Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, February 22, 1855, Image 3

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    here America manufactures to supply, our
wives; if pot 'to supplant. the European pro-,
duction. -
Clay pursued his object with an
unwearied eye, till the day of his •death.
converte d the Massachnsctts,Free Traders of
i s t 2s. Webster and all., into. good Tariff men,
tud the Protection. Congress have, through a
, ser ies of yeire, created, vivified and illustrat
ed the system in the unrivalled prosperity of
stl New England. The feeling has gone o ,
increasing and, extending, tilt - now, Ibtesaeliu.
setts, Rhode Island, New Hampihire, and
CotineCticut are among the greatest manufac
turing communities in the .world.. -The little
island of Gre4t Britain alone- surpasses them.
But Massachusetts, the leading. Slate, is
now at that fioint- - --and We have longfireseen.
that she would he there—when Protection longer needed,-;—nay, when ,P__roteetion'
has embarrassment e ven—,lust as
it was to -England when the Peelite menu:
fitcturers turned their su mmerset, and flung
out the banner of Free Trade. Protection
has exhausted itself by the success and won.
der of its ve•ry-
growthand Massachusetts
nosy. being independent of 'all - Pirotection,.
coverts only to be let alone.. These are
changes natpral enough . to all cotunitiee,-
and hence , naturally enough, the elegation
from -Massachusetts•voted on the Tariff with
%embers from Alabama. Ominous conjunc
an- that! Mostlren . nirkable sign of the
tine! . •
This generalization of facts, however, is
not the poitdof our article,—but -the point
is not the obvious, that a great and lead
ing Whig principle is abandoned by a power
fut. and leading Whig State, 7 --ami that this
abatidoitment 'disbands the Whig. organize
. tion; - --for it is not to be presumed that a
party. can be kept together without a princi
ple. . The Whig, party :ceased to .exist in
Massachusetts, perhaps when it Was absorbed
in the American organization,—but it lead
' inzprincipleeertainly ceased"- to exist ; when
its delegation in ~ccmgress. - 'voted with the
Free Traders of the South.
. .
Concurrently with these significant Move
ments in other States, we have signs and
movements in our own State, which look the
same To say nothing of the
`all hail which. the election of. -such
Democratic U. S. Senators as Durkee, of
-Wisconsin, and Trumbull, of Illinois, are re-
ceiVed, we. see the fact,' that in two of our
lead ing• Whig. counties, Ontario and Livings
ton, the 'Seward Whigs' •of the State aban
doned All Whig organization and nominated,
.and tried 'to elect a dennocratic.Free Soiler
to the State senate. -• In Orleans, a -like per
formance was. attempted, with like results.
In : the midst of this, the State Senator,iDick.
• inson„ a gentleman as eminent in: driving
political, as any other-kind of cattle, avails
himself of an opportuflity to say—the Whig
party is disbanded, broken, gone,"&c.,
it least; as a party in the, States, north of
Mason. and Dixon's line.
..The Whig Platform,' , previously spit .
-upon,'—to quote the coarse phrase of a city
cotemporary,—has now been so shattered by
the. withdrawal of its Main protection tariff
plank, that the question! arises, can it stand
on its dislocated and broken remainSl l. , It is
not for us to answer the gnestion, only to
record the facts: - This 'answer can .only be
bad by finding out what'. are the 'remains of
the Platform. -But What these remains of
our once.ehe.rislied Whig principles are; it is
impossible for
.us to see, much more to-.say.
There is not enough left,' we fear, of the corpse
for•any species of political anatomization.— .
- "lnternal improvements,'-Once• a cherished
Whig principle, has just as strong a Demo-!
cratic as Whig support , in Congress. A . pro'.
tective tariff has now : more friends among
the Pennsylvania Democrats than in any oth.
er State of, the Union... The currency. ' issues
have been superseded by the railroads and
: magnetic telegraphs, which do away with all
. necessity for any great regulator of the do
mestic exchanges. Indeed, there is not- a
Whigprinciple that Clay; and Websterfought
for; that has not achieved its suceess;and sip
become functus .officio,ror. is not • dead and
buried, as the U. S. Bank was, by new in-.
-ventions, such as the -locomotive and tele.'
graph, that make them unnecessary. •
Nevertheless,:Whig hover for
months and months yet, over the tombs of
Clay and Webster, and the principles buried
with; them—for mourners of parties, like
Other mourners, are the last to...believe . in
the dissolution of death ; ' There are people in
Pennsylvania *aid to. he voting • for Gen. -
-Jackson 'yet t"- , ltleanwhile— r when men rub .
open their eyes--and see that the questions
. their youth, .or of- their ,manhood, have
ceased to exist, they .will begin to join in new
organizations, and to join':;in new issues. ' The
time is already mme,"indeed, with most 'in
. telligent men—and . hence the disgust of all
sensible persons over existing party organize
y.l Paper. • - • -
. .
High convictions of dUty impel the under
signed to submit to their fellow citizens the
following statement: - i . _ ;.
At the commencement of the present ses
sion of the Legislature, the friends of the Amer-.
ican Organization, in the House of Represent
:fives, resolved to act as an independent:par.
'ty: As such, :they metl,in caucus, and deter
mined to .admit none to their -deliberations
• but such as were knoWn to be true;' to the
- "great principles of that Organization., ' In vin—
dication of those principles, they also deter
mined td suppOrt no man for any office in
the gift of the Legislature, who was not equal
ly known to be true to'thern, as well as to
the:interests of the Coninauttwealth. 'At the - •
Conventional Caueus,held to nominate a can
didate for State Treasurer, me tnliers„of the -
American Organization were refuwed admit
tance, simply because they refused to co-op
erate with the party.from the beginning, and
to vote Il,r its caucus nominees. Bat at the
caucus:held on the evening of the 9th inst.,
those who had been refused admittance, to the
previous caucus were ,found in attendance;
and some Who are only known as bitter ene,
naies of the American Organization, were with
#ss directing and •controlling the nominationdette of the most intriguing, if not the most
corrupt, politicians in the State. A resolu
,,tion was offered to exclude these objectionable
persons, and their -own votes indefinitely post-. ,
I poned the consideration of the resolution.. A
motion was then made to proceed to nominate
for United State Senatkir by a - viva yore vote
An amendment was offered, sub.titpting
vot&by ballot. The amendment - was' adopt. •
ed and the resolution-carried by a majority •
of only three, thus showing that thowwho had
no right to be present held-a'. controlling in-
N', or the balance of power.
• Here let us reflect for a moment upon our
own position.- There were before that cau
_ens the natnes of many i, of the best men in
PennSYlll4l/ la, whose frie r iads were urging them
its proper candidates- There were in that,
caucus less than :twenty men who opeUly ad
mitted they !would vote for Simon
Under these eircutristanceS, it seemed !scarcely
possible that be conk;: he nominated, tie
was openly repudiated by thrise-fourdis of the
members, and certainly we bad no - lesson to
fear, with this open avowal of ,hostility- for
almost any other of the many names- before
us would have been aeeeptable, It is true
they had masked theniselves by toe secret
ballot; but to-ns this was more an evidence
- of cowardice than of pefidy. We could not
belieie that all who voted for the secret bal
lot, had done so to hidei themselves frMr. their
Constituents, or betraj us into the sups ort of
a men despisedand disowned by every polit
kal!organization in Pennsylvania. •It was
not - :until we began to ballot, that our betray.
al beAmmd manifeat.. It was then that We dis.
covered the treachery that was pretending to
oppose Camerdn,land yet hypocritically and
secretly voting! ftir his nomination.
