can safely warrant perfeel satis
tlictioli to all who"will give me a call. • °;l
i,Latil,Shom, Apr. 5, 1854. S. A.-LYONS.
, ,
"AHOCKS=gOildtime keepers, only one dolilw.
'l, - - S. A. LYONS.
. '; I
.eaboro, Apr. b,
ANTEH: t -10041 Hideo, for which theldghest
11 -price will be paid. , S. A. LYAss.
,LIL eshoro, Apr. b. • H .
I.'.itftY . ~. PRODUCE , taken in exchange for
I , 'roods at my store.' • S. A.`LVNS.
. I ..*:esbcv;c o i April is. ' -2 . ;!•
' / ..VDS ck ifeifILLEITS Rail Road I + 6 9A
Line Seliteen Montrave" Depot ant/ .
.Yeto York, everyday gun: ;' 1
it.i - days - exeepfer.. • : i ;
VDS. & McMILLEN, havuif made amingements
1 :
for forwarding freight to lkiew-Ptitk 4 the care
f Capt.:H. R.CADWELL, of Orange County, will
ie id attendance at the Montroea Derck' eNtii7;clay of
are keelc, to bite cbarge of such freight an& Produce
aitrritiy be entrusted to thorn. , Returns for the same
• kill 6e paid at,' the Store of Willisun MeMillen.l
1 . - Gioce,ries in general, Flour, Pork, Fish, Salt, ke.,
. c, Iconstantfy on band, for sale at the loweet; Cash
"cis, or in exchange for country produce. •I . ,
L',,, R. i RINDS. , WiLi Lim MeMitits.
Ahril;lB 1854.. .
t [
, •
Facts for the People. -
1- .ITWITIISTANDING the predictions of the New
li Albany
edger that Frank Pierce 'willibe elect:
ledPresident the
because the Prophet Isaiah ;aye that-
I” the Lord giveth power to the faint," It niversal
-13 admitted that the subscriber ian e,nd will sell
Icrij i APEß an any ether shop in town, not!, even ex.
cep ig.the Ontario boot and shoe store •de re 'town.
. terms are cash or Pay dotan, and I
would therefore inform those who are indebted to
Merriman - 1; Patrick, that they must call itod - pay up
:or-4--nurced. ' A. MERRIMAN. :
liontrose April ; B .110,6 ERs.
. 1,1
' __, WANTED, 'l' ,
-I A COR__ L
PSAood split mapio wool; in OxcbangO
V for wooled goods.. J. LVOIMAISON.
ontrose, °debar 18. • - I •
; ;
.10,000 Op_ NEW GOODS.
GREAT ATitif t entiN
Great Rash for Me - :New foods
at ; Eatoset
THE largest Ind cheapest '
stock of Fancy, Domes
tie Staple Goods ever bmught into Suaque.;
henna county. . One hundred -eases Dry Goods, oputif - -
Prising in part as follows: • •
Rich Changeable. Silks, Fashionable Silk and SAL .
" Stripe ; " - • _ . • [Bonnets,:
" Plaid ; • French Plumes, . •
- Black "' - =2OO pieces Bonnet 13 -
Dimea Bonn,t, • to . [bone,.
Bonnetloo pciLFancy Brest do.
All wool DeLaiites„ Velvet Dress Cations,
;Parisian ',do • - Fierd. k Velvels,
Plaid do Coast - Baffitate_Shawle,
9 ' _
h.Mertnoes, - Breda dir
Parantetto's. ' Silk - do •
,Lyonese Cloths, ' Gloves,,Hoidery, etc.
Coburys Cloths, Ousimeres, •
French chsui'ble de Beire, Vesting%
Embroidered Robes. • , Flannels, ; '
Ginghants and Prints, • ' WoolDhuikets,
iSitotch -
White Goods, Tickings, - -
Wrtnyht•Chintizettes, • Damask SPreaks,
Cattails, - Linen " do
do Muslin Edgings;l; _ ' Irish Linens, ' : . •
do Cambrick Black Muslin, '
do Linen 'I - Etc. etc. '
; Harford, Oct. - 6, j_ EATON & CO.