The power ihai controlled that caucus was
too pable; c‘irrUption was behind the throne
and no wonder that its victims skulked behind
a secret:vote, and covered their deeds from
of all beholders, '
th A e • e ire e it sl e an j d us k t n i;ed wied ifi g len e vingthe caucus when
- the evidence, , , to our minds, had become de
snonstraive ? Could we, as the represetita
tives of an honist constituency, have. served
theni - with fidelity by remaining? Could we
have exoneratell ourselves from tie:odium of
such a nomination if we had delayed
parture and aided toconstmt mate such a result?
Could we have remained in that caucus be
lieving ourselies bound by its action, and
jpstifieti ourselies in voting for a man whose
*hole history is but the history of intrigue ?
Ha man who has despised all, party obliga
tions, l andrtreated all caucuses with con
tempt . ;
The; inquiry irises, who is Sinion Cameron?
As a statesinati, fame has never associated his
name with the'. word. As a politician, he has
always professed to 'be a Democrat, and yet
that party only; „remembers him because of
his treachery, and speaks of him as a traitor.
Asa Whigit is his'boastlhat he never voted
a Whig tirketi in his lite—that party being
saved trout such; a disgrace. As an Ameri
can and tut Auti•Slavery Mau, 're, the record
speak'for itiejf. At a County Convention,
held in the' G i nirt House in the borough of
,the second, • day. of last ,Sep
temho, irnort Cameron was a delegate and
an epee niOnher. The following resolu
tions , fk-ere offered in that Convention,-and are
said tp have 'leen in his hand writing. _Ger
tainly they met with no opposition from him.
Regolied, That we have confidenecin the adridnis
tration k:lf Gen. Pierre, because he has manfully bat
tled for those principles, and thrown its influence in
(avec of sustainittg ',the rights,of man to self govern
Resolved; That the able, fearlessi, and Democratic
administration r of:GOv. Bigler meets our hearty appro
bation; and we topgratulate the. Democracy of the
State upon the certainty of his election.
Resolved,-That Judge Black, the able and intrepid
Chief Justice of the Supreme .Court, has so conduct
ed*himself as to *in the esteem and confidence of the
. people. - - :
, Resolved, That the manly , repudiation of Know Iteitry S. Mott has won the respect of
his:enemies, and *ill add largely to his majority at
the coming election. c
Resolved, That Ire are in faros of . the Nebraska
Nasisas Bell; because it embodiCa the 'Vital principles
of self-governmeat,' which never_ can conflict with the
interests of freedian.
Resolved Altai we are oppc*ed to the proscriptive
and anti-republican order called Know-Nothings, and
shall deem it our! duty, as Democrats, to oppose for
office all persotta known to have any connection with
. ,
• When has,_ he changed his opinions upon
these questions 7 . When, or where, his he
disowned them Y . And even. if there be any
recent recantatiOn'got up for the present e--
mergency,..there is not character enough in
the mad to impose upon-credulity itself.
But do not ;the people of Pennsy Ivania ex
pect something more of the' present Legisla
lature than. the election of "an old political
hack The great political revolution that;
• brought the American party into power, has
no parallel itt i the history, of Pennsylvania.—l
The old. part organizations were dissolved!
by unseen !power, and old politicians with!
all 'their schernes, left floundering or vvrecked,i
with the, eleMents that supported them, db.!
sorbed by the mysterious power of an organ.
izatioi beyond their control.. .ThiS great rev-i
olutionis net without its .lesson. The old
parties, with' their leading politicians—were:
corrupt; and h was . their signal destruction-
the ; people. sought when they put their power'
into organization.' They determined
to rebuke corruption. They, did
,rebuke cor
ru ptiOn,
,and the party ."in power stands as a
mon uMent. of "that rebuke.
Shill the N t rineriatti party, then, in the face
of all its proftinions and actions, be now niade
the dishonorcillnstrument in elevating Simon
Cameron to the highest offiee in its gift, and
thus bold Ifni up to the world aS tne expo
nent, embodlifient, and personification ofAmer
hanisin ? .Wi.e trust not. We consider him
a fit represertiative of nothing good, and a fit
exponent of 117:.? honorable ptinciple.
As Pentillvanians, we remember that our
State motto, ps adopted by our ancestors of
is "Nirtn,e,. Liberty, and Independence !"
We reverent* this glorious old intitto; and
bear in mind9Eat we but recently Swore, as
Representatives, to perform our duties as such
with fidefitykfidelity to our constituents, fi
delity to our4native State, and fidelity to the
ennobling principles engraven cn 'our State
escutcheon. we then, or can! we, con
sistently-with the oaths we have taken, sup
port a nominittion so 'destitute of every ele
tuent of virtue, which ,would disgrace the :
America[organization and our native State,
and which v4[feel well'assurecl our constitu
nts. will rep(idiate with scorn and righteous
indignatiOn r We recognize no power in any
i:aucusrecinire us thus to sacrifice our in
tegrity; to throw away our self-respect, or; to
Violatessir oaths; and therefore it is that, in
the indeplendl-nce of freemen; we strike down
king caticJus at-the bidding of our country.
Above! out venerated motto, and associated
- with it in sU the 'memories of the. past, and
our hopes of the future,! is the American ea
gle--our tnatiOnal emblem and our country's
pride. It ever adorns our starry flag ; and
spreads its".goings of glory over us " as a
protecting angel. When we go into the Hall
of the 1-lousclof
,Representatives t to execute
- the 'most impo p rtant trust confided to us, we,
desire W meet something there having some,
analogy or ci,peot dance. l with those glorious,.
recollectionsOnd these sacred emblems.—
Grrint us this;'or something approximating to
and all well ; and our hearts and
our! hands will he with you, both to do and to,
dare.- But i4llat; tv,e say unto one We say un.:
to all, invite us not in there to partake of a
bui l zanrs feast. Ask us not to , ' support 4! .
nomination tiro:night about, AS we believe, bY[
theiconcentrated and!" cohesive power of pub-,
lie plundet,land the superadded element of
,shatneless and WbuleWe private bribery. All.
countenance and participation in such thin&
.a these., We notunly ,Mostrequestly and per.:
emptorily debline, biit have pledged ourselvest
:unitedly and 'ileterminedly to oppose.%
Such is a .6'64 audlhasty outline of our past
action and onr intended' future course. We,
'submit' it to Our constituents, confident of a'
triumphant vindication, and we cordially in.
vice all our'i' honest ,fellow representatives
whether in the late caucus or not, to rallywitif
us in this contest, and to make com Mon cause
with us fur the honor and glory vi our native
State, assuritlg them that thOugb it may have
passed into On adage that Paris is France,",
yet flarrisin4 is not Pennsylvania.
Nicholas lbws , John F. Linderman,
T. Bald*bi, Samuel B. Page,
Rau* . Won, R. B. McCombs,
J.Alex. Simpson, •AL J. Peimypacker,
T.! H. Maddoeic, G. Rush Smith
Jas. - Meailloug,h, JamesJ, Leeis,
S.! , P; M4ilmout, Otis Avery
Daniel 14;4 James Lowe,
David Tatgart, Watson P. Magill,
R. Jordan, Mark Ad Hodgson,
Job.n Furgesoil, W.Stewart,
Latknip, • H: N. Wicket 111 m 1 9
.., 4 Portie, G. J. Bill,
J. tiotcximb • Lot Bergstrwer.
4461111) 12 2 VIOL
TOwnihip EleciticmsPeb. 10.1855:
The following Hat shows the persons elect,'
eil .to the offices of Justice of the • Peace, Asi .
sessor, and Constable , ' in '
the. - several town'.
ships of this County. •
• Ararair—Justice •of the Peace, Rodney,
(junisey ; :Constable, J. C. Bushnell ;
aor, Samuel Williams. .- • •
AuburJ. P., JohnTewksbury, Thomal
Adams;.. C.•, Jos. Spencer A., Milton Hari,.
ris.. .
40/atilt—S. P., Edward Cramaie;
Wm. Buffunt. A., D. J. Gaige. - -
Brooklyn-2J. P„ Chauncey - Tingley; Cl 4
4S. Tewksbury ; A., 0. A. Eldridge.
: Bridgetoater---C., 'Daniel H. - Coon ; ..A;,
Reuben Wells. '
ChOconat—J. P., Jasper Stanley, Charles
Veil ; C., Barnard Clark ; A., Patrick Fare* '
Cliford—C.; J. Tingky ; A., Alexatt
der Burns.
Dtmda,ff—J. P., Abel Flint; C., J. I.
Slocum; A. J. It Slocu.
DimocSl ocum:J. P. ,
Urbane Smith;' C., Geo.
M. Denison • A. E. T. Tiffany. -
FranktinLJ. 'P., Jos. L. Alerrinin, Alga
zo,William; C.; T. A. Smith; A., Daniel
Davis. •
Forest Lftke—J. P., John S. Towne; C.,
Jas. Turrell • A. H. Birchard. 1
Friendsrille---C., Harmon Birdsall; 4,
Edwin Blis4.
`.' Gibson-4J. P.. Wm. P. Case; C., Lewis -
Brainard ; L. G. Bennett., I. .
Great Bend—J. P., James Griffin, Neliton
3aker. I
Herrick4-J. P., Shuhael Dirnocli, Samuel
i3urritt ; q t , Artemas Carpenter ; A., Diotti:.-
•• Horforcer-J. P., Elisha N. Loomis; 'Li-,
Loring Gates; A., L. R., Peck.
Harmon:l—C., Lauren Norton; jr:; `L,
harry Shutts.
Jacksoni-J. P., J. H. Miles; C.y Evan der
tucker • A Charles Frzneh. I .
• Jetrup-i-C, Lucius Smith; A., John Bltis
dell. • '
• 'Lenox-J. P., Elisha P. Far ithato ;•
Peas ; A., D. Peas. •
Leberty-;;--JH P., Bela Jones; C., J. Rosa . ;
C A., Jos. Bailey. •
Lathrop—=C.. Reuben Squires; . A., Chris
tiau Felton.
:1 Mon trose —J. P., Charles Avery; Alhet:
Chamberlin ; C., Geo. L. Stone ; lA., Win.
Foster. - • 4
f .• -
•• • I •
• MiddletO 10)1 7 4 .P. Isaac Giffin' C.,11. L.
. _
Canfield ;A, S. II: Spafrord. -: • 1
New Melford—J .P: W. C. Ward ; Silasl
Hamilton, Elliot Aldrich ; C., A. S. Walker;
A. R. A. Johnston: ' .- S .
Oakland—J . . P., Levi Westfall ie.,' Lewl'i•
E. Shutts ; A., Morgan Shuttis. . .
Rush—C., Hid Tupper; A., ChM. R.• Per.
' ) L .
Springville—J.. P.,..;kmos Williams; C.,- A:
14. Scott ; A., .Lyman Knapp. - •
Silver Lake -= C., Mark Sutton ; l A., Jathes
Gage. • . .
. .
i . Thompuin, T . P., NI. J. INlumfo
B: Stoddard ; A., Chas. Brown
Rough at Ready . ...The - nextrtegular meeb
ing will be held on Siturday e .March 3. A full akterid.
pee. is requested
Feb. 19.
. Rough & Ready Fire C .itapaay
rot bow its semi-annual meeting for thl election - of
officers on MOnday, March 5.
Feb. 19, D. SAYRE, Sec'y.
1 !: .1
riv Ther e will be a meeting of the S i usquehanna
°Teacher's Association at lbuford liniveritity on Sit.
arday, Feb. 24, at 12 o'clock M. It is el3ected there
will be an evening sersion.
At the meeting held In Jackson on the 10th init.
the election of officers was postponed till; the meeting
appoinied r atare. , Per Rec. See'y.i. 1
. •
Iteoublicazi Meetmg. f*
There will he a Mass meeting of Republicans A
the Hotel 'of Elliot Benson in Sitsquehanna Depot on
Friday evening .next, ( Feb 23d. )Wm. Sw art, Editor
elf Binghamton Daily Republican, Chas. • eoln,E.44:::i t
and Leon.' P.qiinds Eq. will address the meeting.;
Come Northern Freemen together and let us
beard, beforelall is sold as flesh in the shambles, to
the traitor .Simon Cameron and slavery. "
THE, annual meeting for the electio. of ofFicerii
for the Lackawanna 'Railroad Comliany will be
held at thelhouse of Wm. W. Bronson in the'eityiof
Carbondale, on Tuesday', March lath,-
order._ _ D. W. LATHRQP, Secy.l .
Carbondal4j February 1, 1855
In Montrose, on the 14th inst., by El.
JOIIN L. Mom:, of Roil; Pa„, to
sll.toorca, of Blakeley, Pi.
In Susquckanna, Jan. 26, Mrs. JAN;
crick C. Ices, in the 32d year of ag
.. , .
- -
' Rates of Advertising. -_ • !,
- One square - (16 lines or less) one week, .1....5050
One square [ " ' 1 two weeks, ;0,75
One square ' " ! three wee1i5,......1‘k.19
'One square, " one month, 1 . 25
Orie square ' ‘ 4 r two months, ..2,25'
One square , " ; three months, • 3;90
One square - " " ;. six monthi, • ' 5;06
One square 11 . •. one year, ' . 8400
For two or More ignores, inserted hy the year., a
deduetien from the above prices is made. Yearly od
'lrertisers-will have the privilege of altering or chang
ingtheir advertisements without additional charge:
13usiness cards, not exceeding five lines, inserted
_itt V 2,00 per annurn. i " I
• JOb Work. 'I t •
This office .is supplied with a good" rtment. Of
Jobbing materials, and all kinds of Jo b Work,. such
as Cards, Posters, Pamphlets, kc., will be done neat
ly.and promptly. _
t ..
Ceti itZbeilitsehOts,
WILL be exposed to Public Sale at the #si-
T T of the subscriber, In the Borough; pf
Montrose, on Wednesday the 7th day of March next,
at 10 o'clock A. M., the following property to wit';.—
A variety of Household Furniture sting (ainorm.
many articles not enumerated) of Tables, Chairs, Bed
steads, Bela, Stands, Crockery, Cooking Store 'and Kitchen-wares, Looking Glasses, etc. IMso, Souldjes,
Harness, plow, and . (perhaps) one of die most peifirt
Carriage Horses five years old, in the County, with
Leather topttuggy, and 'Aided Harness. .
Terms. Hine months credit will be given u pon .
strong notes, with interest and approved security• for
all sums ova $5. • If, C. MEL
Montrose; Feb. 21,1855. _
THAT the Spanish Court has decided not to iep the
Island of Cuba, but Joseph Wittenberg & Brother
have recently decided to open a new store, in 'the
building of L. Searle, a few doors castor Posesstore,
opposite Wilson's dwelling house,cortr or Chestnut
and Owego Streets, where they will k pon hand a
splendid assortment of Ready Rade 'Clothing ;idivoin
additition to this, a good assortment or Broad
Candmere, Rentuckey Jeans Le.; in limit, 11 Se0e0 11
assortment of Gentlemen's fu rnishing Goods. A 150,3 a
splendid assortment of Ladies' Dress GaAs, Saki, Ito-
Delaines, Alpaca, Embroideries, flisawis,-Lee.
es, Dress Trimmings, ke. Lc., all of whkh they are de
tennined to offer to the p ublic at very low priiipt.t—
'All Goods warranted to g ive satisfacnon; as weil
quality as in price.
Please giie us a trial before purchasing sire* ''e, ..