Nelv Torii' City
• •
• TIER $500,000. ,
Insures against; Loss or Danutyi by Fire.
A. Q. Stebbins, 113 Broad ' et; 'Peter C. • Baker,
1 Spruce Street; Girard Banker, 118 Breadway;
Thomas Andrews, 136 Cedar) street; Samuel G.
Southmayd, 371 West street; Albert L. Conklin 810
Greenwich steet James A. Crosby. 113 Broadway
Chit's. Lent, Kiegsbridge, N. Y.; Lambert C. Hall,'
Chicago, Ill.; I Smith Hobble, Rochester,N. 'Y.;
William W. Leland New York ; Peter R. R oach, 138
Bank street; Staates S. Bell,, corner Weft and Laight
streets;.John L. Peen, 18, Water - street ; D. Mari'
Wart, 118 Broadway; Horatio N. Gallup, corner
West and Ilarro streets; Peter 11. Foster; corner
Gansevoort and West ; Reuben floss Jr., 48 Eighth
Avenue; Stephen Cromwell, Camden,, X. Y.; Albia
Wadleigh, Philadelphia; Dexter B. Brittain' ; 49 Wa
ter street Samuel Sinclair, Tribune Buildings ; Sam
uel B. Shaw, Cleveland, Ohio.. •
; Royal. Cnaansema, President ,
CHARLES I.,._DROWN, Agent, Montrose, Pa.
S"RE' EENTLEY & PERKINS having purchas
ed of Wilson & Co. the Eagle Foundryotre now
prepared to fill orders front the trade; and do work ink
their line with skill and despatch. They will keepi
constantly on hand. I,'lont,. (best kinds,)..Stores,
kinds,) oa/tivatersp Straw Cutters, Corn Skellert;t
.er. Ake. de. , - - ;
We, invite particular - attention to the Plows which"
we manufacture. We manufacture and keep for sale
'The Celebrated Ittatchlry Plow.
We have purchased the exclusive right to maniac=
ture and 'sell. in thiSicounty, Wayne, Wyoming and
.Bradford, tar Rich's - Patent Iron Beant,Plow. The
Plow is made entirely of iron r excepting the handkes,
It is celebrated for its casrdraughf, being one-third
easier than any now in use, while its strength• and du
rability are greater. -. •
of all kinds, manufadtdred and repaired by experienc
ed machinests.- . .
Stearn Engines, Vearing • for Mill!, Shingle Afe- '
• chines, ke. dc. • •
Among: the Stoves which we manufacture, are the.
Keystone Cooking Stove, Rough aitd Ready do., For
est Queen do:, Premium do., and other kinds, all ar 7 ,
ranged for burning:w4x)d or coal. Also, Self-Regu
tater, Parlor Store, Cottage Par/or do_,_,Stardey's,',
two sizes; dd., and a .variety of other Parlor Stoves, -
both wood and-coal burners. Wekeep also on hand
Grindstone trimmings, Dog Churn trimmings,- Um :•
brella and Shovel and _Tongs Stands,- B:.c. lee Work -.-
done to order on short notice and at the lowest rates.
vir Orders for Stoves, ,Agricultural Implements,
&:e., are solicited from those in the trade, and will be
filled at reasonable wholesale prices.
S. H. ski-RE,-
Australia, California, . :
Or any phice on the - Olobe cannot present
grealer . inducenients thgn
Montr4se,. : March 4
'IEITIIICH is now filled with a neW, and extensive
'T.V 'assortment of articles \ in their`, line, embracing •
a general variety of new and,elegant styles of lidies
and gentlemen's- wear, among which, are Ladies
French, Silk Lasting and Prenille Gaiters, Kid and
Enameled Polkas, Kid, Patent Lether and Bronzed
Jenny Linds, - Butikins and Pies; Geptlenen's.French
and Philadelphia, oak tanned calf skin and kip Boots,
Morocco, Calf and Cowhide' Brogans &c. Boys kip,
calf and cowhide Boots and Brogans; _ all kinds of
Misses and.Claildren's wear. Also, a general assort
ment of Findings which consist in part of lasts, pegs,
sparatdes, Hungarian nails tacks, thread, wax, Bris
tles,shoe binding, awls, rasps, sandstones, shoe knives,
&c. Also oak and hemlock, tanned calf upper and
soleleather, Morocco skins and linings.