JO. Iss4. ' ; f
'! - I She*lira Rale& •l• 1 •
13Y virtue of sturdry writa,• issued outer the Court:
of Common Pleas of &value-henna ieunty end to -
Me!direetiA I will expose-to public sale' at the Court
Eloise iri Montrose, on Saiturday the kniinntenth day
of Ilareitinext at one o'clock in the 14entoon—All.
that certain piece or parcel of land t.itua,p llying and
ticiikg hiL the township of Lathrop, in 'A county;
boundedlind described aifollows, to wit • • Beginning
at the end of a wall on the east side of th . Lackawan
naBcWittitcrn Railroad and in the inortli bank of the
brOok that crosses near the Hopbottom D .pot; thence
north 64 degrees east, 9 6-10th perches;
,p p i e bi nn k
tit a Omni: on the south aide ; thence smith ili degrees
east, 12:3 7 10th perches to a post east side es. the turn
pike ; thanes north 50 degrees west S §r.l th perch
.to a‘...Point opposite the bridge, north 3 degrees
westil *cites to a-stake east side of i . Itt l and
turnpike 4Ossing; in range with nortiOsid or turn.
4 0
pike -froth Depot across the flat; theme north 3,44
degrees. S 3.10 th perches to the beginning; con.
taining - 61 perches more Or less, with thelaPpurtenan
ees one •, two stonebo+le.4l or shops,
and all inikoved.
Taken till execution .at the suit of F. fit, atlin, Ex
tenter &c. of Putnam Catlin, deceasA i, si Amoy 13.
Mernll. i ' ! • • i ; . I '1
ALSO;.--,.111 thin certain piece ' or parol of land sit
uate', lyltig land being in-the township or' üburn, „k in
1 SuFluetientia county, bounded and described -as fol;
lows, to' wit : Oa the north by-lends of rilliarn Clink;
on the east by lands of Daniel Carter,
ion i the south
by - 1.4 fti f Jobb Benscouter, and on th 6, West by landa .
of 'Milia' ',liaison, containing about SS acres more
or leer, with the appurtenances, one leg house and
I beim, and about 45 acres improved 11
'Taken in execution'at the suit of Jolt iT Tewksbury,
use of L.. Peck,- vs. S. C. Shever. f l c
ALSO,--At- the same. time. and place; All that cer
tain thiiin story wood building with a briektfrunt Exilic.
ment, Situate in Lodersville, Great Ilfritl township;
$n said Peunty, and the Lot and piece ef. ground and
cui tilage; appurtenant thereto, and on which said.
building:li constructed, hounded on theintrth-cast bit ,
the Ne*hurgh turnpike road, on the ca'ist 'and south.
east by:lands formerly tinned by C. I.;Oart, on the.
soilth by•grotinds oWnedi and occupie d pi.. the New
-York kltr u ie Rail-Road CU:, and on the west and north-
Wein bj , ids of Lowrie tkven, said bitilditig occupy
ing and corering all-the lot, being: sound tifty feet in
front on!laiti Rail-Road 'grounds, :and i emne 200 nr
more feet rear to said Turnpike road. !I 1' ' • . ,
•1 Taken in execution at suit of Elinei \ V. Brig.
• - 1
hain vs, 'Addison Bryant . • - ii 1 .•
ALSO—By anforder of Court, one lother certain
Pitiee orixarcel of land ling and being!sitilated in the
totinshiPs of Lathrop and Lenox, bounded' and de
seribeti, as follows to wit; On the north iby • lands of
Lewis Biker, on the east by lands of Cron Case and
Isaac PoSt, on the south by lands of David Mills and
'Geo. Tiffany, and on the; west by lands of ..lotin Wood,
'containing 336 nere.4 be 'the same more bri less, with
the . : Lt '
, .
, .
F. P. lIOLLit-ITF,R Sh' ff
Bhertfre office, Montrie i Feb. 19 ' A; l o'''S
1 r.
. . cl
-, _. AdministiationNoct i ct 1
N OTICE i; hereby given thatlietterint
I tioit upon Ike estate of David 14.111
!Ili;rricit township deceased, have been 1
undersigned, and all persona indebted
wilt please make immediate payment. hi
ing cliiins will present the same duty 1
settlement. , .; • 11.AN1411
Herrick Jan. 27. 1855.
Courts oiAppett;:i
T•"E 'County Commissioners have' Pixel
liillowing days and dates respeciilv+
Ing ;Appeals from the Assesameat+l ft
3855, at the Commissioners' Office itt i
Kit : 1
' I
Akmtrbse, .3fouday, Fel
Atiolaitin, amount, Forest
!Ake, Friendsville, A Mid- -
• dleton, ..... ...........Mohday, M s
Franklin, Liberty; and Silver . 11
Lake - .TueSday,
Anburnllessup, and Hi:o7:-. Wednesd4 ',l
Diinocig Lathrop, & Spring- ' •
, Thiirsday
Great 'Aqi, & New Milford, .Friday,
Ihirmbuy, Oakland and Sus- - I
quehanna, . . 31 °batty, 1. II
Antral, Jackson & Thmnson, Tuesday 11
Cliffordi Dundaff and Lenox, Weirsditii. 1
-Gilson,llarford & Iferrlck,.Thu'rsday, z ll
Bridgewater and Brooklyn, ...Friday,
By 'order of the Commissioners.
. • WM. A. CROSSM.
! If}ss.
pa; C.,'
E, Stey4
• •
• c,
• 1%1
B Ylj r-I V J A
AS *e are anxious to close Out ourssti
.lng to make room, for our Spring;
purchase we are selling it,at•greatly rtdi
CalVdt•;now i .. the _time to huv - cticap4i
Pier:coats from $3,90 to it. 18,00. Drel
Sack,cotas, good patterns and new stylo..
$1,50 tit sB,uu. Vest. of ever• Styled , I
niShiitOoods of every kind. • ~,c1
• ti
1.5 per gent cheaper, than 'ever offered:it:l
' • •
"GOodquality and neat patterns soli
Cash:. if LANA
}'ebruary 1, 18JW.
R•tji!' TI 11114 P CO . iitd 'l"nearntoittrar 46
where i• ou can buy.goods at a bargain 'it
February 1, 1855. j '
;Those, thereFoie, • who \ hai-e -Wough of the
right principle to encourage hontr ind4iiry and desire
his cervices, will please take notice. Ais object will
be les *ease those who employ him, auld,receive a re
ward for his labor. 'Shop over flawles ir...llott's store.
Moutiose,,Notember 20, 18.54. d
A. L. Pmt,
Mrs. ELlia.
ife of Friii;
It , CA SH.! quantity of Detains--a large ntity of Par
ametta--Silk,_Wool and Cotton Phil Muslin and
CambricEmbroitlers—Dress Trimminiia and Buttons
lame - stock of newly Made eicOlrig—a largo
stock of Fancy articles—and a few Do4ks will be sold
at Ctrs(till the Ist of !April next by the subscriber.
February 14 1855. F. B. CHA.NDLER.• '
! • ' ' - t
10,000 Flr4in Sta*ies. -
WANTED byl the sub4c.ribers irnntiiiiately. Also
Hcailitis timber and liolp-poles.--for-;Wihich we will
pay t 134 hight market price. Seasoned staves pre
ferrt d.. SMITH & IItIPSTEAD.
4 .: •
.Brooklyn, 13,;.5i • fc
I •
FOR SALE— first rata 5 years old TlOrse, right Or
ery .Eno:aire at , ,the Store of
;BiroOklyn, Feb. 13.] SMITH k HEMPSTEAD'
_j • L
' t :‘
Mi 7. To PAysonsOui of Eng.lo' rgat..,„Al
, -,
-- ' : , AGENT'S WANT* s.
. . 4
.nitnOt .E'leparet and Useful 1 olea4 .of the Year.
TEST published, an Illustrated Deaiption of the
V. iReSSIAN, EMPIRE. Being aph lsleet and Po
lineal history of its Governments anditiovinees, Pro
ductions, Resources;, Imperial Gov,ernment, Cern
nierce. ;LiteratUre, Educational Meanapieligion, Po>.
pie, Manners, Custom's, • . Antiquities, .etc.. etc., from
the : latest and most Authentic sOurceil, I Embellished
with about 200 Engravings, and Mapakf European
s6l,Aisiatie Russia. • The whole complete in one large
Smuivri, volume of about 'lop p ages, el; ' tly and sub
sltially bound. Retail price, $3. i, ' '
This; work has been several years S ii preparation,
and will, it is believed, meet, in • the 't est accepts
ion of the word, the want so universiilly felt for reli
able iriformation on the history and internal resources
nf a country occupying so large a por'tian of the East-
Hemisphere, and holding soforble a position
id the present time to the rest or Eutatie . and Asia ;
but of 'which far lees is, known than of i t ay other Eu
tope" nation.. • - 1.. 1' - '
t ,
- . IL
,• • , , '• . . ,
~ : • .:
tr. Also, a deeply interesting V o l u me, entitled
BRATED PERSONS," embracing this' Romantic Mei-
Actitii . itnd Adventures In 'the livesflof Sovereigns,
Statesmen, Generals,: Princes, War, Travellers'
Ativehturers, Voyagers; Lc., ell:demi i4the history
of Eitinpe and America ; including% Sttebes of over
iifticelebrated heroic diameters., eiutifully Mug
tratedlwith numeroui engravings: e i si.i.volume 400
pages;: royal 12mo, clod:4 , th. Price, $11,25.
The, subscriber publishes a numbs most valua
ble Pictorial Books, Very popular, aod of such a mor
al tort religious influence that while Food • men may
Safely:engage in their circulation, they Innl confer a
public, benefit; and receive a fair arupensalion for
Their labor. •.,,, 1 , ' . tl I
de To mereir enterprise and met this business
an opportunity for profitable empvilo+ _seldom to
be, met with. '
ter Persons -wishipg to engagelritlieir sale, !trill
receive promptly by mail, a Circular! Gontaining ;full
particulars, with "Directions to peraiona disposed to
act as Agents," togetbei with tenatti which they
will be furnished, by addressing the $u • ,- post
paid. . i • - ROBIRT SEARS 4 1 sinus; •
, p lel Et. IT.
Atitonnding Discio4l
LINES is a g ain in the Tai
! • . ake Notice. f t l
it"persona '
indebted; to A. &.E. BALD. IN, by
note or boo accounts are respectfully fit:mind
ed that it will be ,;nery acceptable to us to birfo' the
same paid soon. I A. &E. TIALDWIN.
Montrose, Nov iber 20, 18:A.
- ST 1 , ES 'STOVES! i ,
subscribers beg leave to inform the citizens
1 of Brooklyn and vicinity that they hat just re
ceived 3.a lot . of *yes, which they offer f sale as
low as they can be Purchased elsewhere in th 4 county.'
A MO—A lotiof STOVE PIPE and Elbotya of the
different sizes, atlmanufardrireri pricer
WASTE P—lron, Copper, am
change for Stovea or other goods.
ICE* stcekJ of Wintei• Shawls just
fOr sale !owl by SMITH lIE
.''': .. ' iWANTED,
5,000 bushels of 'ats; 14,000 bosh.
2,000 hushels of orn, 1,000 bush.
1,000 bushe6 of :ye, : 500
.. . " _..„.
and any quantity l of Partridge:4, at the highest market
priees, l in ex.change for goods, by •.. 1 1 .
Brixiklyn,'No74 '34. SMITH & HEMPSTEAD:
1 :: .
mUSic ! music ! 6
s lok just
roceived byl . J. LYONS SON.
SHEET MUSW--ei new lot Tor - t hl o o
Voice. ianr
SlOlodeon and Guitar—soioe ve y beaut fal piec
es jusCpublishedL—, by J. LYONS SON.
• HI Shawls.
A few more left Oat will be'sold clieop
Paramettaa, ciihmeres& Delaines at greatibargaini
at ; LYONS it SON'S-
A fresh
6 shiniw
'inter ishawls and DeLaneoe,
QELLING off at great bargains. Call. on
Jan wiry I stl , A. LATIIROPt
_ X5O Dozen opo Sochm,
January ht .
Grain: Grain Grain.
OFull kinds, and at the highest prices
•TitnuarY It= A. LAnigo
TURKS . Island Salt at : LITHRiti
Ifontmsel 'January 3, 185:i. -
. ____..;_: • +._...... .
Mlle.!, Tesuptrance Saloon is stiblamong•
You, and coined! s that 'total abstinence from all that
t .
intoxientes- hi the surest, safest guard for th • people.
Although the TirOpiletors of, the above Se oon were
among the sutlers of the late fire, and lost a grod.
portion of thei goods, they made out toisave one
thing-4-that is, . yinciple, which they couni. worth a'
pile. ;They now have a small stock of GrOCcries,
Toys; ;Con - fectitiaries, Yankee Notions, Pbrfumery,
&c., Which. /
he. hirer to.the public, cheap Or cash.—
Oysters got pp ;iii all ways to suit eustoment •
This Saloon Play be found in the rear . Oil , '.vicms &
Chandler's- lon 'building,ificing on Cheats ut street.
Come one and I, and see the place where lwe are,
, 1 ' F. IL FORMAN & CO.
Montrose, December 12, 1854. ' -- 1 '
Stearns and Maisin's • Fire .
, •
, •1 i• Safe's. . - i
rrnE subscribers have made arrangementa to fur.'
X. nigh to portions who may be in want ofithem, the.
abeve;nanted iptaluable Safes, at the samelpri, ms for.
whieli?they can be obtained Itt the manufaeturer's,—
Having experienced oe - benefit of such an article du
ring the late conflagration ourselves, we wbuid earn-:.
estly iecommeinl to others having TaluableYmoks and;
papers : , the prtHerving of which would be of immense;
importance to . them, not to do without (Mei
Prides rangOrom,.sso to R,..100, and we can explain
,to an one wishing
.to purchase, the iiiipticnce •in
style, size, priii., &c., and furnish them on nbort trod
tice, With theriteinal arrangement to suit pm put,
. •
chaser.i .!, • BENTLEY CREAD.
Montrose, —
fteember 19, 1854. - ...A,
_ —'.
• '• -1 , i t it EW GOODS; • I '
WE are receivMg this week a lot of New (1 ocid 2 , , just'
purchased in the city, which renders our.itsOrtment
complete, and ti hick we offer on the mostifitrorabir
terinicf at the new building, one door nbol het Post
Office; -' - I I!" • - . ' BENTLEY& HiEAD. :
Montrose, February 8,.1855. ' ' ' 1 .1, • .'
ewis late of
!ranted the
said estate
I those hat
atested for
Id upon the
ly for hear
for the 7ear
yontrose, to
sth, 1855
6 iv
7 It j
8 II 1
9 1,1
; 12 "
14 "
15 "
16 "
10LE Deattit , r, Upper (10., Calf F. , kins,anc Patna,
b• supply, just received- ali; for Sale
A fresh supplfitif Silver Spoons, Watche.: ;evtelry,
&c. &C., juSt ri..i.eived.. , BENTLEY kBEAD.
i •
--- ' .1.1 •
(3.0' 1 1 ,1TI L Ei . ! .COFFINS ! COPFI4fS ! .
a o t u re tum n d at rLad p y ric t e njule coffins
Also on hall SC lot of Superior wilichlw itili.
Greet BandjJan. 15th IS - " i
. k of cloth
nd Summer
ced prices.