Work made to order and !eluding neatly &mt.
Montrose; April 6,
OA YILIIAGE Lon, situated in' the piiiisintest
Z./ kJ part Of the village of Susquehanna;
also; three
Houses and lots in the ,most business part of. the
aforesad villrigF. Also, a Farm m6ntaittiu . l33 acres;
with a: small mipravement; the remainder heavily.
timbered, 94pte two Miles from said village.
Susquehinnut is thelgreat Central Depot of the N.
Y. it. E. Railroad, situate at the foot of. the heaviest
grade on the road, near the great works-of Statutes,'
Conewacta, !and the Cascade,-and possessing by. na
ture the bet watering place on :the route with the lo
cality of ext ensive Machine Shops, Foundry Am., Sus
Siisquehalma, although numbering bet 2000 inhabit
arms, and but four years otage, is destined -soon-to
range alort,+ide of the most flourishing and populous
towns'on the line of this great ttioroughfare, . ,
I. - - L. V'. HINDS, Agent: - . .
. - Office. ne door east of Lenheitnis.:
Susquetna Depot, Nov; 16. if
.. . Valuable Land§ For Sale. . '.
FOR SALE IN ONE BODY, about 6500 - acres of
tand4nt the waters of Spring , Brook, . a branch
of the!Lat awanna river, in Luzerne County, Penn's.,
about 'midi av-between the thriving towns. of Scran
ton and Pit l tston. /These lands are - covered with Tal
l:table titals,tr, and being situate in the most extensive
mineral region in Pennsilvania 7 -known to. contain,
iron ore—and believed to abound' in coal, and being
also in the immediate vicinity of several* railroads
madermd now in progress—offer to -the capitalist an
opportunity for;the investment of money that- seldorn
occurs. For further information apply- to N. P. Ho
,Esq., No. 11,-,Wall street New York, or to the
subscriber,. at Montrose, Susquehanna county,Pa., the
attornev in fact of the owners. _
• Aped 6, 186.4.. HENRY DRINKER-
AND E. MOTT" would respectfully inform the
public that they are
. numullitturing Blatchleo
Celebrated Plows.. They also keep'const a ntly .on
hand, Side Hill , iVayne County, and Iden Plow,
Cultircdors, - Dpq Churns, Sleigh and., Cutter . Skew*,
PlotS Points of various patterns, too numerous to
Menden. We hope„ by strict attention to bUsiness,
to receiveour share of public patronage. Manufa•
tory; D. Post's old 'stand: Foundry, M. Mott, near
Searles Mill. • ' •
air Repairing done on short notice:
Feb. 6. - ELIJAH MOTT. •
• WIRE 111111118.ttliCE.,
TE subscriber is agent for the following Instuanee
Companies, doing business at .the lowest, safe
State Mutual at Ilaivieburg.
• Capital it 350,000..
Cash Mutual at :Harrisburg. •
• ' Capital $200,060.
itomelueuranee ; New lrork City. '
Capital 000,000.
Montroaa April 6, '64.
THE su bi er m ent are now burning and will keep
,:eonatantly on band, Lime- of a. very superior
quality at Montrose- Depot, :and will sell .it in any
quantities at 0. fair price. ‘'Perums wishing' a tarp-
quaOtity can be supplied t. :sonit-reastinable notice.
tiperior ground Plaster will be kept'eonstantly,on
hand hereafter. " \ I. L. POST.
atontrose Dettot, April_ L.,' SRARI3.I.
A New Cotter and tiioborsa Pleasure Cr:;
rage for sale cheap by A. TURRFLL.