Frock and
Paints from
Gents.. Fth
1AL1.4 RE.ADV. ~ i 1 - 1
1, .: PEOPLE. : '1
ikirPODU lir FS,ELDRED,haye constantlY on hand
.. I a largei and well selected astortnamt of tint
ware, illeels and Chain for wells, pumpsi cistern
pumps, &c., Itydraulic Rams, Japanned - vi:atts, lead
pipes bf all siztls &c:, &c. - Job work donelwith neat=
ness and detvatch ; all orderl promptly •11 . 4euded . to;
kept constantly! 'on hand, 'a large assortnien't of stores
of the latest iriAnoVed and approved patterns. Our
expeiience in enables us to select thole
that We can safely warrant to give entire satisfactioni
Ammigst our' iumerons stock can be found the . -
ParagOn • . par tight • . Star of the West( Elevated
•Nei World,j . " ' Clinton, , 1
. ![(hen.
Atlas, i• II " Cultivator, - i ;- • 4 .
Plioini; ..f W
; .!
" ..
Fire Fly, - ' 1 ; " fr,
ThreeiStates,• • " - estern nee j - "
Globe; .. . ,r ". Premium. : •f,
. .
S. L. wool -1-r. \, . -. B. B. fZLDRED. •
g at cost. for
OP &
of A.
umn and_go
re! •
, -II
•,- 4 ;NEW GOODS.'
i -
A Fresh: ArriVal-41 - "New Guo . ds, tehich we
- I Fill sell very rheap. . ,
WE have Ise large stock of Staple and Psincy Dry
`'r 1 Gocup Lihich we will sell cheap. Cull and
. h
examine. l ik I . 1 1
- Ile dy-Illode Clothing. ~
We: are no '' prepared to clothe all according to the
latest 't style. .)11, E HATE LARGE STOCK, IFHICH Wit
WILL SELL TIC y toW. Call and examine before pur;.,
chasing. AbO,la, large stock of Cloths,oa.ssimeres;
deans;', Tweeds, .ke. &c.-in' fact{ our stock
in this line is i .Comphite. We invite, the 4ttention 0 . 1 .
CASH kacnapmeto our stock. All kindsiof produce
(al • for goods at cash price I
12,'54: : IIAWLEY & MOTT.
. i
f i'
11 11 b went it St IN C I T H e dr
fromf i 0 O 11 7 CO o H r l k p
ti a s 1., if :I first
rate Varietycit.parns, Manicisr.S, ens.mrd LS, 014
Far:eir Goon which will be sold extren+ly low for
cash.l Tfaving recently- sustained,a loss byl fire of. Id
least five thotniand dollars, above insurance lind goodk
saved, !fancy I have strong claims 'for th 4 Patronage
of my. friends l'and the public generally: I ( no man'
to giVe' to me!'„ neither do I ask or expect' additional
profile in consequence of said loss. I will sell goods
as low,-if not lower than can be bought ewhere in
this town or'untv. All I ark is that . tronage
from the pubic which will enable me With li ustry to
slowly but gra wally replace the loss sustain d—said
loss being Lilo and earnings of a life" of salting toil.:
•Sttire at the ; lower end of the burned lelis'trict, on
Main 'street, ittleiv doors below the cOrners . . i •' '
3lcintrose , il'f . cern' her 14, 1854. 11. ;
. 1 •
• ' i 'IM" Biel*. Again. ;ti s • t,
, ..-,' 1
. -I , • TO ORDER. ' •-, 1 •
I ,
rrEfE subseriber would respectfully aniMmice to his
.1. :custornari and the public in genera) 'hat he is
agaill prepared for the Boot and Shoe "nisinm.-;-.
Having justieceired from New York a ebnice lot Of
Sole awl Up r. Leather, Calf Skins, KipiSkins,&W, 1
all olik-tarine i l. Also, an assortment of 'beady-made
work,. consisting in part of Men's Thick , and Calf
Boobs, Boys Boots, Children's Strap Boots, iNi'omen's
Enameled union Boots, Polkas, Kid Buskins,' Silk
Lasting,Fox Gaiters, Goat Lace Boots, Enanieled Peg
ged Boots; Misses Kid Lace Boots, Children's Roan
Boots, kc. e.L—which will be sold tor call cheaper beibought, elseyhere in this grid.. 'Re
pairing donerneatly. ,
Please call and examine. Store first ?ocir cast of
the. Odd' Fellows Halt . - • 1 ' . :
Busirwits hours from "the time to wo " until the
tinin for "refit" and 4' refreatunent. " Gni fill for paiit
Strom he hpea by strict attention . to nsineas to
merit a cant nuance of the same. ,
VI B: Bing somewhat inwant of dill "one thing
needful," ( money, ) he would suggest, in the mildest
manner possible , the propriety of those irldebted call
-1 ing and settling thesome Immediately. Ni/f . ced.
'Montrose, Dec. ' 4; 1854. •C. M. 4M M ONS.
ies just opened by]
LYONS di _ON'. •
:r gallon. Syruigt 5,1
• . LYONS & SON.
GOODS. . I -
.ek at A• LATllROPikleo'i .
Axes • A
our Store. •J. LTONEkat BAN
rebrugry T, 11Nra. !
I I,
W' I-have jast tweived - a new stook of
Winter Goods which have been bought at the.
lowest prices, and whereas I am in great want of Cash,
Woolen Yarn, Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs, Wood, (firur
feet long,) or anything , else th keep a poor man from
starving, I sin bound to sell goods at a very - low
figure for any of the abtivo articles. Just call and
take &look, that's all!- i S. A. LYONS.
Laneshoro, January 1, 1855.:
P ROCHE and Scotch Plaid m. Itarls, French Maxi-
nos, Paraniettas, DeLai•A:c., at. - -
Laneshoro,lanuary 1,1855.1 S. A. LYONS.
RI. S. & SON - •
rltrAT be found - in S. S. Mulford's old store, East
Lai side of Public Avenue.
1 Montrose, 'November 16, 11364.
THE subscriber is carrying on the C.IIAIR MAK=
ING BUSINESS in all , its various branches, t
the Chair and Ware Shop in Hanford, where may be
found a greater variety of Windsor and • Rocking
hairs than at any other establishment in the colinty ;
also Flag and Cane Seats, Bureaus, Bedsteads, toting.
es, Settees, Tables, Stands, all of which will
be sold at the lowest prices at retail; (or wholesale,
with short notice.) All Work 'warranted well made
and of good material. Short credits and small profits
will be - my motto.- For- demonstration of the shove
facts, please call at my shop in Buford village. •
Harfortl, October 12, 1851
THE subscribers offer for sale on the. most liberal
and easy tents 'one of the beatloeated Gunn; for milking
money in Northern Pennsylvania. The said farm
situated On the Newburg and Owego Turnpike; two
miles east of Mount Pleasant village, and twelve from
.the N. Y. & E. R. R., also aerixonveniently situated
to Churches,
- schools, Grist-mills, Saw-mills, Black
smith shops &c. ! It contains one hundred and sixty,
one acres, one hundred of Wunder a good state of
.cultivatiOn, well watered and good buildings, consist
ing of a OW framed house, well fluisned off, and
conveniently arranged. Also two good b‘rns and a
good barn shed Well calculated for convenience, two
large orchards yielding from 560 to 1000 bushels an
nually, mostly grafted fruit of the koest quality.. The
farm is well 'adapted to grazinglsulticignt to keep a
large stock. For price and terms apply•to
EATON,, or to ALFRED LAKE, on thelprethises.
Hayford, Dec. 13, 1854. '!! ! •
tight by
& CO's.
3: CO's
The subscribers have. taken and fitted up the new
.building on the weit side. of Public Avenue, two doors
above - Searle's Hotel, and are 'now receiving a.larga
aiid well selected msortnieut of
• . 1 Fall and Winter Goods.
'Their stock almcst.entirelY NEW, having saved
but a very feir goods from the late destructive. tire,
and comprises their usual variety of DRY GOODS,•
Groceries, Crockeiy, Hardware, Drugs,. Medicines,
Paints, Oils, ,Dyestuffs, Boots, Shoes, Leathern Glass;
Jewelry, Watches ' Silver Spoons, Clock's, Yankee
Notions, Sc.. Sc.. We are thankful for the patronage
hitherto bestoireA upon us, that our cus
tomers, and the public 'generally, will not fhil to give
us a call in our , nevi location, confident that we can
supply them with goods on as favorible terms nshere
tofore. 4 . BENTLEY St READ
Montrose, November 30, 1854. .
More and More New GOOds.
BITRIIITT- is now receiving new and full
1.1.. • supplies of Goods for
_the •11 7 inler Trade, in=
eluding a hew 'and elegant assortment of French Me
llows, Merino and Cashmere Plaids; Plaid, Fan
eit and Plain De Lanes, Pararneteas,Brochi, Spurre
and Lony Shawls, all of new and - best styles, and will
be sold at - 2. per cent.,less than last year's prices.—
Also a new assortment of:Rieh Ilibbioas and Bon nets,
Wirk Silk navels for'Cloars, and ilantillait, y ßich
..Silk and Weird press Trimmings . , Mohair Head
• Dresses, RiYolets &c. &c., with a general assortment
of OtheT STAPLE and FANCY Goons, as usual, which
having . bought under the pre4nt pressure of the cash
market,' will be sold' at corresponding 'and reduCed
New Milford, November 27,1754
OUGHT at.tlie lowest prices; and, will,licsolcirc
cordingly. - - .C. 111111RQWS..t C .
Gibson, , October 1854.. ,
Cloths, Cassinteres and.Testln ..
i large at=4.?tnient and at prices lower than we are
ever been enabled to offer them heretofore;
• Gibson, let. 11, 1854. . ,
- 2 Dress. Goods. •": • •
A great variety and - beautiful styles, and almost as
cheap as could be degired. U.:II,RM WS & CO.
; Gibson, October 12, 1854. •
• . pluck Silk.
A good qualtr). r dreeseg at 81 cents per yard.
October 12; 1854: "r:I3L - IiROWg S.: CO
, • i Shawls. . _ . ••
Long and 'square, Wool; brOche, and sill:, very hand
some styles and at extremely low pribeo:
October 1!1; 18 G. BURRO.IVg &
r che- Shawl, .
Cheaper than before known ;
beautiful patterns
and tine quality of 8-4 Broclic Shawls, Lmen's_Man
ufacture, at $7. ' C . :BURROWS & CO.
• Gibson, October 11;1854.; I
• Bay State Stiawll4,
TERNS, $7,50 each. U. BURROWS & CO.
Gibson, October 11, 1854'.
- Carpets, •
A good assortment and handsome patterns, at very
ow prices, U. BURROWS CO.
Gibson, October 12, 1854.
• Buff:aa Robes, _
A large lot of handsome Robeg, a part of them whole,
Indian dressed and very superior colorland quality,
October 12. 1854. - - U. BURRO t IVS & CO.
Is NOW COMP LE7W—pmt we would take this
opportunity to say that we can show the most
beautiful and splendid . patterns of Parhir and Cooking
Stoves to be found in the county. Among them can
be seen. the Revolving Front and Gothic Parlor, for
-wood or coal, entirely new and decidedli pretty stoves.
Prices from five to ten dollars. Of Choking Stoves
we think it needl es s to say much, only io remark, that
we are selling them at our former prictht, and judging
from the rapidity of Our sales, We beli4ve the. public
'are entirely satisfied with our prices. and the quality
of our wares. We hare "a few more left" of the
"Clinton Air-tight Elevated ;Oven Stove,': acknowl
edged to be the bt'cookingStove nontin use. Rus
sia and English „Stove Pipe at old prices, and Trim
mings. and Tin ware of 'all descriPtionit at the very
lowest rates. J.,DICKERSIAN, jr.
, New Milford, October 2, 1854
Popular Patent'illedicine Agency.
ABEL TURRELL has kik, receivedi a new 'supply
of all the popular PATEIi;T MEDlcnits of the day,
including Dr. Jayne's - ,c*brated MediCinet, Trask's
Magnetic - Ointment, Tanner's German Ointment, My
ers' Extract Rock Rose; Forest Wine,Ac. ka, ;Pills
of all sorts, all direct from the proprietors. Also,
Burning Fluid,Cauqihene, ke., cheap-'as the cheap
est. A. TURRELL.
Montrose, December 6., 1854
A Chance to Hake 3toney.
TEE subscriber is desirous of having an agent hi
each county and town of the ULIiOA. . A capital
of from $5 to $lO only will be required, and anything
like an efficient,.epergetic man can make from three'
to five dollars per day :—indeed, some of the agents
now employed are realizing twice that sum. Every
information will be given by addressitur(postpaid,)
.. • Box 601, Philadelphia, Pa., Post OffiCe.
Will be exposed at public sale on the fitim of the
subscriber llarford (near Ira Carpenter's) on Tues
day the :20tb day of February; next the following prop.'
crty to wit: '
One pair of heavy Oxen,Ltcn Cows, nine Yearling's
fifteen Sheep, one covered Carriage , &c.,
Sale to commence 'at 10 o'clock A. M.
Terms. Eight months credit will be given upon
notes with interest and approved security.
Administrator's "Notice.._'
NMICE is hereby given that le tors testamentary
upon the estate of Alonzo Bryant, deceawl ; of
Jackson township, have heekgranted•to the subscrib
er. ' All persons indebted to said tate are requested
to make immediate payment, and ose having claims
upon-said estate to present them d' ly attested for set
tlement. - ' CHARLES TO - GUY, Adm'r.
Hirford, Nov. 21; 1854.. i II - *:
. .
701 EI4LE.I
TlLEsubscriber offers fore We lds,House and Lot
situate in the - Borough iof Montrose, d few rods
East of the Court House.. ;Terms—one half down
and the remainder in fire ;early yments, With in
terest. ; P. LINES. '
Montrose, January 9, 1804.
CRINGLES.—Shaved Efhtnal' ,
LY [October 24.1 . ;
QIIrENDID Prints and Lana' Boade.lotb,Danes,
ke. te.,.just openecktut4for We by
_ &IRON'S &SON..
wooded by
Olap gfi!er Patent terer, Anchor. and La
pine in vibe , just rec e ived and for sale by
I ; BENTLEY 4 1 . - REAM.
Jewelry; ewel -
AGOOD asaortaaent of Jew.elty,conaliG4 of Ear
Mar, Ear Drops, Breast Inur f /Inger Riogs,:ir
kO, &c., justreceivFd at BENTLEr A ft Eg
Sliver Spoons.'s ' -
Tea, Table, Dessert, Sugar, Salt, ke., warranted purl,
for wale by _ BENTLEY & READ.
Boats and Shoes. -
An unusually good assortment of the best make, all;
fresh and rr. fed for sale by. BENTLEY it READ.,
. lanes-
A fresh stock genuine "Drags and Medicines, Patent--
Medicines, Paints, 014, Dy&Stuflit, itc4 (01 sale by. •
Dec. i 3.1 • • BENTLET k READ:.
.NOTICE. - . •
NITEIPEAS niy wife Sophiti •Is separated "from
my.bed 'and board, and has her share of at
property, "This is to forbid sll persons trusting her
on my account, as I will hereafter par no debts °flier
contracting. • • . iftflN DUNN..
Bridgewater, December le, 1854.
Charles Tlllman, Barber.
H AS removed his shop - front its former Ideation I*
-the basement of Searle'S Tlotel, to tl.e•room in•
the same building, in the rear of the bar•.room, where .
his customers will - be waited upon by that exquisite ,
artist, Professor Charles Morris, or by idinself, at, al/-
reasonable hours. • -l• . • •
Please bear in mind that this is the only shaving
shop in town where the thingdons scientifically.
• Montrose. December 19. 18 54. •
To' the People of Sttiquehaitna
• • , County.
BEING one of the greatest rufferers by the recent;
destmetive, tire iu Montrose .baring lost- ,tory
store-house - and tiv e
Irly all of !Jig Montrose,
I have:not
hoWever given over to despair, but have taken a
storeroom in the lower part of the town, first door
north of Keeler's IfoteVinto Which I haVe placed the -
small, stock saved from the'fire, and will in the course'
of a very short time fill up the store with an entire
new•stock of goods., In my ,present new location„.,l:
will be`hapPv to see and' wait on my old customer*
and the pubilc genetally who will favor me with a
call. -I have resolved to `tneler (*ell) the aMp." .
I . am determined to keep a DRUG STORE, and to
keep a good assortment of Medicines, •
Oils, Dyc-stuirs, Groceries, Glass-ware:Jewelry, Per
finizery, Yankee Notions, and all sorts of IFetney
Goodf, dx.,-stich as kOt befhreithe fire, which. -
devoured the earnings ora life time in an hour. - •
lontiwe, Nov. 23,1854. ABEL TURRELL.
N•B •
Will every man indebted to me; please
• • remember me in this my time of need,
by sending to me the amount due immediately:
November 23, 1854.. ABEL TURBELL.
• ' . — • REMOVAL. ..
TZ EELEtt & STODDARD, since the - late - fire, nay •
11 he found in the BASEMEXT OF SE.4.ltLlri
HOTEL. Notwithstanding the, unprecedented ra
pidity with which. our stock of . Boots, ShoeS, &e.,
"went off" on the morning of the fire; we still hare
some on hand, and shall soon be well supplied again.
Montrose ;
_Novernber'l3. 1854: '
Tn'i 'subscribers being severe ,suirerers from the'
late disastrous Fire, have removed With what
little remains of their stock, to the new building on
the Avenue, opposite W. J. tz S.R. Word's store, ,
where they will be happy to see all their friend% and '
customers, and-hope in the course of some ten aye .
to be able to greet .them with an entirely NEW
We trust .that some of our customers who have
been long in debt, will remember That this is V a time
of SPECIAL ICEEWRITH Eliki and do, as they world
done by. BENTLEY & READ. .
,Montrose,' November 14. 1854. . .
THE copartnership Heretofore known under am
'lathe and'firm of Newells Brothers, in the Sash,
Blind; and Door business, is. this day / by mutual con
sent and agreement dissolved. - . . '
. -
. Lanesboro, July 11,_'54.• ,H. E. NEWELL ;
The subscriber would respectfully call the attention
of those who wish to purchase anything in-hialine et
business, such. as• . • • ' - .
. Sash, Doors, Shutters and Blinds,
Cabinet'AVare of various kinds, ', - :
Bureaus "Tables, and Seeretariqs,
ui e
'. Bedsteads, Stands, Chairstiittd ttees.'
Also, Ready-made Cons.- Panting l tunl-,Glazing,
if required. Country Produce and L ber taken in
exchatlie. Terms, ready pay: ' = " t
Laneaboro. July Ib , 1845 , 1 t. OILBER SWELL.
But, very fortunately, the earth Is not thrown
from its-orbit, and 'the sun shines ona.4 before; ena
bling the "Picture Man to work at his trade of light
and shade in his usual satisfactory manner. •
" His . .Tew Stock, just purchased,. comprLoes every
thing neafand , desirable in t'le Daguerreotype line,
and he asks that you will not forgot to call.
lleha.s also Some recently published Books, which
will be. sure to please those who wish good reading.
Odd Fellows' Hall, Montrose Pa.'
tir W. B. D. does not take pie:vitro for 25 or 50
cents. 77dose whoicish tuehrrash must go elsewhere.
John Groves" _Advertisement. -
AS nature, whO furnishes the, birdh and - beasts with
an extra coat fOr .winter, hits riot Made. a similar pro- -
vision for man,ll have concluded to take it upon my."
self to attend to that department.;_ and therefore I
think proper to announce.that all shivering male hi;
peds, that need new apparel, glorious or inglorious,
fashionahle on unfashionable, can have -their - wants
supplied and their tastes suited by calling on me, at
-my shop in Montrose. •
T C.
,PIE, AT MONTROSE DEPOT, hits just re
,..e/ cetved a new supply of Spring and Simmer,
Goo,ds, , which will be sold *very low for eash or farm
produce. '
1 Q POUNDS good New Orleans Sugar for one dol
lar at .. J. C. LEE'S New Store.
rrEs, Coffee, Molassep, Fisk-Rice, and Groceries
1. "of altkinds, fiery-cheap at C. LEE'S..
• . -• Wanted, - - ,
A_ NT quantity of Egge st 12 cents tier
,doxen, in
exchange for goods at
. 4. C. LEE'S Storm
' Also, .
ANY quantity of Butter at,l6 ce n ts per pound, in
ti exchange for Goodint J. C. LEE'S New store.
HOSE wishing to purchaSe for cash, or
change for barter,. will find It to their Interest to'
call and examine' my stock of Goods and prices for
themselves. ' For barter of all kinds the highest pric—
es may at all timeS4.4 relied 'crat/. C. LEE'S Stars,.
Mentrose"Depot. ' • ,
The Farmer'* Store Be-bsitle
WE wish tome to our itiends and customers that'
we have withstood the devouring element that
consumed our Stcrie With most of our Goods, arid .
erected a convenient shinty, where we shall be hap- -
pLy . to see our old customers as well as new. We are
piing to sell goods lcnvee thanGyer, and we think . ten,
per,ceut. less than you can buPSlsewhere in Susipis
hams co. Call and sec. WARREY& THAYER.
Clover and Timothy seed.
L -4 013. sale at J. CAEE'S Store • -
A - Good Cuttpr but little worn—for ale at
Montiose;Jan. 25, 1855
Sheilirs Sales.
BY virtue of ai writ of Vend. Er. issuedout of the-
Court of Cfiriunoe Pleas of StNuehanna coun
ty and to me directed, I.will expose to public sale at
the Court House' in Montrose, on Saturday the 17th •
day of February nextt at I o'clock r. it., all that cer
tain piece or - parcel Of land lying and being situated
in the Township of Harmony in Snsquehanna county,.
bounded and described as fellows, to wit: ..On the
north by land of Ames and Simon Barnes, east by th'e,
Belmont k °gunge !Ural:like, and on' the soul!: andl
west by land of SimOn and Amos Barnes, containing-
One acre of land morel or less, - with the appurtenances,
One framed hOuse and barn and all improved:
Taken at the D. A; Lyons ,Ik• Brother te
tra Williams ET. HOLUSTBR, Sh'lL
' Sheriff's office,Mentrott a, Jtus.l 14, 184; „ •
THE subscriber ill aft as a t ,mbrit tbr buying aitilitedt
ing Real Estate—Pmins, - Houses,.and Lota—lo
sated in Busquelmuma County, Pi. - Mixt° wish to:
offer their pmperty for sale can gwe ae mtnuteliwerip-
Lion of their Farms or Lota as IflunbCr. ali
cres, - how many improved,• andl how waterottimild=
ings, orchards, grafted - or morampw bolt ;- otter ftolt
trees; and the nearest paint to the D, L& W R, R.
rid N.. 1". E. R. a - "- -
83 &nits as the list, 43 unsold. By calling oa- the
itubscribes a minute description.; price aud Aortas can
Moo• on 1 1" . .nidico pt. 4 &era Reel• villain
Yon*** - mat 0, 1884.1 f/ALDWDk